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Jermalyn O. Dacuron, Khea Ylaizah A. Ecleo, Queenie E. Jumandos, Engr. Archie C. Gegona
Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City, Philippines,, ,

ABSTRACT: Present condition of rice field at Km. 4, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City is its area to be irrigated is elevated
from its water source. As a solution, researchers proposed a hydraulic analysis for operating water mill that will be used
to lift the water. Data was collected by hydrographic surveying, floating method in river, rice field contour mapping
and measuring its irrigated boundary. Floating method obtained the velocity of 0.21 m/s from the hydrographic survey
at stations between 0+10 and 0+20 with 1.2 m water level and 5 m elevation of the river bank from sea level which
proves that water flow was not enough to operate the mill since the required velocity from the analyzed critical position
of water mill was 1.36 m/s. By that, convergent channel was designed with a width of 2.97 m at converging section and
0.50 m at throat section in order to divert and increase the flow of water. Water collected was stored in the designed
tank having dimensions of 6 m by 4 m and 1.7 m height. Boundary of rice field shows that required water output
capacity of the field was 36 m3/hour at 6 operating hours/day and 3.5 irrigating days/hectare. Designed pipeline to
reach the field area uses a 0.10 m, 0.07 m and 0.10 m diameter. From the results obtained, the researchers concluded
that the higher the velocity, the faster the mill operates and also the designed convergent channel was efficient in
meeting the required velocity to operate the water mill. The designed water tank can store safely the water and the lay
outing of pipeline can irrigate approximately 3 hectares of rice field.

Keywords: Irrigation, Hydraulic Analysis, Venturi Flume, Concrete Water Storage Tank, Pipeline Design

1. INTRODUCTION affect the market in the bigger picture. This vicious

Irrigation is essentially the artificial cycle of low productivity drags down farm incomes
application of water to land for growing crops. It is to a large extent, responsible for the poor
a basic determinant of agriculture because its performance of Philippine agriculture.
inadequacies are the most powerful constraints on To achieve a higher irrigated area, which
the increase of agricultural production. In fact, will result to a higher crop yield, an innovation that
irrigation systems do exist here in Philippines adopts measures in improving water adequacy,
where most of it has been designed for rice distribution and conservation has to be done.
irrigation. It is a great necessity for many Filipinos According to the International Institute for Land
who has regarded agriculture as the foundation of Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), water for
their lives. But undeniably, Philippine agriculture irrigation has to be carried from the river, the
and its workers still faces the challenges of climate reservoir, the lake or the groundwater to the field.
change, apathy in agricultural issues and the lack of This can be done by making use of gravity.[1] So, as
agricultural profitably caused by high-cost a way out to their problem with regards of using a
irrigation systems. gas-powered equipment, farmers there are planning
In the lands of Surigao, the majority of to have a water mill that will simply supply water
such systems are run-of-the-river type, with fairly from a lower elevation to a higher elevation that is
adequate water supply to irrigate their designed only activated by the power of moving water or
areas. However, land levels of these fields are energy derived from the flow of a river.
mostly in a quite number of distances from its This project study will be beneficial in a
water source. This situation is highly evident in the way that farmers of the said rice field can collect
rice fields at Km. 4, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City, water from its water source without using gas-
where the Surigao River is passing through. The powered equipment in which literally their major
great majority of Surigaonon farmers in this area problem because buying fuel is a way expensive
are low income folks. That fact, coupled with for them to handle. Although the proposed system
relatively high cost of their current irrigation gas- when realized and built is quite expensive, it is rest
powered equipment, has brought about the assured that the system could be really useful and
inadequately irrigated character of most Philippine less expensive compared to using water pump
farms. Since things are expensive for farmers, they every planting season. Other than that, they can
will end up settling for lesser yields, which will easily supply adequate amount of water when
rainfall is not sufficient or timely to meet the crops’
water need since the water collected from the water

