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Dosha Balance: Kapha

by Emily Fotis and vpk by Maharishi Ayurveda Staff Writers on January 20, 2016

If I could just get up from this comfy couch and make my way over to my computer, I
could tell you all about the Kapha dosha...

Kapha, made up of the properties of earth and water, embodies structure and stability.
Earth and water… slow, stable, down to earth, slow to anger, and easygoing! The Kapha-
dominant take their sweet time, too. If you’ve heard the expression, “Slow and steady
wins the race,” that’s a good example of Kapha. Kaphas may be slow to get going, but
they are dependable and dedicated. At their healthiest, Kaphas possess excellent
immunity; a robust figure; the ability to sleep soundly; and oftentimes thick, voluptuous
hair, large eyes and radiant skin, too! Those who are Kapha-predominant may have larger-
frame bodies and heavier builds. When in balance, they are the teddy bears among us —
sweet in nature and a pleasure to be around. What person wouldn't love to be around
Kapha’s grounding energy? Kaphas are like the "slow down” pill for the other doshas.

On the flip side, Kapha out of balance tends towards lethargy, feelings of sadness,
occasional congestion, and “accumulation” of a variety of things: weight, water,
possessions, etc. Kaphas often don’t want to throw anything away or let things go — be it
an old sweater, or a relationship. They can become stuck in their ways and resistant to
change. Remember, earth and water.

Here’s a quick-reference chart (/doshas/vpk-balance.html) to see the qualities of Kapha

when in and out of balance.

Sound familiar? Feeling the need to get unstuck? Keep reading to learn a few tips for
keeping Kapha well-balanced all year round.

Get Up, and Get Down!

Following a regular exercise routine is important for all doshas, but particularly for Kapha,
since they naturally tend towards sedentariness and may gain weight more easily. Try out
different kinds of exercise to see what suits your style and skills. Hopping on a treadmill is
far from our only option!

Consider swimming, cycling, rollerblading, dog-walking, dancing — anything that gets

you breathing and your heart rate up.

Herbals for Those on the Move:

Joint Soothe II (/products/herbal-supplements/bone-joint-health/joint-soothe.html) is a
great herbal blend for soothing tired or achy joints when you’ve been tearing up the dance

Flexcel (/products/herbal-supplements/bone-joint-health/flexcel.html) is fantastic for

keeping yourself mobile and your body running smoothly during workouts.

Fatigue Free (/products/herbal-supplements/energy/fatigue-free.html) — boost energy,

creativity and mental clarity with this go-to herbal!

Stay Warm and Dry

Those who are Kapha-dominant may be sensitive to cold and wet seasons (particularly
wet). Kapha can become congested easily; if this is the case, dry heat may be beneficial
— a heat lamp aimed at the chest or a heating pad under the back can help. Keep the
nose, throat and lungs protected from harsh winter weather. Using a Neti pot is very
helpful for nasal cleansing and reducing congestion.

Respiratory Health Products:

Clear Breathe (/products/herbal-supplements/allergen-defense/clear-breathe.html),
Organic Clear & Soothe (/products/herbal-supplements/allergen-defense/clearsoothe-
nasal-spray.html) and other Respiratory Health products (/products/herbal-
supplements/respiratory-health/respiratory-health-products.html) are all excellent for
maintaining Kapha respiratory balance.

Clean Up Your Act

Back to that tendency towards accumulation… this applies as much to physical
possessions as anything else. Kaphas like to keep things around, and their spaces can
become quickly cluttered. If you have this tendency, try spending a few days going
through your possessions, decluttering and “tidying up” by organizing your belongings
and sorting items to be donated — while items that are useful or bring you joy belong in
your home and in your life.

Emotional Balance is Key

Kaphas, as mentioned above, are loyal, caring, compassionate and sentimental. Out of
balance, they can become lethargic, apathetic, depressed and clingy. Keep Kapha-heavy
emotions balanced with stimulating activities such as yoga or other aerobics; play upbeat,
lively music and dance around the room like a carefree kid! Utilize self-massage
(abhyanga) before showering or bathing — just the act of massaging and stimulating the
skin can go a long way towards boosting circulation, energy and positive feelings, not to
mention the benefits that come from taking care of oneself and prioritizing one’s own
well-being. Garshana Gloves (/products/massage-oils/silk-massage-gloves.html) are
great for a dry abhyanga. If emotional heaviness is weighing you down, Blissful Joy
(/products/herbal-supplements/emotional-balance/blissful-joy.html) is formulated to help
uplift the emotions and alleviate feelings of sadness. In addition, practicing
Transcendental Meditation® twenty minutes twice a day offers a direct means to
transcend and restore balance to both mind and body. If you have not learned
Transcendental Meditation, then practice your technique of choice. Learn more about
Transcendental Meditation at (
Follow Your Nose
Aromas can be a powerful tool for balancing Kapha. Try Stimulating Kapha Aroma Oil
(/products/aromatherapy/kapha-stimulating-oil.html), Sniffle Free Aroma Oil
(/products/aromatherapy/sniffle-free-oil.html), or Blissful Heart Aroma Oil
(/products/aromatherapy/blissful-heart-oil.html) in a diffuser
(/products/aromatherapy/quiet-aroma-diffuser.html), or burn Suraj Sandalwood Incense
(/products/aromatherapy/suraj-sandalwood-incense.html) for an instant environment

Eat For Your Type

Kapha diets in general should be “lively” and full of energy. This can help boost Kapha’s
otherwise sluggish digestion.

Almost all vegetables are excellent for Kapha, but reduce consumption of sweeter
or juicier vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes and zucchini.
Kapha predominant individuals can enjoy spicy or pungent foods to help stimulate
their digestion.
All spices help pacify Kapha. Organic Kapha Churna (/products/food-spices/kapha-
churna.html) is an excellent addition to meals. Try to reduce salt, though, as an
excess of salt can cause fluid retention.
Reduce the intake of nuts and seeds, though pumpkin and sunflower seeds are very
good for Kapha.
Lighter fruits like apples, cranberries and apricots are also good.
Organic Stimulating Kapha Tea (/products/herbal-beverages/ayurvedic-teas/kapha-
tea.html) is a great beverage to help balance Kapha. Otherwise, a lively ginger tea is
an excellent choice.
Use only small amounts of oils and fats for cooking. Ghee, extra virgin olive oil, and
almond oil are among oils that are beneficial for Kapha.
Reduce consumption of grains such as oats, rice and wheat, and favor barley, millet,
corn, buckwheat and rye.

It’s also important to make dinner the lightest meal of the day, and to eat at least 3 hours
before going to bed; eating a meal right before bed can slow digestion and make it
difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

Herbals for Digestion:

Organic Digest Tone, Triphala Plus (/products/herbal-supplements/digestion/digest-
tone.html) is a great addition to a Kapha diet. Triphala helps stimulate digestion and
elimination and acts as a detox for the gut. This is very important for slower-moving
Kapha-dominant physiologies.

Keeping Kapha in balance and happy is relatively easy to do. Turn practices and habits
into a routine; make that routine simple, fun and stimulating — both intellectually and
physically. Doing so allows us to reap the many benefits of vibrant good health and
boundless vitality, and to enjoy the best qualities that Kapha dosha has to offer.

© Copyright 2019 Maharishi Ayurvedic Products International, Inc. (MAPI). All Rights Reserved. MAPI does not provide
medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See additional information

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