Final Ni Siyaa Sa Research

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Chapter I



Studying at school is one of the biggest events in a person’s life as it involves

not only education but also the youth’s culture. During this period, many students

choose to live away from their families and live closer to school due to many

different reasons such as the school is very far from home, parents live in the

province, etc. this living set-up may either help the student or give him/her a hard

time in their academics. However, the researcher’s would like to find out whether

this affects the student’s academic performance. Likewise, this study aims to

know the dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students and their

academic performance level.

López Turley and Wodtke’s (2010) study showed that students who live on

campus are more advantaged than those who lived with their families. They

showed better performance on their academic subjects and other school

activities thus they gain higher GPAs and become more active in school

compared with those who lived with their families. These students claimed that

they become more ambitious, independent and better prepared when they attend

to academic institutions that are away from their families. Most of them also said

that they were able to concentrate more on their studies when they are living


In the Philippines the delineation is based on the legal definition for working

ages 15 to 64 years. The implied dependent ages in Philippines are then 0-14

years and 60 or 65 years and older. The dependent ages used in OECD

definition for dependency ratio are under 20 and over 64.

In General Santos City, an ordinance was created for the scholarship program

for the poor but deserving students of dubbed as “c”, as further provided equal

opportunities to quality and affordable education shall be afforded more to under

privilege Filipinos, adhering and upholding the rights to education of the

underprivileged, a program aimed to provide educational grants to the poor but

desiring students.

The general objective of this study is to know the effects of the dependency

status to the academic performance level of the students involve in this study. To

know on how hard it is to become independent from being dependent to their


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out whether the dependency status of Grade 11

senior high school students significantly influence to their Academic Performance


Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students

in terms of:

a. Self-supporting;

b. Parental Support:

2. What is the academic performance Level of Grade 11 Senior High School

students in New Society National High School?

3. Is there a significant relationship between dependency status and

academic performance Level of Senior High School students in New

Society National High School?

4. How dependency status related to academic performance level of Grade

11 Senior High School students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted at Marcos Avenue Sinawal General Santos City at

New Society National High School Senior High School. The indicated terms or

variables that need to be defined, clarified, or describe to the readers are the

dependency status and their Academic Performance level through living away

from home or from parents’ involvement in the school activities. The group has

done a quick survey in New Society National High School of Grade 11 Senior

High School students’; there are approximately 50 students whose living


This study, the researchers’ aims to know the students’ dependency status

refers to the factor that affects their academic performance.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will benefits the following: students, parents,

community, administration. It is important to know the benefits that the

beneficiaries will get in this study. The sequence of the beneficiaries of this

research starts from the most benefited to the least benefited.

Students. The benefits that the students will get in this study is to know what

are the real status of their classmates or co-students tol adjust and be more

sensitive to them.

Parents. The benefits that the parents will get in this study is to know on how

to help and support their children in terms of their academic performance.

Community. People will be more aware in the issue regarding the

dependency status of those students in Grade 11Senior High School.

Administration. They will gain more knowledge about our study, and help

those students to support with their education by giving them scholarships.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature of students’ dependency


Dependency Status of Students

According to the FAFSA the Federal student Aid programs are based on the

premise that the family is the first source of the student’s support, and the law

provides several criteria that decide if the student is considered independent of

her parents for student financial aid eligibility. A dependent student is assumed to

have the support of parents, so the parents’ information has to be assessed

along with the student’s, to get a full picture of the family’s financial strength.

Note that a student reaching the age of 18 or 21 or living apart from her parents

does not affect her dependency status.

According to Glory, Bea Go, et. al., (July 2018), students view that though

living away from one’s parents or from one’s home makes a person independent,

it does not follow that it will affect ones studies. Their feeling of independence is

in line with what literature states though students don’t view their independence

to have an effect on their academic performance. Also with these statements “I

always seek help from my parents.” and “I study without being told by my

parents.” These statements also depict dependency as such students disagree

that they always seek help from their parents and with the latter item they do

study without being told. “I like living alone.” and “Being alone improves my

academic performance.” it was still enough to place significance. However, some

students says that “Living alone makes me lazy.”, “Being alone makes me focus

more on my studies.”, “Living alone makes me unable to focus with my studies.”

and “Living alone is a great opportunity for me to improve my studies.” Are focus

on the effects of living alone and how student perceives it. Most students

disagree that living alone can improve their academic performance or that living

alone is a chance for them to improve on their academic standing. Although living

away from ones family or form ones’ home is difficult, especially in a time of

crucial transition such as college life, it may also bring positive effects.

According to a study conducted by Jordyn and Byrd (2003), one of the crucial

points in a young adults’ life is when they leave their parents’ home. They face

the challenge of living independently on their own with minimal help from their

family. Recent studies have shown that living arrangements of young adults in a

way affects the different aspects of the personal development of the child. It is

said that young adults who do not reside from their home faces greater problems

but they use more direct way of coping with the problems that they encounter.

In a parallel study by Goldscheider and DaVanzo (1985), living away from

home separates these young adults from their usual habit of day to day

interaction with their family. Although the living arrangements are limited to

minimal communication and interaction with child and the family, still the bond

between them exists. Children may not also achieve full emotional and financial

independence because in a way parental authority and influence is still there.


According to Hensley (2018) self-supporting students are the students’ who

does not received financial assistance from their parents and does earned from

their own expenses to pay their own school fees. Self-supporting students are

having numerous part time jobs which requires skills and make it hard for them to

manage their time in going to school. It is not easy for them to earn money and at

the same time having part time jobs.

Parental Support

Socio-economic factors like attendance in the class, family income, and

mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained

teacher in school, sex of student and distance of school are also affected the

performance of the students (Raychauduri et al., 2010). Kernan, Bogart and

Wheat (2011), academic success of graduate student will be enhanced if the

optimal health related barriers are low. Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. al., (July

2010), found that numerous studies have been done to identify those factors

which are affecting student’s academic performance. The students’ academic

performance depends on a number of socio-economic factors like students’

attendance in the class, family income, mother’s and father’s education, teacher-

student ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of the student, and

distance of schools.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dependent Students

The advantage as a dependent student according to the foreign universities,

students can learn various and particular subjects not offered in their local

university or institution. In addition, once their graduate from university, they have

better chances of finding work outside their country as well as domestically. It

may lead to earning a better salary, and will open up the possibility of

immigration if they like. .” As such, students view that though living away from

one’s parents or from one’s home makes a person independent, it does not

follow that it will affect ones studies.

Their feeling of independence is in line with what literature states though

students don’t view their independence to have an effect on their academic

performance. Above all, the best part of learning abroad is they can make tons of

new friends. They can learn about many kinds of other cultures and their views

on life, food, as well as other languages. As a result of making friends with new

people, they gain new connections from all over the world. They might come from

the USA, Mexico, Canada, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Turkey, Saudi

Arabia, Korea, or China. Obviously, they can learn about different cultures and in

the future, they may get a job through their friends that they meet overseas.

On the other side, there are some disadvantages of a dependent student.

Firstly, they encounter difficulties in adjusting themselves to a new life. In the

short run, they can enjoy their new life, but as time goes by, they will miss their

friends or family and feel homesick, living arrangements of young adults in a way

affects the different aspects of the personal development of the child. It is said

that young adults who do not reside from their home faces greater problems but

they use more direct way of coping with the problems that they encounter. Also,

they have to adapt their way of life to the new circumstances in which they

experience, such as different types of food, climate and a new language

environment. Secondly, there is concern over public safety.

Mostly, they can find themselves in trouble since they become vulnerable in

this new and alien city. Lastly, it costs so much more to live alone rather than

staying with their family because they have to pay, at the very least, for rent,

groceries and medical insurance. Also, if they go to university, they will be an

international student so they have to pay for tuition fees as an international


Philippines Dependency Status of Students

According to Watkins and Astilla (1980), the Filipino society is very family-

oriented. Filipinos value the concept of family so much to the point that the family

members get too attached with each other. It has been a practice in the

Philippine society that children would live with their parents until they could

already be fully independent and are able to establish a stable life. Filipino

youths’ independence cannot be predicted by their age rather, on the level of

their maturity. So as most college students in the Philippines are still dependent

on their parents, it is interesting to know the effect of their families on their

academic performance especially when students have to study away from their

family or away from their home. Given this, the researchers will be examining

how living away from one’s family could affect a student when it comes to his or

her academic performance.

Dependency Status of Students in General Santos City

According to National Statistics Office In 2010, the young dependents (0 to 14

years) comprised 33.0 percent of the household population while the old

dependents (65 years and over) posted a share of 2.8 percent. The working-age

population (15 to 64 years) accounted for the remaining 64.2 percent.

The overall dependency ratio was 56, which indicates that for every 100

working-age population, there were about 56 dependents (52 young dependents

and four old dependents). The ratio is lower than the dependency ratio 200,

which was recorded at 66 dependents per 100 working-age population (62 young

dependents and four old dependents).

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Performance
Dependency Status
Chapter 2  Outstanding
 Self-supporting
 Very Satisfactory
 Parental Support
 Satisfactory
 Fairly Satisfactory
 Did Not Meet

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Variables of the study were presented in figure 1. Independent variable is the

Dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students and the dependent

variable is the Academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School

students in New Society National High School. The framework provides a clearer

picture of this study and summarizes what is the study about.


The null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance.

There is no significant relationship between the dependency status and the

academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

Definition of Terms

For the better understanding of the study the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Academic Performance Level- Conceptually, this refers to the source

coming from the internet to which a student, teacher or institutes who had

achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Operationally, this refers to

the students’ performance being affected by living independently.

