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z DASYLUN* Current Revisions By hive Goldsman RECEIVED JUN 24 2002 STORY LIBRARY | ] () i O20 ! [2X ) 7 j| & U0G ad =) rs EXT. METROPOLIS. (ESTABLISHING MONTAGE) ~- MORNII By morning's licht, in a postcard perfect autumn we-t6ok upon the wondrous,’ bustling, METROPOLIS SKYLINE. } SUSPENSION BRIDGE spanning the RIVER at “ip-cITY. Sidewalks around CITY HALL are crowded with PEI 3 EXT. METROPOLIS “~~ FREEDOM PROMENADE -- MORNING Surrounding ‘STREETS azé tight with TRAFFIC. Ac u Central Park, the stunning FR esky. The Monument stands 700 #éet tall, plated in ri glass~domed to: reflecting the sun. The PATH Circular. REFLECTING POOL is lined by FLAGS of mal PEOPLE stroll. JOSGERS jog. ENGINE oss the. promen s relatively gui ng PIGEONS skyver A heavy-duty 5 oss the mei ILER the. truck BRAKES, SKIDDING BALTING very near the Monument. A SRI-MASKED 1 wheel ST leaps down from. behind Hels in 2 BLACK SUZ and black BULLET-PROOF VES) estrying en autometic HANDGUN. He opens FIRE 2s- SS TWO SECURITY GUARDS arrive from inside the ae fall back for cover as BULLETS RICOCHET! The Terrortet ducks behinc the rear of the TRUCK as the RETURNING FIRE! RST GUARD ty ACROSS METROPOLIS ~~. MORNING We 200M IN: to GLIMPSE the DAILY PLANET BUILDING, wherd\ the Giant "DAILY PLANET" HOLOGRAPHIC GLOBE slowly r¢volves)htop. NT, DAILY PLANET -~ NEWSROOM -- MORNING REPORTERS and EDITORS hurry between long rows 0 The place is alive with VOICES. and CLATTERING KEYBOARDS, /byt we MOVE QUICKLY THROUGH: .. (CONTINUED) Tovarrive at the only desk-where the crisp SNAP. rETREYS of the last manual TYPEWRITER is HEARD...where 2 i shouldered-MAN- vith jet black hair“TYPES with hie back yo uSvrcand-where,. as-this—MAN-stops—typing: and--eo + lead; we MOVE IN to. an EXTREME CLOSE Up on HIS EAR. AL. SILENT, and’ the ONLY SOUND is the £% tt SOUND ‘of “GUNFIRE. SOUND-DP. The MAN stands. Meet’CLARK. KENT, hand: ea bespectacled, iron-jawed, neat ag.a pin. He's w till LISTENING ‘to something only he: can“hear. BOTHER REPORTER (TOM) J ‘Hey. , when's Lois back from | asSicnment? Hello...Clark? Clark looks up, startlec. Reflexively rubs his gfid ve Band with his thunt. TOM A few of the guys are going to hit | O'Maliy's rt: ca Clark smiles, every: I'm sezry, i clatk 3 quic! Tox (under his breath) Dickheac IN THE HALLWAY Clark hurries by the main-bénk of ELEVATORS, tw going-to a "SUPPLY" CLOSET, glancing beck as-. IN THE CLOSET Clark:enters, loosening his tie. He stops in his track3\ THO CLERKS, one male, one female, aze'naking out. They loo] up. CLARK Sorry. ~\ BRCK ON THE PROMENADE -- INTERCUT C2 d@_the tPack Ricks a The Terrorist. FIRES as _he RUNS from bel LATCH on the treiler. The SUV is disengaced, ROLLING as the Terrorist quickly climbs in. starts the engine, PEELING OUT. (CONTINUED) The guards move frcm around the corrier of the Mol can. only watch a5 the SUV escapes back across the S FIRST-SUARD-— ooks to, the. TRUCK) t. Go! Go! Cali-it int Second Guard obey. First Guard-moves to climbing up... : ie T° Che: IN THE: TRUCK! First Guerd gropes desper the steering finds ‘the eye missing. AT THE DAILY PLANE: -- DOWN ANOTHER HALLWAY -~ IMMERCU! Clark: runs, pocket:ng hil to the doors of the IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT ag roves crey the plaza. AT THE REAR OF THE DELIVERY TRUCK, First Guard ail hisNGUN -= BLASTS the PADLOCK off the REAR DOOR LS ACROSS THE PROMENADE The Zerrorist's SUY sends PEDESTRIANS FLEEING as /4¢~Vawlts the SIDEWALK. ..HEADING to. the STREET. E> BACK AT THE MONUMENT SUPERMAN whips to Monument in the Ko. First Guard. throws the truck's REAR DOOR OPEN. , | GO, BREA is filled to capacity with greasy, industrial Mer DROMS stacked two high. * Re FIRST GUARD voh, Gods... oh,” God... CLOSE ON: @ DETONATOR with DIGITAL ticking down -- 00:00:15... 00:00: FOLLOW SUPERMAN: Ems extended, es the -cround WHIPS’ below us ina DIZZYING BLUR, the monument ahead in.the distance. CLOSE UP ~~ ON THE DETONATOR as the TIMER ticks: 00:00!04 90700:03: HIGH ANGLE. FROM ATOP THE MONUMENT or one breathless moment we're imposs tiny at the base of the Monumenz, while pafely visible speck...until, the horzibie E: SOPERMAN ~~ FLYING -~ OVER. SHOULDER ‘The massive FIREBALL eng the lfy the base of SHOCK WAVE rumbling d ly PAST The ACROSS On the ist's suv swifvrs 108 THE suv CN] REARVIEW MIRROR-CLOSE. The chaos is receding. amb(reSedise flips open a BOTTON CCVER on the desh. He presses the button die S00 vs THRE | The SUs sverves, cazeengng aerdss a the street, BRAKING 2s 2 TOW TRUCK