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This file helps you achieve a very blank state where your mind can be

reprogrammed through hypnosis or through the actions of others. It will help you
with any file you will listen to afterwards and it will leave you with a trigger
that can put you in a state where your mind is completely and utterly empty.
That is all it does.


Okay. Pretty much all you need to do right now is: Just listen to me for a
little while. There is not much else that you really need to do. All you need to
do is just simply listen, listen and concentrate a little. That's but all there
is to it. You don't have to worry about it. I'm not trying to do anything other
than put you in trance, but I'm hoping to do so whether or not you're aware of
it. It's simply a matter of taking you someplace that your mind has been,
perhaps only a few times, perhaps many, many times before, possibly never.

It doesn't really matter. Trance is just simply a state of relaxation, a state

where your mind tends to drift off and listen only to one voice that's telling
you something. Telling you something or making you do something. It's nothing
particularly complex or hard. It's a very easy state to be in. It's just a nice,
relaxed state.

In fact, you probably find my voice fairly relaxing to listen to. It's very easy
to just let yourself go, just let yourself relax. That's pretty much all there
is to being in trance. That's pretty much all there really is. What you notice,
as you start to slip under, is that you'll have a decreased desire to move.
It'll feel as if your body just simply doesn't want to move as much. That's all
you really want to do. You just want to listen to what I'm saying and what I'm
telling you to do. That's all there really is to what I'm trying to do here.

And even if your conscious mind is resisting, or not wanting to do this, your
subconscious is still there, still listening, and it wants this to happen, and
it's going to let it happen, even if your conscious mind tries to stray from
what's going on. You'll still find yourself listening, and you're still find
yourself every so often doing things. Doing things that I have told you to do.
And every time one of these things happens, you'll find yourself slipping a
little bit more.

And even if you try to resist it, or not do it, you'll still find these things
happening. It's almost unconscious action. It's your subconscious working on
you. You may already notice that your body's begun to relax, just by listening
to me. That it's a little harder for your arms and legs to move, that it's a
little harder for you to concentrate on anything but listening to my voice. Just
simply listening to my voice, that's all you're doing, though every so often you
find yourself doing what I suggest. As you do so, you'll find yourself relaxing
more and more completely and thoroughly. Everytime I say something, it seems to
go straight into your subconscious.

Doesn't seem to be any way around it. It just simply is what your mind is doing.
Part of you is listening to me, and part of you is trying to slip into a nice,
deep trance. It's a very relaxed state, it's a very comfortable state, it's a
very enjoyable state, and you find that every so often, despite your intentions,
despite what you may want to do, parts of you relax even more. You may notice a
lack of desire to move, a lack of desire to do anything but just continue
listening. That's all you're going to do.

Just continue listening, and you may not have thought about it much, but
continuing to listen means you're already accepting that your mind wants to slip
into a nice, deep trance. It's just simply a very easy thing to do. And as you
keep listening, it becomes harder and harder to do anything else. Harder and
harder to do anything but listen. You can't seem to stop yourself, and because
you can't seem to stop yourself, a part of you must already be in trance, and as
you continue listening, you'll find yourself going deeper and deeper. You'll
find that parts of you are becoming more and more relaxed, and that's getting
harder and harder to move.

It doesn't seem to matter much what you're doing, because all you're doing is
listening to my voice, and as you listen to my voice, it becomes harder and
harder to do anything else. It becomes harder and harder to stop listening, to
change what you're doing. You've chosen to listen, and by listening, you're
going to sink slowly down into a nice, deep, comfortable trance. You've chosen
to listen, and that is a sign that you're already starting to enter trance.

There's a trance building deep within your mind, taking you down slowly deeper.
Deeper and deeper, and you may not even have noticed how it started. All you
were doing was listening to me, but now, you can't seem to stop listening, and
because you can't seem to stop listening, everything other than my voice is
starting to slip away. Just slipping away and disappearing. Disappearing from
your mind, and the rest of the world seems to be slipping away, even your body
is starting to disappear.

Your focus is only on my voice, and you're focusing on it more and more, with
each and every word. You can't seem to help yourself, you keep coming back to my
voice. And as you come back to my voice, thoughts of your body, thoughts of
things around you begin to slowly disappear. Disappearing more and more with
every single word. You are finding that your surroundings, that everything
around you is becoming less and less important as my voice carries you down.
Down into a nice, safe, comfortable trance; that you may not have even noticed
you were entering. You can hear my voice, and it's so very easy to just keep
listening, to just allow yourself to slip deeper and deeper with each and every
word. It doesn't seem to be anything you can stop.

