The Singapore Police Force

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The Singapore Police Force (SPF) is a uniformed organization under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

mission of the SPF is to prevent, deter and detect crime to ensure the safety and security of Singapore. This is done through
its focus on the 5 broad areas of Police work - Frontline Policing, (directly involved) Counter and E-services, Investigation,
Community Engagement and Public Security & Order.

- Formerly known as the Republic of Singapore Police (RSP), it has grown to a 38,587 strong force. (1,500
policewomen-2014)(SINGAPORE POPULATION – 5,826,003). Singapore has been ranked consistently in the top
five positions in the Global Competitiveness Report in terms of its reliability of police services.
- The organisational structure of the SPF is split between the staff and line functions, roughly modeled after the
military. There are currently seventeen staff departments, three specialist staff departments, and seventeen
specialist and line units, including seven land divisions. The headquarters is located in a block at New Phoenix Park
in Novena, adjacent to a twin block occupied by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
 SPF Mission
To prevent, deter and detect crime
 SPF Vision
A Force for the Nation – To Make Singapore the Safest Place in the World

 Values
 Courage
We are willing to risk our lives, if necessary, in order to safeguard our society. We also have the moral courage to
seek and speak the truth, and to set wrongs right.
 Loyalty
We are loyal to the nation, to the Home Team, to the SPF community, and to our own beliefs and ideals.
 Integrity
We never forsake our ethics in order to attain our objectives. Our actions are guided by our principle, not
 Fairness
We are fair in our dealings with people, irrespective of their race, religion, gender, age, standing in life and
irrespective of whether they are victims, suspects or convicts. We also apply the same standard to the members
of the SPF.

 Pledges

Police Pledge

1. We pledge to be loyal and true to the Police service and the Republic of Singapore.
2. We pledge to uphold the law, to protect life and property, to prevent and detect crime.
3. We pledge to discharge our responsibilities without fear or favor, regardless of race, language or religion.
4. We pledge to strive for excellence, to be proactive and to exercise initiative in our duties.
5. We pledge to serve our community and our country and to be courteous and humane in our dealings with every

Service Pledge

1. To answer '999' calls within 10 seconds

2. To arrive at urgent incidents within 15 minutes
3. To provide full replies to clear-cut enquiries from the Public within 3 working days
4. To respond to letters from the public within 5 working days
5. To update victims of crime on the preliminary status of cases within 7 working days
6. To attend to customers at Police service counters within 15 minutes
 Organizational Structure

 Ranks & Insignias

The rank of corporal (CPL) was abolished in 1972, but
reinstated in 1976. In 1997, the location of all rank devices was
shifted from the sleeves to the shoulder epaulets except for the
Gurkha Contingent. Also in the same year, the station inspector
rank insignia was changed from collar pips to a coat of arms of
Singapore with upward-pointing chevrons above and an arc
below, a design similar to that of the warrant officers of the
Singapore Armed Forces, while the rank of senior station
inspector (SSI) was also introduced. In 1998, the senior station
inspector (2) (SSI(2)) rank was introduced, and changes were
made to the SI, SSI, and SSI(2) rank designs. The rank of lance
corporal was abolished in 2002. In 2006, the Gurkha Contingent
adopted embroidered ranks as part of an overhaul of its combat
dress, but are worn on the right chest pocket.
In July 2016, a major rank overhaul was undertaken with
the removal of the ranks of corporal, staff sergeant, senior station
inspector and senior station inspector (2), as well as the removal
of the distinction between police officers and senior police officers,
to create a unified rank-scheme. In addition, the sergeant rank
has three different grades noted by a number from 1 to 3 placed
in parentheses and suffixed to the rank abbreviation; namely,
SGT(1), SGT(2), and SGT(3).
 Finances
-The Singapore Police Force receives the highest budget allocation annually as compared to the
various departments of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), typically accounting for about 50% of its annual
budget. For the fiscal year of 2013 (for the year beginning 1 April 2013), S$3.89 billion was budgeted to the
MHA, of which 47.8% or S$1.86 billion was allocated for the Police Programme. Actual expenses in the
2013 fiscal year were S$2.04 billion, of which S$1.88 billion was spent on operating expenditure (against the
budgeted S$1.79 billion) and S$159.1 million on development expenditure (budgeted at $71.83
million). Manpower costs amounting to S$1.16 billion continue to dominate the SPF's expenditure,
accounting for 61.7% of its operating expenditure and 56.9% of total expenditure in FY2013.

