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Branded Jewellery Market

Research Questionnaire
Objective - To understand the behavior pattern and preference of consumers
towards branded jewellery and Senthil Murugan Jewellers.

Target Audience: Upper middle class, Middle class married womens residing in

Name: _____________________

Age: _____________________

Sex: _______________________

Marital Status: _______________

Contact Info: _________________

1) How frequently do you purchase jewellery (on an average)?

a. Once a month

b. Once every six months

c. Once a year

d. Only on special occasions

e. Other pleases specify, ________________

2) You mostly purchase jewelry as/ for?

a. As a gift

b. For personal use

c. Other specify, _____________

3) What jewelry items/ pieces do you generally purchase?

a. Ring

b. Necklace

c. Bracelet

d. Earring

e. Others, Specify _____________

4) What material/ metal do you prefer most?

a. Gold

b. Platinum

c. Silver

d. Others, Please specify_____

5) When buying jewellery, what do you value the most?

a. Craftsmanship

b. Cost

c. Uniqueness

d. Other

6) Do you prefer any specific designer/brand/jeweller?

7) Where do you prefer to buy the jewellery from (for gifting)?

a) Branded Store

b) Family Jeweller

8)Are you aware of Senthil Murugan Jewellers?

9)Have you purchased before from SMJ?YES/NO

If YES Fill the next question

10) How long have you been making your purchases of jewellery from this store/

a. I recently started visiting this store / brand.

b. From past 5 to 10 years

c. Since a very long time, almost always.

11) When choosing a store to shop for jewelry and/or watches, how important are
these Factors, using a scale where

1=Very Important to 5-Not Important

And also rate these factors on Senthil Murugan Jewellers.


A Helpfulness of Staff/Attention to My
B Convenience of Store
C Quality of Merchandise
D Brands Carried
E Wide Selection of Merchandise
F Good Prices for Merchandise
G Knowledge of Sales Staff/Information
H Trust in the Store
I Pleasant environment for shopping

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