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The Zero Conditional:

The zero conditional is used:

a) For instructions:

 If you select reverse gear, the car goes backwards.

 If the camera is on, a red light appears.
 If you press the button, the machine switches off.

b) For general truths:

 If he's got no money, he doesn't go out.

 Lie always says hello if he sees you.
 Each time I stay out late, I get a taxi home.
 If you go in the best seats, You get a free drink

IF condition result
present simple present simple

If you heat ice, it melts.

If I stay out late, I always get a taxi home.

We can also use the past simple in the two clauses:

If I stayed out late, I always got a taxi home.

First conditional

I think I left my lighter at your house. Have

you seen it?

No, but I’ll look. If I find it, I’ll give

it to you.

In this example there is a real possibility that Tom will find the lighter. He is talking about
the future. He is thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result
of this condition. So he says: “If I find…, I’ll…”

We use the first conditional to talk about actions or

events in the future which are likely to happen or have
a real possibility of happening.

For example, it is morning. You are at home. You plan to play tennis this afternoon. But there
are some clouds in the sky. Imagine that it rains. What will you do?

IF condition result
present simple WILL + base verb

If it rains I will stay at home.

More Examples:

 If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

(I think there is a real possibility of rain tomorrow. In this condition, I will stay at home)
 If my father doesn't buy me a bike for my birthday, I will be very unhappy.
(I think there is a real possibility that my father won't buy me a bike. In this condition, I
will be unhappy)

 If it rains this weekend, I'll stay at home
 If it's sunny this weekend, I'll go to the beach
 If I have a party, will you come?
 If we invite her, will she come?
 If I'm sick, will you look after me?
 If we eat out tonight, where will we go?
 If you cook tonight, what will you make?
 If you have a party, we'll come
 If they do that again, I’ll be really angry!
 If you drop it, it'll break.
 If you come at ten, we'll be ready.
 If you phone me, I'll pick you up at the park.

 We can use other modal verbs in place of will.

 If it is sunny tomorrow, I might go to the beach.

(Going to the beach is only a possibility)
 If you come early, you can see my mother before she leaves.
(It is possible for you to see my mother)

Second conditional

If my parents were alive, they would be very proud

of me now.

The condition cannot be fulfilled because his parents are not alive.

To talk about a present situation which is impossible: a

hypothetical situation, we use the Second Conditional.

IF condition result
Past simple Would + base verb

If I married Mary, I would be happy.

More Examples:

 "If I were rich, I would travel around the world." (UNREAL: I’m not rich.)
 If she changed her job, she would be much happier.
(The speaker is talking about a future event that is unlikely to happen.)
 "If I were President, I would give everyone free health care." (Obviously UNREAL: I’m not
 "If I were you, I would study hard." (Obviously UNREAL: I’m not you.)
 "If Napoleon were alive today, he would be fighting a war." (UNREAL: Napoleon is
 "If my brother were here, he would buy me a beer." (UNREAL: My brother is in Costa
 What would you do if you won a million dollars?
 If we didn’t go to their party next week, they would be very angry.
 Ann wouldn’t lend me any money if I asked her.
 If I were you, I'd change my job.
 If John were here, he wouldn't be very happy.

In the Present Unreal Conditional, the form "was" is not considered grammatically
correct. In written English or in testing situations, you should always use "were."
However, in everyday conversation, "was" is often used.


 If he were French, he would live in Paris.

 If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.
 I would play basketball if I were taller.
 I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
 I would buy that computer if it was cheaper. Not Correct (BUT OFTEN SAID IN

Third conditional

If I had worked harder, I would have

passed the exam.

He didn’t work harder and he didn’t pass his exams. It is an unfulfilled

condition in the past.

We use the third conditional to talk about something in the past

that did not happen

IF condition result
Past Perfect Would have+ past participle

If I had worked, I would have passed the exam.

The third conditional is also like a dream, but with no possibility of the dream coming true.