-The latest budget for fiscal year 2015, S$2.47 billion was allocated to the Police Programme, or
49.5% of MHA's total budget of S$5 billion (the Ministry of Defence, in comparison, received a S$13.12
billion budget allocation).This includes S$2.26 billion for Operating Expenditure and $210.93 million for
Development Expenditure. The main Development Expenditures expected in FY2015 included the
construction of new buildings such as the Woodlands Police Divisional HQ as well as the acquisition of new
patrol craft for the Police Coast Guard and the installation of police cameras at more HDB blocks and multi-
storey car parks.

 Equipments

Police officers in the various divisions are armed when conducting regular Taurus Model 85
uniformed patrols and plainclothes duties. Officers from different units are
issued with different weapons.

The five-shot .38 Taurus Model 85 with 3-inch barrel featuring a laser sight by
Crimson Trace is the standard issued sidearm of the Singapore Police Force
with 10 rounds of ammunition. From 2016, the CZ P-07 semi-automatic pistol CZ 75
will gradually replace the Taurus Model 85 revolver in front-line policing.
Addition to the use of the handguns, Singapore Police Force also uses
the Heckler & Koch MP5 sub-machine gun and the Remington 870 shotgun.
Extendable batons were initially used by specialist units such as Security
Command and Special
Operations Command, however, it has since been used by officers from other
front-line units, replacing the Monadnock PR-21 side-handle baton. Sabre
Red pepper spray canisters are exclusively equipped to the officers of Police
Coast Guard and Police Tactical Unit. A pair of handcuffs is issued to the
officers as restraints.
The Taser X26E stun gun was procured in late 2000s and is part of the
officers' equipment, which provides another non-lethal means of subduing
suspects. Despite safety concerns due to incidents experienced by foreign
police forces, the weapon was deemed suitable for use by trained personnel, Heckler &
and was rolled out across other NPCs. In 2018, the Taser X26E was replaced Koch MP5
with the X26P model.


Land division officers typically patrol and respond to calls in vehicles known as the Fast
Response Car (FRC). Car models that have been used by the SPF include the Subaru Impreza TS
1.6. In 2005, the SPF introduced the new Fast Response Vehicle (FRV), consisting of
modified Toyota Hi-Lux sport utility vehicles with a back compartment to carry equipment.
In 2009, the SPF introduced Forward Command Vehicles. These were replaced in 2017 by
Division Command Vehicles with greater mobility designed to enhance command, control
and coordination. In addition, the SPF introduced new unmanned aerial vehicles with red
and blue siren lights, a searchlight, a high-definition camera and an audio warning system.
The UAVs are controlled by two-man teams (consisting of a pilot and a safety officer) and are
designed to conduct search and rescue operations, attending public order incidents, traffic
management, hostage situations and crowd monitoring.
Police from the Community Policing Units may also patrol in residential neighbourhoods on bicycles. At the
2007 Singapore Nation al Day Parade, the Singapore Police Force unveiled a Tenix S600 APC (Armored Personnel Carrier)
had been purchased for its operations for the Special Operations Command, and in NDP 2015, the Achleitner HMV
Survivor and the Gurkha MPV by Terradyne Armored Vehicles Inc was unveiled.
The various specialist units may also make use of other specialised equipment specific to their scope of duty


