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Lesson Plan

ELA 5/6 Friday, November 22, 2019

55 minute lesson
General Learning Outcome(s):
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts

Specific Learning Outcome(s):

Grade 5
 5.2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and techniques
o Understand techniques and elements
Grade 6
 6.2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and techniques
o Understand techniques and elements

Students will:
 Be able to identify what the falling action is
 Be able to identify the conclusion

 PowerPoint
 The tide turner
 Whiteboard marker
 Nutik, the wolf pup
Prior to class starting I will write up an agenda on the board
 Before class starts, I will get the students to do 10 jumping jacks
 Any drinks or things that are going to be distracting should be on the side or on the back table
 As a class we will go over the agenda on the board
Body (30 minutes)
Read Aloud: The Tide Turner (chapter 28)
 During the read aloud we will be reading chapter of The Tide Turner
o Before beginning ask students
 What happened in the tide turner yesterday when we read?
 Student Expectations during the read aloud
o Students are to be listening attentively
 This means sitting quietly, hands not fiddling with scissors or pencils
 Students should be thinking about what is going on in the chapter
 Students should not be fiddling with their hair or playing with each other’s.
 When finished reading the chapter students will be asked what happened and if they have any predictions for what
is going to be coming
Mini Lesson: Character Development: Falling Action and Conclusion/ Resolution
 Student Expectations:
o Students are to raise their hands to answer questions
o When a student is talking their peers are listening
o When the teacher is talking the students are listening attentively
 We will go over a PowerPoint on the falling action and conclusion
o What is the falling action?
o The falling action happens right after the climax this is where any loose ends from the main problem
are wrapped up.
o The falling action also leads to the conclusion.
 Where does it fit into the story mountain?
 Why do we have a falling action?
 We have a falling action to allow any loose ends or unresolved issues to be resolved.
o What is the conclusion?
o This is where the story ends.
o This happens after some sort of event or problem
 Where does it fit in the story mountain?
 This is the last step of the story
 What is the importance of a conclusion?
 This gives the reader closure
 Gives the author a chance to make any final thoughts on what happened in the
 Ask students what the conclusion is in UP
Mini Lesson Activity
 Students will be read a book. Nutik, the Wolf Pup
 At the end students will have to pick out the falling action and conclusion
 Students will be given time to think what the falling action and conclusion is
 Students will then write what they think the falling action is and what the conclusion is.
 Students will be asked to discuss with a partner what they wrote is the falling action and the conclusion
 Students will then share with the class.
 This sheet will be handed in for formative assessment.
 When finished students will move into working on their book clubs.
 Let students know that their book club for this week will be extended till next week since they haven’t had
much time to work on it
Book Club Work.
 Once students are done the activity, they will work on their book club for the week.
o Students will read the chapters for the week
o Students can answer questions on the reading
o When done students will pick out a sheet for what their job is for the week and complete that
Conclusion/ Wrap UP (6 minutes)
 What is the purpose of the falling action?
o What is the falling action in finding nemo? Shrek?
 Why do we need a conclusion?
o What is the conclusion in finding nemo? Shrek?
 How do you think this would affect a book movie or novel if the conclusion or falling action did not exist?

 During class I will be observing the students by walking around ensuring the students are writing down the
 To check understanding I will ask students questions at the end of the lesson
 Students will also hand in what the falling action and conclusion is from the book we read.
Positives of the lesson Things to work on.

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