swerves into Ape paty... The SUV COLLT Ow TRUCK, GLASS FLYIN ba — An angry MECHANIC and TWO WORKMEN climb from the\tow jck, moving to the SUV. The Terrorist is slumped, barely moving. ABOVE THE EROMENADE YS The Monument's TOPPLING, tipping towards the SMOL! BLACK CRATER left by. the explosions FALLING towards a horrified CROWD on the pronendfe- to} ron, no hope of getting clear. One WOMAN stops, “> ¢ back up towards the falling shadow, eyes widening =n pe WOMAN (like a prayer) Superman. EXT. FREEDOM MONUMENT ~- BLAST SITE ~~ MORNING Superman whips around the falling structure, co! etheen its surface and the fleeing crowd. SWEEPS up... Dwarfed by the massive obe ageinst it vith both hands k as he FLIES UP, PRESSING 7 (CONTINUED) ee Still pressing against the Monument's colossal weighty, Superman looks over his~showldex to see-:+ 7 The massive GLASS-DOMED ROOF is SHATTE! Beneath ‘falling. plates of GLASS, 2 MOT: SON in her arms; certain to be killed, except ze blinding RED-H! & 8 MASSIVE GLASS. PLATES co nothis The Mother and Son ate saved, fleeing vith the 1 Still, the Monument is certain to crush cit. Superman faces. front, PUSHING against “| Moniment, his knotted muscles quaking... Strain le beyond Herculeen task... Somehow slowing the’ fell Bare Incredibly, Superman BRLTS the Monument fe eres RIGHT the Wenument, his cape flowing. . The entire structure RUMBLING horriply, 29 $ but surely, the Monument is retur : To the blackened HOLE fant, twisted ends of teel skeleton. . .nigh n the Nonument, wn} fe two e BROKEN STEE: posed ily BENDING them EVES. GLOW bright RED as he focuses his HEAT \ - TING the pieces of steel till they're once aga e the’ billowing PLUME of SMOKE, the shining saved. Terribly wounded, ‘but standing proudly on ExT. METROPOLIS STREET ~- NEARBY -~ MORNING At the riotous aftermath of the SUV CRASH SITE, 17] BNGRY a BOBhas formed. The RAGING MECHANIC grabs the di Tersorist, throws him out into the street. The ‘Terrorist''s SKI MASK is’ torn off. faced and bloodied, The Mechariic PUNCHES and KICKS the Terrozist, ‘cl others! The Terrorist struggles to shield himse MORE PEOPLE run to the mayhem, from and between ANGRY PEOPLE They got hin! Over here... ! ® TEEN KICKS the Terrorist in the head. (CONTINUED) oat He's the bomber! That's him! ‘The-Mechenic-pulis atencth ‘of LEAD € truck, brandishing it, ftrious. Others SHOUT ‘encouragement. The Mechanic rasses 9 vy pipe, ready to swing The PIPE He drops burns RED-HOT in the The CROWD turns SUPERMAN descends, is eyes dimas he the parting CROWD, Now. NORSE < ther. MORE VOICES Superman lands on the edge of the oz: SOPERMAN Stand back! But a MOB is not so easily stilled. SUPERMAN (CONT'D} Listen to me. I said... See. him, eyes still sparking with red eft body rearing, VOICE impossibly strong. 0 SUPERMAN (CONT'D) Stand Back! And the crowd freezes. One thing we forget about, Supermin. He can be terrifying. Superman walks into the seed 6 D. . SUPERMAN (CONT'D) You havea right to your. anger, but <, nothing more. C VOICE What are you doing? ANOTHER VOICE Why are you protecting him? (CONTINUED) : The CROWD PARTS even further as Super : before the Mechanic and TWO MEN grippin theme ‘SUPERMAN = : And what if you kill hi then? Are you. your wife's husband? Your mother's son, your children's father? No. Not anymore. aE) Superman holds his hand out towards Terrorists SUPERMAN (CONT'D) 1 be done. You have my ~ KON EXT. OVER METROPOL SUPERMAN FLU beaten, uncon Re Superman TURNS, ‘The “TERRORIST'S &: Pop open veice is low, quick end threatening. You what ashes Superman barely hes TERRORIST (CONT'D) Dust ‘to dust i The Terrorist raises his arm, his WRIST WATCH FL: PEN, @ compartment revezled as the Terrorist BLOWS.. A-BIAST of GREEN; GLOWING KRYPTONITE DUST flies = the compartment into’ Superman's face! eT Superman CRIES OUT, recoiling in shock end paing DROPPING the Terrorist from his’ grasp! The Terrorist FALLS away, towards the RIVER, ie) TERRORIST (CONT! D) sée you. * Superman. FLIES backwards, falter ag, clucening Whs/efce) | TWISTING... FLYING ELIND és his abilities abandon. 1, 5 Superman TUMBLES DOWNWARDS, DROPPING like dead weight towards D the WATER... me (CONTINUED) —- incred: CRASHING into. the. RIVER with @ tremendous SPLAS! UNDERWATER, Superman plunges-DOWNWARDS, descending in an e-expicsion “of-BUBBIES;-SINKING deeper = EXT, THE RIVER'S SURFACE.