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Report Writing

Your school recently organised a ‘work experience week’,

when each student spent one week . In your report, say what you
and your classmates learned during the week, and suggest how the
experience could be improved if it is repeated next year.
Write a report for your teacher, giving your views.The
comments above may give you some ideas, and you can
also use some ideas of your own.Your report should be
between 150 and 200 words long.You will receive up to 8
marks for the content of your report, and up to 8 marks
for the language used.

Subject: Cambridge Upcycling company

My report which purports to highlight the key takeaways from
our class seven days working experience in Cambridge
Upcycling company. It is amongst our school’s many steps
taken towards mentoring the students the practicalities of life
coupled with the chance of aspiring careers in different
Situated in the countryside, among the lush green trees the
infrastructure of the workshop was marvelous. As we stepped
in, we flocked to the area where waste of different types is
transformed to eye catching environment friendly objects which
piqued the interest of all students ;some were selected for this
Later on , we headed to the IT department wherein we acquired
the art of how employees had been working selling the upcycled
furniture to people and companies. Watching them working,
many could not resist and were enthusiastic enough to jump on
The observations displayed that almost 90% of students
inquiring further about upcycling ;manifesting that youth is not
reckless about earth’s environment. Moreover, IT department
rendered good results with students engaging with employees
unceasingly learning a lot.
Notwithstanding the boons was disappointing, majorly because
of the well restricted participation in upcycling. In addition, had
the students been allowed to create upcycled objects as
souvenirs it would have been more influential.
Blending all together, upcycling is fairly new idea ;so our class
with school’s assistance has decided to hold seminars with then
conducting an upcycling competition to get most out of the
My comment: I would say you have used complex and
sophisticated language. The only improvement I would suggest
is punctuation, I mean in a report there is often a variation of
punctuations such as colons, semi colons, commas etc. Vary
your sentence lengths and use brackets if possible. Great use of
the statistic ‘90%’. Other than that I like your writing style and
you would get 7 out of 8 if I was marking, only coz I’m not that
lenient! 😊

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