mill operation will be directly stored in a concrete 156681.59 PHP in the first quarter of 2018 proving
water storage tank wherein, they can use anytime that is has been struggling maintaining its
especially if in times of necessities. economic growth. [3] Despite receiving the bulk of
The reason of the conduction of this major public investments year after year, the
project study is that the researchers during the site country’s national irrigation systems have always
visit observed the actual problem of the community performed below expectations. This poor
which is the land level of the field is high while the performance has been attributed by Philippine
water source is in a distance and the irrigation Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)
equipment that is available in their edge is only the consultants Dr. Cristina David and Dr. Arlene
water pump which is currently costly irrigation Inocencio to overly optimistic technical and
equipment. Owners of the field are planning to economic assumptions, inadequate water supply,
have a water mill, but one factor that they are inappropriate designs, and difficulties in operation
concerned with is that, the water available from the and maintenance and mainly with the gas-powered
river may not be able to rotate the said mill. Thus, irrigation equipment that is costly for some
this research paper is proposing a hydraulic farmers. These problems have been documented
analysis to operate a water mill for the rice field since the 1980’s and is still present over 20 years
irrigation in high land areas, specifically at Km. 4, later. [4]
Brgy. Luna, Surigao City. In early civilization where the land was
dry, a convenient method was needed to bring
Review of Related Literature water to the crops. This basic necessity spurred the
This section reviews some of the existing invention of the Noria to lift and move water. The
literature concerning with the supply of water and widespread distribution of these machines in
the equipment that can be used for irrigation. antiquity indicates that farmers long ago had a need
Water is an absolutely necessary element for more water than direct rainfall alone could
for life. The availability of water has played a key provide. The invention of the Noria was clearly an
role in the development of all civilizations. Indeed, enormous leap forward in both technology and the
especially in the ancient times, water scarcity cultivation of land. [5]
prevented the development of settlements. Water According to an Aesthetic Tradition and
scarcity has a huge impact on food production Ancient Technology: A Case Study of the Water
because without water, people do not have a means Wheel, water-wheels have played a leading role in
of watering their crops and therefore, to provide a century’s old tradition, up to the present day, in
food for the fast-growing population. According to solving the main problem of supplying and
the International Water Management Institute, carrying water for irrigation in many places. And
agriculture which accounts for about 70% of global one of it is the “hydraulic noria” which raises water
water withdrawals is constantly competing with using the power of the river and has been used to
domestic, industrial and environmental uses for a irrigate fields or to supply water for bigger
scarce water supply. In attempts to fix this ever- structures, owing to the great power provided by
growing problem, many have tried to form more the river. The base of the wheel is submerged in the
effective methods of water management. river and turns because of the current. Water flows
One such method is irrigation up the wheel, through compartments or pots placed
management. Irrigation is a method of transporting on the periphery of the rim, and are carried into the
water to crops in order to maximize the amount of channel on the top of the aqueduct, and are directed
crops produced. Many of the irrigation systems in to irrigate
place do not use the water in the most efficient fields and gardens. To move the wheel
way. This causes more water than necessary to be continuously, it is necessary that the river flows at
used or there will not be enough water to ensure a constant speed. [6]
healthy crops. According to the World Bank, “Noria wheel” is activated by the power
irrigation management works to upgrade and of moving water or energy derived from the flow
maintain irrigation systems, such of a river is used for lifting water into a
as groundwater irrigation, that are already in place small aqueduct for the purpose of irrigation or for
and expands the areas of irrigation to increase the the use in towns and villages. It consists of a large,
amount of crops being produced. [2] very narrow undershot water wheel whose rim is
Current report regarding agriculture is that made up of a series of containers which lift water
Philippine agriculture is saddled by poor irrigation from the river to a very small aqueduct at the top of
system. In fact, its GDP decreased to 146315.01 the wheel. The noria performs the function of
PHP million in the second quarter of 2018 from

