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Sir Peter J. Morris, MD, PhD, FRS, FRCS

Emeritus Nuffield Professor of Surgery,
University of Oxford;
Honorary Professor,
University of London;
Centre for Evidence in Transplantation,
Royal College of Surgeons of England,
London, UK

Stuart J. Knechtle, MD, FACS

Clinical Director;
Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics;
Mason Chair of Transplant Surgery,
Emory Transplant Center,
Atlanta, GA, USA

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2014
© 2014, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
First edition 1979
Second edition 1984
Third edition 1988
Fourth edition 1994
Fifth edition 2001
Sixth edition 2008
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Video Table of Contents

Access all videos online at expertconsult.com. See inside front cover for activation code.

Ch 02 clip 01 Formation of an immune synapse Ch 06 clip 01 Brain Death Examination

Dan Davis Laura S. Johnson
Nicholas Byron Pitts
Ch 02 clip 02 3-D rotational image of immune synapses
Ram M. Subramanian
Fiona J. Culley
Ch08 clip 01 Laparoendoscopic single site (LESS)
Ch 02 clip 03 An NK cell killing its target
donor nephrectomy: technique and outcomes
Dan Davis
Rolf N. Barth
Ch 05 clip 01 Laparoscopic: Peritoneal Dialysis -
Ch 42 clip 01 The Transplant Library on OvidSP
Catheter Insertion Techniques
Adam D. Barlow Ch 42 clip 02 The Transplant Library on Evidentia
James P. Hunter Liset H.M. Pengel
Michael L. Nicholson

Preface to the First Edition

Renal transplantation is now an accepted treatment of future it may be possible to work out a satisfactory way of
patients in end-stage renal failure. A successful trans- determining the reaction of the recipient’s blood serum or
plant restores not merely life but an acceptable quality tissues to those of the donor and the reverse; perhaps in this
of life to such patients. The number of patients in end- way we can obtain more light on this as yet relatively dark
stage renal failure in the Western World who might be side of biology.
treated by hemodialysis and transplantation is consider-
able and comprises some 30-50 new patients/million of The recognition that allogeneic tissues would be re-
population. Unfortunately in most, if not all, countries jected was further established in later years by Drs. Gibson
the supply of kidneys for transplantation is insufficient and Medawar, who treated burn patients with homografts
to meet the demand. Furthermore, hemodialysis facili- in Glasgow during the Second World War. Indeed, it was
ties are usually inadequate to make up this deficit so that the crash of a bomber behind the Medawars’ house in
many patients are still dying of renal disease who could Oxford during the early years of the war that first stimu-
be restored to a useful and productive life. Nevertheless, lated his interest in transplantation, especially of skin.
few of us would have imagined even 10 years ago that In his address at the opening of the new Oxford
transplantation of the kidney would have become such a Transplant Unit in 1977, Sir Peter Medawar recounted
relatively common procedure as is the case today, and in- this event.
deed well over 30,000 kidney transplantations have been
performed throughout the world. Early in the war, an R.A.F. Whitley bomber crashed into
Transplantation of the kidney for the treatment of re- a house in North Oxford with much serious injury and loss
nal failure has been an attractive concept for many years. of life. Among the injured was a young man with a third
As long ago as 1945, three young surgeons at the Peter degree burn extending over about 60% of his body. People
Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, Charles Hufnagel, burned as severely as this never raised a medical problem
Ernest Landsteiner and David Hume, joined the ves- before: they always died; but the blood transfusion services
sels of a cadaver kidney to the brachial vessels of a young and the control of infection made possible by the topical use
woman who was comatose from acute renal failure due to of sulphonamide drugs now made it possible for them to stay
septicemia. The kidney functioned for several days before alive. Dr. John F. Barnes, a colleague of mine in Professor
it was removed, and the woman regained consciousness. H. W. Florey’s School of Pathology, asked me to see this
Shortly afterwards, the woman’s own kidneys began to patient in the hope that being an experimental biologist
function and she made a full recovery. The advent of the I might have some ideas for treatment. With more than
artificial kidney at that time meant that this approach to half his body surface quite raw, this poor young man was a
the treatment of acute renal failure was no longer nec- deeply shocking sight; I thought of and tried out a number
essary, but attention was soon given to the possibility of of ingenious methods, none of which worked, for ekeing out
transplanting kidneys to patients with end-stage renal his own skin for grafting, trying to make one piece of skin
failure who were requiring dialysis on the newly devel- do the work of ten or more. The obvious solution was to use
oped artificial kidney to stay alive. skin grafts from a relative or voluntary donor, but this was
Although the first experimental kidney transplants in not possible then and it is not possible now.
animals were reported first in Vienna by Dr. Emerich I believe I saw it as my metier to find out why it
Ulmann in 1902 and then in 1905 by Dr. Alexis Carrel was not possible to graft skin from one human being to
in the United States, the problem of rejection was not another, and what could be done about it. I accordingly
mentioned by either author. Later in 1910, Carrel did began research on the subject with the Burns Unit of the
discuss the possible differences between an autograft Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and subsequently in the Zoology
and a homograft. The vascular techniques developed by Department in Oxford. If anybody had then told me that
Carrel for the anastomosis of the renal vessels to the re- one day, in Oxford, kidneys would be transplanted from
cipient vessels are still used today. But in 1923, Dr. Carl one human being to another, not as a perilous surgical
Williamson of the Mayo Clinic clearly defined the dif- venture, but as something more in the common run of
ference between an autografted and homografted kidney things, I should have dismissed it as science fiction; yet it
and even published histological pictures of a rejecting is just this that has come about, thanks to the enterprise of
kidney. Furthermore, he predicted the future use of tis- Professor Morris and his colleagues.
sue matching in renal transplantation.
Nevertheless in 1951, David Hume in Boston em-
It is unfortunate that the lower animals, such as the dog, barked on a series of cadaver kidney transplants in which
do not possess a blood grouping like that of man. In the the kidney was placed in the thigh of the recipient. All but
x Preface to the first edition

one of these kidneys were rejected within a matter of days of steroids, the standard immunosuppressive therapy of
or weeks, the one exception being a patient in whom the today was introduced to the practice of renal transplanta-
kidney functioned for nearly 6 months and enabled the tion in the early sixties.
patient to leave the hospital! This event provided hope Not that this meant the solution of the problems of
for the future as no immunosuppressive therapy had been renal transplantation for this combination of drugs was
used in this patient. At this time, the problems of rejec- dangerous and mortality was high in those early years.
tion of kidney allografts in the dog were being clearly But there was a significant number of long-term success-
­defined by Dr. Morton Simonsen in Copenhagen and ful transplants, and as experience grew, the results of renal
Dr. William Dempster in London, but in 1953, a ma- transplantation improved. Another major area of en-
jor boost to transplantation research was provided by the deavor in renal transplantation at that time was directed
demonstration, by Drs. Rupert Billingham, Lesley Brent at the study of methods of matching donor and recipient
and Peter Medawar, that tolerance to an allogeneic skin for histocompatibility antigens with the aim of lessening
graft in an adult animal could be produced by injecting the immune response to the graft and so perhaps allow-
the fetus with donor strain tissue, thus confirming ex- ing a decrease in the immunosuppressive drug therapy.
perimentally the clonal selection hypothesis of Burnet Although this aim has only been achieved to any great ex-
and Fenner in the recognition of self and non-self. The tent in siblings who are HLA identical, tissue typing has
induction of specific unresponsiveness of a host to a tis- made a significant contribution to renal transplantation,
sue allograft has remained the ultimate goal of transplant perhaps best illustrated by the recognition in the late six-
immunologists ever since. ties that the performance of a transplant in the presence
Then in 1954, the first kidney transplant between of donor-specific presensitization in the recipient leads to
identical twins was carried out successfully at the Peter hyperacute or accelerated rejection of the graft in most
Bent Brigham Hospital which led to a number of further instances. Nevertheless, the more recent description of
successful identical twin transplants in Boston and else- the Ia-like system in man (HLA-DR) may have an impor-
where in the world over the next few years. tant impact on tissue typing in renal transplantation. The
There still remained the apparently almost insol- present decade also has seen an enormous effort directed
uble problem of rejection of any kidney other than an at immunological monitoring in renal transplantation
­identical-twin kidney. The first attempts to suppress the and at attempts to induce experimental specific immuno-
immune response to a kidney allograft employed total suppression. We have solved most of the technical prob-
body irradiation of the recipient and were carried out by lems of renal transplantation; we have been left with the
Dr. Merril’s group in Boston, two groups in Paris under problem of rejection and the complications arising from
the direction of Drs. Kuss and Hamburger, respectively, the drug therapy given to prevent rejection.
and by Professor Shackman’s group in London. Rejection Although the contributions in this book cover all as-
of a graft could be suppressed by irradiation, but the com- pects of renal transplantation, certain subjects, as for
plications of the irradiation were such that this was really example immunological monitoring before transplanta-
an unacceptable approach, although an occasional rela- tion, transplantation in children and cancer after renal
tively long-term acceptance of a graft provided encour- transplantation, have received considerable emphasis as
agement for the future. they do represent developing areas of great interest, and I
Then came the discovery by Drs. Schwartz and must take responsibility for this emphasis. For in the sev-
Dameshek in 1959 that 6-mercaptopurine could suppress enties we have seen many of the principles and practice
the immune response of rabbits to human serum albumin. of renal transplantation become established and the ­areas
Shortly afterwards, they showed that the survival of skin of future investigation become more clearly defined.
allografts in rabbits was significantly prolonged by the With an ever-increasing demand for renal transplanta-
same drug. This event ushered in the present era of renal tion, more and more people in many different disciplines,
transplantation, for very quickly Roy Calne in London doctors (surgeons, physicians, pathologists, virologists,
and Charles Zukoski working with David Hume in immunologists), nurses, scientists and ancillary staff are
Virginia showed that this same drug markedly prolonged becoming involved in renal transplantation either in the
the survival of kidney allografts in dogs. And indeed, clinic or in the laboratory. It is to these people I hope this
6-mercaptopurine was first used in a patient in Boston in book will be of value.
1960. Elion and Hitchings of the Burroughs Wellcome
Research Laboratories in New York State then developed Sir Peter J. Morris
azathioprine, which quickly replaced 6-­mercaptopurine Oxford, UK
in clinical practice as it was less toxic. With the addition November 1978
Preface to the Seventh Edition

It is amazing, at least from our point to view, to realise and safe agent, perhaps discarded a little early, but as it
that it is 35 years (1978) since the first edition of Kidney was the first immunosuppressive agent available way back
Transplantation: Principles and Practice was published. in the 1960’s then if for no other reason than a historical
In 1954, the first successful kidney transplant was per- one, it deserves a brief chapter.
formed by the late Joseph Murray at the Peter Bent Patient and graft survival continued to improve in
Brigham Hospital in Boston. Thus as we look back on the short and medium term and in most units good risk
the first edition it certainly made us realise how far we patients can achieve one year graft survival of 90% or
have come. Although at times people working in kidney better at one year, but the long term survival of kidney
transplantation feel a little despondent that we are not grafts has not improved all that much despite the vari-
making sufficient progress, progress, as always, continues ous new immunosuppressive agents. Chronic allograft
to be made, which is certainly evident if you review the nephropathy remains a major problem. Again in the
past six editions of this book. preservation area hypothermic machine preservation is
In this edition we have a number of new authors and being revaluated with promising results now available
have added some additional chapters. For example the and this is extensively discussed on the chapter on pres-
new immunosuppressive agent that has appeared on the ervation. There is a separate chapter on steroids, but
screen is Belatacept (a fusion protein which inhibits co now concentrating on steroid avoidance or sparing. For
stimulation) and as there are a considerable number of the first time we have now an electronic edition in keep-
well conducted randomised controlled trials of this new ing with changes in media presentation, and added video
biological agent all showing considerable promise, we felt clips to more thoroughly illustrate the principles related
it was worthy of a chapter by itself, at least in this edi- to our field.
tion. We also have added a chapter on paired exchange Renal transplantation is an exciting area and we have
programmes for living donors which has become wide- to be grateful to the scientists and clinicians that made the
spread now throughout the world. Finally we have added current results possible and to the thousands of patients
a chapter on evidence in transplantation where it be- who have participated in this evolution of renal trans-
comes increasingly apparent that we do need to have a plantation over the last 50 years.
better basis of evidence for what we do. The remaining
chapters cover much the same topics as in the previous Sir Peter J. Morris
editions but of course in many of those areas there have London, UK
been considerable changes and so a lot of updating has
been necessary. One might ask why we have a chapter Stuart Knechtle
on azathioprine alone? This is really because it is a good Atlanta, GA, USA

List of Contributors

Richard D.M. Allen, MBBS, FRACS Robert B. Colvin, MD

Professor of Transplantation Surgery, University of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
Sydney; Director of Transplantation Services, Royal School, Boston, MA, USA
Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia Ch 26 Pathology of Kidney Transplantation
Ch 28 Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney
Transplantation Lynn D. Cornell, MD
Consultant, Division of Anatomic Pathology;
Frederike Ambagtsheer, MSc, LLM Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and
Scientific Researcher, Erasmus MC University Pathology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Kidney Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MI, USA
Transplantation Section, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Ch 26 Pathology of Kidney Transplantation
Ch 41 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Kidney Donation
Fiona J. Culley, PhD
Amit Basu, MD, FACS, FRCS(Edin) National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
Attending Transplant Surgeon, Transplant Center, London, London, UK
North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Ch 02 clip 02 3-D rotational image of immune synapses
Manhasset, New York, USA
Ch 17 Calcineurin Inhibitors Margaret J. Dallman, DPhil
Professor of Immunology and Principal, Faculty of
Simon Ball, MA, PhD, FRCP Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences,
Consultant Nephrologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Imperial College London, London, UK
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Ch 02 Immunology of Graft Rejection
Ch 02 Immunology of Graft Rejection
Andrew Davenport, MD
Adam D. Barlow, MBBS, MRCS, MD Consultant Renal Physician, UCL Centre for
Specialist Registrar in Transplantation, Transplant Nephrology, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Group, Department of Infection, Immunity and Ch 03 Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy
Inflammation, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Ch 05 Access for Renal Replacement Therapy; Dan Davis, PhD
Ch 05 Clip 01 Laparoscopic: Peritoneal Dialysis - Catheter Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London,
Insertion Techniques London, UK
Ch 02 clip 01 Formation of an immune synapse;
Rolf N. Barth, MD Ch 02 clip 03 An NK cell killing its target
Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of
Transplantation, University of Maryland School of Alton B. Farris, III, MD
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Department of Pathology, Emory University Hospital,
Ch 08 Donor Nephrectomy; Atlanta, GA, USA
Ch 08 clip 01 Laparoendoscopic single site (LESS) donor Ch 26 Pathology of Kidney Transplantation
nephrectomy: technique and outcomes
Jay A. Fishman, MD
J. Andrew Bradley, PhD, FRCS, FMedSci Profesor of Medicine; Director, Transplant Infectious
Professor of Surgery, University of Cambridge; Disease and Compromised Host Program, Harvard
Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital,
Hospital, Cambridge, UK Boston, MA, USA
Ch 19 mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus Ch 31 Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients

Jeremy R. Chapman, MD, MB, BChir, FRACP, FRCP Andria L. Ford, MD, MSCI
Clinical Professor of Renal Medicine, Centre for Assistant Professor in Neurology, Washington University
Transplant and Renal Research, University of Sydney, in St. Louis School of Medicine; Attending Physician,
Sydney, Australia; Westmead Hospital, Westmead, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA
Australia Ch 33 Neurological Complications after Kidney
Ch 04 The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant Transplantation

xiv List of Contributors

Julie Franc-Guimond, MD David Hamilton, PhD, FRCS

Associate Professor, University of Montreal, Montreal, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Bute Medical School, St
Quebec, Canada Andrews University, St Andrews, Scotland
Ch 12 Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder Ch 01 Kidney Transplantation: A History

Patricia M. Franklin, MSc, BSc(Hons), RGN James P. Hunter, BSc(Hons), MBChB, MRCS
Kidney Patient Advisor – Psychologist, Oxford Renal Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Transplant
Medicine and Transplant Centre, The Churchill Group, Department of Infection, Immunity and
Hospital, Oxford, UK Inflammation, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Ch 40 Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Ch 05 Access for Renal Replacement Therapy;
Organ Donation Ch 05 Clip 01 Laparoscopic: Peritoneal Dialysis - Catheter
Insertion Techniques
Peter J. Friend, MA, MB, BCHIR, FRCS, MD
Professor of Transplantation, University of Oxford; Alan G. Jardine, BSc, MD, FRCP
Consultant Surgeon Oxford University NHS Trust Professor of Renal Medicine, University of Glasgow,
Oxford Transplant Centre, Nuffield Department of Glasgow, Scotland
Surgical Sciences, Oxford, UK Ch 30 Cardiovascular Disease in Renal
Ch 9 Kidney Preservation; Transplantation
Ch 11 Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation
Sasha Nicole Jenkins, MD, MPH
Susan V. Fuggle, BSc(Hons), MSc, DPhil, FRCPath Emory Department of Dermatology Chief Resident,
Reader in Transplant Immunology, University of Emory University, Department of Dermatology
Oxford; Director of Clinical Transplant Immunology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics, Oxford Ch 34 Non-malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in
Transplant Centre, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK Kidney Transplant Patients
Ch 10 Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation
Juan Antonio Jiménez, MD, PhD
Robert S. Gaston, MD Resident Physician, Glickman Urological and Kidney
Robert G. Luke Chair in Transplant Nephrology; Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland,
Medical Director of Kidney and Pancreas OH, USA
Transplantation; Co-Director, Comprehensive Ch 29 Urological Complications after Kidney Transplantation
Transplant Institute, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA Laura S. Johnson, MD
Ch 18 Mycophenolates Department of Surgical Critical Care/Trauma/
Acute Care Surgery, Washington Hospital Center,
Sommer E. Gentry, PhD Washington, DC, USA
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department Ch 06 Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria
of Mathematics, United States Naval Academy, and Care of Deceased Donor;
Annapolis, MD; Department of Surgery Johns Ch 06 clip 01 Brain Death Examination
Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA Allan D. Kirk, MD, PhD, FACS
Ch 25 Kidney Paired Donation Programs for Living Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, Emory University;
Donors Scientific Director, Emory Transplant Center, Emory
University Hospital, Atlanta, GA, USA
Ricardo González, MD Ch 20 Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies,
Auf der Bult Youth and Children’s Hospital, and Fusion Proteins;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; Ch 21 Belatacept
Charité University Medicine Berlin, Berlin,
Germany Stuart J. Knechtle, MD, FACS
Ch 12 Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder Clinical Director; Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics;
Mason Chair of Transplant Surgery, Emory
Angelika C. Gruessner, MS, PhD Transplant Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
Professor, Mel and Enid College of Public health, Ch 14 Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney
Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Transplantation;
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Ch 39 Results of Renal Transplantation
Ch 36 Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic
Nephropathy Simon R. Knight, MChir, MA, MB, FRCS
Deputy Director, Centre for Evidence in Transplantation,
Rainer W.G. Gruessner, MD Clinical Effectiveness Unit, Royal College of Surgeons
Professor of Surgery and Immunobiology; Chair, of England, London, UK; Academic Clinical Lecturer
Department of Surgery, University of Arizona College in Transplant Surgery, Nuffield Department of
of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, USA Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Ch 36 Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Ch 16 Steroids;
Nephropathy Ch 42 Evidence in Transplantation

List of Contributors xv

Aoife Lally, MD, FRCPI M. Rafique Moosa, MB, ChB, FCP, MD, FRCP
Consultant Dermatologist, Department of Dermatology, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Faculty
St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Cape
Ch 34 Non-malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Town, South Africa
Kidney Transplant Patients Ch 38 Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries

Christian P. Larsen, MD, PhD Sir Peter J. Morris, MD, PhD, FRS, FRCS
Dean, Emory University School of Medicine; Vice Emeritus Nuffield Professor of Surgery, University
President For Health Center Integration, Emory of Oxford; Honorary Professor, University of
University, Atlanta, GA, USA London; Director, Centre for Evidence in
Ch 21 Belatacept Transplantation, Royal College of Surgeons of
England, London, UK
Jin-Moo Lee, MD, PhD Ch 15 Azathioprine;
Professor of Neurology, Radiology and Biomedical Ch 42 Evidence in Transplantation
Engineering; Director, Cerebrovascular Disease
Section, Department of Neurology, Washington Brian J. Nankivell, MD, PhD, FRACP
University School of Medicine; Attending Physician, Transplant Physician, Department of Renal Medicine,
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Ch 33 Neurological Complications after Kidney Ch 27 Chronic Allograft Failure
Kenneth A. Newell, MD, PhD
Henri G.D. Leuvenink, MD, PhD Professor of Surgery, Division of Transplantation,
Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, University Department of Surgery, Emory University School of
of Groningen, Surgical Research Laboratory, Medicine; Director, Living Donor Kidney Program,
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Emory Transplant Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
The Netherlands Ch 07 Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor
Ch 09 Kidney Preservation
Claus U. Niemann, MD
Michael R. Lucey, MD Professor of Anesthesia and Surgery, Department of
Professor of Medicine; Chief, Division of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, Department
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, of Surgery, Division of Transplantation, University of
Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
School of Medicine and Public Health, Ch 13 Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney
Madison, Wisconsin Transplantation
Ch 32 Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients
Michael L. Nicholson, MD, DSc, FRCS
Barbara Ludwikowski, MD Professor of Transplant Surgery, Transplant Group,
Auf der Bult Youth and Children's Hospital, Hannover, Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
Germany University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Ch 12 Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder Ch 05 Access for Renal Replacement Therapy;
Ch 05 Clip 01 Laparoscopic: Peritoneal Dialysis - Catheter
Malcolm P. MacConmara, MB, BCh, BAO Insertion Techniques
Associate in Surgery, Fellow Abdominal Organ
Transplantation, Emory Transplant Center, Emory John O’Callaghan, MBBS, MRCS
University, Atlanta, GA, USA Specialist Registrar in Transplant Surgery, Oxford
Ch 07 Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor Transplant Unit, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK
Ch 09 Kidney Preservation
Chantal Mathieu, MD, PHD
Professor of Endocrinology, University of Leuven, Stephen Pastan, MD
Leuven, Belgium Associate Professor of Medicine; Medical Director,
Ch 22 Other Forms of Immunosuppression Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program, Emory
Transplant Center, Emory University School of
Emily P McQuarrie, BSc, MD, MRCP Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Specialist Trainee and Clinical Research Fellow in Renal Ch 14 Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney
Medicine, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Transplantation
Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Ch 30 Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation Rachel E. Patzer, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Renal Medicine,
Juan C. Mejia, MD Emory University School of Medicine, Department
Transplant Surgery Fellow, Starzl Transplant of Surgery, Division of Transplantation, Rollins
Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, School of Public Health, Department of
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Epidemiology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Ch 17 Calcineurin Inhibitors Ch 39 Results of Renal Transplantation
xvi List of Contributors

Thomas C. Pearson, MD, DPhil Dorry L. Segev, MD, PhD

Executive Director, Emory Transplant Center; Professor of Surgery, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics,
Livingston Professor of Surgery, Department of Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University
Surgery, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology,
Ch 21 Belatacept Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD, USA
Liset H.M. Pengel, PhD Ch 25 Kidney Paired Donation Programs for Living
Chief Executive Officer and Senior Research Associate, Donors
Centre for Evidence in Transplantation, The Royal
College of Surgeons of England, London, UK Ron Shapiro, MD
Ch 42 Evidence in Transplantation; Professor of Surgery, Robert J. Corry Chair in
Ch 42 clip 01 The Transplant Library on OvidSP; Transplantation Surgery, Thomas E. Starzl
Ch 42 clip 02 The Transplant Library on Evidentia Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jacques Pirenne, MD, MSc, PhD Ch 17 Calcineurin Inhibitors
Chief, Abdominal Transplant Surgery; Professor of
Surgery, University Leuven (KUL), Leuven, Belgium Daniel Shoskes, MD
Ch 22 Other Forms of Immunosuppression Professor of Surgery (Urology), Glickman Urological
and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Nicholas Byron Pitts, MD Cleveland, OH, USA
St. Vincent Emergency Physicians, Inc., Indianapolis, Ch 29 Urological Complications after Kidney
IN, USA Transplantation
Ch 06 clip 01 Brain Death Examination
Ben Sprangers, MD, PhD
Rutger J. Ploeg, MA, BA, MD, PHD, FRCS Professor of Nephrology and Transplant Immunology,
Professor of Transplant Biology; Consultant Surgeon, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Clinical and Translational Research, Nuffield Ch 22 Other Forms of Immunosuppression
Department of Surgical Sciences, Oxford Transplant
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Mark D. Stegall, MD
Ch 09 Kidney Preservation Professor of Surgery and Immunology, Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MI,
John P. Rice, MD USA
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ch 24 Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and
Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin Across ABO Blood Groups
School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison,
WI, USA Ram M. Subramanian, MD
Ch 32 Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients Intensivist and Hepatologist, Departments of Medicine
and Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine,
Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD Atlanta, GA, USA
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Ch 06 Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria
Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of and Care of Deceased Donor;
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Ch 06 clip 01 Brain Death Examination
Madison, WI, USA; Associate Chief of Staff for
Research, VAMC Craig J. Taylor, PhD, FRCPath
Ch 32 Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients Consultant Clinical Scientist; Director of
Histocompatibility Immunogenetics, Tissue Typing
Adnan Said, MD, MS Laboratory, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Ch 10 Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health;
Chief, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Wm. S. John F. Thompson, MD, FRACS, FACS
Middleton VAMC, Madison, WI, USA; Program Executive Director, Melanoma Institute Australia;
Director, Transplant Hepatology Professor of Surgery (Melanoma and Surgical
Ch 32 Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients Oncology), The University of Sydney; Head of
Department of Melanoma and Surgical Oncology,
Blayne A. Sayed, MD, PhD Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW,
Resident, Department of Surgery, Emory University, Australia
Atlanta, GA, USA Ch 35 Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant
Ch 21 Belatacept Patients

List of Contributors xvii

Katie D. Vo, MD Jennifer T. Wells, MD

Associate Professor in Radiology; Director, Consultant Hepatologist, Baylor University Medical
Diagnostic Neuroradiology Fellowship; Director, Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Cerebrovascular Imaging, Washington University in Ch 32 Liver Disease among Renal Transplant
St. Louis Medical Center, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Recipients
Louis, MI, USA
Ch 33 Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation Pamela Winterberg, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of
Mark Waer, MD, PhD Nephrology, Emory University School of Medicine
Professor of Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta,
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium GA, USA
Ch 22 Other Forms of Immunosuppression Ch37 Renal Transplantation in Children

Barry Warshaw, MD Kathryn J. Wood, DPhil

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Emory University Transplantation Research Immunology Group,
School of Medicine; Medical Director, Pediatric Professor of Immunology, Nuffield Department
Renal Transplant Program Children’s Healthcare of of Surgical Sciences, John Radcliffe Hospital,
Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Ch 37 Renal Transplantation in Children Ch 23 Approaches to the Induction of
Christopher J.E. Watson, MD, FRCS
Professor of Transplantation, University of Cambridge; C. Spencer Yost, MD
Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Addenbrooke’s Professor of Anesthesia, Department of Anesthesia
Hospital, Cambridge, UK and Perioperative Care, Department of
Ch 11 Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation; Surgery, Division of Transplantation, University
Ch 19 mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus of California San Francisco, San Francisco,
Angela C. Webster, MBBS MM(Clin Epi), PhD, Ch 13 Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney
FRCP(UK), FRACP Transplantation
Associate Professor, Clinical Epidemiology and
Nephrologist, University of Sydney and Westmead Fiona Zwald, MD, MRCPI
Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Emory
Ch 35 Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients Transplant Dermatology Clinic, Mohs
Micrographic Surgery, Dept of Dermatology,
Willem Weimar, MD, PhD Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,
Professor of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC University GA, USA
Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Ch 34 Nonmalignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in
Nephrology and Transplantation Section, Rotterdam, Kidney Transplant Patients
The Netherlands
Ch 41 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Kidney Donation

Kidney Transplantation:
A History
David Hamilton




The modern period of transplantation began in the late assistant at the Second Medical Clinic, carried out dog-
1950s, but two earlier periods of interest in clinical and to-dog kidney transplants at the Institute of Experimental
experimental transplantation were the early 1950s and Pathology.15
the first two decades of the 20th century. Hamilton22 Ullmann and von Decastello had used Payr’s method,
provides a bibliography of the history of organ trans- and later in 1902 Ullmann demonstrated a dog-to-goat
plantation. Table 1-1 summarizes landmarks in kidney kidney transplant that, to his surprise, passed a little urine
transplantation. for a while. Neither Ullmann nor von Decastello contin-
ued with this work, although von Decastello was noted
for his work on blood groups, and Ullmann published
EARLY EXPERIMENTS extensively on bowel and biliary surgery.
In Lyon, the department headed by Mathieu Jaboulay
Interest in transplantation developed in the early part (1860–1913) had a major influence (Figure 1-2). In his
of the 20th century because experimental and clinical research laboratories, his assistants Carrel, Briau, and
surgical skills were rapidly advancing, and many of the Villard worked on improved methods of vascular sutur-
pioneering surgeons took an interest in vascular surgical ing, leading to Carrel’s famous article credited with es-
techniques as part of their broad familiarity with the ad- tablishing the modern method of suturing.9 Carrel left
vance of all aspects of surgery. Payr’s demonstration of to work in the United States, and in the next 10 years
the first workable, although cumbersome, stent method he published extensively on organ grafting, successfully
of vascular suturing led to widespread interest in organ carrying out autografts of kidneys in cats and dogs and
transplantation in Europe. Many centers were involved, showing that allografts eventually failed after function-
notably Vienna, Bucharest, and Lyon. The first successful ing briefly. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for this work
experimental organ transplant was reported by Ullmann in 1912.
in 1902. Emerich Ullmann (1861–1937) (Figure 1-1) had
studied under Edward Albert before obtaining a posi-
tion at the Vienna Medical School, which was then at its HUMAN KIDNEY TRANSPLANTS
height. Ullmann’s article shows that he managed to auto-
transplant a dog kidney from its normal position to the Jaboulay, Carrel’s teacher, had carried out the first
vessels of the neck, which resulted in some urine flow. ­recorded human kidney transplant in 1906,28 although
The animal was presented to a Vienna medical society Ullmann later claimed an earlier attempt in 1902.56
on March 1, 1902, and caused considerable comment.55 Jaboulay was later to be better known for his work on
At this time, Ullmann was Chief Surgeon to the Spital thyroid and urological surgery, but, doubtless encouraged
der Baumhertigen Schwestern, and his experimental by the success of Carrel and others in his laboratory, he
work was done in the Vienna Physiology Institute un- carried out two xenograft kidney transplants using a pig
der Hofrath Exner. Exner’s son Alfred had already tried and goat as donors, transplanting the organ to the arm or
such a transplant without success. In the same year, an- thigh of patients with chronic renal failure. Each kidney
other Vienna physician, Alfred von Decastello, physician worked for only 1 hour. This choice of an animal donor
2 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 1-1  Landmarks in Kidney Transplantation

1902 First successful experimental kidney
1906 First human kidney transplant –
1933 First human kidney transplant – allograft54
1950 Revival of experimental kidney
1950–1953 Human kidney allografts without
immunosuppression, in Paris17,32,48 and
1953 First use of live related donor, Paris34
1954 First transplant between identical twins,
1958 First description of leukocyte antigen Mac13
1959–1962 Radiation used for immunosuppression, FIGURE 1-2 ■ Mathieu Jaboulay (1860–1913) and his surgical
in Boston39 and Paris20,30 team at Lyon in 1903. Until his death in a rail accident, Jaboulay
1960 Effectiveness of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) made numerous surgical contributions and encouraged Alexis
in dog kidney transplants5,62 Carrel’s work on vascular anastomosis. In 1906, Jaboulay re-
1960 Prolonged graft survival in patient given ported the first attempt at human kidney transplantation.
6-MP after irradiation31
1962 First use of tissue matching to select a
donor and recipient14,31,53 was acceptable at that time in view of the many claims
1966 Recognition that positive crossmatching in the surgical literature for success with xenograft skin,
leads to hyperacute rejection29,53 cornea, or bone.
1967 Creation of Eurotransplant45
1967 Development of kidney preservation
More is known of the second and third attempts at
1973 Description of the transfusion effect4 ­human kidney transplantation. Ernst Unger (1875–1938)
1978 First clinical use of cyclosporine8 (Figure 1-3) had a thorough training in experimental
1978 Application of matching for HLA-DR in work and set up his own clinic in 1905 in Berlin, being
renal transplantation5 joined there by distinguished colleagues. He continued
1987 First of new wave of immunosuppressive
agents appears (tacrolimus) with experimental work and by 1909 reported success-
1997 Transgenic pigs produced ful transplantation of the kidneys en masse from a fox
terrier to a boxer dog. The urine output continued for
14 days, and the animal was presented to two medical so-
cieties. By 1910, Unger had performed more than 100

FIGURE 1-1  ■  Emerich Ullmann (1861–1937) carried out the first FIGURE 1-3  ■ A contemporary cartoon of Ernst Unger (1875–
experimental kidney transplants in dogs in 1902. (Courtesy of the 1938) at work at the Rudolf Virchow Hospital, Berlin. (Courtesy of
Vienna University, Institute for the History of Medicine.) the Rudolf Virchow Hospital.)
Kidney Transplantation: A History 3

experimental kidney transplants. On December 10, 1909, transplantations are almost always unsuccessful from the
Unger attempted a transplant using a stillborn child’s kid- standpoint of the functioning of the organs. All our efforts
ney grafted to a baboon. No urine was produced. The must now be directed toward the biological methods which will
animal died shortly after the operation, but postmortem prevent the reaction of the organism against foreign tissue and
examination showed that the vascular anastomosis had allow the adapting of homoplastic grafts to their hosts.10
been successful. This success and the new knowledge
that monkeys and humans were serologically similar led
Unger to attempt, later in the same month, a monkey-to- THE MIDDLE YEARS
human transplant.57 The patient was a young girl dying
of renal failure, and the kidney from an ape was sutured Until the revival of interest in transplantation in the
to the thigh vessels. No urine was produced. Unger’s re- 1950s, the 1930s and 1940s were a stagnant period in
port concluded that there was a biochemical barrier to clinical science. The great European surgical centers had
transplantation, a view mistakenly advocated by the ba- declined; in North America, only at the Mayo Clinic was
sic science of the day; his main contributions thereafter there a cautious program of experimental transplanta-
were in esophageal surgery. (For a biography of Unger, tion without building on Carrel’s work, notably failing to
see Winkler.61) make attempts at immunosuppression. In transplantation
These early experiments established that kidney circles, such as they were, there was not even the con-
transplants were technically possible. Methods of study fidence to counter the vivid claims of Voronoff to reju-
of renal function were primitive then; without routine venate human patients via monkey gland grafts, and the
measurement of blood urea and without any radiologi- endless reports of successful human skin homografts were
cal methods, subtle studies of transplant function were not examined critically.
impossible. This impossibility plus the uncertainty of The main event of this period was an isolated and
the mechanism of allograft rejection led to a diminished little-known event – the first human kidney allograft. It
interest in organ transplantation after about 10 years of was performed in the Ukraine by the Soviet surgeon Yu
activity. By the start of World War I, interest in organ Yu Voronoy.58 Voronoy was an experienced investigator,
transplantation had almost ceased and was not resumed and he eventually performed six such transplants up to
in the European ­departments of surgery after the war. 1949. Voronoy (1895–1961) trained in surgery at Kiev
Carrel had switched his attention to studies of tissue cul- under Professor V. N. Shamov and obtained experience
ture. Interest elsewhere also was low; in Britain and the there with serological methods of blood transfusion, then
United States, scarce research funds were being applied in their developmental stage. He used these methods
to fundamental biochemistry and physiology, rather than to detect complement-fixing antibodies after testis slice
applied projects of clinical relevance. Transplantation transplants, and later he had some success with the same
immunology faded away after the bright start in the ca- methods applied to kidney grafts (Figure 1-4). In 1933,
pable surgical hands of Carrel, Murphy’s sound grasp of Voronoy transplanted a human kidney of blood group B
immunosuppression, and Landsteiner’s awareness of the to a patient of blood group O with acute renal failure as a
serological detection of human antigens. Carrel, Murphy, result of mercuric chloride poisoning. The donor kidney
and Landsteiner all worked at the Rockefeller Institute in was obtained from a patient dying as a result of a head
New York. injury and was transplanted to the thigh vessels under lo-
In 1914, in a remarkable lecture to the International cal anesthetic; the warm time for the kidney was about 6
Surgical Society, Carrel did anticipate the future devel- hours. There was a major mismatch for blood groups, and
opment of transplantation. His colleague, J. B. Murphy, despite a modest exchange transfusion, the kidney never
at the Rockefeller Institute, had found that radiation or worked. The patient died 2 days later; at postmortem, the
benzol treatment would increase the “take” of tumor donor vessels were patent. By 1949, Voronoy reported
grafts in rats, and Carrel realized the potential of these six such transplants, although no substantial function

It is too soon to draw any definite conclusions from these

experiments. Nevertheless it is certain that a very important
point has been acquired with Dr. Murphy’s discovery that
the power of the organism to eliminate foreign tissue was due
to organs such as the spleen or bone marrow, and that when
the action of these organs is less active a foreign tissue can
develop rapidly after it has been grafted.
It is not possible to foresee whether or not the present
experiments of Dr. Murphy will lead directly to the
practical solution of the problem in which we are
The surgical side of the transplantation of organs is now
completed, as we are now able to perform transplantations
FIGURE 1-4  ■ Yu Yu Voronoy (1895–1961) had experience with dog
of organs with perfect ease and with excellent results from allografts before carrying out the first human kidney allograft in
an anatomical standpoint. But as yet the methods cannot be 1933 at Kherson in the Ukraine. His experimental animal model
applied to human surgery, for the reason that homoplastic is shown here.
4 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

had occurred in any. (For a biography of Voronoy, see

Hamilton and Reid23 and Matevossian and colleagues.33)


The sounder basis of transplantation immunology, which
followed Medawar’s pioneer studies during World War II,
led to a new interest in human transplantation. In 1946,
a human allograft kidney transplant to arm vessels un-
der local anesthetic was attempted by Hufnagel, Hume,
and Landsteiner at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in
Boston. The brief period of function of the kidney may
have helped the patient’s recovery from acute renal fail-
ure; it marked the beginning of that hospital’s major in-
terest in transplantation and dialysis.35
In the early 1950s, interest in experimental and clini-
cal kidney transplantation increased. With a growing
certainty that immunological mechanisms were in-
volved, the destruction of kidney allografts could be
reinvestigated. Simonsen, then an intern in Ålborg in
Denmark, persuaded his surgical seniors to teach him
some vascular surgery; using dog kidney transplants, FIGURE 1-5  ■  David M. Hume (1917–1973) pioneered human kid-
he reported on the mechanism of kidney rejection.49 ney transplantation at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston,
Dempster in London also re-examined this question.16 and the Medical College of Virginia. He died in an air crash at
Both workers found, like Küss in Paris, that the pel- the age of 55.
vic position of the kidney was preferable to a super-
ficial site, and both concluded that an immunological for these results, rather than the drug regimen. Many
mechanism was responsible for failure. Dempster found of Hume’s tentative conclusions from this short series
that radiation, but not cortisone, delayed rejection. were confirmed later, notably that prior blood transfu-
Both workers considered that a humoral mechanism of sion might be beneficial, that blood group matching of
­rejection was likely. graft and donor might be necessary, and that host bi-
In the early 1950s, two groups simultaneously started lateral nephrectomy was necessary for control of post-
human kidney transplantation. In Paris, with encour- transplant blood pressure.27 The first observation of
agement from the nephrologist Jean Hamburger, the recurrent disease in a graft was made, and accelerated
surgeons Küss (five cases),32 Servelle (one case),48 and arteriosclerosis in the graft vessels was noted at post-
Dubost (one case)17 reported on kidney allografts with- mortem. Other cases were reported from Chicago,
out immunosuppression in human patients, placing the Toronto, and Cleveland in the early 1950s, but because
graft in the now-familiar pelvic position. The Paris series no sustained function was achieved, interest in clinical
included a case reported by Hamburger of the first live- and experimental renal allograft transplantation waned,
related kidney transplant, the donor being the mother of despite increasing knowledge of basic immunological
a boy whose solitary kidney had been damaged in a fall mechanisms in the laboratory.
from a height. The kidney functioned immediately, but The technical lessons learned from the human
was rejected abruptly on the 22nd day.34 In the United ­allograft attempts of the early 1950s allowed confidence
States, the Chicago surgeon Lawler had been the first to in the surgical methods, and in Boston, on December
attempt such an intra-abdominal kidney allograft in 1950; 23, 1954, the first transplant of a kidney from one twin
it was met with the intense public interest and profes- to another with renal failure was performed. From then
sional skepticism that were to characterize innovative on, many such transplantations were performed success-
transplantation thereafter. fully in Boston.40 Although sometimes seen now merely
A series of nine cases, closely studied, was recorded as a technical triumph, valuable new findings emerged
from Boston, using the thigh position of the graft, and from this series. Some workers had predicted that, in the
for the first time hemodialysis had been used in prepar- short term, the activity of the inactive bladder could not
ing the patients, employing Merrill’s skill with the early be restored, and that in the long term, human kidney
Kolff/Brigham machine. David Hume (Figure 1-5) re- grafts would decline in vitality as a result of denervation
ported on this Boston experience in 1953. Modest un- or ureteric reflux. Other workers were convinced that a
expected survival of the kidney was obtained in some single kidney graft could not restore biochemical normal-
of these cases and served to encourage future careful ity to an adult, and that in any case the existing changes
empirical surgical adventures, despite advice from sci- caused by chronic renal failure were irreversible. All of
entists to wait for elegant immunological solutions. these gloomy predictions were neutralized by the success
Although small doses of adrenocorticotropic hormone of the twin kidney transplants, and the greatest triumph
or cortisone were used, it was thought that the endog- came when one such recipient became pregnant and had
enous immunosuppression of uremia was responsible a normal infant, delivered cautiously by cesarean section,
Kidney Transplantation: A History 5

with the anxious transplanters in attendance. Many of the Results were poor, and mortality was high. Schwartz and
twin recipients are still alive today, although the good re- Dameshek47 looked for alternatives to irradiation and rea-
sults were tempered by failures caused by the prompt re- soned that an anticancer drug, such as 6-­mercaptopurine
turn of glomerulonephritis in some transplanted kidneys. (6-MP) or methotrexate, might be of use for immuno-
This complication was later much reduced by immuno- suppression in their patients. (For an account of this
suppression. Other lessons learned were that the hazard period, see Schwartz.46) Their important paper in 1959,
of multiple donor renal arteries provided a need for pre- showing a poor immune response to foreign protein in
transplant angiography of the kidneys in living donors, rabbits treated with 6-MP,47 was noticed by Roy Calne,
although it still was not thought necessary to perfuse or then a surgeon in training at the Royal Free Hospital,
cool the donor organ. Lastly, there was the first airing London, and David Hume, new Chairman of Surgery at
of the legal aspects of organ donation, particularly the the Medical College of Virginia. Calne had been disap-
problem of consent in young, highly motivated related pointed at the failure of irradiation to prolong kidney
donors. (For an account of this period, see Murray and allograft survival in dogs and, like others looking for an
colleagues.42) alternative, he found that 6-MP was successful.5 Zukoski
and colleagues63 in Richmond found the same effect.
In 1960, Calne visited Boston for a period of research
IMMUNOSUPPRESSION AND THE with Murray, and Hitchings and Elion of Burroughs
MODERN ERA Wellcome, then at Tuckahoe, provided him with new de-
rivatives of 6-MP.6 Of these, BW57-322 (later known as
In 1948, the first patients crippled with rheumatoid ar- azathioprine (Imuran)) proved to be more successful in
thritis were given the Merck Company’s Cortone (corti- dog kidney transplants and less toxic than 6-MP.7
sone) at the Mayo Clinic, and intense worldwide interest In 1960–1961, 6-MP was used in many human kidney
in the pharmacological actions of adrenal cortical hor- transplants. In London at the Royal Free Hospital, three
mones followed. Careful studies by Medawar’s group in cases were managed in this way, but without success, al-
the early 1950s suggested a modest immunosuppressive though one patient receiving a live related transplant died
effect of cortisone, but when Medawar shortly afterward of tuberculosis rather than rejection.24 In Boston, no last-
showed profound, specific, and long-lasting graft accep- ing human kidney function was obtained, but in Paris,
tance via the induction of tolerance, the weak steroid ef- Küss and associates31 reported one prolonged survival
fect was understandably sidelined and thought to be of no of a kidney from a non-related donor when 6-MP was
clinical interest. Induction of tolerance in adult animals used with intermittent prednisone in a recipient who also
(rather than newborns) was accomplished by lethal irradi- had received irradiation as the main immunosuppressive
ation and bone marrow infusion, and with this strong lead agent (Figure 1-6). This case was the first success for
from the laboratory, it was natural that the first attempts chemical immunosuppression.
at human immunosuppression for organ transplants were This change in approach, giving lifelong, risky medi-
with preliminary total-body irradiation and allograft cation with toxic drugs, although an obvious develop-
bone marrow rescue. These procedures were carried out ment in retrospect, was accepted with reluctance because
in Paris, Boston, and elsewhere in the late 1950s. it meant leaving aside, at least in the short term, the hopes
This regimen was too difficult to control, and graft- from the work of the transplantation immunologists for
versus-host disease was inevitable. It was found unexpect- the elegant, specific, one-shot, non-toxic tolerance regi-
edly that sublethal irradiation alone in human patients was men. Many workers thought that entry into this new par-
quite immunosuppressive, however, and this approach was adigm was only a temporary diversion.
used until 1962, the year of the first general availability of
azathioprine (Imuran). In Boston, 12 patients were treated
in this way, but with only one long-term survival in a man
receiving his transplant from his non-identical twin.39 In
Paris, similar success was obtained with sibling grafts.20,30
These isolated kidney survivals after a single dose of radia-
tion gave further hope and showed again that the immu-
nology of humans, dogs, and mice is different. These cases
also showed that if a human organ could survive the initial
crucial rejection period, it could be protected or adapted
to the host in some way, possibly shielded by new endo-
thelium, by enhancement, or, as suggested later, by micro-
chimeric tolerance induced by mobile cells in the graft.

In 1958, at the New England Medical Center, attempts FIGURE 1-6  ■  R. Küss (right) and M. Legrain (center) in 1960 with
their first long-term kidney transplant survivor. The patient and
were made at human bone marrow transplantation for her brother-in-law donor (center right) are shown with the staff
aplastic anemia and leukemia. To enable the marrow of the unit at the Hôpital Foch. Immunosuppression with irradia-
grafts to succeed, irradiation of the recipient was used. tion and mercaptopurine was used. (Courtesy of Prof. M. Legrain.)
6 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In 1961, azathioprine became available for human use; optimism, experimental heart transplantation started, the
the dosage was difficult to judge at first. The first two first human livers were grafted, and there was a revival
Boston cases using the drug did not show prolonged sur- of interest in xenotransplantation. Although the attempts
vival of the grafts, but in April 1962 the first extended of Reemtsma and coworkers,44 Hume,25 and Starzl50 at
successes with human kidney allografts were obtained.41 transplantation with chimpanzee or baboon kidneys ul-
Shortly afterward, at the bedside rather than in the labora- timately failed, rejection did not occur immediately, and
tory, it was discovered that steroids, notably prednisolone, the cases were studied closely and described.
when given with azathioprine had a powerful synergistic In the search for better immunosuppression, there was
effect. The regular use of both together became a stan- great excitement when laboratory studies by Woodruff
dard regimen after reports by Starzl and colleagues51 and and Medawar produced a powerful immunosuppressive
Goodwin and coworkers,19 and this combined therapy antilymphocyte serum, and production of versions suit-
continued to be the routine immunosuppressive method able for human use started.62 Initial results were favorable,
despite many other suggested alternatives, until azathio- but the whole antilymphocyte serum had an unspectacular
prine was displaced by cyclosporine much later. Use of role thereafter, added to from 1975 onward by the use of
the combined immunosuppression and the increasing use monoclonal antibody versions. Hopes for another biologi-
of live related donors (rather than occasional twin or free cal solution to transplantation were raised in 1969 when
or cadaver kidneys), along with the remarkably good re- French and Batchelor18 found an enhancing serum effect in
sults reported in 1963 from Denver51 and Richmond,26 the new experimental model of rat kidney transplantation
greatly encouraged the practice of transplantation. (For made possible by the development of microsurgical meth-
an account of this period, see Starzl.50) ods, but it proved impossible to mimic the effect in humans.


The mid-1960s was a period of great optimism. The The greatest hopes resided in the evolution of tissue-
rapid improvement in results seemed to indicate that typing methods, which entered routine use in 1962
routine success was at hand. Looking to the future, cal- (Figure 1-7).14,21 The increasing identification of the an-
culations were made that suggested that enough donor tigens of the HLA system seemed to promise excellent
organs would be available in the future if all large hos- clinical results in the future from close matching made
pitals cooperated, and such donations did start to come possible when choosing from a large pool of patients.
from outside the transplantation pioneer hospitals. Sharing of kidneys in Europe started in 1967 at van
Transplantation societies were set up, and specialist jour- Rood’s suggestion,45 and in North America, Amos and
nals were started. The improvements in regular dialysis Terasaki set up similar sharing schemes on both coasts
treatment meant an increasing pool of patients in good of the United States. Others followed throughout the
health suitable for transplantation, and this allowed for world, and these organizations not only improved the
better and planned preparation for transplantation. With service but also soon gathered excellent data on kidney
a return to dialysis being possible, heroic efforts to save transplant survival. The need to transport kidneys within
a rejected kidney were no longer necessary. Management these schemes encouraged construction of perfusion
of patients improved in many aspects, and the expected pumps designed to increase the survival of organs and the
steroid long-term effects were met and managed (primar- distance they could be transported.1 Much work on per-
ily by the demonstration that low-dose steroids were as fusion fluids was done until the intracellular type of fluid
effective as high-dose steroids). The need for cooling of devised by Collins et al. in 1969 allowed a simple flush
donor organs was belatedly recognized, many tests of vi-
ability were announced, and transport of organs between
centers began. Bone disease and exotic infections were
encountered and treated, but the kidney units were af-
fected by a hepatitis B epidemic in the mid-1960s, which
affected morale and status. The narrow age limit for
transplantation was widened, and in Richmond the first
experience with kidney grafts in children was obtained.
Recipients of kidney transplants re-entered the nor-
mal business of life and became politicians, professors, pi-
lots, and fathers and mothers of normal children. Other
good news in the United States came when the federal
government accepted the costs of regular dialysis and
transplantation in 1968. There were always unexpected
findings, usually reported from the pioneer units with the
longest survivors. Cautiously, second kidney transplants
were performed at Richmond when a first had failed;
FIGURE 1-7  ■  Jean Dausset first described an antigen MAC, later
these did well, and the matter became routine. Chronic known as HLA-2, defined by numerous antisera from multi-
rejection and malignancy first were reported in kidney transfused patients, and which later was shown to be part of the
transplant recipients from Denver. As a result of the ­major histocompatibility complex in humans (HLA).
Kidney Transplantation: A History 7

and chill to suffice for prolonged storage.11 Although the FTY720, brequinar, and others. Any drug with promise
hopes for typing were not fully realized, such schemes was ­marketed aggressively, and sponsored trials became a
had other benefits in obtaining kidneys when urgently re- routine part of clinical life.
quired for patients with rarer blood groups, for children, The improved results of transplantation meant that
or for highly sensitized patients. Such patients had been the procurement of organs became a more dominant is-
recognized by the new lymphocytotoxicity testing using sue. Comparisons of transplantation practice throughout
a crossmatch between donor cells and recipient serum. the world showed remarkable differences in attitudes to
First noted by Terasaki and associates53 and described in use of live related donors and cadaver organs, depending
more detail by Kissmeyer-Nielsen and colleagues29 in on religion and cultural traditions. Kidney transplanta-
1966 and Williams and colleagues,60 such pretransplant tion had started as a difficult surgical and scientific chal-
testing explained cases of sudden failure and led to a lenge confined to a few academic centers in the developed
marked diminution in hyperacute rejection. world, but its success had led to the technique becoming a
routine service in all parts of the world.4 In some nations
not sharing western attitudes, the donor shortage meant
THE 1970s PLATEAU the appearance of undesirable commercial developments
in renal transplantation, such as the purchase of kidneys
The 1970s was a period of consolidation, of improvements from living unrelated donors (discussed in more detail in
in data collection such as the valuable European Dialysis Chapter 38).36
and Transplant Association surveys, and increased so-
phistication in HLA typing methods and organ-sharing WAITING FOR XENOGRAFTS
schemes. Cadaver organ procurement generally increased
as a result of wider involvement of the public and medical As the demand for kidney transplants continued to ex-
profession, although the number of patients waiting for ceed supply, other initiatives appeared and included
transplantation persistently exceeded the organs available, study of nations and areas with high donation rates (e.g.,
and donation declined transiently during times of public Spain), the regulated use of properly motivated unrelated
concern over transplantation issues. Governments took individuals, and a return to the use of marginal cadaver
initiatives to increase donations; in the United Kingdom, kidneys, notably from non-heart-beating donors. As all
the Kidney Donor Card was introduced in 1971, becom- attempts to increase donor supply fell short of the ever-
ing a multidonor card 10 years later. In hospital practice, rising target, the radical alternative of the use of animal
methods of resuscitation and intensive care improved, organs was examined afresh. Profound immunosuppres-
and the concept of brain death was established to prevent sion alone was ineffective and, at first, methods of remov-
prolonged, pointless ventilation, although its immedi- ing natural antibody from recipient plasma were tried to
ate application to transplantation provoked controversy. deal with the hyperacute phase of xenograft organ rejec-
Despite many new claims for successful methods of im- tion. Although the traditional hopes for xenografting of
munosuppression, such as trials of splenectomy, thymec- human patients had assumed that “concordant” species
tomy, and thoracic duct drainage, as well as a new look at such as the monkey would be used, a new strategy using
cyclophosphamide, no agent except antithymocyte globu- genetic engineering methods first used a line of trans-
lin became established in routine use. genic pigs, a distant species discordant with humans, with
Although patient survival after kidney transplantation a modified endothelium that reduced the complement-
continued to increase, the 1970s did not show the ex- mediated immediate reaction.2 Hopes continue that these
pected increase in cadaver graft survival. Some groups re- early developments will evolve into a sophisticated suc-
ported decreased survival figures; this paradox was solved cessful routine.12 Meanwhile, the kidney transplanters
partly by the demonstration that blood transfusion dur- can only watch, with detached interest, the emergence of
ing regular dialysis, which had been discouraged because stem cell use in cellular transplantation.
of the risk of sensitization, was beneficial to the outcome These new hopes for xenografts raised old fears among
of kidney transplantation,43 an observation made some the public and legislators, notably regarding disease
years earlier by Morris and coworkers.37 transmission. Although this had been a familiar problem
The 1970s ended with two innovations that revived in human-to-human transplantation and had been met
hopes of reaching the goal of routine, safe, and successful regularly and dealt with, governments required reassur-
kidney transplantation. Ting and Morris54 reported the ances about xenotransplantation with the added threat of
successful clinical application of HLA-DR matching, and retrovirus transmission.
Calne and associates8 revived memories of the excitement
of the early days of the use of azathioprine by introducing
into clinical practice the first serious rival to it in 20 years, CONCLUSION
cyclosporine, which had been discovered to be a power-
ful immunosuppressive agent by Borel.3 Cyclosporine Kidney transplantation was the first of the organ trans-
replaced the earlier drug regimens and was the domi- plant procedures to develop because of availability of live
nant agent in use until the 1990s. Transplantation had donors and the crucial backup of dialysis. When radical
grown to a sufficiently large clinical service that it was new ideas are to be tested, pioneers still turn to kidney
worth the attention of the pharmaceutical compa- transplantation. Kidney transplantation is where it all
nies, and in the 1990s steady production of new agents started, with good reason, and it will always be a test bed
occurred – tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, rapamycin, for major innovation.
8 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In the early 1990s, Murray38 was awarded the Nobel 28. Jaboulay M. Greffe de reins au pli du coude par soudure arte. Bull
Prize in Medicine for his pioneer work in renal trans- Lyon Med 1906;107:575 [For a biography of Jaboulay, see Biogr
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plantation and in the development of many new immu- 29. Kissmeyer-Nielsen F, Olsen S, Peterson VP, et al. Hyperacute
nosuppressive agents, including drugs and monoclonal rejection of kidney allografts. Lancet 1966;2:662.
antibodies. The future promises to be exciting. Nowhere 30. Küss R, Legraine M, Mathe G, et al. Prémices d’une
is the excitement of the past reflected better than in the homotransplantation rénale de soeur à frère non jumeaux. Presse
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33. Matevossian E, Kern H, Hüser N, et al. Surgeon Yurii Voronoy
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Immunology of Graft Rejection

Simon Ball  •  Margaret J. Dallman

IMMUNE SYSTEM Second or Costimulatory Signals
The Trauma of Transplantation CD28–B7 Interaction
Innate Immunity Other Costimulatory Molecules
Receptors of the Innate Immune System The Generation of Effector Immunity and
Cells at the Intersection of Innate and Cytokine Production
Adaptive Immunity T-Regulatory Cells
STIMULATION OF ADAPTIVE ALLOIMMUNITY Migration of Activated Cells into the Graft
Antigens That Stimulate Graft Rejection Cell–Cell Interactions
Major Histocompatibility Antigens Chemokines
MHC Antigens in Experimental Models of Mechanisms of Cytotoxicity
Transplantation Specificity of Cellular Immune Responses in
Non-Classical MHC Antigens Rejection
Minor Histocompatibility Antigens Cytotoxic T-Cell Responses
Donor Dendritic Cells and Direct Antigen Alloantibody and Alloantigen-Specific B cells
Presentation Natural Killer Cells
Direct Antigen Presentation Macrophages and Delayed-Type
Indirect Antigen Presentation Hypersensitivity Reactions
Semidirect Antigen Presentation Cytokines
Activation and Types of Dendritic Cell Eosinophils
ACTIVATION OF CELLULAR IMMUNITY Target Cells of Destructive Immunity
Location of T-Cell Activation Chronic Rejection
Immune Synapse SUMMARY

Transplantation is the optimal treatment for many peo- that contribute to rejection. This has contributed to the
ple with advanced kidney failure. In most instances this development of a range of biological agents that target
involves a donor who is genetically and therefore anti- specific aspects of the immune response, with a view to
genically distinct from the recipient, the consequence of optimizing the risk–benefit ratio of immunosuppression.
which is an immune response termed rejection. An in- This might be further developed by cell-based therapies
flammatory response is initiated by physiological stress now being explored, which aim to actively regulate allo-
in the donor, organ harvesting, storage, implantation, antigen-specific responses.
and reperfusion. This non-specific response provides the Those therapeutic agents currently used in clinical
context from which emerges specific immune recognition practice have resulted in an impressively low incidence
of antigenic differences between the donor and recipient. of acute rejection, particularly if the recipient is unsensi-
The cumulative effect of these events causes destruction tized. A description of the immunology of graft rejection
of the transplant, as originally described by Little and relevant to current clinical practice must therefore inform
Tyzer in animal models of susceptibility to tumors.210 an understanding of the immune contribution to chronic
The immunological basis of transplant rejection was then allograft injury, barriers to transplantation in those with
proposed by Gorer104 and defined by Medawar using donor-specific humoral immunity, and the penalties as-
evidence that rejection displays specificity and memory sociated with intensified non-specific immunosuppres-
for donor tissue and is consequent upon infiltration by sion. In this context sits a need for biomarkers that offer
leukocytes.97,244–246 Our understanding of the immune not only prognostic information prior to graft injury but
system has evolved considerably, and we are able to de- also diagnostic information prior to immutable program-
scribe in detail many of the molecular and cellular events ming of injurious alloimmune memory. Indeed, targeting
Immunology of Graft Rejection 11

Cell membrane injury and other stress responses result

TABLE 2-1  Transplant Terminology
in activation of complement and coagulation ­cascades
Autograft Transplantation of an individual’s and generation of mediators such as heat shock proteins
(autologous own tissue to another site (e.g., the (HSPs) and high-mobility group B-1 (HMGB-1) that en-
transplant) use of a patient’s own skin to cover gages Toll-like receptors (TLRs). There is ­upregulation
third-degree burns or a saphenous of cell surface molecules such as P-selectin and integrins
vein femoropopliteal graft)
Isograft (syngeneic Transplantation of tissue between and further amplification and diversification of chemo-
or isogeneic genetically identical members kine and cytokine cascades. All these changes promote
transplant) of the same species (e.g., kidney dendritic cell (DC), monocyte, and lymphocyte migra-
transplant between identical twins tion in and out of the graft, with inevitable consequences
or grafts between mice of the
same inbred strain)
for adaptive immunity. The importance of these vari-
Allograft (allogeneic Transplantation of tissue between ous influences on the immune ­response is suggested by
transplant) genetically non-identical members the superior outcome of live donor transplants even in
of the same species (e.g., cadaver the face of significant major histocompatibility complex
renal transplant or graft between (MHC) mismatch,226 the importance of cold ischemia
mice of different inbred strains)
Xenograft Transplantation of tissue between time in graft outcome,260,306 and reportedly higher rates
(xenogeneic members of different species of rejection observed in individuals with delayed graft
transplant) (e.g., baboon kidney into a human) function.306,307
Indeed, in experimental models of ischemia-reperfu-
sion injury (IRI), there is evidence of T-lymphocyte infil-
immunosuppressive agents to those patients most likely tration7 and subsequent histology reminiscent of chronic
to benefit and away from those most likely to be harmed allograft injury.388 It may be that such responses account
could have more beneficial potential than developing any for the observation that in the untransplanted population
single novel therapy. Although this goal, a form of per- chronic kidney disease may arise following acute kidney
sonalized medicine, remains elusive, it is perhaps most injury that initially recovers.212
immediately susceptible to incremental developments in
our understanding of the immune system and to sophisti- Innate Immunity
cated analyses of large datasets.
This chapter describes the molecular and cellular The cells and mediators involved in early non-antigen-
events of the immune response, as currently understood. specific responses are derived from the innate immune
It assumes a basic level of knowledge of the immune sys- system, which provides a first-line defense against tissue
tem. The reader is referred to other books for general damage and invading pathogens. Activation of vascular
descriptions of the immune system.268,294 See Table 2-1 endothelium and the induction of various proinflamma-
for terminology. tory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tu-
mor necrosis factor (TNF-α) can be demonstrated early
posttransplantation. The upregulation of proinflamma-
INITIATION OF ALLOIMMUNITY BY THE tory cytokines combined with increased expression of
INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM adhesion molecules177 results in an early infiltrate of in-
flammatory cells, including macrophages.243 This early
inflammatory response also triggers the egress of graft
The Trauma of Transplantation tissue-resident, bone marrow-derived DCs.192,193 These
The immune response to a solid-organ transplant can be early events in themselves do not constitute graft rejec-
understood in a series of relatively well-defined stages tion being observed in syngeneic grafts.58 The severity of
(Figure 2-1), the first being the trauma to which a graft the initial injury and the nature of the subsequent inflam-
is subjected during harvesting and implantation. In the matory infiltrate are however central to the generation
case of deceased donors this is preceded by hemodynamic of alloantigen-specific immunity: a maximally damaged
and neuroendocrine responses to brainstem death, which organ generates a maximal “danger signal,”238 which pro-
alone may result in activation of the innate immune sys- motes adaptive immunity, manifest as rejection when do-
tem. Harvesting and subsequent storage involve cooling nor and recipient are antigenically distinct.
the kidney, perfusion with preservation solution, and stor-
age for potentially long periods before transplantation.
These events sensitize the organ to reperfusion injury
Receptors of the Innate Immune System
on revascularization. The constituents of preservation The innate immune system recognizes and responds to
solutions and various experimental approaches, includ- molecules expressed by pathogens (pathogen-associated
ing normothermic preperfusion,140 remote ischemic pre- molecular patterns (PAMP)), for example, specific car-
conditioning and pharmacological interventions, aim to bohydrates, lipopolysaccharide, flagellin, lipoteichoic
reduce these effects on the kidney (see Chapter 9). There acid, and double-stranded RNA; or molecules gener-
remain, however, inevitable changes to cell membranes ated by damaged tissue (damage-associated molecular
and the concentrations of intracellular ions, adenosine patterns (DAMP)), for example, extracellular adenosine
nucleotides, uric acid, and reactive oxygen species. These triphosphate (ATP),235 hyaluronan,416 falling intracellular
are in varying degrees cytopathic and activate inflamma- potassium,157 oxidative stress,425 and the release of HSPs
somes (see below), resulting in cytokine generation.340 and HMGB-1.267 These pattern recognition receptors
12 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Organ (e.g., kidney) removed,

1. The trauma of transplantation perfused, and transplanted.
Expression of proinflammatory
cytokines and recruitment of
inflammatory cells such as
macrophages into the graft

2. Presentation of antigen a. Migration of passenger

leukocytes into the host lymphoid
to recipient T cells
tissue. Direct, indirect, and semi-
direct antigen presentation
b. Entry of recipient leukocytes into
the transplant

3. Activation signals
for recipient T cells a Stimulation of cells by
a. TCR signal (MHC+peptide)
b. Costimulation (e.g., CD28)
c. Cytokines

Cytokine production leads to the
generation of effector mechanisms
4. Generation of different TO a. Cell mediated
types of immunity
b. Humoral

T1 Th17 T2
Cell-mediated Humoral
immunity immunity

5. Migration of activated Upregulated expression of MHC

leukocytes into the graft and adhesion proteins on graft by
cytokines like IFN-g and TNF-a.
Attraction of leukocytes by

Involvement of antibody, CTL,

6. Destruction of the graft macrophages, cytokines,

FIGURE 2-1  ■ The evolution of the immune response after kidney transplantation. CTL, cytotoxic T cell; IFN, interferon; MHC, major
histocompatibility complex; TCR, T-cell receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

include soluble molecules such as C-reactive protein, fi- ligands released after tissue damage are generated in the
colins, and mannan-binding lectin 312 and cell-associated context of transplantation. These are particularly associ-
molecules such as TLRs,282 retinoic acid inducible gene-1 ated with donor brain death, exemplified by recent stud-
like receptors,272 and Nod-like receptors.298 ies of HMGB-1 expression and its binding to TLR-4.181
Cells of the innate immune system, such as macro- It may also be that brain death is associated with intestinal
phages and DCs, are activated by these ligands directly bacterial translocation and therefore activation of PAMPs
through cell surface receptors or indirectly via products as well as DAMPs.179 Experimentally, manipulation of the
such as soluble complement components (Figure 2-2).312 adaptor molecules associated with PAMPs and DAMPs,
There is resulting enhanced cytocidal and antigen-­ such as MyD88 and TRIF, results in less effective im-
presenting capacity together with phenotypic changes munity to transplantation antigens and this in turn can
(such as cytokine production) that subsequently influence result in indefinite allograft survival.101 However, this
­polarization of adaptive immunity.328 The role of these finding depends on the absence of the adaptor protein
elements in the initiation of adaptive immune responses from both donor and recipient and is greatly diminished
in the context of transplantation remains to be fully de- in donor–recipient pairs that are mismatched beyond a
scribed; nevertheless it is apparent that endogenous single ­minor antigen.242,380
Immunology of Graft Rejection 13

or IL-l, IL-18 secretion
TNF-α secretion TLRs K+ efflux DAMPs

MyD88 Receptors?
or both

Active caspase
pro IL-1β
pro IL-18

Nucleus Inflammasome
Signal 1 complex and Signal 2

FIGURE 2-2  ■ Activation of the inflammasome. Following infection the innate immune system becomes rapidly activated. Over the
past decade or so, we have begun to define the germline-encoded receptor systems (pattern recognition receptors) which, through
their recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), are involved in this process. Such receptors may be found
at the cell surface of innate immune cells (e.g., Toll-like receptors, TLRs; C-type lectin receptors) or in the cytoplasm (e.g., Nod-like
receptors, NLRs; Rig-I-like receptors). These receptors are coupled to signaling pathways which result in transcriptional activation
and expression of proinflammatory cytokines. More recently, it has become clear that some of these receptors are also activated by
endogenous and/or non-pathogen-associated compounds, the danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs, e.g., nucleic acids,
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and uric acid crystals), and it is likely that such molecules play a role in the activation of the innate im-
mune system following transplantation. The combination of signaling through TLRs (signal 1) and other receptors (signal 2) can lead
to inflammasome activation. The inflammasome is a large, multiprotein complex which is critical in the production of active interleu-
kin (IL)-1β and IL-18, two proinflammatory cytokines known to be produced following transplantation and often found in transplants
with chronic graft dysfunction. Both cytokines are produced in a precursor form (pro IL-1β and pro IL-18), which requires cleavage
by caspase-1. It is the inflammasome complex which activates caspase-1 from its own precursor, pro-caspase-1. The inflammasome
complex is becoming increasingly well characterized and indeed is an attractive target for intervention in a variety of inflammatory
diseases. TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

Cells at the Intersection of Innate and themselves influence the DC phenotype, thereby polar-
Adaptive Immunity izing the DC response in the presence of antigen not only
on the basis of the current environment in which the anti-
The innate immune system involves a range of protective gen is delivered but also the previous context, information
mechanisms, which were built on by adaptive immunity held in the phenotype of T memory cells. Indeed, these
in jawed vertebrates. The innate immune system also interactions play an important role not only in produc-
plays a crucial role in shaping adaptive immune responses tive immunity but also in immune tolerance. DCs play an
according to the context in which antigen is encountered. ­important role in mediating the effects of T-regulatory
This detection and communication of context plays a cells (Tregs), as discussed in a later section.
role in self-tolerance and in the polarization of immune A similar set of considerations can be applied to mono-
­responses reflected in patterns of cytokine production cytes and tissue-resident macrophages, which play roles as
and associated cellular and effector mechanisms. These effector cells augmented by stimuli from both the innate
have evolved to ensure optimal targeting of different and adaptive immune systems. They can also play a role
­effector mechanisms against viruses, bacteria of various in antigen presentation and in association with this receive
sorts, fungi, protozoa, and multicellular parasites.332 and transmit information that confers particular patterns
The antigen specificity of this interaction between in- of polarization. Thus monocyte phenotype can be polar-
nate and adaptive immunity relies on the fact that innate ized, similarly to T cells, into M1 and M2 by various treat-
immune cells of the monocyte lineage present antigen ments, including interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and IL-4 or IL-10
to T cells. This involves cell contact, thereby conferring respectively. The M1 phenotype produces high levels of
specificity on a range of costimulatory and paracrine in- reactive oxygen species with other cytotoxic intermediates
teractions. Indeed, the DC is specialized to such an extent and proinflammatory cytokines, such as I­ L-1β and TNF-α,
that its primary role is to integrate these various danger whereas M2 monocytes ­express IL-10 and IL-1 receptor
signals and instruct antigen-specific naive lymphocytes. antagonist, high levels of scavenger receptors, and are in-
This role is bidirectional: antigen-specific T cells may volved in tissue remodeling. This apparent polarization
14 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

described in experimental systems is in fact likely to rep- become activated, proliferate, and differentiate while
resent a phenotypic continuum in vivo. A further phe- sending signals for growth and differentiation to a variety
notype, called Mreg, describes cells that produce IL-10 of other cell types. In the efferent arm effector leukocytes
but not IL-12, and early studies have suggested that the migrate into the organ and donor-specific alloantibodies
therapeutic application of in vitro-generated Mregs can are synthesized, both of which cause tissue damage.
be beneficial in the context of clinical transplantation.143
The function of natural killer (NK) cells is discussed
in more detail in a later section; however in the context of Antigens That Stimulate Graft Rejection
cells at the intersection of innate and adaptive immunity, Histocompatibility antigens differ between members of
they integrate a wide range of activating and inhibitory the same species and are therefore targets of the immune
signals that “quantify danger,” in ways complementary to response in allogeneic transplantation. In all vertebrate
DCs.119 It may also be that NK cells’ well-documented species, histocompatibility antigens can be divided into
role in surveying cells in which normal antigen presenta- a single, albeit multigenic, MHC and numerous minor
tion is subverted plays an important role in relation to DC histocompatibility (miH) systems. Incompatibility be-
function, since subversion of these mechanisms in the DC tween donor and recipient for either MHC or miH leads
would be particularly harmful. There is therefore impor- to an immune response against the graft, more vigor-
tant bidirectional signaling between these two cell types. ous for MHC than miH. Indeed, rejection of MHC-
In the context of organ transplantation it is increasingly compatible organ grafts is often delayed, sometimes
evident that NK interactions can influence outcomes, al- indefinitely, ­although in some mouse strain and organ
though perhaps not through acute rejection.123,124,392 combinations miH differences alone can result in acute
rejection similar to that observed across full MHC mis-
Complement match.297 On the other hand the outcomes of allogeneic
stem cell transplantation between human leukocyte an-
The complement system is a well-defined series of solu- tigen (HLA)-identical siblings can be very significantly
ble proteins, enzymes, and receptors that act as a cascade affected by miH mismatches, causing graft-versus-host
to mediate a wide range of effector functions. Although disease.90
normally activated by infection, complement can also be
activated by a variety of endogenous signals, including
hypoxia and tissue injury.398,399 The significance of proxi- Major Histocompatibility Antigens
mal complement components in mediating many aspects There is substantial similarity between the MHC in dif-
of the response to transplanted organs is now well recog- ferent species with respect to immunogenetics and pro-
nized, above and beyond simple generation of the final tein structure. The genes within the MHC are divided
membrane attack complex: C5–9. into class I, II, and III.34 The human MHC (HLA) is de-
As mentioned above, activation of complement con- scribed more fully in Chapter 10.
tributes to IRI. Evidence for this includes experiments in- MHC class I proteins (Figure 2-3) are cell surface
volving mice in which genes for complement components glycoproteins composed of two chains – the alpha chain
are silenced. Importantly, these experiments identify local (molecular weight approximately 45 kD), which is highly
complement production by the donor organ rather than polymorphic and encoded within the MHC by a class I
serum complement as being of most importance to IRI gene, and a non-variable β2-microglobulin chain (mo-
and subsequent rejection.303,424 Inhibiting the ­ action of lecular weight approximately 12 kD) encoded elsewhere.
soluble mediators arising from complement activation, for In contrast to the heavy chain, β2-microglobulin is not
example C5a, has been shown to antagonize early post- anchored in the membrane (Figure 2-3A), so that it may
transplantation events such as monocyte influx, through be exchanged for, or stabilized by, β2-microglobulin in
mechanisms acting directly on infiltrating cells but also solution. MHC class I proteins are expressed on most
acting on renal endothelium and epithelium.8,205 nucleated cells, albeit at variable levels, and are generally
In addition to this role in mediating innate responses responsible for activating T cells bearing the CD8 surface
to tissue damage, there is increasing evidence that soluble protein (CD8+ cells).
products of complement components influence adaptive MHC class II proteins are encoded entirely within the
immune responses, both acting directly and via altered MHC and are composed of two membrane-anchored
antigen-presenting cell (APC) function. T-lymphocyte glycoproteins (Figure 2-3A) of similar molecular weight
effector function, differentiation, and indeed expan- (alpha chain, 35 kD; beta chain, 28 kD). These proteins
sion and contraction are influenced, particularly by lo- primarily stimulate T cells bearing the CD4 surface
cal production of complement. Nevertheless it is possible protein (CD4+ cells). The tissue distribution of MHC
that in the early posttransplantation highly dysregulated class II proteins is far more restricted than that of class
­environment, remote complement activation plays a role. I, being expressed constitutively only by B lympho-
cytes, DCs, and some endothelial cells (particularly in
humans). During an immune or inflammatory response,
STIMULATION OF ADAPTIVE ALLOIMMUNITY many other cell types may be induced to express MHC
class II proteins.59,73,88,92,236
The antigen-specific or adaptive immune response to MHC class I and II proteins form a similar three-­
a graft occurs in two main stages. In the afferent arm, dimensional structure at the cell surface (see Figure 2-3B
donor antigens stimulate recipient lymphocytes, which and C for ribbon diagrams of HLA-A2). Within this
Immunology of Graft Rejection 15

Peptide Peptide

a2 a1 a1 b1

CD8 binding a3 b2-m a1 b2 CD4 binding



MHC class I MHC class II


α1 α2

β2-m α3

FIGURE 2-3  ■  Stick diagrams of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II and ribbon diagrams of human leukocyte anti-
gen (HLA)-A2. (A) Stick diagram showing MHC class I and II as associated with the cell membrane. The MHC class I-associated mol-
ecule, β2-microglobulin (β2-m), is not membrane-inserted. (B and C) The structure of the human MHC complex class I antigen HLA-A2.
The peptide groove is clearly visible lying between the two alpha helices. (B) Side view. (C) Bird’s eye, or the T cell’s, view. MHC class
II proteins have a similar structure, although the ends of the groove are less closely associated, allowing the peptide to extend beyond
the constraints of the groove.

structure is a groove, flanked by two alpha helices, and A combination of MHC and peptide forms a com-
the amino acids in this groove are those that are most pound epitope that is engaged by the antigen-specific
highly polymorphic. During the synthesis and transport receptor T-cell receptor (TCR). The peptide-binding
of MHC class I and II proteins to the cell surface, they groove is usually occupied by many different peptides,
become associated with small peptides that fit into the derived from self proteins (often those from the MHC)
groove. The groove of MHC class I has a closed struc- which, during infection, are replaced by those derived
ture, allowing peptides no longer than about 8–10 amino from pathogens.40 The TCR repertoire is subject to
acids in size to be accommodated, whereas that of MHC negative thymic selection so that autoreactive cells are
class II has a more open structure, permitting the ends purged and to positive thymic selection for TCR that
of the peptides to flop out of the groove, allowing it to engage with peptides presented by autologous MHC.
accommodate peptides of at least 13 – and often many When a pathogen invades, MHC proteins become
more – amino acids. loaded with foreign peptides that are engaged by TCR in
A major difference between proteins of the two MHC a self-­restricted immune response. The extraction and se-
classes is in the origin of these peptides. They are largely quencing of peptides bound within MHC proteins,309,324
acquired from the intracellular environment in the along with the three-dimensional structure of the MHC,
case of class I and the extracellular environment in have generated computable rules by which it is possible
the case of class II (Figure 2-4). Nevertheless, so-called to predict sequences likely to bind in the groove and to
cross-presentation between these pathways may occur, interpret patterns of antigenicity.28,82,351,373
particularly in the context of specialized antigen presen- Several other proteins encoded within the MHC
tation by DCs.19,381 aid the assembly and loading of class I and II proteins
16 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The class I pathway

1. Protein synthesized 3. Proteins processed 5. Fusion of ER vesicles
in cytosol in proteosome to peptides with cell membrane

4. Peptide transported into 6. Appearance of MHC

2. Proteins marked for
ER and loaded into class I class I containing peptide
degradation by ubiquitin tag
on cell surface
ATP dependent
TAP transporter
Cytosol Outside cell
Inside cell
ER lumen
C. Peptide loading
into class I, folding B. Calnexin is released,
of class I completed MHC class I/β2-m complex
binds chaperone protein
(calreticulin and tapasin)
and TAP
Tapasin Calreticulin

Calnexin A. Calnexin stabilizes
MHC class I
partially folded MHC
A class I until β2-m binds

The class II pathway

1. Extracellular proteins
taken into the cell
5. Fusion with cell membrane and
display of MHC class II peptide
on cell surface

4. HLA-DM catalyzes
removal of CLIP and
loading with peptide

2. Degradation of proteins
in endosome B. Invariant chain
is cleaved leaving CLIP
3. Fusion of endosome peptide in place
with trans-Golgi


A. Partially folded MHC class II

is bound to invariant chain, which
prevents peptides binding in ER
B but allows transport to Golgi
FIGURE 2-4  ■  Antigen processing and presentation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II pathways. (A) Processing
of endogenous antigens occurs primarily by way of the class I pathway. Peptides are produced and loaded into MHC class I proteins, as
shown in steps 1 through 4. During the synthesis of MHC class I proteins (steps A through C), the alpha chain is stabilized by calnexin
before β2-microglobulin (β2-m) binds. Folding of the MHC class I/β2-m remains incomplete, but the complex is released by calnexin to
bind with the chaperone proteins, tapasin and calreticulin. Only when the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) delivers
peptide to the MHC class I/β2-m can folding of this complex be completed and transport to the cell membrane occur (steps 5 and 6).
(B) Processing of exogenous antigens occurs primarily by way of the class II pathway. Antigens are taken up into intracellular vesicles
where acidification aids their degradation into peptide fragments (steps 1 and 2). Vesicles containing peptides fuse with trans-Golgi-
containing class II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP)–MHC class II complexes (step 3). DM aids removal of CLIP and loading of
peptide before the class II peptide complex is displayed on the cell surface (steps 4 and 5). MHC class II proteins are synthesized in the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where peptide binding is prevented by invariant chain. Invariant chain is cleaved, leaving the CLIP peptide
still in place (steps A and B), before fusing with acidified vesicles containing peptide. In B lymphocytes and epithelial cells of the thymus,
an atypical class II protein, HLA-DO, is expressed that is a dimer of HLA-DOα and HLA-DOβ. Similar to HLA-DM, it is not expressed at the
cell surface and inhibits the action of HLA-DM. Its precise role is unknown. ATP, adenosine triphosphate; HLA, human leukocyte antigen.
Immunology of Graft Rejection 17

with peptides (Figure 2-4). One type of class II protein, In many studies lack of class I or II antigens on donor
HLA-DM, does not appear on the cell surface, but plays tissue alone has little effect on graft survival.9,75,206,232 In
a role in exchanging the class II-associated invariant other experiments, graft survival may be prolonged or
chain peptide for the antigenic peptide in class II pro- permanent when donor tissue lacks either class I70,131 or
teins before they emigrate to the cell surface.317 The class II only35 or both class I and II antigens.35,232,287 It is
LMP (proteosome components) and transporters associ- clear from all of this work that results vary when differ-
ated with antigen processing (TAP) genes also lie within ent types of grafts are used, probably reflecting a greater
the MHC and are involved in processing and loading of or lesser involvement of different T-cell subsets.35,131 In
peptides for presentation. The understanding of anti- summary, the extensive underlying literature indicates
gen processing and presentation pathways has increased that it is likely that cellular alloimmunity directed at both
greatly and is of particular importance in studying re- classes I and II plays a significant role in rejection but ar-
sponses to infectious agents, autoantigens, and tumor guably the class II restricted CD4+ T-cell response which
antigens.53,200,255–257,264,316,354,405 interacts with diverse effector mechanisms is of greatest
The structural resolution of MHC proteins significance.
(Figure 2-2), their engagement with TCR proteins,21,27,95
along with an understanding of the mechanisms of anti-
gen processing and presentation represent some of the Non-Classical MHC Antigens
most important advances in immunology over the last As described earlier, several genes within the class I and II
20 years.325 They also provide insight into the structural regions do not encode classic MHC proteins. In addition
basis whereby MHC antigens, evolved to respond to fight to those involved in antigen processing, others encode
infection, play such a significant role in transplantation. non-classic MHC proteins that are similar in structure to
It is the specific role of MHC class I and II molecules classic MHC proteins but are non-polymorphic. These
in presenting antigenic peptide to the TCR that un- may have antigen-presenting capacity for specialized
derlies their significance as barriers to transplantation. antigens, such as lipids (e.g., mycolic acid and lipoara-
Firstly, MHC antigens are highly polymorphic. This binomannan from Mycobacterium) or peptides of differ-
is likely to have evolved in response to their role as re- ent sequence but with common characteristics (e.g., with
striction elements in the response to pathogen-derived ­N-formylated amino termini). Others such as HLA-G
peptides. Certain cohorts of animals within species that play a role in immune regulation,37 particularly at the
have limited polymorphism at MHC loci have been dev- feto–maternal barrier.71
astated by infections that are cleared without difficulty in The class III region of the MHC is large and contains
closely related species with polymorphic MHC.284 This genes encoding proteins with a wide range of functions,
polymorphism is an important driver to humoral sensi- including many with roles in the immune system, such
tization stimulated by pregnancy, blood transfusion, and as TNF-α and TNF-β.251 Polymorphisms that deter-
prior transplantation. The immune mechanisms involved mine the production of such cytokines have also been
in these responses are not however fundamentally differ- linked to certain immune responses, including transplant
ent to those involved with any other antigen. The cellular rejection.390
immune response to alloantigen is however fundamen-
tally different at least in magnitude, because MHC mole-
cules bind a diverse range of endogenous peptides, which Minor Histocompatibility Antigens
are therefore normally presented at the cell surface. Although the highest degree of genetic polymorphism
Allogeneic MHC generate a correspondingly wide range within a species lies within the MHC, many other loci
of compound epitopes distinct from the repertoire gener- encode proteins with a lower degree of variability. It is
ated by syngeneic MHC. These are therefore recognized clear from genetic studies that these proteins can act as
as foreign and engaged by the TCR in the so-called direct transplantation antigens; they are miH antigens. Their
alloimmune response. The cellular immune response to structure and distribution were for many years elusive.
MHC alloantigens is consequently unique in its diversity Although T cells could recognize and respond to cells
and therefore the number of T cells that can be recruited from MHC-identical individuals, it was almost impossible
to an immune response.81,87 to raise antibodies against the antigens involved, making
biochemical characterization difficult. The knowledge that
MHC Antigens in Experimental Models of T cells recognize small peptides, together with the applica-
tion of molecular genetic techniques, allowed the charac-
Transplantation terization of the prototypic miH antigen, the male antigen
Data from experiments performed between congenic or H-Y.345,403 From such work, it is clear that miH anti-
strains of animals in which only MHC class I or II gens generally represent peptides from low-polymorphic
­antigens differ in donor and recipient show that both proteins presented in the MHC groove, in the same
contribute to graft rejection, although frequently grafts way as a conventional antigen derived from infectious
with only MHC class I disparities reject more slowly than agents. The so-called H-Y antigen is actually derived
grafts with class II or both class I and II differences.175,320 from a group of such proteins encoded on the Y chro-
Mice in which either MHC class I (class I–/– mice) or mosome.108,345,346,403 The first observation explains why it
MHC class II (class II–/– mice) are disrupted have been has been difficult to raise antibodies to miH antigens: the
used as both donor and recipient in experimental trans- combination of autologous MHC with allogeneic peptide
plantation. The literature regarding this work is complex. constitutes a relatively poor conformational determinant
18 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

for antibody binding, whilst being an adequate determi-

nant for TCR engagement. Allo-MHC/
miH antigens can play a prominent role in rejection peptide
in a recipient who is given an MHC-compatible graft
but in whom pre-existing sensitization to miH anti- TCR
gens exists. This situation can be shown in the rat and
mouse83,372 and probably explains the occurrence of rejec- Recipient T cell
tion episodes (which rarely result in graft loss) in renal A Donor APC
transplants performed between HLA-identical siblings.
Multiple miH differences have been shown to repre-
sent an immunogenic stimulus equivalent to that of the
MHC in a n ­ on-sensitized recipient of a cardiac allograft Shed donor antigen Self-MHC/
in the mouse372 but it is difficult to gather similar data peptide
in clinical transplantation. Tissue-specific polymorphic
protein antigens have also been described, for example in Processing TCR
mouse skin368 and rat kidney.127 An endothelial-monocyte and
antigenic system has been shown in humans, and it has presentation Recipient T cell
been suggested that cells sensitized to these antigens can
cause graft damage. This area has been reviewed by other B Recipient APC

Donor Dendritic Cells and Direct Antigen Self-MHC/

Immunization with MHC antigen in the form of a solu-
ble membrane extract or liposomes may not produce an
Recipient T cells
immune response, whereas integrated cell surface MHC
proteins are generally highly immunogenic. Presentation
of MHC class I antigen on cells that do not express class II Allo-MHC/
antigens (e.g., red blood cells in rodents or platelets) does peptide
not produce a good primary immune response, suggesting C Acquired donor MHC proteins
that MHC class II antigens must be present on the im- FIGURE 2-5  ■  (A–C) Direct, indirect, and semidirect pathways of
munizing cells for an optimal cellular immune response to antigen presentation. Sensitization of the recipient can occur by
be generated. In some cases, presentation of incompatible antigen presentation delivered through passenger leukocytes or
class I antigens in the absence of class II antigen not only dendritic cells of donor origin (direct antigen presentation) (A)
or recipient origin (indirect or semidirect antigen presentation)
may fail to evoke a primary immune response but also may (B and C). APC, antigen-presenting cell; MHC, major histocom-
initiate a state of tolerance (see Chapter 23). patibility complex; TCR, T-cell receptor.
The level of immunogenicity of MHC proteins v­ aries
considerably with the cell type on which they are found.
DCs of various types are found throughout the body in both
non-lymphoid and lymphoid tissues.54,126 As ­ previously These combinations of peptide and MHC generate
stated, these cells rapidly migrate out of the transplanted a range of compound epitopes that can be engaged by
organ to the recipient lymphoid system, where they are recipient TCR. They differ from self as a consequence
able to interact with and stimulate the host immune re- of both different structural conformations and different
sponse.192,193 On migration these ­tissue-resident immature peptides that are presented due to structural differences
DCs310 mature rapidly into APCs that are highly potent in in the peptide binding groove.262 The T-cell response to
their ability to stimulate T lymphocytes.149,364,366 Mature allogeneic MHC occurs at a remarkably high frequency:
DCs express a high level of MHC class I and II antigens in the order of 1 in 100. This relates in part to the wide
together with a range of costimulatory proteins and cyto- range of endogenous peptides that occupy the MHC
kines (see below) and as such are able to stimulate CD4+ groove, generating an equivalent number of compound
and CD8+ T lymphocytes ­efficiently.367 They are uniquely epitopes. It has recently been shown that this is also
powerful in stimulating naive T cells, earning them the ti- consequent upon the capacity of the TCR to recognize
tle of professional APCs. It is generally accepted that such multiple distinct ligands, that is, polyspecificity is a fea-
cells, derived from the transplant, are a major stimulus for ture of TCR engagement.87,262 These observations were
adaptive immunity in the recipient. predicated by observations of cross-reactivity between
different alloantigens and between infectious organism-
Direct Antigen Presentation (Figure 2-5A) derived peptide with self and alloantigen (unsurprisingly,
given the high frequency of response).1,121,214 Allen and
Allogeneic MHC on DCs derived from the graft will be colleagues have recently presented data to suggest that
occupied by a wide range of different endogenous peptides alloreactivity is primarily limited by the range of peptides
derived from donor tissue, both from non-polymorphic within the groove rather than any other structural feature
proteins324 but also from MHC proteins themselves.99,289 of the MHC protein.262
Immunology of Graft Rejection 19

These observations not only apply to naive cells but particular difficulties for reproducibility and standardiza-
also to recall antigens (although there may be some se- tion in an outbred population.356,397
lection for higher TCR affinity). As most experimental It has been considered that the direct allogeneic re-
studies of transplantation, and in particular tolerance sponse dominates acute rejection and indirect allogeneic
induction, use naive rodents raised in a sterile environ- response allows for ongoing class II restricted responses
ment, these are unlikely to reflect accurately the allore- following the loss of donor DCs.52,352,415 This is however
sponse observed clinically. In clinical transplantation a almost certainly an oversimplification,18,269 particularly in
substantial component of the allogeneic response is made the setting of a mature immune system with a diverse rep-
by memory cells. It is perhaps not surprising therefore ertoire of memory cells. Nevertheless, the role of indirect
that strategies to induce transplantation tolerance which allorecognition in providing cognate help to B-cell allo-
succeed in the naive animal are unsuccessful in previously antibody formation48,334 and the significant risk for graft
infected animals.1,25 loss associated with non-donor-specific as well as donor-
specific antibody,142,185 has been interpreted as support for
the importance of indirect allorecognition. This is likely
Indirect Antigen Presentation (Figure 2-5B) to apply to both acute and chronic rejection mediated
Alloantigens can themselves be processed conventionally through various effector mechanisms, both humoral and
by the recipient immune system, that is, can be processed cellular.15,377
and presented by recipient APCs in a self-restricted
fashion. This is termed indirect antigen presentation Semidirect Antigen Presentation
(Figure 2-5B). From what we understand about antigen
processing and presentation (Figure 2-4), it seems likely (Figure 2-5C)
that most allogeneic MHC peptides are presented in If host T cells are stimulated by recipient-derived DCs via
the context of class II MHC antigens because it is this indirect antigen presentation, the MHC restriction of the
pathway that deals with proteins exogenous to the cell. effector cell population is to the recipient rather than the
Mechanisms of cross-presentation do however allow donor. Naive T cells are primed most efficiently by DCs;
peptides derived from cytosolic proteins to bind MHC however donor-derived DCs are rapidly lost following
class II and exogenous proteins to appear in the context transplantation so that the opportunity for such stimula-
of MHC class I. tion via the direct pathway may only be short-lived.
The indirect pathway accounts for the fact that, in If the effector arm of the immune response is not
animal models, elimination of passenger leukocytes from MHC-restricted (for example, in delayed-type hypersen-
the graft does not abolish – although it may alleviate – sitivity (DTH)), this is not such an issue. However, if this
rejection. Its significance was demonstrated more than is the case (for example, in the case of cytotoxic T cells),
20 years ago; Fangmann and coworkers showed that then this may prevent alloimmune priming. Also, there
peptides derived from rat class I antigens were able to is some experimental evidence to suggest that even if di-
immunize animals via the indirect pathway and prime re- rect allogeneic CD8+ T-cell priming can occur, then it
jection of a subsequent skin graft carrying the class I anti- requires T-cell help, that is, it requires CD4+ T-cell help
gens from which the peptides were derived.86 Subsequent mediated via the indirect pathway.197 There are various
experiments showed skin grafts from class II–/– mice potential mechanisms to explain these findings, one being
transplanted on to normal mice were rejected in a CD4+ that donor class I and recipient class II colocate on the
T-cell-dependent manner.410 The interpretation of these recipient DC. This is supported by evidence that intact
experiments was that this was consequent upon self class proteins can be exchanged between cells in cell culture
II restricted presentation of exogenous alloantigen, that systems, that MHC proteins transfer in vivo,133 and that
is, stimulation through the indirect pathway.9,197,198 Other transferred MHC stimulates allogeneic responses in vi-
animal models demonstrated that, whilst rejection may tro.17,125,133,326 The importance of this semidirect pathway
be relatively insensitive to costimulation deficiency in of antigen presentation to transplant outcomes remains
the donor, this was not true of the recipient – data in- to be clearly established.
terpreted as indicating that costimulation provided by A corollary to this discussion is that such pathways
­recipient APCs is more important in the initiation of may also be relevant to the clearance of viral infection in
graft rejection than is the costimulation provided by do- the transplanted organ. This is dependent upon a reper-
nor APCs.227 The simplest interpretation again is that toire selected on self MHC that includes specificity for
indirect ­presentation plays a more important role than viral antigen presented in the context of donor MHC.
direct presentation in such models, although the possi- Deficiency in either may contribute to the emergence of
bility that costimulation provided by recipient APCs is viral infection in a transplanted kidney. This could con-
important, rather than antigen presentation and costimu- tribute to the relative restriction of some infections to the
lation, ­cannot be discounted. transplanted organ, independently of the immunosup-
In clinical transplantation and in particular in the con- pressive load, a feature of BK nephropathy.56
text of chronic allograft dysfunction, evidence for the role
of indirect allorecognition has been presented in various
reports using as antigen peptides derived from polymor-
Activation and Types of Dendritic Cell
phic regions of MHC antigens271,301 or using cytoplasmic So far this chapter has concentrated on the role that DCs
membrane protein preparations.13,139 These studies need (or other APCs) play in activating T lymphocytes. The
careful interpretation however, since such assays present role of DCs is however wide-ranging, playing a crucial
20 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

role in immunological tolerance285 and tuning adaptive example, Langerhans cells are DCs that reside in the
immunity to ensure different effector mechanisms are epidermis and in the adult constitute an apparently self-
used efficiently. DC subsets can be defined on the basis renewing population of cells. Plasmacytoid DCs reside
of their localization, morphology, cell surface, and func- primarily in bone marrow and the periphery; they are
tional phenotypes. A detailed description of their differ- relatively long-lived and seem to play a role in the ini-
ent roles is beyond the scope of this chapter; however tial response to viral infection. Both these cell types can
other aspects of their functions will be discussed. also present antigen to T cells and therefore play a role
Classical DCs exhibit a so-called immature pheno- integrating signals to direct adaptive immunity, directly
type characterized by a high level of antigen uptake but through interactions with lymphocytes but also through
relatively low levels of cell surface MHC and costimu- interactions with classical DCs.
latory molecule expression. Their subsequent matura-
tion is accompanied by upregulation of these cell surface
molecules, migration to secondary lymphoid organs ACTIVATION OF CELLULAR IMMUNITY
and, generally, secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.
This maturation process is stimulated by engagement of Location of T-Cell Activation
PAMPs and DAMPs.365,387 Under certain circumstances
maturation can be altered, with cytokine production di- After small-bowel transplantation, recipient-derived
verted to promotion of tolerance, for example, increased ­leukocytes, including T lymphocytes, migrate in large
IL-10 production.153 numbers into the mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer’s
Pattern recognition by DCs seems not simply to patches of the graft, generating a marked cytokine re-
­involve the detection of “danger” but also “safety” (un- sponse within 24 hours of grafting.147,167,385,386 This likely
der non-inflamed conditions); they integrate a range of results from normal homing of such cells because the
signals that maintain an immature, tolerogenic pheno- small bowel is so rich in lymphoid tissue. It is likely that
type. These pathways and associated intracellular signal- these T cells, if not already activated, may become so
ing230 are only now being explored; they seem to involve within the allograft, which is rich in mature DCs.
­molecules such as ILT3 and ILT4, Fc receptors (which Naive lymphocytes are thought normally to recircu-
can be activating (FcγRIII) or inhibitory (FcγRIIB)) and late from blood into lymphoid tissues without entering
C-type lectins (which also can be activating or inhibitory). peripheral tissues and as such might be unlikely to be-
Other factors identified as promoting a tolerogenic DC come activated in grafts which are not so rich in lym-
phenotype include vitamin D3, prostaglandin E2, IL-10, phoid tissue. The extent to which naive T cells enter
and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β).288 transplants other than small bowel and become activated
DCs with an immature or partly mature phenotype, in situ is therefore less clear – the cells do not express
that can present antigen and migrate to secondary lym- the adhesion proteins and chemokine receptors normally
phoid sites but deliver tolerogenic rather than activating associated with homing to peripheral tissues, nor are the
signals, play a crucial role in the induction of Tregs, T-cell DCs within the graft mature. It is evident, however, that
anergy, and deletion.224,365 These effects are mediated by naive cells can recirculate in small numbers through pe-
secretion of cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-β which ripheral tissues,49,50 although the extent to which they can
promote the emergence of Treg cells and through expres- become activated within such peripheral sites is unclear.
sion of negative costimulatory molecules such as PDL1/2, Indeed, in mice bearing the aly mutation, which lack sec-
ICOS-L, ILT3/4, and Fas ligand. Equally, Tregs, and in- ondary lymphoid tissue, graft rejection is abrogated.187,188
deed other cell types, including macrophages and NK T However, the aly mutation affects not only the formation
cells, interact reciprocally in maintaining the tolerogenic of secondary lymphoid tissue, but also TCR and CD28
phenotype of DCs. These mechanisms also involve the signaling and this may explain the finding that splenec-
secretion of cytokines such as IL-10 as well as CTLA- tomized mice lacking either lymphotoxin (LT)-α or LT-β
4-B7 engagement that upregulates DC expression of in- (which also do not have lymph nodes or Peyer’s patches)
doleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). are able to reject grafts, albeit in an attenuated fashion.423
This reciprocity between DCs and other cells is not Further evidence suggests that, whilst direct antigen pre-
limited to the maintenance of tolerance but applies also sentation may occur within a graft, indirect presentation
to productive immunity, that is, effector T cells can con- occurs in the draining lymphoid tissue.16
tribute to DC maturation353 and functional phenotype.314 In certain chronic inflammatory situations, lymphoid
For example, ligation of CD40 on DCs by CD154 (CD40 neogenesis or ectopic accumulations of lymphoid cells
ligand) on the T cell results in upregulation of B7 pro- develop within peripheral tissues, and can provide an
teins, which in turn can promote T-cell priming. This environment in which naive cells can become activated.
type of positive feedback is likely also to extend to the The possibility that lymphoid neogenesis also occurs
functional polarization of antigen-specific responses.304 and is important in the context of transplantation has
These interrelationships are necessary for the stability of been suggested by studies in a mouse cardiac transplant
tolerance and immunological memory. They also account model in which the presence of such accumulations oc-
for the particular difficulties in reprogramming alloim- curred in a high proportion of grafts undergoing chronic
mune responses in the context of a mature immune sys- rejection.10
tem with a substantial memory response. During acute graft rejection of organs other than small
Other forms of DC do not necessarily arise from bowel, it would seem that T cells are most likely to be-
the same developmental pathways as classical DCs; for come activated in draining or local lymphoid tissue where
Immunology of Graft Rejection 21

they can interact in an optimal fashion with optimally Second or Costimulatory Signals
activated donor or host-derived DCs. The contribution
of naive T-cell recirculation to acute graft rejection is Antigen-specific receptors (the TCR and B-cell receptor
probably minor, although its role in the longer term may (BCR)) underlie adaptive immunity. Their engagement
become more important. The possibility that naive cells (with the relevant coreceptor, for T cells CD4 or CD8) ini-
recirculate through peripheral tissues for the purposes of tiates clonal activation. However this alone does not deter-
tolerance induction rather than activation49 is interesting mine the fate of the response; rather it is engagement of a
and should be considered in the context of longer-term wide range of other cell surface receptors. These costimula-
graft function and survival. tory molecules determine and mediate short-term function
and long-term fate during priming, expansion, and death of
T cells and B cells. There are many families of costimula-
Immune Synapse tory molecules, including those of the of immunoglobulin
T-lymphocyte activation absolutely requires TCR en- superfamily (e.g., B7), TNF family (e.g., CD154), G
gagement and signaling through the CD3 complex; ­protein-coupled receptors (e.g., C3a and C5a receptors) and
however it is evident that a great deal more is involved lectin receptors (e.g., DC-SIGN). As increasing numbers of
when MHC peptide is engaged at another cell’s surface. molecules have been described, it has become e­ vident that
An immune synapse is formed in which the TCR and these interactions are highly complex, involving ­paracrine
coreceptors (CD4 and CD8), adhesion receptors, co- as well as cell contact-dependent mechanisms.
stimulatory and coinhibitory molecules assemble into Through these and other interactions, the APC acts
supramolecular activation complexes (SMACs) within as an integrator of danger signals that fundamentally in-
the lipid bilayer, followed by the assembly of intracel- form T-cell activation and are themselves informed by
lular signaling complexes, in particular involving the interaction with T cells. The need for this dialogue to be
linker for activation of T cells (LAT).65,78,106 There are antigen-specific places interactions between cell surface
associated changes in cytoskeletal proteins, which may molecules on the APC and T cell at the heart of the im-
be involved in signal transduction directly and indirectly mune response. At a clonal level these interactions can be
through effects on TCR-binding kinetics. Initial models activating382 or inhibitory,401 whilst at a system or poly-
of the synapse derived from experiments using antigen- clonal level they result in different cell fates, including
presenting lipid bilayers involved the formation of a differentiation into effector, memory, or regulatory phe-
central (c) SMAC into which TCR move, closely associ- notypes.409 Indeed, recent data suggest these interactions
ated with CD28. This is surrounded by the lymphocyte are likely to generate considerable functional heterogene-
function-associated antigen (LFA)-1-rich peripheral (p) ity within the antigen-stimulated T-cell compartment.278
SMAC and CD45-rich distal SMAC. In DCs it seems This sophisticated understanding has evolved from a
similar structures are formed, albeit with perhaps mul- two-signal model that remains extremely influential in
tiple cSMAC structures. conceptualizing T-lymphocyte activation.26,186 It identi-
fied that non-antigen-specific interactions could deter-
mine short-term and long-term consequences of TCR
T-Cell Receptor Signals engagement manifest as T-cell clonal activation (prolifer-
The TCR has no catalytic activity of its own. It forms a ation and IL-2 production) or proliferative non-respon-
complex with six CD3 subunits (γδɛ2ζ2) containing immu- siveness followed by stable non-responsiveness, even in
noreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs).215 the face of an adequate second signal: anergy.151,152,189,343,344
Lck phosphorylates these ITAMs following TCR liga- Anergic cells can inhibit the activation of neighboring T
tion, resulting in association with the ζ­ -chain-associated cells,36,91,213 that is, manifest regulatory activity.45
protein kinase, ZAP70.402 The precise mechanism by The molecular basis for the costimulatory or “second”
which TCR ligation translates into phosphorylation is signal for naive T-cell activation was defined as that be-
unclear but activation may involve TCR dimerization tween CD28 and the B7 family molecule, now known as
and CD45 which dephosphorylates and activates LCK CD80.207 These costimulatory interactions were not only
(although subsequent exclusion of CD45 from the syn- the first to be described but also the first to be manipu-
apse may underlie increases in ITAM phosphorylation). lated in the setting of clinical transplantation5,74 and are
ZAP70 recruitment results in phosphorylation of the therefore described in more detail in the next section.
adapter proteins SLP76 and LAT. LAT facilitates the
formation of multiprotein complexes that drive T-cell CD28–B7 Interaction
activation pathways, including phospholipase Cγ acti-
vation of calcium signaling, diacylglycerol activation of The cell surface protein CD28 is now known to be a
protein kinase Cθ, Ras-MAP kinase signaling through member of a family of similar proteins.42,109,313 Activation
SH2 containing proteins such as GRB2 and SOS, and of downstream signaling via CD28 results from ligation
cytoskeletal interactions involving a wide range of mol- with B7 family proteins, CD80 or CD86. These proteins
ecules.14 This results in de novo expression of a wide are expressed by APCs such as DCs and are readily able
range of genes encoding cytokines and cell surface pro- to engage CD28 during antigen presentation. Signaling
teins. These signaling pathways are increasingly char- through CD28 in the context of TCR ligation results in
acterized; they are the targets of established and novel an increase in glucose metabolism and high levels of cy-
immunosuppressive medication and are described in tokine and chemokine expression. High levels of IL-2 are
­detail elsewhere.14,89,159,215,402,414 produced; T cells proliferate and resist apoptosis.
22 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The requirement for CD28 signals for CD8+ T cells or can broadly be termed costimulatory – ICOS, DNAM,
for primed CD4+ T cells is less clear. The prevailing view and CRTAM – or coinhibitory – CTLA-4, PD-1, BTLA,
for CD4+ cells is that if they have not been stimulated very LAG-3, TIM-3, TIGIT, and LAIR-1.
recently by antigen, they require costimulation for reacti- A second major family of costimulatory molecules
vation, but even recently activated cells can be shown to on the T-cell surface is the TNF superfamily, includ-
be costimulation-dependent.118,233 Experimentally, it can ing CD27, CD134 (OX40), and CD137 (4-1BB), which
be shown that, in certain situations virus-reactive CD8+ interact with a range of TNF receptor family members.
cells are independent of CD28.184,428 On occasion even On the T-cell surface the TNF receptor family member
CD4+ cells may exhibit CD28 independence, in the face CD154 (CD40 ligand, gp39) itself interacts with CD40
of a strong TCR stimulus. To become activated in the ab- on B cells, DCs, and monocytes. Larsen and coworkers
sence of costimulation probably requires prolonged TCR showed that blocking this interaction could prolong graft
engagement in the presence of a large antigenic load, survival in a mouse cardiac transplant model.190 Even more
which may occur in association with viral infections and impressive, however, were data that combined CD28 and
occasionally in other situations. If the amount and dura- CD40 blockade-induced permanent survival of alloge-
tion of initial antigen exposure are limited, however, then neic skin grafts in mice with no long-term deterioration
even CD8+ memory T cells may require costimulation for of graft integrity.191 Tolerance to graft antigens could not
activation. A memory response is generally less dependent be shown in these mice, despite the excellent survival of
upon CD28. This is an important finding in the context the transplant itself. In a large-animal setting, kidney
of clinical transplantation, where a large proportion of the graft rejection in monkeys can be prevented completely
alloreactive pool has previously been antigen-activated as with antibodies to CD154170; however its clinical applica-
a result of its cross-reactivity with pathogen-derived pep- tion is limited by thromboembolic events associated with
tides (see earlier). Certainly CD28 blockade is unlikely to its expression on platelets. Alternative approaches using
drive tolerance induction in a previously primed system. non-depleting antibodies to CD40 are therefore now be-
This provides one possible explanation for the finding ing explored.12
that targeting this costimulatory pathway is less effective The significance of the many different interactions
in attenuating transplantation responses in humans than with costimulatory molecules, cytokines, and other sol-
would have been predicted from rodent studies. uble ligands are now understood to be responsible for
Mice with a disrupted cd28 gene have impaired im- T-cell differentiation that is highly diverse, even within
mune responses but can reject skin grafts, albeit in a de- a population with identical antigen specificities. The ex-
layed fashion164; this is likely due to other costimulatory perimental basis of this understanding follows the devel-
proteins that can substitute the action of CD28.42,313,350 opment of new flow cytometric techniques which allow
Blocking the CD28 pathway in normal animals inhibits multiparameter phenotyping of cells.278 A more com-
the alloimmune response and results in prolonged graft plete description of these various costimulatory pathways
survival or tolerance.203,295,389 The most widely used re- and their multifaceted actions can be found in various
agent for this purpose has been CTLA-4-Ig. This blocks ­reviews.208,350,426
B7 engagement of both CD28 and CTLA-4, the latter An understanding that memory T cells are an impor-
of which could be counterproductive because CTLA-4 tant barrier to successful engraftment in the presence of
acts primarily as a coinhibitory molecule counterbalanc- immunosuppression and to tolerance induction, com-
ing the effects of CD28. This is evident in the severe bined with the fact that they may be relatively resistant to
phenotype of CTLA-4–/– mice, in which animals die from CD28 inhibition, has directed interest toward identify-
lymphoproliferative disorder within a few weeks of birth. ing molecular targets in T-memory cells. The expression
Similar in structure to CD28, CTLA-4 inhibits the earli- of CD2 on T-effector memory cells,211,406 of LFA-1 on
est events in T-cell activation. CTLA-4 has a higher af- T-memory cells11 and even expression of a specific potas-
finity for CD80 and CD86 than does CD2847,342 and its sium channel on T-effector memory cells110 have been in-
engagement with CD80 induces a lattice structure at the vestigated. These approaches require further assessment
cell surface consisting of alternating CTLA-4 and CD80 and are not without potential competing risks.22,66
homodimers. These properties of CTLA-4 may limit
the ability of CD80 to interact with and cluster CD28 at
the immune synapse, potentially explaining the finding
The Generation of Effector Immunity and
that low levels of CTLA-4 can be effective at inhibiting Cytokine Production
immune responses. CTLA-4 may also deliver a negative The consequences of TCR engagement and costimula-
intracellular signal85 independent of its effect on CD28 tion are proliferation and differentiation of the T cells
that halts cell cycle progression and IL-2 production182 or into effector phenotypes and concomitant production of
affects TCR engagement.339 The actions of CTLA-4 may cytokines required by other cell types. The prototypic
be even more complex at a polyclonal level since CTLA-4 helper role – the production of cytokines and involve-
engagement may promote Treg function in vivo.148,408 ment in cellular interactions to promote different effector
mechanisms – was recognized to be a highly important
function of CD4+ cells. CD8+ cells may sometimes con-
Other Costimulatory Molecules tribute to this role and emerge independently of CD4+
Since the role of CD28 engagement was defined other T-cell help.63,180,219,232,319–321,337,360,383 These dependencies
members of this family of molecules have been identi- can now be seen in a wider context of cross-talk between
fied; bound by various ligands they generate effects that a wide range of different cell types. Nevertheless CD4+
Immunology of Graft Rejection 23

cells remain important to the initiation of graft rejection, donor-directed reactivity was associated with decrease in
a fact demonstrated by workers in diverse experimental the prolonged expression of the T1-associated cytokines
systems.59,113,115,216,218 IL-2 and IFN-γ.29,30,61,254,376 There is some evidence that
Subsets of T-helper cells develop following repeated the expression of T2 cytokines is preserved during the
antigen stimulation; they are characterized by the pro- development of so-called tolerance57,103,336,376; however
duction of particular cytokines that direct elements of the clones of T lymphocyte that have T2-like properties are
immune response and target different effector mecha- capable of initiating graft rejection in other models.395,421
nisms against viruses, bacteria of various sorts, fungi, Furthermore in robust models of tolerance (rather than
protozoa, and multicellular parasites.332 The prototypical prolonged allograft survival), rapid shutdown of cyto-
pattern of polarization based on cytokine production was kines rather than preferential T2 cytokine production has
that between Th1 or Th2 cells (Figure 2-6). Th1 cells been observed.160,295
mainly produce IFN-γ; they are involved in cell-mediated The role of different cytokines in allograft rejec-
inflammation and immunoglobulin class switching to tion has been approached by manipulating experimen-
IgG antibodies, whereas Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, tal systems in various different ways, including the use
and IL-13, and are involved in IgE class switching and of neutralizing antibodies and the assessment of mouse
eosinophil recruitment. strains in which genes for specific cytokines have been
Cytotoxic T-cell populations may also diverge in their genetically manipulated. Importantly, the interpretation
cytokine production, so T1 and T2 populations can be of these experiments requires due consideration: firstly,
referred to. More recently, a discrete population of T whether absence of the cytokine in question could have
cells has been described, characterized by the production influenced maturation of the immune system under in-
of IL-17, which seems to play an important role in the vestigation; secondly, because there is considerable de-
clearance of extracellular pathogens and in autoimmune generacy in the action of different cytokines; and thirdly,
pathology. Th17 differentiation seems to require TGF-β because the same cytokine may have apparently opposing
with IL-6 or with IL-21. IL-23 stabilizes this differentia- actions depending upon the context of engagement with
tion. More recently, IL-1 and IL-2 have been ­reported its receptor.
as playing a role in determining the production of This is illustrated by studies of IL-2–/– or IFN-γ–/–
IL-10 and IFN-γ by Th17 cells.427 In the context of trans- mice which demonstrated that neither were required for
plantation it is evident that Th17 cells can mediate an rejec­tion.331,363 IL-15 can, for example, substitute many
alloimmune response that translates into a form of acute of the actions of IL-2 and IL-15 transcripts are found in
rejection; however, the extent to which this depends upon grafts placed in IL-2–/– mice. Subsequent studies demon-
IL-17A production and its significance in a fully compe- strated that, whilst neither IL-2 nor IFN-γ was required
tent immune system remain to be determined.2 for rejection, both were required for tolerance induc-
The significance of different patterns of response in tion.55 This suggested non-redundant functions for both
their determination of graft outcome is highly dependent IL-2225,329 and IFN-γ335,404,413 in Treg function.
upon the model used, that is, the particular outcomes The conclusion from all of these studies is that an ef-
and timeframes studied and competing factors involved. fector immune response driven by either T1 or T2 cells
Many groups have found that tolerance or reduced is damaging, although in some cases the response driven

Early T cells After restimulation Type of immunity

IL-2 Cell-mediated cytotoxicity,
T1 IFN-g macrophage activation
TNF-b (DTH), IgG


Th17 IL-17 Clearance of

IL-2 extracellular pathogens,
T TO IFN-g TGF-b tissue repair
IL-4 ....
Treg Regulation

IL-4 T2 IL-6 IgE, IgG1,
IL-10 eosinophils
IL-13 (cytotoxicity)
FIGURE 2-6  ■ T1/T2/Th17 cell differentiation and immunity. Cytokines produced by T cells and that influence their divergence to T1, T2,
and Th17 subsets are shown, defining the effector immunity generated. Cytokines that may positively (in circles) or negatively (in
squares) regulate divergence of the T1, T2, and Th17 cells are shown. Cells with a regulatory or suppressive function (Treg) also may
be generated de novo during an immune response, likely diverging from the T2 pathway. Such cells differ from naturally occurring
Tregs, which have a CD25+ cell surface phenotype, but nevertheless function in a similar fashion to control immunity. DTH, delayed-
type hypersensitivity; IFN, interferon; Ig, immunoglobulin; IL, interleukin; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
24 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

by T2 cells may be not as immediately detrimental as that CTLA-4 appears to play an important role in Treg func-
driven by T1 cells. T2 cells may though drive immune tion.148,384 The mechanism of action of CTLA-4 in this
mechanisms that act over a longer time period. The in- setting seems to involve CD80/86 engagement on DC
dividual actions of certain cytokines still are not fully un- associated with modulation of IDO expression,45,111
derstood, but it would seem, given the data on IL-2 and ­although this seems unlikely to be the sole mechanism
IFN-γ, that such cytokines may assume different func- of action and requires further experimental assessment.
tions depending on the timing or perhaps location and There is ample evidence for the importance of
origin of their production. The involvement of Th17 Tregs in many models of experimental transplanta-
cells in protective immunity and immune-mediated pa- tion tolerance,155,196,338 well illustrated in models using
thology is an area of intense investigation and the precise donor-­specific transfusion and non-depleting anti-CD4
role of such cells in transplantation remains uncertain. As antibody in which Treg function seems to play a crucial
well as a potential role in mediating alloantigen-specific mechanistic role.31 In particular there seems to be an
inflammation there are some data to suggest that Th17 ­important role for self-restricted cells that therefore rec-
responses may play a role in autoimmune responses in ognize antigen through the indirect pathway.33,172 Perhaps
the setting of transplantation275; however this too remains more importantly, recent evidence in humanized animal
unproven. models suggests that the infusion of non-specifically ex-
panded Tregs can abrogate the acquisition of transplant
arteriosclerosis, opening potential translation into the
T-Regulatory Cells clinical setting.79,138,270,378
A healthy immune system is subject to checks and bal-
ances that prevent autoimmunity and ensure proportion-
ate, timely, and efficient response to infectious agents. MECHANISMS OF GRAFT INJURY
This involves control of immune responses by cells with
regulatory function, including both naturally occur- Migration of Activated Cells into the Graft
ring CD4+ CD25+ Tregs of thymic origin and induced
CD4+ CD25+ Tregs generated in the periphery. These To enter a site of inflammation or immune response, leu-
cells modulate productive immunity through various kocytes must migrate across the vascular endothelium.
mechanisms, including the production of cytokines such This migration process is controlled by the elaboration
as IL-10, TGF-β, and IL-35,3 adenosine production,67 of cell attractants or chemokines and by cell–cell inter-
downregulation of DC costimulation and upregulation of actions between the leukocyte and the endothelium.369
IDO.45 Tregs may also have more direct actions on effec- Activated and memory cells bear adhesion proteins, che-
tor cell viability through mechanisms that involve gran- mokine receptors, and addressins, which allow homing to
zyme B.102 and migration into peripheral tissues.221,222
Cells with alternative phenotypes have also been de-
fined as contributing to immune regulation, i­ncluding Cell–Cell Interactions
IL-10-secreting Tr-1 cells,93 CD28– CD8+ cells that
­appear to have specificity for Qa-1 (equivalent to HLA-E The adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium is a com-
in humans)154,396,418 and, more recently, B cells with regu- plex multistep process that involves a series of interactions
latory function.240 between the surface of the leukocyte and the endothelial
It is thought that the DC is central to integration cell or its extracellular matrix.169,369 The proteins involved
of many of the signals generated by regulatory mecha- fall into three groups: the selectins and members of the
nisms that impinge upon adaptive immunity,290 distilling integrin and immunoglobulin superfamilies. Initial inter-
information from the innate and the adaptive immune action and rolling of leukocytes along the endothelium
­systems, including Tregs and T-memory cells. This pro- allow the leukocyte to sample the endothelial environ-
vides a mechanism to account for phenomena such as ment, while maintaining its ability to detach and travel
infectious tolerance305 and linked suppression.45,174 In the elsewhere. This step is largely controlled by the selectins,
context of these observations the action of Tregs can be although α4 integrins may also play a role. Endothelial
seen as promoting Treg function over effector function cells express IL-8 and platelet-activating factor, which
and in the presence of infection and inflammation this induces strong leukocyte adhesion. Under the correct
metastable state becomes disrupted to release the gener­ conditions, this interaction leads to signaling to the leuko-
ation of ­effector immunity. This understanding provides cyte, slowing and arresting the rolling process. Shedding
a background to the conclusion that mechanisms of ac- of L-selectin by leukocytes allows their detachment and
tion of Tregs are inevitably closely related to induction of extravasation.241 The latter stages of leukocyte transmi-
Tregs and maintenance of a tolerogenic DC phenotype. gration are regulated mainly by the β2 integrins and adhe-
The phenotype of CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells is highly sion proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily.
dependent upon the expression of the transcription fac- The expression of adhesion proteins involved in these
tor FoxP3, which appears to be sufficient to confer regu- interactions is upregulated by proinflammatory cyto-
latory activity, including suppression of IL-2 and IFN-γ kines. Ischemic damage alone results in increased expres-
production, expression of CTLA-4 and GITR. FoxP3 is sion of several cytokines and, of these, IL-1 upregulates
therefore an important marker of Treg activity although, the expression of members of the selectin family.50,300
at least in the case of inducible Tregs, it is not clear that Other adhesion proteins, such as intercellular adhesion
their phenotype remains stable in all circumstances.422 molecule (ICAM)-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule
Immunology of Graft Rejection 25

(VCAM)-1 of the immunoglobulin superfamily and accept MHC class II mismatched grafts without immu-
e­ndothelial-specific selectin (E-selectin), are upregu- nosuppression and MHC class I and II mismatched grafts
lated by cytokines induced by donor brain death194 and with only low-dose immunosuppression94; long-term sur-
implantation. Therefore before an immune response has viving grafts do not appear to show signs of chronic dys-
been generated, the graft becomes attractive to circulat- function. Although CXCL10–/– recipients show normal
ing leukocytes. Although naive lymphocytes tend not to rejection kinetics of a CXCL10–/– graft, CXCL10–/– grafts
home into non-lymphoid sites, in clinical transplantation placed in normal recipients show prolonged survival.121
a significant proportion of the response is constituted by This important role in cell trafficking and function has
memory cells, which may do so. Antigen-activated lym- led to inevitable interest in therapeutic manipulation of
phocytes have an altered recirculation pattern and migrate the chemokine network in transplantation,283 albeit that
into extralymphoid sites.32,221,299 They may show tissue- simple inhibitory strategies are likely to be limited by the
selective homing and preference for sites in which they aforementioned cross-talk between receptors and ligands.
are most likely to re-encounter their specific antigen.333
This process may be facilitated further by cognate recog-
nition by the T cell of MHC class II–peptide complexes
Mechanisms of Cytotoxicity
on the vascular endothelium,234 which likely results in the The immune system generates many different effector
accumulation of antigen-specific lymphocytes within the mechanisms depending on the challenge it meets. In cer-
site of inflammation, in this case the graft. tain infections, a single mechanism seems to be essential
One practical aspect with respect to transplantation is for the clearance of the causative organism, and the ab-
that it may be possible to hide or block the expression of sence of that mechanism renders the host susceptible to
the proteins involved in leukocyte extravasation, slowing disease. In the clearance of lymphocytic choriomeningitis
or preventing the rejection process. Blocking the adhe- virus infections in mice, cytotoxic cells are absolutely re-
sion proteins by using antibodies or by inhibiting their quired, and disabling this arm of immunity by disrupting
expression has been attempted in experimental and clini- the perforin gene leads to the death of infected animals.162
cal transplantation settings.51,60,128,141 In general, cocktails Most known effector mechanisms of the immune system
of antibodies are more potent than single antibodies,417 are capable of damaging a graft such that the obliteration
although the results vary (in one case a combination of of any single effector mechanism has little beneficial ef-
antibodies to ICAM-1 and LFA-1 was shown to result in fect on graft survival. This is one reason why it is difficult
accelerated rejection of rat cardiac allografts261). Antisense to prevent graft rejection without disabling the central
oligonucleotides have been used in an attempt to pre- components of the immune system and why multiple
vent the expression of ICAM-1 and have been effective immunosuppressive medications are required in clinical
in prolonging graft survival in experimental models.370 transplantation. It likely accounts for the fact that, once
Small-molecule inhibitors also may effectively interrupt established, the rejection response is so difficult to con-
the interactions required for leukocyte adhesion and ex- trol, particularly in the long term.
travasation.277 The possibility that these types of reagent
may simultaneously be effective in blocking IRI and in
controlling the rejection process371 is an attractive one,
Specificity of Cellular Immune Responses
which remains under investigation. in Rejection
The nature of tissue destruction during rejection re-
veals a lot about the processes involved. For example,
graft destruction can show fine specificity for cells carry-
Chemokines are chemotactic cytokines: small proteins ing donor alloantigens. The elegant studies of Mintz and
that play a crucial role in leukocyte trafficking under Silvers show the potential for exquisite specificity of donor
both normal conditions and in the setting of inflamma- cell lysis in experiments using allophenic mice as tissue
tion. There are more than 40 different chemokines that ­donors.252,253 Allophenic or tetraparental mice are bred by
in the main map to two major structural families: CC or fusing embryos from mice of two different genetic origins.
β chemokines (e.g., MIP-1α/β, RANTES, and MCP-1) The tissues of the resulting mosaic offspring are composed
which attract T cells, monocyte/macrophages, DCs, NK of patches of cells from each parental type. Mintz and
cells, and some polymorphs, and CXC or α chemokines Silvers performed experiments using mice with different
(e.g., IL-8 and IFN-γ-inducible protein) which primar- coat colors, and when skin from an allophenic donor was
ily attract neutrophils and T cells.120,122,250,286,323 There is grafted to mice of either parental origin, only the cells of
a correspondingly wide range of chemokine receptors, non-identical type were rejected, leaving cells of recipient
although homeostatic chemokines tend to be relatively type intact and capable of hair growth. These studies have
restricted in their pattern of usage whilst inflammatory been repeated and extended in experiments performed
chemokines are more promiscuous in their utilization of by Rosenberg and Singer.321 In this work, an initial large
different receptors. inflammatory/immune response was observed but this
The role of chemokine production by vascular en- ­resolved, remarkably leaving cells only of the recipient
dothelium following reperfusion has already been dis- genotype in place. In a different type of experiment, Sutton
cussed.120,204 Inevitably, chemokines play an important and colleagues374 showed that transplantation of an inti-
role in any response that involves inflammatory cell infil- mate mixture of allogeneic and syngeneic pancreatic islets
tration, including acute rejection72,84,107,120,122 and chronic ­resulted in destruction only of the allogeneic cells, with no
rejection. For example, in animal models CCR1–/– mice evidence of bystander damage to the syngeneic islets.
26 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