+- MINUTES LATER He HOVERS, his powers restored, catchin clenched teeth." Searches the: river's vi There's no sign of anything, until he S| Below, the-TERRORIST'S FACE bebs u i Superman. FLIES t Ce eadhning MASK, "THIS 16 THE BEGINNING..." eran RISES, scan 1 direction oN. of Terrorist anywhere in the surrounding wa’ Le Wiens sat tn : a oY Indian Summer sup lights the imposing, stetely WAYNE MANOR A perfect dey, et th: pal for new begingi INESTER'S VOICE WW.6 \ Dearly beloved, we ere gathered here inthe sight of God, and in \ the Zace of this company... oO ‘EXT. WAYNE MANOR -- GARDENS: ~~ DRY Oaks of turning reds and orenges. Evropean-st: which today: host more than 300 GUESTS. Many of POLITICIANS, BUSINESSPERSONS and SOCIMLITES are MINISTER'S. VOICE testo join together this man an¢ this woman in holy. matrimony. me’ On the flower-adorned ALTAR, a MINISTER stands dashing BRUCE WAYNE and his’ stunning: bride Buingss MINISTER, Un Now I understand you have both chosen spec. Elizabeth opens her h nd, revealing a perfect gold band, ~- edged by platinum, gl the bright sun. (CONTINUED) DRIFT LEFT to fin tuxedo as hands fumbl rst in onespocket, then. @ 2 best -Then=Ci ring. over to rk grins “Winks; thands-aeenigee a ce who iS shaking his head, grinké ELIZABETH es the Minister Repeat after me. With:-this dapRer in, ext the crowd) eaamaan) ae a) Shock is I think the word you're Joking for. Pleasant. But shock. Le Berbera smiles now. Only # hint sererenestC) int of the BARBARA’ (CONT'D) My dad. He vould have joved this’ Bruce smiles warmly at her. Holds her eyes. Hist e BRUCE Barbar, I hope you. know... ELIZABETH (V.0.} Commissioner Gordon. cebeth, Wea’ grin and. two bare feet, Holds up her wedding shoes. Bruce and Barbara both turn to face ELIZABETH (CONT'D) So not made for dancing. (CONTINUED) 10. BARBARA, : Barbara, please. . Barbara takes ‘Elizabeth’ shang, ner te ee - BARBARA (CONT'D) Ss it was extraordinarily orac: you to luge me, Elizabet Elizabeth's smile is equally vam, sincere. ELIZABETH i You mean so much to-B¥uce means you meen no less to me. Thank . You fob coats, Berbara opens. her mouth to. Speak. Cleses it agail leans in; kisses El: zabeth's cheek. rama a on S BRUCE i think this Bappenec in a drean once. Bur your outries were different CN] ELIZABETH Your Aunt Harrier has decide: nd bar. I think sne's maten, the guests shot for shot. 1 a , old girl, a lane BARBARA’ I thought ‘she vas. Apparently that ao step thirveen, pevees S Oh boy. I better- Last time, she got Alfred in the. service closet- fh ELIZABETH y y I'll take care of her. 1 just } wanted you to know that's where I am when you can't. find me, It's not that I've run off with that handsome busboy. No matter what the Turns to Barbara. ELIZABETH (CONT'D) ~ 7 hope we will see you more than we have, Barbara. (CONTINUED) They vatch Elizabeth leave, pulling on her shoes: hopping, towards a RAUCOUS older WOMAN tending be. LIZABETH- (CONT*D}—w + + APES] Harriet! Espresso time! BARBARA Coulc she be any more perfect pil Bruce stares after Elizabeth, totally vesotte: . No. Z ruce glances up. 0: one of the highe tuxedo-clad figuie ‘tands alone, ster Le BRUCE (CONT'D) Would you excuse me @ minute? (i ) EXT. WAYNE. MANCR ni the sun-sta OZCE * (OVER Million for your tho 6 CLARK Careful. I might hold you te :t- Clark turns to face Bruce, open bottle i id Clark pulls: hin close, mags hin. CLARK (CONT'D) \ Songracuiations, my friend. No Broce sits on the ledge facing BRUCE You okay? CLARK Couldn't be better. BRUCE All these years, you'd think you'd be better at lying. Clark shrugs, ‘smiles sheepishly. S00) CLARK Not my strong suit. oe BRUCE : Any, vord from her? (CONTINUED) wr Bruce, this CLARK: (CONT*D} {We're getting @ divorce. Bruce just closes eyes. Clerk almo: CLARK (CONT'D) It's the job, you know. Justice 2hd the American We. Doesn't leave a lot of time. BRUCE Oh God, Clark. I am so sorry. Clark takes 2 si CUARK What's it been? Five years now Se nge Becen's been gone? > de back to Bruce AQ CLARK (CONT'D) passes the b: Do you rv Nov it’s Bruce's = BRI Some ts of sizens, my heart starts {CN pounding.’ Sure. Then, 1 remen . He trails off, looking down again to the party <>) BROCE (CONT'D) After Dick was murdered, it stopped being ebout justice, Started being about revenge. Here’s the thing (CD about blood. You develop a taste for it. Then a thirst. i wa: putting them in the hospita?. and it wasn't enough. I wanted to kill them, each one in that endless Parade of freaks. And I knew if 1 started killing, I wouldn't stop. Bruce stares off into space. "ha BRUCE (CONT'D) U/ ) You wouldn't understand. It's e weakness we have. A huvan thing The words have an unseen, wounding effect on Clark (CONTINUED) ) Stares out at the sky, lost sp eeaaghe. = ae: BRUCE” (CONT'D) sas time for me to live in the again. t CLARK you teil her? BRUCE . tell. Bat VOICE (0.5.3 you guys are smoking something up there they look down to see Elizabeth stending on the qaun. ELIZABETH {shouting] You better “have saved some = al S S Ql CLARK (snout ing) You have no idea. ELIZABETE, (shout ing) Ss my wedding and I'm going Who's going to join me? Well, to dance. And she's off, running towards the tent, Claz! bottle for them to go. Bruce puts a hand on his. BROCE At the monument. What’ happened? CLARK Kryptonite. The mask, The note. It Was a set up: As if he knew I'd save hin. BRUCE This guy's not finished. 