1911 Engl6163 Dsea Ga2-W8-S12-R2 Team1

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Name of TEAM :
1. Angrys Enjelina 2201865311
2. Mellyna Sari 2201865715
3. Shafa Chairunnisa 2201865955
4. Maruasas Simanjuntak 2201866560
5. Windi Pranoto 2201867140



ENG6163 - English Professional

(120 minutes)
Resource: LN and PPT Week 8 Session 12

A. Listening Skill 1-6 (18 Points)

Listen to each passage and the questions that follow. Then choose the best answers to the

Questions 1-6
Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.
1. Why is the student talking with the professor?
A. To explain why she missed a class
B. To clarify an asignment he gave in class
C. To find out which composer she should choose
D. To let the professor know what she thinks of the assignment


2. Listen again to part of the passage. Then answer the question.

Why does the professor say this:
A. He wants to find out what the student already knows.
B. He is not sure exactly what the project is.
C. He would like to know which class the student is talking about.
D. He does not remember what he said in class.


3. Is each of these part of the assignment?

For each place, choose YES or NO column.
Learning about the life of a composer the professor has selected v
Studying the writing style of a composer v
Performing a composition written by a certain compposer v
Writing a place of music in the style of a composer v

4. What does the student say about a composer for her project?
Choose 2 answers.
A. She has already selected one.
B. She would like to choose a different one.
C. It is not one that was covered in class.
D. She has already done some research on one.


ENG6163 - English Professional

5. How does the student seem to feel about the assignment?
A. It seems quite boring and unreasonable.
B. She thinks it will be extremely easy.
C. It seems interesting but challenging to her.
D. She seems quite unconcerned about it.


6. What conclusion can be drawn about the assignment?

A. It requires students to develop their own style of music.
B. It will most likely result in very similar projects from students.
C. It is something that can be completed quickly and easily.
D. It involves both research and production from students.


7. What is the instructor’s main point?

A. That there are reasons to support the idea that Lake Superior is not the largest of the
Great Lakes
B. That certain arguments support traditional ideas about the Great Lakes
C. That there are reasons to support the idea that Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are acting
as two district lakes
D. That scientific data demonstrate that the Great Lakes are actually one large lake


8. Why does the instructor say this:

A. To confirm that the answer the students believe is really correct
B. To trick the students into thinking that it is a really easy question
C. To encourage the students to answer quickly
D. To show that the answer the students believe is correct is not


9. Which of the Great Lakes has traditionally been considered the largest?
A. Lake Michigan
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Ontario
D. Lake Huron


ENG6163 - English Professional

10. Listen again to part of the passage. Then answer the question.
How does the professor seem to feel about the student’s response?
A. It needs further explanation.
B. Nothign was correct in it.
C. It was exceptional.
D. He hopes the other students can do better.


11. What is true about Lakes Michigan and Huron?

For each place, choose YES or NO column.
Their elevation is the same. v
The flow of water between them can go back and forth. v
They are each individually larger than Lake Superior. v
They are each 3 to 5 miles wide. v

12. What can be inferred from the discussion?

A. That a common conception is not necessarily scientifically accurate
B. That two lakes can never act as one
C. That Lake Superior is inarguably the world’s largest freshwater lake
D. That traditional beliefs are never wrong


B. Writing: business documents (82 Points)

Remember and review again your previous discussion in the group assignment 1 about
creating a new business. Based on your agreement,
1. Write a memo to the secretary to create a proposal
2. Write a proposal to get a funding from the bank
3. Share an information about your new business to the targeted customers through a letter
4. Do a promotion to the targeted customers through an email
5. Create a report on your business progress

ENG6163 - English Professional

Answer :
DATE : October 26, 2019

TO : Secretary

FROM : Mellyna Sari, CEO

SUBJECT: Create a proposal

I’m writing to inform you that, we have new business projects in the culinary business.

Please create a proposal for this new project.

Thank you.

ENG6163 - English Professional

Bekasi, October 19th , 2019.

To : Director of Bank Syariah Artha Madani

In Cikarang, West Java.

Dear sir or madam

Subject : Credit Application Business for Cafe

Together with this letter we submit the proposal of business feasibility study in the field of
business of cafe. Business Café is a new venture of mine, but I have a market demand that is sure
and have the contract of sale. Besides that I have experience in this business.

The amount of investment in the expansion of this business is Rp 20.600.000 (twenty million and
six hundred thousand rupiah). While our capital at this time amounted to Rp 10.600.000 (Ten
million and six hundred thousand rupiah), then the lack of investment funds amounting to Rp
10,000,000 (ten million rupiah), we can expect the help of investment credit from the Bank.

Furthermore, as a material consideration and analysis, we complete this proposal with the results
of the analysis about the expansion plans of this business.Thus a letter of request is a great hope
we have the support of funds from the bank that you lead. Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,

Angrys Enjelina

Marketing of Cafenya Orang Indonesia

ENG6163 - English Professional

Business Cafe

“Cafenya orang Indonesia”



A. Background

Level of stress increasing makes people need a place to just unwind or looking for a refreshing
place that can refresh your mood back. Go to a cafe to enjoy coffee a favorite in the community.
The have become a special culture in Indonesia, people are shown to have an interest that
exceedingly great to visit a place that is popular all these ages.

A cultural shift to make the existence of a cafe increasingly recognized in the community. The
role of the media-the media often disseminate the Cafe in Indonesia to support the development
of this cafe. The original Cafe in Indonesia can be used as a gathering place for the community,
but now as if a cafe has an additional function as a place to meet old friends, best friends or even
business associates.

B. Purpose

- A means to manage the capital that aims to profit.

