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November 18, 2018




With the desire to continually improve its systems and processes, the Provincial Government of
Bataan acknowledged the great contribution of the International Organization for Standardization with
regards to economic, social and even political scenarios, and thus decided to undergo ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System certification. This comes to fruition last December 2017 when the PG
passed the external audit conducted by NQA Philippines Inc.

In line with one of the principles of ISO 9001:2015, which is “Continuous Improvement”, all
members of ISO Core team together with some department heads of the certified offices conducted
benchmarking activity with the Provincial Government of Cavite at Trece Martirez City. The objective of
said activity is to learn how Cavite delivers basic services with quality, as well as their roadmap for
planning future directions and initiatives and other relevant programs of their province.

The activity started around 10 AM, when representatives from Cavite Quality Management
Office led by their Quality Management Representative and Secretary to the Sanggunian Panlalawigan
Ms. Michelle Alcid welcoming us. After exchanging some pleasantries and serving us snacks, they
discussed their journey in ISO. They started with the ISO 9001:2008 version around January 2012 with
selected offices and expanded it the following year (August 2013) by adding the remaining offices. By
September 2016, Top Management decided to upgrade their Certification to ISO 9001:2015 version.

Next activity was an open forum where they answered all our questioned and discussed some of
their best practices. This is followed by visiting selected offices to observe their process, their physical
workplace environment and their employees.


The following are the best practices noted and recommended to be implemented in PGB:

1. Cavite Quality Management Office - a separate office established to directly monitor and ensure
that ISO is strictly and continuously implemented, sustained and advocated to all employees.

2. ISO Committees – there are separate committees for Document Control, Internal Quality Audit,
Customer Feedback, and Workplace Organization.

3. ISO Corner – all office have an ISO corner posting their updates and activities.

4. Department Envoy – each office has a separate designated employee for 5S, feedback,
workplace organization and internal quality auditor.

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5. Social and Psychological – part of the assessment for 5S is social and psychological aspect where
a prepared checklist is monitored for all employees and first layer of prevention from depression
and other stress related problems.

6. Computerized Leave Application – the biometrics system is not only used in monitoring the
time-in and out of employees but also utilized in filing their leave application.

7. E-reg department – an office where clients undergo biometrics and picture taking for security
purposes, for financial assistance, and other programs. After which, they will go through the
designated booth/office to be assisted by personnel assigned to the matter needed. This ensures
easy traceability and monitoring.

8. Unfreeze Time – an activity conducted every 10AM and 3PM where all offices are required to
conduct some dancing or stretching. This is to ensure that everyone is awake physically and
mentally and to increase productivity.

9. Computerized Document Tracking System – use of barcode for all documents is implemented
not only to track the status but also immediately prompt the in-charge office of the activity on
and the corresponding time allotted to complete such. This can be implemented especially in our
BAC office.

10. Minimal Revision to AIP – strictly observed by PEO Cavite.

11. Response Protocol – protocol for Medical, Vehicular Accident and other requested responses is
established. ICS activation for different events is likewise documented.

12. OBR for Project Implementation is usually prepared by PPDO. PEO’s only involvement in the
process is preparation of the needed technical documents.

13. All offices have their procedures (frontline and non-frontline) printed in tarpaulins and posted in
their offices.

14. All offices have a monitoring board to easily keep track of personnel whereabouts.

15. Coffee is available for Treasury client’s use.

16. A minimum number of feedback for every office is set taking into account their average daily

Aside from the items noted above, Cavite Quality Management Office stresses the importance of
their Top Management being directly and heavily involved in the ISO process. They believe that this is
very critical not only in getting and maintaining the certification but more importantly, in transforming
employees into empowered individuals.

We hope that the following recommendations will be given consideration.

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Prepared by:

Lead Internal Quality Auditor

Noted by:


Deputy Quality Management Representative

Recommending Approval:

Quality Management Representative

Approved by:

Provincial Governor - Bataan

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