moving water from a lower elevation to a higher Theoretical Framework

elevation. [7] This study is supported and anchored with
Water wheel that is built on a canal is the knowledge of Hydraulics, Continuity Equation,
capable of using water flow to generate the 2nd Law of Motion, Working Stress Design,
movement of the wheel that can elevate and Reinforced Concrete Design, Bernoulli’s Principle
distribute water to rice fields located at a higher and Darcy-Weisbach Equation.
level than the water level. For increasing the output Hydraulics is a technology and applied science
flow rate, the convergent channel is suggested to using engineering, chemistry, and other sciences
increase the inlet velocity flow because the velocity involving the mechanical properties and use of
magnification increases with the width ratio. [8] The liquids.[11] The use of the hydraulic concept in this
water wheel or water mill is an ancient device that study is concerning with the flow of the river that
uses flowing or falling water to create power by causes the movement of the water mill.
means of paddles mounted around a wheel. The Continuity Equation states that the rate at which
force of the water moves the paddles, and the mass enters a system is equal to the rate at which
consequent rotation of the wheel is transmitted mass leaves the system plus the accumulation of
to machinery via the shaft of the wheel. the mass within the system.[12] This equation is
Hydraulic analysis is an essential used in designing the convergent channel (venture
prerequisite for any project involving the flume).
implementation of works in a river. The approach Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion pertains to the
to hydraulic analysis determines the level of behavior of objects for which all existing forces
uncertainty that can be incorporated into the are not balanced. The second law states that the
design; hence selection of the appropriate hydraulic acceleration of an object is dependent upon two
approach is of critical importance in terms of the variables - the net force acting upon the object and
robustness and cost-effectiveness of the design and the mass of the object.[13] This is applied in
the level of residual risk associated with it. When operating the water mill from the force of water.
undertaking hydraulic analysis and design, it is Working Stress Design is a method used for the
important to have a good understanding of the reinforced concrete design where concrete is
hydraulic processes that could occur under a range assumed as elastic steel and concrete act together
of flow conditions including typical flows as well elastically where the relationship between loads
as flood (design) flows and extreme flows. It is and stresses is linear.[14] This method is used in
essential to determine, early on in the analysis, the designing the concrete water storage tank.
degree to which storage of floodwater will be Reinforced Concrete Design is the process of a
important (that is, whether flows will be contained product having steel bars embedded in concrete. [15]
within the channel or whether there will be It is also used in designing the concrete water
extensive flooding of floodplains). Knowing this storage tank for it carries a volume of water.
determines the type(s) of analysis that are Bernoulli’s Principle states that, in a steady flow,
appropriate and helps identify data requirements. [9] the sum of all forms of energy in a fluid along a
Water distribution systems consist of streamline is the same at all points on that
pipeline networks and associated components, streamline.[16] This can be considered to be a
most of which is underground and exposed to soil statement of the conservation of energy principle
corrosion and mechanical stress from the appropriate for flowing fluids.
surrounding soil, surface traffic, and internal water Darcy-Weisbach Equation is an empirical
pressure (Ahammed and Melchers 1997). Pipe equation, which relates the head loss or pressure
failure in water distribution systems disrupts the loss due to friction along a given length of pipe to
water supply to consumers and reduces the the average velocity of the fluid flow for an
reliability of the system. It is found that about 35% incompressible fluid.[17] This equation is used for
to 60% of the supplied volume is wasted due to computing the head losses for the designing of
pipe leakages (Babovic et al 2002).[10] pipelines.
This related studies and reports are all
positively significant for the completion and Conceptual Framework
verification of all aspects of this project study and The project study revolves on the goal on
are also relevant for a more accurate and reliable providing a hydraulic analysis of the water flow in
results. order to operate the water mill for the distribution
of water into the irrigated rice field with the help of
the theories mentioned above.

The conceptualization of the project that convergent channel will follow if the results
is shown on Figure 1 illustrates the flow of the obtained are not enough to rotate the water mill.
project study throughout its completion. It starts And lastly is the design of a concrete water storage
with a preliminary site visit where the project study tank and analysis of pipes that will supply enough
is to be conducted. water to be distributed in the rice field.