7 cen feel it. You be careful, okey? Clark sods at his friend. Then glances towards whe tent. (CONTINUED) ~ boor*+-Chark:smilesy~img 14 c’ mon. ight CLARK (CONT'D) Race you Clark is a 5 starts after his IN?Y WEDDING TENT -~ DUSK ‘The. ORCHESTRA each other's eyes, 1 EN ® CORNER Clark: stands kisses @ sleep: candle shadow, watc! g AUNT HERRIET, grabs EX. WAYNE MANOF - Bruce loads hin from the you how much my hates the idea of » top secre honeymoon? Brace’ smiles, opens the car door for her in, takes @ iast look at the mansion. & ELIZABETH (CONT'D She SLAMS the car door. EXT.*ROAD' == ‘TWILIGHT A ROLLS trailing tin cans-and boasting a JUST IED: banner speeds avay from us across the tree-lined grounds= ng literally INTO THE SUNSET. EXT. METROPOLIS -- NIGHT | Clark emerges froma taxi, looks up the see eper's J Window-lit.face, Steels himself. Heads inside. INT. METROPOLIS APARTMENT BUILDING -- LOBBY. The DOORMAN’ steps eround the. front desk 2s Clark ENTERS. ‘Nervous. Something amiss. (CONTINVED) DOORMAN gone. Hex sister vas wi “em. Made a lot of trips, thoug! looks ever moze uncomfortable i 2 a DOORMAN (CONT'D \ Women elways keep 2 1 guess. 1 mean... Exnie trails off It's DOORMAN You went me to get brouel Clark just smiles, shekes his head. the elevators, © s words as mu INT. CLARK KENT'S APARTMENT ~~ NIGHT Dark. The dog: cpens and Clark ENTERS, tuzne on dhe Nght HOLD on his face es he stares a beat, then closeSShis Byes. EVERSE ANGLE. The spacious apartin sl empty. We.can't tell exactly.what's missing, but he ENTERS FRAME, passing open cabinets and closet See him as he touches empty shelves, oz crosses, ter now only sparsely populated with framed picture! Clark opens the refi tor, pulls out a bottl Reconsiders, grabs the milk instead. Pours a.g moves his hands OUT OF FRAME, something meta counter, He looks after it, his face e mesk of Clark EXITS, revealing what he has discarded. wedding band lolls, abandoned on the marble surface, aga Y sei EXT. BEACH -- SUNSET Bruce stands un the edge of the surf, snorkels and masks in hend. Elizabeth finishes chatting toe weiter who, heads away. (CONTINUED) 16 a ELIZABETH ing) . Bruce Wayne is :-Go0d- thing--you. BRUCE What do I owe: you? ELIZABETH Can i sell your autograph on eBay? He tossés her @ mask and snorkel and. t Sen breaks the clouds, lighting the se. dive into the weter CG INT. HONEYMOON EUNGRLOW -- KOW the BEDROOM. SUITE of these luxuriou: a . pens BLACK an& fhe SOUNDS of the O-EAK the DOORS to the BALCONY. Beyond, o| L VOICE 1V.0.} ~T boo to am in e summer dregs, weaps her DE her snbzace Ae ELIZABETH What? Not scared of the da t No. And yes. It's a complicated scotting abut his-eyé. SS ELIZABETH You okay, babe? >) His smile seems touched by sadness. J) ELIZABETH (CONT'D) ‘here it is again. BROCE ft) what? Sb y+ v (CONTINUED) ELIZABETH ‘That look. The-one that comes over you when you're hiding whatever i as you'r ang-from-me s~ Bruce just stares. ELIZABETH (CONT’ - Bruce, cen I ask you someth BRUCE I think, I've weived'my ri Ae, us being married and ELIZABETH Your ward, Dick. How did he die? BRUCE You knov ell this, He vas mu: LIZABETH Is there some you're not sey=n 6? Some’ at her. The beat lests forever. Th BRUCE She holds his eves, then, amazingly, inpish light im hey eyes: BRUCE (CONT*D) What? A beat, deciding how much to”sey, ‘Then.. ELIZABETH I've made you'something. fcr when mg seems at its worst. To show you just how much I love you. She stills Bruce's question with a finger te hi: ELIZABETH -(CONT'D) (shaking her head) surprise. It's : BRUCE I like surprises. Are you vee it now? Ar) Elizabeth LAUGHS wickedly. { )OZOIL ( ener Al eS S 7 (CONTINUED) 1 I 18. ELIZABE! It has to be just + Tonight, 1 coost ce drinks what-do° you: say?