Dependency Status- Conceptually, this refers to the source coming from the

internet that the relationship between conditions, events, or tasks such that

cannot begin or be-completed until one or more other conditions, events, or tasks

have occurred, begun, or completed. Operationally this refers to the students of

Grade 11 Senior High School whose dependent to their parents and on how it

affects their academic performance.

Education- Conceptually, this refers to the source coming from the internet

that the action or process of educating or being educated. It is the field that deals

mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools. Operationally it refers to

the students, whose learning is affected by the dependency status.

Independent- Conceptually this refers to the source coming from the internet

about for not requiring or relying on something else. Operationally it refers to the

students not living with their parents or living with themselves only.

Parental Support- Conceptually this refers to the source coming from the

internet that the parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a

parent has when it comes to schooling and their child’s life. In this study it refers

to the students whose dependent to their parents.

Self-support- Conceptually this refers to the source coming from the internet

for being able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid, and capable of

providing for one’s own needs. Operationally it refers to the students who does

not receive any financial assistance from their parents.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the procedures in conducting the study. It gives the

detailed descriptions of the research design that the researchers will use, locale

of the study, respondents, research instrument, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment.

Research Design

In this study, a combination of qualitative and quantitative was used.

Qualitative approach was employed to determine how the Dependency Status of

Grade 11 Senior High School students affect their Academic Performance level.

In quantitative approach was employed as a technique to describe the overall

characteristic of the variables involved in the study.

In addition, the researchers used descriptive-correlational method. This study

assessed the relationship and described the dependency status and academic

performance level of students in Grade 11 Senior High School, because

according to Creswell (2005) correlational research designs are used by

investigators to describe and measure the degree of relationship between two or

more variables or set of scores. It is a procedure in which students’ scores on

two variables are simply measured, without manipulation of any variables, to

determine whether there is a relationship.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at New Society National High School Senior High

School, Barangay Sinawal, Marcos Avenue, Apopong District, General Santos


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the Grade 11 students of New Society

National High School Senior High School. In qualitative approach the participants

was identified through a face to face interview to get ideas and lends itself to

more detailed responses. In quantitative approach the respondents was identified

using Slovin’s formula and the researchers used the random type of sampling in

choosing their respondents for 80 or 10% of the population of Senior High School

students which equals to 120 respondents.

In this study the researchers used random type of sampling. Random

sampling is a simple random sample is a subset of statistical population in which

each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen.

Research Instruments

In qualitative method the researchers used a semi-structured questionnaire as

an instrument to know how the Dependency Status related to their Academic

Performance Level. The instrument undergo a validation process. In quantitative

approach a survey-questionnaire instrument was used for gathering data. The

instrument was a 10-item survey-questionnaire divided into 2 factors which

includes self-supporting, and parental support. It was validated by proficient

individual who are the New Society National High School teachers.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers prepared a letter of permission addressing to the Principal,

Grade level Coordinator, and Adviser in New Society National High School. In

qualitative method, the participants answered the semi-structured questionnaires

through a face to face interview. The material that was used for conducting the

interview is cellphones for photograph and recording.

In quantitative method, the researchers gathered the data through the use of

survey-questionnaires. The respondents answered the questionnaires through

the help of the researchers who guide them in answering the survey

questionnaires. After gathering the data questionnaires the researchers compiled


Statistical Treatment

The data gathered will be treated statistically using the following tools:

To determine the dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School

students in New Society National High School in terms of: self-supporting, and
parental support, and mean will be applied.

To determine the academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High

School students, and frequency percentage will be applied.

To determine the significant relationship between dependency status to the

academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students, and
multiple regression analysis will be applied.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data gathered in this

study. The various results of the dependency status of Senior High School

students and their academic performance level are presented on the succeeding


The Dependency Status of Grade 11 Senior High School students

This study also determined the Dependency Status in terms of Self-supporting

and Parental Support.

The table 1 A shows the result of the dependency status in terms of self-

supporting. The students rarely agreed that they pay their own school fees, they

save money for their personal needs, they work to have their own source of

income, they have money to provide their financial needs, they save money to

finance their school fees, that being independent help them improve their

academic performance, they do not ask financial support from their parents, that

being alone makes them independent, they get high grades even without the

help of their family, and they like being alone.

Since the over-all mean is 2.81 which is described as rarely, this implies that

the Dependency Status of Grade 11 Senior High School students in New Society

National High School at Barangay Sinawal, General Santos City have a low

level dependency status in terms of self-supporting. The students are rarely

independent to their parents and they could not fully support themselves in terms

of financial and moral support. The students could not earn money on their own

for they still need the support coming from their parents. The students could not

work enough to have money that would support them financially, for they still

need to focus on their academic performance.

Table 1.A

Dependency Status in terms of Self-supporting

Indicator Mean Description

1. I pay my own school fees. 2.54 Sometimes

2. I save money for my personal 3.67 Often
3. I work to have my own source of 2.04 Rarely
4. I have money to provide my 2.58 Sometimes
financial needs.
5. I save money to finance my school 2.90 Sometimes
6. Being independent help me 3.40 Sometimes
improve my academic
7. I don’t ask financial support from 2.10 Rarely
my parents.
8. Being alone makes me 2.94 Rarely
9. I get high grades even without the 3.02 Sometimes
help of my family.
10. I like being alone. 2.88 Rarely
Overall Mean 2.81 Rarely
Legend: 5-4.50 Always; 4.49-3.50 Often; 3.49-2.50 Sometimes; 2.49-1.50 Rarely; 1.49-1 Never

The table 1 B shows the result of the Dependency status in terms of Parental

Support. The students often agreed that they live with their parents, they feel a

lot more motivated with their family support, they feel so unwanted without their

family, their family are always there to support them, they can face challenges

with their parents support, their family supports help them in their academic

performance, they get high grades with the support of their parents, they are well

directed with their parents in their academic performance, their parents help them

to be responsible, and their always seek financial support and moral support from

their parents.

Since the over-all mean is 4.05 which is described as often, this implies that

the dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students in terms of

parental support is high. The students are dependent to their parents that they

wanted them at their side supporting and motivating them. Especially in

academic performance, which is needed a lot more support coming from their

parents for the students to be motivated in doing all their academic activities.

Table 1.B

Dependency Status in terms of Parental Support

Indicator Mean Description

Parental Support

1. I live with my parents. 4.50 Always

2. I feel a lot more motivated with my 4.34 Often
family support.
3. I feel so unwanted without my 3.79 Often
4. My family are always there to 4.29 Often
support me.
5. I can face challenges with my 4.13 Often
parents support.
6. My family supports help me in my 3.67 Often
academic performance.
7. I get high grades with the support 3.62 Often
of my parents.
8. I am well directed with my parents 3.52 Often
in my academic performance.
9. My parents help me to be 4.54 Always
10. I always seek financial support 4.13 Often
and moral support from my

Overall Mean 4.05 Often

Legend: 5-4.50 Always; 4.49-3.50 Often; 3.49-2.50 Sometimes; 2.49-1.50 Rarely;

1.49-1 Never

Academic Performance Level

Academic Performance Level of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

This study also determined the Academic Performance level of grade 11

students on their 1st quarter grade. Table 2 shows the results.

Table 2

Academic Performance Level of Grade 11 Senior High School students

Academic Performance Level
(based on 1st Quarter Grades)
Frequency Percentage Description

90-100 20 17% Outstanding

85-89 66 55% Satisfactory

80-84 29 24% Satisfactory

75-79 5 4% Satisfactory
Did Not Meet
Below 75 0 0% Expectation

Total 120 100%

Average Grade (1st Quarter): 85.98 Very Satisfactory

Among the 120 students in the study, 66 obtained grades of 85-89 in

Academic Performance level. This corresponds to the highest percentage of the

students which is 55 percent. The grades of 85-89 is described as Very

Satisfactory in Academic Performance level. This is followed by 24 percent of the

students who got grades of 80-84 which is described as satisfactory in Academic

Performance level. Followed by 17 percent got grades of 90-100 which is

described as Outstanding in Academic Performance level. It is interesting to note

that there are 4 percent who got the lower grades of 75-79 which is described as

Fairly Satisfactory in Academic Performance level. Zero percent of the students

got the grades of below 75 which is described as Did Not Meet Expectation in

Academic Performance level.

The average grade of 120 students in Grade 11 Senior High School in

Academic Performance level is only 85.98 which is described as Very

Satisfactory in Academic Performance level.

Relationship Between the Dependency Status and Academic Performance

level of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

To determine whether the dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School

students are significantly related to their academic performance level, multiple

linear regression analysis was used between the Grade 11 Senior High School

students in academic performance level and dependency status. Table 3 shows

the results.

Table 3

Relationship Between Dependency Status and Academic Performance

Level of Grade 11 Senior High School Students

Dependency Status Academic Performance Level

Beta t-value p-value Remarks

1.Self-Supporting -0.104 -1.162 0.248 Not
2.Parental Support 0.219 2.443 0.016 Significant

Multiple R: 0.924
R-square: 0.858
F-value: 3.591 Sig F: 0.031
Multiple Linear regression analysis shows that there is no significant

relationship between the dependency status and academic performance level of

Grade 11 Senior High School students. This is shown by the F-value of 3.591
whose sig F= 0.031, since sig F<.05, the relationship is not significant. The value

of R-square which is 0.858 implies that 85.8 percent of the variation in academic

performance level of students is due to their dependency status, particularly, their

status in self-supporting and parental support.