Water Flow The general objective of the project study
Water Output Capacity is to provide hydraulic analysis of the water flow to
Schedule of Water Mill Operation and operate the water mill for the distribution of water
Rice Field Irrigation into the irrigated rice field. The following are the
key guidelines to achieve this study:
1. To evaluate the hydraulic analysis
2. To design a convergent channel.
PROCESS 3. To design a concrete water storage tank and
to analyze the pipes that will supply enough
Surveying of the River Profile
water to be distributed in the entire rice field.
Data Gathering through Floating
Method 2. METHODS
Measuring the Boundary of Rice Field Project Design
Hydraulic Analysis A figure below shows the factors being
Designing of Divergent Channel considered in designing the project study.
Designing of Concrete Water Storage
Analyzing of Pipes


Hydraulic Analysis for Water Mill

Operation for the Rice Field Irrigation

Figure 1. Flowchart of the Project Study

During the visit, the researchers observed

the actual problem of the community which is the
land level of the field is high while the water
source is in a distance and the irrigation equipment Figure 2. Factors Considered in Project
that is available in their edge is only the water Designing
pump which is currently costly irrigation
equipment. Owners of the field are planning to A water source from Surigao River is
have a water mill, but one factor that they are located at Km. 4, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City.
concerned with is that the water available from the Normal flow of the river will be subjected to
river may not be able to rotate the said mill. So as a hydraulic analysis in order to determine if its water
solution, the researchers will conduct a manual flow is capable of moving the water mill and if it is
testing on how to get the average velocity of the not enough to rotate the said mill, a convergent
water using floating method and a survey for the channel will be designed along the water mill to
river profile from a Geodetic Engineer. The divert the path of the flow and that will be the
researchers also measured the rice field that is reason to increase the flow discharge in such way
within the scope of the project study. The gathered that the water mill will rotate and so the water will
data will then be subjected to hydraulic analysis to be collected and will rise. Then, the water will be
get the important data that will be used in the stored in the concrete water storage tank where a
project study. Upon calculating, design of series of pipes is connected to distribute the water
to the rice fields.

the measuring of rice field boundary for the

Project Development purpose of layouting the location of the water tank
The project development is to improve the and piping design. The gathered data from the
performance of the irrigation systems to support floating method will be subjected to hydraulic
agricultural producers in the project areas by analysis through manual calculation in order to
providing hydraulic analysis of the river to determine if the calculated data can rotate the water
generate the movement of the water mill. mill and if the water can supply enough to be
distributed in the rice field. After that, the results
attained will be the basis in designing the
Field Investigation convergent channel if needed. To simulate the flow
of the river inside the designed convergent channel,
simulation software is used to verify if the obtained
Surveying of the River flow could rotate the water mill. Next is the
designing of the concrete water storage tank and
the analyzing of pipes in order to distribute the
collected water to rice field.
Data Gathering
Project Implementation
The owners of the rice field together with
Hydraulic Analysis Barangay Officials/LGU will be the in-charge in
implementing the project study that was conducted
by the researchers. Safety and environmental
concerns in implementing the project will be
Design of Convergent
assured at all times. Also with the supervision of a
Channel Civil Engineer that will monitor the
implementation phase until its completion to
ensure the safety and appropriateness of the project
Simulating through design.
Simulation Software
Project Evaluation
The project study will be evaluated with
Water Mill the results obtained throughout the calculation.
And these are the following to be evaluated in the
project study:
1. Applicability
Design of Concrete Water
Is the designed project study appropriate
Storage Tank to the project site condition?
2. Efficiency
Is the designed convergent channel
Design Layout of Pipes efficient in increasing the current of water
flow to operate water mill?
3. Attainment
Distribution to Rice Field Does the project study attained the
required demand of the rice field in order
to irrigate its crops?
Figure 3. Block Diagram of the Project
Ethical Consideration
With the permission from the Punong
In conducting the project study, the
Barangay of Brgy. Luna, field investigation is then
researchers make sure that they did not violate any
started. Then the researchers decided to have a
legal and environmental issues rather they evaluate
hydrographic survey of Surigao River from a
the human factor as the core of ethical
Geodetic Engineer in order to get the river section
consideration wherein it focuses on the impact of
and normal level of water. Data gathering will
the project design on human intervention.
follow using floating method which will give the
researchers the average velocity of the actual flow
Participants of the Study
of water in the river. Part of the data gathering is

