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Engineering Department




Submitted by: Macaraig, John Alessandro A. Rating:

CEE51 1st Sem. SY 2019- 2020 Group No. 2

Date Performed: November 28, 2019 Date Submitted: 2019


4.1 Objective

To determine the unconfined compressive strength, which is then used to calculate the
unconsolidated undrained shear strength of soil under unconfined conditions

4.2 Equipment / Apparatus

Compression Device
Load and Deformation dial gauges
Tube sampler
Trimming Equipment
Moisture can
Vernier Caliper

2.3 Introduction

Unconfined Compression Tests are done to determine the strength and mechanical
properties of soil. The soil sample gathered is in its moist state. It is acquired as if it was
undisturbed, making sure the water content and void ratio remain constant. The test
measures the undrained strength of the soil as well as its stress – strain characteristics.

2.4 Theory

The unconfined compression test is by far the most popular method of soil shear
testing because it is one of the fastest and cheapest methods of measuring shear strength.
The method is used primarily for saturated, cohesive soils recovered from thin-walled
sampling tubes. The unconfined compression test is inappropriate for dry sands or crumbly
clays because the materials would fall apart without some land of lateral confinement.
For soils, the undrained shear strength (su) is necessary for the determination of the
bearing capacity of foundations, dams, etc. The undrained shear strength (su) of clays is
commonly determined from an unconfined compression test. The undrained shear strength
(su) of a cohesive soil is equal to one-half the unconfined compressive strength (qu) when
the soil is under the f = 0 condition (f = the angle of internal friction). The most critical
condition for the soil usually occurs immediately after construction, which represents
undrained conditions, when the undrained shear strength is basically equal to the cohesion
(c). then, as time passes, the pore water in the soil slowly dissipates, and the intergranular
stress increases, so that the drained shear strength (s), given by s = c + s’tan f, must be
used. Where s’ = intergranular pressure acting perpendicular to the shear plane; and s’ =
(s-u), s = total pressure, and u = pore water pressure ; c’ and Ø’ are drained shear strength

2.5 Procedure

A. Obtain soil sample using the tube sampler then extrude the soil sample from the said
sampler. Cut a soil specimen so that the ratio (L/d) is approximately between 2 and 2.5.
Where L and d are the length and diameter of soil specimen, respectively.
B. Measure the exact diameter of the top of the specimen at three locations 120° apart, and
then make the same measurements on the bottom of the specimen. Average the
measurements and record the average as the diameter on the data sheet.
C. Measure the exact length of the specimen at three locations 120° apart, and then average
the measurements and record the average as the length on the data sheet.
D. Weigh the sample and record the mass on the data sheet.
E. Calculate the deformation (ΔL) corresponding to 15% strain (Ɛ) = ΔL/Lo
Where Lo = Original specimen length (as measured in step 3)
F. Carefully place the specimen in the compression device and center it on the bottom plate.
Adjust the device so that the upper plate just makes contact with the specimen and set the
load and deformation dials to zero.
G. Apply the load so that the device produces an axial strain at a rate of 0.5% to 2.0% per
minute, and then record the load and deformation dial readings on the data sheet at every
20 to 50 divisions on deformation the dial.
H. Keep applying the load until (1) the load (load dial) decreases on the specimen
significantly, (2) the load holds constant for at least four deformation dial readings, or (3)
the deformation is significantly past the 15% strain that was determined in step 5.
I. Remove the sample from the compression device and obtain a sample for water content
determination. Determine the water content as in Experiment 1.



Diameter (d) = 38.07mm = 3.807cm

Length (Lo) = 77.67mm = 7.767cm
Mass = 138g
Area = 1138.297mm2 = 11.383cm2

Table 1. Unconfined Compression Test Data

(Deformation Dial: 1 unit = 0.10mm; Load Dial: 1 unit = 0.3154 lb)
Sample Corrected
Deformation Load Dial Strain
Deformation % Strain Area A’ Load (lb) Load (kN) Stress (kPa)
Dial Reading Reading (mm)
L(mm) (cm2)
0 0 0 0.000 0.000 11.383 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 17 0.2 0.003 0.257 11.417 5.362 0.023851 20.891
40 19 0.4 0.005 0.515 11.44 5.993 0.026658 23.302
60 21 0.6 0.008 0.772 11.475 6.623 0.029461 25.674
80 73 0.8 0.01 1.03 11.498 23.024 0.102416 89.073
100 75 1 0.013 1.287 11.533 23.655 0.105223 91.236
120 78 1.2 0.015 1.545 11.556 24.601 0.109431 94.696
140 80 1.4 0.018 1.802 11.592 25.232 0.112238 96.824
160 81 1.6 0.021 2.06 11.627 25.547 0.113639 97.737
180 90 1.8 0.023 2.317 11.651 28.386 0.126267 108.374

a) STRAIN : Ɛ = ΔL/Lo
 0/77.67 = 0 mm  1/77.67 = 0.013 mm
 0.2/77.67 = 0.003 mm  1.2/77.67 = 0.015 mm
 0.4/77.67 = 0.005 mm  1.4/77.67 = 0.018 mm
 0.6/77.67 = 0.008 mm  1.6/77.67 = 0.021 mm
 0.8/77.67 = 0.01 mm  1.8/77.67 = 0.023 mm

b) CORRECTED AREA : A’ = Ao/1- Ɛ

 11.383/1-0 = 11.383 cm2  11.383/1-0.013 = 11.533 cm2
 11.383/1-0.003 = 11.417 cm2  11.383/1-0.015 = 11.556 cm2
 11.383/1-0.005 = 11.44 cm2  11.383/1-0.018 = 11.592 cm2
 11.383/1-0.008 = 11.475 cm2  11.383/1-0.021 = 11.627 cm2
 11.383/1-0.01 = 11.498 cm2  11.383/1-0.023 = 11.651 cm2

 0.023851/0.0011417 = 20.953 kPa  0.109431/0.0011556 = 94.696 kPa
 0.026658/0.001144 = 23.302 kPa  0.112238/0.0011592 = 96.824 kPa
 0.029461/0.0011475 = 25.674 kPa  0.113669/0.0011627 = 97.737 kPa
 0.102416/0.0011498 = 89.073 kPa  0.126267/0.0011651 = 108.374 kPa
 0.105223/0.0011533 = 91.236 kPa

Unconfined compressive strength (qu) = 108.374 kPa

Cohesion (c) = 54.187 kPa
Figure 1. Stress-Strain Diagram

Figure 2. Mohr's Diagram


There is a gradual increase in the axial stress of the soil sample as load is presented to it,
causing it to deform in a gradual manner as well. But as the sample reached a strain of 0.01,
it experiences a sharp increase in axial stress 25.674 to 89.073 KPa. Past that point, the
increase in axial stress is gradual as the deformation increases for the soil sample. Using
Mohr’s circle, the unconfined compressive strength of the sample is the axial stress 108.375
KPa. Cohesion or the undrained shear strength is attained at 54.187 KPa.


The unconfined compression test has the primary purpose of finding the unconfined
compressive strength of a soil sample and determining its unconsolidated undrained shear
strength. This test is important in order to know the shear failure of the soil; knowing the
bearing capacity of the said soil. Cohesion plays an important part in this experiment
because it helps in giving soil its form and strength, that’s why this test is not performed in
sandy soil.


 Unconfined Compression Test, Retrieved from
 Unconfined Compression Test - UC Test, retrieved from
 Mishra, G., Determine Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil, Retrieved
December 7, 2019, from
 Cohesion of Soil, Retrieved December 7, 2019, from
 Atkinson, J., Shear strength, Retrieved December 7, 2019, from

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