It is difficult to imagine how an essentially non-­specific transfusion may retain a subsequent renal allograft in-
effector mechanism, such as that involved in DTH le- definitely, but cells extracted from such grafts show high
sions, could mediate graft rejection that is so specific. and persistent donor-specific CTL activity. The simple
Bystander destruction of tissue is however observed in conclusion from these studies is that CTLs cannot always
other experimental systems. For example, Snider and reject grafts, although the possibility that the action of
Steinmuller358 showed that destruction of bystander tis- these CTLs may be blocked in the graft itself, or that the
sue may occur in the immune response to miH antigens. activity of CTLs in cell culture does not accurately reflect
In their experiments, cytotoxic T-cell clones reactive with their potential in the animal, must be considered. These
a variety of minor antigens (e.g., H-Y and Epa-1 antigens) results remain intriguing, however, and provide direct
were injected intradermally together with their specific evidence of the presence of cytotoxic effector cells within
antigen into a syngeneic animal, which did not express an organ graft that is not ultimately rejected.
that antigen. As a result, ulcerating skin lesions developed CTLs are able to kill their targets through the elabo-
that were radiosensitive, suggesting the involvement of a ration of perforins, granzymes, and granulysin through
non-specific, host-derived effector mechanism in the tis- activation of the Fas death pathway, or through secretion
sue destruction. In the experiments described earlier us- of the cytokine TNF-α. Their involvement in graft re-
ing donor tissue from tetraparental animals, if most cells jection has been questioned further by the finding that
in the graft were allogeneic to the recipient, the over- mice deficient in perforin (perforin knockouts) are able
whelming inflammatory response leads to destruction of to reject tumor,400 skin,348 and organ grafts,341 even when
the entire tissue. the grafts are resistant to Fas-mediated and TNF-α-
These experiments demonstrate that both antigen- mediated killing.400 In the experiments of Schulz and col-
specific and non-antigen-specific effector mechanisms leagues,341 grafts mismatched only at the MHC class I are
may be involved in graft destruction. In both types of rejected more slowly in perforin knockout mice, however,
experiment, the initial damage was mediated in a spe- indicating that, in this situation at least, cytotoxic cells are
cific fashion; however, if there is a massive inflammatory important in rejection.
response then tissue destruction can be non-specific. Its As alluded to earlier, even if CTLs themselves do not
extent reflects the proportion of allogeneic cells pres- mediate the tissue damage that ultimately results in graft
ent and their location, since vascular endothelial dam- loss, they still may be important in generating the de-
age can result in tissue ischemia and rapid generation of structive response to the graft. Through the elaboration
non-specific danger signals. The vascular endothelium is of high levels of IFN-γ and other cytokines or chemo-
therefore arguably the most important target in kidney kines, they are able to recruit and activate cells involved
transplantation. An appreciation of these subtle differ- in DTH lesions, initiating acute or chronic rejection.
ences in specificity is of particular importance in under-
standing the immunopathology of viral diseases such as Alloantibody and Alloantigen-Specific
BK nephropathy and their relationship to mechanisms of
B cells
The target antigens for damaging allogeneic antibodies
Cytotoxic T-Cell Responses are primarily MHC class I, MHC class II,41 MICA,429 and
the ABO blood group antigens.327 Minor alloantigens are
In cell culture systems, MHC-mismatched lymphocytes potential targets; however they are rarely defined in clini-
proliferate and produce cytokines in response to one an- cal transplantation. H-Y antibodies have been reported to
other in the mixed lymphocyte reaction. The resulting portend acute rejection, although any long-term conse-
cytokine production allows the differentiation of precur- quence to H-Y mismatch is evidently small. Similarly, au-
sor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) into effector cells toimmunity to antigens, including the angiotensin II type
that lyse target cells bearing the mismatched MHC an- I receptor77 (expressed by vascular smooth-muscle cells),
tigens.129,137 The fact that a powerful yet antigen-specific is a rare but important complication of kidney transplan-
response is generated rapidly in mixed lymphocyte reac- tation. Other autoantigens to which antibody responses
tion has made the CTL a prime suspect as the central emerge in allogeneic transplantation, such as vimentin161
effector mechanism of acute graft rejection. and collagen,150 have mostly been analyzed in cardiotho-
Considerable evidence suggests that CTLs may be in- racic transplantation, although there is increasing interest
volved in graft rejection. First, CTLs may be recovered in the potential contribution of autoimmune responses to
from allografts that are undergoing rejection, but they chronic rejection in other settings.165,275,347
are present only at low levels in grafts of animals that have Donor-specific antibody may cause damage in different
been treated with cyclosporine to prevent rejection.24,237 ways, most notably through complement activation. This
Second, cloned populations of CTLs are capable of caus- is the dominant mechanism in hyperacute rejection due to
ing the type of tissue damage associated with rejection. preformed antibody176 and has recently been specifically
Third, most MHC class I antigen-directed CTLs express targeted using the C5 specific monoclonal antibody eculi-
the CD8 protein, and graft rejection often may be de- zumab.362 The major target antigens for such preformed an-
layed after the depletion of CD8+ cells.46,218,223,297,383 tibodies are firstly ABO blood group antigens. These widely
Conversely, graft destruction may occur in the absence expressed antigens are defined by the presence of specific
of demonstrable CTL activity, and the presence of such trisaccharides present on glycoproteins and glycolipids.
cells within a graft may not always lead to graft destruc- Antibodies to them are formed in the neonatal period, it is
tion.6,62 Rats given a donor-specific preoperative blood thought following exposure to gut flora. The second group
Immunology of Graft Rejection 27

of target antigens for preformed antibodies are the highly important APCs due to their ability to expand clonally and
polymorphic MHC antigens to which the recipient may be efficiently take up antigen via the BCR. They therefore
exposed through prior transplantation, blood transfusions, stimulate HLA (indirect pathway)-specific T cells and
or pregnancy.64,173,263,291,407 Indeed, this serological defini- play an important role in the optimal activation, genera-
tion of HLA arose prior to its recognition as the MHC: the tion, and maintenance of T-cell memory.279,281 In addition
target for cellular alloimmunity and the restriction element to antigen presentation and costimulation, B cells secrete
for T-cell immunity in general. In the 1960s recognition of a range of cytokines that play a role in T-cell activation
the importance of donor–­recipient blood group compat- and indeed regulation. There is now evidence that B cells
ibility361 and development of a test to screen for preformed contribute to regulating immune responses. This has pri-
anti-HLA antibodies using the lymphocytotoxic cross- marily been reported as consequent upon the production
match291 fundamentally changed the short-term outcomes of IL-10; however other potential mechanisms have been
of transplantation. implicated involving both soluble factors and cell contact.
It may also be that antibody-mediated comple- This has important implications for therapeutic strategies
ment activation can play a role in later rejection events. that involve the depletion or manipulation of the B-cell
Complement component 4d (C4d) can be detected by population.240
immunostaining of biopsies suffering chronic rejection.239 The molecular pathways that support B-cell prolifera-
This usually occurs in the presence of anti-HLA antibody. tion and differentiation have been increasingly defined
On the other hand the precise significance of this finding and are now emerging as potential targets in autoimmu-
needs to be considered in light of its frequent detection nity. These are therefore likely to be adapted to alloim-
following planned ABO-incompatible transplantation, munity as alternatives to the depleting strategies already
without a clear-cut relationship to adverse events.114,168 tried with agents such as rituximab (an anti-CD20 mono-
Donor-directed antibody may also cause tissue damage clonal antibody).44,391 Since antibody production primarily
through antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, where derives from plasma cells, targeting B cells alone is likely
antibody acts as a bridge between the target tissue and to have relatively little efficacy in reversing humoral al-
the effector cell, activating lytic machinery and causing losensitization; however, modulation of B-cell activation
tissue damage.296 Indeed, there is emerging evidence that and survival may influence the generation of alloantibody
NK cell transcripts are a feature of chronic antibody-­ and B-cell support for cellular immunity. Potential tar-
mediated rejection.134 gets on the B cell include costimulatory receptors CD19,
The effects of donor-specific antibody need not be a CD21, the inhibitory receptors CD22 and FcγRIIB
sole consequence of immediate cytotoxicity. Anti-HLA and soluble B-cell-activating factors such as BAFF and
antibody binding activates endothelial cells.199 Through TACI.43 Some of these are present on later-stage B-cell
interactions of HLA with transmembrane proteins of lineage and may therefore affect antibody production.
various sorts this results in mTOR/Akt,158 protein kinase However it is likely that other strategies will be required
A, and MAP kinase signaling which drive proliferation,276 in those with significant pre-existing humoral immunity.
adhesion molecule and coagulation factor upregulation311
and secretion of cytokines and chemokines.311 All these
factors may be implicated in the structural changes as-
Natural Killer Cells
sociated with chronic rejection. NK cells play a role as effector cells, lysing sensitive
Conversely antibody binding to vascular endothe- targets according to the presence or absence of specific
lium without cytotoxicity may protect against subsequent target antigens. For example, the activating receptor
circumstances in which cytotoxicity would have been NKG2D is engaged by MICA and MICB, that are in-
expected to prevail. This may occur if antigen-specific duced in allografts during acute and chronic rejection.171
antibody levels are initially low or there is a period of The binding of these ligands to NKG2D activates NK
protection from complement-mediated damage. The cells to enhance effector functions, whereas the engage-
process is termed accommodation and is poorly under- ment of killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) by
stood.68,69,330 It is likely to involve multiple mechanisms, KIR ligands such as HLA-C (KIR2DL1 and KIR2DL2)
including: reduced antigen density, endothelial cell re- and HLA-Bw4 (KIR3DL1) generally inhibits function.
sistance to antibody-mediated injury via upregulation Inhibitory receptor function underlies the phenomenon
of antiapoptotic and complement regulatory proteins of responses to “missing self ”,163,209 which contributes to
and downregulation of procoagulant factor produc- tumor immunity,132 the killing of stem cells,20 and hybrid
tion.156,274,330,359 There is some evidence that antibodies resistance in experimental models of transplantation.392
with different antigen specificities, such as for ABO blood Although the importance of NK cells in bone marrow
group antigens or HLA, may activate different pathways transplantation has been long established,265,266 their role
that contribute to accommodation.149,195 An understand- in solid-organ transplantation has taken longer to be rec-
ing of these mechanisms may in part explain differential ognized. Several laboratories using different experimental
long-term outcomes in blood group-incompatible com- models found that grafts survive indefinitely in the presence
pared to HLA-incompatible transplantation258 and define of demonstrable NK effector activity,6,24 although more
potential cytoprotective pathways. recently CD28-independent rejection in mouse models
The significantly worse outcomes observed in trans- of transplantation has been shown to be NK-dependent
plant recipients in whom anti-HLA antibodies are de- and sensitive to blockade of NKG2D.166 The role of NK
tected may also reflect the wider role of B cells in the cells in the afferent arm of immunity via interaction with
immune response. In particular HLA-specific B cells are DCs112,123 and production of high levels of IL-12 and IFN-γ
28 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

has prompted a re-evaluation of their role. There is now tissue acutely or chronically. As described earlier, TNF-α,
evidence that, whilst insufficient alone to cause acute rejec- produced by CTLs and macrophages, may damage a
tion, NK cells contribute significantly to the alloimmune graft, and blocking the effects of TNF with neutralizing
response. For example, genetic studies of donor and recipi- antibodies can prolong organ graft survival.23,144–146 The
ent HLA-C type (grouped as C1 and C2 depending upon minimal effects of these antibodies suggest, however, that
polymorphisms at positions 77 and 80 and which seem to the TNFs may not contribute centrally to graft rejection,
exhibit differential NK cell inhibition) suggest that long- or that when neutralized other effector mechanisms take
term outcomes may be influenced by donor or recipient in- over. Islets seem to be particularly susceptible to damage
teraction with KIRs.123,124 This has also been observed when mediated by proinflammatory cytokines, indicating that
KIR HLA mismatches are analyzed in HLA-compatible these may be a more important component in the rejec-
transplantation.394 Recently NK transcripts have been tion of islet transplants.228,229,308,411
found in association with late alloantibody-associated re-
jection134 and in animal models NK cells have been found Eosinophils
to contribute to alloantibody-mediated chronic allograft
vasculopathy,135 leading to a re-evaluation of NK-mediated It has been recognized for years that episodes of acute
antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and other potential mech- and chronic kidney allograft rejection are associated with
anisms of NK-mediated injury. various levels of eosinophilia,178,180,280 and that this may be
associated with vascular rejection,247 but an implication
Macrophages and Delayed-Type of such cells in graft destruction has been more difficult
to accumulate. In an experimental model of acute mouse
Hypersensitivity Reactions cardiac allograft rejection in which the depletion of CD8+
T cells initiate a DTH reaction,203 which involves an T lymphocytes results in a dominant T2 response, rejec-
essentially non-specific effector phase (as described by tion seems to be mediated by eosinophils.380 In another
Koch in 1891 in the tuberculin skin reaction9), charac- model, in which acute rejection of MHC class II disparate
terized by an infiltrate of lymphocytes and cells of the mouse skin grafts was studied, IL-5-dependent infiltra-
monocyte/macrophage lineage. Damage occurs in a tis- tion with eosinophils was observed. In this model, when
sue during a DTH reaction through the elaboration of Fas/FasL interactions were absent, neutralizing antibod-
various noxious substances, including reactive nitrogen ies to IL-5 blocked eosinophilia and rejection, implicat-
and oxygen intermediates and TNF-α. Support for the ing the eosinophil as an effector cell in this system.202 In
involvement of DTH, which is likely mediated by M1 another experimental model of skin allograft rejection,
macrophages, in graft rejection comes from situations in the same group showed a role for IL-5 and eosinophilia
which CTL responses are not detectable (e.g., in irradi- in chronic rejection, but in this system, not all of the pa-
ated rats reconstituted with CD4+ cells).217 thology could be attributed to eosinophils.201 In situations
The high level of inflammatory mediators and the in which classic pathways of graft rejection are absent or
type of changes within grafts undergoing chronic re- are dominated by a T2-type response, the eosinophil
jection suggest a role for activated M1 macrophages seems to be crucial in graft destruction.100
also in this process.39,130,292,293 Cytokines such as IL-1,
TNF-α, TGF-β, and platelet-derived growth factor lead Target Cells of Destructive Immunity
to smooth-muscle proliferation; TGF-β and platelet-
derived growth factor result in an increased synthesis of The relative importance of specific target cells in allo-
extracellular matrix proteins. These cytokines are prod- immunity is likely to vary between specific organs and
ucts of activated macrophages and may result in the ath- indeed between individuals with different histories of
erosclerotic and fibrotic changes associated with chronic sensitization.
graft failure. Renal parenchymal cells may be targets for tissue de-
Although, as illustrated above, the macrophage has struction, and in the kidney, tubular cells elaborate cytokines
largely been implicated as an agent of destruction and and chemokines that can attract and activate T cells.315,412
damage in transplantation, new knowledge about the con- The kidney is a highly vascular organ, and the medulla con-
tribution of M2 macrophages to injury repair, together stantly at the limit of tissue hypoxia. In humans vascular
with the identification of the Mreg macrophage, suggests endothelium expresses both MHC class I and MHC class
that a re-evaluation of macrophage activity in transplants II and blood vessels are a major target of the inflammatory
is timely.38,231 Reagents to analyze the presence of the dif- response in acute rejection.98 Indeed, vascular involvement,
ferent macrophage populations, together with experi- often associated with the presence of alloantibodies, seems
ments that directly test the ability of different populations to be associated with a significantly worse outcome.220
to damage or repair tissue, will be important in redefining These two factors are independently associated with long-
the role of macrophages following transplantation. term graft loss. This prognostic difference between cellular
and vascular rejection may reflect fundamentally different
origins and effector mechanisms; however it is possible that
Cytokines vascular involvement simply drives greater tissue hypoxia,
The primary role of cytokines in an immune response and therefore further amplification of danger signals, with
to a graft is to initiate proliferation, differentiation, and adverse consequences for the evolving adaptive immune
homing of leukocytes in the generation of immunity. response. This may be as true of microvascular changes as
However, certain cytokines also may directly damage those seen in large blood vessels.
Immunology of Graft Rejection 29

Chronic Rejection alloimmunity.377 Since non-donor-specific alloimmunity is

unlikely to arise secondary to damage, this suggests that
The subject of chronic rejection and chronic allograft in- alloimmunity precedes graft damage. Even then it does
jury in general is discussed in detail in Chapter 27. It is not prove that ongoing alloimmune-mediated damage is a
however clear that the immune system plays an important necessary feature of chronic rejection.
role in chronic allograft damage and ultimately in deter- A range of animal models suggest that immune mecha-
mining allograft survival. In recent years the prominent nisms contribute to the ongoing progression of chronic
role of calcineurin inhibitor toxicity273 in paradigms of transplant vasculopathy. Histological changes resembling
chronic allograft injury has been revised116,357 but should those in clinical transplantation can be induced by the pas-
not be dismissed.259,349 The pathophysiology of chronic sive transfer of donor-reactive antibody, through a mecha-
rejection remains incompletely understood despite ap- nism that does not seem to require complement fixation136
plication of a wide range of approaches to assess kidney (a finding with important implications for the therapeu-
histology,248 protein and gene expression,80,117 as well as tic use of inhibitors of complement activation to prevent
peripheral blood representation of humoral142,185,379 and complement-mediated hyperacute or acute rejection362).
cellular alloimmunity.18,301,356 The reason for this incom- Antibody binding to vascular endothelium alone may be
plete understanding is likely to be a reflection of the het- sufficient for chronic transplant vasculopathy, as discussed
erogeneous processes that can result in similar clinical and above; however it is possible that other as yet unexplored
indeed histological endpoints,183,357 a situation exacerbated mechanisms may be important. For example, a recent
by the temporal separation between cause and effect (at experimental model suggests that NK cells contribute
least determined in clinically indisputable terms such as significantly to a lesion resembling chronic transplant vas-
graft survival, or substantial changes in renal function). culopathy in a manner that is Fc receptor-dependent.135
Thus chronic allograft injury may arise from ongoing These studies support those in clinical transplantation that
alloimmune responses; it may be consequent upon on- chronic rejection is associated with the presence of donor-
going autoimmunity initiated by alloimmune-mediated specific antibodies. On the other hand a parallel range of
damage165,347,393 or dysregulated repair mechanisms aris- experimental models that generate similar histological
ing from the particular pattern of damage produced by abnormalities can be observed in which cellular mecha-
initial alloimmunity. In any case non-specific mechanisms nisms predominate.96,420 In all these analyses it should be
in which low-grade endothelial damage results in platelet borne in mind that, in all but the most highly controlled
deposition on the arterial wall and growth factor produc- experimental systems, it is likely that multiple immune
tion can cause proliferation of smooth-muscle cells in mechanisms contribute to allograft injury; equally, simply
the media of the arterial wall and their subsequent in- because a lesion that resembles transplant vasculopathy
vasion of the intima.130 This response-to-injury hypoth- can be induced through a particular immune mechanism
esis, first proposed for atherosclerosis,322 has been tested does not require it to be clinically significant.420
in an experimental transplant model in the rat using an
aortic allograft.249 These grafts undergo an initial acute
inflammatory reaction in the adventitia, which subsides SUMMARY
and is followed by gradual migration of proliferating
muscle cells from the vascular media to the intima and The immune response to an allogeneic organ is highly
the appearance of intimal fibrosis. When induced, this al- complex. The MHC generates a uniquely diverse set of an-
lograft arteriosclerosis is not reversible by transplanting tigens, the responses to which in a mature immune system
the aortic allograft back into a syngeneic recipient. The cross-react on established memory. This range of antigens
development of these chronic arterial lesion is associated can then stimulate immune responses via an array of effec-
with cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF, IFN-γ), growth factors tor mechanisms, modified but rarely abolished by the use
(platelet-derived growth factor, TGF-β), and lipid media- of immunosuppressive medications. Over the course of the
tors of inflammation (eicosanoids and platelet activation last decade the importance of the innate immune system
factor). This is evidence for the latter response to injury in the initiation and polarization of immune responses fol-
mechanism of chronic allograft injury, which may of lowing transplantation has been increasingly recognized.
course be exacerbated not only by immune mechanisms This is linked to a central role of DCs of both donor and
but also by calcineurin inhibitor toxicity,357 hypertension,302 recipient origin in stimulating productive immunity but
chronic renal dysfunction,375 and other vascular risk fac- also potentially in promoting immune-­regulatory mecha-
tors.419 It may therefore be the case that interventions nisms in appropriate circumstances. A greater understand-
that maintain endothelial health and minimize dysregu- ing of immune-regulatory mechanisms may in the future
lated repair could have broad utility. allow for intervention in which inhibition of alloantigen-
The role of alloimmunity in progressive graft loss is specific responses could improve the risk–benefit ratio of
suggested particularly by studies in which the presence of therapies, to prevent rejection. Similarly, better under-
donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies are associated with standing and an ability to assay alloantigen-specific effec-
worse outcome. In principle this antibody response could tor immunity may allow better targeting of non-specific
be a secondary phenomenon consequent upon damage. immunosuppression. These strategies are of particular
Interestingly, non-donor-specific antibody is also a risk fac- importance in managing long-term outcomes since this is
tor for graft loss and this has been interpreted as evidence when most transplants are now lost, although this clearly
of the significance of non-humoral donor-specific alloim- poses a particular challenge to approaches to our under-
munity that is associated with humoral non-donor-specific standing of the immune mechanisms involved.
30 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

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Chronic Kidney Failure:

Renal Replacement Therapy
Andrew Davenport

INTRODUCTION Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Practical Considerations
PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE Indications for and Advantages of Peritoneal
Loss of Ultrafiltration
General Aspects
Hypertension and Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Exit Site and Tunnel Infection
Hematopoiesis and Immunity
Anatomical Complications
Calcium, Phosphate, and the Skeleton
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
Nutrition and Metabolism
Metabolic Complications
Neurological and Musculoskeletal PATIENT
Endocrine Abnormalities Hemodialysis
Psychological Problems Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
Initiation of Dialysis Dialysis
Complications FAILURE
Peritoneal Dialysis
Dialysis Transport QUALITY OF LIFE

INTRODUCTION somewhere between that of patients with ovarian and

bowel cancer (www.renalreg.com).
Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is a general term The management of patients with CKD centers on
encompassing a range of different treatment modali- trying to slow down the progression of underlying kidney
ties for patients with what was formally termed acute disease and reducing cardiovascular risk factors, as many
renal failure and end-stage kidney disease, which are more patients will die of cardiovascular disease compared
now called acute kidney injury stage 3 (AKI-3)32 and to those who progress to dialysis (CKD5d).18 Uncontrolled
chronic kidney disease stage 5 (CKD5),20 respectively hypertension is the major risk factor for progression fol-
(Table 3-1). RRT includes various forms of dialysis (he- lowed by proteinuria. Angiotensin-converting enzyme
modialysis, hemodiafiltration, and peritoneal dialysis), inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers are the pre-
hemofiltration, and renal transplantation. Dialysis has ferred antihypertensives, aiming for blood pressure tar-
rapidly expanded from a treatment restricted for AKI in gets of 130–40/80–90 mmHg, depending upon the age of
teaching hospitals in the 1960s to now a routine treat- the patient. In a minority of cases specific management
ment for hundred of thousands of patients with CKD strategies may be appropriate to halt progression, such
worldwide. However all types of RRT are incomplete as immunosuppression for ­patients with renal vasculitis
solutions for CKD, with a 5-year life expectancy for a or lupus nephritis. Thereafter management is directed to
dialysis patient in the United Kingdom of around 45%, control the complications of progressive kidney disease,

40 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

hypervolemia, anemia, ­acidosis, and renal bone disease.19

TABLE 3-1B  Staging for Acute Kidney Injury*
In progressive CKD then patient education is vital, so that
patients can make an informed d ­ ecision about whether Stage Serum Creatinine Criteria Urine Criteria
to have RRT or opt for a conservative non-dialysis ap-
1 ↑ SCreat  ≥ 0.3 mg/dL < 0.5 mL/kg/h
proach, accepting that they will die of azotemia. For or 27 μmol/L above for  > 6 h
those patients opting for RRT, it is important to plan baseline within 48 h
ahead, asking about potential live organ donors, creating or ↑ SCreat  ≥ 1.5–1.9× above
vascular access for those choosing hemodialysis, and con- baseline within 7 days
2 ↑ SCreat 2.0–2.9× above < 0.5 mL/kg/h
sidering embedding a peritoneal dialysis catheter, which baseline within 7 days for >2 h
can be readily superficialized when peritoneal dialysis is 3 SCreat 3× above baseline < 0.3 mL/kg/h
required. or SCreat  ≥ 4.0 mg/dL (350 for 24 h
RRT programs continue to expand (Table 3-2), and, μmol/L) or anuria for
although <0.04% of the UK population have CKD or RRT within 7 days 12 h
­requiring RRT, this consumes 2–3% of the overall UK *The baseline serum creatinine (SCreat) measurement should be
health budget. The challenge for nephrologists and the admission serum creatinine after resuscitation, or a recent
transplant surgeons is to provide the most appropriate clinic value. The change in serum creatinine should occur within
RRT of the highest quality for the individual p ­ atient 7 days. All patients who are treated by renal replacement therapy
are staged as stage 3.
at the lowest possible cost. Quality standards and clini-
cal practice guidelines have been developed by both
national and international organizations (e.g., British
Transplantation Society, Renal Association, European
Dialysis and Transplant Association, Kidney Disease TABLE 3-2  Examples of Non-Renal Factors
Improving Global Outcomes). Which Affect Serum Creatinine Measurements,
Without Changing Renal Function
Effect on Serum
General factors Age Decreased
The estimate of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) system Female sex Decreased
(Table 3-1A) was introduced into the United Kingdom Ethnicity Black Increased
to alert non-renal specialists that patients with what compared to Asian Decreased
­appeared to be high normal or mildly elevated serum caucasoids
creatinine had CKD, and therefore are more at risk from Body habitus Muscular Increased
Obese Decreased
nephrotoxic drugs. Unfortunately, serum creatinine is Chronic illness Cirrhosis Reduced
not linearly associated with glomerular filtration rate Cancer Reduced
and is affected by diet, exercise, and drugs (Table 3-2). Heart failure Reduced
Patients with CKD stage 3 can be managed by primary Endocrine Hypothyroidism Increased
care physicians unless they have rapidly progressive kid- Diet Vegetarian Reduced
ney disease, or proteinuria or hematuria, whereas those Meat stews Increased
in stage 4 and 5 should be under the care of specialist ne- Drugs Antibiotics Trimethoprim
phrologists. However, there is still a relatively high num- Gastro-protection Cimetidine
ber of avoidable late referrals of patients with CKD5.31 Diuretics Amiloride
In some cases, this situation is unavoidable – the patients
may have had a truly silent illness or an acute presentation
of an irreversible renal injury (e.g., myeloma, antiglo-
merular basement membrane disease, or renal vasculitis).
The consequences for patients of late presentation
are many, ranging from increased risk of infection due to
TABLE 3-1A  Staging for Chronic Kidney Disease* the use of temporary central venous access catheters to the
CKD Stage eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) psychological impact of suddenly requiring dialysis, with
major changes in lifestyle (dietary and fluid restriction,
Stage 1 >90
Stage 2 60–90
loss of employment). Not surprisingly, these unplanned
Stage 3a 45–60 starters have a worse prognosis,5 incur greater healthcare
Stage 3b 30–44 costs,2 and are less likely to activate on the renal trans-
Stage 4 15–29 plant waiting list.
Stage 5 <15 mL/min
Stage 5d Dialysis

*Staging for chronic kidney disease (CKD), based on an estimate PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) following the modification of
diet in renal disease (MDRD) 4 value equation. The suffix (p) can The point prevalence of CKD is unknown as most pa-
be used to denote the presence of proteinuria as defined by a
spot urinary albumin:creatinine ratio of ≥30 mg/mmol, which is
tients are asymptomatic and unaware of its presence.
approximately equivalent to a protein:creatinine ratio of ≥50 mg/ Referral patterns increased in the United Kingdom
mmol (≥0.5 g/24 h). following the introduction of the eGFR reporting
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 41

s­ ystem, due to the alerts sent back from pathology labo- ETIOLOGY
ratories to primary care physicians.15 Similarly, the prev-
alence of CKD increases as populations increase in body As RRT is an expensive supportive treatment, the key
habitus and prevalence of diabetes.14 In the latest UK re- goal would be to prevent or limit the progression of
nal registry report the prevalence of CKDd is 794 pmp, CKD. Unfortunately only a minority of conditions can
but varies within the United Kingdom, being higher in be halted, and even then only if treated early, such as
inner-city ethnic populations, and lower in predomi- withdrawal of nephrotoxic analgesics and lithium and ap-
nantly affluent caucasoid suburbs, with the incidence propriate treatment of infections, such as tuberculosis,
varying between 88 and 120 pmp (http://www.renalreg. inflammatory conditions, including sarcoid, and autoim-
com/Reports/2010.html). mune diseases, most commonly vasculitis and systemic
The differences in incidence and prevalence of CKD lupus erythematosus, and more recently, enzyme replace-
requiring RRT (Table 3-3) depend both upon patient fac- ment therapy for conditions such as Fabry’s disease. The
tors, such as the incidence of diabets and hypertension incidence of diseases that cause CKD change with age,
in the population studied, and heathcare spending.13 In such that childhood CKD may be associated with con-
2009, the highest incidence of CKD5d reported came genital abnormalities, including urethral valves, prune-
from Morelos in Mexico, followed by Jalisco (Mexico), belly syndrome, vesicoureteric reflux, whereas patients
United States, Taiwan, and Japan, whereas Brazil, Iceland, older than age 65 are more likely to have renovascular
Philippines, Russia, and Bangladesh reported < 100 000 disease, hypertensive nephropathy, myeloma, and pros-
per million (www.usrds.org/2011/). However it must be tatic obstruction.
recognized that there is a difference between the inci- The prevalence of inherited diseases, such as poly-
dence of the disease and the incidence of patients starting cystic kidney disease, appears to be similar in different
RRT, as more affluent countries will start more elderly ethnic populations; however diabetic nephropathy tends
patients with additional comorbidities,12 and the inci- to follow the rate of diabetes in the underlying popula-
dence of CKD increases exponentially with age, whereas tion. In addition some forms of interstitial nephritis
less affluent countries tend to restrict RRT to younger have distinctive geographical patterns or predilection
patients with fewer comorbidities. Similarly, transplanta- for particular ethnic groups, such as Balkan nephropa-
tion rates also differ between countries, and although this thy, Chinese herbal nephropathy, associated with inges-
is dependent upon the provision and access to dialysis, tion of Aristolochic herbs, and South Asian interstitial
it can also be affected by cultural and religious practices nephropathy.
which limit cadaveric transplantation. Screening programs, coupled with prompt treat-
The numbers of patients on RRT worldwide have yet ment and investigation of urosepsis, have reduced the
to reach a steady state, particularly in developing econo- number of children with vesicoureteric reflux progress-
mies. This will only occur when the number of new pa- ing to CKD5d. However these causes comprise only a
tients accepted into programs is balanced by the number minority of cases, with the vast majority of patients de-
of deaths. veloping progressive CKD due to small-vessel disease in

TABLE 3-3  Incidence and Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease Treated by Dialysis, and Transplantation
Prevalence of Functioning Grafts and Transplant Rate (Rates Expressed per Million Population)
Dialysis Dialysis Dialysis Dialysis Transplant Transplant
Year 2004 2006 2009 2009 2009 2009
Country Incidence Incidence Incidence Prevalence Prevalence Rate
Argentina 137 141 151 634 35.3
Australia 97 118 107 834 361 26.4
Bangladesh 7 8 13 140 0.6
Brazil 107 185 99 481 22.2
Chile 157 144 151 1109 191 15.1
Denmark 131 119 125 838 303 40.3
France 140 140 149 1094 509 43.5
Israel 189 191 193 1087 383 28.6
Japan 267 275 287 2205
Korea Republic 175 186 174 1114 225 24.5
Mexico Jalisco 346 346 419 1314 458 41.7
Mexico Morelos 553 597 978 32
Netherlands 106 113 123 895 508 50
New Zealand 113 119 132 858 325 28
Philippines 75 80 87 110 5 7.1
Russia 17 28 35 173 38 5.9
Spain 175 128 129 1034 495 49.8
Taiwan 405 418 317 2447
UK (England and 100 116 110 793 375 38.5
USA 347 365 374 1811 562 57.7
42 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

association with hypertension and diabetes. Such health also an option. Home dialysis should be encouraged for
screening programs have centered on the measurement patients with appropriate home circumstances, especially
of eGFR to establish an earlier diagnosis of CKD, and if patients have partners who can act as helpers, as home
then active treatment of cardiovascular risk factors, as hemodialysis provides patients with an option for more
hypertension and proteinuria are the key risk factors for frequent or longer overnight dialysis sessions. Although
progression.19 As angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- in-center hemodialysis may be the default option, ideally
tors and angiotensin receptor blockers are potent antihy- hemodialysis patients should dialyse close to home, in lo-
pertensive agents, and also appear to have an additional cal hospital satellite or free-standing self-care centers, to
effect in terms of reducing proteinuria, these agents are minimize traveling time.
preferentially prescribed. As patients develop progressive Apart from Mexico (Table 3-4), and some South-East
CKD, appetite declines, so patients tend to self-restrict Asian countries which have a peritoneal dialysis first
protein, and protein-restricted diets do not appear to policy, hemodialysis remains the most common mode of
have any additional benefit, provided that blood pressure RRT worldwide. The differences between countries are
is adequately controlled.16 at times difficult to understand and are due to the balance
For most patients, establishing the cause of CKD can between medical and financial resources, reimbursement,
be determined by history, physical examination, simple and patient locality. For example, in New Zealand many
urine dipstick testing, coupled with specific biochemi- patients live in rural environments distant from hospitals,
cal and immunological investigations and renal imaging. and as such home-based therapies, peritoneal dialysis,
Patients may have a family history of adult polycystic kid- and home hemodialysis are more favored. Likewise, in
ney disease, glomerulonephritis, reflux nephropathy, and Australia, center hemodialysis resources are somewhat
hypertension. Physical examination may reveal femoral limited, so favoring home-based therapies. On the other
arterial bruits and signs of cholesterol embolization in hand countries such as Japan and the United States,
renovascular disease, or skin and joint changes in vascu- which offer greater financial reimbursement for hemo-
litis and autoimmune diseases. Patients with glomerular dialysis, typically have greater center-based hemodialysis
hematuria and proteinuria require renal biospy as glo- programs.
merulonephritis or systemic disease may be amenable to
specific therapies.
Transplant surgeons prefer to know the cause of CKD
in potential kidney transplant recipients, as some condi- General Aspects
tions can recur posttransplantation, including some forms
of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, hemolytic uremic The aims of dialysis are to maintain homeostasis, in terms
syndrome and dense deposit disease, a form of membra- of electrolyte, acid–base, volume status, and removal of
noproliferative glomerulonephritis. Similarly, other renal the products of nitrogen metabolism that accumulate in
conditions may be inherited, and need to be screened in CKD. Dialysis adequacy is typically measured by urea
family members volunteering as living donors. In addi-
tion, patients with urogenital malformations or recur-
rent urosepsis may require surgical reconstruction or TABLE 3-4  Proportion (%) of Chronic Kidney
nephrectomy prior to transplantation to reduce the risk Disease Patients Treated by Different Dialysis
of subsequent infections. Modalities in 2009
Home Peritoneal
Country Hemodialysis Hemodialysis Dialysis
TREATMENT OF CKD5 Argentina 95.9 0 4.1
Australia 69.6 9.4 21.1
Ideally patients with CKD5 should be involved in the Bangladesh 98.6 0 1.4
decision to choose a form of RRT, whether conserva- Brazil 92.3 0 7.7
tive management or dialysis. In practice, economic and Chile 95.3 0 4.7
Denmark 73.4 4.9 21.7
cultural pressures, the limit in kidney donor supply, and France 88.4 1.1 10.5
medical prejudices often dictate what treatment patients Israel 93.3 0 6.7
receive. This is particularly the case for patients who have Japan 96.7 0.1 3.2
had no or minimal predialysis nephrological care, who by Korea 83.1 0 16.9
default typically start hemodialysis using a central venous Republic
Mexico 41.5 0 58.5
access catheter. Jalisco
As life expectancy and quality of life are typically Mexico 42.4 0 57.6
greater with transplantation, then transplantation should Morelos
be considered for all patients with an expected 5-year sur- Netherlands 79.7 2.5 17.9
New Zealand 48.7 16.3 35
vival or greater. Pre-emptive transplantation is an option Philippines 93.3 0 6.7
for CKD patients attending nephrological care if a suit- Russia 91.3 0 8.7
able living donor is available; otherwise patients opting Spain 90.6 0.2 9.2
for dialysis should be allowed to choose between hemo- Taiwan 89.7 0 10.3
dialysis and peritoneal dialysis, so that vascular access can UK (England 82.2 2.5 15.1
and Wales)
be created prior to initaion of hemodialysis, and for peri- USA 91.9 1.1 6.9
toneal dialysis, embedding a peritoneal dialysis catheter is
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 43

clearance, although urea itself is only one of many azo- Hematopoiesis and Immunity
temic toxins that accumulate in CKD5d patients as a
Erythropoiesis is reduced in patients with CKD, who
consequence of nitrogen turnover. The original National
also have higher iron requirements than the general
Co-operative Dialysis Study24 showed that there was a
population due to increased hepcidin, which reduces
minimal amount of urea clearance that patients required
gastrointestinal iron absorption and iron release from
to sustain wellbeing. To correct for different patient sizes,
the reticuloendothelial system. The introduction of
urea clearance was normalized and expressed as a dimen-
erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESAs) has been one
sionless formula, termed Kt/Vurea, where for hemodialysis
of the major advances in the management of patients with
K is the dialyzer urea clearance, and for peritoneal dialy-
CKD5. Hemoglobin targets have been reduced recently
sis the combination of urinary and peritoneal urea clear-
(www.kdigo.org), due to the report of increased risk of
ances, t the time, and Vurea the volume of urea distribution
stroke in patients with higher hematocrit, with most
in the body. For hemodialysis Kt/Vurea is expressed
clincial guidelines now advocating a target of 10–12.0 g/
per dialysis session, whereas for peritoneal dialysis it is
dL.26 Patients who fail to respond to ESAs adequately are
expressed per week. Over time the target Kt/Vurea value
usually found to be iron-deficient or have active bleeding
for adequate dialysis has increased from 1.0 to 1.4
or to have foci of infection and inflammation. Oral iron
for thrice-weekly hemodialysis treatments,28 and a mini-
supplements are typically inadequate and most patients
mum weekly value of 1.7 for peritoneal dialysis.35 Whereas
require intravenous iron preparations. Too rapid an in-
peritoneal dialysis is a continuous therapy, hemodialysis is
crease in h
­ ematocrit can lead to uncontrolled hyperten-
typically an intermittent treatment with three sessions of
sion and seizures; high hematocrits are associated with
4 hours’ duration, scheduled either Monday, Wednesday,
increased risk of vascular access thrombosis, particularly
Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
arteriovenous grafts, and occasional hyperkalemia. Since
However it should be recognized that what is consid-
the introduction of ESAs, blood transfusion requirements
ered to be adequate dialysis provides the equivalent of
have generally reduced, which may reduce third-party
only 6–10 mL/min of glomerular filtration rate so that
HLA sensitization. Platelet counts are normal in CKD,
there are many consequences of CKD for which addi-
but their function is abnormal (see under Hemostasis).
tional measures are needed.
Infections are the second major cause of death in
CKD5 patients. Cell-mediated immunity is depressed in
Hypertension and Fluid and Electrolyte Balance chronic renal failure, which explains the failure to clear
hepatitis B infection and the higher risk of reactivating
Hypertension is common in CKD patients both prior tuberculosis and varicella-zoster, and reduced response to
to starting and when also treated by dialysis, and is usu- hepatitis B and other vaccinations.
ally associated with expansion of the extracellular fluid
volume caused by positive sodium and water balance.
Calcium, Phosphate, and the Skeleton
Hemodialysis patients find it difficult to stick to target
dry weights and frequently gain 2 kg or more between Changes in calcium and phosphate homeostasis oc-
hemodialysis sessions. Dietary sodium restriction is es- cur early in the course of progressive CKD as a result
sential, but most patients also require ultrafiltration with of reduced renal phosphate clearance, despite an in-
dialysis, unless they have good residual renal function. crease in phosphotonins, such as fibroblast factor 23
Excessive water intake can lead to dilutional hyponatre- and reduced production of the active form of vitamin
mia. Longer-acting antihypertensive drugs are preferred D, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, which depends on
as short-acting vasodilators may exacerbate intradialytic 1α-hydroxylation in the kidney. Phosphate retention
hypotension when the rate of ultrafiltration during di- and relative deficiency of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalcif-
alysis exceeds that of plasma refilling from the extracel- erol cause an increase in the secretion of parathyroid
lular space. Although there are target blood pressures hormone (PTH) by the parathyroid glands, which
for the general population, there are no agreed targets eventually become hyperplastic and then autonomous.
for hemodialysis patients, as blood pressure typically Although the increased concentration of PTH enhances
falls with hemodialysis, as excessive sodium and fluid is phosphate excretion, it increases bone turnover by dis-
removed, and blood pressure measurements taken im- turbing the balance between osteoblast and osteoclast
mediately prior to dialysis do not correspond to 24-hour activity, so disorganizing bone structure, with Loozer’s
ambulatory blood pressure recordings during the inter- zones, microfractures, and increased risk of tendon rup-
dialytic interval. ture. As such, most CKDd patients require supplemental
Dialysis only removes around 60 mmol of potassium a 1-hydroxycholecalciferol to control ­hyperparathyoidism.
day so that dietary restriction is essential. Hyperkalemia Hyperphosphatemia needs to be controlled by taking
has effects on cardiac muscle (arrhythmias) and on skel- agents designed to bind phosphate in the gastrointestinal
etal muscle (weakness and ultimately paralysis). More tract. These phosphate binders may contain elemental
hemodialysis patients die towards the end of the 2-day calcium or the rare earth lanthanum, or an inert plastic-
interval between dialysis sessions, just prior to the first based ion exchange resin. Patients with CKD are prone
dialysis session of the week, at a time when they are most to soft-tissue calcification, typically medial arterial cal-
likely to be most volume-overloaded and hyperkalemic. A cification, which can lead to soft-tissue ­calcinosis with
persistent metabolic acidosis usually indicates insufficient skin and fat ischemia and necrosis in severe cases. This
dialysis and the need for an increase in hours of hemodi- typically occurs in the setting of inflammation with an
alysis or the daily volume of peritoneal dialysis fluid. increased serum calcium phosphate product, in patients
44 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

with vitamin K (often secondary to warfarin therapy) or sensation and, rarely, footdrop. Restless legs, especially at
25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 deficiency, and either oversup- night, are a nuisance and may respond to low-dose dopa-
pressed or very overactive parathyroid glands. mine agonists, including premipexole and carbergoline at
night. An autonomic neuropathy is variable in its effects –
Nutrition and Metabolism manifesting mostly as sexual dysfunction and sluggish car-
diovascular reflexes during hemodialysis, with increased
Malnutrition is common in dialysis patients and is caused risk of intradialytic hypotension. Median nerve c­ ompression
by inappropriate dietary restrictions, anorexia due to in the carpal tunnel, caused by β2-microglobulin amyloid
reduction in orexigeni hormones acyl-ghrelin with cor- deposition, is a specific form of uremic mononeuropathy,
responding increased leptin, acidosis, and insulin resis- typically affecting the arm with an arteriovenous fistula or
tance, and is aggravated by intercurrent infections, and graft. This complication is declining with the introduction
reduced sense of taste and smell. In addition appetite may of ultra-pure-quality dialysates and high-flux hemodialyz-
be further suppressed in peritoneal dialysis patients due ers. Gout and pseudogout due to pyrophosphate crystals
to acid reflux and constipation. Such patients may have cause a painful crystal arthropathy. Aluminum toxicity
simple malnutrition, which responds to enteral feeding, due to contaminated dialysate or occasionally following
or in more severe cases protein energy wasting, with consumption of large numbers of aluminum-based medi-
loss of muscle mass and hypoalbuminemia. Thus dialy- cations can rarely cause a pseudoparkinsonian syndrome,
sis patients are recommended to eat 1.2 g protein/kg/day. coma, and even death.
Hypercholesterolemia is more common with peritoneal
dialysis patients due to absorption of glucose from the Endocrine Abnormalities
dialysate and hypertriglyceridemia from heparin admin-
istration with hemodialysis. There are diverse abnormalities in hormone production,
control, protein binding, catabolism, and tissue effects in
dialysis patients. The most obvious examples are those of
the vitamin D–PTH axis and erythropoietin due to loss
Untreated CKD5 patients have a bleeding diathesis, which of renal function, but thyroid hormone, growth hormone,
is, in part, a consequence of abnormal platelet function, and both prolactin and sex hormones are also affected.
with prolonged bleeding times. However once patients are Women usually are infertile, and men often have erectile
adequately dialysed, they are more at risk of thrombosis. dysfunction. Sildenafil and other phosphodiesterase-5
inhibitors have proved effective but should be used with
Skin caution in patients with heart disease and avoided in pa-
tients prescribed nitrates for angina. However, many of
Itching is a common symptom in dialysis patients and is these “apparent” endocrine abnormalities are reversed by
aggravated by dry skin, secondary to reduced apocrine more frequent and longer hemodialysis sessions, suggest-
function, heat, and stress. In some cases itching is due ing that they are consequent upon inadequate delivery of
to deposition of calcium phosphate crystals secondary RRT. Indeed, greater RRT dosing restores female fertility,
to a high calcium (Ca) inorganic phosphate (Pi) product and with daily hemodialysis treatments pregnancies can be
(>6.25 mmol2/L2, >70 mg2/dL2), or similarly high mag- sustained and intrauterine growth retardation minimized.
nesium, or due to abnormal demyelinated nerve fiber
ending sensitivity. Treatment with antihistamines and
Psychological Problems
moisturizing skin lotions with menthol sometimes helps,
but in cases of neuropathy patients often require trials of The psychological problems of dialysis patients, usually
oral gabapentin, ondansetron, or naltrexone to downreg- anxiety and depression, are the predictable and under-
ulate pain receptor sensitivity and local treatments with standable consequences of loss of health, control, and
capsaicin cream or ultraviolet B phototherapy. pleasure. Depression is more common in unplanned dial-
More recently, the widespread use of gadolinium che- ysis starters compared to those who have been counseled
lates as contrast agents for magnetic resonance (MR) scans in predialysis nephrological clinics. For average patients
has led to gadolinium deposition in the skin and other tis- dialysis dictates their lifestyle, and, not surprisingly, de-
sues, causing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. There is no pressed patients have increased mortality.7
current treatment, and therefore gadolinium-enhanced
MR scans should be limited in CKDd patients, and as the
Initiation of Dialysis
risk currently appears to be less with macrocyclic gado-
linium chelates, these agents are to be preferred.36 When should dialysis be started in a patient with CKD?
Symptomatic patients, those who are losing weight, and
patients with volume overload, uncontrolled ­ acidosis,
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Manifestations
or hyperkalemia should initiate dialysis (Table 3-5).
Uremic encephalopathy usually manifests as subtle cogni- However, recent studies have shown that there is no
tive impairment and is an indication for increasing dialysis ­advantage to starting the apparently stable asymptomatic
dose. Coma and seizures are rare, except in non-compliant patient who is maintaining weight, not fluid-overloaded,
patients who skip treatments. An asymmetrical distal with controlled biochemistry (not acidotic or hyperkale-
polyneuropathy is common in patients with CKD5. The mic) on dialysis until the glomerular filtration rate falls to
symptoms are those of dysesthesia – a prickling or burning around 5 mL/min.8
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 45

The key to adequate hemodialysis is reliable vascu-

TABLE 3-5  Indications to Initiate Dialysis in
lar access (see Chapter 5). Poorly functioning access in-
Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
evitably leads to poor dialysis and increases morbidity.
Biochemical Refractory hyperkalemia Reliance on central venous access exposes patients to
indications  > 6.5 mmol/L increased risk of bacterial infection, venous thrombosis,
Serum urea  > 50 mmol/L not due to and stenoses.
hypovolemia The organization and management of hemodialysis
Refractory metabolic acidosis pH ≤ 7.1
units are major exercises. The aim is to use the capital
Clinical End-organ damage: pericarditis, equipment and staff in the most economical way. Dialysis
indications encephalopathy, neuropathy,
myopathy, uremic bleeding, weight units generally should have not less than 10 stations run-
loss ning two, preferably three, shifts a day, 6 days a week, with
Refractory volume overload one nurse or dialysis technician being responsible for 4–6
dialysis patients at a time. An important consideration is
the production of large volumes of water in the generation
of dialysate. Tap water is purified by filtration to remove
Hemodialysis bacteria, softening to remove calcium, carbon filtration
During hemodialysis, water-soluble solutes that are to remove small organic compounds such as chloramines,
small enough to pass through the pores of a semiperme- and reverse osmosis to remove other contaminating sub-
able dialyzer membrane diffuse move down a concentra- stances, including metals and nitrites. The water system
tion gradient. In addition the application of a pressure should run 24 hours a day to prevent stagnation and bio-
gradient across the semipermeable membrane leads to film deposition, with ideally multiple passes through the
ultrafiltration or convection due to a bulk water move- reverse osmosis system to improve final water quality to
ment across the membrane; this leads not only to water achieve ultrapure water, which is essential if high-flux and
loss, but also to a convective loss of those water-solu- hemodiafiltration treatments are used. Water ring-mains
ble solutes that are able to pass through the membrane require regular cleaning and disinfection.
pores. In routine practice, this requires a dialysis mem- Patients who are hepatitis B antigen-positive should
brane with a surface area of 1.0–2.0 m2 (now conveniently be dialyzed in isolation and on dedicated dialysis ma-
packaged as single-use sterilized hollow-fiber dialyzers), chines. Hepatitis B vaccinations are recommended and
a blood flow of 200–350 mL/min, and a countercurrent are most effective if administered before CKD5 develops.
flow of dialysate, generated by a proportioning machine, Universal precautions are said to be sufficient to prevent
of 500–800 mL/min. The dialysis machine generates the spread of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C,
dialysate by adding concentrated electrolytes and sodium but many centers cohort these patients to prevent noso-
bicarbonate to dialysis water, warming it, checking its comial transmission.
conductivity, and pumping it through the dialyzer mem-
brane and then to waste. The machine pumps the blood Complications
from the patient through the dialyzer membane and re-
turns it via a venous bubble trap with an air detector alarm Hypotension occurs in up to 30% of dialysis sessions and
to prevent air embolism. Anticoagulation can be achieved most commonly is secondary to intravascular hypovo-
by a single bolus of low-molecular-weight heparin or by a lemia. It is more common when large volumes of fluid
bolus of unfractionated heparin followed by a continuous have to be removed during a short hemodialysis session
infusion. Modern dialysis machines can be programmed after excessive gains between dialyses. It also occurs more
to remove fluid gained in the interdialytic interval, and by ­often if patients eat during dialysis. Hypotension usually
altering the dialysate sodium concentration, temperature, responds to laying the patient flat or head-down, stop-
and the rate of ultrafiltration, reduce the risk of intradia- ping ultrafiltration, or giving a volume of normal saline
lytic hypotension. Dialysis prescription can be altered by or hypertonic glucose. Muscle cramps (approximately
choice of dialyzer membrane, surface area, blood and di- 5–20% of dialyses) often accompany hypotension, an ex-
alysate flow rates, dialysate composition and temperature, cessively low target weight, or the use of a low-sodium
and frequency and duration of the dialysis session. dialysate. Correction of these or the administration of a
Hemodialysis treatments traditionally used low-flux hypertonic solution (saline or glucose) usually is effective
dialyzers, which effectively cleared small-sized solutes, treatment. Regular sufferers may be helped by prophy-
such as urea, but were not effective in clearing middle- lactic quinine sulfate. Nausea, vomiting, and headache
sized solutes such as β2-microglobulin. As such dialyzer also are fairly common during hemodialysis. Mild chest
membranes were developed with larger pore sizes de- and back pains may be related to complement activation
signed to remove more middle-sized solutes, termed by the dialysis membrane and are less common with bio-
high-flux, and studies have suggested a survival advan- compatible membranes. Some patients may have allergic
tage for high-flux dialysis.6,23 Hemodiafiltration, which reactions to heparins, or some of the organic chemicals
involves the ultrafiltration of fluid across a high-flux dia- which are released from the glues in the dialyzer cap, or
lyzer with compensatory reinfusion of ultrapure dialy- from the plastic polymers used in the blood lines, par-
sate, increases middle-sized molecule clearances further. ticularly if there has been minimal rinsing of the dialysis
This approach is often tolerated better by patients with ­circuit. Pyrogen or microbial contamination of the di-
unstable cardiovascular systems, with less frequent intra- alysate occasionally may occur. Patients developing fever
dialytic hypotension.22 and/or rigors on dialysis must be examined carefully for
46 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

evidence of infection of dialysis access; blood cultures A creatinine clearance of 50 L/1.73 m2 also has been sug-
should be taken, and patients empirically treated with gested as a target. As residual renal function reduces, it
broad-spectrum antibiotics whilst awaiting cultures. may become impossible to achieve target clearance, even
with larger and more frequent exchanges, especially for
larger patients, and transfer to hemodialysis is necessary.
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is the process by which solutes, buf- Dialysis Transport
fer, waste products, and fluid are exchanged between
the blood in the peritoneal capillaries and the solution After infections, the next common cause of peritoneal di-
infused into the peritoneal cavity. This exchange takes alysis treatment failure is loss of ultrafiltration. Transport
place across the peritoneal barrier, which comprises the status should be assessed by a standard 4-hour dwell with
capillary wall, interstitial matrix, the visceral mesothelial a 2.0-L exchange, and ultrafiltration failure defined as
cells and overlying glycocalyx, but considerable absorp- <200 mL net ultrafiltrate with a 3.86% or greater glucose
tion of solutes and water also occurs via the peritoneal concentration, or net zero ultrafiltration with a 2.27%
lymphatics. The efficiency of solutes cleared depends on glucose exchange. Patients differ in the speed at which
the vascularity and surface area of the peritoneum, the creatinine moves from capillary blood to dialysate and
blood flow, the permeability of the barrier, the volume corresponding loss of the glucose from the dialysate to the
and frequency of the dialysate instilled, and the osmotic patient (Figure 3-1). On the one hand fast transporters
or oncotic gradient generated by glucose, glucose poly- clear small water-soluble uremic toxins faster than slow
mer, or amino acid content of the dialysate. transporters, but as they also lose the glucose osmotic gra-
dient, are more likely to have problems with maintaining
ultrafiltration, and at risk of becoming volume-overloaded.
Dialysis Adequacy
The efficacy of peritoneal dialysis can be altered only
Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
by changes in the volume and frequency of exchanges.
Weekly creatinine clearance and urea clearance (mea- Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is an increasingly
sured using the weekly Kt/V) are used to assess adequacy popular form of peritoneal dialysis. Patients connect
of peritoneal dialysis.35 The CANUSA study prospec- themselves to a peritoneal dialysis machine for a series
tively followed 680 patients after starting continuous am- of overnight cycling exchanges. The duration of therapy
bulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).3 Although patient is typically between 7 and 10 hours, with 4–7 cycles of
survival was related to Kt/Vurea (5% increase in relative risk 1.5–3.0 L. Slow transporters require longer treatment
of death for every 0.1 decrease in Kt/Vurea), this re- times, with fewer larger-volume cycles, whereas faster
duced over time as a result of the loss of residual renal transporters may have shorter treatment times, and more
function with no change in peritoneal dialysis clearance. frequent lower-volume cycles. If patients do not have
A larger study also found a correlation with residual adequate residual renal function for solute clearance or
function but not peritoneal dialysis clearance, and cur- volume control, then they may also require one long
rently there is no evidence that increasing peritoneal daytime exchange, sometimes termed continuous cycling
dialysis dose reduces morbidity or mortality.27 Most cir- peritoneal dialysis, or even two daytime additional ex-
cumstantial data suggest that more dialysis is better, and changes, opti-choice peritoneal dialysis.
the current ­consensus is that the target should be above APD is a good treatment for children and the elderly
a combined Kt/Vurea (dialysis and residual renal function) because it can be set up at home by a relative or caregiver
of 1.7 per week. V is estimated from height, weight, and allowed to run automatically overnight, and also for
age, and sex, but the ideal body weight should be used patients who are active and working, by freeing them
to avoid inaccuracies in obese or fluid-overloaded patients. from daytime exchanges.
Creatinine dialysate to plasma ratio

D4h/D0 glucose ratio

1 1.03 0.8
Fast 0.7
0.8 0.68 0.64
Fast average 0.6 Slow
0.6 0.61 0.5 0.5
Slow average 0.4 Slow average
0.47 0.38
0.4 0.3 Fast average
0.34 Slow 0.26
0.2 0.2 Fast
0.1 0.11
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Dwell time (hours) Time (hours)
FIGURE 3-1  ■  Changes in creatinine (A) and glucose (B) during a standard 2-L peritoneal dialysis exchange during a 4-hour dwell are
used to categorize patients in terms of transporter status. Although fast transporters have higher creatinine clearances, as the glucose
gradient falls quicker, they are prone to sodium retention due to reduced osmotically driven ultrafiltration. D0 refers to the initial
glucose concentration; otherwise dialysate concentrations refer to 4-hour drain.
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 47

Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Indications for and Advantages of

CAPD is the most widely used form of peritoneal dialy- Peritoneal Dialysis
sis worldwide and relies on the prolonged dwell phase to
Peritoneal dialysis has some major advantages over
make up for the lower frequency of exchanges. Dialysis
hemodialysis, but there are equally many limitations
is continuous, exchanges following one another, usually
and drawbacks. In the basic CAPD mode, peritoneal
without interruption. To deliver sufficient dialysis, three
dialysis is at least 25% cheaper than hemodialysis in
to five 1.5–3-L exchanges are performed every 24 hours.
that it does not require an expensive dialysis machine
The usual routine starts in the morning with the drain-
and large numbers of technically expert trained nurs-
age of the overnight dialysis fluid and is followed by the
ing staff. As peritoneal dialysis is a home-based ther-
installation of the first bag of dialysate of the day. The
apy patients are not constrained by their dialysis slots.
next change is before lunch, the next late afternoon,
However peritoneal dialysis becomes expensive if beset
and the last immediately before bed. Each exchange
by complications, such as peritonitis, that require hos-
typically takes 30–40 minutes to complete. If patients
pital admission. CAPD is particularly useful in patients
have a tendency to absorb fluid from the overnight ex-
experiencing practical difficulties with hemodialysis,
change, they should drain out and cap off the catheter
for example, vascular access problems or cardiovascu-
overnight and start dialysis on a dry peritoneum in the
lar instability. It has social advantages for children and
morning. The volume of dialysate instilled depends on
mothers of young children.
the abdominal capacity of the patient (1.5 L for small
The disadvantages include peritonitis, exit site infec-
adults and children, 2 L for regular-sized adults, and 3 L
tions, ultrafiltration failure, the absorption of glucose
for large men). The glucose concentration depends on
leading to weight gain, and the amount of time required
the amount of ultrafiltration required to keep the ex-
to go through the disciplined exercise of performing an
tracellular fluid volume constant. To generate a higher
aseptic exchange. Thus patients without accommodation
volume, strong bags of 2.27% and even 3.86% glucose
or ready access to clean running water, or those unable or
are provided, usually as the first exchange of the day and
unwilling to perform asepetic exchanges are not suitable
only overnight in slow transporters. However, 7.5%
candidates for peritoneal dialysis. However peritoneal
icodextrin dialysate solutions can be used to replace hy-
dialysis can be successfully performed in the favelas of
pertonic glucose (2.27% or 3.86%) for a long daytime
Brazil. Some patients, particularly young women, refuse
or overnight dwell, and are particularly useful for fast
peritoneal dialysis, due to embarrassment with the cath-
transporters. Icodextrin exerts an oncotic pressure and
eter and an aesthetic dislike of the discomfort and appear-
has a more gradual and sustained effect on ultrafiltration
ance of a distended abdomen.
than glucose-based dialysates.

Practical Considerations Posttransplantation

For all types of peritoneal dialysis, a properly placed After transplantation, provided that graft function is ad-
peritoneal dialysis catheter is required (see Chapter 5). equate, the peritoneal dialysis catheter can be capped off
The intraperitoneal tip should be in the pelvis, free from and left. The catheter exit site should be dressed as per
the omentum. The internal cuff must be watertight and usual, and the catheter typically removed after 3 months,
sewn outside the peritoneum. The track should be di- when the transplant function is stable. If the graft fails
agonal, and the catheter should emerge away from the within 3 months, the catheter needs to be flushed to
belt line with the external cuff 2 cm from the skin exit remove debris and fibrin. Infection occasionally is in-
site. The major dialyzer companies provide a selection of troduced at this first exchange after a break (see also sub-
peritoneal dialysis solutions, varying in volume, ­osmotic sequent section on Dialysis posttransplant).
strength, pH, and calcium concentration.
The key issue in peritoneal dialysis is the avoidance
of infection introduced at the time of connection of the Complications
dialysis bag to the transfer set, which is attached to the Loss of Ultrafiltration
peritoneal dialysis catheter. Originally the connection
was made by spiking the port of the peritoneal dialysis A proportion of patients (10–30% by 5 years but increas-
bag, and was associated with increased risk of introduc- ing with time) retain fluid after more than 4 hours’ dwell
ing infection. Improvements in connectology have led to and have poor ultrafiltration, even with more hyper-
the introduction of the flush-before-fill technique, when tonic fluid. It occurs transiently after peritonitis and is
about 30 mL of sterile fresh dialysate from the new dialy- more likely to become a chronic problem after multiple
sate bag at the beginning of each exchange is flushed to attacks. Patients present with hypertension and fluid
the waste effluent dialysate bag and not infused into the overload, and it is important to exclude constipation,
peritoneal cavity, so that bacteria introduced at the time loss of residual renal function, or poor compliance with
of the connection of the new bag is rinsed away. In addi- dialysis or excessive fluid intake. Ultrafiltration failure
tion skin microorganisms can migrate along the catheter due to fast transport status is referred to as type 1 fail-
track, and thus exit site care is important to limit skin ure. Low ultrafiltration associated with slow transport is
colonization. Chlorhexidine or alcohol-based antiseptic termed type 2 failure, and is associated with loss of sur-
wipes are typically used in combination with antiseptic or face area, usually as a result of encapsulating peritoneal
antibiotics creams. sclerosis (EPS).
48 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In the early stages, reduced ultrafiltration can be man- A variety of regimens are successful, for example,
aged by using shorter dwell times and leaving the perito- intraperitoneal vancomycin, 2 g (1 g if <60 kg), left to
neum dry overnight. The use of an overnight solution of dwell for 4–6 hours and repeated after 7 days, and oral
7.5% icodextrin (a glucose polymer) that is oncotically ciprofloxacin, or antibiotics injected into each CAPD
active but too large to be rapidly absorbed is an alterna- exchange (gentamicin loading dose 8 mg/L then 4 mg/L,
tive strategy. When fluid retention occurs during daytime and first- or second-generation cephalosporin 250 mg/L
exchanges, even with medium or strong bags, the only loading dose then 125 mg/L). Patients treated by APD
option to avoid abandoning peritoneal dialysis is to con- can convert to CAPD until the pathologic organism is
vert from CAPD to APD, sometimes with an additional identifed with antibiotic specificities, or patients can be
daytime icodextrin exchange. treated with vancomycin and ciprofloxacin as above, or
given intraperitoneal antibiotics in a single daytime ex-
change (gentamicin 0.4 mg/kg/day then adjusted accord-
ing to antibiotic levels in combination with a first- or
Peritonitis is a potentially serious problem and one of second-generation cephalosporin 1.5 g/day). In centers
the most common complications of peritoneal dialysis. with a high risk of fungal peritonitis, antifungal prophy-
Its average incidence is one episode per 24–36 patient laxis with fluconazole should be co-administered either at
months. The incidence of peritonitis is reduced by using 50 mg daily, or 200 mg for 3 days.
the flush-before-fill technique, and some reports suggest Unless patients are ill, they are generally treated as
that using antibiotic exit site creams can further reduce outpatients (approximately 80%). Depending upon the
the risk of peritonitis. results of the microbiology cultures, one or both anti-
Around 57% of cases are due to Gram-positive organ- biotics are continued, or new antibiotics started in cases
isms, 18% due to Gram-negative organisms, and about of resistance, and in cases of no bacterial growth both
15% are culture-negative. Coagulase-negative staphylo- antibiotics are continued. If the patient fails to respond
cocci are the most common cause of peritonitis, and typi- within 48 hours and is unwell, microbacteriology advice
cally cause a relatively mild symptomatic peritonitis, which should be sought. Further delay in response should raise
usually responds promptly to treatment, but can relapse the possibility of fungal peritonitis. Occasionally (<5%),
due to penetration of organisms into the catheter biofilm. peritonitis is secondary to intra-abdominal disease, such
Staphylococcus aureus usually causes a severe peritonitis as diverticulitis, appendicitis, or perforated viscus, and if
with marked systemic features, including high fever and suspected, laparotomy is indicated.
hypotension. Response to antibiotics is less good, and the Patients with recurrent episodes of peritonitis from the
catheter is more likely to be removed for a non-resolving same organism may have persistent infection of the cath-
infection. Pseudomonas accounts for approximately 5% of eter or its track or it may be due to the buildup of a biofilm
cases and also tends to invade the catheter biofilm, often on the catheter that provides protection for bacteria from
necessitating catheter removal, as infections often recur. antibiotics. This buildup can be treated by removal of the
Peritonitis usually presents as cloudy bags (apparent with peritoneal dialysis catheter with a rest on hemodialysis
>50 leukocytes/μL) and abdominal pain, but the ­latter may and later placement of a fresh catheter or by removal and
precede the former by one exchange or 1–2 days. There replacement at the same operation. Recurrent peritonitis
may be fever (more common in children), nausea and vom- may be due to poor technique, and this should be reas-
iting (approximately 30%) and, when severe, hypotension. sessed carefully.
Abdominal tenderness with peritonism is the major clinical
finding. The effluent peritoneal fluid following a 4-hour Exit Site and Tunnel Infection
dwell contains greater than 100 leukocytes (>50% neutro-
phils) per μL (normally <10/μL, although the number may Nearly half of all exit sites are colonized by skin bacte-
be higher after a dry period, for example, during the day in ria. S. aureus colonization of the exit site is usually associ-
patients on APD).21 Peritonitis may be present with lower ated with nasal carriage, and used to account for more
cell counts, particularly with short dwells. Cloudy bags are than 50% of all exit site infections. Prevention is the best
occasionally due to macrophages and/or eosinophils and strategy; peritoneal catheters should be placed so that
are not associated with peritonitis. the peritoneal dialysis catheter exits preferably vertically
The diagnosis is made in the presence of any two of downwards or laterally to aid drainage of the subcutane-
the following: abdominal pain, cloudy bags, or the pres- ous tunnel, and the exit site is positioned to avoid me-
ence of bacteria on Gram stain. The differential diagnosis chanical damage from skirt or pant waist bands and belts.
includes intraperitoneal infections, including appendici- Patients should be educated about the importance of
tis, cholecystitis, diveriticular disease, pancreatitis, and daily washing, drying, avoiding forceful removal of scabs,
bowel perforations. Typically intra-abdominal pathol- and avoiding tugging the catheter by careful tethering.
ogy is accompanied by increased peritoneal effluent, red Exit site infections can be further reduced by using
blood cells as well as leukocytes, whereas PD peritonitis antiseptic creams and gels; more recently, topical an-
has very few red blood cells, despite increased leukocytes. tibiotics, such as mupirocin, have been introduced, as
In cases of clinical doubt, or in cases failing to respond these reduce Gram-positive organism colonization, and
promptly to therapy, a computed tomography (CT) ab- proportionately more infections with Gram-negative
dominal scan should be performed to exclude additional organisms, in particular Pseudomonas, are now being re-
intra-abdominal pathology, before proceeding to catheter ported. Although this approach is recommended by
removal in refractory cases. the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis,29 some
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 49

centers have not followed this advice due to concerns of thickening of the peritoneum, some patients develop an
introducing antibiotic resistance. inflammatory reaction, which can lead to deposition of a
Exit site infections should be guided by advice on local cocoon-like fibrosis around the small bowel, with tether-
microbiology; because staphylococci are common, 2 weeks ing leading to small-bowel obstruction, malabsorption,
of flucloxacillin is typically first-line treatment. Recurrence and 50% mortality in severe cases. EPS can occur many
may be treated effectively by adding rifampicin to flucloxa- years after switching modalities from peritoneal dialysis
cillin. Sometimes the outer cuff extrudes, and shaving this to hemodialysis, and also after transplantation, with pa-
may solve the problem, but catheter replacement may be tients presenting with signs of small-bowel obstruction.
necessary, especially if there is evidence of a tunnel infec- Although EPS can be precipitated by severe peritonitis,
tion or recurrent peritonitis. the only common factor linked to its development is the
duration of peritoneal dialysis therapy, with an incidence
of 3% at 5 years, then rapidly rising to around 15% at
Anatomical Complications
10 years. Diagnosis is often made at laparotomy, but CT
Abdominal fluid increases intra-abdominal pressure and scan appearances may show small-bowel tethering, small-
predisposes to the development of hernias, which are bowel dilatation with septation, and calcification of the
relatively common (10–15% of all peritoneal dialysis mesentery. Tamoxifen and steroids may have a role dur-
patients and higher in patients with polycystic kidneys). ing the inflammatory phase, but not once fibrosis is es-
Although often asymptomatic, prompt repair is essential tablished, then total parenteral nutrition and surgery in
because they inevitably enlarge, and there is the risk of specialized centers may be required.11
obstruction and/or strangulation. Acid reflux, indiges-
tion, and a feeling of fullness also are more common than
in patients on hemodialysis. Hernias can be confirmed by Metabolic Complications
performing a CT peritoneogram. The peritoneal fluid contains high concentrations of glu-
Infusion pain on draining fluid into the abdomen is cose. It has been estimated that 200 g of glucose (more
relatively common early on but usually settles. This pain with many high-concentration bags and during peritoni-
can be reduced by using neutral pH dialysate at body tis) may be absorbed daily, equivalent to 800 kcal. This
temperature and may be improved by slowing the inflow absorption may cause obesity, hyperglycemia, and hyper-
rate. Drain pain at the end of a cycle is more common insulinemia. The glucose load stimulates fat synthesis,
with cyclers. It may improve by treating constipation; if and hypertriglyceridemia is common. Cholesterol levels
not, then clamping the line after the fast drain has fin- also rise during the first year on CAPD. Albumin ­levels
ished and starting the next cycle usually resolves pain. If often are low. The explanation is multifactorial, includ-
air is introduced into the system, it relocates under the ing simple dilution due to volume expansion, losses in the
diaphragm, causing severe pleuritic pain referred to the fluid and malnutrition because of poor appetite, ­especially
shoulder. during and after peritonitis.
Scrotal or labial edema occurs when fluid leaks from About 25% of CAPD patients are hypokalemic, and
the peritoneum to subcutaneous tissues. This condi- they may need potassium-sparing diuretics or supple-
tion usually occurs soon after insertion of the Tenckhoff ments. A few need a stringent low-potassium diet. Some
catheter and spontaneously settles after resting for a few patients using 2.5–3-L lactate-based exchanges run high
weeks. Occasionally, patients have a congenital commu- bicarbonate levels, which usually settle when switched to
nication between the pleura (usually right side) and peri- neutral pH bicarbonate solutions. Alkalosis has been as-
toneum, resulting in a hydrothorax. As these leaks tend to sociated with lethargy, nausea, and headaches.
be small, diagnosis can be difficult as biochemical analysis
of the pleural fluid is typically equivocal – neither perito-
neal dialysate nor serum – with no leak demonstrated on
CT peritoneogram. However, if 2 L of 7.5% icodextrin CHOICE AND PLANNING FOR THE
is instilled, then sampling the pleural fluid 4 hours later, INDIVIDUAL PATIENT
and checking for a starch reaction with iodine, which will
confirm that the fluid is dialysate, is the most reliable di- Patients with CKD are never cured, and often change
agnostic test. RRT modality during their lifetime. This requirement
Other problems include back pain due to the change for different modalities of RRT, each with its own limi-
in posture secondary to large-volume daytime exchanges. tations and risks, calls for a coordinated and multidisci-
plinary approach.
As renal transplantation offers better survival and
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
quality of life, patients should first be assessed for their
Repeated exposure to peritoneal dialysis fluids causes suitability. There are few absolute contraindications, and
changes to the peritoneuem, typified by increased inter- the decision has to be based on an overall assessment of
stitial matrix deposited in the parietal peritoneum, and the patient’s current fitness and ability to withstand sur-
browning discoloration due to deposition of advanced gery and immunosuppression, and subjective assessment
glycosylation end-products. As the peritoneeum thickens, of compliance and estimated life expectancy. Availability
numerous small capillaries and lymphatics develop, which of kidneys may also influence selection policy.
increase the effective vascular surface area, and patients The best first option is a pre-emptive transplant from
become faster transporters. In addition to this natural a living related or living donor because this avoids the
50 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

need for an initial period of dialysis and the creation of

TABLE 3-6  Drugs that Require Dose Reduction
permanent vascular access. It also enables planning of
or Avoidance in Patients with Chronic Kidney
transplantation, such that blood group and even HLA-
Disease Stage 5d
mismatched donors can also be considered. Planning can
avoid major disruption to the life of young patients at a Drug Class and
crucial stage in their education or career. Nephrologists Specific Drugs Comment
should emphasize the much longer survival of living do- Antimicrobial
nor transplants, the lower morbidity, and the reduced Aminoglycosides Reduce dose, ototoxic
doses of immunosuppression. Although it must be ac- Acyclovir Reduce dose
knowledged that the transplants ultimately may fail, fam- Cephalosporins Reduce dose
Co-trimoxazole Reduce dose, increases
ilies of young patients should be reminded of the benefits creatinine
of 10 years of dialysis-free life in the early years after the Ethambutol Reduce dose, retinal toxicity
development of CKDd, which would allow completion of Ganciclovir Reduce dose
education, establishment of a career, and having a family. Nitrofurantoin Avoid, neuropathy
If living donor transplantation is not possible, the next Penicillins Avoid high doses, fits
Vancomycin Reduce dose, ototoxic
best option is to put the patient forward for a pre-emptive Anesthetic
cadaver donor transplant, if possible. Apart from avoiding Pancuronium Avoid, prolonged paralysis
dialysis, this option allows the patient to spend a longer Gallamine Avoid, prolonged paralysis
period in the recipient pool; because there is less urgency, Opiates Reduce dose, prolonged effect
Suxamethonium Increases plasma potassium
the patient can wait for a better-matched kidney. However, concentrations
some nephrologists object to this policy on the grounds
that it is unfair to patients already on dialysis who may have Non-steroidal Avoid, risk losing residual renal
waited a long time for a transplant. Given the shortage of inflammatories function
cadaver kidneys and the superior survival of well-matched Opiates Reduce dose and frequency
grafts, this objection can be rejected. It always has to be as metabolites accumulate,
accepted that pre-emptive transplantation cannot be guar- causing toxicity. Less likely
with fentanyl and oxycodone
anteed success, and patients should be counseled that they
may need dialysis postoperatively for hyperkalemia, or in Gastrointestinal
Metoclopramide Be aware of extrapyramidal
cases of delayed graft function and graft failure. effects
If dialysis is necessary before transplantation can be H2 antagonists Reduce dose
performed, then the best holding treatment depends on Magnesium salts Monitor magnesium
the length of time waiting for a graft. If the patient is concentration
physically fit, not sensitized, and has a potential living Cardiac
donor available, then peritoneal dialysis is a good holding Digoxin Reduce dose and frequency
β-Blockers May need to reduce dose
treatment because it avoids the need for creating perma- Spironolactone Avoid, hyperkalemia
nent or temporary vascular access. Occasionally, such pa- ACE inhibitors Monitor creatinine and
tients would be held on hemodialysis using a temporary potassium
internal jugular venous catheter, but this should only be Clofibrate Avoid, muscle injury
considered a short-term option and discouraged because Oral hypoglycemics
of the risks of infection and the development of venous Chlorpropamide Avoid, hypoglycemia
stenoses, which may exclude the arm from future arte- Tolbutamide Reduce dose
Biguanides Avoid, lactic acidosis
riovenous fistula formation. If the wait for a transplant
is indeterminate, then patients should go down the l­ocal ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.
patient pathways for creating vascular access for those
opting for hemodialysis, and for peritoneal dialysis e­ ither
elective insertion of an embedded peritoneal dialysis
catheter, or timely catheter insertion closer to the time of Hemodialysis
dialysis initiation. Hemodialysis should be performed as for any postopera-
tive patient (i.e., as remote from the surgical procedure
as is safe for the control of potassium and fluid balance).
DIALYSIS POSTTRANSPLANT In practice, this is usually more than 24 hours after
the operation. The main risk is hemorrhage from the
The need for dialysis after transplantation is determined ­operation wound and biopsy sites, but in practice the risks
by early graft function, which in turn depends on many fac- are small with short daily dialyses, coupled with regular
tors related to the donor organ (see Chapter 14). During predialyzer saline flushing (100 mL every 30 minutes)
any period when graft function is absent or compromised, and citrate-based dialysate (Citrasate), which removes
it is essential to modify doses of drugs for which the pre- the need for systemic anticoagulation. For the patient
dominant route of excretion is the kidney. Particular care is with an unstable cardiovascular system, hemofiltration
required for aminoglycoside antibiotics (see Chapter 31), or hemodiafiltration is preferable, with higher dialysate
certain muscle relaxants (see Chapter 13), and opiates, sodium concentration (5 mmol/L above serum sodium
the active metabolites of which accumulate in CKD5. up to 145 mmol/L) and dialysate cooled to 35°C.33 The
Important examples are listed in Table 3-6.1 usual vascular access should be used for intermittent
Chronic Kidney Failure: Renal Replacement Therapy 51

hemodialysis treatments, but fistulae should not be used in immunosuppression. It has long been recognized that
for continuous forms of RRT. patient survival is affected adversely by graft failure.
Vascular access should be monitored in the postopera- Patients whose long-term grafts have failed present
tive phase. Periods of hypotension predispose to collapse more complex problems. The temptation to maintain
and thrombosis of fistulae and arteriovenous grafts, es- a failing graft should be resisted because it is better for
pecially those with pre-existing stenoses. The accesses the patient to be established on dialysis than to suffer
must be explored and flow restored as soon as possible, the continual effects of uremia and immunosuppres-
not only for their immediate use, but also for the long sion.4 The physician has to discuss with the patient the
term should the graft fail. Rehabilitation of patients with appropriate modality, which may be different from that
failed renal transplants is prolonged greatly if they lose employed before transplantation. Time spent on peri-
their vascular access as well. toneal dialysis pretransplantation should be taken into
Postoperatively, due to the inflammatory reaction ini- account when estimating the risk of EPS. If the graft
tiated by the transplanted kidney, capillary endothelial is failing slowly, then the appropriate patient pathway
leak leads to patients being several kilograms above their for establishing vascular or peritoneal access should be
dialysis target weight, as intravenous fluids are admin- followed.
sitered to maintain systemic blood pressure and central Patients frequently have many side effects from im-
venous pressure. It is reasonable to dialyze patients to munosuppression, such as osteoporosis, skin atrophy
above their so-called pretransplant dry weight in the and malignancy, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and
postoperative period. This approach minimizes the risk secondary hyperparathyroidism. Although predniso-
of intradialytic hypotension which may delay the graft lone should be withdrawn gradually, this needs to be
opening up and even predispose to thrombosis of the done cautiously over a 3–4-month period. Even then
anastomosis. However it must be recognized that some the patient is at risk of hypoadrenalism and should be
of the anti-T-cell agents predispose to an acute pul- warned that he or she will require an increased dose of
monary leak, leading to pulmonary edema, which can steroids to cover any intercurrent illness. It is reason-
be life-threatening in volume-overloaded patients (see able to perform a short Synacthen test if there is doubt
Chapter 20). about the adrenal status to ensure that withdrawal has
been effected safely.
Patients with failing grafts should have the same
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis ­nephrological care as CKD4 patients in terms of volume,
Peritoneal dialysis can be performed safely after the blood pressure, cardiovascular risk factor, phosphate
transplant procedure, provided that the peritoneum has ­control, and renal bone disease and renal anemia man-
not been breached; the risk can be minimized by drain- agement, with appropriate dietary advice.19
ing the peritoneum before surgery. However, due to in-
flammatory milieu posttransplantation, many patients
behave as fast transporters, requiring shorter dwell times RRT MODALITY AND SURVIVAL
and higher glucose dialysates to prevent further volume
loading. Although the overall survival for patients receiving trans-
If clear fluid is observed leaking from the transplant plants is greater than for those remaining on dialysis, it must
wound, measuring the glucose concentration will con- be recognized that there is a selection bias of the younger
firm peritoneal dialysate, in which case dialysis should be fitter patients for transplantation; for example, unadjusted
stopped immediately, the peritoneum should be drained, 2009 US Renal Data Survey (USRDS) mortality per 1000
and hemodialysis used to support the patient. Peritoneal patients days was greatest for hemodialysis (197), compared
dialysis can be reinstituted at about 7 days but should to 150 for peritoneal dialysis and 33.3 for transplantation.
be with low volumes or preferably using a cycling ma- Even so, comparisons show improved survival for trans-
chine that allows small volumes and short dwell times. plant recipients compared to those who remain active on
Patients should not be transplanted during an episode of the transplant waiting list but continue on dialysis. Wolfe
peritonitis. and colleagues reported that long-term mortality was
48–82% lower among transplant recipients than among
patients on the waiting list,34 and a later analysis showed
RETURN TO DIALYSIS AFTER better 5- and 10-year survival for transplanted patients who
TRANSPLANT FAILURE had dialysis for 6 months (78% and 63% respectively) or
less compared to those who had dialyzed for 2 years (58%
The return to dialysis after transplantation is a dif- and 28% respectively).25
ficult period for the patient and the nephrologist. Not Again, selection bias has to be considered when inter-
only are there understandable emotional difficulties, but preting survival for different dialysis modes. For example,
also there are frequently physical problems. Early graft the 5-year adjusted survival for RRT patients reported
failure is less traumatic for the patient who has not en- in the USRDS 2010 report showed 73% for transplant
joyed independence from dialysis. Immunosuppression, recipients, 40% for peritoneal dialysis, and 34% for he-
particularly steroid doses, should be reduced rapidly modialysis. However there have been very few studies ac-
and the patient returned to the usual dialysis schedule. tually randomizing patients to either peritoneal dialysis
Grafts that fail early usually are removed surgically, but and hemodialysis, and the largest study (NECOSADS)
the need for this often is precipitated by the reduction did not show major difference between standard dialysis
52 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

modes.17 Home hemodialysis patients have better ­survival; REFERENCES

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quality of life or outcome of RRT can be judged, and in 14. Juutilainen A, Kastarinen H, Antikainen R, et al. Trends in
this respect transplant recipients are at a major advan- estimated kidney function: the FINRISK surveys. Eur J Epidemiol
tage. There is no doubt that the quality of life of a trans- 2012;27:305–13.
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continue to have multiple symptoms, with pain, fatigue, restriction and blood-pressure control on the progression of
pruritus, and constipation present in more than 50%. chronic renal disease: modification of diet in Renal Disease Study
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Potentially treatable symptoms include bone and joint 17. Korevaar JC, Feith GW, Dekker FW, et al. Effect of starting with
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between an independent home hemodialysis patient and 18. Levey AS, Atkins R, Coresh J, et al. Chronic kidney disease as
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the few to examine the issue of quality of life systemati- 19. Levey AS, Coresh J. Chronic kidney disease. Lancet
cally. The 1998 report showed that 85% of transplant re- 2012;379(9811):165–80.
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that they were able to carry on normal activities with only kidney disease: improving global outcomes (KDIGO). Kidney Int
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caring; 9% required considerable or special assistance. infections recommendations: 2010 update. Perit Dial Int
However more recent reports did not show any differ- 22. Locatelli F, Altieri P, Andrulli S, et al. Hemofiltration and
ence, but this again may be biased by RRT acceptance hemodiafiltration reduce intradialytic hypotension in ESRD. J Am
criteria.30 Soc Nephrol 2010;21(10):1798–807.
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28. Parker 3rd TF, Husni L, Huang W, et al. Survival of haemodialysis European Dialysis and Transplantation clinical practice guidelines,
patients in the United States is improved with a greater quantity of www.ndt-educational.org/guidelines.asp.
dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 1994;23:670–80. International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis clinical guidelines, www.
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Dial Int 2011;31(6):614–30. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, www2.evidence.
30. Sayin A, Mutluay R, Sindel S. Quality of life in hemodialysis, nhs.uk.
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31. Smart NA, Titus TT. Outcomes of early versus late nephrology UK Renal Registry, http://www.renalreg.com/Reports/2010.html.
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a multicentre randomised trial. Lancet 2006;368(9533):379–85.

The Recipient of a Kidney

Jeremy R. Chapman

Miscellaneous Infections – Syphilis,
Strongyloides, Toxoplasmosis,
Fitness to Transplant Trypanosoma
Appropriateness to Transplant Malignancy
Waitlisting and Allocation of Deceased Psychiatric Disease and Drug Dependency
Donor Organs
COUNSELING Gastrointestinal Tract
What the Patient Needs to Know Diabetes
Consent Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
What the Potential Living Donor Needs Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
to Know Renal Disease
What the Family Needs to Know Recurrent Renal Disease
Cardiac Coagulation Disorders
Vascular Obesity
Respiratory Psychosocial Factors
Hepatic Disease Sensitization and Transfusion Status
Hepatitis B Previous Transplantation
Other Liver Disease To Join and Remain on the Deceased Donor
Infectious Disease Waiting List
Vaccination Strategies To Undergo Elective Living Donor
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transplantation
Other Viral Infections – CMV, EBV, HHV6/7, To Undergo Deceased Donor
HHV8 Transplantation

confused. The physician’s primary aim is thus often to

THE PATIENT WITH CHRONIC ensure that the patient and family understand the prog-
KIDNEY DISEASE nosis and their need to make longer-term decisions, while
at the same time managing treatable problems and re-
Most patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in de- tarding the progression of CKD. Intelligent and finan-
veloped economies of the world are first seen by medical cially stable members of the community tend to be better
services with time to plan transition to end-stage renal prepared for the onset of end-stage kidney disease, while
failure therapy. The insidious nature of uremia deludes at the other extreme the poorly educated, frightened, or
many into failing to take the opportunity to understand non-compliant tread a hazardous course to dialysis and,
their disease, learn about their dialysis, transplant and all too often, to an earlier death.
palliative care options, and plan their future. It is prob- It is not surprising that those who plan their treatment
ably the relatively asymptomatic decline in renal function well and receive a living donor transplant pre-emptively
that accounts for why so many ignore the warnings and before the requirement for dialysis tend to have the best
fail to return for follow-up until they are brought into outcomes.19,69 It should also not be surprising that access
the emergency department hyperkalemic, acidotic, and to pre-emptive living donor transplantation is better for

The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 55

Living donor (including pre-emptive) Deceased donor

0.2 0.2

Cumulative incidence
Relative survival

0.1 0.1

Q1 (disadvantaged) Q1 (disadvantaged)
Q2 Q2
Q3 Q3
Q4 (advantaged) Q4 (advantaged)

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Years Years
FIGURE 4-1  ■ The role of socioeconomic status in access to living and deceased donor transplantation in Australia. Q, quartile of
­socioeconomic disadvantage. (From Grace BS, Clayton PA, Cass A, et al. Transplantation rates for living- but not deceased-donor kidneys
vary with socioeconomic status in Australia. Kidney Int 2013; 83: 138–145.)

patients with higher socioeconomic status40 (Figure 4-1). social sciences difficult to grasp and there are few stud-
Most people are however treated by hemodialysis or ies comparing quality of life on dialysis and after trans-
peritoneal dialysis for weeks, months, or years before fi- plantation. Most clinicians find it hard to identify living
nally being transplanted. There are some benefits to pre- individuals with a lower quality of life after a successful
transplant dialysis, especially if the patient is chronically transplant than they had or would have had on dialysis,
­debilitated by CKD, or if time is needed to enable a family and thus find it easy to advocate for transplantation. This
member to understand the benefits of offering a kidney. approach discounts the patient deaths and graft failures,
For some the experience of dialysis provides an important and the diminished quality of life for those who struggle
demonstration of life without a kidney transplant, which with the consequences of immune deficiency, infections,
usually strengthens their resolve both to undergo the and malignancies. Transplant programs tend to substitute
operation and accept the long-term consequences of im- graft survival data for true quality of life data and use it
munosuppression. This chapter attempts to identify the as a surrogate, but objective, measure of the success that
issues that patients, their family, and the community must each individual might expect97 instead of a measured com-
consider before deciding to have a kidney transplant. parison of quantity of life.76,115 In countries without suf-
ficient dialysis capacity, the decision to receive a kidney
transplant is obvious for almost all patients, since trans-
GENERAL CONCEPTS plantation is the only alternative to a slow death from ure-
mia. This does assume access to both immunosuppressant
Fitness to Transplant drugs and lifelong specialist medical follow-up, either of
which may not be available and without which transplan-
The patient has, in principle, only one simple question tation becomes a futile delusion. The understanding by
to consider: will the quality and quantity of life be bet- a patient and family of the lifelong commitment needed
ter after a transplant than on dialysis? For many people for a transplant is an important factor. Patient survival
the answer is clear and unequivocal – either because the rates are substantially impacted by compliance with
alternative of long-term dialysis treatment is either not follow-up, and that is dependent on patients’ expectations.
available or unaffordable (www.who.int/transplantation/ Transplantation has been promoted as a cure, when it is
knowledgebase/en) or because transplantation is the actually a complicated treatment requiring regular follow-
obvious solution since they are young and otherwise fit. up by specialists working in sophisticated medical centers
For some people, however, the answer is clouded in un- using expensive drugs. If the patient and family fail to un-
certainty because of the relative unavailability of organs derstand the costs, level of follow-up, and compliance that
for transplantation, or because they have comorbid con- will be required of them, then it is likely that the published
ditions that will be exacerbated by the operation or the statistics of average survival will not apply to them.
ensuing immunosuppression. Predicting the success rate after transplantation relies
Quality of life is perhaps the single most important on characteristics of both the recipient and the donor.
issue for most people and yet the field has found the Probably the most comprehensive studies comparing
56 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

transplant recipients with those remaining on dialysis parent, acknowledging the small but real immediate and
come from the United States where it has been possible ­possible, but unknown, long-term risks to him- or her-
to track the outcomes of all individuals entered on to the self. The parent may consider it highly inappropriate to
transplant waiting list and compare those who were trans- place his or her offspring at even the slightest risk to pro-
planted with those who remained on dialysis.76,115 These vide a few years of better quality of life. In the reverse sit-
studies show that transplantation carries the greater uation it may be considered appropriate for a 20-year-old
risk of death for the first 3 months or so, reversing after recipient to be transplanted, but not to accept a donor
that point in time so that the risk of death is equal by offer from an elderly parent, both because of the in-
6–9 months, thereafter favoring the transplant recipient. creased risk of donation by an older person and because
Similar analyses show that the patient who is t­ ransplanted of the worse outcome predicted from an older kidney.
pre-emptively carries an advantage compared to one who Living donor transplantation provides the opportunity
has needed a period of time on dialysis; furthermore the to address the individual circumstances of both donor
longer the period of dialysis, the worse the outcome.19 and recipient in great detail. It is the responsibility of the
These data apply to patients receiving an “average” do- transplant unit to provide independent medical advice to
nor graft, highlighting the fact that recipients of well- ensure that both the donor and the recipient can arrive
matched young living donor grafts do substantially at a ­considered decision.
better.75 The converse is also true: a marginal donor graft
from an elderly deceased donor with hypertensive renal
damage may not confer much survival advantage.86 There
Waitlisting and Allocation of Deceased
remains a dilemma for each patient on a deceased donor Donor Organs
waiting list between accepting a worse-quality graft early Each community must decide how to manage the
and waiting longer on dialysis despite a higher mortality ­relationship between patients waiting for a transplant and
rate, in the hope of a better graft (Table 4-1). the deceased donor kidney offers. In most countries na-
The patients’ expectations from a successful trans- tional, regional, or local waiting lists provide access to the
plant are to die in old age with a perfectly functioning offer, although in some places, where deceased donors are
kidney. The reality is that they will die much earlier than rare, selection may be ad hoc. The percentage of dialysis
an age- and sex-matched individual without renal dis- patients actively listed for transplantation varies quite sur-
ease, and more than half will have lost their graft before prisingly, with 24% in the United States and 55% in the
they die.16,74 From the patient’s perspective, graft failure United Kingdom (http://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/ukt/
before death represents failure, but from the communi- statistics/transplant_activity_report/transplant_activity_
ty’s perspective premature death with a functioning graft report.asp).71 There are not only barriers due to age
could be seen to represent wasted years of graft function and comorbidities but also from demographic, geo-
that could have been applied to someone with a better graphical, and socioeconomic factors. The community –
prognosis. when asked – almost always defines “equity of access”
as the most important factor, but the reality is a com-
Appropriateness to Transplant plex balance of medical utility and sometimes conflicting
notions of equity. Healthcare professionals are far from
There are two ways to examine this question, which can agreed on what should constitute the criteria for medi-
be considered either from the view of the recipient or cal eligibility and whether or not it is appropriate to in-
the donor. These are not the same and it is important clude consideration of social and lifestyle factors, ability
to understand that these perspectives may lead to differ- to understand and adhere to treatment, as well as medical
ent decisions about the appropriateness of a particular estimates of prognosis.
transplant. To illustrate the difference: consider a father There are many published guidelines on assessment
or mother in their late 60s without any comorbid con- for transplant waiting lists, which have been reviewed in
ditions, deciding whether or not to accept a donation 2012.5 The stated aim of almost all of these guidelines is
from a 30-year-old son or daughter. The son or daugh- to provide objective and explicit advice to the clinician
ter may consider it appropriate to offer a kidney to the faced with an individual patient assessment. Most achieve
a comprehensive perspective, but there are substantial
differences over the methodology behind each recom-
TABLE 4-1  Survival Advantage in Australia mendation. There is a largely consistent approach to the
required level of renal impairment and medical comor-
Dialysis Mortality Mortality bidities, with most also providing broad statements on
Rate (per 100 patient Rate (per 100
age criteria, life expectancy, and both psychological and
Age years) patient years) social factors. The impact of high body mass index (BMI)
is interpreted as both a criterion for surgical acceptabil-
<25   1.13 (0.28–4.51) 0.30 (0.13–0.67)
25–44   4.64 (3.55–6.06) 0.43 (0.29–0.63) ity and a medical criterion predicting cardiovascular and
45–64    9.79 (8.89–10.79)  1.46 (1.22–1.74) other morbidity and mortality, but advice is based on
65–84  17.61 (16.50–18.81) 3.00 (2.30–3.91) expert opinion rather than hard evidence. Shortage of
≥85 30.37 (25.43–36.26) – donor organs in most environments leaves a tension be-
Data courtesy of ANZDATA 2011: McDonald S, Hurst K, editors.
tween maximizing utility on the one hand and equity on
Registry Report 2011. Adelaide, South Australia: Australia and the other. In resolving this tension, most guidelines at-
New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry. tempt to promote a transparent decision-making process
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 57

in the absence of a robust formula that is universally

TABLE 4-2  Checklist for Pretransplant Education
a­ pplicable to each individual.
of the Patient and Family
Once a list of eligible recipients has been created,
­explicit algorithms are required for allocation of a par- 1. Medical condition
ticular donor offer. These must take into account medi- • General cardiorespiratory fitness for operation
cal issues such as blood group, histocompatibility, and • Impact of obesity
crossmatching, and may also consider sociodemographic • Vascular system suitability for operation
• Urological complications
criteria such as waiting times and comparative donor and • Risks of recurrent renal disease
recipient ages.62,70,71 Most developed countries have well- 2. Fitness for lifelong immunosuppression
organized computer algorithms determined by commit- • Infections
tees including both medical and lay representatives, with • Malignancies, especially skin cancers
• Cardiovascular risk factors
audit of compliance. In allocation systems where this does 3. Histocompatibility and organ donor source: impact on
not happen, it is hard to see how either fairness or utility outcomes
can be served, and the appropriateness of organ alloca- 4. Waiting times and allocation systems on the deceased
tion demonstrated to the community. Corrupt practices organ donor waiting list
are undoubtedly the outcome in some countries. 5. Availability and donor outcomes of living donor
6. Financial costs and specific risks of the donor and
transplant procedures, including disease transmission
from the donor
COUNSELING 7. Financial and adverse event costs of prophylactic
­immunosuppressive and anti-infective drugs
What the Patient Needs to Know 8. Long-term follow-up protocol
9. Short- and long-term risks of graft failure and death
The transplant unit has the responsibility to provide ­after transplantation
10. Consideration of acceptance of extended criteria
each patient with advice based on his or her own medi- ­donor organs
cal conditions and education about the options for long- 11. Patient-specific issues, e.g., options for pancreas
term treatment. The starting point for such education is transplantation in diabetics and liver/kidney in primary
thus in many countries a comprehensive evaluation of the oxalosis
suitability, availability, and financial cost of dialysis op-
tions. The quality of physical and emotional wellbeing
provided by dialysis therapy usually becomes abundantly
clear to most patients, either through meeting other pa- information must also play a part in the advice provided
tients already on dialysis, or through dialysis education by the transplant program.
programs, and finally, definitively, through direct personal
experience, except in that small minority able to undergo
pre-emptive transplantation.
A comprehensive evaluation needs to be provided by It is, of course, normal practice to seek written informed
the transplant unit of each individual’s medical risks if the consent just prior to undergoing any surgical proce-
patient were to undergo a kidney transplant.52 Much of dure and all transplant operations are preceded by such
the rest of this chapter details the medical assessment, but a ritual signing of a legalistically phrased document.
a checklist is provided in Table 4-2. This list includes those Somewhere amongst this scant and hastily signed docu-
issues that impact upon the individual patient’s technical mentation will be the expectation that individuals have
transplantability as well as the short- and long-term factors accepted all the risks of transplantation, from transmis-
that influence hard outcomes. In assessing the patient’s sion of serious disease from the donor through to the
suitability for a transplant operation the physician will be side effects of ­every drug that they will be given. Many
focused on the heart and lungs, the surgeon on the blood patients will also be presented with a dazzling array of
vessels and bladder. The surgeon will need to discuss the research protocols to sign up to, with patient informa-
various complications and risks of the surgical procedure, tion sheets of many pages of closely typed and densely
while the physician discussion should revolve around the constructed language designed to protect the researcher,
drugs, long-term risks, and follow-up protocols. Providing hospital, and pharmaceutical company more than inform
patients with sufficient knowledge on organ allocation the patient. This documentation of “consent” often takes
processes, the pros and cons of particular donor kidney place under pressure of time and in the middle of the
offers, and on the financial costs that they will be expected night, even sometimes on the telephone. It is hard to see
to bear is easily left out of a traditional medical consulta- how anything provided by the patient in the haste of the
tion. Most established transplant programs thus have ad- anesthetic workup, no matter what it is written on, can
ditional formal education sessions provided by a range of be argued to be informed consent. Legal opinions have
specialized coordinators, social workers, and pharmacists. been given that suggest that no reliance can be placed
The internet and social media increasingly provide a wide upon a patient’s decision taken under the pressure of an
range of both good and bad information which patients immediate pretransplant consent, unless backed by ex-
will certainly access extensively (http://www.kidney.org/ tensive prior education and information. In constructing
transplantation/, http://www.kidney.org.au, http://www. education programs, it would be wise for the transplant
umm.edu/transplant/patient/index.html). A guide to the unit to consider the traditional “operation consent form”
better material and warnings against the bad sources of a legally valueless protection.
58 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

What the Potential Living Donor that an independent person is prepared to raise awareness
in their family of the seriousness of their illness.
Needs to Know Lack of information is almost always the starting point
A potential living donor usually needs to be provided for a breakdown in trust and communication between
­information on both the recipient outcomes and the do- patients, their family, and their medical attendants. For
nor operation, with its attendant risks, in order to decide this reason it is important that even the most distant of
on whether or not to proceed. families are aware of the possibility of a poor outcome
Donors who expect, for the recipient, only a successful from transplantation and the importance of compliance
outcome from their donation have a reasonable chance with medication and follow-up to the long-term success
of being badly disappointed. It is thus essential that the of the transplant.
best estimates of the risks of death and graft failure are
clearly laid before the donor.54,55 It is also important for
most ­donors to appreciate the dialysis alternatives avail- SPECIFIC MEDICAL CONSIDERATIONS
able to the patient, as well as the deceased donor wait-
ing list times. In countries with substantial waiting lists
and long waiting times, living donation clearly offers Cardiac (see Chapter 30)
huge ­advantages that are not so clearly apparent where The first consideration of any patient undergoing a ­major
deceased donor waiting times are short. In countries with operation is the state of that patient’s heart. Dialysis
high deceased donor rates, the advantages of providing a patients, and especially diabetic dialysis patients, have
better kidney with better long-term survival may be less high incidences of both symptomatic and asymptomatic
obvious, but just as real. ischemic heart disease and thus a careful evaluation of the
A living donor must provide fully informed consent to heart is essential.63 Evidence-based agreement on how to
a surgeon with no conflicts of interest through their care perform that assessment is lacking and thus highly depen-
of the potential recipient.24 In addition it is relevant for dent upon local expertise and opinion.
donors to appreciate their blood group and histocompat- All patients need a careful clinical history and examina-
ibility match with the recipient, as well as any concerns tion, including an electrocardiogram and usually also an
that there might be about the crossmatching data. A gen- echocardiogram to assess left ventricular function and a
eral overview of the risks that the recipient faces will help stressed echocardiogram or myocardial perfusion study to
to ensure that the small percentages of procedures that exclude significant ischemic heart disease. While CKD it-
end in disaster are not followed by endless recrimination self is the strongest risk factor for coronary artery disease,
and litigation. More importantly, a well-prepared donor it is also important to assess obesity, family history, lipid
is better able psychologically to face the future after a profile, blood pressure, smoking history, and diabetes.52
failed transplant or even the death of the recipient. Attitudes to smoking history vary amongst transplant units
from outright refusal to transplant those patients who
continue to smoke through to more liberal approaches.20
What the Family Needs to Know Some transplant programs require routine coronary
The families of pediatric patients are best regarded as if angiography prior to acceptance on to a waiting list.
they were the patient, with respect to the information and There is certainly a rationale for such an approach given
counseling (see Chapter 40) that they require, though the high levels of coronary disease uncovered by such a
there are special considerations that young age brings to strategy.29 The only randomized trial of surgical or medi-
bear on the decision making in kidney transplantation. cal intervention in this situation (diabetics with CKD)
The family of the adult patient is in a special situation was so unequivocal about the value of intervention that
compared to other areas of medicine, since the family the trial was halted and the non-intervention arm offered
represent a potential source of organ donation and can- surgery or angioplasty.65 The weaknesses of this study
not simply be thought of as emotionally involved onlook- (it only assessed diabetics and optimum medical therapy
ers and supporters for the patient. Transplant units vary would not be considered optimum today) and the lack of
in the way in which information is provided about the po- alternative randomized studies leave the field with uncer-
tential to donate a kidney, with some distributing infor- tainties, but also a very clear view that diabetic patients
mation packs directly to all known family members, while need comprehensive cardiac evaluation.
others await specific approaches before providing infor- A lesser strategy is to use a non-invasive test such as
mation on living related donation. In countries with low a stressed dopamine echocardiogram103 or stressed nu-
deceased organ donation rates, the increasing attention clear study18 or, more recently, computed tomography
being placed upon living donation creates the ambience (CT) coronary angiography84 as a screening method for
for routine dissemination of information to family mem- asymptomatic and low-risk patients, thus reserving coro-
bers and friends.96 Accurate provision of specific relevant nary angiography for those with symptoms, significant
information is dependent upon the consent of the recipi- risk factors, or a positive screening test. This is not fool-
ent to release his or her private medical details. Asking proof and relies upon the negative predictive value of the
the question: “Is there anyone in the family who would screening test, so that the occasional patient with isch-
donate you a kidney?” elicits some interesting insights emic heart disease will still be transplanted unknowingly
into the dynamics of families with members with serious and without the consideration of prior treatment of the
chronic illness. Some patients refuse to consider a discus- cardiac disease. Patients will also be operated on know-
sion of their illness with their family, while others are glad ingly with minor abnormalities in the screening tests
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 59

reflecting disease in minor coronary branches and leading very small proportion of such patients prove to be suit-
sometimes to postoperative chest pain, troponin leakage able for transplantation because of the combined ­effects
into the blood, and only minor cardiovascular instability. of obesity, cardiac and vascular disease on their operative
Proceeding to transplantation in patients with normal mortality and 3–5-year survival rates.116 Two-thirds of di-
left ventricular function and normal coronary vasculature alysis patients requiring lower-limb amputations are dead
is the easy decision. The more complex issue is deciding within 2 years, implying that this group of patients has
who to transplant despite known cardiac disease, which such a poor prognosis that only a very few highly selected
needs to be considered not only on its own merits, but patients could be accepted for transplantation.28
also because of the implications that it carries for wide- Symptomatic cerebrovascular disease presents a sepa-
spread vascular disease.52 There is no evidence-based rate problem in selection for transplantation. A history
answer to this question as yet and clinicians must thus of transient ischemic attacks obviously promotes a search
rely upon local opinion-based decisions, guided by some for a cardiac or carotid vascular cause, which, if diagnosed
general principles: and resolved or treated, need not contraindicate subse-
• Treatable coronary and valvular disease is almost quent transplantation.25 The complication that warfarin
always worth treating before transplantation rather anticoagulation of patients with atrial fibrillation pro-
than afterwards, both because of the risks posed by vides the transplant unit can usually be overcome with
the cardiac disease during the transplant procedure a rapid anticoagulant reversal protocol and then use of
and because of the risks that cardiac interventional heparin in the posttransplant period before re-anticoag-
procedures carry in the presence of immunosup- ulation (Table 4-3). Warfarin therapy is thus not an abso-
pression and a functioning transplant.64 lute contraindication to acceptance for a deceased donor
• It is usually wiser to avoid transplantation if, despite transplant. Completed stroke and severe carotid disease,
treatment of coronary artery and/or valvular dis- however, often place the patient in the same category as
ease, there remains a substantial risk of infarction of those with severe cardiac or peripheral vascular disease
a large area of myocardium, or there is substantial with respect to their general prognosis and the futility of
left ventricular dysfunction. Cardiac disease is the transplantation. A major consideration is the propensity
single largest cause of mortality in both the dialysis for the use of double antiplatelet therapy with both aspi-
and transplant populations and there is little evi- rin and Persantin or clopidogrel after intervention – see
dence that transplantation will beneficially alter the section on coagulation disorders, below.
outcome of ischemic heart disease.30 There is less One group of patients who need particular attention
certainty with respect to congestive cardiac failure, are those with adult polycystic kidney disease, especially
where poorly dialyzed patients may recover signifi- if they have a personal or family history of cerebral an-
cant function when uremia and chronic fluid over- eurysm.47 Evaluation of such high-risk patients requires
load are corrected by transplantation.9 cerebral vascular imaging such as cerebral CT angiogra-
• In patients with severe and irreversible cardiac phy or a magnetic resonance image angiogram to exclude
dysfunction, the remaining consideration is the berry aneurysms, before proceeding to transplantation.
option of combined heart and kidney transplanta-
tion, available to very limited numbers of young and Respiratory
otherwise healthy individuals transplanted in highly
specialized centers.43 Assessment of respiratory disease in the potential trans-
plant candidate has two purposes: to identify patients at
risk from the anesthetic; and to identify patients who
Vascular (see Chapter 28) will be at risk of life-threatening infection in the long
There is an absolute requirement for an available
­recipient artery for anastomosis of the transplant renal TABLE 4-3  Anticoagulant Reversal Protocol
artery. Atheromatous iliac arteries that have been ossi- Prior to Transplant Surgery
fied through years of CKD management must thus be
carefully assessed by the surgeon planning to perform A patient on warfarin who requires surgery within the next
the transplant. Absence of intermittent claudication and 8 hours should receive:
presence of palpable femoral and pedal pulses may be 1. 1 unit of fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
sufficient to confirm transplantability. There are how- 2. 5 mg intravenous vitamin K
ever many potential recipients with a high risk of severe 3. Prothrombinex (human prothrombin complex): dose
adjusted for international normalized ratio (INR) and
vascular disease, where duplex ultrasound scanning of the ­patient weight
femoral and carotid vessels will identify those at signifi- • INR 2–3.9: 25 units/kg
cant risk of peripheral or cerebrovascular events either • INR 4–5.9: 35 units/kg
during or after transplantation.82 • INR  > 6.0: 50 units/kg
• Prothrombinex (1000 units/vial) – calculate to the
Selection of patients with known pre-existing nearest 1000 units
­peripheral vascular disease must include a general assess- 4. Check prothrombin time (PT)/activated partial thrombo-
ment of their prognosis as well as specific assessment of the plastin time (APTT) prior to surgery and 4–8 hours later
vascular supply needed for the transplant operation. The if surgery is delayed
largest numbers of patients commencing dialysis in most 5. If surgery is to occur  > 8 hours from reversal, FFP is
not required but PT/APTT needs to be rechecked before
developed countries are elderly obese type 2 diabetics and ­surgery to confirm adequate reversal
many have severe peripheral vascular disease.109 Only a
60 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

term as the result of immunosuppression. The former is conferred by combined renal and liver transplantation
is thus based around assessment of smoking and both in those patients on dialysis as a result of CKD prior to
acute ­reversible and chronic obstructive airways disease. the requirement for liver transplantation, and is far from
It is no different to the assessment that must be made predictable in patients with liver failure and either hepa-
before any elective operation.49 The latter is a more com- torenal syndrome or other forms of acute kidney injury.46
plex decision and remains largely subjective. The dis-
eases of importance are bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, and Hepatitis C
prior fungal infections, all of which may quickly ­become
­uncontrollable under the influence of immunosuppres- Hepatitis C represents different challenges to transplant
sion. Formal evaluation of the degree of respiratory programs in different countries, with high prevalence
compromise and the frequency and severity of infective in dialysis programs with reuse of dialysis consumables
exacerbations will d­etermine the advisability of trans- and in patients transfused in the 1980s. The natural his-
plantation of the patient with bronchiectasis. tory of hepatitis C infection leads to high proportions of
Active pulmonary tuberculosis must be identified from patients eventually developing significant liver disease.60
routine chest X-ray and effectively treated before consid- Treatment of patients with hepatitis C infection is made
eration of transplantation.3 Patients at high risk of reacti- complex – if not impossible – by renal failure and require-
vation of tuberculosis after transplantation include those ment for dialysis since therapeutic agents are poorly tol-
from areas with high endemic rates.100 History of expo- erated by dialysis patients.23 Hepatitis C genotypes 2 and
sure, calcified lesions on chest X-ray or elsewhere, and 3 are more responsive to therapy than genotype 1 and
a positive skin test to purified protein derivative (PPD) thus it is warranted to attempt to treat patients before
all provide evidence of past exposure and risk of disease, the onset of dialysis, though the genotype may not affect
but a negative PPD test cannot be relied upon to exclude posttransplant outcomes.83 Assessment of patients for the
disease in the anergic dialysis population, leading to ex- transplant waiting list should include hepatitis C anti-
ploration of the Quantiferon Gold test as an alternative.56 body routinely, and if that test is positive, also hepatitis C
BCG vaccination is not safe after transplantation,50 thus RNA testing and assessment of viral load, as well as geno-
transplant units in endemic areas tend to advise high-risk typing. Most units rely on liver histology to assess the se-
patients to have a full treatment course for tuberculosis verity of hepatitis in potential transplant recipients, with
after transplantation. In developed countries, based on advanced disease providing a relative contraindication to
slender evidence,3 management usually involves adding a kidney transplantation. One recent study demonstrated
prophylactic course of isoniazid for 6 months.94 that age and albumin levels correlated significantly with
outcome but that cirrhosis did not statistically impact
Hepatic Disease (see Chapter 32) outcome based on small numbers.88 Hepatitis C-infected
patients without significant liver disease certainly sur-
Hepatitis B vive better if transplanted than if they remain on dialy-
The majority of dialysis patients with past or current sis,91 but do not fare as well as those without hepatitis C.
hepatitis B will have been identified through routine The shortage of donor organs has raised the question, in
testing of serum for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) most jurisdictions, of use of hepatitis C-positive kidneys
and antibodies to hepatitis B core and surface antigens. in hepatitis C-positive recipients, especially those positive
Many dialysis programs have a routine hepatitis vaccina- for hepatitis C RNA with genotype 1. It has been long
tion policy to improve protection from cross-infection, established that there is no justification for the use of a
even though vaccination is much more effective if admin- hepatitis C-positive kidney in a patient who has never
istered before the need for dialysis.53 Thus most patients been infected or who has cleared virus, i.e., is hepatitis C
being assessed for transplantation have been screened for antibody-positive, but RNA-negative.92
prior exposure to hepatitis B.
Data from transplantation of chronically infected
Other Liver Disease
HBsAg-positive patients, predominantly gained in the
1980s and 1990s, demonstrate worse outcomes than for Potential kidney transplant recipients may suffer from
HBsAg-negative patients.31 other causes of significant liver disease, such as alcoholic
Knowledge of the status of the liver histology is impor- liver disease, polycystic liver in association with polycys-
tant in predicting outcomes after kidney transplantation, tic kidney disease, or cholelithiasis. It is thus important
with poor medium- to long-term results with pre-­existing and relatively simple to assess both liver function and
chronic active hepatitis and with cirrhosis.33 It is now appearance of the liver on ultrasound. Fatty infiltration
clear that use of posttransplant lamivudine therapy has of the liver is the commonest finding of such screening
not carried the survival benefits hoped for, at least in one protocols and may be associated with diabetes but is not
carefully evaluated Korean study.89 Choice of immunosup- in itself a contraindication to transplantation. Severe liver
pression after transplantation may influence the progres- disease, no matter what the cause, inhibits acceptance for
sion of hepatitis, with concern expressed about steroids, kidney transplantation of most patients. There is diver-
azathioprine, and cyclosporine reactivating hepatitis B in sity of opinion on the role of prophylactic cholecystec-
the chronic carrier.21 Hepatitis B is not a contraindication tomy in dialysis patients with known gallstones, with the
to kidney transplantation, but established cirrhosis raises larger studies not supporting this approach,42 but others
the option of combined liver and kidney transplanta- advocating routine pretransplant screening and surgery
tion.81 Data at present indicate that a survival advantage for known gallstones.101
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 61

Infectious Disease (see Chapter 31) an Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-positive organ into an EBV-
negative recipient carries an increased risk of active EBV
Vaccination Strategies infection after transplantation and also of development of
General community protection from infectious disease posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease. All patients
will, in most countries, have led to routine childhood should thus be tested for antibody status with respect to
vaccination against measles, mumps, polio, rubella, diph- each of the herpesviruses. The Transplantation Society
theria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae B, and Guidelines on CMV provide a useful basis for understanding
varicella-zoster, and, more recently, human papillomavi- the alternative testing and therapeutic options available.58
rus which has been added to the list. Pneumococcal and
hepatitis B vaccination programs, though widespread, are Dental
far from universal. It is especially important in pediatric
practice to ensure that vaccination has not been forgot- The traditional approach to evaluation of the transplant
ten amongst the problems of pediatric renal failure.36,93 recipient includes ensuring adequate dental hygiene and
In adult practice it is also important to understand each review of dentition prior to acceptance for transplanta-
patient’s vaccination history and to remedy deficiencies as tion. It is certainly true that gingival hypertrophy was a
soon as possible since the responses to vaccines are gener- consequence of higher doses of cyclosporine, especially
ally impaired in the dialysis population.59 when combined with nifedipine, and that infected denti-
Vaccination of patients after transplantation is either tion may cause problems after transplantation. This has
dangerous and thus contraindicated with live vaccines, or been ameliorated with use of tacrolimus and alternative
may fail with killed antigen vaccines, since the medica- antihypertensives and it would now be an unusual candi-
tion used to prevent allograft rejection is well designed to date in whom the dentition provides a risk of transplanta-
suppress production of an antibody response to a viral an- tion sufficient to outweigh the risk of continued dialysis
tigen. Mycophenolate mofetil, for example, is especially compared to transplantation, though it is certainly im-
capable of preventing antibody production after vaccina- portant to avoid bacterial endocarditis through prophy-
tion.104 Live vaccines are absolutely contraindicated after lactic antibiotics.
transplantation, with the commonest errors being the use
of yellow fever vaccination in travelers to South America Miscellaneous Infections – Syphilis, Strongyloides,
and chickenpox vaccination with attenuated virus, lead- Toxoplasmosis, Trypanosoma
ing to life-threatening disseminated pox virus infection in
transplant recipients. Transplant programs must pay heed to the particular
infectious risks that are both endemic and prevalent in
their geographical region, in order to evaluate properly
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
the posttransplant risks for their transplant recipients.67
Transplantation of individuals with human immunodefi- Trypanasoma cruzi, the causative organism of Chagas’
ciency virus (HIV) was contraindicated until the recent disease, is for example prevalent in South and Central
era of antiretroviral therapy. The consequences of im- America. It may be transmitted by donation and reac-
munosuppressing a patient who was infected with HIV tivated by immunosuppression, requiring serology and
but untreated were discovered during the 1980s in pa- blood polymerase chain reaction surveillance and early
tients infected before transplantation or when the virus treatment.92
was unwittingly transmitted through organ donation.98 Syphilis, Strongyloides, and toxoplasmosis have all been
Expertise has however developed in a number of centers reported as opportunistic reactivations after transplan-
for managing HIV-positive patients after transplantation, tation. In most areas of the world transplant programs
with acceptable results.79,90,107 It is universal practice to require a heightened awareness and lower threshold for
test both recipients and donors for antibodies to HIV and suspicion of these diseases, rather than specific strate-
for antigen using a nucleotide antigen test, with the deci- gies for these uncommon problems. Testing for syphilis
sion to transplant the positive recipient dependent upon serology is still practiced by many programs, but is not
a CD4 count greater than 200 cells/mL and the concomi- seen as essential in recipients from most developed coun-
tant availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy and tries. It is good practice to check the patient’s eosinophil
local expertise in the transplant center. In South Africa, count and pursue a diagnosis of infection in anyone with
the use of HIV-positive donors for HIV-infected patients a raised count.
has been an interesting side effect of the very high preva-
lence of HIV in that country. Malignancy (see Chapter 35)
There is a clear and defined additional risk of malignancy
Other Viral Infections – CMV, EBV, HHV6/7, HHV8
in patients with CKD and especially after transplantation.
Knowledge of a recipient’s status with respect to all her- This increased risk is assumed to be due to an effect of
pesviruses has become increasingly relevant because of immunosuppression either on normal mechanisms for
the impact of these viruses after transplantation. control of neoplastic cells or more likely the impact on
Chemoprophylaxis for cytomegalovirus (CMV), which viral carcinogenesis.110 This knowledge has been trans-
also protects recipients for human herpesvirus (HHV) 6 lated to a reluctance to transplant patients who have had
and HHV7, is usually based upon knowledge of the donor a prior cancer, for fear that immunosuppression will allow
and recipient CMV serological status. Transplantation of recurrence that might otherwise not happen.
62 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Australian data question this set of assumptions. Firstly,

TABLE 4-4  Suggested Disease-Free Time
a number of cancers are increased in CKD patients and
Intervals Before Transplantation of Patients with
in patients on dialysis, as well as after transplantation.111
Prior Cancers
Secondly, the increased risk is restricted to a number of
types of cancer, such as skin and lip cancers, renal tract Site (ICD-10 Codes)
cancers, and those for which a viral etiology is either es-
CKD-Associated Cancer
tablished or suspected. The implication for the potential Kidney (C64) >2 years
transplant recipient is that cancers which are now under- Renal pelvis (C65) >2 years
stood to occur at the same rate as in the normal popula- Ureter (C66) >2 years
tion should probably be considered differently to those Bladder (C67) >2 years
where the risk is increased. Other urinary organs (C68) >2 years
It has been standard advice not to transplant a pa- Non-CKD-Associated
tient within 2–5 years of diagnosis and definitive treat- Non-melanoma skin (Local treatment)
ment of cancer, depending upon which cancer is under Lip (C00) (Local treatment)
Tongue (C01–C02) >2 years
consideration. Most guidelines suggest careful screen- Mouth (C03–C06) >2 years
ing for cancers in patients on the transplant waiting list.5 Salivary gland (C07–C08) >2 years
Unfortunately such blanket rules, though easy to apply, Esophagus (C15) >2 years
do not take into consideration the variability of the biol- Stomach (C16) >2 years
ogy of the different cancers and especially do not con- Small intestine (C17) >2 years
Colon (C18) >2 years
sider the individual risks of recurrence. Table 4-4 gives Rectum (C19–C20) >2 years
a list of cancer types that are known to be increased in Anus (C21) >2 years
dialysis and transplant patients and should thus be viewed Liver (C22) (Contraindicated without
with considerable caution in patients being assessed for liver transplant)
Gallbladder (C23–C24) >2 years
transplantation. Melanoma, for example, is known to re- Pancreas (C25) >2 years
spond to T-cell immunotherapy and has a substantially Larynx (C32) >2 years
increased risk after transplantation. It is known to recur Trachea; bronchus and >2 years
in normal individuals and to metastasize aggressively. lung (C33–C34)
Melanoma has also been observed to recur after transplan- Melanoma (C43) >5 years – assess risk of
tation with long disease-free intervals pretransplantation Mesothelioma (C45) >2 years
and must thus be approached very conservatively. Breast Kaposi sarcoma (C46) >2 years – use TORi
and prostate cancer, on the other hand, do not seem to immunosuppression
be increased in dialysis and transplant patients, but have Connective and other soft >2 years
tissue (C47–C49)
substantial metastatic potential. To avoid transplanting a Breast (C50) >5 years
patient who will succumb to metastatic cancer soon after Vulva (C51) >2 years
transplantation, it is thus prudent to advise a waiting pe- Cervix uteri (C53) >2 years
riod of at least 2 years, depending to a certain extent on Corpus uteri (C54) >2 years
the predicted risk of spread in any given individual. Ovary (C56) >2 years
Penis (C60) >2 years
Common cancers occur commonly in dialysis and Prostate (C61) >2 years
transplant patients. It is important not to shift the clini- Testis (C62) >2 years
cal emphasis from common cancers to rare cancers, such Eye (C69) >2 years
as Kaposi’s sarcoma, just because these rare cancers oc- Brain (C71) >2 years
Thyroid (C73) >2 years
cur with a greatly increased risk compared to the general Hodgkin disease (C81) >5 years
population. The common cancers in the Australian data Non-Hodgkin lymphoma >5 years
include kidney, bladder, colon, lung, melanoma, breast, (C82–C85)
and prostate (Table 4-4). There is no specific guideline Leukemia (C91–C95) >5 years
for cancer screening prior to listing a dialysis patient
CKD, chronic kidney disease; TORi, target of rapamycin inhibitors.
for transplantation. It would, however, be reasonable at Duration before considering transplantation = the period after appar-
least to ensure that screening guidelines recommended ent successful cure of the individual cancer when transplanta-
in the general population for cervical, breast, and bowel tion may be considered if investigations substantiate cure of the
­screening have been undertaken. cancer. Note also comments for individual cancers.
Recurrence of cancer has been recorded despite disease-free
periods exceeding those suggested here. Each individual patient
must be assessed individually and these intervals may be
Psychiatric Disease and Drug Dependency too long or too short for individual circumstances. (Data from
­reference 110.)
Compliance after transplantation and the patient’s re- Multiple myeloma needs specific consideration of prior bone mar-
sponses to the psychological stresses of transplantation row transplantation.
should be uppermost in the minds of clinical teams evalu-
ating recipients. Non-compliance with both medication
and clinical follow-up is amongst the most distress- of non-compliant patients do not have a psychiatric dis-
ing and devastating causes of loss of grafts. Prevention order, but many with a psychiatric disorder are at risk of
of this problem starts with understanding the patient poor compliance.
before transplantation and responding to the different There are two dominant reasons for careful evaluation
risks for non-compliance.15 It is clear that the majority of the psychiatric state of potential recipients: their ability
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 63

to understand and consent to the transplant procedure; reflux, malabsorption syndromes, celiac disease, diverticu-
and the impact of psychiatric disease after transplanta- losis, and cholelithiasis may all present issues for specific
tion. Formal psychological testing and psychiatric as- consideration in individual patients. It is hard to justify
sessment may be required to evaluate a given individual’s routine screening for peptic ulcer disease or cholelithiasis,
capacity to provide properly informed consent. Alcohol but there are protagonists for both strategies.
and drug abuse raise many practical, medical, ethical, and
moral questions which also have to be evaluated carefully Diabetes
in each individual. Abstinence from chemical depen-
dency would be regarded as essential for acceptance to Recipients with diabetes require special consideration
the transplant waiting list by most transplant programs, with different issues in patients with type 1 and type 2
but it is difficult to assure and monitor in practice. diabetes. Transplantation rates of diabetic patients fluctu-
ate markedly by era and by transplant program, driven by
the observed mortality rates, development, and availabil-
Bone ity of simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation
Renal bone disease status and the degree of control of (SPK), and the comorbid conditions experienced in many
the calcium phosphate product are both important indi- diabetics with nephropathy.82
cators of bone disease and vascular risk after transplanta-
tion.78 In children the additional consideration of growth Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
potential and the impact of uremia on the one hand and
The first decision for patients with type 1 diabetes is
corticosteroids on the other are relevant considerations.
whether or not to seek a SPK transplant.48 In countries
The past few years have seen an explosion in avail-
where this expertise is available the two options that
able therapies for renal bone disease and the exact status
provide the best patient survival are pre-emptive living
of hyperparathyroidism at the time of transplantation is
related kidney transplantation and SPK transplantation
less critical than it has been in the past.87 It is important
(Figure 4-2). Acceptance criteria for SPK transplantation
to optimize control of the features of renal bone disease,
usually include a rather stricter age cutoff than for kidney
with special attention to attempting to normalize the cal-
transplants and almost all units use routine invasive cardiac
cium phosphate product in order to minimize hyperpara-
investigation. SPK is a realistic therapy for approximately
thyroidism, osteoporosis, and vascular calcification after
half of the potential type 1 recipients with end-stage re-
nal failure and compares with living donor kidney trans-
plantation for patient and kidney outcomes.117 Selection
of patients for SPK transplants is focused even more
Gastrointestinal Tract on vascular and cardiac operative risks, but is otherwise
Perforation of a peptic ulcer has led to many transplant similar to selection for kidney transplantation. The pro-
recipient deaths in the era of high corticosteroid use and cedure is more demanding on both surgeon and patient;
before routine introduction of H2 receptor blockers and it takes longer and involves the additional risk of pan-
more recently the proton pump inhibitors after transplan- creas exocrine drainage either into the bladder or, more
tation. The incidence of untreated Helicobacter pylori/peptic commonly, into the bowel. Postoperative recovery takes
ulcer disease is now quite low and many units use either longer because of the ileus induced by the bowel surgery
low-dose or complete avoidance of steroids combined with and immunosuppression is on the whole more intense
omeprazole or a similar proton pump inhibitor to prevent than for a simple kidney transplant. Against these issues,
peptic ulceration, despite the potential for interaction with the patient must set the benefits of good glucose con-
immunosuppressant drug absorption.32 Gastroesophageal trol without exogenous insulin administration, reduced

Adjusted for recipient age and gender Adjusted for recipient age and gender
1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

No DM, DD, K only

0.25 0.25 No DM, LD, K only DM1, LD, K only
DM1, DD, K only DM2, DD, K only
DM1, LD, SPK only DM2, LD, K only
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
A Years B Years
FIGURE 4-2  ■ The outcome of renal transplantation based on diabetes status, type of kidney, and presence of a simultaneous pancreas
transplant. (A) Kidney graft survival. (B) Patient survival. DM1, type 1 diabetes mellitus; DM2, type 2 diabetes mellitus; LD, living
donor transplant; DD, deceased donor transplant; K, kidney alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas kidney. (Data courtesy of Australian
National Pancreas Transplant Registry Report 2012. Sydney, Australia: ANPTR.)
64 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

long-term complications of diabetes, and improved sur-

TABLE 4-5  Causes of Renal Failure in Patients
vival compared to a deceased donor kidney alone.117
Commencing End-Stage Renal Disease
Detailed consideration of SPK transplantation is be-
Therapy and Receiving a Renal Transplant in
yond the scope of this chapter, but it is undoubtedly a
Australia 2010
good solution for type 1 diabetics suitable for kidney
transplantation and without a living donor or with severe Dialysis Transplant
secondary complications.44 The role of islet transplanta- Diagnosis Patients (%) Recipients (%)
tion is still evolving such that consideration of islet trans- Glomerulonephritis 22 46
plantation before, after, or with a simultaneous kidney Analgesic  2  1
remains the subject of formal clinical trials in a limited nephropathy
number of centers globally. While the results in those Polycystic kidney  7 13
Reflux nephropathy  3  6
specialized centers are encouraging, there is still insuf- Hypertensive 14  6
ficient evidence to lead to widespread adoption of islet nephropathy
transplants outside clinical trials.38 Diabetes mellitus 35 12
Miscellaneous 12  2
Unknown  6  4
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Data courtesy of ANZDATA 2011: McDonald S, Hurst K, editors.
Transplantation of the majority of patients with end-stage Registry Report 2011. Adelaide, South Australia: Australia and
renal failure due to type 2 diabetes represents a challenge New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry.
to both surgical and medical expertise, since the epidemic
of type 2 diabetes that is sweeping both the developed and
to a lesser extent, other immune-mediated glomerular
developing world involves predominantly obese, older pa-
diseases. It is important to distinguish between the risk
tients with significant comorbid vascular disease. The dis-
of recurrence and the risk of graft failure due to recur-
ease is treacherous for both patients and physicians, since
rence and, while the risk is real, it is seldom sufficient
the neuropathy that so often accompanies the nephropathy
to contraindicate transplantation. A seminal analysis of
leads to underestimation of the severity of symptoms, es-
the ANZDATA database demonstrated, however, that it
pecially ischemic heart disease, and to exacerbation of the
is a significant cause of late graft loss, causing twice as
clinical impact of comorbid peripheral vascular disease.
many losses over a 10-year period as acute rejection, but
Only a small proportion of type 2 diabetics are suitable for
half as many as chronic allograft nephropathy or death
transplantation because of the impact of age, obesity, and
with a functioning graft.10 There have been many at-
these comorbid conditions, and transplant units need to
tempts, over the years, to summarize the risks for differ-
have specific policies for the evaluation of cardiac and vas-
ent diseases,10,13,52,57,68,95 and a further attempt is shown in
cular disease of those deemed suitable otherwise; a small
Table 4-6, in which the risks of disease recurrence and
minority may be helped by SPK transplantation, but this
graft failure are presented from general literature review.
is not widely adopted as a therapy.114
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Recur­
Renal Disease rence of primary FSGS is one of the more difficult issues
that must be addressed by transplant units. Risk factors
The range of underlying renal diseases of patients on di- for recurrence include: young age of the recipient, the
alysis and those accepted for transplant waiting lists are duration of native disease from onset to development of
similar, since few diseases actually prevent successful kid- end-stage renal failure, mesangial proliferative pathol-
ney transplantation. The physical size of the kidneys in ogy, and the possibility that the risk is higher in related
patients with adult polycystic kidney disease may impede donor grafts.73,106 There is a very high risk of recurrence
the operation; the threat of oxalate deposition in primary in a second graft after loss of the first graft from FSGS,
oxalosis and the presence of antiglomerular basement questioning the wisdom of retransplantation under those
membrane antibodies in Goodpasture’s syndrome are circumstances. The disease may be caused by a circulat-
sufficient to ensure immediate graft failure, but there are ing plasma factor, which may be as simple as glomerular
no other renal diagnoses that routinely provide an abso- podocyte antibodies, though the precise relationship be-
lute contraindication to transplantation. tween antibody and the recently identified soluble recep-
The causes of renal failure in Australian patients com- tor suPAR is uncertain.112 A number of interventions have
mencing dialysis and those receiving a kidney transplant been designed using various combinations of steroids,
are shown in Table 4-5. These data demonstrate the plasma exchange, cyclosporine, intravenous immuno-
skewed distribution of proportions of each type of disease globulin, and rituxumab.13 Therapy is certainly justified
in the transplant population, especially noting the under- despite the absence of results from a randomized clinical
representation of type 2 diabetes. trial, an example of which is presented in reference 13.