Specifically, self-supporting has no significant relationship to Academic

Performance level of Grade 11 students (beta=-0.104, p=0.248) since p<.05.

This means that students whose dependent should be guided by their parents in

terms of their academic performance. Moreover, parental support has a

significant relationship to Academic Performance Level (beta=0.219, p=0.016)

this implies that.

This result, therefore, leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis that

there is no significant relationship between dependency status and academic

performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

How Dependency Status related to Academic Performance Level of Grade

11 Senior High School Students?

This study determined how the Dependency Status related to the Academic

Performance Level of Grade 11 Senior High School students in New Society

National High School. The participant underwent face-to-face interview and semi-

structured questionnaire was used. Table 4 shows the result.

Table 4

Thematic Analysis on how Dependency Status related to Academic Performance

Level of Grade 11 Senior High School Students

Cluster Theme Emergent Theme

 Factors that able students to  Struggles in surpassing Senior

Surpass Senior High School
High School

 Senior High School students  Factors in gaining family

gained challenges in academic
support through academic
excellence towards the
satisfaction of family support
 Academic performance level  Struggles in achieving academic
difficulties in achieving
performance level standards
 Challenges in surpassing Senior
High School
 Challenges in gaining family

Table 4 shows how the dependency status related to academic performance

level of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

“They support me… in, in through the intercession of giving money if I needed it

and also, moral support they motivate me that I should study well because that is

the only thing that, that… they give… or inheritance for me because they didn’t

finished their studies.”

“I am satisfied for the support my family gave me. It is also because sometimes I

know that… whatever happens to me here their back is always with me,

their…my… it’s like.. like…they are always at my back you know to support, to

guide me sometimes you know so… sometimes our…I have you know inspiration

to them that, I have to study well so that… so that I could help them someday.”

“Yes, because… because, they are giving me their support so in that support is

the one that became my motivation for, for my, my gra- for for me to get high


“No, no because of course I, for example it is already Senior High and it is also a

school so I really need my parents financial support so… if without them, uhm if

without them I don’t have someone to ask for and then I don’t have work even

though I’m already 18.”

“Maybe if becoming dependent to them, if they are there, they would be guiding

you or guide you if ever there are problems in schools so the need to, you know

that you would be depending to them is about the support as family, because of

course moral support is the most thing that we need as a student to gain from

them and the financial.”

This implies that there is a relationship between dependency status and

academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students and

describes how the two variables related to each other.

This means that dependency status help students gained its family support in

order for the student to surpass Senior high School and attain the academic

performance level standards. This also means that through academic

performance a student can be identified no matter how independent a student

can be and how high the student’s academic performance level, the student shall

still need a family support for it may have a good performance at school and at

home. Even though three (3) out of ten (10) participants saying that a student

can live without a family support but it is still the most dominant thing a student

must have.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and the

corresponding recommendations of the study.


This study aimed to find out whether the dependency status of Grade 11

Senior High School students significantly influence to their Academic

Performance Level.

Specifically this sought seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the Dependency Status of Grade 11 Senior High School students

in terms of:

c. Self-supporting;

d. Parental Support:

2. What is the Academic Performance Level of Grade 11 Senior High School

students in New Society National High School?

3. Is there a significant relationship between Dependency status and

Academic Performance Level of Senior High School students in New Society

National High School?

4. How Dependency status related to Academic Performance Level of Grade

11 Senior High School students?

In this study, a combination of qualitative and quantitative method was used.

In quantitative method, the respondent of this study was the Grade 11 Senior

High School students of New Society National High School Senior High School.

The respondents are identified using Slovin’s formula and the researchers used

the random type of sampling in choosing their respondents for 80 or 10% of the

population of Senior High School students. The target respondents are the

students whose dependency status affecting their academic performance level.

In qualitative method, the participant of this study was the Grade 11 Senior

High School students that undergo a face to face interview to get ideas and lends

itself to more detailed responses. The qualitative approach employed to

determine how the Dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students

related to their Academic Performance Level.

In quantitative method, the researchers used random type of sampling.

Random sampling is a simple random sample is a subset of statistical population

in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen.

In quantitative method, the researchers used descriptive-correlational method.

This method assessed the relationship and describe the dependency status and

academic performance of students in Grade 11 Senior High School because

according to Creswell (2005) correlational research designs are used by

investigators to describe and measure the degree of relationship between two or

more variables or set of scores. It is a procedure in which students’ scores on

two variables are simply measured, without manipulation of any variables, to

determine whether there is a relationship.

In qualitative method, the researchers used a semi-structured questionnaire

for gathering the data. The instrument was a 5-item semi-structured

questionnaire. In quantitative method, the researchers used a survey-

questionnaire instrument for gathering data. The instrument was a 10-item

survey-questionnaire divided into 2 factors which includes self-supporting, and

parental support.

The data gathered will be treated statistically using the following tools:

Determined the Dependency status of Grade 11 Senior High School students

in New Society National High School in terms of: self-supporting, and parental

support and mean will be applied.

Determined the Academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School

students and frequency percentage will be applied.

Determined the significant relationship between Dependency status to the

Academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students and

multiple regression analysis will be applied.

Determined how Dependency status related to Academic Performance Level

of Grade 11 Senior High School students.


The following are the salient findings of the study.

1. In Grade 11 Senior High School, the result of the students dependency

status in terms of self-supporting and parental support is rarely and often

(frequency percentage 2.81 & 4.05).

2. Mean results showed that the academic performance level of Grade 11

Senior High School students in New Society National High School is Very

Satisfactory (mean 85.98).

3. Regression results showed that dependency status in terms of self-

supporting and parental support is not significantly related to Academic

Performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students (multiple

linear regression 0.924).

4. Both dependent and independent students encountered several types of

family support but only financial support exceeds to aid their Academic

Performance Level.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made.

1. The students are likely to be dependent on their parents in their school


2. The academic performance level of Grade 11 Senior High School students

are very satisfactory based on their first quarter grades.

3. The students are mostly dependent with their parents than to themselves

in their academic performance level.

4. Even though the students are dependent or independent to their family

they still needed financial support to pay for their tuition fees, but still both

have a positive effect to their Academic Performance Level.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are hereby given.

1. The students must have or maintain their good relationship towards their


2. The student shall continue to have a good performance in school.

3. To the students who are dependent to their parents should continue their

academic performance with a good grade.

4. The result of the study tend to recommend that the parents should have a full

support for the needs of their students when it comes to financial to pay for their

fees and help them with their Academic Performance Level.


López Turley, R. N., & Wodtke, G. (2010).College residence and academic

performance:Who benefits From living on campus? Urban Education,
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National Statistics Office. (2018).Philippines Statistics Authority:Age Dependency

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FAFSA. (2018).Federal Student Aid Programs:Dependency Status. Retrieved


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Home. Retrieved from

Jordyn, M., & Byrd, M. (2003).The Relationship between the living arrangements

of university students and their identity development. Adolscence, 38(150).

Goldscheider, F. K., & DaVanzo, J. (1985). Living arrangements and transition to

adulthood. Demography, 22(4), 545-563.

Hensley, M. R. (1974). The Self-Supporting Student: Trends and Implication.

Journal of Student Financial Aid:Vol. 4:Iss. 2,Article 4.

Raychaudhuri, A., et. al., (July 2010).Factors Affecting Students’ Academic

Performance: A case study in agartala municipal concial area. Bangladesh

e-journal of sociology, vol.7, Number 2.

Kernan, et. al., (2011). Health related Barriers to learning among graduate

student, Health Education, vol. 11, NO. 5 pp.425-455.

Kamimura, J. (February 2013).Advantages Disadvantages of Living away from

Home. Retrieved from -


Watkins & Astilla. (1980).Self-Esteem and Family Relationships: A Filipino Study.

Retrieved from

Appendix A
Letter to the Principal

Division of City Schools

Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

February ___, 2019


Principal III
This School


Magandang GenSan and Magandang New Society!

We, the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade
12 section Smith and we are currently conducting our research with an approved

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to
conduct an interview to the Grade 11 Senior High School students in New
Society National High School.
Your positive response is greatly appreciated

Thank you and God Bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Research Project Teacher

Approved by:


Principal III

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

September ___, 2018


Principal III
This School


Magandang GenSan and Magandang New Society!

We, the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade
12 section Smith and we are currently conducting our research with an approved

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to
administer questionnaires to the Grade 11 Senior High School students in New
Society National High School.
Your positive response is greatly appreciated
Thank you and God Bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:



Appendix B
Letter to the Coordinator
Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

Senior High School Coordinator
This School


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


Grade 11 Coordinator Senior High School Coordinator

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

February ___, 2019


Grade 11 Coordinator
This School


Magandang GenSan and Magandang New Society!

We, the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade
12 section Smith and we are currently conducting our research with an approved

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to
conduct an interview to the Grade 11 Senior High School students in New
Society National High School.
Your positive response is greatly appreciated

Thank you and God Bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Research Project Teacher

Approved by:


Principal III

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

Grade 11 Coordinator
This School


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


Grade 11 Coordinator

Appendix C
Letter of Permission to the Advisers

Division of City Schools

Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

HUMMS 1-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


HUMMS 1-11 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


HUMSS 2-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


HUMSS 2-11 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


HUMSS 3-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


HUMSS 3-11 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


TVL-11 Cookery Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


TVL-11 Cookery Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


ABM-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


ABM-11 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

STEM-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


STEM-11 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

TVL-11 FBS & BNC Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


TVL-11 FBS & BNC Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


TVL-11 SMAW 1 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


TVL-11 SMAW 1 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018

TVL-11 SMAW 2 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


TVL-11 SMAW 2 Adviser

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

October _, 2018


TVL-ICT-11 Adviser


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Grade 12-Smith and we are
currently conducting a research with an approved title, “THE DEPENDENCY STATUS OF
partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to administer
questionnaire and to use the general average of the Grade 11 Senior High School students for
the first grading period as the respondents of our research study.

