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AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.

Excellency K.H MohZuhriZaini as the owner of nuruljadid

Islamic boarding school
Honorable Mr.kodir as coordinator of excellent program
Respectable all officer of excellent dormitory
And also unforgettable all my beloved friends.

First of all, let’s thank to our god ALLAH SWT,the lord of

universe and he also has given us some mercies and
blessings,so we can attend in this program without any problem.

Secondly we never be forget to send please and blessing

of ALLAH to our great prophet Muhammad SAW,who has guide
us from the darkness to the lightness,from the bad character to
the good one as we hold today.
I am M ZAINAL ARIFIN, class XI IPS 1 student at Nurul Jadid High
School. ZAINAL nicknamed my friends. For some reason ... maybe it's
because of my tall height. I am active in the IPS Superior class
organization and I happen to be trusted to be the President of ASIO.

As usual, the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School has an

academic schedule for sending out its students every month of the
Prophet's Birthday and the Month of Ramadan. This time to coincide
with the month of the Prophet's Birth, I and all students were closed
for 10 days.

There are many stories during my entertainment this time. It

starts with the Santri Discharge Release event which was held on
Wednesday, November 6, 2019. I and other friends went home by
driving a bus coordinated by the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School
Foundation. The joy of welcoming this holiday made me and my
friends schedule a number of events. Among them visiting the home
of one of the friends in the Tapen - Bondowoso area.

The second day of the holiday, my classmates and I went to

Tapen Bondowoso, by motorbike. The story of touring started from
that day. There are several tourism spots that we visited, including
Sampeyan Baru Reservoir and Tirta Agung Wanawisata Sukosari Kidul
village. By walking the rural roads with beautiful natural conditions
and clean air, we really enjoyed the Work of the Creator of Allah SWT.

The holiday this time was really fun, hang out young students in
the style of students happened when we unwind. There was a small
discussion that basically we wanted the cohesiveness of the force to
remain solid until we later returned to the midst of the community
after hospitalization. Santri-style Touring is not as luxurious as those
who drive Moge (Motor Gede). SIMPLE, yet BUSINESS. Our Touring
event for 2 days was truly memorable and we cannot forget.
Especially when a small incident happened to our friend Dika (Chair
of the Forces). The incident occurred on the way back to our friend
Abdul Wahid's house. The motorbike driven by Dika had tumbled
while avoiding a pick up car. Alhamdulillah, we are all still protected
by God, even though Dika suffered facial and hand injuries. And
Saturday we went back to our homes.

When I got home I was awaited by a family event. Because this

is the month of Mawlid, our extended family is holding the Mawlid of
the Prophet Muhammad and Haul Masyayeikh. At the event, the
family invited two Basar Kyai, namely KH. Zuhri Zaini (Caretaker of
Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School) and KH. Ach Azaim Ibrahimy
(caretaker of Syalafiah Syafi’iyah Sokorejo Islamic Boarding School).

Right on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 14.30 West Indonesia

Time, the Mawlid program at my house began. Gratitude and
happiness are felt by my family. When all plans run smoothly and
successfully. How come ... all invitations were present, especially the
great Kyai (Boarding School Caretakers) whom we invited to attend
and were accompanied by three other Kyai namely Kyai
Abdurrohman Wafi, Kyai Faiz Abdul Haq Zaini and Kyai Fahmi Abdul
Haq Zaini.

The program was very wise and brought a deep impression for
us and our family. A very happy day was also felt by the guests
present. They are Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School alumni who
are members of several large organizations. Among them are P4NJ,


That is the story of the experience of this MY

VACATION Event after event passed by a warm and
pleasant togetherness. Hopefully this holiday synopsis
brings blessings to my life and my friends. Amen ...

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