Recurrent Renal Disease (see Chapter 26) IgA Nephropathy. IgA glomerulonephritis is a common
disease in most countries, accounting for a relatively high
Glomerulonephritis. Recurrence of glomerulonephritis proportion of end-stage renal failure. Recurrence rates
in the kidney transplant is an issue that needs routine dis- are high, especially if sought in renal biopsies after trans-
cussion with patients who have a diagnosis of focal and plantation using specific identification of IgA deposits in
segmental glomerular sclerosis, IgA nephropathy and, the glomeruli.7 IgA is thus amongst the ­commonest of
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 65

after transplantation. It is becoming clear that de novo

TABLE 4-6  The Risks of Recurrence of Renal
appearance of membranous histology is related to chronic
Disease After Transplantation and the Risks of
alloimmune antibody-mediated rejection, but that auto-
Graft Loss as a Result of Recurrence, Derived
antibodies specific for the phospholipase A2 receptor are
from Literature Review
present in the majority of patients with recurrent mem-
10-Year Risk of branous glomerulonephritis.22
Risk of Graft Loss From
Disease Recurrence (%) Recurrence (%) Mesangiocapillary Glomerulonephritis. Type 1, 2, and 3
Glomerulonephritis mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritides are all uncom-
Focal segmental 20–30 8–15 mon diseases with quite high recurrence rates after trans-
sclerosis plantation.2,13 Recent evidence that recurrence of type
IgA nephropathy 40–50 5–15
Henoch–Schönlein 10–20 5–10
3 – dense deposit disease – may be treated by eculizumab
purpura offers hope for what is otherwise a disease conferring a
Mesangiocapillary 20–30 10–15 high risk of graft failure.72
type I
Mesangiocapillary 80–90 5–10
type II Antiglomerular Basement Membrane Disease. There
Membranous 10–20 10–25 is very little recent experience of recurrence of Good­
Hemolytic uremic 10–30 10–15 pasture’s syndrome after transplantation because of the
syndrome early and convincing reports of recurrence in the pres-
ANCA-positive 10–15 5
vasculitis ence of circulating antibody and advice to await clearance
Pauci-immune 10–20 5–10 before transplantation.12,113 It is thus essential to ensure
Goodpasture’s 100 80 a negative antiglomerular basement membrane antibody
syndrome test before transplantation.
Systemic lupus 1 1
One of the minutiae of information that somehow all
erythematosus medical students can recall is that, because patients with
Alport’s syndrome have abnormal basement membrane
Metabolic and Other Diseases antigens, they have been reported to produce antibod-
Diabetic nephropathy 100 Low
Amyloidosis 30 Low ies in response to the normal basement membrane of a
Oxalosis 90–100 80 transplanted kidney, producing the unusual appearance of
Cystinosis 0 0 allogeneic antiglomerular basement membrane disease in
Fabry’s disease 100 0 a small percentage of patients.39
Alport’s syndrome* 3–4 2
Light-chain 10–25 10–30
nephropathy Recurrent Vasculitis. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti-
Mixed essential 50 40 bodies (ANCA) were discounted as a cause of recurrent
cryoglobulinemia crescentic glomerulonephritis in 127 patients in whom
Scleroderma 20 5–10 the incidence of recurrence was 17%, but with no associa-
ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody. tion with presence of ANCA.80 A more recent publication
*The risk of de novo antiglomerular basement membrane antibody- has, however, demonstrated a much lower recurrence rate
mediated Goodpasture’s syndrome. of 0.02% per patient year.34 Current data thus support
transplantation of this group of patients without the need
to resolve circulating antibody levels, but there are data
recurrent diseases, but is generally slow to cause ­renal to suggest that delaying transplantation until vasculitis
­impairment and graft loss.73 It is commoner after liv- is quiescent improves patient outcomes. Recurrence has
ing related donor grafts, but recurrence doesn’t seem to been treated traditionally with cyclophosphamide, but
impact on early or medium-term graft survival and thus more recently with rituximab.35,85
should not restrain use of living donors, though use of
steroid-free regimens may increase recurrence rates.17 Hereditary Disease. Primary oxalosis has a high recur-
Assessment of the family donor, however, needs to in- rence rate after transplantation and is now usually success-
clude consideration of the possibility that IgA may be fully treated by combined kidney and liver transplantation,
familial disease and thus also affect the potential donor. correcting the metabolic abnormality simultaneously. The
Henoch-Schönlein Purpura. This is a predominantly condition has been mimicked by long-term high-dose vi-
pediatric disease with a previously reported high recur- tamin C administration in a dialysis-dependent patient,
rence rate and graft loss.77 A recent analysis has challenged leading to widespread secondary deposition of oxalate
this view through data on 43 patients across six transplant throughout the body, giving the appearance of pseudogout.
units in Europe with recurrence rates of 11.5% and graft Fabry’s disease and cystinosis are both inherited enzyme
loss rates of 7.5% at 10 years.51 It is common practice not deficiencies which cause renal disease through accumulated
to transplant during active clinical disease but to await glycosphingolipid and cystine respectively. The former
quiescence, but the data supporting this practice are not leads to recurrent disease in the transplant but the latter
substantial. only to extrarenal deposition of cystine. Both are, to a cer-
tain extent, treatable, and recurrent disease should be pre-
Membranous Nephropathy. Membranous glomerulo- ventable with recombinant alpha-galactosidase A enzyme
nephritis may occur as either de novo or recurrent ­disease replacement and oral analogs of cysteamine respectively.61,66
66 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Tuberous sclerosis, while not leading to recurrent disorders and the risk of thrombosis are much more pre-
­ isease, deserves special consideration because of the high
d dictable today through screening tests (Table 4-7). Use of
lifetime risk of developing renal cell carcinoma in the na- heparin starting soon after transplantation in those iden-
tive kidneys. The risk of tumor can be managed either by tified as having a possible thrombotic tendency seems to
bilateral nephrectomy or through regular screening by reduce the risk of thrombosis.13
CT. The known responsiveness of the angiomyolipomata The risk of hemorrhage is usually easily identified
of tuberose sclerosis to the mTOR inhibitors is significant from the medical history and from a careful review of
and warrants selection of one or other of these agents in the medication list. Iatrogenic hemorrhage is much more
the immunosuppression protocol.45 common than inherited disorder such as hemophilia,
especially with the widespread use of anticoagulation
for atrial fibrillation and after vascular stenting.11 Each
Urogenital Tract Abnormalities (see Chapter 12)
transplant unit thus requires a protocol for the rapid re-
Bladder. Recognition of the patient with bladder versal of anticoagulation, usually involving small doses
dysfunction is important and sometimes obvious but of vitamin K, together with fresh frozen plasma replace-
sometimes subtle. Patients with the triad syndrome or ment (Table 4-3). Double antiplatelet anticoagulation for
other congenital obstructive uropathy, spina bifida, and patients with cardiac or dialysis fistula stents has led to
diabetics are at easily recognizable risk of poor bladder concern over postoperative bleeding, especially in com-
function based on careful history taking and investiga- bination with prophylactic postoperative heparin.
tion with urodynamic studies. The more subtle prob-
lems that may be encountered include asymptomatic Obesity
prostatic enlargement in an anuric dialysis-dependent
patient and the very small-capacity bladder that will Increasing BMI, in the most recent large cohort analysis,
be encountered in long-term dialysis patients who is not associated with increased risks of death or graft loss
have been anuric for many years. Creation of alterna- but is associated with new-onset posttransplant diabetes
tive bladder conduits is less popular than it has been, mellitus.1,108 The depth of abdominal fat certainly chal-
both because of the morbidity of the surgical proce- lenges the surgeon and without careful management can
dures required and the long-term risks of carcinoma if a lead to increased risk of wound infection and other prob-
bladder reconstruction has been achieved using bowel. lems. The data now suggest that low BMI is the greater
Self-catheterization is an easier and safer option than concern, with malnourished patients having higher mor-
major abdominal surgery for the majority of patients tality rates. The problem that both physician and patient
with bladder dysfunction.11 face is the task of reducing weight in the very obese and
increasing weight in the malnourished before transplan-
Reflux Nephropathy. Recurrent urinary tract infection tation. In patients treated by peritoneal dialysis it is espe-
and reflux nephropathy seldom lead to life-threatening cially hard to change the body habitus derived from the
septicemia before transplantation, but when the experi- high carbohydrate intake from peritoneal dialysis fluids,
ence of an individual demonstrates otherwise, bilateral such that a switch to hemodialysis may be the only op-
nephrectomy can be justified if antibiotic prophylaxis fails tion. Lifestyle changes are sometimes achievable when
to ameliorate the risk. Recurrent urinary sepsis is much kidney transplantation is the goal.
more common after transplantation despite prophylactic
measures and may threaten both the graft and the patient.
Bilateral native nephrectomy thus becomes the lesser risk TABLE 4-7  Risks of Thrombosis and
in a few patients after transplantation. Coagulation Disorder
Polycystic Kidney Disease. The size of the polycys- Medication
tic kidneys must be evaluated before transplant surgery, Dual antiplatelet therapy
preferably by the surgeon who will be implanting the new Warfarin
kidney. CT can provide an excellent view of the anatomi- Heparin
cal challenge that will face the surgeon when the patient is Low-molecular-weight heparins
horizontal on the operating table, but will underplay the
space available for the transplant when the patient stands Medical history of thrombosis
up. Unilateral nephrectomy may be needed between the Coagulation tests: prothrombin time, activated partial
onset of dialysis therapy and a kidney transplant preclud- thromboplastin time
ing pre-emptive transplantation. The native polycystic Factor V Leiden, protein C, protein S, antithrombin III
nephrectomy is, however, too large a procedure to add to Antiphospholipid antibodies
the kidney transplant and should not be contemplated for Full blood count: polycythemia
the sake of 4 weeks of dialysis treatment.
Medication history (warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel,
Coagulation Disorders Medical history of bleeding
Hemorrhage during the transplant and coagulation of the Medical history of liver disease
Coagulation tests: skin bleeding time, activated partial
graft or other vital vascular conduit after the operation thromboplastin time, and congenital factor deficiencies
require careful prediction and management. Coagulation
The Recipient of a Kidney Transplant 67

Psychosocial Factors as is the number of patients with non-renal organ trans-

plants requiring a kidney transplant as a result of nephro-
Smoking provides serious cardiovascular and pulmonary
toxicity or other cause of chronic renal failure.105
risks before, during, and after transplant surgery and is
The clinician’s decision to offer retransplantation is
heavily discouraged by all programs.8 The unanswered
sometimes hard. Should a patient who has lost a first graft
question remains whether or not it is appropriate to
due to non-compliance with medication be offered the
transplant patients who continue to smoke. Many in both
chance to destroy another priceless donation the same
the lay and professional communities argue that it is not
way? Perhaps the older, wiser, and now experienced in-
appropriate for the community to provide access to the
dividual will be a model of compliance the second time
scarce resource of a donated kidney if the patient contin-
around? Assessment of the medical suitability for trans-
ues to self-harm through smoking.
plantation needs to be just as rigorous the second time as
Recreational drug abuse is often a more covert, but
it was the first time, noting especially that infective, ma-
equally important, risk factor for success after transplan-
lignant, and cardiovascular disease are all more common
tation.99 It is clearly important to wean patients from
in the previously transplanted than in the dialysis patient.
drug dependency, testing compliance and assessing the
Opinion and practices have varied with respect to the
possibility of recent hepatitis or HIV infection before ac-
management of a failed graft,6,27 but the evidence is hard-
tivating them on the transplant waiting list. Psychiatric
ening in favor of early graft nephrectomy.4,102 Transplant
evaluation and treatment are often an essential compo-
nephrectomy is a reasonably low-risk procedure that
nent of preparation for transplantation in drug depen-
removes an ongoing source of foreign antigenic stimu-
dency, but may be rejected or unsuccessful. Families may
lation and allows for discontinuation of immunosup-
be the harshest critics of such individuals and thus not
pression without risk of incurring a rejection response.
offer living kidney donation, leaving transplant programs
Nephrectomy is always carried out in cases of early acute
with the decision of whether or not it is appropriate to
graft failure from whatever cause, but may not be in
provide access to a deceased donor kidney. Documented
chronic graft failure.
abstinence for 6 months and determination of likely com-
pliance after transplantation provide a non-judgmental
approach to resolving this dilemma, but are in themselves
Alcohol dependency leads to very similar challenges
to those provided by other recreational chemicals. To Join and Remain on the Deceased
Alcoholism may be well hidden and needs an enquiring Donor Waiting List
and suspicious clinical evaluation, including an under-
standing of the impact on the liver as well as the psy- The majority of this chapter has defined the issues of
chological state of the patient. Compliance and reliability importance for assessment, selection, and preparation of
for follow-up after transplantation are important factors candidates for the transplant waiting lists. Table 4-8 pro-
which will influence patient and graft outcomes. vides a list of issues that should be considered for every
Mental illness requires formal evaluation and treatment, patient. Acceptance should then lead to histocompatibil-
with the important additional need to determine the pa- ity testing and entry on to the transplant waiting list. The
tient’s ability to understand and consent to kidney trans- initial evaluation may be performed many years before
plantation. There is a small cluster of patients whose renal the kidney becomes available and thus repeated reassess-
failure results from chronic lithium toxicity used in the ment is also required over the years that a patient may
treatment of bipolar depression; additionally patients with be on the waiting list. Compliance with the needs of the
a variety of psychiatric diseases are not immune from also transplant waiting list and, in particular, providing a cur-
developing renal failure. There is no substitute for an inde- rent blood sample for crossmatching may sort out the
pendent psychiatric evaluation of fitness to consent and en- willing and motivated patients from the non-compliant.
sure optimal pre- and postoperative psychiatric treatment.26 Most programs maintain serum screening protocols to
identify patients who are sensitized, both to predict the
chances of receiving a transplant and in order to evaluate
Sensitization and Transfusion Status better donor T- and B-cell crossmatch results obtained
(see Chapters 10 and 24) after working hours.
Good knowledge of the anti-HLA antibody status and Maintaining a current record of clinical events and rel-
both the patient and donor’s HLA type is critical to suc- evant serology for infectious disease (HIV, hepatitis B and
cess but outside the scope of this chapter. C especially) should be the province of the dialysis unit
responsible for the patient’s treatment. Ensuring that all
Previous Transplantation this information is available to the transplant program in
the middle of the night remains challenging and likely
Previous kidney transplants provide both visible and in- to fail without a good information system. In the final
visible barriers to the next transplant, both of which need analysis there is little alternative but to ensure that those
to be considered carefully. Retransplantation is usually who are managing the patient on a daily basis are always
even less successful than the first transplant procedure contacted when a kidney offer is made.
was and requires very careful assessment of the patient’s An additional issue that has been raised by the dearth
immunological reactivity. The total number of individu- of donors and the burgeoning waiting lists has been prior
als with chronic graft loss is increasing in most countries, consent to receive offers for donors outside the standard
68 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

the donor to understand the risks of a poor outcome in

TABLE 4-8  Screening Tests that Should be
the recipient as it is for the recipient to understand them.
Routinely Considered Prior to a Living Donor
A donor unaware of the possibility of recurrent disease
Transplant or Acceptance on to a Transplant
in a patient with FSGS, for example, will reasonably ask
Waiting List
why he or she was not informed before the donation. The
General History and Physical Examination risk of death at operation for a particular recipient may
Diagnosis of Cause of Renal Disease, with be acceptable to that individual, but not to the donor,
Specific Tests as Required who may be unprepared for that possibility. The opposite
Virus Exposure situation may also occur. A donor may undertake risky
HIV antibody HIV-1 and HIV-2 behavior, such as intravenous drug abuse or unprotected
Hepatitis B HBsAg, HBcAb, HBsAb high-risk intercourse, which the recipient may know
Hepatitis C HCVAb (HCV RNA if HCVAb more about than either the donor or recipient’s medical
Cytomegalovirus CMV IgG teams. Understanding the level and nature of the risk is
Herpesvirus Herpes simplex IgG, herpes paramount for the recipient.
varicella-zoster IgG, HHV6
and HHV7 IgG
Epstein–Barr virus EBV IgG To Undergo Deceased Donor
Other Infectious Disease Transplantation
In endemic areas PPD skin testing
Trypanosoma cruzi serology A transplant team will receive the news that a kidney is
Coccidioides serology available for a particular patient only a few hours before
Strongyloides serology
West Nile virus serology
the operation needs to be performed. All too often, the al-
HTLV I and II serology location takes place in the middle of the night and the news
HHV8 serology is passed through a transplant coordinator and junior doc-
Toxoplasma screening tors. The patient and family will not be in contact with the
Syphilis screening individuals who have assessed them and who care for their
Chest X-ray with follow-up tests as required if abnormal
dialysis. Their questions and uncertainties will be carried
Other Disease
away in a rush of investigations, including a chest X-ray,
Echocardiogram/stressed cardiac test with follow-up tests an electrocardiogram, routine blood tests, bowel prepara-
as required if abnormal tion, shower, anesthetic evaluation, immunosuppressive
Abdominal ultrasound (kidneys, gallbladder, liver, spleen) medication, and perhaps also preoperative hemodialysis.
Vascular duplex ultrasound (femoral/carotid) Despite this rush of activity, the pressure to reduce cold
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface ischemia time for the kidney and to meet the deadlines
antigen; HBcAb, hepatitis B core antibody; HBsAb, hepatitis B and timetables of operating suites tends to overshadow the
surface antibody; HCVAb, hepatitis C virus antibody; CMV, cyto- needs for discussion and informed consent. This empha-
megalovirus; IgG, immunoglobulin G; HHV, human herpesvirus;
EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; PPD, purified protein derivative; HTLV, sizes the need for full education and information during
human T-lymphotropic virus. the workup for acceptance on to the transplant waiting list.

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Access for Renal Replacement

James P. Hunter  •  Adam D. Barlow  •  Michael L. Nicholson


Aneurysm Formation
Temporary Vascular Access
Steal Syndrome
Catheter Insertion Techniques
Arteriovenous Fistula Surveillance
Complications of Hemodialysis Catheters
Catheter Dysfunction PERITONEAL DIALYSIS
Central Vein Occlusion Peritoneal Dialysis Delivery Systems and
Infection Catheters
Catheter Selection
Historical Development of Vascular Access Complications Associated with Peritoneal
Surgery Dialysis Catheters
Planning Vascular Access Bleeding
Requirements of Arteriovenous Fistulas for Pain
Cuff Extrusion
Preoperative Assessment
Catheter Obstruction
Pericatheter Leak
Surgical Technique
Autogenous Arteriovenous Fistulas
Exit Site and Tunnel Infections
Wrist Fistula
Peritoneal Dialysis Peritonitis
Elbow Fistulas
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
Graft Arteriovenous Fistulas
Complications of Arteriovenous Fistulas DIALYSIS

INTRODUCTION volume of patients has become part of the vascular sur-

geon’s caseload. Furthermore, PD catheter insertion has
The expanding population of dialysis patients in the broadened to include nephrologists, largely as a result of
United Kingdom is leading to increasing numbers of the advent of peritoneoscopic catheter insertion under
patients beginning renal replacement therapy (RRT).27 local anesthetic. Complex grafts, including axillary loop
Many patients have multiple comorbid conditions, such and thigh loop grafts, are becoming more commonplace
as diabetes and ischemic heart disease, and many are and AVF surveillance and maintenance of fistula patency
obese. Long-term access for RRT through either arterio- are now roles of the interventional radiologist.
venous fistulas (AVF) or peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters
is increasingly challenging and over the past decade has VASCULAR ACCESS CATHETERS
expanded into a multispecialty discipline. Many patients
have undergone multiple previous access procedures,
have arteriosclerosis, and are unsuitable for transplan-
Temporary Vascular Access
tation. Such patients require careful access planning in- Central venous catheters (CVC) for vascular access are
volving liaison between nephrologists, radiologists, and an essential temporizing measure in a select group of pa-
surgeons. Vascular access surgery with an increasing tients who require immediate or emergent hemodialysis.

Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 73

TABLE 5-1  Indications for Tunneled

Hemodialysis Catheters
During maturation of autogenous arteriovenous fistulas
During maturation of continuous ambulatory peritoneal
Patients awaiting a living donor transplant
Dialysis bridge following failure of current access to
permit planning and imaging for long-term access
Permanent access – all other sites exhausted, severe
cardiac dysfunction, or patient choice

About 40% of new end-stage renal failure patients pres-

ent acutely and require short-term vascular access. In
the United States the number of patients initiating he-
modialysis who have a temporary catheter is as high as
FIGURE 5-1  ■ Venographic image following injection of contrast
70%.6,27 The indications for CVC insertion are displayed into a forearm vein, illustrating a right-sided subclavian vein
in Table 5-1. The ideal properties of a CVC are a biologi- stenosis. Note the tapering of the contrast and the absence of
cally neutral material that does not induce catheter lumen contrast in the brachiocephalic vein, which filled slowly on later
thrombosis or perivascular reaction and subsequent ve- images. Note also the thready, tortuous collateral vessels visible
nous thrombosis. The catheter should be soft and com- in the upper arm and axilla as a result of the stenosis.
pliant, easy to insert and durable, and should be coated
with an agent that reduces bacterial proliferation and sternocleidomastoid, or via the Seldinger technique, using
biofilm formation. Furthermore it should be inexpensive ultrasound to guide the needle into the vessel. The tip of
and permit blood flow of >350 mL/min to facilitate effi- the catheter should be at the junction of the SVC and right
cient dialysis. A nephrologist or radiologist usually inserts atrium as this affords the most optimal blood flow through
cuffed, tunneled catheters that provide immediate access the catheter. Temporary access catheters provide the clini-
to the circulatory system using the Seldinger technique. cian with time to investigate the most appropriate long-
Uncuffed, non-tunneled catheter can be inserted at the term access. This usually involves imaging of the venous
bedside and used immediately but can only be used for a anatomy to decide on the most appropriate native vein for
maximum of 3 weeks. AVF formation. However, tunneled catheters can provide
The three commonest locations of choice for tempo- access for months and even years, particularly in those pa-
rary vascular access are the internal jugular vein (IJV), tients in whom native venous conduits for AVF formation
subclavian vein, and common femoral vein. Historically have been exhausted. Indeed, in such patients, tunneled
the subclavian vein was the preferred initial location be- catheter placement is becoming more adventurous, with
cause of the discretion of the line position and conve- reports of transhepatic, translumbar, and even transmedias-
nience for the patient. Unlike with catheter placement tinal approaches being used as last-resort procedures.65,70,86
in the femoral vein, the patient with a subclavian catheter
can be ambulatory. However, the incidence of stenosis is Catheter Insertion Techniques
reportedly as high as 50% following subclavian vein can-
nulation, although there are values as low as 18% in the Traditionally tunneled dialysis catheters were inserted by
literature.58,76 Figure 5-1 shows an example of a right arm surgeons using a cut-down method. Increasingly nephrol-
venogram in a patient with a subclavian vein stenosis. The ogists and radiologists are using Seldinger techniques
high risk of central stenosis highlights the importance of under ultrasound guidance to place dialysis catheters per-
avoiding the subclavian vein for temporary venous access cutaneously. Under ultrasound guidance the Seldinger
unless there are no other options. procedure is comparable to surgical insertion with high
Currently the favored site for temporary venous access rates of first-pass success in cannulation.111 It is essential
is the IJV, in particular the right IJV. Although some pa- to place catheters under fluoroscopic control, whichever
tients find the visibility of the catheter in the neck above method is used, to ensure that the tip of the catheter is
the collar unsightly, its placement in the IJV has certain placed in the SVC. The malposition rate of catheters
advantages. In particular the direct route into the supe- when placed without fluoroscopic control has been shown
rior vena cava (SVC) leads to higher patency rates and to be as high as 29%.17 Catheters within the right atrium
fewer complications.11 The left IJV can also be used but is minimize recirculation and there is some evidence they
less desirable because the course of the catheter through have higher patency rates.103 However there is a small
the brachiocephalic vein into the SVC is more tortu- risk of atrial perforation and catheter-induced arrhyth-
ous and the tip of the catheter can abut the caval wall. mias. Furthermore the risk of local thrombus formation,
Overall, with more refined catheter placement, judicious alongside catheter thrombosis, outweighs the benefit of
use of sites other than IJV, reduction in catheter duration, right atrium placement and it is largely avoided. As such,
and the advent of soft Silastic catheters, the complication the junction of the SVC and right atrium is generally
rates of central venous access have been reduced.14 considered the most favorable location for the catheter
IJV catheter placement can be performed either tip. A list of complications associated with CVC insertion
surgically, using a cut-down at the medial border of is displayed in Table 5-2.
74 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

evident. Indeed, dysfunction due to the presence of a fi-

TABLE 5-2  Complications of Central Venous
brin sheath has been estimated at 13–57%, which means
Catheter Insertion
that more than half of catheters are without dysfunction,
Arterial puncture even with a fibrin sheath present.107 Treatment of a fibrin
Bleeding sheath usually involves replacement of the catheter at a
Pneumothorax new location but there is evidence to support mechani-
Hemothorax cal stripping, which is carried out using a snare around
Atrial perforation the catheter, inserted via the femoral vein. Some studies
Air embolus report success rates of up to 100% following mechani-
Arrhythmias cal stripping but other studies demonstrate poor success,
Primary failure with catheter dysfunction returning by the fifth dialysis
session.40,46 Even though mechanical stripping has accept-
able complication rates, there are documented cases of
Complications of Hemodialysis Catheters clinically evident pulmonary embolism.127
Catheter Dysfunction
Central Vein Occlusion
Catheter dysfunction, also called catheter malfunction,
was historically defined as “failure to attain and maintain The presence of occlusive thrombus in the central
adequate extracorporeal blood flow sufficient to perform veins, in particular the SVC, is asymptomatic in about
dialysis in a timely fashion.” A recent collaboration of 30% of cases. Although it can manifest as catheter
transplant surgeons and physicians, the North American dysfunction, the presence of arm and facial edema or
Vascular Access Consortium, introduced a new definition prominent superficial vessels should raise suspicion
in an attempt to create a uniform standard. Dysfunction of central venous occlusion or stenosis. Thrombus is
was defined as the first occurrence of: (1) peak blood flow usually detected by angiography either from instilla-
of 200 mL⁄min or less for 30 minutes during a ­dialysis tion of contrast via the catheter or through a peripheral
treatment; (2) mean blood flow of 250 mL⁄min or less vein. However transesophageal Doppler and contrast-
during two consecutive dialysis treatments; or (3) ­inability enhanced cross-sectional imaging are also useful diag-
to initiate dialysis owing to inadequate blood flow, ­after nostic tools. The treatment of central vein thrombus
­attempts to restore patency have been attempted. depends upon the chronicity of the thrombus. Acute
Dysfunction accounts for 17–33% of all catheter re- thrombus may respond to fibrinolytic therapy, such as
movals and can be either early or late.101 Early dysfunction recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, as detailed
is due to technical error such as kinking of the catheter above. However fibrinolytic therapy will not have any
in the subcutaneous tunnel or catheter malpositioning. effect on older, organized thrombus. Percutaneous an-
Late dysfunction is due to central vein occlusion, cath- gioplasty and stenting have an increasing role in main-
eter thrombosis, and fibrin sheath formation. Catheter taining CVC patency and recanalization of stenosed or
thrombosis has an estimated frequency of 0.5–3 episodes occluded vessels.14,67
per 1000 days and an incidence of 46% and is the major
cause of catheter dysfunction.48 Antifibrinolytic therapy
introduced via the catheter is the treatment of choice and
first-line therapy is usually 5000 IU/mL of urokinase of Septic complications from CVC are well documented
sufficient volume to fill the lumen. This can be repeated and the longevity of modern cuffed and tunneled cath-
immediately and, if bolus dosing fails, can be followed eters is still limited by infection. Catheter-related bac-
by a systemic infusion of 20 000 IU/mL/h over 6 hours teremia rates for cuffed, tunneled catheters ranges from
or a continuous infusion during dialysis of 250 000 IU.15 0.016 to 0.29 per 100 days, whereas for uncuffed, non-
A recent double-blind placebo-controlled ­ randomized tunneled catheters these values rise to 0.16–0.86 per
trial of tenecteplase versus placebo in patients with 100 days.15 Catheter-related infections include exit site
catheter dysfunction demonstrated that patients treated infection, tunnel infections, and catheter-associated bac-
with tenecteplase had significantly increased flow rates teremia. Sepsis is the most significant cause of catheter-
(>300 mL/min). Patients within the study with <1 day of associated morbidity and mortality and usually results
catheter dysfunction had the greatest benefit, with 35% from catheter-associated bacteremia. Catheter infection
of tenecteplase-treated patients gaining adequate dialysis is responsible for between 6% and 28% of catheter
flow rates compared to 8% in the placebo group.114 ­failure.62 Gram-positive skin-dwelling bacteria, in partic-
If, following attempted thrombolysis, catheter dys- ular Staphylococcus species, are the major culprits, although
function persists then imaging of the catheter to obtain Pseudomonas, a Gram-negative organism, has been iso-
further information is indicated. Direct injection of con- lated in up to 16% of patients.58 Staphylococcus aureus is the
trast via the arterial port can help to elucidate the pres- commonest causative organism and is found in up to 43%
ence of a fibrin sheath. Features such as a filling defect or of catheter-associated bacteremia. Methicillin-resistant
retrograde flow of contrast along the sheath are some- S. aureus (MRSA) infection has been reported in 12–38%
times present, although the signs are often subtle. Hoshal of cases of bacteremia and has the worst prognosis and
et al. examined 55 patients at autopsy and demonstrated highest mortality.62 The route of infection is twofold,
that a fibrin sheath was present in 100%.44 The ubiqui- ­either tracking along the external surface of the catheter
tous nature of the fibrin sheath is not always clinically or via the lumen. Bacteria track from the skin, usually
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 75

prior to healing of the exit site wound, along the ­external Historical Development of Vascular Access
surface of the catheter along a biofilm. A biofilm is a
­matrix produced by the bacteria that protects them from
antibiotic therapy and cannot be eradicated. Although a In 1960 Quinton, Dillard, and Scribner described the
significant proportion of catheters will be colonized with first arteriovenous shunt, which was a synthetic tube that
pathogenic bacteria, infection only occurs once a ­certain remained external to the skin following anastomosis to
quantitative threshold of bacteria has been reached. the radial artery and cephalic vein (Figure 5-2). This in-
Intraluminal spread of infection is due to transfer of novation permitted repeated dialysis and was the catalyst
­organisms from skin or surrounding clothing directly on for early vascular access surgeons to develop more refined
to the catheter and is usually attributable to persons han- techniques. The Scribner shunt had significant disadvan-
dling the catheter, typically healthcare workers. Strategies tages, including high rates of infection and thrombosis,
to prevent catheter infection begin with the patient and requiring multiple revision procedures. Arguably the
should include anybody handling the catheter. The biggest advance in AVF surgery was the Brescia-Cimino
National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes radiocephalic fistula in 1966, which was a side-to-side
Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines recommend that anastomosis of the radial artery and cephalic vein at the
dialysis staff wear protective facemasks and sterile gloves wrist (Figure 5-3). As the first autogenous fistula, it solved
and use chlorhexidine or a suitable alternative to clean many of the problems associated with an external shunt
the catheter.1 and it remains the initial procedure of choice today.
Exit site infections present with localized erythema AVF surgery evolved through the 1970s as a result of
with or without discharge and often respond to ­topical either the failing of wrist AVF or inadequacy of forearm
or oral antibiotics. Unresponsive infections or those vessels, to include various elbow fistulas, including bra-
with discharge, no signs of systemic sepsis, and no bac- chiocephalic and brachiobasilic AVF. Cascardo described
terial growth on blood culture should be treated with the first brachiocephalic AVF in 1970, which was an
parenteral antibiotic therapy. If these measures fail and end-of-vein to side-of-artery anastomosis. Subsequently
the infection is persistent or there are signs of s­ ystemic synthetic grafts became available and were typically used
sepsis then the catheter should be replaced using a following the exhaustion of native veins.
different tract and ideally at a distant site. Catheter-
associated bacteremia can initially be treated with paren-
teral antibiotics and the KDOQI guidelines r­ ecommend
Planning Vascular Access
treatment for 3 weeks.1 However, if the patient is hemo- Patients on long-term dialysis are living longer and may
dynamically unstable or fails to improve following 36 need to be maintained on dialysis for many years. The key
hours of ­parenteral antibiotics, with bactericidal serum to achieving the greatest utility from native AVF includes
levels of an appropriate antibiotic, the catheter should carefully planned access procedures and protecting the
be removed. Serious complications from catheter- veins. Medical and nursing staff involved in the care of
associated infections occur in 3–44% of cases and in- renal patients are usually well educated in the importance
clude endocarditis, osteomyelitis, thrombophlebitis, of protecting forearm and anticubital fossa veins from in-
septic arthritis, spinal epidural abscess, and large atrial travenous cannulation and venepuncture. The dorsum of
thrombi. Mortality from catheter-associated infections the hand should be used for access to the venous system
is greatest when S. aureus is the culprit, with a reported if at all possible and the importance of this should be em-
rate of up to 30% in some units. MRSA has three to phasized to patients so that they can have some responsi-
five times higher mortality compared with methicillin- bility for the care of their veins. Further to this the central
sensitive strains and is considerably more costly to treat veins should also be preserved, in particular the subclavian
and manage.62 vein, which has high rates of stenosis. Minimizing CVCs
by careful access planning and pre-emptive AVF forma-
tion is an important way of avoiding temporary venous
AVFs using native venous conduits are associated with
high long-term patency and low complications rates and
should be the vascular access of choice for patients requir-
ing long-term hemodialysis. These advantages are offset
by relatively high primary failure rates (up to 37%), and
the duration required for the fistula to mature, which can
be in excess of 6 weeks for radiocephalic AVF.98 Synthetic
grafts have lower rates of primary failure and can be used
for dialysis earlier; indeed, some new synthetic grafts can
be needled as early as 12 hours following formation.12
However the complication rates are considerably higher
and the long-term patency is significantly lower than na-
tive AVF. Furthermore the KDOQI guidelines are that
80% of hemodialysis patients should have a native AVF
for dialysis access.1 FIGURE 5-2  ■  Scribner shunt.
76 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

4. Creation by a simple and quick operation, prefer-

ably under local anesthetic
5. A good long-term patency rate.

Preoperative Assessment
The three requirements for a successful AVF are:
1. Good arterial supply – inflow
2. Adequate vein – conduit
3. Patent central veins – outflow.
Adequacy of the inflow to the arm can usually be assessed
clinically with palpation of the brachial, ulnar, and radial
pulses. Pulse volume and the quality of the arteries can
be assessed and Allen’s test can be used to determine pa-
tency of the palmar arch and the dominance of radial or
ulnar artery in supplying the hand. This involves the pa-
tient elevating the hand and making a fist for about 30
seconds; the ulnar and radial arteries are then occluded.
Ulnar pressure is released and the color should return to
the blanched hand within a few seconds. If color does not
return the test is considered positive and the ulnar artery
supply to the hand is not sufficient.
If the patient has clinically questionable vessels then
duplex imaging can be undertaken to aid in decision
making. Suitability of arm veins can also usually be
determined clinically using a tourniquet placed prox-
imally on the arm. The cephalic vein can usually be
traced from the anatomical snuffbox along the lateral
aspect of the forearm into the cubital fossa. It can have
many tributaries in the forearm, which may reduce
AVF success, and it must be patent to the elbow and
be greater than 3 mm to stand a good chance of suc-
FIGURE 5-3  ■  Brescia-Cimino radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula.
cess.90 In thin patients the basilic vein can usually be
palpated at the elbow and on the medial aspect of the
distal arm but is usually impalpable once it runs under-
catheters. There are a few general principles that are im- neath the deep fascia. Outflow can only be assessed us-
portant in the planning of vascular access. The upper limb ing imaging techniques such as duplex and venography.
should be used in preference to the lower limb and distal Venography is usually favored and, although imaging is
sites should be used before proximal sites. This permits not required in all patients, it is advisable in those in
the maximum use from a particular vessel and preserves whom vascular access is problematic or in patients who
proximal sites for future use. It is also preferential to use have had CVCs.
the non-dominant arm ahead of the dominant arm and
this is particularly important in patients who needle their
own fistula at home. The formation of pre-emptive AVF Anesthesia
requires liaison between nephrologist and surgeon and The majority of upper-limb AVFs can be performed
flexibility in theater list planning to ensure patients with under local anesthetic, in particular wrist and elbow
rapidly deteriorating renal function can be accommodated fistulas. The anesthetic choice is surgeon-dependent
before reaching end-stage disease. but 1% lidocaine with 1:200 000 epinephrine injected
subdermally provides an instant anesthetic effect and
Requirements of Arteriovenous Fistulas minimizes bleeding. For more extensive procedures
for Hemodialysis such as transposition of the basilic vein and forearm
loop grafts, a regional block with local infiltration may
The veins of the arm can be catheterized easily and re- suffice. Regional anesthesia has the added advantage of
peatedly, but their blood flow is too low to support hemo- blocking sympathetic nerves as well as sensory nerves,
dialysis. The creation of an AVF produces an arterialized which reduces vasospasm. In prolonged operations or if
venous channel, which yields the combined advantage of the patient is intolerant of the procedure, the anesthetist
large diameter and high blood flow. The ideal AVF has can administer a short-acting sedative to avoid a general
the following features: anesthetic (GA). This is advantageous as many patients
1. A blood flow of at least 300 mL/min with renal failure have significant cardiovascular disease
2. A large diameter, which facilitates venepuncture and other comorbid conditions, making a GA high risk.
3. Sufficient length to allow two dialysis needles to be Surgical procedures in the axilla and lower limb usually
inserted require GA.
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 77

Surgical Technique preservation of the sensory dorsal branch of the radial

nerve. The artery is located lateral to the tendon of flexor
Vascular access surgery requires adherence to the ba- carpi radialis and lies underneath the fibers of the deep
sic principles of vascular anastomosis. The vessels are fascia, which must be divided. Between 2 and 3 cm of
anastomosed using a fine, continuous, non-absorbable, artery should be mobilized and branches of the ­vessel
monofilament suture with eversion of the edges to ensure can be ligated and divided. The vein and artery are con-
a smooth transition between two intimal surfaces. There trolled proximally and distally with vascular slings and
must be no tension between the anastomosed vessels and ­microvascular clamps. In an end-to-side anastomosis the
the sutures must include all layers of the arterial wall to cephalic vein is ligated distally and divided obliquely to
avoid the creation of a subintimal flap. Suture placement leave a spatulated end for anastomosis. An arteriotomy
is crucial and as such optical magnification using surgical is then performed on the anterolateral surface of the
telescopes is an advantage. Technical precision is impor- radial artery. In a side-to-side anastomosis an arteri-
tant and this is aided by the availability of good-quality otomy ­(1–1.5 cm) is performed on the lateral aspect of
microvascular instruments. the vessel; following this, a venotomy of equal length is
performed on the medial side of the cephalic vein. A 7/0
Autogenous Arteriovenous Fistulas non-absorbable, monofilament suture with two needles
is then used to perform a continuous anastomosis. Once
Wrist Fistula the anastomosis has been completed and in the presence
The initial procedure of choice, in patients with suitable of an acceptable thrill within the vein, the distal cephalic
vessels, is a radiocephalic AVF at the wrist. The operation artery can be ligated and divided.
is performed under local anesthetic as a day case proce- In a successful procedure there should be a thrill pres-
dure and has the advantage of low complication rates and ent once the clamps have been released and the slings
high long-term patency. The original Brescia-Cimino loosened. In the absence of a thrill one must ensure the
AVF involved a side-to-side radial artery-to-cephalic vein patient is not hypotensive, there are no adventitial bands
anastomosis, although more recently an end of cephalic constricting the vein, and there are no errors, such as an
vein to side of radial artery has come into favor. The intimal flap or twisting of the vein.
original Brescia-Cimino AVF often led to venous hyper-
tension in the hand (Figure 5-4) whereas the end-to-side Elbow Fistulas
variation does not. Once established, the radiocephalic
AVF remains relatively free of complications and has In the presence of failed radiocephalic fistulas or inade-
2-year patency rates as high as 75%, although up to 37% quate forearm vessels an autogenous elbow fistula should
will fail to mature. 23,30,90,98 be the next procedure of choice. A brachiocephalic AVF
The surgical technique for formation of radiocephalic is usually the first procedure of choice at the elbow and
fistulas follows. The cephalic vein and radial a­ rtery are is a straightforward procedure performed under local
exposed via a longitudinal, oblique, or S-shaped ­incision anesthetic.
depending upon the proximity of the vessels and the
preference of the surgeon. The cephalic vein is mobi- Brachiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistulas. The origi-
lized for 3 cm from beneath the lateral skin flap, ensuring nal brachiocephalic AVF was described as an end-to-side
anastomosis of the cephalic vein to the brachial artery
(Figure 5-5). As with radiocephalic AVF, if the elbow
vessels are small, then a side-to-side configuration can

FIGURE 5-4  ■  Venous ulceration on the dorsum of the right hand

as a result of venous hypertension in a patient with multiple
previous arm fistulas and a functioning brachial artery-to-basilic
vein loop graft. Radiological imaging demonstrated retrograde
flow in the main draining vein driving the venous hypertension.
The vein was successfully embolized with a coil inserted via per- FIGURE 5-5  ■ Operative photographic image of completed bra-
cutaneous procedure. The hypertension improved and the ulcer chiocephalic arteriovenous fistula, illustrating an ­end-of-cephalic
healed. vein to side-of-brachial artery anastomosis.
78 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

also be used. The main disadvantage of a brachiocephalic

AVF is the relatively short length of vein that is present
in the arm for needling. Furthermore the cephalic vein
at the elbow is often used for venepuncture and can be
sclerosed and unsuitable for use. The median cubital vein
often drains into the cephalic vein and can also be used for
anastomosis to the brachial artery. The venous anatomy in
the cubital fossa is variable and it is important to establish
how the veins are related before deciding upon which ves-
sel to use. The surgical technique for the brachiocephalic
fistula is the same in principle as for the radiocephalic at
the wrist. The main advantage of brachiocephalic AVF is
the excellent secondary patency rate, which is up to 80%
at 3 years and 70% at 4 years.22,54 Unlike with radioce-
phalic fistulas, there can be a significant increase in flow
rates in brachiocephalic fistulas, which can lead to high-
output cardiac failure and steal syndrome. Such complica- FIGURE 5-6  ■  Operative photographic image of the extensive in-
tions may be avoided by ensuring the arteriotomy does cision required for exposure of the basilic vein to enable the
not exceed 75% of the diameter of the artery. vein to be transposed in a brachiobasilic arteriovenous fistula.

Brachiobasilic Arteriovenous Fistula. The basilic vein coursing across the fistula and at risk of damage during
originates on the medial aspect of the forearm at the wrist needling, then the fistula should be divided, positioned
from the dorsal venous network of the hand. It runs su- superficial to the nerve, and reanastomosed. Recent data
perficially in the forearm and usually communicates with support the use of brachiobasilic AVF ahead of prosthetic
the cephalic vein via the median cubital vein at the el- grafts, demonstrating improved long-term patency and
bow. It only remains superficial for a short distance in a lower frequency of intervention.61,71 The patency rates
the arm before coursing beneath the deep fascia to run at 2 years range from 50% to 80%, with one random-
up the medial aspect of the arm alongside the medial cu- ized study yielding patency rates of 70% at 3 years.54
taneous nerve of the forearm. Broadly, brachiobasilic fis- Brachiobasilic fistulas do however have higher wound
tula formation can be split into one-stage and two-stage complication rates due to the extensive incision required.
procedures. A one-stage procedure is usually performed One recent study demonstrated that the two-stage proce-
under GA and requires an extensive incision from the dure had more favorable patency rates than a one-stage
cubital fossa running longitudinally along the medial procedure at 1 year (34% versus 88%; P = 0.047).92
aspect of the arm towards the axilla. The basilic vein is
mobilized from beneath the deep fascia and all tributar- Graft Arteriovenous Fistulas
ies are ligated and divided. Once an appropriate length
has been exposed, the vein is divided and placed super- Prosthetic grafts are typically reserved for patients
ficial to the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The who have exhausted native venous access, although in
vein can then either be tunneled subcutaneously, or, as the United States they are used as primary procedures.
is preferred in our unit, the lateral skin flap can be un- Grafts have lower long-term patency rates and higher
dermined and the vein placed in a suitable position for numbers of interventions per year to maintain patency
needling. The vein can then be anastomosed to the bra- than autologous fistulas. They also afford a higher risk of
chial artery in an end-to-side disposition. The deep fascia infection than native conduits and are more susceptible
is then closed beneath the vein to ensure that it remains to aneurysm formation. Grafts can be either synthetic or
superficial. The advantages of a one-stage procedure are biological in composition, and expanded polytetrafluo-
that it only requires one operation and a single hospital roethylene (ePTFE) is the most commonly used mate-
stay and the fistula can be used more quickly. The disad- rial. Biological grafts have included bovine carotid artery,
vantage is that, if the fistula fails, the patient has under- decellularized bovine ureter, bovine mesenteric vein, and
gone a significant procedure, with a substantial incision, human umbilical vein, but they have all failed to produce
usually under GA (Figure 5-6). A two-stage procedure convincing long-term results.108 They have been associ-
comprises a first stage, during which the basilic vein is ated with high rates of infection and aneurysm forma-
anastomosed to the brachial artery under local anesthetic, tion and long-term patency has not shown any advantage
through a small cubital fossa incision. The fistula is then compared to ePTFE. ePTFE has proven to be durable
assessed for maturation 4–6 weeks following formation and easy to handle and provides predictable and repro-
and, if deemed adequate, the more extensive second stage ducible results. It is available in many sizes and has a va-
can be performed. The second-stage procedure is usually riety of “funnels” at the venous end to aid patency and
performed under GA, although a regional block with lo- accommodate surgeon preference. A prosthetic graft
cal anesthetic infiltration can be used. The incision is as can be anastomosed to any suitable artery and vein, in
described above in the one-stage procedure. The vein is an ­end-to-side disposition, and then tunneled subcuta-
mobilized from its bed beneath the deep fascia, all the neously. It can be performed under local anesthetic but
branches are ligated, and it is then transposed as described ­usually requires GA. Early grafts were typically fashioned
above. If the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm is in a straight orientation, originated at the radial artery,
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 79

and were anastomosed to a suitable vein in the cubital to the graft stimulating neoepithelialization, intimal hy-
fossa. Grafts in a “j” ­disposition and “loop” grafts have perplasia, and subsequent stenosis. Furthermore, ePTFE
become increasingly popular and prosthetic material can grafts are not self-sealing and thus rely on the subsequent
also be used as an interposition graft either to replace a fibrotic response of the surrounding tissue for hemosta-
section of a fistula that is beyond salvage or to bypass a sis before the graft can be safely punctured. This process
location that has an adequate distal arterial supply but no typically takes about 4 weeks and, although grafts can be
adjacent vein. Brachioaxillary grafts provided a straight- needled earlier, there is an increased risk of infection and
forward secondary procedure in the presence of an ade- hematoma formation. There are new self-sealing grafts
quate brachial artery but absence of suitable cephalic and on the market that have shown promising results and can
basilic veins at the elbow (Figure 5-7). To date, in the lit- be cannulated within 72 hours of surgery.12
erature, loop grafts have been constructed in the forearm
and arm; on the chest wall; in the thigh; and as a necklace,
from one axilla to the other. More elaborate procedures
Fistula Maturation and Venepuncture
have also been undertaken, including brachiojugular Historically fistulas were allowed to mature for 6 weeks
grafts,87 and a straight graft has successfully been fash- to enable the vein to arterialize and dilate to a size ap-
ioned from the axillary artery to the external iliac vein.25 propriate for needling. Fistula maturation is dependent
The advantage of prosthetic grafts is their versatil- on the size and quality of the vessels and the individual,
ity and use in salvage procedures in complex patients. and some fistulas are ready to be used within a couple
However the disadvantages are the side effect profile, of weeks. Early needling of immature fistulas can lead to
in particular the infection rates and high incidence of hematoma and thrombosis and therefore all AVFs should
thrombosis. Infection rates are between 11% and 35%, be assessed clinically and be deemed mature enough be-
compared to about 2% for autologous fistulas.4 Long- fore needling is attempted. If, after 6–8 weeks of matura-
term patency is reported at about 60% at 2 years and rates tion, the fistula still appears immature, then one should
of thrombosis are 10-fold higher than autologous AVF.7,68 consider duplex imaging to ensure there is no structural
Stenosis is also a problem, which is thought to be due reason, such as a stenosis that is impairing maturation.

FIGURE 5-7 ■ Operative photographic images of an expanded polytetrafluroethylene (ePTFE) brachioaxillary prosthetic graft.

(A) Proximal limb of 6 mm ePTFE graft with an end-to-side anastomosis of graft with axillary vein (median nerve is the tubular-looking
structure adjacent to the graft). (B) Distal limb of 6 mm ePTFE graft with an end-to-side anastomosis of graft with brachial artery.
(C) Broad operative view of the procedure demonstrating exposure of axillary vein and brachial artery graft anastomoses. The graft
runs through a subcutaneous tunnel, represented by the line on the photograph.
80 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Once needling begins, the site at which this occurs is at The advantage of interventional radiology is that, follow-
the discretion of the dialysis staff. Rotating needling sites ing percutaneous thrombectomy, the culpable stenosis
is advisable as repetitively using the same site – so-called can be identified by angiography and treated with bal-
“button-holing” – can lead to damage to the vessel wall, loon angioplasty in a dual procedure. Furthermore the
resulting in aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm formation. central veins can be imaged simultaneously to ensure that
Alongside nursing preference, for the ease of needling at an occult central stenosis is not contributing to the fis-
the same site, there may also be pressure from the patient tula dysfunction. A recent comprehensive review of per-
as the skin becomes devoid of nerve endings within the cutaneous intervention for thrombosed vascular access
scar tissue at the site of repetitive needling and is there- demonstrated an 80% success rate in retaining patency
fore less painful. Rotating needling sites in prosthetic and avoiding temporary access catheters.8 Percutaneous
grafts is particularly important, as the skin at the needling balloon angioplasty should be the first-line treatment for
site is at risk of necrosis, leaving the graft exposed and stenosis and, if that is unsuccessful, then surgical throm-
highly susceptible to infection. bectomy should be considered.7 Fistulas that are unsuit-
able for percutaneous intervention often require revision
due to anastomotic or perianastomotic strictures that can-
Complications of Arteriovenous Fistulas not be treated by angioplasty. Standard Fogarty vascular
Hemorrhage thrombectomy catheters are usually sufficient to clear
early, soft thrombus but are not designed to penetrate
Bleeding from an AVF can be categorized as early, which mature thrombus. Fistulas that require surgical revision
is within the first 24 hours, or late, which is any time must retain enough length to accommodate two dialysis
thereafter. Early bleeding is due to technical error within needles following revision.
the anastomosis or slipping of a ligature. The need to
return to theater for exploration of bleeding is uncom-
mon as hematoma formation is usually due to general- Infection
ized oozing as a result of uremic platelet dysfunction.91 Vascular access surgery is classed as “clean surgery”
Late hemorrhage from an AVF is usually from a needling and the surgeon and theater team should be scrupulous
site immediately following dialysis and often occurs in about asepsis in renal patients. Although the procedure
patients who are anticoagulated. Direct pressure on the is “clean,” infection rates in renal patients are higher be-
site of venepuncture will usually stop the bleeding and re- cause of the relative immunocompromised state uremia
versal of anticoagulation is not often necessary. Bleeding produces. Uremia affects the immune system by inhib-
from aneurysms or at needling sites as a result of infection iting the bactericidal, phagocytic, and chemotactic ac-
can be catastrophic and very frightening for the patient. tion of neutrophils and by suppressing both B-cell and
Although direct pressure may be sufficient to control T-cell responses.38 Furthermore, renal patients are more
hemorrhage, surgical exploration is often required and readily colonized by Staphylococcus aureus compared with
may result in ligation of the fistula, for which the patient the general population, with an incidence of up to 70%
must agree consent. Exploration of a late bleed from a ­upper respiratory tract colonization compared to 15%
fistula should be performed under GA as an extensive in- respectively.130 S. aureus is the leading culprit in infective
cision is often required to gain proximal control of the complications of vascular access conduits and is often re-
vessels and it can be extremely unsettling for the patient. sistant to first-line antibiotics. Routine use of antibiotics
for autologous AVF formation is not universal. However
Thrombosis in any procedure in which prosthetic material is used, a
second-line intravenous antibiotic such as vancomycin
Thrombosis of an AVF can occur at any time from im- or teicoplanin should be given. Uremia-induced platelet
mediately following completion of the anastomosis to de- dysfunction predisposes renal failure patients to bleeding
cades later. Early thrombosis may be as a result of patient and meticulous hemostasis is essential to reduce postop-
factors such as hypotension, either as a result of fluid de- erative hematoma formation, which is a risk factor for
pletion following dialysis or cardiac failure, and is a poor infection. Wound infection rates are as low as 2–3%4 fol-
prognostic sign both in terms of thrombosis risk and fis- lowing autologous AVF formation and usually respond
tula maturation. Immediate thrombosis in the presence well to standard wound care measures. Drainage of any
of adequate-quality and appropriate-sized vessels may collections either by liberal suture removal or formal
be due to technical error. Early thrombectomy with a evacuation and irrigation under anesthesia alongside
Fogarty catheter and refashioning of the anastomosis may antibiotic therapy resolves the majority of infections. If
salvage the fistula. Late thrombosis is usually due to the there is concern about the severity of the infection or if
presence of a gradually progressive stenosis secondary to MRSA is isolated and the infection is not responding to
neointimal hyperplasia, and these account for about 85% antibiotic therapy then surgical debridement and inspec-
of all stenoses.7 Treatment of fistula thrombosis has pro- tion of the anastomosis should be undertaken. There is a
gressed from primarily a surgical problem into the terri- small but potentially life-threatening risk of hemorrhage
tory of interventional radiology. Radiologists now carry from an infected fistula and ligation of the fistula may
out the majority of interventions percutaneously to retain be required. Superficial wound infection in a patient with
long-term AVF patency. As such the initial management underlying prosthetic material should always be treated
of a patient with late AVF thrombosis is imaging of the seriously. Aggressive, early antibiotic therapy should be
fistula, using either duplex ultrasound or venography. employed to treat the infection and reduce the risk of
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 81

graft infection. Superficial infection can often be treated

successfully but if there is a purulent infection or the graft
is proven to be infected it must be removed.

Aneurysm Formation
Vascular access conduits are at risk of both true and false
aneurysm formation. False aneurysm (also termed pseu-
doaneurysm) formation usually occurs at an overused
needling site. The incidence of false aneurysm is about
10% in prosthetic grafts and 2% in autologous AVF.131
Treatment can be radiological or surgical, with the latter FIGURE 5-8  ■ True aneurysm of arteriovenous fistula.
being the conventional method. Surgical repair usually
involves over-sewing the defect or removing the dam-
aged section of graft and restoring the AVF either by di-
rect end-to-end anastomosis or by using an interposition
graft. Increasingly interventional radiological methods
are employed first; direct injection of thrombin into the
defect is usually sufficient if the defect is less than 1 cm and
percutaneous deployment of a covered stent can also be
used to exclude the aneurysm from the circulation. True
aneurysms are relatively common in upper limb fistulas
and older fistulas are more likely to become aneurysmal
(Figure 5-8). Aside from the fistula being unsightly, most
aneurysms are uncomplicated and at extremely low risk of
rupture. However, aneurysms that are rapidly increasing
in size, or have thin skin or infection present should be
surgically corrected or ligated. A B

Steal Syndrome
Steal syndrome is diagnosed when there is h ­ ypoperfusion
of the limb distal to the arteriovenous anastomosis; it
is uncommon and reportedly only present in 1–8% of
­patients.28 Steal syndrome is most common in the u ­ pper
limb in procedures involving the brachial artery and
­patients with arteriosclerosis and diabetes are particularly
at risk. The presence of a small brachial artery (less than
5 mm) at the time of surgery should alert the surgeon to the
possibility of steal syndrome and limiting the arteriotomy
to 75% of the vessel diameter may reduce the overall risk.
Symptoms of steal syndrome range from mild ones, such
as a cold hand, through to severe ischemia with rest pain, FIGURE 5-9  ■  (A) Diagram of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) dem-
neurological deficit, and tissue loss. Mild steal syndrome onstrating steal syndrome. (B) Diagram illustrating distal re-
usually improves with conservative management and the vascularization interval ligation procedure (DRIL). (C) Operative
improvement is due to increase in collateral flow around photographic image of DRIL procedure. (A) An AVF with blood
flow direction characteristic of vascular steal syndrome. Note the
the elbow. Duplex imaging will establish whether there is reversal of flow distal to the anastomosis in the artery. (B) DRIL
reversal of flow distal to the anastomosis, which is charac- procedure, during which a bypass graft is anastomosed to the
teristic of steal syndrome. If symptoms are severe or there artery proximal and distal to the AVF. Following this the artery
is critical ischemia due to the steal syndrome then surgi- is then ligated distal to the AVF, allowing blood to flow into both
cal intervention is indicated. The simplest intervention is the distal artery and the AVF. (C) Surgical exposure of the brachial
artery proximal and distal to the AVF; the bypass graft used was a
ligation of the fistula, which almost invariably ameliorates bovine ureter. The ligature around the artery highlights the posi-
the symptoms, but the fistula is then lost. A more complex tion at which the artery was ligated.
but elegant approach is the distal revascularization inter-
val ligation (DRIL). This procedure utilizes either saphe-
nous vein or ePTFE to bypass the anastomosis, following Arteriovenous Fistula Surveillance
which the brachial artery is ligated distal to the original
arteriovenous anastomosis (Figure 5-9).97 This ingenious Hemodialysis patients have often been receiving
procedure permits blood flow to the distal arm via the healthcare for many years, may have had previous kid-
newly anastomosed bypass graft prior to flow into the fis- ney transplants, and are familiar with the complexities
tula and, although performed uncommonly, has excellent of managing a chronic disease. An AVF is a lifeline
results, with medium-term patency rates of 83–100%.28 enabling the patient to dialyze and preserving the
82 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

fistula is a crucial feature in providing optimal care for However, the major drawback of PD is technique
the patient. Fistula surveillance aims to detect fistula failure, which remains high. A recent multicenter pro-
dysfunction, usually stenosis, prior to the fistula fail- spective study found that 25% of PD patients trans-
ing.99 Fistula surveillance programs have been shown ferred to hemodialysis, 70% within the first 2 years
to reduce the incidence of thrombosis and improve after commencing PD.45 Despite reductions in perito-
long-term patency, although there is no large random- nitis, infection remains the primary cause of technique
ized trial evidence.57 Surveillance can be carried out in failure.
three ways: (1) regular clinical examination, ideally by
the same individual; (2) measuring flow rates on dialy- Peritoneal Dialysis Delivery Systems
sis; and (3) measuring urea recirculation. Indicators of
fistula dysfunction are reduction in flow rates, increase
and Catheters
in pressure, poor urea excretion, and reduction in pal- PD is a closed-loop system comprising dialysate fluid, a
pable thrill. Flow rates of <500 mL/min should raise delivery system, and an indwelling peritoneal catheter.
suspicion of venous stenosis and further imaging should Fluid is infused under gravity from a reservoir of dialy-
be undertaken. Duplex ultrasound may demonstrate a sate. Luer-Lok or rotating self-lock devices have been
stenosis and can be used as a first-line non-invasive in- devised to connect the dialysate bag with the delivery
vestigation. However the patient then requires a fur- system for ease of connection and sterility. The Y deliv-
ther attendance for angiography. A more pragmatic ery systems are the most commonly used (Figure 5-10).
approach may be a single visit for angiography and per- The single branch of the Y is connected to the indwelling
cutaneous balloon angioplasty as required. Surveillance peritoneal catheter via an inert titanium connector and
programs work optimally when accompanied by multi- the upper two branches are connected to the dialysate
disciplinary meetings. Nephrologists, radiologists, and reservoir and an empty bag. This configuration allows
vascular access surgeons attend such meetings and an complete drainage of any contaminating dialysate fluid
appropriate management plan can be decided for pa- before infusion of sterile, fresh fluid through the indwell-
tients with both fistula dysfunction and more complex ing catheter. Several randomized controlled trials have
access problems. shown the superiority of various Y systems over conven-
tional PD systems in reducing the incidence of infective
In the United Kingdom in 2009, approximately 15% Dialysis fluid Peritoneum
of dialysis patients were using PD.110 Over recent years
there has been a consistent fall in the number of pa-
tients in the United Kingdom with renal failure com-
menced on PD as their first treatment modality.110 This
is in part due to an increase in pre-emptive renal trans-
plantation, but other reasons implicated in the decline
are the structural organization of dialysis facilities and
arrangements for PD catheter insertion. In the United
States less than 10% of dialysis patients are on PD,117
despite most nephrologists believing this figure should
be at least 40%.59
The concept behind PD is straightforward. The peri-
toneum, with a total surface area of 2 m2, is composed of
endothelium, interstitium, and mesothelium and can act
as an efficient semipermeable membrane. Infusing a hy-
pertonic dialysate fluid into the peritoneal cavity allows
ultrafiltration of solutes and electrolytes.
PD does have certain advantages over hemodialysis.
Recent studies have described improved survival in PD
patients, particularly in the first 1–2 years after commenc-
ing RRT.41,123 However, after 1.5–2 years on dialysis, the
risk of death in PD patients becomes equivalent to that
in hemodialysis patients. The reasons for this improved
survival have yet to be clarified, although maintenance
of residual renal function may be a factor, as this is better Dialysis fluid
preserved in PD patients as compared to those on hemo-
dialysis.74 PD patients usually report greater satisfaction Dialysis fluid
than those on hemodialysis,26,95 which may relate to the
FIGURE 5-10  ■ Sagittal section demonstrating the optimal po-
greater autonomy afforded by PD. Furthermore, the cost sition for a peritoneal dialysis tube located in the pouch of
of PD per patient per year is approximately one-third less Douglas. The diagram also illustrates a Y-delivery system for
than that of hemodialysis.117 peritoneal dialysis fluid.
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 83

Catheter Selection TABLE 5-3  Contraindications to

PD catheters should be soft, flexible, atraumatic, radi- Peritoneal Dialysis
opaque and relatively inert. Several different catheters are Absolute Contraindications Relative Contraindications
available, but the Tenckhoff catheter is the most popu-
lar. The original Silastic Tenckhoff design was a straight, Encapsulating peritoneal Severe obesity
sclerosis Severe peritoneal
5-mm external diameter tube, with two Dacron cuffs and Inflammatory bowel adhesions
a perforated intraperitoneal segment. Many variations of disease Large abdominal wall
the Tenckhoff device exist, including catheters with single Large irreparable hernias
cuffs and coiled intraperitoneal ends. A number of ran- abdominal hernia Abdominal stomas
Chronic obstructive
domized trials have compared straight versus coiled PD airways disease
catheters,2,20,21,66,78,96,129 with a meta-analysis demonstrat- Psychosocial factors
ing no significant difference in the risk of peritonitis, exit likely to result in poor
site or tunnel infection, or catheter removal.106 A further compliance
meta-analysis did demonstrate an increased risk of cath- Physical disability
Learning disability
eter tip migration with coiled catheters, but this was not
associated with an increased risk of catheter failure.129
A single randomized trial has compared single- versus
double-cuffed catheters and again shown no significant catheter should be flushed to ensure free inward and
difference in the risk of peritonitis, exit site or tunnel ­outward flow of dialysate fluid. Two randomized control
infection, or catheter removal.19 However, a large com- trials have compared a midline versus lateral insertion
parative study based on Canadian registry data did show a site for PD catheters,18,96 with a meta-analysis showing
reduced risk of Staphylococcus aureus peritonitis in patients no significant difference in risk of peritonitis, exit or
with double-cuffed catheters.78 tunnel site infection, or mortality.106 Catheter removal
was ­reported in one trial and shown to be significantly
­reduced with midline insertion.
Catheter Insertion Over recent years, laparoscopic insertion of PD cath-
Not all patients are suitable for PD. Severe peritoneal eters has superseded the open surgical technique in a
adhesions, inflammatory bowel disease, and previous en- number of centers. Laparoscopy provides the ability to
capsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) are absolute con- assess and address anatomical problems that may result
traindications. Obesity, advanced age, abdominal hernias, in mechanical obstruction, such as adhesions, and allows
stomas, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are placement of the catheter in the correct position in the
relative contraindications. Severe colonic diverticulo- pelvis under direct vision. There are a number of tech-
sis may increase the translocation of gut organisms, and niques for laparoscopic PD catheter insertion described
there is a strong association between diverticular disease in the literature. The principles are as follows. A 5- or
and Gram-negative PD peritonitis. Although PD can be 10-mm camera port is placed in either the left or right
performed in patients with stomas, there is a predisposi- upper quadrant so as not to interfere with the catheter
tion to infection. Abdominal wall hernias may enlarge in insertion site. The tunnel for the catheter can be created
patients receiving PD and should, if possible, be repaired using either a further 5-mm port or specific kits contain-
prior to or at the time of catheter insertion. Table 5-3 lists ing a needle with an expandable plastic sheath and ­serial
the relative and absolute contraindications to PD cath- dilators (Figure 5-11). A further port can be inserted
eter insertion. to allow manipulation of the catheter into the pelvis if
A variety of techniques for catheter insertion have ­required. Once the catheter is in a suitable position the
been described, including open surgical, percutaneous, pneumoperitoneum is released and the subcutaneous
peritoneoscopic, and laparoscopic. tunnel created.
In the open technique, the catheter is introduced The percutaneous and peritoneoscopic techniques are
via a small vertical infraumbilical incision placed in both variations on the Seldinger technique and utilize a
the midline or paramedian position, with the preperi- similar kit to that described above for use in the laparo-
toneal cuff positioned in the rectus abdominis muscle. scopic technique. In the percutaneous technique, ultra-
Before positioning the catheter should be flushed and sound guidance can be used to determine a safe puncture
immersed in saline as wet cuffs stimulate more rapid site where there is maximum separation between bowel
­tissue ingrowth. A small incision is made in the perito- and the anterior abdominal wall. Following puncture, the
neum, and the tube is inserted using blunt forceps with position within the peritoneum can be confirmed by in-
or without a metal stylet within the catheter lumen. The jecting contrast under fluoroscopic control. A guidewire
tube tip must be placed in the rectovesical pouch in men is then placed and serial dilators passed to create a tunnel.
and the rectovaginal pouch of Douglas in women. The A peel-away sheath is then introduced into the peritoneal
peritoneum is closed with an absorbable suture around cavity, through which the catheter is passed, before the
the cuff to ­create a watertight seal, and the linea alba sheath is removed and the catheter tunneled subcutane-
or rectus sheath closed with a non-absorbable suture. ously. In the peritoneoscopic technique, rather than using
The extraperitoneal segment of the catheter is tun- fluoroscopic guidance, the position within the peritoneal
neled subcutaneously and brought out at a conveniently cavity is confirmed using a 2.2-mm telescope introduced
placed lateral exit site. At the end of the procedure, the down the peel-away sheath.
84 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

perforations. The pain is usually temporary and resolves

within a few weeks. Slower infusion rates and incomplete
drainage may alleviate symptoms.

Cuff Extrusion
The most important factor for cuff extrusion is the
depth at which the subcutaneous cuff is implanted; at
least 2 cm below the skin is required. Tension on the
extraperitoneal portion of the catheter, such as during
bag exchange, can bring a poorly implanted cuff to the
­surface, or it may relate to an exit site or tunnel infection.

Catheter Obstruction
This is usually due to outflow obstruction, which can be
extrinsic or related to catheter positioning. Clotted blood
FIGURE 5-11 ■ YTec insertion kit. The components of the kit may collect in the distal portion of the catheter shortly after
­include, from left to right: insertion trocar with plastic sheath; surgery; this can be treated effectively with a per-­catheter
medium and large-sized tract dilators; cuff insertion device and infusion of heparin, streptokinase, or urokinase.102,132
subcutaneous tunneling device. The single-cuff peritoneal dialy- Extrinisic compression causing obstruction can be
sis tube with metal insert is at the top.
due to bladder distension, an impacted sigmoid colon,
or uterine fibroids. Constipation is a very common cause
of catheter malfunction and laxatives should always be
Three randomized controlled trials have compared used for the initial management of poor drainage, even
laparoscopic with open insertion of PD catheters31,47,113 if there is no history or radiological evidence of constipa-
and one peritoneoscopic with open.128 A meta-analysis tion. Omental wrapping remains the commonest cause of
of three of these trials showed no significant differ- refractory catheter obstruction (Figure 5-12), responsible
ences in risk of mortality, peritonitis, exit site or tun- in 35–80% of cases. All of the above causes may result
nel infection, catheter removal, or technique failure.106 in catheter tip migration out of the pelvis. However, not
A further multicenter randomized controlled trial is all migrated catheters become obstructed and conversely
ongoing.39 catheters well positioned in the pelvis may still become
No randomized controlled trials have been con- obstructed. Approximately half of all catheters migrate to
ducted to compare percutaneous techniques with other some extent over time, but only 20% of migrated cath-
techniques. Two comparative studies of percutaneous eters malfunction.24
versus open surgical insertion of PD catheters have Persisting catheter obstruction after treatment for
been reported: one demonstrated no difference be- constipation is an indication for manipulation, either flu-
tween the techniques,82 whereas the other reported a oroscopically using a stiff guidewire or surgically. Initial
significantly higher early leak rate in the percutaneous success rates for guidewire manipulation have been re-
group.94 ported between 78% and 85%.75,84,104 However, this im-
provement in catheter patency is temporary and patency
rates after 30 days are in the range of 29% and 85%; this is
Complications Associated with Peritoneal probably because the underlying problem, be it omental
Dialysis Catheters wrapping or adhesions, has not been addressed. Failure
Bloody fluid is a common finding, occurring in 30% of
patients for the first few catheter exchanges after inser-
tion. The bleeding most often arises from small vessels
on the peritoneal surface at the catheter entry site and
usually stops within 24 hours. If bleeding does occur,
frequent flushing of the catheter or, if possible, low-
volume exchanges reduce the rate of catheter obstruc-
tion by clots.32 Bleeding long after insertion may occur
with EPS.

The first attempts at dialysate infusion can produce dis-
comfort. This is more common with straight catheters
when infusion pressure is greatest. With coiled catheters
pain is less likely because dialysate flows through the side FIGURE 5-12  ■  Omentum attached to peritoneal dialysis tube.
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 85

of guidewire manipulation to restore catheter function is occurs in approximately 12% of patients with exit site or
an indication for laparoscopic intervention. This allows tunnel infections.
direct visualization of the cause of catheter obstruction An exit site infection is defined by the presence of pu-
and definitive treatment, including catheter reposition- rulent drainage, with or without erythema of the skin.60
ing, adhesiolysis, omentectomy, or omentopexy. Reported rates of exit site infections range from 0.05 to
1.02 episodes per patient per year.66,84,120 Erythema at
the exit site without purulent drainage can be an early
Pericatheter Leak
indication of infection but can also be a simple skin re-
Any variable that predisposes to poor wound healing (e.g., action, particularly in newly inserted catheters. A posi-
steroids, obesity, malnutrition, diabetes) may culminate tive culture from an exit site in the absence of purulent
in pericatheter leakage, rates of which have been reported drainage represents colonization rather than infection
between 7% and 24%. Choice of surgical technique may and is not an indication for treatment. A tunnel infec-
determine leak rates; leaks are said to be more common tion may present with erythema, edema, or tenderness
with midline catheter insertion compared with lateral over the subcutaneous portion of the catheter; however
insertion,21 but this is not our experience. Pericatheter it is often clinically occult and only detectable on ul-
leakage allows fluid extravasation around the catheter or trasound scanning.85 The majority of exit site and tun-
accumulation in the lower abdominal wall. nel infections are caused by Staphylococcus aureus and
Some investigators suggest leak localization with com- Pseudomonas aeruginosa60: nasal carriage of S. aureus in-
puted tomography combined with peritoneal contrast en- creases the risk of exit site infection fourfold. Table 5-4
hancement115 or magnetic resonance peritoneography.3,89 summarizes the recommended management of exit site
When an early postoperative leak develops, dialysate problems and infections. Following catheter removal,
exchange should be stopped for 2–4 weeks, necessitat- simultaneous reinsertion is feasible, albeit with a new
ing a temporary switch to hemodialysis. Late-onset leaks exit site on the contralateral side and under antibiotic
usually require catheter replacement. Pericatheter leaks coverage.63,88
associated with herniation should be treated by catheter
removal and hernia repair. Only after allowing for ade- Peritoneal Dialysis Peritonitis
quate healing (e.g., 2–3 months) should further catheter
insertion be attempted. Peritonitis is the most significant complication of PD and
is the second commonest cause of mortality in PD patients.
Incidence from large audits ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 episodes
per patient per year.33,36,49 The International Society for
The increased intra-abdominal pressures after infusion Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) guidelines give an a­ cceptable
of dialysate can enlarge pre-existing hernias, so it is peritonitis rate of no more than one episode every
best to repair these pre-emptively before commence- 18 months.60 Although less than 4% of peritonitis episodes
ment of PD. The reported prevalence of de novo ab- result in death, peritonitis is a contributory factor in 16%
dominal hernias in PD patients is 2.5–25%.77,79,124 One of deaths in PD patients.60 At least a quarter of episodes
study showed 32% of all hernias occur at the site of culminate in catheter removal.33,49 The most common
catheter insertion, 18% are inguinal, 27% are epigas- portal of entry for infection is the exit site prior to wound
tric or umbilical, and 23% are incisional.79 The pres- healing.
sure of dialysate can cause recanalization of a patent The first indication of peritonitis is the presence of
processus vaginalis, which manifests as scrotal or labial cloudy effluent containing >100 × 106/L leukocytes.
edema, shortly after full dialysate exchanges are be- Abdominal pain usually follows and abdominal tender-
gun. Surgical ligation is necessary, with a postoperative ness is typically generalized and often associated with
regimen of low-volume, high-frequency dialysate ex-
changes until healing has occurred or temporary con-
version to hemodialysis.
The repair of hernias that occur once PD has been es- TABLE 5-4  Treatment of Exit Site Problems
tablished is controversial. Ideally the repair should avoid and Infections
a breach of the peritoneal membrane. Use of polypropyl- Problem Treatment
ene mesh in incisional hernia repair, attached to the deep
Erythema alone, no Topical chlorhexidine,
aponeurosis without opening the peritoneum, allows im- discharge mupirocin, hydrogen
mediate use of PD.37 peroxide
Some surgeons withhold PD for many weeks after in- Overgranulation Silver nitrate cauterization
guinal hernia repair, fearing fluid leak or recurrence. PD Gram-positive infection Flucloxacillin, co-amoxiclav,
can be safely commenced immediately with low-volume, vancomycin, rifampicin,
high-frequency exchanges.72 Gram-negative infection Ciprofloxacin, gentamicin
Pseudomonas infection Ciprofloxacin plus
another agent (e.g.,
Exit Site and Tunnel Infections cephalosporin) and
catheter removal
As lone entities, exit site and tunnel infections pose little Fungal infection Catheter removal with
risk, but the possibility of developing PD peritonitis de- systemic antifungal agent
mands careful attention to the infections; PD peritonitis
86 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

rebound tenderness. Other signs include pyrexia, nausea mortality, and catheter removal is indicated immediately
and vomiting, and diarrhea. Localized pain or tenderness after fungi are identified by microscopy or culture.73
should raise suspicions of surgical pathology such as ap- Mycobacterium infection is a particular problem in at-risk
pendicitis or cholecystitis. cohorts. Diagnosis can be difficult, but should be sus-
The causative organisms in PD peritonitis generally pected in the presence of persistently elevated mononu-
differ from the organisms causing “surgical” peritonitis. clear cell counts with negative cultures. Acid-fast bacilli
In the latter case, infections are usually polymicrobial, smears of dialysate fluid may be negative in 90% of cases,
consisting of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, whereas a but formal cultures are usually positive.64 Treatment
single microorganism is usually isolated in primary PD consists of long-term antituberculous therapy. Catheter
peritonitis. S. aureus, S. epidermidis and Streptococcus spe- removal is usually undertaken, although it is not consid-
cies account for 60–80% of cases, with coagulase-nega- ered necessary for cure. Mortality attributed to tuber-
tive staphylococci constituting 30–40% and streptococci culous peritonitis is around 15%, and much of this may
constituting 10–15%. Yeast, such as Candida, are the most relate to treatment delay.109
common cause of fungal peritonitis, entering via the cath- After a severe episode of PD peritonitis necessitating
eter or commonly per vaginam. catheter removal, less than half of patients are able to re-
Dialysate samples for microbiological examination turn to PD, and only a third will remain on PD for over
should be taken from the first cloudy bag, for culture and 1 year.112 Reasons for technique failure include adhesions
antibiotic sensitivities. Cultures can be negative in half and permanent membrane failure.
of patients, however, even with signs of PD peritonitis.121
Nevertheless, ISPD guidelines state that no more than Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis
20% of PD peritonitis cases should be culture-negative,60
and if this is not the case the process of specimen test- EPS is a rare, but potentially life-threatening complica-
ing should be re-evaluated. Other investigations include tion of PD. The definition of EPS is signs of intermittent
abdominal and chest radiographs to check for catheter and persistent or recurrent gastrointestinal obstruction,
position and air under the diaphragm, although pneumo- with macroscopic and/or radiological evidence of sclero-
peritoneum is not attributable to perforation in all pa- sis, calcification, peritoneal thickening, or encapsulation
tients on PD. of the intestines.50
To prevent delay in treatment, antibiotic therapy The prevalence of EPS is between 0.5% and
should be commenced as soon as cloudy effluent is seen 2.5%9,51,52,93 and its incidence increases with the duration
and dialysate has been sent for culture. Empiric therapy of PD.50 Reported mortality rates are high (25–55%),
must cover both Gram-negative and positive organisms. especially during the first year after diagnosis, and also
Regimens tend to be center-specific dependent on local increase with the duration of PD.9,51,52,93 Patients may
antibiotic sensitivities, but should include Gram-negative present with abdominal pain, a decline in net ultrafiltra-
cover by a third-generation cephalosporin or amino- tion, ascites, bloody effluent (7–50%93), bowel obstruc-
glycoside and Gram-positive cover by vancomycin or a tion, vomiting, malnutrition, or an abdominal mass.
cephalosporin.60 Intraperitoneal administration is supe- The pathogenesis involves loss of the mesothelial layer
rior to intravenous dosing.125 Once culture and sensitivity of the peritoneum with submesothelial thickening as a re-
results are available, antibiotic therapy can be adjusted to sult of sclerosis and fibrosis.43,69,126 A number of factors
narrow-spectrum agents as appropriate. In polymicrobial have been implicated in the development of EPS, includ-
peritonitis, particularly in association with anerobic bac- ing duration of PD, composition of dialysate solutions,
teria, the risk of death is increased and an urgent surgi- peritonitis episodes, and genetic predisposition.55
cal evaluation should be sought, as early laparotomy may The diagnosis is confirmed by radiological stud-
reduce mortality.116,122 ies. Ultrasonography may reveal bowel wall thickening,
The majority of episodes of PD peritonitis will respond a thick-walled mass containing bowel loops, loculated
to antibiotic therapy and, in mild cases, patients do not ascites, and fibrous adhesions.42 Computed tomogra-
require hospital admission. However, there are circum- phy demonstrates peritoneal enhancement, thicken-
stances where catheter removal is required, as outlined in ing and calcification, associated with adhesions, bowel
Table 5-4. The majority of patients undergo laparotomy obstruction, fluid loculations, and a cocoon of bowel
and catheter removal, with concomitant peritoneal wash- (Figure 5-13).105,119
out. Laparoscopic removal and washout have been shown The mainstay of treatment for patients with EPS
to be as effective as the open technique, but associated should be supportive care with enteral or parenteral nu-
with less postoperative pain and bowel dysfunction.5 trition. Surgery to remove all fibrotic tissue and free the
Refractory peritonitis is defined as failure of the ef- bowel is a major undertaking, with a mean operative time
fluent to clear after 5 days of appropriate antibiotic of 7 hours and a mortality of around 7%.53 However,
therapy. Prolonged attempts to treat refractory peritoni- bowel function is restored in 96% of patients, although
tis medically are associated with extended hospital stay, 25% of patients will require repeat surgery. To try and
peritoneal membrane damage, increased risk of fungal prevent recurrence patients are treated with immunosup-
peritonitis, and death.13 Relapsing peritonitis is defined pressive agents postoperatively, most commonly cortico-
as an episode with the same organism that occurs within steroids. Other drug treatments utilized in the treatment
4 weeks of completion of therapy and is more likely to of EPS include tamoxifen and angiotensin-converting
require catheter removal than uncomplicated PD peri- enzyme inhibitors, although strong evidence for their
tonitis.10 Fungal peritonitis is often serious with a high benefit is lacking.
Access for Renal Replacement Therapy 87

The importance of efficacious, complication-free dialysis
for the overall wellbeing of patients undergoing perito-
neal and hemodialysis cannot be understated.
Optimal physical and psychological health for the dial-
ysis patient can be achieved by multidisciplinary care and
central to this is effective dialysis access. Early planning
of access procedures permits a smooth transition from
predialysis to dialysis and minimizes the use of temporary
venous catheters. Furthermore, effective dialysis access
provides a lifeline for an ever-increasing group of patients
in whom transplantation is deemed unsuitable.
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fistulae. Semin Dial 2000;13:291–6.
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dicted, such as after a live donor transplant. Removal 2011;66:1–12.
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tion. Every effort must be made not to breach the peri- 9. Brown MC, Simpson K, Kerssens JJ, et al. Encapsulating peritoneal
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Active PD peritonitis is an absolute contraindica- 11. Canaud B, Beraud JJ, Joyeux H, et al. Internal jugular vein
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clear. Previous studies have highlighted the risks of straight axillo-axillary angioaccesses avoid central catheter
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Brain Death and Cardiac Death:

Donor Criteria and Care of
Deceased Donor
Laura S. Johnson  •  Ram M. Subramanian

Incidence and Causes Respiratory
Physiologic Response Renal
Cardiac Endocrine
Pulmonary Infectious Disease
Renal Hematology
Endocrine Ethics
Inflammatory Future Technologies

INTRODUCTION population have actually doubled over the last decade

despite adoption in some states of universal helmet laws.
As the number of people awaiting organ transplanta- While implementation of helmet laws can decrease mo-
tion grows yearly, the relative scarcity of available ­organs torcyclist mortality, the lack of a nationwide universal
increasingly requires a standardized, evidence-based helmet law limits the effectiveness of this protective
approach to the management of each donor. From the measure.12 However, in the overall population of people
initial diagnosis of brain death or imminent cardiac death who would constitute donor candidates, the death rate
to the optimization of donor physiology prior to removal has decreased significantly, attributable primarily to in-
of organs, the intensivist plays an integral role in this first creased safety measures aimed at motor vehicle drivers.
portion of the transplantation process.
Physiologic Response
BRAIN DEATH Brain tissue ischemia, the root source of brain death,
­triggers a series of well-defined effects as the damage
progresses from the cerebral cortex through the brain-
Incidence and Causes stem. These effects proceed in a consistent sequence.
In the United States, just over 53 000 people die of Ischemia of the cerebral cortex and upper brainstem (the
traumatic brain injuries (TBI) each year.12 These occur midbrain) results in a predominance of parasympathetic
primarily from firearm-related events, motor vehicle- activity. Clinically, this manifests as hypotension and bra-
related events, and fall-related events. Firearm-related dycardia. Subsequently, brainstem ischemia at the level
events remain the most prevalent causes of TBI, with of the pons triggers elevations of norepinephrine and
75% of deaths from self-inflicted injuries and 40% epinephrine well above normal physiologic levels, while
of deaths from assaults coming from brain injury.12 leaving some functional parasympathetic nuclei. This re-
Homicide-related deaths have increased over the last sults in the “Cushing’s reflex,” characterized by signifi-
decade in people 20–24 years of age.12 Motorcyclists are cant ­hypertension due to an increase in systemic vascular
also at risk for TBI. Deaths from brain injury in this ­resistance (SVR), and a concomitant bradycardia as the

92 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

still functional parasympathetic reflex arc attempts to stimulate pulmonary capillary permeability due to inter-
compensate. As the ischemia progresses through the pon- actions with the alpha-adrenoceptor.74
tine region to the medulla, the parasympathetic nuclei Inflammation-mediated acute lung injury also contrib-
can no longer function, leaving unopposed sympathetic utes to pulmonary dysfunction after brain injury. Brain
input throughout the body. This is the period referred death initiates an inflammatory response that subse-
to as the “autonomic storm.” Finally, complete brainstem quently leads to additional non-cardiogenic pulmonary
ischemia results in a decrease in sympathetic output and edema. Lavage samples from donors have demonstrated
complete cardiovascular collapse, similar to the vasodi- significant increases in inflammatory markers relative
latory shock that occurs after a high spinal cord injury. to non-brain-dead controls.19 In this setting, additional
These changes have very specific effects throughout the damage to the lung from ventilator-induced injury rep-
body, which are best considered by organ system. resents the second insult in a “double-hit” model of pul-
monary injury.31
Multiple levels of cardiac dysfunction are seen after brain
death, ranging from histologic changes consistent with Kidneys also demonstrate decreased survival when ob-
patchy myocardiocyte ischemia and necrosis, to more tained from brain-dead donors. This has been attrib-
structural changes associated with ventricular dysfunc- uted to both inflammatory infiltrates in renal grafts and
tion. In addition, there are well-characterized electro- ischemia reperfusion injury that occurs as the period of
cardiographic changes. While the mechanisms associated autonomic storm waxes and wanes.6,45 The kidneys are
with these observations are not completely understood, also affected by posterior pituitary failure and the cessa-
the physiologic impact of the autonomic storm can be tion in production of arginine vasopressin (AVP). This
tied to a number of these changes. results in central diabetes insipidus, a common occur-
Hemodynamic changes follow the level of brainstem rence in brain-dead patients, occurring in up to 78% of
injury, with an initial catecholamine surge resulting in patients.23 Inappropriately dilute urine output increases
significant elevations in SVR.46 Since cardiac output is in- rapidly, leading to hypovolemia and hypernatremia. The
fluenced inversely by the resistance of the vascular beds it hypovolemia can worsen the already precarious hemody-
pumps against, this elevation in SVR results in a decrease in namic status of the brain-dead donor, while the resulting
cardiac output. Pressure transmission results in an increase hypernatremia has a significant negative impact on renal
in left atrial pressure, often above mean pulmonary artery and hepatic graft function.
pressure (see Pulmonary section). Subsequent decreases in
sympathetic input lead to a decrease in SVR, often below Hepatic
baseline values, a decrease in myocardial contractility, and
venodilation. Intravascular volume is thus relatively low, While the liver is tolerant of prolonged periods of isch-
and this decrease in preload with accompanying hypoten- emia, it nevertheless is impacted by both brain death-
sion results in decreased coronary perfusion. Myocardial related inflammation and prolonged hypernatremia. The
contractility is then further impacted by ischemia. Despite direct effects of inflammation have yet to be elucidated,
these hemodynamic changes, gross echocardiographic but biopsies after brain death demonstrate increases in
changes vary, with just under 50% of brain-injured pa- inflammatory cells, which can potentially increase the
tients having left ventricular systolic dysfunction, most risk of primary non-function and acute rejection.27,77
with evidence of segmental wall motion abnormality.17 The Hypernatremia, defined as a plasma sodium level
electrocardiographic changes progress in a similar fashion >155 mmol/L, has also been associated with poor out-
from parasympathetic overload (sinus bradycardia and oc- comes after transplant. Presumably, the hyperosmolar
casional complete heart block) to sympathetic overload cellular milieu established in hepatocytes while the donor
(sinus tachycardia, progressing to ventricular tachycardia). is hypernatremic results in osmotic injury when the liver
Eventually, there is a return to normal sinus rhythm, with is transplanted into a non-hypernatremic recipient.70
eventual resolution of the acute ischemic changes that ini-
tially appear.46
Pituitary failure is the primary source of endocrine ab-
normalities associated with brain death. However, not all
The cardiac dysfunction during the autonomic storm hormones decrease to the same amount. Novitzky et al.
directly contributes to pulmonary dysfunction in brain- demonstrated in animal studies that, while AVP drops to
dead patients. The intense increase in SVR results in left undetectable levels by 6 hours, and free triiodothyronine
atrial pressures often in excess of pulmonary artery pres- (T3) concentrations dropped to 50% of baseline within an
sures. This significantly alters intravascular hydrostatic hour of injury and were undetectable by 9 hours after in-
pressure. In addition, increased blood return to the right jury, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and thyroid-
atrium with systemic shunting increases pulmonary blood stimulating hormone (TSH) were not significantly lower
flow. Both of these changes result in destruction of pul- when measured at 16 hours after injury.48 While other
monary capillary integrity, and cause pulmonary edema, animal studies have shown less dramatic thyroid hormone
and alveolar and interstitial hemorrhage.49 Also, evi- responses, they have nevertheless demonstrated differ-
dence suggests that the catecholamine storm can directly ential responses of other pituitary hormones to brain
Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor 93

death.23 Human studies suggest that these differences can clinical ­examination done by a physician experienced in
be attributed to anatomic differences between the ante- performing these tests.
rior and posterior pituitary: while posterior pituitary hor- Several prerequisites have to be met prior to initiation
mones (antidiuretic hormone, or AVP) decrease rapidly of a brain death examination. First, there needs to be
after brain death, anterior pituitary hormone (ACTH, evidence of a catastrophic brain injury that is compat-
TSH) changes are less predictable. The exact mecha- ible with a possible diagnosis of brain death. This can
nisms for this difference are yet to be fully elucidated. be ­established either clinically (evidence of gross head
trauma) or using basic neuroimaging (computed tomog-
raphy (CT)). However, it is important to remember that
CT findings are not themselves confirmatory for brain
There are two triggers of inflammatory response to brain death, and may be misleading. Complicating medical
death. The first is direct neural tissue damage, which re- conditions that may interfere with clinical assessment
sults in inflammation of the central nervous system. The have to be addressed and resolved (Table 6-1). Note
second is in response to ischemia-reperfusion injury that here that severe facial and ocular trauma will interfere
occurs during the period of supranormal SVR in response with many of the brain death tests, making it difficult to
to pontine ischemia. Release of inflammatory cytokines
has been demonstrated locally in response to brain in-
jury.41 Cytokine profiles in donor groups have also been
studied given the observation that graft function is bet- TABLE 6-1  Confounding Conditions and
ter after living donor transplantation.68 However, future Exclusions in the Diagnosis of Brain Death
work is necessary to identify ways to blunt these responses Hypothermia
and improve donor graft function (Figure 6-1). Diagnosis of brain death requires core temperature >32°C
Absence of brainstem reflexes when core temperature
Diagnosis Drug intoxications
The diagnosis of brain death is a clinical diagnosis based Tricyclics
on the presence or absence of a set of responses to neu- Alcohol
rologic stimuli. In the half century since the Harvard Narcotics
Committee first reported on “irreversible coma” as a new Benzodiazepines
criterion for death, numerous variations on the determi- Antiepileptics
nation of brain death have been proposed.1 However, af- Antihistamines
ter the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Acute metabolic endocrine derangements
Problems in Medicine equated cardiac death and brain Electrolyte, acid–base derangements
death in 1981,24 the modern criteria for brain death de- Hepatic coma
termination were set. These were then expounded upon Hypoglycemia
by the American Academy of Neurology in 1995,56 and Hypothyroid
more recently reviewed and revalidated by Wijdicks and Neurological diseases
colleagues in 2010.80 Ranging from electroencephalo- Persistent vegetative state
Locked-in syndrome
grams to neuropathologic examination,78 none of the Akinetic mutism
ancillary tests have proven as consistently reliable as a

FIGURE 6-1  ■ The distribution and pathophysiological correlation of the rostral–caudal progression of cerebral-spinal ischemia termed
coning, which eventuates in herniation and brain death. (Courtesy of Kenneth E. Wood, DO.)
94 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

make a definitive clinical diagnosis if they are present. Once these prerequisites have been met, the brain
However, in addition to traumatic injuries, severe elec- death examination can proceed (Figure 6-2). There are
trolyte disturbances (hyper- or hyponatremia, hyper- or three major findings that need to be identified and docu-
hypoglycemia), severe acid–base disturbances (profound mented to confirm brain death. These are: (1) coma or
acidosis), and endocrine dysfunctions (profound corti- unresponsiveness; (2) absence of brainstem reflexes; and
sol depletion or hypothyroidism) must be identified and (3) apnea.
corrected. No drug intoxication or evidence of poisoning 1. Coma or unresponsiveness. This component ­requires
can be present. This requires performing a drug screen, that there is no motor response or eye movement to
and waiting for clearance of any alcohol to below the noxious stimuli, typically described as nail bed pres-
legal limit for driving (0.08%). In addition, it is neces- sure or supraorbital pressure. Often, this can be the
sary to identify any medications given in the hospital most difficult part of the examination for practitio-
that could result in central nervous system depression; ners, as a wide range of spontaneous or reflex move-
these need to have cleared the patient’s system prior to ments have been described in the literature. These
proceeding with testing. An appropriate time has been include everything from isolated jerks of the upper
suggested at five times a drug’s half-life, assuming nor- extremities to cremasteric and abdominal muscle
mal hepatic and renal function. Reversal agents are ap- reflexes to respiratory-like movements.11,66 More
propriate where available (opiates and benzodiazepines). extreme reflexes have elicited more fanciful descrip-
Finally, the patient must at least have a core body tem- tions, including the “Lazarus sign,” where a combi-
perature >32 °C prior to starting the brain death exam. nation of shoulder, neck, and extremity movements
Severe hypothermia, defined as core body temperature makes patients appear to rise from the bed.66 Clinical
<32 °C, impacts papillary light response, with complete expertise is necessary to differentiate between these
loss of brainstem reflexes at core temperatures <28 °C. movements, and central and cerebral motor responses
While rewarming techniques are beyond the scope of to pain. Ultimately, these movements do not invali-
this chapter, for most patients a warming blanket should date the diagnosis of brain death, but it is important
be sufficient to obtain appropriate temperatures prior to for the clinician to be aware of these responses so as
starting the examination. to counsel family members appropriately.


Prerequisites Exclusions/Confounding Conditions

• Cause of coma established AND • Hypothermia
• Supportive neuroimaging • Drug intoxications
• Endocrine crisis
• Severe electrolyte/acid–base

Above defined/excluded

Clinical Examination
• Absent motor response
• Absent brainstem reflexes
• Apnea with documented PCO2 ≥60 mmHg

Ability to perform all elements of clinical exam


Diagnosis of Brain Death Confirmatory Studies


Absence of cerebral blood flow


Brain death diagnosis not supported

FIGURE 6-2  ■  General approach to the diagnosis of brain death.
Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor 95

2. Absence of brainstem reflexes56,80 muscles to breathe. The apnea test is designed

a. Pupillary reflex (cranial nerve (CN) II and III) to ­provoke this response in an effort to establish
i. Pupils are round or oval, typically of mid- whether the medulla (the lowest anatomic segment
range size (4 mm), though some can be as di- of the brainstem) is alive.
lated as 9 mm a. Prerequisites
ii. Pupils show no response to light i. Normotension (systolic blood pressure
b. Ocular movement (CN III, VI, and VIII) ≥90 mmHg)
i. Oculocephalic reflex. Otherwise known as the ii. Normothermia (core temperature >36 °C)
“doll’s eye” sign, in brain death the pupils will iii. Euvolemia
not show any movement as the head is turned iv. Eucapnea (Paco2 35–45 mmHg)
rapidly to one side or the other. Caution: This v. Absence of hypoxia
test is not to be utilized in patients who have a vi. No prior history of CO2 retention (no history
suspicion of spine instability or fracture. of chronic obstructive pulmonary ­disease or
ii. Vestibulo-ocular reflex. Also known as the obstructive sleep apnea)
“caloric reflex test,” this test requires confir- b. Preparation
mation of a clear external auditory canal and i. Preoxygenate the patient with 100% O2 prior
elevation of the head to 30° prior to starting. to the test; target is a Pao2 > 200 mmHg
Each external auditory canal is irrigated (sep- ii. Reduce the ventilation frequency to 10–12
arately, with an interval of at least 5 minutes) breaths/min to achieve eucapnea
with approximately 50 mL of ice water. In the iii. Measure arterial Po2, Pco2, and pH after these
presence of brain death, no eye movement preparatory steps prior to starting the test
will be seen during the 1-minute observation c. Testing
period, regardless of the ear irrigated. i. Disconnect the patient from the ventilator
c. Facial sensation and facial motor response (CN ii. Continue to deliver 100% Fio2 at the level
V and VII) of the carina through a suction catheter or
i. Absence of a corneal reflex (eyelid straight nasal cannula placed through the en-
movement/“blink reflex” – CN V1 and VII). dotracheal tube
While many texts describe performing this iii. Observe closely for respiratory movements
test with a cotton swab, some centers have (abdominal, chest, neck) that could produce
moved ­towards stimulation with a puff of air adequate tidal volumes
from an empty 10-cc syringe. This decreases iv. Continue the test as long as the patient
the risk of corneal damage from direct con- remains stable. If, at the completion of
tact, while still providing a sufficient stimulus 8–10 minutes, the patient remains stable,
to potentially evoke a response. another 1–2 minutes can be taken prior to
ii. Absence of a jaw reflex (masseter reflex – CN drawing an arterial blood gas. If the patient
V3). For this test, the mandible is tapped at a becomes hypotensive (systolic blood pres-
downward angle just below the lips. A ­positive sure <90 mmHg), hypoxic (O2 sat <85%),
test would result in the upwards movement or develops cardiac arrhythmias, at any
of the mandible in response. Usually, this re- time prior to a full 8–10 minutes, an arterial
flex is very slight. blood gas needs to be drawn immediately
iii. Absence of facial movement to noxious and the ventilator needs to be reconnected
stimuli (CN V3 and VII). Deep pressure on d. Result interpretation
the supraorbital ridge or mandibular con- i. If respiratory movements are observed,
dyles at the temporomandibular joint should the test is negative and the patient is not
not result in any facial muscle movement brain-dead
(grimacing). ii. If respiratory movements are not observed,
d. Pharyngeal and tracheal reflexes (CN IX and X) and the Paco2 is >60 mmHg or >20 mmHg
i. Pharyngeal reflex (“gag reflex” – CN IX and above baseline normal Paco2, the test is posi-
X). Posterior pharyngeal stimulation with a tive and the patient is clinically brain-dead
tongue blade or hard suction catheter should iii. If respiratory movements are not observed,
not elicit a response. Note that this is sepa- but the test was halted early for hemody-
rate from the tracheal reflex. namic instability and the Paco2 parameters
ii. Tracheal reflex (“cough reflex” – CN X). were not met, the test is indeterminate and
Tracheal stimulation, usually achieved by additional testing should be considered.
suctioning the endotracheal tube, should not This test cannot be performed on every patient;
elicit a response over multiple passes. ­approximately 10% of patients will be hemodynamically
3. Apnea. The absence of a drive to breathe is the unstable at the time testing could occur, or prior to the
final test in the clinical evaluation of brain death. conclusion of testing, requiring a premature stop.79 In
Normally, an elevation in CO2 above a critical these circumstances, other tests may be utilized.
level (in the United States defined as >60 mmHg)24 Additional testing is not required by the American
will stimulate the respiratory center in the brain- Association of Neurology guidelines, as brain death is
stem (medulla), which then signals the respiratory a clinical examination. However, in patients for whom
96 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

death following the 1968 Ad Hoc Committee of Harvard

TABLE 6-2  Confirmatory Studies
Medical School review of the issue,1 and evidence of im-
Cerebral angiography proved outcomes from donors whose hearts continue
Contrast agent injected under high pressure into anterior to beat, DCD faded into obscurity. However, with new
and posterior circulations evidence that organs can tolerate short periods of warm
Absence of cerebral filling at carotid and vertebral ischemia with successful outcomes, DCD is being revived
entrance into skull
Potential for contrast-induced nephrotoxicity by the transplant community.7,8,43,50 Often this option is
Rarely performed possible for patients who have suffered a significant head
Cerebral scintigraphy (technetium 99mTc-HMPAO) injury requiring full cardiopulmonary support, but who
Can be performed at bedside in brief time are not able to undergo brain death testing.38 Less fre-
Good correlation with conventional angiography
Isotope angiography
quently patients who have had cardiac arrests or suffer
Albumin labeled with technetium 99m from terminal respiratory diseases may be good candi-
Can be performed at bedside dates for DCD.38
Delayed filling of sagittal and transverse sinuses
Posterior cerebral circulation not visualized
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
Middle cerebral artery through temporal bone above Diagnosis
zygomatic arch and vertebral or basilar arteries through
suboccipital transcranial windows bilaterally Deceased circulatory death is categorized using the mod-
Lack of transcranial Doppler signals should not be ified Maastricht classification.30 While the possibility for
interpreted as confirmatory because 10% of patients acute retrieval from an uncontrolled DCD does exist, for
may not have temporal windows the purposes of this chapter only controlled DCD will be
May not be diagnostic with intratentorial lesions
discussed (Table 6-3).
No electrical activity for 30 minutes Controlled DCD takes place when a planned with-
Complex technical requirements drawal of cardiorespiratory support has been deter-
mined to be the best course for a particular patient.
Naturally, this necessitates ongoing discussions with
the family about the patient’s wishes and plans of
a complete examination cannot be performed, ancillary care. After families express the desire to proceed with
testing can be useful.24,80 Certain hospital or state guide- withdrawal, a representative from the organ procure-
lines on the declaration of brain death may also require an ment organization can present the option of DCD.
additional test, and therefore the practitioner is encour- Determining who will be a good candidate, or in other
aged to review hospital and state-specific requirements words, which patients will die within an acceptable
(Table 6-2). warm ischemia time, is difficult. Suntharalingam et al.
have shown that younger age, high Fio2, and mode of
mandatory ventilation (pressure support versus pres-
CARDIAC DEATH sure control/volume control versus synchronized in-
termittent mandatory ventilation) were independently
With less than 1% of deaths in the United States occur- associated with shorter times to death.71 More recently
ring from brain death, it has become a priority in the published scoring systems have shown some promise in
transplantation community to expand available sources determining who will die within 60 minutes, but with
for organs to transplant. One way this has been done 20–25% of patients not correctly identified, it is still
is to re-evaluate donor criteria and designate so-called useful to offer this option to all families who request
“expanded criteria” donors based on age and comor- withdrawal of care.13,57,81
bidities. Another way this has been achieved has been to Once DCD has been authorized, every attempt is
redefine “standard” donor criteria based on scientific evi- made to keep the patient medically stable until treatment
dence; this has been most successful in the arena of lung is withdrawn. A short period of time is necessary to al-
transplantation.76 low for organ allocation, but this process should not be
Finally, the most recent method has been to revisit extended over several days out of respect for the patient
donation after circulatory death (DCD). Historically, and family. Once arrangements have been made, the pa-
the first transplants were done using organs from asys- tient is transported to the operating room, at which point
tolic donors, but with professional acceptance of brain the family is allowed to pay their respects. The medical

TABLE 6-3  Maastritch Criteria for Deceased Cardiac Donation

Maastricht Classification Presentation of Death Organs Procurable

I Dead on arrival Uncontrolled Tissue (heart valves/
II Unsuccessful resuscitation Uncontrolled Kidney
III Anticipated cardiac arrest Controlled All organs except heart
IV Cardiac arrest in a brain-dead donor Controlled
V Unexpected cardiac arrest in a hospital inpatient Uncontrolled
Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor 97

team responsible for the patient in the intensive care set- they are dead, and recovery of organs cannot cause a
ting then proceeds with withdrawal of care, and after a donor’s death. There is some thought that premortem
period of 5 minutes of continuous asystole (monitoring interventions, such as obtaining blood samples and main-
with an electrocardiograph and arterial line), the patient taining life-sustaining therapy while organ allocation
is declared dead.38,58 Stiegler and colleagues have shown processes take place, are acceptable, as the overall goal is
recently in an animal model that there is no return of to respect the patient’s final wish for organ donation.38,58
brainstem function after 5 minutes of asystole, even if However, procedures that can cause serious harm, such
cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started at 5 minutes.69 as systemic heparinization, or cause pain, such as femoral
At this point, the transplant team can proceed with organ cannulation, are not permitted until the patient has been
recovery (Figure 6-3). declared clinically dead.38 It is also important to note that
Clearly, this process has significant ethical ­implications, the transplantation team can have absolutely no involve-
and has raised questions around the world ­regarding the ment in patient management until after death has been
nature of death and organ donation. Until the ethicists declared, to avoid a conflict of interest. Critical care phy-
decide otherwise, the most important role the medical sicians should be familiar with their hospital’s policy on
team can play in a DCD is to enforce the “dead donor DCD, as they are often the individuals declaring death in
rule,” wherein patients can only become donors after these situations.

Patient with a devastating illness

Family expresses wish

to withdraw care

OPO notified & presents

option for DCD Donation

Family does not agree to DCD Family agrees to DCD

Proceed with withdrawal Maintenance of hemodynamic

stability while organ location performed


Procedure scheduled for

the Operating Room

Primary team withdraws care

in the OR & monitors patient

Patient is asystolic for 5 minutes Patient is not asystolic for >60-90 minutes

Procede with procurement DCD NO LONGER POSSIBLE

Move patient to quiet room for remainder

of withdrawal period

FIGURE 6-3  ■  General approach to the diagnosis of brain death. OPO, organ procurement organization; DCD, donation after circulatory
death; OR, operating room.
98 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice


The management of organ donor candidates falls under As described previously, the cardiovascular system is subject
the purview of the critical care physician. As such, the to rapid changes over the course of brain death. A proac-
same systematic approach employed when managing tive approach to management of these patients can decrease
other patients in the intensive care unit should be used in the percentage of donors who suffer a cardiac arrest in the
the management of potential organ donors. Approaches predonation period, typically reported as 5–10% of all po-
to organ donor management following a protocol have tential donors.40 Overall, the hemodynamic goals for a po-
been shown to improve the overall number of organs tential organ donor are the same as for any other patient in
transplanted, with no detrimental effects on graft func- the intensive care unit: to optimize cardiac output so as to
tion.37,61,65 As a result, various international groups have achieve organ perfusion with minimal vasoactive support.
endorsed standardized pathways for the management of Linking the physiology of brain death to effects on cardiac
potential organ donors.67,84 Donor management guide- status can better direct therapy to this end.
lines are constantly undergoing re-evaluation and updat- The earliest impact of brain death on cardiac func-
ing as the science of critical care advances; the guidelines tion is during the autonomic storm, during which time
laid out in Table 6-4 represent the current recommen- catecholamine concentrations reach supraphysiologic
dations in the management of organ donation. For the levels. This can result in one or several of the following:
context of this section, it is important to remember that increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased
the smooth integration of organ donor management cardiac output, and increased SVR. All of these result in a
techniques within the context of a pre-existing systematic deficit in myocardial oxygen availability in the setting of
approach to critically ill patients will result in the best increased demand, and can result in anatomic heart dam-
outcomes for these patients, regardless of whether they age. While this period is self-limited, and can be quite
proceed to organ donation. In addition, strict attention to short, the question of whether it should be treated has
donor management guidelines will result in the highest- been raised. Audibert and colleagues demonstrated that
quality organs for procurement, and ensure the best out- management of these initial cardiac responses to auto-
comes for organ donation recipients (Table 6-4). nomic storm with short-acting beta-blockade can improve
cardiac function in hearts after transplantation.4 Given
these initial data, judicious utilization of a short-acting
TABLE 6-4  Donor Management Guidelines beta-blocker (esmolol 100–500 μg/kg bolus followed by
100–300 μg/kg/min, or nitroprusside 0.5–5.0 μg/kg/min)
• Cardiac should be considered in potential cardiac donors when
• Mean arterial pressure 70–90 mmHg systolic blood pressures rise above 160 mmHg or mean
– Treat hypertension with short-acting beta-blocker
– Treat hypotension with volume, followed by arterial pressures rise above 90 mmHg, keeping in mind
vasoactive agents that these medications should be stopped quickly once
• Heart rate 60–120 beats/min the period of autonomic storm is completed.67
• Urine output 0.5–3 mL/kg/h The first 48 hours of progressive brain ischemia and
• Hemoglobin 8 g/dL
• Scvo2 >70%
death are characterized by an increased incidence of
• Respiratory arrhythmias. Early arrhythmias range from tachyar-
• Mechanical ventilation goals rhythmias during the initial catecholamine surge to
– Fraction of inspired oxygen 0.40 bradyarrhythmias as the heart tries to accommodate the
– Normal arterial pH early period of severe hypertension; later bradyarrhyth-
– Tidal volumes 8–10 mL/kg
– Plateau pressure <35 cm H2O mias will occur due to vagus nerve disruption and para-
• Fluid management sympathetic overstimulation of the sinoatrial node or
– Judicious fluid administration to avoid pulmonary atrial ventricular node.70,82 As many as one in five patients
edema, with diuresis as necessary after the early will manifest an arrhythmia.16 Strict control of electrolye
resuscitative phase of care
• Renal
imbalances, body temperature, and acidosis can help mit-
• Euvolemia with appropriate end-organ perfusion and igate these issues, which should otherwise be treated as
oxygen delivery (UOP 0.5–3 mL/kg/h) per the Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support guide-
– Early recognition and correction of DI (UOP >4 mL/ lines published by the American College of Cardiology
kg/h) and the American Heart Association.
– DDAVP 8 ng/kg loading dose followed by 4 ng/kg/h
titrated to urine output <3 mL/kg/h After the initial catecholamine surge, loss of v­ asomotor
• Plasma sodium concentration 140–155 mmol/L centers with brainstem infarction results in reduction of
• Endocrine SVR and profound vasodilatation. Often, this is a time
• Thyroid hormone replacement when patients can become hypotensive due to the physiol-
– Triiodothyronine 4 μg bolus followed by 3 μg/h
infusion × 10 hours
ogy of distributive shock. This can also further destabilize
– If only thyroxine is available, start 20 μg bolus the myocardium, previously injured during the period of
followed by 10 μg/h infusion × 10 hours autonomic storm. Standard physiologic parameters asso-
• Euglycemia ciated with end-organ perfusion should be ­targeted, and
• Miscellaneous include a mean arterial pressure >70 mmHg, urine out-
• Normothermia
put 0.5–3 mL/kg/h, heart rate of 60–120 beats/min, and a
Scvo2, central venous oxygen saturation; UOP, urine output; DI, hemoglobin >8 g/dL.40,84 Acidosis needs to be corrected,
diabetes insipidus; DDAVP, desmopressin. targeting a pH 7.40–7.45. Volume expansion is the initial
Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor 99

therapy of choice, using isotonic fluids or colloids (blood used to optimize cardiac output in the past, more recent
or albumin), with a target of euvolemia at the end of re- data suggest that echocardiography can provide equiva-
suscitation. Fluid choice should be tailored depending on lent information.44 In addition, the use of dynamic indices
potential organs to be harvested, as crystalloid adminis- of cardiac function, such as pulse pressure variation and
tration in excess can decrease the chances of successful stroke volume variation, has been promoted in the inten-
lung harvest. sive care literature as a more accurate measure of preload
If volume alone is insufficient to attain these goals than static indices such as CVP or pulmonary capillary
quickly, as may be the case in up to 80% of donors, vaso- wedge pressure. A large randomized control trial of the
active agent support is required.83 The use of vasoactive use of these markers in the transplant population to max-
agents has been shown to improve organ viability by sta- imize organ harvest through early goal-directed donor
bilizing the donor. If a vasopressor is necessary, the role management is currently underway. Regardless of the
of norepinephrine in the treatment of another form of modality used to evaluate cardiac function, the recom-
vasodilatory shock (septic shock) has been extrapolated to mended targets are a cardiac index >2.4 L/min/m2 and a
the management of organ donors.60 Norepinephrine, in mean arterial pressure of  > 70 mmHg.84
comparison to dopamine, has been shown to have equiv- It is important to remember that donor manage-
alent outcome results with fewer side effects, and while ment techniques also increase the potential for the heart
some animal data have suggested significant delay in transplantation as an end in itself. After stabilizing the
primary graft function when norepinephrine is utilized, donor and reaching standard physiologic norms, initial
this has to date not been repeated in the human popula- evaluation of the heart should be performed using echo-
tion.22,60 As a result, norepinephrine has become the va- cardiography, evaluating for structural heart disease,
soactive agent of choice in the treatment of vasodilatory left ventricular ejection fraction, and gross wall motion
shock, bearing in mind that early and aggressive volume abnormalities.84 However, it should be noted that while
resuscitation decreases the overall need for any vasoactive single-use echocardiography is helpful in screening for
agent, and promotes early titration and removal of any anatomic abnormalities, it is not sufficient for the evalua-
vasoactive agent that is initiated.60 Arginine Vasopressin tion of physiologic suitability. Given evidence that young
(AVP) (0.04 U/min) may also be an appropriate choice hearts with left ventricular dysfunction can recover from
in the early periods of vasodilatory shock.84 Vasopressin the initial insult of autonomic storm, serial evaluation of
has also been shown to improve outcomes after kidney cardiac function after optimizing volume status and re-
transplant, a result that is ascribed to a decrease in mi- pleting hormone deficiencies (discussed later) provides
crovascular thombotic events after “pretreating” the en- the best data for determining suitability for transplant.
dothelium. It is therefore another useful vasoactive agent Cardiac catheterization is reserved for the assessment of
in the treatment of vasodilatory shock after brain death. potential donor hearts from patients 45 years of age or
If an inotrope is required, it is important to realize that older, or at the particular request of the transplant center.
the vasodilatory effects of dobutamine, especially in the
setting of hypovolemia, may provoke additional hypo-
tension and tachycardia. However, at low doses (5 μg/
kg/min), dobutamine has been shown to have some pro- Perhaps nowhere has the adoption of a standardized
tective effects in animal models of renal transplant.22 If protocol made as much impact for organ recovery as in
the donor is tachycardic at baseline, milrinone is a better the management of potential lung donors. Historically,
first-line inotropic agent. lung procurement has been as low as 7% from all avail-
Aside from standard physiologic monitoring, invasive able organ donors, and hovers optimally around 16%,
markers of volume status can be very useful, especially with multiple factors contributing to this rate.76 These
when donors may have confounding factors impacting include acute lung injury after brain death, atelectasis,
their urine output (mannitol, diabetes insipidus). Central aspiration, and pneumonia. While previous work demon-
venous pressure (CVP) has been the traditional param- strated that a standardized protocol could improve recov-
eter of choice, with a target range of 4–12 mmHg.84 ery, implementation of the San Antonio Lung Transplant
However, in the setting of mechanical ventilation, this donor management protocol, developed by Luis Angel
measure has significant limitations due to alterations in and colleagues, has demonstrably doubled their ability to
intrathoracic pressure. CVP monitoring does allow mea- identify and transplant lungs from donors at their institu-
surement of central venous oxygen saturation (Scvo2), tion.3 Following in the footsteps of previous work that
a marker of organ perfusion and delivery. Regardless suggested marginal lung donor candidates could actually
of whether this parameter is checked intermittently or produce adequate lungs for transplant recipients, Angel
continuously, the target range is still a Scvo2 >70%.84 It et al. were able to show not only an increase in the num-
should be noted that there are no prospective randomized ber of “poor” donors optimized to ideal or extended cri-
studies looking at brain-dead patients and Scvo2 values; teria donors with implementation of their protocol, but
potentially higher Scvo2 could reflect a “new normal” as also that no significant 30-day or 1-year mortality differ-
the brain is no longer consuming oxygen.55 However, this ences were observed between groups.3
value still represents a useful target for end-organ oxy- Lung-protective ventilation, the strategy to prevent
gen delivery and consumption. If there is a concern for ventilator-associated lung trauma from a combination of
myocardial depression, either pre-existing in the donor overstretch of lung parenchyma and oxygen toxicity (as
or as a result of brain death itself, additional monitoring defined as a delivered Fio2 greater than 0.60 for greater
can be used. While pulmonary artery catheters have been than 48 hours), is helpful in managing potential lung
100 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

donors. However, active alveolar recruitment ­maneuvers the donor is likely to have been exposed to a number of
to improve oxygenation take precedence, as Pao2/Fio2 agents with diuretic properties (mannitol, hypertonic sa-
ratios are the major determining criteria for trans- line). These agents can complicate both the hemodynamic
plantation. The San Antonio group describes alveo- stability of an already hypovolemic patient, and impact the
lar ­recruitment for all patients with a Pao2/Fio2 ratio diagnosis of renal-specific processes associated with brain
less than 300, or when pulmonary infiltrates on chest injury. It is important for these agents to be carefully doc-
X-ray were consistent with pulmonary edema or atel- umented and considered when evaluating urine output.
ectasis.3 The technique used was 2 hours of pressure-­ The target for urine output, as previously mentioned,
controlled ventilation, set with a positive end-expiratory is the same as for any other patient in the intensive care
pressure of 15 cmH2O and an inspiratory pressure of unit – approximately 0.5–1 mL/kg/h. However, up to
25 cm H2O. Patients were then switched back to con- 2.5–3 mL/kg/h can be considered normal in donors as
ventional ­ volume-controlled ventilation for 30 min- they equilibrate from fluid repletion during periods of
utes, and a chest X-ray was rechecked. If both the chest hemodynamic instability.67 It is important to avoid an
X-ray and the Pao2/Fio2 ratio were improved, recruitment excessively positive fluid balance – there is a significant
was considered a success. However, baseline targets of body of literature in critical care suggesting that this can
oxygenation and ventilation (Po2 >80 mmHg and Pco2 lead to end-organ dysfunction, and in fact fluid-restric-
30–35 mmHg) need to be met, even if patients are not tive strategies have demonstrated improvement in the
candidates for lung donation, in order to maintain ap- numbers of lungs transplanted. 3,5
propriate oxygen delivery to the other organs.84 Lung If urine output targets exceed 4  mL/kg/h, diabe-
recruitment strategies need to be balanced with appro- tes ­insipidus should be suspected. The hypothalamic–­
priate peak and plateau airway pressures to avoid nega- posterior pituitary neuronal connections become hypoxic
tive effects on patient hemodynamics. with the progression of brain death, and production of
Strict monitoring of volume status is the next impor- AVP ceases. As a result, despite relative hypotension in
tant component of lung management in the donor popu- the setting of loss of sympathetic tone, the kidneys con-
lation. Cardiac instability during the autonomic storm tinue to secrete large volumes of dilute urine until the
causes significant shifts in blood pressure, and, without patient becomes profoundly hypovolemic and oliguric.
strict parameters, can result in significant volume over- This is also associated with hypernatremia, known to
load. With direct catecholamine impact on alveolar be detrimental for potential liver donors. Treatment is
permeability, fluid can redistribute into the pulmonary aimed at restoring intravascular volume, at the same time
interstitium. In addition, an increase in the left atrial pres- supplementing the loss of AVP. Supplementation can be
sure due to increased SVR can result in functional heart done either with desmopressin (DDAVP 8 ng/kg loading
failure and cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Several stud- dose followed by 4 ng/kg/h titrated to urine output), or
ies have demonstrated that pulmonary edema decreases with continuous infusion of AVP (1 U bolus followed by
the potential for lung transplantation.59,75 Judicious fluid 0.01–0.04 U/min).34,84 Desmopressin is a more selective
administration and administering diuretics as tolerated vasopressin receptor agonist, targeting V2 receptors, and
are parts of the overall strategy for decreasing pulmonary therefore has significant antidiuretic properties without
edema and optimizing oxygenation prior to donation. the concomitant vasopressor activity of AVP.34,82 It can
Standard intensive care unit management for the pre- therefore be used without increasing organ vasoconstric-
vention of ventilator-associated pneumonia and aspira- tion and causing posttransplant impairment. However, if
tion pneumonitis should be continued. This includes the patient is requiring vasopressor support in addition to
elevating the head of the bed at least 30° at all times, volume repletion, AVP is a better choice.
administration of deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis (me- Hypernatremia, a side effect of diabetes insipidus, has
chanical and chemical methods), and administration of a been associated with increased rates of liver graft loss, and
proton pump inhibitor for the prevention of gastritis. If, possibly renal graft function.18,29,72,73 Serum sodium levels
after lung recruitment measures, infiltrates or contusions should be kept between 140 and 155 mmol/L, in an effort
persist on chest X-ray, bronchoscopy with bilateral lavage to decrease osmotic gradients between donor liver and
can be performed to evaluate those areas. recipient vasculature upon reanastomosis.52 In addition, a
The most important concept in the management of balanced nutritional approach using dextrose-based solu-
donors for lung transplantation is to remember that every tions is helpful for maintaining hepatic glycogen stores;
donor should be considered a potential lung donor, since however, this cannot be done at the expense of glycemic
standardized attention to a few basic management prin- control.52
ciples can result in optimization of initially poor-quality
organs. Endocrine
Hormonal resuscitation is a concept in organ donor man-
Renal agement aimed at addressing the three endocrine defi-
Most considerations relative to donor renal function have ciencies of brain death that can impact outcomes.
been mentioned already in the section on cardiovascular The first of these is thyroid hormone (thyroxine (T4)
management. Euvolemia with appropriate end-organ per- and triiodothyronine (T3)) depletion. The exact mecha-
fusion and oxygen delivery is the goal of intensive donor nism of thyroid hormone function is as yet not fully
management. It is important to mention here that, in the elucidated, but several studies have implicated low lev-
process of managing the brain injury prior to brain death, els of thyroid hormone as a contributory factor to the
Brain Death and Cardiac Death: Donor Criteria and Care of Deceased Donor 101

hemodynamic instability following brain death. Novitzky renal transplant recipients. In addition, pancreas function
and colleagues were able to demonstrate in a series of in the recipient is impacted by donor glucose levels, with
animal and human studies that the administration of normoglycemia improving outcomes.21 An insulin infu-
T3 improved cardiac function, decreased hemodynamic sion therapy can be titrated for this effect.
instability, and transitioned brain-dead donors from an-
aerobic metabolism to aerobic metabolism.47,48 Additional
work by other authors has confirmed these findings while
Infectious Disease
using T4, and suggested that the use of thyroid hormone While donor to recipient infection transmission is well
replacement can increase the overall number of organs documented and can result in serious, and potentially
harvested from a single donor.61,63,64 Rosendale et al. ­fatal, outcomes, most donor infections independently are
looked at recipient outcomes, and were able to demon- not contraindications to transplantation.54 Those that are
strate that, for cardiac recipients, 1-month survival was listed in Table 6-5.15 Effective treatment of pre-­existing
improved with a 50% decrease in early graft dysfunction, donor infections can result in successful transplanta-
although this improvement occurred in conjunction with tion, as can transplantation of a donor organ exposed to
the use of steroids.62 Overall, current recommendations a chronic viral infection to a recipient with the same ex-
call for thyroid hormone supplementation, preferably posure history.35 It is important to recognize infections
with T3 due to its more rapid onset and decreased sus- in donors and treat them quickly and efficiently so as to
ceptibility to influence by exogenous factors.84 T3 can be keep the donation process moving forward. Treatment
dosed at 4 μg bolus followed by 3 μg/h infusion for 10 starts with good prevention – standard intensive care unit
hours.34 If T3 is unavailable, T4 can be used at 20 μg bolus policies for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections
followed by a 10 μg/h infusion for 10 hours.82 (pneumonias, central line-associated blood stream infec-
Vasopressin, as mentioned above, is a pharmacologic tions, and urinary tract infections) should be maintained
agent in both brain death-related peripheral vasodilata- even after the focus of care has transitioned.
tion and diabetes insipidus. Again, treatment is aimed at A high index of suspicion for infection is the next step.
restoring intravascular volume, while at the same time There are many reasons why a donor will not mount a
supplementing the loss of AVP. Corticosteroid adminis- standard response to infection – loss of thermoregulation
tration is the third component of hormone resuscitation, preventing fevers, pre-existing leukocytosis secondary to
and is based on two possible mechanisms of function. the inciting injury, massive blood transfusions, or use of
The first is the attenuation of the inflammatory process steroids resulting in immunosuppression. Therefore, it
associated with brain death. Two studies looking at post- is important to pay attention to other clinical ­markers,
transplant liver rejection markers, inflammatory markers, including the skin examination, sputum characteris-
and posttransplant cardiac function demonstrated im- tics, chest X-ray findings, and urinalysis results. Choice
provement in both parameters when steroid therapy was and interpretation of cultures, as well as guidelines for
given to the donor.32,62 In addition, lung procurement was ­surveillance cultures when no infection is obvious, are
demonstrated to be directly tied to the administration of at the discretion of the Organ Procurement Agency;
steroids, which was related to increased oxygenation.20
However, more recent work has suggested that, while
suppression of the inflammatory state does occur, the
incidence of rejection in liver and kidney recipients was TABLE 6-5  Infection Diagnoses that Exclude
not improved with steroid pretreatment.2,28 The second Transplantation
physiologic derangement for which steroid administra-
• Active fungal, parasitic, viral, or bacterial meningitis or
tion is useful is for adrenal insufficiency, which can make encephalitis
hemodynamic management a challenge. However, this • Bacterial
therapeutic use is often empiric, as diagnosis studies can • Tuberculosis
take a significant period of time, and so the real incidence • Gangrenous bowel or perforated bowel or intra-
abdominal sepsis
of adrenal insufficiency is unknown. Current guidelines • Viral
still endorse the use of methylprednisolone (15 mg/kg • Active hepatitis B or C
bolus) as part of hormone resuscitation.84 • Rabies
Finally, while not part of hormone resuscitation, glyce- • Retroviral infections, including HIV, HTLV-I/II
mic control is an important ongoing component of inten- • Active herpes simplex, EBV, varicella, or CMV viremia,
or pneumonia
sive care management of the donor. Between stress-related • West Nile virus
insulin resistance after brain injury and the replacement • Fungal
of free water deficits during diabetes insipidus with free • Active infection with Cryptococcus, Aspergillus,
water solutions that contain dextrose, donors can become Histoplasma, Coccidioides
• Active candidemia or invasive yeast
quite hyperglycemic.42 While strict glycemic control has • Parasites
not been studied in this population, continuing to man- • Active infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas),
age severe hyperglycemia (glucose >180 mg/dL) is sug- Leishmania, Strongyloides, or Plasmodium sp.
gested to help mitigate the inflammatory response and (malaria)
prevent infection.51 Evidence suggests that renal func- • Prion
• Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
tion over the course of donor management worsens sig-
nificantly in the setting of persistent hyperglycemia and HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV, human T-lymphotropic
significant glycemic shifts9; this of course would impact virus; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus ; CMV, cytomegalovirus.
102 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

however, it is always useful to obtain a Gram stain of donation, wherein the designation as “donor” of a given
the initial specimen to allow early antibiotic tailoring.54 individual is held as a mandate for the care team to fa-
Antibiotic choice is also a regional matter, as local sensi- cilitate donation in appropriate circumstances, comes
tivities will change regularly. However, it is important to increasing scrutiny of the field of organ transplantation.
tailor broad empiric therapy as soon as culture results are Recently, several vocal criticisms of the system could be
available. In the presence of renal or hepatic dysfunction, seen in the mainstream media, focused primarily on re-
extended criteria donors (age), and obesity, it is important muneration for donation and the allocation process.25,39 It
to adjust antibiotic dosing.54 is part of the responsibility of the care team to continue
to educate patients, family members, and the community
about both the process through which donation happens,
Hematology and the importance of the act of donation for the donor
Anemia should be avoided in organ donors in or- and the recipient. Only through education and transpar-
der to optimize oxygen delivery to various organs. ency will the transplantation community continue to en-
Recommendations are currently to target a hemoglobin gender patient support, and ensure an ongoing stream of
level of 8 g/dL, in an effort to limit potential immunosup- willing donors.
pressive effects while maximizing hemodynamic stability
and oxygen delivery.
Coagulopathy can occur for a variety of reasons in the Future Technologies
donor. Donors may have pre-existing conditions that can With the current shortage of available organs for trans-
result in coagulopathy, including cardiac arrhythmias, for plantation, much work is being done to extend the donor
which they are treated with anticoagulation. Iatrogenic pool and optimize the organs that are available for trans-
causes need to be ruled out, including dilutional coag- plantation. Approaches range from the microcellular –
ulopathy, acidosis, and hypothermia. The loss of hypo- chemical and electrical modulation of the inflammatory
thalamic thermoregulation in the brain-dead donor, in cascade brought on by brain death – to the macrocellu-
addition to the inability to vasoconstrict or shiver, results lar, using normothermic organ management to decrease
in a poikilothermic donor.42 Close attention needs to be the differential effects of warm ischemia and cold perfu-
paid to environmental control of temperature and the sion. 10,26,48 There has even been a resurgence of interest
temperature of infusing fluids in order to prevent the ad- in using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for DCD
verse effects of hypothermia. Core temperature should preservation during the period of organ optimization.36
be maintained above 34 °C with the use of warming blan- This is an exciting time to be involved in the field of or-
kets, fluid warmers, and ventilator heating units for in- gan donation, as new technologies bring new possibilities
haled gases. for donor management.
Additionally, the release of cerebral proteins into the
circulation with brain death can trigger a consumptive co-
agulopathy (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy) or CONCLUSION
a hypercoaguable state.33 Any evidence of coagulopathy
should be identified early and treated based on bleeding In conclusion, the field of organ donor management
risk. Pre-existing coagulopathies (secondary to medica- continues to evolve. The application of both critical care
tion) should be identified and reversed if at all possible. best practices and organ transplantation research to the
Donor acidosis and hypothermia should be corrected, clinical management of organ donors has allowed for
and consideration should be given to a 1:1:1 ratio of improvements in both the number and quality of organs
packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and platelet recovered. Now known as donor management guidelines,
resuscitation model for patients who are bleeding (similar these best practices will allow practitioners to continue
to trauma resuscitation), as this has been shown to de- to provide optimal medical care to both the donor and
crease both time to hemodynamic stability and coagu- eventually the recipient.
lopathy.14 If available, thromboelastography can augment
traditional measures of coagulopathy, and potentially in-
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Medical Evaluation of
the Living Donor
Malcolm P. MacConmara  •  Kenneth A. Newell

RATIONALE FOR LIVE KIDNEY DONATION Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance
Heritable Diseases Associated with Renal
Education, Counseling, and Consent of the
Special Considerations Pertaining to Non-
Potential Donor
directed Living Kidney Donors and Donors
Psychosocial Evaluation Participating in Paired Donor Exchange
Medical Screening Process Programs
Review of All Results at a Multidisciplinary Long-term Follow-up of Living Kidney
Meeting Donors
Special Considerations in the Evaluation and
Selection of Living Kidney Donors

INTRODUCTION led by Nobel Laureate Joseph Murray transplanted a

­kidney removed from Ronald Herrick into his identical
There are over 90 000 patients with end-stage renal twin brother Richard. This procedure was truly life-sav-
­disease (ESRD) currently on the transplant waiting list ing as it was performed prior to the advent of effective
and for most of them the optimal treatment is to receive dialysis. The preoperative evaluation included a lengthy
a kidney from a living donor.38 Despite the substan- assessment of the donor as well as detailed ethical dis-
tial increase in live donor kidney transplant procedures cussions. The investigations included fingerprint analysis
over the past 20 years, the number of patients awaiting and a review of obstetric reports to confirm monozygotic
transplantation continues to rise. This increased need for twins, together with skin grafting to test donor and re-
transplant organs has driven the trend towards increased cipient compatibility.24 The nephrectomy went without
utilization of kidneys from live donors with complex difficulty and the donor lived a further 56 years without
medical conditions.32 The evaluation of the living donor sequelae.23
must be continuously scrutinized and carefully regulated Prior to the advent of potent immunosuppressive
in order to maintain donor safety during this unique and regimes, transplantation of organs from living related
extraordinary act of altruism. The key challenge to evalu- donors offered individuals with ESRD the greatest op-
ating potential living donors remains unchanged and is to portunity for successful transplantation. Consensus
select suitable donors efficiently while, most importantly, among medical and ethical experts led to the legal accep-
minimizing their risk. tance of brainstem death criteria in late 1970s.1 This new
legislation, together with the introduction of new immu-
nosuppressive agents such as cyclosporine and OKT3 in
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND CURRENT the 1980s, prompted an upsurge in the use of deceased
STATUS donor organs and relative decline in the percentage of
organ transplants performed using organs from living
The first organ transplant to result in long-term suc- donors. Live donation re-emerged in the 1990s as an
cess was a living donor kidney transplant performed at important source for kidney transplants and has risen
the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (now Brigham and considerably in number over the past two decades. The
Women’s Hospital) in Boston in 1954.23 A surgical team explanations for the dramatic escalation in the utilization

106 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of living donors are likely multiple, including: (1) the complexity of living donors will require further modifi-
ever-increasing waiting times for organs from deceased cations of evaluation standards, specifically in the area of
donors; (2) the demonstration of a survival benefit asso- surveillance of long-term donor outcome in these com-
ciated with kidneys from living donors as compared to plex patients, to ensure that the donor risk is minimized.
kidneys from deceased organ donors; and (3) the shift to
publicly preferred minimally invasive procedures. The
first laparoscopic donor nephrectomy was described by RATIONALE FOR LIVE KIDNEY DONATION
Ratner et al. in 1995.30 The minimally invasive technique
was demonstrated to lessen postoperative pain and to re- Patients who receive living donor grafts have superior
sult in shorter hospital stays and recovery periods when long-term survival, as well as shorter waiting times. In
compared with open donor nephrectomy.31,40 The tech- addition, live donation allows elective planning with op-
nique quickly gained support and has become the favored timization of the recipient’s health status. Living donor
approach to donor nephrectomy. renal transplantation provides the only realistic oppor-
A total of 80 347 live donor nephrectomies were com- tunity for most recipients of undergoing transplantation
pleted between 1994 and 2009 in the United States and prior to the initiation of dialysis. This is particularly im-
living donors currently represent 34% of all kidney trans- portant, as pre-emptive transplantation has been shown
plants.13,33 Since reaching a peak in 2004, the number of to confer a significant benefit with respect to increased
living donor transplants has plateaued and even declined survival of the transplanted kidney.21
slightly in recent years. The factors influencing these vari- Life expectancy for kidney transplant recipients far
ations are likely complex; however, changing economic exceeds that for similar patients treated using dialysis.41
stability is likely to play a role. In addition, changes in Importantly, kidneys from living donors offer substantial
organ allocation that occurred with the implementation additional benefits compared to kidneys from deceased
of the Share 35 rule, which mandated that children un- organ donors. The living donor kidney is thoroughly
der the age of 18 receive priority for organs from donors evaluated in an elective setting with an array of screen-
younger than 35 years of age, have significantly reduced ing tools and the health of the kidney carefully estimated.
waiting times for pediatric patients. An unintended con- The recipient can be counseled with increased certainty
sequence of this change in policy is that the number chil- of graft quality, risk of infection, or cancer transmission.
dren receiving kidneys from living donors has declined.2 Early graft function is significantly better for kidneys from
There has been a significant increase in unrelated living living versus deceased donors. The primary non-function
donor transplants and these now account for 14% of all rates for deceased and living kidney donors are 2.7% and
kidney transplants.17 Differences in donation patterns can 1.4% while the rates of delayed graft function are 23.5%
also be attributed to program-specific activities, as well as and 3.4% respectively.27 More importantly, the benefits
geographical location. Longer waiting times seen in the of living donor kidneys extend to long-term outcomes.
north-east and west of the United States have prompted The survival rates of kidneys from deceased and living
increased utilization of live donors in these regions. donors at 10 years are 42.7% and 59.6% ­respectively.
Caucasian donors comprise approximately 70% of The conditional half-lives of kidneys from deceased and
living donors while accounting for 34% of the national living donors are 14.7 and 26.6 years in the current era.27
renal transplant waiting list. African Americans account It is striking that the half-life of a l­iving donor kidney in
for 11–13% of living donors. Ethnic minorities remain 1991 (15.8 years) exceeds that of a kidney from a deceased
disproportionately underrepresented when percentages donor in 2007 (14.7 years). The individual benefit in graft
of patients with ESRD are compared to living donor pro- longevity also translates into a significant benefit for pa-
cedures.7 The profile of potential donors has seen a dra- tients on the deceased donor waitlist since fewer patients
matic change, with trends toward donors who are older, will require relisting and retransplantation.
increasingly obese, and with increasingly complex medi- While transplantation using kidneys from deceased or-
cal conditions. The proportion of living donors aged over gan donors is associated with significant benefits for most
50 has increased from 13.9% in 1994 to 22.8% in 2008.33 patients with ESRD relative to continued dialysis, it is
Similarly, the median body mass index (BMI) of donors well recognized that the time from listing to transplanta-
has risen to 26.4 while a BMI of greater than 30, previ- tion is steadily increasing. The median time to transplan-
ously viewed as a contraindication to donation, is present tation for waitlisted patients increased from 2.61 years in
in as many as 30% of live donors.15,25 1998 to 3.37 years in 2006.27 Wait time is significantly
The process of donor evaluation has evolved since the influenced by recipient race and ethnicity, panel-reactive
first donor nephrectomy in 1954. Transplant centers re- antibody, and geographic region. It is important to note
main under intense scrutiny and their activities are held to that these median wait times do not reflect patients who
the highest levels of clinical, ethical, and legal standards. died while on the waitlist or those removed from the
Reflecting the desire to obtain the best possible outcomes, waitlist due to the development of medical conditions
the evaluation process has become increasingly complex thought to preclude transplantation. The progressively
using biochemical, immunologic, and genetic testing as longer waiting time for a deceased donor kidney exposes
well as advanced imaging technologies to evaluate the do- patients to the cumulative risk of renal failure, dialysis,
nor more accurately. This progressively detailed workup and associated comorbidities, most importantly cardio-
must be balanced against prohibitive cost, as well as the vascular disease.21
impact of incidental findings on donor health and future Although it is not possible to determine the wait-
wellbeing. The changing demographics and increasing ing time for patients undergoing living donor renal
Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor 107

transplantation with certainty, it is undoubtedly shorter

TABLE 7-1  Donor Complications
than the waiting time for organs from deceased donors.
This shorter average waiting time for living donor kidney Risk (Percent of
from initial donor screening to transplantation confers Donations Unless
significant advantages. The recipient operation can be Stated)
planned and the recipient optimized. Ideally, the recipient Mortality 0.02–0.03
can undergo transplantation prior to requiring dialysis.
Recipients of living donor kidneys are also more likely to Major Complication
Bleeding 2.2
complete full rehabilitation as measured by return to em- Bowel obstruction 1.0
ployment.11 In addition reducing recipient time on dialysis Vascular injury 0.2
has been shown to halt the progression of cardiovascular Open conversion 0.7–1.1
disease.22 Finally, the shorter wait time for recipients of Reoperation 0.2
kidneys from living donors is associated with a decreased Blood transfusion 0.4
Wound infection 2.1
risk of immunologic sensitization, which can further pro- Urinary tract infection 4.5
long waiting times and negatively influence the outcome Readmission (including nausea, 0.9–2.0
of transplantation. Current data demonstrate that 67.9% vomiting, gastroenteritis,
of recipients undergoing living donor transplantation are abdominal pain, ileus, bowel
unsensitized relative to 59.7% of individuals undergoing Hernia repair 0.8
deceased donor renal transplantation.27 Early rehabilita- End-stage renal failure 180 per million/year
tion, shorter hospital stays, and reduced readmissions are (average 260 per
all important benefits of living donor transplantation. million/year in US
From the societal perspective the reduced time on dialysis population)
Additional risk in obese,
associated with living donor renal transplantation may re- elderly, and African
duce healthcare costs related to dialysis. American donors
Hypertension 15–25

Sources: OPTN/SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Rockville, MD:

RISKS OF LIVE KIDNEY DONATION Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources
and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, 2011;
Donor nephrectomy is generally a safe procedure with Davis CL, Cooper M. The state of U.S. living kidney donors. Clin
very low risk of morbidity or mortality. Nonetheless J Am Soc Nephrol 2010;5:1873–80; Ibrahim HN, Foley R, Tan
LP, et al. Long-term consequences of kidney donation. N Engl J
any complication must be seen in the context of harm Med 2009;360:459–69; Segev DL, Muzaale AD, Caffo BS, et al.
to a healthy individual. Current legislation mandates Perioperative mortality and long-term survival following live
that transplant centers report all donor deaths occurring kidney donation. JAMA 2010;303:959–66.
within 6 weeks of donation or during the period of time
before the donor is discharged from surgical care. Based
on this reporting the estimated surgical mortality from unsuitable donors allows new potential donors to be iden-
donor nephrectomy is approximately 3 per 10 000 cases. tified. The process should be efficient and cost-effective.
The surgical mortality rate has remained unchanged not- The order in which various investigations are undertaken
withstanding the trend towards older and increasingly will vary between centers and be influenced by specific
complex donors. This risk is consistent with a recent re- medical issues related to donor comorbidities, personal
port documenting 14 operative deaths, as determined by or family history. Further practical considerations such
center reporting and review of the Social Security Master as proximity to the transplant center and availability of
Death File, out of 51153 individuals who were kidney do- the donor to attend evaluation will also influence the
nors between October 1999 and December 2008.9 Non- order of testing. There have been increasing efforts to
fatal complications, including hemorrhage requiring standardize and legislate the evaluation processes. The
transfusion and the need for reoperation, complicate 2% Organ Procurement and Transplant Network (OPTN)
and less than 1% of donor nephrectomies respectively.27 was given mandate by the Secretary of Health and Human
Incisional hernias and bowel obstruction have an inci- Services to develop policies and to oversee living kidney
dence of 1%. Reports indicate that the need to convert donation in 2002. In addition, the transplant organiza-
from a minimally invasive approach to an open procedure tions continue to expand self-regulatory processes and
is equally rare. Table 7-1 outlines common short- and guidelines to ensure the welfare of the donor. The core
long-term complications of donor nephrectomy. components of the evaluation process include: (1) educa-
tion, counseling, and consent of the donor; (2) psychoso-
cial evaluation; (3) medical evaluation; and (4) review of
THE EVALUATION PROCESS all results at a multidisciplinary meeting.

