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Primary and Secondary Data:

There are two main methods of primary data collection: (1) Observation and (2) Communication


In marketing research observation is used:

(1) To know the stock

(2) To know the prices charged by competitors
(3) In marketing experimentation

Mechanical devices as eye camera, pupilometric camera, motion picture camera, audiometer attached with
radio sets are used for observation


(a) Direct observational technique enables a researcher to record behavior as it occurs.

(b) It can be used regardless of whether the respondent is willing or not as in the case of children and
(c) Observation is more accurate than the method of communication.


(a) Only the current Behaviour could be observed

(b) Does not help in measuring attitude and opinion
(c) Observation method is very slow


(a) Inadequacies of our sense organs.

(b) Interdependence of observation and inference
(c) Effect of interaction between observer and observed


(a) Structured and unstructured observation

(b) Disguised and undisguised observation
(c) Natural and laboratory observation
(d) Direct and indirect observation
(e) Human and Mechanical observation
Communication Method

The communication method, in effect, is the method of designing questionnaires with a view to collect the
requisite information. The questionnaires may be classified into four main types:

(1) Structured non-disguised - Direct questions with open objective

(2) Structured disguised - Direct questions & objective unknown
(3) Non-structured Non-disguised - Depth Interview , Focus group interview
(4) Non-structured disguised - Projective Techniques

The communication method of primary data collection includes:

(a) Field Survey – Personal Interview, Depth Interview, Panel Interview

(b) Mail order Survey

Advantages of mail survey –

(a) Easy to approach large number of respondents

(b) Free from distribution bias
(c) Free from interviewers bias
(d) Respondent gets time to think
(e) Saves time and cost


(a) Unsuitable if the questions are difficult and complicated

(b) Difficult to assess who has filled the questionnaire
(c) Problem of non-response
(d) Inconsistency in questionnaire will have to accept as there is no chance of consultation

Advantages of Questionnaire Method:

1. Versatility
2. Speed
3. Low cost than observation


1. Unwillingness of respondent to provide information

2. Influence of questioning process

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