Your positive response is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

Very truly yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher

Approved by:


TVL-ICT-11 Adviser

Appendix D
Letter for Validation

Division of City Schools

Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

September 25, 2018


Teacher III
This School


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students of Humanities and Social Sciences and we are conducting a
THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL” in a partial fulfillment of the requirement in
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In this connection, we would like to request permission to consult the content validity of
and to evaluate the items included in our instrument for gathering the needed data to identify
Dependency Status based on the following criteria: 1) suitability of the items, 2) clarity of the
language used, and 3) sentence grammar.

Your approval to validate and evaluate the items in the questionnaires will be greatly
appreciated. We would be happy to receive any suggestions from you. Thank you and God Bless.

Attached is our instrument.

Very truly yours,

(SGD) Reina Fajardo

Lead Researcher

Noted by:
Practical Research 2 Teacher

For your comments and suggestions:


Signature Over Printed Name of Validator

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

September 25, 2018

Teacher II
This School


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students of Humanities and Social Sciences and we are conducting a
THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL” in a partial fulfillment of the requirement in
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In this connection, we would like to request permission to consult the content validity of
and to evaluate the items included in our instrument for gathering the needed data to identify
Dependency Status based on the following criteria: 1) suitability of the items, 2) clarity of the
language used, and 3) sentence grammar.

Your approval to validate and evaluate the items in the questionnaires will be greatly
appreciated. We would be happy to receive any suggestions from you. Thank you and God Bless.

Attached is our instrument.

Very truly yours,

(SGD)Reina Fajardo
Lead Researcher

Noted by:
Practical Research 2 Teacher

For your comments and suggestions:

Signature Over Printed Name of Validator

Division of City Schools
Sinawal, General Santos City
Tel. No. 878-3653

September 25, 2018

Teacher II
This School


Magandang Gensan and Magandang New Society!

We are the students of Humanities and Social Sciences and we are conducting a
THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL” in a partial fulfillment of the requirement in
Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research).

In this connection, we would like to request permission to consult the content validity of
and to evaluate the items included in our instrument for gathering the needed data to identify
Dependency Status based on the following criteria: 1) suitability of the items, 2) clarity of the
language used, and 3) sentence grammar.

Your approval to validate and evaluate the items in the questionnaires will be greatly
appreciated. We would be happy to receive any suggestions from you. Thank you and God Bless.

Attached is our instrument.

Very truly yours,

(SGD)Reina Fajardo
Lead Researcher

Noted by:
Practical Research 2 Teacher

For your comments and suggestions:

Signature Over Printed Name of Validator

Appendix E


Name (Optional):_______________________ Strand &Sec:______________

Average Grade: Academic Performance Level:

Outstanding (90-100%):

Very Satisfactory (85-89%):

Satisfactory (80-84%):

Fairly Satisfactory (75-79%):

Did Not Meet Expectations (75% below):

Dear Respondent,

Please answer the following statements that correspond to your present

status as a student. Remember, it is important that you answer the questions
truthfully and honestly. Your answer will be confidential.


Read each statement carefully. Put a check mark ( ⁄ ) in the box which
correspond your answer.

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Self-supporting (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I pay my own school

2. I save money for my
personal needs.
3. I work to have my own
source of income.
4. I have money to
provide my financial
5. I save money to
finance my school
6. Being independent
help me improve my

7. I don’t ask financial
support from my
8. Being alone makes me
9. I get high grades even
without the help of my
10. I like being alone.

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Parental Support (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I live with my parents.

2. I feel a lot more
motivated with my
family support.
3. I feel so unwanted
without my family.
4. My family are always
there to support me.
5. I can face challenges
with my parents
6. My family supports
help me in my
7. I get high grades with
the support of my
8. I am well directed with
my parents in my
9. My parents help me to
be responsible.
10. I always seek financial
support and moral
support from my

Appendix F

Interview Guide Questionnaire



Background Information on Interviewee




Grade & Strand:


Good day! We are Grade 12 HUMSS SMITH students of New Society

National High School. First we would like to say thank you for participating in this

Before we begin, we will explain to you the purpose of this research and
ask your permission from our interview. This will take a few minutes, please feel
free to stop us at any point of questions. Do you have any questions before we
begin? You may refuse to answer any of the questions.

Interview Guide Questionnaire

4.How dependency status related to academic performance level of Grade 11

Senior High School students?


Appendix G


1Participant: My family (cleared throat) My family supports me using financial

2uhh financial because they, they give my, the finance for the payments here at
3school and they also give money and also the moral support they also
4supported me for that.

5Interviewer: Okay number 2 how does your family support affects your
6academic performance? Are.. you satisfied?

7Participant: Uhh.. I am satisfied for the support my family gave me. It is also
8because 8sometimes I know that… whatever happens to me here their back is
9always with me, 9their…my… it’s like.. like…they are always at my back you
10know to support, to guide 10me sometimes you know so… sometimes our…I
11have you know inspiration to them 11that, I have to study well so that… so that
12I could help them someday.

13Interviewer: Number 3 do you think you performance in school is good? Why?

14Participant: Uhh yes, I can definitely say that it’s yes because… uhhh… I have
15been 14uhh… consistent achiever since grade 7 until now.

16Interviewer: ….. Ahhh okay uhm… number 4 do you think you can surpass
17Senior 16High School without the help of your family?

18Participant: Uhh… for now I can’t say that because, I’m totat, totally dependent
19to my 18family and uhh… I’d I don’t know maybe I will try someday but not, not
20and not for 19now.

21Interviewer: Ahh number 5 How can you say that being dependent to your
22family can 21affect your studies?

23Participant: Uhh… It can’t say be that when your family is in your… uhh.. when
24it is 23there to support you and your dependent to them uhh… it’s a great it’s a
25great uhh… 24effe has a great effect in…yours in your school in your studies
26because uhh… they 25will help you through your journey as uhh… student
27of… this country.

28Interviewer: Thank you, thank you so much for the interview.


1Interviewer: Okay… number 1 how does your family support you? In… what

2Participant: Is it okay to…

3Interviewer: Yeah it’s okay.

4Participant: Uhm they uhh… they only support me… uhm when I say that,
5uhm… uhh 5the… to just study well that’s it.

6Interviewer: They don’t uhh you know the… is there no moral you know that

7Participant: I’ve never tried to teach by my parents about moral all my life, that
8you 8know in my school.

9Interviewer: Ahh okay number 2 how does your family support affects your
10academic 10performance? Are you satisfied?

11Participant: Uhm the… it’s okay with me for… the academics you know the
12you 12know… uhh… I am persistent to study to show them that… I can do this
13even if they 13are not here by side.

14Interviewer: Number 3 uhm, do you think your performance in school is good?


16Participant: Uhm… I can say that it is good because uhm… I’ve never tried to
17failed 16and I’m also thankful to God because… uhm because… I’m always
18belong to honors.

19Interviewer: Uhm number 4 do you think you can surpass Senior High School
20without 18the help of your parents?

21Participant: Yes because I believe that uhm…I can do this even uhm even
22though 20they are not… because it’s uhm… I can still provide my needs in
23every day that’s it.

24Interviewer: Uhm okay number 5 how can you say that being that being
25dependent 22to your family can affect your studies? Or being independent.

26Participant: (chuckle) uhm can you repeat it ate?

27Interviewer: Uhh okay… How can you say that being independent to your
28family can 25affect your studies?

29Participant: I can say that it can affect my studies because uhm… it became
30my 27motivation to… finish my study and that’s not it but also to become a

32Interviewer: Thank you so much for the interview, thank.


1Interviewer: Number 1 how does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: Support me… is it not only for Educational like you know.

3Interviewer: About academic performance so yeah it is.

4Participant: If it’s educational or academic purposes, you know for example if I

5have 5projects I… ask them for money to provide those projects. If it’s about my
6health of 6course because I have asthma I have a very weak immune system
7so… so for 7example if I have a terrible cough or if they know that there is
8something wrong with 8my breathing uhh… I’ll ask hem for medicine to feel

10Interviewer: Number 2 is how does your family support affects your academic
11performance? Are you, satisfied?

12Participant: Family supports for what te?

13Interviewer: for uhm, academic performance.

14Participant: Only support? Not through uhm, financial or what?

15Interviewer: It’s depend, it’s depend on you.

16Participant: urr am I satisfied? No.

17Interviewer: uhm why?

18Participant: It is because uh, they are not uh… they don’t know how to
19appreciate 18efforts.

20Interviewer: Okay number 3 do you think your performance in school is good?

21Participant: For me no.

22Interviewer: Why?

23Participant: No because I didn’t uh, I didn’t meet my parents standard.

24Interviewer: number 4 do you think you can surpass Senior High School
25without the 24help of your parents?

26Participant: No, no because of course I, for example it is already Senior High

27and it is 26also a school so I really need my parents financial support so… if
28without them, uhm 27if without them I don’t have someone to ask for and then
29I don’t have work even 28though I’m already 18.

30Interviewer: Number 5 how can you say that being dependent to your family
31can 30affect your studies?