- Open the field effort for the people.
- The realization of creativity.
- Train yourself to be able to entrepreneurship with better.
- Add experience and knowledge about entrepreneurship.

C. Expectation

- I hope that the business which I founded can obtain profits in accordance with
predetermined targets
- I hope that the business that I founded be well received in the community

ENG6163 - English Professional

- I hope that business that I built can run smoothly in accordance with the plan
already set
- I hope that the business which I founded can develop and master the market share.



A. Business Process

- Prepare Human Resources (HR)

- Prepare the necessary materials
- Prepare the necessary equipment and supplies
- Begin the process of workmanship
- Clean and tidy up the material, equipment as well as equipment that has been

B. Business System
Business Cafe “Cafenya orang Indonesia” open in :
Monday-Thursday at 11:00 AM to 20:00 PM
Friday-Sunday at 10:00 AM to 22:00 PM.

C. The planned development

The development planned for the business Cafe “Cafenya Orang Indonesia” among them,
namely :

- The focus is on products sold.

- Focus determine the location of the business.
- Always do evaluation every day.
- Always update the drink menu.

ENG6163 - English Professional

- Noted the financial report carefully.
- Do the promotion
- Provide customer service.
- Build a branch in a place different from the place of business of the center.


A. Market segmentation

The Menu of drinks and food sold in this Cafe the price is economical then the
customers who visit diusaha “Cafenya orang Indonesia” are the individual
customers of all ages, women or men, ranging from lower class to upper class,
better students, college students or business people. The criteria mentioned is a
factor demographics that are considered in the conduct of segementasi the market.

B. Place of Market

The business to be established is the business drink and food, then access to the
location of the place of business that will be established should be held in a
location that is crowded and traversed a lot of people so easy to reach are in a safe
environment. More precisely I will put this venture off the path so easily visible,
in order to obtain the attention of customers and makes it easy to introduce as well
as promote the business that I will propose.

ENG6163 - English Professional


1. Equipment

5 piece of table (400.000 x 5) = Rp 2.000.000 ,-

3 piece of chairs (300.000 x 10) = Rp 3.000.000 ,-
2 piece of ice box (150.000 x 2) = Rp 300.000,-
1 tool of coffee machine (5.000.000 x 1) = Rp 5.000.000,-
2 tools of blender machine (250.000 x 2) = Rp 500.000,-
Others = Rp 500.000,-

Total = Rp 11.300.000,-

2. Materials

Food = Rp 2.000.000,-
Drink = Rp 2.000.000,-

Total = Rp 4.000.000,-

3. Operational

The Cost Of Electricity = Rp 300.000,-

The Cost Of 3 Employee (1.500.000 x 3) = Rp 4.500.000,-
Others = Rp 500.000,-

Total = Rp 5.300.000,-

The Total Cost Of Production :

ENG6163 - English Professional

Equipment = Rp 11.300.000,-
Materials = Rp 4.000.000,-
Operational = Rp 5.300.000,-

Total = Rp 20.600.000,-


Thus this proposal I made. I hope that I will build can be run smoothly in accordance with the
plans and targets that have been set. Hopefully with the creation of the proposal of this business,
a lot of science and knowledge obtained by the reader to entrepreneurship.Thank you to the
readers who have taken the time to read the proposal of this business, I say thank you.

ENG6163 - English Professional

October 29, 2019


South Square Road Block F22/21
Mustika Jaya, East Bekasi, West Java 17156

Mr. Windi Pranoto

Vida Bekasi, East Bekasi,

West Java 17156

Dear Customers,

We have opened a new coffee shop called Indonesian Coffe. We provide a variety of foods and
drinks which certainly have a taste that does not disappoint. With electrical facilities provided at
each desk, wireless, air conditioning and smoking rooms. With a room design that describes

We also provide a special room for meetings with a capacity of 20 people. We provide very
complete facilities with affordable food and beverage prices. That way you will feel comfortable
and thrifty to be in our place.

We await your arrival at Cafenya Orang Indonesia.. Our location is on South Square Road Block
F22 / 21 Mustika Jaya, East Bekasi, West Java 17156. We will wait for your arrival.

Best Regard’s,

Cafenya Orang Indonesia.

ENG6163 - English Professional

South Square Road Block F22/21
Mustika Jaya, East Bekasi, West Java 17156

October 27, 2019

Mr, Maruasas Simanjuntak

Depok, West Java 16242.
Subject : Promotion of our Cafe Products

Dear Mr. Parker,

When we spoke a few days ago, you showed interest in our cafe, and I hear that the company
you are considering to establish a special space for employees interested with the products from
our cafe. Today I sent an Email to see how far your plan for that purpose. Have you set a time
frame to complete the project? When you are ready, I want to start a serious discussion with you
about how I can help you achieve that goal. Hopefully the benefits of coffee continues for the life
of your service.
When there are that need to be asked, I am happy to answer your questions or you can contact
me at Phone +62 – (800-782-7282) Hours: 5AM – 8PM, 7 days a week, and email us at
cafenyaorangindonesia@gmail.com and I can immediately start your service.

Thank you
Best Regards,

Cafenya Orang Indonesia.

ENG6163 - English Professional

Report Business Progress
Name of Business: Cafenya Orang Indonesia
South Square Road Block F22/21
Mustika Jaya, East Bekasi, West Java 17156

Contact Details:

 Instagram: @CafenyaOrangIndonesia
 Whatsapp: 081285656999
 E-mail : cafenyaorangindonesia@gmail.com

No Task Status Pic

1 Create social media account Done Windi

2 Write a proposal to get a Done Melly

funding from the bank

3 Do a promotion to the targeted Done Asas

customers through an email

4 Make a memo for the next Done Shafa


5 Meeting with building tenant Done Angrys

ENG6163 - English Professional

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