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Lesson Plan

Fantasy Plot
ELA December5, 2019
70-minute lesson
General Learning Outcome(s):
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts

Specific Learning Outcome(s):

Grade 5:
 5.2.3: Understand techniques and elements
o Identify the main problem or conflict in oral, print and other media texts and explain how it is
 5.5.2: Cooperate with others
o Accept and take responsibility for fulfilling own role as a group member

Grade 6:
 6.2.3: Understand techniques and elements:
o Discuss the connections among plot, setting and characters in oral, print and other media texts
 6.5.2: Cooperate with others
o Assume a variety of roles and share responsibilities as a group member
Students will:
 Be able to describe the plot in a fantasy novel
 Be able to identify the different elements of plot from a fantasy novel
 White board marker
 Spelling Sheets
 Large Story Mountains x5
Introduction (2 minutes)
Prior to class starting I will write up an agenda on the board
 Students will be given a word on the board to unscramble
 This word is based on the mini lesson that will be occurring
 Students are asked to raise their hands when they have unscrambled the word and not to say it out loud
 After about 1 minute students will be asked to share as long as they are sitting quietly with their hands raised.
Body (60 minutes)
Spelling: (15 minutes)
 Students will be given the first 10 minutes of class to do their new spelling sheet for the week
 Grade 5 students will get their own grade 5 list
 Grade 6 students will get their own grade 6 list
 These lists are differentiated based on students’ needs; Wesley has a different sheet then the rest of the class.
Mini Lesson: (15 min) Fantasy Plot
 as a class we will talk about what the fantasy plot is
 fantasy plot has the same characteristics as a normal plot just that the characters go through to another
dimension or something that can only be imagined. Unlike in some stories where it stays in the same area
 what type of problem do the characters run into?
 As an example we will go through the tide turner’s fantasy plot to give the students an example before going
off by themselves to work on their book club fantasy plot.
Mini Lesson Activity (10 min)
 Students will be given a large story mountain.
 In their book club groups they need to fill out the plot that happened in their fantasy story
o Questions to think about
 Where all did the story take place?
 What was the first place we were introduced too?
 What was the rising action?
 Where/what is the climax?
 How did the problem get resolved in the falling action?
 What was the conclusion?
 I realize some of you are not done your books yet so fill out as much as you can
and if a group member is done, they can fill in the missing pieces.
 Students should all participate by either writing down one of the 5 steps in the
story mountain or by talking with their group.
 Try not to spoil It for the rest of your group if you are done the book.
Book Club Work. (20 minutes)
 Once students are done the activity, they will work on their book club for the week.
o Students will read the chapters for the week
o Students can answer questions on the reading
o When done students will pick out a sheet for what their job is for the week and complete that
 Students should be finished their book club by the end of the week
 Remind students to make sure they are getting their book club work checked and that the dates are at the
top of the page where the line is provided
Conclusion/ Wrap UP (8 minutes)
 What are the types of events that the characters go through in a fantasy story compared to another story?
Students are then asked to pack up their belongings and line up at the door for dismissal.


 Students will describe their map at the end of the activity before moving into their book club work
 During class I will walk around and observe students


Positives of the lesson Things to work on.

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