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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for S-1 Degree in English Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty


Anggit Laesa Oktaviani







Anggit Laesa Oktaviani


The objectives of this research are to analyze the process of debate as technique in
improving students’ speaking skill and to find out the result of the students’
improvement after the implementation of debate technique at 11 IPA 3 of SMAN
19 Kabupaten Tangerang. The researcher used CAR (Classroom Action Research)
in the research method and research design. There were 36 students as participants
in this research. Observation, documentation, and test were employed as data
collecting technique through quantitative and qualitative data analyses. This
research found that debate technique could be implemented well in the teaching
learning process. It was shown from the result of students’ speaking skill, the
students’ self-confidence, and the interaction that improved when debate was
implemented in two cycles. In the pre-test, the score from rater I and rater II were
only 62 and 63, that improved into 68,67 based on rater I and 68,89 based on rater
II in the post test I. Finally the students could pass the minimum standard score
(KKM) in the post test II. The score was 76,89 based on rater I and 77,11 based
on rater II. Accordingly, it could be concluded that debate technique is very
helpful to build students’ speaking skill. Realizing that debate technique was
good, effective, and appropriate technique to improve students’ speaking skill, it
is suggested that the teacher should implement the debate technique properly and
encourage the students to speak, especially in EFL context.

Keywords: Teaching Speaking, Debate Technique, Classroom Action

Research, EFL, Speaking Skills.


The researcher’s name is Anggit Laesa Oktaviani. She was born in Tangerang, on

October, 16 1994. She is the first child of Mr. AKP. H. Agus Haerudin, S.E. and

Mrs.Hj. Bety Nur Ilmala. She has two younger brothers, namely Bani Islami

Adam, and Muhamad Rohis Tafarro. She was graduated from elementary school

at SDN Saga I in 2006, junior high school at SMPN 2 Balaraja in 2009, and senior

high school at SMAN 1 Kabupaten Tangerang in 2012. Then, she continued her

study in Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa State University and decided to take English

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. She was very passionate

in public speaking field, as she spent all her time in college becoming English

debaters, coaching the students that need to develop public speaking skill. Her life

goal is to be a successful and useful person that makes all her dreams comes true,

to make her family proud and happy, and able to share all her knowledge to

people who need it.



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful, the

researcher could complete this research , and also finished all of sacrifice during

finishing a paper entitled ―IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL



This paper submitted in partial of the requirement for S-1 degree in

English Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sultan Ageng

Tirtayasa University.

The researcher realized that this paper is still for being perfect and also

still full of mistakes because the researcher still lack of knowledge as good writer.

So, the researcher would welcome every suggestion, comments, and criticism to

make this research paper better.

Finally, the writer hopes that this research will be useful for the researcher

herself and also for the reader in general.

Serang, June 07 2016

The Researcher










This paper is dedicated to my

beloved parents, brothers, and

all people who know me…


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. All praise be to

Allah, lord of the universe, for his enormous blessing and gift so that the

researcher could finish her research. On this occasion the researcher would like to

give her gratitude, respect as well appreciation to all the people who have given

awesome contribution, extraordinary suggestion, unlimited motivation, incredible

sacrifice of time, have indebted to all people who have been involved either

directly or indirectly, especially to the followings:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Sholeh Hidayat, M.Pd as the Rector of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

State University.

2. Dr. H. Suherna, M.Si. as the Vice Rector III of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa State

University who always motivates the researcher and very inspiring.

3. Dr. Aceng Hasani, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


4. Dr. Siti Hikmah, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department. Thank you for your

time to give the researcher motivation.

5. Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy, M.Pd as the former Head of Englih Department. Thank

you for your time gave the researcher inspiration, motivation, and guidance.

6. Ika Handayani, M.Pd as first advisor and mother in EDC and English

Department for the researcher. Thank you for time, guidance, suggestion, and

sacrifice to make the researcher finished the research, and all of the attention

for the researcher’s development along her studies.

7. Ezis Japar Sidik, M.A. as second advisor. Thank you for time, guidance,

suggestion, motivation, and sacrifice to make the researcher finished the


8. Udi Samanhudi, M.Pd as the examiner in the final exam, and Leddy Nurlely,

M.Pd as the examiner in the seminar proposal. Thank you for the suggestion to

make the research better.

9. Dr. Syafrizal, M.Pd, as academic advisor who guided the researcher from the

first semester until the last semester.

10. Dr. Yudi Juniardi and Udi Samanhudi, M.Pd as fathers in EDC and English

Department who always give support, attention, and motivation to the

researcher along her studies.

11. Jumbuh Prabowo, M.Pd. and Murti Ayu Wijayanti, M.Pd as the lecturer who

always motivate the researcher and suggest everything about her research


12. All lecturers and staff of English Department for all the knowledge and

incredible experiences during studying in UNTIRTA.

13. The staff of Teacher Training and Education faculty who always helped the

researcher in administration and also for all information.

14. Asep Suryadi, S.Pd as the research collaborator and English teacher of SMAN

19 Kabupaten Tangerang who helped the research a lot for getting the data, and

for Drs. E. Ruslan Siradz as head master of SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang.

15. Students at XI IPA 3 of SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang as object in this research

for the time and great experience.

16. My parent AKP .H. Agus Haerudin, S.E. and Bety Nur Ilmala, my brothers,

Bani and Rohis, also my family for the pray, motivation, support, passion,

and also expect for the researcher which could not counted by anything. Love

you more than anything.

17. My best partner in organization, in real life, and in everything, Ifatullah, for

all nice time, the supports, motivation, love, care, commitments, loyalty and

everything. Love you very much honey.

18. My bestfriends Eko Marlianto and Bagus Yudi Purnomo for the long years

friendship from the schools time until now, for the supports and crazy times

we spent that cannot be explained.

19. My special ladies, Ex Bey Squad, Herdiana, April, Ria, Wawat, Zohra, Syifa,

Nurul who are very fabulous and always support the researcher, always hear,

care and inspiring, thank you for all your time beys. Love you.

20. My brother’s friend, Irma Suryani and her uncle, who helped the researcher in

getting research site data.

21. My seniors and juniors in EDC UNTIRTA one of the researcher’s family

which gave inspiration, guidance, motivation, and extraordinary experience

for the researcher.

22. All family from ESA UNTIRTA, for all the nice time during the researcher’s


23. English Class A 2012, SCOSA (Solid Class of English A), for all memories,

sadness, happiness, conflict, solution, integrity, moment, and of course

experience. It’s made the researcher’s life to be more colorful.

24. KKM 05, Desa Bendung, Kec. Tanara, Kab. Serang. Thanks to teach that life is

full of thankful so it will be nice, and for all togetherness.

25. The PPLK group of MTs Al-Khairiyah, Kepandean, Ciruas who is very nice

and cooperative, for the headmaster, Edi Suhedi, S.T. and teacher advisor,

Mrs. Ika, S.Pd., lecturer advisor Mr. Ihsan, M.Si., all of students especially

class IX A-C, you are very smart. Thank you for unforgettable moment.

26. My debate students from ELITE SMAN 1 Kota Serang (Audrina, Adham,

Talitha, Anfir, Fachran, Dara, Arin, Ayesha, Ica, etc) who are very smart and

inspiring, therefore the researcher always be happy to coach English debate.

27. All my friends from Beswan Djarum UNTIRTA (Reza, Rienny, Bandi), my

seniors, my juniors and my advisors in Beswan Djarum UNTIRTA.

29. All my beloved friends from Beswan Djarum National, who are very smart,

care, and very inspiring.

30. All of my beloved friends who could not be mentioned one by one. Full of

thank for all the great time for the researcher.

The Researcher will not forget all their kindness and motivation, may

Allah gavebless for us. Amen.

Finally, the researcher hopes this research can be an advantageous and

contribution for all of us. Developing criticism, advice and suggestion are

welcome for better result of this research.

Serang, June 07 2016

The Researcher


TITLE ......................................................................................................................i

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT.............................................................ii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

EXAMINATION APPROVAL SHEET .............................................................iv

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ v


PREFACE .............................................................................................................vii

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. viii

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................xvii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xviii

LIST OF FIELD NOTE......................................................................................xix

LIST OF STUDENTS’ SPEAKING TRANSCRIPT ....................................... xx

LIST OF PICTURE ............................................................................................xxi


1.1 Background of Problem ............................................................................... 1

1.2 Identification of Problem ............................................................................. 4

1.3 Limitation of Problem .................................................................................. 4

1.4 Formulation of Problem ............................................................................... 4

1.5 Research Objective....................................................................................... 5

1.6 Uses of the Research .................................................................................... 5

1.7 Operational Definition ................................................................................. 6

1.8 Scope of the Study ....................................................................................... 7

1.9 Organization of the Paper............................................................................. 8


2.1 Speaking Context ......................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Definition of Speaking ...................................................................... 9

2.1.2 Function of Speaking ...................................................................... 11

2.1.3 The Elements of Speaking Skill ..................................................... 12

2.1.4 Teaching Speaking in EFL Context ................................................ 15

2.2 Technique in Teaching Speaking ............................................................... 18

2.2.1 Definition of Technique .................................................................. 18

2.2.2 Technique in Teaching Speaking for EFL context ......................... 18

2.3 Debate…. ................................................................................................... 20

2.3.1 Definition of Debate ........................................................................ 20

2.3.2 Elements of Debate ......................................................................... 22

2.3.3 Types of Debate Format .................................................................. 24

2.3.4 Teaching Speaking by Using Debate .............................................. 26

2.3.5 Assessment in Debate .................................................................... 30

2.3 Previous Studies ......................................................................................... 33


3.1 Research Design ......................................................................................... 36

3.2 Research Subject ....................................................................................... 37

3.2.1 Research Participants ...................................................................... 37

3.2.2 Research Site ................................................................................... 38

3.3 Data Collecting Technique......................................................................... 38

3.3.1 Qualitative Data .............................................................................. 38 Observation ..................................................................... 38 Documentation ................................................................. 40

3.3.2 Quantitative Data (Test) .................................................................. 40

3.4 Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 43

3.4.1 Qualitative Data Analyses Technique ........................................... 43

3.4.2 Quantitative Data Analyses Technique .......................................... 44

3.5 Research Procedure .................................................................................... 46


4.1 Research Finding........................................................................................ 51

4.2 Discussion .................................................................................................. 81


5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 89

5.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................. 91

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 93

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 95


I. Pre-Research
a. Pre-Research Interview and Observation Result ......................................... 98
c. Pre-Test Result ........................................................................................... 104
d. Transcript in Pre-Test .................................................................................. 106

II. Cycle 1
a. Meeting 1 Observation Result ................................................................... 112
b. Meeting 2 Observation Result .................................................................. 114
c. Field Note ..................................................................................................... 116
d. Post Test I Result ......................................................................................... 117
e. Students’ Transcript ..................................................................................... 122

III. Cycle 2
a. Meeting 1 Observation Result ..................................................................... 129
b. Meeting 2 Observation Result .................................................................... 131
c. Field Note ................................................................................................... 133
d. Post Test II Result........................................................................................ 135
e. Students’ Transcript ..................................................................................... 140
a. Syllabus ........................................................................................................ 147
b. Syllabus ....................................................................................................... 156
c. Pictures of the Research ............................................................................... 193

a. Permission Letter to Conduct the Research ................................................. 196
b. Information Letter from SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang .................................. 197
c. SK Penelitian ............................................................................................... 198

Table 3.1 Grammar Scoring Scales........................................................................ 41

Table 3.2 Vocabulary Scoring Scales ................................................................... 41

Table 3.3 Comprehension Scoring Scales ............................................................. 42

Table 3.4 Fluency Scoring Scales ......................................................................... 42

Table 3.5 Pronunciation Scoring Scales ................................................................ 42

Table 3.6 Steps of Action Research ....................................................................... 46

Table 3.7 Classroom Action Research Cycle 1 ...................................................... 47

Table 3.8 Classroom Action Research Cycle 2 ...................................................... 49

Table 4.1 Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-Test .................................................... 52

Table 4.2 Average Score of Each Aspect in Speaking Skill on Pre-Test .............. 52

Table 4.3 Average Score of Each Aspect in Speaking Skill on Post Test I ........... 63

Table 4.4 Students’ Speaking Score in Post-Test I ............................................... 64

Table 4.5 Students’ Speaking Score Average in each aspects of Post Test II ....... 77

Table 4.6 Students’ Speaking Score in Post Test II ............................................... 79

Table 4.7 Result of Students’ Speaking Skill and Improvement ........................... 85

Table 4.8 Diagram of Students’ Speaking Skill Improvement .............................. 86

Table 4.9 Diagram of Students’ Speaking Skill in each elements ........................ 87


Student 17 Field Note............................................................................................. 61

Student 11 Field Note............................................................................................. 61

Student 31 Field Note............................................................................................. 62

Student 6 Field Note .............................................................................................. 62

Student 34 Field Note ............................................................................................ 62

Student 10 Field Note ............................................................................................ 76

Student 20 Field Note ............................................................................................ 76


S.3 Transcript 6 ..................................................................................................... 63

S.35 Transcript 81 .................................................................................................. 77

Transcript in Pre-Test........................................................................................... 111

S.6 Transcript 1 ................................................................................................... 128

S.33 Transcript 2 .................................................................................................. 129

S.9 Transcript 3 ................................................................................................... 130

S.34 Transcript 4 ................................................................................................. 131

S.35 Transcript 5 .................................................................................................. 132

S.3 Transcript 6 .................................................................................................... 132

S.6 Transcript 7 .................................................................................................... 145

S.33 Transcript 8 .................................................................................................. 146

S.9. Transcript 9 ................................................................................................... 147

S.34. Transcript 10 ............................................................................................... 147

S.35. Transcript 11 ............................................................................................... 148

S.3. Transcript 12 ................................................................................................. 149


Picture A.1 ............................................................................................................. 64

Picture B.2 ............................................................................................................. 78

Picture C.3 .............................................................................................................. 78

Picture 1 .............................................................................................................. 193

Picture 2 ............................................................................................................... 193

Picture 3 ............................................................................................................... 193

Picture 4 .............................................................................................................. 193

Picture 5 ............................................................................................................... 194

Picture 6 ............................................................................................................... 194

Picture 7 ............................................................................................................... 194

Picture 8 ............................................................................................................... 194

Picture 9 ............................................................................................................... 195

Picture 10 ............................................................................................................. 195

Picture 11 ............................................................................................................. 195



This chapter introduces the background of the problem, the identification

of problem, limitation of problem, formulation of problem, objective of research,

the uses of the research, operational definition, scope of the research, and

organization of the paper.

1.1 Background of the Problem

The study of speaking skill has become an important aspect of language

since it is used for communication. As Nunan (2003:24) argues, ―for the most

people, mastering the art of speaking is the most important aspects of learning a

second language or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the

ability to carry but a conversation in the language.‖ Although it is used for

communication, sometimes there are so many problems occur in mastering

speaking skill especially for countries that use English as a foreign language.

Richard and Renandya (2002:204) stated that speaking a language is especially

difficult for foreign language learners because effective oral communication

requires the ability to use language appropriately in social interaction.

Numerous studies had been conducted to resolve the speaking problem in

EFL learning, such as by applying storytelling, drama, role play, and debate.

Somjay (2015) has conducted research about debate technique in improving

student’s speaking ability at Bodindecha School, Thailand. In Indonesian context,

there have been various studies about the implementation of debate technique

such as ones conducted by Rubiati (2010) who conducted the research at IAIN

Walisongo Semarang, Priatna (2013) who find out the Influence of Debate


Technique toward Students’ Speaking Ability at Second Grade of SMAN 1

Cinangka, and Wicaksono (2014) who analyzed the British Parliamentary Debate

in improving student speaking skill at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. The

result of these studies confirmed that there are some improvements in speaking

skill of the student after applying debating technique. However, it could be said

that debate technique was still less elaborated because only a few institutions had

used this technique, particularly in teaching learning activity at schools in suburbs


Based on the researcher’s interview with the teacher and the researcher’s

experience in becoming debate coach in SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang, the

problems in speaking skill also happens in that school where most of the students

do not have good speaking skill. Dominantly, the students do not know what they

have to speak because they have limited vocabularies. It could be seen from the

teaching learning process that the students speak if they are allowed to use code

switching or mixing English-Indonesia. In comprehension mastery, the students

had limited idea to speak. In addition, students also look very stutter in delivering

ideas. Therefore it could be said that they do not have good fluency. Besides,

students, very often produced incorrect pronunciation and grammatical errors

when they speak. These speaking problem are hard to solve since they are less

motivated to speak English because of lack of confidence as it is revealed in the

preliminary study data. They have limited time to enhance their speaking skill,

and find the interesting way to practice their speaking skill, and master the content

about the issues. This condition are challenged the teacher to make students

become more critical and active because one of the successful teaching results for

English teacher of EFL (English as Foreign Language) is how to make the student

to be more active to speak English in five aspects of speaking, namely fluency,

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and pronunciation. Unfortunately, debate

technique is never used in this school in teaching learning process.

It has been mentioned in many literatures that debate is a technique to

improve verbal communication and teach critical thinking for the students where

they can be more active in every situation. Besides, it can be an active learning

strategy because the students could learn how to construct their ideas, work in

group and share knowledge. It makes the students to have a good skill in speaking

because it could help them to speak with a good content and a fluent method.

Samanhudi (2013:64) stated that debate is powerful way to develop students’ skill

in both critical thinking and self-expression. So debate not only emphasizes on

way of speaking but also its content. It can encourage the quality of students’

arguments. Therefore debate is potential to building students’ ideas in mind, so

they can speak in front of people.

Moreover, debate technique is also in line with the implementation of

KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) syllabus that is used by this

school. This syllabus contains SK (Standar Kompetensi) and KD (Kompetensi

Dasar) which could implement debate as technique in teaching speaking skill for

some materials, such as hortatory exposition, analytical exposition, expression of

giving opinion, and expression of agreement and disagreement.

Therefore, it was an urgency for the researcher to find out the use of

debate as one technique in improving student’s speaking ability at SMAN 19


Kabupaten Tangerang. Considering some of the problems above, it is expected

that debate could help students deal with their speaking skill. Based on those

explanations, this present study entitled ―Improving Students’ Speaking Skill

through Debate Technique (classroom action research at SMAN 19


1.2 Identification of the Problem

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that there are several

problems as follows:

1. Students have problem in speaking skill (dominantly in vocabulary,

comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and grammar)

2. Students have difficulties to speak because they lack of self-confidence

3. Students have limited interesting activities to practice their speaking

4. Students are less motivated to speak English

1.3 Limitation of Problem

This research has been limited on students’ learning activity in using debate

activity in the classroom. This present study has observed more about the function

of debate as technique to improve students’ speaking skill in secondary level,

especially in senior high school which is considered very necessary to have a good

public speaking skill and critical thinking. This present study has been conducted

in one of eleventh grade classroom at SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang. In this

present study, the researcher has limited the object of research in teaching

hortatory exposition material for eleventh grade in second semester.


1.4 Formulation of the Problem

Based on limitation of problems of study above, this present study aims at

answering the following questions:

1. How is the process of debate technique in improving students speaking


2. How is the result of the students’ speaking skill improvement after the

implementation of debate technique?

1.5 Research Objective

1. To analyze the process of debate as technique in improving students

speaking skill.

2. To find out the result of the students’ speaking skill improvement after the

implementation of debate technique.

1.6 Uses of the Research

This present study has been expected to give contribution in both academic and

practical for societies as follows:

1. Theoretical Uses

This research is expected to contribute theoretically on the theory of teaching

public speaking. Alongside that, it could be a springboard to further studies in

implementing debate in the EFL context to develop speaking skill.


2. Practical Uses

The results of this study can be proposed as an alternative learning technique

for English teachers in implementing debate to promote English speaking skill.

They can also be useful for course developers, educators, and practitioners in

planning English lessons.

3. Social Uses

This study is also expected to contribute socially and professionally by

speaking instructors to enhance student’s speaking ability. Otherwise, it also

can be reference for some people who want to improve their speaking ability

by debating technique, in the needs of public speaking skill.

1.7 Operational Definition

1.7.1 Speaking

Speaking is the process of improving and sharing meaning through the use

of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts (Chancy, 1998:13) cited

in Lustigova (2011:19). So there are two process of speaking; that are building

meaning and sharing meaning to communicate with other people. People can use

verbal and non-verbal symbols to sharing the things that they want to convey.

1.7.2 Debate

Samanhudi (2013:64) states that debate is powerful way to develop

students’ skill in both critical thinking and self-expression. So debate not only

emphasizes on way of speaking but also its content. It can encourage the quality

of students’ arguments. Therefore debate could help student in building their ideas

in mind, so they can speak in front of people.


1.7.3 Technique

According to Brown (2001:101), ―the language teaching literature widely

accepted technique as a superordinate term to refer to various activities that either

teachers or learners perform in the classroom.‖ In conclusion of educational

context, technique is a way implemented in classroom to teach several skills, such

as speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

1.8 Scope of the study

The scope of this research used qualitative and quantitative research. The

present study has investigated the use of debate to improve students’ speaking

skill research. There have been some debating activities conducted in secondary

level, but only in several club or extracurricular in some schools. However, this

research focuses on the use of debate in improving the students’ speaking skill,

considering several elements in English Speaking skill. Further, to measure the

use of debate in improving student’s speaking skill, this technique can empower

student to speak better in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension. Finally to find out whether this technique could empower

students’ personally in psychology and critical thinking, the students’ attitude and

behavior, their interaction with the teacher and other students during the treatment

has also been figured out.


1.9 Organization of the Paper

This research proposal is systematically divided into three chapters. The

following is the short description about what each chapter contains.

Chapter one: Introduction. It includes identification of problem, limitation

of problem, formulation of problem, objective of research, uses of the research,

operational definition, scope of the research, and organization of the paper.

Chapter two: Theoretical Framework. It discusses about theories of

speaking context : definition of speaking, function of speaking, factor in speaking

skill, teaching speaking in EFL class, technique in teaching speaking, debate

context : definition of debate, elements of debate, teaching speaking by using

debate, types of debate, and assessment in debate. Previous study also was also


Chapter three: Research Methodology. It includes research design,

research subject, data collecting technique, data analysis, research procedure.

