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Prepared at Department of Computer and Information Technology,

YCCE Nagpur


1. What types of hardware parts are typically found in ES? Write in brief.

2. Define ES. What are the difficulties encountered while writing S/W for ES?

3. What is difference between desktop computer OS & the real time OS of an ES?

4. Mention different applications of ES.

5. Explain how power consumption can be reduced in an ES

6. Differentiate between compiler, interpreter & macro.

7. On what basis ES differ from a computer?

8. Design a global positioning system using design process of embedded system.

9. On what basis ES differ from a computer?

10. Write short notes on the following:

i. Debugger Kernels
ii. Simulator
11. Draw the h/w architecture used in Es.

1. Mention the design difficulties encountered in ES.
2. Explain the designing process for h/w & s/w part for ES.
3. Explain the five level of Abstraction.
4. What do you understand by Software architecture? Explain any two in detail.

1. Explain state transition diagram of RTOS.

2. What are the rules to decide reentrancy of a function? Explain due to which rule
the following function is not reentrant?
int cErrors;
viod vcountErrors(int cNewError)
cErrors += cNewError;
Can this function be made reentrant by using semaphore? Justify.

3. Write short notes on :

i) Semaphores protecting data
ii) Deadly embrace
iii) Multitasking & Multithreading

4. A scheduler is the part of the RTOS & keeps track of the states of each task.
Answer the following questions:
i) How scheduler does know that a task is blocked or unblocked?
ii) What happens if all the tasks are blocked?
iii) What happens if two tasks with same priority are ready?
5. Write three rules for deciding if a function is reentrant. Is this function reentrant?

int cErrors;
Void vcountErrors(int cNewError)
cErrors += cNewError;
6. How does an RTOS semaphore protect data? Explain by giving example.
7. Where do you need to take & release semaphores in the following code to make
the function reentrant?
Static int iValue;
Int iFixValue(int iParam)
{int iTemp;
iTemp = iValue;
iTemp += iParam * 17;
If (iTemp > 4922)
iTemp = iParam;
ivalue = itemp;
iParam = iTemp + 179;
If (iParam < 2000)
return 1;
Return 0;
8. Compare message queue, mailbox & pipes.

9. Explain memory management system of multitasking RTOS.

10. Explain state transition diagram of RTOS.also explain what a scheduler is &
how it manages these different tasks?

11.Explain the data structure for RTOS & tasks with diagram.

12.Write short notes on following:

i) Storage of variables in C.
ii) Execution flow with semaphores between any two tasks.
iii) Ways to protect shared data.
iv) Gray areas of Reentrancy.

13.Discuss the problems caused by semaphores when not used perfectly by the

14.Explain how a typical binary semaphore works? Give example.

15.Is it possible to use semaphores in place of RTOS events services for the same
purpose? Justify your answer by writing pseudo code for given situation by
using events & writing the same code by using semaphores.

16.Define Real Time System. List some RTOSs & explain whether Windows
95/98/2000/NT based systems can be used for real time operations?

17. Differentiate a desktop computer operating system like DOS & Real time
Operating system (RTOS) of an embedded system.


1.’’Locating program components properly’’.how does locator resolves this issue in

the environment? Explain.

2. Draw the tool chain for building embedded software and explain.

3. Explain host and target machines for ES with Reference to cross-assemblers, cross

4. Explain how linker/locator of ES helps in address resolution.

5. Why host machine is needed for developing software for ES?

6. Write short notes on:-

a) In-circuit-emulator.
b) Host machine.
c) Target machine
d) Emulator ROM.
e) Flash memory.
e) Cross compiler.
g) Cross assembler.
h) Locator
7. Explan how s/w can be embedded into target system

8. What do you mean by simulation? Explain simulator for an embedded system and
its uses.

9. Explain with diagram software monitors with reference to debugger Kernel


1. Explain functions of all signals of 8051 in detail.

2. How serial data communication is achieved in 8051 microcontroller?

3. In some microcontrollers internal RAM is extended up to 256 bytes .In such

microcontrollers how the `processors distinguish between a RAM address &
the special function register. Explain with suitable diagram.

4. Explain PSW of 8051.

5. Draw the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller & write its unique features.

6. Explain internal RAM organization of 8051.

7. Write about different addressing modes supported by 8051.

8. Explain TCON, SCON & TMOD SFRs of 8051.

9. Explain interrupt system of 8051 microcontroller.

10. Explain the following pin functions:

Where ‘/’ stands for bar i.e. active low signal.

11.8051 microcontrollers is most suitable for Real time operations. Justify.

12. Write a short note on Stack operations in 8051 microcontroller.

13. Explain the pin diagram of 8051 with neat sketch.

14. Explain Memory organization of 8051.

15. Explain Timer/Counter of 8051 in detail.

16. What is level triggered & edge triggered interrupt? Explain how sampling is
done in level triggered & edge triggered interrupts?

1. Exchange lower nibble of register R0 & R1. i.e. put lower nibble of R1 in R0 &
lower nibble of R0 in R1.

2. Explain the following instructions of 8051:

i) MOV @R1,#05H
ii) XRL 15H, # 88H
iii) MOVX A, @DPTR
iv) SUBB A, # 20H
v) XCH A, R7

3. Write short notes on:

i) Routing algorithms(Any one)
ii) Queuing model for n/w traffic management.
iii) Wireless communication protocol.
iv) Interfacing of 8051 with digital circuits.
v) Interfacing of 8051 with analog circuits.

4. Copy the byte in TCON register to R2 using at least four methods.

5. Write a program to find a number that when XOR ed to the A register, results in
the number 3FH in A.

6. Explain shortest path Routing algorithm with example.

7. Write a program to copy the bytes stored at 0100H to 0102H to internal RAM
locations 20H to 22H.
9. Explain adaptive & non – adaptive routing Algorithms.

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