Doc00566820190728065935 Pipe

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WHTEPNAAN HHKO TbIOB utenexyyoniiuth CEPTHOHKAT Ne 2284 OBUIECTBO C OrPAHMYEHHOM OTBETCTBEHHOCTDIO “AHTEPTIANN HAKO TIOB” Yepanna, r. Haxonons, np. Tpy6HnKo8, 56 Teaoane +38 (0566) 639379 INspecrion cenmivGaTee 00 Er roaoeacous gure come ace FEEL sveaaesssom as senazete. Hanwenouais | ToBaps a Deveripion and cose gece BEF freccire TSE Speers | AT Sp ELE ASAT TUR TERN Sw NE SORA TOOT vegremnrporice STMREGASSNa0Te ABE SASUEMEORUTINACE VEUTTON SO TSI00] | PSLI seamen coun sed pipes fo and ns pets PINS NACE NROTOAISO ae SNe J eo io | Bure | Pet | coenoe teats losecen rTSRne| ee | ae Sea no emma tote | oo | Fim" | og fro eagle rg eat Designation n_|_mm m ta. a. 7 HES eae TGS BA Tes en swe eae TSO 2 194208190 Bsa tisisa eet 1143 Boe SaeeIO ete 1815751888 aero Bixee Wisisie eet 143 ece Sa5e10 gods 18188 1888 @ seecsiae Bsa NWo1s19 aoe 1143 G02 595030 seas te Tees 1555 5 seiecsin erxae ss01519 oer 1143 G02 Sosa) Sead te 1870 1550 © sstecmae are $9199 eet 1143 ce SaseI) gens te 15051555 7. seteons7 exe N151919 adi 1163 Boe Saseto secs te ETE 1888 & 1s1208135 Brae H81519 asi 1143 ce 5.95610 eas te 18701880 8. Tex2ce138 area si81519 2ae1 1143 Boe Sa5E10 eds 18 «18751505 nese senaostD TOTALMTOrO _o5625 142 13820 10.40 Te LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INTERPIPE NiKO TUBE “INTERPIPE NIKO TUBE” UKRAINE, Nikopol, 56,Trubnikov ave, Tel/fax +38 (0566) 639-579 Fy = ‘wnsecest coer 0 coprnpncaTn fee va t7oTORK WpesyneTaT KONTpONA KAN¥HcKO CocTana METAR TD to he bilet manufacturer certcae & results of sheral raise of pipes Pee TaBoparopie Fomsoue ‘Ghamalconposiion oot — Laborstey CS Mn Si) S$) ) cr Ni Ca Mol Ti | VNB | Al | CE] sororoomon seroron 1001100 200 x1000]x4000) «100x100 | 2100 060 11000] x1000 1000 x1000) x00 |" Stel supplier 1 12 eS Ea wp zy 2 | TIBTSTO | DrenSiaal 7 2 as 383 | UPONEPROSTEETTIC ; nwoTuser 47 | 101 25 01 7 | 4 | 34/368 coomstwencecrant [nmoruae- 17 [tot 28 | 2 | 40 2 any ‘Sa car Spc enn rina wa Rs nc Satan Sena PG pS TTT San toctina wren usouspeeeh tars taeapeushnerpgcnss pancho minahaopeaenenal ranectnaces Es iiacllan stowone gre cona rosietepsrsean ene se tampa yebmagene Ses arson pone re ET or eINR sing ices oly Se nd ma Sloe son pnden: Aaya Tepatert ce nk ease soy ep eae Lac ‘Prrldins yoopancisMemanon remsoe Gone eiauna be saan ogee Fe susp Sees eee ee cas oaynerets wensrannh lea if | ly mi i i as yg i te £1 Sl dh ips fb “Uae k Ge Pap U™ op Perr i oat lle ee = TipsaensviSBpaseu Lorgdinal specmer: TnenepewacSpased ansverse specimen ~Peayrevarawonsravoel yworawowisn aSpaniob nepecturan ia romopasuapisiNofulze specimens results convert fo fulsize (100m) ‘povwe swam rorrpons Other tests Bra poneireni/ Type oftest ——_—_—(ispawerpu/ Gries aa = Pesaro werponn eat resus ‘noaveatie / Fataring est Pipes are faring Wal TPBU ASD ASAT Ts ENS —Yasnreroperenso Seaeby | inraen erent [100% /24,1 Mpa 34908110 see “ooanemopinene Sastcay Hepespyuacusa swrpane rena pyouNeToA rowrpora Method: ManinGonaypavOraR KOrTpans Wares Wk TeAaGE ‘Neneecrucive npocton fut gn inspection. NponOrshas prora 12.5% a vapysGoh w sryTpeHOR ToBepOCTH Yanraoprreawo Sastry wea Lnptudinl rote wi depth 12.5% on extol and inert sutace 7 Severe maT orangapy A pr Stendard aemopnen Soocay Kons reouaTpmeGon rapaNETDOR, ‘Dimensional inepecton ‘Cocromne nocrast/ Delivery coniiton Z Bt [Tay6e varoroaneni w vonsivaral 6 cooTeercTeim & ypetosaramms API Spe SL- 2072/ ASTM AOSIAOGW-2OTR] JASME SA105(SA106M-2017/ ASTM ASQ/A53N-2018/ ASME SAS3/SASSM-2017/ NACE MRO'76/ ISO 15158-2:2015) (O6upreyenosun / General constion NACE MROTO2/ISO 17486-1:2016 u aacaza / Pipes were produced an inspected accerding to requirements of API Spec| ‘SL - 2012) ASTM A1OB/A106M-2018/ ASME SA‘06/SA106M-2017/ ASTM AS3/AS3M-2018/ ASME SASSISASIM-2017) To crannapry /As per Standard [vooanereoprensno Sastciary | “Tepucosipatona/ Hest restent oxpiseHe Coating TERI es re boven THB orp CBAC, [Konus 7py6 oonauyenss nnactinostin Rona Kat (Crane crovofrian wenvoseprivcraa. See! is uly Kled and made to fine grain pr Paauepsi comacro crannapta ASME 836.t0M.2015 /Dimenslans accorsing to ASME 836.10M-2018. Products tested in accordance with UL/Tipaayauus npowasenena 8 cooTaercrsvm c TpeboaaHiait ‘Teopetisecnsh sec royGs-16,08/Calcuatod welgth of pipe-10.80- 114,3¥8.0; ‘yen Ue srenea aera nis apex oyna ames roa nucle ard Your pom Ory a od by ena tty hone reoett nirspates Pron ike tor ase tas Far attest Baa —_ ™ 36 N.Ryabchuk| Lives

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