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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Phoenix Velasquez Date of Activity: 10/5, 11/21, 11/25 Faculty name: Linda Perez
Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with: The

first professional activity I attended was a Stop the Bleed course by the Integrated Community

Solutions to Active Violence Events (ICSAVE). I was educated and trained on how to protect the

community from preventable injury and death caused by bleeding. I first learned how to respond

during an active shooting, either by running, hiding, or fighting the shooter. It is only until you

are safe from the shooter that you should make the decision to help a wounded victim. The steps

to stop the bleed include applying pressure to the site, packing the wound while maintaining

pressure, then applying a tourniquet to prevent further blood loss. The next activity attended was

the American Heart Association Basic Life Support training. I was retrained on how to provide

high-quality CPR on adults, children, and infants during life-threatening situations. It was a

hands-on experience including chest compressions, ventilation, use of an AED, working as a

multi-rescuer team, and relieving an individual from choking. Lastly, a community service I

attended was a large Thanksgiving event for the homeless and low-income. I helped serve meals

and educated individuals about the free services available to them that day, such as flu shots,

mammogram and diabetes screenings, and haircuts.

Where was this held and what was the program/activity length? The Stop the Bleed training was

held in CON 117 on 10/05/19 from 0800-1200 (4hr) and the BLS training was held at Eclipse

CPR Training LLC on 11/21/19 from 1300-1600 (3hr). I attended the Thanksgiving event held

by PPEP Integrated Care at the Armory Park downtown for 1.5hr on 11/25/19 from 1200-1330.
Discuss the value of this experience to you. The first two experiences were valuable to me as

they both taught me how to react quickly and effectively during life-threatening situations. If

such situation arose, I know I would want to help anyone in danger and now that I have had the

trainings, I feel much more confident to do so. Both instructors emphasized the implications and
mortality rates related to hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, and respiratory arrest due to improper

action or failure to act, which really put into perspective the significant impact these trainings

can have in saving lives. The CPR instructor stated that CPR certification is becoming a

requirement for high school students to graduate which I am highly supportive of. As for the

Thanksgiving event, this was a very humbling experience for me. I am incredibly family-

oriented and Thanksgiving is one of the few times that my entire family and I are able to come

together, so it saddens me that there are so many people out there that cannot do the same. It is

nice to know that there is such strong support within the community for these people during a

time that is meant for happiness and togetherness.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?
Of course as a healthcare professional, it is vital to be CPR certified in order to be prepared for

potential codes within the hospital. One activity during the training involved working as a team

where each rescuer played a certain role, maintained by a team leader. Patients cannot be

successfully resuscitated without such competence among us as first responders. This holds true

in situations of hemorrhage. Also as we are all aware of the recent occurrences of mass shootings

and with the hospital being a public place, proper training promotes safety and preparedness.

Lastly, the Thanksgiving event reminded me to be culturally sensitive as a nurse and that

everyone is entitled to the same level of care. It reminded me of the importance of community

nursing and their role of referral as there are several health services out there; some are just

unaware about them.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? Yes, I recommend the Stop the Bleed and BLS trainings not just to nurses, but to

everyone because such situations that require these interventions can happen anywhere, so the

sooner an individual is helped, the better the health outcomes. The Thanksgiving event makes

you give thanks for what you have and allows you to give back to those who are less fortunate.
Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes. Signature on validation of clinical

hours form obtained? Yes.

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