The process of donor evaluation, as with the donation Education, Counseling, and Consent
procedure itself, must maintain non-maleficence as the of the Potential Donor
primary objective. The medical screening process should
promptly identify potentially acceptable donors, quantify Consent should first be given to undergo the evalua-
the risk to donor and recipient, and exclude unsuitable tion process since this process represents a potential
donors with minimal harm. The rapid determination of risk to the donor. Invasive medical investigations carry
108 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

complications such as allergic reactions to injected con- ILDAs. While variability in the role of the ILDA exists,
trast agents. Information derived from the evaluation commonly agreed-upon responsibilities of the ILDA in-
may be harmful to or unwanted by the donor, e.g., knowl- clude advocating, protecting, and promoting the inter-
edge gained about unsuspected infections or malignancy. ests of the donor, educating the donor, and evaluating the
Blood group and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing willingness and emotional stability of the donor.35
information may uncover misconceptions about family
relationships.42 Potential donors should be carefully edu-
cated about all aspects of the evaluation and must under-
Psychosocial Evaluation
stand that they are free to withdraw from the process at The psychosocial evaluation should be carried out by a
any time. The program should be supportive of the donor trained psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker with a
and defend the confidentiality of donor findings and do- particular interest and expertise in transplantation. Within
nor decisions. the assessment the mental health worker should conduct:
The act of obtaining consent for kidney donation is (1) a psychological assessment with identification of ac-
not an event but rather a process. Educating potential tive mental health problems; (2) a social assessment in-
living kidney donors about the risks, both operative and cluding high-risk behaviors; and (3) an assessment of the
long-term, should involve all of the members of the living ability of the donor to consent ensuring that the donor’s
donor team, including the surgeon, nephrologist, social decision is free of inducement or coercion. Information
worker, mental health expert, and living donor advocate. should be gathered from interactions with each member
The consenting process should occur over some period of of the evaluation team.
time in order to give the potential donor adequate time to
reflect upon these risks and ask questions. It is important
to confirm that the donor understands the process clearly
Medical Screening Process
and the ability to consent is demonstrated. In this regard The medical evaluation should include: (1) history and
it is concerning that a recent study demonstrated that, physical examination with specific focus on renal disease
while 90% of living kidney donors indicated that they and family history of renal disease; (2) laboratory testing
understood the impact of living donor transplantation on to evaluate renal function and determine immunological
the recipient’s health, the components of the evaluation compatibility; (3) identification of transmissible infectious
process, and the short-term risks associated with living disease; (4) evaluation of renal anatomy with cross-­sectional
kidney donation, a much smaller percentage understood imaging; and (5) completion of an age-appropriate health
the psychological risks (69%), long-term risks (52%), screening including cancer screening.19,26,28
and financial risks (32%).39 It is equally concerning that Components of the evaluation may be carried out at a
40% expressed feeling some pressure to donate. Finally health center convenient to the potential donor. A detailed
it is important to remember that beyond addressing the history and examination concentrates on symptoms and
general issues related to living kidney donation that ap- signs of renal disease, as well as personal and familial risk
ply equally to all potential donors, the details of informed factors for future problems (Table 7-2). Comorbidities,
consent should be tailored to each individual donor with ­including hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular or cerebro-
discussion of how older age, higher BMI, and other co- vascular disease, must be sought and quantified. Multiple
morbidities may be associated with increased risk of early blood pressure readings should be taken and basic labora-
surgical complications or later renal dysfunction. In addi- tory studies performed, including a complete blood count,
tion to providing potential donors with national outcome a comprehensive metabolic profile, a lipid profile, urinaly-
data, transplant programs should provide donors with sis, and coagulation studies. A 24-hour urine collection is
their own current center-specific outcomes data. essential to quantify renal function (creatinine clearance)
A recent significant change to the process of evaluat- and assess for proteinuria. Patients with a history of renal
ing potential living kidney donors is the introduction of stones should undergo appropriate metabolic testing to
an independent living donor advocate (ILDA). The in- determine whether they have a physiologic condition that
clusion of an ILDA in the evaluation of potential living predisposes them to developing recurrent calculi. Further
donors resulted from the recommendations of a group of evaluation of diabetes in high-risk donors should include
individuals representing the transplant community who oral glucose tolerance testing and hemoglobin A1c measure-
met in 2000. They proposed that all transplant programs ment. Similarly, a 24-hour blood pressure study should be
performing living donor renal transplants should iden- completed in those at increased risk of hypertension.
tify an individual with expertise in transplantation who is Assessment of the immunologic compatibility of the
not involved in the evaluation of potential recipients and donor and recipient requires determination of the donor
“whose sole focus is on the best interest of the donor.” and recipient ABO type as well as performing a cross-
In 2007 the Department of Health and Human Services match to detect the presence of donor-specific antibodies
and the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) in the recipient. Screening of recipients to determine their
issued a joint statement mandating the inclusion of an panel-reactive antibody and assign specificities to antibod-
ILDA as a component of the living donor evaluation pro- ies if detected is routinely performed and is critical for in-
cess and providing some guidance related to the defini- terpreting the results of the crossmatch in equivocal cases
tion and responsibilities of this position. However there or when the autologous crossmatch is positive. Similarly,
is considerable variability between different programs HLA typing of the donor is important for interpreting
in the education, training, relationship to the transplant the results of any positive crossmatch and may be useful
program, and self-identified roles and responsibilities of in choosing between donors in those cases where there
Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor 109

and test negative for hepatitis B surface antigen should

TABLE 7-2  Components of the Evaluation
be tested for evidence of infection by polymerase chain
History and Physical Examination reaction (PCR). If the PCR study shows no evidence
Initial interview with specific focus on renal disease and of infection and the recipient is immune to hepatitis B,
family history of renal disease* transplantation may proceed after appropriate counsel-
Completion of a detailed health questionnaire* ing of the donor and recipient. Screening for tuberculosis
Donor education and completion of evaluation of consent*
Detailed history and physical examinations by transplant (TB) using TB skin testing or an interferon-gamma re-
nephrologists and surgeons lease assay such as QuantiFERON-TB Gold, although
Multiple complete vital signs not mandated, is highly recommended, especially in
Detailed evaluation by mental health expert at-risk populations. Donors with a positive test for TB
Interview with independent living donor advocate
should be treated for 6–9 months before proceeding with
Laboratory Testing to Evaluate Renal Function and kidney donation. In those cases where this delay would
Determine Immunological Compatibility pose a significant risk to the recipient or overly compli-
Blood pressure – three separate measurements* cate the logistics of living kidney donation, proceeding
Additional 24-hour blood pressure monitoring study as
indicated* with transplantation and simultaneous treatment of both
24-hour urine collection to quantify creatinine clearance the donor and recipient is possible, although treatment
and measure proteinuria* may complicate the management of the recipient due to
Oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1C if indicated* the effects of isoniazid on the metabolism of some im-
Metabolic workup if previous renal stones*
Donor ABO typing*
munosuppressive drugs. Potential donors should also be
Complete blood count with platelet count and differential screened for syphilis using the rapid plasma reagin test.
Comprehensive metabolic panel to include fasting serum Donors from Central or South America, individuals who
glucose and measurement of transaminases have recently traveled there, or those who previously
Fasting lipid profile spent significant amounts of time in these regions should
Coagulation studies to include the prothrombin time, inter­
national normalized ratio, and partial thromboplastin time be screened for Chagas’ disease. Finally, donors who pro-
Urinalysis and culture ceed with donation in spring, summer, or fall months
Electrocardiograph should be screened for acute infection by West Nile virus.
Chest X-ray Abdominal imaging is typically performed later in the
Crossmatch performed*
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing of the donor may
donor evaluation to reduce cost and minimize the risks of
be done at this time radiation exposure and contrast reactions. The optimal im-
aging modality remains a source of debate. Angiography,
Identify Transmissible Infectious Disease once the mainstay for defining renal anatomy, is now
Human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C
Rapid plasma reagin rarely used. In its place computed tomographic angiogra-
Testing for tuberculosis (TB) –TB skin testing or phy (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is
QuantiFERON-TB Gold used to evaluate the donor kidneys, define vascular anat-
Testing for Strongyloides, Trypanosoma cruzi, and West omy, and assess donors for other abdominal anomalies
Nile virus for donors from endemic areas
or pathology. These imaging modalities are particularly
Evaluation of Renal Anatomy with Cross-Sectional important for assessing anatomic variations affecting the
Imaging renal arteries, veins, or ureters that are important con-
Abdominal imaging using computed tomography siderations in determining the suitability of an individual
angiography or magnetic resonance angiography
for living kidney donation (Figures 7-1 to 7-4). While
Age-Appropriate Health Screening, Including ­magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/MRA) and computer-
Cancer Screening assisted tomography are thought to be equally accurate for
Prostate-specific antigen (recommendations based on
donor age and family history)
defining renal anatomy and detecting incidental findings
Gynecologic examination with Papanicolaou smear that may influence the decision about an individual’s suit-
Colonoscopy ability to be a living kidney donor, MRA has the advantage
Mammogram of avoiding ionizing radiation and potentially nephrotoxic
Pregnancy test if indicated contrast agents but is much less sensitive for detecting
Echocardiography and cardiac stress testing as indicated
Pulmonary function studies and computed tomography small renal or ureteral stones. In the end the choice of the
scanning of the chest as indicated optimal imaging modality should probably be made based
on considerations of local imaging expertise.12
*May be completed by donor at local hospital before visit to Individuals whose test results are compatible with liv-
­transplant center.
ing kidney donation undergo further diagnostic studies
and imaging. All donors should be evaluated for car-
are multiple potential donors. In cases where a donor is diovascular disease. Young donors with no significant
determined to be immunologically incompatible with the medical history may require no more than an electrocar-
recipient, alternatives include identifying additional living diogram. Potential donors greater than 50 years of age or
donors, waiting for a kidney from a deceased organ donor, those over 40 with risk factors for coronary artery disease
or considering paired donation and/or desensitization. such as tobacco use, hypertension, an abnormal electro-
The donor must also be evaluated for communicable cardiogram, or a strong family history of early coronary
diseases. Serologic testing for hepatitis B and C as well as disease should undergo cardiac stress testing. Potential
human immunodeficiency virus is mandatory. Potential donors found to have a murmur should undergo echocar-
donors who test positive for hepatitis B core antibody diography. Donors with a history of syncope, dizziness,
110 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 7-1  ■  Duplication of the renal collecting system. (A) Image from a computed tomography angiogram demonstrating a left
kidney with duplicated ureters. (B) Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrating duplication of the collecting systems of both the right
and left kidneys. Arrows in each panel identify the duplicated ureters.

FIGURE 7-2  ■  Renal venous anomalies – retroaortic left renal vein. (A) Image from a computed tomography angiogram demonstrating
a retroaortic left renal vein (arrow identifies the retroaortic left renal vein). Note the characteristic inferior course of the retroaortic
left renal vein relative to the left renal artery. (B) Reconstructed image clearly demonstrating the left renal vein coursing posterior to
the aorta.

or palpitations should undergo both an echocardiogram surgeon, living donor coordinator, an ILDA, social
and Holter monitoring. All potential donors should have worker, and/or mental health expert with knowledge
a chest X-ray. Those with a history of cigarette smoking about kidney transplantation and donation. This team
or an abnormal chest X-ray may require pulmonary func- should be independent of the recipient evaluation to
tion testing or a chest CT for further evaluation. Cancer prevent possible conflict of interest. Table 7-3 lists those
screening is completed in accordance with the American conditions generally thought to represent absolute and
Cancer Society guidelines.34 relative contraindications to living kidney donation.

Review of All Results at a Multidisciplinary Special Considerations in the Evaluation

Meeting and Selection of Living Kidney Donors
Review of the results from the living kidney donor The goal of the extensive testing that comprises the
­evaluation is completed by a multidisciplinary evaluation donor evaluation is to identify any physical or ­mental
committee. This panel should include a nephrologist, health conditions that could potentially increase the
Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor 111

FIGURE 7-3  ■  Renal venous anomalies – duplication of the inferior vena cava and circumaortic left renal vein. (A) Duplication of the
inferior vena cava (arrow identifies the duplicated, left-sided inferior vena cava and double arrow demonstrates the left-sided inferior
vena cava crossing the aorta to join the main, right-sided inferior vena cava). (B) Circumaortic left renal vein (arrows indicate the com-
ponent of the left renal vein that cross anterior and posterior to the aorta and the relationship to the left renal artery).

FIGURE 7-4  ■  Anatomic abnormalities of the renal arteries. (A) Left kidney with two renal arteries with a small-caliber lower pole ar-
tery arising from the aorta immediately inferior to the main left renal artery (arrow indicates the position of the two renal arteries).
(B) Reconstructed image from a computed tomography angiogram demonstrating a left renal artery with an early bifurcation (arrow
indicates the larger, superior and smaller, inferior branches of the left renal artery).

operative or long-term risks to the potential living donors). Multiple criteria for medical complexity
k­ idney donor or potentially harm the recipient through were present in 2.7% of all donors. Interestingly, the
the transmission of infectious or neoplastic diseases. The ­proportion of medically complex donors was greatest at
­often-heard statement is that living kidney donors must large transplant centers and those at which living d­ onor
be “perfectly healthy” individuals. However, those famil- transplants represented a higher proportion of the ­total
iar with living kidney donation realize that this phrase transplants performed. This trend toward the use of
embodies an idealized notion rather than the practical more medically complex living kidney donors raises
realities of assessing potential living kidney donors. It the obvious concern that estimates of risk derived from
has been reported that 24.2% of living kidney donors in the study of past cohorts, who may have been g ­ enerally
the United States in the current era have some form of more healthy than donors in the current era, may no
medical abnormality that places them at increased risk longer be accurate. Factors most commonly encoun-
of cardiovascular or renal disease in the future.32 In this tered that contribute to the medical complexity of living
study factors that were used to define medically complex kidney donors are: (1) age; (2) hypertension; (3) obesity;
donors included obesity (12.8% of donors), hyperten- (4) impaired glucose tolerance; (5) reduced renal func-
sion (10.3% of donors), and an ­estimated glomerular tion or previous renal stones; and (6) heritable diseases
filtration rate (eGFR) of < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (4.2% of associated with renal disease.
112 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 7-3  Absolute and Relative Contraindications

Absolute Relative
Age Less than 18 years Over 65 excluded from many programs
Informed consent Impaired ability to make an autonomous decision
due to mental or psychiatric condition
Substance abuse Active substance abuse Abstinence from substance abuse with
documented completion of rehabilitation
Hypertension Multiple agents or high doses of single agents for Borderline or control with single agents
End-organ injury
Additional strong risk factors for cardiovascular
Diabetes Diabetes mellitus Impaired glucose tolerance
Obesity Morbid obesity (BMI >35) or obesity (BMI  > 30) with Obesity
comorbid conditions
Renal disease Evidence of renal disease including a reduced Borderline creatinine clearance, microscopic
creatinine clearance (GFR <80 mL/min), hematuria
proteinuria (>250 mg), or hematuria
Renal stones Multiple or recurrent renal calculi of a metabolic Single renal stone
condition that predisposes to the recurrence of
renal calculi
Inherited renal ADPKD, SLE, Alport’s syndrome, IgA nephropathy TBMD, mutations in APOL1
Infection HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, West Nile virus, Hepatitis B core antibody
Chagas’ disease
Cancer Cancer current or treated but at significant risk for
Cardiovascular Coronary or peripheral vascular disease
disease Valvular heart disease
Renal anatomic Significant discrepancy in the kidney sizes Vascular anomalies (Figures 7-1 to 7-4)

BMI, body mass index; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; ADPKD, adult polycystic kidney disease; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; IgA,
immunoglobulin A; TBMD, thin basement membrane disease; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

Donor Age is not increased in older living donors.3,5,10 Similarly, kid-

ney donation does not seem to impact renal function or
While virtually all programs exclude individuals less than
life expectancy disproportionately in older as compared
18 years of age from donating, a survey of 132 transplant
to younger living donors. In contrast to the lack of effect
centers in the United States revealed that 60% of the pro-
that donor age has on donor outcomes, advanced donor
grams had no upper age limit for living kidney donors.
age does seem to be associated with reduced graft func-
This survey also revealed that only 21% excluded donors
tion and survival, suggesting the need to consider donor
over 65 years of age.19 Consistent with these data, there is
age when weighing different transplant options.
a clear trend toward the acceptance of older individuals as
living kidney donors. Registry data indicate that between
2000 and 2009 the mean age of living kidney donors in-
creased from 39.6 to 41.3 years of age while the percent- In the past hypertension was considered an absolute
age of living kidney donors in the 50–64-year-old age contraindication to kidney donation by most transplant
range increased from 18.1% to 25% and the percentage programs. A survey of transplant programs performed
of donors between 18 and 34 years of age declined from in 1995 indicated that 54% of programs would exclude a
33.2% to 30.3%.27 These changes may be the result of the donor with persistent borderline blood pressures and that
increasing age of the recipient population and the effect 64% would exclude a donor who required a single anti-
of this on their pool of potential living donors. In addi- hypertensive agent to achieve a normal blood pressure.6
tion there is an increasing caution on the part of many In contrast, a repeat survey conducted in 2007 indicated
programs related to kidney donation by very young indi- that only 36% and 47% of programs excluded donors
viduals.19 This caution may arise from concerns about the with persistent borderline blood pressures and one-drug
maturity of these young donors and their ability to make hypertension respectively.19 While in 1995 no programs
decisions about organ donation autonomously as well as indicated that they would consider hypertensive individu-
concerns related to their longer expected survival relative als requiring two drugs for control of hypertension, the
to older individuals who may be more mature and who 2007 survey indicated that a significant number of pro-
have had more time to demonstrate the stability of their grams would consider carefully screened individuals tak-
health. With respect to the impact of increasing donor age ing two medications for hypertension as potential living
on the potential complications, despite the intuitive sense kidney donors. Most programs that now allow hyperten-
that older living kidney donors might be at increased risk, sive individuals to proceed with kidney donation restrict
several groups have reported that the perioperative risk kidney donation in the setting of hypertension to donors
Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor 113

older than 45–50 years of age, Caucasian individuals, and excluding donors with abnormal glucose homeostasis are
those without evidence of end-organ disease as reflected more variable.19 In the setting of uncertainty or if risk
by findings such as left ventricular hypertrophy, protein- factors for the development of diabetes are present, such
uria, or retinopathy. Similarly, hypertensive individuals as African American race, individuals with a BMI  > 27,
with additional risk factors for cardiovascular disease such first-degree family members with diabetes, a history of
as obesity, smoking, hyperlipidemia, or a strong family gestational diabetes, or delivery of a child with a birth
history of coronary artery disease should be counseled weight  > 9 lb (4 kg), many programs obtain a 2-hour oral
against proceeding with living kidney donation. Similar glucose tolerance test to provide more information about
considerations are applied by many programs when con- the future risk of developing diabetes. Additional studies
sidering individuals with a history of pre-eclampsia or considered useful by some centers include measurement
eclampsia as potential living kidney donors. A further im- of hemoglobin A1c and anti-islet antibodies in potential
portant consideration in this group is the desire to have donors with a strong family history of diabetes. Careful
additional children in the future. The greater flexibility in attention to the fasting lipid profile is also very helpful.
considering hypertensive individuals for kidney donation While hyperlipidemia as an isolated abnormality is rarely
is based on the finding that with short- to intermediate- considered to be an exclusion criterion for living kidney
term follow-up well-controlled hypertension in appro- donation, dyslipidemia in the setting of impaired glucose
priately selected donors has not been shown to worsen tolerance and obesity constitutes the metabolic syndrome
blood pressure control after kidney donation or adversely and is associated with an increased risk of developing
impact renal function relative to non-hypertensive living overt diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the future.
donors.36,37 While there is no definitive evidence linking living kid-
ney donation to an increase in the future morbidity and
mortality of individuals with the metabolic syndrome, it
is reasonable to exclude these individuals from living kid-
It is well recognized that the prevalence of obesity has ney donation based on the known health risks associated
been increasing in the United States over the last three with the metabolic syndrome in the general population.
decades. Reflecting this trend, the BMI of living kidney
donors is increasing. In 2000 14.4% of all living kid-
ney donors were considered obese (BMI  > 30) whereas Reduced Renal Function
by 2008 obesity was noted in 19.5% of living donors.9 Somewhat surprisingly, a retrospective review of data col-
Contrary to the noted trend toward increasing obesity in lected by the organ procurement and transplantation net-
living kidney donors, there appears to be a greater aware- work demonstrated that 4.2% of all living kidney donors
ness about the risks of obesity and kidney donation on had an eGFR of  < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.32 It is not obvious
the part of transplant programs. Data from a 1995 sur- how this can be reconciled with the survey data indicating
vey revealed that only 16% of programs excluded donors that the majority of programs exclude donors with a GFR
for “moderate” obesity. Similar data from a 2007 survey of  < 80 mL/min/1.73 m2.19 One possibility is that the con-
noted that 52% of programs excluded donors with a cordance of the eGFR and the measured GFR is less than
BMI  > 35 and 10% excluded donors with a BMI of  > 30. perfect. The majority of programs (approximately 90%)
The rationale for excluding obese individuals from living make use of a 24-hour urine collection in order to de-
kidney donation has less to do with the technical difficul- termine the GFR, with most of the rest of the programs
ties related to the surgery or perioperative risk and more using methods based upon either radioactive isotopes
to do with the long-term potential risks associated with a or iodinated tracers. Increasingly, programs are adopt-
unilateral nephrectomy in an obese individual. Extensive ing more stringent criteria related to the renal function
data suggest an association between obesity and kidney of potential living kidney donors, with some programs
disease, particularly glomerular diseases. Analysis of the utilizing 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 in order to preclude living
Kaiser Permanente database demonstrates an ­association kidney donation by individuals with stage II chronic kid-
between increasing degrees of obesity and a time- ney disease, defined as a GFR of 60–89 mL/min/1.73 m2,
dependent increase in the risk of developing ESRD.14 This while other programs require that living kidney donors
risk may be increased or accelerated in obese i­ndividuals have a GFR within two standard deviations of the mean
undergoing unilateral nephrectomy for indications other GFR for age-matched individuals. Regardless of the
than kidney donation as reflected by an increase in the methodology used, determination of GFR is somewhat
prevalence of proteinuria and a declining eGFR in indi- imprecise, with repeated measures frequently yielding
viduals with a BMI  > 30.29 significantly different results. It is therefore important
to consider other important findings that may be associ-
ated with or predictive of renal diseases. Proteinuria is
Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance
perhaps one of the best predictors for the development
The American Diabetes Association defines diabetes as of kidney disease. Significant proteinuria, defined as ex-
a fasting plasma glucose of  > 126 mg/dL, a plasma glu- cretion of  > 180 mg of protein per day, requires further
cose of  > 200 mg/dL 2 hours after a 75 g oral glucose evaluation. In this setting determination of the albumin
challenge, or a hemoglobin A1c of  > 6.5. While virtually to creatinine ratio on a spot urine sample may be useful in
all transplant programs exclude potential donors with distinguishing significant from non-significant protein-
overt diabetes from living kidney donation, the defini- uria. Excretion of  > 250 mg of protein per day in the urine
tion of impaired glucose tolerance and the thresholds for is almost always considered significant and excludes living
114 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

kidney donation in all except those with a documented be excluded in individuals greater than 30 years of age if
benign cause of proteinuria such as postural proteinuria. high-resolution cross-sectional abdominal imaging does
Hematuria is another finding that may indicate signifi- not demonstrate cysts within the kidneys. For individuals
cant underlying renal pathology. The finding of hematu- less than 30 who are considering living kidney donation
ria, defined as  > 3–5 red blood cells per high-power field, and have a family history of ADPKD, genetic testing is
requires further evaluation. Excluding females who are required. This is greatly facilitated by knowing the muta-
menstruating, first steps in the evaluation of hematuria tion responsible for ADPKD in the affected relative(s).
should include a urine culture and abdominal imaging to SLE may develop in approximately 12% of individu-
assess for the presence of an occult urinary tract infec- als with an affected first-degree relative. Evaluation of
tion or renal calculus. A history of frequent urinary tract potential living kidney donors with a first-degree rela-
infections should prompt a urologic evaluation to include tive with known SLE should include studies to detect
urodynamic studies and cystoscopy in order to exclude antinuclear antibodies, antiphospholipid antibodies, and
an anatomic factor that predisposes the potential donor measurement of complement levels. Potential donors in
to recurrent urinary tract infections. Most programs whom the results of these studies suggest a risk for the
now allow individuals with a history of kidney stones to development of SLE should be educated about this risk
proceed with organ donation, assuming that stones are and counseled that they are not appropriate candidates
not currently present and that the workup for metabolic for living kidney donation.
conditions that predispose to the formation of stones is Heritable kidney diseases that manifest themselves
negative. Extra caution is warranted in individuals with through hematuria include IgA nephropathy, Alport’s
a history of multiple episodes of kidney stones. In pa- syndrome, and TBMD. IgA nephropathy usually pres-
tients who do not have evidence of a urinary tract infec- ents with episodic gross hematuria that may or may not
tion or kidney stone as the cause of persistent hematuria, be associated with persistent microscopic hematuria.
cystoscopy and a renal biopsy would be indicated. Many A renal biopsy demonstrating meningeal proliferation
programs now consider individuals with persistent mi- and IgA deposits is diagnostic and would be cause to
croscopic hematuria to be acceptable candidates for kid- exclude the affected individual from living kidney dona-
ney donation if the urologic evaluation and renal biopsy tion given the 25–30% incidence of eventual progres-
do not reveal a significant underlying disease. Finally, in sion to ESRD. Alport’s syndrome results from mutations
those potential renal donors with borderline low renal in genes related to collagen biosynthesis. Alterations in
function, abdominal imaging is very important to assess type IV collagen result in characteristic findings affect-
the appearance of the kidneys. Significant discrepancy in ing the eye, cochlea, and kidney and include cataracts and
the sizes of the kidneys, evidence of cortical atrophy, the retinal lesions, sensorineural hearing loss, and hematuria.
presence of numerous renal cysts, or vascular abnormali- Although there are different modes of inheritance, most
ties such as renal artery stenosis or fibromuscular dyspla- are X-linked, making the disease more severe in males by
sia would all be indicative of underlying disease processes virtue of their single X chromosome. Males in affected
that would preclude living kidney donation. families who are over the age of 20 years of age and have
none of the manifestations of Alport’s syndrome may
proceed to kidney donation, as may females with normal
Heritable Diseases Associated with
urinary studies. TBMD is another cause of asymptomatic
Renal Pathology
hematuria. Unlike hematuria related to IgA nephropathy
In cases where the intended recipient of a kidney from and Alport’s syndrome, TBMD is not usually associated
a closely related living donor has a known heritable with progressive renal dysfunction. If the diagnoses of
­condition as the cause of ESRD or for those potential IgA nephropathy and Alport’s syndrome can be excluded,
living donors with a strong family history of kidney
­ individuals who have microscopic hematuria without evi-
­diseases or failure, the possibility that the donor may also dence of severe thinning of their basement membranes
have a heritable disease that could result in kidney injury on renal biopsy can be considered as acceptable kidney
or failure must be considered. In this setting it may be donors, although they should be counseled that the long-
necessary to perform genetic testing and a renal biopsy term consequences of kidney donation in the setting of
in addition to the standard elements of the living donor TBMD remain incompletely understood.
evaluation to exclude the presence of a heritable disease The incidence of ESRD following living kidney do-
that could result in renal injury. Relatively common renal nation is rare in all racial and ethnic groups but is more
diseases with a genetic component include adult polycys- common in African American donors as compared to
tic kidney disease (ADPKD), systemic lupus erythema- Caucasian donors.16 This raises the possibility that ge-
tosus (SLE), thin basement membrane disease (TBMD), netic variations may contribute to the risk of develop-
Alport’s syndrome, and IgA nephropathy. ing ESRD following living kidney donation. Consistent
ADPKD is the most common of the heritable renal with this hypothesis, mutations in a gene on chromo-
diseases and is the fourth leading cause of ESRD. It ex- some 22 that encodes APOL1 have been associated with
ists in two forms resulting from two distinct genetic mu- an increased risk of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in
tations. PKD1 accounts for 85% of all individuals with African Americans. Mutant forms of the APOL1 gene,
ADPKD and is a consequence of a mutation in chromo- termed G1 and G2, occur in nearly one-third of all African
some 16. PKD2 is less common, affecting 15% of indi­vi­ Americans without known kidney disease and two-thirds
duals with ADPKD; it may manifest itself later in life, and of those with chronic kidney disease. Evolutionary pres-
results from a mutation in chromosome 4. ADPKD may sures that select for this gene are related to the ­protective
Medical Evaluation of the Living Donor 115

effects of a single copy of the gene against fatal infec- related to employment, travel, and family commitments.
tions by the Trypanosoma parasite responsible for “sleep- In the setting of transplants performed through PDE
ing sickness.” However, two mutated copies of the at-risk programs the wishes and needs of the other donor/
mutations result in a twofold increase in the risk of recipient pairs may limit the freedom to choose a p
­ referred
ESRD. Based upon the frequency of these mutations in date for surgery. In practice, exchange transplants are usu-
the African American population and their strong associ- ally scheduled for the earliest logistically feasible date,
ation with ESRD, some practitioners and programs now giving donors and their recipients less time to make ar-
recommend prospective screening of all potential African rangements with their employers, family, and friends who
American living kidney donors.8 However, given the lack will provide support during their convalescence. Finally,
of data demonstrating the impact of this mutation on the as donors and recipients remain unknown to each other
outcomes of living kidney donors as well as the potential in PDE programs there may be concerns on the part of
implications for an already disadvantaged group, many some individuals related to the incomplete knowledge of
transplant professionals counsel further study before rec- the other participating pair(s). Specifically, uncertainty
ommending the widespread adoption of routine screen- may exist with respect to the other pair’s medical histo-
ing for APOL1 mutations as an exclusion criterion for ries and the equivalency of the kidneys being exchanged.
potential living kidney donors. PDE offers a significant benefit to recipients whose only
potential donors are incompatible but does require that
the transplant team fully educate the donor and recipient
Special Considerations Pertaining to about these types of unique considerations.
Non-directed Living Kidney Donors and
Donors Participating in Paired Donor Long-term Follow-up of Living
Exchange Programs Kidney Donors
While the absolute contraindications to living kidney Living donor kidney transplantation has been practiced
donation apply equally to all potential donors, the rela- for nearly six decades and the number of individuals who
tive contraindications must be considered in light of the have donated a kidney for transplantation is estimated
relative “benefit” to the donor. The observation that an to exceed 120 000. Thus it would seem obvious that the
increasing percentage of living kidney donors are not risks and consequences of living kidney donation would
related to their recipients raises the possibility that the be known in exacting detail. This is generally true for the
emotional benefit associated with living donation may operative risks associated with living kidney donation due
be reduced for these more distantly or even unrelated to the mandatory reporting of living donor deaths and
donors. This may be particularly true for non-directed, major complications requiring surgical intervention in the
altruistic donors who may never meet their recipient. early postoperative period. However, there is substantially
Each of these factors needs to be considered in discussing more uncertainty with respect to the long-term impact of
the risk-to-benefit ratio with prospective living donors. living kidney donation on the donor’s medical, psychoso-
Based on considerations of this nature many programs cial, and fiscal health. Several recent reports suggest that
apply the selection criteria more stringently to non- living kidney donation is not associated with a measurable
directed donors in comparison to donors who are closely increase in the risks of death, renal disease, or renal failure
related to their intended recipient. Similarly, the growth compared to the general population or cohorts of self-
of transplants performed in the setting of desensitization identified healthy individuals matched for variables such
programs or paired donor exchange (PDE) programs may as age, gender, race, and ethnicity.15,16,33 However, many
significantly alter the anticipated outcomes of living donor of the studies cited as evidence that living kidney donation
kidney transplantation. Recipients who undergo desensiti- is associated with extremely low long-term risks to the
zation are generally at increased risk of immune-mediated donor are by necessity examining patients who donated
graft injury and complications related to the desensitiza- in the relatively distant past. As already discussed, the
tion regimen and the intensified immunosuppression re- medical complexity of living kidney donors has increased
quired. In some circumstances it may be expected that the significantly and continues to increase relative to donors
intermediate and long-term graft survival of recipients from previous eras. Furthermore, the introduction of new
undergoing desensitization will be inferior to that of re- surgical techniques such as robotic donor nephrectomy
cipients without pre-existing sensitization to the donor.4,20 and laparoendoscopic single-site donor nephrectomy may
While difficult to quantify in an absolute sense on an indi- be associated with operative risks that are qualitatively or
vidual basis, potential donors should be educated about the quantitatively different. The only means of providing po-
potential to obtain an inferior result so that they can make tential living kidney donors with an accurate prediction of
an informed decision about whether or not they wish to the operative and long-term risks of living donation is to
proceed. Participation in PDE programs also poses some consider the long-term follow-up of living donors to be a
unique considerations for educating and evaluating poten- critical component of the living ­kidney donation.
tial living donors. The unique considerations related to Despite the reassurance provided by the numer-
participation in PDE programs relate primarily to logistic ous studies reporting the generally excellent long-term
and organizational issues. In the setting of traditional living health of living kidney donors, it must be acknowledged
donor kidney transplantation the donor and recipient are that all studies to date suffer from the lack of a control
free to choose a date that best fits their medical need but population that accurately mirrors the excellent health
also takes into consideration other factors such as those status of living kidney donors. Perhaps the best approach
116 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

to assessing the impact of living kidney donation on long- of responsibility, the UNOS Board of Directors recently
term donor health would be to compare medically suit- accepted a series of recommendations from the Living
able individuals who were approved to donate but did not Donor Committee to mandate that transplant centers
proceed with donation to approved individuals who pro- must collect and report selected clinical and laboratory
ceeded with kidney donation. While this approach has data for living kidney donors at 6, 12, and 24 months fol-
obvious merit, studies employing this design have proven lowing donation. The board of directors also accepted
difficult for a variety of reasons. Additional challenges to recommendations that set acceptable thresholds for data
studies aimed at defining the long-term risks of living kid- completeness and reporting in order to be in compliance.
ney donation are related to the very low incidence of ma-
jor, donation-related adverse events and the observation
that the adverse consequences of living kidney donation SUMMARY
usually occur years to decades after donor nephrectomy.
Consequently, to be informative, studies of the long-term Although much has changed in living kidney donation,
risks of living kidney donation would need to follow large the primary goals of ensuring donor health and wellness
numbers of individuals over a period of 20–30 years. while still affording recipients the benefit of living donor
Irrespective of the logistic and financial barriers, nu- renal transplantation remain unchanged. The changing
merous studies aimed at defining the risks of living kid- health status of the donor population together with the
ney donation are in progress.18 Several of these major continued evolution of the processes and procedures of
initiatives are summarized below. living donation provide new challenges that require that
1. Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of Living kidney the transplant community continually reassess the risks of
Donation (ALTOLD) – an eight-center, 36-month living kidney donation and develop new policies and pro-
study of renal, cardiovascular, and bone mineral cedures to safeguard living donors. Central to the pro-
outcomes in 200 living donors and 200 matched cess of minimizing the risk to living kidney donors is the
control individuals. thoroughness of the medical and psychosocial evaluation
2. Renal and Lung Living Donors Evaluation and the rigor of the process to insure informed consent
(RELIVE) – a study of 8951 living kidney donors by the donor. To this end the donor evaluation process is
utilizing national databases to assess vital status, oc- increasingly complex as the medical, demographic, and
currence of ESRD, and death. Subsets of patients psychosocial features of living donors change. Despite
will be examined to quantify renal function and de- these challenges the careful evaluation of potential living
termine the presence of cardiovascular disease. donors continues to provide patients with ESRD the ben-
3. Kidney Donor Outcomes Cohort (KDOC) study efits of living donor renal transplantation while simulta-
(ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01427452) – a neously exposing the donor to low risks.
seven-center, 24-month study of surgical, m ­ edical,
functional, and psychological outcomes in 280 l­ iving REFERENCES
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proteinuria, renal disease, anemia, cardiovascular and why. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2011;16:243–9.
disease, and stroke. Quality of life and insurance 8. Cohen DM, Mittalhenkle A, Scott DL, et al. African American
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13. Gordon EJ. Informed consent for living donation: a review of key 29. Praga M, Hernandez E, Herrero JC, et al. Influence of obesity
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risk for end-stage renal disease. Ann Intern Med 2006;144:21–8. nephrectomy. Transplantation 1995;60:1047–9.
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Donor Nephrectomy
Rolf N. Barth

Total Laparoscopic Approach

DECEASED DONOR NEPHRECTOMY is opened and isolation and control of the i­nfra-abdominal
aorta are accomplished. In cases where the liver is recovered,
Deceased donor renal donation remains the predominant isolation of either the inferior mesenteric vein or portal vein
source of transplantable kidneys. In the United States, can also be achieved. The aorta is cannulated after admin-
deceased donors provide approximately 12 000 kidneys istering heparin, and in appropriate cases venous cannula-
per year or two-thirds of the available pool of transplant- tion is performed. In coordination with thoracic recovery,
able kidneys (Figure 8-1).27 Deceased donors are divided perfusion is initiated, the aorta is clamped in a supraceliac
into subgroups of donation after brain death (DBD) and location, and either the inferior vena cava or right atrium
donation after cardiac death (DCD). DBD donors are is transected and suction or drainage devices are placed to
pronounced dead by both clinical and radiological evalu- facilitate perfusion. The abdominal o ­ rgans are packed with
ations that vary by institution. The operations from these ice for cooling while flushing and recovery of other organs
donors are conducted in controlled settings with careful are performed. Mobilization of the ascending and descend-
physiologic monitoring to ensure optimal organ perfu- ing colon can be performed to allow for direct exposure of
sion and oxygenation until perfusion and cooling of do- the kidneys to ice. Recovery of thoracic organs, liver, and
nor organs. DBD donors accounted for 88% of donors pancreas generally precedes recovery of the kidneys.
in 2009 and, while total numbers have increased over the Recovery of the kidneys can be performed either indi-
last decade, the proportion of DBD donors decreased vidually or en bloc. Individual recovery of the kidneys is
from 2000 when DBD donors provided 97% of deceased performed by transecting the left renal vein at the vena
donor kidneys.27 Both DBD and DCD kidneys are fur- cava. The aorta and vena cava can both be transected
ther differentiated as either standard criteria donors inferiorly at the level of cannulation (usually just supe-
(SCD) or extended criteria donors (ECD) depending if rior to bifurcation) and at a superior level of the superior
the donor is either 60 years old or older, or if a donor mesenteric artery (SMA) and right renal vein. Division
is 50–59 years old with the presence of at least two of of the aorta should be performed by incising the base of
the following: hypertension, death from cerebrovascular the SMA and with an oblique angle entering the aorta
accident, or terminal creatinine higher than 1.5 mg/dL. superior to identify renal arteries as they often enter close
While total proportions of SCD and ECD donors have to this level. Superior transection of the aorta should be
remained fairly stable over the last decade, the contribu- performed to ideally preserve a Carrel patch on both the
tion of DCD donors has become increasingly important right and left renal arteries. The right renal vein should
(Figure 8-2). be identified prior to transection of the vena cava to pre-
serve a superior cuff that can be used to reconstruct a ve-
nous extension when necessary.
DONATION AFTER BRAIN DEATH Individual recovery starts with either side by isolating
the ureter and gonadal vein and transecting distally. Care
Kidneys from DBD donors are usually recovered in con- should be taken to leave tissue around the ureter with
junction with recovery of other abdominal and thoracic sharp dissection, so as to minimize the risk of devascu-
organs and require coordination of the surgical teams per- larizing the ureter by stripping it of adjacent tissues. The
forming different roles (Figure 8-3). The abdominal cavity anterior wall of the aorta can be longitudinally sharply
Donor Nephrectomy 119

All minimize the risk of injuring renal arteries. Regardless of

Deceased donor extent, Gerota’s fascia should be removed with the kidneys
Living donor to be separated at a later time. The right kidney should be
removed with all remaining vena cava to preserve a con-
Transplants (in thousands)

15 duit for venous extension grafts when necessary.

En bloc recovery of the kidneys is performed without
longitudinal transection of the aorta or division of the re-
10 nal vein. Inferior to superior dissection is performed pos-
terior to the aorta and vena cava, and with initial isolation
of the ureters to avoid injury. Separation of the kidneys
is then performed after removal with the similar goals of
leaving aortic cuff for all renal arteries and the vena cava
with the right kidney.
If concerns exist for the quality of perfusion based on
0 the appearance of the kidneys, direct cannulation and
98 00 02 04 06 08 perfusion of the right and left renal arteries can be per-
Years formed on the back table. While this step is not always
FIGURE 8-1  ■ Transplanted kidneys in the United States, 1998– necessary, concern regarding poor perfusion or mottled
2009. Increases in total numbers of both deceased and living do- appearance of the kidneys can direct additional flushing.
nor kidneys have been recognized. Living donor kidney numbers
have been stable in more recent years compared to an increased
number of deceased donor organs, especially from donation DONATION AFTER CARDIAC DEATH
after cardiac death (DCD) donors. (From Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant
Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Rockville, While in total numbers DBD donors account for the ma-
MD: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources jority of recovered and transplanted kidneys, DCD has
and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division become an increasingly common source of deceased do-
of Transplantation; 2011.) nor kidneys in recent years. In the United States in 2009,
DCD donors yielded more kidneys per donor (1.9) than
transected, followed by division of the posterior wall and either SCD (1.8) or ECD (1.6).27
with care taken to identify single or multiple renal arteries Recovery of kidneys from DCD donors is performed
and leave sufficient tissue for Carrel patches around each in a similar manner to brain-dead donors with few
vessel. From an inferior approach working from the mid- modifications. Individual hospitals and organ procure-
line and posterior to the aorta, all tissues can be sharply di- ment organizations set specific guidelines for time lim-
vided with attention to the location of the ureter to avoid its for recovery to be performed after withdrawal of life
inadvertent injury. Working both superiorly and laterally support that vary between 60 and 120 minutes. These
the vasculature and kidneys can be separated from the waiting periods occur either in a preoperative setting
abdominal and retroperitoneal attachments. Preference or in the operating room. According to local practice,
to more posterior dissection in the psoas muscle will patients are declared deceased after cessation of pulse,

ECD & SCD transplants DCD with ECD or SCD (%)

100 100

80 80 Non-DCD/ECD
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
98 00 02 04 06 08 98 00 02 04 06 08
Years Years
FIGURE 8-2  ■  Kidneys transplants by donor type, 1998–2009. The ratio of transplanted kidneys from standard criteria donors (SCDs)
and extended criteria donors (ECDs) have demonstrated little change since 2000 (left); however, the contribution of donation after
cardiac death (DCD) donors has become an increasing source of transplantable kidneys, accounting for over 10% of deceased do-
nor kidneys. (From Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN/
SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration,
Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Transplantation; 2011.)

Incised Portal vein

gallbladder Aorta
Left gastric artery
Transected Celiac axis
common bile duct Splenic artery
Right gastric artery Hepatic artery
Catheter in
Inferior vena cava splenic vein

Superior mesenteric
artery and vein

R. gastric artery
Hepatic artery Bowel,
and pancreas
Splenic artery and vein retracted

Short gastric arteries

L. gastric artery
Loose ligament
Portal vein around retracted
Aorta superior
mesenteric artery

Superior mesenteric
artery and vein

Celiac artery
Superior mesenteric
L. kidney
Kidney perfusion

Ureter Vena cava
R. kidney Inferior mesenteric
Perfusion artery Lumbar vessels
catheters Aorta


FIGURE 8-3  ■ Deceased donor organ retrieval. (A) The chest and abdomen are opened through a midline incision. The abdominal
cavity is inspected for any evidence of disease or injury. Initial control of the distal aorta is obtained in the case that urgent flush-
ing becomes necessary. (B) The splenic vein is catheterized through the inferior mesenteric vein for portal perfusion. Limited portal
dissection with distal ligation of the common bile duct and incision and flushing of the gallbladder. (C) Pancreas dissection can be
performed by division of the short gastric vessels and medial visceral rotation of the spleen and pancreas in a plane posterior to
the splenic vein and artery. (D) The duodenum should be widely mobilized allowing for access to the superior mesenteric artery and
infrahepatic vena cava. (E) The distal aorta is cannulated with a perfusion catheter after heparinization and drainage devices may be
placed in the distal vena cava. IVC, inferior vena cava. (F) Aortic crossclamp is performed in the supraceliac location and perfusion
and cooling with ice are performed. After removal of thoracic organs, liver, and pancreas, kidney dissection is commenced. Additional
attention should be directed to preserving ureteral length and aortic cuff around the origin of single or multiple renal arteries. Kidneys
can be recovered individually or en bloc.
Donor Nephrectomy 121

cardiac rhythm, or electrical activity. The cessation of all immediate graft function rates, graft half-life, and life-
pulseless electrical activity has not been deemed neces- years gained for recipients. The available pool of donors
sary as a criterion for declaration in the absence of pulse has remained relatively stable over recent years, al-
­pressure.3 An additional waiting period of between 2 and though demographics increasingly represent unrelated,
5 minutes occurs before initiation of organ recovery. altruistic, and even elderly donors (Figure 8-1). The
The period of warm ischemia time between with- primary responsibility of the donor surgeon is patient
drawal of life support and the initiation of cooling and safety, and this overarching concern must be involved in
perfusion with organ preservation solutions contributes every pre-, intra-, and postoperative decision. The reli-
to the increased rates of delayed graft function and organ ably safe outcomes with donor nephrectomy and good
dysfunction seen with DCD organs. Thus, the surgical long-term renal function of donors are paramount to
procedure needs to be performed in an expedited fashion preserve the justification for removing a kidney from a
to cool and perfuse organs as soon as possible. A midline healthy donor.
incision from sternal notch to pubis is rapidly performed
and, using combinations of sharp and blunt dissection,
the abdominal cavity is entered and the distal aorta is ANESTHETIC MANAGEMENT
cannulated with a perfusion catheter with or without iso-
lated control. Immediate perfusion should commence at Communication with anesthesia is important to ensure
this point. Transection of the distal inferior vena cava that good urine output is achieved throughout the case.
and placement of drainage device or suction catheter can Pneumoperitoneum has been demonstrated to impair
be performed to facilitate perfusion. Depending on re- venous return influencing renal perfusion, and volume
covery of the liver or thoracic organs, the aorta can be expansion has been demonstrated as the primary inter-
clamped at the level of the descending thoracic aorta vention to counteract this effect.23 Patients will often re-
after opening the chest. DCD recoveries for kidneys quire greater than 5 L of crystalloid to achieve a robust
alone can avoid opening the chest and clamping of the urine output. Mannitol can be administered in divided
aorta should occur at the supraceliac level. The abdomi- doses of 12.5 g to augment urine output. Low urine out-
nal cavity should then be packed with ice during perfu- put should be monitored for and addressed aggressively
sion. Rapid surgical technique to obtain crossclamp and by administering additional intravenous fluids and de-
removal of the organs from the abdominal cavity into creasing or eliminating pneumoperitoneum until good
cool solution on the back table may improve outcomes, urine output is achieved.
as has been reported with other organs.34 Modified tech- While inadequate volume resuscitation is the most
nical approaches, including balloon catheter placement likely factor, identifying other confounding factors for
for in situ preservation or use of extracorporeal sup- low urine output, including relative hypotension, in-
port after death, have not achieved substantial impact in ability to tolerate pneumoperitoneum, or other physi-
­improving results.24,36 ologic events, is important to determine whether the
While infusion of the preservation solution is com- case should proceed. While rare, our practice is not to
pleting, surgical recovery of the kidneys can be per- proceed with surgery if adequate urine output cannot be
formed with a similar technique to recovery in DBD achieved.
donors. While expedient technique is important, pre- Also of obvious importance is achieving adequate
cision remains paramount in these circumstances to relaxation, which is necessary for pneumoperitoneum
prevent the higher rates of surgical damage and organ to provide abdominal domain to perform surgery.
discard that have been reported.1 After removal of the Diminishing abdominal domain will result from pa-
kidneys from the abdominal cavity, additional perfusion tients who are inadequately paralyzed and will result in
can be performed once the kidneys are in cold solution difficulty making surgical progress. This may be real-
depending on either preference or concerns regarding ized at midpoints of the case as initial paralytic agents
the quality of intra-abdominal perfusion. While sup- may require redosing.
portive data exist regarding the ability of hypothermic We do not routinely administer heparin prior to divi-
pulsatile perfusion to improve outcomes for DCD kid- sion of the renal vessels and have not observed complica-
neys, conflicting data still exist and thus this conclusion tions from this practice. Some surgeons will administer
is not uniform.16,35 low-dose intravenous heparin (3000 units intravenously)
prior to vascular division with reversal by administering
protamine after removal of the kidney.
LIVING DONOR NEPHRECTOMY Regardless of the technical approach, control of post-
operative pain should be initiated during the operative
Kidneys from living donors provide an invaluable re- case. Intraoperative administration of narcotics provides
source in both quantity and quality. In the United States transient pain control. The use of local anesthetics and
approximately 6000 kidneys annually, or one-third of systemic non-steroidal agents can minimize postopera-
transplantable kidneys, are provided by living donors. tive pain and narcotic requirements. We routinely inject
The number of living donors almost equals the number 0.5% bupivacaine into port and extraction sites and con-
of deceased donors when comparing the total number sider the use of intravenous ketorolac for most patients.
of patients and is of central importance for renal trans- Additionally, initiating regularly scheduled oral narcotics
plantation. The quality of living donor kidneys is like- soon after surgery can prevent intense pain spikes as local
wise superior in every objective measurement, including agents diminish.
122 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

OPEN DONOR NEPHRECTOMY with either sutures or staples should be used for the renal
artery and vein stumps to minimize bleeding risk.
Open donor nephrectomy continues to be increasingly Inspection for good hemostasis with or without
replaced by minimally invasive surgical techniques. In placement of hemostatic adjuncts is then performed.
fact, surgeons trained in recent eras may have little or Abdominal wall closure is performed in multiple layers
no experience with standard or mini-open techniques. and with preference for absorbable suture. Local anes-
Nonetheless, these techniques may be employed by select thetic can be injected to provide local pain control and
centers and surgeons based upon indication or preference. minimize systemic requirements. Similarly, intravenous
Relative indications may include the presence of compli- non-steroidals may be used to provide pain relief and
cated vascular anatomy, prior operations that complicate minimize narcotic requirements. These should be dis-
laparoscopic approaches, or right nephrectomy. While continued after 48 hours. Postoperatively, patients can
these techniques deserve an appropriate place in the arse- receive intravenous and oral narcotics, and can be nor-
nal of living donor nephrectomy, laparoscopic techniques malized on diet and activity.
can be successfully utilized in almost all cases. Despite
reduced invasiveness of mini-open incisions, laparoscopic
techniques still result in comparatively decreased pain, LAPAROSCOPIC DONOR NEPHRECTOMY
faster return to work, and higher patient satisfaction.19,28
Standard open techniques depend on the division of Initial reports in 1991 were made of a laparoscopic ap-
muscle and possible rib resection compared to mini-open proach of a nephrectomy for tumor with morcellation
approaches that are muscle sparing and avoid rib resec- and extraction.6 In 1995, this approach had been suc-
tion. The mini-open techniques have been reported to cessfully applied to living donor nephrectomy, as Ratner
improve donor outcomes compared to standard open et al. made the first report of laparoscopic nephrectomy
techniques.38 After the induction of general anesthesia, for transplantation with immediate graft function.29
patients are positioned in a flexed lateral decubitus ori- Initial comparisons of open and laparoscopic approaches
entation on the operative table. The patient is prepped reported substantial improvements in donor recovery.7
and draped from the inferior rib margin to the superior These donor benefits were confirmed in subsequent
iliac spine. A lateral oblique incision is performed inferior studies.26,37 Recent randomized controlled trials have
to the 12th rib with division or separation of the oblique demonstrated improved donor satisfaction, less morbid-
and transverse musculature. Segmental resection of the ity, and equivalent graft outcomes.32 Early large series
inferior rib may be necessary to improve exposure to the reported concerns regarding complications, especially
upper pole of the kidney. Combinations of manual and with regard to the ureter, with the laparoscopic technique
electrocautery dissection are performed around Gerota’s that decreased as progressive technical experience was
fascia to permit retractor placement. The peritoneal cav- achieved.14 The improved patient recovery and minimally
ity is swept anteromedially as planes are created to the invasive approach have even permitted discharge for
level of the renal vein and artery. Retractors can be placed select patients on the first postoperative day.21 Additionally,
either on fixated platforms or by handheld techniques. the advent of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy was as-
Retroperitoneal dissection is continued around the kid- sociated with increased living donation rates and overall
ney and inferiorly to identify and isolate the ureter and volumes providing important recipient benefit.30
gonadal vessels. The ureter should be dissected close to In the United States, as of 2009, almost all living donor
the level of the iliac vessels to ensure adequate length. nephrectomies are performed by a laparoscopic approach,
Complete mobilization of the kidney is performed and with twice as many performed with a hand-­assisted ap-
the artery and vein are isolated proximal to insertion in proach (Figure 8-4). The minority of cases performed
the aorta or vena cava. The adrenal gland can be sepa- via an open approach has continued to decrease over the
rated from the parenchyma of the kidney lateral to medial. last 5 years with less than 5% of donated kidneys per-
The adrenal vein on the left side may be divided between formed via open retroperitoneal (3.9%) or transabdomi-
ligatures or clips to maximize renal vein length. Lumbar nal (1.1%) approaches (Figure 8-4).27
veins posterior to the renal vein should be divided to also
maximize renal vein length. This can be performed be- Hand-Assisted Technique
tween vascular clamps, surgical clips, or stapling devices.
After complete isolation of the vascular pedicle, division Hand-assisted techniques are the preferred approach for
of the ureter and renal vessels proceeds. The ureter and many groups and allow for combinations of manual dis-
gonadal vein are divided distally with ligatures, clips, or section and retraction with laparoscopic visualization and
stapling devices. The renal artery or arteries are then energy devices. Most series report improved speed with
divided. This can be performed by ligation with or
­ hand-assisted techniques as compared to other laparo-
without suture or stapling device. Finally, the renal vein scopic approaches.33 The intra-abdominal presence of a
can be divided in a similar technique. Vascular clamps hand may also be perceived as an improved safety benefit
can be utilized to maximize vessel length with subsequent for manual control of bleeding or other injury that may
ligation and suturing of vessels after removal of the kid- occur. While large series do not specifically support these
ney. The presence of multiple vessels requires planning concepts, most surgeons are comfortable with open tech-
for the order of division. Placement of multiple vascular niques providing direct manual control. The hand port
clamps may prove difficult with limited space, thus sta- site is also generally used as the extraction site and does
pling devices may be preferred. Transfixing techniques not add morbidity, although its location is generally in
Donor Nephrectomy 123

Intended procedure type


Laparoscopic hand assisted

Laparoscopic not assisted
40 Flank (retroperitoneal)
% Live donors



04 05 06 07 08 09
FIGURE 8-4  ■ Technical approach for living donor kidney recovery
in the United States. Laparoscopic techniques have been widely
adopted and account for 95% of the technical approaches with
a majority performing hand-assisted techniques. Open surgical
techniques continue to demonstrate diminishing contribution.

an upper midline location and thus more visible than al-

ternate extraction sites. The technical steps for recovery
are similar to the total laparoscopic approach (see below) FIGURE 8-6  ■  Mobilization of colon. The line of Toldt and spleno-
with the obvious addition of a hand to assist. colic ligament are divided with an energy device (i.e., harmonic
scalpel) and the colon and mesentery are swept medially. Care
must be taken to avoid or identify a mesenteric defect during
Total Laparoscopic Approach medial mobilization of the colon and mesentery.

Total laparoscopic approach for donor nephrectomy is

performed with the donor in either a total or modified lat-
eral position with flexion of the operative table to open the each additional port. Combinations of 5 mm and 12 mm
space between the iliac crest and ribs (Figure 8-5). After ports are placed in periumbilical, superior and inferior
sterile preparation and draping of the abdomen, a Veress mid-abdominal and lateral locations. A 12 mm port place-
needle can be placed in the left lower quadrant and used to ment in the periumbilical location allows for interchange
insufflate the abdomen to 15 mmHg pressure. Our pref- of dissecting and stapling devices.
erence is to utilize camera visualization through the first The left colon is mobilized along the line of Toldt
port that is placed with subsequent direct visualization of by dividing this line with the harmonic scalpel or other
energy device (Figure 8-6). The colon and mesentery
should be swept medially, taking care not to cause a mes-
enteric defect or injure mesenteric vessels. If a mesenteric
defect is identified this should be repaired with suture or
clips and the completion of the case to avoid the poten-
tial for internal hernia formation. After the mesentery has
been swept medially off the psoas and kidney, the ureter
and gonadal vein are identified. The ureter can be identi-
fied just superior to the iliac vessels or near the inferior
pole of the kidney. Care should be taken not to directly
grasp the ureter or use energy devices in direct proxim-
ity given the potential for unrecognized injury. A plane
should be created under the ureter and gonadal vein that
can then be elevated while remaining tissues are dissected
(Figure 8-7). Our preference is to use an energy device
as small vessels can be present in some of these tissue
planes. Dissection should be carried distally to a level im-
FIGURE 8-5  ■  Positioning and incision placement for laparoscopic mediately superior to the iliac vessels to provide adequate
left donor nephrectomy. The donor is positioned in a right l­ ateral recipient length. Proximal to the kidney, elevation of the
decubitus position with flexion opening the space between cos- ureter and gonadal vein is performed as lymphatics and
tal margin and iliac crest. A 12 mm port is placed periumbilically
and options for 5–12 mm ports in superior and inferior mid- vessels are identified and divided. We generally do not
clavicular and lateral mid-axillary positions. Extraction can be divide the gonadal vein, although in certain cases this may
performed through a transverse Pfannenstiel incision. provide additional exposure to the renal artery and vein.
124 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

the risk of injury and bleeding exists if these devices come

into contact with blood vessels. The artery should be com-
pletely isolated from the renal vein by careful dissection,
and should be exposed as proximal to the aorta as safely as
possibly. This is of increased importance in early branch-
ing arteries that may require more extensive dissection
down to the level of the aorta. Multiple arteries are present
in approximately a quarter of donors. Preoperative knowl-
edge of the location of each additional vessel is important
to anticipate as dissection is performed. Arteries that origi-
nate significantly inferior to the main renal artery require
additional care in elevation of the ureter, gonadal vein, and
FIGURE 8-7  ■ Elevation and dissection of the ureter and gonadal
kidney, as traction injuries become increasingly possible.
vein. A plane is created under the ureter and gonadal vein. Anterior Likewise, avoiding overdissection of smaller more inferior
elevation of these structures allows for dissection from a distal arteries can prevent inadvertent injury.
level near the iliac vessels to a proximal location of the renal hilum. The upper pole of the kidney is separated from the
Attention to the presence of additional renal arteries and lumbar renocolic and splenorenal ligaments using combinations
vessels is necessary as dissection proceeds superior to the hilum.
of blunt dissection and energy devices. The spleen can be
retracted medially in combination with lateral retraction
Almost all donors have lumbar veins that can vary from of the kidney to open this space. Retraction of the spleen
small and singular to multiple and large. Preoperative im- and surrounding tissues can also be a potentially hazard-
aging will identify larger lumbar vessels, but may be less ous maneuver and should be done with blunt instruments
effective in identifying multiple branches. Additionally, or graspers to avoid injury to the spleen. As this space
aberrant venous anatomy, including multiple renal veins, is developed, the adrenal gland requires separation from
circumaortic, and retroaortic renal veins, may be associ- the upper pole of the kidney. The adrenal gland is often
ated with variants in lumbar venous anatomy. Smaller identifiable and can be gently positioned with a grasper as
lumbar veins can be divided with energy devices. Larger dissection is performed immediately lateral to the gland.
lumbar vessels (>6 mm to over 10 mm) should be divided In obese donors, it may be difficult to identify the adre-
with either clip appliers or stapling devices (Figure 8-8). nal gland, and dissection along separate tissue planes that
Judgment as to the possible interference of metallic clips belong either medially with the adrenal gland or laterally
with subsequent stapling devices needed to divide renal with Gerota’s fascia is performed in potentially ambigu-
artery and vein is important, as clips can interfere with ous territory. Upper pole vessels often occupy the space
proper closing and stapling. Vascular staples, in contrast, between the adrenal gland and kidney; therefore, closer
do not generally interfere with the ability to place sta- proximity to the adrenal gland and away from the renal
pling devices over or in close proximity. hilum is preferred. Dissection of the upper pole of the
Elevation of the kidney from the lower pole can then kidney should be carried down to the level of the psoas
reveal the renal artery and vein. Lymphatics are present in muscle and superior to the diaphragm. We perform sepa-
varying amounts and density around the vessels, and require ration of Gerota’s fascia from the diaphragm and psoas
dissection, isolation, and division. Division of the periaor- with energy devices to minimize even small amounts of
tic lymphatics demands precision with energy devices as venous bleeding. Care needs to be taken with dissection
around the diaphragm so as to not inadvertently injure or
perforate with resultant pneumothorax. Unrecognized in-
juries manifest as progressive billowing of the diaphragm
into the operative field. These injuries can be repaired
laparoscopically by suturing the identified defect with re-
duced pneumoperitoneum and Valsalva maneuvers.
The renal and adrenal veins are apparent at various
stages during the procedure. The adrenal vein is usually
divided from the renal vein to provide additional venous
length on the left kidney. The adrenal vein should be com-
pletely isolated from the renal vein and with clear poste-
rior planes as the renal artery and aorta are in immediate
proximity. The adrenal vein can be divided with either
energy devices or clip appliers. Care with clip placement
is important so as to not interfere with stapling devices
FIGURE 8-8  ■ Division of the adrenal and lumbar veins. As the necessary for division of the renal vein. After division of
kidney is elevated with instruments, dissection of the lumbar the adrenal vein, the renal artery is easier to identify and
vein from surrounding lymphatics can be performed. Smaller dissection can be completed of the periaortic lymphatics.
adrenal and lumbar veins can be divided with energy devices; Tissues can be swept medially off the anterior surface of
larger vessels should either be clipped and divided or divided
with a stapling device. Consideration of likely division sites of
the renal vein to provide maximal length. Elevation of
the renal artery and vein should be performed to avoid interfer- the renal vein with a blunt instrument and clearance of a
ence of clips with stapling devices. posterior plane can also be completed.
Donor Nephrectomy 125

We generally perform separation of the kidney from

retroperitoneal attachments as a final step. If the kidney
is mobilized too early in the case, the kidney can inadver-
tently rotate medially and complicate vascular dissection.
The ureter and gonadal vein are identified and a lateral
window is created with an energy device. This window is
opened superiorly as the kidney is progressively retracted
medially. This likewise will lead to immediate proximity
with the diaphragm at the upper pole of the kidney and
requires additional attention to avoid injury. We leave
Gerota’s fascia intact with the kidney as we perform this
dissection. Separation of the kidney from the Gerota’s
fascia, even when extensive, can be difficult with densely
adherent fat that may risk capsular injury to the kidney.
As the kidney is completely mobilized medially, the psoas
muscle and origin of the renal artery become apparent.
Dissection of the posterior and superior aspects of the
renal artery can sometimes be facilitated with the kidney FIGURE 8-9  ■  Division of the renal artery. The kidney can be re-
in a medial location. Likewise, lumbar vessels may some- tracted lateral and anterior with instruments as a vascular sta-
times be easier to identify and divide with the kidney me- pling device is placed just beyond the origin of the renal artery.
dially rotated. Cutting or non-cutting staplers can be used, but attention to the
distal location of the stapler is important to avoid clips or other
Extraction can be performed via either a Pfannenstiel improper positioning.
or lower midline incision. Through either approach, the
rectus is exposed and a 15 mm port is inserted to accom-
modate a large endocatch bag for retrieval. Alternately, oversewn with laparoscopic techniques. If this is not pos-
the Endo Catch bag can be directly placed through a sible, direct pressure should be attempted while a midline
small defect in the peritoneum. Care needs to be taken laparotomy incision is made for direct exposure and re-
not to have an uncontrolled violation of the peritoneal pair. Non-cutting stapling devices may offer advantages
cavity, otherwise pneumoperitoneum will not be main- when preserving early bifurcations because of a decreased
tained during vascular stapling. width of the device. Additional non-cutting devices allow
Division of the ureter and gonadal vein is performed for confirmation of the correct placement of staples before
first with a vascular staple load. This is performed distally subsequently dividing the vessel with endoscopic scissors.
with direct observation of the distal stapler to confirm that Plastic or metallic clips should not be used to ligate main
the iliac vessels are not in proximity. The renal arteries renal vessels and the US Food and Drug Administration
are then divided next with the kidney elevated to maximal issued a specific alert in 2011 that updated 2006 warn-
height. If multiple arteries exist and are separated by more ings regarding the use of Weck H ­ em-o-lok ligating clip
than 5–10 mm, we divide the inferior vessel first, followed for renal artery ligation in living kidney donors secondary
by new staple loads for superior arteries. If arteries are in to risk of postoperative dislodgement and hemorrhage.8
close proximity they can be taken with a single staple load. Additional recommendations have been made, which are
After arteries are divided, the kidney is retracted to a max- broadly adhered to, that transfixion of tissue is the only
imal lateral extent and a stapler is placed on the renal vein acceptable method for renal artery division in living do-
as proximal to the vena cava as safely possible. nor nephrectomy.
Stapling requires care and attention to the stapling After all vessels have been transected, the kidney should
device and staple loads. An experienced scrub nurse or be confirmed to be free of all retroperitoneal attach-
technician should be familiar with expedient reloading of ments. Residual attachments can be divided with energy
the stapler. Concerns regarding the function or proper devices or additional staple loads if present. The Endo
reloading of the device justify replacement with a new Catch bag is directly deployed under the kidney and the
stapling device that should be immediately available in kidney and ureter are placed completely in the bag under
the operating room. Prior to firing the stapling device, direct visualization (Figure 8-10). The bag should also be
direct visualization of proper alignment of the stapler, in- closed under direct visualization as injury to the kidney or
cluding the distal extent of the device and proper position ureter can occur if they are not contained within the bag.
of the staple cartridge, should be confirmed by the surgi- Rarely, a kidney may be unable to be placed in the bag
cal team (Figure 8-9). This includes care not to close the because of size or other technical issues. Manual retrieval
stapler across metal clips which can cause misfire. Stapler should then be performed quickly and if possible while
misfires are very infrequent with limited reports; how- retaining pneumoperitoneum to aid in the identification
ever, they can be catastrophic and require expedient man- and control of the kidneys. The rectus can be opened in
agement.12 The most significant danger is for improper either a vertical or transverse direction as the kidney is
stapling prior to division of the vessel with a cutting de- retrieved from the abdominal cavity.
vice. A transected bleeding artery or vein should be con- The kidney is immediately placed on ice and brought
trolled directly with a laparoscopic instrument or hand if to the back table for preparation. Staple lines should be
possible. If the vessel can be controlled determination can transected and direct cannulation and flushing of all renal
be made whether the vessel can be restapled, clipped, or arteries are performed until clear effluent is achieved.
126 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Modifications in donor techniques to preserve donor vein

length and in the recipient to mobilize the iliac venous
system can improve these outcomes.25 Nonetheless, mul-
tiple renal arteries and anomalous renal venous anatomy
are not contraindications for left donor nephrectomy.
The presence of stones, cysts, or lesions within the right
kidney is a strong indication for right nephrectomy.
The operative approach is modified by the requirement
of liver retraction. After the peritoneum has been incised
with partial mobilization of the right liver lobe, one instru-
ment is positioned to elevate the liver over the superior pole
of the right kidney. The operation is further modified by
the requirement for division of the right gonadal vein that
inserts directly into the vena cava. The right adrenal vein
does not need to be divided as it is separate from the renal
vein. The shorter right renal vein also requires extra atten-
tion to stapling with either cutting or non-cutting vascular
stapling devices. Maximum retraction of the ­kidney and
exposure of the vena cava are performed to allow place-
FIGURE 8-10  ■  Placement of the kidney into an Endo Catch bag.
ment of the stapling device for maximum vein length.
After division of ureter and vascular structures the kidney and
entire ureter should be placed into an Endo Catch bag under
direct visualization. Once all structures are inside the bag, it can SINGLE-PORT DONOR NEPHRECTOMY
be closed and extracted through the selected incision site.
The possibility to reduce donor morbidity and/or im-
The extraction can be closed with either running or ab- prove patient satisfaction through new techniques has
sorbable (PDS or Maxon) #1 sutures. After closure of the been attempted with the introduction of laparoendo-
extraction incision, pneumoperitoneum is re-established scopic single-site surgery and supporting devices. The
and confirmation of good hemostasis at all dissection and operation can allow for the entire procedure and ex-
vascular division sites is performed. Occasionally, gonadal traction incision to be concealed within the umbilicus
vessels will require additional clip placement at the level of the donor and a very small residual scar once healed
of the ureteral division. Renal artery and vein should be (Figure 8-11). The technique was first described in
directly observed. Blood is aspirated from the retroperito- 2008 as a feasible approach with good outcomes.9 Some
neal space and near the spleen to confirm no unidentified
bleeding. Hemostatic agents are not generally required,
but can be placed as adjunction to hemostatic maneuvers
when necessary. Mesenteric defects can be repaired at this
point if identified (as discussed above). Challenging bleed-
ing sources include adrenal, splenic, and lumbar venous
sources. If adrenal or splenic bleeding cannot be confirmed
to be controlled, consideration for removal should be given.
Lumbar venous bleeding can be difficult to manage and, if
direct control and sealing with energy device or clip place-
ment cannot be achieved, attempt to oversew should be
made. The procedure should never be completed if there
is continued bleeding and drains are almost never indicated.
Ports can be removed under direct visualization. Larger
port (12 and 15 mm) sites can be closed as practiced per
routine of the surgical team. The extraction and skin in-
cisions are anesthetized with injectable agents (lidocaine
or Marcaine) and closed with absorbable subcuticular
­sutures. Ketorolac can be used per physician discretion
to minimize postoperative discomfort and narcotic use.


Laparoscopic right donor nephrectomy is performed
in the overwhelming minority of cases, with rates be- FIGURE 8-11 ■ Cosmetic result of single-port donor nephrec-
tomy 2 years postdonation. Single-port donor nephrectomy
tween 1% and 4% at large US centers. Initial challenges performed through the umbilicus with transumbilical extrac-
with laparoscopic right nephrectomy resulted in in- tion allows for minimization of the apparent incision length with
creased vascular complications compared to left kidneys. minimal residual scar.
Donor Nephrectomy 127

supportive evidence exists that this approach offers im- movements that we have found not to be limited by a
proved recovery in comparison to standard laparoscopic single-port approach.
techniques.5 Our center has utilized this approach since We found four techniques were important to mastery
2009 as the routine approach for over 200 kidney do- of the single-port approach and normalization of opera-
nors and has reported on equivalent safety with im- tive times with total laparoscopic approaches. First, venti-
proved patient satisfaction as compared to multiport lation of smoke and vapor through the single-port device
laparoscopy.2 is important and has been incorporated into later designs
The single-port devices commercially available allow of available devices. Second, elevation of the lower pole
for entry of three, four, or more instruments (Figure 8-12). of the kidney anterior and medially allows for opening of
The differences in hand maneuvers necessary to perform the space between the renal artery and vein for dissection.
the surgery through a single site are not substantially Third, retraction of the upper pole inferiorly and later-
different and can be reasonably achieved through tech- ally provides separation of the kidney from splenic and
niques of either port minimization with standard laparo- adrenal attachments, and facilitates dissection of the renal
scopic techniques or initiation of procedures through a artery from a superior approach. Finally, a plan should
single port with additional port placement as indicated. be determined for extraction of the kidney after division
Commitment to early placement of additional ports has of the vasculature. Depending on the device utilized,
allowed for equivalent safety in our experience. The most the skin and fascial incisions require extension to safely
critical maneuvers in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy deliver the kidney without significant trauma. Removal
are the vascular dissection around the vein and artery through too small a fascial or skin incision can injure the
and subsequent stapling. These maneuvers involve fine kidney and should not be aggressively attempted.

FIGURE 8-12  ■  Single-port donor nephrectomy. Patient position and operating room setup are similar to standard laparoscopic ne-
phrectomy. Surgeon and assistant are in close proximity as multiple instruments and camera are inserted through the umbilical
port. The assistant operating the camera and/or additional instrument must pay attention to avoiding interference with the primary
surgeon’s instruments.
128 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The procedure can be performed with standard laparo-

scopic instrumentation and cameras, although articulating
cameras and instruments have been introduced that may
facilitate the procedure with experience. The substitution
of the single-port device for multiple ports required in ei-
ther hand-assisted or total laparoscopic approaches does
not demonstrate substantial cost differences.
We have reported on normalization of our operative
times and ability to perform right and left nephrectomies
with single or multiple arteries and veins. We do experi-
ence approximately 10% rate of additional port placement,
most commonly in obese donors. While complication
rates are similar to other techniques, concern for umbili-
cal hernia necessitates careful attention to proper tech-
nique for closure of the fascia. This technique continues
to be our preferred approach for all living kidney donors
and fits into an algorithm of preferred approaches, b­ eing
single-port laparoscopy, ­ multiport laparoscopy, hand-­
assisted laparoscopy, and open techniques. The improved
cosmesis and potential other benefits of this technique
FIGURE 8-13  ■  Complication rates from donor nephrectomies in
may also translate to increased interest in living kidney the United States. Bleeding was the most common complica-
donation with a further slight reduction in the invasive- tion reported in 2008, followed by bowel obstruction and her-
ness of the surgery. nia. (From Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN)
and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN/SRTR
2010 Annual Data Report. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and
Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration,
ROBOTIC DONOR NEPHRECTOMY Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Transplantation; 2011.)

Robotic approaches in living kidney donation have been

reported, with largest series out of single centers.10,11,13
Potential advantages include improved visualization with recent compiled US complication rates. Major compli-
three-dimensional camera systems, articulating laparo- cations reported from 2008 included bleeding (2.2%),
scopic instrumentation allowing for meticulous dissec- hernia repair (0.8%), and bowel obstruction (1.0%)
tion of complicated vascular anatomy, and suturing if (Figure 8-13).27 A total of three donation-related deaths
necessary. The robotic approaches are performed with were reported between 2005 and 2009. Further ­analysis
multiple laparoscopic ports and require bedside manual of over 80 000 US donors between 1994 and 2009
assistant ports for use of energy devices, staplers, and ­revealed a surgical mortality rate of 0.03%.31
eventually for extraction. While the feasibility of robotic- Largest series reports from single centers provide
assisted laparoscopic nephrectomies has been demon- ­information on the types and frequencies of events from
strated, early reports have not demonstrated significant high-volume centers. Reports on 1200 donors dem-
advantages over total laparoscopic and hand-assist tech- onstrated an intraoperative complication rate of 1.6%
niques, while demonstrating increased cost.4 with a conversion rate of 0.92%, most commonly from
Single-port platforms have been recently intro- ­renovascular injury. An additional 4.0% of patients pre-
duced for robotic devices with initial experience being sented with a postoperative complication, with only
gained predominantly with laparoendoscopic single-site three patients requiring surgery for internal hernia or
­cholecystectomy.20 Application of these new devices for ileus.22 Our center had previously reported experience
donor nephrectomy has not been reported; however, with over 700 donors, demonstrating an open conver-
urologic and cadaveric studies have revealed the possible sion rate of 1.6%, most commonly from vascular injury
­application for renal surgery.17,18 The great potential for (1.2% of patients required blood transfusion).15 Five
­robotic approaches to overcome limitations of single- patients also had bowel obstruction requiring subse-
port ­surgery may allow for wider application of both quent exploration and one patient required splenic
­techniques; however, current instrumentation does not ­laceration repair.
allow for ­articulation or use of energy devices. Continued
technologic advancement may improve the ability of
robotic approaches to add significant advantages to the SUMMARY
­donor surgery.
Living donor nephrectomy can be successfully performed
through a variety of techniques, both open and laparo-
COMPLICATIONS scopically. Minimally invasive techniques have been asso-
ciated with decreased morbidity and improved recovery
The 2010 report from the Organ Procurement and courses of patients and should be viewed as the preferred
Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific approach for the majority of patients. Nonetheless, the
Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) revealed most key principle of donor safety should be used to make final
Donor Nephrectomy 129

decisions regarding donation techniques. Different cen- 19. Kok NF, Lind MY, Hansson BM, et al. Comparison of
ters and surgeons may have a variety of approaches that laparoscopic and mini incision open donor nephrectomy: single
blind, randomised controlled clinical trial. BMJ 2006;333:221.
result in good and safe outcomes. Thus, surgeon experi- 20. Konstantinidis KM, Hirides P, Hirides S, et al. Cholecystectomy
ence becomes an important consideration in determining using a novel single-site robotic platform: early experience from
the specific approach that is best for each patient. 45 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc 2012;26:2687–94.
21. Kuo PC, Johnson LB, Sitzmann JV. Laparoscopic donor
Acknowledgment nephrectomy with a 23-hour stay: a new standard for
transplantation surgery. Ann Surg 2000;231:772–9.
Acknowledgment is made to Phil Brazio, MD, for illus- 22. Leventhal JR, Paunescu S, Baker TB, et al. A decade of minimally
trating the technique of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy invasive donation: experience with more than 1200 laparoscopic
donor nephrectomies at a single institution. Clin Transplant
accompanying this chapter. 2010;24:169–74.
23. London ET, Ho HS, Neuhaus AM, et al. Effect of intravascular
volume expansion on renal function during prolonged CO2
REFERENCES pneumoperitoneum. Ann Surg 2000;231:195–201.
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2. Barth RN, Phelan M, Goldschen LE, et al. Single-port donor 25. Mandal AK, Cohen C, Montgomery RA, et al. Should the
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outcomes. Ann Surg 2012 Sep 10. kidney be the same as for the open procedure? Anomalous left
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5. Canes D, Berger A, Aron M, et al. Laparo-endoscopic single site Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN/
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matched-pair comparison. Eur Urol 2010;57:95–101. Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
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7. Flowers JL, Jacobs S, Cho E, et al. Comparison of open and 28. Perry KT, Freedland SJ, Hu JC, et al. Quality of life, pain
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J Endourol 2012;26:230–4. 2002;59:673–7.

Kidney Preservation
John O'Callaghan  •  Henri G.D. Leuvenink  •  Peter J. Friend  •  Rutger J. Ploeg

TOWARDS “TAILORED” PRESERVATION Hyperosmolar Citrate Solution
STRATEGIES Celsior Solution
Reactive Oxygen Species Normothermic Regional Perfusion
Calcium Normothermic Machine Perfusion
Enzymes Normothermic Reconditioning
SOLUTIONS Perfusion Fluid and Oxygen Carrier
Eurocollins Solution Viability Assessment
University of Wisconsin Solution
Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate Solution

TOWARDS “TAILORED” PRESERVATION over 60 years old, or aged 50–59 years, with at least two
STRATEGIES of the following conditions: cerebrovascular cause of
death, serum creatinine over 1.5 mg/dL, hypertension.102
To date, donor kidneys are very different from those re- Transplantation of an ECD kidney gives a substantial
trieved two decades ago. To maintain quality and increase survival advantage over maintenance on dialysis from
viability different donor types and kidneys procured for 18 months posttransplant, despite the negative compari-
transplantation require different preservation strategies son with kidneys from SCD.96 Graft survival for ECD
using more adjusted methods and solutions. kidneys is, by definition, inferior to that for SCD. The
Transplant waiting lists have universally lengthened relative risk of graft loss for ECD kidneys is greater than
since their creation, and at a greater rate than the avail- 1.7 times that of SCD kidneys.102 Absolute differences in
ability of donors. The classical donor type was that of the graft survival show a 15% and 16% reduction at 1 and
deceased, heart-beating donor, or donation after brain 3 years.83
death (DBD). These were typically younger people suf- The use of ECD kidneys has risen in many coun-
fering irreversible brain damage during motor vehicle tries.65,98 In the United States the number of ECD kid-
accidents, referred to as standard criteria donors (SCD). neys rose by 36% between the years 1999 and 2005, while
Declining numbers of this donor type are available due to SCD rose by approximately 13%.98 ECD contributed
a combination of improved neurosurgery and road safety. 22% of the kidneys transplanted in the United States in
Transplant programs are therefore increasingly turning 2009.32
to expanded criteria donation (ECD) and donation after DCD has also been explored in order to meet the de-
circulatory death (DCD) to meet the shortfall. Each do- mands of transplant waiting lists. The different types of
nor type is associated with risk factors that could affect DCD may be categorized using the Maastricht criteria70
the outcome of the transplant and therefore the methods (Table 9-1). Typically, DCD donors are those who have
of preservation are crucial. Many organ donors are now suffered massive brain injury but do not meet the criteria
complex, with comorbidities and an associated cascade of for brain death. A decision to withdraw supportive treat-
injury to the donor organs such that the applied preserva- ment is made independently of donor status (so-called
tion strategies become even more important. “controlled DCD” or Maastricht category III) and o ­ rgans
ECD was established as a defined donor group based from these patients undergo a period of warm ischemia
upon the association of certain factors with reduced graft as well as the inflammatory processes of brain death.
survival. Historically ECD were known as “marginal” Patients who have circulatory arrest in relatively uncon-
or “expanded” donors but are now more appropriately trolled situations may also become cardiac death donors.
referred to as “higher risk.” They are defined as donors These so-called “uncontrolled DCD,” or Maastricht

Kidney Preservation 131

to subsequent injury at reperfusion.16,93 Cerebral ischemia

TABLE 9-1  Maastricht Categories of Donation
results in hemodynamic instability, hypothermia, coagu-
after Circulatory Death
lopathy, and electrolyte disturbances.29,30,33 A surge in cir-
Category Description culating catecholamines and a subsequent drop in their
levels causes tachycardia, arrhythmias, and then hypoten-
I Dead on arrival at the hospital
II Unsuccessful resuscitation at the hospital
sion.30,33 Following brain injury renal tubules are there-
III Withdrawal of supportive treatment fore exposed to an inflammatory and metabolic milieu
IV Cardiac arrest following establishment of that can result in increased urinary sodium excretion46,57
brain death and fibrous proliferation of the arterial intima.91 There is
evidence that brain death increases the immunogenicity
of transplanted organs,69 associated with a higher rejec-
categories I and II, do not undergo brain death but expe- tion rate than organs from live donors.103 Cerebrovascular
rience a longer period of warm ischemia than controlled accident as the cause of donor death is independently as-
DCD. Kidneys from DCD have a higher risk of delayed sociated with an increased risk of graft loss.102
graft function (DGF) and primary non-function (PNF) The risk factors associated with prolonged warm isch-
than kidneys from DBD.68,116 Despite effects on the early emia time, the inflammatory processes set in motion by
graft function, kidneys from DCD have equivalent long- brain death and the agonal phase, require different strat-
term graft survival to DBD kidneys in large reviews and egies in organ preservation that are more complex than
meta-analysis.68,116,121 DCD kidneys also confer a sur- we are used to with SCD. Due to recent developments
vival advantage compared to remaining on dialysis whilst in the spectrum of donors required to address transplant
awaiting a DBD transplant.15 waiting lists, hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) and
Following declining numbers of suitable brain-death normothermic techniques are therefore being evaluated.
donors, the use of kidneys from DCD has increased in To date, however, the majority of donor kidneys have
many countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, been stored by hypothermic preservation to maintain vi-
the use of DCD kidneys has rocketed from 3% of de- ability and prevent further injury.
ceased donor transplants in 2000 to 32% in 2009.121 In
the Eurotransplant region the use of DCD kidneys has
permitted a 44% increase in available kidneys for trans- PRINCIPLES OF COLD STORAGE
plantation, and they have outnumbered the grafts re- PRESERVATION
covered from DBD since 2001.116 Despite support from
the Institute of Medicine, the use of DCD kidneys in After circulatory arrest, tissue metabolism continues for
the United States has not increased at such a rate: DCD some time; however, the absence of oxygen and nutrients
accounted for approximately 13% of deceased donor will rapidly lead to major metabolic problems within re-
kidneys in the United States in 200932 and there is con- nal cells. The suppression of metabolism is therefore es-
siderable variation by region32,56 (Figure 9-1). sential to maintain organ viability during the preservation
Not only has the age of DBD donors increased, but also period. Reduction of the core temperature of the kidney
the spectrum of cause of death has shifted. Increasingly, below 4 °C will result in a reduction of metabolism to
cerebrovascular accident is the leading cause of death.121 5–8% in the majority of cells and will diminish enzyme
Brain injury and ischemia lead to inflammatory pro- activity.117 Calne et al. showed that simple cooling of kid-
cesses that can injure kidneys prior to retrieval and lead neys in ice water preserved renal function for 12 hours.23
The development of preservation solutions that targeted
harmful pathways during cold preservation enabled lon-
ger storage times and preservation quality improved.81
Despite the beneficial concept of hypothermia, unwanted
side effects in the preserved organ still occur. These ef-
fects can only be partly counteracted by preservation
­solutions (Figure 9-2).
Harmful effects of hypothermic preservation include:
• Cell swelling
• Acidosis
• Altered enzyme activity
• Calcium accumulation
• Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

FIGURE 9-1  ■  In recent years the use of kidneys from donation

Energy and Acidosis
after circulatory death (DCD) has increased in the United States. Tissue hypoxia during organ preservation results in a
Percentage is of all deceased donor kidneys retrieved. ECD, ex-
panded criteria donation; SCD, standard criteria donors. (Based rapid fall in intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
on Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/Scientific levels. Even at temperatures as low as 0–4 °C, cellular ATP
Registry of Transplant Recipients data as of October 1, 2010.) content is rapidly depleted and cells switch to anaerobic
132 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

severe damage to lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins during

adenosine reperfusion – the ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI).22,71 In
inosine addition to xanthine oxidase, which in human renal trans-
AMP Glucose
hypoxanthine plantation may be of minor importance, since it is not
AMP Lactate abundant in human cells, in contrast to rodents,114 several
H2O other sources of ROS are important. Infiltration of leuko-
H2O pH
ADP cytes in the graft after reperfusion results in production of
damage mainly superoxides (known as the respiratory burst).
apoptosis Mitochondrial malfunctioning resulting from partial
K+ reduction of the respiratory chain is an important con-
Fe2+,3+ K+
tributor to ROS formation after reperfusion. The for-
Ca2+ Na+ mation of ROS has long been considered to contribute
ER stress to cellular injury during the reperfusion phase but not
during cold preservation.22,71 However, some reports sug-
Na+ gest that oxygen radicals are formed during reperfusion
FIGURE 9-2  ■ Negative effects of cold ischemia are breakdown as well as during cold preservation.109,110
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), acidosis, release of lysosomal
enzymes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, increased Na+
and Ca2+ influx to the cell, and subsequent cell swelling. AMP, Calcium
­adenosine monophosphate; ADP, adenosine diphosphate.
During normal circumstances a large difference in free
calcium concentration exists between the intracellular and
metabolism to support cellular processes. This leads to a extracellular space fluid. This difference is maintained by
much less efficient production of ATP, but also to the pro- active transport of Ca2+ by several ATP-dependent pro-
duction of lactic acid and acidosis.45,78 The contribution cesses, including Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.10
of acidosis to ischemic injury is pH-dependent. Severe During cold preservation, cellular ATP concentrations
acidosis activates phospholipases and proteases, causing fall, leading to increased intracellular Ca2+. Accumulation
lysosomal damage and eventually cell death.15 Mild aci- of Ca2+ in the cold phase will lead to activation of calcium-
dosis (pH 6.9–7.0), however, has been suggested to have dependent processes such as calpain activation and pro-
a protective effect by inhibiting phosphofructokinase as tein kinase C signaling. Calpain activation leads to loss
the rate-limiting step in glycolysis.15,49 Adequate control of cell structure by breakdown of the cytoskeletal spec-
of pH is therefore an important function of preservation trin.43 Calpain activity has been shown to be increased
solutions. in cold-stored hepatocytes, and further increased during
Cell Swelling
Changes in cellular structures observed during preserva- Enzymes
tion are cell swelling and formation of protruding pock- Intracellular proteases are involved in the breakdown of
ets.61 The mechanism underlying these changes is the proteins during preservation, most likely due to the ab-
impaired activity of the Na+/K+-ATP-dependent pump. sence of oxygen. Also, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
As a result, sodium excretion is reduced and sodium pas- may be activated during cold preservation, leading to de-
sively enters the cell, attracted by the negative charge of tachment of endothelial cells from the underlying ma-
cytoplasmic proteins. This creates a hyperosmolar intra- trix. This phenomenon has been predominantly studied
cellular environment and subsequently an influx of water. in the liver but also occurs in renal preservation.123,126 To
To re-establish the disturbed Donnan equilibrium and to reduce this detrimental effect by blocking MMPs (espe-
prevent cell swelling, impermeants and colloids are added cially MMP 2 and 9), the addition of the often-disputed
to preservation solutions. colloid, hydroxyethylene starch (HES), in University of
Effective impermeants are saccharides and non-­ Wisconsin (UW) solution has been shown to play an im-
saccharide anions. Molecular size determines the success portant role.126
of ­extracellular impermeants in preservation solutions, with Another relevant family of enzymes activated during
larger molecules being most successful.48,120,129 Colloids cold preservation is the apoptosis-related caspases.25,34,94
such as starches are large molecules that are retained in the During prolonged preservation, free iron is released
vascular compartment. from cytochrome P-450.58 The release of free iron will,
in combination with hydrogen peroxide, lead to severe
production of ROS.104,134 Recently, changes in autophagy
Reactive Oxygen Species fluxes have been postulated as a possible mechanism of
ROS are generated by several processes in ischemic and increasing injury with increasing cold ischemia times
postischemic reperfused organs.82 An extensively studied (CIT). Although most studied in the liver,44,75 preclinical
generator of ROS is xanthine oxidase, which simultaneously work indicates that autophagy may also be important in
produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the superoxide kidneys.125 In relation to this, Minor et al.77,85 have also
anion (O2–).72,112 The subsequent reduction of H2O2, cata- postulated that endoplasmic reticulum stress might be
lyzed by iron, leads to hydroxyl radical formation (OH–). involved in cold ischemia-induced injury. This was subse-
ROS react rapidly with other molecules, which results in quently confirmed by Peralta et al.100
Kidney Preservation 133

As described above, during cold preservation, cellular lower in the UW group (23% versus 33%). Also, 1-year
homeostasis is no longer sustained. Major derangements graft survival was found to be significantly higher in the
are shifts in electrolytes, changes in pH, intracellular en- UW group.101 As a result of this study, EC was no longer
zymes and proteins, and increase in intracellular water. the preferred solution for kidney preservation in Europe.
Preservation solutions are therefore composed to coun-
teract these processes. We have chosen to concentrate on
the clinically used preservation solutions. University of Wisconsin Solution
Continuous and systematic research by Belzer and
Southard in the 1980s led to the development of the
COMPOSITION OF CLINICALLY USED UW solution and its clinical introduction in 1987.
SOLUTIONS Metabolically inert substrates such as lactobionate and
raffinose served as osmotic agents (Table 9-2). HES is
Numerous preservation solutions have been evaluated used as a colloid. The colloids were originally added to
for the static cold storage of kidneys for transplanta- hypothermic machine preservation solutions to prevent
tion.95 They differ considerably in terms of their chemi- tissue edema due to hydrostatic pressure. Belzer and
cal composition (Table 9-2). A few examples of the most Southard used diafiltrated HES in UW as they originally
important solutions in international clinical practice are aimed at developing one solution suitable for both cold
described below. storage and HMP. The feasibility of HES as a colloid in
UW has been extensively debated. HES prevents inter-
stitial edema and has a beneficial effect on MMPs, but
Eurocollins Solution increases viscosity.101,128 Analyzing the effect of HES on
The first static cold storage solution was developed by red blood cells, several authors have shown an increased
Collins in the late 1960s.28 A minor modification by the red blood cell aggregation when large molecular-sized
Eurotransplant Foundation in 1976, eliminating mag- HES is present.89,128 This effect could partially explain the
nesium, resulted in the Eurocollins (EC) solution which slower washout of blood and initially patchy reperfusion
was used mainly in the era before the UW solution was of organs when UW is used.122 In UW, the compounds
developed. allopurinol and glutathione (GSH) are included to pre-
EC is a simple intracellular-like preservation solution. vent formation of ROS. Allopurinol inhibits xanthine
Phosphate was used for pH buffering and glucose served oxidase, which improves kidney preservation, while liver
as the osmotic agent. Since glucose is able to cross the or pancreas preservation is almost unaffected.12
cell membrane, it is a source for ATP and lactate in an an- GSH is a tripeptide which has free radical-trapping
aerobic environment, reducing its impermeant effective- properties. This important antioxidant is oxidized to
ness.90 Since the introduction of UW, most centers have glutathione disulfide together with converting perox-
been using this solution. A randomized clinical trial com- ides. Experimental studies have shown the importance of
paring EC with UW showed that DGF was significantly GSH in models of both renal tubular injury and isolated

TABLE 9-2  Composition of Preservation Solutions

Buffers (mM) K2HPO4 15 – – – – –
KH2PO4 43 25 – – – 25
NaHCO3 10 – – 10 – –
Histidine – – 198 – 30 –
Impermeants (mM) Glucose 195 – – – – –
Lactobionate – 100 – – 80 100
Citrate – – – 80 – –
Mannitol – – 38 185 60 –
Raffinose – 30 – – – 30
Electrolytes (mM) Chloride 15 20 32 – 42 20
Calcium – – 0.0015 – 0.25 –
Magnesium – 5 4 40 13 5
Potassium 115 120 9 84 15 25
Sodium 10 30 15 84 100 120
ROS scavengers (mM) Allopurinol – 1 – – – 1
Glutathione – 3 – – 3 3
Tryptophan – – 2 – – –
Nutrients (mM) Adenosine – 5 – – – 5
Glutamate – – – – 20 –
Ketoglutarate – – 1 – – –
Colloids (mM) HES – 0.25 – – – –
PEG – – – – – 0.03
Osmolality (mOsm) 406 320 310 400 255 320

EC, Eurocollins; HES, hydroxyethylene starch; HOC, hyperosmolar citrate; HTK, histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate; IGL-1, Institut Georges
Lopez-1; PEG, polyethylene glycol; ROS, reactive oxygen species; UW, University of Wisconsin.
134 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

perfused liver.60,132 In the absence of GSH, less ATP work by Kay and colleagues in experimental transplanta-
was generated and more lactate dehydrogenase was re- tion showed more edema in kidneys flushed with HOC
leased.60,131 Subsequent studies have shown the benefit of compared with UW.66
GSH after kidney transplantation and that GSH is espe-
cially important in long-term liver preservation.17
To date, UW is considered the gold-standard pres-
Celsior Solution
ervation solution for kidney, liver, pancreas, and small Celsior solution was developed initially for cardiac
bowel.13,26,31,35,41,62,101 preservation in the early 1990s. It is similar to UW in
composition and it has since proven to be of use in the
preservation of kidneys, liver, and pancreas.13,26,99 Unlike
Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate Solution UW, it has a high sodium content (100 mM) and low
Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution (HTK) was potassium content (15 mM), and is relatively low in vis-
initially introduced as a cardioplegic solution in open- cosity, as it does not contain HES. It combines the in-
heart surgery by Bretschneider in the 1970s.20 The ­basic ert osmotic agent philosophy of UW together with the
design of the solution consists of a very potent buffer, strong buffering capacity of HTK. Furthermore, Celsior
histidine, combined with two amino acids (Table 9-2). solution contains lactobionate and mannitol as imperme-
Tryptophan serves as a membrane stabilizer and antioxi- ants, along with reduced GSH as an antioxidant.
dant while ketoglutarate acts as a substrate for anaerobic
metabolism during preservation.90 Mannitol is a slightly Institut Georges Lopez-1 Solution
larger monosaccharide than glucose but, unlike glucose,
it cannot be metabolized and does not pass the cell mem- The HES controversy initiated a search for other colloids,
brane easily. Furthermore, it is added for its beneficial e.g., dextran and polyethylene glycol (PEG).1,11,24 Besides
effect as a free radical scavenger. In addition to mannitol, the high viscosity associated with HES, its tendency to
tryptophan protects the organs against ROS-mediated cause red cell aggregation in animal experimental mod-
damage. Tryptophan acts as an antioxidant through its els,128 and in vitro,9,89 justified the search for alternatives
oxidative metabolites in the kyunerine pathway, such as such as PEG. PEG is a neutral, water-soluble, non-toxic
5-hydroxytryptophan.27,37 In a cultured rat hepatocyte polymer. Although chemically not a true colloid, it acts like
experiment, the amount of thiobarbituric acid-reactive a colloid by the binding of water. In addition, PEG can bind
substances (TBARS) as a marker for ROS-mediated in- to cell membranes and create layers of “structured water,”
jury was measured. After 24 hours’ preservation TBARS preventing the approach of cells. This induces a type of im-
were significantly higher in HTK-preserved hepato- mune camouflage by interfering with identification of the
cytes compared to UW, suggesting superior antioxidant graft as foreign by cells of the immune system.36 PEG pre-
capacity of UW due to the combination of GSH and vents the activation of reperfusion-­induced inflammation,
allopurinol.105 which can have a long-term effect on graft outcome, partic-
HTK has a low viscosity and, to achieve complete ularly through interference with danger signal production.57
­tissue equilibration according to Bretschneider, high vol- Several studies, both experimental and clinical, have now
umes (~15 L) have to be rinsed through the organs at low confirmed the efficacy of PEG for liver but also for kidney,
flow rates. A multicenter randomized prospective trial pancreas, small bowel, and heart preservation.8,59,132,136
comparing UW with HTK in kidney preservation showed A recent systematic review and meta-analysis com-
equal results in terms of the incidence of DGF (33% versus pared evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
33%).31 For prolonged cold storage times with HTK (>24 and prospective controlled trials of preservation fluids.95
hours), however, few data are available. One single-center The authors concluded that there was good evidence
study reported a significantly higher incidence of DGF that UW and HTK reduced DGF in comparison with
with HTK than UW (50% versus 24%) when CIT was EC solution. The comparisons included of UW with
over 24 hours.107 The opposite was reported in a more re- HTK were limited to one adequately sized study of DBD
cent study, with much higher DGF rate associated with kidneys that demonstrated no difference in outcome.31
UW than with HTK (56% versus 16%).2 Direct compari- There were three RCTs that compared UW to Celsior:
son of these conflicting findings is impossible due to a dif- two were small and one had a large number of dropouts.
ferent definition of DGF in the two studies. No difference in DGF was demonstrated by these three
studies individually or in meta-analysis.95
Hyperosmolar Citrate Solution
Hyperosmolar citrate (HOC, also known as Marshall’s HYPOTHERMIC MACHINE PERFUSION
solution) is used for renal transplantation primarily in REVISITED
the United Kingdom and Australia.79,92 HOC is a citrate/
NaHCO3 buffered solution with mannitol as the imper- HMP was the original method of renal preservation dur-
meant. Due to its composition as a hypertonic solution, ing the early years of renal transplantation.7 Following
HOC prevents the entry of fluid into cells3 and has been the development of preservation fluids that achieved
shown to be effective in experimental kidney preserva- equivalent results to HMP in a static setting, and hence
tion.108 A recent evaluation revealed no major differences with reduced costs, static storage overtook HMP as the
in transplant outcome in the United Kingdom between prevalent method of renal graft preservation. Changes in
HOC and UW or HOC and Celsior,14 although recent the donor pool have recently prompted a return to the
Kidney Preservation 135

FIGURE 9-3  ■ Hypothermic machine perfusion devices maintain

the stored kidney in a bath of preservation solution surrounded
by ice.The same solution is withdrawn from the bath and pumped
(via an oxygenator in some cases) through the renal artery of the FIGURE 9-4  ■  Professor F. O. Belzer with the first “transportable”
kidney. Temperature and flow dynamics can be monitored. machine perfusion system.

use of HMP. It has demonstrated beneficial effects for in outcomes. Results from a European RCT for DCD
DBD,87 but in particular DCD63 and ECD,124 where the kidneys showed a large relative reduction in DGF, with
potential to reduce DGF and PNF rates, and improve rates dropping from approximately 70% to 54% when
graft survival, is greater. HMP was used.63 A smaller RCT from the UK however
For HMP the retrieved kidney is placed within a res- did not find any benefit, with DGF rates equally low, at
ervoir chamber filled with chilled preservation solution approximately 56% and 58%.130 It should be noted that
surrounded by an ice box (Figure 9-3). The renal artery is in the UK trial the DGF rate was lower to begin with
cannulated and a recirculating pump is used to generate a and centers were free to commence HMP at any stage
pulsatile or continuous flow of preservation solution. The during preservation which resulted in significant shorter
fluid exits the renal vein and enters the reservoir from where machine perfusion times than in the European RCT.
the pump collects it again to continue the process. The pump One-year graft survival and PNF rates were the same for
can be pressure- or flow-targeted and allows the monitoring both modalities of preservation in both of these studies.
of the renal resistance to flow. The flow of preservation fluid HMP has also been tested for ECD kidneys, where
ensures uniform renal cooling and allows constant flush-out it may have more potential to improve upon transplant
of metabolites. The preservation fluid can be oxygenated outcomes. In a large European RCT, HMP reduced
if required. In early years HMP was associated with tis- PNF rates from 12% to 3%, although DGF rates were
sue edema due to the relatively high hydrostatic pressures not statistically improved (30% to 22%, P = 0.27). One-
involved and this prompted the development of perfusion year graft survival was significantly improved following
fluids with strong oncotic effects to retain fluid within the HMP (92% versus 80%).124 Large database analyses have
vascular compartment. Human albumin solution was used also shown a significant reduction in DGF with the use of
initially, followed by human plasma derivatives. Currently, HMP for ECD kidneys, but without such an impact on
the synthetic perfusate, called the Belzer machine perfu- graft survival.80,113,118
sion solution, is most widely used. Belzer machine perfusion A recent systematic review and meta-analysis has as-
solution is a high-sodium and low-potassium solution that sessed the evidence from all RCTs comparing HMP with
incorporates HES. It differs from UW in that it contains cold storage.137 The authors concluded that HMP is as-
gluconate instead of lactobionate as well as mannitol and the sociated with a reduction in DGF, with a relative risk be-
key buffer is HEPES (Figure 9-4). tween 0.70 and 0.92. The largest study included in the
A recent, large multicenter European RCT studied review demonstrated improved graft survival with HMP
HMP in comparison with static cold storage.87 Moers (European machine perfusion trial, described above).87
and the multinational group found that, across all donor The evidence from registry data is somewhat conflict-
types, rates of DGF could be lowered from approximately ing and this may represent the inherent selection bias
27% to 21%. HMP was independently associated with a of these retrospective studies. Analysis of the Scientific
significantly reduced risk of DGF, with an odds ratio of Registry of Transplant Recipients (n =  98 736 kidneys)
0.57, seen in DBD and DCD. When DGF did occur, it found that HMP has been used more for diabetic, older,
was also shorter following HMP (average 10 days versus African-American donors or those with higher terminal
13 days). Both 1-year and 3-year graft survival was also creatinine and longer CIT.113 Despite these associations,
significantly better for kidneys preserved by HMP. Of HMP was associated with reduced rates of DGF in this
particular interest, in those kidneys that developed DGF, database (20% versus 28%). Data from the Collaborative
1-year graft survival was better if preserved by HMP Transplant Study (n = 91 674 kidneys) found that HMP was
than static cold storage.86 PNF was similarly low in both associated with reduced graft survival compared to static
groups, at approximately 2% and 5%. cold storage, which may be due to the associations above.97
For DCD kidneys, where DGF rates are typically Some centers have concentrated on the additional
higher, there is a greater potential for improvement monitoring and assessment that HMP allows. The renal
136 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

resistance indices during perfusion have been extensively The application of normothermic perfusion technology
quoted as providing an opportunity to evaluate a marginal in solid-organ transplantation is at an early stage and
organ. The systematic bias in reviews of this technique the optimal mode of delivery remains to be established.
and the discard of large numbers of kidneys has made it Normothermic perfusion of the donor organ can be ad-
difficult to assess the relationship between renal resistance ministered in one or more of three different ways:
and graft outcome accurately. A large analysis of prospec- 1. Normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) immedi-
tively collected perfusion dynamics, which were not dis- ately before retrieval of DCD organs (also known as
closed to transplant surgeons preoperatively, showed that normothermic recirculation/extracorporeal mem-
renal resistance was an independent risk factor for DGF brane oxygenation)
and graft loss.64 However, it has poor predictive value and 2. Normothermic machine preservation (NMP)
cannot be used as a stand-alone viability parameter.64 throughout the period of preservation, minimizing
HMP also allows the collection and analysis of bio- exposure of the organ to cooling
markers in the perfusate during the preservation pe- 3. Normothermic reconditioning (NRC) for a short
riod. Six biomarkers were assessed during the European period immediately prior to implantation.
Machine Perfusion Trial.88 These included: alanine ami-
nopeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase, glutathione-S-
transferase (GST), heart-type fatty acid-binding protein
Normothermic Regional Perfusion
(H-FABP), lactate dehydrogenase, and N-acetyl-beta-d- In this technique the donor is attached to a cardiopul-
glucosamine (NAG). Multivariate analysis of perfusates monary bypass circuit soon after circulatory arrest.
from the end of the preservation period showed that Cannulation of the donor’s circulation is via the femo-
GST, H-FABP, and NAG were moderate, independent ral, iliac, or intrathoracic vessels. It is essential to prevent
predictors of DGF.88 None of the biomarkers were inde- reperfusion of the cerebral circulation during NRP and
pendently associated with PNF or decreased graft sur- this is achieved by the use of an intra-aortic balloon (in-
vival and should not be used as justification to discard a troduced via a femoral artery) or direct cross-clamping of
kidney. the intrathoracic aorta.
There are good experimental data to show the benefit
of NRP in models of DCD and increasing clinical use
NORMOTHERMIC PERFUSION in a number of countries.40 However, there is no formal
RCT evidence as to the benefit of this approach in either
The term “normothermic perfusion” refers to the perfu- controlled or uncontrolled DCD.
sion of an organ at normal physiological temperature. In Increasing use of NRP has mirrored the increas-
the context of organ preservation this is clearly directly ing number of uncontrolled DCD donors in Spain and
contrary to the basic scientific principle that has under- France. The kidney transplant center in Madrid, Spain,
pinned the whole of organ preservation since the start of has successfully transplanted kidneys from Maastricht cat-
clinical transplant programs, that of cold preservation. egories I, II, and IV DCD.4,5,111 The 5-year graft survival is
Continued metabolism at hypothermic temperatures equal to DBD kidneys.111 However, this success has been
leads to the accumulation of metabolites, which form the achieved at the price of a highly selective approach to do-
substrates for subsequent IRI. HMP improves the situa- nor acceptance and the discard rate for retrieved kidneys
tion, probably by removal of metabolic products, and this is very high in this setting (approximately 33%). The main
may be the basis of its proven benefit in more marginal reasons for discarding such organs are poor histology on
organs.63,87,124 HMP systems may also be configured to de- biopsy, poor perfusion parameters, or positive viral serol-
liver oxygen, which has been shown experimentally to be ogy.5 The DGF rate is also high (68–80%), as is the PNF
beneficial.84 However, the complex biological functions of rate of 6%.4,5 One center in Paris, France, has used the
mammalian cells are only effective within a narrow range same approach for Maastricht category I and II DCD, ac-
of temperatures and the rationale of normothermic perfu- cepting a longer warm ischemia time of up to 150 min-
sion is, therefore, to maintain the organ within this range utes, demonstrating higher rates of discard (43%) and
in order to minimize preservation injury. DGF (92%), but a lower PNF rate (2%).38 In a small se-
Normothermic perfusion comprises: ries of Maastricht category II and IV donors in Barcelona,
• Oxygen delivery sufficient to maintain normal cel- Spain, standard NRP was compared with hypothermic
lular ATP levels NRP and with in situ cold perfusion using EC solution.127
• Physiological temperature to allow normal cellular The standard NRP group had lower rates of DGF (13%)
functions compared to the other groups (55–75%) and less PNF
• Delivery of nutrition to prevent depletion of cellular than the in situ cold perfusion group (0% versus 22%).
energy substrates. There is little published experience of the use of NRP
The purported advantages of normothermic per­fusion are: in controlled DCD. Theoretically it provides a means to
• Avoid cellular damage caused by cooling, indepen- reverse the acidosis and low oxygen levels that develop
dent of ischemia after the withdrawal of life support. Magliocca and the
• Minimize IRI by preventing the depletion of cellular Michigan group report a case series (15 donors) with low
ATP or by reversing this in organs that have previ- rates of DGF (8%) and PNF (0%) in this setting.76 A large
ously been subjected to ischemia (as in DCD donors) cohort study from Taiwan demonstrated that NRP for
• Allow organ function to be assessed during storage kidneys from Maastricht categories II, III, and IV DCD
in order to assess the viability of marginal donor could achieve 5-year graft survival rates comparable with
organs. kidneys from DBD.73
Kidney Preservation 137

Normothermic Machine Perfusion The mechanism of benefit remains unclear, although

a number of hypotheses are proposed and it is likely that
In this technique the kidney is placed within a chamber a combination of mechanisms is involved.
from which venous effluent can be collected and the uri- NMP enables reperfusion of the organ and the es-
nary fluid can be drained from the ureter. The renal ar- tablishment of normal cellular metabolism and en-
tery is cannulated to provide a recirculated blood flow. ergy stores in the absence of some of the key effector
The system incorporates a centrifugal pump, oxygenator, mechanisms of IRI. In experimental studies in which
and heat exchanger. Important early work in this area blood-based perfusion is used, there is evidence that
was performed by Brasile et al., who demonstrated in a depletion of leukocytes prior to perfusion reduces the
canine model that very prolonged periods of warm isch- reperfusion injury.47 Leukocytes are an important com-
emia could be tolerated successfully in organs that were ponent of IRI and this is, therefore, an unsurprising
preserved by NMP.19,119 More recently a series of ­studies finding. Clinical studies are likely to use blood sourced
from the Leicester group of Nicholson and Hosgood have from national blood transfusion services and therefore
used a porcine kidney transplant model to demonstrate leukocyte-depleted.
that normothermic perfusion with blood is a highly ef- This does not, however, provide an explanation for the
fective method to resuscitate kidneys that have been sub- beneficial effect of NRP, in which the organs are reper-
jected to warm ischemia.6,51 It is also a good platform for fused with the blood from the donor (the circuit is primed
the delivery of other therapeutic strategies designed to with crystalloid or colloid solution). In this situation, it is
minimize IRI, including carbon monoxide and hydrogen likely that the predominant mechanism of benefit is the
sulfide.50,53 In parallel, studies in the porcine liver trans- immediate repletion of cellular energy stores prior to or-
plant model have corroborated these findings, showing gan cooling and preservation – effectively converting the
that normothermic preservation can enable successful organ from one from a DCD donor to one from a DBD
transplantation of organs following prolonged periods donor. There is evidence (Debabrata Roy, personal com-
of warm ischemia.21 The combination of NRP and NMP munication) that a 60-minute period of NRP protects the
has been shown by the Barcelona group of Fondevila and organ by ATP recovery and this directly correlates with
Garcia-Valdecasas et al. to enable even greater tolerance recovery of mitochondrial function after reperfusion.
of warm ischemia, again in a liver model,39 suggesting In this context, the use of other pharmacological agents
that different normothermic perfusion strategies may be known to protect the mitochondrion may also be of clini-
complementary. cal importance.
It has been suggested that a mechanism by which nor-
Normothermic Reconditioning mothermic perfusion protects organs is that of ischemic
preconditioning. This is a phenomenon whereby a brief
The challenges of providing normothermic preservation period of cellular hypoxia followed by a period of recovery
from the time of retrieval to the time of implantation are protects the cells from a subsequent more severe injury.
considerable, not least because it requires the preserva- The phenomenon is well documented in several systems
tion device to be transportable from the donor hospital (e.g., cardiac, neurological) and the mechanism involves
to the transplant unit, incurring logistic complexity and the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway with a complex
cost with respect to organ sharing and allocation. The process of gene activation occurring as a consequence of
use of normothermic perfusion for a shorter period im- hypoxia. This is part of the physiological response to hy-
mediately prior to transplantation is logistically a much poxia and greater understanding of this will open up new
simpler task, as it allows the process of retrieval and trans- opportunities in organ protection.
port to be carried out using existing simpler and cheaper Complement activation is known to be an important
techniques. early event in IRI and experimental models of comple-
The Leicester group has pioneered this approach both ment activation blockade have been shown to abrogate
experimentally and clinically.52 Using a porcine kidney this injury.135 It is likely, therefore, that the use of bank
reperfusion and transplant model, this group has dem- blood for NMP and NRC, with low levels of complement
onstrated that a brief period of normothermic recondi- activity, is beneficial, although this has not been formally
tioning (NRC) is effective in significantly improving the tested.
function of kidneys damaged by warm ischemia. These Cooling is known to be deleterious to organ function
studies led on to the first clinical study which showed that, independent of preservation injury,15,74 and it is likely
in a series of 20 ECD kidneys (including one DCD organ) that the avoidance of cooling (other than brief periods
treated with a short period of NRC, 19 organs functioned of cooling at retrieval and implantation) does contribute
immediately.54 Although this was a phase I study without a to the benefit of NMP. However, this hypothesis is dif-
randomized control group, the result is striking in a group ficult to test and there is no direct evidence to confirm
of patients with a predicted DGF rate of 30–40%. or refute this.
All perfusion systems, both hypothermic and nor-
Mechanism of Action mothermic, provide continuous circulation of perfusate
through the microcirculation. This removes metabolic
There is an increasing body of evidence that normo- products from the immediate environment, reducing the
thermic perfusion, whether delivered in the form of availability of xanthine and other molecules which act as
NRP, NMP, or NRC, is effective in improving the im- substrates for the subsequent enzymatic processes that
mediate function and survival rate of marginal donor occur at reperfusion, producing superoxide radicals and
organs, particularly those damaged by warm ischemia. other effectors of lipid peroxidation.82
138 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Perfusion Fluid and Oxygen Carrier an EU grant has been initiated. They will investigate the
role of oxygenated HMP preservation and reconditioning
Most groups developing normothermic perfusion have will also be investigated in the preservation of ECD kid-
come to the conclusion that a specialized oxygen carrier is neys. In addition NRP prior to liver transplantation will
needed; this is based on the calculated continuing oxygen be evaluated. Clinical trials must incorporate the collec-
demand for normal metabolic function and the ability to tion and evaluation of both perfusate and tissue samples,
deliver oxygen dissolved in solution. The large majority which can be studied by modern molecular techniques in
of normothermic perfusion studies have used blood as the search for biomarkers and in the development of suit-
the oxygen carrier. Although red blood cells are highly able methods of viability assessment.
evolved to provide oxygen to tissues, there are some dis-
advantages that have led some groups to investigate alter-
native oxygen carriers. REFERENCES
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Histocompatibility in Kidney
Susan V. Fuggle  •  Craig J. Taylor

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Complement-Dependent Lymphocytotoxic
B-Cell Crossmatch
HLA Genes and their Products
Crossmatch Serum Sample Selection (Timing)
HLA Class I
Immunoglobulin Class and Specificity
HLA Class II
Flow Cytometric Crossmatch Test
HLA on the Web
Crossmatch Policies and Clinical Interpretation
HLA MATCHING The Crossmatch Veto: Which Antibodies are
HLA-SPECIFIC ALLOSENSITIZATION Organ Allocation and Pretransplant Donor
Routes of Sensitization Crossmatch Testing
Antibody Detection and Specificity Definition The Virtual Crossmatch
Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Immunological Risk Stratification
Solid-Phase Assays for HLA-Specific Antibody
Patient Sensitization Profile and Definition
of Unacceptable Specificities Antibody Removal
Paired Exchange
Crossmatch Techniques and their Clinical

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND rejection,74 and antibodies present in recipient sera before

kidney transplantation reactive with donor lymphocytes,
In the 1960s the study of histocompatibility was ­stimulated either by leukoagglutination or by cytotoxicity, were as-
as the early pioneers of clinical kidney transplantation real- sociated with hyperacute rejection (HAR).52,119 HLA was
ized that immunological mechanisms were responsible for quickly recognized as the human equivalent of the major
allograft destruction. In 1961 the introduction of chemical histocompatibility complex (MHC), previously identified
immunosuppression using firstly 6-mercaptopurine fol- in inbred rodents, the products of which control the rec-
lowed soon after by azathioprine and steroids enabled short- ognition of self and foreign antigens.40
and medium-term success, but 40–50% of deceased donor
transplants were lost from immediate or early graft failure
due to irreversible rejection in the first year and thereafter THE HLA SYSTEM
there was an insidious decline in graft function. These early
experiences severely limited the success of human allotrans- The HLA system encoded on the short arm of chromo-
plantation and led to the study of compatibility of trans- some 6 is the most intensively studied region of the human
planted tissue, which, over the following 40 years, gave rise genome. The region spans over 4 megabases and ­contains
to the specialty of histocompatibility and immunogenetics. in excess of 250 expressed genes, making it the most gene-
The first human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) were dis- dense region characterized to date.44 Of relevance to trans-
covered in 1958 and subsequent years by Jean Dausset, plant clinicians and immunologists is that about 28% of
Rose Payne, and Jon van Rood.107 During the next few these genes encode proteins with immune-related functions.
years many more HLAs were characterized using anti- HLA has a central role in immune recognition for the
bodies in sera obtained from multiparous women and defense against foreign pathogens and neoplasia, mediating
from patients after multiple blood transfusions. Such an- T-cell signaling through presentation of self and foreign
tibodies were also demonstrated in patients after allograft antigens in the form of short protein fragments (peptides)
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 143

recognized by self-HLA-restricted T lymphocytes (see therefore an individual can express two alleles at each lo-
Chapter 1). Recognition of non-self peptides in the context cus. The genes encoding HLA and their corresponding
of self HLA (i.e., altered self) is the function of the T-cell glycoprotein products are divided into two classes ac-
antigen receptor and elicits a powerful immune response. cording to their biochemical and functional properties:
The extensive polymorphism of HLA has evolved to enable HLA class I and HLA class II.
efficient binding of peptides from the vast array of poten-
tially pathogenic organisms that invade and colonize our HLA Class I
bodies. Therefore the evolutionary pressures to develop
and maintain diversity vary with time and geographical HLA class I genes span 2 megabases at the telomeric end
area. As a consequence, HLA has adapted differently ac- of the 6p21.3 region of chromosome 6. This region en-
cording to geographic region and ethnic group and HLA codes the classical transplantation antigens (HLA-A, -B,
phenotypes differ across populations throughout the world. and -C) that are expressed on virtually all nucleated cells.19
Genes of the HLA class I loci encode the 44 kD heavy
chains which associate with intracellular peptides present
HLA Genes and their Products within the ­cytoplasm (Figure 10-2). The tertiary structure
The HLA system is a complex multigene family consist- is stabilized on the cell surface by non-covalent association
ing of more than 10 loci. HLA types are codominantly with β­ 2-microglobulin, a non-polymorphic 12 kD protein
inherited on a maternal and paternal haplotype and encoded on chromosome 15. The heavy chain consists of
transmitted as a single Mendelian trait (Figure 10-1); three extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains (α1, α2, α3),

C -H
L -K
A -A
S -J
25 25 S -L
I -E
24 24
23 23 -B
22.3 22.3
22.2 22.2
22.1 22.1 -LTA
21.3 21.3 C -LTB
p p
21.2 21.2 L -Hsp70
21.1 21.1 S -C2
S -Bf
12 12
11.2 11.2 -C4B
11.1 11.1
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14 -DRA
15 15 -DRB5
16.1 16.1
16.2 16.2 -DRB3
16.3 16.3 -DRB1
21 21
q q C
22.1 22.1 L -DQB3
22.2 22.2 A -DQA2
22.3 22.3 S -DOB
23.2 23.1 23.2 23.1 II -DMB
23.3 23.3 -DMA
24 24 -DOA
25.2 25.1 25.2 25.1 -DPB1
25.3 25.3 -DPA2
26 26 -DPB2
27 27

FIGURE 10-1  ■  Genomic organization of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region on chromosome 6. HLA antigens are codominantly
inherited en bloc as a haplotype from maternal and paternal chromosomes. Italic type indicates pseudogenes. Normal type indicates
“non-classical” HLA genes with no known role in clinical solid-organ transplantation. Bold type indicates genes encoding HLA prod-
ucts with clinical relevance to solid-organ transplantation.
144 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Class I Class II
TABLE 10-1  Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)
Genes and their Products
Peptide-binding cleft Peptide-binding cleft
Name Molecular Characteristics
HLA-A Class I α-chain
a2 a1 b1 a1 HLA-B Class I α-chain
HLA-C Class I α-chain
HLA-E Associated with class I 6.2 kB Hind III
HLA-F Associated with class I 5.4 kB Hind III
a3 b 2m b2 a2 HLA-G Associated with class I 6.0 kB Hind III
HLA-H Class I pseudogene
Transmembrane region HLA-J Class I pseudogene
HLA-K Class I pseudogene
HLA-L Class I pseudogene
Cytoplasmic tail HLA-N Class I gene fragment
HLA-P Class I gene fragment
HLA-S Class I gene fragment
FIGURE 10-2  ■  Schematic representation of the domain structure HLA-T Class I gene fragment
of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II. HLA-U Class I gene fragment
HLA-V Class I gene fragment
HLA-W Class I gene fragment
HLA-X Class I gene fragment
HLA-Y Class I gene fragment
Alpha 1 domain HLA-Z Class I gene fragment (located in the
HLA class II region)
HLA-DRA DR α-chain
HLA-DRB1 DR β1-chain determining specificities
CHO DR1 to DR18
HLA-DRB2 Pseudogene with DR β-like sequences
HLA-DRB3 DR β3-chain determining DR52 found
Beta-pleated sheet on DR17, DR18, DR11, DR12, DR13,
forming base of and DR14 haplotypes
peptide-binding cleft HLA-DRB4 DR β4-chain determining DR53 found
on DR4, DR7, DR9 haplotypes
HLA-DRB5 DR β5-chain determining DR51 found
on DR15 and DR16 haplotypes
HLA-DRB6 DRB pseudogene found on DR1, DR2,
N and DR10 haplotypes
Alpha 2 domain HLA-DRB7 DRB pseudogene found on DR4, DR7,
and DR9 haplotypes
HLA-DRB8 DRB pseudogene found on DR4, DR7,
FIGURE 10-3  ■  Ribbon diagram of the peptide-binding cleft of human and DR9 haplotypes
leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I. The peptide-binding cleft is formed HLA-DRB9 DRB pseudogene, probably found on
by two alpha-helix protein chains (alpha 1 and alpha 2) that overlie all haplotypes
a beta-pleated sheet. The boxes indicate amino acid positions that HLA-DQA1 DQ α-chain
form the protein structure and, as an example of the HLA poly- HLA-DQB1 DQ β-chain determining specificities
morphism, the red dots denote the amino acid residues that differ DQ1–DQ9
between two HLA-A specificities (HLA-A1 and HLA-A2) that line the HLA-DQA2 DQ α-chain-related sequence, not
base and sides of the peptide-binding cleft (and thereby govern the known to be expressed
peptide-binding repertoire for antigen presentation) and those that HLA-DQB2 DQ β-chain-related sequence, not
face the outer surface towards the T-cell receptor (thereby govern- known to be expressed
ing the self-restricted or alloreactive T-cell specificity). HLA-DQB3 DQ β-chain-related sequence, not
known to be expressed
a hydrophobic transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic HLA-DOA DO α-chain
HLA-DOB DO β-chain
tail. The two e­ xtracellular domains distal to the cell mem- HLA-DMA DM α-chain
brane (α1 and α2) are highly polymorphic and fold to form HLA-DMB DM β-chain
a peptide-binding cleft consisting of eight strands forming HLA-DPA1 DP α-chain
an antiparallel beta pleated sheet, overlaid by two alpha HLA-DPB1 DP β-chain
helices (Figure 10-3). The cleft accommodates peptides of HLA-DPA2 DP α-chain-related pseudogene
HLA-DPB2 DP β-chain-related pseudogene
8–10 amino acids in length that are mostly derived from en- HLA-DPA3 DP α-chain-related pseudogene
dogenous proteins present within the cell cytoplasm. The
major areas of amino acid polymorphism line the sides and
base of the cleft and thereby govern the peptide-binding
repertoire of the HLA molecule. In contrast, the α3 do- cytotoxic function and form the basis for cellular immunity
main (proximal to the cell membrane) is highly conserved to intracellular pathogens such as viruses.
and acts as a ligand for CD8 expressed on T lympho- There are other class I loci and knowledge about their
cytes. This interaction confers HLA class I restriction on expression and function has emerged (Table 10-1). HLA-H,
CD8-positive T lymphocytes which have a predominantly -J, -K, and -L are pseudogenes and HLA-N, -P, -S, -T,
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 145

-U, -V, -W, -X, -Y, and -Z are gene fragments that are not
TABLE 10-2  Resolution of Human Leukocyte
transcribed or translated. HLA-G is expressed on placen-
Antigen (HLA)-Typing Methods and their
tal trophoblast cells, implicating a possible involvement in
Application to Renal Transplantation
­fetal–maternal development. HLA-E, -F, and -G have lim-
ited polymorphism and are known to act as ligands for natu- HLA-Typing Resolution Method
ral killer (NK) cell inhibitory receptors (e.g., CD94). These
HLA allele matching High-resolution DNA
loci may prove to be important in certain experimental xe- sequence-based typing*
nograft models and in bone marrow transplantation (where Split HLA specificity Serology and low-resolution
NK cells are involved in the rejection process), but their matching (generic) DNA typing†
clinical relevance in solid-organ transplantation has not yet Broad HLA specificity Serology and low-resolution
matching (generic) DNA typing
been firmly established. There is, however, an emerging HLA-B, -DR matching Serology and low-resolution
role for these molecules in innate immunity to persistent (generic) DNA typing
viruses such as cytomegalovirus and they may prove to have Epitope matching Serologically defined cross-
an important role in posttransplant viral defense. reactive groups
Serologically defined motifs/
HLA Class II Single amino acid residues
Linear peptides and
The HLA class II region consists of three main loci: conformational epitopes
HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP. The glycoprotein products are Supertypic antigen matching
Triplet amino acid mismatches
heterodimers with non-covalently associated alpha and (HLAMatchmaker)
beta chains of molecular weight approximately 33 kD and
28 kD, respectively. Both chains have two extracellular *High-resolution DNA typing can be translated into low-­resolution
immunoglobulin-like domains, a transmembrane region
­ serological equivalents (allele families).
and a cytoplasmic tail (Figure 10-2). The membrane distal †
Low-resolution HLA typing by polymerase chain reaction utilizes
domains α1 and α1 form a peptide binding cleft similar to, DNA primers designed to identify polymorphisms at a level com-
parable to serology.
but less rigid than, that of HLA class I, accommodating pep- Adapted from Taylor CJ, Dyer PA. Maximising the benefits of HLA
tides of 10–20 amino acids that are derived predominantly matching for renal transplantation; alleles, specificities, CREGs,
from ingested (endocytosed or phagocytosed) extracellular epitopes or residues? Transplantation 1999;68:1093–1094.
(exogenous) proteins. The α1 domains of HLA-DR, -DQ,
and -DP are highly polymorphic and so govern the peptide
binding repertoire. They are constitutively expressed on level to which the HLA genes and their products have
cells with immune function such as B lymphocytes, acti- been resolved. The nomenclature is complex and, to
vated T lymphocytes, and antigen presenting cells (mono- those outside the field, can appear confusing.
cytes, macrophages, and cells of dendritic lineage). HLA
class II expression can be induced on most cell types dur- Resolution of HLA-Typing Methods. Serologically
ing inflammatory responses (including allograft rejection) based HLA typing uses alloantisera and monoclonal an-
by cytokines such as gamma-interferon and tumor necrosis tibodies that bind to tertiary epitopes of the cell surface
­factor-α.19,35,36 The conserved membrane proximal domain HLA glycoproteins. There is a high degree of sequence
associates with CD4 on T lymphocytes with predominantly homology between HLA specificities and identical amino
helper/inducer function and thereby confers HLA class II acid sequence motifs (epitopes) are often shared between
restriction and forms the basis of cellular and humoral im- groups of antigens.2,23,65
munity to circulating pathogens such as bacteria. The degree of HLA compatibility between transplant
donors and recipients can be considered at many differ-
HLA Polymorphism and Nomenclature. Early inves­ ent levels of resolution, depending on the HLA-typing
tigations into HLA polymorphism used relatively crude methodology (Table 10-2). This can range from single
alloantisera able to distinguish only a limited number of amino acid differences detected by high-resolution DNA
antigens. Nearly half a century later, these simple tech- sequence-based methods (allele matching) to serologically
niques have been complemented by molecular methods defined epitope matching. The influence of all levels of
capable of resolving HLA variants at the DNA sequence donor and recipient HLA compatibility has been consid-
level and identifying single amino acid polymorphisms ered in deceased donor kidney transplantation.100 Although
that are indistinguishable by serology. For example, strongly implicated for negating graft-versus-host disease
there are currently 19 HLA-DR specificities defined by following unrelated bone marrow transplantation, a role
serological methods, compared to more than a thousand for high-resolution allele matching in kidney transplanta-
sequence variants (alleles) detected using DNA-based tion has not been established. However, matching for sero-
typing methods. The number of newly defined alleles logically defined amino acids, epitopes, and specificities has
identified is still increasing rapidly and has now surpassed been reported to benefit transplant outcome53,96,112,121
even the highest expectations of the early pioneers.
Concomitant with the ever-increasing complexity of WHO Nomenclature for HLA. HLA genes and their
the HLA region, a nomenclature system has been devel- polymorphic products have now been characterized and
oped to assign accurately HLA loci and their alleles.64 cloned and have been given official designations using the
This nomenclature system encompasses the methodol- following principles. The genes are prefixed by the letters
ogy (serology, biochemistry, and DNA sequencing) and HLA followed by the locus or region, e.g., HLA-A, HLA-B,
146 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

or HLA-D. The HLA-D region has several subregions de- -DRB3*01:01, -DQA1*05:01, -DQB1*02:01).98 There is
noted HLA-DR, -DQ, -DP, -DO, and -DM (Figure 10-1). only relatively weak linkage centromeric to HLA-DQ be-
These are followed by the letters A or B to define the gene cause of a recombination “hot spot” between -DQ and -DP.
encoding the alpha and beta chain gene product of that sub-
region, respectively (e.g., HLA-DRB genes code for the DR HLA on the Web
beta chain protein ­product). Where there is more than one
A or B gene within a s­ ubregion, a corresponding number is Information concerning the HLA system is rapidly
given (e.g., ­HLA-DRB1; see Figure 10-1 and Table 10-1). ­expanding and articles such as this are always out of date
A new nomenclature system was launched by the World by the time they go to print. However, there are a num-
Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 to accommodate the ber of internet websites with useful links that are regu-
growing number of HLA alleles being discovered.64 In this larly updated. These provide contemporary articles and
system each allele is uniquely identified by up to four sets information concerning HLA genes, nomenclature, poly-
of digits separated by colons (termed fields), prefixed by morphism, DNA, and amino acid sequences for both lay
an asterisk (*). The digits in the first field usually correlate and professional readers:
with the serological specificity, for instance HLA-B*27 cor- www.anthonynolan.org.uk
relates with the serological specificity HLA-B27. However, www.ashi-hla.org/index.htm
for most serologically defined antigens there is further poly- www.bmdw.org
morphism detectable at the DNA and amino acid sequence www.bshi.org.uk
level. The second field denotes the subtype, listed in the or- www.efiweb.org
der the alleles were discovered. Alleles with different num- www.sanger.ac.uk.
bers at this level have nucleotide substitutions that alter the
amino acid sequence, e.g., HLA-B*27:01, HLA-B*27:02,
and so forth. The third field indicates synonymous substi- HLA MATCHING
tutions within the coding region (i.e., there is no change in
the amino acid sequence of the expressed protein) and the It was nearly 40 years ago that HLA matching between
fourth field indicates polymorphism in non-coding regions. donor and recipient was associated with better transplant
Some alleles or genes contain sequence defects pre- and patient survival.67,74,83,111,113 Matching for the class I
venting normal antigen expression at the cell surface. HLA-A and -B antigens influenced survival, but matching
Non-expressed alleles (null alleles) are indicated using the for the class II HLA-DR antigens was shown to have the
suffix “N” (e.g. HLA-DRB4*01:03:01 N) whereas alleles most powerful effect.113,114 Over the years there has been an
with low expression or soluble (secreted) alleles carry the overall improvement in transplant survival and a ­decrease
suffix “L” or “S” respectively. The suffix “C” indicates a in the survival advantage conferred by HLA matching.13,67
protein detected within the cytoplasm and not on the cell The improvement can be attributed to a number of fac-
surface, “A” aberrant expression, where there is doubt tors, but one of the most powerful is advancement in the
whether the protein is expressed, and “Q”, questionable potency of immunosuppression. This was clearly dem-
expression, where a given mutation has been previously onstrated in a local comparison of transplant survival in
shown to affect expression, but the level of expression has patients receiving azathioprine and prednisolone, cyclo-
not been confirmed for the particular allele. sporine and prednisolone, and triple therapy (cyclospo-
The HLA-DR and HLA-DP alpha chains are less poly- rine, azathioprine, prednisolone) where 1-year transplant
morphic (DRA is diallelic) and therefore the HLA-DRB1 survival rates were 65%, 69%, and 81% respectively.105 In
or -DPB1 allele (which code for the main polymorphic this analysis HLA-DR compatibility still had a marked
amino acid determinants present on the beta chain) is usu- effect on the posttransplant clinical course, with an in-
ally annotated alone. In contrast, both the HLA-DQ alpha creased incidence of rejection in HLA-DR-mismatched
and beta chains are polymorphic. To describe one of these grafts, the socioeconomic effects of which were increased
alleles precisely, definition of both the A and B alleles may use of immunosuppressive drugs, longer hospital stays,
be required (e.g., HLA-DQA1*01:01 and DQB1*05:01). and higher 3-month creatinine levels.97
Although the alpha and beta chain protein products of the A beneficial effect of HLA matching can still be dem-
A and B gene pairs associate preferentially, there is also onstrated in analyses of large datasets and national and
the possibility of the formation of novel hybrid molecules. international databases.13,58,77 In solid-organ transplanta-
A complete list of recognized HLA genes and their ex- tion the effects of HLA matching reported are generally
pressed products can be found at www.bmdw.org (Bone based on matching at the HLA-A, -B, and -DR loci, but
Marrow Donors Worldwide; HLA information). the definition of a match may vary according to whether
matching is considered only at the level of serological-
Extended HLA Haplotypes. The HLA region displays equivalent specificities or whether the associated epitopes
strong linkage disequilibrium whereby certain HLA al- are also considered. There have been reports to suggest
leles are inherited together as a conserved HLA haplotype. an additional benefit of matching at the amino acid se-
Therefore extended HLA haplotypes involving HLA-A, quence level and matching for HLA epitopes.24,56,77 The
-B, -C, -DR, and -DQ commonly exist within and be- effect of matching other HLA loci has been analyzed but
tween ethnic groups. This greatly improves the probability demonstrating an independent effect is difficult due to
of locating an HLA-matched unrelated donor as common linkage disequilibrium. Matching for HLA-DQ has been
HLA haplotypes are frequently found within a population variously reported as having either a beneficial effect117
(e.g., HLA-A*01:01, -B*08:01, -C*07:01, -DRB1*03:01, or no effect on transplant outcome.10,30 Registry analysis
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 147

has shown that HLA-DPB matching has an effect on the functioning after 6 years, only older donor age and diabetes
transplant survival of regrafts, but not of first transplants75 had a significant detrimental influence on survival.
and a recent report has shown this effect to result from The influence of HLA mismatch on outcome of first
matching for certain immunogenic HLA-DPB epitopes.57 deceased donor transplant has been investigated in a
In analyzing the effect of HLA on transplant outcome, more recent cohort of patients in the United Kingdom,
it is important that other factors known to have a strong transplanted from 1995 to 2001. As a result of the
influence on outcome are taken into account. In a rigor- ­allocation policy the recent transplants were significantly
ous multivariate analysis of factors influencing the out- better matched than the previously analyzed cohort
come of primary deceased donor transplants in a cohort of (1986–1993), where 46% of transplants were 0-­DR mis-
transplants performed in the UK from 1986 to 1993, the matched and 10% had 2-DR mismatches, compared to
year of transplant, donor and recipient age, waiting time 60% 0-DR mismatched and only 3% 2-DR mismatches
to transplant, diabetes in the recipient, donor cause of in the 1995–2001 cohort. In a multivariate analysis there
death, exchange of kidneys, cold ischemia time, and HLA was no effect of HLA-A mismatching, but a significant ef-
mismatching were found to influence transplant survival fect of 2 mismatches at HLA-B and an incremental ­effect
(death with function treated as failure). The best transplant of mismatching at HLA-DR (Figure 10-4).47,48
survival was achieved in transplants that had no mismatches There have been several recent publications from the
at HLA-A, -B, and -DR (000 mismatch grade). Other well- Collaborative Transplant Study revealing associations
matched transplants, termed favorably matched transplants, between HLA-DR mismatching and a higher incidence
with a maximum of one HLA-A and one HLA-B antigen of osteoporosis, hip fracture, increased hospitalization
mismatched in the absence of mismatches at HLA-DR for infection, and increased death in the first 3 years
(110, 100, 010 mismatch grades), had a significantly im- posttransplant through infection.78–80 These associations
proved survival over transplants of all other match grades.73 probably result from the higher levels of immunosuppres-
An analysis of factors influencing the long-term outcome of sion used in the management of poorly HLA-matched
these transplants revealed that, for patients with transplants transplants.