The participants of this project study are three-dimensional (3D) models of mesh and solid
mainly the project beneficiaries, which includes the surfaces.[19] It is used to layout the designed plan.
rice field owners. The Punong Barangay has also Graphic Software is software that allows
cooperated by giving the legal opportunity to architects to visualize drawing models in a video or
investigate the site where the study has been image with real life environment and striking
conducted. And also with the presence of the artistic flair.[20] This software is used to provide a
professional services of a geodetic engineer for video clip about the entire scope of the project
surveying the river, specialized engineer for study.
checking the hydraulic analysis done by the
researchers and lastly, is the architect for the Data Collection Procedures
graphic design making. Data about the map of rice field area is
already provided by the owners however,
Table 1. Participants Involved in the Project measuring the exact boundary of the rice field to be
Study irrigated is still measured in order to know on how
Participants f (n=8) % much water is needed. A specific section of the
Rice Field Owner 3 37.5 river is surveyed by a Geodetic Engineer where the
Punong Barangay 1 12.5 area is to be determined. Then, manual observation
Geodetic Engineer 1 12.5 of the water flow of the river is to be conducted by
Consultant 2 25.0 the researchers with the supervision of their co-
Architect 1 12.5 author. The set up for the floating method to obtain
TOTAL 8 100 the velocity of the water flow will be done in a spot
of the river near the rice field wherein the study is
to be conducted. Two wooden sticks, with a six (6)
Project Setting
meter distance in between will be plotted in the
The project is sited at Km. 4, Brgy. Luna,
allotted spot. Using a buoyant material, the time
Surigao City. The lot area of rice field is
travel of the object will be observed by taking note
approximately three (3) hectares and is located at
on how long will it take to reach from one stick to
the side of Surigao River.
the other. Three (3) trials in five (5) testing days
will be done to record the average velocity.

Statistical Tool
In this project study, quantitative analysis
is used to tabulate the data to evaluate the project


3.1 Hydraulic Analysis
The approach to hydraulic analysis
determines the level of uncertainty that can be
incorporated into the design so, a hydrographic
Figure 4. Location Map survey and analysis of Surigao River was
conducted by a Geodetic Engineer and the results
Instrumentation shown in Figure 5 shows the river sections from
In this study, the following computer Sta. 0+00, Sta. 0+10 and Sta. 0+20. It gathered the
software applications are used as an instrument for height of 1.2 m low tide water level and the
the fulfillment of the study: elevation of river bank from sea level which is 5
Simulation Software is a cross-platform m. The water mill is situated between Sta. 0+10
finite element analysis, solver and multiphysics and Sta. 0+20.
simulation software.[18] This software is used for To attain the other requirement which is
modeling and simulating the fluid flow inside the the velocity of the river, manual floating method
boundary of converging channel. was done. The table below displays the normal
Drafting Software is software that velocities conducted by the researchers.
enables drafters, architects, engineers, and other
professionals to create two-dimensional (2D) and

Table 2. Normal Velocities of the River N = 6.67 rad/min

Among the five velocities shown from the

results in Table 3, the velocity with the greater
distance travelled per second which is the 0.21 m/s,
was considered as one of the flow conditions that is
used to analyze the movement of the water mill.
And in order to successfully operate the said mill, Figure 6. Equilibrium Condition of Water Mill
the following conditions were also considered in
order to determine if the amount of water obtained The water mill was analyzed to determine
from the water mill can supply enough the rice its critical position by analyzing from its
field: equlibrium position which is shown on Figure 6and
Required Water Output Capacity = 36 m3/hr then rotated clockwise every 4.5 degrees until it
Operating Hours of Water Mill = 6 hours/day reaches again its equilibrium formsuch that the
Days of Irrigating = 3.5 days/hectare maximum resisting moment will be obtained.