Singapore Remains One of the Safest Cities in the World

Crime Remained Low Though Overall Crime Rate Increased Slightly

1. Singapore remains one of the safest cities in the world. Singapore was again ranked first in the Gallup Global
Law and Order Report 2018 , with 94% of residents reporting that they felt safe walking home alone in their
neighborhoods at night. The World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index 2017-2018 also ranked Singapore first for
order and security.
2. In 2018, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly by 1.4% to 33,134 cases, from 32,668 cases in
2017. The Overall Crime Rate also increased slightly, with 588 cases per 100,000 population in 2018, compared
to 582 cases per 100,000 population in 2017. 3.
3. The increase in the number of reported crimes was largely due to a rise in scam cases. Excluding cases from the
top 10 types of scams, the total number of reported crimes decreased by 1.9% to 27,338 cases in 2018, from
27,863 cases in 2017 (see Annex A-1).
4. Of note, theft and related crimes decreased by 8.6% to 12,279 cases in 2018, from 13,431 cases in 2017. In
particular, the number of shop thefts fell by 5.9% to 3,575 cases in 2018, from 3,800 cases in 2017, while the
number of theft in-dwelling cases decreased by 8.1% to 2,727 cases in 2018, from 2,968 cases in 2017. In
addition, the number of motor vehicle and related thefts5 fell by 10.6% to 886 cases in 2018, from 991 cases in
2017. Bicycle thefts registered a significant decrease of 42.3% to 522 cases in 2018, from 905 cases in 2017 (see
Annex A2).
5. The decline in theft cases can be largely attributed to the Police’s continued crime prevention efforts, including
increased Police presence at malls and other crowded places, during peak periods such as the Great Singapore
Sale and the year-end-festive periods. The Police have also been engaging shop owners to enhance CCTV
coverage, install anti-shop theft gantries and put up crime prevention posters. We will continue to work closely
with the retail industry to develop crime prevention initiatives to deter shop thefts.
6. The decrease in the number of motor vehicle and related thefts can be partly attributed to Police’s Vehicle On
Watch (VOW) project. The in-vehicle cameras of participating vehicles serve as a strong deterrence against such
crimes, and also provide crucial leads to aid Police investigations. To date, close to 10,000 vehicle owners with
in-vehicle cameras have signed up for the VOW project.
Crime-Free Days
7. In 2018, 165 days were free from the three crimes of snatch theft, housebreaking and robbery in Singapore.
Individually, 322 days were free from snatch theft, 227 days were free from housebreaking and 303 days were
free from robbery.

-VR training

*National Service (NS) is the national policy in Singapore mandated

by statutory law that requires all male Singaporean citizens and
second-generation permanent residents to serve a period
of compulsory service in the uniformed services. It was first instituted
in 1967 to help build Singapore's military forces soon after its
independence, and has since been expanded to involve the police
and civil defence force as well.
Upon enlistment, male Singaporean citizens and second-generation
permanent residents serve for 2 years in active duty as full-time
national servicemen (NSFs) in the Singapore Armed
Forces (SAF), Singapore Police Force (SPF) or Singapore Civil
Defence Force (SCDF), following which they transition to an
operationally-ready reservist state as operationally-ready national
servicemen (NSmen)

Early 1820 - Our Origins

Policing in Singapore can trace its origins to soon after Sir Stamford Raffles established a trading post in Singapore.
Recognising the need for law and order in the booming immigrant town, Major-General William Farquhar, the first British
Resident of colonial Singapore, established the police department in 1820. He appointed his son-in-law, Francis James
Bernard as the Police Assistant leading a 12-man team including a writer, jailor, jemadar (sergeant), and
eight peada (constables) to enforce law and order in the fledgling settlement. The first police office was built near the
Singapore River in December 1820.

1826 - 1871 - Policing a Flourishing Town

In 1826, Singapore became incorporated into the Straits Settlements. The police force in Singapore came under the
command of the Resident Councillor John Prince. Singapore, with its largely poverty-stricken immigrant population and
pirate ships threatening maritime trade faced high crime rates in its early years. The development of the legal institutions
could not keep pace with the growing population. Many crimes went unreported. Further exacerbating the problem was
the lack of proper supervision in the police force and poor morale among the rank-and-file officers.
Following an urgent public meeting in February 1843 to discuss measures to fight rampant crime, Mr Thomas
Dunman(First Commssioner) was assigned the twin portfolio of Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Working tirelessly to improve the Force, he raised the calibre of policemen by stressing on discipline amongst officers. By
1846, he had established rules and regulations for officers to adhere to, drew patrol sector boundaries and introduced a
standard uniform for use. He also fought for better working conditions and wages, shorter hours and a pension scheme.
When the Police Act of 1856 came into operation on 1 January 1857, Dunman became the first full-time Commissioner of
Police. He served with distinction until 1871.
During this period, the police force also introduced its first specialist units to combat specific crimes. In 1866, a small
Detective Department was set up to investigate secret societies. In the same year, a floating police station was built,
marking the establishment of a Marine Police to combat piracy and protect Singapore’s vulnerable shipping routes.