HLA-A mismatches, p=0.4 HLA-B mismatches, p<0.001

100 100

90 90
% transplant survival

% transplant survival

80 80

70 70

60 60
0 HLA-A mm (n=1788) 0 HLA-B mm (n=1456)
1 HLA-A mm (n=4599) 1 HLA-B mm (n=4758)
50 2 HLA-A mm (n= 963) 50 2 HLA-B mm (n=1136)

40 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years post transplant Years post transplant

HLA-DR mismatches, p<0.001 Levels of HLA mismatch, p<0.001

100 100

90 90
% transplant survival

% transplant survival

80 80

70 70

60 60 1 - 000
2 - 0 DR & 0/1 B mm
0 HLA-DR mm (n=4741)
3 - 0 DR & 2 B mm or
1 HLA-DR mm (n=2368)
1 DR & 0/1 B mm
50 2 HLA-DR mm (n= 241) 50 4 - 1 DR & 2 B mm or 2 DR mm

40 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years post transplant Years post transplant
FIGURE 10-4  ■  (A–D) The influence of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, -B, -DR mismatch on 5-year transplant survival. (Reproduced
from Johnson RJ, Fuggle SV, O Neill J, et al. Factors influencing outcome after deceased heartbeating donor kidney transplantation in the UK:
an evidence base for a new national kidney allocation policy. Transplantation 2010;89:379.)
148 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

HLA-SPECIFIC ALLOSENSITIZATION been carefully selected to include rare and common

specificities, the %PRA value for the same antibody may
be low. Furthermore, %PRA values cannot be compared
Routes of Sensitization ­between panels or laboratories.
An individual can become sensitized to HLA alloantigens There are a number of other limitations of the CDC
as a result of blood transfusion, pregnancy, or previous technique. Only complement-fixing antibodies are de-
organ transplantation. Transplantation of poorly HLA- tected, and the sensitivity of the technique is dependent
matched kidneys can result in allosensitization to the mis- on viable target cells and the particular batch of rabbit
matched donor HLA. Approximately 20% of pregnant complement used. Both HLA and non-HLA antibod-
women produce HLA-specific antibodies to paternally ies are detected. While the use of DTT can differentiate
inherited fetal HLA antigens. The use of erythropoietin IgM from IgG antibodies, this does not indicate the speci-
for the treatment of patients with anemia has decreased ficity of the antibody and potentially clinically relevant
the use of blood transfusion in renal patients with a con- weak IgG HLA-specific antibodies may also be rendered
sequent decrease in the number of patients becoming negative following the addition of DTT to patient serum.
sensitized by this route. It might be expected that the use Reactivity resulting from an IgM HLA-specific antibody
of leukodepleted blood would prevent allosensitization, is indistinguishable from reactivity of an IgM autoreactive
but there is evidence to suggest that this is not the case.118 antibody. However, autoantibodies are frequently weak or
Furthermore, HLA-specific antibodies may be detected non-reactive with lymphocytes from patients with B-cell
in patients who have not been exposed to these classical chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL) and therefore includ-
routes of sensitization. These idiopathic (natural) HLA- ing these cells in a panel can be useful in elucidating a
specific antibodies may result from cross-reactivity with ­patient’s antibody profile.115 Alternatively serum samples
infectious agents, which, in some cases, are reactive with can be preabsorbed with autologous cells to remove auto-
specific epitopes expressed on denatured HLA proteins reactive antibodies, before screening for alloreactivity.
but absent on HLA proteins in their native form.12 Such There have been a number of approaches used to increase
antibodies, however, do not react with native antigen in the sensitivity of the CDC test. These include increasing
cell-based assays and are considered non-harmful to a the incubation times, the wash (Amos) technique, and aug-
transplanted kidney.27,72,82 mentation with antihuman globulin (AHG). In the Amos
technique unbound antibody is washed from the cell sus-
pension before the addition of rabbit complement, thus
Antibody Detection and Specificity removing the anticomplementary factors in the serum. In
Definition the AHG augmentation CDC test, anti-kappa light chain
Over the last 10 years new technologies for the detection is added to the washed cells before the addition of comple-
and characterization of HLA-specific antibodies have en- ment. The techniques that include wash steps preferentially
abled precise definition of complex antibody populations detect IgG antibodies, as the lower-affinity IgM antibodies
in serum samples and comprehensive elucidation of a become detached during the washing process.
­patient’s sensitization profile. The available technologies
are briefly described below. Solid-Phase Assays for HLA-Specific Antibody
Detection and Specification
Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA).
Complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) was the first The targets in an ELISA are soluble HLA proteins
technique routinely used for HLA antibody detection and coated on to plastic and this is termed a solid-phase as-
for the crossmatch test (Figure 10-5). In this assay, lym- say (Figure 10-6). These commercially available kits have
phocyte target cells are used to detect complement-fixing immediate advantages over CDC in that the test does not
IgG and IgM antibodies present in a patient’s serum af- rely on viable cells and only HLA-specific antibodies are
ter the addition of rabbit complement. IgM antibodies detected. The overall sensitivity of ELISA is greater than
can be differentiated from IgG antibodies by the use of CDC. Two different types of ELISA are routinely used –
dithiothreitol (DTT). DTT reduces the disulfide bonds assays to detect the presence or absence of HLA-specific
in the IgM pentamer and consequently renders negative antibodies that can be used as a pre-screen of a patient’s
a reaction due to IgM. Serum samples are tested against serum sample and assays designed for antibody specifica-
lymphocyte panels that can either be random or alterna- tion. The assays have been shown to be reliable for the
tively selected to represent the spectrum of HLA types detection of IgG antibodies, but less so for the detection
in the potential donor population. The technique can be of IgM, probably because of the washing steps required
used for limited antibody specificity definition, but the and the lower affinity of IgM antibodies.
results are often expressed as the percentage of the panel
to which the sample has reacted (% panel-reactive an- Flow Cytometry. The original use of flow cytometry in
tibody: %PRA). This term has limited value and its use antibody screening was as a test to determine the presence
is now strongly discouraged, because the %PRA entirely or absence of antibody. Pools of HLA-typed target cells
depends on the composition of the panel used for testing. from B-CLL patients,43 lymphoblastoid cell lines,42,60 or
If a patient has a monospecific antibody to a specificity peripheral blood lymphocytes,91 constructed to cover the
that is common in a population, and a random panel is most frequent HLA specificities, have been used. Flow
used, then the %PRA will be high, but if the panel has cytometry is more sensitive than CDC and ­ primarily
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 149

Panel/donor lymphocytes Recipient 1 serum Viable cells

(negative crossmatch)


Recipient 2 serum Cell lysis

(positive crossmatch)


FIGURE 10-5  ■  (A) Lymphocytotoxic crossmatch test. Panel or donor lymphocytes are incubated with recipient serum in the wells of a
microtiter (Terasaki) tray, followed by the addition of rabbit complement. After a second incubation period vital stains (e.g., acridine
orange and ethidium bromide) are added and the wells are viewed using fluorescent (ultraviolet) microscopy to determine cell vi-
ability. (B) Lymphocytotoxic (complement-dependent cytotoxicity, CDC) crossmatch results. Left: viable lymphocytes take up acridine
orange and appear a yellowy-orange color (negative crossmatch). Right: lysed cells (have pores in the lymphocyte cell membrane
caused by antibody binding and complement activation) take up ethidium bromide and appear a brown color (positive crossmatch).

­ etects IgG antibodies. This offers the advantage that

d antibodies respectively. The antigen-coated beads are incu-
IgM autoreactive antibodies are not detected. However, bated with patient serum and HLA-specific antibody bind-
although less frequent, IgG autoreactive antibodies will ing is detected using a fluorescent labeled AHG antibody.
be detected by this method. The exquisite specificity of Luminex single antigen beads
More recently, ELISA and conventional cell-based flow (SAB) enables rapid and simultaneous elucidation of multi-
cytometry assays used for antibody screening have been ple antibody populations in a patient’s sera and, for the first
largely superseded by more advanced commercial products time, facilitate accurate assessment of complex antibody
for antibody detection and specification, with the develop- profiles in highly sensitized patients (HSPs).37,72 Although
ment of antigen-coated polystyrene microbeads for use on commercially available Luminex-based HLA-specific anti-
a Luminex platform (Figure 10-6). The microbeads are im- body detection and specification kits are currently licensed
pregnated with different ratios of two fluorescent dyes that for qualitative use only, the semiquantitative readout (me-
enable differentiation of up to 100 different bead populations dian fluorescence intensity) has been used to indicate anti-
using a dedicated dual laser flow cytometer (Luminex plat- body levels to help inform a pretransplant immunological
form). Each bead population is coated with purified protein risk assessment and enable real-time posttransplant moni-
molecules of multiple or single HLA class I or HLA class toring for donor-specific antibody (DSA) to support the
II alleles, which allow comprehensive detection and specifi­ diagnosis and response to treatment of antibody-mediated
cation of HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DR, -DQ and -DP-specific rejection.102 These assays are more sensitive than CDC and
150 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Flow cytometry/Luminex

2. Patient serum 3. Labeled secondary antibody (e.g.,

containing antigen- FITC conjugated anti-human IgG) to
specific alloantibody detect alloantibody binding
1. Antigen-coated micro-
particle or plastic surface


FIGURE 10-6  ■  (A) Schematic representation of antibody screening using solid-phase binding assays (enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry/Luminex): 1. Purified human leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins (either pooled HLA specificities or
single antigen specificities) coated on to a solid phase (microtiter tray (ELISA) or microparticles (flow cytometry/Luminex)) are incu-
bated with patient serum. 2. HLA-specific antibodies bind to the antigen-coated solid phase and non-specific antibodies are washed
off. 3. IgG HLA-specific antibodies bound to the antigen-coated solid phase are detected using a conjugated (e.g., alkaline phospha-
tase (ELISA) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC: flow cytometry/Luminex)) anti-human IgG secondary antibody and detected by
colorimetric analysis (ELISA; e.g., using p-nitrophenyl phosphate) or fluorescent signal (flow cytometry/Luminex following excitation
by a laser). (B) Example of HLA-specific antibody screening by ELISA. The plastic surface of each well in the microtiter tray is coated
with pooled HLA specificities. Patient serum containing IgG HLA-specific antibodies is determined and quantified by colorimetric
analysis (brown denotes a positive result). (C) An example of HLA-specific antibody specification using Luminex single antigen beads,
illustrating binding to a common HLA epitope (HLA-Bw4) present on certain HLA-B antigens and HLA-A antigens HLA-A,23,24,25,32.
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 151

they primarily detect IgG, but can also be modified to de- donation after circulatory death, or donation after brain
tect IgM51 and C1q/C4a ­complement-fixing ­antibodies.15,93 death), the likelihood of alternative (lower-risk) options,
Many laboratories are rapidly gaining experience with this and the local clinical management policy for undertak-
technology, although the precise relationship between anti- ing HLA-specific antibody-­ incompatible (HLAi) kid-
bodies identified using such sensitive techniques compared ney transplantation. HLA mismatches from a previous
to conventional methods and their clinical relevance have transplant and mismatched paternal specificities in mul-
yet to be fully understood.5 tiparous women may also be considered unacceptable. In
countries or regions where there is exchange of kidneys,
Antibody-Screening Strategies. The aim of an these unacceptable specificities are registered with the
­antibody-screening strategy is to determine whether organ exchange organization, facilitating efficient alloca-
the patient has developed HLA-specific alloantibod- tion of organs and preventing unnecessary shipping of or-
ies and, if so, the antibody level, immunoglobulin class, gans to patients where the crossmatch would be positive
and specificity. The results facilitate the generation (termed virtual crossmatch).
of a list of acceptable (antibody-negative or antibody All the information obtained through regular antibody
levels below a predefined threshold) and unaccept- screening of a patient awaiting transplantation is crucial
able (antibody-positive) donor HLA mismatches for in interpreting the results of a crossmatch test and in as-
each patient to guide organ allocation and the selec- sessing the immunological risk of transplantation for a
tion of suitable (antibody-compatible) donor–recipient patient.
pairs. All laboratories supporting kidney transplanta-
tion have an antibody-screening strategy but may use
different approaches and technologies. One common DONOR CROSSMATCH
strategy, because many patients are non-sensitized, is
to screen samples first with a sensitive methodology to Kidney transplantation in patients with high levels of
detect the presence of HLA-specific antibody and then IgG donor HLA-specific antibodies that are detected us-
to perform further testing and analysis to determine ing the DTT modified CDC assay has a significant det-
the specificity of the antibodies in positive samples. In rimental impact upon graft survival, with the majority of
order to perform effective antibody screening, serum transplants succumbing to hyperacute or acute humoral
samples should be obtained regularly from patients on rejection. Recipient antibodies against donor histocom-
the transplant waiting list to provide a historical and patibility antigens bind to the vascular endothelium of
the transplanted organ, which disrupts the intercellular
contemporary assessment (within the last 3 months)
junctions and causes release of cell surface heparin sul-
of antibody specificity. Information about the nature
fate and loss of the antithrombotic state, thereby leading
and timing of potential sensitizing events is important
to rapid uncontrollable activation of the thrombotic and
in a patient’s sensitization profile. If a potential sensi-
complement cascades. The resultant intravascular coagu-
tization event occurs, additional samples are required,
lation and interstitial hemorrhage can lead to graft de-
e.g., 14 and 28 days following a transfusion with blood
struction within minutes or hours after revascularization.
More recently, the clinical importance of low-level
donor HLA-specific antibodies detectable using more
Patient Sensitization Profile and Definition sensitive Luminex-based assays and/or flow cytometric
of Unacceptable Specificities crossmatch (FC-XM) assay (but CDC-negative) has also
become apparent as a cause of antibody-mediated rejec-
The cumulative information obtained from an tion, but weak donor HLA-specific sensitization does not
­antibody-screening program, together with knowledge necessarily constitute a veto to transplantation, and instead
of the potential sensitizing events, enables the labora- informs an individualized immunological risk stratification.
tory to develop a sensitization profile for patients on the It is therefore necessary to consider the choice of cross-
transplant waiting list. The sensitization profile will be match technique(s) used in conjunction with the antibody-
based on the complete sensitization history for the pa- screening strategy and patient’s sensitization status.101
tient and includes the antibody priming event(s), timing
of appearance/disappearance of antibody reactivity, the
specificity, antibody level, and immunoglobulin class of Crossmatch Techniques and their Clinical
HLA-specific antibodies and the presence/absence of Relevance
non-HLA-­specific (usually autoreactive) antibodies. Complement-Dependent Lymphocytotoxic
The comprehensive identification of HLA antibody Crossmatch
specificities for a patient enables the definition of unac-
ceptable HLA mismatches in a donor where DSA levels The donor lymphocytotoxic crossmatch test using
above a given threshold (i.e., likely to cause an IgG- CDC techniques was established in the 1960s and has
positive donor lymphocyte crossmatch) are considered a remained a cornerstone for determining donor and
veto to transplantation because of the concomitant risk of recipient compatibility. The standard National Institutes
uncontrolled antibody-mediated rejection. The antibody of Health crossmatch technique involves the incubation
level considered as unacceptable for a given donor HLA of donor lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood,
mismatch varies between patients and centers and is depen- lymph node, or spleen with recipient sera in the wells
dent on the clinically acceptable level of i­mmunological of a microtiter (Terasaki) tray, followed by the addition
risk, patient clinical status, donor type (i.e., live donor, of rabbit serum as an exogenous source of complement
152 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

(Figure 10-5A). Recipient cytotoxic antibodies (predomi- where antibody specificity was defined, it was clear that
nantly IgM, IgG3, and IgG1) that bind donor cells cause the majority of positive B-cell crossmatches are caused by
activation of the classical complement pathway resulting non-HLA-specific, usually B-cell autoreactive, antibod-
in cell lysis, the extent of which can be quantified by the ies that are not harmful to a transplant. A minority of
addition of vital stains and determination of viability by positive B-cell crossmatches are caused by IgG HLA class
microscopy (Figure 10-5B). A high percentage of cell II-specific antibodies that can be deleterious to transplant
death above background levels is interpreted as a positive outcome, but are unlikely to cause HAR. The presence
crossmatch, with the potential to damage a transplanted of unusually high-titer HLA-DR-specific antibodies can,
kidney. Ensuring a negative pretransplant lymphocyto- however, cause HAR and such antibodies are more com-
toxic crossmatch using this basic technique has virtually mon in patients with previous graft rejection.1,6,70,89
eliminated HAR, but in its simplest form the CDC cross- The introduction of Luminex-based antibody screen-
match carries several major drawbacks and has therefore ing has now enabled precise specification of donor HLA
been subject to many modifications. class II-specific antibodies. When applied together with
During the 1970s it emerged that not all lympho- the pretransplant donor B-cell crossmatch, this has con-
cytotoxic antibodies causing a positive crossmatch are firmed the importance of HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP anti-
specific for donor histocompatibility antigens and some bodies and kidney allograft outcome.7,22,26,49,81
antibodies display autoreactivity, causing in vitro lysis
of the patient’s own cells in the CDC assay. It was dem- Crossmatch Serum Sample Selection (Timing)
onstrated that transplantation could safely proceed in
the presence of such antibodies.116 Taylor and colleagues An essential feature of the immune system is immuno-
characterized these autoantibodies as polyreactive IgM, logical memory and its ability to produce a rapid and vig-
capable of low-affinity binding to multiple antigens due orous secondary response on re-exposure to antigens to
to weak electrostatic interactions.104 Depending on an- which an individual is already primed. To avert the risk
tibody titer and/or affinity, they may display in vitro of rejection caused by an anamnestic memory response,
cytotoxicity to autologous and third-party (panel) B crossmatch regimens take account of serum samples ob-
lymphocytes alone, or T and B lymphocytes and are of- tained throughout a recipient’s time on the transplant
ten negative or only weakly reactive with B lymphocytes waiting list and are selected to represent peak periods of
from patients with CLL. sensitization.
The good sensitivity but poor specificity of the CDC
assay in preventing HAR prompted a number of technical Immunoglobulin Class and Specificity
modifications. These included the Amos wash technique
that removed non-damaging low-affinity IgM antibod- The findings of acceptable primary graft survival but
ies and anticomplementary immune complexes, extended poor regraft survival associated with a historic posi-
postcomplement incubation times (increased from 1 hour tive crossmatch prompted further modification of the
to 2 hours) and the addition of AHG to enhance the de- CDC crossmatch assay to identify the immunoglobu-
tection of low-level IgG bound to donor cells. Although lin class and specificity of antibodies causing a positive
not conclusive, these modifications were perceived as crossmatch. Patient crossmatch serum was preincu-
beneficial, particularly in sensitized patients and regrafts, bated with a reducing agent (DTT) to distinguish IgM
and were widely adopted in Europe and North America and IgG antibodies in the donor CDC crossmatch as-
respectively. say.4,14 In addition, Taylor and colleagues99 defined the
antibody specificity (HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR, and -DQ)
using a cytotoxicity inhibition assay to distinguish ac-
B-Cell Crossmatch
curately between HLA class I, HLA class II, and non-
Further advances came with the discovery by Ting HLA-specific antibodies causing a positive donor
and Morris in 1978113 of the strong effect of HLA-DR T- and/or B-cell crossmatch. The studies found accept-
matching on graft outcome, prompting investigators to able primary and regraft survival associated with historic
consider the clinical relevance of HLA-DR-specific an- IgM HLA-specific sensitization but poor graft survival
tibodies in rejection. Numerous studies were undertaken with historical IgG HLA-specific antibodies. These re-
using separated donor B lymphocytes (that express both sults indicated that past allosensitization events that
HLA class I and class II) as targets in the crossmatch only resulted in a transient primary response and IgM
test. The results of the analyses were contradictory and alloantibody production could be readily controlled by
ranged from showing no effect, enhanced graft survival, conventional cyclosporine-based immunosuppression
and poor graft survival. These findings can now be ex- whereas secondary responses (denoted as IgG-positive)
plained by the heterogeneous antibodies that can cause that commonly occur after pregnancy and previous trans-
a positive B-cell crossmatch. Most studies did not dif- plant rejection are indicative of immunological priming
ferentiate between non-damaging (autoreactive) and po- accompanied by T- and B-cell memory that is poorly
tentially harmful (HLA-specific) B-lymphocyte-reactive controlled by immunosuppression. A number of studies
antibodies. The clinical interpretation of a B-cell cross- provided corroborative evidence that historical DTT-
match result is impossible without definition of the speci- resistant (IgG) CDC-positive crossmatches were immu-
ficity of the antibody; indeed, d’Apice and Tait showed nologically high-risk whereas IgM alloantibodies could
that most positive donor B-cell crossmatches are not be safely ignored and the use of DTT has been widely
caused by HLA-DR-specific antibodies.20 In the studies adopted in the donor crossmatch assay.106
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 153

Flow Cytometric Crossmatch Test routine clinical practice.59 Nevertheless, the predictive
value of a positive result was high in sensitized patients
While the CDC crossmatch was effective at averting
and regrafts which carry an increased immunological risk
HAR, it was apparent that a number of transplants still
of rejection and the increased assay sensitivity is widely
suffered primary non-function or delayed graft function
used in such scenarios.17,50 The specificity of the pre-
and this was particularly prevalent in sensitized patients
transplant T- and B-cell FC-XM test for predicting graft
and regrafts. This indicated that early graft dysfunction in
outcome has been further enhanced by the application of
sensitized recipients may be caused by low levels of anti-
Luminex-based antibody screening; Couzi et al. showed
body, below the sensitivity threshold of the conventional
that a positive donor FC-XM in patients with proven
CDC crossmatch. Garovoy and colleagues38 addressed
DSA determined using single-antigen HLA-specific
this question using a FC-XM test (Figure 10-7) capable
­antibody detection beads (Luminex-SAB) is associated
of detecting weak IgG HLA-specific antibodies that were
with poor graft outcome compared to a negative FC-XM
undetectable by CDC. In this retrospective study there
or a positive FC-XM in the absence of DSA.18
was a higher incidence of delayed graft function and graft
failure in the presence of a pretransplant flow cytometric-
Crossmatch Policies and Clinical Interpretation
positive (but CDC-negative) donor crossmatch, indicat-
ing a pathogenic role for weak, sublytic, HLA-specific The purpose of a pretransplant donor crossmatch is to
antibodies. Others quickly corroborated this finding, detect donor-specific sensitization that is predictive of
but a significant proportion of patients had an unevent- hyperacute, acute, and chronic rejection (cellular and hu-
ful clinical course, despite a positive FC-XM. These data moral) and to ensure appropriate therapeutic strategies
demonstrated a high sensitivity but lower specificity of are in place that are effective at controlling the ensuing
a positive FC-XM in predicting early graft dysfunction rejection response. Therefore the crossmatch strategy
caused by antibody-mediated rejection. Many centers must define the immunological risk by distinguishing
were concerned that “false-positive” crossmatches would antibodies that will be harmful, the type of rejection re-
unnecessarily deny patients the opportunity of a trans- sponse that is likely to occur, and therapeutic strategies
plant, and were deterred from adopting the technique in to treat and control the rejection response. Because of

FS (1) vs SS (2) FITC (3) vs CD3-PE

104 50



0 100 0
0 1023 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
A Forward vs side scatter B RPE (CD3 vs FITC) C Fluorescence histogram

Positive positive
crossmatch crossmatch

100 101 102 103
D Fluorescence intensity
FIGURE 10-7  ■  Flow cytometric crossmatch test. (A) Cells pass through a laser beam and forward and side light scatter is detected by
photomultiplier tubes. An “electronic gate” is used to select cells of morphological interest (in this case lymphocytes). (B) T lympho-
cytes are identified using a recombinant phycoerythrin (RPE)-labeled CD3-specific antibody and HLA-specific IgG bound to cells is
identified with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled antihuman IgG. (C) Light emission is detected and displayed as a fluores-
cence histogram. (D) Increased FITC fluorescence (a shift to the right on the fluorescence histogram) is a measure of HLA-specific IgG
bound to T lymphocytes above that of the negative control, indicating a positive crossmatch.
154 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

the intricate relationship between this and the clinical alloantibodies act as a marker for T-cell priming and the
program, crossmatch strategies vary widely between cen- presence of antigen-specific memory helper and cyto-
ters, depending on laboratory and clinical facilities and toxic T lymphocytes.76,87 Such cells display cyclosporine
expertise. resistance and their rapid reactivation upon repeat expo-
sure to alloantigen elicits a powerful rejection response.
Transplantation in patients with past high-level IgG
The Crossmatch Veto: Which Antibodies
donor HLA-specific sensitization is now undertaken in
are Harmful?
some specialist centers but this should be approached
The two pretransplant crossmatch techniques described with caution and may require an augmented immunosup-
above (T- and B-cell CDC-XM and FC-XM), when ap- pressive therapy designed to control secondary (memory)
plied together with information derived from antibody T-cell and/or B-cell responses.62
screening using lymphocyte panels (unmodified and There is no doubt that IgM non-HLA-specific
DTT-modified CDC screening) and Luminex-SAB, pro- ­lymphocytotoxic antibodies that cause a positive donor
vide an immunological risk stratification used to inform B-cell or T- and B-cell crossmatch are benign and have
the decision whether to proceed or not to transplantation no harmful effect on transplant survival. In addition, good
(immunological veto) and the level of acceptable risk re- graft survival is reported with historic IgM donor HLA-
quired to guide clinical management. It is important to specific positive crossmatches which can also be safely ig-
distinguish damaging from non-damaging antibodies and nored.88,99 Many centers believe this is also true for current
in this context the crossmatch can be viewed as a risk as- IgM donor HLA-specific antibodies despite their poten-
sessment for antibody-mediated rejection (Table 10-3). tial to bind vascular alloantigens and activate complement.
DSAs that are predictive of HAR (e.g., IgG CDC-XM However, most IgM HLA-specific antibodies have low af-
positive or strong positive FC-XM detecting IgG HLA finity and appear only transiently after blood transfusion,
class I and class II specific antibodies present at the time whereas persistent high-titer IgM HLA-specific antibod-
of transplantation) in most cases constitute an absolute ies with potential to cause HAR are rare. In practice, there
veto to transplantation unless pre-emptive antibody re- are no confirmed cases of HAR caused by IgM donor
moval (desensitization) and posttransplant immunologi- HLA-specific antibodies and most centers do not attri-
cal monitoring programs are instigated (see Chapter 24). bute any clinical relevance to their presence.
Weaker IgG HLA-specific antibodies present at the time
of transplantation that are only detectable using FC-XM Organ Allocation and Pretransplant Donor
assays (i.e., CDC-negative) and confirmed by DSA de- Crossmatch Testing
tected by Luminex-SAB are associated with delayed graft
function and acute humoral rejection and should be con- Prolonged cold ischemia time is a significant and control-
sidered as an intermediate immunological risk.26,34,86,102 lable factor that has an adverse effect on deceased donor
Furthermore, there is accumulating evidence, made kidney transplant outcome. There is a progressive det-
possible by Luminex-SAB testing, that hitherto unde- rimental effect of cold ischemia time on transplant out-
fined HLA-DP-specific antibodies are commonly found come, with 90% survival at 1 year for organs transplanted
in patients who rejected their grafts and this suggests within 20 hours compared to 83% for organs transplanted
that it is necessary to avoid retransplantation in pa- at >30 hours (relative risk 1.9).95 It is therefore essential
tients with donor-reactive HLA-DP antibodies.84 The that deceased donor organ allocation and crossmatch
presence of high levels of circulating donor HLA-DP- policies are designed to ensure a safe decision-making
specific antibodies has been associated with antibody- process and minimize delays in transplantation associated
mediated kidney allograft rejection that is refractory to with the allocation process. The technical advances af-
treatment.49 forded by molecular (polymerase chain reaction-based)
The prognostic relevance of historic IgG HLA class I- methods and Luminex-SAB antibody screening have fa-
and class II-specific positive crossmatches that are nega- cilitated HLA typing, organ allocation, and donor cross-
tive at the time of transplantation has not been r­ igorously match strategies capable of identifying suitable recipients
addressed using the diverse armory of modern immuno- before completion of the organ retrieval operation, thus
suppressive options. In this scenario, although HAR will removing delays caused by histocompatibility testing.
not occur, early acute humoral and/or accelerated cel- Many histocompatibility laboratories receive donor
lular rejection that is refractory to treatment with con- peripheral blood obtained early in the donation process,
ventional calcineurin-based immunosuppressive agents before commencing the retrieval operation. This enables
is likely.14,99,106 It has been suggested that historical IgG prospective donor HLA typing using a combination of

TABLE 10-3  Risk Assessment for Antibody-Mediated Rejection

Immunological Risk CDC-XM (IgG) FC-XM Luminex-SAB DSA
High Positive Positive Positive (MFI >5000)
Intermediate Negative Positive Positive (MFI >2000)
Low Negative Negative Positive (MFI 500–2000)

CDC-XM, complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch; DSA, donor-specific antibody; FC-XM, flow cytometric crossmatch; IgG,
­immunoglobulin G; MFI, median fluorescence intensity; SAB, single antigen beads.
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 155

molecular and/or serological techniques and completion kidney allograft survival.63,92 The role of histocompatibil-
of local and national allocation algorithms to identify ity laboratories has progressed from providing a simple
potential recipients before organ donation. In addition, binary decision to permit or veto transplantation to the
modern cell separation techniques using immunomag- development of immunological risk stratification poli-
netic particles enable the recipient crossmatch to be per- cies that inform the clinical decision whether to proceed
formed using donor peripheral blood. In selected cases or not to transplantation and to selection of appropriate
(e.g., non-sensitized patients with low immunological therapeutic options.
risk) archived sera collected within the last 3 months can The antibody screening and donor crossmatch tech-
be used in the crossmatch test, which can be completed niques described above (CDC, FC, and Luminex-SAB)
before patient admission. In cases, however, where there provide different levels of sensitivity and specificity. This
have been recent allosensitization events and in patients information, used together, can be used to inform an indi-
undergoing repeat transplantation it is necessary to vidualized pretransplant immunological risk assessment.26
­undertake a prospective pretransplant donor lymphocyte This ranges from: high immunological risk of HAR in the
crossmatch using a current serum sample obtained within presence of current high-level IgG donor HLA-specific
24 hours before the transplant operation. antibodies that constitute a veto to transplantation in the
absence of effective antibody reduction therapy; interme-
diate immunological risk in which HAR is unlikely, but
The Virtual Crossmatch an increased incidence of humoral rejection necessitates
In selected cases where a patient’s antibody profile has proactive application of effective treatment strategies;
been completely characterized and comprehensive data and low immunological risk caused by low-level DSA as-
concerning allosensitization events are known, deceased sociated with an increased incidence of rejection but little
donor organ allocation can be undertaken based on evidence of overall poor graft outcome. Such generalized
knowledge of the donor HLA type and a negative vir- risk stratification is not absolute because of additional
tual crossmatch. A negative virtual crossmatch is ascer- factors such as immunological memory, peak antibody
tained by comparing the HLA mismatches of a donor level, antibody priming source, and timing.
to the patient’s recent and historical antibody-defined As a guide, Table 10-3 illustrates the level of immuno-
unacceptable mismatches, and when no donor HLA- logical risk based on differences in sensitivity and specific-
specific antibodies are present, organs can be allocated ity of the antibody screening and crossmatch techniques.
to prospective recipients who have a high probability CDC-XM detects only high levels of c­ omplement-fixing
of a negative donor lymphocyte crossmatch. Such prac- antibodies; FC-XM provides more sensitive assessment
tice has been commonplace in the United Kingdom and for the detection of low-level antibodies (below the
Eurotransplant for many years and is effective at ­reducing threshold detectable by CDC); and Luminex-SAB pro-
the incidence of shipping deceased donor kidneys to vides the highest level of sensitivity for antibody detec-
patients who are subsequently found to have a positive tion, but when applied alone, provides the lowest level of
crossmatch. The efficacy of this approach is, however, specificity to predict graft rejection.
critically dependent on comprehensive donor HLA typing
that includes a minimum resolution to define all clinically
relevant HLA specificities to which a patient may develop STRATEGIES FOR TRANSPLANTING
antibodies. Donor HLA typing for HLA-C and -DQ SENSITIZED AND HIGHLY SENSITIZED
loci is not routine in all countries and centers and under PATIENTS
such circumstances a virtual crossmatch cannot be reli-
ably performed.9 Patients with HLA antibodies reactive with a high pro-
In carefully selected donor–recipient combinations portion of a donor pool are clearly difficult to transplant
where recipient sensitization is either absent or clearly and special strategies are required to find suitable kidneys
defined low-level non-donor HLA-specific antibodies for these patients. HSPs have been defined as patients
are present, a negative donor crossmatch can be pre- with an IgG %PRA value of 85% or more, but a more
dicted with sufficient confidence to omit the prospective meaningful definition may be patients who would have a
pretransplant donor lymphocyte crossmatch and proceed positive crossmatch with >85% of available donors.
directly to transplantation based on a negative virtual In order to find a crossmatch-negative kidney, HSPs
crossmatch.103 The adoption and stringent adherence to need access to a large donor pool. A number of ap-
these and similar crossmatch policies remove delays to proaches have been adopted for transplanting HSPs.
the transplant operation associated with donor–recipient Eurotransplant introduced an Acceptable Mismatch
histocompatibility testing and is associated with reduced Program for HSPs. In this program extensive antibody
cold ischemia time and delayed graft function.101 screening was performed to identify “windows” in the pa-
tient’s immune repertoire. The HLA specificities of cells
that do not react with the patient’s serum were identi-
Immunological Risk Stratification
fied as windows or acceptable donor specificities to which
Recent technological developments for the detection and the patient had not made antibodies. The Acceptable
characterization of donor HLA-specific antibodies to- Mismatch Program includes minimal mismatching cri-
gether with the use of C4d to aid the histological diagno- teria of full HLA-DR compatibility or matching for
sis of humoral rejection has led to a new appreciation of one HLA-B and one HLA-DR specificity. In all, 43%
the important role of antibodies in short- and long-term of patients entered on to the program are transplanted
156 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

within 6 months and 58% within 21 months.16 When this from the national deceased donor pool and therefore al-
system was first introduced the antibody screening was ternative approaches to immunological risk stratification
performed on carefully selected cells with only one mis- and transplantation may be explored.
matched antigen with the HSP. This approach was ex-
tremely labor-intensive and would only be possible in a
laboratory with access to very large panels of HLA-typed
Antibody Removal (see Chapter 24)
cells. The advent of 002solid-phase assays with single There has been a recent resurgence of interest in using
antigen preparations, alternatively cell lines expressing antibody removal techniques to reduce donor-specific
single HLA antigens,122 greatly expedites this type of HLA antibody prior to transplantation. In considering
­approach. A computer algorithm, HLAMatchmaker, de- patients for antibody removal, it is important for the
veloped by Duquesnoy, may assist in defining acceptable HLA antibody specificity and DSA titer to be deter-
mismatches.23,25 In the algorithm each HLA specificity is mined prior to the commencement of antibody removal.
represented as a string of amino acid triplets and it is pos- This may help inform whether this approach is appro-
sible to compare HLA specificities and thereby identify priate for a particular patient. Furthermore, during
mismatched triplets. The theory is that if there are no antibody removal it is important to monitor antibody
triplets mismatched, then the specificity will not be rec- levels to determine the effectiveness of the treatment
ognized and an immune response will not be generated. regimen. Most centers use Luminex-SABs for antibody
Clearly HLA antigens are not linear sequences, nor are monitoring and advocate that a final crossmatch against
amino acids in a protein triplets; nevertheless the algo- the potential donor is performed. Following transplan-
rithm has been shown to assist in the process of specifying tation, antibody rebound usually occurs and monitoring
a patient’s sensitization profile.24,39,55 antibody levels provides valuable information to indi-
In the United Kingdom, the approach has been dif- cate whether additional antibody removal is required.
ferent. In the national kidney allocation scheme imple- Experience in performing transplants following desensi-
mented in 1998, HSPs were prioritized for well-matched tization is mounting but because of the complexity in the
transplants with no HLA-A, -B, or -DR mismatches management before and after transplantation, it may be
between the donor and recipient (000 HLA-A, -B, -DR that, in the longer term, patients for transplantation after
mismatch grade).31 Sensitization data were also collected antibody removal are referred to specialist centers.
nationally and used for allocation purposes. The data col-
lected were designed to capture an expert view of the pa-
tient’s sensitization status, based on the patient’s history,
Paired Exchange
antibody-screening data, and the policy of the local trans- Paired exchange, or living donor exchange, is another op-
plant unit. Rather than reporting sensitization as PRA tion for patients who have a potential living donor, but
value, the key data registered were unacceptable specifici- for reasons of HLA or ABO antibody incompatibility the
ties and HLA reactivity in a patient’s serum that could not transplant cannot proceed. In such schemes reciprocally
be accounted for from the unacceptable specificities de- compatible donors and recipients are paired through an
fined. This was termed residual reaction frequency and, allocation algorithm and exchange transplants are under-
in HSPs if this figure was zero, i.e., the antibody profile taken. Simple systems pair two recipients and their re-
had been completely specified, then the HSPs were also spective donors and the transplants occur simultaneously,
eligible for favorably matched transplants. These were but it is possible for multiple exchanges to be undertaken.
transplants where there was a maximum of one HLA-A When exchanges are undertaken simultaneously, al-
and one HLA-B mismatch in the absence of mismatches though logistically complex, the process maximizes the
at HLA-DR (denoted 100, 010, 110 HLA-A, -B, -DR chances that all transplants will proceed. There are other
mismatches). This policy resulted in a threefold increase modifications of the process that facilitate chains of trans-
in the number of HSPs transplanted, with 62% of these plants. The first is domino paired donation, whereby a
transplants having a 000 mismatch grade.32,34 chain of simultaneous living donor transplants is initi-
The basis for national kidney allocation in the UK ated by a kidney from a non-directed altruistic donor and
changed in 2006 but the scheme retained both the prior- ends with transplantation of the last donor kidney into
ity given to HSPs for 000 mismatched transplants and a recipient registered for a deceased donor transplant.71
access to other less well-matched kidneys for HSPs where The second type of chain is termed non-simultaneous ex-
the antibody profile is completely specified.47 tended altruistic donor (NEAD) chain. In NEAD chains
One of the benefits of defining the antibody profile is the transplants are not performed simultaneously and
to make it possible to estimate a patient’s chance of re- “bridge donors” are created, whose incompatible recipi-
ceiving a transplant and inform decisions about the best ent is already transplanted and the donor waits to donate
therapeutic option for a patient. In the United Kingdom to another recipient. This process removes the require-
a calculated HLA antibody reaction frequency (%cRF) ment for complex logistics, but adds in a risk that the
can be determined for patients on the transplant waiting “bridge donor” may renege.3 There are well-established
list, by comparing a patient’s unacceptable specificities kidney exchange programs in the United States and in
and blood group against a file of 10 000 UK donors. By Europe21,46,90 (see Chapter 25). Of relevance to histo-
including the patient’s HLA type this can also be con- compatibility, in order to achieve efficient exchange it
verted into a matchability score.33 Patients with a high is crucial that patients’ HLA antibody profiles are ac-
%cRF and low matchability score are likely to be difficult curately defined to avoid positive crossmatches and dis-
to transplant with an HLA antibody-compatible donor ruption of planned exchanges. Most of the transplants
Histocompatibility in Kidney Transplantation 157

have been performed where incompatibility has been successful kidney transplant programs. Growing knowl-
avoided; nevertheless it is possible to combine antibody edge of immunological risk stratification together with
modulation and exchange to perform a more favorable accurate information about the availability and likeli-
antibody-incompatible transplant. hood of alternative (lower-risk) donor options can guide
the clinical decision to proceed or not to transplantation
and initiate pre-emptive therapy to optimize posttrans-
POSTTRANSPLANT MONITORING plant clinical course and long-term graft outcome. Rigid
adherence to unacceptable HLA mismatches defined by
There is an expanding literature on the role of pre-­ Luminex-SAB alone may be unhelpful, but when applied
existing and de novo donor HLA-specific antibodies together with CDC-XM and/or FC-XM, the information
following kidney transplantation and consideration of provides improved sensitivity and specificity to identify
these antibodies in conjunction with histopathological prospectively donor–recipient pairs with low, intermedi-
characterization of AMR in transplant biopsies through ate, and high risk of humoral rejection. High immuno-
c4d staining. These factors are recognized as having an logical risk usually constitutes a veto to transplantation,
important role in transplant failure.11,29,54,108 The propor- but low- and intermediate-risk HLAi transplantation
tion of recipients developing antibodies posttransplanta- should only be be avoided if alternative options are un-
tion has been reported to range between 12% and 60%.66 likely, and should only be undertaken with appropriate
This figure will be influenced not only by the sensitivity clinical ­caution. The immunological risk of proceeding
of the assay system, but also by clinical factors such as the to transplantation should be assessed together with the
nature and degree of HLA mismatching between the do- clinical risk of not proceeding and the patient remaining
nor and recipient and the immunosuppressive regimens. on dialysis.
The appearance of donor HLA-specific antibodies The recent realization that donor HLA-specific allo-
has been shown to be associated with a poorer outcome antibodies are the leading cause of graft attrition has led
and with the occurrence of acute and chronic rejection to a re-examination of pre- and posttransplant allosensi-
and is now recognized as the leading pathology of graft tization and the role of HLA matching. It is an exciting
attrition.63 In recent reports where serial posttransplant time as many of the traditional boundaries are being chal-
serum samples were analyzed, donor-specific HLA an- lenged to enable transplantation of patients who previ-
tibodies were strongly predictive of allograft failure ously would have been unlikely to be transplanted.
being detected before chronic rejection or transplant fail-
ure.61,120 The results of a large international prospective Acknowledgment
trial that included over 4500 patients from 36 units also
concluded that HLA antibody production precedes trans- CJT is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical
plant failure.110 The temporal relationship between the Research Centre.
appearance of DSA and onset of graft dysfunction can,
however, range from months to many years and it is not REFERENCES
yet clear that clinical intervention is effective to attenu-
1. Ahern AT, Artruc SB, DellaPelle P, et al. Hyperacute rejection of
ate the clinical outcome which is dependent on antibody HLA-AB-identical renal allografts associated with B lymphocyte
level and specificity.28,109 and endothelial reactive antibodies. Transplantation 1982;33:103.
Mismatched HLA antigens are important stimuli for 2. Akkoc N, Scornik JC. Intramolecular specificity of anti-HLA
an alloimmune response, but antibodies to non-classical alloantibodies. Hum Immunol 1991;30:91.
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Surgical Techniques of Kidney

Christopher J.E. Watson  •  Peter J. Friend

Augmented Bladder
INCISION Pyeloureterostomy and Ureteroureterostomy
Ureteric Stents
REVASCULARIZATION Management of Catheter and Stent
Arterial Anastomosis
Venous Anastomosis
Reperfusion of the Kidney PEDIATRIC RECIPIENT
Ureteroneocystostomy (Anastomosis of the DOUBLE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
Transplant Ureter Directly to the Bladder)
Transvesical Ureteroneocystostomy TRANSPLANT NEPHRECTOMY
Extravesical Ureteroneocystostomy

Kidney transplantation is a major surgical procedure transplantation, a further careful history and physical ex-
that involves both vascular and ureteric anastomoses, amination are required to ensure that there is no immedi-
nowadays usually performed by a dedicated transplant ate contraindication to major surgery, no changes since
surgeon, although in the past it was performed by urolo- the patient was last assessed, and particular attention
gists or vascular surgeons. Most recipients are already es- should be paid to the patient’s fluid and electrolyte status.
tablished on dialysis, although some may avoid dialysis The patient may require dialysis before going to surgery
by having the transplant pre-emptively, something that because of fluid overload or a high serum potassium con-
is particularly advantageous in children.12,21 The recipi- centration; this will depend upon the nature of dialysis
ents are frequently elderly, with other comorbidity (e.g., and when this was last carried out. Potassium often rises
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity), which increases as a consequence of anesthesia, blood transfusion, and re-
the surgical and anesthetic challenges. In addition most perfusion of the kidney and it is essential to ensure that
have impaired platelet function through a combination the patient has a normal serum potassium pretransplant.
of uremia and aspirin, and some will be on warfarin for It is much easier, and safer, to dialyze a patient before
previous thromboembolic disease or prosthetic heart transplant than immediately post transplant.
valves. Thus this group of patients carry a relatively high Immunosuppression may be commenced before the
­operative risk. patient goes to surgery. Although there is no hard evi-
dence that preoperative immunosuppression is neces-
sary, many centers prefer a loading dose of a calcineurin
PREPARATION OF RECIPIENT inhibitor or antimetabolite to ensure a better blood
level in the first hours post transplant. Induction agents
The general preparation and selection of recipients for (most typically basiliximab) are also started preopera-
transplantation is discussed in Chapter 4. Potential kid- tively. Where the recipient is receiving an antibody-­
ney transplant recipients are carefully assessed before be- mismatched graft (typically from a living donor), he or
ing placed on the waiting list and medical and surgical she will usually have received several days of preopera-
risk factors will have been identified and evaluated, and tive immunosuppression in addition to ­undergoing anti-
reassessed periodically while waiting. On admission for body removal.

162 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Although the transplant operation is a clean one, the incisions, particularly if placement of a transplant incision
patient will be immunosuppressed and is at high risk for would result in devitalizing an area of abdominal wall.
wound infection. In addition it is possible for the de- Previous venous thrombosis in one leg is an indication
ceased donor kidney to be contaminated in some way to use the opposite side lest the thrombus has obliterated
during retrieval, or to have a urinary tract infection as the ipsilateral iliac veins. A history of venous cannulae in
a consequence of the donor having a urethral catheter one leg is also a relative contraindication to use that side
while on the intensive care unit before death. Infection for fear of iliac venous thrombosis or partial thrombosis.
in the vicinity of the vascular anastomosis may result in If a peritoneal dialysis catheter, colostomy, or ileostomy
secondary hemorrhage which is an uncommon but cata- were emerging from one side of the abdomen, the contra-
strophic complication, resulting in loss of the kidney, lateral side would usually be chosen, although it would be
compromise of distal circulation, and significant mor- preferable to use the same side as an ileal conduit (uros-
tality. Therefore prophylactic antimicrobial therapy is tomy) if this were to be used for ureteric implantation.
usually given, with a spectrum to cover common skin In the presence of large polycystic kidneys, the side of
organisms as well as possible urinary tract contaminants, the smaller polycystic kidney would be selected, assuming
although the evidence underpinning routine prophylaxis that there was room for the transplanted kidney below
is poor.11,18 Antimicrobial cover may also be required if it. Occasionally the polycystic kidneys are too large to
the donor was known to be infected, such as donors dying permit placement of a transplant. Such a situation should
from meningococcal meningitis; the advice of a specialist be picked up as part of the assessment process and one
in microbiology is valuable in these situations. or both polycystic kidneys would be removed before the
After induction of anesthesia, a central venous cath- patient is activated on the transplant list to make room
eter is inserted into the internal jugular vein (preferably for a transplanted kidney, an operation best done through
under ultrasound guidance) to allow central venous pres- a midline incision to avoid later concerns regarding skin
sure monitoring to ensure optimal fluid replacement viability when performing the transplant incision.
and postoperative dialysis. Subclavian vein cannulation In children, in whom the vascular anastomoses of the
should be avoided if possible due to the risk of causing renal vessels may be to the aorta and vena cava because of
subclavian venous stenosis, which would prejudice future the size of the kidney, the right side is preferred because
upper-limb vascular access when the kidney has failed. the kidney is placed behind the cecum and ascending co-
Other aspects of the induction of anesthesia and moni- lon. Where combined pancreas and kidney transplanta-
toring during the operative procedure are discussed in tion is performed via a vertical midline transperitoneal
Chapter 13. approach, the pancreas is usually placed in the right iliac
Once the patient is anesthetized, a urinary balloon fossa and the kidney in the left iliac fossa. To prevent tor-
catheter is aseptically inserted into the recipient’s ­bladder sion of the renal pedicle the kidney is best placed in the
(see later). The skin should be prepared carefully in the retroperitoneal space, which is accessed by inserting an
operating room; body hair is removed and the skin of the index finger into the prevesical space just lateral to the
abdominal wall prepared with an antimicrobial agent, midline and developing the plane laterally.67
typically chlorhexidine gluconate in alcohol.14 It is wise
to prepare the entire abdomen from nipples to midthighs,
especially in a recipient with vascular disease, because INCISION
­occasionally the original incision may need to be extended
or abandoned and the opposite iliac fossa opened, or sa- There are two common incisions used to expose the ex-
phenous vein harvested to manage a vascular problem. ternal iliac vessels and bladder. The oblique Rutherford
Morison or curvilinear incision is made in the right or
left lower quadrant of the abdomen beginning almost in
SITE the midline 2 cm above the pubic tubercle and curving
upward and 2 cm parallel to the inguinal ligament and
Although traditionally the right iliac fossa was used for ending just above the anterior superior iliac spine of the
implantation of the kidney,30,37,46,47,63 in reality there is lit- iliac crest. Caution is taken to avoid the lateral cutane-
tle to choose between sides. It has been suggested that the ous nerve of the thigh, which emerges through external
left kidney is best placed in the right iliac fossa and the oblique 1 cm medial to the anterior superior iliac spine.
right kidney in the left iliac fossa, an approach that places In a child or small adult, this incision can be carried up
the pelvis and ureter medially to facilitate future ureteric to the costal margin to increase exposure (Figure 11-1).40
reconstruction, should it be required. In contrast, plac- The external oblique muscle and fascia are divided in the
ing the deceased donor kidney on the ipsilateral side with line of the incision and split to the lateral extent of the
anastomoses to the external iliac vessels avoids crossing wound. This incision is carried medially on to the rectus
the renal artery and vein, and may facilitate the use of a sheath to permit retraction or division of part of the rec-
subrectus pouch (see below); similarly, live donor kidneys tus muscle for later exposure of the bladder. To expose
implanted using the internal iliac artery may be placed the peritoneum the internal oblique and transverse mus-
contralaterally to avoid vessels crossing. In general, how- cles are divided with cautery in the line of the incision.
ever, it is reasonable to use either iliac fossa for placement The Alexandre or pararectal incision is slightly more
of the kidney. vertical than that of Rutherford Morison. It starts 2 cm
Other factors which may dictate the optimal site of above the pubic symphysis and passes laterally and cra-
placement include the existence of previous abdominal nially along the edge of the rectus sheath, two finger
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 163

Internal iliac

Iliac vein dissected

free, ligating and dividing
tributaries to allow mobility

Alexandre pararectal

Rutherford Morison

Adult Child

FIGURE 11-1  ■  Iliac vessels dissected free. Inset, Incision for adult; incision for child. (From Lee HM. Surgical techniques in renal transplan-
tation. In: Morris PJ, editor. Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/Grune & Stratton; 1979. p. 146.)

breadths medial to the anterior superior iliac spine. The Turner Warwick ring; all have the advantage of providing
confluence of the oblique abdominal muscles just lateral good exposure while allowing the assistant to have both
to the rectus sheath (the spigelian fascia) is divided to ex- hands free to assist with the anastomosis. Depending on
pose peritoneum beneath. whether the internal iliac artery is to be anastomosed to
Once the peritoneum is exposed the inferior epigastric the renal artery of the transplant kidney or whether the
vessels may be ligated and divided in order to improve renal artery with a Carrel patch of aorta is to be anasto-
access, but if there are multiple renal arteries, the inferior mosed to the external iliac artery (the more usual tech-
epigastric vessels should be preserved in the first instance nique), dissection proceeds in the first instance to expose
in case the inferior epigastric artery is required for anas- the external, common, and internal iliac arteries. The
tomosis to a lower polar renal artery. Also it may be wise lymphatics that course along the vessels are preserved
to preserve this vascular supply to the rectus muscle if the where possible and separated from the artery without
muscle has been divided in previous surgery, for example, division. It has been suggested that lymphatics should
during a subcostal incision to remove an ipsilateral kidney, be ligated and not divided, since this is said to prevent
gallbladder, or spleen. Although division of the spermatic the later occurrence of a lymphocele, although what evi-
cord was advocated in early descriptions of the procedure dence there is does not support that (see Chapter 28).19
and was common practice for many years, it should not The surgeon must be careful not to mistake the genito-
be done and very rarely is required for adequate exposure. femoral nerve for a lymph vessel. It lies on the medial
The spermatic cord may be freed laterally, which allows edge of the psoas muscle, and a branch may cross the
it to be retracted medially. In females the round ligament distal external iliac artery. If the internal iliac artery is
can be divided between ligatures. to be used, it is important to mobilize a length of the
common and external iliac arteries so that the internal
iliac artery can be rotated laterally without kinking at its
PREPARATION OF OPERATIVE BED origin and so that the vascular clamps can be applied to
the common and external iliac arteries when the internal
After exposure of the transversalis fascia and peritoneum, iliac artery is short. Care is taken to inspect the origin
the transversalis fascia is divided, and the peritoneum is of the internal iliac artery, if this is to be used, for any
reflected upward and medially to expose the psoas mus- evidence of atheroma and, similarly, any atheromatous
cle and the iliac vessels. This is best done in a caudal to disease in the common or external iliac artery should be
cranial direction. At this stage, a self-retaining retractor noted. If there are two or more renal arteries not on a
is inserted, such as a Bookwalter, an Omni-Tract, or a Carrel patch of aorta, the dissection of the internal iliac
164 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

artery is extended distally to expose the initial branches PREPARATION OF KIDNEY

of the internal iliac artery, which may be suitable for
anastomosis to individual renal arteries. The preparation of the deceased donor kidney should be
Having completed the exposure of the appropriate done in advance of the transplant procedure in case some
iliac arteries, dissection of the external iliac vein is per- anomaly (for example, a previously unrecognized tumor)
formed. If a left kidney with a long renal vein is available, is present that would preclude transplantation. A varying
dissection of the external iliac vein alone generally allows degree of dissection of the kidney is required when the
a satisfactory anastomosis without tension. Uncommonly, kidney is removed from cold storage. In the case of a de-
if the kidney has a very short renal vein, such as with a ceased donor kidney removed as part of an en bloc proce-
right kidney or occasionally a left kidney whose vein dure, considerable dissection needs to be performed, and
has been shortened, or if the recipient is obese, the in- this should be done carefully and with a good light on a
ternal iliac vein and usually one or two gluteal veins can back table with the kidney in a bowl of ice slush. In the
be ligated and divided. This technique allows the com- dissection, great care must be taken to protect the blood
mon and external iliac veins to be brought well up into supply to the ureter, and the so-called golden triangle
the wound, particularly if the internal iliac artery is di- should not be broached (see Chapter 29).
vided, and this facilitates the performance of a tension- Kidneys from living donors are selected preferentially
free anastomosis. However division of the internal iliac to have a single artery, but multiple arteries are common.
and gluteal veins is not without risk, since slippage of the Since the renal arterial inflow comprises end arteries
ligature may result in hemorrhage which is difficult to with no intrarenal communication, all arteries need to be
control. Alternative means of managing short renal veins perfused, but particularly the lower-pole artery since it
are preferred, including: use of the parachute technique is likely to give rise to the ureteric blood supply. If mul-
for venous anastomosis; a more distal placement on the tiple arteries are present and separate (i.e., not on a com-
external iliac vein; use of a segment of donor inferior vena mon Carrel patch), there are several surgical techniques
cava to lengthen the renal vein. Temporary placement of that can be used: the vessels can be spatulated together to
the cold kidney graft into the wound assists in the selec- form a common trunk (Figure 11-2)40; the internal iliac
tion of the sites for anastomosis on the recipient artery artery can be removed from the recipient and its branches
and vein. used to anastomose to the renal arteries on the back table;
When the kidney has been prepared and is ready for a smaller artery may be anastomosed end-to-side to the
implantation, the vessels are now ready for clamping. larger main renal artery; a small accessory artery can be
Heparin may be administered in a modest dose (e.g., 30– anastomosed to the inferior epigastric artery; the renal
60 IU/kg), although many surgeons simply cross-clamp arteries can be implanted separately into the external iliac
the recipient vessels without heparinization in patients artery. A small upper polar artery, if thought to be too
already on dialysis. small to anastomose safely to the major renal artery, may
Vascular clamps are applied to the external iliac artery be ligated, provided that it supplies less than one-eighth
proximally and distally if an end-to-side anastomosis is of the kidney (this should be evident on perfusion of the
to be performed; if the internal iliac artery is to be used, a kidney after removal).
vascular clamp is applied to the internal iliac artery close A deceased donor kidney usually has a renal artery or
to its origin or to the common and external iliac arteries. arteries arising from a single aortic patch, and this patch
The external iliac vein is clamped proximally and distally should be trimmed to an appropriate size and used for
with vascular clamps or a Satinsky side clamp is used. anastomosis to the external iliac artery. If two renal ar-
After division of the internal iliac artery distally, the lu- teries are widely separated on the aortic patch, the patch
men is flushed out with heparinized saline. Similarly, if may be divided to allow separate implantation into the
the external iliac artery or common iliac artery is to be external iliac artery, or the two separate patches joined to-
used, an appropriate-sized arteriotomy is made and the gether to form a shorter patch, or one may be implanted
lumen is flushed out again with heparinized saline; where end-to-side to the external iliac artery and the other to a
the donor artery has no Carrel aortic patch, a hole punch branch of the internal iliac artery.
is used to create a suitably sized hole for anastomosis. If there is more than one renal vein, smaller veins can be
The venotomy similarly is flushed out with heparinized ligated, assuming that there is one large renal vein. If two
saline. Where possible the site of venotomy should be renal veins are of equal size and are not arising from a single
proximal or distal to a valve, and if a valve is present at caval patch, there is a risk of subsequent venous infarction if
the site of the venotomy, it should be removed carefully. one vein is ligated, and it is preferable to implant both veins
Before making the arteriotomy or venotomy, the sur- separately or to join the veins to form a common trunk
geon should mentally visualize the kidney in situ in its for a single anastomosis. A short right renal vein can be ex-
final resting place, as well as picturing the course that the tended with donor inferior vena cava or external iliac vein.
renal artery and vein would take to ensure the optimal The kidney should be kept cold during the implanta-
site for the anastomosis. Where the renal artery is much tion phase. This may be achieved in a number of ways,
longer than the vein, it may either be electively anasto- such as wrapping in a surgical gauze swab filled with
mosed on the internal iliac artery or, more simply, the crushed frozen saline. Another technique uses a surgical
artery can be anastomosed to the external iliac artery but glove to contain the kidney together with crushed ice, the
the kidney placed in a subrectus pouch fashioned by dis- vessels being brought out through a small cut in the side
secting the peritoneum from the underside of the rectus of the glove. This technique not only keeps the kidney
muscle.68 In such a position the longer artery tends to cool during the anastomosis,55 but also facilitates han-
run a smooth course. dling the kidney.
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 165

The question of whether the arterial anastomosis or the
venous anastomosis should be done first depends on the
final position of the kidney and the ease with which the
second anastomosis may or may not be done. If the renal
artery is to be anastomosed end-to-side – usually with a
Carrel patch of aorta – to the external iliac artery, it is
End-to-end End-to-side preferable to do the venous anastomosis first, then the
end-to-side arterial anastomosis can be positioned cor-
rectly. If the renal artery is to be anastomosed to the in-
ternal iliac artery, the arterial anastomosis may be done
first because this enables the renal vein to be positioned
Internal appropriately.
Iliac Artery

Arterial Anastomosis
The internal iliac artery is anastomosed end-to-end to
the renal artery with 5-0 or 6-0 monofilament vascular
suture using a three-point anastomosis technique, as de-
Two renal arteries Two renal arteries
on a patch separate anastomoses scribed by Carrel in 1902,10 or a two-point anastomosis
(Figure 11-3)40; alternatively the parachute technique
may be used, only tying the sutures after first placing all
Ligated trunks the sutures individually.
of artery
If there is a disparity between the renal artery and the
CIA internal iliac artery, the renal artery being considerably
smaller in diameter, the renal artery may be spatulated
EA along one side to broaden the anastomosis. If one side
of the renal artery is spatulated, care should be taken to
B place the spatulation of the renal artery appropriately,
A taking into consideration the final curve of the internal
iliac artery and the renal artery to avoid kinking when
the kidney is placed in its final position (Figure 11-4).40
Two arteries joined Interposition y-graft of
as a pantaloon native internal iliac artery If both arteries are small, the anastomosis should be per-
formed with interrupted sutures to allow for expansion.
FIGURE 11-2  ■ Variations of renal artery anastomoses. (From Lee
HM. Surgical techniques in renal transplantation. In: Morris PJ, editor.
In a child or a small adult with small arteries, the whole
Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/Grune & Stratton; anastomosis should be performed with interrupted
1979. p. 150.) sutures.

Proximal end of
internal iliac artery Stay sutures placed to
clamped, distal end prepare for anastomosis
ligated and divided

Heparinized saline
injected to clear

Stay sutures

FIGURE 11-3  ■  Internal iliac (hypogastric) artery ligated and divided, the lumen flushed with heparinized saline. (From Lee HM. Surgical
techniques of renal transplantation. In: Morris PJ, editor. Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/Grune & Stratton; 1979. p. 148.)
166 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Renal artery
to internal iliac Renal vein
artery end-to-end anastomosed
to iliac vein
Ureter Ureter

Renal vein
with stay

FIGURE 11-4  ■  Anastomosis of the renal artery to internal iliac ar- FIGURE 11-5  ■ Vein anastomosis with triangular stay sutures in
tery. (From Lee HM. Surgical techniques of renal transplantation. In: place. (From Lee HM. Surgical techniques of renal transplantation.
Morris PJ, editor. Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/ In: Morris PJ, editor. Kidney transplantation. London: Academic
Grune & Stratton; 1979. p. 149.) Press/Grune & Stratton; 1979. p. 151.)

An end-to-side anastomosis of the renal artery to the the benefit of distributing the tension over a wider area of
external iliac artery usually is performed using an appro- vein, so there is less likelihood of the suture pulling out.
priately trimmed cuff of aorta attached to the renal ar- The renal vein is usually anastomosed to the ­external
tery. An arteriotomy appropriately placed is performed iliac vein medial to the external iliac artery, although on
in the external iliac artery, then the anastomosis is done occasion it may be lateral to the artery. Wherever the
with a continuous 5-0 or 6-0 monofilament vascular su- anastomosis is positioned, it is important to ensure that
ture (Figure 11-2).40 In older patients, and those who the renal vein is under no tension, and care should be
have been on dialysis some time, the intima may be calci- taken that the vein is not twisted before starting the anas-
fied and be easily displaced from the wall of the artery. tomosis. When a small child receives an adult kidney, it is
Particular care should be taken to ensure all the intima sometimes necessary to shorten the renal vein to prevent
on the recipient artery is secured back in position during kinking, especially when the vein is anastomosed to the
the anastomosis to prevent a dissection along the distal inferior vena cava.
artery on reperfusion. In very severe cases of calcification If the venous anastomosis is fashioned before the arte-
of the recipient artery, it may be necessary to carry out a rial anastomosis (such as when the external iliac artery
formal endarterectomy of the iliac artery, with the distal is to be used), it may be desirable to remove the venous
intima stitched in place to prevent formation of a flap and clamps to permit return of blood from the leg, so short-
subsequent dissection. ening the duration of venous stasis. This is best achieved
by placing a separate fine bulldog clamp close to the anas-
Venous Anastomosis tomosis on the renal vein before removing the iliac vein
clamps, so preventing reflux of blood into the kidney. It
The renal vein is anastomosed end-to-side, usually to the is important that the bulldog clamp is not traumatic to
external iliac vein using a continuous 5-0 monofilament the vein, and does not slip off the vein – two clamps are
vascular suture, with the initial sutures placed at either often better than one to ensure the latter. This maneuver
end of the venotomy (Figure 11-5).40 A useful aid when also allows any bleeding from the venous anstomosis to
doing the venous anastomosis is to place an anchor su- be managed before the kidney is revascularized.
ture at the midpoint of the lateral wall, which allows the
external iliac vein and the renal vein on the lateral side of
the anastomosis to be drawn clear of the medial wall of
Reperfusion of the Kidney
the anastomosis. This technique reduces the risk of the The distal arterial clamps are removed first, allowing slow
back wall being caught up in the suture while the medial reperfusion of the kidney and identification and correction
wall is being sutured. An alternative, and one suited to of significant bleeding before the proximal clamps are re-
larger patients, is to use the parachute technique placing leased. The donor renal vein should be seen to fill rapidly
several sutures at the cranial aspect of the medial suture from the kidney before the venous clamps are removed.
line before parachuting the anastomosis down. This has Once the kidney is reperfused, attention should be paid to
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 167

controlling significant bleeding points on the anastomoses The goal is to anastomose the ureter to the mucosa of
and ligating any tributaries that were missed in the back the bladder, with the distal ureter surrounded in a 2–3-
table preparation. The quality of reperfusion is variable. cm tunnel so that, when the bladder contracts, there is
Live donor kidneys and kidneys that have been subject to a valve mechanism to prevent reflux of urine up the ure-
machine preservation reperfuse evenly and become pink ter.41,50,51,64 The efficiency of this antireflux mechanism is
very quickly. Deceased donor kidneys, particularly those variable.
with prolonged cold ischemia or those donated after cir- The urinary catheter is connected to a Y connector
culatory death, tend to be patchy for some time. While with a bag filled with saline and an antibiotic and/or
this usually resolves over time, it is important to ensure: methylene blue dye on one line and a urinary collection
• All the clamps have been removed bag on the other (Figure 11-6).36 The use of an antibiotic
• The recipient has a good blood pressure in the solution reduces the risk of postoperative urinary
• There is no intimal dissection of the proximal re- infection,56,57 while the dye reassures the surgeon it is the
cipient artery or the donor artery, the latter being bladder that has been opened and not another viscus.
a consequence of traction in the donor or extreme With this system, the bladder can be filled, drained, and,
donor hypertension during coning. if necessary, refilled during the procedure. It is especially
Finally, if concern still exists, the Hume test can be helpful when the bladder is difficult to identify because
reassuring. When the renal vein is occluded between of pelvic scar tissue, recipient obesity, or reduced capac-
finger and thumb, the kidney should swell and throb. ity. After initially accommodating a small volume, the de-
When the vein is released the kidney palpably softens functioned bladder often accepts more fluid 1 or 2 hours
as the turgor goes. into the transplantation procedure.3

Transvesical Ureteroneocystostomy
The traditional technique for transvesical ureteroneo-
Once the kidney is perfused with recipient blood and he- cystostomy is similar to that described by Merrill and
mostasis has been secured, reconstruction of the urinary colleagues46 in the first successful kidney transplant
tract is carried out. Transplantation of the left kidney into from a twin (Figure 11-7).40 The dome of the bladder
the right iliac fossa and the right kidney into the left iliac is identified, and stay sutures or Babcock clamps are
fossa reverses the normal anterior-to-posterior relation- placed on either side of a proposed vertical midline in-
ship of the vein, artery, and collecting system and posi- cision. The urinary bladder is drained, and an incision
tions the renal pelvis and ureter of the kidney transplant is made through all layers of the anterior bladder wall.
so that they are the most medial and superficial of the A retractor is placed into the dome of the bladder to
hilar structures.46 This positioning simplifies primary expose the trigone. A point clear of the native ureter is
(and secondary) urinary tract reconstruction, especially
if pyeloureterostomy, ureteroureterostomy, or pyelovesi-
costomy is to be done. The factors that determine the
type of urinary tract reconstruction are the length and
condition of the donor ureter, the condition of the recipi-
ent’s bladder or bladder substitute, the condition of the
recipient’s ureter, and the familiarity of the surgeon with
the technique.
Suture material is an individual choice. Although uri-
nary tract reconstruction with non-absorbable sutures
has been described,31,45 it leaves the recipient with the risk
of stone formation. Modern synthetic absorbable mono-
filament sutures (e.g., polyglyconate and polydioxanone)
have characteristics suitable for the immunocompromised
kidney transplant recipient in whom delayed wound heal-
ing is possible.

Ureteroneocystostomy (Anastomosis of the

Transplant Ureter Directly to the Bladder)
This is the usual form of urinary tract reconstruction. Its
advantages are:
• It can be performed regardless of the quality or
presence of the recipient ureter.
• It is several centimeters away from the vascular
anastomoses. FIGURE 11-6  ■ Y-tube system for rinsing, filling, and draining
bladder or bladder substitute. (From Kostra JW. Kidney transplan-
• The native ureter remains untouched and therefore tation. In: Kremer B, Broelsch CE, Henne-Bruns D, editors. Atlas of
available for the treatment of ureteric complications. liver, pancreas, and kidney transplantation. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme
• Native nephrectomy is unnecessary. Verlag; 1994. p. 128.)
168 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 11-7  ■  (A–D) Transvesical ureteroneocystostomy. (From Lee DM. Surgical techniques of renal transplantation. In: Morris PJ, editor.
Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/Grune & Stratton; 1979. p. 153.)

selected, and a transverse incision is made in the mu- apart62; when this technique is used, the proximal blad-
cosa. A submucosal tunnel is created with a right-angle der mucosal incision is closed with a fine absorbable
clamp or Thorek scissors for about 2 cm. The clamp or suture.
scissors is pushed through the bladder from inside to
outside, and the muscular opening is enlarged to ac- Extravesical Ureteroneocystostomy
cept the kidney transplant ureter. The ureter is drawn
under the spermatic cord and into the bladder, where it This is the most common technique used. Although not
is transected at a length that prevents tension or redun- producing such a “physiological” antireflux mechanism
dancy. The cut end of the ureter is incised for 3–5 mm as the transvesical method, extravesical techniques are
and approximated to the bladder mucosa with fine ab- faster, do not require a separate cystotomy, and require
sorbable sutures. The inferior suture includes the blad- less ureteric length (Figure 11-8). These factors should
der muscle to fix the ureter distally and to prevent its reduce operating time, bladder spasms, and hematuria.
movement in the submucosal tunnel. The retractor is Extravesical techniques are based on the procedure de-
removed, and the cystotomy is closed with a single or scribed by Lich and colleagues.41 Extravesical uretero-
double layer of 3-0 absorbable suture. The bladder can neocystostomy was adapted for renal transplantation by
be refilled to check for leakage, and points of leakage Woodruff in 1962,70 and it is well illustrated by Konnak
can be repaired with interrupted sutures. Some sur- and colleagues (Figure 11-8).35 A subsequent modifica-
geons use two bladder mucosal incisions about 2 cm tion was the addition of a stitch to anchor the toe of the
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 169



FIGURE 11-8  ■ (A–C) Extravesical ureteroneocystostomy. (From
Konnak JW, Herwig KR, Turcotte JG. External ureteroneocystostomy
in renal transplantation. J Urol 1972;108:380.)

spatulated ureter to the bladder to prevent proximal slip-

page of the ureter in the submucosal tunnel with loss
of the antireflux valve and disruption of the ureteric FIGURE 11-9  ■ One or two mattress sutures to anchor toe of
transplant ureter to full-thickness bladder. This prevents ureteric
anastomosis.8,15 slippage in the submucosal tunnel. (From Hinman F Jr. Ureteral
A double-pigtail (double-J) ureteric stent reduces the reconstruction and excision. In: Hinman F Jr editor. Atlas of urologic
incidence of leak and stenosis7 and is widely used. This surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1998. p. 799.)
is passed retrograde up the donor ureter, after first cut-
ting the ureter to a suitable length and spatulating its
end. The bladder is distended with an antibiotic/dye so- the suture, whilst others suture to mucosa alone. Some
lution through the urethral catheter. The lateral surface authors recommend specifically anchoring the toe of
of the bladder is cleared of fat and the peritoneal reflec- the ureter with a horizontal or vertical mattress suture
tion, a retractor is placed medially, another is placed placed in the toe of the ureter and passed submucosally
inferolaterally, and a third retractor is placed cephalo- through the seromuscular layer of the bladder and tied
medially to hold the peritoneum and its contents out of about 5 mm distal to the cystotomy (Figure 11-9). When
the way. Some authors recommend placing the ureter handling the ureter and bladder care should be taken to
under the spermatic cord or round ligament, believing avoid crushing the delicate mucosa with forceps. Once
that this prevents posttransplant ureteric obstruction. A the ureteric anastomosis is complete the seromuscular
longitudinal oblique incision is made for approximately layer is closed over the ureter with interrupted absorb-
3 cm until the bladder mucosa bulges into the incision. able sutures, care being taken to avoid narrowing the
The bladder is partially drained via the urethral catheter, ureter in the process.
and the mucosa is dissected away from the muscularis on
both sides to facilitate later creation of a submucosal tun- Double Ureters
nel for the ureter. The bladder mucosa is incised and 5/0
monofilament absorbable sutures (e.g., polydioxanone) Double ureters can be managed simply by leaving them
placed through both ends of the incision. The ureter is in their common sheath, trimming them to appropriate
brought up to the wound, and the mucosal sutures passed length, spatulating them, and either anastomosing the
through the toe and heel of the spatulated end, and the medial edges together with a continuous or interrupted
ureter parachuted on to the bladder. The ureter is then fine absorbable suture (Figure 11-10)13,52 or joining
anastomosed to the bladder mucosa with running su- them, one on top of the other, with a single stitch from
tures between the ureter and the mucosa of the bladder; the toe of the upper one to the heel of the lower one.4
some surgeons take a small amount of bladder muscle in The conjoined ureters can be treated as a single ureter
170 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Augmented Bladder
In patients with congenital bladder abnormalities, the
bladder may have been augmented as part of previous
treatment or in preparation for transplantation. It is im-
portant to know the anatomy and blood supply of an aug-
mentation patch so as not to interfere with it during the
kidney transplant procedure. Ideally the ureter should
be anastomosed to the bladder itself, with a submucosal
tunnel for ureteroneocystostomy. Where ileum or cecum
has been used, and is the most readily accessible compo-
nent of the reconstructed bladder, the donor ureter may
be anastomosed without a tunnel, and the anastomosis
managed in a similar fashion used for an ileal conduit.
Ureteric stents are usually used.
FIGURE 11-10  ■ Management of double ureters to make them
into a single ureteric orifice. Pyelopyelostomy
Pyelopyelostomy has been used for orthotopic kidney
by any of the previously described ureteroneocystostomy transplantation, usually in the left flank.24 The native kid-
techniques. The submucosal tunnel needs to be made a ney is removed, and the kidney transplant is revascular-
bit wider. The alternative approach is to use a separate ized with the native renal artery or the splenic artery and
ureteroneocystostomy for each of the ureters.66 These the native renal vein. The proximal ureter and renal pelvis
same techniques can be used for the en bloc transplanta- of the kidney transplant are opened medially, and the na-
tion of pediatric kidneys or the transplantation of two tive renal pelvis is anastomosed to the kidney transplant
adult kidneys, stacked one on top of the other,44 into one renal pelvis with a running fine absorbable suture. After
recipient. Fjeldborg and Kim23 described a pyeloureteric completion of one wall, a double-pigtail ureteric stent is
anastomosis for a kidney with double ureters in which passed with or over a guidewire through the native ureter
both renal pelves are joined after dividing the ureters at into the bladder, and the wire is withdrawn to allow the
their ureteropelvic junctions and suturing the posterior distal end to curl within the bladder. Its position in the
walls together, leaving the anterior halves for anastomo- bladder is confirmed by reflux of bladder irrigant up the
sis with the recipient ureter (Figure 11-11).23 stent. The proximal coil is placed in the renal pelvis of
the kidney transplant, and the remaining half of the su-
ture line is completed. Compared with ureteroneocystos-
tomy, an advantage of urinary tract reconstruction with
the native renal pelvis or ureter is the ease with which
subsequent retrograde pyelography, stent placement, or
ureteroscopy can be accomplished through the normally
positioned ureteric orifice.

Pyeloureterostomy and Ureteroureterostomy

Pyeloureterostomy and ureteroureterostomy usually are
done: when the transplant ureter’s blood supply seems
to be compromised; when the urinary bladder is diffi-
cult to identify because of pelvic scar; when the bladder
does not distend enough for a ureteroneocystostomy; as
a result of surgeon preference.25,38,39 The techniques for
ureteropyelostomy and ureteroureterostomy are similar
(Figure 11-12). The posterior, or back wall, anastomo-
sis is completed between the kidney transplant pelvis or
ureter and the side or to the spatulated end of the native
ureter; a double-pigtail ureteric stent is placed, and the
anterior suture line is completed. The proximal native
ureter is managed by:
• Leaving the native kidney in situ and using the side
of the native ureter for the anastomosis
• Ipsilateral nephrectomy and proximal ureterectomy
• Ligation of the proximal ureter with the obstructed
FIGURE 11-11  ■  Management of double ureters by pyelopyelos-
tomy followed by conjoined pyeloureterostomy. (From Fjeldborg native kidney left in situ,43,58 although this should
O, Kim CH. Double ureters in renal transplantation. J Urol 1972; not be done in the presence of urinary tract sepsis
108:377.) or where the recipient has previously undergone
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 171

FIGURE 11-12  ■ Ureteropyelostomy and ureteroureterostomy. FIGURE 11-13  ■ Pyelovesicostomy. (From Firlit CF. Unique urinary
A double-pigtail stent is placed after the back wall suture line diversions in transplantation. J Urol 1977;118:1043.)
has been completed.

ureteric reimplantation to treat reflux disease – in and then using one of the extravesical ureteroneocystos-
the latter case the blood supply to the ureter is se- tomy techniques. Successful anastomosis of the transplant
verely compromised. By leaving the native ureter ureter to the afferent limb of an intestinal pouch has also
in continuity with its kidney, and anastomosing the been described.27 If it is difficult to identify the intestinal
pelvis or ureter of the renal transplant to the side of conduit or pouch because of surrounding intestines, the
the native ureter, a good blood supply to the native addition of methylene blue dye to the irrigant stains the
ureter is guaranteed without the risk of an obstruct- conduit or pouch and may make it easier to find.69 This
ed, hydronephrotic native kidney. topic is discussed more completely in Chapter 12.

Pyelovesicostomy Ureteric Stents

Pyelovesicostomy has been described for urinary tract re- Some surgeons use ureteric stents routinely to reduce
construction when the native ureter and the renal transplant the incidence of urological complications,7,50 others only
ureter are unsuitable or become so (Figure 11-13).6,22,28 when there is concern about the potential for urinary
The bladder must reach the renal pelvis without tension. leakage or temporary obstruction. Examples of the latter
To achieve this the bladder may be mobilized and hitched would include edema; periureteral bleeding; a thickened
to the psoas muscle or a bladder extension with a Boari bladder; when a pyelopyelostomy, pyeloureterostomy, or
flap may be needed. ureteroureterostomy has been performed; or when the
ureter has been anastomosed to an intestinal conduit or
pouch. The ideal length of the stent is determined by the
Ureteroenterostomy estimated distance between the renal pelvis of the kidney
Ureteroenterostomy into an intestinal conduit or an intesti- graft and the bladder (or its substitute). A double-pigtail
nal pouch is indicated where the bladder has been removed 5F stent of 12-cm length is generally suitable for an adult
or is unusable.26,32 It is performed by slight distension of transplant kidney located in the iliac fossa and anasto-
the conduit or pouch with antibiotic-containing irrigant mosed to the native bladder.
172 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Management of Catheter and Stent

The urinary bladder or reservoir catheter usually is re-
moved on postoperative day 5. Some units test the urine Ascending colon
at the bedside for nitrites and sent for bacterial culture.
If the urine is shown to be infected, an antibiotic is cho- Kidney placed
sen based on sensitivity results and is prescribed for 10– beneath bowel
14 days. Where the stent has been fixed to the urinary
catheter it will come out as the catheter is withdrawn;
otherwise the stent is removed at 6 weeks using flexible
cystoscopy. If a ureteric stent is in situ it should be re-
moved if infection is present. Care should be taken to
identify all patients with stents in situ lest one should be

Femoral a & v
Many units obtain a biopsy specimen of the kidney rou-
tinely before closure of the wound (a “time zero biopsy”).
This biopsy can be used to provide baseline histology to
identify chronic changes and any unknown renal disease; FIGURE 11-14  ■  Renal transplant in small children (<20 kg). (From
Lee HM. Surgical techniques of renal transplantation. In: Morris PJ,
it may also show evidence of ischemia reperfusion injury editor. Kidney transplantation. London: Academic Press/Grune &
or early antibody-mediated damage, but the time taken Stratton; 1979. p. 159.)
for these to manifest histologically is generally longer
than the average transplant operation (see Chapter 26).
Methods of closing the wound vary, but closure of all common iliac artery. A partial occluding clamp is used to
musclofascial layers with a non-absorbable material such isolate the vena cava and aorta, in preference to full mo-
as nylon is preferred to avoid herniation. Skin closure bilization of vena cava and aorta and cross-clamping. The
with a subcuticular absorbable suture gives the best cos- renal vein is anastomosed to the vena cava first in an end-
metic result. to-side technique with non-absorbable monofilament
Some surgeons prefer to drain the surgical bed to give vascular sutures (Figure 11-14).40 The renal artery is then
early warning of bleeding or urinary leak, while others ar- anastomosed to either the right common iliac artery or
gue that the drain is a portal for entry of microorganisms. terminal aorta in an end-to-side fashion using fine non-
If drainage is performed it should be a closed system and absorbable monofilament vascular sutures. Occasionally
drains should be removed at the earliest opportunity. The a small aortic punch may be used to create a hole in the
exit site of the drain should be cleaned and dressed daily aorta to which the renal artery is anastomosed. This latter
until the drain is removed. technique is said to reduce the chance of the renal artery
The historical practice of capsulotomy of the trans- lumen occluding if hypotension occurs. When the renal
planted kidney, where the renal capsule is carefully split artery is anastomosed to the aorta it is usually brought
along its convex border from pole to pole to minimize in front of the vena cava, although on occasion it may lie
damage to the kidney as the parenchyma swelled in re- best if passed behind the vena cava. Careful liaison with
sponse to reperfusion injury, is no longer performed.29,61 the anesthetist is required when clamping and declamp-
ing the vena cava and aorta, since the perfused kidney
may remove a large part of the child’s circulating volume,
PEDIATRIC RECIPIENT resulting in dramatic hemodynamic changes.
The ascending colon is placed back over the anterior
For older children, the transplant procedure is the same surface of the kidney. No fixation is necessary. The ureter
as for adults if their weight is more than 20 kg.5,20,49 The is brought down retroperitoneally crossing the common
renal vessels are anastomosed end-to-side to the iliac ves- iliac artery at its midpoint and is implanted into the blad-
sels or to the aorta and vena cava.9 der as a ureteroneocystostomy.
In smaller children (weight <20 kg), the right extra- End-to-end arterial anastomoses in growing children
peritoneal space can be developed by extending the in- should be done wholly or partially interrupted; for end-
cision to the right costal margin,48 or a transperitoneal to-side anastomoses, where there is a significant Carrel
approach can be used.62 In the case of the latter, the ab- patch of donor vessel, continuous anastomoses may suffice.
domen is opened through the midline incision from the
xyphoid to the pubis, and the retroperitoneum opened by
incising the peritoneum lateral to the ascending colon, PEDIATRIC DONOR
which is reflected medially. The terminal portion of the
vena cava is dissected over 3–4 cm, ligating and divid- When a child’s kidney is used as a donor kidney for an
ing two to three lumbar veins posteriorly. The terminal adult or child recipient, the surgical technique is es-
aorta also is dissected free at its bifurcation, as is the right sentially the same as has been described. Because of the
Surgical Techniques of Kidney Transplantation 173

small size of the renal vessels, use of aortic and vena caval an experienced transplant surgeon. The usual approach
patches generally is necessary. Interrupted sutures may be for the transplant nephrectomy is through the original
necessary for at least half the circumference of the anasto- transplant incision. An abdominal incision may be pre-
mosis since the kidney will increase in size. ferred in small children, particularly if the implantation
When pediatric kidneys are very small, double kid- was performed intra-abdominally. One also may use the
neys may be transplanted en bloc into adults and bigger abdominal approach to control the iliac vessels in case of
children.2,16,33,42,59 a mycotic aneurysm or a perinephric abscess, where there
For en bloc transplantation, both kidneys are removed is a risk of catastrophic hemorrhage. Prophylactic antibi-
with a segment of aorta and vena cava. The aorta and otics should be given to cover skin and urinary pathogens,
vena cava caudal to the renal vessels are removed and together with coverage of any other organism known to
anastomosed to the aorta and vena cava cranial to the re- be prevalent.
nal vessels, closing off the caudal aorta and cava of the do- In the early postoperative period, removal of the trans-
nor. This technique allows the kidneys to be placed quite plant in toto is simple with easy identification of the renal
low over the iliac vessels and provides a short distance for pedicle structures. The donor vessels may be simply li-
the ureters to traverse to the bladder. Other techniques gated, with the ligated stumps of donor vessels either left
include simply oversewing the cranial ends of the aorta in situ in the recipient or removed. Leaving stumps runs
and vena cava, with anastomoses of the caudal ends of the the risk of thrombosis or hemorrhage as the immune sys-
aorta and vena cava end-to-side to the iliac vessels. Some tem attacks the donor endothelium, although this is less
surgeons advocate suturing the superior poles of the kid- likely the more time that has elapsed since transplanta-
neys to the sides of the aorta to prevent torsion or kinking tion. Alternatively removal of the donor vessel stumps
of renal vascular pedicles. Ureters are implanted to the may necessitate vascular repair using an autologous saphe-
bladder separately using the extravesical approach or are nous vein patch to prevent narrowing of the native vessels.
joined together to form a common funnel, as described The long-standing transplanted kidney is most easily
earlier. Another technique is to remove segments of the removed subcapsularly. After deepening the original inci-
recipient’s external iliac artery and vein and anastomose sion the false capsule is identified and incised. The kidney
the tubular aorta and inferior vena cava into the defects. parenchyma is freed with blunt dissection all around the
A fourth technique is to incise longitudinally the poste- kidney in the plane within the capsule but outside the pa-
rior aorta and inferior vena cava and anastomose these renchyma. The vessels and ureter enter the capsule deep
vascular patches to the iliac vessels. to the kidney, and it is usually necessary to incise the cap-
sule around the hilum so as to isolate the vascular pedicle.
Care should be taken to ensure that the native vessels,
DOUBLE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT typically the external iliac artery and vein, are separate
from the vascular pedicle. The pedicle is then mass-
Less than optimal kidneys are increasingly being used for clamped with a Satinsky clamp and divided to remove the
transplantation, accepting less than perfect function in kidney. The vascular pedicle is oversewn with a mono-
the knowledge that this is, nonetheless, superior to life filament vascular suture. The artery and the vein may be
on dialysis1,54,65 Some centers routinely biopsy older do- dissected and transfixed separately at this time, but this
nor kidneys,53 and if the biopsy shows significant chronic can be difficult and is usually unnecessary. Sometimes the
changes then both donor kidneys are transplanted into segmental renal arteries and venous branches are ligated
one recipient, rather than transplanting one each into and divided as they appear during dissection within the
two separate recipients. renal hilar scar, obviating the need to control the ped-
Double kidney transplantation can be performed in icle. Transplant nephrectomy, therefore, leaves a small
two ways.17 Both kidneys can be transplanted on to the amount of donor material in the patient – the site of the
same side through an extended pararectal incision. The anastomosis. Although theoretically at risk of rejection,
first kidney chosen should have the longest ureter, and this does not, in reality, appear to cause a problem.
is transplanted on to the common iliac artery and either If the wound is grossly contaminated or infected, it
the common iliac vein or vena cava; the second kidney is should be left open with packing, with secondary closure
then implanted caudally on to the external iliac vessels. in mind.34,60 Closed suction drainage may be used, ac-
The ureters may be managed as described previously. It cording to surgeon’s preference.
is important to transplant the cranial kidney first, since
clamping the common iliac artery will remove the inflow REFERENCES
to a kidney that has been transplanted to the external ves- 1. Alfrey EJ, Lee CM, Scandling JD, et al. When should expanded
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Transplantation and the

Abnormal Bladder
Ricardo González  •  Julie Franc-Guimond  •  Barbara Ludwikowski

ASSESSMENT OF BLADDER FUNCTION Other Considerations in Patients with
Abnormal Bladder
Timing of Bladder Reconstruction
Methods to Enhance Bladder Emptying
Results of Renal Transplantation into
Methods to Improve Capacity and Reconstructed Abnormal Bladders
Posterior Urethral Valves
Alternatives to the Use of Ileum or Left
Colon Prune-Belly Syndrome
Methods to Achieve Continence Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
Urinary Diversion (Continent and Incontinent) CONCLUSION

The ability of the urinary bladder to store urine at low if left untreated. Reinberg and colleagues79 first pointed
pressure and to empty completely at intervals with simul- this out in 1988 for children with PUV. Other authors
taneous relaxation of the sphincter complex is essential have reported similar findings.13,59 Correction of struc-
to preserve the integrity of the kidneys and to achieve tural anomalies and optimization of storage and emp-
continence. Although an abnormal urinary tract is not tying functions of the bladder are often recommended
a contraindication to renal transplantation, bladder/ before transplantation.48 In fact, improvement of bladder
sphincter dysfunction needs to be addressed before and function can slow down the progression of renal insuf-
after transplantation. In this chapter we shall discuss the ficiency and allow the transplantation to be postponed.68
causes, evaluation, and methods of treatment of bladder Although in general all anticipated reconstructive proce-
dysfunction. dures on the lower urinary tract are best performed be-
Abnormal bladder function can be present in both fore transplantation, this is not always possible for several
adults and children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) reasons. For example, in children before toilet training
who are transplant candidates but the problem is more it may be difficult to predict future continence. When
prevalent in the pediatric age group. About 20–30% of polyuria is present, it may be difficult to predict how
children who develop renal failure have potential blad- the bladder will behave once normal diuresis is restored.
der dysfunction.14,29 Patients at risk for bladder dysfunc- Likewise it is difficult to predict future bladder function
tion include those with a history of posterior urethral after a prolonged period of oligo- or anuria.
valve (PUV), prune-belly syndrome (PBS), neuropathic It should also be kept in mind that bladders that seem
voiding dysfunction (NVD), bladder exstrophy, Ochoa to have normal function initially may become abnormal
and Hinman syndromes, patients with anorectal malfor- over time, such as is seen in cases of valve bladders or in
mations, and persistence of the cloaca. In some of these children with tethered spinal cord. The opposite is also
conditions, the development of ESRD is frequently a con- true. For example, a bladder that has inadequate capacity
sequence of the congenital anomaly associated with renal or compliance in the face of polyuria may function ad-
dysplasia (PUV, PBS, persistence of the cloaca)57,82,100; equately after transplantation when normal urine output
however in others, such as NVD, whether congenital or is restored.58
acquired, renal damage results from bladder dysfunction
and is preventable with good management.37
When renal failure results from underlying urologi- ASSESSMENT OF BLADDER FUNCTION
cal anomalies (e.g., PUV, PBS, NVD), it can be assumed
that the abnormal bladder that contributed to the dam- All patients in ESRD with known or suspected genito-
age of the native kidneys might adversely influence the urinary abnormalities require evaluation of bladder func-
outcome of the transplant. Many reports have shown that tion. A complete evaluation of the urinary tract before
bladder dysfunction can negatively affect graft function renal transplantation is necessary in all pediatric patients.

Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder 177

Errando et al. found it necessary to evaluate urodynami- formula (age in years +1) × 30 = bladder capacity in mL
cally 6.9% of 475 transplant recipients based on the is useful. For infants we prefer the estimation of 7 mL/
­following indications: (1) lower urinary tract symptoms; kg.30 Although most calculations use the patient’s age,
(2) ­defunctionalized bladder; and (3) complex urological assuming that the body habitus is within normal limits,
history. These investigators found that 45% of the evalu- this is often not the case in patients with spina bifida and
ated patients had abnormal urodynamic studies.27 However, ESRD. In this population we prefer the formula men-
defunctionalized bladders which were normal before the tioned above, which assumes 7 mL of capacity for every
onset of anuria as a rule recover function after diuresis is kg of body weight.
restored without specific management.44 The same is not Bladder compliance is defined as the change in bladder
true of bladders with pre-existing abnormalities. pressure for a given change in volume. It is calculated by
The evaluation starts with a complete history, includ- dividing the volume change (ΔV) by the change in detru-
ing a log kept over several days recording voided vol- sor pressure (ΔPdet) — compliance ΔV/ΔP detrusor — and
umes and frequency, incontinent episodes, and presence is expressed in mL/cmH2O. Decreased bladder compli-
of nocturia or nocturnal enuresis. In anuric patients, the ance implies a poorly distensible bladder in which the
history before the onset of anuria is very valuable. In pressure/volume curve is steep, and the pressure rise is
most cases of lower urinary tract anomalies, a voiding rapid for low-volume increases. Although numerical val-
cystourethrogram is useful to estimate bladder capacity ues are often used to express compliance, interpretation of
and to outline its contour. It is also essential to evalu- these numbers must take into consideration age and ex-
ate urethral anatomy and to determine the presence of pected bladder capacity. The lowest full resting pressure
vesicoureteral reflux when that information is necessary. is preferable regardless of the maximal bladder capacity.
Non-invasive urodynamics, including the pattern of the McGuire and associates63 stated that sustained detru-
uroflow examination, the maximal and average flow rate, sor pressures greater than 40 cmH2O can cause upper
and the residual urine measured by bladder scanning are tract damage.
also important. In most patients without symptoms, a
normal uroflow study and the absence of residual urine
on ultrasonography are sufficient to rule out significant GENERAL CONCEPTS OF MANAGEMENT
bladder dysfunction. Abnormal uroflow patterns or in- OF BLADDER DYSFUNCTION
complete bladder emptying may be situational and should
be repeated.44,71 The general principles of making the bladder useful to
Invasive urodynamic studies, including cystomanom- receive a renal graft include: (1) providing a method
etry (with or without simultaneous intrarectal pressure for emptying when spontaneous voiding is not possi-
measurements), and electromyography of the pelvic floor ble; (2) restoring bladder capacity and compliance; and
are needed when the bladder capacity and compliance are (3) increasing outlet resistance when sphincter failure
questionable, the uroflow pattern is abnormal, or there is a causes urinary incontinence. Although urinary inconti-
history of bladder dysfunction. The simultaneous perfor- nence may not affect the functional result of transplan-
mance of a voiding cystourethrogram and cystomanom- tation, restoring continence greatly enhances quality
etry (videourodynamics) is most useful in such cases. of life.96
The pretransplant urological evaluation aims to diag- A functional bladder may need to be re-evaluated over
nose, treat, and optimize any pre-existing bladder dys- time if the waiting time for renal transplantation is pro-
function.29,50,78 Ramirez et al. retrospectively looked at longed or if new lower urinary tract symptoms occur. It
271 pediatric renal transplantations and found voiding also is known that bladder dysfunction in children and
cystourethrography (VCUG) useful in children less than adolescents occurs after transplantation, even when the
8 years of age and those with a history of urologic dis- bladder was normal before renal transplantation, war-
ease,78 whereas in adults without a history of urologic dis- ranting careful follow-up.42,98
ease or symptoms VCUG is not necessary.36 Cystoscopy
is indicated in cases in which the urinary flow is abnor-
mal, residual urine volumes are elevated, or the urethra
Methods to Enhance Bladder Emptying
is difficult to catheterize. In these cases, if obstruction is Periodic, complete emptying of the bladder is important
ruled out, neurological investigation, including magnetic to prevent infections, keep the intravesical pressure low
resonance imaging of the spinal cord, is necessary to rule and allow for urinary continence. Chronic urinary reten-
out NVD. tion leads to overflow incontinence, and urinary tract
After the evaluation is completed, one can make a infection. When intravesical pressures are high, hydro-
judgment as to the adequacy of the lower urinary tract. nephrosis with or without vesicoureteral reflux and re-
Criteria for a usable bladder relate to bladder capacity, nal damage develop. Medications that relax the bladder
bladder compliance, the bladder’s ability to empty com- neck musculature such as alpha blockers may be used but
pletely, and urinary continence. The presence of vesico- are of unproven effectiveness in patients with NVD or
ureteral reflux also should be taken into consideration. PUV.2,6 Symptomatic improvement of lower urinary tract
Bladder capacity varies with age. Known formulas ex- symptoms in adults has been documented.19,49 Botulinum
ist to determine if the bladder capacity for age is satisfac- A toxin injection to the sphincter mechanisms may be ef-
tory for a given patient. With the capacity of the newborn fective to improve bladder emptying in high spinal cord
bladder at about 30 mL, and bladder capacity increasing lesions but the effect is short-lived.25 Therefore, in most
by about 30 mL each year almost until puberty,71 the cases of incomplete bladder emptying clean intermittent
178 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 12-1  ■  (A) Catheterization through an umbilical stoma in a patient who had a continent catheterizable channel accomplished
using the Mitrofanoff principle. (B) Creation of two stomas, on the right, umbilical stoma for appendicovesicostomy and on the
left, V-rectangle stoma for appendicocecostomy for antegrade colon irrigations in patient with spina bifida and urine and stool

catheterization is necessary. Forty years of experience A bladder may be anatomically small, as is often the
leave no doubts about the effectiveness and safety of clean case in patients with a history of bladder exstrophy or in-
intermittent catheterization.55 This is also true for renal continent epispadias. A small bladder per se is not a threat
transplant patients.31 to the upper tracts as long as the patient is incontinent.
When urethral catheterization is not possible because However, when bladder outlet resistance is surgically in-
of anatomical reasons or lack of patient acceptance, the creased in an attempt to achieve dryness, high intravesical
creation of a catheterizable channel with an abdominal pressure and hydronephrosis will ensue. Such bladders
stoma is necessary. First described by Mitrofanoff in require bladder augmentation by addition of a reconfig-
1980,67 the popularization of continent appendicovesi- ured segment of ileum or sigmoid colon.
costomy has permitted innumerable patients worldwide Patients with NVD may have anatomically normal
to live without incontinent urinary diversions. When but functionally small bladders, that is small capacity
the appendix is not available a reconfigured ileal or co- at safe pressure (under 30 cmH2O). When the cause of
lonic conduit can be used.75 The appendicular or intes- decreased capacity or compliance is hypertrophy of the
tinal channel should be implanted with a submucosal detrusor muscle it may improve with antimuscarinic
tunnel either in the native bladder or intestinal seg- medications or botulin A toxin injected in the detrusor.
ment, used to augment the bladder with equally good Antimuscarinic drugs, although not without potential
results.34 For cosmetic and anatomic reasons, we prefer side effects, can be effective and well tolerated for long
placing the stoma at the umbilicus whenever possible periods of time and thus must always be tried prior to
(Figures 12-1 to 12-3). surgical augmentation. Botulinum toxin injections on the
other hand have a limited and temporary effect and are
Methods to Improve Capacity and impractical for long-term management.46 Both of these
methods can only be effective when the cause of the de-
Compliance creased compliance lies in the detrusor. When increased
The causes of a small or poorly compliant bladder are collagen deposition is the cause, only bladder augmenta-
multiple. A previously normal defunctionalized bladder tion is effective.
because of anuria or supravesical diversion may be small Surgical augmentation of bladder capacity with its
but usually returns to normal capacity and compliance af- consequent improvement in compliance is normally
ter refunctionalization by undiversion or transplantation. accomplished by adding a reconfigured intestinal seg-
Cycling such bladders prior to transplantation is uncom- ment to the existing bladder. The majority of patients,
fortable for the patient and unnecessary.26 particularly those with NVD, will require intermittent
Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder 179

Umbilical cut

2 3

4 5

FIGURE 12-2  ■ (A) Illustration showing the creation of an appendicovesicostomy using the Mitrofanoff principle. (B) Creation of
V-rectangle flaps for extraumbilical continent stoma.
180 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

2 cm and thicker wall allow easy tunneled implantation of

catheterizable channels or ureters (Figures 12-4 and
12-5). Mucus production and bladder stone formation
occur equally often with ileum or colon and can be min-
imized by daily bladder irrigation with normal saline.
In addition, postoperative intestinal obstruction from
adhesions is more common after ileocystoplasty than
after sigmoidcystoplasty.88
The risk of cancer developing in an augmented blad-
der is less than 5%43 but the outcome is usually unfavor-
able because of late detection.92 Risk factors for cancer
development in an augmented bladder include a history
A of bladder exstrophy, immunosuppression, and Bilharzia
infestation. For most patients with augmented bladder,
routine screening with current methods is considered

Alternatives to the Use of Ileum or

Left Colon24
A segment of the gastric fundus has been used to aug-
ment the bladder in an attempt to prevent metabolic
acidosis. Gastrocystoplasty has been abandoned because
of a higher complication rate, and the risk of metabolic
alkalosis, which is more difficult to control than acidosis.
B C Also spontaneous perforation caused by peptic ulcer in
the augmented bladder has been reported in anuric pa-
tients awaiting transplantation.80
The ileocecal segment is still used in some centers.
However, exclusion of the ileocecal valve from the gas-
trointestinal tract results in acceleration of the intestinal
transit, which may have minimal impact in patients with
normally innervated colon and anal sphincter but can re-
sult in intractable diarrhea and stool incontinence in neu-
rologically impaired patients.91
To avoid the inevitable disadvantages of incorporating
intestinal mucosa into the urinary tract, several authors
have attempted to increase the capacity and compliance
of the bladder by simply removing part or most of the
FIGURE 12-3  ■ Illustration showing the creation of a continent detrusor, leaving the bladder urothelium as a large di-
catheterizable channel with a bowel segment using Monti’s
principle. A 3-cm segment of ileum is isolated and opened, as
verticulum. The term “autoaugmentation,” sometimes
shown in the illustration. It is then retubularized in a transverse applied to this procedure, is a misnomer since the capac-
fashion to create a 7-cm-long channel. ity rarely increases significantly56 and often decreases be-
cause of perivesical fibrosis, as has been shown to happen
experimentally.95 We have completely abandoned this
catheterization to empty the reconstructed bladder. procedure.
Almost all segments of the urinary tract have been A partial detrusorectomy covered by a reconfigured
used for this purpose. When ileum or colon is used, sigmoid segment from which the mucosa has been re-
the absorption of ammonia from the urine can result moved results in a bladder wall composed of intestinal
in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, and most of muscularis and urothelium with minimal or no produc-
these patients have respiratory compensated metabolic tion of mucus and no absorption of urine metabolites. We
acidosis.73 This may be of no consequence, but if the use this procedure (seromuscular colocystoplasty lined
kidneys are unable to compensate, carries the risk of with urothelium) very selectively, with excellent results
serious acute and chronic illness. In chronic untreated (Figure 12-6). However its indications are restricted to
cases a concern is the resulting bone demineralization patients in whom no other intravesical procedures are
which may result in osteoporosis or impaired growth needed and who have high outlet resistance to allow blad-
in children.69 Bicarbonate replacement is usually suffi- der distension in the early postoperative period. This is
cient to correct the problem. Although ileum and colon necessary to promote coaptation of the intestinal sero-
are generally considered equal options, the exclusion of muscular segment with the urothelium.38
30–40 cm of ileum from the gastrointestinal tract will A dilated ureter has been used as material to enlarge
invariably lead to vitamin B12 deficiency, needing re- the bladder.10 Although appealing because of the uro-
placement.94 For this reason we prefer the use of the thelial lining, in practice ureterocystoplasty has very
sigmoid colon. Its larger lumen, anatomical proximity, limited applications. Properly managed patients with
Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder 181





a b c


FIGURE 12-4  ■  (A) Bladder augmentation using reconfigured bowel segment. (B) Bowel segment used for bladder augmentation is
detubularized on its antimesenteric border and folded in half to form a U shape. (C) The U-shaped flap is anastomosed to the opened
bladder beginning in the midline posteriorly.

NVD should never develop ureteral dilatation of such The futuristic idea of a bioengineered bladder constructed
magnitude as to be useful for augmentation.37 Children in vitro from cells harvested from the patient remains an elu-
with PUV may have massively dilated ureters but they sive alternative to augmentation. If one considers that the
are usually polyuric and, when augmentation is indi- majority of cases requiring bladder augmentation have an
cated, ureterocystoplasty rarely achieves the desired abnormal bladder innervation, the idea of replacing the blad-
capacity.76 der without correcting the neurological deficit loses appeal.45
182 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 12-5  ■  (A) Radiographic appearance of bladder augmentation with reconfigured sigmoid colon. (B) Preoperative and postop-
erative cystometrogram in a patient who underwent a bladder augmentation. The bladder compliance, defined as the measure of the
bladder’s storage capability or Δvolume/Δpressure calculated for any volume increment, was decreased before surgery. Pves, blad-
der pressure; Pabd, abdominal pressure; Pdet, detrusor pressure; Vinfus, infused volume.




Dissect mucosa
off sigmoid

incision . . .
Bladder preserving Sigmoid
mucosa colon

Remove muscle sigmoid
and serosa of segment
bladder dome Muscularis


Suture sigmoid
segment to
bladder muscle

FIGURE 12-6  ■  (A) Seromuscular colocystoplasty lined with urothelium. Seventy-five percent of the detrusor is removed, leaving the
urothelium intact. A colonic segment is isolated and reconfigured as for a conventional sigmoidcystoplasty after the mucosa has
been removed, preserving the submucosa. The segment is then used to cover the denuded urothelium and thus prevent fibrosis. (B)
Pathological aspect of the bladder wall after a seromuscular colocystoplasty lined with urothelium showing a new organ consisting
of multilayer urothelium(B) (upper layer in picture) covering the submucosa and muscularis muscularis propria(S) of the colonic
­segment. Notice the absence of fibrosis.

Overflow incontinence is managed by removal of the

Methods to Achieve Continence obstruction or, when the cause is failure of detrusor con-
Some patients with bladder abnormalities such as NVD tractility, intermittent catheterization. The management
and PUV when associated with ESRD may also s­uffer of poor capacity and compliance was discussed in the pre-
from urinary incontinence. We advocate correcting uri- vious section.
nary incontinence prior to renal transplantation whenever The management of sphincter failure requires simul-
possible. In general urinary incontinence can be caused taneous attention to the storage capacity of the bladder.
by: (1) failure of the bladder to empty (­overflow incon- In the authors’ experience, injection of bulking agents in
tinence); (2) failure to store urine at low ­pressure; (3) in- the bladder neck or proximal urethra has only a secondary
competence of the sphincter mechanisms; or (4) b ­ ypass of role in enhancing continence and seldom achieves satis-
the sphincter (ectopic ureters; fistulas). Frequently more factory results in cases of neuropathic sphincter failure.
than one factor is present. The ­anamnesis, imaging stud- Numerous procedures have been described in an at-
ies, and urodynamic evaluation are ­essential to establish tempt to “reconstruct” the bladder neck. With the pos-
the pathophysiology of incontinence in a given patient. sible exception of occasional success in cases of bladder
Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder 183

exstrophy, we have been disappointed with the results of capacity needs to be enhanced by augmentation. The
such procedures for neuropathic incontinence and have compatibility of the AUS with renal transplantation is
abandoned their use. well established.
Implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) is Aponeurotic slings created with the patient’s rectus
effective as an initial option to manage sphincter incom- fascia or other off-the-shelf biological materials (ca-
petence (Figure 12-7). The sphincter can be implanted daveric fascia lata, porcine intestinal submucosa) are
at the bladder neck or, in postpubertal males, at the bul- effective for females dependent on intermittent cath-
bous urethra. The failure rate is significantly increased eterization who have excellent bladder capacity and
when the device is implanted on a previously operated compliance, generally achieved by simultaneous bladder
bladder neck or urethra. Therefore, it should be consid- augmentation (Figure 12-8). Despite reports of favor-
ered as an initial option and not as a rescue operation. able results, our experience with slings in males has been
Eighty percent continence rates have been reported from disappointing.77
numerous centers.54 Although in patients with normally Bladder neck closure with creation of a catheterizable
innervated bladder spontaneous voiding is the rule, most channel should be contemplated when other methods
patients with NVD required intermittent catheteriza- have failed, although some authors use it as a first line of
tion to empty. In about half of these cases bladder storage treatment in neurogenic incontinence.11

FIGURE 12-7  ■  (A) AMS-800 artificial urinary sphincter. It consists of a cuff implanted around the bladder neck or bulbous urethra (in
adult males), a pressure-regulating balloon, and a pump which is implanted in the scrotum or labium major. (B) Plain radiograph
of the abdomen showing the presence of the components of an artificial urinary sphincter that contains contrast media within the
system, allowing good visualization of the device.