Table 3. Specification Data of Water Mill

Figure 7. Critical Position of Water Mill (Rotated

at 18º)

After the water mill was rotated, the

critical position of the water mill obtained shown
on Figure 7 has the maximum resisting moment of
2038.38 N-m.This position of water mill was used
to analzyed other moments such as the overturning
moment of the buckets and resisting moment of the
bearing due to the weight of the water mill, as well
as the bouyancy of the three buckets submerged
and forces of water acting directly to the
submerged blades in order to determine the
Figure 5. River Sections
required velocity.
To get the required rotational speed of the water
Required Demand = Vol.bucketNo.bucketN
36 m3/s = (0.15 m)(0.15 m)(0.25 m)(16)N

½( ) (3.52) ( ) = (1044.58 +
549.04V2 – 2051.78)(2π)
V = 1.36 m/s

The computed V of 1.36 m/s is the final

required velocity that will operate the water mill.
Since, the normal velocity of the river on low tide
is only 0.21 m/s which does not meet the required
velocity, a convergent channel (venturi flume)
must be designed to increased the velocity.

3.2 Convergent Channel

In designing the convergent channel, the
normal velocity of the river and required velocity
to operate the water mill was considered. To get
the elevation of water level at the throat section of
the convergent channel shown on Figure 9,
Figure 8. Free Body Diagram of the Water Mill at Bernoulli’s Equation was used.
Critical Position
Resisting Moment = Overturning Moment
W1x1 + W2x2 + W3x3 + W4x4 + W5x5 + W6x6 +
W16x16 + RMBearing + W14x14 + W13x13 = W15x15
+W7 x7 + W8x8 + W9x9 + W10x10 + W12x12 + Fw1y1
+ Fw2y2 + Fw3y3 [1]
Figure 9. Section of Water Flowing Along the
1937.81 + 13.40 + 55.18(0.2686) + 55.18(1.5540) Channel
= 55.18(1.0573) + 986.24 + 60(cos
18°)(V2)(3.2336) + 60(cos 4.5°)(V2)(3.3874) +
60(cos 27°)(V2)(3.0285) H1 + = H2 +
2051.78 = 1044.58 + 549.04V [2] [5]
1.21 + = H2 +
In order to rotate the mill by meeting the
required conditions stated above, rotational kinetic H2 = 1.11 m
energy was applied to get the desired velocity.
And to get the width of the inlet part at the
KEɵ = ½ Iω2 = τӨ converging section of the convergent channel
[3] shown below, consider only a 0.5 m width of the
½ mr2ω2 = (OM – RM)Ө throat section to let the width of the water mill fit
[4] without striking the walls of the channel at the
throat section, Continuity Equation was used.
I = rotational moment of inertia (kg.m2)
m = total mass of the water mill (kg)
r = radius of the water mill (m)
ω = N = required rotational speed of water
mill (rad/s)
 = excess net torque (N.m)
OM = overturning moment (N.m)
RM = resisting moment (N.m)
Ө = 2π = one complete revolution of
water mill

Figure 10. Plan of Water Flowing Along the


Q = B1H1V1 = B2H2V2
B1(1.2)(0.21) = 0.5(1.11)(1.36)
B1 = 2.97 m

Table 4 shows the designed width

dimension of the converging and throat section of
the channel with the specification of A36 steel Figure 12. Rotational Speed of Water Mill versus
plate with a thickness of 1.5 inch. The length of the Inlet Flow Velocity
converging and throat section is both 1 m and a
height of 1.4 m for economical purposes. This In figure shown above, the rotational
channel is designed to be removable. speed at the velocity of 1.36 m/s is 6.67 rad/min. A
linear result of the relationship between the two
Table 4. Designed Convergent Channel parameters shows that the greater the velocity, the
faster the water mill rotates.

