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The 48 Laws of Facebook (for online businesses) ⚜

⚜ LAW 1: Never outshine the group leader

Know your role. Never try to one-up the group leader or steal the spotlight.

You want to think of yourself as the group owner’s right hand man/woman.

Post engaging content that helps them grow their group and you’ll be rewarded (via indirect
lead gen).

Blatant promotional content, low-value posts and a predilection for drama will have you
banished to Facebook exile.

⚜ LAW 2: Never put too much trust in Facebook friends, learn to use enemies

Friends will often betray you, especially when money is on the line.

Learn to use haters and trolls when they comment or reply to your posts.

You can either make an example of them for the crowd or ignore them with silence.

⚜ LAW 3: Conceal your intentions

Once again, the “hidden secret” is that everyone is using Facebook groups to find clients and
customers (even if they say they’re not).

Play along.

Disguise your group comments and posts as “value” that has nothing to do with your desire to
build your online business.

⚜ LAW 4: Always say less than necessary

When posting or commenting, focus on pain points and pleasure points… but do not solve
them for your readers.

Instead, say just enough to pique their curiosity.

Leaders do not share all their secrets because they know information is power.

⚜ LAW 5: So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life

It doesn’t matter if you just opened your doors yesterday - act like a King or Queen from Day

Your stellar reputation will garner attention, win clients and shower you with fortune.
If opponents attack you, attack their reputation to destroy them.

Making fun of them for their luxury cars and saying the balances on their Stripe accounts are
photoshopped (even if untrue) are popular tactics.

⚜ LAW 6: Court attention at all cost

Attention is abundant, yet the crowd is fickle in their adoration.

Although they crave information, they also crave entertainment.

Give it to them in the form of thought-provoking questions, attention-grabbing posts and

belly-aching memes.

But you must be consistent.

Disappear for a short time and you’ll create mystery around your whereabouts.

Disappear for too long and you’ll be erased from memory.

⚜ LAW 7: Let others do the work for you, but always take credit

Use the skills of others to do the work for you. NEVER do for yourself what others can do for
you (see: delegation and virtual assistants).

Your efficiency will appear god-like.

⚜ LAW 8: Make other people come to you – use bait if necessary

The is the essence of an inbound marketing strategy.

Lure your prospect with engaging content, lead magnets and irresistible offers.

Then pounce like a puma when they’ve made themselves vulnerable for attack.

⚜ LAW 9: Win through your actions, never through argument

Going back several thousand years, no one has ever one an argument on Facebook.

Don’t even try.

Simply agree with your opponents, make them think they’ve “won” and move on with your

Or if you prefer to take the offense, demonstrate - but do not explain.

Thought leader posts, livestream videos and case studies are effective tools.

⚜ LAW 10: Infection: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky

The unfortunate draw misfortune on themselves and will draw it on you.

Instead, associate with the happy and fortunate.

Your environment is instrumental to your success.

⚜ LAW 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you

Do not teach. Do not show your audience how to reach their goals (unless they pay you).

Instead, focus on their errors and the positive aspects of success so they rely on you for

⚜ LAW 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim

The crowd will appreciate hard truths even though they may dislike you for sharing them
openly (like I’m doing with this post).

⚜ LAW 13: When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest, never to their mercy

Do not remind people of past deeds.

Instead, remind them that nothing is their fault… EVER.

And show them how your product or service will benefit them (exaggerate claims to the point
- but not beyond - the point that they’re believable).

⚜ LAW 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy

Learn to probe and find valuable information.

Ask indirect questions.

Market research is worth its weight in gold.

⚜ LAW 15: Crush your enemy totally

More is lost through stopping halfway.

Find the weakness in your enemy’s positioning, brand, funnel, etc. so you can exploit it and
improve the implementation in your own business.

⚜ LAW 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor

If you’re too active on Facebook… and too responsive… do you have any clients?

Probably not.

Remember basic supply & demand and create value through scarcity.
⚜ LAW 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability

Being predictable gives control to others.

Maintain control by experimenting with your messaging.

E.g. People will eventually tire of your Facebook ads, so continue to A/B test new images and

⚜ LAW 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself – isolation is dangerous

Isolation cuts you off from valuable information.

And it’s easy to create your own echo chamber on Facebook.

Explore new groups and expand your network strategically and regularly.

⚜ LAW 19: Know who you’re dealing with – do not offend the wrong person

E.g. Group admins and moderators.

⚜ LAW 20: Do not commit to anyone

Maintain independence.

Be careful to rely too heavily on one group, one platform, one traffic source, one niche for the
livelihood of your business.

⚜ LAW 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker- seem dumber than your mark

No one likes a know-it-all.

“They will envy you for your success, your wealth, for your intelligence, for your looks, for
your status - but rarely for your wisdom.” - Nassim Taleb

⚜ LAW 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power

Do not engage in Facebook arguments.

Simply turn the other cheek to infuriate them (it’s fun too).

⚜ LAW 23: Concentrate your forces

Find a fat cow that’ll give you milk for a long time.

I.e. Do not try to sell courses, coaching, and memberships… and try to write a book, a blog
and launch a podcast at the same time.

⚜ LAW 24: Play the perfect courtier

Master the art of indirection.

See Law 1 about supporting the group owner to achieve your selfish goals.

⚜ LAW 25: Re-create yourself

Create an identity that commands attention and never bores.