Chapter four: Result and Discussion. It discusses about the result of the

research, included result and discussion.

Chapter five: Conclusion and Recommendation. It includes the conclusion

and recommendation.



This chapter presents the relevant literature underpinning the study. There

are two main broad theories drawn in this study, i.e. the theory of speaking skill

(to follow Halliday, 1994; Brown, 2001, 2004; Bayri, 2010, Egan, 1999, Nunan,

2003, Oradee, 2012, among others) and the theory of debate (developed by

Krieger 2007; Samanhudi, 2013, Finkel, 2010, Somjai and Jansem, 2015; among


Each area of theories is considered relevant to the present study as it

provides a general guideline by the expert to conduct speaking activity in the

classroom, especially in terms on how debate could help student’s problem in

their speaking ability as EFL student, moreover as a teacher who need guideline

how to apply the speaking activity through debate.

2.1 Speaking Context

This section discusses the theory of speaking used in the present study. It

covers the definition of speaking, function of speaking, teaching speaking in EFL

context, and technique in teaching speaking.

2.1.1 Definition of Speaking

Since 1990s era, there are numerous studies about speaking. Speaking is at

the heart of second language learning (Egan, 1999:3). Students’ ideas could

be delivered through speaking because speaking produces an oral output in

communication. Speaking is the process of improving and sharing meaning


through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts

(Chancy, 1998:13) cited in Lustigova (2011:19). Bayri (2010:5) also writes

the importance of speaking skill for EFL student:

Speaking has always been one of the most challenging skills for
EFL students, the reason is the fact that speaking is a complex
skill which requires more effort that putting words together in
order to communicate. An effective speaking is always created by
elements of speaking. They are micro- and macroskills of
speaking. Therefore, the students also need to focus on
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and body language
to achieve an effective speaking activity (2010:5).

Moreover, students can develop their oral communication in language with

overwhelm speaking as their skills. Speaking is the most important and

essential skill (Oradee, 2012:6). Therefore, speaking skill is truly needed in

mastering language, especially English for EFL students.

Based on description above, it is concluded that speaking skill is a

precious skill that should be mastered by EFL students in learning English.

There are two process of speaking; those are building meaning and sharing

meaning to communicate with other people. People can use verbal and non-

verbal symbols to sharing the things that they want to convey. However,

mastering speaking skill is not only putting words at sentences in oral

communication, but also need to consider the micro- and macro-skills of


The theories by Bayri (2010:5) and Oradee (2012:6) are chosen in this

present study because it observes more the definition of speaking skill in EFL

context since it is in line with the study that is applied in Indonesia. Then, to

know more about speaking context, the next section will discuss more about

the function of speaking.


2.1.2 Function of Speaking

People have been aware about the function of speaking since 1990s era.

Halliday (1994:36) in Webster (2007:315) said there are three major functions of

language: the ideational, the textual, and the interpersonal. Two of these, the

ideational and interpersonal, have particular relevance to a discussion of how the

spoken language is used. She describes the ideational component of language as

being concerned with the expression of content. The interpersonal is concerned

with the social, expressive, and cognitive functions language.

Several language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of

speaking in human interaction. Brown (2004:61) says that there are three function

of speaking: talks as interaction: talk as transaction: talk as performance. Each of

these speech activities is quite distinct in term of form and function and requires

different teaching approaches. Brown (2004:61) explained the detailed

information within the function of speaking, as follow:

1) Talk as interaction
Our daily communication remains interactional with other people.
This refers to what we said as conversation. It is an interactive
communication which is done spontaneously by two or more person.
This is about how people try to convey his message to other people.
Therefore, they must use speaking skill to communicate to other
person. The main intention in this function is social relationship.
2) Talk as transaction
In talk as transaction is more focus on message that conveyed and
making others person understand what we want convey, by clearly and
accurately. In this type of spoken language, students and teacher
usually focus on meaning or talking what their way to understanding.
3) Talk as performance
In this case, speaking activities is more focus on monolog better
than dialog. Function of speaking as performance happened at
speeches, public talks, public announcements, retell story, telling
story and so on.

Based on two definitions above, the researcher concludes that the function

of speaking is to make the speaker interacts with listener so that they can convey

information. In other hand, the speaker can maintain social relation to listener.

Despite the differences of the two theories above, both of them are

applicable to this study since it can be used in analyzing the function of speaking

in EFL context. This present study will be focused on ideational and interpersonal

(Halliday, 1994:36) and talk as performance (Brown, 2004:61). Because in

ideational, the students can have social feeling about a speaking context since this

present study focus to talk about some issues, then in interpersonal has concern

with cognitive function of language since in this present study students are made

aware with their logical thought in speaking about some issues. Lastly, talk as

performance will be done by the students in this present study because it focus to

the monologue speaking as they will have debate activity in the classroom.

This section has already demonstrated the definition of speaking and

function of speaking, therefore the next section will describe about the factors of

speaking skill.

2.1.3 The Elements of Speaking Skill

No language skill is so difficult to assess with precision as speaking ability,

and for this reason it seemed wise to defer our consideration of oral production

tests until last. Moreover, some of the problems involved in the evaluation of

speaking skill occur in other forms of language testing. Like writing, speaking is a

complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities

which often develop at different rates. According to Harris in Rubiati (2010: 11)

there are five components that are generally recognized in analyses of the speech


1. Pronunciation including the segmental features vowels and consonants and

the stress and intonation patterns.

2. Grammar is the rules about how words change their form and combine with

other words to make sentences.

3. Vocabulary is all the words which exist in a particular language or subject.

4. Fluency is the ease and speed of the flow of speech.

5. Comprehension. For oral communication certainly requires a subject to

respond to speech as well as to initiate it.

In line with the theory above, Brown (2004:142-143) has developed the

five elements in speaking into macro and micro skills. He states that there are 16

objectives in micro- and macro-skills of speaking, as follows:

a. Micro-skills of Speaking

1. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.

2. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions,

rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

5. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic


6. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.


7. Monitor one's own oral production and use various strategic device pauses,

fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to enhance the clarity of the


8. Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (e.g., tense,

agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

9. Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause-

groups, breath-groups, and sentence constituents.

10. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

11. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

b. Macro-skills of Speaking

1.Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to

situations, participants, and goals.

2.Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic

conventions, conversation rules, floor-keeping and -yielding, interrupting,

and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.

3.Convey links and connections between events and communicate such

relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new

information and given information, generalization and exemplification.

4. Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues

along with verbal language.

5. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing

key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning

of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your

interlocutor is understanding you.


This present study will use the both theories from Harris and Brown

because the five factors of speaking skill mentioned by Harris above have

important role in speaking. A good speaker has to master all the factors, in other

to produce good speech. His theory is considered important to be used in this

present study since those factors will be the determination in measuring students’

speaking ability in EFL (English Foreign Language) context. Additionally, the

theory of Brown (2004:142-143) explains about the macro and micro skills as

element in speaking will also be used to enrich this present study. Vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation belong to the micro-skills, besides fluency and

comprehension belong to the macro-skills.

After discussing the factors in speaking skill, the next section will
discuss more about teaching speaking in EFL context.

2.1.4 Teaching Speaking in EFL (English Foreign Language) Context

There are six types of classroom speaking performance demonstrated by

Brown (2001:271-274), they are:

1. Imitative

This kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for

focusing on some particular element of language form.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical

aspect of language.

3. Responsive

A good deal of the students’ speech in the classroom is responsive: short

replies to teacher or student-initiated question or comment.

4. Transactional (dialogue)

Dialogue conducted for the purpose for the purpose of information exchange

such as information-gathering interview, role play or debate.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Dialogue to establish or maintain social relationships, such as personal

interview or casual conversation role play.

6. Extensive (monologue)

Extended Monologue such as oral reports, oral summarize, or perhaps short


Supporting the theory from Brown (2001:271-274), Richard and Renandya

(2002:12) also Nunan (2003:54-56) demonstrated different principles of language

teaching in EFL (English For Language) context to be implemented in classroom

speaking performance.

Richards and Renandya (2002:12) argued that there are principles of

language teaching such as : (1) Automaticity , (2) meaningful learning, (3) the

anticipation of reward, (4) intrinsic motivation, (5) strategic investment, (6)

language ego, (7) self-confidence, (8) risk taking, (9) the language-culture

connection, (10) the native language effect, (11) interlanguage, (12)

communicative competence.

Differently from Richard and Renandya (2002:12), Nunan (2003:54-56)

states there are five principles for teaching speaking:

(1) Be aware of difference between second language and foreign language

in learning context. (2) Give students chance to practice with both fluency
and accuracy. (3) Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group
work or pair work. (4) plan speaking task that involve negotiation for
meaning. (5) design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice
in both transactional and interaction speaking.

Although the theory of Nunan (2003:51-54) and Richard and Renandya

(2002:12) are quite different, both principles have the same goal to improve

student’s speaking skill which can become a guideline for teacher to teach in

classroom speaking performance, as it supported the theory of Brown (2001:271-

274). However, only the theory of Nunan (2003:54-56) that is used to be

guidelines in this present study.

This research will focus to demonstrate the types of teaching speaking in

EFL classroom such as responsive, transactional, and extensive types because

those are in line with the implementation of debate. In responsive class, students

comment each other when giving rebuttals through debate technique, in

transactional class, the students exchange the information each other when they do

speech. Lastly, in extensive class the students extend the monologue in delivering

speech. Those types in classroom speaking performance are suited with all

principles of designing speaking classroom by Nunan (2013:54-56). In responsive,

transactional, and extensive class, the students are provided more space to practice

their speaking skill by improving their accuracy, fluency, and comprehending the

context in a group-working.

2.2 Technique in Teaching Speaking

2.2.1 Definition of Technique

Before explaining several techniques in teaching speaking, this present

study will explain about the definition of technique. According to Brown

(2001:129), ―the language teaching literature widely accepted technique as a

superordinate term to refer to various activities that either teachers or learners

perform in the classroom.‖ In line with Brown’s theory, Zaini cited in Nurkasih

(2010:10) states that technique can be defined as a way done by the teacher in

implementing a method specifically. He says that technique can be implemented

depends on the situation in the class, for example in large classroom, dictation

technique may hard to be implemented.

Based on two definitions above, technique can be concluded as a way to

help teachers in guiding students to have a learning activity in the classroom,

teacher can choose technique based on the situation in the class, and the

characteristic of the learner.

After knowing the definition of technique, the next section is to discuss

about theory of technique in teaching speaking for EFL context.

2.2.2 Technique in Teaching Speaking for EFL Context

There are some techniques in teaching speaking according to Dobson

(1997:225) for teaching speaking which can be applied in classroom such as:

1) Dialogues: a short conversation between two people presented as

a language model-the dialogue-often receive top billing in the

manipulative phase of language learning. In repeating dialogue,

the students practice pronunciation and memorization and it can
help the students develop fluency in English.

2) Small-group discussion : small-group discussion is excellent way

to give students opportunities to speak English.

3) Debate :debate helps students speak more fluently and during a

debate they can represent their feelings on an issue.

4) Song :singing is a popular activity throughout world and the

students often delight in learning English songs. In teaching an
English song, it can help students to improving aural
comprehension, group spirit is fostered through singing, singing
allows the students a chance to relax from the pressure of
conversation, reinforce the students’ interest in learning English.

5)Games :language games can add fun and variety to conversation

sessions if the participants are fond of games. Games are
especially refreshing after demanding conversational activities
such as debates or speeches. A game can help the students to
stimulus in additional conversation.

Moreover, to select the appropriate speaking techniques, Brown

(2001:275) says there are seven principles for designing speaking techniques. It

is important guide for the teacher in planning speaking instruction as follows:

a) Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, from

language based focus on accuracy to message based focus on
interaction, meaning, and fluency.

b) Provide intrinsically motivating techniques.

c) Encourage the use of authentic language in meaning full


d) Provide appropriate feedback and correction.

e) Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening.

f) Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.

g) Encourage the development of speaking strategies.


This present study will focus to debate technique as demonstrated by

Dobson (1997). Debate is considered as the most appropriate techniques selected

by the researcher because it covers all principles in designing speaking techniques

(Brown, 2001:275). Debate technique can cover the learner needs because in

debate the students do interaction in arguing each other, motivating students to

have equal opportunities to speak in more various contexts about some happening

issues, additionally debate also can provide more rooms for student and teacher to

give feedback and correction, it can stimulate the students to have a better strategy

in improving speaking skill.

When teacher can select the most appropriate technique, it is believed that

five factors of speaking (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension) can be improved because this technique will stimulate students to

be more active in speaking English. Therefore the students speaking skill will be


After knowing the techniques for speaking activity, the next section of this

study presents about one of the techniques used by the researcher. This study will

discuss more about debate technique in the next section.

2.3 Debate

This section will discuss debate as technique for helping students to

improve their speaking ability. It covers definition of debate, elements of debate,

types of debate format, teaching speaking by using debate, and assessment in


2.3.1 Definition of Debate

Debate is an oral activity by arguing one or some arguments under logical

and critical thinking. Furthermore, debate does not only help students in building

their speaking skills, but also enhancing their other skills. It is supported by

Krieger (2007:26) that debate is an excellent activity for language learning

because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and linguistic ways.

His theory is also in line with Samanhudi (2013:64) who states that debate

is powerful way to develop students’ skill in both critical thinking and self-

expression. He also says that debate also trains the students to listen carefully to

counter-arguments, think of responses to them and develops students’

communication skills.

Enrich the theory from EFL context, Somjai and Jansem (2015:27)
states: ―debate was a challenging and highly rewarding activity for
those who were involved. It has been argued that debate allows students
to share and cooperate with one another. It educates students with
responsibility, encourages creativity, deepens friendships and
strengthens the rapport with the teacher.‖
They also stated that the ability to speak freely also improves when

students practice debate because they take part in conversations as they are

debating. Likewise, debate can motivate student to practice the language. It can

embolden students in critical thinking, and develop students’ speaking ability in


In conclusion, debate is an activity to improve students speaking skills and

enhancing critical thinking because in debate students are active to produce an

oral language such as delivering arguments, giving rebuttals, and persuading the

audience about their concern towards some issues where student can be pro or

contra to the issue. Moreover, debate can improve the students’ participation in

the classroom to be more active in interacting with their teachers and friends.

Therefore, it is believed that debate is an attractive activity that does not

only help students in building speaking skill, but also make students to think

more critical, becoming more confident, and more active.

2.3.2 Elements of Debate

It is believed that to conduct a competitive debate, the speaker must focus

on several elements in debate.

Finkel (2010:7-14) explains elements of debate briefly, such as:

a) Matter

In matter, there are several elements that should be brought up in

debate such as arguments and rebuttals. Argument is a part of debate
which explains why the teams should support or oppose the motion.
Arguments have AREL (Assertion, Reason, Evidence, Link Back)
structure. On the other hand, rebuttal is about deconstructing your
opponents’ arguments.

b) Manner

Element of debate is also include about manner, which is included

body language and vocal style.

c) Manner

There are several elements which is included in matter such as the

strategy of the team (theme line, and team split). It is considered
important in order the adjudicator know about the team’s stance.
Definition is also part of matter because definition makes the debate
scope in a true path. For example in the motion THW ban religion

lesson at school. The definition must be ban the religion lesson to be

taught in public school only because there are so many religions there,
not in boarding school which only teaches specific religion.

Similarly, Samanhudi (2013:68-69) explains the elements of debate into

six specific parts, as follow:

a) Motion
A full prepositional statement that determines what debate
should be about. In the debate, the affirmative team must argue
or defend the prepositional statement of the motion, and the
negative team must argue to oppose it. An example of motion,
This House Believe That (THBT) wearing religious relic/ symbol
should not be allowed in the school.
b) Definition
A definition gives a clear description of boundaries, to the
motion, thereby limiting what the debate will be about into a
focused area of discussion.
c) Theme Line
The theme line is the underlying logic of a team’s case. It is
the main instrument of argumentation that is used to prove a
team’s stand on the motion.
d) Team Split
Debating is a team activity. One person cannot take all the
arguments and become the sole defender of the team’s case.
Therefore, there is a need decide on how the arguments should be
distributed among speakers.
e) Arguments
Argumentation is the process of explaining why a point of
view should be accepted. It concerns the logic and the evidence
supporting a particular conclusion.
f) Rebuttals
Rebuttal is the process of providing that the opposing team’s
argument should be accorded less weight than is claimed for
Based on the explanations above, it is concluded that the elements of

debate are six elements, namely motion, definition, theme line, team split,

arguments, and rebuttals. However, Finkel (2010:7-14) spread the six elements of

debate into three parts: matter, manner, and method which will influence the

assessment of the debater. His explanation is actually similar with the theory of

Samanhudi, but Samanhudi (2013:68-69) could elaborate the elements of debate

more. Since it is very rarely to use debate in teaching speaking for EFL context,

the teacher needs more explanations about elements of debate. Therefore, the

theory of Samanhudi (2013:68-69) will be preferred in this present study.

2.3.3 Types of Debate Format

There are so many types of debate format, however only several types of

debate that mostly used in international competition (Snider and Lawrence,

2011:2-5), they are:

a. Asian Parliamentary Debate System

Asian Parliamentary format there are 2 teams of 3 speakers each. The team

that supports the topic is called the Government and the team that opposes the

topic is called the Opposition. Each speaker speaks for 7 minutes, in alternating

order. First speaker from Government, then first speaker from Opposition, then

second speaker from Government, then second speaker from Opposition and so

on. At the end of these 6 speeches, each team can make a shorter reply speech,

for 4 minutes. Either the first or second speaker of each team will have the

chance to make this speech. This time the Opposition will start, followed by the


Usually in Indonesia, most of students in Senior High School and

University use this type. There are some competitions that use Asian

Parliamentary Debate System in Indonesia, like Java Overland Varsity English

Debate (JOVED), Asian Law Student Association (ALSA), NSDC (National


School Debating Championship) etc. Moreover, this debate system is common

debate style that use three on three debate by using POI (Point of Information),

compared with Australian Parliamentary System which is not used POI (Point of


b. Austrialian Parliamentary System

Australian Parliamentary System is a system of three-on-three debate

where there is no POI given. While, there are some variations, discussed later,

the basic style has the following key feature:

- Two teams of 3 speakers each

- Each team is assigned a side (the Affirmative, who argue in favour of a

topic, and the Negative, who argue against it.)

- A topic is decided for each debate

- Teams are given 30 minutes to prepare

- Each speaker speaks for 6 – 8 minutes

- Speakers alternate between the teams, from 1st Affirmative through to 3rd


c. British Parliamentary System

British Parliamentary debate system is used in almost all university debate

championships, even NUDC (National University Debate Championship) in

Indonesia and WUDC (World University Debate Championship) in the world.

Samanhudi (2013:67) also writes similar ideas about British Parliamentary

debate system that everyone should try to find their own strengths and failings. He

adds that in the Debating Union we practice British Parliamentary style, which is

now the official style of the World Championships. There are four groups in a

match. They are Opening Government, Opening Opposition, Closing Government

and Closing Opposition who compete each other to get first position.

This present study will use Asian Parliamentary Debate System because it

is most familiar with senior high school student. Besides it can help students to

have a wider discussion where poi is allowed in this system. However, the timing

will be made shorter as it is suited with the duration of every class meeting.

2.3.4 Teaching Speaking by Using Debate

Debate is a technique to empower student in critical thinking and have a

good public speaking, therefore teacher need a guidelines to teach speaking by

using debate. Krieger (2007:4-5) explains the way to implement debate in

classroom, as follows:

1. Warm-up

In debate, warming up is one of the process of the students in doing

argumentation exercise. In this phase, the teacher can give a motion and ask the

student opinion.

2. Form Teams

In debate, form a team is the activity when students that consisted of two or

three students or more form a team.

3. Considering Resolutions

In this phase, the teacher has to give each team the resolutions culled from the

ones generated by the students. Instruct students to mark the resolutions which

interest them.

4. Selecting Resolutions and Sides

In this phase the teacher has to pair up two teams and have them compare their

lists and decide on a resolution for their debate. They then pick sides-

affirmative or negative.

5. Formal Debate Structure

Lastly, teacher has to give students the following debate structure,

Speech 1: The first affirmative speaker introduces the topic and states the

affirmative team's first argument.

Speech 2: The first negative speaker states their first argument.

Speech 3: The second affirmative speaker states their second argument.

Speech 4: The second negative speaker states their second argument.

Give a 5-10 minute break for each team to prepare their rebuttal speech.

Speech 5: The negative team states two rebuttals for the affirmative team's

two arguments and summarizes their own two reasons.

Speech 6: The affirmative team states two rebuttals for the negative team's two

arguments and summarizes their own two reasons.

Debating usually consist of three members in every team, although

sometimes four members in many debates. Debates are varied in use, sometimes it

used based on the number of students in the classroom and the level of students.

On the other hand, Samanhudi (2013:73-74) also explains five stages to

implement debate activity in the classroom that can support the theory of Krieger

(2007:4-5), as follows:

a) Approaching the Topic

In this stage, the students learn about the topic, examine it for potential

controversies, and consider its terms.

a) Researching the Topic

In researching the topic, students read from various sources (books,

newspapers, magazine, internet, etc) to gain more information about the

topic, and also to review the topic.

b) Preparing to Debate

In this stage, the students practice activities like critiquing, formulating, and

responding to arguments in their own group. They discuss what they have

known regarding the topic from their reading activity conducted in the

researching stage.

c) Debating

In this debating stage, the students perform their debating skill. Each group

will be adjusted into one side affirmative or negative and in a certain allotted


d) Reflection

Here the teacher and students review the arguments and counter-arguments

that arose in the course of the debate.

Additionally, Alasmari and Ahmed (2013:5-6) described some following

modules in conducting debating activity. The researcher takes some parts to

support this present study as follow:

―Good forms of debate incorporate a high level interaction among

students where they present and support arguments, question or rebut

arguments and finally make an appeal or summary. The modules

discussed below can be used to practice debate in EFL classes.
3.1 Module 1

Practice: Teacher will provide students with controversial topics. Next

class every student will bring five points for and five points against
their respective topics. Teacher will pick one student to place his points
to the class. The teacher will then pick another student and ask him
whether he agrees with his classmate’s points. The second student will
explain with logic, data and information why he agrees or disagrees
with his classmate.

