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THE TYRIHANS FIELD DEVELOPMENT, NORWAY heating system – direct electrical heating – to prevent

Author: formation of hydrates and to enable a simultaneous

Maryia Samoilava transportation through the same pipe of three different
substances: oil, water and gas-condensate [2]. However, such
General Description
pipeline length inevitably causes considerable friction losses;
The Tyrihans field is a medium oil and gas field, which is moreover, there is a high inlet pressure (87 bar) on the first
operated by Equinor Energy AS. The field was discovered in separator stage at the Kristin platform. As a result, all this
1982; however, production only began in 2009. There are leads to the impossibility to independently maintain high
four owners of this field: Equinor Energy AS (58,8%), Total reservoir pressure and, as a consequence, high production
E&P Norge AS (23,2%), ExxonMobil Exploration and rates. That is why the need of fluid injection is obvious.
Production Norway AS (11,8%) and Vår Energi AS (6,2%)
Maintenance of reservoir pressure is realized via the gas
[1]. Its main supply base is Kristiansund. This field is located
injection. For that purpose, it was constructed a 10” gas
offshore in the Halten Bank area of the Norwegian Sea at the
injection line, which is supplied by the other neighboring
water depth of 270 m [1]. The Tyrihans is quite large: 15 km
facility – Åsgard B [2]. The gas injection line goes from the
north – south x 6 km east – west [2]. It consists of two fields:
Åsgard B through all the production templates, while
Tyrihans Nord (North), which is a gas and condensate
template C uses gas only for gas lift purpose (it helps to
reservoir with a small (18 m) oil layer, and Tyrihans Sør
produce rich gas-condensate, from the gas cap of the Tyrihans
(South), which is an oil reservoir (35 m layer) with a gas cap
Sør) [2]. However, gas injection capacity was still not enough
[2]. Originally recoverable reserves comprise: oil – 34.8
for maintaining the formation pressure. That is why it was
million sm3 o.e., gas – 43,3 million sm3 o.e., NGL – 16,0
added an additional facility for water injection, which could
million sm3 o.e [3].
cover the capacity deficiency.
The field is located at a depth of 3500 m under the seabed in
The template WI is responsible for the water injection and it
the Middle Jurassic Garn Formation. The Tyrihans reservoir
lies somewhere in between the Tyrihans Nord and the
has a pressure of 380 bar and a temperature of 137°C [2]. Both
Tyrihans Sør. The template WI is equipped with two injection
formations that comprise the Tyrihans field are connected pumps, which consume energy from the Kristin platform, and
through the water-bearing horizon. Oil from those fields has two injection wells. Installation of an independent electrical
a good quality, however the Tyrihans Sør oil is lighter facility seemed cost ineffective that is why energy is
(viscosity 0.15 cP) in comparison with the Tyrihans Nord oil delivered from the Kristin to the subsea structure through a
(viscosity 0.49 cP). power cable.
Subsea Concept Subsea Special Features
As was mentioned before, the Tyrihans field consists of two There are three interesting elements in this subsea field.
reservoirs, which have the connection via the aquifer. This
feature causes one of the significant challenges: the separate Direct Electrical Heating (DEH) system
production of those formations is impossible [2]. In addition Production pipeline connects a series of production templates
to this, as the water depth is 270 m; it is an issue how to ensure with the far-away facility – Kristin platform. This solution
hydrocarbons transportation from the field to the makes possible the development of the Tyrihans field.
surface/shore. Moreover, there should be found a solution However, the length of pipeline is of considerable value (43
how to tackle with the thin 18 meters oil layer in the Tyrihans m) and this fact causes some transportation challenges related
Nord. Finally, the field pressure should be maintained at the to the flow temperature. As the distance from the well
high level, what is require an installation of fluid injection increases, the flow temperature gradually decreases. It can
system. This point also contributes to the overall complexity lead to the gas hydrates formation and to the flow temperature
of the project. However, it was found a smart solution, which reduction below the value of the inlet temperature at Kristin
tackled with all of those challenges. A series of facilities field (HPHT field). The solution was found in the system of
combined with complex technologies allowed to develop the direct electrical heating of the whole pipeline. This system is
Tyrihans field. extremely beneficial, because it is not just maintain the flow
temperature, but it also eliminates the necessity in pigging.
After drilling an appraisal wells and estimating an overall Moreover, the DEH system can be applied to preheat the
recoverable reserves it was found out that it is not pipeline to the necessary temperature before flow launching
economically feasible to develop this field as individual one (in case if it was stopped for some reasons). Operational life
[2]. That is why, taking into account all the neighboring of DEH system is considered as 25 years [2]. This figure was
existing facilities, the solution was to develop Tyrihans like a adjusted in such a way that it should be a little bit longer, than
subsea field using the infrastructure of the nearest field – life period of the Tyrihans field (20 years) [2].
Kristin and Åsgard B [2].
Advanced wells
The subsea field comprises 5 four-slotted templates, 4 of The Tyrihans field has rather significant dimensions (15 km
which are used as production and 1 is for water injection. One x 6 km) [2]. In addition to that, both formations (northern and
of four production templates is located in the northern southern) have the thin oil zones. It means that application of
structure (template A), the rest of three templates (B, C, D) conventional vertical wells will result in small oil recovery
belong to the southern structure. factor. For such formations are usually applied horizontal
Transportation of produced hydrocarbons is realized through wells. The Tyrihans field is developed with advanced dual-
the long-distance pipeline to the Kristin platform (this field lateral wells. Their utilizing ensures an increase of drainage
has high values of pressure and temperature (HPTP)) [2]. zones, what is extremely important for lateral-extended
There are two sizes of pipeline: 16” line connects all the reservoirs. So that, the Tyrihans is equipped with 8 oil-
production templates together, while 18” line links template produced wells and 7 of them are dual-lateral wells [2]. To
