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Prof. Dr. Ir.

Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

M. Irsyam*, D.H. Natawijaya, S. Widiyantoro, I. Meilano, W. Triyoso ,
A. Rudiyanto, S. Hidayati, M. Asrurifak, A. Sabaruddin, L. Faisal dkk.
*Chair - Team for Updating of Sesimic Hazard Maps of Indonesia 2010 and 2016
*President - Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering
*Head - Research Center for Disaster Mitigation ITB
*Chair - Geotechnical Engineering Division ITB
*Member - Indonesian Academy of Sciences

Ministry of

Earthquake events since the release of SNI-2002

Aceh Earthquake Mw=9.2
Content: (December, 2004)
Pidie Jaya Earthquake Mw=6.5
(7 Desember, 2016)
Simeuleu Earthquake Mw=8.5
• Background (11 April, 2012)
Nias Earthquake Mw=8.6
(March, 2005)
• Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation Simeuleu Earthquake Mw=8.1
(11 April, 2012)
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources
Padang Earthquake Mw=7.6 Jambiimprovements
Earthquake Mw=6.6
Why does the(Sept,
current code require
(Oct, 2009)
• Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications
1. Mentawai
To considers recent
Earthquake great earthquakes in Indonesia
(Oct, 2010)
• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016
Yogya Earthquake Mw=6.3
• Local Site Effects Tasik Earthquake Mw=7.4
(Sept, 2009) (May, 2006)


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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

All shocks
Damage Due to Earthquake:
- Tsunami Washout
- Uplifting and Subsidence
- Building Damage
- Landslide
- Liquefaction
- Ground Cracking

Lok Nga

Lam Paseh

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

• Uplifting and Subsidence


(9.8 m)

Building Damage

Mall Pantee Pirak, Banda Aceh

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Building Damages
(Due to 30 S, 2009 West Sumatra Eq)

Structural Failures
Soft Stories
Gempa Pidie Aceh 2016

RC, Padang RC Soft Storey, Padang

Sengara, IW. et al., 2009

Contoh Likuifaksi

Lubuk Laweh, Jumanak, Mt. Tandikat (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)

HATTI, Toha et al, 2009

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Liquefaction followed by foundation settlement

Pidie Jaya

Likuifaksi di Panteraja akibat Gempa Pidie Jaya (PVMBG, 2016)

Kocaeli, 1999

Ground Cracking

Landsubsidence 0f 50cm due to liquefaction

Liquefaction followed by foundation settlement

Pidie Jaya, 2016

Rahardjo dkk, 2009

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Strategy for
Content: Earthquake Mitigation Human has to be protected

(FEMA 451b, 2007)

• Background Earthquake Strategy
• Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation Fault rupture Avoid
Very potential in resulting huge
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources disaster
Tsunami Avoid
Cannot be predicted accurately:
• Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications when, where, and the size
Landside (big) Avoid

• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016 Cannot be avoided Liquefaction Avoid/ Resist

• Local Site Effects Ground shaking Resist

Earthquake Resistance Buildings+Infrastructures have to be

Buildings + Infrastructures designed to resist earthquake loads

1. Response Spectra Analysis: 2.Time History Analysis Response Spectra Analysis Time History Analysis
Newton’s 2nd Law:
H Perencanaan Struktur Atas
Motion at Building

Buiding characteristics

Perencanaan Struktur Bawah Motion at Foundation

Required parameters for earthquake resistance building design?

Soil Condition

Peta Gempa
Motion at Bedrock
Earthquake source

Wave propagation from epicenter to bedrock surface

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The 2nd Seismic Hazard Map

The 1st Seismic Hazard Map Indonesian Standard for Earthquake Resistance Building Design (SNI-03-1726-2002)
in Indonesian Standard for Earthquake Resistance Building Design 1983 Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration at bedrock SB
for 10% in 50 years (+500 years)

