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Lesson 1: Human Rights QUICK FACT!

 In the Philippines, an author

named Aurelio Reyes argued that
human rights or “karapatang
pantao” began with establishment
of Katipunan in the late 19th
Century – not with the
 Before birth, the baby being gratification of the Universal
carried by the mother has the Declaration of Human Rights in
right to live. 1945.

 At birth, nationality and privileges

such as entitlements to properties ROLE OF STATE IN HUMAN RIGHTS:
or social services.

 As a child, privileges expand as

 The state performs significant
child care, education, and health
role and entails obligations in the
are present.
concept of human rights.
 At age of majority, it expands to
 The state have an obligation to
political rights such as suffrage*
respect and fulfill human rights.
*Suffrage – the right to vote in
elections.  The state refrains from interfering
within curtailing the enjoyment of
human rights, instead it facilitates
WHAT IS HUMAN RIGHTS? the idea of human rights.

 The states are required to

 According to Office of the United safeguard individuals and groups
Nations High Commissioner for against human right abuses.
Human Rights (OHCHR) it is “the
rights inherent to all human ROLE OF INDIVIDUALS IN HUMAN
beings whatever our RIGHTS:
nationality, place of residence,
sex, national or ethnic origin,
color, religion, language or any
 Individuals must safeguard an
other status.”
healthy and safe environment for
both present and future
 In a community, each individual  It is defined as “the equal
are expect to respect other rights, responsibilities, and
individual’s rights and if needed, opportunities of women, men,
advocate for the rights of a girls and boys.” (UN Entity for
defined community. Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women)
 Individuals has the obligation
protect our air, land and water  Defined as “the measurable
resources for the humanity such equal representation of men
as access to clean and safe and women” (International
drinking water. Planned Parenthood
 It does not denote both
genders are the same, thus it
recognizes that man and
 According to a recent study, at woman are equal in value and
least 55 Filipinos die every should acquire equal
day because in lack of clean treatment and opportunities.
 Women are excluded from
learning institutions in every
 The right to live. culture up until 18th Century.
 This is connected among
other basic human rights.  In 20th Century, women except
 It sums up the whole from some monarchs and rulers
concept of human rights. were not considered citizens and
lumped with children and the
 The right to live in a incapacitated as non-citizens.
habitable environment.
 In most civilized countries,
 The right to have access to inequalities between genders are
food and clean water. manifested in differences in
activities and responsibilities
SUBTOPIC: undertaken.


1. Men often experience better

opportunities, more freedom and
higher social regard than women
who share the same social

2. Men often hold more weight in

marriages and other direct
relationships between men and

3. Men predominantly occupy social

positions that possess significant
political, economic, legal, or
cultural power.
Lesson 2 : Social Justice
7.) "Societies must guarantee the
potential of each individual to basic
liberties and provide a platform for
- The humanization of laws and the individuals to actualize these potentials."
equalization of social and economic --- John Rawls
forced by the state. --- (Former
President an Chief Justice Jose P.
Laurel) 8.) Social Justice
- anchored heavily on the idea that
justice is based on basic human rights
and each individual must have an
opportunity to exercise these rights

3.) The harmonization of function --- - promotes the equitable use of rights for
Plato all individuals

- Each individual within a society has a

particular role to play and the proper
9.) A system of Law that seek to attain
functioning of each individual brings
the following objectives:
harmony to society; thus, justice is
attained. --- Former Senator Jose W. Diokno
*Respect our rights and freedoms as
individuals and as a people
4.) Is consequential --- John Locke
*Eliminate poverty as quickly as our
- In pursuit of our wants and needs, our
resources and abilities would allow
individual actions result to favorable or
unfavorable outcomes. *First, provide everyone with their basic
material needs; then improve their
standard of living
5.) *Legal Tradition of Punitive
*Change institutions and structures to
address inequalities
- When we pursue our rights and the
consequence of our actions is
detrimental to the right of another, we
ought to be punished and our rights

6.) Contractual agreements to provide

fairness and equity to everyone
Chapter 2 Rising costs of basic commodities,
specifically rice and fuel.
Community Engagement- collaborative
working process among affliated groups Lack of prosecution powers of the
or individuals. It is a vehicle for social Commission on Human Rights.
change, mobilizes resources and
Judges are often unfamiliar with
system, and strengthens social
international conventions relating to
economic, social and cultural rights,
Pillars of Community Engagement except for those related to work
conditions and the right to organize.
Lack of effective redress mechanisms
against human rights violations,
Involvement especially to victims of forced evictions,
agrarian-related violence, or abused
Empowerment overseas workers.
Debt servicing, which limits the
2 Modes of Community Engagement resources for basic social services, such
as education, health and agrarian
People Empowerment - refer to reform; and
processes that increase community
autonomy and individual self Corruption, which limits funds for social
determination. services for the poor.

"People empowerment aims to ensure

that people have the right set of skills NGO's are usually burdened with the
and opportunities they need to live following concerns:
better and dignified lives. "
Financial Support
----US Sec. Gen. Ban Ki Moon
Carrying and Campaigns
Advocacy- refer to enabling
marginalized groups and promoting their Credibility
individual rights. It is a process of
Harassment by state and non-state
supporting people and communities via
access to information and services and
advancing or promoting their rights in a Ensure the sustainability of the NGO
larger or more institutionalized sphere.
Campaigning for their advocacies
Challenges to Advocacy and People
Lobby for pertinent legislation,
Empowerment :
government policies, and the
Armed conflict especially in implementation if existing laws
Mindanao,which caused deaths, injuries,
Maintain a trusting and cooperative
and displacement of families among
relationship with the served community
Participatory Development- directly
involves local communities in developing
projects. It is a process through which
stakeholders influence and share control
over development initiatives---and over
the decisions and resources that affect
Core Characteristics of Participatory
1. Cognitive- generates new ways if
understanding community issues and
2. Political- it capacitates the powerless;
3. Instrumental- it proposes alternative
2 Perspective
1. Social Movement Perspective-
characterized by the progressive actions
of a community in fighting injustices and
inequalities in the distribution of
economic and political powers.
2. Institutional Perspective- defines
participatory development as the scope
and gathering of inputs by various
parties on a development projects---from
conceptualization to concretization.
Forms of Participatory Development
Passive Participation
Participation by Consultation
Participation by Collaboration
Empowerment Participation
* Tokenism- wherein only a few locals
from the community are hand-picked to
prove its Participatory credentials.

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