Light Shadow Reflection Worksheet

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Question 1
State True or False
(a) Light travels in straight line
(b) A Shadow can be coloured
(c) The image formed in pinhole camera is both erect and inverted
(d) Transparent object does not cast shadows
(e) A periscope is an instrument used for observing objects from a hidden position
(f) Moon is a luminous object

Question 2
Fill in the Blank
a. The phenomenon by which we see our face in mirror is called _____.
b. Sun is an ________ object.
c. A _______ eclipse occurs when earth comes between sun and moon in a straight line.
d. Wooden piece is an _________ object.
e. _______ and ______ are two types of shadows.
f. The objects which partially allow light to pass through them are called ________________.
g. speed of light is _______ .

Question 3
Match the column
Column A Column B
translucent Wood
opaque Torch bulb
Transparent Butter paper
Luminous Glass

Multiple choice questions

Question 1
Which of the following is a false?

(a) All objects cast shadows.

(b) Mirror changes direction of light that falls on it
(c) image in a plane mirror is of the same size and colour as that of the object.
(d) Coloured objects form coloured shadows
(e) The phenomenon of bouncing back of light after falling on the surfaces of the objects is
called reflection of light.
Question 2
What is true about reflection from plane mirror?

(a) The image formed by plane mirror is erect and virtual.

(b) Size of the image formed by plane mirror is equal to the size of the object.
(c) The distance of the image behind the plane mirror is equal to the distance of the object from
the mirror.
(d) All the above

Question 3
Which of the following is sources of artificial light?
(a) electric bulb
(b) Candle
(c) Torch
(d) All the above

Question 4
What is lateral inversion?
(a) Image looks shorter in size
(b) Image looks larger in size
(c) The right side of the object appears to be the left side of its image and vice-versa
(d) None of the above

Question 5
Two statement are given
Statement A: We cannot see our image in the mirror in complete dark room because there is no
light to reflect.
Statement B: We cannot see objects through T shaped pipe because light travels through
straight line

(a) Statement A is correct only

(b) Statement A is correct only
(c) Statement A and B both are incorrect
(d) Statement A and B both are correct

Give two examples of the following

1) Opaque object
2) Luminous bodies.
3) Non-luminous bodies
4) Translucent objects
5) Transparent objects.

Fill in the blanks.

a) Shadows are always _ in colour.

b) is the main source of light energy on the earth
c) Light travels in a line.
d) Image formed by a pin hole camera is
e) objects cast no shadows.

Answer the following :

a) What is a shadow ? what are the conditions necessary for the formation of shadow ?

b) Explain with the help of an activity that light travels in a straight line ?

c) There are three materials A, B, C, .

When material A is held in front of our eyes, we cannot see anything at all.
But when material B is held in front of our eye, we can see everything through it clearly.
On the other hand , when material C is held in front of our eyes, we can see through it only
faintly, but not clearly

a) Which material is

1)transparent = ii) opaque = iii) translucent=

b) Name one material which behaves like

i) A ii) B & iii C

Given below are some objects, write whether they are transparent, translucent or opaque.

Mud A glass

Butter paper Cellophane paper

Plastic glass
Distinguish between the following.

a) Opaque objects Transparent objects

b) Luminous body Non-luminous body

c) Beam of light Ray of light

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences only.

a) Name four man made sources of light

b) Define translucent objects.
c) How can a transparent sheet be converted into a translucent sheet?.
d) What are the three things required for the formation of shadow?
e) Moon is a non-luminous object. How does it shine at night?


1. Which one is a transparent object?

a. Stone b. Reading glass c. Wax paper d. Dense fog

2. Light is a form of
a. Energy b. Powerc. Mass d. Length

3. Which of the following will not form circular shadow

a. A circular disk b. Shoe box c. Ice-cream cone d. A ball

4. Shadow is formed by
a. Transparent object b. Translucent object c. Opaque object d. All of

5. Match the following:

Column A Column B
a. Moon Translucent
b. Sun Opaque
c. Brick Reflecting surface
d. Mirror Luminous
e. Tracing paper Non-luminous
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable word.

1. _________ object do not caste any shadow.

2. Moon is a _________ object.
3. Shadows give us information about the _________ of the
4. Solar and Lunar eclipse are examples of _________ formation
in nature.
5. A _________ changes the direction of light that falls on

7. When does a lunar eclipse occur?

8. Distinguish between real and virtual image,

9. What is lateral inversion?

10. Classify the following as transparent, translucent and opaque

Brick, butter paper, air, cardboard, metals, book, smoked glass, water,
cellophane paper.

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