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Zang Fu Patterns

Zang Organs Zang Organ – Qi Deficiency Zang Organ – Yang Deficiency

Main Clinical Manifestations Main Clinical Manifestations Main Clinical Manifestations
HT Palpitation, sleeping disorder, Shen disorder, canker HT Palpitation, oppression of the chest, HT ‘Hypofunction Palpitation, oppression of the chest,
sores, chest pain, ‘Hypofunction’ irregular heartbeat +Cold’ occasional cardiac pain,
P: irregular LU Lassitude, Cough and asthma, feeble voice, no Intolerance of P: knotted or intermittent
LU Cough, abnormal respiration (SOB, asthma, wheezing, listlessness, desire to talk, clear thin phlegm SP cold, cold limbs, Poor appetite, abdominal pain &
shortage of qi, etc.), nasal congestion, edema, SP SOB, dislike Poor appetite, abdominal distention, lassitude, distension relieve by warmth and
P: superficial talk, dizziness, loose stools, bruising easily, prolapse listlessness, pale pressure, loose stools, edema
SP Poor appetite, abdominal distention and bloating, LIV spontaneous (Rare condition) hollow or distending KD complexion, Impotence, premature ejaculation,
loose stool, abdominal pain, edema, bleeding, sweating. pain in hypochondrium, melancholy, T: flabby, pale, sterility, frequent urination, enuresis,
P: weak or slippery All symptoms timidity, stuffy feeling in the chest moist TC, or retention of urine, early morning
LIV Hypochondria pain and distention, emotional disorder, worse with and epigastrium, P: deep, slow diarrhea, edema
abnormal menstruation, wind syndrome, KD exertion. Soreness and weakness of lumbar
P: wiry T: pale, and knee, loose stool, frequent and Zang Organ – Yin Deficiency
KD Sore and weak of lumbar and knees; growth, P: weak nocturnal urination, incontinence of Main Clinical Manifestations
development and reproductive ability disorder; edema, urine, seminal emissions HT Palpitations, insomnia, dream
difficult urination or frequent urination; respiration ‘Red’ disturbed sleep, irritability
disorder, Zang Organ – Blood Deficiency LU Tidal fever, Dry cough or cough with scant and
symptoms related with brain, marrow, bone, or hair, Main Clinical Manifestations malar flush, hot sticky sputum or coughing blood
ear and BM and urination flush, night
HT ‘Anemia -Pale’ Palpitation, SP Poor appetite, abdominal distention,
Dim and sallow insomnia (difficult to fall asleep), sweating, 5 scant saliva, dry mouth and lips
Fu Organs and pale poor concentration and poor LIV Palm Heat, Hypochondria pain with a burning
Main Clinical Manifestations complexion, memory T: red, little TC, sensation, dryness and discomfort of
S.I. Short or scanty urination, loose stool, abdominal dizziness, blurry P: thready and the eyes, trembling and spasm
bloating or abdominal pain or LIV vision, pale lips, Blurred vision, night blindness, color KD rapid Hyperactive sexual drive, scant
Copious, Frequent urination nails and blindness, floaters, menses, even amenorrhea, or heavy
L.I. Constipation, loose stool or diarrhea tongue, brittle nails, menses, soreness and weakness of
ST Epigastric discomfort, acid regurgitation, belching, numbness of delayed and scant menses light red the lumbar and knee
hiccup, nausea, vomiting the body and in color or amenorrhea
GB Bitter taste in the mouth, jaundice, timidity, easily extremities, Deficiency Stagnation
startled and frighten T: Pale Qi Bld Yin Yang Qi Bld Ph/D Fire/Ht Cld

UB Abnormal urination P: thready HT + + + + - + + + -

Zang Organ – Body Fluid Deficiency LU + - + ± + + + + +

SP + - + ± + + + + +
LU ‘Dry’ Dry mouth, throat, hair thirst, dry crack lips, rough
LV ± + + ± + + + + +
itchy skin, scanty dark ylw urine, dry stool
KD + - + + - + + + -
T: red dry P: thready, rapid SI - - + + + + + +
Zang Organ – Jing Deficiency LI + - + + + + + + +
KD Children: poor physical/mental development, 5 kinds ST + - + + + + + + +

of developmental delay, 5 kinds flaccidity GB + - - - + + + -

UB + - - + + + + +
Adult: senility, sexual dysfunction, sterility, ‘infertility’

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