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Learning Outcomes – 3 Column Table

Energy, Work, and Power Unit

BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal
Learners will to build a device, a trebuchet, from which they are able to illustrate the way in which
various forms of energy are related within a system and how they can be applied to explain and predict a
number of physical phenomena.

Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities
Foundational: Engage Activity: What is Energy Formative Assessments:
Learners will define energy, Check out tickets
work, Joules, mechanical energy, Inquiry based labs:
kinetic energy, potential energy, • Energy Skate Park online Google Forms quizzes
friction, heat energy, sound simulation
energy, light energy, • Video Analysis of a CK12 and Khan Academy
deformation, gravitational Falling Marble progress reports
potential energy, kinetic energy, • Work and Power Stair
energy transformation, energy Climbing Lab
transfer, closed system, open • Spring-Cart Collision Lab Summative Assessments:
system, conservation of energy, Unit Test
force, power, rate. In-class lecture and/or flipped
classroom videos. Trebuchet Final Analysis Report
Learners will identify the
formulae: Online Station Rotation using
• KE = ½mv2 CK12 Flex Textbook and Khan
• GPE = mgh Academy problem solving.
• ME = KE + PE
• W = ΔKE Whiteboard walks
• ME = KE + PE
• P = W/t Discussion (whole and small
Learners will identify the Law of
Conservation of Energy in a
closed system.

Learners will identify the
inverse relationship between
kinetic and potential energies.

Learners will identify work as
the change in the amount of
energy in an object.

Learners will identify power as
the rate at which work is

Application: Whiteboard walks Trebuchet Project Deliverables
Learners will utilize their
knowledge of energy and Research and Design stage of the Research and Design Proposal
independent research to build a Trebuchet Building Project.
trebuchet capable of throwing Trebuchet Competition Day
an object efficiently Talks with engineers from Performance Calculations and
industry to discuss principles of Analysis
Learners will utilize the GUESS trebuchets
method of problem solving to K-Nex Roller Coaster Practical
analyze, evaluate, and calculate Build and testing stage of the Lab
various aspects of energy: Trebuchet Building Project.
velocity, mass, gravity, kinetic Analyze results and make
and potential energies, and revisions
thermal energy loss.
Trebuchet Performance
Learners will demonstrate the Competition
law of conservation of energy
using a physical system. Roller Coaster Energy
Predictions and Calculations
Discussion (whole and small

Integration: Home power utility bill analysis Google Forms quizzes
Learners will be able to show a
mathematical relationship Derivation Maze
between the conservation of
energy and conservation of Reading and Analysis – Where’s
momentum. Energy - Energy Across the
Learners will derive equations
relating force and acceleration to Discussion (whole and small
work and change in energy. group)

Learners will be able to relate
power usage from a home utility
bill to various forms of energy
Human Dimensions/Caring: Talks with engineers from Trebuchet Project Planning
Learners will be able to work industry. Documents
within a group to plan and build
a problem-solving device. Trebuchet group report-outs to Trebuchet Project Group and
class summarizing positives and Self Assessment
Learners will develop skills negatives that occurred during
required to manage complex project.

Learners will develop
confidence in mathematical
problem-solving skills and
ability to seek solutions
Learning-How-To-Learn: GUESS Method Stations Trebuchet Project Deliverables
Learners will utilize the GUESS
method in order to break “Planning to Succeed” – Research and Design Proposal
problems into manageable parts. Trebuchet engage and project
Learners will utilize new online planning lesson. Trebuchet Competition Day
and other outside resources to Performance Calculations and
supplement their learning. Analysis

Learners will utilize a planning Trebuchet Final Analysis Report
log to manage the research and
building of a problem-solving Trebuchet Project Group and
machine. Self Assessment

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