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KAV and KIS Anti BlackList [ easy to install ]

Bro yuya.... ijinkan daku tuk share KavKis Anti Black List
(Spesial thanks to Bro jashaka and Bro eric)

Asal muasal progie ini dari tritnya Bro jash ama Bro eric yg dah RIP , saia
share ndak ada kamsud lain.... diharapkan progie ini bermanfoat bagi
Kaspersky Maniac.

Progie ini utk mengaktifkan kembali key yg dah di BL... it's very-very easy to

Just Install and COPAS clldr.dll... No Edit Registry !!!


- Pause protection KIS'nya... lalu dunlut dulu applikasinya.

- klik setting... Option.... Uncheck Enable Self Defense... exit Kaspersky.
- Extract file rar... akan muncul KIS and KAV rar... extract kembali KIS /
KAV rar... akan muncul app KIS / KAV dan file clldr.dll ... COPAS file
clldr.dll ke folder Kaspersky Lab Securities.
- dobel klik app KIS atau KAV.
- klik threats and exclusion... setting... exclusion Rules.. add.. select object...
browse file clldr.dll ... apply Ok.
- selanjutnya silahken coba insert keys yg dah di BL... ostomatis key tsb akan
aktif kembali

After Patch
Spoiler for Result:
Patch Anti Black List si Casper

Key Black List KIS 9 -2010


Spoiler for Password:



- Anti BlackList Eazy Install tested by Me 'and Bro frenchonionsoup

- Explosit BlackList v.0.1 tested by Bro Huang
- New 'krack BlackList Kaspersky All Product tested by Bro Arctura & Bro

[center]if use Win7.... Pls disabling UAC

Kemaren2 nyari krack PURE.. pas ada ndak ada yg TestDrive !!!

Kaspersky PURE krack 1.02 - Tested by Bro eric


INSTRUCTIONS how to get unlimited license for Kaspersky

- Before download krack disable Self Defense and exit KPure!!! (if Pure already installed on

- Disable self-defense service

- Disable Kaspersky pure on the taskbar (EXIT)

- Turn On Patch Kaspersky PURE you've downloaded,

- Next RUN Kaspersky Hybride Pure-Internet Security 1.4.exe

- After RUN Kaspersky Hybride Pure-Internet Security 1.4.exe... open Kaspersky pure

- Go to license key disconnenct ur net and enter next

- Apply key in this files (u download in rar )

U Get unlimited license for Kaspersky pure




Biar lebih jelas... daku ksh Screen Shoot tuk masukin key file... krn biasanya
pada Skin Default si Casper hanya ada fitur Active Commercial License...
biar bisa masukin key file.. silahken simak yack Bro... gampang ndak pake


- Langkah awal matikan Internet dulu

-Klik yg diberi Tanda Panah
Spoiler for Step1:
Spoiler for Step2:
Spoiler for Step3:
COPAS salah satu Activation Code ini ke Active Commercial License

Spoiler for Step4:
Spoiler for Step5:
Spoiler for Step6:
Spoiler for Step7:
Spoiler for Step8:
Spoiler for Step9:
KasperskY PURE Activated fully until 2035 tested by -yuya-

CASPURE activated to 2035 and 100% working & updatable

Here we all need this files after you downlaod those files paste them to PURE instaltion folder

Run this steps to activate the product:

1-Setup PURE by trial license

2-Go settings and Disable self defense
3-Exit Kaspersky From taskbar
4- Take a backup copy of the file is located in the place clldr.dll Kasper
(Re-named to clldr.old)

5-After coping files edit the file KeyExtender.ini (ex:my trial period will end in 01\6\2010 edit
key date to Month:06 Day:29)

6-Close and save.

7-Open CASPURE and activate trial license
8-The update working 100%

Note:Files scanned by Eset and Norton maleware results only found not avirus


Kalo berhasil neh hasil ss-nya ( awas bw killer ) .....

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