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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record

Notes for Managers:

This is a record for the candidate’s interview and any practical assessment exercise (presentation or work based assessment).
Competency style interview questions are advocated by the University to gain evidence about the candidate’s past behaviour and
performance to assess how closely they meet the essential requirements of the person specification.

Questions are likely to start with ‘Please given an example of when’, ‘Please describe an occasion when’, ‘Tell us about a time when’

Two further technical questions are to be asked which are not related to criteria that are key to the role, for example knowledge of a
particular process or regulation.

The scoring focuses on how the candidates demonstrate:

 Demonstrable experience of skill/attribute
 Relevance of examples provided
 Articulation of own role and contribution to outcomes
 Ability to link own experience to the role requirements
 Degree of probing required

For the interview questions, scores from 1 – 5 are to be awarded based on the responses given by the candidates:

 The candidate provides detailed and valid examples, clearly articulating their role, actions and results.
 The candidate meets all positive indicators/ model answer
 The candidate provides sufficiently detailed and valid examples, clearly articulating their role, actions and results.
 The candidate meets the majority of the positive indicators/ model answer
 The candidate provides examples which give the panel a moderate degree of insight in relation to competencies and
3 makes reference to their role, actions and results, but could be clearer.
 The candidate meets more than half of the positive indicators/ model answer
 The candidate provides weak examples to support competencies and is not clear about their actions or results.
 The candidate demonstrates less than half of the positive indicators/ model answer
 The candidate has difficulty in citing relevant examples and does not convey their actions or results.
 The candidate demonstrates little or no positive indicators/ model answer

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
For the practical assessment exercise (presentation or work based assessment), scores from 1 – 5 are to be awarded, based on the
responses given by the candidates. However, if the panel feel that the weighting of the practical assessment needs to be higher,
then there is flexibility to adjust this as appropriate. The scores should be determined on how well the candidate demonstrates they
meet the positive indicators/ model answer and how concise and articulated their response is.

Each panel member should note the salient points within this form. Scores for each question and the assessment exercise will be
awarded to the candidate based on the evidence the panel have heard and supported by the notes that they have taken. The panel
can then discuss their individual scores. Panel members may change their ratings at this stage providing there is clear evidence to
justify the change. Once the panel members are happy with the scores, the Chair of the Panel should insert all panel member’s
scores and the aggregate score into the Chairs Assessment Outcome – Agreed Summary Form. In some cases the Chair of the
Panel may choose to weight the assessment exercise as a percentage of the overall marks available depending on the importance of
the exercise within the selection process.

Please note that (with the exception of redeployees who may be offered a trial period) candidates must meet all the essential criteria
to ensure an equal pay framework and value for money with all appointments.

Equality legislation (the Equality Act 2010) applies to the recruitment and selection process, with the aim of making sure that no one
is treated less favorably when applying for a job. Equality legislation covers the entire recruitment process and it is unlawful for an
employer to discriminate against a candidate for a job because of their age, disability, race, belief, sexual orientation or gender in any
part of the recruitment process.

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Candidate Name :

Role Title :

Vacancy Reference No :

Date of Assessment :

Name of Panel Member :

Introduction for the Chair of the interview panel to read to candidates:

 Thank the candidate for attending

 Introduction of all panel members
 “This is an interview which is based around the main responsibilities for the role. The questions are designed in a way to
allow you to provide examples of how you have worked in the past and to demonstrate what you have achieved which in turn
will give us an understanding of your abilities. In answering the questions please give a little bit of background to what you
have achieved before giving the examples to put your answers into context.
 Do try to give as many examples as possible to show your range of experience and skills and please do take your time in
answering the questions. Let me know if you need any further information or would like me to repeat the question.
 The panel will be making notes during the interview.
 You will have an opportunity to ask any questions at the end”.

Presentation/Work Based Assessment

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Identify the person specification criteria to be assessed Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
(please insert the criteria numbers here): 

(Insert presentation and/or work based assessment topic/requirements here)

Panel notes

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record


Interview Questions

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 1
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 2
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 3
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 4
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 5
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 6
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 7
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 8
Insert the interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 9 – Technical question
Insert the technical interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Question 10 – Technical question
Insert the technical interview question here:

Insert the criteria numbers from the Person Identify positive indicators/model answers below:
Specification that are being assessed by 
this question here:

Panel notes:


Summary of scores

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Assessment & Selection Candidate Record
Assessment & Selection Comment (optional) Score
Presentation/work based assessment

Interview questions: ----- -----


9 (Technical question)

10 (Technical question)

Total interview score

Total candidate score

(presentation/work based assessment & interview)

Signed: …………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………………………….

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