6 4

5 2
4 1
3 5
3 6
4 5 2

Earthquake Zone - 1 Earthquake Zone - 3 Earthquake Zone - 5

Earthquake Zone - 2 Earthquake Zone - 4 Earthquake Zone - 6

Team for Revision of Seismic Hazard Map of Indonesia 2010

(Established by The Ministry of Public Works in December 2009)
Masyhur Irsyam (Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering ITB – Chair))
Wayan Sengara (Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering ITB – Vice Chair)
Fahmi Almadiar (Seismic Hazard - Dept. Public Work - Secretary)
• Background
M Asrurifak (Seismic Hazard - ITB)
Danny Hilman (Geology - Indonesia Research Institute) • Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation
Engkon Kertapati (Geology - Geological Research Center)
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources
M. Ridwan (Geology - Dept. Public Work)
Irwan Meilano (Geodesy, Crustal Deformation – ITB) • Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications
Sri Widiantoro (Geophysics - ITB)
• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016
Wahyu Trioso (Geophysics - ITB)
Suhardjono (Geophysics - Burau of Geophysics-Climatology-Meteorology) • Local Site Effects
Indra Djati Sidi – ITB
Hazard Maps:
Risk Maps: Nicholas Luco - USGS
Phil Cummins - Geo Science Australia Widiadnyana Merati – ITB
Mark Petersen - USGS Daniel Hutabarat – ITB

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Development of Seismic Hazard Map  Probabilistic approach EURASIA PLATE

 Deterministic approach PHILIPINE PLATE

Probability Density Function


12 cm/year

Development of Maps of
PGA & Response Spectra
judgement 4.4.Seismic
Perhitungan hazard gempa
hazard Calculation
Identifikasi sumberof Earthquake ▪Seismic
gempa Sources design
design criteria
criteria Menghitung
Menghitung hazard dengan dengan
hazard input
dari Tahap (1) + (2) + (3) dengan
▪Lokasi: koord. sumber
▪Lokasi : koord.
gempa sumber gempa dari Tahap (1)ketidakpastian
memperhitungkan + (2) + (3) dengan 6 cm/year
: arah strike, sudut strike,
: arah dip, sudut dip, memperhitungkan ketidakpastian
kedalaman maksimum epistemic.
kedalaman maksimum
▪Mekanisme : subduksi, patahan
▪Mekanisme : subduksi, patahan
normal, reverse INDO AUSTRALIA PLATE

normal, reverse 3.3.Selection

Pemilihan of Datamotion
Data strong strong motion
fungsi atenuasi
Atenuation accelerogram
Function yang ada yang ada Major Tectonics around Indonesia (Bock et al., 2003)
▪Informasi Geologi,▪Informasi Geologi, • There are 4 major tectonic plates in this region: Eurasia, Indoaustralia, Pacific and Philipine.
2. Characterization of Sources
sumber gempa seimologi seimologi
▪Frekuensi kejadian
distribution ▪Katalog data gempa
▪Katalog data gempa • Indoaustralia and Philipine/pacific plates subduct beneath the Eursia plate with the rate of 6cm/year
▪Slip rate
▪Slip rate
▪ Magnitude maksimum and 12 cm/year
▪ Maximum Magnitude

Tectonic Setting for Indonesia

Omer Aydan, 2008
Source Type I: Subduction Megathrust
Philipine Plate Megarthrust Philipine
Mw=8.2 , a=4.64 b=0.87
Sulu Thrust West Molucca Sea
Megarthrust Andaman-Sumatera Mw=8.5
Mw=9.2 , a=4.70, b=0.83 Mw=7.9
Eurasian Plate
East Molucca Sea
Megarthrust North Sulawesi Mw=8.1
Megarthrust Middle1 Sumatera Mw=8.2 , a=4.28 b=0.91 Pasific Plate
Mw=8.6 , a=4.71, b=0.88 North Papua Thrust
Megarthrust Middle 2 Sumatera
Mw=8.5 , a=5.35, b=0.97

Megarthrust S Sumatera
Mw=8.2 , a=5.76, b=1.05 Megarthrust North Banda Sea
Mw=7.9 , a=6.86 b=1.20

