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08/12/2019 The Major Faiths (concise table)

The Major Faiths (concise table)

Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism

Founder The Hebrew Jesus Christ, who was Muhammad, who was Hinduism h
leader Abrahamfounded crucified around A.D. 30 born in A.D.570 at no founder.
Judaism around in Jerusalem. Mecca, in Saudi The oldest
2000 B.C. Mosesgave Arabia. religion, it
the Jews may date to
the Toraharound prehistoric
1250 B.C.

How One One One Many (all

Many gods and
Gods goddesses
forms of on
Holy The most important are The Bible is the main The Koranis the The most
Writings the Torah, or the first sacred text of sacred book of Islam. ancient are
five books of Moses. Christianity. the four
Others include Vedas.
Judaism's oral tradition,
the written form of
which is known as
the Talmud.
Beliefs Jews believe in the laws Jesus taught love of The Five Pillars, or Reincarnati
of God and the words of God and neighbor and main duties, are: states that a
the prophets. In a concern for justice. profession of faith; living things
Judaism, however, prayer; charitable are caught
actions are more giving; fasting during a cycle of
important than beliefs. the month of death and
Ramadan; and rebirth. Life
pilgrimage to Mecca at ruled by the
least once. laws of
karma, in
which rebirt
depends on
Types The three main types In 1054 Christians Almost 90% of No single
are Orthodox, separated into Muslims belief syste
Conservative, and the Eastern Orthodox are Sunnis. Shiites are unites
Reform. Conservative Church and the Roman the second-largest Hindus. A
Jews follow most CatholicChurch. In the group. The Shiites Hindu can
traditional practices, but early 1500s the major split from the Sunnis in believe in
less strictly than the Protestant groups 632 when Muhammad only one go
Orthodox. Reform Jews (Lutheran, Presbyterian, died. in many, or
are the least traditional. and Episcopalian) came none.
into being. A variety of
other groups have since 1/2
08/12/2019 The Major Faiths (concise table)

Where There are large Jewish Through its missionary Islam is the main Hinduism is
populations in Israel activity Christianity has religion of the Middle practiced by
and the U.S. spread to most parts of East, Asia, and the more than
the globe. north of Africa. 80% of
population. 2/2

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