BookBuddyforBubbleGumBrainbyJuliaCook PDF

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Bubble Gum Brain

Google Quiz
& lesson plan
A lesson plan for grades 2-5
Bubble Gum Brain Lesson Plan Overview

Description: This product is a lesson plan for teaching students about having a growth mindset,
based on the book Bubble Gum Brain by Julia Cook. This product contains a Lesson plan overview,
information for purchasing the Bubble Gum Brain book, a Google Forms quiz, a sorting activity in
Google slides, a complete, ready to print lesson plan aligned to ISTE standards, and ideas on
distributing the Google Forms quiz.

Links to Resources:
Lesson plans begin on page 3 of this pdf
Extension activity directions are are page 4 of this pdf - ready to display for the students Click this link to make a copy of the Google Forms Quiz - Click this link to make a copy of the sorting activity in Google slides Click this link to purchase the book Bubble Gum Brain on Amazon
(affiliate link)

Ideas for Sharing the Google Forms Quiz:

● Put a link to the Google Forms Quiz on your class website or Google classroom for easy
access for your students.
● Email students the link to the form
● Make a bookmark or tab for the students to click
● Display the shortened URL and have the students type it into their web browser

Papers & backgrounds for this resource were made by Pretty Grafik. Check out her store on TPT.
It’s great! And of course, I used Google forms and Google Slides for the lesson plans.

Terms of Use:
This lesson plan and resources are for personal use only of the person who purchased the lesson
plan. Sharing or redistributing or posting resources publically is prohibited.
Follow my store and Facebook Page.
Copyright © 2017 Sarah Taylor - Technology Tidbits by Sarah Taylor
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to classroom use only.
Bubble Gum Brain Lesson Plan
ISTE- Technology 1b - Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that
Standards support the learning process.
1c - Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
3d - Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems,
developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

Student Friendly I can explain the difference between words that show a growth mindset and those
that do not.

Prior Knowledge: Open a Materials Preparation:

link from a class website, ● Share a link to the Google Quiz with your students via a class website, email
email or google classroom. or in Google classroom.
Open a new Google slide ● Have a copy of the book Bubble Gum Brain by Julia Cook.
or drawing (for the ● If possible, display the directions for the extension activity.
extension activity)

Presenting Instructional Hook: Do you ever get frustrated when you can’t do something right the first time
Content: you try it? What do you do? What kind of words do you say in your head? Do they
help you, or not?
Middle: Read the book Bubble Gum Brain by Julia Cook to the students, pausing
between pages to ask engaging questions and pointing out the differences between
brick brain and bubble gum brain.
Practice: Instruct the students to open the Google Forms Quiz and answer the
questions about the book. When completed, click submit.
Extension Activity: When the students click “Submit,” they will see a confirmation
message that says: “Great job on that quiz! Now click the link below and make a copy
of the slideshow to show me that you know how to have a Bubble Gum Brain!” When the students click the link, they will be asked to make
a copy of the the Bubble Gum Brain slide, in which they will move the thought bubbles
to the proper column. If you don’t want to do this, you can edit the confirmation
message by clicking the settings gear and the word “presentation.”) Instruct the
students to share them with you when you when they are done.

Assessment Informal assessment: Can students complete a google form?

Formal assessment: Students should get 8/10 questions correct on the quiz.
Extension activity: The thought bubbles in the Bubble Gum brain column should be
purple, blue and yellow. The Brick Brain column bubbles should be orange, green and

Pro Tip: You can save time grading by peeking at

the thumbnail view in Google Drive and making sure the
Answer Key

colors are in the right column. If you’re grading in class,

you can walk around and take a quick peek at the colors
on the student’s screen. You don’t have to actually read
the words in the bubbles! You’re welcome!
Don’t forget to
At the end of the Google form,
there’s a link for the next activity

he link!
Click t


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