Megarthrust South Banda Sea

Megarthrust Jawa Mw=7.4 , a=7.56 b=1.34
Mw=8.1 , a=6.14, b=1.10
Megarthrust Sumba Megarthrust Timor
Indian-Australian Plate Mw=7.8 , a=6.81, b=1.20 Mw=7.9 , a=9.09 b=1.60
Irsyam dkk, 2009

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Historical Earthquakes along The Sumatran Fault Zone (Natawijaya, 2010)

Tectonic Setting for Indonesia 1964
1967 (Pidie Jaya) 1892 (7.7)
2016 (Pidie Jaya)
Source Type II: Active faults have been well identified Seismic Gap? 1990
for 2010 Hazard Maps 1936 1908
1921 1909 (7.6)
2. Aceh 1984 1916
3. Tripa 1987 1921 ( >7)
4. Renun 8. Sumpur 1892
1926 (~7)
77. Manokwari trench 1822
1.Seulimeum 5. Toru 9. Sianok 1926 1933 (7.5)
57. Gorontalo 74. Sorong 75. Ransiki 6 March 2007 (M6.3 & 6.1) 1943
12. Siulak 54. Batui thrust 1936 (7.2)
72. Sula-Sorong 70. Yapen 1909
6. 13. Dikit 50. Palu-Koro 1995 1942 (7.3)
7. Barumun 14. Ketaun 1 Oct 2009 (M 6.7) 1952
53. Poso 1942 1943 (7.3)
10. Sumani 18.Semangko 1900
11. Suliti 15. Musi 51. Matano 1952 (6.8)
31. Baribis 73. Sorong-Maluku 1893
58. Lawanopo
34. Wetar back arc 78. Lowland 1933 1964 (6.5)
33. Semarang 52. Walanae
55. Tolo thrust 1994 1967 (6.8)
16. Manna 1908
71. Tarera-Aidun 1979 (6.6)
17. Kumering
30. Bumiayu 76. Membrano thrust tbelt
2000 1984 (6.4)
19.Sunda 34. Jogja 36. Flores back arc
32. Cimandiri 79 Highland thrust belt 1987 (6.6)
1990 (6.5)
1994 (6.9)
24 destructive events in the past 200 years or 1995 (7.0)
1-2 large earthquakes occur every decade 1997 (6.5)

Seismic Sources:
Source Type III: Shallow and Deep Background
It is very suitable for unmapped faults, but have historical earthquake records
It is used o account for epicenters that do not belong to well identified active faults

Spatially smoothed-gridded seismicity

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB

(for 50 years Earthquake)


• Background
• Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources
• Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications
• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016
• Local Site Effects

Didukung oleh:

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
(for 100 years Earthquake) (for 200 years Earthquake)

Didukung oleh: Didukung oleh:

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 10

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
Probability of exceedence 10% in 50 years (500 years EQ) Probability of exceedence 10% in 100 years (1,000 years EQ)

Didukung oleh: Didukung oleh:

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
Probability of exceedence 2% in 50 years (2500 years EQ) Probability of exceedence 0.5% in 50 years (10,000 years EQ)

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Updating of Bridge Design Standard in Indonesia Updating of Indonesian Building Code

Development in Indonesia:
Indonesia standard and technical guideline are revised to keep up with the International advancement
Revision has been
500 years return of period according to

Refered to Departement of
transportation, California, 1976
(Report 579)
• 1000 years return of period (7% in 75 years)
• PGA and spectral response at 0.2 and 1.0 sec.

1992 2008 2013 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2010

ASCE 2010
Development in USA:
USA standard updated regularly to accommodate the reliability of the bridge, especially in term of seismic hazard analysis
It was decided in national consensus 2010 (government,
professional societies, private consultants, and universities)
SNI-03-1726-2002 Risk of Collapse 1% in 50 yrs
MCER(Risk-Adjusted Maximum Considered Eq.) :
▪Seismic Hazard:
▪Seismic Hazard: - Probabilistic: 2% PE in 50 yrs (2,500 yrs eq.) -
- Probablistic: 10% PE in 50 yrs - Deterministic Approach
1998 2005 2007 2010 2012-2013 (500 yrs eq.) ▪Fragility of Buildings

MRT Jakarta
National Electric Company
Perioda Ulang Gempa 1000 tahun
Concrete Dam for Electricity?
Concrete Dam in West Java, 2013
Recommendation from PRP (Project Review panel):
-The Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE): 145 yr
-The Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE):
Probabilistic return period of 2475-yr +
Deterministic 84th percentile level

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Application of Hazard Maps: depends on the type of infrastructure

Probabilitis: 500 yrs?