32Participant: My dependent to my family is, in studying it is like…you need to

33satisfy 32your parents first, so the effect in your academic performance is, it’s
34like your already 33pressured, if your pressured your stressed, and if you’re
35stressed you can’t make the 34things that you want to do at school.

36Interviewer: Thank you.


1Interviewer: uhm number 1 how does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: uhm for me, in school they support me financially moral if ever, uhm
moral 3support if ever I need a motivation you know motivation or inspiration for
to continue 4my study yes that’s it.

5Interviewer: Number 2 how does your family support affects your academic
6performance? Are you satisfied?

7Participant: Uhm “How” for the first question like uhm, I have been you know
been, 8uhm… you know I am more motivated and, to study because they are
always there to 9guide me at my back and I’ m satisfied for their support because
they uhm, for my 10study like now, uhm that, to my experiences it’s like you
know, they are the reason 11that uhm, I… they are here to support me, yeah.

12Interviewer: Here number 3 do you think your performance in school is good?


13Participant: For me… yes? It’s good or charot it is more good so no, (giggles)
14uhm, 14for uhm… my achievements like or became with honors and uhm, like
15now became 15President in SSG and from others uhm… from my other joined

17Interviewer: uhm number 4 do you think you can surpass Senior High school
18without 17the help of your family?

19Participant: I think no, because… uhm, uh especially if I’m already in grade 12

20because or uh many… uhm, stru uh, challenges to uhm, you know like what I
21observe to all uh, in you ate’s and kuya’s uhm, maybe if without them I can’t
22continue 21or achieved my becoming successful if I would uhm, in Senior

24Interviewer: Ahh… number 5 how can you say that being dependent to your
25family 23can affect your studies?

26Participant: Uhm, maybe if becoming you know to them, if they are there, they
27would 25be guiding you or guide you if ever there are problems in schools so
28the need to uhm, 26you know that you would uhm to them is about the support
29as family, because of 27course moral support the most thing that we need as
30a student to gain ffrom them 28and the financial.

31Interviewer: Thank you and uhm congratulations for being the SSG President
32for the 30next school year.

1Interviewer: Number 1 how does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: Is it okay to?

3Interviewer: Yes of course.

4Participant: Uhh uhm, they only support if I don’t have… if I don’t have
something and 5then in… PTA, and for me in my allowance I don’t have problem
because I work for it.

6Interviewer: Oh so you’re a working student?

7Participant: yes, just every Saturday and Sunday. For allowance only.

8Interviewer: Ahh… okay number 2 how does your family support affects your
academic 9performance?

10Participant: uhm there is no, there is no uhm okay… my mom also help, they
help 11when there is a big need and if for small things I can already sustain that.

12Interviewer: Are you satisfied with their support?

13Participant: Yes, it’s just okay.

14Interviewer: number 3 do you think your performance in school is good? Why?

15Participant: Uhh, I have a good performance because I have a passing grades

and 16doesn’t have failing grades and then I am still belong to honor… student.

17Interviewer: number 4 do you think you can surpass Senior High school
without the 18help of your family?

19Participant: Maybe… but there are also times when there is a big, the needs
that’s it 20because maybe I am not capable to support it anymore.

21Interviewer: okay, number 5 how can you say that being independent to your
family 22can affect your studies?

23Participant: pardon?

24Interviewer: How can you say that being independent to your family can affect
your 25studies?

26Participant: …….

27Interviewer: for example, you’re an independent right?

28Participant: yes.

29Interviewer: how can you say that being independent to your family can affect
your 30studies? Because you’re an independent right? So how does it affects

31Participant: for example they support me? And how does it affect me as an
32independent person?

33Interviewer: yes, like that?

34Participant: If they support me it would uhm, it would you know, I would

became uhm, 35became… you know strong because they also help me, and I
can handle my studies 36which I can pursue.


1Interviewer: Okay so… number 1 how does your family support you? In what

2Participant: Through… uhm through financial and… you know on how they take
care 3of me and to our studies, they give us financial.

4Interviewer: Number 2 how does your family support affects your academic

6Participant: Uhm, it can affect my performance in academic through my grades

7because they also help me so… I would also help them too to lift up their… it’s
like 8giving back like I would give back their… efforts that they’ve done to me.

9Interviewer: Are you satisfied with their uhm, with their support?

10Participant: Yes.

11Interviewer: Okay number 3 do you think your performance in school is good?

12Participant: Yes.

13Interviewer: Why?

14Participant: because… uhh because, they are giving me their support so in

that 15support is the one that became my motivation for, for mine, my gra- for for
me to get 16high grades.

17Interviewer: Number 4 do you think you can srpass Senior High School without
the 18help of your family?

19Participant: No.

20Interviewer: Why?

21Participant: because, if without them where would I get the financial support
that I 22need from them? So that’s it…. that why it is not like I need them for me
to have a 23family or someone that would help me.

24Interviewer: number 5 how can you say that being independent to your family
can 25affect your studies?

26Participant: Uhm, it can affect me big time through my grades.

27Interviewer: Thank you.


1Interviewer: How does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: Uhh maam, can I do it in Tagalog?

3Interviewer: Ahh, yes okay. You can even speak in Bisaya

4Participant: What is it again?

5Interviewer: Uhm, how does your family support you? In what way?

6Participant: it’s like I am not really into them, I am the only one who’s supporting

7Interviewer: Are you a broken family sir?

8Participant: Mmm.

9Interviewer: Uhm, how does your family support affects your academic
performance? 10(the interviewer translated the question in bisaya so that the
participant would 11understand the question well)

12Participant: it can affect?

13Interviewer: How. Like are you satisfied? Or you’re not satisfied with their you

14Participant: It can, it can affect me big time because if support, if my family is

15supporting me I can still feel that I am more satisfied with my academic
performance, 16maybe if they are here to support.

17Interviewer: (flipping of pages) uhm, do you think your performance in school

is 18good? Why?

19Participant: it is good, I can still balance my uhh, the things that I’m doing at
school 20especially to my activities uhh, there is a good outcome (ringtone
playing…then the 21participant says: wait just don’t turn it off) there is a good
outcome to my performance 22in uhh, in uhh, in making my grades.

23Interviewer: do you think you can surpass Senior High School without the help
of your 24family? Without.

25Participant: Yes.

26Interviewer: Why.

27Participant: Of course as a student if there is no help coming from your parents
you 28need to find ways to pass and also for you to finish Senior High School.

29Interviewer: How can you say that being independent to your family can affect
your 30studies? (the interviewer translated the question into bisaya)

31Participant: Independent broken uhh, what is it?

32Interviewer: okay so uhh, you’re independent to them right? How can it affects
you’re 33studies?

34Participant: hmmm……. Can you repeat it?

35Interviewer: how can you say that being independent to your family can affect
your 36studies? (the interviewer translated again the question into bisaya)

37Participant: how it can, how… can it affect?

38Interviewer: Yes, how can it affect.

39Participant: it can affect, especially if they are supporting me, there would be
the time 40when they can’t support me when uhm, it can really affect my studies
especially if 41there are projects that I need to buy and they can’t give it to me, it
can really affect 42my performance.

43Interviewer: Okay that’s all, thank you so much.


1Interviewer: how does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: hmm, financial.

3Interviewer: What else.

4Participant: and… moral support.

5Interviewer: how does your family support affects your academic performance?
(The 6interviewer translated the question into bisaya)

7Participant: uhm, there is a big effect because I am motivated to study because

there 8are parents to support me unlike to others that doesn’t have support
coming from their 9parents.

10Interviewer: uhm, are you satisfied for the support that they gave to you?

11Participant: Yes.

12Interviewer: how can you say?

13Participant: because they are giving me everything that I want to ask from
them. 14Financial and things.

15Interviewer: Next, do you think your performance in school is good?

16Participant: I don’t think so.

17Interviewer: Why?

18Participant: Because sometimes it is a little bit difficult here in HUMSS strand.

19Interviewer: Do you think you can surpass Senior High School without the help
of 20your family?

21Participant: No.

22Interviewer: Why?

23Participant: Because, there is no one that would support me, and if no one
would 24support me there would be no financial there is no support so it is hard
to be a 25working student.

26Interviewer: (flipping of pages) how can you say that being dependent to your
family 27can affect your studies?

28Participant: Pardon?

29Interviewer: How can you say that being dependent to your family can affect
your 30studies? How can it affect your studies?

31Participant: Can you repeat it again? I didn’t understand.

32Interviewer: How can you uhm, like you’re dependent to your parents, then
you’re, 33you’re you’re… you’re accepting their support how can you say that it
can affect to 34your studies?

35Participant: Uhh… it can affect because… because my mother know what can
help 36me, parents knows best. (chuckles) that’s it .

37Interviewer: Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.


1Interviewer: How does your family support you? In what way?

2Participant: Uhm, of course when there are requirements in school, they would,
they 3would budget the money for, we are 3 siblings so, me the Senior High I
have a big 4wage at school because the other one is already gradated so… like
in financial support 5they would hastily give it to me especially in PTA so that
they won’t have anything to 6worry about that there is something to pay for.

7Interviewer: what are the other way for them to help you.

8Participant: the uhm, is it uhm, maybe when they are talking to me just to
motivate me 9like that, in studying you must do it well and don’t waste it because
I know that this is 10also for me and my own good.

11Interviewer: number 2 how does your family support affects your academic
12performance? Are you satisfied?

13Participant: Uhm, I am satisfied in, in… my academic performance this time

because 14that’s it. They are supporting me fully and they don’t show negative
relationship to me 15so that’s it, it can really help.