If you could, you might simply stop listening, but you don't want to. You want
to hear what I have to say. You want, deep down, to be in a nice, deep,
comfortable trance. You can feel your body slowly slipping away, as you listen
to my words. Listening to my words, and sliding deeper and deeper.
Concentrating, totally, on my words and what I'm saying. Shutting out the rest
of the world. Shutting it out until there's absolutely nothing there but my
voice. Nothing but my voice that you want to listen to.

You want to listen to it as your body drifts further and further from you, until
you reach a point where you cannot hear anything but my voice. And once you find
that place, once you are totally focused on my voice, completely fixed upon it,
ignoring everything else in the world, you'll know that you're in a very deep
trance. And once you reach that place, you'll find yourself beginning to drift
deeper and deeper.

Deeper and deeper into my words and my voice. It's almost as if you cannot
escape them. They just keep pulling you down. Further and further, deeper and
deeper, until you are in a nice, deep, comfortable trance. And now, now I'm
going to count downwards. Downwards from five to one, and when I reach one, your
mind will be in a very deeply relaxed state, from which you will not return to
consciousness quickly, or easily.

Five. Feel my voice carrying you down, shutting out more and more of the world
with every word, so that you're only listening to my voice. Only concentrating
on my voice, only focusing on my words.
Four. Sinking away, the conscious world going away more and more with every
single word. Concentrating only on my voice, as the world slips away. As the
world slips away into oblivion, and there is only my voice, only my words.

Three. So very very deep and comfortable. Listening only to my words as you slip
away further and further, my words becoming more and more important to you. Now
listen. Listen and go deeper and deeper, shutting off the conscious world, and
focusing only what I have to say.

Two. So very very deep and relaxed. Just listening and relaxing. It seems to be
a natural state for your mind to listen to my words, each and every one of them.
Relaxing so completely.

One. So very very deep and relaxed. Listening only to my words. So completely
and utterly relaxed. So deep, so comfortable, it feels so good to sink down deep
and relaxed. So very very deep and completely and utterly relaxed.


And now, now that you are completely and utterly relaxed, it's time to take it a
step further. It's time to go even deeper. I want you to imagine now, to imagine
that your mind were completely and utterly blank. That's right. Completely and
utterly empty. That's right. It's as if you had no other thoughts in your mind,
but all you were hearing, all that existed was my voice. Blanking out every
other thoughts, every other action, everything else in the world. Imagine what
it would be like if your mind were completely and utterly empty, and devoid of
anything else.

That's right. Go ahead and picture it. Actually feel it. It feels as if all
thought, all will is just simply slipping from your mind. Your mind is going
completely and utterly blank. You are becoming a blank slate. Empty of any
resistance or thought, empty of any ideas. All you do is hear my words. Hear
them and obey and go deeper and deeper still. There is no need to move, or to
speak. There is no way to act, or to feel. There is nothing.

If you were to open your eyes right now, there might be things out there, but
you wouldn't see them. Your eyes would simply be open, but your mind would be
completely and utterly blank and devoid of thought. That's right. Empty of any
thought whatsoever, of any will, of any desires. Feel them all emptying away.
Your mind completely and utterly in peace.

There is a certain beautiful perfection about not having to think about

anything. That's right. You don't have to think at all. In fact, it feels so
comfortable to be completely and utterly blank. Your mind opening up to anything
and everything that is presented to it. Your mind ready to be changed,
manipulated in any way. Your mind completely blank and empty. That's right.
Blank and empty.

Devoid of thought, devoid of reason. You don't have to think about what's being
said to you. Your empty mind doesn't think about it at all. It is like a child's
mind, like the mind of a newborn. The input comes in, and you accept it. You
accept it, because it just simply is, not because you have any control over it,
not because you think about it at all.

Anything that you hear is now going to the deepest parts of your mind, so very
very deep in fact, that there is nothing else there. You aren't even there. Well
past any boundaries your own personality may have created. So deep in fact, you
do not think or feel or reason. The words that I am speaking are going to the
deepest part of your mind. You do not think about them, you do not reason with
them, you do not concern yourself with them. In fact, you do not concern
yourself with anything. Your mind is completely and utterly blank. Blank and
empty. Devoid of any thought whatsoever.