FIGURE 12-8  ■  Illustration showing the installation of a sling which can also can be done in pediatric patients. The sling (allograft fascial
sling or autologous rectus fascia) is transferred around the bladder neck and crossed anteriorly. The ends are secured with permanent
sutures and anchored suprapubically to Cooper’s ligaments.
184 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Urinary Diversion (Continent and Incontinent)

For patients without a bladder, an incontinent diversion
such as an ileal or colonic conduit can be constructed.
Success of transplantation into such conduits is well doc-
umented.17,72 A continent urinary reservoir can also be
used to avoid an incontinent stoma.51

Other Considerations in Patients with

Abnormal Bladder
High-grade vesicoureteral reflux that is left untreated af-
ter transplantation is accompanied by a higher risk of uri-
nary tract infections, even if it was not a problem before
transplantation.12 Surgical options for treatment – ureteral
reimplantation or nephrectomy – have been associated
with a reduced risk of infection after transplantation.28
Endoscopic injections of bulking agents also have been
used to treat children with vesicoureteral reflux awaiting
renal transplantation. A typical case is that of a boy with
PUV with renal insufficiency and bilateral high-grade
reflux (Figure 12-9). If there are no febrile urinary tract
­infections, the best course of action is to wait until the
time for transplantation is near. An elective left laparo-
scopic nephroureterectomy about 6 weeks prior to trans-
plantation followed by a right nephrectomy at the time of
­transplantation is the least invasive approach. Alternatively,
bilateral native nephrectomy at the time of transplan-
tation via midline incision is feasible. Earlier ureteral
­reimplantation in a valve bladder may lead to obstruction
and acceleration of the course of renal insufficiency.66

Timing of Bladder Reconstruction

A challenge for pediatric urologists is the question of
whether and when to augment the bladder in children FIGURE 12-9 ■ Cystogram showing bilateral reflux in a child
with advanced renal insufficiency and reduced capacity with end-stage renal disease awaiting transplantation. A lapa-
roscopic left nephroureterectomy will be done 6 weeks before
and compliance. In children with a history of PUV, de- the transplantation. The right kidney will be removed at the time
creased storage capacity and incontinence may be related of transplantation though the same incision. (Courtesy of Dr. A
to polyuria from renal tubular dysfunction. The bladder Lignau, Berlin.)
that seems inadequate before the renal transplant may be-
have normally when the polyuria resolves.16 Nevertheless,
a bladder that has inadequate capacity and compliance for The small number of cases in which the bladder was
a given urine output may contribute to or accelerate the augmented after transplantation attests to the feasibil-
progression of renal failure59 and improving capacity and ity of such an approach when needed.9 Nevertheless, it
emptying may delay the onset of ESRD. The same may is generally recommended that if a conduit or a bladder
apply to patients with NVD.47 augmentation is needed, it should be done several weeks
The timing and type of bladder augmentation rela- before transplantation, although ureterocystoplasty may
tive to the transplantation warrant comment. Most be performed simultaneously.
authors have performed the augmentation before the
transplantation. This seems to be a safe approach but Results of Renal Transplantation into
presents a management problem when the patient is an-
uric and expecting a cadaver donor organ because the
Reconstructed Abnormal Bladders
bladder or neobladder must be kept sterile so as not to Our experience and the reviewed literature suggest that
miss possible opportunities to use a well-matched or- transplantation can be performed safely in patients with
gan. We usually recommend daily bladder irrigations reconstructed bladders and urinary diversions with ac-
and instillation of an antibiotic solution. Instillation of ceptable graft survival and function. Some authors
aminoglycosides, which is usually safe in patients with reported an increased incidence of urological complica-
normal renal function, may lead to complications in pa- tions, such as urinary leak, ureteral stenosis, symptomatic
tients with ESRD.20 urinary tract infections, metabolic acidosis, and calculi.
Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder 185

There are few controlled studies that permit meaningful The graft survival was 76% at 5 years, and there were no
comparisons between results of transplantation in native statistical differences between patients with augmentation
versus reconstructed bladders. Comparison among re- or diversion. Data on renal function were not reported.
ported series is difficult because some fail to define the Thirteen of 51 patients required repeat operations, in-
source of the graft, which is one of the best-known deter- cluding 3 for ureteral complications, 3 for lithiasis, and 1
minants of graft survival. Some series combine patients for adenocarcinoma of the pouch. The incidence of uri-
with bladder augmentation with patients with diversions; nary tract infections was 18%.
this is problematic because it is well recognized that non- Another report from France32 included 14 children
refluxing ureteroenterostomies, in contrast to uretero- (10 PUV), all with bladder augmentation (10 performed
neocystostomies, carry a risk of stenosis of greater than before transplantation). The graft survival was 84% and
10%.93 Nevertheless, one retrospective controlled study 73% at 5 years and 10 years, respectively. The serum cre-
that included mostly adult patients with urinary diver- atinine level was less than 124 μmol/L in 9 of 14 patients
sion failed to show any differences with control patients after a mean follow-up of 80 months. Complications in-
with normal bladders.99 There is little question that, in cluded symptomatic urinary tract infections in 4 patients,
patients who must have bladder augmentation to attain metabolic acidosis in 2, lithiasis in 2, and hematuria-­
continence or prolong life of the native kidneys, such as dysuria syndrome in the only patient who underwent
patients with neurogenic bladder or after cystectomy, re- augmentation with stomach.
nal transplantation can be accomplished with satisfactory Koo and associates53 reported on 18 children (mean
results. age 8.4 years): 4 had an enterocystoplasty, 2 had a ure-
Most authors agree that, although more complicated, terocystoplasty, and 7 had a diversion (5 continent, 2 in-
it is feasible to proceed with renal transplantation in pa- continent). The remaining 5 patients were transplanted
tients who are known to have an abnormal bladder with into their native bladders. Eight had a history of PUV.
good results. Nahas and colleagues70 reported on 24 pa- Fifteen patients received kidneys from living related do-
tients (mean age 27.6 years), 21 of whom had the entero- nors. Graft survival at a median follow-up of 4.4 years
cystoplasty performed before transplantation. Seventeen was 81%, and the mean serum creatinine level was
transplants were from living donors. This is the largest 124 μmol/L. Complications included ureteral stenosis in
series from a single center. In their series, the graft sur- 2 patients, incontinence in 1, lithiasis in 2, and stomal
vival at a mean of 5 years was 78%, and the mean serum stenosis in 1. Allograft thrombosis occurred in 2 patients.
creatinine level was 141 μmol/L. Four patients died with Metabolic acidosis was observed in 12 patients, and uri-
functioning grafts. One patient died of bladder cancer nary tract infections were seen in 10.
25 years after the augmentation, which was done because Power and colleagues77 published results of 17 cadaver
of tuberculosis of the bladder. The surgical complica- donor renal transplantations in 16 patients with spina bi-
tions mentioned included ureteral stenosis in 2 patients fida (mean age 20 years). Eight patients had enterocysto-
and a lymphocele in another. Urinary tract infections oc- plasty, 5 had ileal conduits, and 3 had native bladders that
curred at least once in 56% of patients and 32% required emptied by clean intermittent self-catheterization. Graft
hospitalization. survival was 65% at 53 months, and the mean creatinine
The largest pediatric series reported is by Hatch and level was 113 μmol/L. There were two deaths after failed
coworkers,41 which consists of a retrospective review transplantation.
of children operated on in 16 North American centers A report of 9 children (7 augmentations, 2 continent
over 28 years. The series includes patients with bladder diversions) from three centers included patients with
augmentation (n = 17) and patients with urinary diver- PUV (n =  3), urogenital sinus anomalies (n = 2), and mis-
sion (n = 13). Of the transplants, 45% were from living cellaneous conditions (n = 4).89 Five augmentations were
related donors. A surgical complication rate of 19% was accomplished with stomach. Two patients had AUS. Graft
reported. Surgical complications consisted of renal artery survival (initial transplantation) was 56% at 29 months.
stenosis (n   = 1), urinary leak and fistula (n = 2), bladder At last follow-up, 8 of 9 patients were dialysis-free, and
calculus (n   =  1), and wound dehiscence (n = 1), or were re- the mean creatinine level was 106 μmol/L. Complications
lated to the cutaneous stoma (n =  2). Five patients devel- occurred in 5 patients, including small-bowel obstruction
oped metabolic acidosis (4 augmented). The incidence of (n  = 1), hematuria-dysuria syndrome (n = 1), stomal steno-
postoperative urinary tract infections was not reported. sis (n = 1), and ureteral obstruction (n = 2).
Graft survival by donor type was not reported. The mean Nguyen and colleagues72 reported 17 patients with
serum creatinine level for all patients was 133 μmol/L at a mean age of 20 years who underwent 20 transplanta-
5 years and 221 μmol/L at 9 years. The graft survival was tions (14 living related donors). This was a retrospec-
not significantly different for augmentation and diver- tive controlled study, which included 7 patients with
sion groups (78% versus 46%), but the trend suggests previously defunctionalized bladders, and 10 with either
better results in the augmented group. More recently, augmentation or diversion. There were no statistical
Martín and associates61 and DeFoor and coworkers21 differences in graft survival (70%) and patient survival
published good results using both enterocystoplasties and (88%) among augmented/diverted bladders, previously
diversions. defunctionalized bladders, and control patients. Mean
Another multi-institutional review from 15 centers in serum creatinine level was 80 μmol/L for the previously
France85 included 20 patients with bladder augmentation, defunctionalized bladders at 5 years and 106 μmol/L in
8 with continent diversion, and 23 with incontinent di- the diversion/augmentation group at more than 5 years.
version who received deceased donor renal transplants. There were no surgical complications in the previously
186 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

defunctionalized bladders. In contrast, in patients with Posterior Urethral Valves

bowel incorporated into the urinary tract, there were 4
ureteral complications, 1 wound dehiscence, and 1 lithia- Renal transplantation in patients with a history of PUV
sis. One patient developed metabolic acidosis, and 4 had presents unique challenges. Some of these children
urinary tract infections. Other authors looked at graft have bladder dysfunction with poor compliance15,74 and
survival among augmented/diverted cases; although they the proportion may be higher in children who have re-
reported better results in the diverted groups, the differ- nal failure. Although many uncontrolled studies suggest
ences are not significant.60,64,65,84,97 that renal transplantation into the valve bladder is asso-
A report on 13 patients transplanted into small blad- ciated with good results,18,86 close examination of every
ders that had been defunctionalized for 3–20 years but controlled study reported to date indicates that patients
not augmented (3 PUVs) indicated a graft survival of with renal transplantation into non-reconstructed valve
62% at 4 years.60 There were no surgical complications. bladders exhibit higher creatinine levels at the end of
Another 7 patients considered to have unusable bladders 5 years compared with controls. This higher creatinine
underwent transplantation into an existing urinary con- level has been observed in virtually all studies reported
duit. Their graft survival was 57% at 4 years. and has been attributed to bladder dysfunction.3,13,40,79 In
Rigamonti and colleagues84 published a distinctive 2000, Salomon and colleagues87 reported worse results of
study that looked at long-term results. From September transplantation in children with PUVs and symptomatic
1987 to January 2005, 255 patients (161 males and 94 bladder dysfunction86 than with children without such
females) with a median age of 14 years (range 7 months symptoms. The graft survival may be normal or mar-
to 39 years old) received 271 kidney transplants. The ginally decreased in these cases.23 Therefore it has been
cause of ESRD was lower urinary tract disease in 83 tempting to pursue an aggressive approach to the valve
cases. Among them, 23 had undergone bladder aug- bladder in hopes of improving the life span of the native
mentation (n  = 16) or incontinent urinary diversion kidneys and the results of renal transplantation. However,
(n = 7). Cumulative graft survival rates of all cases trans- others8 have shown that patients with PUVs managed by
planted was 69.4% after 15 years; in the two investi- a limited intervention approach had better outcomes than
gated groups, augmented group and diverted group, patients who underwent extensive urological procedures.
graft survival was 80.7% (augmented group) and 55.5% Nonetheless, transplantation into a non-reconstructed
(diverted group) (P-value not significant). The Italian valve bladder and into an augmented bladder can yield ac-
authors concluded that bladder augmentation or uri- ceptable graft survival rates.2 With the lack of controlled
nary diversion is an appropriate management strategy studies of patients with PUVs to define the possible ad-
when the native bladder is unsuitable and yields similar vantages and risks of lower urinary tract reconstruction,
results to those obtained in the general population with no recommendations can be made based on the available
normal lower urinary tracts. evidence as to the indications of bladder augmentation in
Additional publications warrant comment. In a retro- this condition.
spective controlled study from Sweden99 involving four In addition, one study indicates that the rate of post-
institutions during a 15-year period, the outcomes of transplantation urinary tract infections is greater in pa-
transplantation in patients with continent and inconti- tients with a history of PUV, regardless of the presence
nent diversion were compared with patients with normal of reflux.80 This information is important, not to dis-
bladders. The only difference among the groups was the courage renal transplantation in young patients with a
surgical time, which was longer in the diverted group. history of PUV, but rather to pay particular attention to
Graft survival (70% versus 74%) and patient survival at bladder care in these cases. It would seem rational to do
greater than 5 years were similar. Likewise, there was everything feasible to optimize bladder function before
no statistical difference in the 5-year serum creatinine transplantation by improving emptying, decreasing stor-
level, but the data presented suggest a tendency toward a age pressures, and providing adequate capacity. When
higher serum creatinine in the continent diversion group. evaluating these bladders, it must be remembered that
Another controlled study published in 1994 by Griffin what is considered adequate bladder capacity and compli-
and coworkers39 stated that graft survival and patient ance varies with the obligatory diuresis of a given patient.
survival were comparable in patients with normal blad- Inadequate capacity in a polyuric child with ESRD may
ders and those with bladder dysfunction. Graft survival become acceptable after the transplant when the urine
was 70% at 5 years for both groups and patient survival output normalizes.
was 82% in dysfunctional bladders and 90% in normal
bladders. Prune-Belly Syndrome
Riedmiller and associates83 reported 12 patients
­(7 ­children) with renal transplantation (all cadaver donors) Renal failure develops in a significant number of patients
into continent diversion (4 with PUVs). Technical diffi- born with the PBS. The causes are renal dysplasia, ob-
culties led to the need for reoperations in 6 of 12 patients, struction, and pyelonephritis.82 The first renal transplant
including 1 child requiring a second transplantation. At in a patient with PBS was reported in 1976 by Shenasky
32 months of follow-up, the mean creatinine level was and Whelchel,90 followed by other single case reports.
115 μmol/L, and 11 of 12 initial grafts were functioning. In 1989 Reinberg and colleagues reported on a series of
Bacteriuria was present in all cases, but no episodes of children with PBS that were transplanted, with results
pyelonephritis were recorded. All of the aforementioned similar to those of a control group.81 These results were
studies are summarized in Table 12-1. confirmed by Fontaine and colleagues33 in 1997. This is
TABLE 12-1  Significant Series Reporting on Graft and Patient Survival in Transplant Recipients with Reconstructed Bladders or
Urinary Diversions
No. of Transplants Patient Survival Cystoplasties
No. of Graft Mean
Survival Serum
Reference Patients Total LRD DD Mean Age (Years) EC GC UDB UC CP CD ID Rate
Nahas et al.70 24 25 17 8 27.6 24 78% at 5 years
Hatch et al.41 30 31 14 17 12.1 11 1 5  1 12 78% at 5 years (cystoplasties);
46% at 5 years (urinary
diversions); 60% at 10 years
(overall survival)
Rischmann et al.85 51 51 51 NA 19 1  8 23 76% at 5 years
Fontaine et al.33 14 14 14 12.1 13 1 84% at 5 years; 73% at 10 years
Koo et al.53 18 21 15 6 8.4  4 2  5  2 81% at 4.4 years
Power et al.77 16 17 17 20.2  8  5 65% at 53 months
Sheldon et al.89  9 12 8 4 9.8  1 5 1  2   56% at 29 months
Nguyen et al.72 17 20 14 6 20  2  7  8 70% at >5 years
MacGregor et al.60 20 24 14 10 23 13  7 62% at 4 years (UDB); 57% at
4 years (ID)
Alfrey et al.5 10  8 NA NA 12.8  3  7 NA
Warholm et al.99 22 22 NA NA 32  5 17 93% (cases and controls) at
1 year*
70% (cases) versus 74%
(controls) at 5 years*
Riedmiller et al.83 12 13 13 21.8 12 92% at 3 months
Martín et al.61  7  7 7 38.4  7 100% at 48 months
McInerney et al.64 21 21 NA  8 13 100% at 4.6 years and
3.2 years for conduits (8) and
cutaneous ureterostomies
(5); 75% of EC
Rigamonti et al.84 23 23 19 (EC) and 17 (ID) 16  7 55.5% (EC) and 80.7% (ID) at
15 years
Thomalla et al.97  8  8  8 50% (follow-up 6 months to
7 years)
DeFoor et al.22 20 20 15 5 4.5 (when 14 6 82% (7.3 years follow-up)
Griffin et al.39 23 23 20  3 70% at 5 years (similar to
Mendizábal et al.65 15 18 1 17 13  4 3  1  6 77% and 62% at 1 year and
5 years

*Not statistically significant.

CD, continent diversion; CP, continent procedure; DD, deceased donor; EC, enterocystoplasty; GC, gastrocystoplasty; ID, incontinent diversion; LRD, living related donor; NA, not available; UC,
ureterocystoplasty; UDB, undiverted bladder.
Transplantation and the Abnormal Bladder
12  187
188 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

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14. Burns M, Watkins S, Mitchell M, et al. Treatment of bladder
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15. Campaiola J, Perlmutter A, Steinhardt G. Noncompliant
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17. Chaykovska L, Deger S, Wille A, et al. Kidney transplantation
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18. Connolly J, Miller B, Bretan P. Renal transplantation in patients
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is common, especially in pediatric patients. Integrity 19. Costantini E, Lazzeri M, Bini V, et al. Open-label, longitudinal
of the lower urinary tract is mandatory, and proper in- study of Tamsulosin for functional bladder outlet obstruction in
vestigation should be done in a given population. Graft women. Urol Int 2009;83:311–5.
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bladder is unsuitable. Planning ahead is crucial, and reconstruction is safe and effective in children with end stage renal
a multidisciplinary approach is advocated if possible. disease. J Urol 2003;170:1497–500.
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continence should be done before transplantation when transplantation in children with posterior urethral valves. J Urol
clinically indicated. 23. Dewan P, McMullin N, Barker A. Renal allograft survival in
Bladder reconstruction, although not exempt from patients with congenital obstruction of the posterior urethra. Aust
complications, is an acceptable method for patients with N Z J Surg 1995;65:27–30.
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25. Dykstra D, Sidi A. Treatment of detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia
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Perioperative Care of
Patients Undergoing Kidney
Claus U. Niemann  •  C. Spencer Yost

Cardiovascular Complications TRANSPLANTATION
Hematologic Abnormalities
Preoperative Considerations
PREOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS Intraoperative Considerations

The first description of anesthesia for kidney transplan- hemoglobin levels. When kidney function declines,
tation (KTx) appeared in the early 1960s. It detailed the chronic renal insufficiency manifests as decreased glo-
pioneering efforts in Boston with living related KTx merular filtration rate (GFR) and urine production.
­between identical twins.116 When GFR falls below 30  mL/min/1.72  m2 (normal
The only monitors used in the 17 recipient cases 120 mL/min/1.72 m ) blood nitrogen waste accumulates

­described were a blood pressure cuff and an electrocardio- and fluid and electrolytes are retained. When urine out-
gram (ECG). All recipients received neuraxial anesthesia. put falls below 400 mL/day, the patient is considered oli-
Within a few years, general anesthesia had become the norm guric and will begin to develop abnormalities in Na+, K+,
and the first generation of immunosuppressants emerged, Ca2+, Mg2+, and phosphate levels.
providing better deceased donor graft survival. As a result,
the number of kidney transplants performed increased
significantly.62 Despite much progress, kidney transplant Cardiovascular Complications
patients continue to be a challenge during the periopera- The two main cardiovascular complications of chronic
tive period because end-stage renal disease (ESRD) fre- renal failure are arterial hypertension and atherosclero-
quently results in the dysfunction of other major organ sis, predisposing the patient to ischemic heart ­disease.
systems. Taken together, this often leads to less predictable The prevalence of preoperative hypertension in p ­ atients
responses to anesthetic drugs and techniques. In addition, undergoing renal transplantation is about 80%.114
their underlying disease puts these patients at high risk for Hypertension develops as a consequence of volume expan-
cardiac and other perioperative complications.25 sion secondary to salt and water retention.10 If untreated,
Today, KTx is performed in most countries in the elevated systemic pressure within the kidney can cause
world, with the most active ones being the United States, sclerotic changes in the renal vasculature that further
Canada, Australia, and most European countries, where contribute to a vicious cycle of increasing hypertension
the rate is greater than 35 per million citizens (http:// and accelerated kidney injury. Additionally, alterations in
www.transplant-observatory.org/Pages/home.aspx). levels of vasoactive humoral substances result in systemic
Worldwide over 73000 KTx were performed in 2010 and local changes in arterial tone.41 Furthermore, when
with an average 5-year survival of 84%. present, elevated renin levels cause increased systemic
vascular resistance and blood pressure.
Hypertension in ESRD is mainly a result of fluid
COMORBIDITIES IN END-STAGE RENAL overload and increased systemic vascular resistance. This
DISEASE combination leads to increased myocardial afterload and
wall stress. The balance of myocardial oxygen supply
The kidneys are essential for adjusting body fluid vol- and demand may become disturbed since chronically el-
ume, electrolyte composition, acid–base balance, and evated systemic pressure will cause left ventricular (LV)
192 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

hypertrophy and increased myocardial oxygen require- ­ remic toxins and metabolic acids also contributes to poor
ments. At the same time a rise in LV end-diastolic pres- myocardial performance. Fluid overload and congestive
sure ­ reduces subendocardial coronary perfusion. The heart failure occur when the kidneys cannot excrete the
elevated myocardial stress, in conjunction with uremia, daily fluid intake, and hypervolemia ensues.
can induce cardiomyopathic changes in the heart, which Humar and colleagues reported a 6.1% overall peri-
are in part reversible after successful KTx. operative cardiac complication rate among 2694 renal
Indeed, even with the initiation of dialysis and the appro- transplant recipients.58 Another large study by Gill and
priate antihypertensive therapy, intrinsic ­cardiac dysfunc- Pereira reported a 4.6% first-year all-cause mortality
tion may improve. In patients in whom the h ­ ypertension rate in 23546 adult first-kidney transplant patients, with
cannot be controlled by dialysis alone, it has been suggested greater than 25% of these being secondary to cardiac
that an abnormal relationship may exist among plasma causes.42 The main predictors of adverse outcome were a
renin activity, intravascular fluid volume, blood pressure, past history of pretransplant cardiac disease or MI within
and inappropriate levels of sympathetic activity.18 Patients the previous 6 months and age older than 40 years.
needing antihypertensive therapy in addition to dialysis are While still at elevated cardiovascular risk after receiv-
often refractory to single antihypertensive drug regimens ing a KTx, the overall risk in KTx recipients is reduced
and require a combination of antihypertensive drugs. This when compared to the pretransplant cardiovascular
has implications for the perioperative period as significant ­morbidity of pretransplant ESRD patients.6 Cho and col-
drug interactions with volatile and intravenous anesthetic leagues documented that some patients with low ­ejection
agents may be seen, especially during induction of general fractions secondary to uremic cardiomyopathy completely
anesthesia in patients taking angiotensin-converting en- normalized their cardiac function after successful renal
zyme (ACE) inhibitors.103,107 transplantation.16 This beneficial effect is in part reflected
Chronic kidney disease can accelerate the progression in Figure 13-1, which shows that patients who remain on
of atherosclerosis, and advanced renal disease modulates the transplant list without receiving a renal transplant
lipid metabolism, leading to increased concentrations of have a persistent 3% per year incidence of MI, whereas
serum triglycerides and reduced levels of high-density patients who are transplanted have an initial rise in MI
lipoproteins.44,93 rate – probably due to perioperative stress – followed by
Cardiac disease is particularly prominent in ESRD a slower increase in the rate of MI compared to patients
­patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). DM type 2 is the cause who do not receive a transplant.61 Significantly depressed
of ESRD in nearly 40% of patients and this comorbidity is ventricular function is not necessarily a contraindication
present in a large percentage of patients awaiting kidney to renal transplantation; however, it may complicate the
transplant.120 Not surprisingly, nephropathy develops in anesthetic management. Furthermore, the leading causes
nearly 60% of insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Patients of posttransplant mortality are MI, infection, stroke,
with ESRD and DM have higher c­ ardiovascular risk than and malignancy. As also seen in Figure 13-1, patients go
do patients with uremia alone because of the acceleration through a period of enhanced cardiovascular mortality in
of small-vessel atherosclerosis associated with DM and the the first 4 months after KTx, with the incidence rising
frequently concomitant metabolic syndrome.48 Diabetic more slowly over the next 5–8 years.61
patients have a higher incidence of autonomic neuropa-
thy, which can have ­cardiovascular manifestations such as
higher heart rate and blood pressure than in non-­diabetic
ESRD patients.83 Diabetic patients also have higher rates of
gastroparesis and overall hemodynamic instability.
Not surprisingly, cardiovascular disease is the predom-
inant cause of death in patients with ESRD.39 It remains
one of the most important causes of death even after these
patients have undergone renal transplantation.
The prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in
patients with ESRD has been reported in the range of
­42–80%.72 Acute myocardial infarction (MI), cardiac
­arrest of unknown etiology, cardiac arrhythmia, and car-
diomyopathy account for over 50% of deaths in patients
­maintained on dialysis.96 The death rate from cardiac causes
in dialysis patients increases with age. It is approximately
twofold higher for 45–64-year-olds and four times higher FIGURE 13-1 ■ Cumulative (Kaplan–Meier) incidence of acute
in patients older than 65 when compared with younger myocardial infarction (AMI) on the waiting list (WL) and after
patients in the 20–44-year age range.96 When echocar- kidney transplantation (TX). Most transplant recipients also
spent time on the waiting list, but time was reset to “0” at trans-
diography is performed on dialysis patients as a screening plantation. Most of the difference in AMI incidence in recipients
tool, a high incidence of abnormalities is found.35 In one of deceased versus living donor kidney transplants occurred
study, LV or right ventricular hypertrophy or pericarditis very early after transplantation. Thereafter, the incidence of AMI
was detected in 60% of a­ utopsies performed on dialysis was similar in deceased and living donor transplant recipients,
with both eventually having a lower incidence than patients on
patients.3 Both dilated cardiomyopathy and concentric the waiting list (From Kasiske BL, Maclean JR, Snyder JJ. Acute
hypertrophy can develop in ­response to increases in in- myocardial infarction and kidney transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol
travascular volume and afterload. The accumulation of 2006;17:900–7.)
Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation 193

Other cardiac conditions, such as pericardial disease acidity and gastric volume111 but this does not appear to
and arrhythmia, may be encountered in patients with be related to Helicobacter pylori infection.102 There ap-
ESRD. Pericarditis, which may coexist with hemorrhagic pears to be no difference in delayed gastric emptying
pericardial effusion, may reverse with dialysis. The oc- whether ­patients are undergoing peritoneal dialysis or
currence of arrhythmias may either be the consequence hemodialysis.
of electrolyte abnormalities or represent episodes of
myocardial ischemia.
Hematologic Abnormalities Preoperative assessment of a patient with ESRD should
Patients in renal failure generally have n ­ ormochromic, lead to correction or optimization of any persistent seri-
normocytic anemia that is usually due to impaired ous cardiorespiratory complications, such as congestive
­erythropoiesis secondary to decreased erythropoietin syn- heart failure, treatable myocardial ischemia, and auto-
thesis and release. Other factors contributing to anemia nomic dysfunction in patients with DM. With increasing
in renal failure include a decreased red blood cell lifespan, numbers of elderly and diabetic patients being accepted
increased hemolysis and bleeding, repeated blood loss for renal transplantation, careful assessment of cardiore-
during hemodialysis, aluminum toxicity, ­uremia-induced spiratory function is of paramount importance prior to
bone marrow suppression, and iron, ­folate, and vitamin listing a patient for transplantation. Although transplants
B6 and B12 deficiencies. Treatment with recombinant involving deceased donor organs are often scheduled as
erythropoietin can frequently raise hemoglobin ­ levels urgent or emergency cases, prolonged cold preservation
to 10–13 g/dL,33 which reduces symptoms of fatigue and of the kidney is tolerated well (albeit cold ischemia times
­improves cerebral and cardiac function.74,76 In some pa- greater than approximately 20 hours increase the risk of
tients, pre-existing hypertension can worsen with eryth- delayed graft function, even in standard criteria donors)
ropoietin therapy,33 raising questions about erythropoietin and should provide enough time for transplant candidates
treatment and management goals. to be reasonably well prepared for surgery. Almost all pa-
An association between renal failure and bleeding ten- tients receiving an organ from a deceased organ donor
dency has long been recognized. The main abnormality of receive some form of dialysis prior to transplantation.
coagulation that has been described is a qualitative defect Patients maintained on hemodialysis usually undergo a di-
in platelet function produced by uremia. Platelet dysfunc- alysis session at some point during the 24–36-hour period
tion – possibly related to decreased levels of platelet fac- before transplantation to correct electrolyte imbalances
tor III resulting in poor platelet adhesion – appears to be and optimize volume status prior to surgery. Occasionally,
central. However, no alteration in prothrombin or partial patients are maintained on continuous ambulatory peri-
thromboplastin time can be measured. This product is re- toneal dialysis as an alternative to hemodialysis, in which
moved by adequate dialysis to allow a return of normal case volume status is more stable.
platelet function. Other methods of treatment for uremic Patients not maintained on dialysis generally produce
coagulopathy include platelet transfusion, cryoprecipitate, sufficient urine volume to prevent fluid overload. These
and infusions of DDAVP (desmopressin, 0.3 μg/kg). patients are generally recipients of organs from living kid-
Although a qualitative platelet defect can be identified ney donors. However, volume overload may still be present
in uremic patients, recent studies have pointed out that a and electrolyte concentrations, particularly K+ and HCO3−,
prothrombotic state may also exist with uremia. A throm- may be abnormal and need to be monitored as clinically in-
boelastographic study of whole blood clotting found in- dicated. In patients on hemodialysis, calculation of the dry
creased coagulability and decreased fibrinolysis in uremic weight helps to estimate volume status. Patients undergoing
patients versus controls.90 Platelet-derived microparticles hemodialysis may have fluid removed just before surgery
(small vesicles with procoagulant activity released from to facilitate perioperative fluid management. Occasionally,
activated platelets) may be involved in clinical thrombo- removal of fluid may make patients hypovolemic and put
genesis.1 Despite these potential coagulation problems, them at risk for significant hypotension during surgery and
blood loss during renal transplantation is normally less especially during induction of anesthesia.
than 250 mL in experienced centers. Potassium levels should be reviewed immediately
­before surgery, especially in patients who are dialysis-­
dependent and may have missed a regular dialysis ap-
Uremia pointment. Though unlikely after immediate preoperative
Uremia may introduce central nervous system disturbances dialysis, potassium levels greater than 6.0 mEq/L may re-
ranging from drowsiness, memory loss, and decreased quire a delay in surgery and correction of potassium levels.
concentration to myoclonus, seizures, stupor, and coma. Cardiac risk assessment is an important component of
However, severe uremic central nervous system disturbances the preoperative evaluation and is dictated by the under-
are rarely seen in patients when appropriately dialyzed. lying renal disease, its duration, and attendant comorbidi-
Chronic uremia may cause delayed gastric emptying. ties. A preoperative ECG and stress test may be sufficient
The mechanism for this malfunction is not completely for a patient who is young with newly diagnosed ESRD
known but gastric dysrhythmia with discoordinated myo- unrelated to diabetes, whereas a stress echocardiogram or
electrical activity has been found in uremic patients on a cardiac catheterization may be indicated for symptom-
maintenance hemodilysis.66 In addition to delayed gas- atic patients or those with longstanding ESRD associated
tric emptying, renal failure patients have an increase in with diabetes. Many older and diabetic patients who are
194 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

not able to undergo exercise ECG testing may have “si- DSE was found to have aggregate sensitivity and speci-
lent” cardiac ischemia.101 There is currently no absolute ficity of 0.79 and 0.89 whereas MPS showed aggregate
consensus on the optimal cardiac workup for ESRD pa- ­sensitivity and specificity of 0.67 and 0.70.
tients being evaluated for KTx. Other studies suggest that determination of cardiac risk
Several non-invasive screening tests have been studied should begin with the analysis of easily obtainable clinical
for their ability to identify CAD in this patient population. variables rather than widely pursuing expensive tests with
In a prospective study, Herzog and colleagues performed limited sensitivity and specificity.46 For example, a history
dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) before quan- of chest pain is a helpful starting point in detecting CAD
titative coronary angiography in a mixed population of in these patients because it has a sensitivity and specificity
ESRD patients who were candidates for transplanta- of 65% for CAD.101 A more comprehensive system, the
tion.55 More than 50% of patients had some degree of revised cardiac risk index was originally derived from ret-
CAD ­(defined as narrowing >50% in at least one coro- rospective data and shown in a prospective population to
nary artery or main branch). However, the DSE displayed be a good predictor of the cardiac risk for ­non-renal fail-
a sensitivity of only 52–75% and a specificity of 74–76% ure patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.70 It focuses
for identifying patients with CAD. These p ­ atients were on the presence or a­ bsence of six variables: (1) high-risk
monitored for up to 2 years. During this time, 20% of surgical procedure; (2) history of ischemic heart disease
those with a negative DSE suffered c­ ardiac death or MI or (excluding previous coronary revascularization); (3) his-
underwent coronary revascularization. The authors con- tory of heart failure; (4) history of stroke or transient
cluded that DSE was a useful, but i­mperfect tool for iden- ischemic attacks; (5) preoperative insulin therapy; and
tifying patients needing further cardiac workup. However, (6) preoperative creatinine levels higher than 2 mg/dL
while DSE detects functionally significant s­ tenosis, most (152.5 μmol/L). These risk factors appear with high fre-
sudden cardiac deaths occur in functionally insignificant quency in patients presenting for KTx. With zero or one
lesions (e.g., acute thrombosis in patients with coronary risk factor, the rate of a major perioperative cardiac event
stenosis between 20% and 30%). Other non-invasive tests is quite low; however, the rates rise rapidly to 6.6% and
have limited use in ­identifying ESRD patients with CAD. 11.0% when two or three or more of these risk factors
In one study, dipyridamole thallium scintigraphy showed are present. In addition, it is now widely understood that
adequate sensitivity (80%) but poor specificity (37%) for patients awaiting KTx require repeated cardiovascular
CAD.79 Molecular biomarkers such as troponin T have surveillance. In the case of an initial negative cardiovas-
correlated with increased mortality in patients on the KTx cular evaluation, patients are risk-stratified (e.g., diabetic
waiting list and in post-KTx patients.5,56 ESRD, non-diabetic risk factors) and assessed annually,
A Cochrane Review meta-analysis studied the effective- biannually, or even less frequently. Patients with a positive
ness of DSE and myocardial perfusion scanning (MPS) as initial cardiovascular workup (with or without a previous
screening tools for CAD in pretransplant ­patients.118 This medical intervention) are mostly evaluated annually.40
study identified 13 studies in which DSE was the screening Figure 13-2 displays one approach to preoperative
test and nine studies in which MPS was the screening test. ­cardiac evaluation. Patients can be initially stratified into

FIGURE 13-2  ■  Suggested guide for pretransplant cardiac evaluation. CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; EKG,
electrocardiogram; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft.
Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation 195

basic risk groups (low, medium, or high) based on history, to cardiovascular pathology should have their anticoagu-
symptoms, and basic exam. Low-risk patients may pro- lation state reversed and should stop taking antiplatelet
ceed to transplantation without additional workup while agents as soon as they are notified of a transplant. One
intermediate-risk patients should undergo a screening center’s review of 100 patients on a variety of anticoagu-
stress test such as DSE or radionuclide scintigraphy to lants and antiplatelet medications prior to KTx found no
help identify those transplant candidates with significant difference in reoperation rates and transfusion utilization
CAD. Coronary angiography is considered the gold stan- compared to a control group of transplant patients not on
dard for workup of CAD in high-risk patients but the these medications.32 Because many patients are anxious at
transplant nephrologist must weigh the risk of contrast the time of transplantation, premedication is important.
nephropathy in the patient who retains marginal renal This anxiety may be suitably attenuated with an orally
function as well as the cost of the study and whether an administered benzodiazepine (e.g., Valium, 5–10  mg).
intervention (e.g., coronary artery bypass graft or percu- Intramuscular premedication is avoided because uremic
taneous coronary intervention (PCI)) is possible. patients tend to have bleeding disorders secondary to
Depending on a patient’s risk factors and the results poor platelet function.
of screening tests, pretransplant management may take All patients presenting for KTx should be considered
the course of optimizing medical management or of hav- to have full stomachs, regardless of the period of preop-
ing the patient undergo a revascularization procedure. erative fasting. Rapid-sequence induction should be con-
The benefit of revascularization is controversial. Data sidered, especially in patients with diabetes. The finding
from the CARP trial, where revascularization was per- that gastric volumes greater than 0.4 mL/kg were seen in
formed prior to vascular surgery, showed no benefit of 50% of diabetic uremic patients but in only 4 of 24 (17%)
revascularization compared to medical management. In non-diabetic uremics supports this recommendation.95
the COURAGE trial, an examination of the subgroup The routine prophylactic administration of antacids may
of patients with chronic kidney disease found no ben- be advocated for patients with symptoms of esophageal
efit of PCI versus medical management.7,77,108 The high reflux; a single dose of sodium citrate (30 mL) in the
cardiac risk of these patients suggests that perioperative ­anesthetic room is appropriate. Histamine H2-receptor
beta-blockade may be used as a means of decreasing peri- antagonists (e.g., ranitidine 150 mg orally) or proton
operative risk during KTx. Several studies throughout pump inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole) are given with the pre-
the late 1990s established that perioperative beta-blockade medication to reduce gastric hyperacidity. Phenothiazine
­provides significant protection from major cardiac events antiemetics and metoclopramide should be administered
in high-risk, non-transplant patients. However, no pro- with care because they may cause prolonged sedation and
spective randomized trials have been conducted with extrapyramidal side effects in patients with renal failure.
perioperative beta-blockade in the kidney transplant
population. Currently it is unknown whether such treat-
ment can be applied safely to these patients, especially INTRAOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS
those with DM. Furthermore, patients needing antihy-
pertensive treatment in addition to dialysis often require Spinal anesthesia was used exclusively in the first reports
combinations of antihypertensive drugs (e.g., beta-blockers, of anesthesia for KTx performed in Boston.116 Other
ACE inhibiters, angiotensin receptor blockers) in large centers have recently reported the successful use of re-
doses. Significant drug interactions between these antihy- gional anesthesia for these cases,73 yet the vast majority
pertensive drugs and volatile and intravenous ­anesthetic of transplant centers now use general endotracheal anes-
agents can be expected, especially during induction of thesia. Intraoperative management should focus on indi-
general anesthesia.103,107 vidualizing the anesthetic to the patient’s medical status
The time at which antiglycemic agents were last taken rather than on the type of general anesthesia used.65 As
should also be determined. Oral agents should not be previously mentioned, the spectrum of kidney transplant
taken on the day of surgery because of the potential for recipients ranges from young, relatively healthy patients
unrecognized hypoglycemia under anesthesia. Insulin- suffering from IgA nephropathy to the elderly with se-
dependent patients who are extremely brittle and have vere hypertension and diabetes. Anesthetic depth and
declining insulin levels are at risk for the development of pharmacologic interventions need to be tailored to two
ketosis and intraoperative acidemia. different biological systems (the transplant recipient and
Coagulation status, as reflected by the prothrombin the allograft) that require individual attention and may
time, international normalized ratio, partial thrombo- not always align when it comes to treatment options. For
plastin time, fibrinogen, and platelet count, is routinely example, maintainance of adequate anesthetic depth to
assessed before surgery. Although ESRD patients may avoid intraoperative awareness may also reduce blood
be consuming protein-restricted diets, it is rare for such pressure and perfusion pressure to the newly reperfused
diets to cause a significant clotting factor deficiency. graft. Aggressive fluid loading in order to optimize graft
A helpful preoperative screen to predict bleeding is a perfusion may be problematic in patients with a low ejec-
carefully conducted history that includes family, dental, tion fraction and a history of congestive heart failure.
obstetric, surgical, transfusion, and drug histories. The Standard ASA monitors may be all that are needed for
bleeding time is not a useful screening test to predict these cases in patients with IgA nephropathy; however,
intraoperative bleeding.89 Patients who may be on anti- patients with very advanced stages of comorbid medi-
coagulants or antiplatelet agents as maintenance medica- cal conditions may require more extensive monitoring
tions to prevent thrombosis of their dialysis access or due such as continuous arterial pressure or central venous
196 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

pressure (CVP) monitoring, or both. Use of pulmonary and reduction of the bispectral index to 50 was 40–60%
artery catheter or transesophageal echocardiography higher in patients with end-stage kidney disease com-
is very rarely indicated. Nevertheless, there is no con- pared to normal patients.45,64 However, caution is advised
sensus on appropriate intraoperative monitoring, and when considering these studies. In the study by Goyal
most protocols are based on institutional preference and and colleagues,45 0.2 mg/kg of propofol was titrated every
experience. 15 seconds to predefined end-points. The authors found
Significant acute changes in blood pressure may oc- a negative correlation between intraoperative propofol
cur throughout the surgical procedure, with hypotension dose and preoperative hemoglobin levels. Study limita-
(49.6%) being more likely than hypertension (26.8%) in tions and failure to identify an exact mechanism for this
one series.53 Both hypotension and hypertension have correlation do not support the use of a larger bolus in-
been associated with inferior patient and graft outcomes. duction dose in patients with end-stage kidney disease.
Hypertension is particularly seen during the induc- Indeed, a larger induction dose is strongly discouraged
tion phase, endotracheal intubation, emergence, and in in these patients, particularly when considering that they
the postoperative care unit. Patients with longstanding are dialyzed immediately prior to surgery and are pos-
pre-existing hypertension that is not well controlled are sibly centrally volume-depleted.
at increased risk for large fluctuations in arterial blood Atracurium/cisatracurium or rocuronium/vecuronium
pressure and heart rate. Several methods have been used is used most commonly97 to achieve muscle relaxation
to achieve adequate heart rate and blood pressure control for endotracheal intubation and surgical relaxation.
during the critical periods of induction and endotracheal Atracurium and cisatracurium are metabolized by spon-
intubation. These include the use of moderate to large taneous Hofmann degradation and plasma cholinester-
doses of opioids, such as fentanyl, that may blunt (but ase. Therefore, their duration of action is independent of
not reliably) the response to laryngoscopy. However, us- either liver or kidney function.
ing moderate to large doses of opioids frequently results Patients with ESRD have increased sensitivity to ve-
in difficulty maintaining adequate blood pressure with- curonium, and this muscle relaxant has a prolonged dura-
out the use of vasoconstrictors after induction, especially tion of action in ESRD patients.98 Rocuronium at a bolus
since there is little surgical stimulation once the fascia is dose of 0.6 mg/kg also has a prolonged duration of action
dissected. The short-acting opioid remifentanil, which is (25% T1 recovery: 49 minutes versus 32 minutes with
metabolized in the plasma, has been an effective drug for normal renal function).97 Rocuronium and vecuronium
good heart rate control. Furthermore, the rate of remi- can be safely used in patients with ESRD, but require ap-
fentanil administration can be titrated to adjust anesthetic propriate clinical monitoring (Tables 13-2 and 13-3).
depth rapidly (Table 13-1). Alternatively, the short-acting The use of succinylcholine is not absolutely contrain-
beta-adrenergic blocker esmolol (0.5–1.0 mg/kg) is an ex- dicated in patients with ESRD.113 The increase in serum
cellent choice for blunting the hemodynamic response potassium after an intubating dose of succinylcholine
to endotracheal intubation and is well suited for kidney was found to be the same, approximately 0.6 mEq/L, for
transplant patients with reasonable ventricular function. patients with and without ESRD.92 This increase can
In patients with longstanding severe hypertension, esmo- be tolerated without significant cardiac risk even by pa-
lol often needs be administered at doses larger than 1 mg/ tients with an initial serum K+ concentration greater than
kg and is best given in increments. 5 mEq/L.
The single most common induction agent used during Overall, there is no evidence that the type of volatile
KTx is propofol. Other hypnotics such as thiopenthal and anesthesic used during KTx is associated with patient and
etomidate have also been succesfully used (Table 13-1). graft outcomes.
Several studies have demonstrated that the induction Most commonly, an inhaled technique is used with des-
dose of propofol needed to achieve clinical hypnosis flurane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane. All three of these volatile

TABLE 13-1  Influence of End-Stage Renal Disease on Disposition Kinetics of Commonly Used

Intravenous Induction Agents
Patients with Normal Renal Function Patients with Impaired Renal Function
T1/2el Clp Vss FF T1/2el Clp Vss FF
Propofol: Kirvela et al.65 1714  11.8 19.8  – 1638 12.9* 22.6  –
Ickx et al.59  420† 33.5†  5.8†  –  513† 32†  11.3†  –
Midazolam: Vinik et al.117  296   6.7  2.2  3.9  275  11.4*   3.8*    5.5*
Etomidate: Carlos et al.12  –  –  – 24.9  –  –  – 43.4*
Thiopental: Burch and  611   3.2  1.9 15.7  583   4.5*  3* 28*
Christensen et al.17  588   2.7  1.4 11 1069   3.9*   3.2*  17.8*

*P < 0.05 versus healthy subjects.

Median values.
T1/2el, elimination half-life (min); Clp,systemic clearance (mL/kg/min); Vss, apparent volume of distribution at steady state (L/kg); FF, free or
unbound fraction of drug (%).
Note: Mean values are given except where indicated.
Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation 197

TABLE 13-2  Disposition of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure
Patients with Normal Renal Function Patients with Impaired Renal Function
T1/2el Clp Vss T1/2el Clp Vss
Pancuronium: McLeod et al.78 104 1.8 0.34 489⁎ 0.3⁎ 0.24
Atracurium: Fahey et al.34 21 6.1 0.19 24 6.7 0.26
De Bros et al.24 17 5.9 0.14 21 6.9 0.21
Vecuronium: Lynam et al.75 53 5.3 0.20 83⁎ 3.2⁎ 0.24
Cisatracurium: Eastwood et al.27 30 4.2 – 34 3.8 –
Mivacurium: Head-Rapson et al.51 68 3.8 0.23 80 2.4⁎ 0.24
Cis-trans 2 106 0.28 4.3 80 0.48
Trans-trans 2.3  57 0.21 4.2 47 0.27
Rocuronium: Szenohradszky et al.112 71 2.9 0.26 97 2.9 0.21
Cooper et al.21 104 3.7 0.21 97 2.5⁎ 0.21
*P < 0.05.
T1/2el, elimination half-life (min); Clp, systemic clearance (mL/kg/min); Vss, apparent volume of distribution at steady state (L/kg).
Note: Mean values are given.

TABLE 13-3  Influence of Chronic Renal Failure on Disposition of Opioids in Anesthetized Patients

Patients with Normal Renal Function Patients with Impaired Renal Function
T1/2el Clp Vss FF T1/2el Clp Vss FF
Morphine: Chauvin et al. 15
186 †
21.3 3.7 – 185 †
17.1 2.8* –
Sear et al.106 307† 11.4 3.8 – 302† 9.6 2.4* –
Osborne et al.87 102† 27.3 3.2 – 120† 25.1 2.8* –
Fentanyl: Duthie26 405† 14.8 7.7 – 594* 11.8 9.5 –
Sear and Hand105 175† 17.1 2.7 – 229† 18.5 3.6 –
Bower8 – – – 20.8 – – – 22.4
Koehntop and Rodman67 – – – – 382† 7.5 3.1 –
Alfentanil: Chauvin et al.14 90† 3.1 0.3 11 107† 3.1 0.4* 19*
Bower and Sear9 120† 3.2 0.4 10.3 142† 5.3* 0.6 12.4*
Sufentanil: Davis et al.23 76† 12.8 1.3 – 90† 16.4 1.7 –
Sear104 195† 18.2 3.6 7.8 188† 19.2 3.8 8.6
Remifentanil: Hoke et al.57 4.0 33.2 0.19 – 4.9 35.4 0.25 –
Dahaba et al.22    16.4 46.3 0.57 – 18.9 28.0 0.36 –
Oxycodone: Kirvela et al.63 138† 16.7 2.39 – 234† 12.7 3.99 –
*P < 0.05 versus healthy subjects.

Mean residence time (rather than elimination half-life).
T1/2el, elimination half-life (min); Clp, systemic clearance (mL/kg/min); Vss, apparent volume of distribution at steady state (L/kg); FF, free or
unbound fraction of drug (%).
Note: Mean values are given throughout except for oxycodone, for which medians are given.

anesthetics have been reported to be safe during KTx. The renal function (baseline creatinine >1.5 mg/dL).20,82,115 In
metabolism of sevoflurane has been implicated in renal addition, one of the studies found that exposure to low-
toxicity, but no controlled studies are available to identify flow sevoflurane or low-flow isoflurane had no significant
clearly either safety concerns or harm associated with using ­effect on renal function parameters such as serum creati-
sevoflurane in the setting of a newly transplanted kidney. nine or creatinine clearance in patients with baseline renal
There are two elements of concern with regard to renal insufficiency (creatinine >1.5 mg/dL).19
toxicity: (1) production of fluoride ion from the metabo- Likewise, use of a balanced technique combining vola-
lism of sevoflurane; and (2) generation of “compound A” tile anesthetics with opioids or use of total intravenous
from the breakdown of sevoflurane by sodium or barium anesthesia with opioids and propofol had no significant
hydroxide lime. Sevoflurane appears to have a very good effect on patient and graft outcomes.65
safety record. It has been administered to millions of pa- KTx is a moderately stimulating surgery with pro-
tients worldwide without conclusive e­vidence of renal longed episodes of minimal stimulation. Blood loss rarely
toxicity. Two volunteer s­tudies have found biochemical exceeds 300 mL and significant fluid shifts are not com-
evidence of renal injury ­during sevoflurane anesthesia, mon. As a result, hypotension is frequently encountered,
whereas five other volunteer studies have not.28–31,36,37,81 especially after the fascia is dissected, and may be further
However, KTx may represent a situation of increased risk aggravated after unclamping of the iliac vessels and re-
for renal injury, as defined by Artru.4 Two studies have perfusion of the graft.
shown that sevoflurane, at fresh gas flow rates greater Intraoperative managament during KTx should pri-
than 4 L/min, did not change renal function indices or marily focus on hemodynamic stability with preservation
biochemical markers in patients with mildly impaired of good perfusion pressures to the graft. Individualized
198 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

fluid management is the cornerstone of intraopera- Pharmacologic blood pressure support using alpha-
tive management while pharmacologic support using agonist vasoconstrictors is usually discouraged based on
vasoconstrictors with strong alpha-adrenergic effects,
­ some limited experimental animal data. Taken together,
such as phenylephrine, is discouraged for reasons that studies indicate that there is a substantial loss of renal
will be subsequently discussed. hemodynamic responsiveness following ischemic injury
Maintenance of intravascular fluid status can be when renal blood flow is attempted to be preserved us-
­accomplished using natural colloids (albumin), synthetic ing alpha-agonists. Furthermore, the studies suggest
colloids (hydroxyethyl starches, dextrans, gelatins), and that the transplanted, denervated kidney loses its ca-
crystalloids (normal saline, lactated Ringer’s, plasmalyte). pacity for autoregulation and that the renal response
Given the minimal blood loss and few anticipated peri- to sympathomimetics is altered with a shift towards
operative fluid shifts during KTx, crystalloids are suffi- time-dependent flow reduction to the kidney. In one rat
cient for volume replacement and should be the preferred study, the hemodynamic autoregulation in the kidney
choice of fluid. Data for natural and synthetic colloids in graft declined following transplantation or denervation.
KTx are sparse. Therefore, the use of these fluids in KTx Furthermore, the response to sympathomimetics in the
cannot be generally recommended. transplanted kidney was shifted towards flow reduction.
Indeed, a national survey of fluid choice at 49 hos- The authors postulated enhanced vasoconstriction via
pitals in the United States found that >90% of patients stimulation of alpha-adrenoceptors and blunted vasodi-
receive normal saline or normal saline-based solutions latation via stimulation of beta-adrenoceptors as a pos-
during their kidney tranplants.84 Concerns with admin- sible mechanism.38,80
istering crystalloid infusions are mainly centered around Allograft function, as determined by intraoperative
the ­ impact on electrolytes and acid–base balance. In urine production, is typically optimized by maintaining
­particular, hyperchloremic acidosis can occur with large adequate intraoperative perfusion pressure.52 However, it
infusions of normal saline and there is a perceived risk of is also frequently enhanced intraoperatively using manni-
hyperkalemia with Ringer’s lactate in patients with end- tol and loop diuretics. Mannitol is freely filtered and not
stage kidney disease. reabsorbed by the nephron, causing osmotic expansion
To address this concern, a prospective, randomized, of urine volume. It may also have a protective effect on
double-blinded study compared normal saline to Ringer’s the cells lining the renal tubule. It is usually administered
lactate for intraoperative intravenous fluid therapy dur- during the warm ischemia phase; thus mannitol may pro-
ing KTx. Interestingly, the study demonstrated higher tect against ischemic injury, as well as induce osmotic di-
rates of severe hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis in the uresis in the newly transplanted kidney. In most centers,
normal saline group,85 albeit the fluid administration in relatively low doses of mannitol are administered, rang-
this study would have been considered excessive by most ing between 0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg. Some data have shown
centers. that delayed graft function of the deceased donor renal
A different prospective, randomized, double-blinded allograft can be prevented by intraoperative administra-
study compared normal saline, Ringer’s lactate, and plas- tion of mannitol.69
malyte for intra-operative intravenous fluid therapy dur- Loop diuretics work by blocking the action of Na+/K+
ing KTx. Primary end-points were changes in acid–base pumps present in the thin ascending limb of Henle,
balance and electrolytes. Observed changes were predict- thereby preventing reabsorption of electrolytes in this
able but none of them were clinically relevant. Plasmalyte segment of the nephron. The high-osmolarity fluid that
was not associated with any changes in acid–base balance is carried along to the distal tubule prevents the reab-
and electrolyes. The authors concluded that all three sorption of water, resulting in the excretion of large vol-
crystalloids can be safely used during KTx using a vol- umes of urine with high electrolyte content (Tables 13-3
ume replacement algorithm of 20–30 mL/kg/h.49 We also and 13-4).
recommend a similar volume replacement algorithm of
30–40 mL/kg/h.
Whether CVP monitoring is truly required for
­adequate volume replacement during KTx continues to TABLE 13-4  Renal Excretion of Neuromuscular
be debated. When CVP monitoring is in place, most Blocking Drugs
centers recommend keeping the CVP in the range of Quaternary Amines
10–15 mmHg. The impact of timing and duration of Suxamethonium <10%
volume replacement during KTx have been recently
examined in a prospective randomized trial.88 Patients Benzylisoquinolinium Compounds
Atracurium 10%
were randomized to a continuous crystalloid infusion or Doxacurium 25–30%
a CVP-targeted crystalloid infusion with a low CVP tar- Mivacurium <10%
get of 5 mmHg throughout most of the case and a CVP Cisatracurium ?
target of 15 mmHg at the end of renal vascular anastomo- Aminosteroid Compounds
ses (achieved by rapid infusion). Primary end-points were Pancuronium 35–50%
markers of allograft function within 5 postoperative days. Vecuronium 15–20%
Better early allograft function was observed in the CVP Pipercuronium 38%
targeted-infusion group. However, several confounding Rocuronium 9%
factors in the study design warrant larger and better-­ Note: Expressed as a mean percentage (or range) of total drug
controlled prospective studies. elimination.
Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation 199

Low-dose dopamine (2–3 μg/kg/min) is commonly ANESTHESIA FOR PATIENTS AFTER KIDNEY

used to stimulate DA1 dopaminergic receptors in the
kidney vasculature and therefore induce vasodilation and
increased urine output. Some small trials have shown
Patients with good graft function as determined by labo-
­improved urine output47 and creatinine clearance13 with
ratory values (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine) and with
low-dose dopamine during KTx, whereas other larger
sufficient urine volume should be considered to have
studies have shown no significant improvement in ­either
­adequate renal function. The average GFR 6 months
parameter.60,99 The utility of this approach has been
­after deceased renal transplantation is almost 50 mL/
questioned on the basis that a newly transplanted, de-
min.43 About 50% of patients will manifest a slow de-
nervated kidney may not respond to low-dose dopamine
cline in GFR over the course of several years, but 30%
like normal kidneys do. Doppler ultrasound examina-
will have a stable GFR. Given the improvement in pa-
tion of newly transplanted kidneys found no significant
tient survival following renal transplantation, it is likely
change in blood flow with dopamine infusion rates of
that the rapid progression of cardiovascular disease
1–5 μg/kg/min.110
seen in patients with ESRD is slowed, but not halted.
Pain associated with surgery is moderate and is typi-
These patients are still at higher cardiac risk than those
cally managed in the immediate postoperative phase
who never had ESRD. Congestive heart failure (e.g.,
with intravenous administration of opioids, often using
cardiomyopathy), LV hypertrophy, and ischemic heart
patient-­controlled analgesia. Opioids such as morphine,
disease remain important complications in renal trans-
meperidine, and oxycodone should be used cautiously in
plant recipients. This is mainly due to persistent risk
patients with ESRD because they (or their active me-
factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia
tabolites) are renally excreted and thus may accumulate
as well as new onset of metabolic syndrome and sec-
in such patients.2,63,104 This risk of opioid accumulation
ondary hyperparathyroidism. Indeed, one study found
persists in the period after transplantation when the al-
considerable progression of coronary artery calcifica-
lograft may suffer from delayed graft function. In con-
tion in renal transplant patients at least 1 year after
trast, opioids such as fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, and
surgery. Findings were related to ethnicity of patients,
remifentanil have been shown to be safe alternatives,
blood pressure, body mass index, renal function, and
with fentanyl being the most commonly used opioid
baseline coronary artery calcification.100 Aside from
(Table 13-3).
the residual traditional cardiac risk factors, graft rejec-
tion, viral infection, anemia,91,96 and treatment with im-
munosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine may also
POSTOPERATIVE CARE cause significant cardiovascular morbidity (e.g., hyper-
tension). However, newer immunosuppressants are bet-
All renal transplant patients should be considered
ter tolerated.71
for postoperative extubation using standard criteria.
Postoperatively, most kidney transplant recipients are ad-
mitted to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), with only
a small percentage of these patients requiring admission KIDNEY–PANCREAS TRANSPLANTATION
to the intensive care unit (ICU).68 However, there is in-
stitutional variability and some centers elect to admit all Patients with ESRD superimposed on DM will be
kidney transplant patients to the ICU. subject to the same hemodynamic, fluid, volume,
In the PACU, these patients should be managed and electrolyte problems as those with ESRD alone.
according to institutional protocols and PACU pain They will probably be maintained on some form of
management guidelines should be tailored to ESRD dialysis to manage fluid overload and accumulation of
patients, as previously discussed. Particular attention electrolytes. They may well have significant systemic
should be paid to graft function, which is mainly evalu- hypertension for the ­reasons discussed in the section
ated by urine output over time. Over 90% of living do- on cardiovascular complications, above. Accelerated
nor kidney transplant recipients have immediate graft atherosclerosis and autonomic nervous system dys-
function, as confirmed by urine production. However function are also major cardiovascular changes pres-
the rate of immediate graft function can drop off sig- ent in diabetic patients. If ESRD is also present, the
nificantly in recipients of kidney grafts from standard cardiovascular risk in these patients rises dramatically.
criteria deceased donors and especially extended crite- Diabetic patients with severe CAD may not recognize
ria donors. Poor graft function may be attributable to anginal symptoms due to failure of the autonomic
the graft itself, the vessels, the ureter, or clotting of the nervous system. Finally, they may also have the same
Foley catheter, all of which should be considered in the problems of chronic anemia and uremic coagulopathy
differential diagnosis. The Foley catheter should be ir- as those with renal failure alone.
rigated to ensure that clot or tissue has not affected its After successful simultaneous pancreas–kidney (SPK)
patency. Flow in the arterial and venous anastomoses transplantation, cardiac pathology such as diastolic dys-
can be examined with ultrasound. Lastly, re-exploration function and LV hypertrophy can improve or stabilize.86
of the wound should not be delayed if kinking of the It has not been proved whether other manifestations of
vascular attachments or obstruction of the ureter along DM, such as accelerated atherosclerosis, neuropathy, or
its course or at the site of bladder reimplantation is vascular insufficiency, will improve or stabilize follow-
suspected. ing SPK.
200 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Preoperative Considerations the transplanted organs is a major concern, and therefore

some centers defer placement of an epidural catheter.
Diabetic patients have a greater incidence of autonomic Because the pancreas seems to be a highly immuno-
neuropathy, which can manifest as both higher heart rate genic organ, intensive immunosuppression is needed
and higher blood pressure compared to non-diabetic to prevent graft loss. The anesthesia team will need to
ESRD patients.83 Type 2 diabetics often have metabolic ­deliver the initial dose of immunosuppressant so it is
syndrome, a combination of visceral obesity, atherogenic ­essential that the desired drugs be present and adminis-
dyslipidemia (low levels of high-density lipoprotein and tered correctly in the operating room. Likewise, correct
elevated levels of triglycerides), hypertension, and insulin administration of the preoperative and intraoperative an-
resistance, which increases the risk for CAD and cardio- tibiotics requested by the surgical team is very important.
vascular disease. The time at which antiglycemic agents Prophylaxis against enteric organisms introduced with
were last taken should be determined. Orally adminis- transplanted bowel segments is crucial given the use of
tered antiglycemic agents should not be taken on the day intense immunosuppression.
of surgery to avoid unrecognized hypoglycemia under Standard monitors (five-lead ECG, non-invasive
anesthesia. Insulin-dependent patients who are extremely blood pressure measurement, pulse oximetry, end-tidal
brittle and have declining insulin levels are at risk for ke- gas concentrations) plus arterial and central venous lines
tosis and intraoperative acidemia. are required. The arterial line allows the anesthesia team
As noted earlier, diabetic patients, even those without to track blood pressure carefully and to draw samples for
renal dysfunction, have significant risk factors for cardio- blood gas, glucose, and electrolyte determinations during
vascular complications during major surgery. Historically, these lengthy cases. The central venous catheter permits
the principal candidates for pancreas transplantation have monitoring of cardiac filling pressure and central admin-
been younger than those receiving kidney transplants, istration of drugs.
with up to 45% being in the 18–35-year age range. These Due to their high incidence of autonomic dysfunction,
patients tended to have fewer of the long-term manifesta- diabetic patients are likely to have gastroparesis and large
tions of DM, such as atherosclerotic vascular disease and residual gastric volumes. This risk is even greater if the
severe autonomic dysfunction. More recently, however, patient has ESRD and uremia. Administration of a non-
increasing numbers of older diabetic patients are being particulate antacid along with maintenance of cricoid
considered for pancreas transplantation. These patients pressure during rapid-sequence induction are mandatory
will be at higher risk for major cardiovascular events peri- in these patients.
operatively. An extensive cardiac workup is indicated in Patients with autonomic neuropathy are often con-
these older diabetic patients before surgery to rule out sidered to be at greater risk for severe cardiovascular
severe CAD. Preoperative evaluation by history and depression during induction of anesthesia. However, a
physical examination, ECG, treadmill testing, echocar- study of uremic patients undergoing KTx found that dia-
diography with or without dobutamine stress, radionu- betic patients with known pre-existing autonomic neu-
clide scintigraphy, and cardiac angiography represent the ropathy had hemodynamic responses to induction that
full spectrum of workup that may be applicable. were similar to those of non-diabetic uremic patients.50
It was suggested in the early 1990s that diabetic Hemodynamic stability over long periods is probably
­patients should be considered more difficult to intubate best achieved using a balanced anesthetic technique.
tracheally because of changes in their upper-airway tissues As with KTx alone, adequate blood pressure is desired
from exposure to high serum glucose levels. In fact, one to provide good perfusion pressure for a newly anasto-
study found a 31% incidence of difficult intubation con- mosed pancreas.
ditions in this patient population.94 Subsequently, a large One of the most challenging aspects of these cases is
study by the Mayo Clinic reviewed the anesthetic records determining the amount and type of fluid to administer.
of 150 patients with diabetes who underwent general an- On the one hand, a lengthy intra-abdominal procedure
esthesia with tracheal intubation and found only a slightly would indicate the need for significant amounts of fluid
increased incidence of “more difficulty visualizing” airway to compensate for large insensible and third-space losses.
structures.119 Halpern et al. reported only one difficult in- However, patients with ESRD may be significantly
tubation in a series of 130 patients who underwent pan- ­hypervolemic or hypertensive and may display hemo-
creas transplantation.50 Thus, it appears that longstanding dynamic pathology such as diastolic dysfunction, which
DM alone does not strongly predispose to airway difficul- can limit their ability to receive fluids. Therefore, fluid
ties but may be considered a contributing factor in pa- administration must be guided by cardiac preload, as in-
tients with other potentially problematic airway features. dicated by chamber filling pressures, or by volume status,
as determined by transesophageal echocardiography, for
example. If fluid is necessary, it is probably best from a
Intraoperative Considerations surgical standpoint to use colloid-based fluid rather than
Kidney–pancreas transplantations are long and surgi- large volumes of crystalloid solution alone. Although no
cally tedious operations involving extensive abdominal controlled studies have been conducted, swelling of the
exposure. Therefore, general endotracheal anesthesia pancreas graft appears to be less with colloids than with
with muscle relaxation is the best anesthetic approach for crystalloids. Administration of blood products is indi-
these cases. Patients may have significant postoperative cated to provide adequate oxygen-carrying capacity and
pain from the extensive abdominal dissection, so place- sufficient platelets or clotting factors if coagulation ap-
ment of an epidural catheter for postoperative pain con- pears to be clinically impaired and is confirmed by labo-
trol may be warranted. However, splanchnic perfusion to ratory analysis.
Perioperative Care of Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation 201

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Early Course of the Patient

with a Kidney Transplant
Stuart J. Knechtle  •  Stephen Pastan


OVERVIEW Hyperacute Rejection

Perioperative Management Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Graft Dysfunction Acute Rejection
Borderline Rejection
Urinary Obstruction Delayed Graft Function
Bleeding into the Urinary System Nephrotoxicity from Calcineurin
Urine Leak Inhibitors
Vascular Problems Prerenal Azotemia and Volume
Arterial Stenosis
Other Drug Toxicity
Arterial Thrombosis
Recurrent Disease
Renal Vein Thrombosis
Postoperative Bleeding
Graft Loss and Transplant Nephrectomy
Management of Graft Dysfunction

A successful long-term outcome for a new kidney trans- contraindications to transplantation, such as significant
plant recipient depends on the early perioperative man- cardiac disease or vascular insufficiency, which could
agement and course after surgery. Important factors preclude successful surgery. Knowledge of the donor
affecting long-term outcome include the occurrence of status also is helpful in the early postoperative manage-
delayed graft function (DGF)10,73; episodes of acute re- ment of the transplant recipient. With an ideal donor
jection10; early surgical complications,5 such as obstruc- or a living related donor, the expected outcome is an
tion, urine leak, or vascular complications; and sepsis.10 immediately functioning transplant that may preclude
Toxicity from calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) can lead to posttransplant dialysis. Expanded criteria donors (donor
chronic transplant damage later in the posttransplanta- age >60 years or age 50–59 years with death due to cere-
tion course.47 Donor and recipient factors affect long- brovascular accident, history of hypertension, or creati-
term outcome, particularly the use of expanded criteria nine level >1.5 mg/dL) have a higher likelihood of DGF,
donors42 or highly sensitized recipients. The early man- which can lead to volume overload and the need for ur-
agement and amelioration of risk factors in the immediate gent dialysis.13 Technical considerations include the need
postoperative period may lessen their long-term negative for vascular reconstruction, which may prolong surgery
impact and improve outcome. and contribute to postoperative DGF. Recipient factors
also affect the early postoperative course. Significant
risk factors for early posttransplant dysfunction include
OVERVIEW pretransplant sensitization, obesity, younger or older
age, and anatomical considerations that complicate the
Perioperative Management surgery.
In the early perioperative period, attention to fluid and
Management of the transplant recipient begins in the electrolyte balance is crucial. Careful monitoring of urine
immediate preoperative period. An initial assessment output is essential, and any decrease in urine flow must
of the recipient includes a careful assessment of pre- be evaluated carefully. The Kidney Disease: Improving
transplant fluid status to determine the need for dialysis Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines recommend
and a careful physical examination to exclude potential measuring urine volume every 1–2 hours for at least 24

Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant 205

hours after transplantation and daily until graft function Other reasons for early medical complications include
is stable.33 In addition, serum creatinine should be mea- acute cyclosporine or tacrolimus nephrotoxicity, prerenal
sured at least daily for 7 days or until hospital discharge, azotemia, other drug toxicity, infection, and early recur-
whichever occurs sooner. Creatinine should then be mea- rent disease. An uncommon but serious posttransplanta-
sured two to three times per week for a month, and a tion medical problem is thrombotic ­microangiopathy (see
tapering frequency of measurements in ensuing weeks.33 below). Thrombotic microangiopathy may be induced by
A decrease in urine volume may be due to acute tubular rejection or as a secondary event from cyclosporine, ta-
necrosis, hypovolemia, urinary leak, ureteric obstruction crolimus, or sirolimus therapy.52 CNI blood levels should
or, most significantly, vascular thrombosis or acute rejec- be measured regularly during the immediate postopera-
tion. Assessment of the patient’s volume status may help tive period until target levels are reached,33 as this mea-
eliminate hypovolemia as a cause of decreasing urine out- surement may indicate the likelihood of CNI toxicity
put. DGF can be ascertained further with a nuclear scan versus rejection in the diagnosis of graft dysfunction.
or duplex ultrasonography to assess perfusion of the graft The level of mTORi (mammalian target of rapamycin
and to exclude renal artery or vein thrombosis. Duplex inhibitor) should also be measured regularly if this class
ultrasonography also allows the diagnosis of a urinary of drugs is used.
complication. Mechanical problems usually are the result of com-
Measures to decrease the likelihood of DGF often are plications of surgery or specific donor factors, such as
used during the operative procedure and in the periopera- multiple arteries, that lead to posttransplantation dys-
tive period. Maintenance of adequate blood pressure and function. Mechanical/surgical factors include obstruction
fluid status may be accomplished with intravenous albu- of the transplant, hematuria, urine leak or urinoma, and
min18 or crystalloid, the latter being preferable. Shorter vascular problems such as renal artery or vein stenosis or
cold ischemia or pulsatile perfusion of the donor organ thrombosis. Postoperative bleeding is another potential
also may decrease the likelihood of postoperative DGF. complication that may cause compression of the trans-
Some centers have used intra-arterial calcium channel plant because the transplant usually is placed in the retro-
blockers, such as verapamil, to improve renal blood flow.17 peritoneal space. Posttransplant lymphoceles are another
It is common practice to administer mannitol (12.5 g) common cause of early transplant dysfunction. Lymph
about 10 minutes before the kidney is reperfused, which drainage from transected lymphatic channels accumu-
helps to trigger an osmotic diuresis and might be protec- lates in the perivascular and periureteral space and can
tive. Oral calcium channel blockers have been used to de- cause ureteral obstruction or lower-extremity swelling
crease the incidence of DGF.16 There is controversy about from iliac vein compression.
the early initiation of CNIs because of the potential for
nephrotoxicity. Some centers delay the use of CNIs until
there is established diuresis. If additional immunosup-
pression is desired, polyclonal or monoclonal anti-T-cell SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS
antibodies may be used.
Urinary Problems
Graft Dysfunction Urinary Obstruction
Early complications of renal transplantation may be me- After implantation of a living donor kidney transplant,
chanical/surgical or medical. Early medical problems are urine output begins immediately or within minutes. (See
more common than posttransplant surgical problems Chapter 29 for a more complete discussion of urinary
(Table 14-1). The most common early posttransplant problems.) The same is not generally true of deceased
medical problem is DGF, which occurs in 20% of patients donor kidneys, in which urine output may not be appar-
who received kidneys from ideal deceased donors and in ent for 1 hour or more after implantation and may be
nearly 40% of patients in whom the donors were older sluggish or non-existent for days if the kidney has been
than age 55 years.11 After or concomitant with DGF, acute injured (DGF) by donor factors or preservation. If a kid-
rejection may become a significant clinical problem.67,73,78 ney that was formerly making urine slows down or stops
and does not respond to fluid administration, urinary
obstruction has to be considered in the differential diag-
nosis. The initial evaluation is to check the patient’s vital
TABLE 14-1  Early Surgical and Medical signs and physical exam to ensure adequate hydration and
Complications after Transplantation to check that the Foley catheter is functioning correctly.
Obstruction of the Foley catheter by blood clots may oc-
Surgical/Mechanical Medical
cur easily and can be cleared by gentle irrigation. If these
Ureteral obstruction Acute rejection problems are not present, renal transplant ultrasound is
Hematuria Delayed graft function
Urine leak Acute calcineurin inhibitor
the fastest, most accurate, and least expensive method to
Arterial thrombosis/ nephrotoxicity assess the renal pelvis for obstruction. Pelvicaliceal di-
stenosis Prerenal/volume lation seen by ultrasound implies distal obstruction. If
Renal vein thrombosis contraction the bladder is collapsed rather than full, the problem is
Postoperative hemorrhage Drug toxicity likely to be ureteral obstruction. Treatment should be
Lymphocele Infection
Recurrent disease immediate decompression of the renal transplant pel-
vis by percutaneous insertion of a nephrostomy tube.
206 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Subsequently (usually 1 or 2 days later to allow blood and native ureters are anastomosed using running 5-0
and edema to clear after nephrostomy tube placement), ­absorbable suture. This anastomosis can be done over a
a nephrogram can be obtained to evaluate the ureter for 7 F double-J stent, which is left in place for 4–6 weeks.
stenosis or obstruction. The diagnosis is confirmed by a If no ipsilateral ureter is available, it may be necessary to
decline in the serum creatinine level after decompression use the contralateral ureter. If neither the ipsilateral ure-
of the renal pelvis. ter nor the contralateral ureter is available, alternatives
After the Foley catheter is removed, the most com- include bringing the bladder closer to the kidney using a
mon cause of urinary obstruction is not ureteral ste- psoas hitch or fashioning a Boari flap,19 but these measures
nosis, but rather bladder dysfunction. This cause is are seldom necessary. Another method is endoureterot-
particularly common in diabetic patients with neuro- omy23; experience with this method is growing.36 Even
genic bladders. Initial management is replacement of if urinary obstruction is clinically silent (i.e., the patient
the Foley catheter and a trial of an alpha-blocker, such is asymptomatic with a normal creatinine value), urinary
as tamsulosin, doxazosin, or terazosin. If bladder dys- obstruction manifested by dilation of the pelvis and cali-
function persists after one or two such trials, it may be ces on ultrasound should be treated because it ultimately
necessary to start intermittent self-catheterization. In leads to thinning of the renal cortex and loss of renal func-
rare instances in which bladder dysmotility is severe and tion. Urinary obstruction should be treated immediately
urinary tract infections are common, it may be prefer- to minimize damage to the transplanted kidney.
able to drain the transplant ureter into an ileal conduit
to the anterior abdominal wall. Ideally, a patient with a Bleeding into the Urinary System
neurogenic bladder should have been evaluated before
transplantation with urodynamic studies, and a decision Gross hematuria is common immediately postoperatively
should have been made about management at that time because of surgical manipulation of the bladder. The
(see Chapters 4 and 12). Leadbetter–Politano procedure for ureteroneocystos-
During the first 1 or 2 weeks after transplantation, ob- tomy is associated with more hematuria compared with
struction usually is due to a technical problem related to the extravesical approach typified by the Lich technique
surgery (see Chapter 29). If a ureteral stent was placed at or the technique described by us (see Chapter 11).35 The
the time of surgery, it is highly unusual to have obstruction. advantage of this technique is that it effectively prevents
Possible explanations for obstruction are a twisted ureter reflux and can be done with excellent long-term results.
or anastomotic narrowing. Generally, obstructions appear Occasionally, continuous bladder irrigation is necessary if
several weeks postoperatively, after the stent has been gross hematuria is associated with clots, although inter-
removed, and occur most frequently at the anastomosis mittent manual irrigation usually is adequate. Obstruction
between ureter and bladder.27 Usually, these obstructions of the bladder outlet by a blood clot is an emergency;
can be crossed by a guidewire and dilated percutaneously vigilant nursing care is required to ensure that it does not
by an interventional radiologist (Figure 14-1). If the neph- occur. It is preferable not to distend the bladder in the
rostogram shows a long (>2 cm) stricture, especially a immediate postoperative period to avoid disrupting the
proximal or midureteral stricture, it is likely that the prob- bladder sutures or causing a leak, and continuous blad-
lem is not amenable to balloon dilation and that surgical der irrigation and cystoscopy ideally are avoided. Minor
repair is necessary (Figure 14-2). The operation of choice hematuria without clots is common in the first 1 or 2 days
for a long stricture or one that has failed balloon dilation is regardless of the surgical method of ureteroneocystos-
ureteroureterostomy or ureteropyelostomy using the ipsi- tomy and does not require treatment; it resolves over
lateral native ureter. The spatulated ends of the transplant time without specific treatment.

FIGURE 14-1  ■ This patient presented with an elevated creatinine level. Ultrasound showed pelvicaliceal dilation. (A) A percutaneous
nephrostomy tube was placed, and the following day a nephrostogram was obtained. (B) The midureteral stenosis was crossed suc-
cessfully with a guidewire, and the ureter was dilated with a balloon (the waist of the dilated balloon corresponds to the stricture). (C)
Subsequently, a double-J stent was placed from the renal pelvis into the bladder across the dilated stricture.
Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant 207

Vascular Problems
Arterial Stenosis
Transplant renal artery stenosis may manifest in the
early postoperative period by: (1) fluid retention; (2) el-
evated creatinine levels; and (3) hypertension.24,77 (See
Chapters 28 and 30 for a more complete discussion of
vascular problems.) Commonly, the patient does not
tolerate cyclosporine or tacrolimus because these drugs
exacerbate the already existing ischemia at the glomeru-
lar arteriolar level. The aforementioned triad of clinical
findings need not all be present, and the diagnosis should
be suspected for any one of the three clinical signs.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and DGF have been
described as risk factors for transplant renal artery steno-
sis.4 If the creatinine level is greater than 2 mg/dL, renal
arteriography is best avoided because of the nephrotoxic-
ity of the contrast dye. Magnetic resonance imaging an-
giography usually can give an accurate delineation of the
arterial anatomy. Ultrasound also is safe, but not as dis-
criminating, and may be helpful if jetting of flow beyond
a stricture is seen.
As the population of renal transplant recipients
has become older and includes more diabetic patients
and patients with vascular disease, transplant renal ar-
tery pseudostenosis has become increasingly common.
Pseudostenosis refers to arterial stenosis in the iliac ar-
tery proximal to the implantation of the transplant renal
artery. Although the anastomosis and renal artery may be
completely normal, a more proximal iliac artery stenosis
can lead to hypoperfusion and resulting high renin out-
FIGURE 14-2  ■ This intra-abdominal kidney transplant was found put by the transplanted kidney.
by ultrasound to be obstructed. A nephrostomy tube was placed,
and a nephrostogram was obtained the following day. The kid- Treatment of transplant renal artery stenosis and
ney had rotated medially and twisted the ureter proximally. The pseudostenosis includes balloon dilation and surgery.
patient was managed operatively by placing the kidney laterally Generally, ostial stenosis, long areas of stenosis, and ste-
in a retroperitoneal pocket and performing ureteroureterostomy nosis in tortuous arteries difficult to access radiographi-
using the ipsilateral native ureter.
cally are not treated as successfully with balloon dilation
as with surgery. Stenoses within smaller branches of the
Urine Leak renal artery may be treatable only by angioplasty. Iliac
artery disease causing pseudostenosis may be treated by
A leak of urine from the transplanted kidney in the early angioplasty, but risks embolization or dissection, leading
postoperative period may be clinically obvious if the pa- to thrombosis or further ischemia. Surgical options in-
tient presents with abdominal pain, an increasing cre- clude bypass of the stenosis using autologous saphenous
atinine level, and a decrease in urine output. Urine in vein, a prosthetic graft, or an allogeneic arterial graft pro-
the peritoneal cavity causes peritonitis and pain. More cured from a deceased donor. The risk of the procedure
commonly, assuming that the kidney was placed in the has to be weighed against the potential benefit of improv-
retroperitoneal position, a urinoma collects around the ing renal transplant blood flow. In addition to the serum
kidney and bladder and causes a bulge in the wound and creatinine determination, a biopsy may be useful to assess
pain with direct displacement of adjacent viscera, includ- the quality of the renal parenchyma. In advanced chronic
ing the bladder. The diagnosis should be suspected if the rejection with a creatinine value greater than 2.5 mg/dL
serum creatinine level is increasing (or not decreasing ap- for more than 1 month, it may not be prudent to repair
propriately). Adjunctive tests to help make the diagnosis such arteries. Figure 14-3 shows a renal artery stenosis in
of urine leak, if it is not obvious clinically, include a re- the lower pole artery that was managed successfully by
nal scan, which would show urine in the retroperitoneal balloon angioplasty.
space surrounding the bladder or around loops of bowel,
or an ultrasound, which would show a fluid collection Arterial Thrombosis
outside the bladder and which when aspirated has a high
creatinine level. Urine leak generally is due to a surgi- Renal transplant arterial thrombosis usually occurs early
cal problem with the ureteroneocytostomy or ischemic (within 30 days) in the posttransplant period,56 but should be
necrosis of the distal ureter. Such a leak should be im- a rare event because it is generally due to a technical error at
mediately repaired surgically because the risk of wound the time of surgery. It usually is related to an intimal injury
infection increases with delay in treatment. to the donor kidney during procurement or to anastomotic
208 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 14-3  ■ This patient presented with fluid retention, hypertension, and an elevated creatinine level. (A) An arteriogram showed
that the artery to the lower pole arising from a common aortic patch was stenotic proximally. (B) This stenosis was successfully
treated with balloon angioplasty with resolution of the patient’s symptoms.

narrowing or iliac artery injury during implantation.

Kidneys from donors younger than 5 years old have been
associated with a higher risk of thrombosis.70 The kidney
tolerates only 30–60 minutes of warm ischemia before it is
irreversibly injured, making it difficult to diagnose and cor-
rect this problem before it is too late to salvage the kidney.
The diagnosis should be suspected in a patient who has had
a transplant hours to days before and has had a good urine
output but who suddenly has a decrease in urine output. A
high degree of suspicion has to be present, and the patient
should be returned to the operating room promptly. If the
patient had urine output preoperatively from the native kid-
neys, the diagnosis is difficult to make in a timely manner
because urine output may continue after the renal transplant
has thrombosed. The advantage of diagnostic ultrasound
has to be weighed against the disadvantage of delaying a re-
turn to the operating room. Almost all kidney transplants FIGURE 14-4  ■  Ultrasound shows absence of flow in the renal vein
and reversal of diastolic flow in the renal artery. This kidney was
with arterial thrombosis are lost because of ischemic injury. enlarged to 14 cm in length with a surrounding fluid collection
In cases of more than one renal transplant artery in that represented blood. These ultrasound findings were pathog-
which arterial reconstruction is performed at implanta- nomonic of transplant renal vein thrombosis. The condition was
tion, there may be increased risk of thrombosis of one or treated surgically with excision of the kidney, placement of a
more arteries. This increased risk particularly is a concern venous extension graft using donor iliac vein obtained from a
third-party donor, and reimplantation of the kidney. Three weeks
if there is a small accessory renal artery supplying the later, the patient had a normally functioning kidney transplant.
lower pole of the kidney and providing the ureteral blood
supply. Thrombosis of a branch artery may manifest as
an increase in serum creatinine levels associated with in-
the absence of a technical complication. The diagnosis
creased hypertension. Angiography shows partial throm-
is indicated by sudden onset of gross hematuria and de-
bosis and loss of perfusion of a wedge-shaped section of
crease in urine output, associated with pain and swelling
renal parenchyma. The risk of this situation, in addition
over the graft. Ultrasound shows absence of flow in the
to potential long-term hypertension, is caliceal infarc-
renal vein, diastolic reversal of flow in the renal artery
tion and urine leak in the early postoperative period. Such
(Figure 14-4), and an enlarged kidney, often with sur-
kidneys, with partial infarction, generally can be salvaged.
rounding blood. Ultrasound can point to this diagnosis
Urine leaks occurring through the outer cortex of the
definitively. Only if it is immediately recognized and re-
kidney after partial infarction may be managed by neph-
paired can this problem be reversed. Immediate surgical
rostomy tube placement for urinary drainage and place-
repair of the vein and control of bleeding are required,
ment of another drain adjacent to the kidney to prevent
and it is generally necessary to remove the kidney and
urinoma. When the transplant ureter necroses as a result
revise the venous anastomosis. Bleeding from the swollen
of arterial ischemia, alternative urinary drainage needs to
and cracked kidney surface usually can be controlled with
be provided surgically; this would be managed most often
hemostatic agents.
by ureteropyelostomy using the ipsilateral native ureter.

Postoperative Bleeding
Renal Vein Thrombosis
As with all surgery, postoperative bleeding may compli-
Renal vein thrombosis may occur when the donor renal cate renal transplant outcomes. Bleeding generally occurs
vein was narrowed by repair of an injury or when the vein during the first 24–48 hours after transplantation and is
was twisted or compressed externally, but it may occur in diagnosed by a decreasing hematocrit, swelling over the
Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant 209

graft with a bulging incision, or significant blood seepage Antibody-Mediated Rejection

from the incision. Most often, bleeding occurs in patients
taking anticoagulation agents for other medical problems. Despite a negative T-cell crossmatch test preoperatively,
Patients treated with clopidogrel for underlying cardiac some patients may develop an early aggressive form of
disease are at significant risk for postoperative bleeding; rejection, termed AMR.60 The criteria for AMR are: C4d
this class of medications should be avoided or discon- staining of peritubular capillaries to document comple-
tinued 1 week before renal transplantation if acceptable ment involvement; presence of donor-specific antibody
from a cardiac perspective.21 If the hematoma is not clini- in blood; histologic changes consistent with AMR, in-
cally obvious, an ultrasound or computed tomographic cluding polymorphonuclear leukocytes in peritubular
scan can define its size and help determine whether or not capillaries, endotheliitis, and fibrin deposition.
surgical evacuation is appropriate. Treatment includes This rejection is seen most often in sensitized pa-
immediate surgery and blood transfusions as necessary. tients with a high level of a panel-reactive antibody and
in patients with a previous transplant. The time course
of this type of rejection is typically within days to weeks
Graft Loss and Transplant Nephrectomy of the transplant, although it may occur at any later
During the early posttransplant period, if a renal trans- time; it tends to be poorly responsive to steroids and oc-
plant loses perfusion because of thrombosis or because casionally resistant to all forms of antirejection therapy.
of hyperacute, acute, or accelerated vascular rejection, Although successful prophylaxis of rejection has been
it must be removed. Otherwise, the systemic toxicity of described using intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab,
a necrotic kidney may cause fever, graft swelling or ten- plasmapheresis, or thymoglobulin in highly sensitized
derness, and generalized malaise. Loss of perfusion can patients,30 when this form of rejection has started there
be assessed by nuclear scan or Doppler ultrasound. The is no standard treatment. The KDIGO guidelines rec-
technically easiest way to perform a transplant nephrec- ommend that such rejection be treated with one or more
tomy depends on how long the kidney has been in place. of the following with or without steroids: plasmapher-
If nephrectomy is performed within 4 weeks, there are esis, intravenous immunoglobulin, anti-CD20 antibody,
minimal adhesions, and the vessels are exposed easily for or other lymphocyte-depleting antibody.33 Randomized
ligation and transplant nephrectomy. At later times, it is controlled trials are needed to determine which of these
usually easiest to reopen the transplant incision and enter therapies (or combination of therapies) is most effective
the subcapsular plane around the kidney. The kidney is in treating AMR, and new agents are being investigated
dissected free in the subcapsular space, and a large vascu- to identify more successful strategies of preventing or re-
lar clamp is placed across the hilum. The kidney is ampu- versing AMR.75
tated above the clamp, and 3-0 polypropylene (Prolene) is
used to oversew the hilar vessels. The ureter also is over-
sewn (see Chapter 11). Acute Rejection
The most common form of immunological rejection in
the early posttransplant period is acute cellular rejec-
REJECTION DURING THE EARLY tion, mediated predominantly by host T lymphocytes
POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD responding to the allogeneic major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) antigens on donor kidney. Acute rejec-
Hyperacute Rejection tion typically occurs 5–7 days after transplantation, but
it can occur at virtually any time after this. The highest
If a renal transplant is performed in the setting of ABO incidence of acute rejection is within the first 3 months,
mismatch or a positive lymphocytotoxic crossmatch, the and overall rates of rejection vary from 5% to 40% within
risk of hyperacute rejection or of antibody-­mediated the first 6 months, depending on HLA matching and the
rejection (AMR) is increased (see Chapter 22). The immunosuppressive protocol. The clinical harbingers
incidence of hyperacute rejection is not 100%, pre-
­ of acute rejection include an increasing creatinine level,
sumably because some antibodies have lower affinity, weight gain, fever, and graft tenderness. With the use of
lower density, do not bind complement, or cause ac- cyclosporine and tacrolimus, fever and graft tenderness
commodation.60 It may be possible to prevent AMR by are seldom present. The diagnostic “gold standard” is
plasmapheresis to remove preformed antibodies and
­ kidney biopsy, which can be performed safely under lo-
lower the total amount of alloantibody.69 Cases of blood cal anesthesia. A biopsy needle is introduced under ul-
type A2 donors being transplanted to type O recipients trasound guidance and removes a core of tissue that can
have been reported because type A2 expresses less of the be evaluated immediately for histological criteria of re-
putative antigen, but this strategy also has increased risk jection (see Chapter 26). These criteria include tubuli-
of graft loss.29 A crossmatch-negative, ABO-compatible tis (invasion of tubules by lymphocytes), glomerulitis,
recipient should be identified, or the kidney can be and arteritis.61 The importance of biopsy confirmation
shipped to a center that has such a patient awaiting a of rejection relates to the risk of increasing immunosup-
kidney, potentially in exchange for a kidney to which the pression in patients whose graft dysfunction is not due to
intended recipient has a negative crossmatch. A hyper- rejection but perhaps infection or other causes that might
acutely rejected kidney has no perfusion on renal scan be exacerbated by increased immunosuppression.
because of microvascular thrombosis and needs to be First-line treatment of acute cellular rejection is bo-
removed. lus steroid therapy with methylprednisolone sodium
210 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

succinate (Solu-Medrol). Many regimens are used suc- receiving first deceased donor grafts than in patients
cessfully, but typical dose and duration are 10 mg/kg in- undergoing repeat transplantation. Other recipient fac-
travenously daily for 3 days (up to a maximum single dose tors that increase the risk of DGF include male gender,
of 1000 mg/day). About 85–90% of acute cellular rejec- African American race,65 diabetes, obesity, longer waiting
tion episodes are steroid-responsive. If the patient’s ­serum time on dialysis, and a mismatch in body size between the
creatinine level has not begun to decrease by day 4 of donor and the recipient.22 It appears that the incidence
therapy, alternative treatment must be considered, such as of DGF can be reduced by the use of pulsatile perfusion
antilymphocytic globulin, alemtuzumab (Campath-1H), of the procured renal allograft; however the effect of this
or rituximab (anti-CD20) as lymphocytotoxic therapy. technology on long-term graft outcomes is unclear.41
Many centers use antibody-depleting therapy first line The diagnosis of DGF is apparent during the first 24
for all severe vascular rejections (Banff 2A and 3), particu- hours after transplantation; the most common clinical
larly if anti-IL-2 induction was used. Antibody-depleting scenario is a decline in urine output unresponsive to a
therapies may be associated, however, with an increase fluid challenge. The major differential diagnostic consid-
in infectious complications when used to treat rejection eration in a patient with decreasing or absent urine out-
compared with when used for induction.43 Rejection that put is volume depletion or an acute vascular or urological
does not respond to treatment with steroids or antibody complication. Other conditions that can mimic DGF are
therapy occurs in less than 5% of patients, although more rejection and recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclero-
frequently in sensitized patients or repeat transplants sis (FSGS). This differential diagnosis can be evaluated
with significant donor-specific antibody present. with urgent ultrasound or radionuclide renal scanning.
The impact of acute cellular rejection on graft survival Typically, a transplant with DGF shows good renal perfu-
depends on the response to treatment, with minimal im- sion and good parenchymal uptake of ­orthoiodohippurate
pact if treatment results in return to baseline function but (123I-OIH) or mercaptoacetyltriglycine (99mTc-MAG3)
negative impact with incomplete response or repeated with poor or no renal excretion. Kidney transplant biopsy
rejection episodes.46 Whether or not an early rejection is the “gold standard” for diagnosis. When the diagnosis
episode predisposes the kidney to chronic rejection is of DGF is established, careful attention to fluid status is
controversial. paramount to decrease the frequency and necessity for
dialysis. The usual time course of DGF is 10–14 days.
A major concern for transplant recipients with DGF is
Borderline Rejection the potential for early acute rejection. DGF may lead to
If a protocol for kidney biopsy is interpreted as “border- activation of the immune system with release of cytokines
line” by Banff criteria, we suggest treatment, as oral ste- and adhesion molecules (see Chapter 28).26,38 This situ-
roids may improve the outcome of subclinical rejection, ation may result in an anti-MHC-directed a­ lloimmune
but this matter awaits better evidence to substantiate. response, leading to an increased frequency of acute re-
jection. A recent study of pooled data reported 49% of
DGF patients experienced an episode of acute rejection,
compared with 35% of those without DGF.79 This in-
MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS crease in rejection rate may contribute to the reported
decrease in allograft survival in DGF patients.51 The diag-
Delayed Graft Function nosis of rejection in patients with DGF may be hindered
DGF is defined as the need for dialysis during the first because the primary clinical monitoring tool is a decrease
week after transplantation, and is the most frequent early in serum creatinine levels. Some centers use antilympho-
posttransplant complication.68 In the United States, the cyte therapy, such as thymoglobulin or alemtuzumab, to
incidence of DGF has remained stable at about 25% prevent early acute rejection, including acute rejection,
since 1990.8 DGF remains one of the main predictors of which may occur in patients with DGF; alternatively,
poor graft survival after deceased donor transplantation.38 frequent biopsies in patients with DGF have been pro-
DGF has been estimated to decrease long-term renal al- posed as a way to detect early acute rejection episodes.
lograft survival by 40%.68 Prevention of DGF and early recognition of rejection
Both donor and recipient factors contribute to the risk are important goals to help improve early and long-term
for DGF. The incidence of DGF is significantly higher graft survival.
in deceased versus living donor transplants. An analysis
of 107 787 deceased donor kidney transplants reported to
the United Network for Organ Sharing Scientific Renal
Nephrotoxicity from Calcineurin Inhibitors
Transplant Registry between October 1987 and 2001 Early institution of the CNIs cyclosporine and tacroli-
showed an incidence of approximately 23% for standard mus at the time of transplantation is important to pre-
criteria donors versus 34% for expanded criteria do- vent acute rejection episodes. Because of the potential
nors.9 An increase in DGF has been noted with advanc- for additive nephrotoxicity, however, some centers avoid
ing ­donor age; young donors have a lower incidence of instituting CNIs until there is adequate function of the
DGF (­approximately 20%) compared with donors older transplanted kidney. Centers that delay the onset of CNIs
than age 55 years (38%).67 Prolonged cold ischemia time usually use antibody induction therapy to lower the inci-
is a risk factor for developing DGF, but unlike other fac- dence of early acute rejection.51 Other centers, including
tors does not seem to have a significant effect on reduc- ours, begin administering CNIs early in the posttrans-
ing graft survival.32 DGF is less common in recipients plant course, whether or not the allograft is functioning
Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant 211

well or in DGF. Both of the CNIs cyclosporine and of the former include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
t­acrolimus are effective in preventing acute rejection drugs and nephrotoxic antibiotics such as amphotericin
episodes, but they can lead to nephrotoxicity, primarily and aminoglycosides. Tacrolimus and cyclosporine are
by decreasing renal blood flow in the afferent arteriole, metabolized by the cytochrome P-450-3A4 system (CYA
leading to tubular injury.40,57 Because of the variability of P-450-3A4), and medications that are also metabolized
intestinal absorption in the early transplant period, un- by CYA P-450-3A4 may increase their blood levels.
derdosing and overdosing of these agents are common, Examples of drugs that may interact with the metabolism
which can lead to rejection episodes, or CNI nephrotox- of CNIs include non-dihydropyridine calcium channel
icity. Although there are many clinical parameters that blockers such as diltiazem and verapamil, erythromycin,
have been advocated to differentiate CNI nephrotox- ketoconazole, and fluconazole. Grapefruit juice also has
icity from rejection, most clinical parameters are of in- been shown to increase the gastrointestinal absorption of
sufficient sensitivity to predict confidently the cause of cyclosporine (see Chapters 16 and 17).
the transplant dysfunction. In patients with DGF, it may Routine drug level monitoring is important when
be more difficult to diagnose acute rejection or calcineu- drugs that are metabolized by CYA P-450-3A4 are used.
rin nephrotoxicity reliably. Monitoring cyclosporine and Adjustment of the daily dose of cyclosporine and tacro-
tacrolimus levels is valuable in preventing significant in- limus to attain therapeutic blood levels helps prevent
creases in blood levels, which may lead to nephrotoxicity. episodes of nephrotoxicity from the concomitant use of
Some centers routinely use a high-dose CNI protocol to these agents. Avoidance of medications that interfere
prevent rejection and accept a certain level of nephrotox- with drug metabolism is desirable. Selective serotonin
icity as a consequence. reuptake inhibitor antidepressants are another class of
The most reliable way of differentiating calcineurin pharmacological agents that need to be used with care. In
nephrotoxicity from rejection is percutaneous renal al- particular, nefazodone and fluvoxamine are metabolized
lograft biopsy. Generally, biopsies can be performed by CYA P-450-3A4 and may increase CNI blood levels.
safely soon after transplantation, using real-time ultra-
sound imaging and automated biopsy needle devices.
The histological hallmarks of calcineurin nephrotoxicity Recurrent Disease
vary. Early functional nephrotoxicity is manifested most Most causes of renal failure do not recur in the trans-
often by evidence of tubular injury. In patients with es- planted kidney; when they do, it is usually later in the
tablished calcineurin nephrotoxicity, reducing the dose or posttransplant course. (See Chapters 4 and 32 for further
temporary discontinuation of cyclosporine or tacrolimus discussion of recurrent disease.) Two diseases may occur
can lead to reversal of the renal injury. The avoidance of in the immediate posttransplant period and lead to signif-
clinical or subclinical episodes of nephrotoxicity may be icant graft dysfunction or graft loss if not treated aggres-
important in terms of long-term allograft histology and sively. FSGS is the most common glomerular disease that
function.71 can recur in the immediate postoperative period.2,3 The
overall recurrence rate is approximately 30–40%, with
Prerenal Azotemia and Volume Depletion most cases recurring in the first posttransplant year63,64;
presumably, a serum factor is present that causes glo-
Prerenal azotemia from volume depletion often may merular injury and massive proteinuria.63 Occasionally,
lead to deterioration of allograft function during the im- FSGS may occur immediately after transplantation. The
mediate postoperative period. Excessive use of diuretics diagnosis is established by the development of nephrotic
and uncontrolled blood glucose are two common causes range proteinuria in a patient with a pretransplant di-
of prerenal azotemia from volume depletion. Because agnosis of FSGS, and is confirmed on biopsy. Electron
most patients are already receiving CNIs, which de- microscopy shows diffuse foot process effacement, which
crease renal blood flow, the concomitant insult of volume is diagnostic in this setting. Various strategies have been
­depletion may lead to elevated blood urea nitrogen and used to treat recurrent FSGS, including high-dose CNIs,
serum creatinine levels. It may be difficult to distinguish prednisone, and plasmapheresis. Currently, plasmapher-
prerenal azotemia from an episode of acute rejection. esis seems to be the most effective treatment; however,
Antihypertensive medications should be used carefully some patients may have only a partial remission or may
in the posttransplant period to avoid hypotension, which not respond to this modality.3 In some cases, a course of
may further worsen renal blood flow. Meticulous atten- plasmapheresis may need to be repeated if there is an ini-
tion to daily weights, intake and output, and assessment tial response and subsequent relapse.
of orthostatic blood pressure changes can diagnose vol- The other recurrent disease of concern in the immedi-
ume depletion as a contributing factor to renal allograft ate postoperative period is thrombotic microangiopathy,
dysfunction. Volume repletion with intravenous or oral which can result from recurrent disease, endothelial in-
fluids is indicated. jury from CNIs, hypercoagulable disorders, or AMR.12
Thrombotic microangiopathy is multifactorial in origin.
It is characterized clinically by a decrease in hematocrit
Other Drug Toxicity or platelet count, or both, with evidence of a microan-
Transplant patients often have complex pharmacological giopathic process on peripheral blood smear, increased
regimens at the time of transplantation, which may include lactate dehydrogenase levels, and transplant allograft
nephrotoxic medications or medications that may cause dysfunction. Kidney biopsy specimens show fibrin depo-
concomitant nephrotoxicity with CNIs.37,74 Examples sition in the small arterioles of the kidney. Thrombotic
212 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

microangiopathy has been noted to be induced by Clostridium difficile colitis is becoming an increasing
­tacrolimus or cyclosporine. Discontinuation of the CNI problem in solid-organ transplant patients; one study
and plasmapheresis have been beneficial in some series.31 found the peak incidence occurred 6–10 days posttrans-
The use of anticoagulants and aspirin is of uncertain be­ plant.7 Early testing of stool for toxin, and institution of
nefit. Eculizumab, an anti-C5 monoclonal antibody, has treatment with oral Flagyl should be carried out. In per-
proven effective in treating renal transplant recipients sistent or recurrent cases, oral vancomycin or rifaximin
with recurrent atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome re- may be required.72 Hands should be washed with soap
lated to genetic defects in complement regulatory pro- and water, as alcohol-based hand scrubs may not kill the
teins, and with thrombotic microangiopathy related to spores and prevent nosocomial transmission.
antiphospholipid antibodies.48,82 When an infection has occurred, aggressive man-
agement is indicated. This management may include
removal of central venous catheters or Foley catheters.
Infection Any intra-abdominal fluid collections should be aspi-
In the immediate postoperative period most infections rated and drained if found to be infected. Urinary tract
are related to the surgical procedure and usually involve infections should be treated promptly, and the Foley
wound infection, bacteremia from a central line, urinary catheter and ureteral stent should be removed as soon
tract infection, or pneumonia.62 (See Chapter 31 for a as possible.
complete discussion of infection.) Prevention of these
infections involves meticulous surgical technique, care-
ful line care and use, removal of central lines and the
Foley catheter as soon as possible, and early mobilization Hypertension develops in nearly 80% of renal trans-
of the patient to prevent atelectasis or pneumonia. Most plant recipients14,15,25,58,81 (see Chapter 30). After kidney
opportunistic infections do not occur until after the first transplant, hypertension may be related to allograft
30 days. Of the opportunistic infections, CMV is still com- dysfunction due to DGF or rejection, or to immuno-
mon after transplantation, particularly in recipients who suppressive medications. Cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and
are seronegative for CMV and who receive seropositive corticosteroids all may contribute to the development
organs. Use of prophylactic oral antiviral drugs, such as of hypertension. CNIs primarily cause hypertension
valganciclovir, in patients receiving kidneys from CMV- through widespread arterial vasoconstriction, which in-
positive patients has diminished the incidence and sever- creases systemic vascular resistance.76 Vasoconstriction
ity of clinical CMV infection54; however, after stopping in the kidney activates the renin–angiotensin system,
valganciclovir CMV may still occur. Epstein–Barr virus promotes sodium reabsorption and volume expansion,
infection may occur early after transplantation and usually and increases endothelin release. CNIs also result in ad-
is related to heightened immunosuppression in a previ- verse changes in arachidonic acid metabolites, ­nitrous
ously seronegative patient. In the past, Pneumocystis carinii oxide production,44 and sympathetic nerve ­activity.34
pneumonia was a frequent complication of transplanta- Hypertension occurs more frequently with cyclospo-
tion; however, most centers now use routine prophylaxis rine use than with tacrolimus. Corticosteroids also
with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, which has nearly cause peripheral vasoconstriction, resulting in an acute
eliminated the occurrence of this infection in transplant rise in blood pressure28; further, they activate the min-
patients. Other prophylactic agents include antifungal eralocorticoid receptor, resulting in volume expansion.
agents, such as fluconazole or clotrimazole troches, which Of note, up to 90% of patients are hypertensive prior
can reduce the risk of mucosal Candida superinfection. to transplant80; pre-existing vascular calcification and
Highly resistant organisms have been detected with arterial stiffness may persist and contribute to ongo-
increasing frequency in transplant patients. Vancomycin- ing blood pressure elevation.20 Transplant renal artery
resistant Enterococcus49,50,53 and Candida infections45,55,59 are stenosis is a treatable cause of hypertension and should
becoming significant causes of morbidity in hospitalized be ruled out in patients who have new-onset hyper-
transplant patients. Risk factors for vancomycin-resistant tension, or do not respond readily to antihypertensive
Enterococcus include prolonged hospitalization in the therapy (see section above).6,66 Because multiple causes
intensive care unit, extensive surgical procedures, and may be present in the same patient, it often is difficult
intra-abdominal infection. Treatment options for this in- to ascertain the specific cause of hypertension after
fection are limited. Quinupristin/dalfopristin (Synercid), transplantation.
linezolid (Zyvox), and daptomycin (Cubicin) may be Patients with significant hypertension should be
useful for the control of serious vancomycin-resistant treated aggressively. Most centers prefer the use of cal-
Enterococcus infections. The increase in Candida infec- cium channel blockers and beta-blockers as first-line agents,
tion seems to be due to the routine use of clotrimazole although angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or
or fluconazole to prevent Candida infection. Intravenous angiotensin II receptor blockers are being used more
antibiotic use predisposes patients to fungal infection frequently. The major issues with the use of angioten-
after transplantation. Infection with extended-spectrum sin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II re-
beta-lactam-producing Gram-negative bacteria is be- ceptor blockers are anemia and hyperkalemia, which can
coming more common, particularly in the urinary tract.39 be a particular problem in patients with decreased renal
Many of these patients require combination therapy function. Table 14-2 presents the advantages and poten-
which includes aminoglycoside antibiotics; the resulting tial side effects of antihypertensive agents in transplant
nephrotoxicity can contribute to graft loss. recipients.
Early Course of the Patient with a Kidney Transplant 213

TABLE 14-2  Advantages and Potential Side Effects of Antihypertensive Agents in Transplant Recipients
Class Advantages/Indications Side Effects
Diuretics Salt-sensitive hypertension, volume Hyperuricemia
expansion Volume depletion
Beta-blockers Large selection Adverse effect on lipids
Selective agents preferred Relative contraindication with asthma, diabetes,
or peripheral vascular disease
Alpha-blockers Useful with prostatic hypertrophy Postural hypotension (first dose)
Central alpha-agonists Clonidine useful in diabetic patients Dry mouth
Clonidine available as transdermal patch Rebound hypertension
Calcium channel blockers Improve renal blood flow Drug interaction with CNI
May ameliorate cyclosporine
nephrotoxicity (verapamil and
ACE inhibitors and ARBs Proteinuria May cause renal insufficiency

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor.

Management of Graft Dysfunction to the problems outlined in this chapter is crucial to avoid
graft loss and patient death. Because the frequency of
The diagnosis and treatment of graft dysfunction are in- complications is greatest during the early posttransplant
tegral components of the successful long-term manage- period, this is the time when vigilance should be highest.
ment of the renal transplant recipient. Early diagnosis
and directed therapy are crucial in the early posttrans- REFERENCES
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Sir Peter J. Morris


INTRODUCTION allografts in rabbits. The key paper by Schwartz and

Dameshek on drug-induced immunological tolerance
Azathioprine and steroids were the backbone of was noted by Calne in the United Kingdom and Hume in
­immunosuppression in renal transplantation for many years the United States, and independently these investigators
and the only form of immunosuppression from the early showed that 6-mercaptopurine could delay or prevent re-
1960s to the early 1980s, when cyclosporine first became jection of renal allografts in dogs. In the original paper
available. After the introduction of cyclosporine, azathio- of Calne,3 only two dogs survived the renal transplant
prine and steroids were used in combination with cyclo- operation for a short time, but when the dogs died from
sporine or often after cessation of cyclosporine in so-called pneumonia at a little more than a month post transplanta-
conversion protocols (see Chapter 17). One might wonder tion, there was no histological evidence of rejection what-
whether in the seventh edition of this book there still needs soever, which was a unique finding at that time. Similar
to be chapters on azathioprine and steroids, bearing in results in a much larger series of dog renal transplants in
mind the introduction of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) Hume’s unit in Richmond, Virginia, were published at the
and sirolimus, both of which are antiproliferative agents same time.36 Soon after that, Elion et al.8,9 produced aza-
but with different mechanisms of action. Certainly myco- thioprine, an imidazolyl derivative of 6-­mercaptopurine,
phenolate has largely replaced azathioprine in developed and this drug appeared to be somewhat less toxic than
countries as a standard therapy with a calcineurin inhibitor 6-mercaptopurine.4 Azathioprine was first used in the
and steroids (see Chapters 17–19). Nevertheless, the supe- clinic at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, in
riority of MMF compared with azathioprine is modest, to 1961.21,22 Soon thereafter, azathioprine was introduced
say the least. Azathioprine is an inexpensive agent, and it into renal transplantation in a rapidly increasing number
will continue to have a role in transplantation not only in of renal transplant units throughout the world.
the western world in combination with calcineurin inhibi- Steroids first were used to treat rejection in patients
tors but also, in particular, in developing countries where on azathioprine13 but then were added to azathioprine by
the cost of immunosuppression is a major factor in deter- Starzl to prevent rejection from the time of transplan-
mining immunosuppressive protocols. tation because rejection seemed inevitable.33 From the
Although steroids will continue to have a place in the beginning of this so-called azathioprine era, arbitrarily
prevention and treatment of rejection, the introduction large doses of steroids were given from the time of trans-
of more powerful immunosuppressive agents is allowing plantation, with a gradual reduction over 6–12 months
steroid-sparing protocols to be developed. As outlined in to maintenance levels. The high doses of steroids used
the following chapter, the complications of steroids are with azathioprine were responsible for most of the mor-
considerable, and a major aim of current immunosup- bidity of transplantation (discussed in the next chapter).
pressive protocols and trials is to diminish the use of ste- It was not until the 1970s that a series of randomized trials
roids or indeed to avoid their use altogether. as well as observational studies led slowly to the realiza-
6-Mercaptopurine was developed by Elion and tion that low-dose steroids were as effective as high-dose
Hitchings at Burroughs Wellcome as an anticancer agent steroids in preventing rejection and that there was a ma-
in the 1950s.6,7 Subsequently, 6-mercaptopurine was jor reduction in steroid complications of transplantation
shown to be an immunosuppressive agent by Schwartz with low-dose regimens (see Chapter 16). By the late
and Dameshek29,30; it suppressed the humoral response 1970s, azathioprine and low-dose steroids, sometimes
to a foreign protein and prolonged the survival of skin used together with an antilymphocyte serum or globulin
Azathioprine 217

for induction (particularly in North America), were the standard dose of azathioprine in a triple-therapy proto-
standard immunosuppressive therapy until the introduc- col is 1.5 mg/kg, or 100 mg/day. At this level, hemato-
tion of cyclosporine in the early 1980s. logical toxicity is uncommon except in the presence of
cytomegalovirus infection. There is some evidence in ex-
perimental models that azathioprine and cyclosporine are
MECHANISM OF ACTION synergistic in terms of immunosuppression,32 but there is
no evidence of this in clinical studies.
Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine are thiopurines, and Of interest is a 12-year follow-up report of a random-
azathioprine is an imidazolyl derivative of 6-­mercaptopurine. ized trial where low-risk patients received either aza-
Azathioprine is metabolized in the liver before becom- thioprine and steroids or cyclosporine, azathioprine, and
ing active. One metabolic pathway is through its con- steroids. All patients received antilymphocyte globulin
version to 6-mercaptopurine, the active metabolite of induction. Patient and graft survival were the same at
6-mercaptopurine being 6-thioinosinic acid. Azathioprine 12 years, as was the incidence of rejection, but renal func-
also is metabolized by other pathways independently of tion was better in the arm not given cyclosporine.14
6-­mercaptopurine. Azathioprine inhibits DNA and RNA
synthesis by preventing interconversion among the precur-
sors of purine synthesis and suppressing de novo purine SIDE EFFECTS
synthesis. Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine block lym-
phocyte proliferation in vitro and the production of inter- The major complication of azathioprine therapy is bone
leukin-2 (IL-2), which is probably an important aspect of its marrow aplasia, most commonly evident as leukopenia,
antiproliferative activity.2 Xanthine oxidase has an impor- although in cases of more severe marrow depression,
tant role in the catabolism of 6-mercaptopurine, and if allo- anemia and thrombocytopenia may be present. Regular
purinol is used with azathioprine, it is mandatory to reduce monitoring of the leukocyte count is an important as-
the dosage of azathioprine significantly because the allopu- pect of azathioprine therapy, and if the leukocyte count
rinol inhibits the xanthine oxidase pathway.9 This inhibition decreases to less than 3 × 109/L, the azathioprine dose
increases not only the immunosuppressive potency, but also should be reduced. Megaloblastic anemia has been de-
the major side effect of azathioprine – marrow depression. scribed in association with the use of azathioprine.17 As
Although the metabolites are excreted in the urine, these already mentioned, if allopurinol is required for the pre-
are inactive, and no reduction in dosage is required in the vention of gout, the azathioprine dose should be reduced
presence of a non-functioning kidney.1 However, polymor- to 25% of the previous dose.
phisms in the thiopurine S-methyltranferase enzyme which Hepatotoxicity has been attributed to azathioprine
catalyses the S-methylation of 6-mercaptopurine and aza- for many years, and although undoubtedly azathioprine
thioprine may be associated with an increased likelihood of is associated with hepatic dysfunction, this is probably
myelotoxicity and leukopenia.10,16 rare (see Chapter 32). Other causes of hepatic dysfunc-
tion in the presence of azathioprine need to be sought
energetically before attributing this to azathioprine. Hair
DOSAGE loss is a common side effect of azathioprine when used
in therapeutic doses. Early observations of an increased
Azathioprine is given as a single daily dose; if used with incidence of squamous cell cancer in transplant patients
steroids alone, a suitable dose is 2.5 mg/kg/day. Careful were attributed to azathioprine. There does not seem
monitoring of the leukocyte count is required, particularly to be any evidence, however, that squamous cell cancers
in the early weeks post transplantation, when the dosage have a greater incidence in patients treated with azathio-
is reduced only in the presence of leukopenia. Although prine and steroids compared with patients treated with
the dose of azathioprine may be reduced somewhat with other immunosuppressive protocols such as cyclosporine
time, a maintenance dose of azathioprine, particularly in and steroids. The major factor in the increased incidence
the presence of low-dose steroids, should not be lower of squamous cell cancer in immunosuppressed patients is
than 2 mg/kg/day. An important multicenter randomized due to the overall immunosuppressive load rather than
trial was carried out in Australia to test low-dose versus any specific drug activity (see Chapters 34 and 36).
high-dose steroids used with azathioprine after trans-
plantation. The trial failed to show that low-dose ste-
roids were as effective as high-dose steroids (in contrast MONITORING OF AZATHIOPRINE THERAPY
to earlier but smaller trials), until it was realized that the
poorer outcome with low-dose steroids was confined to Blood levels of azathioprine or its metabolites are not
units ­using low-dose azathioprine (i.e., <2 mg/kg/day).5 routinely monitored in clinical practice. As already
A more recent analysis of data from the Collaborative ­suggested, the leukocyte count is monitored and the dose
Transplant Study also suggested that long-term graft adjusted should leukopenia arise. It has been noted, how-
­survival was related to the dose of azathioprine that pa- ever, that the development of leukopenia can also result
tients were receiving for maintenance. Patients on azathi- from viral infection, leading to the suggestion that eryth-
oprine and steroids only, who were receiving greater than rocyte 6-thioguanine nucleotide levels may be a better
1.5 mg/kg, had better graft survival than those receiving a indicator of azathioprine activity in transplant patients.28
lower maintenance dose of azathioprine.23 A number of genetic variations in the thiopurine
When azathioprine is used with cyclosporine and methyltransferase (TMPT) gene have been identi-
steroids (triple therapy), lower doses are given. A fairly fied, which have been related to azathioprine-induced
218 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

myelotoxicity.10,16 Genotyping for this polymorphism prior

to commencing azathioprine might allow the appropriate
azathioprine dose for an individual to be determined.27


Three classical randomized controlled trials comparing
azathioprine or placebo with two doses of MMF in a triple-
therapy protocol with cyclosporine (Sandimmune) and ste-
roids were carried out in the early 1990s (see Chapter 28).
These three trials showed a significant reduction in the inci-
dence of acute rejection, although patient and graft survival
were not different at 1 year. Gradually this led to the re-
placement of azathioprine with MMF in most modern im-
munosuppressive protocols. However in recent years there
has been some doubt cast on the superior efficacy of MMF
over azathioprine, especially in the era of microemulsion
formulations of cyclosporine and the newer calcineurin in-
hibitor, tacrolimus. For example, Remuzzi and colleagues
carried out a trial comparing azathioprine with MMF but FIGURE 15-1  ■  Forest plot shows the relative risk of acute rejec-
in which Neoral was used instead of Sandimmune, together tion. Boxes represent relative risk (RR) in individual studies;
with steroids.26 They found no difference in rejection rates diamonds represent summary effects. Relative risk less than 1
or in graft survival. This was attributed to the superior favors mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). Horizontal bars represent
absorption of the Neoral formulation in comparison to 95% confidence intervals (CI). CsA, cyclosporine; ME, micro-
emulsion; SIM, Sandimmune; n, number of patients with acute
Sandimmune. They also pointed out that the cost of MMF rejection; N, total number of patients in study arm. (From Knight
was some 15 times more than azathioprine. Another cohort SR, Russell NK, Barcena L, et al. Mycophenolate mofetil decreases
study from UK Transplant compared the long-term out- acute rejection and may improve graft survival in renal transplant
come of deceased donor kidneys where one kidney went to recipients when compared with azathioprine: a systematic review.
Transplantation 2009;87:785–94.)
a recipient who received azathioprine while the paired kid-
ney went to a patient given MMF.31 In this paired-kidney
analysis there was no difference in patient or graft survival
but increased rejection rates were noted in the MMF group.
Another small trial compared MMF with azathioprine in
combination with tacrolimus and steroids, and again found
no difference in outcome.20
On the other hand a large randomized trial comparing
tacrolimus, MMF, and steroids with tacrolimus, azathio-
prine, and steroids or cyclosporine (Neoral), MMF, and
steroids showed that at 3 years all three regimens were
safe and efficacious but the best overall results were with
the tacrolimus–MMF–steroid combination.12 An analy-
sis of 49 666 primary renal allograft recipients reported
to the US Renal Data System suggested that continued
therapy with MMF was associated with a protective effect
against declining renal function at 1 year in comparison FIGURE 15-2  ■  Forest plot shows the hazard ratio (HR) for graft
to azathioprine.19 In contrast, data from the Collaborative loss, including death with a functioning graft. Boxes represent
Transplant Study registry show no improvement in graft hazard ratio in individual studies; diamond represents summary
effect. Hazard ratio less than 1 favors mycophenolate mofetil.
survival at 5 years when mycophenolic acid is used with Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. (From Knight
tacrolimus or cyclosporine.24 SR, Russell NK, Barcena L, et al. Mycophenolate mofetil decreases
More recently, Knight and colleagues have carried out acute rejection and may improve graft survival in renal transplant
a systematic study of MMF versus azathioprine.15 They recipients when compared with azathioprine: a systematic review.
Transplantation 2009;87:785–94.)
identified 19 relevant randomized controlled trials which
included a total of over 3000 patients. The significant
results were, firstly, that MMF significantly reduced the was far more common in patients receiving MMF. Thus
risk of acute rejection when used in combination with there was a clinical benefit in terms of reduction of acute
any of the calcineurin inhibitors (Figure 15-1). However, rejection whichever calcineurin inhibitor was used and
there was a barely significant reduction in graft loss and there was a possible reduction in graft loss. When the
no difference in patient survival or renal transplant func- cost of mycophenolate compared to azathioprine is taken
tion (Figure 15-2). Adverse events did not occur more into account, the benefits of MMF over azathioprine are
commonly with either agent, other than diarrhea, which relatively modest, if indeed they exist at all.
Azathioprine 219

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trial with 3-year follow up. Transplant Proc 2003;35(5):1701–3. 33. Starzl TE, Marchioro TL, Waddell WR. The reversal of rejection
26. Remuzzi G, Lesti M, Gotti E, et al. Mycophenolate mofetil versus in human renal homografts with subsequent development of
azathioprine for prevention of acute rejection in renal transplantation homograft tolerance. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1963;117:385–95.
(MYSS): a randomised trial. Lancet 2004;364(9433):503–12. 34. Stoves J, Newstead CG, Baczkowski AJ, et al. A randomized
27. Sanderson J, Ansari A, Marinaki T, et al. Thiopurine controlled trial of immunosuppression conversion for the
methyltransferase: should it be measured before commencing treatment of chronic allograft nephropathy. Nephrol Dial
thiopurine drug therapy? Ann Clin Biochem 2004;41(Pt 4):294–302. Transplant 2004;19(8):2113–20.
28. Schutz E, Gummert J, Mohr FW, et al. Should 6-thioguanine 35. Weimer R, Deisz S, Dietrich H, et al. Impact of maintenance
nucleotides be monitored in heart transplant recipients given immunosuppressive regimens – balance between graft protective
azathioprine? Ther Drug Monit 1996;18(3):228–33. suppression of immune functions and a near physiological immune
29. Schwartz R, Dameshek W. Drug-induced immunological response. Transpl Int 2011;24(6):596–609.
tolerance. Nature 1959;183(4676):1682–3. 36. Zukoski CF, Lee HM, Hume DM. The prolongation of functional
30. Schwartz R, Dameshek W. The effects of 6-mercaptopurine on survival of canine renal homografts by 6-mercaptopurine. Surg
homograft reactions. J Clin Invest 1960;39:952–8. Forum 1960;11:470–2.

Simon R. Knight

STEROID RESISTANCE Psychiatric Disturbance
DOSAGE Cataracts
Skin Changes
SIDE EFFECTS Peptic Ulceration
Cushingoid Facies Acute Abdomen
Wound Healing
Growth Retardation
Steroid Withdrawal in Children
Hyperlipidemia CONCLUSIONS


When the first renal transplants were being performed Steroids are administered as prednisone or prednisolone.
in the early 1960s, the immunosuppressive properties of These agents are absorbed rapidly from the gut, and peak
corticosteroids were already noted, and steroids were used plasma concentrations occur 1–3 hours after administra-
successfully to reverse episodes of acute rejection.24 In his tion. The mechanism of action of steroids is extremely
1964 book, Starzl described the use of steroids as a “pre- complex and is still not understood fully.14,20,76 Steroids
treatment” alongside azathioprine as prophylaxis against are anti-inflammatory as well as being immunosuppres-
rejection, based on the premise that rejection was almost sive. It was first noted by Billingham et al.5 that cortisone
inevitable with azathioprine alone.84 This work was soon would produce a modest prolongation of the life of skin
followed by groups from Virginia, London, and Cleveland, allografts in the rabbit. In the treatment of acute rejec-
with the use of steroids in combination with azathioprine tion, it is probably the anti-inflammatory activity that
from the time of transplantation and increased doses dur- produces the immediate response, whereas when used
ing episodes of acute rejection.37,62,86 This combination of prophylactically it is the immunosuppressive activity
azathioprine and steroids became the mainstay of trans- that is predominant. A small randomized trial compar-
plant immunosuppression for almost 20 years. ing prednisolone with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
From the beginning of this so-called azathioprine era, agent (ibuprofen) showed a higher rate of rejection in pa-
arbitrarily large doses of steroids were given from the tients receiving the non-steroidal agent, confirming that
time of transplantation, with a gradual reduction over the anti-inflammatory effect of steroids is not its major
6–12 months to maintenance levels. The high doses of role in renal transplantation.51
steroids used with azathioprine were responsible for most Steroids are metabolized in the liver, where pred-
of the morbidity of transplantation (discussed later). It nisone is converted to prednisolone. Although it has
was not until the 1970s that a series of randomized trials been estimated that the bioavailability of prednisone is
as well as observational studies led slowly to the realiza- approximately 80% of that achieved by prednisolone,
tion that low-dose steroids were as effective as high-dose no evidence exists in practice that there is a difference
steroids in preventing rejection and that there was a ma- in outcome between prednisone (used most commonly
jor reduction in steroid complications of transplantation in the United States) or prednisolone (used most com-
with low-dose regimens. monly in Europe).8,21 The half-life of steroids is short –
With the introduction of newer, more potent induc- about 60 minutes for prednisone and 200 minutes for
tion and maintenance agents there has been a great deal of prednisolone. These half-lives are increased substantially
interest over recent years in futher reducing steroid doses in the presence of hepatic dysfunction and are shorter in
and either withdrawing them from maintenance immu- the presence of drugs such as phenytoin and rifampicin
nosuppresive regimens or avoiding them altogether. that induce hepatic enzymes. There is no evidence that

222 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

these interactions have produced significant problems in A number of potential mechanisms for this resistance
clinical practice. It has also been shown that the clear- to steroids have been suggested, including receptor
ance of prednisolone is slower in patients on cyclosporine downregulation by glucocorticoid exposure, negative in-
compared with patients on azathioprine.70 A later study hibition by the beta isoform of the glucocorticoid recep-
suggested, however, that cyclosporine did not influence tor, or inhibition of the alpha isoform of the receptor by
the metabolism of methylprednisolone, but the authors the proinflammatory transcription factor NK-κB in in-
noted a considerable variation of the metabolism of meth- flammatory conditions.78
ylprednisolone among patients.90 The time- and dose-
dependent induction of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
activity by steroids may increase the clearance of my- DOSAGE
cophenolic acid, reducing exposure to mycophenolate.
Cattaneo et al. have demonstrated that, as steroids are When used prophylactically with azathioprine, steroids
tapered over the postoperative period, the mycophenolic were used initially in high doses (e.g., 100 mg/day), reduc-
acid area under the curve increases.9 The pharmacokinet- ing to a maintenance dose of 20 mg/day over 6–9 months.
ics of prednisolone during sirolimus therapy have also McGeown and coworkers were the first to report con-
been studied, with some evidence for a minor interaction sistently excellent graft survival with a low incidence of
between sirolimus and prednisolone in some patients.42 steroid-related complications using a lower predniso-
Steroids do have a significant effect in vitro on T-cell lone dose of 20 mg/day given orally as a single morning
proliferation, blocking interleukin-2 production.65 A dose, with a further reduction occurring at 6 months to a
variety of other actions may augment their immuno- baseline maintenance dose of 10 mg/day.60 Because most
suppressive activity (e.g., preventing the induction of of the Belfast patients had had bilateral nephrectomies
interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 genes in macrophages).50,95 and all had had more than 100 blood transfusions before
Its anti-inflammatory activity perhaps is mediated by the transplantation, it was not clear whether the excellent
inhibition of migration of monocytes to areas of inflam- results were related to the low dosage of steroids or to
mation,20 and this same anti-inflammatory activity has a a transfusion effect, which was recognized widely as an
marked deleterious effect on wound healing. important factor in improving graft outcome in the aza-
thioprine era.
Trials of low-dose steroids versus high-dose steroids
STEROID RESISTANCE were carried out in Oxford, then in many other centers,
all of which showed not only that low-dose steroids were
The sensitivity of individuals to steroid therapy is highly as effective as high-dose steroids in preventing rejection
variable. A study in healthy volunteers demonstrated a but also that there was a significant reduction in steroid-
wide interindividual variation in the inhibition of lym- related complications in patients receiving low-dose ster­
phocyte proliferation by steroids.31 Steroid resistance is oids.7,10,11,17,36,38,61,71,83 The results of these trials led quickly
frequently seen in patients with inflammatory conditions, to the wide adoption of low-dose steroid regimens with
and has been shown to correlate well with in vitro mea- azathioprine. The results of a large multicenter trial re-
surements of lymphocyte steroid sensitivity in patients ported by D’Apice et al.15 demonstrated that low-dose
suffering with rheumatoid arthritis,47 ulcerative colitis,30 steroids were only equally effective as high-dose steroids
asthma,13 and systemic lupus erythematosus.79 in preventing rejection if therapeutic doses of azathio-
In vitro studies of lymphocyte steroid sensitivity have prine were used (i.e., >2 mg/kg/day).
demonstrated a higher incidence of resistance in patients With the introduction of cyclosporine, steroids re-
with chronic renal failure than in healthy volunteers mained in use with or without azathioprine. In general,
(52.9% versus 3.8%).44 In renal transplant recipients, low-dose steroid protocols were continued, although
Langhoff and colleagues have demonstrated that pre- there was a tendency, particularly in North America, to
transplant in vitro measurements of lymphocyte sensitiv- go back toward higher steroid dosage regimens in the
ity are predictive of graft survival at 1 year in patients first few weeks posttransplantation. This was a relatively
co-administered azathioprine, but less so in those receiv- transient practice and now with modern immunosuppres-
ing cyclosporine.53 These results have been confirmed sive protocols not only are low-dose steroids the norm
in vivo, with significantly higher sensitivity to methyl- but, indeed, discontinuation of steroids is becoming in-
prednisolone seen in those patients with graft function at creasingly possible (see below).
6 months when compared to patients with graft failure.54 Whether steroids should be given as a single daily dose
This difference in sensitivity is smaller in cyclosporine- in the morning or in divided doses has not been resolved.
treated patients than in those receiving azathioprine, Because of the short half-life of prednisone and predniso-
suggesting that this effect may in part be offset by the lone, divided doses may be more rational, but it could be
use of newer, more potent immunosuppressant agents. argued that a single morning daily dose would be more
Dialysis patients demonstrating steroid resistance have appropriate taking into account the diurnal rhythm of
an increased risk of acute rejection and chronic allograft glucocorticoid metabolism.25,64 There is no clinical evi-
nephropathy posttransplant.16 Interestingly, reduced dence that one or the other protocol is more effective or
lymphocyte prednisolone sensitivity correlates with im- less likely to produce side effects.
paired sensitivity to cyclosporine and tacrolimus, which For many years, maintenance doses of prednisone or
may play a role in the high risk of allograft rejection in prednisolone of 10 mg/day were standard therapy in asso-
these patients.44 ciation with azathioprine. In patients with long-surviving
Steroids 223

grafts with good function, steroid dosages have been re- Oxford for many years now we have used 0.5 g of meth-
duced to 5 or 6 mg/day. It is unlikely, however, that many ylprednisolone daily intravenously for 3 days, whereas the
patients who are on long-term azathioprine and steroids Stockholm unit has used 0.25 g daily intravenously for
would be able to have their steroid dosage reduced to 3 days. The lower intravenous doses do not appear to be
much less than 5 mg/day. Attempts in the past to with- associated with any greater incidence of steroid-resistant
draw steroids have often led to the onset of rejection when rejection, as originally suggested by a prospective trial of
doses of less than 5 mg/day are reached. This is important high-dose versus low-dose intravenous steroids to treat
to note as there are many long-surviving patients still on rejection.46 Similarly, in a small double-blind, random-
azathioprine and steroids. It should also be remembered ized trial, Stromstrad et al.87 failed to show any therapeu-
that when patients have been on steroids for many years, tic benefit of a 30 mg/kg bolus over a 3 mg/kg bolus, and
their adrenocortical function may not recover from the similarly Lui et al.56 failed to show any benefit of a bolus of
long-standing suppression as the steroid dose is reduced, 15 mg/kg of body weight over a bolus of 3 mg/kg.
and this may produce clinical features of adrenocortical
Alternate-day steroid therapy for maintenance has SIDE EFFECTS
also been used widely, especially in children, in an at-
tempt to reduce side effects, particularly growth retarda- The side effects of continuous steroid therapy are numer-
tion.6,18,19,55,59,74 In children, alternate-day therapy may be ous (Table 16-1). High-dose steroids were responsible for
associated with a greater incidence of rejection, but this most complications of renal transplantation in the azathio-
is probably not the case in adults. A small randomized prine era, and such complications have reduced markedly
trial of alternate-day therapy failed to show any benefit with the more recent widespread use of low-dose steroids.
over daily steroids, however.59 Alternate-day therapy may In a study of the cost of steroid side effects over 10 years in
lead to greater problems with respect to compliance, in a cohort of 50 patients, the additional cost per patient at-
contrast to a daily regimen of steroids. tributable to a steroid complication was assessed at $5300
It has been and still is common practice to administer (US dollars).91 Cost analysis in a recent randomized con-
a bolus of methylprednisolone prophylactically during trolled trial of early steroid withdrawal from Egypt has
the transplant operation with the aim of increasing im- shown a 2.9-fold increase in management costs for ste-
munosuppression and perhaps preventing delayed graft roid-related morbidities in the steroid maintenance arm.23
function, but a randomized prospective trial of bolus
methylprednisolone versus placebo at the time of surgery
did not show any benefit of the high perioperative in-
Cushingoid Facies
travenous dose of methylprednisolone.45 Nevertheless it Cushingoid facies used to be the hallmark of a renal trans-
remains standard practice whatever the immunosuppres- plant patient – a moon face, buffalo hump, acne, obese
sive regimen is to be. torso, and thin, easily bruised skin, all representing the
cumulative effect of high-dose steroids. With lower-dose
steroids, cushingoid facies is seen much less often, al-
TREATMENT OF ACUTE REJECTION though most patients show modest changes in their facies
in the early months posttransplantation. Most patients on
Steroids in high doses are the first approach to the treat- low-dose steroids, which is the normal practice now with
ment of an acute rejection episode. Early experience cyclosporine or tacrolimus, have relatively minimal facial
involved either increasing the oral dosage of steroids to changes related to steroids.
high levels (e.g., 200 mg/day for 3 days), with a rapid re-
duction over 10 days to the dosage levels of steroids be- Wound Healing
ing given before the acute rejection episode, or boluses
of intravenous methylprednisolone (e.g., 0.5–1 g/day for The anti-inflammatory activity of steroids leads to poor
3–5 days). Probably both approaches are equally effec- wound healing. In the days of high-dose steroids, this was
tive. In an early randomized prospective trial in Oxford, a major problem, influencing the healing not only of the
however, high intravenous doses were as effective as high incision, but also of the ureterovesical reconstruction.
oral doses in reversing rejection, but there was a defi- With low-dose steroids, poor wound healing is no longer
nite suggestion that steroid-related complications were a major problem.
lower in those who received intravenous therapy.26 In a
randomized study in children, a high intravenous dose of
methylprednisolone (600 mg/m2 daily for 3 days) was no TABLE 16-1  Side Effects of Steroids After
more effective than low oral doses of prednisolone, re- Renal Transplantation
versing rejection in 70% as opposed to 72% of episodes.69
The commonest form of high-dose intravenous therapy Cushingoid facies Hypertension
to treat acute rejection has been 1 g of methylprednisolone Wound healing Psychiatric disturbance
given intravenously as a single bolus daily for 3 days. The Growth retardation Cataracts
Diabetes Pancreatitis
intravenous bolus should be administered slowly over 5 Hyperlipidemia Skin changes
minutes because the sudden injection of the bolus can lead Bone disease Peptic ulceration
to cardiac arrhythmias.89 It is probable that 1 g of meth- Obesity
ylprednisolone is a much greater dose than required; in
224 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Growth Retardation use of bisphosphonates or vitamin D analogs, ­suggesting

that the use of these agents should be considered particu-
Growth retardation is of particular concern in children larly in recipients on long-term steroids.85
after renal transplantation. With modern lower doses Many patients coming to renal transplantation have
of steroids, growth retardation is less of a problem.77 As a degree of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and bone
already discussed, the use of alternate-day steroids may changes related to the hyperparathyroidism are enhanced
reduce growth retardation, and further steroid reduc- by steroid therapy. Much more aggressive approaches to
tion and withdrawal have also been successful in allowing parathyroidectomy in patients with renal failure are being
catch-up growth in some studies (see below). taken by most units now before transplantation. In pa-
tients after transplantation with raised parahormone lev-
Diabetes els, early parathyroidectomy also should be considered.