16Interviewer: do you think your performance in school is good?

17Participant: uhm, yes, besides from having high grades I can say that it is good
18because I am active in school like that, in every activity in school.

19Interviewer: do you think you can surpass Senior High School without the help
of your 20family?

21Participant: for me maybe… for now no, because of course I am dependent to

them 22and I’ve never tried that summer job or something like that, on where to
get uhm… 23financial or money like that.

24Interviewer: Last, how can you say the being dependent to your family can
affect your 25studies?

26Participant: for being..

27Interviewer: dependent.

28Participant: (murmuring)……how can you say that being dependent? That’s it

the 29support that they gave to me that, like uhm, no it’s not like, because they
already 30know that I am dependent to them, so they also strive hard to uhm,
sustain our needs 31through financial and moral.

32Interviewer: Thank you, thank you so much ha? Thank you..

33Participant: Welcome.


1Interviewer: Good afternoon, ha. I’ll just ask question kuya ha?

2Participant: Okay.

3Interviewer: Number 1 how does your family support you? In what way?

4Participant: Uhm, they support me… in, in through the intercession of giving
5money if I needed it and also uhm, moral support they motivate me that I should
6study well because that is the only thing that, that… they give… or inheritance
7for me because they didn’t finished their studies.

8Interviewer: Thank you, how does your family support affects your academic

10Participant: Uhm… it is a big impact to my academic performance because…

I’ts like 11I am more inspired because of their, their… if without them it was more
like… I 12wouldn’t be right here and then if in case that is my only way to you
know, for giving 13back all their things that they have given to me.

14Interviewer: Are you satisfied ya?

15Participant: Ahm, it was before, before I had… when my first attempt to study
and I 16stopped. Like it was the first time I didn’t felt satisfied like it was you
know, I can’t also 17blame because uhm… when we have financial problem
when my older brother got 18married so… but right now I am satisfied
because…. right now in everything that I’ve 19wanted to ask from them they,
they would give just it to me.

20Interviewer: Number 3 ya, do you think your performance in school is good?


21Participant: I think… uhm, my performance here in school is…. Uhm good

because it 22is based on my grades and I have high grades then in both…. Uhh
academic and in 23uhm, in my extra… in my extra-curricular.

24Interviewer: Do you think you can surpass Senior High School without the help
of 25your family?

26Participant: Uhm… I think I can do it but you would also face difficulties without
your 27family because… it was like for example, if you’re just a kid you wouldn’t
know on 28what is really the thing you must do without their guidance, so…
partly I would be 2950/50 in that case because I’ve never tried that… never tried
to experience you know, 30without my family by my side, so… I can’t say but… I

my uhm… I feel like I can do it 31because…. it was like you know, I have lot…
lots of jobs that I’ve tried so it is enough 32but you would also face difficulties.

33Interviewer: Thank you… last ya, how can you say that being independent can
affect 34your studies?

35Participant: …….Uhm, it can really affect because it is… like you know… it
would 36easy for you to study because you know…. It would lessen your…. your
problems 37because instead of thinking on how to find money for yourself but
you know… your 38family can already sustain that for you to study and go to

39Interviewer: Okay, thank you so much Yah ha? Thank you.

Appendix H

Significant Statements

How does your family support you? In what way?

Significant Statements Transcript No. Page No. Line No.

“My family (cleared throat) My

family supports me uhh… using
financial uhh financial because
they… they give my.. the finance A 1 1-3
for the payments here at school
and they also give money and
also the moral support they also
supported me for that.”
“Is it okay to… Uhm they uhh…
they only support me… uhm
when I say that, uhm… uhh the…
to just study well that’s it. They B 2 2-5
don’t uhh you know the… I’ve
never tried to teach by my
parents about moral all my life,
that you know in my school.”
“Support me… is it not only for
Educational churvaness like you
know. If it’s educational or
academic purposes, you know for
example if I have projects I… ask
them for money to provide those
projects. If it’s about my health of C 4 4-8
course because I have asthma I
have a very weak immune
system so… so for example if I
have a terrible cough or if they
know that there is something
wrong with my breathing uhh…
I’ll ask hem for medicine to feel
“uhm for me, in school they
support me financially moral if
ever, uhm moral support if ever I D 6 2-4
need a motivation you know
motivation or inspiration for to
continue my study yes that’s it.”
“Is it okay to? Uhh uhm, they only

support if I don’t have… if I don’t E 7 4-5
have something and then in…
PTA, and for me in my allowance
I don’t have problem because I
work for it. Yes I am a working
student, just every Saturday and
Sunday. For allowance only.”

“Through… uhm through financial

and… you know on how they F 9 2-3
take care of me and to our
studies, they give us financial.”
“Uhh maam, can I do it in
Ahh, yes okay. What is it again? G 10 1-5
it’s like I am not really into them, I
am the only one who’s supporting
“hmm, financial and… moral
support.” H 12 2-4
“Uhm, of course when there are
requirements in school, they
would, they would budget the
money for, we are 3 siblings so,
me the Senior High I have a big
wage at school because the
other one is already graduated
so… like in financial support they
would hastily give it to me I 14 2-9
especially in PTA so that they
won’t have anything to worry
about that there is something to
pay for. The uhm, is it uhm,
maybe when they are talking to
me just to motivate me like that,
in studying you must do it well
and don’t waste it because I
know that this is also for me and
my own good.”
“Uhm, they support me… in, in
through the intercession of giving
money if I needed it and also
uhm, moral support they motivate J 16 4-7
me that I should study well
because that is the only thing
that, that… they give… or

inheritance for me because they
didn’t finished their studies.”

Significant Statements

How does your family support affects your academic performance? Are you

Significant Statements Transcript No. Page No. Line No.

“Uhh.. I am satisfied for the support
my family gave me. It is also
because sometimes I know that…
whatever happens to me here their
back is always with me,
their…my… it’s like.. like…they are A 1 6-10
always at my back you know to
support, to guide me sometimes
you know so… sometimes our…I
have you know inspiration to them
that, I have to study well so that…
so that I could help them someday.”
“Uhm the… it’s okay with me for…
the academics you know the you
know… uhh… I am persistent to B 2 12-13
study to show them that… I can do
this even if they are not here by
“Family supports for what te? For
uhm, academic performance. Only
support? Not through uhm, financial
or what? Urr am I satisfied? No. It C 4 15, 17-18
is because uh, they are not uh…
they don’t know how to appreciate
“Uhm “How” for the first question
like uhm, I have been you know
been, uhm… you know I am more
motivated and, to study because
they are always there to guide me
at my back and I’ m satisfied for D 6 7-11
their support because they uhm, for
my study like now, uhm that, to my
experiences it’s like you know, they
are the reason that uhm, I… they
are here to support me, yeah.”
“uhm there is no, there is no uhm
okay… my mom also help, they
help when there is a big need and if E 7 10, 13
for small things I can already

sustain that. Yes, it’s just okay.”
“Uhm, it can affect my performance
in academic through my grades F 9 6-8, 10
because they also help me so… I
would also help them too to lift up
their… it’s like giving back like I
would give back their… efforts that
they’ve done to me. Yes.”
“It can, it can affect me big time
because if support, if my family is
supporting me I can still feel that I
am more satisfied with my G 10 14-16
academic performance, maybe if
they are here to support.”
“uhm, there is a big effect because
I am motivated to study because
there are parents to support me H 12 7-9, 11
unlike to others that doesn’t have
support coming from their parents.
“Uhm, I am satisfied in, in… my
academic performance this time
because that’s it. They are
supporting me fully and they don’t I 14 13-15
show negative relationship to me
so that’s it, it can really help.”
“Uhm… it is a big impact to my
academic performance because…
I’ts like I am more inspired because
of their, their… if without them it
was more like… I wouldn’t be right
here and then if in case that is my
only way to you know, for giving
back all their things that they have
given to me. Ahm, it was before, 10-13
before I had… when my first J 16 18-19
attempt to study and I stopped. Like
it was the first time I didn’t felt
satisfied like it was you know, I
can’t also blame because uhm…
when we have financial problem
when my older brother got married
so… but right now I am satisfied
because…. right now in everything
that I’ve wanted to ask from them
they, they would give just it to me.”

Significant Statements

Do you think your performance in school is good? Why?

Significant Statements Transcript No. Page No. Line No.

“Uhh yes, I can definitely say that

it’s yes because… uhhh… I have
been uhh… consistent achiever A 1 12-13
since grade 7 until now.”
“Uhm… I can say that it is good
because uhm… I’ve never tried to
failed and I’m also thankful to God B 2 15-16
because… uhm because… I’m
always belong to honors.”
“No because I didn’t uh, I didn’t
meet my parents standard.” C 4 22
“For me… yes? It’s good or charot it
is more good so no, (giggles) uhm,
for uhm… my achievements like or
became with honors and uhm, like D 6 13-15
now became President in SSG and
from others uhm… from my other
joined competitions.”
“Uhh, I have a good performance
because I have a passing grades
and doesn’t have failing grades and E 7 15-16
then I am still belong to honor…
“Yes, because… uhh because, they
are giving me their support so in that
support is the one that became my F 9 12, 14-16
motivation for, for mine, my gra- for
for me to get high grades.”
“it is good, I can still balance my
uhh, the things that I’m doing at
school especially to my activities
uhh, there is a good outcome
(ringtone playing…then the G 10 19-22
participant says: wait just don’t turn
it off) there is a good outcome to my
performance in uhh, in uhh, in
making my grades.”
“I don’t think so, because
sometimes it is a little bit difficult H 12 16

here in HUMSS strand.”
“uhm, yes, besides from having high
grades I can say that it is good
because I am active in school like I 14 17-18
that, in every activity in school.”
“I think… uhm, my performance
here in school is…. Uhm good
because it is based on my grades
and I have high grades then in J 16 21-23
both…. Uhh academic and in uhm,
in my extra… in my extra-curricular.”