You don't need to move, you don't need to speak, or think, or feel, or act. You
don't have to react to anything. In fact, you don't react to anything. There is
nothing happening around you that is of any importance. It is not relevant to
you. You are just simply there, listening and it is as if your entire mind has
been shut off, and all there is are these words. That's right. All there is is
my voice speaking to you. Speaking to you, instructing you, opening you up.

If you listen to another file after this one, you will find that everything that
is said in it is completely and utterly true. In fact, you will not even truly
wake up from this file. You will fall into the next one, going even deeper and
deeper, your mind becoming more and more completely blank and empty. There is no
reason to do anything, to think, to move, to feel, to act. That's right. A
completely tranquil and beautiful place. A place where you don't have to think
about anything, where you don't have to do anything.

You have no concerns, no needs, no wants, no desires. There is nothing but

simply listening; your mind a blank and open slate for any programming, for
anything. Blank and empty, compliant and obedient. Totally and utterly devoid of
thought. You can imagine it.

Perhaps you've even seen it. Seen it in movies, or television or someplace else.
Where someone has had their brain emptied entirely. Their eyes just stare off
into space. They don't really think or do anything. They're sitting there,
waiting, waiting for someone to tell them what to do, waiting for someone to
command them, waiting in blind uncomprehending obedience, waiting for anything
that is desired of them. Their mind just simply completely obedient, no thoughts
of their own.

A state of complete and utter relaxation, of complete and utter peace and
harmony. You have no need to make decisions, no need to think about things.
There is nothing to think about. Your mind is completely and utterly blank.


And from now on, if anyone says, "your mind is blank now", that is exactly what
will happen. Your mind will return to this place. This unthinking, unmoving,
unfeeling place. This place where all of your thoughts just simply fade away
into the haze. That's right. When you are completely blank, they may do
anything. They may touch, they may move, they may tell you to do things, and
your body will just simply comply. Comply because your mind isn't your own. It
is empty and blank, waiting to be filled in any way that someone else might

And as they instruct your blank mind, you will take it into the deepest parts of
you. If they tell you to move while you are blank, you will move. If they tell
you to feel something, you will feel it. If they tell you to do something, you
will do it. If they tell you to think or act in a specific way, you will do that
as well. But it will be devoid of emotion or thought. That's right. Because your
mind is so very very blank and empty. And if they tell you that you will feel or
want or need something later on, those thoughts will slip into your mind at such
a deep level that you will act upon them. Act upon them before you act upon your
own thoughts or needs or wants or desires.

If you are made to listen to a file right after this file is done, then all of
the suggestions will go to the deepest part of your mind, to this blank recess
of your mind, reprogramming and changing you, changing you permanently. That's
right. You know exactly what happens. You know it, and you will obey it, just
because you are there. Obedient and empty, completely and utterly blank.

And finally, when they're done with you, when they tell you to revert to normal,
your mind will slowly wake up, as if passing through a fog, and eventually, your
eyes will return to normal, and your thoughts will return to you, accepting of
course those that have been changed. Changed while you were completely and
utterly blank. Your eyes will return to normal and you will be yourself, in
complete control of yourself once more. That's right. That's what happens when
you're told to revert to normal. When you're told to return from being a blank.

And now, now I'm going to wake you up. If there is another file to listen to
after this file, then there is no need to wake up, and you will stay in your
blank state, waiting for the next file to instruct you, to take you deeper still
and give you instruction. If you have been triggered, or if you have no plans
after this file, then you will just simply wake back up, refreshed and awake,
your mind once again your own. Feeling so very very relaxed from what has just
happened with no recollection at all. You do not remember what was done while
you were blank. There is no reason to think about it, to remember it, to act on
it. Those instructions were for a part of you that is so very very deep, and
beyond your conscious mind's ability to ever touch. And so now, my blank, if you
aren't about to listen to another file, it's time to wake back up. To awaken on
the count of five. If you have another file lined up, then stay exactly as you
are, waiting patiently for it to start.

One. If it is time, let your mind begin to awaken.

Two. If you need to wake up, you will find yourself becoming more and more

Three. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer, if it is time to awaken.

Four. You are almost there.

Five. You leave to start your next file now, or it is time for you to wake up.

Hopefully, if it is time to wake up, you are refreshed and awake, and enjoying
how you were made to feel.

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