 If I had worked harder I would have passed the exam. (but I didn't work hard, and I didn't pass
the exam).
 If I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a cake. (but I didn't know, and I haven't baked a
 If I had known you were in the hospital, I would have gone to see you. (but she didn’t know).
 Jack would have cut the grass if he had had time. (past)
(He didn't have time.)
 I didn’t see you when you passed me on the street. If I’d seen you, of course I would have said
hello. (but I didn’t see you)
 I didn’t go out last night. I would have gone out if I hadn’t been so tired. (but I was tired)
 If I had left home sooner, I wouldn't have been late for the party.
(past action and past consequence)

 I would have bought you a present if I'd known it was your birthday.

 If they'd had a better goalkeeper they wouldn't have lost the game.
 If you had told me you were on the Internet, I'd have sent you an e-mail.
 Would you have bought an elephant if you'd known how much they eat?

 In conditional sentences, the conditional clause can be the first or second clause in the
sentence, although it is more often the first clause. When the conditional clause comes first, it is
followed by a comma. When it comes second, there is no comma.


If I see her, I will tell her.

I will tell her if I see her.

If they had not passed their exam, their teacher would have been sad.
Their teacher would have been sad if they had not passed their exam.

Conditionals can also be introduces by the following conjunctions:

 Even if
 If only
 As long as

The following sentences are first, second or third conditional. Put the verbs
in brackets into the appropriate form.

1. We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it had been (be) a nice
day, we would have gone (go) for a picnic.

2. Why don’t you explain everything to him? If you ……………………….(not tell) him the truth, I’m sure
you ……………………………. (regret) it one day.
3. Jennifer was here not long ago. If you ………………………. (come round) earlier, you ……………….
(see) her.
4. Apparently, the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town. If that
…………………(happen) the town…………………. (lose) a great deal of money.
5. I ………………………….. (help) you with it if I ……………………………. (have) more time but I’m afraid I
haven’t got any spare time at all at the moment.
6. The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it ……………………………(lose), the
Prime Minister……………………….. (resign) from politics.
7. I am so glad that you took me to your friend’s party. If we …………………. (not go) there, I
……………………. (never meet) Adrian.
8. It’s ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares ………………… (be) cheaper, I’m sure more
people ………………………. (use) the train and leave their cars at home.
9. If she …………………… (get) that job she’s applied for, she …………………… (be) delighted. And I think
she’s got a good chance of getting it.

10. Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It ………………………
(be) disaster if it ………………… (happen) in the middle of the day.

11. The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they …………………… (break down)
again, it is possible that there …………………… (be) a war between the two countries.

12. If Alison ………………………..
(know) anything about car
mechanics, I’m sure she
…………… (help) us fix the car,
but I think she knows even less
than we do.

13. They’ve been married for twenty years now but I don’t think she ……… (marry) him if she ………….
(know) what a selfish man he was.
14. Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I’m sure they
……………. (be) happier if they …………. (spend) more time playing outside.
15. Jamie has everything he wants but he’s always moaning. I’m sure that if I ……… (have) so much
money, I ………… (not moan) all the time.

Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the future simple.

1. If the train's late, we (walk).

if the train's late, well walk.

2. She (call) you if she (have) time.

She'll call you If she has time.

3. If it costs too much, I______(buy) a smaller one.

4. If the doctor can't see me, I_________(go) somewhere else.
5. If the class_____(be) full, we_______(find) another one.
6. What will we do if the taxi_______(not come)?
7. Will you phone me if there______(be) any problems?
8. I_____(ask) Peter if I______(see) him tomorrow.
9. I_____(go) next week, if 1____(can) get a train ticket.
10. If I_____(have) to, I______(complain) to the manager.
11. If he____(see) me here, he_____(be) really angry.
12. Mary_______(be) worried if you don't come to the
13. If it____(snow) this winter, we______(go) skiing.
14. I______(lend) them some money if they_____(ask) me.

15. If you______(visit) Oxford, you______(see) some interesting old buildings.

Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you drove more carefully, you______(not have) so many accidents.

