Lean Banswara Garments

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Lean Manufacturing

Assignment 2 – Lean tools applied at

Banswara Garments Ltd.

Akash Gaikwad (BFT/17/L14)

Madhur Sharma(BFT/16/106)
Rakshit Shankar (BFT/16/602)
Introduction: Banswara Syntex Ltd. is a vertically integrated textile mill manufacturing man-
made synthetic blended Yarn, wool and wool mixed yarn, all type of Fabrics, Jacquard
Furnishing Fabrics, besides production of Readymade Garments and Made-up's.
Though Lean is an important tool for any company for producing in an effective and efficient
manner, Banswara Garments used 5S as the only lean tool at the production floor that too in a
limited manner. Out of 3 units at Daman Only 2 had 5S application.
Introduction to 5S:
Sort Set In Order Shine Standardize Sustain

Sort items as Identification by Cleaning of Visualization by To sustain the

daily needed, label and well floor, walls, information 5S process it
weekly needed organized items stairs, ceilings, display. must be treated
and monthly at the racks, shelves, Related SOPs to as a way or
needed. workplace. machines, tools be put on the living and not
Remove Indication of and equipments. walls. just a routine
unwanted items. aisle ways, Determine what Sign, colour activity.
No items should workstations to clean, where coding and other Rewards and
be present in the and equipments. to clean, when markings. recognitions
aisle way, to clean, how to should be given
stairway or in clean, who has to the efficient
the corridor. to clean. workers.

Need and Benefits of 5S:

• Health and Safety is ensured
• Base of implementation of quality improvement
• Productivity Increase
• Save time, cost and storage space
• Minimization of accidents & mistakes
• Increases efficiency
• Creates workplace ownership
• Reduce inventory time
• Reduce downtime, wastage
• Good working environment
• Improve company image
• Optimize organization and workplace as per requirement
• Routine wise work schedule and visual SOP everywhere
• Everybody knows their working responsibility where and when

• Disciplined housekeeping

How it was Being Practiced:

There is a Central 5S committee and section wise subcommittee which includes the upper and
lower management executives and staffs. Section wise 5S Checklist and 5S Display Boards in
every section was updated.
A 5S meeting was conducted every Sunday from 3 pm to 5 pm where all the upper and lower
management staffs go on a factory round to:
• Conduct 5S training and drive for good housekeeping
• Conduct section wise 5S audit and submit a report.
• Evaluate score and take corrective action for improvement in every department.
• Take “Before” photographs.
• Check that the first three S’s are implemented properly.
• All team activity documents/checklists should be publicly displayed on a 5S board.
• Establish the routines and standard practices for regularly and systematically
repeating the first three S’s.
• Standardize red tag procedures and holding area rules.
• Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule for cleaning of the
workplace. A common approach is to ask a cross-functional team to do it.
• Inter-departmental competition is an effective means of sustaining and enhancing
interest in 5S.
• Assign responsibility to individuals for a work area and machinery.
• Regular inspection/audit and evaluation by a special team (including senior
management persons) to be continued.
• Instead of criticizing poor cases, praise and commend good practices or good
• Take “after” photographs and post them on the 5S board(s).
• Monthly the assistant managers and I.E. executives had to show a presentation on 5S
requirement in particular area or department and the best of it were rewarded.

The major problems which used to come out in the audit every time was in the fabric storage

 Locating the empty racks for storing the fabric.
 Storage of fabric in an unorganised way.
 No defined area for unchecked fabric.
 Locating the fabric supplier wise.
 Tiresome process of locating the fabric against purchase order and brand wise.

Capacity of the warehouse:

 The current capacity of the store is higher than the actual fabric present in storage
area, still the fabric are stored by keeping pallets on the area of movement.
 Before storage, the fabric is kept on the floor for inspection which consumes the
entire movement area. There is no specified space for keeping the unchecked fabric.
 After inspection is done, rolls are stored on racks and the quality number present on
invoice of the roll is entered manually into a register for tracking of the rolls.
 The process of finding the rolls become tedious and every time the store in-charge has
to see the SAP data against the sales order number and find the allotted rack number
in the register and locate the fabric.
 The racks are labelled and the quality/Article number present on the roll is entered
against the Sales Order number in the register.