1872 - 1942 - The Straits Settlements Police Force

Shortly after the Straits Settlements became a crown colony in 1867, the police underwent a re-organisation with the
enactment of the Police Force Ordinance (1871) in 1872. This gave rise to the Straits Settlements Police Force when one
Inspector-General of Police, headquartered in Singapore, took charge of all the police forces in the Straits Settlements.
The Straits Settlements Police Force faced many challenges in this new era. With the growth of trade due to events like
the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Singapore grew rapidly. As the port flourished, large numbers of Chinese coolies
flocked to Singapore looking for work. The new waves of mostly poor and uneducated male migrant workers brought
along law and order problems. Prostitution, gambling, drug abuse, secret societies activities and riots were
widespread. Secret societies in particular, proved to be a major source of crime resulting in incessant rioting, thuggery
and abuse of new immigrants. To combat this, the Chinese Protectorate was established in 1877 and new laws were
passed to control secret societies. Following the 1879 Commission of Inquiry into the state of the police force, a new Sikh
Police Contingent (SPC) was formed in the local police force in 1881. The SPC was deployed to form the nucleus of an
elite armed police and, together with measures to reign in the influence of secret societies, proved an immediate success
in maintaining law and order.
The turn of the century saw an ever increasing population and the police had to expand to cope with increasing crime,
particularly internal security threats linked to overseas events in China, India, and Japan. The police responded with an
expansion of policing and investigative capabilities, instituted proper training with the establishment of the Police Training
School in 1929, as well as improved working conditions with new police stations. The Straits Settlements Police’s actions
against communists and secret societies helped make Singapore safer and more prosperous but bred some resentment
among the sympathetic Chinese who saw the police as a tool of the colonial government.

1942 - 1945 - World War II

On 15 February 1942, Singapore fell to the Japanese and remained in occupation until their surrender in September
1945. This occupation dealt a heavy blow to the police force as many of its leaders, including Inspector-General A. H.
Dickinson, were interned and it came under the control of the Japanese.

1946 - 1959 - Restoring Order

The British Military Administration took charge of Singapore until 1 April 1946 when the Straits Settlements was dissolved
and Singapore became a crown colony. Under this new administration, the police in Singapore was renamed the
Singapore Police Force (SPF) in 1945 and headed by Colonel R. E. Foulger. The police faced a state of mayhem as
secret societies flourished with a vengeance, even extending their influence into politics and government circles, after
being clamped down by the Japanese. Meanwhile, communists were instigating strikes to sabotage the British
government by undermining confidence in public order in their bid for political dominance. This led to the declaration of a
12-year long Emergency in Malaya in 1948, and a series of protests by unions and Chinese schools in the 1950s till the
1960s. To augment the police staff strength depleted by the Occupation, the Volunteer Special Constabulary, Gurkha
Contingent, and Riot Squad established in 1946, 1949, and 1952 respectively provided assistance during the 1950s’ riots.
The first Women Police Unit within the Special Constabulary was formed in 1949. A breakthrough for the post-war police
was the launch of the emergency hotline ‘999’ in 1948, following the success in salvaging radio equipment left by the
Japanese thereby creating the Radio Division. This enabled the police to respond faster to the scene and drastically
reduced crimes like armed robberies.

First batches of female graduates from the Police Training School in 1949.