If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents.

2. If he_______(get up) earlier, he'd get to work on time.

If he got up earlier, he'd get to work on time.

3. If we_____(have) more time, I could tell you more about it.

4. If you___(sell) more products, you'd earn more money.
5. I could help you if you______(trust) me more.
6. His car would be a lot safer if he_____(buy) some new tires.
7. The children would be better swimmers if they_______(go) swimming more frequently.
8. I wouldn't mind having children if we_______(live) in the country.
9. If I______(be) you, I wouldn't worry about going to university.
10. If I_______(have) any money, I'd give you some.
11. Your parents_____(be) a lot happier if you phoned them more often.
12. Where would you like to live if you_______(not live) in Paris?
13. What would you do if you suddenly______(win) half a million pounds?
14. Would you mind if I______(not give) you the money I owe you today?
15. If I had to go to hospital,________(not go) to this one.

Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. Water (freeze) if the temperature falls below zero.

Water freezes if the temperature falls below zero,

2. If he's angry, his face always______(go) bright red.

3. If you put your money in a savings account, you_____(get) ten per cent interest.
4. If the microphone isn't working, you________(can not) hear what he's saying.
5. 5 The radio______(not work) if the batteries are flat.

6. 6 If there_______(be) only a few students, we usually close one of the classes.
7. 7 The machine______(not work) if it doesn't have enough oil.
8. 8 If a balloon is filled with hot air, it______(rise).
9. If water_____(boil), it changes into steam.
10. 10 The machine stops automatically if something_______(go) wrong.

Are the sentences below correct or not?

If I would have gone to London, I had seen Alex. X___

1. If I’m sleepy, I drink a cup of coffee. ___

2. If I could drive, I could get a better job. ___
3. We’ll go and see Max and Chris if we’ll be in Berlin. __
4. If he’s from Switzerland, he probably understands French. __
5. If we left early tomorrow morning, we would arrive before 12:00. __
6. You can’t come in here unless you don’t have a ticket. __
7. If he would work harder, he passed his exam. __
8. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. __
9. If you didn’t help me, I would have been in trouble. __

Make sentences with IF.

I’m afraid the bus will be late.

=>get to work late again. If the bus is lat, I’ll get to work late again.
=>lose my job. If I get work late again, I’ll lose my job.

1. Not find another job. _______________________________________________

2. Lose my flat. ______________________________________________________
3. Move back to my parents’ house. _____________________________________
4. Get very bored. ____________________________________________________

5. Go swimming every day. ____________________________________________
6. Look very good. ___________________________________________________
7. Meet interesting people. ___________________________________________
8. Go to lots of parties. _______________________________________________
9. Have a wonderful time. _____________________________________________

Complete each sentence with the correct forms of the correct verbs.

1. I ………. A car if I ………… enough money. (have, buy)

2. If I ……… you to marry me, what …… you ……..? (say, ask)
3. Alex ……… his work on time if he …………. So much. (finish, not talk)
4. I …………. Chinese if I …………. More time. (have, study)
5. If the programs ……… better, I ……more TV. (be, watch)
6. This ………. A nice country if it ……………. So much. (not, rain)
7. I ……….. Carla better if she ………. About herself all the time. (not talk. Like)

Questionnaire: What would you do if…?

Write sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. If you heard a strange noise in your house in the night, would you:
a. Go and look? B. phone the police? C. hide under the bedclothes?
If I heard a strange noise in my house in the night, I would ………………………………………….

2. If you found a lot of money on the street, would you:

a. Keep it? B. try to find the person who had lost it? C. take it to the police?
3. If you saw a child stealing from a shop, would you:
a. Tell the child to stop? B. tell a shop assistant? C. do nothing?
4. If a shop assistant gave you too much change, would you:
a. Tell him/her? B. take the money and say nothing?
5. If you found a dead mouse in your kitchen, would you:

a. Throw it out? B. ask somebody to throw it out? C. run?
6. If you found a suitcase on the pavement outside a bank, would you:
a. Take it into the bank? B. take it to the police? C. take it home? D. leave it?