To determine the distribution of velocity

inside the convergent channel, the designed
channel was simulated with the inlet velocity and
the outlet pressure of the channel of 0.21 m/s and
0 kPa shown on the figure below, respectively.

Figure 13. Perspective of Water Mill and

Convergent Channel
3.3 Concrete Water Storage Tank and Layout
of Pipelines
The desired dimension of the concrete
water storage tank to attain the demand discharge
Figure 11. Simulation of Fluid Flow in Venturi for supplying the rice field is shown below:
Flume Height (H) = 1.7m
Length (L) = 6 m
It can be seen on Figure 11 that the flow Width (B) = 4 m
at the inlet of the channel to the throat section is The following design constants are used
relatively increasing proving that the velocity is in designing the walls of concrete water storage
indeed increasing in the narrow region due to the tank:
converging effect and can really operate the water
mill. Table 5. Design Constant for Walls

where: According to NSCP, where load and

cbc = permissible stress in concrete resistance factor design is used, structures and all
st = permissible stress in steel portions thereof shall resist the most critical effects
m = modular ratio,  from the following combination of load:
 Ultimate Load = 1.4F [14]
k = neutral axis constant,  
Wu = 23.8 kN/m
j = level arm constant, 1-
Ultimate Moment = [15]
Q = moment of resistance factor for
balanced section, 0.5jkcbc Mu = 107.1 kN/m

The designed tank wall has a ratio of L/B The following formulas are used in
less than 2 so its walls are designed as continuous designing the base slab of concrete water storage
slab subjected to water pressure or 1 m from
bottom. Mu = fc’bd2w(1-0.59w) [16]
 = w (H-h)(1 m) p= , pmin= (balanced steel ratio) [17]
 = 7 kN/m fc’ = 20 MPa, allowable stress of concrete
fy = 276 MPa, allowable stress of steel
The following formulas are used in As = pbd (steel reinforcement) [18]
designing the side walls of concrete water storage
tank: Upon calculating all the above formulas,
M= (fixed-end moment) [8] the table below are the obtained results in
designing a rectangular concrete water storage
Moment at the end corners in long and tank.
short wall produces unbalanced moments so, this
has to get balanced using moment distribution Table 6. Specifications of the Designed Concrete
method and the moment obtained is M = 17 kN.m. Water Storage Tank
M= (bending moment) [9]
Moment at Center:
@Long span
– MA = – 17 kN.m = 14.5 kN.m
@Short span
– MA = – 17 kN.m = -3 kN.m
T = 0.5w(H-h)L (direct tension) [10]
@Long span
 = (10)(1.7-1)(4) = 14 kN
@Short span
 = (10)(1.7-1)(6) = 21 kN

d=√ (thickness) [11]

d = 150 mm

As = + (area steel req.) [12] Figure 14. Detailed Plan of Concrete Water

Storage Tank
In designing a base slab, fluid pressure is The figure above shows the detailed plan
to be obtained. of the concrete water storage tank with a dimension
Fluid pressure = wH(1 m) [13] of 6 m x 4 m where its long span at support will
F = 17 kN/m use a 16 mm diameter bar spaced at 150 mm O.C.,

at center is 16 mm diameter bar spaced at 200 mm Source: Google Earth

O.C. And on short span, both at support and center SURIGAO
will use a 16mm diameter bar spaced at 150 mm AIRPORT