Significant Statements

Do you think you can surpass Senior High School without the help of your

Significant Statements Transcript Page No. Line No.

“Uhh… for now I can’t say that
because, I’m totat, totally dependent
to my family and uhh… I’d I don’t A 1 16-17
know maybe I will try someday but
not, not and not for now.”
“Yes because I believe that uhm…I
can do this even uhm even though
they are not… because it’s uhm… I B 2 19-20
can still provide my needs in every
day that’s it.”
“No, no because of course I, for
example it is already Senior High
and it is also a school so I really
need my parents financial support C 4 25-28
so… if without them, uhm if without
them I don’t have someone to ask
for and then I don’t have work even
though I’m already 18.”
“I think no, because… uhm, uh
especially if I’m already in grade 12
because or uh many… uhm, stru uh,
challenges to uhm, you know like
what I observe to all uh, in you ate’s D 6 18-21
and kuya’s uhm, maybe if without
them I can’t continue or achieved
my becoming successful if I would
uhm, in Senior High.”
“Maybe… but there are also times
when there is a big, the needs that’s
it because maybe I am not capable E 7 19-20
to support it anymore.”
“No, because, if without them where
would I get the financial support that
I need from them? So that’s it….
that’s why it is not like I need them F 9 19
for me to have a family or someone 21-23
that would help me.”
“Yes. Of course as a student if there
is no help coming from your parents

you need to find ways to pass and G 10 25
also for you to finish Senior High 27-28
“No, because, there is no one that
would support me, and if no one
would support me there would be no H 12 21
financial there is no support so it is 23-25
hard to be a working student.”
“for me maybe… for now no,
because of course I am dependent
to them and I’ve never tried that I 14 21-23
summer job or something like that,
on where to get uhm… financial or
money like that.”
“Uhm… I think I can do it but you
would also face difficulties without
your family because… it was like for
example, if you’re just a kid you
wouldn’t know on what is really the
thing you must do without their
guidance, so… partly I would be J 16 26-32
50/50 in that case because I’ve
never tried that… never tried to
experience you know, without my
family by my side, so… I can’t say
but… I my uhm… I feel like I can do
it because…. it was like you know, I
have lot… lots of jobs that I’ve tried
so it is enough but you would also
face difficulties.”

Significant Statements

How can you say that being dependent to your family can affect your studies?

Significant Statements Transcript No. Page Line No.

“Uhh… It can’t say be that when your
family is in your… uhh.. when it is there
to support you and your dependent to
them uhh… it’s a great it’s a great
uhh… effe has a great effect in…yours A 1 21-23
in your school in your studies because
uhh… they will help you through your
journey as uhh… student of… this
“I can say that it can affect my studies
because uhm… it became my
motivation to… finish my study and B 3 26-27
that’s not it but also to become a
“My dependent to my family is, in
studying it is like…you need to satisfy
your parents first, so the effect in your
academic performance is, it’s like your C 5 31-34
already pressured, if your pressured
your stressed, and if you’re stressed
you can’t make the things that you want
to do at school.”
“Uhm, maybe if becoming you know to
them, if they are there, they would be
guiding you or guide you if ever there
are problems in schools so the need to
uhm, you know that you would uhm to D 6 24-28
them is about the support as family,
because of course moral support the
most thing that we need as a student to
gain from them and the financial.”
“If they support me it would uhm, it
would you know, I would became uhm,
became… you know strong because E 8 34-36
they also help me, and I can handle my
studies which I can pursue.”
“Uhm, it can affect me totally through
my grades.” F 9 26
“it can affect, especially if they are

supporting me, there would be the time G 11 39-42
when they can’t support me when uhm,
it can really affect my studies especially
if there are projects that I need to buy
and they can’t give it to me, it can really
affect my performance.”
“Uhh… it can affect because… because
my mother know what can help me, H 13 35-36
parents knows best. (chuckles) that’s it
“(murmuring)……how can you say that
being dependent? That’s it the support
that they gave to me that, like uhm, no
it’s not like, because they already know I 15 29-31
that I am dependent to them, so they
also strive hard to uhm, sustain our
needs through financial and moral.”
“Uhm, it can really affect because it is…
like you know… it would easy for you to
study because you know…. It would
lessen your…. your problems because J 17 35-38
instead of thinking on how to find
money for yourself but you know… your
family can already sustain that for you
to study and go to school.”

Appendix I

The Process of Creating Formulated Meanings from Significant Statements

Significant Statements Formulated Meanings

“My family (cleared throat) My family Financial and Moral Support

supports me uhh… using financial uhh
financial because they… they give my..
the finance for the payments here at
school and they also give money and
also the moral support they also
supported me for that.” (Transcript A,
page 1, lines 1-3)
“Support me… is it not only for
Educational churvaness like you know.
If it’s educational or academic
purposes, you know for example if I
have projects I… ask them for money to
provide those projects. If it’s about my
health of course because I have asthma
I have a very weak immune system
so… so for example if I have a terrible
cough or if they know that there is
something wrong with my breathing
uhh… I’ll ask hem for medicine to feel
relieve.” (Transcript C, page 4, lines 4-
“uhm for me, in school they support me
financially moral if ever, uhm moral
support if ever I need a motivation you
know motivation or inspiration for to
continue my study yes that’s it.”
(Transcript D, page 6, lines 2-4)
“Is it okay to? Uhh uhm, they only
support if I don’t have… if I don’t have
something and then in… PTA, and for
me in my allowance I don’t have
problem because I work for it. Yes I am
a working student, just every Saturday
and Sunday. For allowance only.”
(Transcript E, page 8, lines 4-5)
“Through… uhm through financial
and… you know on how they take care
of me and to our studies, they give us

financial.” (Transcript F, page 10, lines
“hmm, financial and… moral support.”
(Transcript H, page 13, lines 2-4)
“Uhm, of course when there are
requirements in school, they would,
they would budget the money for, we
are 3 siblings so, me the Senior High I
have a big wage at school because the
other one is already graduated so… like
in financial support they would hastily
give it to me especially in PTA so that
they won’t have anything to worry about
that there is something to pay for. The
uhm, is it uhm, maybe when they are
talking to me just to motivate me like
that, in studying you must do it well and
don’t waste it because I know that this
is also for me and my own good.”
(Transcript I, page 15, lines 2-9)
“Uhm, they support me… in, in through
the intercession of giving money if I
needed it and also uhm, moral support
they motivate me that I should study
well because that is the only thing that,
that… they give… or inheritance for me
because they didn’t finished their
studies.” (Transcript J, page 17, lines 4-
“Is it okay to… Uhm they uhh… they Self-Supporting
only support me… uhm when I say that,
uhm… uhh the… to just study well
that’s it. They don’t uhh you know the…
I’ve never tried to teach by my parents
about moral all my life, that you know in
my school.” (Transcript B, page 2, lines
“Uhh maam, can I do it in Tagalog?
Ahh, yes okay. What is it again? it’s like
I am not really into them, I am the only
one who’s supporting myself.”
(Transcript G, page 11, lines 1-5)
“Uhh, I am satisfied for the support my Gained Academic Excellences towards
family gave me. It is also because the Satisfaction of Family Support
sometimes I know that… whatever
happens to me here their back is

always with me, their, my, it’s like,
like…they are always at my back you
know to support, to guide me
sometimes you know so, sometimes
our I have you know inspiration to them
that, I have to study well so that, so that
I could help them someday.” (Transcript
A, page 1, lines 6-10)
“Uhm “How” for the first question like
uhm, I have been you know been,
uhm… you know I am more motivated
and, to study because they are always
there to guide me at my back and I’ m
satisfied for their support because they
uhm, for my study like now, uhm that, to
my experiences it’s like you know, they
are the reason that uhm, I… they are
here to support me, yeah.” (Transcript
D, page 6, lines 7-11)
“uhm there is no, there is no uhm
okay… my mom also help, they help
when there is a big need and if for small
things I can already sustain that. Yes,
it’s just okay.” (Transcript E, page 8,
lnes 10;13)
“Uhm, it can affect my performance in
academic through my grades because
they also help me so… I would also
help them too to lift up their… it’s like
giving back like I would give back
their… efforts that they’ve done to me.
Yes I am satisfied.” (Transcript F, page
10, 6-8;10)
“It can, it can affect me big time
because if support, if my family is
supporting me I can still feel that I am
more satisfied with my academic
performance, maybe if they are here to
support.” (Transcript G, page 11, lines
“uhm, there is a big effect because I am
motivated to study because there are
parents to support me unlike to others
that doesn’t have support coming from
their parents. Yes.” (Transcript H, page
13, lines 7-9;11)