Railway track +
Ports and Bridges
Adapt JIS
Probabilitis: 500 yrs?


Probabilitis: 2500 yrs?

Kereta Cepat


• Background
• Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources
• Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications
• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016
• Local Site Effects

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Team for Updating of Seismic Hazard Maps of Indonesia 2016

Enhancement of National Seismic Hazard Maps

Deliverable: COMMITTEE
- Maps of Earthquake Sources of Indonesia 2016
of Updated Seismic hazard of Indonesia 2016
- An international book containing
data and documentation
Prof. Masyhur Irsyam
• Enhancement is conducted by updating earthquake sources data including geology, seismology,
geodesy, and earthquake catalog.
WORKING GROUP WORKING GROUP WORKING GROUP WORKING GROUP WORKING GROUP WORKING GROUP • Updating data is based upon the latest studies such as recent active-fault studies utilizing trenching,
Ariska R., MSc Dr. Wahyu Triyoso carbon dating, epicenter relocation, strain analysis (GPS) as well as availability of basic data
Dr. D.H. Natawijaya Dr. Irwan Meilano Prof. S Widiyantoro Dr. Sri Hidayati
including the SRTM-30, IFSAR, LiDAr, and earthquake catalog up to 2016.
Dr. Benyamin Sapiie Dr. Endra Gunawan Dr. Andri Dian N. Sigit Pramono, M.Si Dr. Wayan Sengara Dr. M Asrurifak
Dr. Supartoyo Susilo, MT Dr. Wandono Dr. Jaya Murjaya Dr. M. Asrurifak Fahmi Aldiamar, MT
Dr. Mudrik Daryono Dr. Daryono Dr. Muzli Chiko B.M.W., MDM Fahmi Aldimar, MT Amalfi Omang, M. Phil • Improvement of tomography using 3D velocity model.
Subandriyo, M.Si Arkadia R., MT Dr. M. Ridwan Prof. Wijoyo Prakoso Pepen Supendi, MSi Artadi Pria Sakti, M.Si
Dr. Andri D Nugraha Desyanti, MT
Dr. A. Solihin
Dr. Gayatri I Marliyani
Dr. Rahma Hanifa
Dr. Dina Sarsito
Prof. N.T. Puspito
Dr. Nurliah Sadikin
Fajri Syukur R, MT
Fajar Budi Utomo, ST Rahayu Robiana, S.Si
• Adding several active faults that were not quantified before.
Astyka Mumpuni, M.Si Awaluddin, MT H. Ash Shidiqqi, M.Si Oriza Sativa, S.Si
Dr. Ma’ruf Mukti DR. A. Solihin Rexha Verdhora, MT Dr. Endra Gunawan • Considering the latest GMPE published after Tohoku earthquake and latest NGA.
Cecep S., M.Si Shindy Rosalia, ST Dr. Hendriyawan
Pandu A.M., ST Ridwan Kusnandar Dr. Windu Partono
Jajat Jatmika • Adding OpenQuake software for comparison and verification to USGS and EZFRisk software.
Nova Heryandoko

PuSGeN’s Catalogue Detail Investigation for Lembang Fault

Natawijaya et al., 2016

• EHB (1960-2008)
All Shocks (1907-2016): • USGS (1973-2016)
• ISC-GEM (1907-2004)
• Relocated BMKG data (2009-2015)

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Investigation of Lembang Fault (near Bandung) Fault in East Java : Kendeng Fault Zone
Natawijaya et al. 2016
Geo electric survey
Slip rate : 0.5 cm/yr
(Ito et al, 2012)


