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Course Title: Ordinary Differential Equations-I

Course code: MATH-303

Differential equations and their classification, Formation of Differential equations, initial and
boundary conditions, Separable equations, Homogeneous equations, Differential equations
reducible to homogeneous equations, Exact equations Integrating factors, Linear equations, The
Bernoulli equations, Orthogonal trajectories, Clairaut’s equations, the Ricatti equations,
Differential operators, non homogeneous equations linear equations, The method of
undetermined coefficients, The Cauchy-Euler equations, Reduction of order. The Wronskian,
Variation of parameters.

Recommended Books:
Zill DG, Cullen MR, Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, (3 Edition), 1997,
PWS Publishing Co.

Dr. Nawazish Ali shah, ordinary Differential Equation. A-one publishers. 1st edition.

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