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Being A Successful Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas

In this article, Andy Molinsky, the author, from his interviews with entrepreneurs finds out that it
is the capacity to execute the idea that makes an entrepreneur successful than the idea itself. He
states that to take an idea and turn it into a living, breathing, viable organization is a frightening
notion for the so called ‘thinkers’. The author states examples where the entrepreneurs found it
difficult to sell their products because of their shy or introvert nature.

The article then discusses on the steps that can help the idea oriented entrepreneurs to become
doers by getting out of their personal and professional comfort zones. The first step is to
recognize and accept the weaknesses and flaws. The second step mentioned was to motivate
oneself by embracing the purpose and mission of this major step. This helps to get out of the
comfort zone and struggle for the mission. The final step focuses on finding your own way. The
author suggests the entrepreneurs to act outside the comfort zones and find effective ways to
handle the difficult moments without losing themselves.

The author concludes stating that the entrepreneurship cannot be equated with ideas. Rather, it is
the courage to step out and act outside the comfort zone that makes one achieve the goals.


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