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Team Contract

Team Name:

These are the terms of group conduct and cooperation that we agree on as a team.

Participation: We agree to participate in different work activities and the roles assigned
to each group member would be decided upon group meetings.

Communication: We agree to communicate via common WhatsApp application group,

if any group member has any concern, he would directly send a message in the group and
all group member should post in a WhatsApp group instead of sending message

Meetings: We agree to meet on Monday and Thursday to talk about the progress of
project and to see what could be improve in the project or what part of the project should
be removed.

Conduct: We agree to talk in a professional manner, personal grudges should be kept

aside during the group meetings or in any work activity. We agree to keep our selves
away from any kind of personal bias. Discrimination or racial attitude should not be
tolerated and should be reported to instructor immediately.

Conflict: We agree to create a voting system in order to resolve conflict in group. The
decision would be taken based upon the number of votes a particular decision receive.

Deadlines: We agree to do everyuthing before deadline and should not waste time. If one
group member is struggling in completing task other group members should assist him in
finishing the task.
Team Member’s Name Team Member’s Signature

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