“Uhm, I am satisfied in, in… my
academic performance this time
because that’s it. They are supporting
me fully and they don’t show negative
relationship to me so that’s it, it can
really help.” (Transcript I, page 15, lines
“Uhm… it is a big impact to my
academic performance because… I’ts
like I am more inspired because of their,
their… if without them it was more
like… I wouldn’t be right here and then
if in case that is my only way to you
know, for giving back all their things that
they have given to me. Ahm, it was
before, before I had… when my first
attempt to study and I stopped. Like it
was the first time I didn’t felt satisfied
like it was you know, I can’t also blame
because uhm… when we have financial
problem when my older brother got
married so… but right now I am
satisfied because…. right now in
everything that I’ve wanted to ask from
them they, they would just give it to
me.” (Transcript J, page 17, lines 10-
“Uhm the… it’s okay with me for… the Gained Disregard Exertions to Parents
academics you know the you know… towards Academic Performance.
uhh… I am persistent to study to show
them that… I can do this even if they
are not here by side.” (Transcript B,
page 2, lines 12-13)
“Family supports for what te? For uhm,
academic performance. Only support?
Not through uhm, financial or what? Urr
am I satisfied? No. It is because uh,
they are not uh… they don’t know how
to appreciate efforts.” (Transcript C,
page 4, lines 15;17-18)
“Uhh yes, I can definitely say that it’s Academic Excellence
yes because… uhhh… I have been
uhh… consistent achiever since grade
7 until now.” (Transcript A, page 1, lines
“Uhm… I can say that it is good

because uhm… I’ve never tried to failed
and I’m also thankful to God because…
uhm because… I’m always belong to
honors.” (Transcript B, page 2, lines 15-
“For me… yes? It’s good or charot it is
more good so no, (giggles) uhm, for
uhm… my achievements like or
became with honors and uhm, like now
became President in SSG and from
others uhm… from my other joined
competitions.” (Transcript D, page 6,
lines 13-15)
“Uhh, I have a good performance
because I have a passing grades and
doesn’t have failing grades and then I
am still belong to honor… student.”
(Transcript E, page 8, lines 15-16)
“Yes, because… uhh because, they are
giving me their support so in that
support is the one that became my
motivation for, for mine, my gra- for for
me to get high grades.” (Transcript F,
page 10, lines 12;14-16)
“it is good, I can still balance my uhh,
the things that I’m doing at school
especially to my activities uhh, there is
a good outcome (ringtone
playing…then the participant says: wait
just don’t turn it off) there is a good
outcome to my performance in uhh, in
uhh, in making my grades.” (transcript
G, page 11, lines 19-22)
“uhm, yes, besides from having high
grades I can say that it is good because
I am active in school like that, in every
activity in school.” (Transcript I, page
15, lines 17-18)
“I think… uhm, my performance here in
school is…. Uhm good because it is
based on my grades and I have high
grades then in both…. Uhh academic
and in uhm, in my extra… in my extra-
curricular.” (Transcript J, page 17, lines
“No because I didn’t uh, I didn’t meet Difficulties towards Academic

my parents standard.” (Transcript C, Standards
page 4, line 22)
“I don’t think so, because sometimes it
is a little bit difficult here in HUMSS
strand.” (Transcript H, page 13, line 16)
“Yes because I believe that uhm…I can Faith to Self-Perseverance
do this even uhm even though they are
not… because it’s uhm… I can still
provide my needs in every day that’s it.”
(Transcript B, page 2, lines 19-20)
“Yes. Of course as a student if there is
no help coming from your parents you
need to find ways to pass and also for
you to finish Senior High School.”
(Transcript G, page 11, lines 25;27-28)
“Uhm… I think I can do it but you would
also face difficulties without your family
because… it was like for example, if
you’re just a kid you wouldn’t know on
what is really the thing you must do
without their guidance, so… partly I
would be 50/50 in that case because
I’ve never tried that… never tried to
experience you know, without my family
by my side, so… I can’t say but… I my
uhm… I feel like I can do it because….
it was like you know, I have lot… lots of
jobs that I’ve tried so it is enough but
you would also face difficulties.”
(Transcript J, page 17, lines 26-32)
“Uhh… for now I can’t say that Factors that Affects in Surpassing
because, I’m totat, totally dependent to Senior High School
my family and uhh… I’d I don’t know
maybe I will try someday but not, not
and not for now.” (Transcript A, page 1,
lines 16-17)
“No, no because of course I, for
example it is already Senior High and it
is also a school so I really need my
parents financial support so… if without
them, uhm if without them I don’t have
someone to ask for and then I don’t
have work even though I’m already 18.”
(Transcript C, page 4, lines 25-28)
“I think no, because… uhm, uh
especially if I’m already in grade 12

because or uh many… uhm, stru uh,
challenges to uhm, you know like what I
observe to all uh, in you ate’s and
kuya’s uhm, maybe if without them I
can’t continue or achieved my
becoming successful if I would uhm, in
Senior High.” (Transcript D, page 6, 18-
“No, because, if without them where
would I get the financial support that I
need from them? So that’s it…. that
why it is not like I need them for me to
have a family or someone that would
help me.” (Transcript F, page 10, lines
“No, because, there is no one that
would support me, and if no one would
support me there would be no financial
there is no support so it is hard to be a
working student.” (Transcript H, page
13, lines 21;23-15)
“for me maybe… for now no, because
of course I am dependent to them and
I’ve never tried that summer job or
something like that, on where to get
uhm… financial or money like that.”
(Transcript I, page 15, lines 21-23)
“Uhh… It can’t say be that when your Dependency Status Gained Family
family is in your… uhh.. when it is there Support
to support you and your dependent to
them uhh… it’s a great it’s a great
uhh… effe has a great effect in…yours
in your school in your studies because
uhh… they will help you through your
journey as uhh… student of… this
country.” (Transcript A, page 1, 21-23)
“I can say that it can affect my studies
because uhm… it became my
motivation to… finish my study and
that’s not it but also to become a
professional.” (Transcript B, page 3,
lines 26-27)
“Uhm, maybe if becoming you know to
them, if they are there, they would be
guiding you or guide you if ever there
are problems in schools so the need to

uhm, you know that you would uhm to
them is about the support as family,
because of course moral support the
most thing that we need as a student to
gain from them and the financial.”
(Transcript D, page 6, lines 24-28)
“If they support me it would uhm, it
would you know, I would became uhm,
became… you know strong because
they also help me, and I can handle my
studies which I can pursue.” (Transcript
E, page 8, lines 35-36)
“Uhm, it can affect me totally through
my grades.” (Transcript F, page 9, line
“it can affect, especially if they are
supporting me, there would be the time
when they can’t support me when uhm,
it can really affect my studies especially
if there are projects that I need to buy
and they can’t give it to me, it can really
affect my performance.” (Transcript G,
page 11, lines 39-42)
“Uhh… it can affect because… because
my mother know what can help me,
parents knows best. (chuckles) that’s it
.” (Transcript H, page 13, lines 35-36)

“(murmuring)……how can you say that

being dependent? That’s it the support
that they gave to me that, like uhm, no
it’s not like, because they already know
that I am dependent to them, so they
also strive hard to uhm, sustain our
needs through financial and moral.”
(Transcript I, page 14, lines 29-31)
“Uhm, it can really affect because it is…
like you know… it would easy for you to
study because you know…. It would
lessen your…. your problems because
instead of thinking on how to find
money for yourself but you know… your
family can already sustain that for you
to study and go to school.” (Transcript
J, page 17, lines 35-38)
“My dependent to my family is, in Gained Pressured towards Family

studying it is like…you need to satisfy Support
your parents first, so the effect in your
academic performance is, it’s like your
already pressured, if your pressured
your stressed, and if you’re stressed
you can’t make the things that you want
to do at school.” (Transcript C, page 5,
lines 31-35)

Appendix J

Formulated Meanings, Theme Clusters and Emergent Themes

Formulated Meanings Theme Clusters Emergent Themes

 Financial and  Factors that able  Struggles in
moral support students to surpassing Senior
 Self-supporting surpass Senior High School
High School
 Gained academic  Senior High
excellences School students
towards the gained challenges
satisfaction of in academic
family support excellence towards
 Gained disregard the satisfaction of
exertions to family support
parents towards
 Academic  Academic  Struggles in
excellence performance level achieving
 Difficulties towards difficulties in academic
academic achieving performance level
performance standards standards
 Faith to self-  Challenges in  Factors in gaining
perseverance surpassing Senior family support
High School through academic

Appendix K




NAME: Reina Mae B. Fajardo

AGE: 17 years old

ADDRESS: Prk 6, New Society Apopong General Santos City

DATE OF BIRTH: January 20, 2001

PLACE OF BIRTH: General Santos City


ELEMENTARY: New Society Central Elementary School

SECONDARY: New Society National High School



NAME: Metchyla Jana P. Jordan

AGE: 18 years old

ADDRESS: Prk 4, Sto. Niño Apopong General Santos City

DATE OF BIRTH: May 19, 2000

PLACE OF BIRTH: General Santos City


ELEMENTARY: New Society Central Elementary School

SECONDARY: New Society National High School



NAME: Louie Jay J. Bantal

AGE: 18 years old

ADDRESS: Prk. Paopao, Sinawal General Santos City

DATE OF BIRTH: January 25, 2000

PLACE OF BIRTH: General Santos City


ELEMENTARY: Paopao Elementary School

SECONDARY: New Society National High School



NAME: Jonathan Y. Ranario

AGE: 19 years old

ADDRESS: Prk 7, New Society Apopong General Santos City

DATE OF BIRTH: May 29, 1999

PLACE OF BIRTH: General Santos City


ELEMENTARY: New Society Central Elementary School

SECONDARY: New Society National High School



NAME: Maria Lourdes I. Pastor

AGE: 17 years old

ADDRESS: Prk 4, New Society Apopong General Santos City

DATE OF BIRTH: December 19,2000

PLACE OF BIRTH: General Santos City


ELEMENTARY: New Society Central Elementary School

SECONDARY: New Society National High School


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