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She loved the Scottish night sky. Matte charcoal black uncontrollably
covered in thousands and millions of bright specks. Without her glasses the
starry night was a brilliant Van Gogh, everything bigger and brighter,
blurred in the most fantastic way. Just gazing at the midnight black canvas
above stole every thought from her mind, the usual carousel of worries
simply forgotten. There were the heavenly stars above and a crescent moon
to smile down; what else was there for the 10 year old Tziona to know

But Tziona’s life was far more than these skies and stars... Her merciless life
forced her towards the track of pain and made her the passenger of sorrow
,she lived each day as if tomorrow doesn’t exist. Her family had no hopes
of life.

Another fearful day, another tearful night, and once again painful screams
and cries of Tziona’s mother tore through the broken glass windows,
.Adam!Adam! Come to Mama! Adam where are you ?That was all that
echoed as she inched towards the living room in search of him.Tziona
quickly ran from the porch to her mother while her father,who was a doctor
by profession calmed her down by giving pills .She sanked to her knees,
calling out to Adam with her trembling lips who no more existed.Her deep
blue eyes bursted with tears like water from dam.Adam was Tziona’s
brother who died on the way as her family of a father,mother,Tziona and
Adam migrated from Germany to Scotland .During the World War II her
family migrated in search of a safe place to Scotland.Tziona’s dark lashes
brimmed heavy tears;her hands clenched into shaking fists,she could no
more bear her mother’s condition.The night passed and yet another
day,everyone hoped for survival.
The sun peeked over the mountains. Some awake. Some asleep. Their eyes
were bleary, reactions slow, tiredness running in their veins just the same as
their blood. Unfortulately ,those were the last prayers and hopes for some.
A blinding flash came from the point where the missile struck and a white
cloud rose in the air.Tziona and her parents survived, their mind screamed
out as the pain drove through their back. Every thought Tziona just had
became confused as the burning pain licked up hes back like scorching fire.
The only thoughts she had was 'like knife through butter.' She weeped at
her own suffering. She could hear people around him screaming and
shouting.Sever hours passed and worst was to come for Tziona and her
family ,who once had cloud nine on their faces but soon those happy
feelings faded, giving birth to terrible memories.

A group of military soldiers headed towards the hopeless eyes of her

father,mother screaming in pain and unconscious Tziona.They were soon
rushed to the Nazi concentration camps. Tziona’s screams were primal. It
had a raw intensity to it that told of urgency, of desperate need. All that kid
knew was that Momma was nowhere close and she was as scared as an
adult would be in the forest at night.Her face casted a relaxed expression as
she saw her mother’s presence.Her was lying on the floor.The execution of
the punishment was already over; Tziona’s mother laid on the floor in front
of her, half-naked, with her face on the ground, apparently unconscious,
covered with blood from her ankles to her waist. She was maybe dead, in
any case had passed out solidly, because she had no reaction at all. In the
intense silent atmosphere Tziona somehow screamed with her whole body
having the worst feelings and being the most desperate person of all. Her
eyes widened with horror, her shrilled cries were no longer bearable to the
air.Tziona’s swollen eyes widened, breath ragged and harsh. Her hands
trembled at her sides and she jammed her fist into her mouth to stifle the
scream as she saw her only support,the man of her heart who owed a
future to her .He was dragged in the middle,Tziona’s vision was blotched
with violent colours that moved and merged without pattern or design.She
was only able to hear her father’s screams.Don’t know if he’s still alive.

The paralyzing hurt had spread through Tziona’s body like icy, liquid
metal.After several weeks in dark holocaust which made her lifeless praying
to end her life,she clenched her fists as she hesitantly took each step. She
noticed her feet tremble. Her legs twitched, fighting the impulse to whirl
around and sprint down that damp, shadowed corridor;. Salty blood filled
her mouth. She was finally freed from the greatest monsters in history when
she got adopted by a British family with 3 other jewish girls who were
brought by them until the end of war.Tzonia’s life gave rays of hope when
her father arrived in London to take her daughter to Israel where they got
settled and soon became financially stable and worked as a doctor there.

Tzonia who came from the depths of hell as firebird, sang songs not of
flame but love. And in the early morning light, beneath a rising sun, she
raised her head to sing - the melody of freedom. After those depressing
years she got her life back and got a meaning to it.She could have asked
for no more than peace.

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