A with the Kristin facility. An overall production pipeline provide a good enough contact area, the lengths of sidetracks
length is 43 m. The pipeline is equipped with the special
are approximately of 1,5 km [2]. In addition to that, each Reasons Why the Chosen Concept Was Selected
branch of dual-lateral well is equipped with a series of special In the previous section, there is a discussion on possible
devices to maintain high quality control and monitoring of the alternative solutions for the Tyrihans field development.
wells. They are: Down hole instrumentation and control Nevertheless, the current concept is still the best for a series
system (DIACS) – to suppress gas/water breakthrough; of reasons:
Gauges – to monitor pressure and temperature; Multiphase  The field is developed by the tie-back method, this
flow meters (on the X-mas tree); Acoustic sand detectors (on approach significantly reduces CAPEX, because there is
the X-mas tree) [2]. no need in installation of high-priced equipment;
Complex system of reservoir pressure maintenance  Pressure is maintained by the raw seawater and gas
Maintenance of reservoir pressure is of high importance in injection. This is feasible with the power supplied by
the well development. While the pressure is high, a Kristin and the gas transported from the Åsgard B. This
production rate will be good. That is why one of the main solution also saves money on extra equipment;
targets is to keep the formation pressure. In the Tyrihans field,  Application of advanced dual-lateral wells enables to
it is impossible to hold pressure independently. That is why achieve a higher value of oil and gas recovery factor.
here is applied an injection system. The system comprises So that, it could be said that an overall project is extremely
injection of gas and water. Gas is supplied by the Åsgard B cost-effective, because it takes advantage of all neighboring
field and it fulfils two roles. The first one is to increase oil fields accompanied with complex innovative technologies.
recovery and the second one is to ensure wells with the gas
lift system. The second function is of great importance, Key Risks of Subsea Development
because it helps to increase tail end production, when the An entire development of the Tyrihans subsea field seems
water cut is high and the pressure is low [2]. Moreover, if oil ideal and profitable. Yet it has some risks, which can cause
wells were shutdown, the gas lift is required for launching failures in the development process.
them. As far as gas capacity from the Åsgard B was not Direct Electrical Heating of pipeline
enough sufficient for the Tyrihans pressure maintenance, the The DEH system is very important in this project, because it
decision was to include water injection to the whole system. fulfills serious functions: prevents gas hydrates formation and
Injection of water also contributes to the overall pressure maintains the flow temperature. In case of this system failure,
maintenance and oil recovery increasing. As the Tyrihans the overall field performance is in danger. As the flow
field has a high pressure of fracturing, the pumps supply both temperature declines, at a certain moment it can reach a value
high pressure and high rate. An overall injection system of hydrate equilibrium temperature (HET), which for the
provided an increase of the recovery factors. For the oil is Tyrihans is 22°C [2]. It means that hydrates will start to form.
41% and for the gas is 61% [2]. Moreover, before it will happen, the flow will cool down
Alternative Subsea Solutions below the temperature allowable at the Kristin inlet. So that,
the hydrocarbons processing will be impossible. That is why
Currently used solution for transportation is to tie-back the
the DEH system must be very reliable.
hydrocarbons for processing at Kristin field. Then, separated
gas is transported further to the Kårstø terminal through the Power supply
connected Åsgard Transport System (ÅTS) [1]. While oil and The Tyrihans field is fully supplied by the neighboring fields.
condensate are sent via the pipeline to the Åsgard C storage In particular, the energy comes from the Kristin field via the
ship and then exported by shuttle tankers to the shore [1]. power cable. It is costly efficient for the Tyrihans, but at the
same time, it means that the Tyrihans fully dependent on the
As an alternative solution it could be used a subsea factory
Kristin. If the failure occurs at that field, all the processes will
instead of transportation to the Kristin. The subsea factory
stop at the Tyrihans, because there is no more energy.
could include four production templates, manifold and
separator for produced gas, water and condensate. For water Risks connected with dual-lateral wells
injection: template with injection pump and two water Application of dual-lateral wells is a smart solution for this
produced injection wells. For transportation of separated oil: project, as there are thin horizontal oil layers in the reservoir.
oil pump and transportation line to the Åsgard C storage ship. Those wells ensures an increased oil production, but there is
For transportation of separated gas: gas compressor and gas potential hazards connected with water zones, which lay close
export line, which could be connected with the ÅTS for to the oil zones. If the well will be drilled too close to the
further transportation to the Kårstø terminal. Finally, power water zones, a water breakthrough can occur. In addition,
distribution and control module could be installed to ensure during the production there is a potential possibility of water
energy supply to the whole subsea factory. This alternative coning. That is why the drilling should be maintained
solution allows refuse from the transportation pipeline with precisely.
DEH, also there is no more need in injection of raw seawater. References
However, the necessity in power supply is still present. The
energy could be supplied by the Åsgard field, because it has 1. FactPages NPD, Tyrihans field, 2019. Available:
much more energy reserve, than the Kristin does.
Another possible solution is an FPSO with processing
Accessed on: Oct. 26, 2019;
facilities. Produced water could be used for injection instead
2. F.R. Munkvold and T. Knoff, Statoil, “Tyrihans Field
of seawater. The shuttle tankers (the same one as for the
Development Overview”, presented at the SPE
Åsgard C) could export produced oil. Produced gas could be
Europec/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna,
exported through the separate pipeline connected to the ÅTS
Austria, 12-15 June 2006;
to the Kårstø terminal. Gas injection system is the same as in
3. Norwegian petroleum, Tyrihans, 2019. Available:
the original scenario.
Accessed on: Oct. 26, 2019.

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