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1. Each research group member is given individual set of questions to be answered in the whole 55 minutes of
the research class time.
2. The questions will be answered in a written form in a long bondpaper.
3. Each group member needs to write their research title on the upper part of their paper on the central
4. Each member needs to wirte the following information:
Group Number:
5. Each student researcher is advised to use English language in answering the questions about their research
6. The questions are composed of three fundamental elements. One question is similar to all researchers. The
other two are distinct set of questions for each researcher in every group. The questions could be about
the following:
-major problem
- experiment to be done
- ideas to be tackled
- major set of question
- supporting articles
- possible benefits
- purposeful aspects of the research
- gaps
- context of the experiment
- limitations
7. Each member should attach the copy of the individual rubric to their paper since the assessment scores will
be written on the rubrics.
8. The group will be evaluated with the use of a rubric and it will be serving as their major performance task.
9. Each answer for a given question should be three to five sentences only. The answer should be concise,
complete and well -detailed.

Prepared by:

Sir Justine Mar Feliciano Mina, LPT

Subject Coordinator, Research Department
Philippine Christian University
A.Y. 2019 - 2020


Name: Rating:
Group Number:
5 – Excellent 4 – Proficient 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 - Poor
Categories 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation of Ideas (40%)
1. Each group member presents substantial concepts about
their proposed research title.
2. Each group member fosters readiness in terms of eliciting
responses based on the given constructive question.
3. Each group member has good orientation of the problem
structures and the fundamentals of the research title.
4. Each group member focuses one identical idea and
scheme based on the research context.
5. The responses are consistent and relevant approaches
are observed on how to desribe and determine the
research problem.
6. Good grammar and clarity of language expression is being
exhibited all throughout the written presentation.
7. There are strong bases of delivered ideas that are derived
from factual observations.

8. Each group member has a high form of credibility in terms

of desrcribing the outline of their research.
Content (40%)
1. The problem is specific and highly- contextual.
2. The title contains the major problem of the research study.
3. The topic is well – structured and clear on its respective
4. The study is feasible enough to be achieved.
5. The research design can easily be determined.
6. The approaches, methods and theories can be generated
based on the specificity of the problem.
7. The title is semantically and syntactically correct.
8. The research introduction and rationale can be observed
by reading the research title.

Competency ( 20%)
1. Able to comprehensively answer the question being given.
2. Able to show the familiarity about the research problem,
rationale and title
3. Able to present relevant phenomena that will justify the
formulation of the research problem.
4. Able to distinguish salient points of the research context
by the use of technical English discourse.

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