Trenching and Dating

Kaolali et al., 2016

Surabaya City Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016

Active Faults in Sumatera

Seulimeum Utara Seulimeum Selatan

Lot Tawar
Mmax 7.7 ; 18mm/yr Mmax 6.9 ; 6mm/yr
Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5 mm/yr
Lhok Seumawe
Aceh (Utara) Pidie Segment Mmax 6.9 ; 1mm/yr
Mmax 7.2 ; 2mm/yr Mmax 6.5 ; 0.2 mm/yr

Aceh (Central) Peusangan

Mmax 7.7 ; 14mm/yr Mmax 6.8 ; 0.5 mm/yr

Batee Tripa
Mmax 7 ; 6mm/yr Mmax 7.1 ; 8mm/yr

Simeulue Selatan Oreng

Mmax 7.9 ; 10mm/yr Mmax 6.9 ; 1mm/yr

Batee Tripa
Mmax 6.5 ; 0.5mm/yr Mmax 6.6 ; 8mm/yr

Batee Tripa Renun

Mmax 6.9 ; 0.1mm/yr Mmax 7.3 ; 16mm/yr Mmax 7.8 ; 14mm/yr

Tripa Toru
Mmax 7.5 ; 8mm/yr Mmax 7.4 ; 14mm/yr

Mmax 7.6 ; 4mm/yr
Mmax 6.7 ; 14mm/yr

Renun Sumpur
Mmax 6.7 ; 14mm/yr Mmax 6.9 ; 14mm/yr

Mmax 7.7 ; 10mm/yr Sianok
Mmax 7.4 ; 14mm/yr

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016 Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016
Active Faults in Sumatera Active Faults in Java

Sumani Cimandiri Lembang Tegal Pekalongan

Mmax 7.2 ; 14mm/yr Mmax 6.7 ; 2mm/yr Mmax 7 ; 4.5mm/yr Pati
Mmax 6.5 ; 0.5mm/yr Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 6.5 ; 0.1mm/yr
Suliti Muria
Mmax 6.9 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 7.4 ; 14mm/yr Pemalang Mmax 6.2 ; 0.1mm/yr Purwodadi
Nyaldung Vibeber Mmax 6.3 ; 0.5mm/yr
Cirebon Mmax 7 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 6.9 ; 0.5mm/yr Weleri
Mmax 6.5 ; 0.5mm/yr
Siulak Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 7.3 ; 14mm/yr
Cirebon Mmax 7.5 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr
Dikit Mmax 6.9 ; 0.5mm/yr Blumbang
Mmax 7.2 ; 13mm/yr Mmax 6.9 ; 0.1mm/yr

Ketaun Surabaya
Mentawai Mmax 7.4 ; 14mm/yr Mmax 6.8 ; 0.1mm/yr
Mmax 8.5 ; 5mm/yr
Mmax 7.3 ; 14mm/yr
Mmax 5.7 ; 0.3mm/yr
Manna Mmax 7 ; 0.1mm/yr
Mmax 7.4 ; 12mm/yr

Kumering Utara
Enggano Tampomas
Mmax 7.5 ; 11mm/yr
Mmax 7.7 ; 5mm/yr Mmax 5.6 ; 0.5mm/yr Unggaran
Mmax 6.; 0.1mm/yr
Kumering Selatan Cirebon
Mmax 7.2 ; 11mm/yr Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr
Ujung Kulon
Semangko Barat Mmax 7.7 ; 10mm/yr Ajibarang
Semangko Timur Demak
Mmax 7.4 ; 8mm/yr Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr Probolinggo
Mmax 6.3 ; 3mm/yr Mmax 6.5 ; 0.5mm/yr
Opak Mmax 6.5 ; 0.2mm/yr
Mmax 7 ; 2.4mm/yr
Semangko Timur Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr Brebes
Mmax 6.9 ; 3mm/yr Semangko Graben Mmax 6.7 ; 0.5mm/yr Rawapening
Mmax 7.1 ; 3mm/yr Mmax 6.6 ; 0.5mm/yr
Mmax 6.5 ; 0.2mm/yr
Ujung Kulon
Mmax 7.4 ; 10mm/yr Merapi-Merbabu Waru
Mmax 6.8 ; 1mm/yr Mmax 7.2 ; 0.5mm/yr

Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016 Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016
Active Faults in Kalimantan-Sulawesi Active Faults in Central Sulawesi

Tomini Gorontalo Selatan

Mmax 7.12 ; 0.1mm/yr Mmax 7.22 ; 1mm/yr Tokakaru
Tarakan Mmax 6.38 ; 0.1mm/yr
Mmax 7.26 ; 2mm/yr
Mmax 7 ; 0.3mm/yr Gorontalo Utara Palolo
Mmax 7.24 ; 1mm/yr Tondano Palu Mmax 6.44 ; 0.1mm/yr
Palukoro Tarakan Mmax 6.27 ; 0.1mm/yr Mmax 6.81 ; 35mm/yr Sausu
Mmax 6.81 ; 1mm/yr

Mmax 7 ; 0.5mm/yr Batui
Mmax 7.37 ; 5mm/yr
Mmax 7.38 ; 0.1mm/yr
Palukoro Makassar Saluki Loa
Mmax 7.5 ; 35mm/yr Mmax 6.97 ; 35mm/yr
Balantak Mmax 7.32 ; 0.1mm/yr
Mmax 7.6 ; 5mm/yr
Makassar Utara

Ambelang Weluki
Meratus Mmax 7.30 ; 0.1mm/yr
Mmax 7.04 ; 1mm/yr
Mmax 7 ; 0.2mm/yr Besoa
Mmax 5.48 ; 0.1mm/yr Matano
Mmax 6.86 ; 35mm/yr
Makassar Tengah Peleng
Mmax 6.98 ; 1mm/yr Soroako
Mmax 6.59 ; 0.1zmm/yr
Mamuju Lawanopo
Mmax 7.02 ; 5mm/yr Mmax 7; 0.1mm/yr Balawai
Mmax 6.72; 35mm/yr Tuare
Kuleana Soroako
Mmax 5.93 ; 0.1mm/yr Mmax 6.68 ; 0.1zmm/yr
Somba Mmax 6.64 ; 35mm/yr
Mmax 7.35 ; 5mm/yr Geressa
Buton Pamsoa Mmax 4.83; 35mm/yr
Mmax 6.25 ; 0.1mm/yr Kendari Mmax 6.98; 35mm/yr
Walanae Mmax 7; 0.1mm/yr Moa Pewusai
Mmax 7 ; 0.1mm/yr Mmax 7.17 ; 35mm/yr Mmax 6.64 ; 35mm/yr
Selayar Buton Tolo
Mmax 7.14; 0.1mm/yr Maleei Soroako
Mmax 7; 3mm/yr Mmax 6.49 ; 0.1zmm/yr

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Map of Earthquake Sources for Indonesia 2016

Active Faults in Maluku and Papua Peta Gempa
Sula Utara Obi Kofiau Salawati Sagewin Dampier Tarera Aiduna Randawaya Jobi Mamberamo Makai
Mmax 8 Halmahera Selatan Mmax 7.5 Mmax 7.0 Mmax 7.5 Mmax 7.2 Wandamen Mmax 7.4 Mmax 7.3 Mmax 7.3 Mmax 7.3 Mmax 7.3
Mmax 7.8 Mmax 7.4 Tuira
Kofiau Utara Mmax 7.3
Mmax 7.5 Mmax 7.4
Obi Mmax 6.8 Toarim
Mmax 7.5 Mmax 7.4

Mmax 7.5

Mega Omnowi
Mmax 6.6 Djanggur
Mmax 7.4
Mmax 7.5
Kano Talibu Wapoga
Mmax 7.6 Waruta
Mmax 6.8 Mmax 7.1 Mmax 7.9 Mmax 7.3

Seram-Wahai Utara Klararea

Mmax 7.4 Mmax 7.3
Waghete Mmax 7.5
Seram-HoteUtara Mmax 7.4 Habema
Mmax 7.3 Seram-Gorom Barat Aru - Barat Mmax 7.0
Mmax 6.8 Mmax 7.8
Seram-Bula Timur Timika Mmax 6.7
Mmax 7.1 Seram-Gorom Timur Mmax 7.4
Mmax 6.8 Aru – Tengah Selatan
Mmax 7.6
Mmax 7.5 Anabranch
Mmax 7.7
Aru – Tengah
Mmax 7.2
Aru - Tenggara Aru - Timur Aru – Timur Laut Mmax 7.3 Digul
Mmax 7.4 Mmax 7.8 Mmax 7.2 Mmax 8.0