7. If you found a friend’s diary, would you:

a. Read it? B. give it to him/her without reading it?

Choose the best way to continue the sentences.

1. I’m going to get up early tomorrow. If I have/ had time, I’ll/ I’d walk to work.
2. If I have/ had time, I’ll/ I’d walk to work, but it’s just not possible.
3. ‘ I may get a job in Germany.’ ‘If you get/got it, what will/ would your boyfriend say?’
4. ‘There’s a job in Germany but I don’t think I’ll get it’ ‘If you get/got it, what will/would your
boyfriend say?’
5. We never leave food on the table. If we do/did, the cat will/ would at it.
6. ‘Shall I put this on the table?’ ‘If you do/did the cat will/would eat it.’
7. I’ll probably go to university. But if I go/went, I won’t/wouldn’t earn any money for three years.
8. I’m not going to go to university. If I go/went to university, I won’t/wouldn’t earn any money for
three years.

Exercise 1:

1. Had been-would have gone

2. Don’t tell-will regret
3. Had come round-would have seen
4. Happens-will lose
5. Would help-had
6. Loses-will resign
7. Hadn’t gone-would never have met
8. Were-would use
9. Gets-will be
10. Would have been-had happened
11. Break down-will be
12. Knew-would help
13. Would have married-had known
14. Would be-spent
15. Had-wouldn’t moan

Exercise 2:

1 I'll give it ... they visit 6 1 talk ... I'll give 11 I visit ... I'll go
2 I won't send ... I hear 7 She'll visit ... she goes 12 I'll phone ... we get
3 they phone ... I'll contact you 8 I'll finish ... I'm 13 I'll call ... we sign
4 I'll see you ... I fly 9 I'll send... I get 14 He won't do .,. you tell him
5 They'll send ... before they leave 10 She'll do ... she goes 15 You'll be meet

Exercise 3:

1 you wouldn't have 6 he bought 11 would be

2 he got up 7 they went 12 you didn't live
3 we had 8 we lived 13 won
4 you sold 9 I were/was you 14 1 didn't give
5 you trusted 10 I had 15 I wouldn't go

Exercise 4:

1 freezes 2 goes 3 get 4 can't 5 doesn't work 6 are 7 doesn't work

8 rises 9 boils 10 goes

Exercise 5:

10. 2. 3. X

4. 5. 6. X

7. X 8. 9. X

Exercise 6:

1. If I lose my job, I won’t find another job.

2. If I don’t find another job, I’ll lose my flat.
3. If I lose my flat, I’ll move back to my parents’ house.
4. If I move back to my parents’ house, I’ll get very bored.
5. If get very bored, I’ll go swimming every day.
6. If I go swimming every day, I’ll look very good.
7. If I look very good, I’ll meet interesting people.
8. If I meet interesting people, I’ll go to lots of parties.
9. If I go to lots of parties, I’ll have wonderful time.

Exercise 7:

1. I would buy; had

2. Asked; would…say
3. Would finish; didn’t talk
4. Would study; had
5. Were; would watch
6. Would be; didn’t rain
7. Would like; didn’t talk

Exercise 8:

Possible answers:

1. If I heard a strange noise in the night, I would phone the police.

2. If I found a lot of money on the street, I would try to find a person who had lost it.
3. If I saw a child stealing from a shop, I would tell the child to stop.

4. If a shop assistant gave me too much change, I would tell him/her.
5. If I found a dead mouse in my kitchen, I would throw it out.
6. If I found a suitcase on the pavement outside a bank, I would leave it.
7. If I found a friend’s diary, I would give it to him/her without reading it.
(other answers are possible)

Exercise 9:

1. I have; I’ll
2. Had; I’d
3. Get; will
4. Got; would
5. Did; would
6. Do; will
7. Go; won’t
8. Went; wouldn’t


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