MKTG - Reflection On Syrup Case

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“Without marketing, Coke is just syrup and water”, a famous line from an unknown

As my personal annotation in doing business, I always ask myself “Is this fair to my
supplier? My customers? My employees?” in a genuine way of trying to serve a specific
set of people, which I believe will go a long way.

In the film “Syrup”, I have realized that ‘marketing’ plays a huge role in winning
customers while playing fair, and imposing ethical methods in dealing with all the
stakeholders of my business.

In summary, the movie has shown the dark side of marketing.

The film was about a genius marketing student named Scat who lives with a junkie
roommate, Sneaky Pete. Scat came up with one of the greatest ideas that he’s ever had
for a drink and called it as “FUKK”. Immediately after coming up with the idea, he goes
to Addison Cola Company and sets his sights on Six, a woman who is at the top of the
advertising hierarchy.

However, Scat excitedly told his roommate about FUKK, who later on beat him to
reserve intellectual rights over FUKK. Sneaky Pete later on pretended to be the
marketing genius and worked for the largest energy drink company in the world.

The marketing idea FUKK was a success, and that the drink became one of the most
demanded drinks in the nation, however, it was Sneaky Pete who took all the credit.

Scat returned to having an ordinary life, until Six again later on recruited him to help
her come up with a new ad campaign after she said that FUKK was ‘not cool’ enough.

I feel that the movie reflected of what will marketing be if without ethics, and is purely
focused on the income it may produce. There could be an entire lack of regard for
values and kindness.

In the film, even a death was faked for publicity. Six having name “Six” is extremely
similar to “sex” which is “suggesting that she uses the most base, primal element that
can hook one of the strongest urges of the consumer – sensuality – and subconsciously
causes her image and everything that comes with it to be one that is to be desired but,
obviously, unattainable to any and every onlooker”.

Chris C. Tamesis
December 8, 2019
It made me wonder, is marketing really directed towards winning sales and making
profit? Or making your business expand and be known in order for you to extend your
services to more people?

In this case, it made me realize that despite the fact that the main idea of business is
creating profit, we should be mindful of the set of values we create, as our businesses
will influence a lot of people.

“Businesses are a matter of human service”. It was never about profit. Business was
intended to be as a service to all of humanity. It is a privilege, thus, should never be
abused. We must learn to oblige and put our customers first, and serve with a heart.

In summary, I have learned that we must be sensitive enough and use our senses to
actually determine what is right in all of the aspects of our businesses, including and
most importantly, our marketing strategy. Take a step further. Broaden our horizon. As
business leaders, we will be influencing a lot of people. Make sure we influence them to
do what is right and just, at the first time, and all the time.

Chris C. Tamesis
December 8, 2019

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