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
(for 50 years Earthquake) (for 100 ears Earthquake)

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
(for 200 years Earthquake) (for 500 years Earthquake)

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
(for 1,000 years Earthquake) (for 2,500 years Earthquake)

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 18

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB
(for 5,000 years Earthquake) (for 10,000 years Earthquake)

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at Bedrock SB HAZARD 10% 50Y 2010

For Deterministic Approach (84 percentile)

HAZARD 10% 50Y 2016

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 19

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

HAZARD 2% 50Y 2010

3.0 g

HAZARD 2% 50Y 2016 Previous Estimation Mw=7.2 – 8.0

Actual Mw=9.0


Christchurch New Zaeland

a max horizontal = 1.43 g

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 20

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017


• Background
• Strategy for Earthquake Mitigation
• Tectonic Setting and Seismic Sources

Mj 6.5 1.6g
• Seismic Hazard Maps 2010 and Their Applications
• Updating Seismic Hazard in Maps 2016
• Local Site Effects


Spectral Acceleration
Effect of local soil condition

SM1 = Fv S1
SPGA = Fpga PGA SMS = Fa SS SM1 = Fv S1
21x Ground Surface
R=380 KM 0.2 1.0
T0= 0.2 Ts
Mexico Earthquake 1985
Fpga Fa Fv
City 4-5x SS (Tabel 3) (Tabel 4) (Tabel 5)
Spectral Acceleration

Spektra di Batuan Dasar SB
Soil Type
EQ, M =8.1 1-D wave Surfacial layer
propagation PGA
6 cm/y
rS (Gambar 8) (Gambar 9) (Gambar 10)
ubd x T
ion A 0.0 0.2 1.0 Bedrock SB
Zo Bedrock
M antle ne

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 21

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Klasifikasi site Master Plan Gempa Bumi Indonesia

(SNI-2002, UBC-97, IBC-2009, ASCE 7-10,) Bidang Rencana Strategis Tahap I (2014 – 2019)
Klasifikasi Site V s (m/dt) N Su (kPa)
Bidang A: Pemahaman proses gempabumi dan dampaknya
A. Batuan Keras > 1500 N/A N/A
Bidang kajian ilmu-ilmu dasar/sains (Tim A)
B. Batuan 750 < < 1500 N/A N/A
Bidang B: Pengembangan langkah-langkah efektif untuk mengurangi
C. Tanah Sangat Padat dampak gempabumi pada individu, lingkungan binaan, dan
350 < < 750 >50 > 100 masyarakat luas
dan Batuan Lunak
Bidang aplikasi, rekayasa, dan analisis resiko (Tim B)
D. Tanah Sedang 175 < < 350 15 < < 50 50 < < 100
Bidang C: Ketahanan masyarakat luas terhadap gempabumi
E. Tanah Lunak < 175 <15 < 50 Bidang kajian sosial dan hukum(Tim C)
Atau setiap profil lapisan tanah dengan ketebalan lebih dari 3 m dengan
karateristik sebagai berikut :
1.Indeks plastisitas, PI > 20,
2.Kadar air (w) > 40%, dan
3.Kuat geser tak terdrainase < 25 kPa

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 22

Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam - Peta Gempa Indonesia 4/21/2017

Revision of seismic hazard maps for Indonesia for 2010 has been developed
based upon updated available seismotectonic data, new fault models, and
recent ground-motion prediction equations.

Updating of hazard maps 2016 will be completed soon.

Seismic sources were divided into fault, subduction, and background zones.

SNI and hazard maps for building and highway have been updated.

For other infrastructures need to developed related SNI and hazard maps.

The roles of government is critical in the earthquake mitigation

Seminar HPJI-PUSGEN-HATTI 21 April 2017 23

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