— Elizabeth crosses to a trey of champagne, the"bed. ) ELIZABETH (CONT'D) (pats. the ‘comforter) en let's kiss. Ani BRUCE Well,-I don't know. » CN She has begun pouring the champsgrie, ws him her best harlot's stare. - BRUCE (CONT'D) whe idding? I'm easy. —™ zapeth LAUSES BRUCE (CONT'D: Don't go anywhere. Bruce crosses = the next rar% che IN THE ADJO! NG BATHROOM Bruce splashes HOT WATER on his face. For @ long manent he looks at himself in the MIRROR...until the MIRR' g.|He begins lathering his face vith SHAVING CREAM. BROCE What should we: de tomorrow? \ (> Anything you iike. BROCE me) More of vhat ve'll dé tonight, then. But with chocolate. From the bedroom, ELIZABETH LAUGHS. She has es aagh. Bruce has begun shaving. f = ELIZABETH (0.5) My mother warned me about men like you. BRUCE As I remember, your you ebout me specif No-reply. Silence. WATER OFF. again, gently. Bruce smiles, eonesnies BRUCE: (CONT'D) - It wasn't that funny, sweethe: grows a bit loudez. ELIZABETH'S LAUGH BRUCE (CONT'D. Elizebeth...? (NX ELIZABETH'S LAUGH goes on too long, too LOUD. Bri ezes, his blood running cold. Drops the Fazer, RUNNIN IN THE BEDROOM her face aistocted by herria RIGOR == e: TWISTED imposs. exnesed teeth BRICE -+.0h my God. Bruce falls to his knees, cradling 5: BROCE (CONT'D) Elizabeth He puts his’ mouth over hers, trying BRUCE (CONT'D) Breathe, Elizabeth. Breathe. But she is still. Bruce stares down, unable to a. BRUCE. (CONT'D) No. Please. No- A small -DART sticks out from Elizebeth's bumblebee-like, with YELLOW and BLACK STR: it-with trembling hands, his eyes: fi BRUCE (CONT'D) Elizebeth... no, no, no... Something catches Bruce's eye, and h breath halt’ ff his throat as he stares up in utter hor: : (CONTINUED) a ON THE WALL,"“RED LETTERS are scrawled, bet we sé@—v my, io the mirror: "DNE BHT FO..,GNINNIGEB"ERT SI ST POLL “BACKEND UP ay—Bruce Wayne credies hrs esd wate Tf Ay ams, SCREAMING skyward, tears spilling down his\face-| EXT, DARK SKIES -- NIGHT FOLLOW: Supeiman’ as he SOARS despezetely throug tht, tightly clenched Fists thrust out; every muscle ial feature tense vith determination. INT. HONEYMOON BUNGALOW -~ DAY 2 BLAST of WIND blows BALCONY DOORS Superman enters, catching his breach. The empty room is now = YELLOW-TA one here, Supermai locks down, sw The OUTLINE of Then Superman jocks to the wall. the same scrdi the message ON THE WALL: IS THE BEGINNING ‘The Gothic s: yiine rises from the GOTHRY German Express. onistic city of concrete, EXT. GOTHAM STREETS -- NIGHT -- STORM Bruce's ROLLS ROYCE recklessly n drenched byweys, HoRi BLARING. . zlmost running down a boy and Ais pe IN THE ROLLS Bruce drives, white-knuckling the whee! through He's disheveled, ruined...a man possessed. EXT. WAYNE MANOR GROUNDS - NIGHT -~ STORM k RIVE. The ROLLS RACES up the dark, slick, 7 LINED INT. WAYNE MANOR -- ENTRYWAY ~~ NIGHT -- STORM Bruce throws the FRONT DOORS wide, moving into. INT. LIBRARY =~ NIGHT -~ STORM. Towering walls of books. Stained-gles: i by flashes of lightning and distant ROLLS of THUNDER. Bruce-crosses t the far-wall, body drenched in rain, in sweat. Bruce Elizabeth stands in the shadows, face runn. illuminated by © dark room, ~S-YBICE (0: sudden flesh. BRUCE, (frozen) Blizabeth.. But when Lightni She's Bruce stands sti vision, breath: Clark looks at ng flashes agein we see not her,\but CLARK gone, Bruce. 1 a beat, gathering nt to ne’ p towards a pookcase p a I w: of i {aaah ff the sRuce you doing here? CLARK (-X happened. 1.,.2 an so (CN CLARK (CONT'D) BRUCE She's dead, Clark. As it we're going = old friend, BRUCE (CO! ‘You should go. Bruce, No. You can't imagine what I'x CLARK BRUCE thinking. I'm going did this, And when I do I'm going to teke his skin and hang it in front of his eyes. he*ll know pain to make whi pow seem like a The ‘way the lightning illuminates the rag 4 even @ superman might feel afraid. Clerk's VO mu. Clark tries ts So exactly what I've known you too Jong not to know what you're thinking Before i od -niQES WOES. OLY not sure what tos) NT? D) te find whoe’ S U0 istant whisper. Bruce's face, ICE is gentle. SUBERUAN It won't ease.the horror. Letting as tice turn into vengeance Bruce Crosses to a table, pills open é false palktterof} books to reveal'a metal plate padlocked to the wall. + CuRRK wouldn't Rappen, Femenber? Eruce lifts ai metel trophy from the desk, becing5, aN the padlock vith tremendous fury. Clark's WORDS élnés€ Pw. XN “CLARK (CONT'D) end you become the Don her mob 1 Don't you dare sey dn't you ler the ark? For @ moment the impossible depth cf Bruce's sagne: visible. Fatnomiess: A lifetime of such PERS) BRUCE (CONT! D) If you hadn’t-interfezed, she'd still be alive. CLARK : Please, Bruce, I-couldait know- But then the anguish is gone, replaced