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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

Submitted by:
Lyka P. Ladon
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

Designed by Lyka Ladon

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Define what mixtures are;
2. Perform activities involving mixtures; and
3. Showing safety precaution in doing experiments.

II. Learning Materials

A. Subject Matter: Mixtures
B. Reference: Science for Daily Life Buena A. Lozada and Augusto T.
Fausto Page 108-109
C. Materials: Video, Visual aids, Black Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, spoon
and a Plastic Cup.
D. Process Skills: Identifying, Experimenting and Observing
E. Value Integration: Showing safety precautions in doing
III. Development Activities
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

1. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am, it’s nice to
see you again.
2. Prayer
Class let us pray. In the name of the Father, the
Son and of the Holy Spirit amen.
Our father in heaven……
3. Observing of Cleanliness and
Before you sit down, kindly (The pupils pick all the pieces of
pick up all the pieces of paper paper under their chair put them
under your chairs and in the garbage can and arrange
arrange your chairs properly. their chair properly).

4. Checking of attendance
(using a seat plan I will check
the class attendance)

Preparatory Activities
A. Engagement
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

1. Review
Let us have a review about Ma’am, the lesson that we
your lesson yesterday. Is discussed yesterday was about
there anyone who can still materials that are dissolve other
remember the lesson materials.
Yes Eden.

Very Good Eden. Ma’am, a flour can be dissolved

You may take your seat. when we mix it in water.

Can you give me an example

of materials dissolved with
other materials? Grace.

That’s right Grace.

2. Motivation
Before we start with our
lesson for today, I will play a
Video song entitled “fruit
salad” and I will teach you
how to dance that song and
after that you will be the one
who will sing and dance.

Watermelon, watermelon
Papaya, papaya
Chico, chico, chico
Chico, chico, chico
Fruit salad, fruit salad.
(the pupil’s stand up and dance
Apple mango, apple mango and sing fruit salad)
Banana, banana
Chico, chico, chico
Fruit salad, fruit salad. (the pupil’s do the GOODJOB
Class stand up and now you will be
the one who will sing and dance fruit

Give yourselves a GOODJOB Clap.

You may take your seat.

B. Exploration
 Presentation
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

Now let us proceed to our Ma’am, when I hear the word

lesson for today which is mixtures I think that it is about
mixtures. What comes in your combination of two or more
mind when you hear the word things.
Yes Lea.

Very Good Lea.

Class, when we say mixtures

it is the combination of two or
more substances put together
without undergoing a physical
change in their state.
 Discussion
I have here pictures of
different sliced of fruits.

Cyra, what do you think will

happen when you combine all
these fruits in a mixing bowl?
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

Ma’am, I think when I combined

all these sliced fruits it will form a
Fruit salad.
Jessa, did your mother make
a fruit salad at home?

Very good, you may take your Yes, Ma’am! My mother always
seat. makes a fruit salad at home for
our dessert.
Yes, the sliced watermelon,
papaya, Chico, apple, mango
and banana when we mix all
together we can create a fruit

I already give an example of

mixtures, now can you give
another example Marissa.
Ma’am, halo-halo because it
mixed up with banana, sweet
cassava, letche plan, evap. Milk,
ube, gulaman, beans and ice.
You are correct Marissa.
What else Thea?
Ma’am, fruit shake because it
can be a mixture of different
That’s good Thea. fruits, ice and sugar.
All of that is a mixture
because two or more
substances put together.

C. Explanation

There are substances in

mixtures that change their
physical state. Some solids
dissolve when we mixed in
liquid. For example,

Yesterday, I drink Chocó

milk. It is the mixtures of chocolate
Milk, sugar and hot water.

D. Elaboration

1. Application
Problem: Mixtures of two or more
Materials: Black Coffee,
Creamer, Sugar and Hot water.
1. Get the
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

2. Put the
sugar in
3. Get the
and cup
then put
the hot
water in
the cup.
4. Using a
mixed all
Observation: Solid
materials dissolve
when mixed with Mixtures contain two or more
liquid and formed substances that is put together.
other substances.
Conclusion: What
will happen when
you put the solid
into liquid?
2. Generalization
Again what are mixtures?

E. Evaluation
Direction: Get ½ sheet of paper and identify if what could be the result if we
mix the following.
1. Lemon extract
2. Milk powder
Hot water

IV. Assignment:
Study the following:
1. Paper Chromatography
2. Filtration
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 702-7001

3. Evaporation
4. Simple distillation
5. Magnetism

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