201 - Principles and Practice of IT Enabled Management

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Sub Committee for Curriculum Development

Course Name: Principles and Practice of IT Enabled Management


Number of Credits: 3 ( Theory Credits =3)

Level: 4

Learning Objective(s): This course is designed to give an appreciation of how

Information Technology has influenced contemporary management in the network economy.
The course sets into play general management concepts & business functions and
emphasizes IT enabled approach to creating and delivering value to the stakeholders,
building innovative business models, evolving and executing business strategy. The course
focuses on business management “by IT” and highlights how the management of business
has evolved from managing business functions to business processes.


Case Study
Industry Visits


Awareness of general principles of management and internal/external factors that influence

management is essential. The pre-requisites are fulfilled through several reading and self-
study assignments concurrent to the delivery of course. Additionally, excellent
communication and articulation are required.

Course Outline :
Sr No Topic Hours

Introduction to Evolution of general Management and its

relevance to thoughts/schools management discipline.
Introduction to Business Function, roles.
External influences (Social, Legal, Environmental/Economical,
Political, Technological )
1 LPG ( Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization ) 9
(Self Study Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Coordinating,
Leadership, Motivation, Communication, morale)
Introduction to IT Enablement process : From Sales to
Consulting to Solution to Requirements to Development to

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What management is – contemporary approach: Value
2 Creation, Business Model, Strategy, Organization, Process 6
Creation and Execution.

IT Enabled Business Models: Frameworks for categorizing

3 business models, types of business models, business model and 6

Management Perspective – Business Processes and Business

Process Management: IT support to business process
4 4.5
Introduction to Business Applications and suites

Management Perspective – Functional Management :

5 4.5
Applications supporting business functions

Business Strategy and IT – An Overview:

6 3
Strategic decision making

Introduction to eBusiness: Models, execution, assurance and

7 3

8 Business ethics CSR, corporate Governance & their relevance. 3

9 Case Studies 6

Total 45

Books Recommended:

1. Principles and Practices of Management by Burton and Thakur

2. Harward Business Review

Websites Recommended:


Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Written Exam
Case based assignments and presentations

Parallel/Similar courses the existing curriculum:

Sr No Name of the course Institute where it was offered

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Name of Ashok Supratik Ghatak
Member Kotwal
Adjunct Visiting Faculty
Org. / Inst. SICSR


Name of the Expert:



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