egain by!rage BRUCE } You and your rules, What do you know about nunan sufferir some space freak locking ng storybook the right. That's what Lois ines. You're not even cne of us. How dare you décide. who and who dies? Now look what's happened. Now loo! y Might-be light in Clark’s‘eyes. Might be tears. BRUCE. (CONT'D) Ter hers - vt - Clark looks down at the floor. ; cuark Cc Ym soncy, I never meant f0r~ Cc) BRUCE If you're looking for forgiveness, you've come to the-vrong f Claxk looks up, his expression terribly sac CLARK i ic) who did this. But you can’t murder n. Old friend. S 8 vs crema ae cuaak ‘conz'i ; won't let you. ( GN S a 4 Clerk's face, heavy metel SNAPPING off his grenite cheek. BRUCE (CONT'D) You self-righteous son of a bitch. CLERK \ ace, petits OB asc Get the hell Sue of my house! CLARK Listen to me~ BRUCE Get» out! Now! % long beat. Then Clark can only bow to shoulde F (OVER) A FLAPPIW Bruce ‘turns to.face the doorway and the endless #Aa: ond. (OVER) The leathery WHISPER of WINGS acein, sof lullaby EYES-CLOSE. A ian poised on the threshold of hell. EXT. GOTHAM CEMETERY -~ DAY. ~ POURING RAIN. At the IRON GATES’ of ths cemetery, POLICEWEN “block “the-entrance.” REPORTERS; PHOTOGRAPHERS aint EN nch their raincoats and clutch. UNBREL: INSIDE THE CEMETERY ‘Amongst the HONDREDS of HEADST A carnival mirror of the wedéizi UMBRELLAS process, dropping WHITE ROSES into an Broce stands, umbrelle-less and soaked, 2 suit, staring forverd, eyes empty. : Two older Two newer, "Richasd Greyson” are now jcined by And then, the newly hewn he: reWeyne, Belove: nd "Martha Wayne” Pennyworth”. "Never Forgotter “Elizebech Mi Clark watches froma grove cf TREES. He's d:enc! only @-black suit. Bruce's features re sez in stone they're lost in the wind-swept re: ACROSS THE CeNerERY Gl Clark hides his face in his hands. He can bear nOSmore> INT. DAILY PLANET -- PERRY WHITE'S OFFICE ~~: DAY’ Sun breaks off the Metropolis skyline. A greying ma ares out the window, his back to us, pu: 2 cigar HITE: PERRY. Good story. He turns to face Clark, TAPS the headline of today’s edition on his.desk. "TERRORIST MASK DISAPPEARS =U". : a ‘Thanks. question, Perry. — White puffs a roiling cloud of smoke, watches i £ ~ MAN I'm running out of reporters here, Kent. How long? (CONTINUED) CLARK ong. # few days. A week. z & eae PERRY ‘This over the thing vith Lois? Clerk glances up; surprised. White just smiles - PERRY (CONT'D) there are no secrets in @ newsroom, son. White crosses, puts nis hand on Clark's shovldex. PERRY {CONT'D} : Listen. I've been thre : nysels. Just takes tim : a) You'se supposed to Hers. Nr you're only human. ges to smile. PERRY (CONT ‘One week. Ane don't ge! Coming, White's eyes widen es he sterts to speek, Then his face and shakes his head in perpetual dismay) overs EXT. WAYNE.MANOR -- DUSK — Olson! GN Ne C)) All the lights are dark. A house ne dead. INT. WAYNE MANOR -~ LIBRARY -~ DOSK BRUCE-CLOSE. Asleep,..eyes moving fast underneath lids. bolts awake, terrified of what ve can never kno\ WIDER. Exyce has been sleeping sitti floor, He still wears his funeral suit, on: the ne. He rises into 2 room strewn with clothes and ocdasfopal)) signs of food and drink. In this great house, he lives inyy Mere. He crosses to the open bookcase porte! end the blackness beyond. Stands facing off the darkness. Not the first time. LCONTIRNVED) loosens his tie, steps Superman FLUES ints the distence, growing SMALLER! and is (OVER) The SOUNDS 'of FLAPPING of wings. K Jong. DR into the terrible dark and EXT © OVER METROPOLIS “== SUNSET” until he's the merest distant speck...then, GONE Dit. ACCESS TUNNEL =~ WAYNE MANOR ~~ ¥ a) Bruce welks forver d in endless darkness. Stops: BRUCE orizetion code: Weyne On € rea tion ‘Sequence And-that's when one, the lights start coming on te rev Aut INT. SATCAVE LONG SHOT -- Nii Eruce stands on the very edge immense five-story cavern cut 0 8 SLOWS 2: openna:: Joined by crisscrossini — LABORATORIES lined by super computers...and below shuttered workshops and training rooms...selow weapons ‘stopege. S-$over still the COMMAND CENTER...and 2t the creter's empty circular vehicle platform facing e tunnel gapin BRUCE Welcome home. co That*s when a1 the lights begi: flash a searim te. COWPUTER VOICE Fail-safe code requirec. Fail-safe (C) code required. Bruce begins to walk calmly down che stairways he lights flash red, bathing the cave in a bloody dlow. COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) Detonation sequence instiated Thirty seconds to cave destruct. \ COMPUTER VK (CONT'D) Twenty