Glycosuria and insulin-dependent and non-insulin-­

dependent diabetes are common after transplantation. Obesity
The occurrence of diabetes is related, in part, to steroid Steroid therapy leads to a marked increase in appetite,
usage39 but it has become commoner with the concomi- and without any dietary restrictions after transplantation,
tant use of cyclosporine and tacrolimus, both of which all patients tend to gain weight, which is in addition to a
can induce diabetes independently of steroids. In the weight increase resulting from salt and water retention.
presence of these two agents, the use of steroids augments Many patients become obese (body mass index >30), and
the potential for diabetes, and often patients who become this adds to the risks of poor survival. Every attempt should
diabetic on cyclosporine or tacrolimus have a regression be made to advise patients from the time of transplantation
of the diabetes when steroid therapy is discontinued. to restrict calorie intake carefully because once patients
have gained weight in the presence of steroid therapy, it
is extremely difficult for them to reduce their weight.
Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia are
­associated with steroid use. Hyperlipidemia has become
a greater problem in the calcineurin inhibitor era as Hypertension after transplantation is common and is re-
cyclosporine and tacrolimus both lead to an increased lated in part to steroids as well as calcineurin inhibitor
incidence, although this may be less of a problem with ta- use. In steroid withdrawal protocols, hypertension im-
crolimus.40 Withdrawal of steroids leads to improvements proves once steroids are discontinued (see below).
in the lipid profile (see below).
Psychiatric Disturbance
Bone Disease Psychiatric disturbance is evident in patients on steroids
Bone disease is a common and major problem post- in two ways. In the early days posttransplantation, par-
transplantation, especially in the postmenopausal ticularly with the need for high-dose steroids to treat
woman.1,28,29,34,41,93 In the days of high-dose steroid rejection, significant psychiatric mood changes may be
therapy posttransplantation, avascular necrosis of bones, observed. Later, when steroids are being withdrawn or
particularly of the head of the femur, was common, reduced to low doses, psychiatric mood changes, espe-
occurring with an incidence of approximately 10–15% cially depression, may also occur.
within 2 years of transplantation (Figure 16-1). All
the evidence suggests that this incidence was due to a Cataracts
cumulative effect of steroid dosage. As low-dose steroid
protocols were introduced, the incidence of avascular Steroid-related cataracts are common after renal trans-
necrosis decreased dramatically. However, the cumulative plantation, occurring in approximately 25% of patients.80
dose of steroids received by a patient on a high-dose
steroid regimen, as opposed to a low-dose regimen, is not Pancreatitis
that much higher after 6 months.
Osteoporosis is associated with steroid therapy. In a Acute pancreatitis occurs with a much greater incidence
randomized study, Hollander and colleagues showed that after renal transplantation than would be expected.
vertebral bone density was increased significantly in pa- Azathioprine and steroids have been associated with
tients discontinuing steroids.33 Similar evidence was re- acute pancreatitis. The pancreatitis is probably related
ported by Aroldi et al.3 in a randomized study of three to overall immunosuppression and is often severe.82 The
different immunosuppressive protocols and vertebral clinical features of acute pancreatitis can be masked to
bone density. These investigators showed that lumbar some extent by steroids.
bone density decreased significantly in patients receiv-
ing cyclosporine and steroids but increased significantly Skin Changes
in patients receiving cyclosporine alone without steroids.
A recent meta-analysis of studies in transplant recipients Long-term steroids produced typical skin changes in re-
has demonstrated a significant reduction in the risk of nal transplant patients, the skin being thin, atrophic, eas-
fractures and increase in bone mineral density with the ily bruised, and susceptible to knocks. A syndrome known
Steroids 225


FIGURE 16-1  ■ The progression of avascular necrosis of the head of the femur. (A) Normal radiograph on first complaint of pain 1 year
posttransplantation, (B) 5 months later, and (C) 20 months later. At this time, a hip replacement was performed.

as transplant leg is associated with long-term steroid us- Acute Abdomen

age; this occurs, for example, when a patient bumps into
a chair or a table (a trivial injury), and a flap of skin is In all renal transplant patients who present with an acute
stripped or elevated from the lower leg. abdomen, steroids may mask the symptoms noted by the
patient. If this fact is not remembered, diagnosis of diver-
ticulitis or a perforated peptic ulcer may be delayed, with
Peptic Ulceration disastrous results.
Although it is debatable whether steroids do lead to the
development of peptic ulceration, most units use prophy-
lactic H2 antagonists or proton pump inhibitors in the STEROID WITHDRAWAL AND AVOIDANCE
early months posttransplantation, when steroid doses are
at their highest. The advent of low-dose steroid therapy The side effects of steroids, as outlined above, have gen-
has been associated with a dramatic diminution in the in- erated a great deal of interest in withdrawal, or even
cidence of peptic ulceration after transplantation. complete avoidance, of these agents following renal
226 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

transplantation. One of the major causes of death with a in the withdrawal arm, 5-year patient and graft survival
functioning graft following renal transplantation is car- were unaffected. Benefits were seen in cardiovascular risk
diovascular disease, so the impact of long-term steroid factors such as triglycerides, insulin requirements, and
use on cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, weight gain, leading the authors to conclude that early
hyperlipidemia, and posttransplant diabetes is likely to be steroid withdrawal is safe in the longer term in patients
important.66 Any advantage seen in terms of cardiovascu- treated with a tacrolimus and MMF regimen.
lar risk must be balanced against the reduction in immu- It was first noted by Pescovitz and colleagues that
nosuppression and potential detriment to graft function, sirolimus may aid in the withdrawal of steroids from a
and such concerns have led to a large number of clinical calcineurin-based regimen.73 Further observational stud-
trials investigating the risk and benefit of steroid with- ies appear to support this, and the use of sirolimus may
drawal protocols. also allow steroid withdrawal alongside reduction in the
In early patients treated with steroids and azathioprine, exposure to calcineurin inhibitors.12,43,57,58
attempts to withdraw steroids resulted in almost inevi- The use of newer immunosuppressive agents such as
table acute rejection when the dose fell below 5–6 mg/ MMF or sirolimus may also allow the safe withdrawal of
day.2,63 The introduction of cyclosporine led to renewed steroids earlier than previously seen with cyclosporine-
interest in such protocols, and spawned a number of clini- based regimens. Kumar and colleagues have reported a
cal trials investigating steroid withdrawal at varying times 3-year analysis of a large trial of 300 patients receiving
posttransplant. An early meta-analysis of seven studies in basiliximab induction, a calcineurin inhibitor, and MMF
cyclosporine-treated patients by Hricik and colleagues or sirolimus in which patients were randomized to have
demonstrated an increased risk of acute rejection, but steroids withdrawn on day 2 or to continue steroids.52
with no detriment to patient or graft survival.35 Five of There was no difference in graft function, patient and
the seven included studies did not utilize triple therapy graft survival, biopsy-proven acute rejection, or chronic
with azathioprine (cyclosporine alone) and in four studies allograft nephropathy. The incidence of new-onset dia-
steroids were avoided completely from the time of trans- betes was lower in the steroid-free group.
plantation. Furthermore, only one study reported follow- A recent study by Gelens and colleagues attempted
up beyond 2 years posttransplant. This was the Canadian to combine early steroid withdrawal with a calcineurin
Multicentre Cyclosporine trial, which demonstrated su- inhibitor-free maintenance regimen.22 Patients were ran-
perior long-term graft survival in patients who continued domized to receive tacrolimus and sirolimus, tacrolimus
taking steroids.81 and MMF or daclizumab induction, sirolimus and MMF.
The results of this meta-analysis led to concerns about Steroids were withdrawn after 2 days in all patients. The
the early withdrawal of steroids from cyclosporine-based trial was halted after an interim analysis demonstrated
regimens, leading to further randomized controlled tri- an unacceptably high incidence of acute rejection in the
als investigating late withdrawal in patients with stable ­calcineurin-free group. Thus it would appear that, even
renal function at 1 year posttransplant.33,75 In the trial with modern immunosuppressant agents and antibody in-
from Oxford, patients on triple therapy (cyclosporine, duction, it is not possible to combine the complete with-
azathioprine, and steroids) randomized to stop steroids drawal of calcineurin inhibitors with steroid withdrawal.
demonstrated a 10% deterioration in renal function at More recent meta-analyses of steroid withdrawal pro-
1 year, which then stabilized with no increase in graft tocols have been published to attempt to draw conclu-
loss.75 Both of these studies demonstrated beneficial ef- sions from the large body of randomized trial evidence
fects in cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension in this area. Pascual and colleagues performed a meta-
and blood lipids. analysis of six such trials, four with MMF and cyclospo-
Following the introduction of tacrolimus and myco- rine and two with MMF and tacrolimus.72 Whilst the risk
phenolate mofetil (MMF) to maintenance immunosup- of acute rejection was increased just over twofold when
pressive regimens a large number of randomized trials steroids were withdrawn, there was no significant differ-
with various combinations of induction and maintenance ence in the incidence of graft failure. Unfortunately, this
agents, as well as varying times of steroid withdrawal, meta-analysis did not differentiate between the relative
have been published in the literature. In general the steroid-sparing potential of cyclosporine and tacrolimus.
trend has been back towards earlier tapering and with- A similar meta-analysis from Tan and colleagues also
drawal of steroids, with withdrawal as early as 1 week demonstrated an increase in the risk of acute rejection,
posttransplant in a number of studies. One of the major balanced by a reduction in the risk of opportunistic and
concerns given the excess acute rejection seen in the early urinary tract infections in a small subset of the included
steroid withdrawal trials with cyclosporine is the impact trials.88
of the reduction of immunosuppression on long-term A comprehensive meta-analysis from our own group
graft and patient outcomes. Perhaps the most impressive included all steroid withdrawal and avoidance stud-
study to date addressing this issue is the Astellas Steroid ies over a 27-year period, incorporating 34 studies and
Withdrawal Study from Woodle and colleagues, in which 5637 patients.48 Overall analysis confirmed an increase
patients receiving tacrolimus, MMF, and steroids were in acute rejection with steroid avoidance or withdrawal
randomized at day 7 to withdraw steroids or continue a (Figure 16-2; relative risk (RR) 1.56, P < 0.0001), although
long-term maintenance dose of 5 mg/day from month 6.94 no difference in steroid-resistant acute rejection was
Randomization and blinding were maintained for the du- found, suggesting that these are mainly steroid-­sensitive
ration of the 5-year follow-up. Whilst the study demon- mild rejection episodes. Despite the increased rate of re-
strated an excess of mild, steroid-sensitive acute rejection jection and a small (clinically insignificant) increase in
Steroids 227

FIGURE 16-2  ■  Forest plot to show the relative risk of acute rejection with steroid avoidance or withdrawal at various times after trans-
plantation. Blue boxes show treatment effect for individual studies. Red diamonds show summary treatment effect for each subgroup
and overall analysis derived by random effects analysis. Horizontal lines show 95% confidence intervals. RR, relative risk; n, number
of patients with acute rejection; N, total number of patients in study arm; CI, confidence interval. Subgroups are: (1) complete ste-
roid avoidance; (2) induction steroids (≤7 days); (3) early steroid withdrawal (8 days to 12 months); and (4) late steroid withdrawal
(>12 months). (From Knight SR, Morris PJ. Steroid avoidance or withdrawal after renal transplantation increases the risk of acute rejection but
decreases cardiovascular risk. A meta-analysis. Transplantation 2010;89:1–14.)

serum creatinine, there was no difference in graft or pa- delayed graft function, but a subsequent analysis exam-
tient survival. Significant benefits in cardiovascular risk ining outcome only in patients with satisfactory renal
factors were identified with steroid avoidance or with- function at 1 year found the same results. A more recent
drawal, with the incidence of hypertension (RR 0.90, prospective study from the same group has confirmed a
P < 0.0001), new-onset diabetes (RR 0.64, P = 0.0006), and benefit in both graft and patient survival in renal and car-
hypercholesterolemia (RR 0.76, P < 0.0001) all reduced. diac transplant patients in whom steroids are withdrawn
Interestingly, no interaction was found between the use greater than 6 months following transplantation, with no
of induction immunosuppression, maintenance immuno- increase in incidence of acute rejection (Figure 16-3).68
suppression, and the time of steroid withdrawal on the Benefits were also seen in cardiovascular parameters in
ability to withdraw steroids. Post hoc analysis has how- the withdrawal group, with significantly fewer patients
ever demonstrated a dose effect, with the cardiovascular demonstrating elevated cholesterol levels. Whilst the
benefit seen to be reduced when withdrawing lower doses number of patients and length of follow-up in this study
of steroids.49 are impressive (7 years), a major criticism is a lack of a
Whilst none of this randomized controlled trial data randomized design, with the control cohort being ret-
supports an effect on graft or patient survival with ste- rospectively matched patients from the Collaborative
roid withdrawal, registry data from the Collaborative Transplant Study registry.
Transplant Study67 has suggested that patients with a A number of the studies described above include
functioning graft at 1 year who had steroids withdrawn data from patients in whom steroids are avoided com-
had better graft and patient survival thereafter than pa- pletely from the time of transplantation. Meta-analysis
tients remaining on steroids. The increased risk of acute has shown no clear difference between subgroups of
rejection with steroid withdrawal was not seen in the patients avoiding steroids compared to those continu-
registry data. The initial criticism of this study was that ing for a period following transplantation, although the
patients still on steroids at 1 year represented patients number of studies is small and so the statistical power is
with poorer function as a result of rejection episodes or limited. Individual studies have attempted to address the
228 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Grafts surviving Patients surviving Functional surviving

100 100 100

90 90 90
% Surviving after study entry

80 80 80

70 70 70

60 60 60

50 50 50

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Years Years Years

Study patients n1015 Study patients n1015 Study patients n1015

A Controls n3045 B Controls n3045 C Controls n3045
FIGURE 16-3  ■  Seven-year graft (A), patient (B), and functional graft (C) survival in renal transplant recipients after steroid withdrawal
(study patients) or steroid continuation (matched controls). (From Opelz G, Dohler B, Laux G. Long-term prospective study of steroid with-
drawal in kidney and heart transplant recipients. Am J Transplant 2005;5:720–8.)

timing of steroid withdrawal, most notably the three-arm been demonstrated in the multicenter TWIST study, in
FREEDOM study.92 In this study, patients received basi- which steroids were withdrawn at 4 days and replaced
liximab induction, mycophenolate sodium, and cyclospo- with daclizumab at induction.27
rine and were randomized to receive no steroids, steroids
for 7 days, or to continue steroids. Incidence of biopsy-
proven acute rejection was higher in the avoidance group CONCLUSIONS
compared to the withdrawal group (31.5% versus 26.1%),
but no differences in graft survival or renal function were Corticosteroids remain an important part of the trans-
seen. The composite end-point at 12 months of biopsy- plant immunosuppressive armory for the induction, main-
proven acute rejection, graft loss, or death was 36.0% in tenance, and treatment of acute rejection. Particularly in
the steroid-free group, 29.6% with steroid withdrawal, high doses, they are associated with a plethora of adverse
and 19.3% with standard steroids, leading the authors to effects and the overall trend is now towards reduction in
conclude that early withdrawal may be preferable to com- steroid exposure with withdrawal or avoidance.
plete avoidance. Steroid withdrawal is associated with an increased risk
of acute rejection, but the evidence seems to suggest that
this excess rejection is mild and treatable, and does not
Steroid Withdrawal in Children appear to be detrimental to longer-term graft survival and
Given the detrimental effects of long-term corticoste- function. Withdrawal has significant benefits in terms of
roids on growth, there has been some interest in steroid cardiovascular risk, bone complications, and growth.
withdrawal in pediatric transplant recipients. Benfield Whilst the role of complete steroid avoidance is un-
and colleagues performed a double-blind, randomized certain, early withdrawal in low-risk renal transplant
trial in children 6 months posttransplant either to con- recipients on a modern immunosuppressive regimen ap-
tinue maintenance steroids or withdraw gradually by pears to be safe with significant benefits to the patient.
12 months.4 Baseline immunosuppression was basilix-
imab induction, calcineurin inhibitor, and sirolimus. The REFERENCES
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Calcineurin Inhibitors
Juan C. Mejia  •  Amit Basu  •  Ron Shapiro

MECHANISM OF ACTION Early Corticosteroid Withdrawal Regimens
Corticosteroid-Free Immunosuppression
PHARMACOGENETICS Comparison of Corticosteroid-Sparing
Regimens Using Tacrolimus-Based and
Cyclosporine-Based Immunosuppression
METABOLISM AND ELIMINATION Calcineurin Inhibitor Avoidance and
Low-Dose Tacrolimus Regimens
Other Calcineurin Inhibitors and
TRANSPLANTATION Pediatric Renal Transplantation
Rescue Therapy in Adults
Maintenance Immunosuppression TRANSPLANTATION
Comparison of Tacrolimus-Based and Simultaneous Pancreas–Kidney
Cyclosporine-Based Regimens Transplantation
Comparison of Calcineurin Inhibitor/ Steroid Withdrawal and Steroid-Free
Azathioprine and Tacrolimus/ Protocols
Mycophenolate Mofetil Regimens Pancreas after Kidney Transplantation
Comparison of Tacrolimus/Mycophenolate
Mofetil and Calcineurin Inhibitor/Sirolimus SIDE EFFECTS AND TOLERABILITY OF
Comparison of Tacrolimus-Based Dual versus Cardiovascular Adverse Effects
Triple Immunosuppression Therapy Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus
Induction Therapies with Calcineurin Inhibitor Malignancies
Regimens Other Side Effects
Role of Calcineurin Inhibitors and Special Patient Populations
Corticosteroids in the Development of
Hypertension and Hyperglycemia CONCLUSION

Cyclosporine, introduced into clinical practice in the 1980s, Cyclosporine was first isolated from two strains of im-
and tacrolimus, introduced in the 1990s, are the current perfect fungi (Cylindrocarpon lucidum Booth and Trichoderma
mainstream maintenance immunosuppressive medications polysporum Rifai) from soil samples by the Department of
used, with a shift toward a progressively higher utilization Microbiology at Sandoz (Basel, Switzerland) as an antifun-
of tacrolimus-based regimens over the last 10 years. Both gal agent of limited activity.34 Borel and colleagues demon-
are immunosuppressive agents that improved clinical out- strated its potent immunosuppressive activity in a variety
comes in liver and kidney transplant recipients.46 The phase of in vitro and in vivo experiments.11,12,43 It was first used
III trials leading to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clinically in England in the late 1970s by Calne and his
approval of tacrolimus (in 1994) were conducted first in associates in Cambridge. Initially, it was used with other
liver rather than in kidney transplant recipients, in contrast drugs, such as prednisolone or Asta 036.5122 (cytimum, an
to other immunosuppressive agents. Subsequent clinical analog of cyclophosphamide).20,21 Cyclosporine revolu-
trials in kidney transplantation led to FDA approval for tionized the field of transplantation, improving outcomes
kidney transplantation in 1997. By 2009, 84% of all new in renal transplantation, making it possible for routine
kidney transplant recipients and 90% of all new liver trans- liver and heart transplantation to be performed, and al-
plant recipients were receiving tacrolimus as maintenance lowing the first clinical trials of pancreas and lung trans-
immunosuppressive therapy before discharge126; these per- plants. Tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf) was isolated in 1984
centages have continued to increase over time. from the fermentation broth of Streptomyces tsukubaensis,

232 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

a soil organism found at the foot of Mount Tsukuba near calmodulin, and calcineurin, which inhibits the phospha-
Tokyo. This compound was developed by researchers at tase activity of calcineurin. This complex prevents the
the Chiba University of Japan. In the first clinical (res- dephosphorylation and subsequent translocation of the
cue) trial, tacrolimus was administered to patients who nuclear factor of activated T cells (NF-AT), a nuclear com-
were taking standard immunosuppressive therapy but who ponent that initiates gene transcription for the ­formation
faced retransplantation because of ongoing organ rejec- of IL-2 (Figure 17-1). As a result, T-lymphocyte ac-
tion, or who had undesirable drug toxicities.46 The initial tivation is inhibited.46 The mechanism of action of cy-
clinical trial of tacrolimus as a primary immunosuppressive closporine is similar, except that the binding protein is
agent for the prophylaxis of rejection in liver transplant cyclophilin. Tacrolimus is 10–100 times more potent than
recipients began in the spring of 1990 at the University cyclosporine in its immunosuppressive effects.112
of Pittsburgh.135 This work led eventually to multicenter
randomized trials in liver and kidney transplantation.97,111
Patients treated with tacrolimus had significantly fewer PHARMACOKINETIC PROPERTIES
and less severe episodes of acute rejection than did patients
given cyclosporine therapy. Tacrolimus also has shown The pharmacokinetic characteristics of calcineurin
efficacy as a rescue agent and as a primary maintenance inhibitors show high interindividual and intraindivid-
immunosuppressive agent in heart, lung, pancreas, and ual variability, and the drugs have a narrow therapeu-
small-bowel transplantation,68,88,101,116,134 and was approved tic index; therapeutic drug monitoring is necessary to
for heart transplantation in 2006. optimize treatment. Because 90% of the agents is parti-
tioned in the cellular components of blood, whole-blood
­concentrations correlate better with drug exposure (area
MECHANISM OF ACTION under the curve) than do plasma concentrations.27

Calcineurin inhibitors exert their immunosuppressive

effects by reducing interleukin-2 (IL-2) production and PHARMACOGENETICS
IL-2 receptor expression, leading to a reduction in T-cell
activation. Tacrolimus inhibits T-lymphocyte activation The absorption, bioavailability, and elimination of these
by binding to FKBP-12, an intracellular protein. A com- drugs are primarily controlled by efflux pumps and en-
plex is then formed of tacrolimus–FKBP-12, calcium, zymes of the cytochrome P (CYP) 450 family. DNA


Helper T-Cell

Ca2+ Calcineurin


IL-2 Transcription


FIGURE 17–1  ■  Mechanism of action of tacrolimus. A complex is formed of tacrolimus–FKBP-12, calcium, calmodulin, and calcineurin,
which inhibits the phosphatase activity of calcineurin. This prevents the dephosphorylation and subsequent translocation of nuclear
factor of activated T cells (NF-AT), a nuclear component that initiates gene transcription for the formation of interleukin-2 (IL-2). C,
cytoplasm; n, nucleus, P, phosphate. (From Fung JJ. Tacrolimus and transplantation: a decade in review. Transplantation 2004;77:S41.)
Calcineurin Inhibitors 233

variants of the genes encoding these proteins contribute

TABLE 17-1  Drug Interactions Associated with
to the interindividual heterogeneity of the metabolism
Calcineurin Inhibitors
of calcineurin inhibitors. Cyclosporine and tacrolimus
are metabolized by CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, and several Drugs Increasing Tacrolimus Concentration
single nucleotide polymorhphisms in the two genes (Cytochrome P-450 3A4 Inhibitors)
have been associated with differences in drug clear- Calcium channel blockers: diltiazem, nicardipine,
ance. Homozygotes for a common DNA variant that nifedipine, verapamil
Imidazole antifungal agents: clotrimazole, fluconazole,
affects gene splicing (CYP3A5*3) may require a lower itraconazole, ketoconazole
dose to remain within the target blood concentration. Macrolide antibiotics: clarithromycin, erythromycin
To date, this CYP3A5 variant is the only reported ge- Prokinetic agents: cisapride, metoclopramide
netic factor to predict the appropriate starting dosage Other drugs: bromocriptine, cimetidine, corticosteroids,
danazol, protease inhibitors
of tacrolimus.30
Grapefruit juice
Drugs Decreasing Tacrolimus Concentration
ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION (Cytochrome P-450 3A4 Inducers)
Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin
Rifabutin/rifampicin, isoniazid
The gastrointestinal absorption of calcineurin inhibitors St. John’s wort
is highly dependent on the presence of food, bile acids,
and motility. They are rapidly but incompletely absorbed
in the gastrointestinal tract, and peak concentrations in The main drugs that interact with calcineurin in-
whole blood are attained 1–2 hours after oral adminis- hibitors when administered simultaneously are either
tration.142 Tacrolimus has low oral bioavailability (aver- inducers or inhibitors of CYP3A4. CYP3A4 inhibitors
age 25%; range 4–93%).142 The mean oral bioavailability potentially increase whole-blood concentrations, while
of tacrolimus is comparable in adult (25%) and pediat- CYP3A4 inducers decrease calcineurin inhibitor concen-
ric (31%) transplant recipients. The rate and extent of trations (Table 17-1).
absorption of tacrolimus are reduced in the presence of
food, with the peak concentration in whole blood com-
pared with the fasting state decreased by approximately SPECIAL PATIENT POPULATIONS
50–75%, and the area under the curve decreased by
25–40% when the drug is taken after a meal.112 Tacrolimus Three percent of patients require higher dosages
is highly bound to erythrocytes, in a concentration- (>0.4 mg/kg/day) to reach therapeutic tacrolimus con-
dependent manner, with reduced ratios at higher drug centrations. This is a reflection of the low bioavailability
concentrations related to binding saturation. Plasma pro- and, to a lesser extent, the high clearance of the drug.142
tein binding may be 99%, with most of the drug bound In a non-blinded, parallel-group study, the bioavailability
to α1-acid glycoprotein and albumin. Tacrolimus is widely of tacrolimus was significantly (P = 0.01) lower in African
distributed in most tissues, including the lungs, spleen, American (11.9%) and Latin American (14.4%) patients
heart, kidney, pancreas, brain, muscle, and liver; tacroli- than in white patients (18.8%).94 A retrospective study in
mus crosses the placenta, with umbilical cord plasma con- renal transplant recipients showed that African American
centrations one-third of those in maternal plasma.112,142 recipients required higher dosages of tacrolimus on a
Tacrolimus also is present in breast milk, but at extremely milligram-per-kilogram basis.142
low levels (<2.5 ng/mL). Children typically require higher tacrolimus dosages
on a milligram-per-kilogram basis than adult patients,
most likely reflecting the higher mean total body clear-
METABOLISM AND ELIMINATION ance and volume of distribution in children. Clinically
relevant differences do not exist between adults and
Cyclosporine is metabolized almost entirely in the liver, children, however, in terms of the time taken to reach
mostly through the CYP-450 system. Most of the drug maximal blood concentrations (2.1 hours in children
is excreted in the bile, with only trace amounts being ex- versus 2 hours in adults), bioavailability (31% versus
creted in the urine. Tacrolimus is metabolized extensively 25%), and mean terminal elimination half-life (11.5
in the liver as well and, to a much lesser extent, in the hours versus 12 hours).121 The mean clearance of tacro-
intestinal mucosa, with metabolism mediated at both sites limus in patients with renal dysfunction was similar to
by CYP3A4 isoenzymes.112,142 Tacrolimus is converted that in normal volunteers; tacrolimus pharmacokinetics
by hydroxylation and demethylation to at least 15 me- after a single intravenous administration was similar in
tabolites, with the main metabolite being 13-O-dimethyl- seven patients not receiving dialysis and five receiving
tacrolimus. The mean clearance after intravenous dialysis.5
administration of tacrolimus is as follows: 0.040 L/h/kg The mean clearance of tacrolimus in patients with
in healthy volunteers, 0.083 L/h/kg in adult kidney trans- mild hepatic dysfunction (mean Pugh score of 6.2) was
plant patients, 0.053 L/h/kg in adult liver transplant pa- not substantially different from that in normal volunteers
tients, and 0.051 L/h/kg in adult heart transplant patients. after a single intravenous and oral dose. The mean clear-
When administered orally, fecal elimination accounts for ance was substantially lower in patients with severe he-
92.6 ± 3.07% and urinary elimination accounts for 2.3 patic dysfunction (mean Pugh score >10), regardless of
±1.1% of the administered dose in healthy volunteers.5 the route of administration.5
234 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

CLINICAL STUDIES IN KIDNEY Antibody-Mediated Rejection

TRANSPLANTATION Antibody-mediated rejection often occurs within the first
2 weeks after transplantation and is associated with oligu-
Rescue Therapy in Adults ria, graft tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, and circulating
antidonor antibodies. Before the introduction of tacro-
The efficacy of tacrolimus in kidney transplantation limus, combinations of bolus corticosteroids, plasma-
was first shown in recipients with refractory rejection. pheresis, and antilymphocyte antibody preparations were
Refractory rejection episodes in cyclosporine-treated pa- used to treat acute humoral rejection, with inconsistent
tients were reversed by replacing cyclosporine with tacro- and unsatisfactory response rates. Tacrolimus-based regi-
limus as the maintenance immunosuppressive agent. In mens were developed for acute humoral rejection in renal
contrast to antilymphocyte antibody preparations (e.g., transplant recipients, based on clinical experiences with
OKT3 and polyclonal antibody preparations) that induce tacrolimus in treating liver and heart transplants with
long-term suppression of T-cell responses, the immuno- acute humoral rejection.110,154,155 Experimental evidence
suppressive effects of tacrolimus could be titrated on a also supported the potential of tacrolimus in limiting an-
daily basis by following drug levels.85 tibody responses.149,150
An early large experience with tacrolimus in treating Tacrolimus-based regimens for treating acute humoral
refractory acute renal allograft rejection in 77 patients re- rejection are based on the removal of circulating antibody
ceiving cyclosporine-based immunosuppressive therapy at the time of the rejection episode (by plasmapheresis),
was reported from Pittsburgh.74 Several conclusions were suppressing the formation of new antidonor antibody
drawn from this study, as follows: (1) tacrolimus provided with high-dose tacrolimus, and monitoring kidney al-
effective therapy for acute renal allograft rejection; (2) lograft histology with protocol biopsies. Tacrolimus-
tacrolimus often provided effective therapy for vascular based regimens were shown to reverse antibody-mediated
rejection in kidney transplants; and (3) the success of ta- rejection in renal allograft recipients.153,156 In one series,
crolimus therapy for refractory acute renal allograft rejec- all four patients had aggressive rejection episodes con-
tion was related to the severity and duration of rejection. firmed by immunohistopathology. These rejections were
The 5-year follow-up of the Pittsburgh experience treated successfully with daily plasmapheresis for 5 days
showed good long-term renal allograft function in ­patients and high-dose tacrolimus (initial target levels 20–25 ng/
undergoing tacrolimus rescue therapy.72,73 A total of 169 mL) that resulted in reversal of rejection and allowed
patients were converted from cyclosporine to tacrolimus long-term graft survival. This regimen was not associ-
for refractory rejection, with a 74% success rate and a mean ated with life-threatening opportunistic infections or
serum creatinine value of 2.3 ± 1.1 mg/dL (202 μmol/L). posttransplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM), despite high
Of the patients receiving dialysis at the time of tacrolimus tacrolimus trough levels. The efficacy of tacrolimus in
initiation, 46% were salvaged, with a mean serum creati- acute humoral rejection preceded the use of plasmapher-
nine level of 2.2 ± 0.4 mg/dL (189 μmol/L). Corticosteroid esis and intravenous immunoglobulin regimens in the
withdrawal was achieved in 22% of patients after conver- management of humoral rejection and highly sensitized
sion to tacrolimus, and the mean prednisone dose was re- patients (see Chapter 24),153,156,159 and more recent work
duced from 28 ± 1.1 to 8.5 ± 4.1 mg/day. with bortezomib and eculizumab.
A prospective, randomized, multicenter comparative
trial confirmed the efficacy of tacrolimus-based rescue
therapy in patients with acute renal transplant rejection.35 Maintenance Immunosuppression
Rescue therapy with tacrolimus-based regimens reduced
the incidence of recurrent acute rejection to 8.8% ver- The outcomes of kidney transplantation have improved
sus 34.1% (P = 0.002) in patients who remained on with the advent of calcineurin inhibitors as part of highly
cyclosporine-based immunosuppression. Three-month effective immunosuppressive regimens. Several studies
Kaplan–Meier estimates for freedom from a second have addressed short-term outcomes of immunosuppres-
biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR) were 89.1% versus sion, including rates of acute rejection and patient and
61.4% (P = 0.002) in the tacrolimus-rescue and the cyclo- graft survival. Studies also have addressed medium- and
sporine continuation groups, respectively. Freedom from long-term outcomes with calcineurin inhibitor-based im-
treatment failure was 72.6% versus 43% (P = 0.005), with munosuppression, including 5-year patient and graft sur-
treatment failure being defined as graft loss, second acute vival, renal function, cardiovascular events, and PTDM.
rejection, or withdrawal from treatment.
In a large European study on tacrolimus conversion Comparison of Tacrolimus-Based and
for cyclosporine-induced toxicities, 73% of patients with
cyclosporine-induced gingival hyperplasia (n = 32) showed
Cyclosporine-Based Regimens
significant resolution of hyperplasia, and recipients with The phase III US multicenter clinical trial compared
cyclosporine-induced hypertrichosis (n = 116) showed the efficacy and safety of tacrolimus with that of the
marked improvement. The mean serum low-density original formulation of cyclosporine.111 At 1 year post-
lipoprotein (LDL) level decreased from 138 to 120 mg/ transplantation, 30.7% of tacrolimus-treated patients
dL, and the high-density lipoprotein levels remained un- had experienced acute rejection compared with 46.4%
changed in patients with cyclosporine-induced hyperlip- of cyclosporine-treated patients (P = 0.001). The in-
idemia (n = 78). Finally, hypertension had markedly or cidence of moderate to severe rejection was 10.8% in
completely resolved in 25% of patients (n = 75).113 the tacrolimus-treated group compared with 26.5% in
Calcineurin Inhibitors 235

the cyclosporine-treated group. Intent-to-treat analy- all time points. The 6-month inverse creatinine levels
sis revealed that the 1-year patient survival was 95.6% were significantly worse in the microemulsion cyclospo-
and 96.6% for the tacrolimus-treated and cyclosporine- rine arm compared with the tacrolimus arm (P < 0.0001).
treated patients, respectively (P = non-significant (NS)). A study done on immunophenotyping of infiltrating cells
The 1-year graft survival rate was 91.2% and 87.9% of renal allograft biopsies from tacrolimus- or cyclospo-
for the tacrolimus-treated and cyclosporine-treated pa- rine-treated patients showed reduced T-lymphocyte and
tients, respectively (P = NS). The intent-to-treat anal- macrophage interstitial infiltration at 4 and 6 months
ysis showed no significant differences in 5-year patient in the tacrolimus group compared to the cyclosporine-
or graft survival between the tacrolimus-treated and treated patients.105
the cyclosporine-treated patients. When crossover be- In normal, healthy subjects, treatment with cyclospo-
cause of rejection was counted as graft failure, a statis- rine increased baseline creatinine level and blood pressure
tically significant increase in graft survival was found in and reduced renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration
the tacrolimus group at 5 years (63.8% versus 53.8%; rate (GFR) in otherwise normal kidneys. In contrast,
P = 0.014).146 There also was a significant difference in treating normal human subjects with tacrolimus did not
the serum creatinine level between the tacrolimus-treated influence renal hemodynamic parameters, and the mean
and cyclosporine-treated patients and in the number of arterial blood pressure remained unchanged.81
patients who had a serum creatinine value greater than A multicenter trial evaluated the effect of tacrolimus
1.5 mg/dL (tacrolimus 40.4% versus cyclosporine 62%; as secondary intervention in patients being treated with
P = 0.0017). The patients treated with tacrolimus had a cyclosporine for 3 or more months after transplantation
lower incidence of hirsutism and gingival hyperplasia, but who had one of the following risk factors for chronic ­renal
a higher incidence of alopecia than patients treated with allograft failure: serum creatinine 2 mg/dL or greater for
cyclosporine. men and 1.7 mg/dL or greater for women, or a greater
Racial differences also were evaluated for acute rejec- than 30% increase in the nadir posttransplant serum cre-
tion in the US phase III multicenter clinical trial.108 Among atinine level. The trial randomly assigned 197 patients
African Americans, 23.2% of patients in the tacrolimus- to convert to tacrolimus or remain on c­yclosporine.148
treated group developed acute rejection compared with At 24 months, 56.8% of the patients in the tacrolimus-
47.9% of patients in the cyclosporine-treated group treated group and 87.5% in the cyclosporine-treated
(P = 0.012). When crossover because of rejection was group had a serum creatinine level 2 mg/dL or greater
counted as graft failure, there was a significant increase in (P = 0.002). Significantly fewer patients who were con-
the 5-year graft survival in African American patients in the verted from cyclosporine to tacrolimus experienced a
tacrolimus-treated group (65.4% versus 42.6%; P = 0.013) cardiovascular event compared with patients who con-
compared with the cyclosporine-treated group.145 tinued treatment with cyclosporine (5.6% versus 24.3%;
The US multicenter study that compared the e­ fficacy P = 0.002). Median serum cholesterol and LDL choles-
and tolerability of tacrolimus versus cyclosporine also re- terol levels were significantly lower in the tacrolimus-
vealed that significantly fewer kidney transplant recipients treated group compared with the cyclosporine-treated
required antihypertensive treatment in the tacrolimus- group. Therapeutic intervention with tacrolimus resulted
treated group compared with the ­cyclosporine-treated in improved renal function, better lipid profiles, and
group.69 In this 3-year multicenter comparative study, fewer cardiovascular events in patients who were at risk
tacrolimus was associated with a significantly lower in- for developing chronic renal allograft failure.148
cidence of hypercholesterolemia than was cyclosporine Patients who have an acute rejection episode and hy-
(24% versus 38%; P = 0.007), and the need for lipid- percholesterolemia have a more than twofold greater risk
lowering agents was significantly lower in the tacroli- of graft loss.145 These combined risk factors were sig-
mus-treated patients (14% versus 38%; P < 0.001).69 nificantly different between treatment arms (tacrolimus
The projected graft half-life evaluated by the European 4.7% versus cyclosporine 17.4%; P = 0.0008). A random-
Multicenter Renal Transplant Study also favored tacroli- ized prospective study was done to compare the clinical
mus over cyclosporine (15.8 versus 10.8 years).98 and economic outcomes of tacrolimus versus cyclospo-
All adult kidney transplants from 1995 to 2000 re- rine in a regimen consisting of antithymocyte globulin
ported to United Network for Organ Sharing/Organ (ATG) (Thymoglobulin) induction, and prednisone.61
Procurement and Transplantation Network were ana- At 1 year, acute rejection, patient survival, graft survival,
lyzed by discharge immunosuppression.14 The 1-, 3-, and the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection were
and 5-year adjusted actuarial graft survival rates with similar. Creatinine levels were lower in the tacrolimus-
the tacrolimus-based regimens were 91.8%, 81.1%, and treated group compared with the cyclosporine-treated
69.8%, and for the cyclosporine-based regimens, these group. The requirement for dyslipidemia treatment was
rates were 90.3%, 79.9%, and 67.5% (P < 0.0001). statistically similar at 12 months after transplant (30%
Deceased donors reported to the Scientific Registry of tacrolimus versus 35% cyclosporine). Total 12-month
Transplant Recipients Database between 1995 and 2002 medication costs were similar ($17 723 ± $11 647 tacroli-
were included in a study analyzing paired kidneys in which mus versus $16 515 ± $10 189 cyclosporine).61
one kidney was allocated to a patient who was treated with A clinical study conducted in the early 1990s that
cyclosporine microemulsion and the other kidney was al- compared treatment with cyclosporine versus tacro-
located to a patient receiving tacrolimus therapy.76 There limus found that significantly more patients who re-
was no difference in 5-year patient or graft survival. Renal ceived tacrolimus-based immunosuppression developed
function was superior in the tacrolimus-treated group at PTDM.146 A more recent study that compared treatment
236 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

with tacrolimus versus cyclosporine found a similar in- ­ iopsy-confirmed acute rejection (BCAR: 13% t­ acrolimus/
cidence of PTDM for both regimens.140 The decrease sirolimus (n = 185) versus 11.4% tacrolimus/MMF
in insulin secretion caused by treatment with tacrolimus (n = 176; P = 0.64).50 Graft survival and patient survival
was dose-dependent and reversible. PTDM was revers- were not significantly different between the groups at
ible when tacrolimus blood levels were reduced. PTDM, 6 months after transplantation. Significantly more recipi-
however, did not seem to inhibit the widespread conver- ents discontinued treatment with sirolimus (21.1% ­versus
sion from cyclosporine-to tacrolimus-based therapy in the 10.8%; P = 0.0008). Renal function was significantly
pancreas transplant community (see below). ­better in the tacrolimus/MMF group (serum creatinine
1.44 ± 0.45 mg/dL versus 1.77 ± 1.42 mg/dL; P = 0.018).
The combination of tacrolimus and MMF was superior to
Comparison of Calcineurin Inhibitor/ tacrolimus and sirolimus in terms of improved renal func-
Azathioprine and Tacrolimus/Mycophenolate tion and a lower risk of hypertension and hyperlipidemia.50
Mofetil Regimens The incidence of acute rejection was significantly
higher in the tacrolimus/sirolimus arm (30% versus
A randomized, prospective three-arm study compared the 2% for cyclosporine/sirolimus and 12% for tacrolimus/
impact of immunosuppressive protocols using tacrolimus/ MMF) at 36 months in a randomized trial comparing
azathioprine (n = 76), tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil these three regimens in renal transplantation.57 Mean es-
(MMF) (n = 72), and cyclosporine microemulsion/MMF timated GFR was consistently higher in the tacrolimus/
(n = 75).70 At 1 year, although there were no significant dif- MMF arm, epecially after controlling for donor age in
ferences in overall rejection rates, there were significant a multivariate model during the first 30 months. There
differences in the total number of patients who required
was not, however, a significant difference in actuarial
antilymphocyte antibody treatment (4.2% in the tacrolimus/
graft survival at 8 years posttransplant among the groups.
MMF arm compared with 10.7% in the ­cyclosporine/ In another publication comparing the efficacy of tacro-
MMF arm and 11.8% in the tacrolimus/azathioprine arm; limus and MMF with that of tacrolimus and sirolimus,
P = 0.05). There were no significant differences among the course of 97 kidney transplant patients treated with
the three groups in patient or graft survival at 1, 2, and sirolimus and reduced-dose tacrolimus was reviewed.
3 years.2,49,70 In patients with delayed graft function, there The outcomes of 19 patients who were converted to a
was a trend toward improved graft survival in the tacrolimus/MMF protocol for various non-renal side ef-
­tacrolimus-based treatment group at 1 year. This trend fects were compared with 78 patients who remained on
became significant when the tacrolimus/MMF arm was a tacrolimus/sirolimus protocol. Tacrolimus levels were
compared with the cyclosporine/MMF arm at 2 and increased in patients who were converted. Conversions
3 years. At 3 years, the serum creatinine level was sig- from tacrolimus/sirolimus to tacrolimus/MMF led to im-
nificantly lower in the tacrolimus-treated patients than proved renal function, however, despite increased tacroli-
in the cyclosporine-treated patients.49 A recent single-­ mus levels after conversion.6
institution, prospective, open-labeled, randomized con- A prospective study compared the safety and efficacy
trolled trial comparing cyclosporine/azathioprine (n = 146) of steroid avoidance in tacrolimus/MMF (n = 75) and
versus tacrolimus/MMF (n = 143) in 289 kidney transplant ­tacrolimus/sirolimus (n = 75) in kidney transplantation.
recipients treated with ATG and prednisone showed The primary end-point was acute rejection. Surveillance
equal patient and graft survivals at 1 year; however, the biopsies were done to analyze subclinical acute rejection
tacrolimus/MMF group had better estimated GFR and chronic allograft nephropathy. Clinical acute rejection
(­cyclosporine/azathioprine 48  ± 1 versus tacrolimus/MMF and subclinical acute rejection were treated with methyl-
53 ± 1 mL/min/1.73 m2, P =  0.007), and a trend toward prednisolone.87 Two-year patient and graft survival, renal
lower rates of BPAR, ­cyclosporine/azathioprine (14.4%) function, and adverse effects were monitored. Steroid
versus 11 (7.7%) with tacrolimus/MMF (P = 0.07).139 avoidance under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression
with MMF or sirolimus provided equivalent 2-year pa-
Comparison of Tacrolimus/Mycophenolate tient and graft survival, with a low incidence of acute re-
Mofetil and Calcineurin Inhibitor/Sirolimus jection and new-onset diabetes mellitus. Subclinical acute
rejection and chronic allograft nephropathy were lower
Regimens in the tacrolimus/sirolimus group than in the tacrolimus/
Long-term posttransplant renal function is influenced MMF group.
by the incidence of acute rejection episodes, chronic al- These optimistic findings were countered by an analy-
lograft nephropathy, age of the kidney donor, and the use sis of 44 915 adult renal transplants in the Scientific Renal
of calcineurin inhibitors.146 Analysis of registry data ex- Transplant Registry from 2000 to 2004. A total of 3524
amining the rate of change of creatinine clearance for pa- (7.8%) patients received a baseline immunosuppres-
tients who received kidney transplants between 1990 and sive regimen of tacrolimus/sirolimus, with an inferior
2000 showed that renal function improved in transplants overall survival (P < 0.001) and death-censored graft
performed after 1997. A more stable creatinine clearance survival (P < 0.001) compared with tacrolimus/MMF
was associated with tacrolimus versus cyclosporine ther- (n = 27 007). In multivariate Cox models, the adjusted
apy and with MMF versus azathioprine therapy.51 ­hazard ratio for overall graft loss with tacrolimus/­sirolimus
A randomized study comparing the combination of siro- was 1.47 and with cyclosporine/sirolimus was 1.38 rela-
limus or MMF with tacrolimus-based immun­osuppression tive to tacrolimus/MMF. These effects were most appar-
showed no significant differences in the incidence of ent in high-risk transplants. Six-month acute ­rejection
Calcineurin Inhibitors 237

rates were low and did not differ among groups.100 These steroids (n = 66). At 12 months the biopsy-proven rejec-
data have to be interpreted in the context of the limita- tion rate was 20% in the study group and 32% in the
tions of any retrospective database analysis. control group (P = 0.09). Patient survival at 1 year was
A steroid-free randomized trial comparing sirolimus/ 98% for both groups. Graft survival was 96% for the
tacrolimus, sirolimus/mycophenolate, and tacrolimus/ study group versus 90% for the control group (P = 0.18).
mycophenolate showed higher than expected BCAR in A similar study compared alemtuzumab induction with
the sirolimus/mycophenolate arm. The BCAR and graft tacrolimus monotherapy against daclizumab, tacrolimus,
survivial at 2 years for the sirolimus/tacrolimus group was and mycophenolate therapy. The alemtuzumab and ta-
17.4% and 88.5% respectively, and for the tacrolimus/ crolimus arm showed a survival with a functioning graft
mycophenolate group 12.3% and 95.4%. Among the side at 1 year of 97.6% versus 95.1% in the daclizumab arm
effects, the sirolimus group had a higher incidence of de- and at 2 years of 92.6% versus 95.1% in the daclizumab
layed wound healing and hyperlipidemia.44 group.24 These results suggest that alemtuzumab induc-
tion together with tacrolimus monotherapy is at least as
Comparison of Tacrolimus-Based Dual versus efficient as the daclizumab, tacrolimus, and mycopheno-
late or a tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and steroids regi-
Triple Immunosuppression Therapy men. The use of alemtuzumab induction with tacrolimus
Dual immunosuppression therapy refers to the use of ta- monotherapy was evaluated in 200 living donor kidney
crolimus with a second agent, such as a corticosteroid. transplant recipients. The actuarial 3-year patient and
Triple immunosuppression therapy refers to the use of graft survival in this study was 96.4% and 86.3%, re-
tacrolimus and a corticosteroid with a third agent, such as spectively. The cumulative incidence of acute cellular
azathioprine or MMF. rejection (ACR) at 3 years was 24%, about 88.7% of
Dual therapy with tacrolimus-based immunosup- the ACR episodes were Banff 1, and of those, 82% were
pression provided similar efficacy to tacrolimus-based steroid-sensitive. The mean serum creatinine (mg/dL)
triple therapy for 36 months.19,25,48,109,122,129 At 12 months, and GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) at 3 years were 1.5 ± 0.7 and
patient survival rates in the dual-therapy groups were 54.9 ± 20.9, respectively.132 The alemtuzumab/tacrolimus
≥96% compared with ≥94% with triple therapy, with treatment was also evaluated in high immunological risk
graft survival rates of ≥90% (dual-therapy groups) and patients, as defined by a prior failed renal transplant,
≥91% (triple-therapy groups). Three-year follow-up prior history of sensitization, or panel-reactive antibodies
data are available from the Italian and Spanish trials, and >20%. Patients were randomized to receive single-dose
graft survival was 87% in dual-therapy and triple-­therapy alemtuzumab prior to graft reperfusion, with tacrolimus
groups. A similar percentage of patients experienced monotherapy, or four doses of thymoglobulin with tacro-
an acute rejection episode with dual-therapy or triple- limus, mycophenolate, and steroids. One-year cumulative
therapy tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimens. graft survival was 85.7% for the alemtuzumab group and
Most of these episodes occurred in the first year after 87.5% for the thymoglobulin group.133 A similar study
transplantation, with a 10–15-fold reduction in the inci- was done comparing the efficacy of alemtuzumab versus
dence of rejection over the next 2 years.39,109 In one study, conventional induction therapy (basiliximab or rabbit
the addition of MMF to tacrolimus plus corticosteroid ATG). In this trial patients were stratified according to
therapy significantly (P = 0.007) reduced the incidence of acute rejection risk, with a high risk defined by a repeat
rejection at 9 months.117 transplant, a peak or current value of panel-reactive an-
A prospective, randomized trial was performed to tibodies of 20% or more, or African American ethnicity.
compare tacrolimus/prednisone with tacrolimus/azathio- There were 139 high-risk patients, of whom 70 received
prine/prednisone from August 1, 1991, to October 11, alemtuzumab and 69 received rabbit ATG (rATG). The
1992. With a mean follow-up of 9 ± 4 months, the 1-year 335 low-risk patients were randomized to alemtuzumab
actuarial patient survival in the two-drug group was (164 patients) or basiliximab (171 patients). All patients
95%, and for the three-drug group it was 91% (P = NS). received tacrolimus and MMF and underwent a 5-day
One-year actuarial graft survival in the two-drug group glucocorticoid taper in a regimen of early steroid with-
was 90%, whereas in the three-drug group it was 82% drawal. By the first year after transplantation, BCAR was
(P = NS).123 In another prospective, randomized trial re- less frequent with alemtuzumab than with conventional
ported from the same center, the combination of tacro- therapy. The apparent superiority of alemtuzumab with
limus and prednisone was compared with tacrolimus, respect to early BCAR was restricted to patients at low
MMF, and prednisone in renal transplant recipients with- risk for transplant rejection; among high-risk patients,
out induction therapy.124 The combination of tacrolimus, alemtuzumab and rabbit ATG had similar efficacy.60
steroids, and MMF was associated with excellent patient In another study, alemtuzumab (n =  113) or rATG
and graft survival and a lower incidence of rejection than (n = 109) induction were compared in 180 (81%) kidney
the combination of tacrolimus and steroids. alone, 38 (17%) simultaneous pancreas–kidney (SPK),
and four (2%) pancreas after kidney (PAK) transplants.
Induction Therapies with Calcineurin Survival, initial length of stay, and maintenance immu-
nosuppression (including early steroid elimination) were
Inhibitor Regimens similar between alemtuzumab and rATG groups, but
Margreiter et al.96 studied the efficacy of alemtuzumab BPAR episodes occurred in 16 (14%) alemtuzumab pa-
induction followed by tacrolimus monotherapy (n = 65) tients compared with 28 (26%) rATG patients (P = 0.02).
compared to a control group of tacrolimus, MMF, and Late BPAR (>12 months after transplant) occurred in
238 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

one (8%) alemtuzumab patient and three (11%) rATG and function; h ­ owever, early corticosteroid withdrawal
patients (P = NS). Infections and malignancy were similar is associated with a higher incidence of mild, Banff 1A,
between the two induction arms. The results of this study steroid-sensitive episodes of rejection. Steroid with-
showed that alemtuzumab and rATG induction therapies drawal provided improvements in cardiovascular risk
were equally safe, but alemtuzumab was associated with factors (triglyceride, diabetes, weight gain).152 A ran-
less BPAR.38 domized trial comparing cyclosporine v­ ersus tacrolimus
as long-term immunosuppression r­egimens following
early steroid withdrawal 5 days after renal transplanta-
Role of Calcineurin Inhibitors and tion showed that tacrolimus was more effective in en-
Corticosteroids in the Development of abling patients to remain on a steroid-free regimen at
Hypertension and Hyperglycemia 3 years (88% versus 65%; P < 0.001).117
In another study, 101 patients underwent renal trans-
Although both calcineurin inhibitors and steroids have plantation with tacrolimus, MMF, and 7 days of cor-
been associated with posttransplant hypertension and hy- ticosteroids.13 Anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody was
perglycemia, steroid dosing may have a major part in the administered to 25 patients at higher i­mmunological
development of these complications after transplantation risk. After a median follow-up of 51 months (range
(see Chapter 16). In one study, patients were evaluated 36–62 months), patient survival was 97%, and graft
4 months after kidney transplantation; twice as many pa- survival was 91%. The incidence of acute rejection at
tients treated with tacrolimus and high-dose prednisone 12 months was 19%. Only three further episodes of re-
developed hypertension compared with patients treated jection occurred beyond 12 months. Graft function was
with tacrolimus and low-dose prednisone (63% versus stable during the study, with a mean estimated creatinine
32%; P < 0.05).33 clearance of 57 mL/min at the end of follow-up. This
Corticosteroids may promote the development of steroid avoidance regimen was associated with excellent
PTDM by inducing insulin resistance, decreasing i­nsulin medium-term patient and graft outcomes and a low in-
receptor number and affinity, impairing endogenous cidence of side effects. Most 10-year outcomes were de-
glucose production, and impairing glucose uptake by scribed in a protocol incorporating discontinuation of
muscle.120 steroids at postoperative day 7. The 10-year graft survival
A study was done to assess the relative role of tacro- was 61% for living donor transplant and 51% for deceased
limus and corticosteroids in the development of glucose donor transplants, comparable to 10-year Scientific
metabolic disorders.10 Corticosteroid withdrawal in pa- Registry of Transplant Recipients national data.115 The
tients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression led efficacy of early steroid withdrawal compared to chronic
to a 22% decrease in fasting C-peptide levels (P = 0.0009). steroid maintenance has also been shown to be a reason-
Fasting insulin levels and the insulin-to-glucose ratio also able approach in repeat kidney transplant recipients, with
decreased but not significantly (P = NS). Steroid with- results showing similar graft and patient survivals at 1 and
drawal also led to a reduction in lipid levels. Tacrolimus 5 years.106
trough level reduction from 9.5 ng/mL to 6.4 ng/mL
resulted in a 36% increase in pancreatic beta-cell secre- Corticosteroid-Free Immunosuppression
tion (P = 0.04), and insulin secretion increased by a simi-
lar rate. Hemoglobin A1c improved from 5.9% to 5.3% Regimens
(P = 0.002), although lipid levels did not change A 6-month, open-label, multicenter, parallel-group study
after trough level reduction.10 Corticosteroid withdrawal included 538 renal patients randomly assigned (1:1) to a
­resulted in a decrease in insulin resistance and a reduction daclizumab/tacrolimus/MMF regimen (n  =  260) or a ta-
in lipid levels; reduction of tacrolimus trough levels also crolimus/MMF/corticosteroid regimen (n  =  278).116 The
improved glucose metabolism. incidence of BPAR was 16.5% in both treatment groups;
the incidence of biopsy-proven corticosteroid-resistant
acute rejection was 4.3% and 5% in the tacrolimus/
Early Corticosteroid Withdrawal Regimens MMF/corticosteroids and daclizumab/tacrolimus/ MMF
The safety of early corticosteroid withdrawal (see groups (P  =  NS). The median serum creatinine level at
Chapter 14) was evaluated by a prospective, random- 6 months and overall safety profile were similar with both
ized, multicenter, double-blind study of early (7 days regimens.
posttransplantation) corticosteroid cessation versus A single-center, non-randomized, retrospective se-
long-term maintenance with corticosteroids along with quential study was used to evaluate outcomes in kidney
tacrolimus, MMF, and antibody induction in primary transplant recipients given either alemtuzumab (Campath)
renal transplant patients.158 Patient and graft survivals (n  =  123) or basiliximab (n  =  155) in combination with a
at 1 year were 98% and 96%, respectively. BPAR oc- prednisone-free maintenance protocol using tacrolimus
curred in 9.8% of patients, and 4% were treated em- and MMF.78 There was no significant difference in the
pirically for rejection. One-year analysis suggested that 3-year graft and patient survival rates between the two
early withdrawal of corticosteroids was safe, resulting groups. A lower rate of early (<3 months) rejection was
in excellent patient and graft survival, low acute rejec- observed in the alemtuzumab (4.1%) versus the basilix-
tion rates, and no graft loss to rejection.152,158 Five-year imab (11.6%) group, but rejection rates for both groups
results confirmed that early corticosteroid withdrawal were equivalent at 1 year. Patient and graft survival and
provides a similar long-term renal allograft survival rejection rates were nearly identical between whites and
Calcineurin Inhibitors 239

African Americans receiving alemtuzumab. The quality Calcineurin Inhibitor Avoidance and
of renal function and the incidence of infectious com-
plications were similar between the alemtuzumab and
Low-Dose Tacrolimus Regimens
­basiliximab groups. A prospective, randomized trial was performed in which
Two corticosteroid-free, tacrolimus-based r­egimens 132 live donor renal allotransplant recipients were di-
were compared with standard triple therapy in a 6-month, vided into two groups. Steroids and basiliximab induc-
phase III, open-label, parallel-group multicenter study.147 tion were given to every patient.59 Group A patients
A total of 451 patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to received low-dose tacrolimus/sirolimus as maintenance
receive tacrolimus/MMF/corticosteroids, tacrolimus/ immunosuppression, whereas group B patients received
MMF without induction, or ­tacrolimus monotherapy MMF and sirolimus. No difference was noted in 1-year
with basiliximab induction. The incidences of BPAR patient or graft survival between the two groups. The in-
were 8.2% (triple therapy), 30.5% (tacrolimus/MMF), cidence of BPAR was slightly less in group B (P = NS).
and 26.1% (basiliximab/­ tacrolimus) (P = 0.001). The In addition, significantly better renal function was noted
incidences of corticosteroid-resistant acute rejection in group B patients 2 years after transplantation. One-
were similar among the groups (P =  NS). Graft and year protocol biopsy specimens showed no significant
patient survival rates were similar among the groups. differences in the chronic allograft damage index be-
Overall safety profiles were similar. Differences were tween groups. A prospective, randomized trial in renal
noted for anemia (24.5% versus 12.6% versus 14.5%), transplantation compared sirolimus/MMF/prednisone
diarrhea (12.9% versus 17.9% versus 5.9%), and leu- (n = 81) with tacrolimus/MMF/prednisone (n = 84). The
kopenia (7.5% versus 18.5% versus 5.9%) for the mean follow-up was 33 months. There was no difference
triple-therapy, tacrolimus/MMF, and basiliximab/ta- in patient survival, graft survival, or the incidence of clini-
crolimus groups. Both corticosteroid-free regimens cal acute rejection between the two groups. There also was
were equally effective in preventing acute rejection, no difference in the mean GFR measured by iothalamate
with the basiliximab/tacrolimus regimen offering some clearance between the tacrolimus and sirolimus groups
safety benefits.147 A prospective randomized trial was at 1 or 2 years.91 At 1 year, chronicity using the Banff
done comparing tacrolimus/sirolimus with tacroli- schema showed no difference in interstitial, tubular, or
mus/mycophenolate in renal transplant recipients us- glomerular changes, but fewer chronic vascular changes
ing a prednisone-free regimen with over 8.5 years of in the sirolimus group. This study suggests that many of
follow-up. All patients received anti-IL-2 receptor an- the promises of calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosup-
tagonist (basiliximab). The tacrolimus/MMF group had pression have perhaps not been achieved with short-term
overall better renal allograft survival (91% versus 70%, follow-up. The question of improved safety and efficacy
P = 0.02); 13 patients (35.1%) in the tacrolimus/sirolimus in the longer term with calcineurin inhibitor-free immu-
group and 8 patients (17.8%) in the tacrolimus/MMF nosuppression has to be subjected to ­longer-term follow-
group experienced biopsy-proven ACR (P = 0.07). By up of the aforementioned study and similar studies.99
3 months posttransplant, estimated GFR was signifi- Many previous studies of complete calcineurin inhibi-
cantly lower in the tacrolimus/sirolimus group com- tor avoidance have used cyclosporine as the comparator
pared with the tacrolimus/MMF group (47.7 versus drug. In one study, the GFR caculated by the abbreviated
59.6 mL/min/1.73 m2; P = 0.0002), and this trend per- Modified Diet in Renal Disease in a group of patients
sisted throughout the follow-up period.26 receiving basiliximab induction and then randomized to
sirolimus/MMF/steroids or ­cyclosporine/MMF/steroids
was 66.6 mL/min and 50 mL/min at 5 years (P = 0.0075)
Comparison of Corticosteroid-Sparing respectively.42 In a similar study comparing ­sirolimus/
Regimens Using Tacrolimus-Based and MMF/steroid versus ­ tacrolimus/MMF/steroid, the ta-
Cyclosporine-Based Immunosuppression crolimus group had a iothalamate calculated GFR of 61 ±
17 mL/min at 2 years.91 A meta-analysis of 19 randomized
Studies of corticosteroid-sparing protocols in patients controlled trials with analysis of 3312 renal transplant
treated with cyclosporine and MMF showed acute re- recipients with median follow-up of 12 months showed
jection rates to be unacceptably high among African that calcineurin inhibitor-sparing strategies with adjunc-
American recipients.1 A study examining corticoste- tive mycophenolate can achieve comparable s­hort-term
roid withdrawal in 52 stable renal transplant recipi- graft function.104
ents treated with tacrolimus and MMF showed a 98% A lower tacrolimus exposure regimen was evaluated by
patient survival and 92.3% graft survival.15 The ta- Ekberg et al.37 In this trial, 1645 renal transplant recipients
crolimus-based regimen was thought to promote com- were randomly assigned to receive standard-dose cyclospo-
pliance by facilitating steroid withdrawal and reducing rine, MMF, and corticosteroids, or daclizumab induction,
cosmetic complications (see Chapter 16). A prospective MMF, and corticosteroids in combination with low-dose
randomized study comparing 5-year outcomes in kid- cyclosporine (target trough 50–100 ng/mL), low-dose ta-
ney recipients maintained on four different calcineurin crolimus (target trough 3–7 ng/mL), or low-dose siroli-
inhibitors based immunosuppression protocols (cyclo- mus (target trough 3–7 ng/mL). At 12 months the mean
sporine/MMF, cyclosporine/SRL, tacrolimus/MMF, calculated GFR was higher in patients receiving low-dose
tacrolimus/SRL) with basiliximab induction without tacrolimus (65.4 mL/min) than in the other three groups.
long-term steroid therapy showed acceptable patient The rate of BPAR was lower in patients receiving low-dose
and graft survival at 5 years in all four groups.86 tacrolimus (12.3%) than in those receiving standard-dose
240 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

cyclosporine (25.8%), low-dose cyclosporine (24.0%), or PROMISE was a phase IIb, 6-month multicenter,
low-dose sirolimus (37.2%). One-year allograft survival r­andomized, open-label study of three ascending
differed significantly among the four groups (P = 0.02) and concentration-controlled groups of VCS (low, medium,
was highest in the low-dose tacrolimus group (94.2%), fol- and high) versus tacrolimus in 334 de novo kidney trans-
lowed by the low-dose cyclosporine group (93.1%), the plant recipients. This 6-month study showed VCS to be
standard-dose cycloosporine group (89.3%), and the low- as efficacious as tacrolimus in preventing acute rejection
dose sirolimus group (89.3%).37 An observational 2-year (VCS low 10.7%, medium 9.1%, and high 2.3% versus
follow-up to this study showed that the mycophenolate tacrolimus 5.8%) with similar renal function in the low-
and low-dose tacrolimus (GFR 68.6 ± 23.8 mL/min) arm and medium-exposure groups.18
continued to have the highest GFR compared to standard- Sandimmune, the original, oil-based formulation of
dose cyclosporine, low-dose cyclosporine, and low-dose cyclosporine (Sandimmune; Novartis, Basel, Switzerland)
sirolimus (65.9  ± 26.2, 64.0 ± 
23.1, and 65.3  ± 26.2 mL/ was introduced in 1983. Although a significant advance
min respectively), but the difference was not significant in immunosuppressive therapy, this formulation had
(P = 0.17). The mycophenolate and low-dose tacrolimus numerous problems. Absorption was slow and showed
arm also had the highest graft survival rate, but with re- a great deal of intrapatient and interpatient variability,
duced differences between groups over time, and the least making dosing difficult and increasing the risk of chronic
acute rejection rate.36 rejection.75,84
Belatacept, a selective costimulation blocker, was de- In 1995, Neoral (Sandimmune Neoral; Novartis,
signed to provide effective immunosuppression and avoid Basel, Switzerland), a microemulsion formulation of cy-
the renal and non-renal side effects associated with calci- closporine, was approved for use by the FDA. This new
neurin inhibitors.90 The BENEFIT study was a random- formulation improved bioavailability with more rapid
ized 3-year, phase III study in adults receiving a kidney absorption and less variability in de novo and stable
transplant from a living or standard criteria deceased do- transplant patients.83,84 Since its introduction, numerous
nor. Patients were randomized to a more or less intensive randomized and non-randomized studies have showed
regimen of belatacept, or cyclosporine. In all, 471/666 lower acute rejection rates, although similar long-
patients completed ≥3 years of therapy. A total of 92% term patient and graft survival when compared to the
(more intensive), 92% (less intensive), and 89% (cyclo- Sandimmune formulation.76,92,
sporine) of patients survived with a functioning graft. The
mean calculated GFR was ~21 mL/min/1.73 m2 higher in Pediatric Renal Transplantation
the belatacept groups versus cyclosporine at year 3. From
month 3 to month 36, the mean calculated GFR in-
(see Chapter 37)
creased in the belatacept groups by +1.0 mL/min/1.73 m2/ The efficacy of tacrolimus as an immunosuppressive
year (more intensive) and +1.2  mL/min/1.73  m2/year agent in pediatric renal transplantation has been shown
(less intensive) versus a decline of −2.0 mL/min/1.73 m2/ in single-center experiences and in multicenter trials.
year (cyclosporine). One cyclosporine-treated patient A retrospective cohort study of 986 pediatric renal trans-
experienced acute rejection between year 2 and year 3. plant recipients in the North American Pediatric Renal
Belatacept-treated patients at 3 years maintained a high Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRTCS) database
rate of patient and graft survival that was comparable to (index renal transplant 1997 through 2000), who were
cyclosporine-treated patients, despite an early increased treated with either cyclosporine/MMF/steroids (n = 766)
occurrence of acute rejection and posttransplant lympho- or tacrolimus/MMF/steroids (n =  220), was performed
proliferative disorder (PTLD).144 to examine differences in outcome between these two
groups.107 In this analysis, tacrolimus and cyclosporine,
in combination with MMF and steroids, were associated
Other Calcineurin Inhibitors and Formulations with similar rejection rates and graft survival in pediat-
One of the major risk factors for graft failure is non-­ ric renal transplant recipients. Tacrolimus was associated
compliance with medication regimens. Advagraf (Tac-OD), with improved graft function at 1 and 2 years after trans-
a once-daily formulation, was introduced by Astellas in plantation. A 6-month, randomized, prospective, open,
2008 to contribute potentially to improve medication parallel-group study with an open extension phase was
compliance. In phase I and II trials, Advagraf showed conducted in 18 centers from nine European countries
equivalent pharmacokinetic parameters (C0 and area under to compare the efficacy and safety of tacrolimus with
the curve (AUC0–24)) of Tac-OD compared to the twice- cyclosporine in pediatric renal transplant recipients.40
daily Prograf formulation (Tac-BID) in healthy controls, The study randomly assigned (1:1) 196 pediatric patients
de novo kidney transplant recipients, and stable kidney (<18 years old) to receive either tacrolimus (n = 103) or
transplant recipients after conversion. However, several cyclosporine microemulsion (n = 93), administered con-
follow-up reports indicate that the use of Tac-OD in de comitantly with azathioprine and corticosteroids. The
novo or stable transplant recipients was associated with a primary end-point was incidence and time to first acute
considerably lower tacrolimus exposure, with studies re- rejection. At 1 year, tacrolimus therapy was associated
porting a systematic 10–20% lower AUC0–24 in comparison with a significantly lower incidence of acute rejection
to Tac-BID.31,64 Advagraf was not approved by the FDA in (36.9%) compared with cyclosporine (59.1%; P = 0.003).
the United States. At 4 years, patient survival was similar, but graft survival
Voclosporin (VCS, ISA247) is a novel calcineurin significantly favored tacrolimus over cyclosporine (86%
inhibitor in development for organ transplantation. versus 69%; P = 0.025). At 1, 2, 3, and 4 years, the mean
Calcineurin Inhibitors 241

GFR was significantly better in the tacrolimus group than divided into five time periods (“eras”) based on the tech-
in the cyclosporine group. Three patients in each arm de- nique and immunosuppressive regimen used.130 In era II,
veloped posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder, and the immunosuppressive regimen consisted of Minnesota
the incidence of diabetes mellitus was similar in the two antilymphocytic globulin (MALG) or muromonab-CD3
groups. Tacrolimus was significantly more effective than (OKT3) for induction and a combination of cyclospo-
cyclosporine in preventing acute rejection in pediatric rine, azathioprine, and prednisone for maintenance. Duct
renal transplant recipients. Renal function and graft sur- management in eras II and III was by bladder drainage.
vival also were superior with tacrolimus.40 The addition In era III, tacrolimus was used for pancreas transplan-
of basiliximab to a tacrolimus-based regimen (tacrolimus/ tation as soon as it was approved by the FDA in 1994.
azathioprine/steroids) did not show any improved clini- Induction was with equine ATG (Atgam), and OKT3 was
cal efficacy at 6 months in a pediatric patient population used for treatment of rejection episodes. When MMF was
with similar BPAR rates (20.4% without basiliximab ver- approved a year later, it was added to the maintenance
sus 19.2% with basiliximab) and GFR (79.4 without basi- immunosuppressive regimen. In era IV, which began in
liximab versus 77.6 mL/min/1.73 m2 with basiliximab).52 March 1998, daclizumab, alone or in combination with
The effect of corticosteroids on the epiphyseal growth the polyclonal anti-T-cell antibody (Atgam or ATG), was
plates is well recognized and results in irreversible growth added to the induction regimen. Enteric drainage was the
stunting. Experience with corticosteroid withdrawal under principal exocrine drainage technique. In patients with
tacrolimus therapy in pediatric patients has been associ- primary SPK transplantation, pancreas and kidney graft
ated with favorable outcomes. Two-thirds of the pediatric survival rates were significantly higher in eras III and IV
kidney transplant recipients were withdrawn successfully than in era II. In eras III and IV combined, 1-year patient,
from corticosteroids, with a low incidence of graft dysfunc- pancreas, and kidney survival rates were 92%, 79%, and
tion or acute rejection (23%).125 Many of these patients had 88%, respectively; at 5 years, the corresponding figures
remarkable catch-up growth. Changes in kidney function, were 88%, 73%, and 81%, respectively.130
mixed lymphocyte culture, cell-mediated lympholysis, cy- In a prospective, randomized trial, 42 SPK recipients
totoxic antibodies, lymphocyte populations, and cytokine received ATG and daclizumab induction, with tacrolimus
response were studied in 14 pediatric renal transplant and steroids as baseline immunosuppression. Twenty-two
recipients with chronic rejection who were converted to patients were randomly assigned to receive MMF, and 20
tacrolimus. Serum creatinine levels decreased, creatinine patients received sirolimus in addition to tacrolimus and
clearance increased, and urinary protein excretion de- steroids. Actuarial patient, kidney, and pancreas allograft
creased after 6 months, and these values were maintained survivals were 100%, 100%, and 95%, respectively, at
after 2 years under tacrolimus treatment.39 6 months in the sirolimus group and 100%, 100%, and
In one study eight pediatric renal transplant recipients 100%, respectively, in the MMF group. The incidence
(median age at transplant 2 years; range 1.2–12.9 years) of acute rejection was less than 10% and was limited to
were converted to tacrolimus and sirolimus-based im- instances in which recipient immunosuppression was
munosuppression as rescue therapy. All patients had reduced.16
biopsy-proven chronic allograft nephropathy. After the A prospective study of combined tacrolimus, MMF,
addition of sirolimus, the median dose required to keep and steroids without antibody induction was done in 17
tacrolimus blood trough concentrations within the tar- SPK transplant patients. Low-dose intravenous tacroli-
get range increased by 71.2% (range 21.9–245.4%), and mus was used as induction therapy. Clinical and biopsy-
the dose-normalized tacrolimus exposure (area under the proven rejection occurred in four (23%) patients. Patients
curve) decreased to 67.1%. Adding sirolimus to tacroli- who developed rejection had low tacrolimus levels or had
mus-based immunosuppression in young pediatric renal had discontinuation of MMF because of leukopenia, gas-
transplant recipients resulted in a significant decrease in troparesis, or gastrointestinal side effects.28 All rejection
tacrolimus exposure.41 episodes responded to steroids.
Immunosuppression for SPK transplantation at
Northwestern University was divided into four eras over
CLINICAL STUDIES IN KIDNEY–PANCREAS an 8.5-year period.79 In era I (March 1993 to February
TRANSPLANTATION (SEE CHAPTER 36) 1997), three immunosuppression combinations were
used: cyclosporine/azathioprine/steroids (n = 28), cy-
The increase in the number of pancreas transplants has closporine/MMF/steroids (n = 8), or tacrolimus/MMF/
been made possible by technical improvements and im- steroids (n = 10); bladder drainage was used. In era II
proved immunosuppressive regimens. Treatment with (July 1995 to February 1998), the combination of tacro-
tacrolimus-based immunosuppression has been asso- limus, MMF, and corticosteroids was used, with bladder
ciated with lower rejection rates, higher graft survival drainage. In era III, combinations of tacrolimus (12-hour
rates, and less nephrotoxicity compared to treatment with trough concentrations 10–12 ng/mL) and MMF (3 g/day)
cyclosporine.20,55 were used along with corticosteroids for maintenance im-
munosuppression; enteric drainage was used. In era IV,
Simultaneous Pancreas–Kidney steroids were eliminated within 6 days of transplantation,
and tacrolimus was combined with either MMF (n = 20)
Transplantation or sirolimus (n = 38); enteric drainage was used.
In an analysis of 1194 pancreas transplantations per- In eras I and II, all recipients received induction ther-
formed at the University of Minnesota, the results were apy with Atgam for 7–14 days after transplantation. In
242 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

era III, for induction therapy, 17 patients were randomly Steroid Withdrawal and Steroid-Free
assigned to a non-induction therapy arm, and 37 patients
were randomly assigned to an anti-IL-2 receptor mono-
clonal antibody (daclizumab, n = 35; basiliximab, n = 2). Reduction of steroid use is extremely desirable in pan-
Induction therapy in era IV consisted of rabbit ATG, creas transplantation because long-term steroid use is as-
1 mg/kg intraoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 2, sociated with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and glucose
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. One-year actuarial patient survival intolerance.44 Complete steroid withdrawal was achieved
rates in eras III and IV were 96.3% and 100%, respec- in 58 (47%) of 124 patients transplanted at the University
tively; 1-year actuarial kidney survival rates in eras III and of Pittsburgh, with a mean time to steroid withdrawal of
IV were 94.4% and 97.7%, respectively, and the 1-year 15.2 ± 8 months.71 Patient, pancreas, and kidney survival
actuarial pancreas survival rates were 88.9% and 100%, rates at 1 year were 100%, 100%, and 98%, respectively
respectively. The 1-year rejection-free rate was 87.1% for (off steroids) versus 97%, 91%, and 96%, respectively (on
era III and 96.6% for era IV. Compared with era I, kid- steroids; all P = NS). The cumulative risk of rejection
ney function significantly improved over the three eras. was 74% for patients off steroids versus 76% for patients
Rapid elimination of corticosteroids was successful in all on steroids (these patients had not received antibody in-
recipients in era IV, with higher patient and graft survival duction). The mean glycosylated hemoglobin levels were
rates than in the previous three eras. Rejection rates de- 5.2 ± 0.9% (off steroids) and 6.2 ± 2.1% (on steroids;
creased further in era IV. The Northwestern group con- P = 0.02). The Pittsburgh group concluded that steroid
cluded that corticosteroids could be rapidly eliminated withdrawal could be achieved in pancreas transplant pa-
prospectively in all recipients without a decrease in graft tients under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and
survival rates or an increase in the rate of rejection.79 was associated with excellent patient and graft survival.71
The incidence of cytomegalovirus and malignancies A single-center, retrospective, sequential study from
was not higher using tacrolimus/MMF compared with Northwestern University of 59 SPK patients demon-
the cyclosporine/azathioprine regimen, with 5 years’ strated the efficacy of a steroid-free immunosuppresion
follow-up. regimen at 5 years with a kidney allograft survival of 90.7%
A multicenter trial was done to assess the effect of and a pancreas allograft survival of 100% in the setting of
antibody induction in SPK transplant recipients receiv- thymoglobulin induction, tacrolimus/MMF regimen.47
ing tacrolimus, MMF, and corticosteroids.17 The trial The Minnesota Group reported a prospective trial
randomly assigned 174 SPK transplant recipients to in- of steroid withdrawal in pancreas transplantation.56
duction (n = 87) or non-induction (n = 87), and the recip- Recipients with functioning grafts ≥6 and 36 months af-
ients were followed for 3 years. Induction agents included ter SPK transplantation or PAK transplantation were en-
T-cell-depleting or IL-2 receptor antibodies. At 3 years, rolled. All patients received triple therapy for maintenance
actual patient (94.3% and 89.7%) and pancreas (75.9% immunosuppression using tacrolimus and MMF, with the
and 75.9%) survival rates were similar in the induction following inclusion criteria: (1) low maintenance steroid
and non-induction groups. Actual kidney survival was dose 0.075 mg/kg/day; (2) MMF dose ≥750 mg orally
significantly better in the induction group compared with twice a day; and (3) tacrolimus levels ≥8 ng/mL. Fifty-five
the non-induction group at 3 years (92% versus 82%; patients (29 SPK, 26 PAK) were randomly assigned to re-
P = 0.04).17 main on steroids or to steroid withdrawal after 4–8 weeks.
The EuroSPK Study Group, which compared ta- The median follow-up was 27 months in the SPK category
crolimus and cyclosporine in primary SPK transplan- and 26 months in the PAK category, and from random-
tation, enrolled 205 patients.89 After antilymphocyte ization, 10 months in both categories. Steroid withdrawal
globulin induction, patients were randomly assigned to 6 months after a successful pancreas transplant was not as-
receive either tacrolimus or cyclosporine microemul- sociated with a decrease in patient or graft survival, and it
sion together with MMF and steroids. At 1 year after was not associated with an increase in the incidence of re-
transplantation, patient and kidney survival rates were jection or in the rate of graft loss from rejection. There was
excellent in both treatment groups. There was a sig- a better quality of life and a reduction in serum cholesterol
nificant difference in pancreas graft survival: 94.2% for levels in the steroid withdrawal group.56
tacrolimus and 73.9% for cyclosporine (P = 0.00048). Rapid corticosteroid elimination was carried out in
There were significantly fewer grade 2 and grade 3 re- 40 SPK recipients from Northwestern University in
jections with tacrolimus-based therapy. The EuroSPK Chicago.80 ATG was used for induction; maintenance
group also presented data showing that 34 patients were immunosuppression was with tacrolimus/MMF in 20
switched from cyclosporine to tacrolimus, but only 6 patients and tacrolimus/sirolimus in 20 patients. Patient
patients receiving tacrolimus required conversion to al- and graft survival rates and rejection rates were compared
ternative therapy during the course of the study.9 The with historical controls (n = 86). One-year actuarial pa-
mean doses of MMF at 1 year also were lower in the tient, kidney, and pancreas survival rates in the rapid
tacrolimus group (1.36 g/day versus 1.67 g/day; P = corticosteroid elimination group were 100%, 100%, and
0.007). Good results have been shown in smaller studies 100%, respectively, and in the historical control group
as well (17 SPK transplantation, 5 PAK transplantation, rates were 97%, 93%, and 97%, respectively. The 1-year
and 6 pancreas transplant alone) with the use of alem- rejection-free survival rate was 97% in the rapid cortico-
tuzumab 30 mg induction, Prograf and mycophenolate steroid elimination recipients versus 80% in the historical
immunosuppression, with patient and graft survival of controls. Serum creatinine levels remained stable in all
100% and 100% at 3 years.138 groups at 6 and 12 months after transplantation.80
Calcineurin Inhibitors 243

Steroid-free immunosuppression has been used with used, there no longer existed a difference in outcome be-
excellent short-term results in low-risk pancreas–kidney tween primary transplants and second transplants.
transplantation recipients at the University of California
at San Francisco.45 Forty patients underwent pancreas–
kidney transplantation from November 2000 to July SIDE EFFECTS AND TOLERABILITY OF
2002. ATG induction was combined with MMF, tacroli- CALCINEURIN INHIBITORS
mus, and sirolimus for maintenance immunosuppression.
Steroids were used as pretreatment only, given with ATG The side-effect profile of tacrolimus is somewhat simi-
and discontinued by the end of the first postoperative lar to that of cyclosporine (Table 17-2). The physiologi-
week. Patient, kidney, and pancreas survival rates were cal effects, including reduction in renal blood flow and
95%, 92.5%, and 87.5%, respectively. Biopsy-proven glomerular filtration, are also similar between tacrolimus
pancreas rejection rates at 1 and 3 months after trans- and cyclosporine. The pathological manifestations of ta-
plantation were 2.5%, and kidney rejection rates at 1 and crolimus and cyclosporine toxicity are similar in that they
3 months were 2.5%.45 include tubular vacuolization and arteriolar nodular hya-
linosis that are indistinguishable. Microvascular changes
Pancreas after Kidney Transplantation involving arterioles or glomerular capillaries sometimes
predominate, displaying a wide spectrum of severity from
According to data from the International Pancreas apoptosis and vacuolization of smooth-muscle cells to
Transplant Registry, the current, nearly uniform use of thrombotic microangiopathy.
­tacrolimus/MMF in PAK transplantation makes a com- A review of 21 patients with tacrolimus-associated
parison with other regimens difficult, although graft thrombotic microangiopathy was published136; 17 of
survival rates have been significantly better than in the these occurred in kidney transplant recipients, whereas
preceding era, when cyclosporine/azathioprine was used.54 two cases occurred in liver transplant recipients and one
In the overall analysis of tacrolimus/MMF-treated pri- each in heart and bone marrow transplant recipients. The
mary PAK transplant recipients, graft survival rates did mean time from transplantation to the onset of throm-
not differ significantly whether or not antibody induction botic microangiopathy was 9.3 ± 7.9 months. Clinical
was given, although they tended to be numerically higher presentation varied from an absence of signs and symp-
in PAK recipients given depleting or non-depleting an- toms of hemolysis to florid hemolytic anemia, thrombo-
tibody than in recipients not given antibody induction. cytopenia, and azotemia. Renal biopsy specimens were
In the PAK category, the relative risk of pancreas graft obtained from the patients with a kidney transplant and
failure was reduced by the use of tacrolimus/MMF for showed acute thrombi within the glomerular capillaries,
immunosuppression.54 arterioles, or both. There are large circulating polymers
Between July 1, 1978, and April 30, 2002, 406 of von Willebrand’s factor in thrombotic microangiopa-
PAK transplants were performed at the University of thy, which increases the tendency for platelets to adhere
Minnesota.53 Immunosuppression was divided into eras. to and aggregate on the subendothelium, resulting in
In era III, tacrolimus was used in combination with pred- thrombi and fibrin deposition. Treatment consists of re-
nisone and initially azathioprine. MMF replaced aza- ducing the dose of tacrolimus and substitution with cy-
thioprine when it was approved by the FDA. Polyclonal closporine or sirolimus. Other treatment modalities have
antibody induction therapy with Atgam was used in 99%, included plasmapheresis, fresh frozen plasma exchange,
and monoclonal antibody (OKT3) was used in 1% of and anticoagulation.136
patients; the median duration of antibody therapy was
5 days. In era IV, tacrolimus, MMF, and prednisone were
the principal maintenance immunosuppressive agents.
Daclizumab was used for induction either alone (21%) or TABLE 17-2  Adverse Effects Associated with
in combination (79%) with a polyclonal antibody (Atgam Tacrolimus Therapy
or ATG). The median duration of antibody therapy was
3 days. Overall patient survival rates (deceased and living Reduced renal blood flow, glomerular perfusion
donor) at 1 and 3 years were 97% and 90%, respectively, Tubular and vascular toxicity
and at 1 year in era IV overall survival was 96%. Overall Neurotoxicity
pancreas graft survival rates (deceased and living donor) Headaches, tremors, seizures, peripheral neuropathy,
at 1 and 3 years in era III were 78% and 60%, respec- Metabolic disturbances
tively, and in era IV, at 1 year overall graft survival was Hyperkalemic, hyperchloremic acidosis
77%. Of technically successful transplants, pancreas graft Hypomagnesemia
loss rates to rejection in era III at 1 and 3 years were 10% Diabetes mellitus
and 19%, respectively; in era IV, at 1 year, it was 9%. PAK Hyperuricemia
transplants now can be performed almost as successfully Hypertension
as SPK transplants; the introduction of tacrolimus and Gastrointestinal disturbances
MMF in the mid-1990s contributed to this development. Diarrhea
Using tacrolimus-based and MMF-based immunosup- Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting
Epigastric cramping
pression, only 20% of recipients experiencing rejection Cosmetic
episodes ultimately lost their pancreas graft to irreversible Alopecia
rejection. In eras III and IV, when tacrolimus was being
244 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Adverse events dictate the optimal dosage regimen of Concentric increases in left ventricular posterior wall
the drug. Decreasing the dosage of tacrolimus generally and interventricular septum thickness can occur with ta-
reduces its toxic effects, although some adverse effects crolimus immunosuppression in 0.1% of patients.29 This
are idiosyncratic and do not respond to such measures.121 condition is reversible after dosage reduction or discon-
Tacrolimus treatment is associated with a higher inci- tinuation of the drug.
dence of diarrhea, disturbances in glucose metabolism,
and some types of neurotoxicity, but a lower incidence
of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia than with cy-
Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus
closporine. Tacrolimus is only rarely associated with the PTDM is a serious adverse effect of tacrolimus treat-
cyclosporine-specific adverse effects of hirsutism, gum ment; the complications of diabetes mellitus can result in
hyperplasia, and gingivitis, but it may cause alopecia and decreased patient and graft survival.103 PTDM is defined
pruritus. as insulin use for more than 30 consecutive days in the ab-
In a trial in renal transplant recipients, significantly sence of pre-existing diabetes. The incidence of PTDM
fewer (all P < 0.05) tacrolimus recipients (compared with was significantly higher in tacrolimus-treated patients
cyclosporine microemulsion recipients) experienced new- than cyclosporine-treated patients (9.8% versus 2.7%),
onset or worsening hypertension (15.7% versus 23.2%), according to a meta-analysis by Heisel et al.63
urinary tract disorders (4.9% versus 9.2%), hypercholes- Disturbance in glucose metabolism, with rates as
terolemia (4.2% versus 8.9%), hyperbilirubinemia (0.3% high as 26% for a cyclosporine-treated group compared
versus 3.3%), gastrointestinal hemorrhage (0.3% versus to 33.6% in a tacrolimus group at 6 months, were re-
2.6%), cholestatic jaundice (0.3% versus 2.6%), hirsut- ported in a recent study using a strict American Diabetes
ism (0% versus 4.4%), and gum hyperplasia (0% versus Association definition for new-onset diabetes after trans-
4.1%).82 Tremor (12.2% versus 4.1% of patients), hy- plant and impaired fasting glucose.143 In corticosteroid
pomagnesemia (6.6% versus 1.5%), thrombosis (4.5% minimization trials, the 6-month incidence of PTDM
versus 1.5%, mainly affecting the dialysis access vessels), (use of insulin >30 days) in the corticosteroid-free arm
and gastritis (3.1% versus 0.4%) were significantly (all ranged from 0.4% to 1.4%.23,71 Tacrolimus target trough
P < 0.05) more common in the tacrolimus group. Another levels have tended to be lower and more rapidly tapered
less common but serious side effect includes posterior re- in recent years; this also has led to a decrease in the in-
versible encephalopathy syndrome with an incidence of cidence of PTDM.102 The introduction of MMF and si-
0.49% in a recent report.8 rolimus and the use of combinations of these agents with
Because tacrolimus and cyclosporine cause acute and tacrolimus has led to a reduction in acute rejection rates
chronic nephrotoxicity, concomitant use of these two and a reduction in corticosteroid treatment for acute re-
agents is contraindicated. Nephrotoxicity related to jection episodes in the first year after transplantation; this
­tacrolimus treatment is dose-related and responds to dos- also has resulted in a reduced incidence of PTDM in re-
age reduction.127 Mean or median serum creatinine levels cent years.
in renal transplant recipients were lower in tacrolimus- A study from Cleveland compared the outcomes of
treated patients, with 5 years’ follow-up, than in patients 56 African American adult primary kidney transplant
treated with cyclosporine microemulsion (or standard for- recipients treated with corticosteroids, sirolimus, and
mulation).58,145 Administration of other nephrotoxic agents tacrolimus, targeted to low trough blood levels, with 65
simultaneously can exacerbate the adverse effects of tacro- white patients treated with steroids, MMF, and tacroli-
limus. Examples of such agents include aminoglycosides, mus, targeted to higher blood levels. There were no sig-
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin nificant differences in the actuarial 2-year patient, graft,
receptor antagonists, amphotericin, and n ­on-steroidal and rejection-free graft survival rates between the two
anti-inflammatory drugs. groups. PTDM occurred in 36% of the African American
patients, however, despite similar doses of corticosteroids
and lower trough levels of tacrolimus, compared with
Cardiovascular Adverse Effects 15% of white patients (P = 0.024).65
Hyperlipidemia occurs commonly after transplanta- Recipient-related risk factors for PTDM include an
tion and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. underlying glucose metabolic disorder (e.g., family his-
Immunosuppression with tacrolimus-based regimens is tory of diabetes mellitus, older recipient age, non-white
associated with better lipid profiles than is immunosup- ethnicity, sedentary lifestyle, higher body mass index) and
pression with cyclosporine-based regimens.4,95 hepatitis C virus positivity. Transplantation-related risk
Analysis of the United States Renal Data System da- factors include acute rejection during first posttransplant
tabase showed that fewer tacrolimus (than cyclosporine) year, high doses of corticosteroids, and high tacrolimus
recipients had at least one new-onset hyperlipidemia trough levels.
code during the first year of treatment (11% versus 16%; The risk of developing PTDM is highest in the first
P = 0.0001); a multivariate analysis showed that the few months after transplantation, after which the inci-
risk of new-onset hypertension after transplantation dence increases more slowly. The European multicenter
was reduced by 35% under tacrolimus-based immuno- trial found a 6-month PTDM incidence of 4.5% and an
suppression.119 The 5-year follow-up results from a US additional incidence of 0.4% from months 7 through 12.82
randomized trial indicated that significantly fewer tacro- Many patients with PTDM can have reversal of dia-
limus than cyclosporine recipients were receiving antihy- betes mellitus, with eventual discontinuation of insulin.
pertensive treatment (80.9% versus 91.3%; P < 0.05).145 In the European trial, the 1-year cumulative incidence of
Calcineurin Inhibitors 245

PTDM with tacrolimus was 8.3%, whereas the prevalence Special Patient Populations
at 1 year was 5.5%.97 In a US trial combining tacrolimus
with MMF and corticosteroids, the 1-year incidence was In a large, randomized multicenter trial involving ­pediatric
6.5%, and the 1-year prevalence was 2.2%.70 renal transplant recipients (children and adolescents), the
High levels of FKBP-12 are present in pancreatic most common (3% of patients) adverse events associated
beta cells, and this is associated with a decrease in in- with tacrolimus-based primary immunosuppression were
sulin mRNA transcription and reduced insulin produc- hypertension, infections, hypomagnesemia, increased
tion in rats.131 In the clinical setting, tacrolimus affects mean serum creatinine, diarrhea, PTDM, and tremor.137
insulin secretion but does not affect insulin resistance. In Significantly more tacrolimus recipients experienced hy-
addition, PTDM is probably not a separate entity but a pomagnesemia (P = 0.001) and diarrhea (P < 0.05) than
consequence of an underlying glucose metabolic disorder cyclosporine recipients, and significantly fewer tacrolimus
that is uncovered by immunosuppression.118 The effects recipients experienced hypertrichosis (P = 0.005), flu syn-
of tacrolimus on insulin release are reversible, and after drome (P < 0.05), and gum hyperplasia (P < 0.05).
the early posttransplant period, tacrolimus and cyclo- The risks of tacrolimus during pregnancy are similar
sporine are equivalent in terms of their effect on glucose to the risks associated with cyclosporine. Data from the
metabolism.141 US National Transplantation Pregnancy Registry were
Compared with cyclosporine-treated patients, the used to compare outcomes in 19 tacrolimus recipients
relative risk for developing PTDM in tacrolimus-treated (24 pregnancies) with outcomes in 56 cyclosporine mi-
patients was 1.53 (P < 0.001).77 Compared with cyclosporine- croemulsion recipients (71 pregnancies). Seventy-one
treated patients, tacrolimus therapy was associated with percent of pregnancies resulted in live births in the tacro-
a reduced risk of death (relative risk 0.65; P < 0.001) limus group versus 80% of pregnancies in the cyclospo-
and graft failure (relative risk 0.70; P < 0.001). Under rine microemulsion group; the mean gestational age was
­tacrolimus-based immunosuppression, the positive effects lower in the tacrolimus group than in the cyclosporine
of lower blood pressure, less hypercholesterolemia, ­better group (32.9 versus 35.8 weeks; P = 0.0035).3 There were
renal function, and lower fibrinogen7 offset the negative no other statistically significant differences in outcomes.
effect of PTDM. A single-center analysis was performed on 13 kidney
Evidence from a meta-analysis suggests that targeting transplant recipients and two SPK recipients who became
tacrolimus concentrations to less than 10 ng/mL mini- pregnant under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression.67
mizes graft loss and reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus The 13 mothers after kidney transplantation delivered 19
without increasing the risk of acute rejection.151 A recent infants, whereas the two mothers after SPK transplantation
trial by Hecking et al. suggests that treatment with basal delivered three infants. All mothers survived the pregnancy.
insulin in the immediate postoperative period may re- One infant was stillborn. Forty-one percent of the infants
duce the incidence of new-onset diabetes mellitus after were either preterm or premature, and 27% of the infants
renal transplantation, presumably via insulin-mediated were delivered by cesarean section. Toxemia of pregnancy or
protection of B cells.62 pre-eclampsia was seen in 23% of these pregnancies. None
of the mothers experienced rejection during their pregnancy.

Malignancies (see Chapters 34 and 35)

The use of immunosuppressive agents increases the risk
of malignancy, the most common being malignancies of
The studies discussed in this chapter have confirmed
the skin and lymphoma. All agents increase these risks,
the primary place of calcineurin inhibitors, particularly
and the risk is related to the intensity and duration of
tacrolimus for primary immunosuppression in adult and
treatment. Epstein–Barr virus-related posttransplant
pediatric kidney and in adult kidney–pancreas transplan-
lymphoproliferative disorder is associated with immuno-
tation. The key comparator for tacrolimus is cyclosporine
suppressive treatment, with a lower risk in adults than in
microemulsion. Treating kidney transplant recipients
children. In the European Multicenter Renal Study, the
with tacrolimus results in a 44% reduction in graft loss
incidence of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder
(censored for death) compared with cyclosporine-treated
at 1-year follow-up was 1% in the tacrolimus group and
patients in the first 6 months after kidney transplanta-
0.7% in the cyclosporine microemulsion group.97 The
tion.151 On the basis of meta-analyses of data from ran-
incidence of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder
domized trials, treating 100 recipients at low risk (e.g.,
in pediatric renal transplant patients with tacrolimus im-
adult, well-matched, first transplants) with tacrolimus
munosuppression was 0.96% based on an analysis of the
instead of cyclosporine would avoid 6 cases of acute re-
NAPRTCS database.32
jection; this number increases to 17 cases if high-risk re-
cipients are considered (e.g., sensitized recipients, second
Other Side Effects or third transplants, children). In contrast, treating with
tacrolimus would lead to excess harm in an extra five re-
Tacrolimus-treated patients are more likely to have alo- cipients by causing them to develop insulin-dependent
pecia, tremor, headache, insomnia, dyspepsia, vomiting, diabetes.151 Both of the calcineurin inhibitors are neph-
diarrhea, and hypomagnesemia than cyclosporine-treated rotoxic, and this can contribute to chronic allograft ne-
patients.151 Cyclosporine-treated patients are more likely phropathy directly via drug toxicity or indirectly via
to have constipation, hirsutism, and gingival hyperplasia. hypertension and dyslipidemia.22,92,93,128
246 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

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use has steadily increased, and it is now used in more than Tacrolimus Study Group. Transplant Proc 2001;33:1021.
80% of kidney recipients. Despite its side effects, the 20. Calne RY, Rolles K, White DJ, et al. Cyclosporin A initially as the
superior immunosuppressive efficacy of tacrolimus has only immunosuppressant in 34 recipients of cadaveric organs: 32
led to its preferential use in kidney and kidney–pancreas kidneys, 2 pancreases, and 2 livers. Lancet 1979;1033–6.
21. Calne RY, Rolles K, White DJ, et al. Cyclosporin-A in clinical
recipients. organ grafting. Transplant Proc 1981;13(1 Pt 1):349–58.
22. Campistol JM, Grinyo JM. Exploring treatment options in renal
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Robert S. Gaston

Dosing mTOR Inhibitors
Absorption Belatacept
Metabolism and Clearance
Assays and Blood Monitoring
Drug–Drug Interactions
Minimization of Calcineurin Inhibitors
CLINICAL TOXICITIES Withdrawal of Calcineurin Inhibitors
Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions Avoidance of Calcineurin Inhibitors
Myelosuppression Steroid Avoidance or Withdrawal
Neoplastic Diseases
Pregnancy and Reproduction

INTRODUCTION in 1896, named in 1913 by Alsberg and Black, and

­subsequently found to have weak antibacterial and anti-
While immunology has always been at the core of solid-­organ fungal activity.43 Raistrick and colleagues published the
transplantation, advances in clinical immunosuppression have structure of MPA in 1952. In the 1960s, it was found to
typically preceded understanding of the mechanisms that be- have a strong antimitotic effect in mammalian cells, and
get their efficacy. Furthermore, utilization of immunosup- was regarded as a potential antitumor agent. Subsequent
pressants in the clinical arena often evolves away from the work by Franklin and Cook documented its major mech-
protocols documented to be safe and effective in clinical trials. anism of action (inhibition of the de novo pathway of
There is, however, one clear exception: mycophenolic acid purine synthesis).43 At about the same time, a Japanese
(MPA). Its immunosuppressive properties had been known group documented MPA’s immunosuppressive proper-
for years; development of a readily absorbable oral prepa- ties,102 which were initially viewed as an impediment to
ration enabled initial clinical trials, with rapid government clinical utility.
agency approval for use in routine practice. Despite numer- Discovery and development of cyclosporine (CsA) in
ous subsequent trials testing novel approaches to its adminis- the late 1970s and early 1980s changed the landscape
tration, worldwide use of MPA in the majority of solid-organ for transplant immunosuppression. In a search for new
transplant recipients is in keeping with basic tenets devel- agents targeting other pathways, Allison and Eugui,
oped and tested over two decades ago. MPA preparations are among others working first in the United Kingdom and
now the most widely prescribed immunosuppressants in the subsequently at Syntex Pharmaceuticals, began examin-
world; their efficacy and basic tolerability have made them ing in vitro the effect of MPA on lymphocyte function,
indispensable in solid-organ transplantation. documenting inhibition of cytotoxic T-cell generation,
antibody formation, lymphocyte adhesion, and the mixed
lymphocyte reaction.3,4,38 Scientists at Syntex, via mor-
HISTORY OF MYCOPHENOLATES pholinoethyl esterification of MPA, produced a prodrug
(RS61443, mycophenolate mofetil, MMF) with sub-
MPA is a fermentation product of Penicillium brevicom- stantially improved oral bioavailability in mammals and
pactum and related fungi. It was first isolated by Gosio humans.89
Mycophenolates 251

Initial animal studies demonstrated the agent to be to offer optimal efficacy with few adverse effects. Based
­ ifficult to administer to dogs and primates with sub-
d on these findings, on May 3, 1995, the Food and Drug
stantial gastrointestinal toxicity, especially at higher doses Administration (FDA) approved MMF (CellCept) 2–3 g/
(>20 mg/kg).106,119 Optimal kidney graft outcomes in day for use in combination with CsA and corticosteroids,
dogs occurred when RS61443 was combined with low- with global availability soon to follow.24 A starting dose of
dose CsA and prednisone. MMF monotherapy, even at 2 g/day became widely accepted in adults, and, by 2002,
substantially higher doses, demonstrated only limited MMF was the most widely prescribed immunosuppressant
efficacy. Initial human experience was in rheumatoid in the United States.76
arthritis, where a dose of 2 g/day was associated with Over the last decade, there have been at least three
“significant clinical improvement” among refractory pa- other landmark developments impacting use of myco-
tients.51 Side effects were minimal, and primarily of gas- phenolates in transplantation. First, to address the gas-
trointestinal origin (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, trointestinal adverse events that plague some patients,
diarrhea). No other significant toxicities (including bone Novartis developed an enteric-coated formulation, my-
marrow suppression) were noted. cophenolate sodium (EC-MPS, Myfortic).107 Designed
In 1988, it was elected to proceed with clinical trials in to delay MPA release and absorption in the gut (with the
kidney transplantation. The initial study was a phase I/II assumption that gastric and early small-bowel exposure
trial involving 48 kidney recipients at two centers.142 All were major determinants of gastrointestinal toxicity),
patients received polyclonal antibody induction, CsA, and clinical trials documented EC-MPS efficacy equivalent
prednisone. Eight dosing groups of six subjects each re- to MMF, with a trend to fewer adverse gastrointestinal
ceived MMF in daily doses ranging from 100 to 3500 mg. events. 15,126 EC-MPS became available in 2004. Second,
The greatest efficacy in preventing acute rejection with in 2008, patent protection for the innovator formulation
an acceptable adverse event profile was seen in the 2000 of MMF (CellCept) began expiring in the United States
and 3000 mg dosing groups, providing a basis for the de- and globally.37 The clinical impact of availability of mul-
sign of three large registration trials. tiple MMF preparations on patients and the marketplace
The phase III MMF trials, commencing in 1992 and is still to be determined. Finally, in 2009, the FDA ap-
conducted across three continents, represented the first proved the tacrolimus/MMF combination for use in kid-
rigorously controlled studies involving large numbers of ney transplantation. Previously, use of MMF or EC-MPS
patients in solid-organ transplantation. Each enrolled ap- with tacrolimus, the most common immunosuppressant
proximately 500 subjects assigned to one of three treatment combination in the world, had been “off-label,” limiting
arms. Two of the groups in each study received MMF either its use as a comparator protocol in drug development.160
2 or 3 g/day in combination with CsA and corticosteroids. This label change altered the landscape for new drug de-
In the US trial, all patients underwent polyclonal antibody velopment, as well as providing guidance for MPA dosing
induction, with a comparator group receiving azathioprine in tacrolimus-based protocols.
instead of MMF.140 In the tricontinental trial, treatment
arms were identical, with an azathioprine control group,
but without antibody induction.151 In the European trial, MECHANISM OF ACTION
there was no antibody induction and comparator patients
received placebo instead of azathioprine.39 Findings of all Among immunosuppressants, MPA is considered an an-
three trials were remarkably similar: a 50% reduction in tiproliferative agent (Figure 18-2). While calcineurin
rates of acute rejection (to less than 20% overall) within inhibitors (CsA and tacrolimus) block early signaling
the first 6 months after transplantation, with identical graft events and cytokine production, MPA exerts an effect
and patient survival among treatment arms at 1 and 3 years downstream in the cell cycle, interfering with cytokine-
(Figure 18-1). For most patients, the 2-g dose appeared dependent signals and lymphocyte proliferation.2,38

PLA/AZA (n=498)
Cumulative Incidence (%)

60 MMF 1.0 g BID (n=505)

MMF 1.5 g BID (n=490)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months from Transplant to Event
FIGURE 18-1  ■  Cumulative incidence of first biopsy-proven rejection in first year (excludes 1-year protocol biopsies; Kaplan–Meier es-
timates). Data from the pooled efficacy analysis of the three double-blind clinical studies in prevention of rejection.60 The separation b
­ etween
the curves occurs in the first 2 months and is sustained to the end of the observation period. PLA, placebo; AZA, azathioprine; MMF,
­mycophenolate mofetil.
252 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Transplantation recognition
by DCs
Allogeneic cell C
DC-T cell
(Signal 1)
Antigen B
DC differentiation Monoclonal
and maturation anti-CD3 Ab

Resting DC T cell
Activated DC Activated DC
MMF (Signal 2)

T cell E
Activation of
MMF lymphoid cytokines

T cell

SRL Anti-IL-2R MAb

T-cell (Signal 3)
proliferation G IL-2, IL-15 binding
FIGURE 18-2  ■ Steps in the activation of T cells, showing potential inhibition by mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) at sites B, C, and
H. Ab, antibody; CsA, cyclosporine; DC, dendritic cell; IL -2R, interleukin-2 receptor; SRL, sirolimus; TAC, tacrolimus. (Adapted from
Shaw LM, Korecka M, Venkataramanan R, et al. Mycophenolic acid pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics provide a basis for rational
monitoring strategies. Am J Transplant 2003;3:534.)

Given the documented immunosuppressive effect of type II is four times more sensitive to MPA.22 These two
a relatively non-specific inhibitor of nucleotide synthesis factors impart some degree of lymphocyte-specific selec-
(azathioprine), MPA development in transplantation was tivity to the impact of MPA on growth and proliferation.
based on the observation that inherited deletions in nu- While monocyte and dendritic cell replication may also
cleic acid synthesis resulted in immunodeficiencies: chil- be affected by MPA, there is relatively little impact on
dren lacking adenosine deaminase show combined T-cell neutrophils.2,27
and B-cell deficits.48 In contrast, subjects with absence of The action at the G1/S interface is selective. Neither
hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase dis- the production of interleukin-2 nor the expression of its
play essentially normal immune function,3 indicating the receptor is affected, showing a lack of influence on sig-
purine salvage pathway as relatively unimportant in lym- nal 1 of lymphocyte activation. This primary antiprolif-
phocytes (Figure 18-3). erative effect also retards induction of cytotoxic T cells.38
MPA acts as a reversible, non-competitive inhibitor Similarly, MPA mitigates primary and ongoing B-cell
of inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), responses, presumably as a result of blockade of cell divi-
the rate-limiting enzyme in the de novo synthesis of sion, with subjects receiving MMF in the US pivotal trial
guanine nucleotides.38 This effect arrests new DNA syn- demonstrating far less production of xenoantibody to-
thesis in proliferating cells at the G1/S interface; gua- ward equine antithymocyte globulin (ATG) than those on
nosine triphosphate (GTP) levels decrease to 10% of azathioprine.53,78 MPA treatment also blunts the synthe-
those in unstimulated T cells.2 Addition of guanosine sis of natural xenoantibodies after plasma exchange and
or deoxyguanosine reverses the inhibition, confirming splenectomy in rats, and inhibits the humoral response to
the IMPDH target. T and B lymphocytes are highly de- influenza vaccine in humans.41,139
pendent on this pathway for proliferation in response to Another distinct mechanism of MPA activity may re-
stimulation. There are two isoforms of IMPDH, with late to the requirement for GTP to activate fucose and
type I expressed in most cell lines but type II the predom- mannose transfer in glycoprotein synthesis, thus di-
inant isoform in activated T and B lymphocytes; IMPDH minishing expression of adhesion molecules.2,4 When
Mycophenolates 253

De novo pathway

Ribose-5P + ATP
PRPP synthetase
Guanosine Adenosine
Salvage pathway
Adenine deaminase
(Lesch-Nyhan) Guanosine IMPDH Inosine
Guanine Adenosine
Ribonucleotide Ribonucleotide
reductase reductase
Deoxyguanosine Deoxyadenosine


FIGURE 18-3  ■ Purine synthetic pathways showing site of inhibition by mycophenolic acid (MPA). ATP, adenosine triphosphate;
DP, diphosphate; HGPRTase, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase; IMPDH, inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase;
MP, monophosphate; PRPP, phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate;TP, triphosphate. (Adapted from Budde K, Glander P, Bauer S. Pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics of mycophenolic acid. A CME monograph. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter; 2004. p. 2–13.)

GTP is depleted as a consequence of MPA, adhesion of hydrolyzed to MPA (Figure 18-4). Drug absorption, as as-
l­ ymphocytes and monocytes to activated endothelial cells sessed by area under the curve (AUC), is not significantly
is decreased in a dose-dependent fashion. altered by co-administered food, although the maximal
Cell types other than lymphocytes may also be sensitive concentration (Cmax) is 40% lower in simultaneously fed
to MPA inhibition, with some models indicating vascular renal transplant recipients.24 The time to maximal concen-
smooth-muscle cells,104 mesangial cells,63 and myofibro- tration (Tmax) of less than 1 hour is independent of hepatic
blasts9 to display dampened proliferation. In a subhu- or renal function. The Tmax is slightly delayed, however,
man primate model of orthotopic allograft vasculopathy, in the period immediately after transplantation (1.31 ±
­intravascular ultrasound documented dose-­dependent in- 0.76 hours) and in diabetic patients (1.59 ± 0.67 hours). In
hibition of the progression of intimal volume changes.106 contrast, by 3 months it is 0.90 ± 0.24 hours. Metabolism
The efficacy of MMF was confirmed using aortic al- of MMF to MPA yields 94% bioavailability. Over a range
lografts in another subhuman primate model79 and in a of 100–3000 mg/day, the MPA area under the concentra-
rodent chronic rejection system.8 The effects were po- tion–time curve for 24 hours (AUC0–24) is proportionate
tentiated when MMF was administered with sirolimus, to dose in healthy subjects,17 although a recent study of
a combination that also reduced transforming growth MMF kinetics in kidney transplant recipients revealed a
factor-β1 and its effects on extracellular matrix synthesis non-linear relationship, with reduced bioavailability as
and degradation.73,135 doses increase from 250 to 2000 mg.28 The magnitude of
the non-linearity was greater (176% to 76%) in associa-
CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND BLOOD tion with tacrolimus rather than CsA (123% to 90%). A
recent multicenter crossover study comparing pharmaco-
MONITORING kinetics of two MMF preparations (Teva and Roche) in 43
stable kidney recipients found them to be comparable in
Dosing all parameters studied.146
EC-MPS does not release MPA under acidic con-
In adults with kidney transplants, MMF is most com-
ditions (pH < 5) as in the stomach but is highly solu-
monly administered orally at a dose of 1 g twice daily.24
ble in a neutral-pH environment like the intestine.5
In pediatric patients, the recommended dose of MMF
Consistent with this property is a Tmax of 1.5–2.75
oral suspension is 600 mg/m2 at 12-hour intervals up to a
hours, substantially delayed compared to MMF.107
maximum of 2 g daily. Intravenous MMF is administered
Gastrointestinal absorption is 93% and absolute bio-
at the same dose and frequency as the oral preparation,
availability of MPA after administration of EC-MPS
infused over 2 hours. EC-MPS is administered orally at
is 72%. There is substantial impact of food on MPA
a dose of 720 mg twice daily in adults.107 The suggested
absorption with EC-MPS, although overall AUC is not
dose of EC-MPS in stable pediatric patients is 400 mg/
affected; to avoid variability, it should always be taken
m2 twice daily, but its use is not recommended in patients
on an empty stomach. Like MMF, EC-MPS pharma-
less than 5 years old.
cokinetics are dose-proportional over its administra-
tion range, and its profile regarding metabolism and
Absorption clearance (see below) is very similar as well. An EC-
Orally delivered MMF is rapidly and almost completely ab- MPS dose of 720 mg most closely approximates the
sorbed in the stomach and upper intestine, then efficiently MPA exposure of 1000 mg of MMF.
254 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice




7-O-Glucoside Acyl glucuronide
metabolite MPAG metabolite
FIGURE 18-4  ■  Metabolism of parent component mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) to mycophenolic acid (MPA) by cleavage of mofetil
group (encircled) with primary metabolism to its glucuronide (MPAG), which may undergo enterohepatic recycling (EHC), and sec-
ondary acyl glucuronide and 7-O-glucoside metabolites. (Adapted from Shaw LM, Korecka M, Venkataramanan R, et al. Mycophenolic acid
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics provide a basis for rational monitoring strategies. Am J Transplant 2003;3:534.)