Figure 15. Sections Along A-A and B-B of

Concrete Water Storage Tank
Figure 17. Layout of Pipelines
In sectional view showed on figure 15, the
designed concrete water storage tank has a height
Figure 17 displayed the layout of
of 1.7 m where its walls has a thickness of 150
pipelines where the green lines are the boundary of
mm and its base slab has a thickness of 250 mm
rice field, the yellow box is the concrete storage
with 20 mm diameter bar spaced at 100 mm O.C.
tank and red, blue and pink lines are the pipes 1, 2
From Mines and Geosciences Bureau, a
and 3 respectively.
contour map was generated to determine the
changes in elevations of rice field that is part of the Table 7. Characteristics of Pipelines
project study.
Source: Mines and Geosciences Bureau

The velocity and diameter of each pipe

with the characteristics given on the table above
are computed using the Bernoulli’s equation,
Darcy-Weisbach for major head losses and pipe
fitting minor head loss.
Hminor= minor head loss
Hmajor = major head loss
P= pressure energy
½ ρv12= kinetic energy
z = height of reference to ground line
V = velocity in pipe
D = diameter of pipe
For Pipe 1:
Figure 16. Contour Map + + z1 – Hminor – Hmajor= + + z2
From Figure 16, it can be shown that the [19]
rice field is relatively flat with 5 m elevation from + + z1 – k –f = + + z2
sea level. So, the obtained layouting design of
pipelines is shown in Figure 17.

0 + 0 + 1.7 – * +– V3 = 1.22 m/s

( ) Based on the computation, the required
* +=0+ + 0.15
diameters and velocities of each pipe are already
V2 = indicated above. The results shows that the water
[20] stored at the concrete water storage tank at the
Q = AV capacity of 36 m3/hr can able to supply the 3
[21] hectares rice field with the given required
π conditions of 6 operating hours per day and 3.5
0.01 = V
days of irrigating per hectare and as well as it can
π absolutely reach its remote area.
0.01 = √
V1 = 1.33 m/s Conclusion
After determining the results, the
For Pipe 2: following conclusions where drawn:
+ + z1 – Hminor – Hmajor= + + z2 1. The higher the velocity, the faster the
water mill rotates which result to easily
[23] meet the water demand needed in the rice
+ + z1 – k –f = + + z2 field at a certain time.
2. The normal velocity of Surigao River
0 + 0 + 1.7 – * +– located at Km.4, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City
( ) is not capable to sustain the required
* +=0+ + 1.5 velocity thus, designing of convergent
2 channel (venturi flume) was needed to
V =
Q = AV increase the velocity to operate the water
[24] mill.
π 3. The designed concrete storage water tank
0.01 = V is safe and stable to store the water to be
π distributed in the rice field and the
0.01 = √ layouting of pipelines in transporting
[25] water to the rice field is sufficient to reach
D2 = 0.07 m the remote area.
V2 = 2.53 m/s
Although the project design gives realistic
For Pipe 3: results, the researchers recommend the following:
+ + z1 – Hminor – Hmajor= + + z2 1. Use of flow meter in order to get the exact
velocity amount of the river.
2. To have an additional water mill and
+ + z1 – k –f = + + z2 concrete storage water tank to allocate
more rice field at a rapid time.
0 + 0 + 1.7 – * +–
* +=0+ + 1.15
The accomplishment of this project study
V2 = was the work and sacrifice of several people to
[27] whom the researchers owe a gratitude:
Q = AV First of all, praises and thanks to the God
[28] Almighty for the wisdom, guidance and blessings
π He had showered upon the researchers.
0.01 = V To the parents, for their unconditional
π love, understanding and support, both moral and
0.01 = √
financial throughout the conduction of the project
[29] study.
D3 = 0.10 m

To the co-author, Engr. Archie Gegona October 21. Available:

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conducted. Truly, the imparted knowledge he had Available:
shared are very useful and beneficial.
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Copyright 2019. This research is the property of the Surigao State College of Technology, College of
Engineering and Information Technology and its content may be printed for individual use. Any other
usage is prohibited without the expressed permission of the authors.

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