Fabric received is kept in the movement area for the inspection

 The picture shows different colours against different order and of different brand
are stored together in a rack.
 No dark and light colour segregation is there while storing the rolls.
 The racks in the pictures are with rolls of:
B5-Brand: Colour Plus, Colour: Navy
P2-Brand: Colour Plus, Colour: Navy & -Brand: Colour Plus, Colour: Khaki
B6-Brand: Brand: Colour Plus, Colour: Khaki & Benetton, Colour: Blue with checks

P3-Brand: Colour Plus, Colour: Navy & Brand: Benetton, Colour: Grey with Checks

Pilot Run
 Rolls can be segregated buyer wise.
 The rolls of colour plus with shade navy can be put together in racks so that rack can
be maximum utilized.
 Similarly the khaki colour needs to stored separately.
 The rolls of Benetton needs to be segregated and stored where other rolls are of
Benetton are kept.
 The fabric rolls are arranged in racks brand wise and no light and dark shades are
 Following data is recorded
 Rack number
 Purchase Order No.
 Sales Order number
 Style
 Buyer
 Shade
 Quality number
 Total roll capacity
 Total rolls
 Total rolls issued
 Balance rolls
 Total meters received
 Total issued meters
 Balance meters

 The shade brown and Olive, Brand: Parx is stored in rack number C6 and C5
 The shade Grey, Khaki, and Navy, Brand: Benetton is stored in rack number B5,B6
and P2 respectively.

Traffic Light System

Traffic light quality system works in a fashion similar to the transportation traffic light
system works. Like the transportation system it includes three quality signal cards: green,
yellow and red. In the production line each worker is characterized by a card and the card is
being hanged above his/her head. Green is for good quality, yellow is for warning condition
and red stands for stopping the production due to quality fault. Five piece quality checking
system has been implemented and the quality controllers were instructed to check the quality
status every two hours interval and collect data of each worker on a regular basis.
This system was implemented only to the operators handling critical operations or operations
with maximum defect possibility. This is to reduce the work of quality checker and the
critical operations would be easily identified in the line and the work won’t be monotonous.
There were not any yellow tags for the operator as there are plenty of yellow tags present in
the line for other purposes and hence it will create confusion. There were only red and green
tags in the line for critical operations.

Benefits of Traffic Light System

Inline checking system alerts operators in concentrating on their job. If less number of
defective pieces are made, less time will be lost in repairing it.
It also helps in another way. Maybe at the start of the style an operator does not understand
the specifications; an interaction with quality inspector will make an operator clear about the
quality requirement.
Traffic Light System is designed to flag the problem at the source and allow immediate
corrective action rather than all potentially defective products to continue to be manufactured.
This is not a way of pushing the workers but to motivate them so that they are willing to do
the quality at the first time they make it.
It emphasizes the sewing quality assurance, through In-line individual process inspections.

Traffic Light Quality System is a visual control for highlighting quality issues in sewing line.
When a worker produces quality product with zero defect, he or she is characterized by a
green card.
But when any worker who does multiple faults, a red card is hanged above his or her head
that indicates that this worker is producing several faults that should be corrected and an extra
care should be taken to this worker.

No defects/ Zero defect per 5 pieces inspected

2 or more defects per 5 pieces inspected
• Present alteration rate in the line was studied.
• Critical operations were identified
• Methods to rectify the alterations were discussed.
• Traffic light formats were prepared.
• Formats were hanged on each machine of the operator.
• Alteration rate after implementation of traffic light system was compared.



Show the correction method to the


Involve the mechanic to solve

sewing machine problem.

If operator cannot reach the quality

RED level of the process, sewing operator
change is required.

If sewing machine trouble cannot be

solved, need to replace the machine.

If machine cannot be replaced stop the

machine operation.

Table 1: Corrective Action Required on Inspection

Below table is showing the frequency of Q.C Visit at the defective sewing in line process:

Table 2: In-line Process Visit of Q.C.

Table 3: Operator Quality Monitoring Sheet

Figure 27: Traffic Light System Tags

Figure 28: Quality Monitoring Sheet

Data authentication & verification

Operator Quality Performance Report was verified by the Line Chief, Asst. quality Manager,
Production Manager & Manager Q.A, as per the report requirement.
Control of non-conforming products
To monitor all types of non-conformance of sewing processes, it was reported to Manger
Production & Quality Assurance Manager for Corrective & Preventive action. The product
with any kind of non-conformances was investigated. Appropriate and timely corrective
action was taken according to the nature of the non-conformance and was documented as per
defect codes.
Internal audit
Internal audit was conducted periodically to ensure the followings:
 To ensure that, the procedures in quality manual related to quality systems, related
testing activities, are being followed.
 To ensure all deficiencies in the quality system and activities are documented through
its corrective action process.
 To analyse sewing process quality systems, policies, procedure, work instructions,
analytical records and reports.
 This internal audit shall be conducted with trained and knowledgeable official of the

A regular quality training program was conducted to improve the sewing operator’s
performance to achieve the objective of this procedure. Implementation of the traffic light
system for the improvement of quality level & overcome the deficiencies of the sewing


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