Utility: This practice will break ice and students will feel motivated to
speak in English. Teachers can introduce this activity in the first class.
It will remove students’ shyness and motivate them to speak in
English. Teacher will note down learners’ areas of improvement and
give feedback.

3.2 Module 2
Practice: Students will choose from a pool of topics (selected by
teacher), take 5 minutes to brainstorm and make brief outlines. Then
they will speak extemporary.
Utility: Through this practice, students will learn to speak
extemporarily. They will also acquire the techniques to brainstorm on a
topic which will improve both speaking and writing skills.‖

Krieger (2007:4-5), Alasmari and Ahmed (2013:5-6), and Samanhudi

(2013:73-74), have different ways in conducting debating activity in the

classroom. This present study will prefer to use debating activity presented by

Krieger as the grand theory in the debating process as it has been familiar in EFL

context, especially in Indonesia. However, the theory of Samanhudi can modify

the debate preparation since the students in EFL context need to be approached

first, also the theory from Alasmari and Ahmed still used to be a guideline more in

debating activity.

2.3.5 Assessment in Debate

Finkel (2010:6-7) explains briefly about matter, manner and method in


a. Matter

Matter is all about content of your speech which is constructing an

argument about why the issue should be proposed and opposed. In matter

there should be a brief analyses about the assertion. Firstly about idea, the

idea is simply the point you are trying to make. It’s just a heading or a title

- it might be true, it might not, but that’s something for you to prove later.

For example: ―I will be talking about the economic reasons why we should

ban smoking in pubs and clubs. My first argument is that it will improve

the profits of the businesses involved.‖ (Finkel, 2010:7). Another point of

matter is analyses, it is like a persuasive reason of why the idea come up,

for example under idea ―Banning smoking in public place can make

passive smoker safe, the reason will be because at the end there will no

people who smoke in public place so the passive smoker will not inhale

the smoke from cigarettes which risks their health‖. Lastly, matter is also

providing evidence as the fact of some issue. For example in motion

banning smoking in pubs, it solves the problem of passive smoker health

as it proven in some areas of country that has banned the smoking. Outside

constructing an argument, matter is also about deconstructing opponents’

argument (rebuttal), so in rebuttal the speaker have to say why their

opponent’s argument is not true or why it will not happen.

b. Manner

Manner is about body language and vocal style. The body language

of a speaker is a very important element of their speaking style. As the

expression indicates, body language is a language of its own. It can have a

significant impact on an audience and can create powerful impressions such

as confidence, trust and credibility. It should go without saying that failing to

create these impressions can be very damaging to the persuasiveness of a

speaker. The Kennedy–Nixon debate is an example in which body language

was crucial eye contact created trust. Some of the elements of body language

include eye contact (and the use of notes by speakers), gestures, and stance.

The second element of manner is the vocal style of the speaker. All

speakers must have their message heard and understood. Vocal style is central

to this goal. Some of the elements of vocal style are volume and pace, tone,

and, clarity (the use of language).

The volume of delivery should be such that the speaker can be clearly

heard by the whole audience, without doing permanent aural damage to those

in the front row. The tone of the speech should be confident and

conversational. The tone of the speech should be confident and

conversational, and the clarity of enunciation should allow the speech to be

understood without difficult, and without causing the audience to strain to

comprehend the words.

c. Method

Method is the way in which you structure both yours and your team’s

speeches for maximum clarity and maximum impact. In this way your speech’s

structure is much like the highly stylized Greek temple seen to the right; a speech

built on three arguments, each built of an idea, analysis and evidence. Another is

to say everything 3 times. First, introduce the points that you are going to make.

Secondly, make each point in turn. Thirdly, summarize the points that you have

made. In this way people will clearly remember the main messages of what you

have to say.

These are the elements that together contribute to persuasiveness in a

debate. As same as with Finkel (2010:6-7), in EFL context Samanhudi

(2013:70-71) says:

―the speakers are assessed on three different aspects of debating skills

as follow:
a) Matter
Matter refers to the points, arguments, logic, facts, statistics,
and examples brought up during the course of the debate.

b) Manner
Manner is concerned with the style of public-speaking — the
use of voice, language, eye contact, notes, gesture, stance, humor
and personality as a medium for making the audience more
receptive to the argument being delivered. This aspect will be
dealt with in a separate lecture.
c) Method
Method consists of the effectiveness of the structure and
organization of each individual speech, the effectiveness of the
structure and organization of the team case as a whole, and the
extent to which the team reacted appropriately to the dynamics of
the debate.
Three different aspects mentioned above are the measurement for
adjudicator to assess every speaker in debate.‖
This present study will use the guidelines to assess the speaking skill by

using debate explained by Finkel (2010:6-7) because it is in line with 5 aspects

of speaking skill assessment, moreover to enrich this theory in EFL context,

the theory of Samanhudi (2013:70-71) will be also used. Matter is in line with

content of speaking (comprehension), while manner is in line with language

aspect such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, and method is in line

with the effectiveness of structure as it is same with fluency.


From this section the researcher can conclude how finally debate can

improve students’ speaking skill. It can improve students speaking skill

because debate provides student to enhance their critical thinking, so the

comprehension aspect can be improved. On the other hand, debate also can

improve students’ linguistically aspect such as grammatical, vocabulary, and

pronunciation because in debate, the debaters should pay attention to the

manner that they use in order the speech can be delivered well. Lastly, debate

also can improve students’ fluency in speaking skill where it must concern

with the method assessment that includes the effectiveness of language you

use. Finally, by making such group discussion and provide the same chances

for student to speak, debate can motivate student to improve their speaking

skill. The next section will describe about the previous study.

2.4 Previous Studies

This section is aimed to show the similar or related to study which had

been conducted several times ago in particular issues. The researcher presents

two previous studies.

The first previous study is ―The Influence of Using Debate Technique

toward Students’ Speaking Ability at Second Grade of SMAN 1 Cinangka‖

that had been conducted by Priatna (2013: 4), his research was aimed to

observe whether using debate technique in teaching speaking effective or do

not effective in teaching speaking at SMAN 1 Cinangka. The result of this

research indicated that the students of SMAN 1 Cinangka get involve in their

speaking skills by using debate technique (Australasian Parliamentary system)

in English teaching learning process. From the result of this research, it is


proved to researcher that debate could be used to involve students’ speaking


Second previous study is ―Analyses of British Parliamentary Debate

System in improving student teacher speaking ability (Case Study :English

Debating Club, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University) by Wicaksono (2013), his

research was aimed to know the impact of British Parliamentary Debate

System in improving student speaking ability. This research proved that

conducting debate activity in British parliamentary system help student in

English Department to improve their speaking ability.

Therefore, the researcher conduct a classroom action research based on the

previous studies which have been done. The first previous study concerned to

find out the influence of using debate technique toward the students’ speaking

skills in the classroom based on the score of speaking test, and the second

research tried to analyze debate activity in improving student’s speaking

ability by knowing the impact of it through the students teacher in English

Debating Club. The previous study seems similar to the present study, but this

present study will concern more to observe the improvement process in

students’ speaking skill by using debate technique with Asian Parliamentary

System type in teaching learning process, Besides, this research also observes

students attitude and behavior when debate technique is implemented in the

classroom to find out other aspect in improving their speaking skills, lastly this

research will also compare the students improvement after debate technique is

implemented. It is expected. Therefore, the drawing of tangible result after the

implementation of debate will be seen and explained deeper.




This chapter presents an overview of the methodology of the study. It

describes the research design, research site and participants, data collecting

technique, and data analysis technique.

3.1 Research Design

This study employed action research as its research methodology as its

research methodology particularly CAR (Classroom Action Research). Burns

(2000:443) states that Action Research is the application of fact-finding to

practical problem-solving in a social situation with a view to improving the

quality of the action within it, involving the collaboration and cooperation of

researchers, practitioners, and laymen.

CAR (Classroom Action Research) is to improve teaching and learning

plus systematic study of the action and its consequences Rust and Clark cited in

Rubianti (2010:30). Developing theory of Rust and Clark, Norton (2009:52) stated

that ―Classroom Action Research is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken

by participants in a social (including educational) situation in order to increase the

rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices as well as their

understanding of these practices, and the situations in which these practices are

carried out. It consists of planning, acting/implementing, observing, and


Based on the statements above, Classroom Action Research was used to

know the improvement of a teaching process. It was the rationale, the researcher

chose Classroom Action Research as the research methodology to solve the

research problem that has been stated in chapter 1. There were problems in

students’ speaking skill such as lack of vocabularies, comprehension, fluency,

grammar, and pronunciation, students’ self-confidence, and students’ motivation.

Those problems affected the teaching learning process.

Some researchers explained action research method in the different chart,

but generally there were four big steps that should be passed in each cycle, they

are (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observing, (4) reflecting (Arikunto, 2010:131).

This research used two cycles that was explained deeper in research procedure

part. The two cycles was done successfully to solve the problem of students’

speaking skill and improve the process of teaching learning activity through

debate technique.

3.2 Research Subject

3.2.1 Research Participant

The participants of this study were the students in the second year of

senior high school. However, only the students of XI IPA 3 were involved. The

total numbers of the participants were 36 students. The participants were chosen

because this class had the lowest speaking score compared with other exact

classes. Besides, in teaching learning process this class was the most passive class

based on the observation that had been conducted by the researcher.


3.2.2 Research Site

The study carried out at SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang. This research

site was chosen for two reasons. First, as a debate coach of the school, it was

expected that the researcher got easy access to the research site, and hence,

increase the feasibility of the study (Bogdan and Biklen, 1998:54) cited in

Wicaksono (2014:50). Second, this school never used debate technique to teach

speaking skill in the classroom. Therefore, the researcher hoped it was useful to

apply debate technique in the learning process to the students for improving their

speaking skill.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

Answering those research questions as discussed in chapter I, the

researcher employed two data collection techniques, which were classified into

qualitative and quantitative data.

3.3.1 Qualitative Data

The qualitative data of the research was collected from some techniques of

data collection including: observation and document analyses.

According to Norton (2009:107) observation is another way to find out the

effect of an intervention, when carrying an observational research you have to

decide what behaviors you will observe and who will carry observation, and how

they will be recorded. Observation is a purposeful, systematic and selective way

of watching and listening to an interaction or phenomenon as it takes place.


The researcher used participant observation where the researcher

participates in the activities of the group being observed (Norton, 2009:107).

Since the researcher was also the participant in this study, one research

collaborator joined to observe the process of this reflective treatment. The

collaborator was the English teacher of this class.

The researcher and collaborator used observation sheet and field note in

order to describe the students’ speaking skills improvement and attitudes during

the treatment. After the observation, the researcher and collaborator had

discussion to evaluate the activity in every meetings, the collaborator gave

comment after the debate activity. Here, the recording of students’ activity was

employed to be seen after the activity by the researcher. It helped the researcher to

analyze how far the student improvement during the learning activity by using


The observation sheet was used to find out the attitudes and behavior, also

assessed the speaking skill of the students during the classroom activity. The

activities were watching, recording, and observing with personal involvement in

the research context. The observation sheet concerned more to find out the

behavior and attitudes of students in debating while it also observed their skills in

five aspects of speaking. In supporting observation sheet, the researcher also used

field notes when it was necessary to gain information exclude the term of

observation sheet.
39 Documentation

The documentation was collected in the form of teacher’s photographs,

lesson plans, materials, textbooks, syllabus, students’ product, researcher’s diary

and the teachers’ diary, and transcript. By analyzing them, the researcher can get

information about the process of teaching learning activity and students’ speaking

skill improvement process. Guba and Lincoln cited in Junaidi (2011:104) states

that documentation is a document as an original of official printed or written paper

furnishing information used as proof of something else.

Moreover Burns (2000:140) stated that documentation helps the researcher

to collect the data in this study, the document are the written material sheets of

classroom observation, lesson plan, and list of students’ achievement in test. In

this research, the researcher will collect lesson plan, classroom material, students’

achievement speaking test, transcript, and photographs.

3.3.2 Quantitative Data (Test)

The quantitative data of the research was collected by using oral test. Test

is a method of measuring a person’s skill, knowledge, or performance in giving

domain (Brown, 2001:401).

In this research, pre-test and post-test were used. Pre-test was done before

the treatment, and post-test was done after the treatment. In the last step in each

cycle, the researcher gave post-test. The scoring of the test was done together by

the researcher and the collaborator in order to minimize the subjectivity.

Therefore, there were two raters in this research. The rater I was the researcher,

and the rater II was the research collaborator (English teacher).


The Brown’s oral proficiency scoring sheet was used to find out the

students’ ability in speaking skill. It was also to investigate in what aspects of

speaking do the student have improvement. Therefore, the improvement in every

meeting was analyzed.

The scale scores in this oral proficiency scoring was one to five. The table

below was brief explanation about Brown’s oral proficiency scoring.

1. Grammar Scoring Scales

Excellent 5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker

Very Good 4 Able to use the language accurately on all levels normally
pertinent to professional needs. Error in grammar are quite
Good 3 Control of grammar is good. Able to speak the language
with sufficient structural accuracy to participate effectively.
Average 2 Can usually handle elementary constructions quite
accurately but does not have through or confident control of
the grammar.
Poor 1 Error in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be
understood by a native speaker.

Table 3.1 Grammar Scoring Scales

2. Vocabulary Scoring Scales

Excellent 5 Speech on all levels is fullyaccepted by educated

native speakers.
Very Good 4 Can understand and participate in any conversation within
the range of his experience with a high degree of precision
of vocabulary.
Good 3 Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary to
participate effectively.

Average 2 Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself

simply with some circumlocutions.

Poor 1 Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the

most elementary needs.

Table 3.2 Vocabulary Scoring Scales


3. Comprehension Scoring Scales

Excellent 5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.

Very Good 4 Can understand any conversation within the range of his
Good 3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of speech

Average 2 Can get the gist of most conversations of non-technical


Poor 1 Within the scope of his very limited experience, can

understand simple questions and statements if delivered with
slowed speech, repetition, or paraphrase.

Table 3.3 Comprehension Scoring Scales

4. Fluency Scoring Scales

Excellent 5 Has complete fluency in the language such that his speech is
fully accepted by educated native speaker
Very good 4 Able to use the language fluently on all levels normally
pertinent to professional needs
Good 3 Can discuss particular interest of competence with
reasonable ease.
Average 2 Can handle with confident but not with facility most social
situations, including introductions and casual conversations
about current event.
Poor 1 (No specific description. Refer to other four language areas
for implied level of fluency)

Table 3.4 Fluency Scoring Scales

5. Pronunciation Scoring Scales

Excellent 5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native
Very good 4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
Good 3 Errors in pronunciation are quite rarely disturb the native
Average 2 Accent is intelligible through often quite faulty.
Poor 1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be understood
by a native speaker.

Table 3.5 Pronunciation scoring scales


3.4 Data analysis

3.4.1 Qualitative Data Analysis Technique

The data gained through test, observation, and questionnaire will be

analyzed through three steps set out by Miles and Hubermann (1994:429), as


1. Data reduction

The data gained from test, observation, and documentation was reduced by

selecting and classifying them into which of the aspects that indicate the

improvement of students’ speaking ability. The recording and field note along

observation were written in transcript as the evidence that whether or not there

was improvement in student’s speaking skill and showed other factor that

influence the students. To analyze the data from observation, documentation, and

test, the researcher classified it into three levels based on the Brown’s oral

proficiency test in speaking: low achiever, middle achiever, and high achiever

identified by the teacher. Meanwhile, observation result also was analyzed to

know the students’ response toward the use of debate in improving students’

speaking ability. It observed the students’ attitude and behavior, and the students’

interaction between their friends and teacher when debate implemented in the


2. Data display

The selected data from test, observation, and documentation were

collecting, then will be displayed based on the categories and supported by tables,

charts and picture as well.


3. Conclusion Drawing

In this step, the next researcher do was intrepretng the data gained and

drawing the coclusion. The interpreting of the data was related to the theories how

debate can improve students’ speaking skill, in what aspect it was improved, and

investigate whether or not there was other factor in improving their speaking

ability. Observation and field note also were related to know the students’

response toward the use of debate in improving the students’ speaking ability.

Finally the conclusion was drawn regarding the data mentioned.

3.4.2 Quantitative Data Analysis Technique

The researcher used some formulas to find out students speaking skill’s

improvement through debate technique. There were two raters in this present

study, therefore both of the scores displayed using the formulas as follows:

1. Since the school used the scale number score from 10-100,

-The total score from five aspects of speaking skill (pronunciation,

grammar, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) used the formula as

follow :

-Total Score of Speaking = Total Score of 5 aspects in speaking x 4

2. To find out the total of mean score from pre-test and post-test, the

researcher calculated the average score used the formula, as follow:


Where :

x = Mean score

∑ = The sum of all scores

n = The total number of subject

(Arikunto, 2010:268)

-The researcher also used this formula to know the average score of each

aspects of speaking skills (pronunciation, grammar, fluency,

comprehension, and vocabularies. Therefore, to know the average score of

each aspects the researcher used the formulas as followed :

x=( ) x 20

3. Percentage number of frequency

The researcher will calculate the percentage of student’s speaking
skill improvement frequency by using formula as follow:

P= x 100%

Where :

P = Perccentage

f = Frequency of the students

N = total number of the students

Score Interpretation :

Score 0%-20% = Very low

Score 21%-40% = Low

Score 42%-60% = Average

Score 61%-80% = High enough


Score 81%-100% = High

(Arikunto, 2010 : 269)

The researcher compared average score of pre-test and post-test, if the

average score of post-test had improvement in two cycles, the hypothesis was


3.5 Research Procedure

In this Classroom Action Research, the researcher used the Classroom

Action Research principle to collect the data. Some researchers explained action

research method in the different chart. But there were four big steps that should be

passed, they are (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observing, (4) reflecting. The

researcher described the steps of action research briefly as follows:

Table 3.6 Steps of Action Research Kemmis and Mc Taggrat cited in

Arikunto (2010:131)

The researcher did the research based on Arikunto, as follows:

1) The researcher chose one class to observe students’ speaking skill

improvement through debate technique.

2) The researcher conducted steps by steps by using debate technique to

improve students’ speaking skill.

3) The researcher used classroom action research by using two cycles and

each cycle consisted of three meeting to improve students’ speaking skill

following by lesson plans.

Table 3.7 Classroom Action Research Cycle 1

Cycle 1 Activities Indicators

1) Planning a. The researcher got a. All planning can
the data from pre- be conducted
research, and
evaluated the
students’ speaking
skill as consideration
in planning the lesson
for the cycle 1
b. The researcher had
discussion with the
collaborator about
what to do in the
cycle 1 and also
inform the
c. The researcher
prepared the lesson
plan of hortatory

exposition by using
debate technique.
2) Action a. The researcher a. Students
explained the understood to the
material and rule of procedure of
debate before the debate.
students practice in b. Students had
front of the class good response
b. Give each student while using
text about the debate technique.
example of hortatory
c. Students were given a
title to be discussed
d. Students discussed
the issue in a group
and write it in a
e. Every student had an
opportunity to have
speech by using
debate. Each of
students in a debate
exhibition could
give poi.
f. In the end of the
classroom activities,
every student made
report about the
topic that they heard.
3) Observation Did the evaluation Students were active in
(their speaking skill learning process

during learning
activity) and all
aspects that might
involve to support
the students to speak
4) Reflection a. Analyzed of students’ a. 60% students get
result score above 75
b. Did evaluation of b. 40% of students
cycle 1 (repairs get score under
lesson plan and 75.
explain the mistakes
to be reconstructed
in cycle two).
Table 3.8 Classroom Action Research Cycle 2

Cycle 2 Activities Indicators

1) Planning a. The researcher a. All planning
prepared the could be
lesson plan conducted
b. Prepared debate
c. Explained again
the rules of
debate and
materials that
might help the
2) Action a. Gave each a. Students
student a debate understand to the
motion procedure of

b. Students were debate.

trying to b. Students became
understand the more active to
motion in form of speak and more
hortatory text and critical
discussed the
argument with
their team. When
students were
giving speech
other students
gave response
after the debate
exhibition finish.
And they had
their own turn.
3) Observation a. Did the c. Students were
evaluation active in learning
(speaking skill process
during the
learning activity)
4) Reflection a. Analyzed the 75% students get
students’ result score 75
b. Did evaluation of
cycle 2 (explain The Average
the mistakes as score of students’
whole between speaking could
cycle one and pass the minimum
cycle two) standard score
(KKM) = 75



This chapter set out to present and describe the general finding of the research

that is related to the research implementation.

4.1 Research Finding

4.1.1 Pre-Research

The pre-test was conducted on March 16 2016 at 07.00 until 08.40 AM.

It was conducted in the planning of cycle 1 to support the data of pre-

research. The purpose of pre-test was to measure the students’ speaking skill

before teaching speaking through debate technique. The test was made in the

form of discussion group where the students in a group discussed their

opinion, idea, arguments about an issue selected by them which was

packaged in the form of hortatory exposition text material. The issues were

banning smoking in public place, banning dating at school, and people are

obliged to go vegetarian.

There were six groups which consisted of six persons. After finishing the

discussion, they presented it to their friends. The students also were asked to

give some questions to another group. The duration of each group to present

was about 10-15 minutes. Here were the score of the pre-test, the scores were

the total score in five aspects of speaking skill (pronunciation, grammar,

fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). The scores were showed in the

table below:

Table 4.1 Table of students’ speaking score


Minimum Score 48 48
Maximum Score 72 72
Total Score 2232 2244
Mean Score 62 62,3
Students’ frequency mean score 62% 62,3%
From the table above, most of students still had lack of speaking skill

based on the average score that could not achieve minimum standard score

(KKM). From the first rater, the mean of students’ score was only 62<KKM, as

same as the second rater the mean of students’ score from the second rater was

62,3<KKM. The mean from rater I and II were close, in difference was only 0,3.

The percentage of the students’ mean score from rater I was 62% and from rater II

was 62,3%.

