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AS300+MS300 CANopen Network

Step-by-Step example setup

Example Equipment

 AS332T PLC with AS-FCOPM CANopen Function Card

 MS300 VFDs with CMM-COP01 CANopen Option Card
 CANopen Ethernet cables (UC-CMC010-01A)
 CANopen terminating resistor plugs. These are included with the CMM-COP01
CANopen Option Cards.
 ISPSoft 3.04 software*
o CANopen Builder

ISPSoft 3.04

1. Create a PLC program in ISPSoft in standard fashion.

2. Identify the correct AS300 model.
3. To do most of the following steps you will need to be communicating with the AS300.
A USC cable properly set up in COMMGR is the way to go.


In ISPSoft, double click on HWCONFIG in the left hand column. The HWCONFIG window will
pop up and show an icon for the AS300 CPU. Here you can scan the network to define all
I/O modules connected, as well as the CANopen function card.
1. First get into "Online Mode" (6th icon from left).
2. Select "I/O scan" (9th icon from left).
3. To use the AS-FCOPM function card, it must be installed in the second (lower) card
slot on the AS300.
4. To setup the AS-FCOPM function card, double click on the image of the card in the
AS300 icon.

5. Select "Function Card 2 Setting" on the left hand menu. The board can be auto
detected, or manually defined. Under "Manual Select Card" it should read "AS-
FCOPM Card." Match these other Function Card 2 settings:
AS-FCOPM Working Mode = CANopen DS301
AS-FCOPM node ID = 100 (unique from the drive addresses)
AS-FCOPM Bit Rate = 1000k (this must match MS300 Pr09-37)
6. Select "download" to the AS300 (8th icon from left).

NOTE: Anytime you scan a network, you then need to select "download" (8th icon from
left), otherwise the information is lost.

MS300 drives
With the drive not powered up, use a USB cable to set these values in the MS300 drives:
09-36 CANopen slave address = 1, 2, 3, etc.
09-37 CANopen speed = 0 (1 Mbps)
09-40 CANopen decoding method = 1 (CANopen Standard DS402 protocol)
09-60 Identification for comm. card = 3 (CANopen slave)

Installation of the CMM-COP01 card into the MS300 is not well defined in the literature. It
is composed of three main parts:
1. The circuit board with two COM ports.
2. A black connecting cable. This needs to be connected between the MS300 and the
CMM-COP01 circuit board.
3. A small, plastic, snap-in bracket. This mounts to the MS300 as shown in the image
on the left.

4. Once the cable is connected to the MS300 and the bracket is snapped in place, the
CMM-COP01 circuit board will snap in place on top of the bracket.
5. The black connecting cable will hang outside the drive as shown.
6. At this point the original MS300 cover will fit over everything.
7. Complete the entire physical CANopen network between the AS300 and multiple
MS300 drives.
8. A terminating resistor plug is required on the second AS300 port and on the second
port of the last drive. These are the grey plugs shown in the image on the first page.
9. Power up all the drives. You should have CANopen faults on each of them.

CANopen Builder
1. In HWCONFIG, highlight the CPU icon, right click, then select Communication
Software> CANopen Builder.

2. When the CANopen Builder window pops up, you will again see an icon of an AS300.

3. Go online (13th icon from left).

4. Select "Scan Network" (14th icon from left). This will take some time. When
complete the program should display your drives.
5. Double click on the AS300 icon. This will pop up a "Node List Setting" window.

6. On the left side of the window the drives should be listed.

7. Highlight each drive and select the right arrow to add the drives to the "Node List" on
the right side.

8. Select OK and close the window.

9. Select "download" to the AS300 (15th icon from left).
10. Save the settings to your laptop (3rd icon from left).
11. Close the CANopen Builder window.

Once this process is complete the "NET2" lights on the MS300s should stop blinking. These
parameters will also change in the drives from:
09-41 CANopen communication status = 3 (Pre operation state)
09-42 CANopen control status = 1 (Inhibit start state)
09-41 CANopen communication status = 4 (Operation state)
09-42 CANopen control status = 4 (Enable operation state)

* Software notes:
 In order to make CANopen Builder work inside ISPSoft 3.04 (in Window 10, 64bit)
the Delta directory may need to have its permissions changed:
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta Industrial Automation.
- Right click the directory, select Properties> Security> Users
- Change the permission to "Allow all."
 Install ISPSoft 3.04 as administrator.
 Run ISPSoft 3.04 as administrator.

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