Concept of Bhadaka

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Concept of Bhadaka- I read many articles and seen different perspective from different authors but the concept

is very well explained From Science of Light by Freedom

cole... I am giving few gist of the different types of bhadka . He is n excellent astrologer and Sanay Rath ji student with well versed in remedies . So the credit should goes
to the author.

Bhadaka means the sign …Bhadka lord. bhadakesha means the ruler ship of sign

1. Bhadaka for chart a represents unseen obstructions in the chart. its not only deals with health or disorder but it can affect the house themes

2. They only not block the results but actually confuses the person

3. dual Asc - gemini Virgo sagattarius Pisces 7th house is badhka stana.
For movable Ascendant Aries cancer Libra capricon 11th house
For fixed Asc tarus, leo,scorpio , aquaruis 9th house

4. Bhadhaka house for chara rashis/ movable Ascendant is 11 house of hearing. Means these people will listen very carefully but only takes what suites them means
they will never take a good advice if that does not suite them

5. Bhdaka for Fixed Asc is 9th house of touch. So all feelings closed down and they will blockage in understanding emotions or they will themselves that
other people are not understanding them.

6. For dual Asc the house is 7th and its of Sight. Means these people could not see other people's point clearly even they want to or they can not shift their
presepective on things easily.
They live their lives with own opinions and when world shows them a different picture they are not able to understand.

The 7th house is representation of world and so for Dual ascendant is more need to careful regarding these

7. When understanding bhadka concept see the house , house ruler and sign also

for example Aquarius has 9th house is bhadhaka house and sign is libra shows relationship could be a problem with 9th house themes of religion,philophy an
distant travels and venus for relationships

8. If malefic becomes badhaka planet and bhdaka planet has negative aspects and conjunctions it will give more obstructions compared

9. If bhdaka planet has more benefic influence and well placed then the badhaka wont give many problems but still it have its effects

10. If Bhadekesha planet is in Ascendant or Ascendant lord in Bhdakasthana then problems are self created.

11 The cancellation of Bhadaka to some extent when Bhadhka planet goes into 12th house.

When in 12th pray to the graha with deity mantra.

Here Author gives best example of Mahtma gandhi. He is Libra Asc so Sun is Bhadka and it goes into 12th . So Sun diety mantra could be a Rama mantra.

Ghadhi worshipped ram and when he feels depressed he used Rama mantra to unblock the problems

Anger of deitey


If you do not maintain or worship your favorite deity then it can cause problems in life.

Means sometimes we feel god neglected us and will

use harsh words or sometimes the idol my broke unintentionally, or one is not taking cleanliness to the deity then problems could occur in this life
or next life has Bhadka.

If Sun is very strong in your chart means you are very dharmic person in previous life and followed the religious practices carefully.

If 9th lord is in bhadaksthan then related to the planet deity you need to worship the deity to get the blessing from the deity as he neglected that diety in previous

If bhadakesha in 1st house with malefic means he had worshipd a deity not in good condition means a broken idol or not well maintained temple

So Author says the personal altar worship in houses must be very cleaned and maintained instedy of many deities with not maintained

Sarpa Bhadaka

Divine serpnts - Rahu plced in Bhadkastahan/ bhadka house and Jupiter in association with Bhadka lord/Bhdaka planet

If the problems due to divine serpant then your chart is of higher purpose and the obstructions showing that you are not following the higher purpose

Nature sepnts - Rahu is kendra houses or dusthana houses with Bhadak lord or in bhadaka house. Then problems die to misuse of nature or environment caused this

Pray to the benefic associated or aspect ed to remedy this

Anger of Ancestors

When sun or moon in Badhaka house and the sign is mars sign in D1 or navamsha then this bhadaka concept here. TO remedy pray to the ancestors
Jiva dosha/ Cursed speech
When 2nd lord is associated with Bhadka plnet then it is of jiv dosh .Wrong speech could be the reason.

So now in this life remedy by using

good speech,counseling others, or donating to the organizations for speeches

dristhi bdhaka / bloked perception


This concept related to psychological or emotion disorders.This is related to when Bhadakesha/ Bhdka planet related to Asc or Asc lord or Chandra

Maraka concept astrology

The 2nd house and 7th house are maraka houses. As per Prash trivedi the 2nd is family and 7th is relationships so these houses are maraka houses for saints or rishis. (of
cource rishis had families but they are most of time are free from them but for general people these two houses can give support same time they can be severe maraka or
killing power for enlightenment)

If these lords are afflicted can give severe health problems and death inflicting periods (If severely afflicted) in dasha or antardasha

Maraka- “Maraka” means “Inauspicious” and it can produce results like a death/hell. Keep in mind, Maraka is not only limited to death or health. It can provide
inauspicious results, which can be similar to death.

Just as, 12th house is loss of ascendant. Similarly, 7th house is 12th/loss of 8th house(Age), therefore 7th house is considered as the house of death. (Marak-Markesh).

According to the Bhaavat Bhavam(भभावभात भभावव), 3rd house is also the house of Age. Because it is 8th from the 8th house.

So, 2nd house is the 12th/loss of 3rd house(death), therefore 2nd house and it's lord are considered as Marak-Markesh.

Badhaka- A planet that creates obstacles or interruptions in specific field is called "Badhaka". The obstruction which is being caused by a planet who is the lord of
Badhak sign or house. Badhaka sign, house & planet are different for different ascendants. However, we should only calculate from signs. See the examples below;

1. For Movable sign 11th house’s sign/lord is Badhaka.

2. For fixed signs 9th house’s sign/lord is Badhaka.
3. For Dual signs 7th house’s sign/lord is Badhaka.

Keep in mind, Badhaka or Badhkesh is not only for ascendant. It should be seen for each houses as each sign/house has a particular Badhaka sign/planet which obstructs
Example; As Aries is a Movable sign/ascendant. Therefore, Aquarius/Saturn will be Badhaka because it owns 11th house. Aquarius/Saturn will be only Badhaka for
ascendant as we’re calculating from ascendant. It will not affect other houses/results. Similarly, for a same Aries ascendant, there will be Capricorn in 10th house. The
badhaka for Capricorn is Scorpio/Mars. Therefore, Mars will be Badhaka in career or the things associated with 10th house. However, Mars is ascendant lord too, so it will
not create major obstacles. Therefore, it also depends on the placement, combination & aspect in individual horoscopes.

Just as, alone Trikona lords can’t produce Rajyoga, they need the support of Kendra. Similarly alone Maraka/Badhaka can’t provide malefic results until it is connected with
malefic planets/houses. Maraka/Badhaka do not give desirable results and it can be worse if makes any connections with 6–8–12th house/lord.

Maraka Example - For a Aries ascendant, Venus is strong Maraka as it owns both 2nd & 7th (Maraka) houses. Therefore, such a Venus can give trouble if he makes any
connections with Jupiter (12th lord). The period of Venus-Jupiter will not favourable too.

Badhaka Example- Aquarius/Saturn is Badhaka for Aries ascendant. Therefore, such a Saturn can give trouble if he makes any connections with Mercury (6th lord). The
period of Mars-Saturn will not favourable too.

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