From the result of the score it is proven that students’ speaking skill were

still low. The students found some obstacles in five aspects of speaking skill

(pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension), as could be

seen in the table below:

Table 4.2 the average score of each aspects in speaking skill

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
58.9 60 61 62 66 66 62 61 63 62.2

In this pre-research activity, the researcher and research collaborator also

observed the process of teaching learning activity as pre-research data. The

observation process was about the teacher’s role in the classroom from pre-

teaching, while teaching and post teaching. In this meeting, there was no debate

technique implementation, the researcher (acted as a teacher) only explained the


hortatory exposition text material and asked the student to work in group consists

of six persons. The students discussed about some issues, such as banning

smoking in public places, dating at school should be banned, and people are

required to go vegetarian.

In this pre-research phase, the researcher and research collaborator were

also observing the students attitude and behavior in speaking activity. The

speaking activity was discussion. The students were asked to discuss an issue

selected by them and gave their opinion about it to their friend. On the other hand,

the interaction between the students-students and teachers-students were also

figured out.

From the observation result, the teaching learning process was not really

good. Most of them were passive even though they paid attention to the teachers’

explanation. When having the speaking activity students mostly depended on the

text and read, the speaking process was not interactive between the peers and the

teacher. There were some obstacles found such as students were not brave to give

question or even answer the question in English because of less confidence and

had limit vocabularies. Some of them prefer to answer used Bahasa Indonesia or

mixed Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Hence, there should be different treatment for the student in order to

increase their speaking skill. The students need an effective, interactive, and

interesting activity to give them more practice and make them more confident.

This technique also must in line with hortatory exposition text that was about how

to present the opinion towards some issues. In this present study, the researcher

believed that debate technique could help the students in improving their speaking


4.1.2 Cycle 1

In this part, the researcher did a set of activity which consisted of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. In cycle 1, acting included three meetings and

each of them consisted of pre-teaching, while teaching, and post teaching activity.

The first meeting was done on March, 18 2016 and the second meeting was on

March 23 2016 and the third meeting was for Post-test I on March, 30 2016. It

was described as follow:

1) Planning

In planning, to overcome the problems in students’ speaking skill and to

improve it by using by using debate technique, the researcher made sequences of

activity that was consisted of some steps, such as made a permission with the

headmaster and the teacher to conduct a research at SMAN 19 Kabupaten

Tangerang, made agreement with the teacher about the role, the research schedule,

and the subjects of the research, and the next was conducting the pre-research as

supporting data.

The result of pre-test in pre-research was to measure the students’ problem

in their speaking skill, and to measure the students’ speaking score before the

treatment of the research. It also conducted to support the data of pre-research

observation. Its purpose was to make data resource for the researcher, so the

researcher could know what was going to do and to make a lesson plan that will

be conducted in acting stage.


After conducting the pre-test, the researcher made lesson plan and its

format about speaking activity that consisted of some materials and activities. The

materials are expression of agreement and disagreement, hortatory exposition,

English debate, and how to give arguments and rebuttals briefly. The activities

were delivering their opinion about a title of hortatory exposition text, that was

―Legalizing LGBT in Indonesia‖, having debate activities, and writing the

students’ own hortatory exposition text based on the summary of the debate

activity, lastly the researcher prepared and developed the format of an evaluation

in the form of test.

2) Acting

Acting was the implementation of the research treatment and activities that

had been made in planning. The stage of acting was including three meetings.

The first meeting of the first cycle was done on March 18 2016 at 07.00 AM until

08.40 AM, and the second meeting was done on March 23 2016 at 07.00 AM

until 08.40 AM, and the third meeting was for post-test I on March, 30 2016. In

the second meeting and third meeting, the researcher divided the activities into

three parts, they were pre-teaching, while teaching, and post teaching activity.

a. Meeting 1

a) Pre-Teaching

In this section the researcher greet the student and asked their condition

before starting the lesson, prayed together and checked the students’ attendance

list. The researcher started the lesson by giving apperception about their opinion

towards some issues in their life, for example ―should or no students bring phone

to school‖, the researcher also gave the students to think critically and be

confidence to express their opinion about this issue, lastly the researcher gave the

objective of the study and correlate the importance of debate to learn hortatory


In this first meeting the researcher recalled the students memory about

hortatory exposition text material, the way was by asking them about a hortatory

exposition entitled ―Students should not bring phone to school‖. The students then

explained the reason together, so the students could refresh their knowledge about

it. Most of them still remembered about the hortatory exposition material, then the

teacher told them there was interesting activity to make them speak up and could

stand in different side (there was pro and contra).

b) While Teaching

In the while teaching, the researcher told them also about interesting

way to learn, that was debate. The students paid attention to the rules of the

debate and how to give their arguments and rebuttals. After explaining the

material about debate rules, the researcher guided the students to have debate

activity. The researcher gave a topic about ―Legalizing LGBT in Indonesia‖. The

teacher asked the student to choose whether they agreed or not with this issue.

Most of them disagreed but some of them agreed. The researcher gave example

to do speech that agreed with the motion ―Legalizing LGBT in Indonesia‖, the

students were asked to give rebuttal and their own arguments. At the time, most

of the students were not confidence to express their arguments, only three of

them who expressed their opinion, one of the three persons spoke in English, and

two of the three persons spoke even though in Bahasa Indonesia or used English-

Indonesia code switching and code mixing.

After that, the researcher encouraged the students to have debate activity.

The motion was about ―Banning dating at school‖. The class was divided into

two sides. They are affirmative and negative team. They were given time to do

case building about 10 minutes, in this debate activity the students were given

time 3 minutes to speak. The researcher asked them to defend their argument and

respond other argument although they still had lack speaking skill

(pronunciation, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and grammar), and some of

them spoke in English-Indonesia code switching and code mixing. Some of them

were very active to express their arguments, but most of them felt not confident

to speak. The students who were not active were asked to learn more about the

debate activity by observing their friends.

The debate practice did not run very well because it was the first time for

them, the students were still seen to feel doubt and afraid to speak, even though

they looked more confidence in delivering their opinion through debate

technique. They also still had lack of speaking skill (grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation), so they could not express their

argument briefly and properly. But, only six of them who were speaking

voluntarily, the rest keep quiet, and still spoke used bahasa Indonesia or mixing

language (English Indonesia).


c) Post Teaching

After having debate activity, the researcher acted as adjudicator gave

assessment about the strength and the lack of the debate activity, and gave them

constructive to improve their speaking skill in the next meeting.

Students were also asked to do self-reflection and motivated to learn more.

The students were asked to become more confident to speak, they were also asked

to summarize the material and debate activity that was formed in writing hortatory

exposition text. Lastly, in the remaining time, the researcher gave student a

motion to be discussed in the next meeting, it was ―Banning children in joining

reality show‖. It was done, in the purpose to make the students enrich their

understanding about this issue.

b. Meeting 2

1) Pre-Teaching

In this section the researcher greet the student and asked their condition

before starting the lesson, prayed together and checked the students’ attendance

list. The researcher started to recall the students’ memory about the material in

previous meeting. Firstly, the teacher guided the students’ critical thinking in an

issue, ―Banning children in joining reality show‖ the researcher also gave the

students to think critically and be confidence to express their opinion about this

issue, lastly the researcher gave the objective of the study and correlated the

importance of debate to learn hortatory exposition.


2) While Teaching

In this second meeting the researcher explained again the material about

how to give arguments and rebuttal briefly, the students looked focus to pay

attention to the teachers’ explanation. After the teacher explained the material

again, the teacher gave them, a motion to be discussed about ―Banning children

in joining reality show‖. The teacher divided the class into two sides, affirmative

and negative. Group 1 until group 3 became affirmative, and group 4 until group

6 become negative team. They were given 10-15 minutes to do case build in their

own team.

After the time of case building was over, the students then explained their

argument one by one, they looked more active rather than the previous meeting.

They gave rebuttal each other, and gave arguments too.

The debate practice ran well, but there were still some lacks in this

meeting, the good things were the number of active students were increased, but

the students were still seen to feel doubt and afraid to speak, even though they

looked more confidence in delivering their opinion through debate technique.

They also still had lack of speaking skill (grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,

fluency, and pronunciation), so they could not express their argument briefly and

properly. Many of them also still used mixing language, English-Indonesia, even

some of them still used Bahasa Indonesia.


3) Post Teaching

After having debate activity, the researcher acted as adjudicator gave

assessment about the strength and the lack of the debate activity, and gave them

constructive to improve their speaking skill in the next meeting.

Students were also asked to do self-reflection and motivated to learn more

and become more confident to speak, they were also asked to summarize the

material and debate activity that was formed in writing hortatory exposition text.

Lastly, in the remaining time, the researcher gave student three motions to be

discussed in the next meeting, they were legalizing death penalty for corruptor,

facebook brings more harm than good, and religion lesson should not be taught at


3) Observing

The stage of observing was carried out in order to find out the use of debate

technique to improve students’ speaking skill at XI IPA 3 of SMAN 19 Kabupaten

Tangerang. The researcher and collaborator observed whether or not there were

some improvements in student speaking skill when debate was implemented in

classroom, students’ attitude and behavior when debate technique was used such

as their confidence and critical thinking, or even students’ interaction with their

friends and the teacher in teaching and learning process. Those things were

observed to find out how far the improvement of teaching learning process when

debate technique was implemented.

The technique used in observing was descriptive observation and field note.

The researcher used and made field note to make clear description of the

observation from the pre-teaching until post teaching activity, and also in the post

test I. The observation was conducted during the teaching learning process of

speaking by using debate technique. It was done by the collaborator and the

researcher in each meeting. For the first meeting and second meeting, it was

observed from the pre-teaching until post teaching, in the post test I the field note

used to capture everything outside the test score.

Based on the observation conducted by the teacher there were some points

that was checked. In the pre-teaching activity from first meeting and second

meeting, most of the students could follow the teaching learning process well, the

class could be controlled by the researcher as the teacher. The students paid

attention to the teacher explanation and feel enthusiast.

However, in while teaching, the teacher was still hard to motivate the

student to speak, only few of students who voluntarily to speak in the first meeting

even if the number of students who spoke was increased in second meeting.

Another students wanted to speak, if it used Bahasa Indonesia, most of them were

not feeling confident too because some of them were discussed, but were not

brave to speak. To make the class more active, the teacher allowed to have

English-Indonesia code switching and mixing, even if so most of them still not

feel confident too. It could be seen from the observation field note, below:

(S.17 Field note, March 18 2016)

―Miss saya tidak berani bicara karena tidak tahu vocab nya‖
(S.11, Field note, March 23 2016)
―Miss, mau bicara tapi pakai bahasa Indonesia, boleh?‖

However, there were still student that tried to speak in English but still had

lack of speaking skill (fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and


The student who spoke full English :

(S.31 field note , March 18 2016)

―So… how about the child, no.. no.. I mean, so how about the
future of them? For the LGBT… so… e.. about their future if this
this argument agree.‖
The students who did mix language (English-Indonesia):

(S.6, field note ,March 18 2016)

―Miss I want to give response LGBT kan dilarang oleh agama ya? So
how kita bisa melegalkannya?‖
(S.34 field note, March 23 2016)
―Children should not join in reality show karena mengganggu waktu
bermain dan belajar‖.
In the post teaching phase the teacher asked the student about their

difficulties in speaking English, but they kept silent, if not asked directly one by

one. Based on the observation, it was found that the students mostly not speak

because lack of confidence and less vocabulary even though they had known

something to say, secondly even if active, they still had obstacles in their speaking

skill. Although the class seemed still passive, the collaboration between students

in their team was still good because they discussed each other when the teacher

asked something or respond to their friends. Finally, to make the better quality in

the next meeting, the teacher motivated them to not afraid to speak and asked

them to sum up about material in first meeting and second meeting, and do self-

reflection. The teacher also gave the motion for the next meeting to be researched

by them at home and discussed first.

In the post test I, the researcher and collaborator also observed the student

improvement in speaking skills, there were several improvements in speaking skill

even though still had lack of speaking skill. Most of them have improvement in

speaking skill, but still had lack because the score did not reach the standard


(S.3 Transcript 6 , March 30 2016)

―… let me tell you my rebuttal. Ho…w religion lesson of students’ majority
relation at school, can lead to discrimination for minority lesson.
Argument, through religion lesson can lead to discrimination. Student with
majority re.. religion cause to study.. study but student with minority
religion could not….‖
It could be seen from the table below:
Table 4.3 Average Score of five aspects in speaking skill from post test I

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
73,33 73,33 68,33 68,9 73,9 74,4 64,44 64,44 63,3 63.3

Some of them also still lack of confidence because felt nervous and still

had much reliance on notes, as could be seen in this picture:


Picture A.1 students still felt not confidence (nervous) and had more reliance on note

4) The result of Post-Test 1

The researcher and collaborator conduct post-test I on March 30 2016. The

purpose of this post-test I was to measure result of the students’ speaking skill

improvement after the implementation of debate technique. The type of the test

that was used was speaking/oral test. The students in each group had to do debate

exhibition that was divided into three times of exhibition. The first exhibition was

under the motion ―Legalizing death penalty for corruptor‖, the second exhibition

was under the motion ―Facebook brings more harm than good‖ and the third

exhibition was ―Religion lesson should not be taught at school‖. There were two

sides in each exhibition, affirmative (pro to the motion) and negative (contra to

the motion). All students spoke by delivering speech. Here was the table that

presented the students’ speaking score:


Table 4.4 The students’ speaking score in post-test 1


Minimum Score 60 60
Maximum Score 76 80
Total Score 2472 2480
Mean Score 68,7 68,9
Students’ frequency mean score 68,7% 68,9%
The mean of students’ score based on rater I was 68,7<KKM with the

frequency of mean score was 68,7%. The mean of the students’ score based on the

rater II was 68,89<KKM with the frequency of the mean score was 68,9%.

However, it was still under the minimum standard score.

The mean of the students’ score from rater I and rater II was not very far,

68,67 and 68,89 in difference was only 0,22. The result of those scores meant that

the students’ speaking skill score was still below the standard, that was 75. From

this cycle 1, even though the standard score could not be achieved, there were

only 15 students from the 36 students who were not able to pass the KKM which

meant that 21 students were able to pass the KKM.

Even though the result of post test I could not reach the minimum standard

score, there were improvements in students’ speaking skill. Based on rater I the

improvement was 6,67%. Based on rater II, the improvement was 6,59%.

However, from the result of the test, the students still had lowest score in

vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation that had not reached 70. Therefore, the

researcher and research collaborator did a reflection to improve the students’

performance in next cycle.


5) Reflecting

Based on the result of observation and post-test above, the improvement of

students’ speaking skill after the implementation of debate technique was not

good enough. Based on the score, most of students could not pass the minimum

standard score (KKM) that was 75, it could be seen from the score in each

element that also had not reached 75. There were just some of student who were

able to pass the KKM in the post test I. Therefore, the researcher had to rearrange

the more interesting plan in implementing debate technique to improve the

students’ speaking skill. After the researcher made a reflection and evaluated the

result in the Cycle 1, as the reflection to be implemented in Cycle 2, the researcher

tried to focus in these things:

a) The students had to be given more explanation about English debate and how

to do it properly, the researcher would provide the example of easy

understanding and good debate from a video.

b) To overcome the problem of their passiveness and not confident, the

researcher gave the material how to be a good public speaker, and gave video

about interesting public speaking.

c) To be more critical, decrease the code switching and code mixing, students

were given the motion to be researched first, and they were asked to give

deeper explanation when they did speech, also noted all difficult words.

d) To improve the fluency and pronunciation, the students were asked to

practice at regularly every time, the researcher also gave correction when

there was mispronounce.


e) To boost up their spirit, the researcher gave rewards for the winning team so

that they would feel more competitive and tried to do their best.

4.1.3 Cycle 2

In this part the researcher did a set of activities which was the same as in

the cycle 1 that consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this

cycle I, acting included two meetings and each of them consisted of pre-

teaching, while teaching, and post-teaching activity. The first meeting was for

treatment, on Friday, April 8 2016, and the second meeting was for post-test II

on Wednesday, April 13 2016.

1) Planning

In planning, to overcome the problem based on the observation,

result of post-test I and reflection of cycle 1 the researcher made a

planning that was consisted of some steps, such as : Revise the lesson plan

to make teaching and learning process better and more effective than

before, explained more about English debate and gave the students more

example and practice from a video, gave the students the material about

public speaking to overcome their problem in self-confident and to make

them more active, gave the motion to be researched first so they had more

preparation, and the researcher also gave a reward for the winning team.

The researcher also made more instructions and explanations about the

motion that was used in the test, and used more motions to be discussed.

2) Acting

The first meeting of the second cycle was done on April 1 2016 at

07.00 AM – 08.30 AM, and the second meeting was done on April 8 2016

at 07.00 AM – 08.30 AM, and post-test II was done on April 13 2016.

In this part, as the previous meeting, the activities in the class has

various set of activities that was divided into three parts, pre-teaching,

while teaching, and post teaching activities.

a. Meeting 1

1) Pre-Teaching

In this section the researcher greet the student and asked their

condition before starting the lesson, prayed together and checked the

students’ attendance list. The researcher started the lesson by giving

apperception about their opinion towards some issues in their life, that was

about last meeting in post-test I ―Legalizing death penalty for corruptor‖,

the researcher also gave the students to think critically and be confidence

to express their opinion about this issue deeper, and told them about the

evaluation in the first post test. Lastly the researcher gave the objective of

the study and correlated the importance of debate to be a good public

speaker, reminded them about the role in debating. Therefore, before

explaining the material the researcher gave a video about stand-up comedy

which had a good example of public speaking and English Debate Video

of ALSA UI 2015.

2) While Teaching

In the while teaching, the researcher told them to spoke better, by

teaching them the material of public speaking skill. It was also about

interesting way to learn debate because the student learned about the style

to speak. The students paid attention to the explanation about public

speaking skill, and how to give good arguments and rebuttals briefly. After

explaining the material about public speaking and deepen the material of

how to give arguments and rebuttals, the researcher guided the students to

have games ―Pay attention to my instruction, not to the movement‖. There

were four students who lost in this game. The researcher invited those

students in front of the class to give a convincing speech about ―What will

I do if I become Indonesian President in 2020?‖ Those students spoke

confidently and used the theory of public speaking and speak more

convincingly, even though they still bargained to speak in English-

Indonesia mixing language.

After that, the researcher asked the student to debate a motion about

―Banning Violence video games to be sold‖. Some of them agreed, and

some of them disagreed with the motion. Students in a group were asked

freely to choose pro or cons, but they have to respond each other. Group 2,

3, and 4 chose to agree with the motion, while group 1, 5 and 6 chose


At the time, the numbers of students who spoke were more than the

previous cycle, they looked more motivated and confident even though

few of them still spoke in Bahasa Indonesia or used English-Indonesia

code switching and code mixing and still had problem in speaking skills.

The debate practice ran well, they looked more confidence in

delivering their opinion through debate technique compared with the

previous cycle. They also still had lack of speaking skill (grammar,

vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation), so they could not

express their argument briefly and properly, and some of them still prefer

to speak more in mixing language (English-Indonesia). However, the class

was more active than the previous meeting.

3) Post Teaching

After having debate activity, the researcher acted as adjudicator

give assessment about the strength and the lack of the debate activity, and

gave them constructive to improve their speaking skill in the next meeting.

Students were also asked to do self-reflection and motivated to learn

more and became more confident to speak, they also had to searched more

the vocabularies in English, so that they could speak in full English. The

students were also asked to summarize the material today and debate

activity that was formed in writing hortatory exposition text, it was hoped

to improve their vocabularies too. Lastly, in the remaining time, the

researcher gave students a motion to be discussed in the next meeting, they

were freely to choose their preference motion. The motions were ―Banning

the use of plastic bag for food‖, ―Sex education should be taught in the

earlier age‖, and ―Society are obliged to go vegetarian‖.

At the time, the students based on voting, mostly chose the material

―banning the use of plastic bag for food.‖ The position of affirmative and

negative in the group was chosen based on toss coin. The group 2,5, and 6

became affirmative, the group 1,3, and 4 became negative team. The

teacher gave brief explanation about the motion first, so that the students

would be easier to find the material. The students finally became active to

ask, most of them curious to discuss the motion. The teacher finally gave

the explanation about the students’ lack in the previous motion. The

teacher also suggested to improve their lack in the next motion. The

suggestions were searching the material, finding the difficult vocabularies,

became more active, and make an easy understanding note.

b. Meeting 2

1) Pre-Teaching

In this section the researcher greet the student and asked their

condition before starting the lesson, prayed together and checked the

students’ attendance list. The researcher started the lesson by giving

apperception about their opinion towards some issues in their life, that was

about their homework, the teacher asked ―do you still use plastic bag for

foods?‖ At the time the students answered the teacher questions together.

The researcher also gave the students to think critically and be confidence

to express their opinion about this issue deeper, and told them about the

evaluation in the previous meeting. The teacher motivated the students that

there were so many improvements that the students gained along this

research. The teacher also suggested to implemented the last material

about public speaking to make their debate better. Lastly the researcher

gave the objective of the study and correlated the importance of debate to

be a good public speaker, reminded them about the role in debating and

easy way to understanding the motion.

Therefore, before explaining the material the researcher gave a

video about the disadvantages and advantages of using plastic bags for


2) While Teaching

In the while teaching, the researcher told them to spoke better, by

recalling their knowledge about debate technique, how to give rebuttals and

arguments briefly and implemented it by using the technique of public

speaking. The teacher correlated the motion with the video that the students

watched. It was also about interesting way to learn debate because the student

learned about the understanding motion deeper.

After explaining the material about public speaking and deepen the

material of how to give arguments and rebuttals, the researcher asked the

students to do case building with their teams about 15-20 minutes about a

motion, ―banning the use of plastic bag for food.‖

After that, the researcher asked the student to debate a motion about

the motions. The debate practice ran very well, they looked more confidence

in delivering their opinion through debate technique compared with the

previous meeting. Even though there are still some lack of speaking skill

(grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation), most of

them were speaking English. It was only three of them who spoke in Bahasa

Indonesia, it was the most active meeting compared with the previous


3) Post Teaching

After having debate activity, the researcher acted as adjudicator give

assessment about the strength and the lack of the debate activity, and gave

them constructive to improve their speaking skill in the next meeting.