seconds to cave Gest: Bruce continues down the walkvays, ) INT: BATCAVE -- COMMAND LEVEL =~ Wi S 4 price crdsses the platform to the gient, daz | re : COMPUTER VOICE Fifteen seconds to cave ‘destruct. Bruce takes a beat, then sits gently in the = COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) Ten seconds to cave. destruct. Bruce feels the familiar chair. Runs the heals along the armrests. Stares up at the cerk scree COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) Five seconds to cave des Four. Three.... stares at his face reflected in (Ee Dpans closes his eyes in surrender Sa, COMPUTER VOICE (CONT'D) Two. One. ir apuce \ tivete fail safe. The red lights SHUNT to noma COMPUTER VOICE ~~ Confirmed. Fail safe deactiveted. iC Bruce hangs his head, almost as in defeat shen M8 Looks up BRUCE Alfrec, I need you A VOICE, stoic and familiar. ALFRED (V.0.) At your service. WA S A FIGURE steps out of the shadows.. Elegent in h: = ALFRED PENNYWORTH. ALFRED (CONT'D) | It's been a long time, sir. Five years if I am correct. Bruce just stares at his cld friend 28. EXT. ROADWAY -~ KANSAS -~-NIGHT CS HEADLIGHTS sweep @ ROAD SIGN..."Smzliville, Pop. 1644.")R “pig; bid; wintte FORD: Gs laxie “a av dust) road, heading for the TOWN in the cistence. EXT. SMALLVILLE - TOWN SQUARE -~ The Ford moves. SLOWLY through. No one around. 2 STOREFRONTS are closed, lights out...BARBER SHOPS STORE. ..HARDWARS. America's heartl IN THE FORD ark watches out his open window, EXT. KENT FARN -- arriving asa dark, “os Clark parks the tar an: looks enove SEE beautiful NIGHT SKY; ereth ek INT, KENT HOUSE -- ENTRYW: ‘CENTERS, -Pockersiy neyo. a 2 long moment...tekes 2 deep breath INT. KENT HOUSE -- CLARK'S ROOM -~ NIGHT Moonlit. TROPHIES on shelves, Smad. wall; FRAMED PICTURES over the creky and Chatk Sadding in the open door, staring at this room just as heSleftNt. Clerk vemoves something trom jacket. Its an d he lays on the old wooden desk. Onfolds it\ isa ¢ bag marked: POLICE EVIDENCE: DO NOT TAMPER CLOSE ON the bag. Inside, a familiar face stere him. The Tecrorist's mesk, grinning up through mad, ¢ small BUMBLEBEE INT. BATCAVE -- NIGHT Bruce stands over the Batcomputer, from jacket. From within, he lifts ti RT he Ag. took from Elitabeth's neck. Alfred stancs neath}, wate BRUCE I need a full work up on =! SP\ Spectrographic, toxicology, DNR. } Search for any matches. \ J Bruce lays the. dart on a scanning pene) set into vhe main console. The panel glows. @ moment (CONTINUED) Zo. : ALFRED No zecorded ONA matches. besides your own. No abnormal radiations. ~~-——Thev dart“ doses-conte in-a—nerve—— > toxin consistent with 2 compound used by the Joker. Bruce crosses the. cave. Z BRUCE. Why?! ‘Why:haunt me with the ghost ‘of dead man?! (sorrowful) why did she have to die? Why not me? ALFRED 5 If I may be 50 bold, she’ be? Bruce just looks at him. Then BRUCE > Reactivate the surve: The wall suddenly flickers, monitors, now starting to glow inte SBROCE (CON. vi ea Monitor 211 law enforcement band: judicial databases, street camera. and prison surveillance systems. ON THE WALL monitors now show i offices, courtrooms, even prison ¢: XLPRED EBS Stencerd protocols? NO Alert for keywords: Joker, Elizabeth Wayne, Batman, Kryptonite, Mask. ..Superman. “RLERED : -In progress. J Bruce is stating at his old friend again. ) ALFRED (CONT'D) Is something wrong, sir? 7 BRUCE You just seem so...rez ALFRED It is how you programmed me, sit (CONTINUED) 30. WN béat. ‘Then Bruce nods: S ALFRED" (CONT'D) ine ORT SE His answer, when it -comes, seems as much ‘Sadnes$ as it does determination, Now. I ge to work. ON THE COMMAND. CENTER LEVEL NI Bruce crosses to shini: a raver Ge Nolones BUTTONS... As the DOOR 01 gleams dow: The BATMAN COSTUME and COWL, hung in storage; effnred Dd jer black...awaiting resurrection. INT. CLARK'S ROOM -- LATE NIGHT has fallen esieep on the bed, = is HEARD gently calling FROM! DO} MOTHER'S VOICE (0.5 Clark. INT. KENT- HOUSE -- LATE NIGHT Clark comes downstairs, into the dark, u x one here. Though he remains alone, QUIET V . FATHER'S VOICE (¥.0.1 You're special, son, there! Genying it. From the d rocket ship crashed down. YS felt MOTHER'S eee ee ell, of course, we always knew you FATHER'S VOICE (V.0.} There's a whole wide world beyond Smallville, A world that needs you INT. KENT HOUSE -+ KITCHEN ~~ ‘NIGHT Clark ‘ENTERS. Touches his mother's epron, still on the pantry peg. Looks at his father's old pipe aC! MOTHER'S VOICE (V.0.) Human beings ere-good Clark, deep down. ‘They just get lost sometimes. (CONTINUED) | FATHER'S VOICE. (V0. ).