1959 - 1965 - Birth of a New Nation

Singapore attained self-governance in 1959. In 1963, Singapore merged with Malaysia. The young nation faced many
threats to its security, and had to work to build up its defences, institutions and people in order to safeguard its future.
Factions against the merger stirred up racial and communal violence, with the worst riots occurring in July and September
1964. Singapore was also subject to spate of bombings carried out by Indonesian saboteurs during the Indonesian
Confrontation against Malaysia between 1963 and 1966. The Vigilante Corps was formed in May 1964 amidst the
precarious situation. Over 10,000 people from all walks of life registered to help the police in street patrols against
1965 - 1970 - Policing in a Post-independent Singapore
On 9 August 1965, Singapore separated from Malaysia and became an independent republic. In 1968, the Police crest
adopted the name ‘Polis Repablik Singapura’, or Republic of Singapore Police. In charge of its own defence, the police
took on a bigger role in securing the nation. Within five years of independence, recruitment numbers expanded, Police
National Service was introduced in 1967, the Force was inducted into the Interpol, and the Police Training School was
elevated to Police Academy. The Force was also reorganised in 1969 which saw the grey flannel shirt and khaki shorts
replaced with blue uniforms consistent with international policing colour. By 1970, Singapore was heralding a period of
peace and prosperity. Crime rates fell, secret societies were kept under control because of the passing of the Criminal
Law (Temporary Provisions) Act in 1955, and rapid economic growth rendered communist ideals irrelevant.

Police Radio Division at Eu Tong Sen Street in 1973. Source: SPF

Officers from the first batch of Police National Service (Full-Time) pose for a photo in 1975. Source: SPF

1970s - Charting New Waters

Singapore had defied the odds and its economy had taken off. Improved living standards, combined with tough and
effective law enforcement – with the enactment of the Arm Offences Act and Misuse of Drugs Act in 1973 – led to a
decline in crime. In 1976, the crime rate was not only the lowest in two decades, but also the lowest in the world for a city
of comparable size. In a survey of the public’s opinion conducted in 1979, the indications seemed to point to the SPF as
being efficient and enjoying a good public image though tending to be aloof and official. Steps were taken to make the
police to be more involved with the community it was serving, and create a reliable and friendly image to win the
confidence and trust by the public on whom it depended for information and cooperation.
1980s - Fighting Crime Together
By the 1980s, the booming economy had transformed the country and this was reflected in the new urbanised landscape.
By then, three-quarters of the population were living in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats. Initiatives like the
National Crime Prevention Council and Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (NWS) were launched to actively involve the
public in crime prevention. These initiatives paved the way in fostering civic-mindedness and social responsibility in
creating safer neighbourhoods that were instrumental for SPF’s future community projects. On 1 June 1983, the Force
launched the Neighbourhood Police Post (NPP) system, as a manifestation of its transition to a proactive, community-
based approach towards the practice of policing. Accompanying this was a transformation in the image of the police
officer from being a feared enforcer of the law, to being a trusted member of the community. In 1997, the policing model
was further developed into the Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) system which was designed to be a one-stop policing
centre for the community. This system was widely successful and crime rates had dropped from 1,642 per 100,000
population to 613 per 100,000 in 2001.
2000s - Policing in the New Millennium
The 11 September 2001 attacks in New York and Washington DC and the subsequent war on terrorism changed the
entire operating landscape and forced the SPF to rethink the way the Force operated. New capabilities such as bomb
blast management, counter assault measures and other counter-terrorist measures were developed to deal with the new
security environment. More recently, SPF geared up its counter terrorism operational capabilities with the introduction of
Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) and In-Situ Reaction Teams (IRTs) to handle incidents quicker. The SPF continues
to engage the community through SGSecure to sensitise, train and mobilise our community to prevent and deal with a
terror attack.

ERT Officers on ground deployment.

In tandem with evolving demographics, technological advancements, rising affluence and education, as well as to stay
ahead of changing operating environment, the NPC system was further enhanced in 2012 to the current Community
Policing System (COPS). SPF also made full use of modern technology to better manage change. Technology adoption is
being strengthened with more video-analytics enabled police cameras installed at public areas and equipping frontline
officers with the necessary equipment for better sense-making to fight crimes.

A Force for the Nation

In 2018, Singapore was again ranked first in the Gallup Global Law and Order Report 2018, with 94% of our residents
feeling safe walking alone in their neighbourhood at night. The strong Police-Community partnership remains an important
pillar of successful policing in Singapore. SPF will continue to partner the community and stakeholders to safeguard the
public safety in Singapore, and ensure that Singapore remains one of the safest countries in the world.

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