Students were also asked to do self-reflection and motivated to learn

more and become more confident to speak, they were also asked to

summarize the material today and debate activity that was formed in writing

hortatory exposition text. Some of the students even asked to the teacher to

have further consultation outside the school, the teacher finally agreed, that

they could contacted the teacher by phone number, or social media. Before

giving the next motion to be discussed, the researcher acted as adjudicator

gave assessment about the strength and the lack of the debate activity, and

gave them constructive to improve their speaking skill in the next meeting.

Lastly, in the remaining time, the researcher gave students some

motions to be discussed in the next meeting, they were freely to choose their

preference motion. The motions were ―moving Indonesian capital city to

Palangkaraya‖, ―banning boxing‖, ―stop sending Indonesian workers to

Malaysia,‖ ―National Examination should be deleted in Indonesia‖, ―Society

should not give money to beggar‖, and last ―government must limit the

number of transmigration to Jakarta‖. After the system of preference was


provided, next there were three motions that was discussed in post-test II,

they are ―moving Indonesian capital city to Palangkaraya‖, ―National

Examination should be deleted in Indonesia‖, and ―Society should not give

money to beggar‖.

3) Observing

The stage of observing was carried out in order to find out the use

of debate technique to improve students’ speaking skill at XI IPA 3 of

SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang. The researcher and collaborator

observed whether or not there were some improvements in student

speaking skill when debate was implemented in classroom compared with

the previous cycle, students’ attitude and behavior when debate technique

was used such as their confidence and critical thinking, or even students’

interaction with their friends and the teacher in teaching and learning

process. Those things were observed to find out how far the improvement

of teaching learning process when debate technique was implemented.

The technique used in observing was descriptive observation and

field note. The researcher used and made field note to make clear

description of the observation from the pre-teaching until post teaching

activity and from the post test II that may be could not be captured by the

score display. The observation was conducted during the teaching learning

process of speaking by using debate technique. It was done by the

collaborator and the researcher in each meeting.

Based on the observation conducted by the teacher there were

some points that was checked. In the pre-teaching activity most of the

students could follow the teaching learning process well, the class could be

controlled by the researcher as the teacher. The students paid attention to

the teacher explanation and feel enthusiast, the students became more

critical and active to discuss about ―death penalty for corruptor‖, at the

time, in the first meeting of cycle 1, the teacher was able to motivate

student to speak more by giving video of some good public speakers. As

same as in the second meeting, the students were also felt more enthusiast

because they asked about what they should do to improve their arguments

and rebuttals. The teacher at the time gave a video which was correlated

with the material that they discussed, they seemed very happy to see that


In while teaching of first meeting, the student seemed very enjoy

because the teacher explained more interesting material about how to be a

good public speaker and how to give arguments and rebuttals briefly, and

give ice breaking. Some of them were asked to give convincing speech

about ―What will you do if you become Indonesian president in 2020?‖

The students looked more confident even though still used mixing

language, they implemented the theory of public speaking. In while

teaching activity of second meeting, the students were asked to do directly

discussion after the video displayed, therefore they had more time in

arranging their arguments and rebuttals.

In the debate activity, both of the meetings were also running well

because there were more active students compared with the previous cycle,

even though still used Bahasa Indonesia and English mixing language. The

good result was, the number of the students who used Bahasa Indonesia

was lessen in the second meeting. It was because they were habituated to

write the difficult vocabularies before they speak, and the students were

also habituated to have responsive speaking activity.

(S.10 Field note. April, 1 2016)

―I guess… m… having video game violence is okay kok… kan
seru miss, Cuma buat refreshing aja. It depends on individual
who used the video I think. We can learn the strategy how to face
criminal, or to enhance our logic. from the video which means
that it is still good enough‖
From the statement of the students 10 above, the students still used

mixing language, and still have lack of speaking skill (vocabulary, fluency,

and comprehension). However, the students were more active to speak, not

more than five persons who still keep quiet in the first meeting. Students

also became more interactive with their group, and also asked a lot of

questions when discussing the motions.

As same as in the second meeting, the number of students who

spoke were increasing. Even now, not more than three persons who spoke

in Bahasa Indonesia, it was because they prepared well before they spoke,

they searched the difficult word first, and asked to the teacher more. The

students even asked to have more consultations outside the meeting in the

classroom. In debate activity of second meeting, the students were looked

more enthusiast. They spoke mostly in English even though there were

still problem in their speaking skill.

(S.20. Field note, April, 8 2016)

―We disagree. A parameter of banning plastic… plastic.. bag…
has to be in clear, because I think plastic bag is a very thin
substance for food, we think if the use of plastic bag is banned,

so… how about the industry? It could cost more without plastic
In the post test II activity, most of them spoke very good English.

There were improvements in kind of comprehension, pronunciation,

fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. However, the score was still less in

kind of pronunciation even though was not too far from the minimum

standard score. That could be seen from the transcript as follow.

(S. 35, transcript 11, April 13 2016)

―….I don’t agree. The importance of capital city for the future of
Indonesia, pleased report through spread it from flooding. Do not
see the jump with a lost of .. for thirty triliyun per years
conversing itself but wrinkling all the issue that come to the victim
of the thousand people low average becoming weak in fourteen
…. Accerelation of left investor area got transmigration
accerelation of development of the broader area with prodical, for
use to talk about Jakarta. The fundamental issue is how to put the
defeat fiction, are not inter listing. Instant of the potential converse
of Java, seven percent of the total island in Indonesia with the
population of thirty five percent compared with the extend of
twenty percent of Indonesia land area. Population is only six
percent but there are a lot of irony.. irony development is not
known in Kalimantan. So, better to stay in Jakarta as capital city.‖
The improvement in each aspect was also could be seen from the

table as follows:

Table 4.5 Students’ speaking skill average score in each aspects

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
78,9 79 77 76,7 78 79 76 76 75 75

From the table above, it could be seen there were improvements in

all aspects even though the average score in pronunciation was the lowest.

It was considered normal, since all students had reached the total of

standard minimum score, that was 75.

The improvement was not only from the students’ speaking skill,

but also from their attitude and behavior. They were looked more

confidence and improve in critical thinking. Most of them also did not

really depend on the notes, and felt more confident. Moreover, the material

that they were delivered was very great. As can be seen in the picture


Picture B.2 students became more confidence and did not depend to the notes

Picture C.3 Students were more active to speak

4) Result of Post Test II

Table 4.6 The result of Post test II


Minimum Score 76 76
Maximum Score 84 88
Total Score 2768 2776
Mean Score 76,89 77,11
Students’ frequency mean score 76,89% 77,11%
The mean of students’ score based on rater I was 76,89<KKM with the

frequency of mean score was 76,89%. The mean of the students’ score based on

the rater II was 77,11>KKM with the frequency of the mean score was 77,11%. It

has reached the minimum standard score, that was 75.

The mean of the students’ score from rater I and rater II was not very far,

76,89 and 77,11 in difference was only 0,22. The result of those scores meant that

the students’ speaking skill score was above the standard minimum score, that was

75. The score of post-test II has already reached the minimum standard score,

therefore it was proven that debate technique could improve students’ speaking


The improvement based on rater I was 8,22%. Besides, based on rater II

the improvement was 8,22%. The improvement increased higher than the previous

cycle. However, students looked still had obstacles in pronunciation aspect. As it

could be seen the score could not pass 75. There were 10 students who still had

low pronunciation score. Therefore, it was concluded that the students’ speaking

skill in general (grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency) could be

improved very well through debate, but pronunciation aspect need to get more

concerned by the next researcher.

5) Reflecting

Based on the result of the observation and post-test above, the students’

speaking skill after the debate technique was implemented was improved well.

Based on the score of second pre-test, most of student had successfully reached

the satisfactory level as the percentage of the students who were able to do debate

was 76,89% based on rater I, and 77,11% based on rater II, also the minimum

standard score (KKM) had already been reached in the second post-test. It could

be seen from the result of students’ speaking score in each element that reached

KKM. The highest score that was achieved was in grammar, vocabulary, fluency

and comprehension aspect which was more than 75. However, pronunciation

aspect was the lowest score, that only achieved 75. It was considered normal

because in debate activity the students did not concern to learn how to pronounce

the word. Therefore, to make better pronunciation, it is suggested for the teacher

to encourage students to practice pronunciation in each meeting of teaching

learning process. It also became a gap for the next researcher to concern more

towards the students’ pronunciation through debate technique.


Generally, the researcher had successfully implemented English debate to

improve students’ speaking skill. Not only, in students’ speaking skill, the

implementation of debate technique was also helped the students in improving

their self-confidence, and increase their critical thinking. Most of problem could

be solved, even the students who tended to speak in mixed Bahasa Indonesia and

English finally could speak English.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 The Process of Debate Technique in Improving Students Speaking Skill

The process of debate technique in improving students’ speaking skill was

observed by the researcher and the research collaborator. The observation of the

process was done from several stages, there were pre-research, cycle 1, and cycle


Based on the process that was running in pre-research, in the teaching

learning process, there were some obstacles that the researcher found. Most of

students were passive in teaching learning activity, they were less confidence,

however the classroom situation was easy controlled. The score of students’

speaking skill also was above the standard minimum score, therefore it was said

the students need a technique that helped them to improve their speaking skill, and

fix their obstacle to speak up.

The researcher chose debate as technique to improve the students’ speaking

skill and their obstacles to speak up.

The reason was also based on Samanhudi (2013:64) :


―…debate is powerful way to develop students’ skill in both

critical thinking and self-expression.‖
Debate technique had already been implemented very well as an effective

technique to help student in overcome their obstacles in speaking skills. The data

had been supported from observation phase that used descriptive observation and

field note.

Based on the observation that was done by the researcher in the first cycle

and second cycle, it had been proven that debate technique could help the students

to overcome the problem in their speaking skill (grammar, fluency, vocabulary,

comprehension, and pronunciation), even though at first most of the students still

used mix language (English-Indonesia code mixing and switching), but after the

debate technique was implemented, they could solve the problem. The number of

students who spoke by using mixed language was decreased in each meeting.

They were habituated to search the difficult word in English before they spoke

because the researcher used to ask the students to research the matter and difficult

word first. Therefore, their habit to speak in mixing language English- Indonesia

decreased even though they were still lack of speaking skill in the first cycle.

The numbers of students who were actively speaking was increased in the

cycle II. From cycle II there were a lot of students who spoke, even only less than

five persons who spoke in mixing language. In the post test, there was only one

student who used the mixing language. However, the points were clear delivered.

It also had been supported with the result of the score that the improvement was

gone from only 62% became 68,67% and increased again until above from KKM

76,89% based on rater I, and the improvement from only 62,3% became 68,89%

and increased again until above of KKM 77,11% based rater II. This result was in

line with the theory from Samanhudi (2013):

Samanhudi (2013:64) says that debate also trains the students to

listen carefully to counter-arguments, think of responses to them
and develops students’ communication skills.
Besides helping the students to improve their speaking skill, debate

technique also had helped student in overcoming their problem in less of

confidence, improve their critical thinking, and increase the interaction between

the teacher and their friends. In addition, to solve the problem of students’

motivation and self-confidence, the researcher gave a material about public

speaking and example of great public speakers. Therefore, when debate technique

had been implemented, student became more active and more confident, their

critical thinking also improved because they could explain their argument briefly.

Those things happened as it was in line with the theory from Krieger (2007):

Krieger (2007:26) that debate is an excellent activity for language

learning because it engages students in a variety of cognitive and
linguistic ways.
In part of interaction in teaching learning process, the improvement also

occurred as could be seen from the observation result in the pre-research until the

cycle 1 and cycle 2. In the early meeting, most of students were passive, they

never asked to the teacher. The teaching learning process was based more to the

teacher centered. But when debate technique was implemented in cycle 1 and

cycle 2, the interaction between the students and their peers, also the students with

the teacher were increased. From the passive situation, the students finally could

have better collaboration with their group, and asked the teacher about the motion

and what they should do to make a better debate. Those happening result, was

agreed with the theory from Somjai and Jansem (2015:27) who states that, ―

.debate was a challenging and highly rewarding activity for those who were

involved. It has been argued that debate allows students to share and cooperate

with one another. It educates students with responsibility, encourages creativity,

deepens friendships and strengthens the rapport with the teacher.‖

Based on the result of the research above, there were some important

points that the researcher gained from the process, activities, and stages in cycle 1

and cycle 2. Firstly, the use of debate technique could be implemented and ran

very well, as it made the teaching learning process became more fun and

interactive to improve students’ speaking skill. Secondly, there were significant

changing from students’ attitude and behavior, the students were finally able to

overcome their obstacle in self-confidence and increase their critical thinking, the

number of students who spoke English-Indonesia mixing were also decreased

meeting by meeting. Thirdly, the interaction the students and teacher were also


Those things happened as ideal condition of teaching learning process.

Therefore, debate technique was proven as appropriate technique to be chosen

based on the process that was conducted in this research, as inline with Brown


―……..there are seven principles for designing speaking techniques.

It is important guide for the teacher in planning speaking instruction
as follows: a) Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learner
needs, from language based focus on accuracy to message based
focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency; b) Provide intrinsically
motivating techniques; c) Encourage the use of authentic language
in meaning full contexts; d) Provide appropriate feedback and
correction.; e) Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and

listening.; f) Give students opportunities to initiate oral

communication.; g) Encourage the development of speaking

4.2.2 Result of the Students’ Speaking Skill Improvement through Debate


Based on the data from students’ score, the researcher made the mean

score from the cycle 1 and cycle 2. The researcher drew the students’

improvement in the following table and diagram:

Table 4.7 The result of students’ speaking score and improvement

Test Score Percentage Gain

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2

Pre-Test 62 62,3 62% 62,3% - -

Post-Test 1 68,67 68,89 68,67% 68,89% 06,67% 06,59%

Post-Test 2 76,89 77,1 76,89% 77,1% 08,22% 08,22%

The table above showed the students’ speaking skill percentage score was

increased 14,89% based on rater I, and 14,81% based on rater II. Students’ scored

increased step by step. Based on rater I, it started from 62% in the pre-test,

increased into 68,67% in post test I, and finally increased again to be 76,89% in

post test II. Based on rater II, it started from 62,3%, increased into 68,89% and

finally reached 77,1%. The final score reached into high enough score based on

the score interpretation as follow:


Score Interpretation:

-Score 0%-20% = Very low

-Score 21%-40% = Low

-Score 42%-60% = Average

-Score 61%-80% = High enough

-Score 81%-100% = High

(Arikunto, 2010 : 269)

The result of students’ improvement from pre-research, post test I and post

test II in cycle 1 and cycle 2 was showed below:

Table 4.8 the diagram of students’ speaking skill improvement





Rater I
4.00% Rater II



Post test I Post test II

The data above showed that there were some improvements in students

speaking skill after debate technique were implemented. However, there were still

some weaknesses that could be improved in the process of teaching learning. It


could be seen from the result of improvement in the first cycle that only reached

6,67% based on rater I and 6,59% based on rater II. As same as with the first

cycle, after the researcher did evaluation, the problem was solved and the

improvement increased in the cycle 2 became 8,22% based on rater I and 8,22 %

based on rater II.

The improvement of students’ speaking score also could be seen from the

chart below :

Table 4.9 the diagram of students’ speaking skill in each elements

40 Pre Test
30 Post test 1
20 Post Test 2

Finally, from the result of the table and chart above, it could be concluded

that debate technique could improve students’ speaking skill at XI IPA 3 of

SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang. The improvement of students speaking skill was

also successful to reach the minimum standard score that was 75 through the two

cycles that had been conducted by the researcher. The highest improvement

occurred in comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. However,


pronunciation has the lowest score that could not pass 75 compared with other

elements. This might happened because students focused more on content rather

than pronunciation. Suggesting more attention also to this element at speaking

when debate is implemented in the future research.

The implementation of debate technique was also resulting on the student’

improvements in kind of critical thinking and self-confidence, interaction in the

teaching learning process between the teacher and the student. The improvement

of students’ speaking skill through debate was proven from the theory of Somjai

and Jansem (2015:27) who stated that the ability to speak freely also improves

when students practice debate because they take part in conversations as they are

debating. Likewise, debate can motivate student to practice the language. It can

embolden students in critical thinking, and develop students’ speaking ability in

communication. Therefore, it was proven that debate could help the students in

overcoming their speaking problem, and improve the students’ speaking skill.



This chapter presents the conclusion that summarizes the research result, and
recommendation to give suggestion for all stakeholders that are involved.

5.1 Conclusion

The research conclusion was presented according with the data which have

been analyzed in the previous chapter. From all the data analysis about improving

students’ speaking skill through debate technique (A Classroom Action Research

at SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang), it can be concluded that:

1. The Process of the Students’ Speaking Skill Improvement through Debate

Technique was very good.

The process of students’ speaking skill improvement was very good. This

scope was observed the students’ speaking skill improvement, students’

interaction with the teacher and peers and also the students’ behavior and

attitude when debate was implemented. Those were reflected to the process of

students’ speaking skill improvement and teaching learning process.

The ideal condition of teaching learning process was when the students

and teacher could interact each other. The implementation of debate technique

had improve the quality of teaching learning process since before the debate

technique was implemented, the teaching learning process was passive, the

students were less in confidence , and lack of speaking skill. It could be seen

from the pre-research data.

However, after debate technique was implemented, there were some

improvements in those aspects. It could be seen from the observation result in


cycle 1 and cycle 2, the students became more cooperative with their peers in

case building even when conducting debate activities, also the students gave

questions to the teacher related to the motion, and paid attention to the teacher

explanation. The students’ motivation to speak and self confidence were also

improved through debate technique. Moreover, this technique made students

becoming more critical.

Therefore it was concluded that the process of students’ speaking skill

improvement through debate was very good since debate make students to be

more active, fun, and encouraged to speak in teaching learning process.

2. The Students’ Speaking Skill Improved through Debate Technique

There were some improvements in implementing debate as technique

to improve students’ speaking skill. It could be seen from the result score of

pre-research, cycle 1, and cycle 2. In pre-research the mean score could not

reach the minimum standard score, as same as the score in the post test I in

cycle 1. The score in the cycle 1 was increased comparing with the pre-test

score in the pre-research. However, the score in cycle 1 could not passed the

minimum standard score. There are improvements of students’ speaking skill

in grammar and comprehension, but students still had lack in vocabulary,

fluency and pronunciation.

In the sequences of evaluation that had been done, finally the score in

cycle 2 also improved and reached the minimum standard score (KKM), but

the pronunciation had the lowest score from the all elements. Therefore, it was

concluded that debate technique could help students’ in improve their


speaking skill, especially in grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and

fluency. Generally, the students speaking skill successfully improved.

5.2 Suggestion

Realizing that debate technique was a good, effective, and appropriate

technique to improve students speaking skill, some recommendations are put

towards the teachers, the school SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang, and the other

researchers, as follow:

a. For other teachers

-Speaking is a productive skill, so the teacher should find proper technique

in order to make the students become more active in speaking. Debate

could be a recommendation technique to be implemented when it fits to

the material.

-If the teacher wanted to do implement the debate technique, make sure that

every student are active. Teacher should maintain all student has the same

portion to speak.

-Involving students in having a small group discussion will be always

working to be implemented, mix the passive and active student in a group

in order to create more active classroom situation and diminish dominant


-If the teacher implements the debate, tell the students a very good role and

give them more roles to do debate, the teacher also should pay more

attention to pronunciation part because students sometimes do not realize

to the importance of it.


-Ask students to always practice speaking and read a lot from every media,

it helps them increase the material to be spoken.

-Always give motivation for the students to speak. The hardest part in

speaking is to overcome the afraid, make them enjoy in joining debate


b. For the Head Master of SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang

-The head master should encourage the teacher to implement the debate

technique in the teaching learning process.

-The headmaster should provide more facilities in teaching speaking

through debate techniques, such as newspaper in English, magazines in

English, or internet access therefore the students and teacher will be more

update to the current issues.

c.For the Other Researchers

-The other researchers should continue the research concerning with this

research because it is really needed to have a qualified output.

-The other researchers should develop the instruments which have not

been developed in this research.

-The other researcher should be more active to do research concerning

with the technique used to improve students’ speaking skill.

-The other researcher should pay more attention on the problem that is

rising in students’ speaking skill.



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1. Do you find any obstacle in teaching speaking skill?
2. Do the students have difficulties in speaking?
3. Why do those difficulties occur?
4. What is your way to solve their problem?
5. What technique, strategy, or method that you usually use to teach?


Date : March, 13 2016

Place : SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang

Time : 1.00 PM

R : Researcher

T : Teacher

R : Hello Mr. Asep Good afternoon. My name is Anggit, I would like to

give you several question in purpose to be my pre-research data, could I?

T : Of course! Would be very happy to help you!

R : Okay, I will have five questions to be answered but in case it needs more
elaboration, you may add your answer sir! Hehe..

T : Yes, I will… hehe..

R : The first question is do you find any obstacle when you teach speaking
skill, especially for students in eleventh grade?

T : Sometime is yes, sometime is no.. hehe… but mostly of course yes


R : Why sir? Hehe … could you tell me more?

T : Hmmm.. I don’t know why most of them are passive, maybe it is

because they have less of self-confidence, we often use Bahasa Indonesia
rather than English to learn except when students do presentation. I guess
they also have less vocabulary because when it is on the spot speaking
haha… they often looked very confused. But, when I make it as
homework, then they speak better.

R : So, most the students have difficulties in speaking, right?

T : Yes, that is the problem. The students I think are less motivated to
speak. I don’t know why. The speaking classroom that I designed do not
make them can be encouraged to speak, you have seen it in the meeting
at 11 IPA 3 right? They mostly never give question. After finishing

presentation, they keep quiet. No motivation to speak up a lot. Therefore

I always make more jokes to make the class active haha..

R : well I see, I ever came and saw it… hehe… by the way have you known
what are the causes that make them like that?

T : Absolutely, we all know that speaking is productive skill right? So I

guess the core reason why the speaking problem occurred is because they
seldom practice to speak.

R : So, what is your way to solve this problem sir?

T : I try to find some speaking activities such as presentation, discussion, and

even singing hehe… but I think that the interaction is not really much
better. I think the students need more interesting activities to practice
speaking naturally..

R : It is good, you have tried your best sir.. hehe…. I also think that they
need another technique or let us say way to practice speaking. My last
question, hehe.. what are the technique, strategy, method that you usually
use to teach speaking?