« =) They just need someone. to stiow them the way. Maybe that’s why you're —rere-“Haybe that's -your-desteny—— ne \oa Clark lowers his head, alone with his gists, grdeving. ERD, OVER GOTHAM cIDY =~ WIGHT —) FIVE ‘GARGOYLES peer down from one SKYSCRAPER'S"G! precipice, high above TRAFFIC-JAMMED STREETS: ONE GARGOYLE withdraws’ inte shadow, EXT. BANK -= NIGHT A HOMELESS MAN guides ov sidewalk, past the "Gotham N ardened Ck onl Bank. INT. BANK ~~ T ROPES lead up through @ jegaed here, we FOLLOW WET FOOT SKFECRACKING EQUIPMENT at eS LEADER'S V (0.8.) ( one-eyed Charlie had 2 cream Batman \( wa: back. INSIDE THE VAULT To TWO armed THIEVES; LEADER and YOUNG THIEF While a THIRD eS 2 BLOWTORCH o DEPOSIT BOXES. wear BLACK, sporting YOUNG THIE Whatever LEADER Remember the kind of scared you'd get when you're a little kid? YOUNG THIEF Ghost stories, pops. I don't think there ever even'was no Bet~Ma: LEADER rowning, beoging scared. That's what he'd make you feel S S = The kid stares at him z beat; shakes it off. YOUNG TRIEF So some whack-Job went rur around with wings on. So what you shoot him. Bang. Done S So . - CONTINUED) Nee A SAFE-DEPOSIT DOOR CLATTERS to the vault flodr (Creadl eEgkr and Young Thief look'up. Third Thief with sparkling DIAMONDS. it ‘The’ DIAMONDS are dunped into 4-5 OUTSIDE THE VA\ gader_and Young Thief wait es 7 the HOLE.°A SHADOW CROSSES f:: IN THE SKYLIG! was that 2 GL! YOUNG THIEE Whet's wron Cc LEADER Nothing. ..nothing’s INT. DRAINAGE SYSTEM -- NIGHT Leader is lest to climb down inve PIPEWAYS. They 21) flick on the goggles. LEADER'S LIGHT is 2 BLACK L: SLC-LINE. of .SPRRY PAIN on the Pipe LEADER Let's get moving. Leader, Young Thief, Third Thi ankles’ in WATER. FOLLOW: as they pick uj FOOTSTEPS resounding... TURNING ‘here. . by the GLOWING PAINT through these never-ending BREAD they pass an ADJOINING PIPE MOUTH, first Then, Young Thief...finally Third Thief --" and BLACK and Lerrsble LEAPS ovt, ENGULEING Third Thies! —” FURTHER ON Leader and Young Thief run, obliviou! ‘oung Thief glances back, slowing. YOUNG THIEF Leaded looks back, halting. He walks to join Young Thi Their LIGHTS revealing the EMPTY TUNNEL behind. YOUNG THIEF (CONT'D) Where'd he go? \ : i This is too mich for Leader, He flees cnw: gives one last look, then runs ef follow. AY A PIPEWAY INTERSECTION Leader ‘and Young Thief arrive at @ knee-deep FOUR-WAY. roo INTERSECTION, beader—spins; seercinne; bleck 13 but the PAINT TRAIL is abruptly GONE LEADER ei He washed, it off...he...he washed off the paint! YOUNG TE What aze- you talking about? He who? LEADER Okay, okay, it's this one. (point ing ‘one. direction’ this is the way! Oz YOUNG THIET No! We came through here! | Leader's al ef pull -<| 5 ao ff DOWN THE PIPE 1) pio 5 4 Young Thief RUNS, stumbles, N , Rheac, BATMAN drops trom ¢ VEaTZcAi PIPE {SHEEPIN Gown! He stands suddenly blocking che ie Young Thief. halts, face-to-face with Batman, te quaking, unable to form vords. 3 BATMAN Use your gun Young Thief realizes, raises the weepon... Batma the GUN FIRES as it bounces off the wail, BATNAN (CONT'D) Too late. Op Batman PUNCHES, SIHSHING the thief's face. Feel4 the punch. Bi Looks at his hand. Balls and un-balis a fist. F ELSEWHERE Leader splashes headlong, civing 2 defperate/tRY as..she finds himself at a DEAD END. PeHQes And that's when YOUNG THIEF'S bloodcus! down the passageways. Leader spins, freaking. Hg/P GUN, facing the DARK beyond his goggle LIGHT. Of: BULLETS spar ng, RICOCHETTING down the pipe.. goes empty Lick, CLICK, CLICK... = (cor: TNUED) (C) BATMAN'S VOICE: (0.S.) ES . It's just you and me now "Leader Uhrows—tne “dun -down-the “pipevey, StruseIEg fo pyr off the BACKPACK, putting his hands in the air - LEADER. Iegive up. I s ives into the LIGHT, stall LEADER | a) told you already = surrender! BRIMAN'S VOICE (0.8-) @ get’ your friends to the P Compound fractures can be very time-sensitive injuries. \ Batman SPINS end KICK BATMAN Noz yet. scrambles up, SWINGS Savace he. stancs io -pegins PUNCHING -- ven fimaily pulls the bloodied thug up, very BATMAN (CONT'D) You used to run with Joker, so you're my man,. Eddie. Spread the word.. Batman’ lives. And whoever's masquerading es the Clown Prince. spall (closer 's He is a dead man. Leader can only WHIMPER. Batman drops BACKPACK, overturns it,-glinting DIAMONDS tum]. DRAINAGE’ GRATE. Batman disappears the way he came. i EXT. KENT FARM -~ DAWN -- HIGH ANGLE h { es this tableae of Americene, low clougs—weeptng endless fields. shining 2 radient gold. Clark, small from this height, crosses the fied