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Q1. What Is Simulation?

design and implementation of a

Q2. What Is The Need For Simulation?
simulator, various techniques and
simulator is a collection of hardware strategies may be adopted to model
and software systems which are used the behavior of a given system.
to mimic the behavior of some entity Depending upon the system to be
or phenomenon. Simulators may also simulated, some techniques may be
be used to analyze and verify more favorable than others. Factors
theoretical models which may be too including the level of abstraction and
difficult to grasp from a purely the desired accuracy and speed of the
conceptual level. simulation should be taken into
consideration when designing the
Q3. What Is The Classification Of simulator engine. Traditionally,
Simulation Systems? It is useful to
simulators are designed using either
classify the system being simulated
into two separate categories continuous or discrete-event
depending upon the degree of techniques to simulate a given system.
randomness associated with the Q5. What Are The Advantages And
behavior of the system in its Disadvantages Of Simulation?
simulated environment. A system that
relies heavily upon random behavior Q6. Explain Continuous Simulation?
is referred to as a stochastic system. Continuous simulators are
The results generated from a characterized by the extensive use of
stochastic system are typically mathematical formulae which
analyzed statistically in order to make describe how a simulated component
conclusions regarding the behavior of
responds when subjected to various
the system.
conditions. A continuous simulator
Conversely, a deterministic
would apply those equations in the
simulation system incorporates
absolutely no random behavior context of the components'
whatsoever. As such, the simulation environment and connectivity and
results for a given set of inputs will produce a continuous graph which
always be identical. Simulations accurately reflects how the
involving circuit behavior are components would react if they were
examples of deterministic systems. actually hooked up in reality. The
graphs usually reflect the changes in
Q4. What Are Simulation Models? the state of the system with respect to
Simulation Models: During the
time; however, other relationships some known starting point, and we
may also be demonstrated as well. take enough terms. However, one of
the drawbacks with Taylor's method is
Q7. Explain Discrete-event Simulation? that you need to differentiate your
Discrete-event simulation is used to function once for each new term you
simulate components which normally want to calculate. Carl Runge
operate at a higher level of abstraction (pronounced "roonga") and Wilhelm
than components simulated by Kutta (pronounced "koota") aimed to
continuous simulators. Within the provide a method of approximating a
function without having to
context of discrete-event simulation, differentiate the original equation.
an event is defined as an incident Their approach was to simulate as
which causes the system to change its many steps of the Taylor's Series
state in some way. For example, a method but using evaluation of the
new event is created whenever a original function only.
simulation component generates
Y(x+h)= y(x)+1/6(F1+2F2+2F3+F4)
Q8. List Some Open Source Circuit
Simulator Software List?

 Micro-Cap 10
 Proteus
 Solve Elec
 XSpice
 MultiSim
 TopSpice Q11. Pseudo random number
 Circuit Simulator 1.5
 MacSpice Q12. Random number generation
 5Spice . technique

Q9. Sine wave representation of Q13. Advantages of queuing models

Q14. Poisson arrival pattern and
Q10. Runge-kutta method: Taylor's FCFS
Series gives us a reasonably good
Q15. PERT system, critical path
approximation to a function,
especially if we are near enough to
Q16. Inventory system, cost related to
inventory system.

Q.17 Pure-Pursuit Problem:

Note:- Bomber Aircraft and the
Fighter Aircraft are flying in the same
horizontal plane. For simulation
purpose it is assumed that both the
Aircrafts are flying in a rectangular
coordinate system with corners (0, 0)
& (1000, 1000). Velocity of the
fighter Aircraft is assumed to be 20
units per second. When the distance
between the Bomber and the Fighter
is less than 100 units, it is assumed
that the Bomber is shot down. When
the distance between them is more
than 900 units, it is assumed that the
Bomber escapes from the sight of the
Fighter. The initial positions of the
Bomber and Fighter are decided
randomly. During the pursuit, the
position of the Bomber is randomly
Q18. Matlab or Scilab, or Octave
Q19. Rejection method from a given
non-uniform distribution
Q20. Mote-Carlo Method

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