T : Last semester I used song, they have to sing and retell the song. They
looked happy, but less responsive.. hehe.. this semester, we always do
presentation because at first I thought that it will make them more active to
search, but still no question and keep silent hahaa…. Do you have any idea
miss Anggit? I hope the students will learn a lot with your presence,
maybe they are boring with an old man like me, and need a fresh woman
who wear veil.. or should I wear a veil? Haha.. oh ya, sometimes they also
said they confused to say what, I think they should read more also… that is
why at first I think presentation will be working.

R : You don’t have to sir.. hehe…. So, I conclude that students have several
problems in speaking, we have to find a right way to solve it. I would like
to offer debate technique and implement it in my research.

T : but we don’t have debate material in this semester, it should be taught

in 3rd class right?

R : haha.. absolutely yes! It is only the technique, about the material, we can
learn it from hortatory exposition text. It means like we learn about
spoken text, for example why students should not bring phone to school.
And many other arguments….

T : That is good idea. So you have to design the lesson plan first and give it
to me tomorrow.

R : Yes sir, hehee… by the way this is the end of our interview . thank you
so much for the time sir!

T : You are welcome miss Anggit!





Student 6 (March, 16 2016)

We.. we are from sixth group, I will read my team result. Thesis smoking has
many dissepair. We have two arguments, yang pertama is that smoking is so
dangerous because its contain dangerous substance and bad for healthy, the prove
is that smoking cause cancer lungs and many other disease….

Smoking is disturb people around

Reason is raises the smoke that can be disturbing people around

Proof is many people cough and shotness of breath when cigarette smoke

Ginanjar mau tambahin gak?

Oke last smoking is also expensive

Every year happened price rises… so, our recommendation are we concluding that
smoking has many dissepair, smoking is also dangerous, disturb people around
and waste money. So, it is not the right time for smoking in public places.

So, don’t smoke in public places.

Student 33 (March, 16 2016)

Smoking should be banned in public places! The thesis is nowadays all the men
had never smoked. Our arguments are smoking is … dangerous.. be because it can
damage the health of body that cigarette smoking is good for active and passive
such as heart disease, lung, and etc.

Smoking is also harmful to the smoker in economic terms, because to smoke need
money not less. Better used for more important purposes.

Student 34 (March, 16 2016)

In social aspect of smoking can interfere with the transquility of people around…
be… because with the tranquility of the people around, because it can lead to
pollution caused by cigarette smoke.

Student 9 (March, 16 2016)

Miss maaf ya kalo ga nyambung… Ok, Era change, globalization influence

students to have dating in early age. As we know all human had puberty and will
feel interest to the opposite and that thing is can’t be avoid, including in school.
Some students have boys or girl usually have desive to keep together with the
partner, including in school environment.

Student 35 (March, 16 2016)

So, my.. our.. my team conclude from all above opinion smoking is detrimental,
detrimal in terms of health economy and social. We think we should be.. it should
be abandoned and replaced with better deeds.

Student 3 (March, 16 2016)

Mmmm.. ngomong apa ya? Smoking should be banned in public places, soalnya
kan sekarang banyak yang kalo ngerokok yang parah perokok pasif yang
menghisapnya. If smoking not ban, there would .. will be so many people die



(S.17 Field note, March 18 2016)

―Miss saya tidak berani bicara karena tidak tahu vocab nya‖

(S.11, Field note, March 23 2016)

―Miss, mau bicara tapi pakai bahasa Indonesia, boleh?‖

The student who spoke full English :

(S.31 field note , March 18 2016)

―So… how about the child, no.. no.. I mean, so how about the future of them? For

the LGBT… so… e.. about their future if this this argument agree.‖

The students who did mix language (English-Indonesia):

(S.6, field note ,March 18 2016)

―Miss I want to give response LGBT kan dilarang oleh agama ya? So how kita

bisa melegalkannya?‖

(S.34 field note, March 23 2016)

―Children should not join in reality show karena mengganggu waktu bermain dan




S.6 Transcript 1, March 30 2016


My name is Noninda Oki Rianatasha

As third speaker, from affir…. Affirmative team

Ehm… Ehm..that’sthat’s I agree if religion lesson is the foundation of life but it is

important to prevent the verification, discrimination, and disunity at school.

Taught religion at school..taught religion at school can lead the disunities between

students at school. Em..example,

When… when..students from Islam learn about Islam and student from Christian

learn about Christian.. e.. I think, em.. all religion is same, but it’s also something


Poi (S.27)

As we know in new era, then we have such from islam, we have such as Islamic

boarding school or Pondokpesantren and Christianity too have em..village, and

not because of the difference of religion is has the… e… because of the different

we are not practice through religion…

Jadi, maksudnyaislamadasekolahnyakan Kristen ituadasekolahnyakan? Yes, that’s

right but we talk about public school. Public school is a school that has student

with different background and many kinds of religion. If in Islamic school, that’s

right that they learn about islam detail like Islamic school. If most religion are

taught at school can create discrimination because there is different sense. There

are no religion that teach us to… broke relationship.

S.33 Transcript 2, March 30 2016


My name is RiyanYusami, here is my rebuttal. We don’t agree for your group.

Facebook brings more harm than good because a lot of people who use facebook,

facebook does give easily the criminal conduct, and creating problem such as less

socialization, it’s worrying of the development of social life of the child,

Second, reduce learning time….

Third, to spread personal data so that others can see privacy easily, next easily

find pornography and sex, facebook is also caused to fight one another…

S.9 Transcript 3, March 30 2016

My name is PutriHandayani, I disagree with his…. With your opinion. Facebook

is social media that brings many positive effect… facebook is very benefit and

bring positive effect…

Eh..first speaker, the positive effect of facebook. Second speaker, eh… the

advantage of facebook. Third speaker, conclusion for all debate…


The positive impact of facebook for kids, getting a lot of fans, make it easy to

communicate with relative in distant place, obtain and searching

information with easy… as need for discussion for company and college as place

for discussion as place to get information…ehm…

S.34 Transcript 4, March 30 2016


My name is Cahya FitriWijaya. Let me tell you … you my rebuttal. As we found

many reports in print and electronic media are focusing about the missuseof social

media working site..

The argument…

Reduced learning time, it’s obvious to ought to play facebook will reduce amount

of time learning of child as in learner, easy to find something pornography and

sex. It was… and sexist. Just use the internet users for constaint limit of facebook

will be very easy to find a group of sex. It’s also furnurable to fraud as older

media the children as many media who don’t understand the internet work.

For the fraudster himself, condition, that completely a news, and cyber space,

obviously very profitable.


S. 35 Transcript5, March 30 2016

Facebook is a social media that can provide information and to communate…

em… communicate. Facebook is already be used by by both adult and children.

Facebook brings more harm than good because on the other hand many people use

facebook think… think… in the wrong way example a person entering account,

many picture… pornography, so corrupting the mind of children… under… under

age, and many factory sells product or goods in facebook which disturb others..

S.3 Trancript 6, March 30 2016

My name is GinanjarPutro, let me tell you my rebuttal, ho..w religion lesson of

students’ majority relation at school, and lead to discrimination for minority


Argument, through religion at school, can lead to discrimination, student with

majority re… religion cause to study study but student with mi..minority religion

could not.

In some coun…. Country, government counted that through religion lesson at

school, can lead to discrimination and veri..verification between students at




(S.10 Field note. April, 1 2016)

―I guess… m… having video game violence is okay kok… kan seru miss,

Cuma buat refreshing aja. It depends on individual who used the video I

think. We can learn the strategy how to face criminal, or to enhance our

logic. from the video which means that it is still good enough‖

(S.20. Field note, April, 8 2016)

―We disagree. A parameter of banning plastic… plastic.. bag… has to be

in clear, because I think plastic bag is a very thin substance for food, we

think if the use of plastic bag is banned, so… how about the industry? It

could cost more without plastic bag.‖




S.6 Transcript 7, March 30 2016

My name is Noninda Oki Rianatasha. I want to rebut from affirmative team. He

said that evaluation of the students only… determined by the government but

national examination is only the parameter of education evaluation in Indonesia. If

they know.. they know about the condition of education in Indonesia they will

improve the quality of education ee.. education in Indonesia. Un is.. is emm…

teacher in Papua is from the city so the teacher who has best quality send to there

in program 1000 guru…. Send to Papua

Poi :

Sekarang Siswa malah mengandalkan contekan?

I think it is the problem of student, because the teacher never teaches the students

to do cheating. It means there is problem in the students themselves. Why they are

not studying hard?

Poi : Tapi kan ada problem dimana guru juga memberi contekan karena kasihan

pada muridnya

I think that is the bad quality of the teacher. The function of a teacher is to teach

right? They have to teach the good things to students. Why they teach that bad

activity? the student…

Poi : You said quality of teacher sudah baik?

No… I don’t say it. The quality of teachers need to be improved. Thank you.

S.33 Transcript 8, April 13 2016

Emm… my rebuttal for … argument you actually when we pull about the

transfer of the capital, when the people… people are suffering of Jakarta fence, for

hungry and so forth.. where logically attends justify it as if there is capital city you

want to move without fulfilling their obligation, we describe as a biological

mother let her son that is Jakarta city itself Jakarta was created by so many

problems such as flooding, traffic jam and others. When the biological mother let

child is trouble not statement from the mother organization to move out of Jakarta

itself, where logic can justify if that…

Consider the people condition of those people war who where those

condition got bad condition where those people are limit where ending after was

limit the capacity and cannot involve in any decision changing so in advance

create victim. We should care to them..

Not easy to move the capital city itself and do not forget with history we

have everytime to move the capital including Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta is

not the list where people do not agree to put . Jakarta has so many troubles such as

traffic, pollution… if we move the capital city to broader area, it will also move

the pollution and population. If we talk to the currently problem, government was

nearest with flooding area are first usually despite the flooding in Jakarta,

heaviness the government in solving this. There are three things you need to know

more about them. The first is social constraint things. The removal was not simply

move the administrative capital including but there where, unless the people there.

Secondly, constraints of story because in Jakarta it was the place of proclamation

in Indonesia it is a very suitable place for capital city. Thirdly it is about the

financial constraints. It will be the potential reason why we do not need to move

capital city from Jakarta. It needs two hundred triliyun rupiahs to transfer the

capital city to Palangkaraya and needs more than one hundred triliyun rupiahs to

fix Jakarta first. We should not leave the capital city of Jakarta where the state of

this list compared with whether to Malaysia to Sunjaya in Kuala Lumpur, Putra

jaya to Kuala Lumpur, thank you.

S.9 Transcript 9, March 30 2016

My name is Putri Handayani… am.. I am as third speaker… listen dear..

The bigger is the responsibility of the government.. not responsibility of society. It

is already set in Bogor local city and Jakarta of regulation number twenty seven

said that everyone prohibit from giving money and materials for the quarter bag,

and beggar in the street, and sanction in the verse under fifty nine of local

regulation any persons who feels the fool passion as reverse to local regulation

number twenty emm punishable by the maximum compile inpleasurement are a

fine into fifty million rupiahs. In Jakarta civil regulation number two thousand

and seven on things order.. sanction of fine are fifty million in every persons

S.34 Transcript 10, April 13 2016

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Here we don’t agree with the transfer of capital. Why we don’t agree with

the transfer of the capital? Because we feel that this action is not quite right. We

realize the discourse transfer of the capital is usually and annually based on two

reasons. The first internal flooding. The second is that there eleven or more people

realize that development are more focus in Java especially for the two reason, why

we should move to capital city but we think that it is not the answer of this

problem. Why is that so? Because the first internal problem Jakarta as we know

the centered, when we know about the removal of government whereas based on

data on public transportation in Indonesia said that the function of government

acti…. Activity only accounts for 20% of 100% of the activities in Jakarta. So, if

we move twenty percent of Jakarta will not actually have much effect on the

condition itself.

And secondly, there are many eee…. Ways to improve Jakarta by

transferring the capital is such be spreading special plants, and area better, and we

improve mass transportation, such as has been done in our team, manufacture

better and so.. and the second let’s go to the lack of accountable of development

addressed by the transfer of development because their view of the capital should

be as well as the place of development and economy center. It is supposed to

change economy not only in Jakarta. So Jakarta will not only become economy

epicentrum, in Indonesia.

S.35 Transcript 11, April 13 201

My name is Taufik Hidayat. I am from… I am from… I am second

speaker. I don’t agree. The important of capital city for the future of Indonesia,

please report through spread it from flooding. Do not see the jump with a lost of

for thirty Triliyun per years conversing itself but wrinkling all the issue that come

the victim of one thousand people low average becoming weak fourteen day that

will continue to grow and stay of economic day west Java, and the island of Java

clean weather. Safely island of Java that’s only twenty percent of the need and

development gets and move to the parade development.

Accerelation of left investor area got transmigration accerelation of

development of the broader area with the periodical, for use to talk about Jakarta.

The fundamental issue is how to put the defeat function are not inter listing.

Instant of the potential converse of Java 7% of the total land Indonesia with the

population of thirty five percent compare with with the extend of twenty percent

of Indonesia land area. Population is only six percent and but there are a lot of

irony… irony of development is not known, so better to stay in Jakarta.


S.3 Transcript 12, April 13 2016

My rebuttal, national examination is equal with the upgrading regulation of

government. UU no. 19 2015 and laws in two thousand about national education

standard. If the government will try to remove the national examination.. they

should remove the rule to remove the national ex… examination the remove in

government could be risk in adjustment of government on the nation government

regulation, there will be no standard evaluation of education in Indonesia if

national examination is deleted.



Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : XI / 2

Standar Materi Nilai Budaya & Kewirausahaan/ Kegiatan Indikator Penca- Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Penilaian
Kompetensi Pembelajaran Karakter Bangsa Ekonomi Kreatif Pembelajaran paian Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Mendengarkan 7.1 Merespon  Responding to  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Melakukan  Mengidentifikasi Tertulis 1 x 45 Developing
7. Memahami makna dalam expressions toleransi, (keteguhan studi pustaka hubungan antar English
makna dalam percakapan of congratu- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). untuk pembicara Competenc
percakapan transaksional lating and keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi mengidentifikasi  Mengidentifikasi ies
transaksional (to get things compli- demokratis, berbagai for Grade
pada tugas makna tindak
dan done) dan menting rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, ungkapan tutur sikap (PG dan X Senior
interpersonal interpersonal semangat tekun/tabah, menyatakan terhadap sesuatu Uraian) High
resmi dan (bersosialisas kebangsaan, bertekad, sikap dan School
i) resmi dan cinta tanah air, perasaan  Merespon tindak 1 x 45
berlanjut enerjik). (SMA/MA)
berlanjut menghargai beserta tutur menyatakan
(sustained) prestasi,  Pengambil responnya sikap terhadap Tape
dalam konteks
yang bersahabat, resiko (suka secara sesuatu Kamus
kehidupan Quiz
menggunaka cinta damai, tantangan, berkelompok.  Mengidentifikasi Kaset/CD
n ragam gemar mampu makna tindak
memimpin)  Mendengarkan Tape/CD
bahasa lisan membaca, percakapan tutur menyatakan Player
secara peduli  Orientasi ke interpersona/tra perasaan sedih
akurat, lancar lingkungan, masa depan OHP/LCD
nsaksional  Merespon tindak Tugas
dan peduli sosial, (punya melalui tape Foto/
tutur menyatakan
berterima tanggung perspektif secara klasikal Poster
perasaan sedih
dalam jawab untuk masa Gambar
konteks depan)  Mendiskusikan  Mengidentifikasi
kehidupan tindak tutur makna tindak Koran
sehari-hari yang digunakan tutur menyatakan berbehasa
dan dan responnya perasaan cinta Inggris
melibatkan dalam  Merespon tindak Majalah
tindak tutur: percakapan tutur menyatakan Internet
menyatakan yang didengar perasaan cinta
sikap secara
 Mengidentifikasi

terhadap berkelompok konteks situasi

cinta, dan
7.2 Merespon  Responding to  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Melakukan  Mengidentifikasi Tertulis 2 x 45 Developing
makna dalam narrative texts toleransi, (keteguhan studi pustaka makna tindak English
percakapan disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). untuk tutur Competenc
transaksional keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi mengidentifikasi menyatakan ies
(to get things demokratis, pada tugas berbagai perasaan malu for Grade
done) dan rasa ingin tahu, ungkapan  Merespon tindak (PG dan 2 x 45 X Senior
interpersonal semangat tekun/tabah, menyatakan tutur menyatakan Uraian) High
(bersosialisas kebangsaan, bertekad, perasaan perasaan malu School
i) resmi dan cinta tanah air, enerjik). beserta (SMA/MA)
berlanjut menghargai responnya  Mengidentifikasi
(sustained) prestasi,  Pengambil secara makna tindak Tape
yang bersahabat, resiko (suka berkelompok. tutur menyatakan Kamus
menggunaka cinta damai, tantangan, perasaan marah Kaset/CD
mampu  Mendengarkan
n ragam gemar percakapan  Merespon tindak Tape/CD
bahasa lisan membaca, memimpin) tutur menyatakan
interpersona/tra Player
secara peduli  Orientasi ke nsaksional perasaan marah Tugas
akurat, lancar lingkungan, masa depan OHP/LCD
melalui tape  Mengidentifikasi
dan peduli sosial, (punya secara klasikal Foto/
makna tindak
berterima tanggung perspektif Poster
 Mendiskusikan tutur menyatakan
dalam jawab untuk masa Gambar
tindak tutur perasaan jengkel
konteks depan)
kehidupan yang digunakan  Merespon tindak Koran
sehari-hari dan responnya tutur menyatakan berbehasa
dan dalam perasaan jengkel Inggris
melibatkan percakapan Majalah
tindak tutur: yang didengar Internet
menyatakan secara
perasaan berkelompok

marah, dan
8. Memahami 8.1 Merespon  Responding to  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Mendengarkan  Mengidentifikasi Tertulis 1 x 45 Developing
makna dalam makna dalam expressions toleransi, (keteguhan sebuah topik sebuah teks English
teks fungsional teks of congratu- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). pengumuman fungsional Competenc
pendek dan fungsional lating and keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi lisan. pendek yang ies
monolog pendek compli- demokratis, pada tugas  Mendiskusikan didengar for Grade
berbentuk resmi dan tak menting rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, isi teks yang  Mengidentifikasi (PG dan 1 x 45 X Senior
narrative, spoof resmi yang  Responding to semangat tekun/tabah, didengar secara informasi tertentu Uraian) High
dan hortatory menggunaka kebangsaan, School
narrative texts bertekad, berpasangan. teks yang
exposition dalam n ragam cinta tanah air, enerjik). didengar (SMA/MA)
konteks bahasa lisan menghargai  Mendiskusikan
kehidupan secara prestasi,  Pengambil bentuk bahasa  Mengidentifikasi Tape
sehari-hari akurat, lancar bersahabat, resiko (suka lisan tujuan Kamus
Quiz 1 x 45
dan cinta damai, tantangan, berdasarkan komunikasi teks Kaset/CD
berterima gemar mampu teks yang fungsional
memimpin) didengar secara pendek yang Tape/CD
dalam membaca,
kelompok. didengar. Player
konteks peduli  Orientasi ke
kehidupan lingkungan, masa depan OHP/LCD
sehari-hari peduli sosial, (punya Foto/
tanggung perspektif Poster
jawab untuk masa Gambar
8.2 Merespon  Responding to  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Mendengarkan  Mengidentifikasi Tertulis 1 x 45 Developing
makna dalam expressions toleransi, (keteguhan sebuah main idea dari English
teks of congratu- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). narrative/spoof/ teks hortatory Competenc
monolog lating and keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi hortatory exposition yang ies

yang compli- demokratis, pada tugas exposition didengar (PG dan 2 x 45 for Grade
menggunaka menting rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, secara klasikal.  Mengidentifikasi Uraian) X Senior
n ragam  Responding to semangat tekun/tabah,  Mendiskusikan tokoh dari cerita High
bahasa lisan texts kebangsaan, bertekad, isi teks yang yang didengar School
secara cinta tanah air, enerjik). didengar secara  (SMA/MA)
akurat, lancar menghargai Mengidentifikasi Tugas
 Pengambil berpasangan. kejadian dalam
1 x 45 Tape
dan prestasi, resiko (suka
berterima bersahabat,  Melakukan case teks yang Kamus
tantangan, building didengar
dalam cinta damai, Kaset/CD
mampu berdasarkan Quiz
konteks gemar memimpin)  Mengientifikasi Tape/CD
kehidupan membaca, kelompok pro bagian cerita Player
sehari-hari peduli  Orientasi ke dan kontra. yang lucu
masa depan OHP/LCD
dalam teks lingkungan,  Mengientifikasi
berbentuk: peduli sosial, (punya Foto/
perspektif solusi dalam Poster
narrative, tanggung sebuah cerita
spoof, dan jawab untuk masa Gambar
depan) yang didengar
hortatory Koran
exposition  Mengidentifikasi
kasus yang berbehasa
didengar Inggris
 Mengidentifikasi
argumen yang Internet
Berbicara 9.1 Mengungkap-  Congratu-  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Bermain peran  Menggunakan Performans 6 x 45 Developing
9. Mengungkapkan kan makna lating and toleransi, (keteguhan secara tindak tutur English
makna dalam dalam complimen- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). berkelompok menyatakan Competenc
teks percakapan percakapan ting keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi sikap terhadap ies
transaksional transaksional demokratis, pada tugas sesuatu for Grade
dan (to get things rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi,  Merespon tindak X Senior
interpersonal done) dan semangat tekun/tabah, tutur menyatakan High
resmi dan interpersonal kebangsaan, bertekad, sikap terhadap School
berlanjut (bersosialisas cinta tanah air, enerjik). sesuatu (SMA/MA)
(sustained) i) resmi dan menghargai
berlanjut prestasi,  Pengambil  Menggunakan Tape
dalam konteks
(sustained) bersahabat, resiko (suka tindak tutur Kamus
dengan cinta damai, tantangan, menyatakan Kaset/CD
menggunaka gemar mampu perasaan cinta