Be the master of your own image (positioning).

Use large gestures and actions (like this 2,000+ word behemoth of a post).

Your character will seem huge and you’ll gain power.

⚜ LAW 26: Keep your hands clean

Admit mistakes when unavoidable, i.e. “strategic transparency”

Otherwise, distance your involvement in any negative drama.

⚜ LAW 27: Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following

People want to believe in something.

Become the focal point of this and offer them a cause, a new faith.

Keep your words vague but full of promise.

Emphasize enthusiasm over rationality (post a GIF!).

Give your new disciples rituals to perform (like commenting “IN!” on your post to receive
your lead magnet).

⚜ LAW 28: Enter action with boldness

Timidity is dangerous.

Any mistakes your commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity.

⚜ LAW 29: Plan all the way to the end

If you plan, you won’t be overwhelmed.

Guide fortune by thinking far ahead.

⚜ LAW 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless

Conceal the clever tricks.

Make your success seem natural.

Do not reveal how hard you work (unless you’re Gary V).

Teach no one your tricks.

⚜ LAW 31: Control the opinions: get others to play with the cards you deal

The best deceptions seem to give the other person a choice.

Give options so no matter their choice, you win.

E.g. payment plans and pricing tiers.

⚜ LAW 32: Play to people’s fantasies

The truth is unpleasant, avoid it.

There’s great power in tapping into people’s fantasies (see: make money online, financial
publishing, and dating niches).

Nobody wants to buy your course to learn “How to Make A Million Dollars… By Working 60
Hours A Week... for the Next 30 Years”

They want the fantasy of millions of dollars and a 4-hour


⚜ LAW 33: Discover each man’s thumbscrew

When writing copy, it’s usually things like insecurity, uncertainty, greed, fear, and desire for
social status.

⚜ LAW 34: Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one (another
lesson on positioning)

The way you carry yourself determines how you’re treated.

Appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you.

Kings respect themselves and inspire the same in others.

⚜ LAW 35: Master the art of timing

Never seem in a hurry, always seem patient.

Sniff out the spirit of the times, find the trends that’ll give you power (e.g. cryptocurrency,
bots, nootropics, marijuana stocks, “you’re only one funnel away,” etc.)

Learn to stand back when not ready, and then strike.

⚜ LAW 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge
Acknowledging petty problems gives them existence…

“Why didn’t anyone like my post?”

“Do you think my logo should be ocean blue or royal blue?”

“Should I email my list at 6am or 6:30am?”

When you acknowledge an enemy you make them stronger.

⚜ LAW 37: Create compelling spectacles

Striking imagery and symbolic gestures create the aura of power and people respond (see: Tai
Lopez with girls and Lamborghinis)

Stage spectacles for those around you and heighten your presence (see: Mitch Miller ’s
Project Persuasion 2.0 event)

Dazzle by appearance (see: Vin Clancy ’s attire)

⚜ LAW 38: Think as you like but behave like others

Blend in with the crowd - they love conformity.

Note: The irony is that compelling personal brands are met with disproportionate rewards.

⚜ LAW 39: Stir up waters to catch fish

Make enemies emotional while you stay calm.
Works incredibly well when you post something controversial and sit back to watch the
comment section.

⚜ LAW 40: Despise the free lunch

Generosity is a sign and magnet for power (i.e. people love free shit).

But… what’s offered for free in dangerous (How many free e-books that you’ve never read do
you have saved on your computer right now?)

No cutting corners with excellence.

Be lavish with your money, keep it circulating (i.e. you need to spend money to make money.

Your life will not change because you bought a $40 course.

⚜ LAW 41: Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes

E.g. Do not try to copy your competitors’ sales funnels unless you enjoy mediocrity.

Instead, find what’s unique about your product/service and carve out your own path.

⚜ LAW 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter
Trouble can be traced to a single individual.

These people will influence others.

Do not negotiate but banish them.

Strike at the source of the trouble.

I.e. ban troublesome group members and block foolish commenters who hijack your posts.

⚜ LAW 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others

Coercion will work against you.

Seduce others into wanting to move in your direction.

Seduce others by operating on their individual psychologies and weaknesses.

Soften them by working their emotions and what they fear.

Ignore the hearts and minds and they will grow to hate you.

I.e. Emotion > logic

⚜ LAW 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect

Hold a mirror to their psyches and you’ll seduce them and they’ll think they share your

This is a key element of positioning and building an “Attractive Character.”

The crowd likes those who are similar to them in beliefs, values, behaviors, etc.

⚜ LAW 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once

Everyone wants change but too much is traumatic.

Make change feel like a gentle improvement on the past.

Note: An important law for coaches and consultants. Deliver transformation, but hook your
clients with the allure of simple changes.

⚜ LAW 46: Never appear too perfect

I.e. “Strategic Vulnerability”

It’s OK to admit to small defects.

If you appear too perfect, the crowd will despise you and feel they have nothing in common
with you.
⚜ LAW 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory know when to stop

Set a goal, achieve it, then stop.

E.g. It’s possible to grow your business TOO fast. It should go through periods of growth and

⚜ LAW 48: Assume formlessness

Stay adaptable and on the move.

Accept that nothing is certain and no law fixed.

E.g. Don’t cry about the changes in Facebook’s algorithm or newsfeed. Adapt with the



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