Survey MTD3043

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MTD3043 System Analisis & Design

Your answer on this survey will be used to improve our project. Your cooperation is very much
appreciated. Thank you very much.
Prebet car is an important transportation service in UPSI and its not run by any registered
transportation network company. Currently, students don’t have any official and registered
platform to book the prebet. The drivers only can be contacted if the students do have their
personal number through Whatsapp and Telegram. Additionally, students are not secured to
book the prebet because no information or details of drivers were provided in Whatsapp and
Telegram. So we would like to create platform under UPSI for the students to book a prebet
car in the name of ‘UPSI Prebet System’. This UPSI prebet system will be used by UPSI
students as a safe platform to book a prebet car to reach their destination and to overcome
security problems such as kidnap, rape and accident cases. This system will provide the basic
details of the driver such as name, car plate number, photo of the driver, comments and ratings.


Gender: Female / Male
Race: Malay / Chinese / Indian / Others:……………..
Category : Postgraduate / Undergraduate / Diploma
Collge : KHAR / KUO / KAB / KZ / Out Campus


1. Do you have your own transport ?
Yes / No
2. What transportation you will use to reach your destination?
UPSI bus / Taxi / Prebet car / Own Transport
3. How you book prebet car?
Call / Whatsapp / Telegram / Other:……..
4. Do you often use prebet car to reach your destination?
Yes / No
5. Do you think UPSI prebet will help you when considering your mode of travel?
Yes / No
6. Is saving money are the important factor for you to use UPSI prebet rather than Taxi?
Yes / No
7. How much do you think UPSI prebet will affect your safety and cost?
Big Impact / Small Impact / Don’t Know
8. Do you feel safe to book a prebet car without using an official and registered platform?
Yes / No
9. Who do you prefer a female or male prebet driver?
Yes / No
10. Don’t you feel there is no official and registered platform for book a prebet car in UPSI?
Yes / No
11. Is that important for UPSI students to know the driver details before book a prebet car?
Yes / No
12. Is this system will be secured for UPSI students to overcome kidnap, rape and accidents
Yes / No
13. Is this system will be helpful for UPSI students to book a prebet car?
Yes / No
14. Do you agree with this UPSI Prebet System?
Yes / No

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