n ragam membaca, memimpin)  Merespon tindak Player

bahasa lisan peduli  Orientasi ke tutur menyatakan OHP/LCD
secara lingkungan, masa depan perasaan cinta
akurat, lancar peduli sosial, Foto/
(punya  Menggunakan Poster
dan tanggung perspektif tindak tutur
berterima jawab Gambar
untuk masa menyatakan
dalam depan) perasaan sedih Koran
konteks berbehasa
kehidupan  Merespon tindak Inggris
sehari-hari tutur menyatakan
sikap terhadap Majalah
melibatkan sesuatu, Internet
tindak tutur: menyatakan
menyatakan perasaan cinta,
sikap dan menyatakan
terhadap perasaan sedih
cinta, dan
9.2 Mengungkap-  Performing a  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Bermain peran  Menggunakan Tertulis 1 x 45 Developing
kan makna monologue toleransi, (keteguhan secara tindak tutur English
dalam disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). berkelompok menyatakan Competenc
percakapan keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi perasaan malu ies
transaksional demokratis, Merespon tindak (PG dan 2 x 45 for Grade
pada tugas
(to get things rasa ingin tahu, tutur menyatakan Uraian) X Senior
done) dan semangat tekun/tabah, perasaan malu High
interpersonal kebangsaan, bertekad,  Menggunakan School
(bersosialisas cinta tanah air, enerjik). tindak tutur (SMA/MA)
i) resmi dan menghargai Tugas 1 x 45
 Pengambil menyatakan Tape
berlanjut prestasi, perasaan marah
(sustained) bersahabat, resiko (suka Kamus
yang cinta damai, tantangan,  Merespon tindak Kaset/CD
menggunaka mampu tutur menyatakan Quiz
gemar Tape/CD

n ragam membaca, memimpin) perasaan malu, Player

bahasa lisan peduli  Orientasi ke menyatakan OHP/LCD
secara lingkungan, masa depan perasaan marah,
akurat, lancar peduli sosial, dan menyatakan Foto/
(punya Poster
dan tanggung perspektif perasaan jengkel
berterima jawab Gambar
untuk masa
dalam depan) Koran
konteks berbehasa
kehidupan Inggris
melibatkan Internet
tindak tutur:
marah, dan
10 Mengungkapkan 10.1 Mengungkap-  Congratu-  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Memberikan  Menggunakan Tugas 4 x 45 Developing
makna dalam kan makna lating and toleransi, (keteguhan sebuah bahasa lisan performance English
teks fungsional dalam teks complimen- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). pengumuman dalam Competenc
pendek dan esei fungsional ting keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi lisan secara menyampaikan ies
berbentuk pendek demokratis, bergantian teks fungsional 4 x 45
 Performing a pada tugas for Grade
narrative, spoof resmi dan tak monologue rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, pendek X Senior
dan hortatory resmi dengan semangat tekun/tabah, High
exposition dalam menggunaka kebangsaan, bertekad, School
konteks n ragam cinta tanah air, enerjik). (SMA/MA)
kehidupan bahasa lisan menghargai
sehari-hari secara prestasi,  Pengambil Tape
akurat, lancar bersahabat, resiko (suka Kamus
dan cinta damai, tantangan, Kaset/CD
berterima gemar mampu
memimpin) Tape/CD
dalam membaca,

konteks peduli  Orientasi ke Player

kehidupan lingkungan, masa depan OHP/LCD
sehari-hari peduli sosial, (punya
tanggung Foto/
jawab Poster
untuk masa
depan) Gambar
10.2 Mengungkap-  Congratu-  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Mendongeng  Menggunakan Tugas 4 x 45 Developing
kan makna lating and toleransi, (keteguhan  Melakukan kalimat past English
dalam esei complimen- disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). debat secara continuous Competenc
dengan ting keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi dalam ies
mengguna- demokratis,  berkelompok menyampaikan Performans 4 x 45
 Performing a pada tugas for Grade
kan ragam monologue rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, spoof X Senior
bahasa lisan semangat tekun/tabah,  Melakukan High
secara kebangsaan, bertekad, monolog School
akurat, lancar cinta tanah air, enerjik). berbentuk (SMA/MA)
dan menghargai narrative
berterima prestasi,  Pengambil Tape
dalam bersahabat, resiko (suka  Melakukan Kamus
konteks cinta damai, tantangan, monolog Kaset/CD
kehidupan gemar mampu berbentuk
memimpin) hortatory Tape/CD
sehari-hari membaca,
exposition Player
dalam teks peduli  Orientasi ke
berbentuk: lingkungan, masa depan  Menggunakan OHP/LCD
narrative, peduli sosial, (punya modal “should” Foto/
spoof, dan tanggung perspektif untuk Poster
hortatory jawab untuk masa menyampaikan Gambar
exposition depan) saran
 Melakukan debat berbehasa

Membaca 11.1Merespon  Identifying  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Membaca  Membaca Performans 1 x 45 Developing
11 Memahami makna dalam meanings and toleransi, (keteguhan nyaring nyaring English
makna teks teks information in disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). bermakna bermakna Competenc
fungsional Tertulis 1 x 45 ies
fungsional a text keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi sebuah banner, wacana ragam
pendek dan esei pendek demokratis, poster, tulis yang (PG dan for Grade
pada tugas
berbentuk (misalnya rasa ingin tahu, pamphlet dibahas dengan Uraian) X Senior
narrative, spoof banner, semangat tekun/tabah, secara individu ucapan dan High
dan hortatory poster, kebangsaan, bertekad,  Mendiskusikan intonasi yang School
Quiz 2 x 45
exposition dalam pamphlet, cinta tanah air, benar (SMA/MA)
enerjik). isi teks yang
konteks dll.) resmi menghargai dibaca secara  Mengidentifikasi
dan tak resmi prestasi,  Pengambil Tugas
kehidupan berpasangan. topic dari teks
yang bersahabat, resiko (suka Kamus
sehari-hari dan yang dibaca
menggunaka cinta damai, tantangan,  Mendiskusikan Kaset/CD
n ragam gemar mampu ciri-ciri  Mengidentifikasi
mengakses ilmu Tape/CD
bahasa tulis membaca, memimpin) gramatikal yang informasi tertentu
pengetahuan Player
secara peduli  Orientasi ke digunakan dari banner,
akurat, lancar lingkungan, masa depan dalam teks yang poster, pamphlet OHP/LCD
dan peduli sosial, (punya dibaca secara Foto/
berterima tanggung perspektif berkelompok. Poster
dalam jawab untuk masa Gambar
konteks depan)
kehidupan Koran
sehari-hari berbehasa
dan untuk Inggris
mengakses Majalah
ilmu Internet
11.2 Merespon  Reading texts  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Membaca  Mengidentifikasi Performans 2 x45 Developing
makna dan toleransi, (keteguhan nyaring makna kata English
langkah disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). bermakna teks dalam teks yang Competenc
retorika keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi exposition dibaca ies
dalam esei demokratis, secara individu Tertulis
pada tugas  Mengidentifikasi for Grade
yang rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi,  Mendiskusikan makna kalimat (PG dan 4 x45 X Senior
menggunaka semangat tekun/tabah, berbagai aspek dalam teks yang High
n ragam kebangsaan, bertekad, dari teks seperti dibaca School

bahasa tulis cinta tanah air, enerjik). isi, struktur  Mengidentifikasi (SMA/MA)
secara menghargai  Pengambil teks, secara setting dalam Tape
akurat, lancar prestasi, resiko (suka berkelompok. sebuah cerita
dan bersahabat, Tugas 2 x45 Kamus
tantangan,  Berlatih narasi
berterima cinta damai, Kaset/CD
mampu menggunakan  Mengidentifikasi
dalam gemar memimpin) kalimat yang komplikasi dalam Tape/CD
konteks membaca, menyatakan sebuah cerita Player
 Orientasi ke Quiz
kehidupan peduli argumen dan narasi
masa depan OHP/LCD
sehari-hari lingkungan, saran
dan untuk peduli sosial, (punya  Mengidentifikasi Foto/
mengakses tanggung perspektif kejadian dalam Poster
ilmu jawab untuk masa teks yang dibaca Gambar
pengetahuan depan)  Mengidentifikasi Koran
dalam teks kasus yang berbehasa
berbentuk dibahas dalam Inggris
narrative, teks
spoof, dan Majalah
 Mengidentifikasi
hortatory Internet
argumen yang
 Mengidentifikasi
saran yang
 Mengidentifikasi
retorika dari teks
 Mengidentifikasi
komunikasi teks
Menulis 12.1 Mengungkap-  Developing a  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Menuliskan  Menggunakan Tugas 2 x 45 Developing
12 Mengungkapkan kan makna paragraph toleransi, (keteguhan sebuah banner, tata bahasa, English
makna dalam dalam teks based on the disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). poster, kosa kata, tanda Competenc
teks fungsional fungsional pictures keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi pamphlet baca, ejaan, dan ies
pendek dan esei pendek demokratis, pada tugas secara tata tulis dengan for Grade
berbentuk (misalnya rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi, berkelompok akurat Unjuk kerja X Senior
banner, semangat

narrative, spoof poster, kebangsaan, tekun/tabah, dan  Menulis gagasan High

dan hortatory pamphlet, cinta tanah air, bertekad,  Mempublikasika utama School
exposition dalam dll.) resmi menghargai enerjik). n di lingkungan  Mengelaborasi (SMA/MA)
konteks dan tak resmi prestasi,  Pengambil sekolah gagasan utama Tape
kehidupan dengan bersahabat, resiko (suka
sehari-hari menggunaka cinta damai,  Membuat draft, Kamus
tantangan, merevisi,
n ragam gemar Kaset/CD
mampu menyunting
bahasa tulis membaca, memimpin) Tape/CD
secara peduli  Menghasilkan Player
akurat, lancar lingkungan,  Orientasi ke banner, poster,
masa depan OHP/LCD
dan peduli sosial, atau pamphlet
berterima tanggung (punya Foto/
dalam jawab perspektif Poster
konteks untuk masa Gambar
kehidupan depan)
sehari-hari berbehasa
12.2 Mengungkap-  Writing texts  Religius, jujur,  Percaya diri  Membuat draft  Menggunakan Tugas 2 x 45 Developing
kan makna toleransi, (keteguhan teks exposition kalimat past Unjuk kerja 2 x 45 English
dan langkah disiplin, kerja hati, optimis). dengan continuous Competenc
retorika keras, mandiri,  Berorientasi melakukan dalam menulis ies
dalam esei demokratis, pada tugas chain writing. spoof for Grade
dengan rasa ingin tahu, (bermotivasi,  Melakukan  Menggunakan X Senior
menggunaka semangat tekun/tabah, koreksi teman kalimat kompleks High
n ragam kebangsaan, bertekad, sejawat dalam membuat School
bahasa tulis cinta tanah air, enerjik). sebuah cerita (SMA/MA)
secara menghargai
akurat, lancar prestasi,  Pengambil  Menggunakan Tape
dan bersahabat, resiko (suka modal “should” Kamus
berterima cinta damai, tantangan, untuk menulis Kaset/CD
dalam gemar mampu saran pada teks
memimpin) hortatory Tape/CD
konteks membaca,
exposition Player
kehidupan peduli  Orientasi ke
sehari-hari lingkungan, masa depan  Menghasilkan OHP/LCD

dalam teks peduli sosial, (punya teks berbentuk Foto/

berbentuk: tanggung perspektif spoof Poster
narrative, jawab untuk masa Gambar
spoof, dan depan)
hortatory Koran
exposition berbehasa

Balaraja, 12 Januari 2016

Guru Bidang Studi

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd.

NIP. 196707062005021002


Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang
Kelas/Semester : XI (Sebelas)/2
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : Hortatory Exposition
Aspek Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

A. Indikator
1. Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
2. Melakukan monolog berbentuk hortatory exposition
3. Melakukan debat
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
1. Melakukan diskusi dalam kelompok mengenai pendapatnya
terhadap suatu issue
2. Melakukan presentasi diskusi secara berkelompok dengan tema
permasalahan daerah setempat
3. Memahami langkah retorika dalam membuat hortatory exposition
4. Mampu mengungkapkan bahasa melalui hortatory exposition

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

 Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

 Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
 Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
 Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be
done.Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals,
magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.
Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people.To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some
arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind
of text can be called as argumentation.

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

Generic Structure:
1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done
based on the given arguments

The examples of Hortatory Exposition:

Internet for students
Nowadays, in modern era, I think internet is very important for students.

As we all know internet has many function for supporting our life. They
are, first, it gives us various information, news, knowledge etc. Students can
search anything or something from internet. Take for example, they search about
education, entertainment, knowledge etc that is in the world.

Second, they can add their friends in all countries in the world by internet.
Chatting, e-mail, facebook, twitter, interpals are some examples of internet facility
to have many friends. Besides, they can share, communicate, discuss and so on.

From my arguments above, as student, we should use internet facility well

to get knowledge, friends, information etc.

D. Metode Pembelajaran

Active learning, modeling, demonstration, collaborative learning. Menggunakan

sistem latihan mengungkapkan pendapat melalui debat.

E. Sumber Pembelajaran

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA IX, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 123)

F. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, guru :

-Membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan do’a, melakukan pengecekan

kehadiran, dan menanyakan kesiapan siswa.

-Melakukan apersepsi dengan cara tanya jawab mengenai materi yang

akan dibahas.

-Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

1. Eksplorasi

-Mengungkapkan secara akurat terkait cara membuat hortatory exposition


-Memahami langkah-langkah dalam membuat hortatory exposition text.

2. Elaborasi

− Membagi peserta didik ke dalam enam kelompok

− Memberikan issue (Judul Hortatory Exposition Text) untuk didiskusikan
dalam kelompok
− Membuat dan mengembangkan text hortatory berdasarkan issue tersebut
dengan cara berdiskusi
− Siswa dalam kelompoknya bersama dengan kelompok lain melakukan
aktivitas berdiskusi
− Masing-masing kelompok melakukan presentasi terhadap hasil diskusi
dalam waktu 10-15 menit, siswa dalam kelompok lain memberikan
tanggapan dan member pertanyaan.

3. Konfirmasi

- Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan.

-Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan.

-Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru :

-Bersama peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai kesulitan yang masih

dihadapi peserta didik tentang materi yang dipelajari.

-Guru dan peserta didik memperhatikan kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang

terkait materi yang dipelajari

-Melakukan penilaian pembelajaran

-Memberikan tugas/tindak lanjut.

-Memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk menulis jurnal reflektif dan resume

atas hasil yang diperoleh hari ini berupa catatan hortatory exposition
dalam satu kelompok.

G. Tugas Terstruktur

-Mencari materi terkait permasalahan yang akan dibahas.

H. Tugas Tidak Terstruktur

Peserta didik diharuskan membawa materi diskusikan untuk dipresentasikan di

dalam kelas

I. Penilaian

Indikator Penilaian
a. Melakukan monolog Teknik Bentuk Contoh
berbentuk hortatory Instrument
exposition Classroom Do discussion
Discussion Menyampaikan and present the
hasil diskusi result in front of
melalui your friends!

Instrument :

1. Make a hortatory expositions based on the following titles :

a. Smoking should be banned in public place

b. Banning dating at school

c. Society are required to go vegetarian

You are free to choose your own title, do discussion in your group and present it
in front of your friend!

Rubrik Penilaian

Oral Proficiency scoring (Brown, 2004 : 172-173

Initial Student’s Speaking Ability


Balaraja, …………… 2016

Guru Bidang Studi Peneliti

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd Anggit Laesa Oktaviani



Kepala Sekolah


Cycle 1 (Meeting I)
Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang
Kelas/Semester : XI (Sebelas)/2
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : Hortatory Exposition
Aspek Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

A. Indikator
4. Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
5. Melakukan monolog berbentuk hortatory exposition
6. Melakukan debat
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
5. Melakukan case building berdasarkan kelompok pro dan kontra
6. Melakukan debat secara berkelompok dengan tema permasalahan
daerah setempat
7. Memahami langkah retorika dalam membuat hortatory exposition
8. Mampu mengungkapkan bahasa melalui hortatory exposition

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

 Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

 Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
 Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
 Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be
done.Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals,
magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.
Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people.To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some
arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind
of text can be called as argumentation.

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

Generic Structure:
4. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
5. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
6. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done
based on the given arguments

The examples of Hortatory Exposition:

Students should not Bring Phone to School
Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile phone user
increase dramatically in recent years? First, the feature and functions has
increased. Mobile phone is not used just for calling, but sending text, taking
pictures, recording videos, accessing internet, playing games and much more.
Second, mobile phone has also become a lot cheaper. Now this communication
device does not only fill the pocket of adult but also teenager and student. Even a
lot phones are intentionally designed to teenaged market. However should they
be allowed to bring them to school?

Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to school. It is

very reasonable because bringing phone to school potentially disrupts the
learning process. Most students use cell phones irresponsibly. They use cell
phones to talk to their friend during class time. They also use the calculator and
camera features in the class as well. Those potentially lead less concentration in
the time of learning and teaching process.

Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile phones

provide a large temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate to anyone and
almost anywhere in the world. Because of the small size of the cell phone,
students can send a text quietly and discreetly. The text can go unnoticed
anywhere to get help on answering tests, homework, and other class assignment.
Learning in school is to behave fair not cheating.

Therefore, schools should ban students from bringing their cell phones.
However it should be done fairly. In case of an emergency some student need a
call for help, providing easy access to phone is better.


Debate is an activity where there are two teams which contra to the motion or
support the motion. For example under the motion THW ban abortion, as affirmative
team you will support the motion, say that we have to ban abortion, so as negative team
you have to disagree with the motion that you will still allow abortion.

This is the schema of the debate :

The Roles of Speakers during a Debate

Affirmative Negative
First speaker affirmative:
1. Give the definition: Here is the definition that we propose …
2. Outline the team’s case:
a. The team line: Our team line is …
b. The team split: The first speaker will deal with …, the second speaker …, and the
third speaker …
3. Explain the argument
4. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …

First speaker negative:

1. Respond to the definition (if it is unfair)
2. Rebut the 1st government speaker: Here’s my rebuttal … I disagree with affirmative
team who says
3. Outline the team’s case:
a. The team line: Our team line is …
b. The team split: The first speaker will deal with …, the second speaker …, and the
third speaker …
5. Explain the argument
6. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …

Second speaker affirmative:

1. Rebut the 1st opposition speaker: Let me tell you my rebuttal … I strongly disagree
with negative team..
2. Explain the argument
3. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …
Second speaker negative:
1. Rebut the 2nd government speaker: Let me tell you my rebuttal …
2. Explain the argument
3. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …
Third speaker affirmative:
1. Rebut the strong argument from the opposition: Let me tell you my rebuttal …
2. Rebuild the team case
3. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …
Third speaker negative:
1. Rebut the strong argument from the government: Let me tell you my rebuttal …
2. Rebuild the team case
3. Give a brief summary: In conclusion …
Reply speaker affirmative:
1. Provide overview of the team’s case
2. Explain why the government’s case is better
Reply speaker negative:
1. Provide overview of the team’s case
2. Explain why the opposition’s case is better


Smoking in Public Places Should Be Banned

The first speaker from affirmative team
Definition : people are not allowed to smoke cigarettes in public places such as in
bars, etc.
Team line : smoking in public places is harmful not only for the smokers but also
for people nearby.
Team split : 1st speaker, the impact of smoking, 2nd speaker, smoking as a social
activity, 3rd more evidence to rebuild the case.
1) Smoking does not only harm the smoker; but also people nearby (passive smokers).
2) Smokers choose to smoke, but people nearby do not.
3) Some countries have already banned smoking in public places, like Italy and New
Zealand. Therefore, it is urgent to ban smoking in public places.

The first speaker from the negative team

Team line : smoking in public places is not that harmful as long as people are aware
to take care of themselves.
Team split : 1st speaker, adults’ accepted view of smoking, 2nd speaker, the impact
of banning smoking for business, 3rd speaker, more evidence to rebuild
the case.
Rebuttal : Passive smokers do choose to breathe in other people’s smoke. If not,
why do they go to places where smoking is allowed?
1) Some people are quite happy to work in smoky places.
2) In any case, workers should be allowed to work in dangerous conditions; like mining
and the armed forces. It is better for people than not having a job at all.

3) There is a risk of an exposed danger from those kinds of works.

4) A ban is not necessary; ventilation fans can remove most smoke.

The second speaker from the affirmative team

Rebuttal : Safety standards do not allow workers to be exposed to danger. They
should not be exposed to other people’s smoke, although they don’t have
any choice.
The argument:
1) A ban would encourage smokers to stop. Thus, it would no longer be a social activity.
2) One third of smokers in Scotland said the ban was helping them to cut down.
3) In many countries, governments pay some of the cost of treating smoking-related
diseases. This means that governments should have a right to discourage smoking.

The second speaker from the negative team

Rebuttal : It is legal to smoke, so governments have no right to ban. Smokers fund
their own healthcare through the high taxes they pay on cigarette.
The argument:
1) A ban would drive many bars or cafes out of business.
2) Smokers would not go to these places. These businesses would also earn less money
from selling tobacco.
3) In many places, pubs and clubs provide jobs for people.
4) There is a 9%-drop reported in trade of restaurants, after a ban introduced in Australia.

The third speaker from the affirmative

Rebuttal: It is more important to protect people’s health than businesses. Pubs and clubs
should adapt it by selling food or else.
More evidence:
1) Smokers have the right to smoke, but non-smokers have the right to breathe in
unpolluted fresh air as well.
2) It is also unnecessary for people to work and be exposed to danger like smoke.
3) That’s why it is important to soon ban smoking from public.

The third speaker from the negative

Rebuttal: Bars will set up non-smoking bars, if people want it. If not, this suggests that
very few people want them.
More evidence: In fact, some people don’t mind to stay with smokers. They realize the
smoke may harm them, but it is acceptable for them. It is also unfair to turn
working men in bars into jobless since no smokers will drop by. Therefore, we
should not ban smoking in public places.
The reply speech from the negative
Overview: Some people do not really mind to be in smoky places. It is an accepted view
among adults to smoke although it is harmful to bodies to some extent.
Banning people will turn out some business and many workers will turn into
It is ridiculous for the government to claim the right to discourage smoking for the funds
spent on treating smoking-related diseases, since the smokers also pay for the high taxes
from cigarette.
The reply speech from the affirmative
Overview: The proposition that we should ban smoking in public places is making any
sense. The reasons are smoking is harmful not only for smokers but also people
nearby and workers are also not allowed to be exposed to unnecessary danger
such as smoke.

It is far more worthy to use the government’s fund to other sectors than to treat smoking
related-diseases. That’s why the house should ban smoking in public places.

A. Metode Pembelajaran

Active learning, modeling, demonstration, collaborative learning. Menggunakan

sistem latihan mengungkapkan pendapat melalui debat.

B. Sumber Pembelajaran

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA XI, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 123)

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA XII, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 200)

Hortatory exposition text,


C. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, guru :

-Membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan do’a, melakukan pengecekan

kehadiran, dan menanyakan kesiapan siswa.

-Melakukan apersepsi dengan cara tanya jawab mengenai materi yang

akan dibahas berjudul legalizing LGBT in Indonesia.

-Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

1. Eksplorasi

-Mengungkapkan kembali secara akurat terkait cara membuat hortatory

exposition text.

-Memahami kembali langkah-langkah dalam membuat hortatory

exposition text.

2. Elaborasi

− Menjelaskan terkait teknik debate.

− Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-6 orang
− Menentukan sisi pro dan kontra kepada setiap kelompok.

− Memberikan issue (Judul Hortatory Exposition Text) yang berjudul

students should not bring phone to school untuk didiskusikan dalam
− Membuat dan mengembangkan text hortatory berdasarkan issue tersebut
dengan cara berdiskusi
− Siswa dalam kelompoknya bersama dengan kelompok lain melakukan
aktivitas berdebat.
− 2 kelompok dalam satu exhibition memberikan simulasi berdebat,
kelompok yang lain memberikan respon diwakili oleh orang-orang
dalam kelompoknya, siswa yang lain mencatat dan membuat resume.


- Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan.

-Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan.

-Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru :

-Bersama peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai kesulitan yang masih

dihadapi peserta didik tentang materi yang dipelajari.

-Guru dan peserta didik memperhatikan kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang

terkait materi yang dipelajari

-Melakukan penilaian pembelajaran

-Memberikan tugas/tindak lanjut.

-Memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk menulis jurnal reflektif dan resume

atas hasil yang diperoleh hari ini berupa catatan hortatory exposition
dalam satu kelompok.

G. Tugas Terstruktur

-Mencari materi terkait permasalahan yang akan dibahas.


H. Tugas Tidak Terstruktur

Peserta didik diharuskan membawa materi yang sudah mereka cari untuk
melaksanakan debat selanjutnya dengan judul ―Should or no students bring phone
to school?‖

I. Penilaian

Indikator Penilaian
a. Melakukan monolog Teknik Bentuk Contoh
berbentuk hortatory Instrument
exposition Classroom Menyampaikan Do debate like the
Debate hasil case example before.
building melalui

Instrument :

2. Read the example of hortatory exposition text, modify by your own and
have debate in class! (Students should not bring phone to school)

Rubrik Penilaian

Oral Proficiency scoring (Brown, 2004 : 172-173

Initial Student’s Speaking Ability


Guru Bidang Studi Peneliti

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd Anggit Laesa Oktaviani

NIP.196707062005021002 NIM. 2223120213


Kepala Sekolah


Cycle 1 (Meeting 2)
Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang
Kelas/Semester : XI (Sebelas)/2
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : Hortatory Exposition
Aspek Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

A. Indikator
7. Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
8. Melakukan monolog berbentuk hortatory exposition
9. Melakukan debat
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
9. Melakukan case building berdasarkan kelompok pro dan kontra
10. Melakukan debat secara berkelompok dengan tema permasalahan
daerah setempat
11. Memahami langkah retorika dalam membuat hortatory exposition
12. Mampu mengungkapkan bahasa melalui hortatory exposition

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

 Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

 Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
 Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
 Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be
done.Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals,

magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.

Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some
arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind
of text can be called as argumentation.

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

Generic Structure:
7. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
8. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
9. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done
based on the given arguments

The examples of Hortatory Exposition:

Television Has Negative Effects for Children and Students in Indonesia

Television is very popular in Indonesia. Almost all family in Indonesia

have television. So, we can conclude that almost Indonesian people like to watch
TV. Mr. Yusuf Kalla has ever said that children in Indonesia could spend more
than 5 hours a day for watching TV. Because of that, television can influence
children and students in Indonesia.

Nowadays, there are so many television programs. There are

entertainments, films, educations, etc. one of television program that is watched
by Indonesian people is sinetron. Sinetron is not only watched by adult people,
but also children and students. And children and students are most. So, sinetron
can influence children and students in Indonesia. It is normal because they are in a
labil condition. They just trying to find themselves. It is bad for them if television
does not support what they need.

In this case, Indonesia Department of Education should take thair role.

Because they have strong power than other. It has been discussed by a lot of
people. Sinetron can influence teenagers to be brutal because there are lots of
sinetron show anarchy. It also can influence student not to concentrate to their
study. It is because of the story of the sinetron just show about love, girlfriend,
boyfriend, playboy, trying thousands ways to get boy/girlfriend, etc. it does not
educate and very bad to student. If there is something wrong with students in
Indonesia, it will give effect t o Indonesia in the future.

How to Present an Argument

a. Making a statement: We believe that …, we strongly believe that …, etc.

Example: We believe that smoking does not only harm the smoker but also
the people nearby …
b. Give logic reasons: Because..., it is …, Because of …, Since…, In any case …
Example: In any case, smokers choose to smoke, but people nearby do not
choose to smoke passively.
c. Provide supportive evidence:
Example: One third of smokers in Scotland said the ban was helping them
to stop smoking.
d. Correlate the reasons with the motion: That’s why …, Therefore…, Based on
the evidence, …,It’s clear that …, etc.
Example: Therefore, it is urgent to ban smoking in public places to protect
Indonesian people.

Four-Step Rebuttal
Step 1: ―They say ...‖
State the argument that you are about to refute so that the judges can follow
easily. Take notes during your opponent’s speeches so you will be clear about
what they argue.
Example: ―The other team said that smoking is harmful for non-smokers.”
Step 2: ―But I disagree...‖ Or ―That may be true, but...‖
Example: ―That may be true, but I think that if non-smokers want to avoid
cigarette smoke, they can walk away from it.”
Step 3: ―Because ...‖
Example: ―Because non-smokers should look out for their own healths...”
Step 4: ―Therefore...‖
Example: ―Therefore it is not the responsibility of smokers to protect non-

D. Metode Pembelajaran

Active learning, modeling, demonstration, collaborative learning.

Menggunakan sistem latihan mengungkapkan pendapat melalui debat.

E. Sumber Pembelajaran

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA IX, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 123)

English in focus , For SMA XII, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010 (Halaman 200-210)

Hortatory exposition text,


F.Langkah-langkah kegiatan

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, guru :

-Membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan do’a, melakukan pengecekan

kehadiran, dan menanyakan kesiapan siswa.

-Melakukan apersepsi dengan cara tanya jawab mengenai materi yang

akan dibahas.

-Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

1. Eksplorasi

-Mengungkapkan secara akurat terkait cara membuat hortatory exposition


-Memahami langkah-langkah dalam membuat hortatory exposition text.

2. Elaborasi

− Mengingatkan kembali terkait teknik debate.

− Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari tiga
− Menentukan sisi pro dan kontra kepada setiap kelompok.
− Memberikan issue (Judul Hortatory Exposition Text) untuk didiskusikan
dalam kelompok
− Membuat text hortatory berdasarkan issue tersebut dengan cara
− Siswa dalam kelompoknya bersama dengan kelompok lain melakukan
aktivitas berdebat.
− 2 kelompok dalam satu exhibition memberikan simulasi berdebat,
kelompok yang lain memberikan respon diwakili oleh orang-orang
dalam kelompoknya, siswa yang lain mencatat dan membuat resume.

4. Konfirmasi

- Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan.

-Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan.

-Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru :

-Bersama peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai kesulitan yang masih

dihadapi peserta didik tentang materi yang dipelajari.

-Guru dan peserta didik memperhatikan kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang

terkait materi yang dipelajari

-Melakukan penilaian pembelajaran

-Memberikan tugas/tindak lanjut.

-Memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk menulis jurnal reflektif dan resume

atas hasil yang diperoleh hari ini berupa catatan hortatory exposition
dalam satu kelompok.

G. Tugas Terstruktur

-Mencari materi terkait permasalahan yang akan dibahas.

H. Tugas Tidak Terstruktur

Peserta didik diharuskan membawa materi yang sudah mereka cari untuk
melaksanakan debat selanjutnya.

I. Penilaian

Indikator Penilaian
a. Melakukan monolog Teknik Bentuk Contoh
berbentuk hortatory Instrument
exposition Classroom Menyampaikan Do debate like
Debate hasil case building the example
melalui debat before.

Instrument :

1. Read again the example of hortatory exposition above and give your
arguments to the text!
2. Make example of the text about ―Banning children in joining reality show‖
and do debate activity in the class!‖

J. Rubrik Penilaian

Oral Proficiency scoring (Brown, 2004 : 172-173)

Initial Student’s Speaking Ability


Guru Bidang Studi Peneliti

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd. Anggit Laesa Oktaviani

NIP.196707062005021002 NIM. 2223120213




Cycle 2 (Meeting 1)
Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang
Kelas/Semester : XI (Sebelas)/2
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : Hortatory Exposition
Aspek Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

A. Indikator
10. Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
11. Melakukan monolog berbentuk hortatory exposition
12. Melakukan debat
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
13. Melakukan case building berdasarkan kelompok pro dan kontra
14. Melakukan debat secara berkelompok dengan tema permasalahan
daerah setempat
15. Memahami langkah retorika dalam membuat hortatory exposition
16. Mampu mengungkapkan bahasa melalui hortatory exposition

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

 Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

 Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
 Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
 Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be
done.Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals,
magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.
Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some
arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind
of text can be called as argumentation.

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

Generic Structure:
10. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
11. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
12. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be
done based on the given arguments

The examples of Hortatory Exposition:


Nowadays the numbers of corruptor in Indonesia are rising year by year.
Sadly, most of them are coming from the governmental officers who in fact must
become the role model for society. By those positions, sometimes they get special
treatment in jail which means our current law does not work well. So, we need
another punishment to decrease the numbers if corruptors.
Government has to legalize death penalty because it is justified for what
have been done by the corruptor. The corruptor has already robbed so many
wealth from societies, the numbers of societies in Indonesia are millions, which
mean, when a corruptors does corruption, they have stolen about millions of
welfare, for their own benefits. For example, the former governor of Banten Ms.
Ratu Atut Chosiyah has already used the Banten’s RAPBD for her own benefits,
more than that she has so many luxurious goods while Banten development is also
still far than proper.
Secondly, death penalty will be effective to decrease the number of
corruption in Indonesia. Our current laws are only giving jail punishment and

monetary punishment for the corruptor. It does not effective because jail
punishment now can be decreased, most of corruptor even gets well treatment in
jail therefore they do not get deterrent effect, another reason they can easily pay
the fine for the monetary punishment that they got. For this reasons, the best
punishment for the corruptor is only by giving them death pinalty because
basically everyone will be afraid to die. So, it will transfer a value for other people
if you do not want to be punished by death. As example in China, in China the
number of corruptor is decreasing because whoever who do corruption they will
be directly punished by death.
Therefore the best solution to decrease the number of corruptors in
Indonesia is by legalizing the death penalty. To punish someone, government
must not differentiate every single society in Indonesia. Whoever the corruptor in
Indonesia, death pinalty is the best punishment for the society welfare robber.

* Here are tips to be a good speaker

1. Have a message
2. Structure your speech
Make your arguments will be easily followed by audiences. By using role of three
or transition signals
Example of ROLE THREE :
-Firstly, I want to talk about… secondly about …
Example of transition signal :
My next argument is…
Let me tell you my rebuttal…
Let us go to the next point
* Think that people want you to be successful
* Don’t worry to make mistake
* Take a deep breath
4. Add some varieties
* Using your emotion, for example, when you are talking about horror you
must be scary, when you are talking about funny things you must be
looked happy, if talk about right talk loudly and persuasive
* Don’t forget to use your body language
Moving your hand will be helpful
6. Practice!
* Take all opportunities to speak!
* Talk to the mirror to see yourself speaking and increase your braveness!

3. Metode Pembelajaran

Active learning, modeling, demonstration, collaborative learning.

Menggunakan sistem latihan mengungkapkan pendapat melalui debat.

13. Sumber Pembelajaran

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA IX, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 123)

English in focus , For SMA XII, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010 (Halaman 200-210)

Hortatory exposition text,


Monash Debater Handbook, public speaking skill. Monash University: Austral,

2010 (halaman 3-4)

Final ALSA UI 2015 video debat,

Final Debat TV One, UNJ Vs UGM, video

Cemen, stand up comedian,

14. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

D. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, guru :

-Membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan do’a, melakukan pengecekan

kehadiran, dan menanyakan kesiapan siswa.

-Melakukan apersepsi dengan cara tanya jawab mengenai materi yang

akan dibahas.

-Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

E. Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

1. Eksplorasi

-Mengungkapkan secara akurat terkait cara membuat hortatory exposition


-Memahami langkah-langkah dalam membuat hortatory exposition text.

2. Elaborasi

− Mengingatkan kembali terkait teknik debate.

− Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari tiga
− Menentukan sisi pro dan kontra kepada setiap kelompok.
− Memberikan issue (Judul Hortatory Exposition Text) untuk didiskusikan
dalam kelompok
− Membuat text hortatory berdasarkan issue tersebut dengan cara
− Siswa dalam kelompoknya bersama dengan kelompok lain melakukan
aktivitas berdebat.
− 2 kelompok dalam satu exhibition memberikan simulasi berdebat,
kelompok yang lain memberikan respon diwakili oleh satu orang dalam
kelompoknya, siswa yang lain mencatat dan membuat resume.

5. Konfirmasi

- Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan.

-Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan.

-Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

F. Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru :

-Bersama peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai kesulitan yang masih

dihadapi peserta didik tentang materi yang dipelajari.

-Guru dan peserta didik memperhatikan kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang

terkait materi yang dipelajari

-Melakukan penilaian pembelajaran

-Memberikan tugas/tindak lanjut.

-Memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk menulis jurnal reflektif dan resume

atas hasil yang diperoleh hari ini berupa catatan hortatory exposition
dalam satu kelompok.

D. Tugas Terstruktur

-Mencari materi terkait permasalahan yang akan dibahas.

E. Tugas Tidak Terstruktur

Peserta didik diharuskan membawa materi yang sudah mereka cari untuk
melaksanakan debat selanjutnya.

F. Penilaian

Indikator Penilaian
a. Melakukan monolog Teknik Bentuk Contoh Instrument
berbentuk hortatory Classroom Menyampaikan Do debate like the
exposition Debate hasil case example before.
building melalui

Instrument :

1. Read again the example of hortatory exposition, entitled ―Legalizing Death

Penalty for Corruptor‖, and give your arguments to the text!
2. Make example of the text about ―Banning violence game to be sold‖ and do
debate activity in the class!‖

G. Rubrik Penilaian

Oral Proficiency scoring (Brown, 2004 : 172-173)

Initial Student’s Speaking Ability


Guru Bidang Studi Peneliti

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd. Anggit Laesa Oktaviani

NIP.196707062005021002 NIM. 2223120213


Kepala Sekolah

Drs. E. Ruslan Siradz.A.

NIP. 195807141991031003


Cycle 2 (Meeting 2)
Nama Sekolah : SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang
Kelas/Semester : XI (Sebelas)/2
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 10.1 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks fungsional
pendek resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : Hortatory Exposition
Aspek Skill : Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2x40 menit

A. Indikator
15. Melakukan monolog berbentuk narrative
16. Melakukan monolog berbentuk hortatory exposition
17. Melakukan debat
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
17. Melakukan case building berdasarkan kelompok pro dan kontra
18. Melakukan debat secara berkelompok dengan tema permasalahan
daerah setempat
19. Memahami langkah retorika dalam membuat hortatory exposition
20. Mampu mengungkapkan bahasa melalui hortatory exposition

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

 Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

 Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
 Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
 Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to

explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be
done.Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals,
magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.
Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and
educated people. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some
arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind
of text can be called as argumentation.

To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be

Generic Structure:
13. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
14. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
15. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be
done based on the given arguments

The examples of Hortatory Exposition:

Plastic Bags Should be Banned

When we go shopping, we get a plastic bag to carry in the things we buy. When
we go to a friend’s or relative’s house, and we want to give him/her something, we use a
plastic bag to carry the thing. In fact, plastic bags are really needed. However they are
dangerous for the environment.

Firstly, Plastic bags need a long time to decompose. Plastic bag take up to
1000 years to decompose on land & 450 years in the water. Secondly, people use up
natural resorces to make the plastic bags. The most common plastic bags you see today
are made of polyethylene. This material is made of crude oil and natural gas.

Moreover, they harm wildlife & marine life. Plastic bags are now ubiquitous in
our environment, & animals both on land & in water are being strangled, choked & killed
by them. Plastic bags are now the fifth most common debris item found on beaches.

Plastic bags are also dangerous for our health. Based on the result of the research
by drugs & food control, colored plastic bags are very dangerous for our health if we use
them to keep foods. According to the head of POM, Husniah rubiana thamrim akib, this is
because colored plastic bags are recycled products, & their previous history is not known.
He said that they many have been used to carry in pesticides containers, hospital waste,
heavy metals waste, & so forth. He also said that long therm consequences of the use of
these plastic bags can lead to various diseases such as cancer, kidney disorders and

Bases on the facts, plastic bags should not be used anymore. There are some
viable alternatives. 1. Use paper. Paper is an option that seems viable & easy to do. Most
paper bags are made of recycled paper. The benefits are that paper bags can be reused &
hold more than plastic bags. 2. Switch to carrying re-usable canvases/mesh bags.

How to Present an Argument

a. Making a statement: We believe that …, we strongly believe that …, etc.
Example: We believe that smoking does not only harm the smoker but also
the people nearby …
b. Give logic reasons: Because..., it is …, Because of …, Since…, In any case …
Example: In any case, smokers choose to smoke, but people nearby do not
choose to smoke passively.
c. Provide supportive evidence:
Example: One third of smokers in Scotland said the ban was helping them
to stop smoking.
d. Correlate the reasons with the motion: That’s why …, Therefore…, Based on
the evidence, …,It’s clear that …, etc.
Example: Therefore, it is urgent to ban smoking in public places to protect
Indonesian people.

Four-Step Rebuttal
Step 1: ―They say ...‖
State the argument that you are about to refute so that the judges can follow
easily. Take notes during your opponent’s speeches so you will be clear about
what they argue.
Example: ―The other team said that smoking is harmful for non-smokers.”
Step 2: ―But I disagree...‖ Or ―That may be true, but...‖
Example: ―That may be true, but I think that if non-smokers want to avoid
cigarette smoke, they can walk away from it.”
Step 3: ―Because ...‖
Example: ―Because non-smokers should look out for their own healths...”
Step 4: ―Therefore...‖
Example: ―Therefore it is not the responsibility of smokers to protect non-

C. Metode Pembelajaran

Active learning, modeling, demonstration, collaborative learning.

Menggunakan sistem latihan mengungkapkan pendapat melalui debat.

D. Sumber Pembelajaran

English Alive Senior High School, For SMA IX, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010
(Halaman 123)

English in focus , For SMA XII, Yudhistira : Jakarta, 2010 (Halaman 200-210)

Hortatory Exposition Text,

E. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

G. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, guru :

-Membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan do’a, melakukan pengecekan

kehadiran, dan menanyakan kesiapan siswa.

-Melakukan apersepsi dengan cara tanya jawab mengenai materi yang

akan dibahas.

-Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

H. Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)

1. Eksplorasi

-Mengingatkan kembali tentang sistematika dan fungsi hortatory


2. Elaborasi

− Mengingatkan kembali terkait teknik debate.

− Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari tiga
− Menentukan sisi pro dan kontra kepada setiap kelompok.
− Memberikan issue (Judul Hortatory Exposition Text) untuk didiskusikan
dalam kelompok
− Membuat text hortatory berdasarkan issue tersebut dengan cara
− Siswa dalam kelompoknya bersama dengan kelompok lain melakukan
aktivitas berdebat.
− 2 kelompok dalam satu exhibition memberikan simulasi berdebat,
kelompok yang lain memberikan respon diwakili oleh satu orang dalam
kelompoknya, siswa yang lain mencatat dan membuat resume.

6. Konfirmasi

- Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan.

-Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh

pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan.

-Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum

berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

I. Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru :

-Bersama peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai kesulitan yang masih

dihadapi peserta didik tentang materi yang dipelajari.

-Guru dan peserta didik memperhatikan kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang

terkait materi yang dipelajari

-Melakukan penilaian pembelajaran

-Memberikan tugas/tindak lanjut.

-Memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk menulis jurnal reflektif dan resume

atas hasil yang diperoleh hari ini berupa catatan hortatory exposition
dalam satu kelompok.

F. Tugas Terstruktur

-Mencari materi terkait permasalahan yang akan dibahas.

G. Tugas Tidak Terstruktur

Peserta didik diharuskan membawa materi yang sudah mereka cari untuk
melaksanakan debat selanjutnya.

H. Penilaian

Indikator Penilaian
a. Melakukan monolog Teknik Bentuk Contoh Instrument
berbentuk hortatory Classroom Menyampaikan Do debate like the
exposition Debate hasil case example before.
building melalui

Instrument :

1. Read the example of hortatory exposition about plastic bag should be

banned, make your own arguments, and do debate in the classroom!

I. Rubrik Penilaian

Oral Proficiency scoring (Brown, 2004 : 172-173)

Initial Student’s Speaking Ability


Guru Bidang Studi Peneliti

Asep Suryadi, S.Pd. Anggit Laesa Oktaviani

NIP.196707062005021002 NIM. 2223120213


Kepala Sekolah


Picture 1. Research Collaborator Picture 2. Students do case build

Picture 3. Collaboration between the students Picture 4. Researcher with the


Picture 5. Students feel not Picture 6. Students become more

confidence at first time active to speak, give POI

Picture 7. Student has less reliance Picture 8. The student looks more
on note, she becomes more confidence

Picture 9. Collaboration between the Picture 10. Teacher (Researcher) is

students and the teacher explaining the material

Picture 11. A student expresses his

opinion about an issue given by
the researcher

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