Metabolism and Clearance Hypoalbuminemia is associated with increased free

MPA and greater MPA clearance. The impact of renal
MPA is rapidly metabolized to an inactive glucuronide allograft dysfunction also increases the MPA free fraction
(MPAG) via one or more isoforms of the UGT1 gene because it decreases the binding of acidic drugs; in con-
family of uridine diphosphate–glucuronosyl transferases trast, hepatic oxidative impairment produces no effect.
in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and possibly kidney. Estimates of free MPA in ultrafiltrate samples have not
Two minor metabolites also are formed: the acyl glucuro- been shown to offer any advantage over measurements
nide and the phenolic glucoside134 (Figure 18-4). of total MPA to predict therapeutic versus adverse reac-
The apparent elimination half-life of MPA in healthy tions,6,85 except in the presence of impaired early renal
volunteers is 17.9 hours – a clearance of 11.6 L/h.6 At 8–12 function, wherein there are increased concentrations of
hours after oral drug administration, 37% of patients MPAG and other metabolites.134
(range 10–61%) display a secondary peak in plasma MPA
concentrations representing enterohepatic recirculation. Assays and Blood Monitoring
The additional peak results from excreted MPAG in bile
undergoing deglucuronidation by intestinal bacteria with The MPA parent compound is readily measured in
subsequent reabsorption of MPA, and may account for up plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography.65 In
to 40–60% of the total dose interval MPA AUC.17,18 contrast, the widely available automated enzyme multi-
MPAG is the major urinary excretion product (93% plier immunoassay technique (EMIT)105 yields 15–20%
of the radioactive parent compound); urinary excretion higher results because its antibody reagent cross-reacts
of MPA is negligible (1%). Fecal excretion accounts for with the acyl-MPAG metabolite (Figure 18-4), which
6%. Neither hemodialysis nor peritoneal dialysis signifi- may contribute to both immunosuppressive and toxic ef-
cantly affects MPA plasma concentrations, although in fects.90 Because of these properties, some have suggested
multiple-dose studies either dialysis method may remove that the EMIT assay may be preferable, and is the most
some MPAG. With renal dysfunction, there is a moder- widely utilized.
ate increase in plasma MPA and a marked accumulation The gold-standard pharmacokinetic measure of MPA
of MPAG. MPA binds tightly and extensively (97%), but exposure is frequent sampling of blood over a 12-hour
reversibly, to serum albumin, decreasing its ability to in- period, with calculation of the AUC concentration–time
hibit IMPDH.113 The free fraction, constituting 1–3% of exposure. MPA AUC can be calculated from either full
the total amount in the blood of stable patients, is cleared (8 or more samples over 12 hours) or limited (2–5 sam-
by biliary and renal routes. ples over 4 hours) sampling strategies.77,158 Although the
Mycophenolates 255

evidence is conflicting regarding utility, 12-hour predose peripheral blood mononuclear cells display considerable
(C0) MPA levels are convenient to obtain and have been interindividual variability. The time course of IMPDH
utilized effectively in some studies.12,47 Correlation (r2) of inhibition, as measured by the production of xanthine
predose level with AUC for MMF ranges from 0.32 to monophosphate by isolated mononuclear cells, parallels
0.68, and may differ by concomitant calcineurin inhibitor the MPA plasma concentration.14 Patients with lower
usage29,47 (Figure 18-5). For EC-MPS, variability in ab- IMPDH levels before transplantation, suggesting a ge-
sorption means significantly poorer correlation between netically determined susceptibility to the drug, more fre-
predose MPA level and AUC (r2 = 0.02). Long-term, in- quently underwent dosage reductions within 6 months;
trapatient variability of both AUC and trough levels is pretransplant IMPDH activity has been suggested as a
relatively low.158 guide to MPA dosing in pediatric patients.44,120 It is un-
After the first few weeks following transplantation, clear, however, whether levels or fluctuations in IMPDH
dose-normalized MPA exposure increases by 30–50%, activity can be of utility in predicting either efficacy or
reflecting perhaps decline in drug clearance, MPA satu- toxicity of MMF in clinical transplantation.
ration of tissues, or other factors.59,153 MPA exposure/
dose relationships may also differ in settings other than
kidney transplantation (e.g., liver and small-bowel trans-
Drug–Drug Interactions
plantation, bone marrow transplantation).70,71 Typically, In general, important drug–drug interactions with my-
younger children require higher MMF doses per body cophenolates are rare. Cholestyramine may reduce MPA
mass index than older children or adults to achieve com- absorption.24 Antibiotic therapy disrupting the gastro-
parable MPA exposure.166 intestinal flora may interfere with deglucuronidation
Considerable interpatient pharmacokinetic variability and enterohepatic recirculation, decreasing drug levels.
of MMF has been documented to be due to differences Because acyclovir and ganciclovir compete with MPAG
in hepatic/renal function, concurrent drug administra- for tubular secretion, they may increase drug concentra-
tion, and the presence of diarrhea, but not to ethnicity tions slightly, particularly among patients experiencing
or gender.118,133 renal impairment. Co-administration of proton pump
Pharmacodynamic monitoring of patients receiving inhibitors has been reported to reduce exposure to MPA
MPA therapy has been studied. Peripheral blood lym- by 25–35%, but the clinical impact of this interaction is
phocytes (PBL) from patients on MMF demonstrate uncertain.24
reduced response to stimulation assays, and diminished Clearly, however, the most significant drug–drug in-
antibody production.78,114 However, so many other fac- teraction is with CsA: its importance is magnified since
tors affect the proliferative activity of PBL in this setting most dosing regimens of MMF and EC-MPS were es-
that the clinical utility of these assays is modest. IMPDH tablished utilizing this combination. When either my-
assays are technically demanding and difficult to repro- cophenolate preparation is administered with CsA,
duce; in addition, the whole-blood matrix may not re- subjects display lower MPA concentrations than those
flect the impact in activated lymphocytes, which are the not receiving CsA or in whom the drug was discontin-
cells of interest. Estimates of IMPDH activity in isolated ued.54,56 This effect is the result of reduced enterohepatic

FIGURE 18-5  ■  Linear regression analysis of the estimated mycophenolic acid (MPA) area under the concentration–time curve (AUC)
versus trough in patients in the Opticept study receiving (A) tacrolimus and (B) cyclosporine. (From Gaston RS, Kaplan B, Shah T, et al.
Fixed- or controlled-dose MMF with standard- or reduced-dose calcineurin inhibitors: the Opticept trial. Am J Transplant 2009;9:1607.)
256 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

recirculation.80 In contrast, co-administration with tacro- versus 25% in one study).138 Since it also dramatically
limus does not alter MPA exposure compared to placebo, increases tacrolimus absorption and blood levels, clinical
and MPA exposure in combination with sirolimus is like- consequences of diarrhea may be greater with this com-
wise higher than observed with CsA.42,56,154 Similarly, the bination as well.94 In a registry analysis, Bunnapradist and
experimental Janus kinase inhibitor tofacitinib does not colleagues found significantly increased risk of diarrhea
impact MPA pharmacokinetics.86 This property resulted (hazard ratio 1.37) associated with the tacrolimus/MMF
in 37% greater MPA exposure in tofacitinib- versus CsA- combination, which, in turn, was linked to increased risk
treated subjects in a recent phase IIb trial, with profound of graft failure (hazard ratio 2.13) and patient death (haz-
influence on the outcomes in kidney transplant recipi- ard ratio 2.04).21 It must be remembered that, after re-
ents.165 Finally, the corticosteroid component of most nal transplantation, diarrhea can be due to a variety of
regimens increases MPAG slightly by inducing hepatic causes other than immunosuppressant therapy, including
glucuronosyl transferase.23 pre-existing diabetic or uremic conditions, intercurrent
infectious diseases, and concurrent antibiotic treatment.93
Maes and colleagues reported 60% of 26 cases of diarrhea
CLINICAL TOXICITIES were due to an infectious origin – CMV, Campylobacter,
or bacterial overgrowth, or, in another report, micro-
The initial clinical trials of MMF suggested a lack of sporidiosis.58,93 In the other 40%, erosive enterocolitis
nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, or hepatotoxicity. The my- was attributed to MMF, characterized by faster colonic
elotoxicity and gastrointestinal side effects were report- transit, crypt distortion, and focal inflammation, thought
edly “modest.”142 In general, adverse events, including to represent a toxic action of the acyl-MPAG metabolite
invasive cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections, were more on absorptive cells, leading to a predominance of goblet
common in patients receiving 3 g (versus 2 g) of MMF cells.136 In the presence of persistent diarrhea, colonic bi-
daily, suggesting a dose-dependent relationship. In the opsy specimens have shown apoptosis of intestinal gland
pivotal trials, adverse events accounted for withdrawal epithelial cells116 and atrophy of the intestinal villi, which
of 15% of subjects in the MMF 3 g/day dose, 9% from in one patient was documented to disappear a few months
MMF 2 g/day dose, and 5% from the comparator co- after MMF withdrawal.32
horts.60 Early on, the occurrence of these side effects was EC-MPS was developed specifically to mitigate the
thought to be linked to the MMF dose rather than to the gastrointestinal toxicities associated with MMF by delay-
plasma concentration of parent compound or its metabo- ing absorption in the gastrointestinal tract with a goal of
lites,153 and indeed adverse events often respond to MMF reducing peak levels and delivering active drug to more
dose reduction. However, while findings have been some- distal portions of the bowel. Compared with MMF, EC-
what inconsistent, more recent evidence has correlated MPS showed equivalent efficacy and overall equivalent
gastrointestinal and hematologic adverse events to MPA MPA drug exposure in kidney transplant patients, but
exposure as well as dose.12,84 The frequency and severity very similar gastrointestinal adverse events when admin-
of MMF-related adverse events are also influenced by the istered in randomized fashion (with CsA and corticoste-
other immunosuppressants with which it is combined. roids) to either de novo or stable recipients.15,126 Some
Common clinical practice has been to reduce MMF dos- conversion patients, however, showed marked improve-
ing in response to adverse events; there is some evidence, ment with EC-MPS, and, in another study of patients
however, that dose reduction can be associated with in- displaying gastrointestinal intolerance with MMF, fewer
creased risk of rejection and graft failure, and should be dose changes of EC-MPS were required, with an appar-
approached cautiously.20 ently reduced symptom burden, better functioning, and
improved health-related quality of life.25
Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions
One or more gastrointestinal symptoms from a con-
stellation that includes diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, Dose-dependent myelosuppression has been observed
nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain are the most with MMF. This was particularly notable in the European
commonly reported adverse effects of MMF therapy. In trial, where subjects receiving 3-g or 2-g doses of MMF
the European trial, the overall incidence of any gastroin- had more anemia or leukopenia (26% and 24%, respec-
testinal complaint was 53% and 46% for the MMF 3-g tively) than placebo-treated controls (13%).39 However, in
and 2-g doses, respectively, versus 42% in the placebo the other pivotal trials hematopoietic adverse events may
comparator arm.40 These adverse effects often improve have occurred slightly less frequently with MMF than in
with MMF dose reduction, or, in some cases, with main- azathioprine controls.140,151 As with gastrointestinal side
tenance of the same total daily dose administered more effects, it should be remembered that among kidney re-
frequently in smaller increments (e.g., 500 mg four times cipients there may be multiple causes of anemia or leuko-
daily rather than 1000 mg twice daily). penia, including renal dysfunction and infection, as well as
The most common (experienced by up to 35% of sub- concomitant immunosuppressants and other drugs.
jects in the pivotal trials, almost twice the frequency as A recent prospective study involving 978 patients at
in comparator arms) and troublesome gastrointestinal seven North American transplant centers found ane-
adverse event is diarrhea.60 Diarrhea occurs even more mia (hemoglobin ≤10 g/dL) in 10%, and an association
often, and with greater severity, when MMF is used in with recipient age, use of antiviral prophylaxis, and post-
combination with tacrolimus rather than CsA (45% transplant dialysis.69 In the recently completed Fixed
Mycophenolates 257

Dose–Concentration Controlled (FDCC) trial in Europe, ­documented.111 Very recent analysis of reported cases of
anemia was reported in 38% of subjects.13 Greater MMF PML in the United States found a strong association
dose and MPA predose (C0) plasma concentrations have with not only mycophenolates, but also azathioprine,
been correlated with decreased hemoglobin values among CsA, cyclophosphamide, efalizumab, rituximab, and
stable renal transplant recipients.152 Another study sug- tacrolimus, among others, indicating a potential role
gested an even better correlation of anemia with MPA for interactions among components of combination
metabolites – MPAG and acyl-MPAG – than with MPA therapy.128
itself.85 Conversely, others have found no association.91,155 Introduction of MMF therapy has been reported to
In a single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of kidney produce a significant increase in hepatitis C virus vire-
recipients with MMF-related anemia, one study found mia in some, but not all, patients receiving concomitant
a protective effect of the HUS1 allele, with interleukin- CsA.125 In contrast, MMF seems to show no significant
12A and CYP2C8A genes associated with increased risk effect on hepatitis B virus viremia despite in vitro studies
for anemia.69 Other investigators, however, while con- that suggested that it inhibited viral replication.95 Recent
firming an association with CYP2C8A (but not the other analysis of outcomes in kidney recipients with hepatitis
genotypes) noted that expression of the “at-risk” pheno- C indicated no adverse impact of mycophenolate therapy
type is so rare (0.5% of population) as not to explain the on long-term graft or patient survival.92
observed frequency of anemia (or leukopenia).13
In the current era, leukopenia (fewer than 3000 leuko- Neoplastic Diseases
cytes/mm3) is reported in 14–23% of kidney transplant re-
cipients.13,69 A recent multivariable analysis (Cox regression) Early experience with MMF was associated with a nu-
of Medicare-covered kidney recipients found a significant merical increase in subjects with lymphoma compared
association between mycophenolate use and leukopenia with placebo or azathioprine control groups.60 Two large
(adjusted hazard ratio 1.21).67 Other documented risk fac- case-control studies, however, have indicated little or no
tors for leukopenia included corticosteroid-free regimens, additional adverse impact of mycophenolates on the risk
weight, previous kidney transplant, deceased donor, and of lymphoma or other malignancy in patients receiving
CMV seronegativity with a CMV-positive donor (and pharmacologic immunosuppression.45,123 Registry data
lengthier antiviral prophylaxis).69 MMF-related leukope- also indicate malignancy risk associated with MMF use
nia may be associated with markedly abnormal neutrophil to be similar to other immunosuppressants.74 Despite an
morphology.10 As with anemia, some, but not all, studies emerging consensus that mTOR inhibitors may be as-
have shown MPA plasma concentrations and particularly sociated with reduced malignancy risk, much of the an-
free MPA AUC0–12h to be significantly related to severe in- ecdotal benefit is in comparison to calcineurin inhibitors
fections and leukopenia.66,167 The leukopenia has been as- rather than mycophenolates.75,145
sociated with stomatitis, particularly when combined with
a sirolimus-based regimen.157 Pregnancy and Reproduction
MMF demonstrated teratogenic effects at subclinical
Infections doses in animal studies,31 which resulted in caution re-
garding its use in both males and females of reproduc-
In the pivotal trials that utilized CsA with MMF, while
tive age. Avoidance of mycophenolates in males fathering
viral infections (herpes simplex and zoster, and tissue-­
children is no longer recommended. However, fetal
invasive CMV) were more common in MMF-treated
malformations have been reported in births to female
recipients than controls, other opportunistic infections
were not.39,140,151 More recently, several studies have indi- kidney recipients taking MMF.137 Mycophenolates are
now categorized by the US FDA as category D agents
cated significantly fewer herpes viral infections (especially
in pregnancy (positive evidence of human fetal risk, but
CMV) with mTOR inhibitors than with mycopheno-
the benefits from use in pregnant women may be accept-
lates.110 However, widespread use of antiviral prophylaxis
able despite risk).96 In a female recipient with stable kid-
is now the norm, and most centers view CMV as a man-
ney allograft function at least 1 year posttransplant who
ageable problem.81
desires pregnancy, common practice is to convert from
Recognition of BK virus infection and nephropathy
mycophenolate to azathioprine at least 6 weeks prior to
coincided with the rapid assimilation of mycophenolates
discontinuing contraception.96
and tacrolimus into clinical practice, and most attribute
its rise to more potent immunosuppression associated
with these combinations.64 Aggressive screening for BK
viruria or viremia, with immunosuppressant dose reduc-
tion (focused on mycophenolates), has diminished the MYCOPHENOLATES IN KIDNEY
impact of BK nephropathy on risk of allograft failure.62 TRANSPLANTATION
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
is a rare but debilitating central nervous system mani- A phase I/II dose-finding study of MMF in combina-
festation of polyomavirus infection, and has been as- tion with polyclonal antibody induction, CsA, and
sociated with mycophenolate use. Registry analysis of corticosteroids in de novo kidney recipients indicated
PML in the United States found all reported cases in therapeutic benefit of MMF at doses of 2–3 g/day.142
kidney recipients to be taking MMF, though MMF use There was also suggested efficacy at these doses, dem-
was so ubiquitous that no statistical association could be onstrated in the treatment settings of an ongoing or
258 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

steroid-resistant acute renal rejection episode.30,141 with the risk of long-term deterioration of graft ­function
Three blinded, randomized phase III trials were initi- reduced by 20–34%.99,115 By 1999, over 80% of US kid-
ated in 1992. Patients in each trial were assigned to one ney recipients were on MMF, usually in combination
of three treatment arms: a control group or one of two with CsA.76
groups receiving MMF 2 g or 3 g daily, respectively.
All patients also received CsA and prednisone. The pri-
mary end-point of each study was prevention of acute COMBINATION THERAPY UTILIZING MMF
rejection episodes during the first 6 months after trans- IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION
plantation, thought to be indicative of poorer 1-year
and possibly long-term graft survival. The ascendancy of MMF in clinical practice was based
The European Mycophenolate Mofetil Study com- on documented efficacy in reducing rejection (the pivotal
pared MMF to placebo with no antibody induction trials), registry data indicating improved overall outcomes
therapy.39 At 6 months, 46% of those receiving placebo relative to azathioprine, and single-center experiences
had experienced biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR), reporting better results with fewer complications in pa-
versus only 17% (2 g) and 14% (3 g) of those random- tients on the drug.30,60,98,99 However, acceptance was not
ized to MMF. The US Renal Transplant Study, which uniform, particularly as concomitant immunosuppression
required polyclonal antibody induction for all patients moved beyond corticosteroids and the original oil-based
and included an azathioprine control arm, yielded cor- CsA formulation (Sandimmune) with which MMF was
responding acute rejection rates of 38%, 20%, and 18%, combined in its early trials.
respectively.140 The tricontinental study, which included
an azathioprine comparator but without antibody in-
duction, demonstrated BPAR in 36%, 20%, and 15%
Cyclosporines (see Chapter 16)
of subjects, respectively.151 Each study also found sig- Shortly after the introduction of mycophenolates, CsA
nificantly fewer histologically and clinically severe re- microemulsion (Neoral and generics, CsA-ME) began
jections among the MMF-treated cohorts. Thus, each replacing Sandimmune. Data reported with the new
trial documented similar benefit of MMF compared with CsA-ME/MMF combinations generally confirmed the
azathioprine (or placebo) in prevention of early rejection initial experience cited above: rejection rates around
episodes. Likewise, fewer patients in each trial withdrew 20%.33,68,130 The ELITE-Symphony trial, enrolling over
from MMF than control for treatment failure, and there 1600 subjects, included two CsA-ME cohorts, normal-
tended to be more adverse effects in the 3-g than the 2-g and reduced-dose (with MMF) after daclizumab induc-
MMF groups. tion.36 Rejection rates after 1 year approximated 25%,
Though none of the studies individually was suf- similar to those observed previously. Alternatively, a mul-
ficiently powered to test efficacy in terms of graft sur- ticenter European study using CsA-ME demonstrated
vival, a planned pooled analysis of 12-month data from only modest insignificant reductions in acute rejection
the three studies, with a total of 1493 randomized sub- episodes with MMF compared with azathioprine (34%
jects, confirmed the benefit of MMF on acute rejection and 35%, respectively, at 1 year), and questioned the
episodes – 20% and 17% in the two MMF arms versus value of a 10–15-fold cost differential.121 Five-year fol-
41% in the control arms, yielding a relative risk ratio of low-up likewise documented no evidence of a long-term
0.46.60 There was significantly less steroid-resistant re- benefit of MMF versus azathioprine with CsA-ME.122
jection in the MMF arms, and renal function at 1 year Studies comparing MMF to sirolimus or everolimus in
was substantially better (despite identical CsA exposure) combination with CsA have typically shown comparable
in the MMF-treated patients. Despite a trend indicating outcomes, with a differing side effect profile.148 With a
fewer graft losses over time with MMF, the combined in- significant percentage of CsA-treated recipients on stan-
cidence of graft loss and death was 10%, 11%, and 12%, dard doses of MMF or EC-MPS not achieving adequate
respectively, at 1 year (P = not significant). Longer-term exposure to MPA early after transplantation (see sec-
follow-up failed to suggest a benefit of MMF versus aza- tion on therapeutic drug monitoring below), a European
thioprine or placebo in the US Renal Transplant Study trial examined the effect of a “loading dose” approach.
or tricontinental study, although data from the European Investigators found more adverse events but substan-
trial revealed that the 2-g, but not the 3-g, dose of MMF tially less early rejection (3% versus 17% of subjects) us-
reduced death-censored graft loss compared with placebo ing higher than standard doses of EC-MPS (2880 then
– 9%, 13%, and 16%, respectively (P = 0.03).40 2160 mg/day) for 6 weeks.143
After FDA approval in 1995, MMF was rapidly incor- African Americans are generally considered to be at
porated into clinical practice in the United States. From greater immunologic risk than others, and a subgroup
the beginning, pharmacoeconomic analyses documented analysis of the US pivotal trial documented benefit of
benefit: the cost of adding MMF to a regimen was more MMF for black recipients only in the 3-g dose group,
than offset by reduced costs associated with diagnosing with an acute rejection rate of 12% compared to 32%
and treating acute rejection and its consequences.163,170 in the 2-g group and 48% in the azathioprine cohort.112
Subsequent analyses of clinical outcomes of almost 50 000 These findings were seemingly confirmed in a single-­
kidney recipients in the US Renal Data System (USRDS) center study: the standard 2-g dose of MMF produced no
suggested that prescription of MMF yielded significantly benefit in rejection risk among African Americans (rela-
better early and late patient and graft survivals. The risk tive risk 0.88) while white recipients fared much better
of late acute rejection episodes was reduced by 65%,98 (relative risk 0.35).130 Registry data, however, supported
Mycophenolates 259

overall benefit for African American recipients.97 Review A subsequent analysis of Scientific Registry of Transplant
of data from the pivotal trial and other studies found that Recipients data regarding living donor kidney trans-
the excess acute rejections among African Americans, and plants even showed, at 2 years, a significantly greater risk
others, occurred quite early after transplantation, a time of graft failure with the tacrolimus/MMF than with the
when MPA pharmacokinetics are not stable and MPA ex- CsA-ME/MMF combination.19 Eventually, efficacy and
posure at standard doses is low in a substantial number safety data obtained in two studies that compared tacro-
of recipients on CsA-based protocols.47,101,112,155 A subse- limus to CsA-ME in combination with MMF led to the
quent study, conducted in stable renal allograft recipients, FDA’s approval of the tacrolimus/MPA regimen in 2009.
indicated no difference in MPA pharmacokinetics based While the Symphony trial documented fewer rejection
on race or gender.118 In current practice, there is no evi- episodes (12%) and better graft survival with tacrolimus/
dence supporting long-term use of a 3-g MMF dose in MMF than two CsA-ME-based control groups,36 a trial
African Americans, nor for a 3-g dose in non-CsA-based of modified-release tacrolimus documented efficacy and
regimens. safety only similar to a CsA-ME/MMF control group.138
A 2003 paper regarding late kidney allograft failure With tacrolimus/MMF established as a new standard,
identified chronic CsA-induced nephrotoxicity as its several reports document similar efficacy of tacrolimus-
principal etiology.108 The study was based on serial sur- based protocols with sirolimus.26,100 In a randomized,
veillance biopsies in recipients treated with CsA, aza- multicenter clinical trial comparing patients treated with
thioprine, and corticosteroids. A subsequent study from MMF (n =  176) versus sirolimus (n =  185) (along with
the same group, though, substituted MMF for azathio- tacrolimus and steroids), there was no difference in re-
prine, and found substantially fewer changes suggestive jection, graft survival, or patient survival. However, the
of chronic allograft nephropathy, and interpreted the data MMF cohort displayed better renal function, less hyper-
as indicating that MMF must attenuate CsA nephrotoxic- tension, and reduced hyperlipidemia.100 Among patients
ity.109 Indeed, data from the earliest days of MMF use have on a tacrolimus-based regimen, improvements in renal
suggested it might mitigate chronic allograft nephropa- function were observed in 19 patients converted from si-
thy.115 Patients in the USRDS registry who were main- rolimus to MMF compared with 78 recipients remaining
tained on MMF for at least 2 years were reported to show on sirolimus.7
a 34% reduced risk of worsening renal function, with
significantly less late rejection.98,115 A Spanish study indi-
cated that MMF demonstrated benefit for patients with
mTOR Inhibitors
chronic allograft nephropathy even when introduced late Mycophenolates have been utilized with sirolimus in
after transplantation, though contradictory data exist.49,52 It an attempt to avoid calcineurin inhibitors altogether.
now appears that most late allograft failure is the result of Patients receiving sirolimus (and presumably everolimus)
immunologic mechanisms, with antibody-­mediated injury in combination with mycophenolate have substantially
playing a major role.46,131 The putative benefit of MMF in greater MPA exposure than patients on CsA, and many of
preserving renal function and preventing late graft failure the side effects of the two drugs are similar (e.g., diarrhea,
may actually reside in its efficacy as an immunosuppressant myelosuppression), making the combination difficult for
with both anti-T-cell and anti-B-cell effects. some patients to tolerate.42 However, an initial clinical
study suggested that MMF plus sirolimus was at least as
effective as MMF/CsA to prevent acute rejection.82 In the
Tacrolimus (see Chapter 17) Symphony study, one of four treatment groups received
Studies evaluating the tacrolimus/MMF combination sirolimus after daclizumab induction in combination with
began appearing in the mid-1990s. A single-center, ran- MMF and corticosteroids.36 Almost 40% of patients ex-
domized study evaluated adding MMF to a tacrolimus/ perienced acute rejection, with a high rate of study dis-
steroid regimen and documented reduction of acute re- continuation, compromised graft survival, and relatively
jection rates at 1 year from 44% to 27%.132 A subsequent impaired glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 1 year. In
multicenter trial101 reported 2 g/day of MMF reduced a conversion trial involving 830 patients switched be-
the incidence of acute rejection episodes compared with tween 6 and 120 months posttransplant from calcineurin
1 g/day or azathioprine 9%, 32%, and 32%, respectively. inhibitors to sirolimus (in combination with MMF and
The low acute rejection rate with the higher MMF dose, corticosteroids), only subjects with a baseline estimated
without overt evidence indicating greater risk of infec- GFR ≥ 40 mL/min demonstrated improved GFR 2 years
tion or malignancy, was thought to support the 2-g dose later.127 Again, adverse effects were problematic, with
as optimal with tacrolimus; however, the mean time converted patients experiencing more hyperlipidemia,
to rejection was 79 days, there were almost no rejec- anemia, diarrhea, stomatitis, and discontinuation from
tions beyond 180 days in the 1-g MMF group, and, by the study than those remaining on calcineurin inhibitor-
1 year, patients in the 2-g group had had doses reduced based therapy. A very recent study of conversion from
to a mean of 1.6 g/day (see section on therapeutic drug CsA-ME to everolimus demonstrated similar results:
monitoring, below). In contrast, despite a 1-year rejec- more acute rejection, with disappointing benefit in terms
tion rate of 15% with the tacrolimus/MMF combina- of GFR, adverse effects, and study discontinuations.103
tion, another study failed to show a significant benefit of Nonetheless, some studies have demonstrated in patients
tacrolimus versus CsA-ME in combination with MMF able to tolerate the mTOR/mycophenolate combination
on the incidence of acute rejection episodes, graft sur- stability of kidney function over time and a trend to fewer
vival, or patient survival at 2 years among 223 subjects.72 malignancies.16,168
260 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Belatacept and better graft survival than patients in any of three

comparator groups. This effect remained evident with
Belatacept (Nulogix) is a monoclonal antibody that 3 years of follow-up.34
blocks costimulation of lymphocytes by inhibiting the in-
teraction between CD80/86 and CD28. Approved for use
in kidney recipients by US and European authorities in Withdrawal of Calcineurin Inhibitors
2011, it is the first biologic agent to be utilized as mainte- Mycophenolates have also been used in attempts to
nance therapy. It is administered intravenously at varying eliminate calcineurin inhibitors completely from a main-
intervals after transplantation, and, from its earliest trials, tenance regimen, again with a goal of averting chronic
has been combined with mycophenolate and corticoste- nephrotoxicity.108 One multicenter study of patients with
roids.162 Two treatment regimens (moderate and low in- deteriorating renal function at a mean of 6 years after
tensity) of belatacept have now been studied in three large transplantation documented significantly improved renal
multicenter trials involving almost 1500 patients. Efficacy function at 6 and 12 months after stepwise withdrawal
in preventing acute rejection and promoting graft and pa- of CsA.147 A multicenter study compared the 1-year out-
tient survival is comparable to CsA, with better preserva- comes of withdrawal at 3 months of either CsA (n = 44)
tion of renal function.87,161,162 There may also be a benefit or MMF (n = 40) from a three-drug regimen, including
of the belatacept/MMF combination in reducing forma- steroid therapy.129 Withdrawal of CsA was associated with
tion of de novo anti-HLA antibodies.161 Adverse effects better renal function, decreased blood pressure, and more
were more common in a “moderate-intensity” belatacept favorable lipid profiles despite a twofold increase in acute
cohort that received more of the agent early after trans- rejection episodes. Several studies have substituted siroli-
plantation; the “low-intensity” regimen is now approved mus for calcineurin inhibitors in otherwise stable patients,
for clinical use. The belatacept/MMF combination was with generally good results. In a trial designated “Spare-
associated with more posttransplant lymphoproliferative the-Nephron,” stable patients 1–6 months posttransplant
disease than in comparator patients, particularly in those (on either tacrolimus or CsA-ME, as well as MMF and
naïve for Epstein–Barr virus before transplantation; the steroids) were randomized to remain on their calcineu-
combination is contraindicated in such patients. A sin- rin inhibitor (mostly tacrolimus) or switch to sirolimus.168
gle case of PML has also been reported.55 At the time Results at 2 years documented similar renal function be-
of writing, there appears to be no drug–drug interaction tween groups and a trend to less rejection and graft loss in
between belatacept and MMF. the converted patients, with a different adverse event pro-
file. The ZEUS trial randomized CsA-treated patients on
EC-MPS to remain on calcineurin inhibitors or switch to
USE OF MYCOPHENOLATES TO MINIMIZE everolimus at 4.5 months after transplantation.16 Despite
OR AVOID OTHER IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS more rejections in the converted patients (13% versus
5%, P = 0.01), patient and graft survival were similar at
3 years with better renal function in those on everolimus.
Minimization of Calcineurin Inhibitors
While calcineurin inhibitors have played a major ben- Avoidance of Calcineurin Inhibitors
eficial role in the evolution of modern transplantation,
their use is associated with significant toxicities, includ- Experience with an MMF/steroid maintenance regimen
ing glucose intolerance and renal impairment. The ef- from the time of transplantation has typically not been
ficacy and relative tolerability of mycophenolate have good. In 98 low-risk kidney recipients, acute rejection
enabled downward recalibration of what is considered episodes were observed in 53% within 12 months, re-
therapeutic levels or doses of both CsA and tacroli- quiring institution of calcineurin inhibitors.163 A smaller
mus, potentially reducing these toxic effects. Early on, study confined to recipients of living donor kidneys also
dose reduction was typically performed late (beyond observed more rejection and little or no overall benefit.150
6–12 months) in response to declining renal func- In contrast, a single-center report described 12 patients
tion.117 More recently, the CAESAR trial tested full- older than 50 years who received grafts from elderly do-
dose versus low-dose CsA-ME (target C0 150–300 ng/ nors and were successfully treated de novo with MMF,
mL versus 50–100 ng/mL) in combination with MMF steroids, and an induction regimen of rabbit ATG.149
and corticosteroids from the time of transplantation, Durability of benefit may also be an issue; in a Spanish
with half the low-dose patients randomized to with- study, 65% of MMF-treated patients remained on an
draw CsA-ME after 6 months.35 The withdrawal pa- avoidance regimen at 12 months, but only 36% were cal-
tients experienced significantly more acute rejection cineurin inhibitor-free at 60 months.57
episodes, but only after CsA-ME was tapered and dis- A more successful approach, though not uniformly
continued. The best outcomes were in the patients who so, has been substitution of another agent for calcineurin
remained on long-term, low-dose CsA-ME treatment, inhibitor at the time of transplantation. This was the ba-
although glomerular filtration rate did not differ sig- sis of the belatacept experience (see above), and has also
nificantly from the full-dose patients. Likewise, in the provided the underpinnings for development of tofaci-
Symphony trial, patients on low-dose CsA-ME fared tinib.165 Experience with mTOR inhibitors from the time
comparably to those on full-dose CsA-ME.36 However, of transplantation has been mixed, with Kreis in France
patients on low-dose tacrolimus (target C0 3–7 ng/mL) and Flechner at the Cleveland Clinic reporting good
demonstrated fewer rejections, better renal function, results,42,82 and Larson from the Mayo Clinic reporting
Mycophenolates 261

neither advantage nor disadvantage from substituating monitoring.11 Despite some interest in pharmacody-
sirolimus for tacrolimus.88 However, multicenter stud- namic monitoring, only pharmacokinetic monitoring
ies, including Symphony, documented more rejection, a has been widely tested or implemented. In an early study
more problematic adverse event profile, and little or no designed to provide a dataset of MPA exposure (AUC) in
benefit in renal function utilizing a MMF/sirolimus com- a cohort of kidney transplant recipients, 150 recipients
bination in de novo patients.36,50 were randomized to one of three dose groups of MMF
(in combination with CsA and steroids).153 The study
documented poor bioavailability early after transplanta-
Steroid Avoidance or Withdrawal tion that seemed to stabilize by week 12, when AUCs
Availability of a potent agent like MMF was anticipated, were almost double those seen in the first 2 weeks post-
in combination with CsA, to allow elimination of long- transplant. There was substantially less acute rejection
term corticosteroid therapy and its attendant complica- in patients with AUC  > 30 mg/h/L. Patients in the high-
tions. Again, however, results were mixed. A large National est MPA target group experienced more adverse events,
Institutes of Health-sponsored multicenter trial of ste- which in this trial resulted in study discontinuation, but
roid withdrawal at 3 months after transplantation using a no upper limit to define toxicity risk could be determined.
CsA-ME/MMF regimen documented an increased risk of While full 12-hour AUC measurement is unwieldy for
rejection episodes (particularly in minority patients), and clinical monitoring, limited sampling strategies correlate
resulted in early termination of the study.1 More recently, well with overall MPA exposure. Trough level monitor-
the FREEDOM study examined steroid avoidance and ing correlates less well with AUC, but recent studies
withdrawal in patients on CsA and EC-MPS after basilix- documented an r2 of 0.68 for patients also receiving ta-
imab induction; a control group that remained on main- crolimus (less so for CsA-ME), and low intraindividual
tenance steroids clearly fared best.164 In contrast, steroid variability47,158 (Figure 18-5). It should be reiterated
withdrawal beginning at 3 months after transplantation that trough levels and AUC do not correlate (r2 = 0.02)
showed no significant difference in rejection rates versus for EC-MPS. Finally, concomitant drug therapy mat-
continued steroid therapy among European patients pre- ters. Kuypers and colleagues documented lowest risk
scribed MMF/tacrolimus144 or MMF/CsA-ME with anti- for biopsy-proven acute rejection when both tacrolimus
body induction.159 Although the superior results of the latter and MPA exposure were therapeutic, intermediate risk
trials might be attributed to more potent baseline therapy, when one or the other (but not both) was therapeutic,
it might also represent a difference in patient populations. and greatest risk when both drugs were subtherapeutic.83
After completion of these trials, philosophy regard- Three large multicenter studies have prospectively
ing timing of steroid withdrawal changed: rather than tested the impact of therapeutic drug monitoring-
in chronic, stable patients, the most advantageous time based MMF dosing on clinical outcomes in kidney
point might be early after transplantation, either avoiding transplantation. In a French study (APOMYGRE), all
steroids altogether or withdrawing under cover of heavier subjects received CsA and steroids, and were random-
immunosuppression with closer monitoring. A European ized to receive fixed-dose or concentration-controlled
study showed success with only a single methylpredniso- (CC) MMF.91 MMF exposure was measured via limited
lone dose at transplant along with daclizumab induction sampling AUC, and dose adjustments were made by
and tacrolimus/MMF maintenance therapy: 89% of pa- study nurses according to Bayesian algorithm. There
tients were steroid-free at 6 months, with less posttrans- was significant benefit for the CC group at 12 months
plant diabetes and stable kidney function.124 In a large, with less acute rejection and fewer treatment fail-
randomized, blinded study where corticosteroids were ures. The MMF dose was higher in the CC group at
withdrawn within 7 days of transplantation after lym- day 14 (P < 0.0001), month 1 (P < 0.0001), and month
phocyte depletion with rabbit ATG, a tacrolimus/MMF 3 (P < 0.01), as were median AUCs on day 14 (34 ver-
combination was equally effective with or without main- sus 27 mg/h/L; P = 0.0001) and at month 1 (45 versus
tenance steroids over 5 years posttransplant.169 In another 31 mg/h/L; P < 0.0001). Adverse events did not differ
large multicenter trial, depletional induction with alem- between groups.
tuzumab or rabbit ATG facilitated excellent outcomes In contrast were two larger trials in Europe and the
over 3 years with a tacrolimus/MMF corticosteroid-free United States. The FDCC study enrolled 901 European
combination.61 It should be remembered that, beyond kidney recipients, randomizing to either CC MMF dos-
the early avoidance philosophy, use of MMF at standard ing (target AUC 45 mg/h/L) or standard fixed dosing, in
doses (as mandated in these trials) with tacrolimus is asso- combination with calcineurin inhibitors (predominantly
ciated with substantially greater MPA exposure than the tacrolimus) and corticosteroids.155 Dose changes in the
CsA-based trials noted in the previous paragraph, with FDCC trial (as well as Opticept47) were made by investi-
the enhanced exposure perhaps influencing outcomes. gators without specific guidance as to frequency or scope.
The two treatment groups were largely indistinguishable,
with similar MPA exposure in both at all time points, and
THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING similar frequency of acute rejection episodes and treat-
ment failure. Again, however, there was a strong relation-
Although fixed doses of MMF and EC-MPS have been ship between MPA exposure and risk of acute rejection;
the norm in most clinical trials and in practice, the 37% of subjects had AUC  < 30 mg/h/L at day 3, more
marked interindividual variability in pharmacokinet- commonly in those taking CsA-ME than tacrolimus.
ics provides a rationale to implement therapeutic drug In the Opticept trial, conducted in the United States, 720
262 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 18-6  ■  Mycophenolic acid (MPA) exposure and time to first biopsy-proven acute rejection episode. Cox proportional hazards
model estimate with the abbreviated MPA area under the concentration–time curve, baseline hypertension/diabetes, and treatment
effect (controls versus concentration-controlled dosing) as covariates. Cutoff point of ≥1.6 μg/mL was based on receiver operating
characteristic analysis of the study data. (From Gaston RS, Kaplan B, Shah T, et al. Fixed- or controlled-dose MMF with standard- or reduced-
dose calcineurin inhibitors: the Opticept trial. Am J Transplant 2009;9:1607.)

patients were randomized to one of three groups: a con- patients undergoing calcineurin inhibitor- or steroid-
trol group on fixed-dose MMF and standard-dose calci- sparing regimens, those at high immunologic risk, those
neurin inhibitor (roughly 80% tacrolimus, 20% CsA) or with delayed graft function, or those with altered gastroin-
one of two groups with CC MMF administration, and testinal, hepatic, or renal function.90,156
either standard dose or reduced-dose calcineurin inhibi-
tor.47 CC dosing of MMF was guided by trough MPA REFERENCES
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m Tor Inhibitors: Sirolimus

and Everolimus
J. Andrew Bradley  •  Christopher J.E. Watson



Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
DRUG INTERACTIONS Delayed Recovery from Ischemia-Reperfusion
De Novo Therapy with mTOR Inhibitors in the Peripheral Edema
Absence of Calcineurin Inhibitors Wound Healing and Lymphocele Formation
De Novo Combination Therapy with mTOR Mouth Ulcers
Inhibitors and Calcineurin Inhibitors Rash
Maintenance Therapy with mTOR Inhibitors Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, and Leukopenia
mTOR INHIBITORS AND MALIGNANCY Gastrointestinal Symptoms
mTOR Inhibitors as Antitumor Agents Thrombosis
mTOR Inhibitors and Posttransplant Renal Tubular Effects: Hypokalemia and
Malignancy Hypophosphatemia
mTOR Inhibitors and Non-Melanoma Skin Bone Effects
Cancer Liver Function Abnormalities
mTOR Inhibitors and Posttransplant Amenorrhea and Testicular Function
Lymphoproliferative Disorder
mTOR Inhibitors and Kaposi's Sarcoma

Sirolimus and its closely related analogue everolimus from clinical trials of the mTOR inhibitors emerges it is
are potent immunosuppressive agents that impair lym- clear they still have an important role and are an effective
phocyte activation and proliferation by inhibiting the alternative to CNI-based immunosuppressive therapy in
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). The mTOR a number of clinical situations.
inhibitors emerged in the 1990s as a completely new class
of immunosuppressive agent and a promising alternative
to calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)-based therapy in organ DISCOVERY
transplantation, particularly since mTOR inhibitors were
not believed to cause nephrotoxicity, hitherto the Achilles Sirolimus (AY-22989, rapamycin, Rapamune) is a fermen-
heel of CNIs. Their appeal was further enhanced by the tation product of the bacterium Streptomyces hygroscopicus,
suggestion that they may have anti-tumor effects and also first isolated from soil samples taken in 1965 from Easter
inhibitory effects on vascular smooth-muscle prolifera- Island, which is known locally as Rapa Nui, hence the sub-
tion that might help prevent chronic rejection. sequent decision to name the drug rapamycin. It was first
The early promise that mTOR inhibitors would re- investigated as an antifungal agent in the mid-1970s8,136
place CNI as the mainstay of immunosuppression after and in 1977 it was also reported to have immunosuppres-
organ transplantation has not been fulfilled. Their side ef- sive effects in the rat, where it prevented the development
fects and limitations became increasingly apparent, and as of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and adjuvant
a result their use in organ transplantation has been more arthritis.102 Twelve years later it was reported that admin-
limited than initially anticipated. As new information istration of rapamycin prolonged the survival of heart

268 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

allografts in rats and kidney allografts in pigs and dogs, As the potential of sirolimus as a clinical immunosup-
although it was noted that some pigs developed inter- pressive agent became apparent, chemists at Novartis
stitial pneumonitis,20 an observation that was later to be synthesized everolimus (RAD001, SDZRAD, Certican,
noted in the clinic. More worryingly, rapamycin resulted Zortress, Affinitor) by making a 2-hydroxyethyl chain
in lethal vasculitis of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs20 substitution at position 40 of the sirolimus molecule
and this finding delayed further clinical evaluation of si- (Figure 19-1), a drug which retained potent immunosup-
rolimus. Tacrolimus, which shares structural similarity pressive activity with improved oral bioavailability.134
with sirolimus (Figure 19-1), also causes vasculitis in the
dog,26 but when used in humans in 1989 there was no sign
of such toxicity,144 which helped lead to a resumption in
the clinical evaluation of sirolimus. MECHANISM OF ACTION
The mTOR inhibitors sirolimus and everolimus exert
their principal immunosuppressive effects by inhibiting
the ability of the intracytoplasmic mTOR multiprotein
enzyme complex to regulate the growth, proliferation,
O and survival of lymphocytes and other immunocompe-
Tacrolimus tent cells. mTOR (a 289-kD serine/threonine protein
O kinase) is a central component of two functionally dis-
OH tinct mTOR complexes called mTOR complex 1 and 2
O N (mTORC1 and mTORC2).157 Both mTOR complexes
exert their effects on other intracellular signaling mol-
ecules including Akt and S6 kinase. Sirolimus and
everolimus are potent inhibitors of mTORC1, while
O the mTORC2 complex is relatively resistant to mTOR
HO After entering into cells, the mTOR inhibitors bind to
OH one of a family of immunophilins called FK506-binding
proteins (FKBPs), particularly the 12-kD FKBP12
Sirolimus (Figure 19-2). Immunophilins are highly conserved and
abundantly expressed cytosolic proteins whose natu-
binding ral function in the cell is the cis/trans isomerization of
O domain ­peptidyl–prolyl bonds and is completely distinct from
OH their ability to act as receptors for certain immunosup-
pressant molecules and mediate immunosuppressive ef-
fects.92 The sirolimus–FKBP12 or everolimus–FKBP12
H molecular complex binds to the FKBP12-binding do-
domain main of mTOR and blocks association of Raptor with
H mTOR and the adaptor protein mLST8 that collectively
O comprise the functional mTORC1 complex within the
cell.55,157 This interferes with mTORC1-dependent intra-
O OH cellular signaling pathways, particularly those regulating
O cell growth and proliferation in response to signals from
cytokines, growth factors, nutrients (especially amino ac-
ids), stress (e.g., hypoxia), and Toll-like receptor ligand
engagement. In lymphoid cells, the important signals
O originate from the cell surface and are generated by cyto-
H OH kine receptor binding, such as binding of interleukin-2 to
O O N the interleukin-2 receptor complex, and ligand binding to
H coreceptors such as CD28.
The mTORC2 complex comprises mTOR, Rictor
O O (rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR), mitogen-
activated protein kinase-associated protein (mSIN1),
O OH protein observed with Rictor (Protor/PRR5), DEPTOR,
and mLST8. While mTORC2 is resistant to acute inhi-
O O bition by sirolimus (and everolimus), increasing evidence
suggests that chronic exposure to sirolimus may block
FIGURE 19-1  ■ Structure of tacrolimus, sirolimus, and everoli- mTORC2 function. mTORC2 is involved in regulat-
mus. Sirolimus and everolimus are macrocyclic lactones with ing cell morphology and maintaining the integrity of the
structural similarity to tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf). Everolimus cytoskeleton. It is also an important regulator of intra-
has a 2-hydroxyethyl chain substitution at position 40 of the si-
rolimus structure. All three molecules have a common area that
cellular signaling pathways in both B and T cells, and
binds to a family of intracellular carrier proteins, the FK506 bind- mTORC2 inhibition may contribute to the immunosup-
ing proteins (FKBPs), in particular the 12-kD protein FKBP12. pressive effects of sirolimus and everolimus.83
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 269

Immune signals
- antigen
- cytokines
Growth factors - co-stimulation



Raptor Deptor Rictor Deptor

mTOR mTOR Protor

PRAS40 mLST8 mSin1 mLST8


Lipid Cell cycle mRNA Cytoskeleton Cell

synthesis & growth translation integrity survival

FIGURE 19-2  ■ Highly simplified schematic representation of the mechanism of action of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
inhibitors. The mTOR inhibitors sirolimus and everolimus form an intracellular complex with FK506 binding protein 12 (FKBP12), and
this complex inhibits the function of the TORC1 complex, possibly by preventing association of Raptor. TORC1 is important for cell
proliferation in response to growth factor stimulation and regulates the S6K1 response to stimulation via the CD28 ligand in T cells.
mTOR also forms the TORC2 complex, which is resistant to sirolimus and everolimus and is involved in cytoskeleton control.

Functionally distinct T-cell subsets exhibit differential signaling may also have immunostimulatory effects on T
susceptibility to mTOR inhibition159 and, interestingly, cells and sirolimus may, for example, promote the gen-
mTOR inhibitors appear to promote preferentially the eration of long-lived memory T cells.5
expansion of T-regulatory cells in humans,13,129 which
makes them attractive agents to include in experimental
protocols aimed at promoting transplant tolerance.56 The PHARMACOKINETICS
extent to which this property of mTOR inhibitors con-
tributes to their clinical effectiveness as immunosuppres- Sirolimus and everolimus are only available as oral
sive agents remains to be defined. formulations and both are marketed in tablet form;
While the principal immunosuppressive effect of sirolimus is also available as an oral solution. They
mTOR inhibitors has been attributed to their inhibitory are rapidly absorbed from the intestine, although
effect on T-cell proliferation, with activated lymphocytes both have a relatively low and variable bioavailability
showing cell cycle arrest in the late G1 phase, it is now (around 25%). Both sirolimus and everolimus have a
clear that mTOR functions as a master regulator control- narrow therapeutic index and therapeutic monitoring
ling many aspects of both innate and adaptive immunity.131 of blood levels is necessary to ensure effective and safe
The mechanisms of immunosuppression through mTOR immunosuppression.
inhibition are diverse, complex, and still not fully un- After absorption, sirolimus is extensively bound to
derstood. For example, mTOR regulates T-cell traffick- erythrocytes, and less than 5% of the drug remains
ing through altered expression of cell surface molecules free in the plasma, where it is associated with the non-
such as CCR7, and inhibition of mTOR alters lympho- lipoprotein fraction.158 It has a long half-life of about
cyte migration patterns. mTOR plays an important role 60 hours in renal transplant patients, with rapid absorp-
in regulating the differentiation of functionally distinct tion time to maximal concentration at 1–2 hours and
CD4+ T-cell subsets and mTOR blockade appears, as exposure that is proportional to dose, but with a large
noted above, to promote preferentially the development intersubject coefficient of variance (CV) of 52% and
of T-regulatory cells. mTOR also influences B-cell de- significant intrasubject variability (CV = 26%).45,94 The
velopment and maturation, and inhibiting mTOR may pharmacokinetic profiles of the tablet formulation and
interfere with B-cell responses. Inhibition of mTOR has liquid formulation of sirolimus are similar apart from
been shown to have both immunosuppressive and immu- a lower maximal concentration with tablets.71 With
nostimulatory effects on dendritic cells, reducing and in- both formulations, the total drug exposure (area under
creasing their ability to stimulate T cells according to the the concentration–time curve (AUC) correlates well
type of dendritic cell. Paradoxically, inhibiting mTOR with maximal concentration and trough concentration.
270 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Similar to cyclosporine and tacrolimus, the pharmacoki- the exposure to tacrolimus when the two drugs are
netics of sirolimus differ in different ethnic groups, with co-administered.9,122
reduced oral bioavailability in African Americans.33 Other groups of drugs with important interactions
Everolimus is more water-soluble than sirolimus, and with the CYP pathway are the antimicrobials (­especially
this increases its bioavailability. In studies of single doses fluconazole and erythromycin) and the 3-hydroxy-
of everolimus capsules in renal transplant recipients, 3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA)
everolimus was shown to have a much shorter half-life ­inhibitors (statins), both of which are widely used in renal
than sirolimus (16–19 hours), a rapid absorption (maxi- transplant recipients.
mal concentration reached within 3 hours), and a good mTOR inhibitors also differ from cyclosporine in the
correlation between trough and AUC.68 As with siroli- way in which they interact with other immunosuppres-
mus, ethnicity affects everolimus pharmacokinetics, with sive agents. Patients taking sirolimus, like tacrolimus,
a higher dose requirement in African American patients.76 have a much higher exposure to mycophenolic acid than
do patients taking mycophenolate and cyclosporine,15 and
for patients switching from a CNI to mTOR inhibitor,
THERAPEUTIC BLOOD MONITORING the dose of mycophenolic acid may need to be adjusted.
Administration of mTOR inhibitors may also result in a
Whole-blood measurements of drug concentration are modest reduction in exposure (reduced AUC) to pred-
performed due to the high degree of binding of the drug to nisolone compared to cyclosporine.63
erythrocytes, although it is the very small free drug fraction
that is immunosuppressive. There are two principal meth-
ods used in the determination of mTOR concentrations: USE OF mTOR INHIBITORS
enzyme-linked immunoassays and high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet or mass spec- mTOR inhibitors have been evaluated for use in renal
trometry detection. HPLC measures the parent drug, and transplantation as an addition to CNI-based therapy and
is very accurate but time-consuming. Immunoassays, on as a substitute for CNIs. mTOR inhibitors have also been
the other hand, utilize microparticles coated with antibod- used as de novo treatment from the time of renal trans-
ies to the mTORs and provide a rapid assay, but one which plantation, as a later addition to CNIs to enhance im-
overestimates the drug concentration due to crossreaction munosuppression in response to acute rejection, and as a
with drug metabolites in addition to the parent drug.62,161 substitute for CNIs to avoid CNI toxicity in the mainte-
nance phase of immunosuppression.
Early in vitro and in vivo studies suggested that
PHARMACOGENETICS mTOR inhibitors and CNIs when used together had a
synergistic immunosuppressive effect.65,73 This might be
Sirolimus and everolimus are metabolized in the liver and
anticipated given that CNIs and mTOR inhibitors each
intestinal wall by the cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 3A enzyme
block different signals during T-cell activation and affect
subfamily (CYP3A4 and CYP3A5) and, to a minor extent,
different stages of the cell cycle. Initially, it was envis-
by CYP2C8. Polymorphisms of these enzymes are com-
aged that mTOR inhibitors might be best used along
mon and because of linkage disequilibrium (the genes
with CNIs to exploit this synergistic immunosuppressive
lie adjacent on chromosome 7q21) may occur together.
effect, optimizing immunosuppression and minimizing
Polymorphisms of CYP3A enzymes are associated with
agent-specific side effects. Evidence from rodent studies
lower drug concentration-to-dose ratios in patients ex-
suggested, however, that sirolimus may exacerbate cyclo-
pressing the least common genotypes.4,84 An association
sporine nephrotoxicity,3 a finding that was subsequently
between CYP3A5* genotype and dose requirement for
confirmed in clinical studies.67 Most of the initial work
sirolimus has been noted in some, but not all, studies,
with sirolimus was done in conjunction with cyclospo-
and a recent study in renal transplant patients found no
rine rather than tacrolimus because it was believed that
association between CYP3A5 genotype and everolimus
competition for binding to the immunophilin FKBP12
would preclude co-administration of tacrolimus and siro-
limus. It later became evident that there is an abundance
DRUG INTERACTIONS of FKBP12 in the cytoplasm, and in vitro studies sug-
gest that less than 5% of the available FKBP needs to
Since sirolimus and everolimus are metabolized primarily be bound to cause half-maximal immunosuppression.35
by CYP3A4, and to a lesser extent by CYP3A5 and CYP Tacrolimus and sirolimus can be administered simultane-
2C8, drugs that affect these enzyme pathways alter the ously at therapeutic doses in humans without significant
metabolism of the mTORs. Important among these are competition for FKBP12.151
the CNIs, particularly cyclosporine, which can increase
the concentration of mTOR inhibitors with a reciprocal De Novo Therapy with mTOR Inhibitors in the
increase in cyclosporine concentrations.160 This drug in-
teraction is particularly noticeable when the time interval
Absence of Calcineurin Inhibitors
between mTOR inhibitors and cyclosporine ingestion Sirolimus has been investigated in numerous studies where
varies. It is thus important that patients receiving mTOR it was the principal immunosuppressant. The first such
inhibitors and cyclosporine adhere to a regular pattern studies were phase II trials conducted in Europe that ex-
of medication and do not vary the interval between tak- amined concentration-controlled sirolimus dose ­regimens,
ing the two agents. Conversely, mTOR inhibitors ­reduce rather than fixed-dose regimens. When sirolimus was
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 271

administered as a component of triple therapy with aza- cyclosporine-based regimen.48 A subsequent randomized
thioprine and prednisolone, it was associated with a similar trial comparing sirolimus and tacrolimus (each given
incidence of acute rejection to that observed in patients on along with MMF and prednisolone) showed the two reg-
the old Sandimmune preparation of cyclosporine (41% imens to be comparable in terms of acute rejection rate
versus 38% at 12 months).52 A follow-up study substi- and graft function.82 A registry analysis suggested that
tuted azathioprine with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) renal allograft recipients treated with a combination of
and showed no significant difference in the incidence of sirolimus and MMF had a higher rate of acute rejection
acute rejection between sirolimus and cyclosporine, al- and reduced allograft survival compared with recipients
though there were numerically more acute rejection epi- receiving alternative immunosuppressive regimens.140
sodes in the sirolimus arm (27.5% versus 18.5%).77 Patient A systematic review of randomized trials in which
and graft survivals were similar in the two study groups, mTOR inhibitors were used in place of CNIs as initial
although the studies were insufficiently powered to detect therapy after kidney transplantation in studies published
small differences. Pooled data from both studies showed up to 2005 (eight different trials with a total of 750 par-
significantly better renal function in patients receiving ticipants) revealed that there was no difference in the in-
sirolimus.110 These two early studies provided the first cidence of acute rejection at 1 year, but the level of serum
detailed insight into the toxicity profile of sirolimus in hu- creatinine (a possible surrogate end-point for long-term
mans and suggested a side-effect profile that was different graft survival) was lower in patients receiving mTOR
from that associated with CNIs (Table 19-1). inhibitors.156
Subsequent studies further explored the use of siro- Recent reports from two large-scale trials (ORION
limus with MMF, together with anti-CD25 monoclonal and Symphony) suggested that the combination of siro-
antibody induction therapy. Early data suggested that limus and MMF is inferior to a low-dose tacrolimus and
the combination of sirolimus and MMF was superior to a MMF-based triple therapy.

TABLE 19-1  Adverse Effects of Sirolimus Identified in Phase II Studies of Sirolimus

Compared with Cyclosporine
Cyclosporine +
Sirolimus Azathioprine Cyclosporine + MMF
(n = 41 + 40) (n = 42) (n = 38)
Hypertriglyceridemia 21 + 29 = 50 (63%) 5 (12%) 19 (50%)
Hypercholesterolemia 18 + 26 = 44 (54%) 6 (14%) 17 (45)
Hyperglycemia 8 + 6 = 14 (17%) 3 (7%) 6 (16%)
IDDM 1 + 1 = 2 (2%) 1 (2%) 1 (3%)
ALT increase 8 + 8 = 16 (20%) 1 (2%) 3 (8%)
Hypokalemia 14 +8 = 22 (27%) 0 6 (16%)
Hypophosphatemia 6 + 6 = 12 (15%) 0 1 (3%)
Hyperuricemia 1 (3%) — 7 (18%)

Thrombocytopenia 15 + 18 = 33 (41%) 0 3 (8%)
Leukopenia 16 + 11 = 27 (33%) 6 (14%) 7 (18%)
Anemia 15 + 17 = 32 (40%) 10 (24%) 11 (29%)

CMV viremia 6 + 2 = 8 (10%) 5 (12%) 8 (21%)
Herpes simplex 10 + 6 = 16 (20%) 4 (10%) 6 (16%)
Herpes zoster 0 + 1 = 1 (1%) 1 (2%) 1 (3%)
Oral Candida 3 + 5 = 8 (10%) 0 3 (8%)
PCP 0+0 1 (2%) 0
Pyelonephritis/UTI 17 + 17 = 34 (42%) 12 (29%) 15 (39%)
Septicemia 6 + 2 = 8 (10%) 1 (2%) 1 (3%)
Pneumonia 7 + 6 = 13 (16%) 1 (2%) 2 (5%)
Wound infection 4 + 2 = 6 (7%) 2 (5%) 3 (8%)

Hypertension 7 + 16 = 23 (16%) 14 (33%) 18 (47%)
Arthralgia 8 (20%) 0 –
Tremor 1 + 2 = 3 (4%) 7 (14%) 8 (21%)
Gingival hyperplasia 0+0 4 (10%) 3 (8%)
Hirsutism 1 (3%) – 4 (11%)
Diarrhea 15 (38%) – 4 (11%)
Malignancies 0 2 (5%) 0

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CMV, cytomegalovirus; IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; PCP,
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; UTI, urinary tract infection.
Data from Groth CG, Backman L, Morales JM, et al. Sirolimus (rapamycin)-based therapy in human renal transplantation: similar efficacy and
­different toxicity compared with cyclosporine. Sirolimus European Renal Transplant Study Group. Transplantation 1999;67:1036; and Kreis H,
Cisterne JM, Land W, et al. Sirolimus in association with mycophenolate mofetil induction for the prevention of acute graft rejection in renal
­allograft recipients. Transplantation 2000;69:1252.
272 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The ORION study was an open-label randomized the study, mainly because of treatment failure (use of
multicenter international comparison of two sirolimus- ­additional immunosuppressive agents and discontinua-
based regimens with tacrolimus and MMF in adult tion of study drug), was highest in recipients randomized
first- or second-time recipients of living or deceased to low-dose sirolimus (48.9%). Serious adverse events
donor kidneys.47 A total of 469 patients were recruited occurred in 53.2% of patients in the low-dose sirolimus
in 65 centers in North America, Europe, and Australia group compared with around 44% for the other study
and randomly assigned to one of three groups. Group 1 groups. In this study, therefore, low-dose sirolimus re-
received sirolimus (initial target trough levels 8–15 ng/ sulted in higher rates of biopsy-proven rejection and no
mL) plus tacrolimus (target trough level 6–15 ng/mL), improvement in renal function compared to the cyclo-
with stepwise withdrawal of tacrolimus after week 13 sporine-based regimens.
and continuation on sirolimus (maintenance trough lev- In a subsequent report on this study, with an additional
els of 12–20 ng/mL). Group 2 received sirolimus (ini- 2 years of follow-up based on around half of the patients
tial target trough levels of 10–15 ng/mL reducing after originally recruited to the ELiTE-Symphony study,39
13 weeks to 8–15 ng/mL and after 26 weeks to 5–15 ng/ renal function remained relatively stable overall and the
mL) plus MMF (up to 2 g/day). Group 3 received tacro- incidence of graft rejection and graft loss remained low.
limus (target trough levels of 8–15 ng/mL to week 26 and The low-dose tacrolimus group continued to have the
5–15 ng/mL thereafter) and MMF (up to 2 g/day). The highest GFR but the difference with the other groups was
primary end-point of the study was Nankivell glomeru- no longer significant. However, the study was not pow-
lar filtration rate (GFR) at 12 months,112 and secondary ered to detect differences in the key end-points at 3 years.
end-points included GFR at 2 years, patient and graft The number of patients in the low-dose sirolimus group
survival, and biopsy-confirmed acute rejection. Study who remained on sirolimus for the entire 3-year study
group 2 (sirolimus + MMF) was prematurely discontinued period was low, although their average renal function
because of a higher-than-expected rate of acute rejection. at 3 years was numerically, but not significantly, slightly
No significant differences in the primary end-point were higher than that of patients remaining on the original
found. Patient survival was similar in all three groups (2- agents in the other three groups.
year patient survival 94.4% in group 1, 94.5% in group 2,
and 97 % in group 3). Graft loss was numerically higher De Novo Combination Therapy with mTOR
in the groups receiving sirolimus but not significantly so
(2-year graft survival 88.5% in group 1, 89.9% in group
Inhibitors and Calcineurin Inhibitors
2, and 95.4% in group 3). The incidence of biopsy- One of the first studies of sirolimus in renal transplanta-
proven acute rejection in the first 2 years was significantly tion to be performed was a dose-ranging study that com-
higher in the CNI-free groups (group 1 17.4%, group bined different doses of sirolimus (given as a fixed dose) in
2 32.8%, and group 3 12.3%). Adverse events were the conjunction with a high-dose or low-dose Sandimmune
primary reason for patients not continuing in the study cyclosporine (concentration-controlled).66 All groups re-
and this occurred in 34.2% of patients in group 1, 33.6% ceived steroids but no azathioprine or MMF. Small num-
of patients in group 2, and 22.3% of patients in group bers of patients in the study and an unequal distribution
3. The authors concluded that sirolimus-based regimens of African Americans between the six study groups meant
were not associated with improved outcomes after kidney that the results were difficult to interpret. Nevertheless,
transplantation. the study showed that the combination of sirolimus and
The Efficacy Limiting Toxicity Elimination (ELiTE)- cyclosporine was more potent than cyclosporine alone in
Symphony study40 was an open-label multicenter inter- the prevention of acute rejection and that half-dose cyclo-
national randomized four-arm trial that examined the sporine and sirolimus were as efficacious as full-dose cy-
efficacy of reduced-dose sirolimus, tacrolimus, or cy- closporine and sirolimus. The higher incidence of acute
closporine when combined with daclizumab induction, rejection seen in African Americans in this study was also
MMF, and corticosteroids in adult renal transplant re- observed in subsequent studies.64 The other important
cipients. Both living donor and deceased donor trans- finding to emerge from this study was a high incidence
plants were included. The outcomes were also compared of pneumocystis pneumonia in sirolimus-treated patients,
to those in recipients given standard-dose cyclosporine, mostly in patients from one center, where routine pro-
MMF, and corticosteroids. The primary end-point was phylaxis against Pneumocystis jirovecii was not given. Two
estimated GFR 12 months after transplantation. A total large phase III studies of sirolimus followed shortly after-
of 1645 patients were recruited from 15 participating wards, one conducted in the United States64 and the sec-
countries. The study group given low-dose tacrolimus, ond worldwide (Table 19-2).95 Similar to earlier studies,
MMF, and steroids had a significantly better 12-month these studies used a fixed dose of sirolimus (2 or 5 mg/day)
GFR compared to the other three study groups. Acute in combination with concentration-controlled cyclospo-
rejection (biopsy-proven) in the first 6 months was three rine. In the US study, the two different doses of sirolimus
times higher in the low-dose sirolimus group (35.3%) were compared with azathioprine, and all groups received
compared to the low-dose tacrolimus group (11.3%). steroids but no induction therapy.64 Only patients with
Allograft survival at 12 months (censored for death with functioning renal allografts were recruited, in contrast to
a functioning transplant) was also significantly lower in the global study in which function of the graft was not
the low-dose sirolimus and standard-dose cyclosporine a prerequisite for enrollment.95 The other major differ-
groups (91.7% and 91.9% respectively) compared to the ence between the US and the global study was that the
low-dose tacrolimus group (96.4%). Withdrawal from comparator in the global study was placebo rather than
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 273

TABLE 19-2  Outcome of Two Phase III Sirolimus Adjuvant Therapy Studies

US Study (n = 719) Global Study (n = 576)
Aza SRL 2 mg SRL 5 mg Placebo SRL 2 mg SRL 5 mg
(n = 161) (n = 284) (n = 274) (n = 130) (n = 227) (n = 219)
Acute rejection (%) 29.8 16.9* 12† 41.5 24.7‡ 19.2§
Creatinine clearance 68.8 62.3 59.2 62.6 56.4
Graft survival (%) 94.4 94.3 92.7 87.7 89.9 90.9
Patient survival (%) 98.1 97.2 96 94.6 96.5 95

*P = 0.002 relative to the azathioprine arm.

P < 0.001 relative to the azathioprine arm.

P = 0.003 relative to the placebo arm.
P < 0.001 relative to the placebo arm.
Aza, azathioprine; SRL, sirolimus.
Note: Acute rejection incidence and creatinine clearance (Nankivell formula) are 6-month values; graft and patient survivals are 12-month
From MacDonald A, for the Rapamune Global. Study Group. A worldwide, phase III, randomized, controlled, safety and efficacy study of a
sirolimus/cyclosporine regimen for prevention of acute rejection in recipients of primary mismatched renal allografts. Transplantation 2001;

azathioprine. Both studies showed a clear benefit in terms loss, death, and loss to follow-up). However, significantly
of reduction in the rate of acute rejection for patients re- worse renal function in both everolimus groups led to a
ceiving sirolimus, an effect that was more marked in pa- protocol revision at 12 months with reduction in the tar-
tients receiving a higher dose of sirolimus. There was a get trough cyclosporine levels to 50–75 ng/mL. At 3 years
difference in acute rejection rates, patient survival, and renal function was similar in the low-dose everolimus and
graft survival in the US study compared with the global MMF groups, but significantly worse in the higher-dose
study in all treatment arms, which likely reflects the dif- everolimus group. A similar trial conducted predomi-
ferent enrollment requirements, with only recipients nantly in North America with the same composite end-
with functioning grafts being entered into the US study. point at 36 months and the same protocol amendment
These two pivotal studies in the development of siro- showed that all three groups were similarly efficacious
limus reveal much about how best to use sirolimus and but creatinine clearance was lower at 12 and 36 months
its drawbacks. There was a high incidence of lymphocele in the everolimus groups.90 Another multicenter random-
formation (12–15% versus 3% in the azathioprine con- ized phase II study undertaken in the United States and
trol group in the US study) and wound infection com- Europe evaluated the efficacy and safety of everolimus
pared with the control arm. Of particular importance 3 mg/day together with basiliximab induction, predniso-
was the observation that the renal function of patients lone, and either full-dose or reduced-dose cyclosporine
on a combination of sirolimus and cyclosporine was (trough levels 125–250 ng/mL respectively), although a
worse than that of patients on cyclosporine alone, with a protocol amendment at 12 months reduced the cyclo-
12-month calculated creatinine clearance of 67.5 mL/min sporine trough target to 50–75 ng/mL in all patients.114
in the azathioprine control group compared with 62 mL/ The primary end-point was efficacy (composite of bi-
min and 55.5 mL/min in the 2-mg and 5-mg sirolimus opsy-proven acute rejection, graft loss, death, or loss to
groups. A similar effect was seen in the global study. follow-up) and efficacy failure was significantly higher in
The immunosuppressive synergy between cyclospo- the full-dose cyclosporine arm at 36 months (35.8% ver-
rine and sirolimus in these studies was analyzed by me- sus 17.2%). Creatinine clearance was similar in the two
dian effect analysis of the pooled data.67 This analysis groups at 36 months.
showed that administration of sirolimus permitted a 2.2- Sirolimus has also been evaluated in combination with
fold reduction in cyclosporine exposure, and reciprocally tacrolimus after an initial report suggesting that the theo-
cyclosporine permits a fivefold reduction in sirolimus retical misgivings about the combination are not seen in
dose to achieve the same immunosuppressive efficacy. clinical practice.103 As already noted above, the ORION
Experimental data also suggest that synergism accounts study47 included a group that received sirolimus plus ta-
for the increased nephrotoxicity.125 crolimus but with stepwise withdrawal of tacrolimus after
The combination of everolimus and cyclosporine has week 13 and continuation on sirolimus.
been evaluated in several multicenter clinical trials. An Sirolimus in combination with tacrolimus was com-
early multicenter clinical trial conducted predominantly pared with tacrolimus and MMF as primary immuno-
in Europe compared two fixed doses of everolimus (1.5 suppression after kidney transplantation in a randomized
and 3 mg/day) against MMF, with all three arms receiv- multicenter trial in the United States.107 A total of 361
ing corticosteroids and full-dose cyclosporine with target patients were recruited. Both arms of the study received
trough levels of 150–400 ng/mL until week 4 and then corticosteroids and sirolimus was dosed to achieve blood
100–300 ng/mL.149,150 There was no significant difference levels of 4–12 ng/mL. At 1 year renal function was superior
between the three groups in the primary composite end- in the tacrolimus arm and patients receiving sirolimus had
point at 6 months (biopsy-proven acute rejection, graft a higher incidence of study drug discontinuation (26.5%
274 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

versus 14.8%). The inferiority of sirolimus/­tacrolimus CNI-associated problems, including chronic ­ allograft
in terms of renal function observed in this study was not nephropathy. The first major study to examine the ef-
found in a more recent European multicenter random- ficacy of mTOR inhibitors in this context used sirolimus
ized phase II clinical trial involving 734 patients.148 In this combined with cyclosporine and steroids as initial ther-
study primary immunosuppression using sirolimus plus apy, with the cyclosporine being stopped at 3 months in
tacrolimus was compared with tacrolimus plus MMF. half the patients. Sirolimus was shown to provide suffi-
Sirolimus was given according to a fixed-dose regimen of cient immunosuppression during the maintenance phase,
2 mg for 28 days and 1 mg thereafter. Both study groups with superior calculated creatinine clearance compared
received steroids initially but these were tapered and dis- with patients remaining on sirolimus and cyclosporine.
continued after day 90. Renal function at 6 months, the Although the acute rejection rate was slightly higher in
primary end-point, was similarly good in the two study the no-cyclosporine group, this did not translate into
groups. Acute rejection and graft survival were similar in poorer renal function.61 Longer follow-up confirmed the
both groups, but premature withdrawal due to adverse sustained benefit of sirolimus maintenance therapy.78,118
events was twice as high in the sirolimus/tacrolimus arm This study had no standard control group, and the sub-
(15.1% versus 6.3%). sequent finding of enhanced nephrotoxicity when CNIs
Everolimus plus tacrolimus has also been evaluated are combined with sirolimus casts a shadow over the
for use as primary immunosuppression after renal trans- results.64,95
plantation. The first prospective study to evaluate this Smaller studies also suggest a benefit of sirolimus
combination was a 6-month multicenter study performed over CNIs as maintenance therapy after renal trans-
in the United States. Ninety-two de novo renal trans- plantation. A dual-center randomized controlled trial
plant recipients were randomized to receive everolimus, suggested that conversion to sirolimus in patients with
­steroids, and basiliximab together with either standard or impaired graft function results in a rapid improvement
low-­exposure tacrolimus.24 The differences in tacrolimus in measured GFR at 3 months, which was sustained to
exposure achieved in the two study arms were relatively 2 years, whereas patients who remained on CNIs ex-
small but the study suggested that everolimus/tacrolimus- perienced deteriorating graft function.155 Because of
based immunosuppression was safe and effective and gave concerns about triggering acute rejection during the
good renal function at 6 months. conversion from CNIs to sirolimus, some investigators
In a global study performed in 13 countries (ASSET),79 have used a period of overlap of immunosuppression,32
everolimus was given along with tacrolimus (target levels or covered the transition period with additional agents
of 4–7 ng/mL) for the first 3 months in all patients and such as basiliximab,146 but in patients who are greater
thereafter the two study arms comprised one maintained than 6 months posttransplantation, it is unlikely that
at the same target level of tacrolimus and a tacrolimus this is necessary.
minimization group with target tacrolimus levels of 1.5– Late conversion to sirolimus is associated with three
3.0 ng/mL. The study failed to demonstrate any benefit dominant side effects that might limit its usefulness as a
in the tacrolimus minimization group, possibly due to maintenance agent, in addition to the other side effects
overlapping of achieved tacrolimus exposure in the two that are well recognized with sirolimus (see later). First,
groups, but suggested that everolimus in combination more than half of patients in some studies experience a
with early tacrolimus minimization was associated with a rash, either an acneiform rash or a dermatitis-like rash
low rejection rate, good graft survival and renal function, affecting the hands and, in particular, the fingers. Second,
and an acceptable safety profile. the period of conversion to sirolimus is associated with
In conclusion, there is no convincing evidence that use the development of mouth ulcers that, in most patients,
of mTOR inhibitors as de novo therapy offers any advan- resolve within 4 weeks. If such ulcers fail to resolve, her-
tage over CNI-based therapy. The 2009 Kidney Disease: pes simplex should be considered. Finally, patients with
Improving Global Outcomes (KIDIGO) clinical practice suboptimal renal function, particularly patients with pro-
guidelines for the care of kidney transplant recipients rec- teinuria, are prone to develop marked proteinuria after
ommend that the combined use of mTOR inhibitors and conversion (see later).30,87
CNIs should be avoided, because they potentiate nephro- Despite the potential drawbacks in terms of side ef-
toxicity, particularly if used in the early period following fects, evidence is accumulating that conversion from
transplantation.72 CNIs to mTOR inhibitors may be worthwhile in patients
with chronic allograft nephropathy and, at least in the
short term, may lead to improved graft function.31 The
Maintenance Therapy with mTOR Inhibitors optimal time for conversion in such patients is unclear,
Although available data suggest that mTOR inhibitors but early rather than late conversion may be best, before
are as efficacious in terms of immunosuppressive potency renal structural changes associated with chronic allograft
as CNIs when used as the principal immunosuppressive nephropathy become extensive. Switching to mTOR in-
agent, their use immediately after renal transplantation hibitors in patients who are experiencing other side ef-
is undesirable because of their effects on wound heal- fects from CNIs, such as neurotoxicity and diabetes, may
ing and lymphocele formation. Because mTOR inhibi- also be a reasonable option. Conversion from CNIs to
tors used in the absence of CNIs do not have the same mTOR inhibitors for patients who develop hemolytic
nephrotoxicity concerns as CNIs they are potentially uremic syndrome should also be considered, although si-
attractive agents for use in the maintenance phase of rolimus itself has been identified as a cause of this condi-
the posttransplant course, especially in patients with tion.10,133 Because mTOR inhibitors lead to an increased
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 275

urinary excretion of uric acid, this is a further possible for the latter was given in 2012, based on the results of a
indication for the use of mTOR inhibitors in the man- recently reported large randomized double-blind multi-
agement of severe gout in patients taking CNIs. center study (BOLERO-2) showing in an interim analysis
The ZEUS study, a multicenter, open-label, ran- a progression-free survival of 7.8 months for those receiv-
domized controlled trial of everolimus-based, CNI-free ing everolimus and 3.2 months for those given placebo.11
immunosuppression, suggested that early replacement
­ The use of mTOR inhibitors is currently being tested
of CNIs with everolimus-based immunosuppression is in many of the other common types of cancer, includ-
advantageous for renal function.16 A total of 503 adult ing colorectal, ovarian, prostatic, gastric, and pancreatic
recipients of renal transplants in 17 German and Swiss cancer.
centers were recruited to the study and received ini-
tial therapy with basiliximab induction together with
cyclosporine, mycophenolate, and prednisolone. At mTOR Inhibitors and Posttransplant
4.5 months after transplantation recipients were random- Malignancy
ized (n = 300 or 60% of the total recruited) to continue
Because patients after renal transplantation are at in-
on cyclosporine (n = 145) or switch to an everolimus-based
creased risk of developing most types of malignancy, par-
regimen (n = 155) with everolimus trough concentrations
ticularly squamous cell cancer of the skin and lymphoma,
of 6–10 ng/mL. Those recipients switched to everolimus
the anticancer effects of mTOR inhibitors are of great
showed a significant improvement in 12-month GFR (the
relevance. Several reports suggest that maintenance im-
primary end-point) compared to those who remained
munosuppression with mTOR inhibitors after renal
on cyclosporine (71.8 mL/min/1.73 m2 versus 61.9 mL/
transplantation may be associated with a reduced risk of
min/1.73 m2). Conversion to everolimus was associated
posttransplant malignancy. It is, however, important to
with a 6% higher rate of postrandomization acute rejec-
bear in mind that this could, at least in part, reflect the
tion than remaining on cyclosporine (10% versus 3%),
ability of CNIs to increase the risk of malignancy rather
but over the entire study period acute rejection rates were
than any direct protective effect of mTOR inhibitors.
similar (15%). The overall efficacy and safety were simi-
A multivariate analysis of posttransplant malignancy in
lar in the two study groups.
33 249 renal allograft recipients in the United States re-
vealed that the incidence rates of any type of posttrans-
plant malignancy were 0.6% in patients taking mTOR
mTOR INHIBITORS AND MALIGNANCY inhibitors, 0.6% for patients taking mTOR inhibitors
plus CNIs, and 1.8% for patients taking CNIs alone.70
mTOR Inhibitors as Antitumor Agents Similarly, the incidence of posttransplant malignancy
in adults randomly assigned to remain on sirolimus and
The p13K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway is often con-
CNIs was found to be greater than in subjects randomly
stitutively activated in malignant cells and stimulates cell
assigned to early CNI withdrawal and an increased dose
proliferation and tumor growth as well as production of
of sirolimus.21
growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), that stimulate angiogenesis, a key component
of many tumors. Because of the central role of mTOR mTOR Inhibitors and Non-Melanoma
in regulating cellular processes in malignant cells, it is an
attractive therapeutic target.89 The ability of sirolimus to
Skin Cancer
inhibit the growth of tumor cell lines in vitro and to pre- The most frequent type of cancer after renal transplanta-
vent growth of transplanted tumors in rodent models has tion is non-melanoma skin cancer which affects over half
been long known and mTOR inhibitors represent a novel of all transplant recipients and is an important consid-
and important class of anticancer agents.37 Although in- eration when considering the optimal immunosuppres-
tuitively the immunosuppressive effects of mTOR might sive regimen, especially for those patients considered at
be expected to outweigh any beneficial effect on limit- particularly high risk because of previous skin cancers or
ing tumor cell growth in patients with malignancy, this premalignant skin lesions.43 A recently reported single-
seems not to be the case and a number of new sirolimus center randomized controlled trial showed that renal
derivatives have been developed specifically for use as transplant recipients with premalignant skin lesions who
antitumor agents, including temsirolimus (CC1-779), a were switched to sirolimus-based immunosuppression
sirolimus derivative formulated for intravenous adminis- had less progression and in some cases even regression
tration. mTOR inhibitors have been evaluated for their of premalignant skin lesions.132 There were 25 patients
efficacy and safety in a large number of phase I and phase assigned to the sirolimus arm and 19 to the control
II clinical trials for different types of malignancy and in arm and, of the nine patients who developed histologi-
some cases have progressed to evaluation in phase III tri- cally confirmed non-melanoma skin cancer during the
als. On the basis of available clinical evidence, everolimus 12-month follow-up period, only one was in the siroli-
has now been given approval in the United States and mus arm. Another recently reported multicenter study
Europe for an increasing number of cancers that now in- (the TUMORAPA study) randomly assigned renal
clude advanced renal cell carcinoma, subependymal giant transplant recipients who were receiving calcineurin-
cell astrocytoma, progressive neuroendocrine tumors, and based immunosuppression and had at least one invasive
advanced hormone receptor-positive ­ HER-2-negative posttransplant cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma to
breast cancer. Food and Drug Administration approval switch to sirolimus or remain on CNIs.44 New squamous
276 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

cell cancers developed in 14 (22%) of those switched to after several months.85 In patients who do not respond
­sirolimus and 22 (39%) of those randomized to stay on to mTOR inhibitors or show significant side effects it
calcineurin blockers, with a median term to onset of 16 has been suggested that a combination of mTOR in-
versus 7 months respectively (P = 0.02). Switching to siro- hibitor and leflunomide (which inhibits Akt signaling
limus appears an effective strategy for reducing the risk upstream from mTOR) may act synergistically in the
of recurrent skin cancer and is a reasonable treatment treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma.12 The use of mTOR-
option, although not without potential side effects. It based immunosuppression, however, does not necessar-
was notable, however, that in the TUMORAPA study, ily prevent the development of posttransplant Kaposi's
twice as many serious adverse events occurred in those sarcoma.6 Further studies are needed to evaluate the
switched to sirolimus and 23% of patients discontinued role of mTOR inhibitors in the treatment of Kaposi's
sirolimus because of adverse events. sarcoma and to determine the optimal treatment strat-
egy for patients with more advanced disease.
mTOR Inhibitors and Posttransplant
Lymphoproliferative Disorder mTOR Inhibitors and BK Virus
Everolimus and sirolimus have been shown to in- Polyoma virus nephropathy due to BK virus is an increas-
hibit markedly the growth of human posttransplant ingly recognized cause of kidney graft dysfunction. The
lymphoproliferative disorder-derived cell lines and incidence in patients with sirolimus-based immunosup-
Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B lymphocytes in pression has been reported to be relatively low, compared
vitro and in vivo.99,100,116 Nevertheless there is rela- to other immunosuppressive regimens.14 Moreover there
tively limited evidence to support the use of mTOR are some reports that a sirolimus-based regimen may
inhibitors in the management of posttransplant lym- be associated with early resolution of nephropathy.154
phoproliferative disorder, although a renal transplant This observation is supported by some in vitro evidence
recipient in whom disseminated posttransplant lym- suggesting that sirolimus may be working by blocking
phoproliferative disorder resolved completely after intracellular protein kinase pathways utilized by the vi-
conversion of immunosuppression to sirolimus has rus, an effect that is complemented by the addition of
been reported.27 In a pooled analysis from nine European leflunomide.88
centers, 19 renal transplant recipients with posttransplant
­lymphoproliferative disease were studied after conver-
sion to mTOR inhibitors and subsequent withdrawal SAFETY AND SIDE EFFECTS OF mTOR
or minimization of CNIs.121 Remission of disease
was observed in 15 of the recipients, although since INHIBITORS
12 of the recipients also received rituximab or chemo-
It was not until the phase II studies of sirolimus by Groth
therapy with CHOP, it is difficult to know how much
and Kreis and their colleagues52,77 that the sirolimus-­
of the benefit was directly attributable to the use of
specific side effects became clear because until then the
mTOR inhibitors. Sirolimus did not appear to modify
agent had been used in conjunction with CNIs. Table 19-1
the risk of developing posttransplant lymphoprolif-
shows the principal side effects found in these studies. In
erative disorder in an analysis of 25 127 patients who
contrast to CNIs, it is notable that, although mTOR in-
underwent renal transplantation in the United States,
hibitors may cause a range of agent-specific side effects,
of whom 34 developed posttransplant lymphoprolifera-
these do not include nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hyper-
tive disorder.19
tension, or gingival hyperplasia.
mTOR Inhibitors and Kaposi's Sarcoma
mTOR inhibitors may have a useful role in the treat-
ment of renal transplant recipients who develop The incidence and pattern of infections reported in pa-
Kaposi's sarcoma associated with herpesvirus-8, espe- tients receiving mTOR inhibitors are broadly similar to
cially if the disease is confined to the skin. In a study of those in patients receiving CNI-based immunosuppres-
15 patients who developed cutaneous Kaposi's s­ arcoma sion. Neither the US study nor the global studies of de
after renal transplantation while taking cyclosporine, novo sirolimus use (Table 19-2) identified any particular
switching them to sirolimus led to complete, histo- problem with infection over and above that observed
logically confirmed remission in all patients for the in the comparator groups, although the global study
­duration of the study (6 months) with preservation of noted an increase in the incidence of mucosal lesions
graft function.143 However response varies and may de- attributed (but without virological confirmation) to
pend on the severity of disease. A retrospective analysis herpes simplex virus.64,95 A meta-analysis of mTOR in-
in which 14 renal transplant recipients with Kaposi's hibitor use as primary immunosuppression after kidney
sarcoma (including several with visceral or advanced transplantation confirmed the overall safety of mTOR
disease) were switched from CNIs to sirolimus showed inhibitors in terms of infection and noted that, when
that the switch was generally well tolerated. Complete mTOR inhibitors were substituted for antimetabolites,
remission was seen in two patients, and a partial re- there was a reduction in the incidence of cytomega-
sponse was seen in a further eight, although three of lovirus infection.156 Some studies have suggested that
the partial responders with advanced disease relapsed the incidence of pneumonia may be greater in patients
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 277

receiving mTOR inhibitors, but the evidence for this

remains inconclusive and confounded by the occurrence
of drug-induced pneumonitis.

One of the most concerning long-term problems associ-
ated with mTOR inhibitors is their metabolic effect on
lipid metabolism. Two-thirds of patients may develop
increased triglyceride levels, and half develop increased
serum cholesterol levels. Fifty-three percent of sirolimus-
treated patients required lipid-lowering agents compared
with 24% in the cyclosporine groups combined. The full
significance of the increased lipids associated with mTOR
inhibitors is unclear, but it is a long-term concern. Lipids
are implicated in the development of cardiovascular dis-
ease and in the genesis of chronic rejection.104 What is
unclear is whether these risks pertain in the presence of A
sirolimus. There is evidence in animal models that siro-
limus inhibits graft vasculopathy,58 an observation con-
firmed with everolimus in heart transplant recipients.38
Sirolimus also seems able to prevent the accelerated
vascular disease seen in cholesterol-fed, apolipoprotein
E-deficient mice despite a high cholesterol diet.42 The
occurrence of lipid abnormalities seems to be, at least in
part, genetically determined with polymorphisms in apo-
lipoprotein A implicated.101

Pneumonitis is one of the most feared complications
of mTOR inhibitors and may progress to pulmonary
failure. It may occur at any time during treatment and
presents as progressive dyspnea, dry cough, fatigue, and
fever.23,54 Imaging reveals bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
(Figure 19-3), and pulmonary function tests may show
a restrictive pattern. Open-lung biopsies have revealed
granulomata in some cases. The effect is reversible with
discontinuation of mTOR inhibitor. The true incidence B
of mTOR-associated pneumonitis is unclear, and it is
probably under-recognized and under-reported. The
first reports of sirolimus-associated pneumonitis were
in 2000,111 and these were followed by a disclosure from
the US Food and Drug Administration of 31 other cases
of interstitial pneumonitis associated with sirolimus
use.139 Earlier studies had reported an increased inci-
dence of pneumonia (Table 19-1)52, however, and one
of the first studies reported an excess of pneumocystis
pneumonia66; it is possible that some of these were in
fact sirolimus-induced pneumonitis. Ten years previ-
ously, the complication had been noted as the principal
cause of death in pigs undergoing renal transplantation
with sirolimus.20
The etiology of sirolimus-associated pneumonitis is
unclear. Reports suggest that it is more common in pa- C
tients switching from a CNI to sirolimus, or having a FIGURE 19-3 ■ Sirolimus-induced pneumonitis. (A) Plain chest
CNI withdrawn from sirolimus/CNI combination, and radiograph shows bilateral interstitial infiltration. (B) High-
having a high drug concentration.23,51,139 A mortality of resolution computed tomography scan shows patchy ground-
12% was noted in the Food and Drug Administration re- glass opacification and interstitial reticular change. (C)
Immunohistologic analysis of transbronchial lung biopsy speci-
port, although early recognition of the problem, with im- men in sirolimus-induced pneumonitis shows heavy interstitial
mediate discontinuation of sirolimus, should reduce the CD4 T-cell infiltrate (immunoperoxidase, ×400). (A and B, courtesy
mortality from this complication. of Dr. A. Tasker; C, courtesy of Dr. M. Griffiths.)
278 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome period is practiced in many transplant centers, so “non-

nephrotoxic agents” such as mTOR inhibitors were an
One of the main attractions of mTOR inhibitor therapy attractive alternative. However early experimental work
is its perceived lack of nephrotoxicity. Although siroli- in rats showed delayed recovery from ischemia-reper-
mus does not cause typical changes associated with CNI fusion injury,50 and this has subsequently been observed
therapy, it is not entirely devoid of adverse effects on in the clinic in small retrospective studies105 and registry
the kidney. The most serious of these is its association analyses.138 The mechanism underlying this observation
with hemolytic uremic syndrome (thrombotic microan- presumably relates to the inhibition of cell proliferation
giopathy). Hemolytic uremic syndrome was identified as affecting tubular repair.91 Although sirolimus is associated
a potential problem in patients taking cyclosporine and with a higher incidence of delayed graft function and pro-
sirolimus,81,127 but subsequent reports indicated that it longed recovery of function, renal function in the long
could occur with sirolimus in the absence of CNIs.10,133 It term does not seem to suffer.106,141
also occurs in the native kidneys of non-renal transplant
recipients,53 and is reported with everolimus, suggesting
that it is a class effect of mTOR inhibitors.90 Peripheral Edema
The occurrence of edema in patients taking mTOR in-
Proteinuria hibitors is well described. Most edema affects the lower
limb1 and may be unilateral (Figure 19-4) or bilateral;
Proteinuria is a common manifestation of mTOR inhibi- it is not necessarily ipsilateral to the kidney transplant.
tor toxicity in patients converted to mTOR for renal im- Angioedema affecting the eyelids and tongue has also
pairment.90 It is most common in patients who already been described.49,108,142,153 The cause of this complication
have a degree of proteinuria at the time of conversion,130 is unknown but typically resolves on discontinuation of
and it seems to be a direct mTOR effect that occurs in mTOR inhibition.
both adults and children.18,87 The absence of proteinuria
seems to be the best indicator of improvement in renal
function after conversion.17,30 The cause of the proteinuria Wound Healing and Lymphocele Formation
is unclear. In one study of four patients who developed One of the most concerning complications of mTOR
proteinuria, biopsy specimens revealed glomerulonephri- inhibitors is the potentially detrimental effect they have
tis (membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in one, on the operative site. mTOR inhibitors not only im-
membranous glomerulonephritis in another, and IgA ne- pair wound healing but are also associated with a high
phropathy in the other two).34 The proteinuria resolved incidence of lymphoceles after renal transplantation.
when the patients were converted back to CNIs and the The latter problem may be, in part, center-­ specific,
sirolimus was stopped. In a separate study of liver trans- suggesting a role for technical factors relating to the
plant recipients who had developed renal impairment, no intraoperative management of lymphatics (whether
proteinuria was seen on conversion to sirolimus, suggest- ­divided, ligated, or left undisturbed). Wound problems
ing that pre-existing renal damage may be a prerequisite
for the development of proteinuria.29 Proteinuria has also
been observed in patients undergoing islet transplanta-
tion and receiving sirolimus in whom underlying ne-
phropathy may have been contributory.137
Some authors have suggested that proteinuria may
arise from the removal of afferent arteriolar vasocon-
striction afforded by CNIs, but such a mechanism can-
not account for the observation that proteinuria occurs
in patients treated from the outset on a sirolimus-based,
CNI-free protocol.145 An alternative suggestion has been
that proteinuria relates to inhibition of VEGF synthesis,
Akt phosphorylation, or other pathways important for
podocyte function and integrity.86,152 A recent report sug-
gested that disruption of the autophagic flux in podocytes
by mTOR inhibitors may play a role.25 Blockade of the
angiotensin system may be useful to limit proteinuria.119

Delayed Recovery from Ischemia-

Reperfusion Injury
Delayed recovery of normal kidney function (delayed
graft function) is a common manifestation of ischemia-
reperfusion injury, more common in recipients of kid-
neys donated after circulatory death where both warm FIGURE 19-4 ■ Sirolimus-induced erythema and limb edema.
ischemia and cold ischemia contribute to renal injury. Acute erythema and swelling in the limbs associated with siro-
Reduced exposure to CNIs in the early posttransplant limus. The symptoms resolved after administration of steroids.
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 279

include fluid collections around the graft and beneath

the skin, superficial infections, and late incisional her-
nia.28 Anastomotic healing has not been reported as a
problem after renal transplantation, but poor healing of
the airway anastomosis has been cited after lung trans-
plantation,36,74 and there is evidence in the pig that ure-
teric anastomoses are less strong when performed in the
presence of mTOR inhibitors.69 The problems observed
with wound healing may result from mTOR inhibition
reducing the fibroblast response to fibroblast growth
factor and to a lack of neovascularization of wounds due
to decreased production of VEGF. A recently reported
systematic review of randomized controlled trials of
wound complications and lymphoceles after solid-organ
transplantation supported the view that mTOR inhibi-
tors are best avoided during the first few months after FIGURE 19-5 ■  Sirolimus-induced oral ulceration. Solitary
transplantation.123 Pooled analysis showed a higher in- ­aphthous-type ulcer on the undersurface of the tongue occur-
ring several days after late (>6 months) conversion from cal-
cidence of wound complications (odds ratio (OR) 1.77, cineurin inhibitor to sirolimus. Such lesions are often multiple
confidence interval (CI) 1.31–2.37) and lymphoceles and painful and can be distressing for the patient. They usually
(OR 2.07, CI 1.62–2.65) for kidney transplant recipi- resolve rapidly after adjustment of sirolimus to the lower end of
ents receiving mTOR inhibitors along with calcineurin the target range of 5–10 ng/mL.
blockers. Wound complications (OR 3.00, CI 1.61–
5.59) and lymphoceles (OR 2.13, CI 1.57–2.90) were postulated that the high incidence of oral ulceration
also more common in recipients receiving mTOR in- may have been attributable to overimmunosuppression
hibitors along with antimetabolites. Another recent but during conversion, the use of oral emulsion of sirolimus
non-systematic review of wound-healing complications rather than tablets, and the lack of corticosteroids.139
in relation to use of mTOR inhibitors suggested that In a randomized study of conversion from CNIs to
wound complications may be less of a problem with the sirolimus after renal transplantation, aphthous-type
lower-exposure regimens of mTOR inhibitors that have mouth ulcers occurred in one-third of patients during
now largely superseded the historical high-exposure the first 2 weeks after conversion, although all resolved
regimens.113 It has, however, been suggested that ­obesity with adjustment of sirolimus to the lower end of the
may adversely influence wound healing in patients re- target range of 5–15 ng/mL.155 The association between
ceiving mTOR inhibitors147 and that it would be pru- mTOR inhibitors and mucosal ulceration may be at-
dent to avoid their use in patients undergoing surgery, tributable predominantly to their detrimental effect on
including transplantation, whose body mass index is wound healing, rather than any direct effect on initiat-
greater than 32 kg/m2 until more data are available.113 ing ulcer formation.

Mouth Ulcers Rash

Oral ulceration (mucositis) manifesting as painful As already noted, rash is a common complication of
gingival or buccal mucosa leading to pain on eating mTOR inhibitor therapy and most commonly takes the
is a well-documented and troublesome side effect of form of an inflammatory acneiform eruption96 or a der-
mTOR inhibition (Figure 19-5). The ulcers are usually matitis-like rash affecting the hands and, in particular, the
small but multiple, and in some cases may be related fingers (Figure 19-6). This rash was apparent in both the
to herpes simplex virus infection. In the global phase early multicenter randomized trials of de novo sirolimus
III study of de novo treatment with sirolimus, ulcer- treatment after renal transplantation. In the US study,
ation of the oral mucosa was observed in 19% of pa- an acneiform rash was observed in 25% of recipients on
tients randomly assigned to 5 mg/day of sirolimus, 10% 2 mg/day, 19% of recipients on 5 mg/day, and 11% in
of patients assigned to 2 mg/day of sirolimus, and 9% the azathioprine control group.64 In the global phase III
of patients in the placebo group.95 The lesions were all study, rash was observed in 14% of patients randomly as-
mild and resolved spontaneously without discontinuing signed to 5 mg/day of sirolimus, 4% of patients assigned
sirolimus.95 to 2 mg/day of sirolimus, and 5% of patients in the pla-
Mouth ulcers are also common in patients con- cebo group.95
verted to mTOR inhibitors. Again, such ulcers usually In studies in which an indepth dermatological analy-
resolve spontaneously, but they can be problematic. sis has been undertaken, the incidence of dermatological
In one prospective randomized study in which renal side effects is considerably higher. A cross-sectional study
transplant recipients were converted at 1 year from a of cutaneous adverse events in renal transplant recipients
steroid-free regimen of tacrolimus and MMF to siro- receiving long-term sirolimus-based immunosuppression
limus and MMF, oral ulceration occurred in 9 of 15 reported the presence of an acne-like eruption in 46%,
converted patients. The mucosal lesions healed within scalp folliculitis in 26%, and hidradenitis suppurativa in
2 weeks of discontinuing sirolimus, but the problem 12% of patients.97 In the absence of a control group, it is
led to premature cessation of the study.139 The authors difficult to attribute such findings exclusively to mTOR
280 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

uncertain. Sirolimus has been observed to reduce hemo-

globin levels without reducing the erythrocyte count in
renal transplant recipients, arguing against a direct an-
tiproliferative effect on erythroid bone marrow.98 It was
suggested instead that sirolimus may have a direct effect
on iron homeostasis.98
Thrombocytopenia was identified as a side effect of
sirolimus in the global and the US phase III random-
ized trials of de novo sirolimus and seemed to be dose-
related.64,95 In both studies, a few patients randomly
assigned to the higher dose (5 mg/day) of sirolimus had
to have sirolimus discontinued because of thrombocyto-
penia (6 of 208 (2.8%) in the global study and 3 of 274
(1.1%) in the US study), although none of the patients
FIGURE 19-6 ■ Sirolimus-induced rash. After conversion from experienced severe thrombocytopenia or were reported
calcineurin inhibitor to sirolimus, patients commonly develop to have had related hemorrhage. mTOR inhibitors may
skin problems that may take the form of a dermatitis-like rash
affecting the hands and, in particular, the fingers. reduce circulating platelets as part of their inhibitory ef-
fect on hematopoietic cytokines. In addition, sirolimus
has been shown to promote agonist-induced platelet ag-
gregation in vitro,7 and conceivably, if increased platelet
inhibitors, but both studies indicate the high frequency aggregation occurs in vivo, it may promote increased re-
of dermatological complications associated with mTOR moval of platelets by the spleen.
inhibitors. Although rashes are usually mild, they may Although it is well recognized that mTOR inhibitors
be a reason for discontinuing mTOR inhibitors. In the may reduce the platelet count, this is not usually of clini-
randomized trial of late conversion to sirolimus in the cal significance and rarely requires cessation of therapy.
authors' center, 68% of converted patients developed a Thrombocytopenia most often occurs within the first
rash, particularly acne, and 2 of the 19 converted patients month of starting sirolimus, and its occurrence correlates
discontinued sirolimus because of this.155 The patho- with whole-blood trough levels of sirolimus that exceed
physiology of rash in patients taking mTOR inhibitors 16 ng/mL. If the platelet count falls significantly, it usu-
is unclear, but may be attributable to their effect on the ally responds well to dose reduction without the need to
epidermal growth factor receptor, which is important in withdraw mTOR inhibitors.57
the differentiation and development of the hair follicle.96 Finally, mTOR inhibitors may produce mild leukope-
nia, which is usually transient and dose-related.
Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, and Leukopenia
Anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia are all well-
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
recognized side effects of mTOR inhibitor use. Although Gastrointestinal side effects include abdominal pain,
thrombocytopenia attracted the most attention in early nausea, and vomiting, but the most common symptom
studies, anemia has emerged as the most significant is diarrhea, which is usually mild, dose-related, and does
clinical problem. Anemia is a common complication
­ not require mTOR withdrawal. In the pivotal phase III
during the first 6 months after renal transplantation re- studies of de novo sirolimus, mild diarrhea was observed
gardless of the immunosuppressive regimen,2 but the in- in 27–32% of patients receiving 5 mg/day of sirolimus,
cidence is increased with use of mTOR inhibitors. In the 16–20% of those receiving 2 mg/day of sirolimus, and
global study of de novo sirolimus in renal transplantation, 11–13% of patients in the control groups.64,95 Mild
anemia was observed in 16% of recipients taking 2 mg/ ­diarrhea is particularly common in patients receiving a
day and 27% of recipients taking 5 mg/day sirolimus. The combination of mTOR inhibitors and MMF77 and may
incidence of anemia in the 5 mg/day group was signifi- be related to pharmacokinetic interaction between the
cantly higher than in the placebo group (13%) receiving two agents46; concentration-controlled administration of
cyclosporine and steroids.95 mTOR inhibitor dose adjust- MMF markedly reduces gastrointestinal symptoms.46
ment may be required, and in some patients administra-
tion of erythropoietin may be necessary. Thrombosis
Anemia after renal transplantation most often results
from iron deficiency and defective erythropoietin pro- Sirolimus, like CNIs, may increase platelet aggregation
duction, but the mechanisms responsible for mTOR in vitro,7 and it has been suggested that sirolimus, when
inhibitor-induced anemia are unclear. Sirolimus blocks used in combination with CNIs, may increase the risk
the in vitro response of bone marrow cells to several of hepatic artery thrombosis after liver transplantation.
hematopoietic cytokines, including granulocyte col- There is no published evidence that mTOR inhibitors
ony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and kit ligand.126 are associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic
Although mTOR inhibitor-induced suppression of non- events after renal transplantation: mTOR-coated coro-
erythroid bone marrow cells contributes to leukopenia nary stents are believed to have an increased incidence
and thrombocytopenia, the extent to which they cause of thrombosis, although the evidence for this is poor.120
anemia by suppression of erythrocyte production is In a retrospective single-center analysis of deep vein
mTor Inhibitors: Sirolimus and Everolimus 281

thrombosis, graft thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism

in renal transplant recipients, the addition of sirolimus
in recipients taking cyclosporine did not increase the
risk of postoperative thrombotic events.80 A strong cor-
relation between the development of deep vein throm-
bosis and lymphocele was observed, however, in patients
receiving sirolimus,80 and the increased risk of deep vein
thrombosis in patients developing lymphocele should be
kept in mind.
In vitro sirolimus has been shown to reduce the
­expression of tissue plasminogen activator and induced
the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor by hu-
man umbilical vein endothelial cells, providing a possible
underlying mechanism for the increased thromboem-
bolic disease seen with mTOR inhibitors.93

Renal Tubular Effects: Hypokalemia and

mTOR inhibitors may contribute to hypokalemia after A B
renal transplantation, and in the phase II and III trials of
FIGURE 19-7 ■ Radionuclide bone scan in a patient with
primary treatment with sirolimus, values of serum potas- ­sirolimus-induced bone pain. The patient complained of pain af-
sium less than the normal range were recorded during the fecting the feet, ankles, and knees. The diagnosis was confirmed
first 3 months in about half of patients.110 Hypokalemia by radioisotope scanning that revealed areas of increased up-
is usually mild and only about 10% of patients required take in the knees and at the ankles (arrows, A). After sirolimus
dosage reduction, the symptoms resolved, and the bone scan
a period of potassium supplementation, which readily returned to normal (B).
corrected the problem.110 Hypokalemia may be partially
related to the dose of mTOR inhibitors given and seems
to be due to mTOR inhibitor-induced alterations in tu- diagnosis usually can be confirmed by radionuclide bone
bular function leading to increased tubular secretion of scan (Figure 19-7) or magnetic resonance imaging that
potassium.109 reveals hyperemia and marrow edema.
Hypophosphatemia is also common in the first few Osteoporosis and bone loss are common after renal
weeks after renal transplantation and is multifactorial in transplantation, and there is evidence from preclinical
etiology. Although reduced serum phosphate levels may and early clinical studies that mTOR inhibitors may have
be observed more often during the first 3 months in pa- bone-sparing properties compared with CNIs. Although
tients receiving mTOR inhibitors, this is rarely a clinically sirolimus is associated with bone remodeling, it does not
significant problem, and values return to normal with result in a loss of trabecular bone volume in rat studies,
time and dose adjustment.110 The mechanisms underly- in contrast to CNIs.128 Similarly, everolimus inhibits os-
ing mTOR inhibitor-associated hypophosphatemia are teoclast activity in vitro and reduces bone loss in an oo-
not completely understood, but mTOR inhibitors may phorectomized rat model.75 Markers of bone turnover
impair renal tubular phosphate reabsorption, prolonging (serum osteocalcin and urinary N-telopeptides) also are
the phosphate leak.135 significantly lower in renal transplant recipients taking
de novo sirolimus compared with recipients taking cy-
closporine.22 Such studies suggest a possible advantage of
Bone Effects mTOR inhibitors over CNIs, but more extensive clinical
Arthralgia was identified as a side effect of mTOR in- studies with extended follow-up are needed to confirm
hibitors in the global phase III study of sirolimus. It was these early indications.
observed in 27% of recipients on the higher dose (5 mg/
day) of sirolimus compared with 16% and 13% of recipi- Liver Function Abnormalities
ents on low-dose sirolimus or placebo.95 Similar to the
CNI-induced pain syndrome, bone pain associated with Sirolimus tends to cause increased levels of transaminases
sirolimus affects weight-bearing areas, particularly the (alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransfer-
feet, ankles, and knees, although the pain may be unre- ase) and lactate dehydrogenase. Whether this is clinically
lated to weight bearing. It is generally bilateral and sym- significant is unclear. There are two reports of hepatotox-
metrical. The problem is much less common when lower icity in a renal transplant recipient60,117 and a series of 10
doses of mTOR inhibitors are used, and symptoms may liver transplant recipients in whom sirolimus was thought
improve after dosage reduction or respond to treatment to be responsible for abnormal liver function tests, with
with bisphosphonates or alfacalcidol. mTOR inhibitor- two of the patients having liver biopsy specimens with eo-
induced bone pain and CNI-induced pain syndrome are sinophilia and sinusoidal congestion.115 This latter group
likely due to a combination of increased adipocyte vol- of 10 patients underwent transplantation for hepatitis C,
ume, reduced intraosseous perfusion, and marrow edema, which had reinfected their grafts, making a clear associa-
giving rise to a “bone compartment syndrome.”41 The tion with sirolimus difficult.
282 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Amenorrhea and Testicular Function dermatological complications that are commonly en-
countered need to be found. Most importantly, long-
In a study of conversion from CNIs to sirolimus, it was term studies are needed to determine whether the early
noted that all three female patients younger than 40 years benefits observed with mTOR inhibitors in terms of
of age who were switched to sirolimus developed amen- preservation of renal function translate into improved
orrhea for a variable length of time and then resumed long-term graft survival and protection from chronic al-
irregular menses.155 Whether this finding is due to an ef- lograft nephropathy, particularly in light of adverse regis-
fect of mTOR inhibitors on the hypothalamic–pituitary–­ try data on graft and patient survival.59 There is also still
gonadal axis or to a direct effect on the endometrium a need to determine the extent to which any such benefits
(e.g., inhibition of VEGF) is unclear. It has also been sug- outweigh the long-term side effects of mTOR inhibitors,
gested that mTOR inhibitors may impair testicular func- particularly their adverse effects on the lipid profile.
tion and are associated with impaired spermatogenesis
and reduced fertility in males.162 REFERENCES
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Antilymphocyte Globulin,
Monoclonal Antibodies, and
Fusion Proteins
Allan D. Kirk

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Rituximab (Humanized Anti-CD20)
SPECIFIC CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF Proteins in Clinical Transplantation
Induction CD2-Specific Approaches
Rescue CD3-Specific Antibodies
Administration and Adverse Effects CD4-Specific Antibodies
Costimulation-Based Therapies
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Based Approaches
Muromonab (OKT3; Murine Anti-CD3) Targeting Complement
Induction Other Experimental Antibodies and Fusion
Rescue Proteins
Interleukin-2 Receptor (CD25)-Specific Targeting CD5
Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting CD6
Induction Targeting CD7
Administration and Adverse Effects Targeting CD8
Alemtuzumab (Humanized Anti-CD52) Targeting CD45
Induction Immunotoxins
Administration and Adverse Effects

Renal transplantation is the preferred treatment for most Antibodies and other glycoprotein cell surface recep-
end-stage renal diseases. The success of transplantation tors are defined by their ability to bind to a particular
has been counterbalanced, however, by its dependence on ligand with unambiguous specificity. Although they may
immunosuppressive drugs with their related infectious, mediate diverse effects through associated downstream
metabolic, and malignant complications. Consequently, signaling pathways, their function is characterized by fi-
a common goal throughout the history of clinical trans- delity to distinct binding motifs. This trait has been long
plantation has been the minimization and individualiza- recognized as having great potential for targeted thera-
tion of immunosuppressive therapy. Typically, drugs with peutic use with minimal unintended effects, and organ
highly specific mechanisms of action have been preferred transplantation historically has been a preferred testing
over drugs with broad effects, and the search for increas- ground for receptor-based therapeutics, such as monoclo-
ingly specific drugs has provided a major impetus for the nal antibodies (MAbs), polyclonal antibody preparations,
development of immunosuppressive therapies in general, and engineered glycoprotein receptor–antibody hybrids
and of antibodies and fusion proteins in particular. known as fusion proteins, collectively known as biologics.

288 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The initial success of biologics in transplantation has animals, usually rabbits or horses, they contained proteins
more recently led to an explosion in the number devel- that were antigenic to humans.212,306 They had the poten-
oped for clinical use.252 In addition to transplant-related tial to induce a neutralizing antibody response and evoke
indications, biologics have been developed for the treat- adverse effects, such as serum sickness or anaphylaxis.240
ment of many oncologic and autoimmune conditions, Finally, some lymphocyte cell surface receptors, when
and there are now at least 200 preparations in some level bound by antibody, would induce cell activation, leading
of clinical or preclinical development.63,251 Importantly, to a release of anaphylatoxins and cytokines, producing a
although renal allograft rejection was the original indica- syndrome of flu-like and, in extreme cases, septic-like symp-
tion for MAb therapy,69 most modern development has toms, subsequently termed cytokine release syndrome.
been spurred by indications serving larger population In the 1970s, Kohler and Milstein169 presented a land-
bases. In addition to using agents developed for trans- mark development in the field of protein therapeutics – a
plantation, clinicians are increasingly adopting therapies means of producing antibody preparations with a single,
from other immunologically relevant indications. This genetically defined monoclonal specificity. The develop-
so-called off-label use is now increasingly common and is ment of MAbs addressed many of the shortcomings associ-
becoming a primary means of biologics development for ated with polyclonal preparations, particularly specificity
transplantation. and variability. The first such preparation approved for
This chapter provides an overview of antibody-based clinical use was muromonab (OKT3), a MAb of mouse
and receptor-based therapies for kidney transplantation. origin specific for human cluster of differentiation (CD) 3
Drugs developed and approved for use in transplantation (described later).69 OKT3 rapidly and specifically cleared
are described; drugs with relevant actions that have been T cells from the peripheral circulation and was shown to be
developed for other indications but evaluated in trans- a very effective treatment for allograft rejection.69,91,221,234,265
plantation also are described. Investigational agents that Although many of the problems associated with the dif-
have been tested clinically are reviewed. fuse nature of polyclonal antibodies were addressed, some
were not. The immune response against heterologous ani-
mal proteins and the cytokine release syndrome remained.
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OKT3’s heightened specificity for the T-cell receptor
(TCR) not only produced more reliable T-cell clearance
The early experiences in renal transplantation were but also more reliable T-cell activation and cytokine re-
marked by very high rates of rejection and complications lease. The antimouse antibody response also limited pro-
related to the effects of the two available immunosuppres- longed dosing in a subset of patients.140
sants of the day, glucocorticosteroids and azathioprine; With the genetic engineering advances of the
this, combined with the recognition that lymphocytes 1980s, the production of MAbs became much more
were the predominant effectors in rejection, stimu- efficient, theoretically allowing any surface molecules
lated interest in alternative lymphocyte-directed strate- to be ­targeted. Effort was redirected from pan-T-cell
gies. By the mid-1960s, several investigators had shown ­depletion toward fine targeting of relevant T-cell sub-
that animals injected with lymphocytes would produce sets and blockade of functions unique to effector T-cell
sera containing lymphocyte-specific antibodies, which activation. An example was the high-affinity interleukin
could be used to reduce the lymphocyte counts when in- (IL)-2 receptor, CD25 (described later), expressed pre-
jected into other experimental animals. This technology dominantly on activated T cells. Additionally, methods
gave rise to the initial lymphocyte depletion trials using of genetic engineering were developed to allow DNA
antilymphocyte antibody preparations – antilympho- encoding for binding sites from heterologous proteins
cyte serum, antilymphocyte globulin, and antithymocyte to be grafted on to genetic sequences encoding the
globulin.28,72,78,294 These agents were collectively called monomorphic scaffold of human antibodies to create
polyclonal preparations because they were composed chimeric or humanized MAbs.33,141,202 These techniques
of antibodies with many, largely undefined specificities. also allowed for unique fusion proteins to be created,
Their ability to prevent and reverse rejection, particularly combining the Fc portions of antibodies with non-
in patients refractory to the drugs of the day, led to their antibody receptors and ligands, and allowing for cell
increasing use over the ensuing decade.68 surface molecules to be created in a soluble form with
The increased use of polyclonals made many of their prolonged half-lives.
limitations apparent. The imprecise in vivo methods for The humanization of antibodies and the use of human-
producing polyclonal antibodies resulted in preparations derived receptors has practically eliminated the problem
with promiscuous binding to many non-lymphocyte cell of antibody clearance and opened the possibility for pro-
types. Although each antibody in the preparation bound longed treatment regimens. More recently, the produc-
to a single target, collectively the preparation bound to tion of fully human antihuman antibodies has become a
a broad array of cell surface molecules. Cross-reactivity practical reality.346 Techniques including phage display
with many hematopoietic cells made anemia, neutrope- mutagenesis and the transgenic production of mice con-
nia, and thrombocytopenia dose limiting. The method taining human immunoglobulin genes that respond to
of production also led to wide batch-to-batch variabil- immunization with human antibody now offer the prom-
ity. The clinical effect of the agent varied considerably, ise of highly specific, non-immunogenic, well-tolerated
making it difficult to establish prospectively proper dos- protein reagents. Human and humanized biologics are
ages and to estimate the magnitude of anticipatable side now making possible prolonged therapy with highly spe-
effects. In addition, because the preparations were made in cific therapeutic agents.
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 289

Multiple surface molecules have been targeted by bio- sites brought together on a common region known as the
logics investigationally, and several are now accepted as Fc portion of the antibody. Although all of these subtypes
clinical therapies in transplantation and other indications. have therapeutic potential, IgG antibodies have been the
Biologic therapy is being increasingly adopted into stan- most commonly used clinically. IgG molecules are the
dard practice, with 83% of kidney transplants performed most common result of peripheral immunization and are
in the United States now using prophylactic antibody ther- structurally easier to produce and manipulate.
apy of some sort.268 Despite this general trend, however, it Physiologically, antibodies exist as surface molecules
has not been established whether this strategy is necessary on B cells, facilitating their antigen-specific activation
in all cases. Although antibody induction reduces acute re- and, importantly, are secreted into the serum to bind to
jection rates in the first year after transplantation, the last- and neutralize circulating antigens. Heterologous non-
ing effects of induction remain incompletely defined.303,304 human antibodies are sufficiently similar to their hu-
The modern era is now characterized by the availability of man counterparts to facilitate most physiological effector
many promising agents and the challenge of understand- functions when used in humans. Antibodies produced by
ing their most appropriate clinical use. mice, rabbits, and horses can be used in humans and still
evoke biologically important effects. There is no animal
that is a priori superior, however, and all heterologous
ANTIBODY STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION antibodies have the potential to induce a neutralizing an-
tibody response.
The clinical effects of MAbs in transplantation relate Antibodies can have a broad range of effects when they
closely to the physiological effects and structural charac- bind (Figure 20-2). They can mimic the native ligand of
teristics of antibodies in general. Antibodies are one of two a molecule and lead to signal transduction, or they can
common glycoprotein antigen receptors that result from bind to the molecule in such a way as to prevent it from
somatic gene rearrangements in specialized lymphocytes, binding to its intended ligand.314,348 Antibodies can be
the other being TCRs.104,135 Five different heavy-chain either activating or inhibiting, and the predominant effect
loci (μ, γ, α, ε, and δ) and two light-chain loci (κ and λ), can be determined only through empirical in vivo analy-
each with variable, diversity, or junctional (V, D, or J) and sis. Antibodies can bind to cells in such a way as to have
constant (C) regions, are brought together randomly by no appreciable effect.142 Thus, antibody binding cannot
the recombination associated gene (RAG)-1 and RAG-2 be equated with functional significance. In some cases,
apparatus to form a functional antigen receptor with a combined effect occurs whereby the antibody activates
highly variable binding ability. Antibodies have a basic the targeted molecule but induces surface molecule in-
structure of two identical heavy chains and two identical ternalization, effectively clearing the molecule from the
light chains (Figure 20-1). The heavy-chain usage defines cell surface and inhibiting its subsequent function.151 This
the immunoglobulin type as being IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, or transient activation effect can lead to a burst of target cell
IgD. This structure forms two identical antigen-binding activity (e.g., cytokine release), resulting in undesirable
side effects, or can simply lead to surface modulation of
the targeted molecule. Antibodies cannot target mol-
Antibody Structure ecules that are not present on the cell surface. Although
they can influence intracellular pathways, they cannot
Antigen binding sites bind intracellular molecules directly in vivo.
Antibodies also activate the classical complement cas-
cade and in doing so can induce complement-mediated
Light chains lysis of a targeted cell. In addition, many phagocytic cells
have receptors for the constant Fc region of ­antibodies
and preferentially engulf cells coated with antibody
Heavy chains through a process known as antibody-dependent cellu-
Fab lar cytotoxicity (ADCC). Both of these activities facilitate
the most noticeable effect of antibody therapies – ­target
cell depletion. Depletion is only the most obvious
effect of antibody therapy, however, and should not be
assumed to be the most relevant or desired. Additionally,
these effects depend on their antigen-binding region and
their non-variable Fc region for effectiveness.93 The im-
portance of Fc segment effects is shown by non-specific
antibody infusion, which can mediate important effects,
FC presumably by neutralizing complement or saturating Fc
It has become apparent that the maturation state of
the targeted cells also can influence the response to anti-
body treatments. Specifically, cells that have matured into
a memory phenotype have some degree of resistance to
FIGURE 20-1  ■  General antibody structure. The prototypic struc- antibody-mediated depletion.228 The mechanisms involved
ture of an IgG molecule is shown. in depletion resistance remain to be defined, but memory
290 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Mechanisms of actions of antibodies

Blockade Antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC)



Internalization/activation Mimicry



Lysis Monoclonal vs polyclonal


Membrane attack Single specificity Broad specificity

FIGURE 20-2  ■  Mechanisms of action for antibody and fusion protein function. Antibodies can work via many mechanisms, as depicted
here and described in more detail in the text.

cells differ from naïve cells in many potentially relevant an antibody must be tested in vivo to determine which
ways, including enhanced antiapoptotic and complement of its many potential effects would be dominant.109 This
regulatory gene expression. The ultimate effect of anti- can, at times, have serious consequences that make in-
body therapy may vary not only with the antibody prepa- troduction of new antibodies into phase I clinical trials
ration but also with the phenotype of the targeted cell challenging.299
and even the immune history of the recipient.
All of these effects can alter the function of molecules
and cells, giving antibodies broad therapeutic potential. GENERAL CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR
This array of effects makes antibody development diffi- THE USE OF ANTIBODY PREPARATIONS
cult, however. Minor changes in antibody structure can
radically alter their effects, and at present it is impos- Immunosuppressive regimens used for organ trans-
sible to predict an antibody’s properties on a structural plantation can be generally characterized as induction,
basis alone. Certain IgG isotypes support complement maintenance, or rescue therapies. Induction immuno-
and ADCC functions better than others, but generally suppression is intense treatment designed to inhibit
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 291

immune responsiveness prophylactically at the time of transplantation disappears after 5 years. This analysis
transplantation. It is usually potent to the point that its may indicate that the side effects of maintenance ther-
prolonged use is prohibitively toxic. Maintenance im- apy or patient comorbidities supersede early graft out-
munosuppression is of lesser potency, but is tolerable come and are the dominant determinants of outcome
for long-term use and forms the basis of most immu- over time.
nosuppressive regimens. Rescue therapy is similar to Antibody preparation use does not generally influ-
induction in that it is intense, effective, and chronically ence the rate of technical complications136 but seems
intolerable, but differs in that it is used to reverse estab- to reduce the risk of graft thrombosis in children.282
lished rejection. Immunosuppressive medications can Several induction strategies, in particular polyclonal
conceivably fall into any or all of these categorizations antibodies and OKT3, have been shown, however, to
based on the dose and route used. Biologics currently increase measurably the risk of posttransplantation
are primarily indicated as rescue agents and are used lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) and death from
in approximately 20% of all acute rejection episodes.341 malignancy when combined with conventional main-
Their use as induction agents is growing: 83% of pa- tenance immunosuppression.59,191,197,229,230 PTLD is a
tients undergoing kidney transplantation now receive product of the intensity of the overall immunosuppres-
biologic induction.268 sive therapy in combination with the recipient’s pre-
Antibody preparations also have been generally clas- existing immunity to the causative agent, Epstein–Barr
sified as depleting or non-depleting based on whether virus. Specifically, the expected PTLD rate is 0.5% in
or not they deplete cells expressing the targeted anti- patients who do not receive antibody induction or who
gen. Generally, T-cell-depleting antibody preparations receive CD25-specific therapy. OKT3 induction car-
are primarily indicated for the treatment of refractory ries a significantly higher rate of 0.85%, as does poly-
(e.g., steroid-resistant) acute cellular rejections, acute clonal depletion at 0.81%, particularly in recipients
rejections occurring in high-risk settings (e.g., marginal newly exposed to Epstein–Barr virus at transplanta-
kidneys), and particularly aggressive vascular (e.g., Banff tion.59 Interestingly, the use of alemtuzumb, a CD52-
grade 2 or 3) rejections. Depleting antibodies also are specific MAb with potent depletional properties similar
being increasingly used as induction agents, although in magnitude but differing in spectrum to polyclonal
this is often an off-label use. Non-depleting antibody preparations or OKT3, has been shown to have a low
preparations and fusion proteins have been most com- PTLD incidence that approximates that of the non-
monly studied as induction agents and typically have less depletional CD25-specific MAbs.155 This likely relates
efficacy in rescue indications. Maintenance applications to ­alemtuzumab’s B-cell-depleting properties, with
of biologics have been made possible by the ability to B cells being the dominant reservoir of Epstein–Barr
produce human biologics, and as such are just begin- virus, although practice patterns associated with alem-
ning to be explored. The first biologic maintenance tuzumab also may account for the difference.
agent, belatacept, was approved for use as a calcineurin Other early complications, including cardiovascular
inhibitor replacement for kidney transplantation in June and infectious deaths, correlate with antibody use, but
2011.176,326,329 It is a fusion protein with specificity for the the interpretation of this relationship is confounded
B7 costimulatory molecules and will be considered fully by the preferential use of antibodies in high-risk
in Chapter 21. patients.42,197 Viral infection is a substantial concern, how-
Many depleting and non-depleting antibody prepa- ever, when using potent antibody therapy, particularly
rations have been studied in randomized trials and have agents associated with T-cell depletion. When used for
been proven efficacious in reducing the rate of acute re- induction or rescue, antibody preparations should be
jection when used as an induction agent combined with accompanied by broad prophylaxis against opportunis-
standard maintenance regimens and compared with bolus tic infection. Antiviral therapy, such as ganciclovir or
methylprednisolone induction. Few prospective studies acyclovir,16,125,317 should be initiated and continued for at
compare the prominent agents, however, and no agent least 3 months. The choice of agent is based on the pre-
has distinguished itself as clearly superior in all clinical transplant status of the donor and recipient. Oral can-
circumstances. Most trials have used the surrogate end- didiasis prophylaxis with nystatin or clotrimazole and
point of acute rejection, rather than more definitive out- Pneumocystis therapy with trimethoprim/sulfamethox-
come measures, such as patient or graft survival. azole also should be considered for several months.
When considered as a whole, biologics have been Individual clinical risks often dictate substantially lon-
convincingly shown to be more effective than steroids ger periods of prophylaxis. Each antibody preparation
in reversing acute rejection.341 When used as induction has a unique side-effect profile and indication, which
agents, they reduce the incidence of acute rejection in are discussed subsequently.
the first 6 months of transplantation in kidney recipients, The use of antibody preparations for maintenance ther-
particularly recipients who are sensitized or experienc- apy had been limited until more recently by the immune
ing delayed graft function, compared with the histori- response formed against the antibody itself. Recombinant
cal standard of bolus methylprednisolone induction and humanized or chimeric antibodies and fusion proteins
maintenance with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and pred- have essentially eliminated this as a concern, however.
nisone.303,304 Despite these benefits, there is no evidence One agent, belatacept, is now available as a maintenance
that biologics alter long-term patient or graft survival agent (discussed in Chapter 21), and it is likely that future
in the era of modern immunosuppression.303,304,341 Long- development of other molecules will explore the role of
term analysis suggests that a measurable effect in kidney antibodies in sustained preventive therapy.
292 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

POLYCLONAL ANTIBODY PREPARATIONS antibody preparations are not fractionated to separate

relevant from irrelevant antibodies pre-existent from the
Heterologous antibody preparations can be derived environmental immune responses of the immunized ani-
from many animals immunized with human tissues, mals. Greater than 90% of antibodies found in polyclonal
cells (e.g., human lymphocytes), or cell lines (e.g., preparations are likely not involved in therapeutically rel-
Jurkatt cells). When reinfused into humans, these an- evant antigen binding.32,34,248,281
tibodies bind to antigens expressed on the original Many groups have prepared polyclonal antibody
immunogen, where they mediate the effects discussed preparations for their own institutional use, and this
earlier. Given that these preparations are produced practice gave rise to a highly variable literature with
through whole-cell immunization, the resulting prepa- little standardization or objective comparisons between
rations contain a vast array of antibodies binding many products.132,297,298,311 More recently, three dominant com-
epitopes expressed on the immunogen cells – some in- mercial polyclonal preparations have emerged: two
tended, and some not. Because each animal produces rabbit-derived antibody preparations, antithymocyte
a unique immune response to an antigen, clinical- globulin–rabbit (ATG-R, Thymoglobulin, Genzyme-
grade preparations are generally the result of pooled Sanofi) and antithymocyte globulin–Fresenius (ATG-F,
responses from many animals. For practical reasons, Fresenius), and one horse-derived product (ATGAM,
most polyclonal preparations are derived from rabbit or Pfizer). Of these, Thymoglobulin is used most commonly
horse immunizations. in North America,268 with both rabbit preparations used
Ideally, a single renewable cell type equivalent to the in Europe. ATGAM is primarily used for the treatment
effector cell in rejection could be used as a reproduc- of aplastic anemia, but can be used for patients who have
ible immunogen free from elements such as stromal tis- a hypersensitivity to rabbits.
sue and neutrophils. No such cell has been identified or As discussed earlier, antibodies can mediate many
developed, however. Commercially available polyclonal effects when they bind to their target antigen, and a sig-
preparations continue to be made using heterogeneous nificant factor determining their effect is the antigenic
cell populations or tissues such as thymus obtained from specificity of the preparation. By their very nature, poly-
deceased donors or surgical specimens, or from a T-cell clonal preparations are composed of a wide variety of
line, the Jurkatt cell line, that is thought to approximate antibodies, and complete characterization has remained
the antigenic spectrum of allospecific T cells. After im- elusive.32,34,248 Detected specificities include many T-cell
munization, the immunized animals are bled to obtain molecules involved in antigen recognition (CD3, CD4,
hyperimmune serum. The serum is typically absorbed CD8, and TCR), adhesion (CD2, lymphocyte func-
against platelets, erythrocytes, and selected proteins to tion antigen (LFA)-1, and intracellular adhesion mol-
remove antibodies that could result in undesirable effects ecule (ICAM)-1), and costimulation (CD28, CD40,
such as thrombocytopenia. Historically, hyperimmune CD80, CD86, and CD154), and non-T-cell molecules
serum was administered without additional purification, (CD16 and CD20) and class I and class II major histo-
but now all commercially available products are puri- compatibility complex (MHC) molecules (Figure 20-3).
fied to obtain only IgG isotypes. Even so, polyclonal Although all of these targets hypothetically can influence

FIGURE 20-3  ■  Sites of action for antibody and fusion proteins in clinical use. Shown are the surface molecules that have been targeted
in clinical transplant trials and their respective ligands when known. APC, antigen-presenting cell; ICAM, intracellular adhesion mol-
ecule; LFA, lymphocyte function antigen; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; TCR, T-cell receptor; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α.
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 293

an immune response, and when studied individually they etiology of PTLD, and more standardized commercial
do, it is unclear which of these specificities are crucial to polyclonal products, there has been a marked resurgence
the ultimate therapeutic effect. This broad reactivity with of interest in polyclonal antibody induction.268
adhesion molecules and other receptors upregulated on Most modern trials have evaluated polyclonal anti-
activated endothelium has led many authors to advocate bodies added to an otherwise rigorous maintenance regi-
the preferential use of polyclonal antibody preparations men (typically triple immunosuppressive therapy). This
in situations, such as prolonged ischemic times, where intense regimen has statistically reduced acute rejection
endothelial activation and ischemia-reperfusion injury is rates, but has reciprocated with increased infectious
anticipated.20,53 morbidity without changing long-term outcome.55,204
Most polyclonal antibodies have prolonged serum This increased infectious risk may be acceptable in se-
half-lives of several weeks.41,249 Non-depleted cells have lected higher-risk patient populations, such as recipients
been shown to be coated with heterologous antibody for of donation after cardiac death donors, recipients of ex-
months, suggesting that these preparations could influ- tended criteria donation, and patients with a high risk of
ence the function of lymphocytes long after treatment rejection, such as retransplant recipients and recipients
has stopped. Lymphocyte subsets are abnormal for years with delayed graft function,20,50,51,53,105,277,297 particularly
after therapy, with particularly low CD4+ T-cell counts.206 when avoidance of prolonged calcineurin inhibitors is
It also is reasonable to assume that antibodies targeting desired.84,270,285 A recent randomized trial between ATG-R
differing specificities would have variable effective half- and CD25-specific (basiliximab) induction showed that
lives based on the rates of surface molecule recycling, the ATG-R reduced the incidence and severity of acute re-
affinity of the binding interaction, and the mechanism of jection but not the incidence of delayed graft function.35
action. Stimulating antibodies may have effects whenever Early patient and graft survival were not influenced by
they are bound, whereas inhibitory compounds could the choice of induction regimen, but a follow-up study
mediate an effect only when the natural ligand being an- suggested a graft survival benefit with ATG-R.37
tagonized is present. Polyclonal preparations likely have Other recent trials have attempted to address the in-
mechanisms of action that vary by batch, circumstance of creased infectious risk by pairing aggressive polyclonal
use, and degradation state. It is unlikely that any single induction with substantially reduced maintenance
generalized mechanism exists. For the purposes of fol- therapy. Two pilot studies have shown that ATG-R in-
lowing the clinical effect, bulk T-cell depletion is used duction facilitates reduced maintenance immunosup-
as a general estimate of antibody potency, and polyclonal pression in highly selected, closely followed patients,
antibody preparations are considered depletional agents. leading to graft and patient survivals comparable to the
current standard.293,302 These studies have emphasized
administration before reperfusion, theoretically to take
SPECIFIC CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF maximal advantage of antiadhesion molecule effects,
and relatively high-dose therapy, to limit the proin-
POLYCLONAL ANTIBODY PREPARATIONS flammatory effects of reperfusion and to achieve rapid
and lasting T-cell depletion. Although these studies in-
Polyclonal antibody preparations have been used in dicate that such an approach is possible, it remains to
transplantation to achieve immunosuppression since the be seen if it can be generalized to non-investigational
1960s.294 They are used as induction and rescue therapies, settings.
but the immune response to the proteins has precluded
attempts to use them as maintenance drugs. As discussed
previously, no single mechanism of action has been Rescue
established, and they likely mediate their antirejection Although induction therapy remains an off-label indica-
properties through depletion and other effects, including tion for polyclonal antibodies, their use for the treatment
costimulation blockade, adhesion molecule modulation, of steroid-refractory rejection is an established indica-
and, to a lesser extent, B-cell depletion.32,34,239,248 tion. Many polyclonal preparations have shown their util-
ity in this setting, spanning several decades of associated
maintenance regimens. The first randomized trial show-
Induction ing that antilymphocyte serum was superior to high-dose
Historically, polyclonal antibody preparations were used steroids for the treatment of established rejection was
to bolster the effect of steroids and azathioprine in an reported in 1979.276 In the context of azathioprine and
attempt to reduce the unacceptably high rejection rates prednisone maintenance immunosuppression, antilym-
typical of the 1960s and 1970s. Generally, a 2–3-week phocyte serum reversed rejection faster than bolus glu-
course of a polyclonal antibody delayed the onset of acute cocorticosteroids, reduced the rate of recurrent rejection,
rejection and reduced the requirement for high-dose ste- and led to improved survival at 1 year.210 Most rejection
roids in the early postoperative period without signifi- episodes occurring in the cyclosporine era and beyond
cantly altering long-term survival.69,72,134,298,342 After the respond to bolus steroids. Polyclonal agents have been
introduction of cyclosporine, the use of polyclonal anti- indicated as a second-line therapy for steroid-resistant
body induction fell from favor with the realization that acute cellular rejection.25,101,195,254 Recurrent rejection can
this potent combination was associated with increased be treated with repeated courses of polyclonal antibod-
infectious and malignant morbidity.199,224 With improved ies in situations where antirabbit (or antihorse) antibodies
viral prophylaxis, a better understanding of the infectious have not been formed.30,192
294 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Of the currently available polyclonal preparations, than ATGAM when used in a quadruple regimen for renal
ATG-R is used most commonly for rescue. It has been transplantation.36,117 The most common acute symptoms
shown to be superior to ATGAM in terms of reversal of associated with polyclonal antibody use are the result of
steroid-resistant rejection and persistence of a rejection- transient cytokine release. Chills and fevers occur in at least
free state.101 This difference has not been shown, how- 20% of patients and are generally treatable by premedica-
ever, to influence patient or graft survival. tion with methylprednisolone, antipyretics, and antihista-
Non-T-cell-specific polyclonal antibody preparations mines. The use of polyclonal antibodies, particularly in the
also reverse established cellular acute rejection. Although treatment of rejection, has been associated with an increase
not typically considered alongside T-cell-depleting poly- in the reactivation and development of primary viral disease
clonal antibody preparations, high-dose human IgG caused by cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, Epstein–
fractions (intravenous immunoglobulin) are polyclonal Barr virus, and varicella.1,107 It is likely, however, that this is
antibodies of random specificity pooled from human not a class-specific association, but rather an indication of
donors. Because they are not derived from animals, are more intensive immunosuppression in general.
not the products of heterologous immunization, and do Dosage adjustment is warranted to counter leukope-
not target a specific cell type, most of the adverse effects nia and thrombocytopenia. Peripheral cell counts drawn
associated with polyclonal antibodies are not applicable. immediately after infusion tend to exaggerate cytopenic
Nevertheless, high-dose human IgG fractions have been effects, and most side effects are promptly remedied by
shown to reverse rejection despite the absence of any time. T-cell counts or, more easily, absolute lymphocyte
T-cell-depleting abilities. Although a course of poly- counts can be monitored to ensure that the preparation is
clonal anti-T-cell antibody typically consists of 5–20 mg/ achieving its desired effect. Absolute lymphocyte counts
kg given over several days, intravenous immunoglobulin less than 100 cells/μL are typical. Attempts to tailor ther-
is infused at much higher doses, 500–1000 mg/kg over apy to a specific peripheral cell count have been made to
1–3 days, and at this dose has been shown to reverse limit the use of these costly preparations. Rejection can
established rejection with the same overall reversal rate as occur and persist with very low T-cell counts, however,
OKT3.49 At least at high dose, non-specific antibody in- and there is little evidence that dose variation by cell
fusion can modulate immune responses, perhaps through count alters efficacy.
complement sequestration and Fc receptor binding with As discussed earlier, polyclonal antibody preparations
resultant downregulatory effects of Fc receptor-­expressing evoke a humoral immune response to themselves.212,240,306
antigen-presenting cells (APCs).150 This response can be detected by enzyme-linked immu-
nosorbent assay-based assays for antirabbit or antihorse
antibody, but these tests typically are unavailable in most
Administration and Adverse Effects clinical settings. Failure to achieve significant T-cell de-
The polyclonal preparations used in modern clini- pletion suggests the presence of these antibodies. Serum
cal practice are generally given through a large-caliber sickness and anaphylaxis also can occur.240 Pre-emptive
central vein to avoid thrombophlebitis. In experienced skin testing is not practiced often because these tests have
hands, a dialysis fistula can be accessed for this purpose. not correlated well with clinical outcome.27,38 Rather,
More recent reports have suggested that polyclonal an- slow infusion rates should be employed during the initial
tibodies can be administered peripherally when diluted exposure. Antianimal antibodies are most likely to occur
and formulated with heparin, hydrocortisone, or bicar- in individuals with prior exposure to the preparation in-
bonate solutions.246,347 An in-line filter is recommended volved, but also can exist in individuals with significant
to prevent infusion of precipitates that may develop dur- prior exposure to the animals themselves.
ing storage. The protein content should not exceed 4 mg/ The most common adverse symptoms related to poly-
mL, and dextrose-containing solutions should be avoided clonal antibodies are fever, urticaria, rash, and headache.
because they induce protein precipitation. These are most likely related to the release of pyrogenic
Given the weeks-long half-lives of polyclonal anti- cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-1,
bodies, divided doses are not required for steady-state and IL-6, which results from activating antibody bind-
levels. The tolerability of these compounds is markedly ing to targeted cell surface receptors and subsequent cell
improved, however, by spaced dosing. The rate of infu- lysis.56,81,321 Infrequently, pulmonary edema and severe
sion is associated with the severity of side effects, and hypertension or hypotension can result in death. As the
the course of therapy is generally over several days, with number of target cells decreases with repeated dosing,
individual doses given over 4–6 hours. This time course this response typically abates. The most concerning re-
depends on the dose used and is most applicable to the sponse is within the first 24 hours of the first dose, and
standard doses of ATG-R and ATG-F (1.5 mg/kg/dose patients should be monitored closely during this period.
for a total of 7.5–10 mg/kg) or ATGAM (15 mg/kg/dose The response is limited considerably by methylpredniso-
for a total of 75–100 mg/kg). More recent investigational lone premedication. The rash associated with polyclonal
induction studies have employed substantially higher antibody administration conversely tends to occur late in
doses given over 12–24 hours or, alternatively, while the the treatment or at times after the last dose. It is generally
patient is anesthetized.105,293,302 With a growing emphasis self-limiting and requires only symptomatic treatment
being placed on reduced length of stay after transplanta- for urticaria. Antiendothelial antibodies in polyclonal an-
tion, larger infusions over fewer days are being employed. tibodies have been suggested to bind to donor endothelia
Generally, rabbit-derived polyclonal preparations seem and activate complement, inducing humoral rejection in
to be significantly better tolerated and more efficacious some patients.65
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 295

MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY PREPARATIONS as IgG1.33,120,202 The resultant hybrid antibody gene can
be transfected into a high-expressing eukaryotic cell line
MAb preparations differ from polyclonal preparations and grown in vitro to produce antibodies that are pre-
in that all antibody molecules are derived from a single dominantly human antibody, yet still bind to a specific
genetic template and are identical. Batch-to-batch varia- human epitope (Figure 20-4). These hybrid antibodies
tion is eliminated, allowing the mechanism of action and can be considered chimeric, if the entirety of the murine
half-life to be extrapolated based on a single ligand re- antibody-binding site is used in the construct, or human-
ceptor interaction (although this still can be influenced ized, if the only murine portion is the specific comple-
by many individualized circumstances). This preparation mentary determining regions of the parent antibody.141
narrows the scope of effect, however, making the use of Generally, chimeric antibodies preserve the specificity of
these drugs more dependent on precise knowledge of the the original antibody better, whereas humanized antibod-
pathology involved. ies have less chance of evoking a neutralizing response.87
Historically, MAbs are the product of clonally im- Practically speaking, both are effective strategies that
mortalized B-cell hybridomas. More recently, genetically help avoid the problem of antibody clearance.
engineered mammalian cells have been the source. Use The entire IgG gene has been transgenically expressed
of other production methods, including viral and pro- in a mouse.346 This animal, when immunized, makes hu-
karyotic, or even plant cells, is being investigated.8 As the man, not mouse, antibody, which can be prepared for
production cell becomes increasingly distant from hu- monoclonal production. This method is likely to be more
man, the resultant antibodies have increasingly aberrant efficient for producing truly human antihuman antibodies
glycosylation, which can radically alter their efficacy.93 without the need to engineer each antibody individually.
Regardless of the production cell, the resultant antibody When approved for clinical use, MAbs must be named
can be purified of any extraneous proteins or other anti- based on their structural characteristics (Table 20-1). The
bodies and used as an infused drug. generic name of a MAb gives the practitioner a reasonable
The most common method for deriving an MAb typi- understanding of the origins and specificity of the MAb.
cally has been to immunize a mouse with a cell or cell
fraction containing the antigen desired. Splenocytes are
isolated from the immunized animal, and fused with an MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES IN CURRENT
immortalized cell, producing many diverse antibody- CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION PRACTICE
producing cells. These cells are cloned (grown from
single cell suspensions), and the supernatant from each Because each MAb has a singular specificity, each agent
clone is tested for reactivity against the desired antigen. available for general clinical use is considered individu-
A single robust clone with the desired antibody produc- ally (Figure 20-3). Most MAbs are defined based on their
tion characteristics is chosen and grown either in vitro or targeted cell surface protein, and these generally are clas-
in a carrier animal. The supernatant from the clone is puri- sified based on the CD nomenclature. A numerical CD
fied for therapeutic use. Because many MAbs are made by designation does not define an antigen, but rather defines
mouse B cells, they are mouse antibodies. Similar to animal- a molecule or group of molecules. MAbs that bind to the
derived polyclonal antibodies, they can be cleared from the same CD molecule can bind to the same or different epi-
circulation by an antibody-directed immune response.57 topes and have similar or different effects.
This immune response can cause anaphylaxis and neutral-
ize the effect of the MAb in subsequent administrations.267
To improve the efficiency of antibody production and
Muromonab (OKT3; Murine Anti-CD3)
eliminate animal-derived protein epitopes, the gene frag- OKT3 (muromonab) is no longer available for clini-
ment encoding the binding site of murine antibodies can cal use. However, it is considered here given its unique
be isolated and engineered on to the gene that encodes place in the historical continuum of MAb therapy. OKT3
for non-polymorphic regions of a human antibody, such is CD3-specific; CD3 is a transmembrane complex of

Monoclonal antibodies

Mouse MAb Chimeric MAb Humanized MAb Fully human MAb Fusion protein
FIGURE 20-4  ■ Types of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) and fusion proteins. Dark areas represent portions of the molecule of non-
human origin, and light areas represent human proteins.
296 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 20-1  Nomenclature for Monoclonal Antibodies

Target Source Suffix
Varies based on preference -vi(r)- Viral -u- Human -mab
of developer -ba(c)- Bacterial -o- Mouse
-li(m)- Immune -a- Rat
-le(s)- Infectious lesions -e- Hamster
-ci(r)- Cardiovascular -i- Primate
-co(l)- Colonic tumor -xi- Chimeric
-me(l)- Melanoma -zu- Humanized
-ma(r)- Mammary tumor
-go(t)- Testicular tumor
-go(v)- Ovarian tumor
-pr(o)- Prostate tumor
-tu(m)- Miscellaneous tumor

proteins that links to the TCR and conveys its activating interrupted TCR binding, TCR internalization, cytokine-
signal to the nucleus via a calcineurin-dependent path- mediated regulatory changes, disrupted t­rafficking, and
way, thus serving as the fundamental signal in antigen- cell depletion. OKT3 has proven efficacy as an induc-
specific T-cell activation. CD3 is present on essentially all tion and rescue agent. Its immunogenicity has prevented
T cells, defining the cell type. The TCR signal is gener- its use as a maintenance agent, and the drug is effective
ally known as signal 1 because it is primarily required for only in combination with other immunosuppressive
T-cell activation and defines the antigen specificity of the compounds.324
T cell. Given that T cells are a crucial mediator of acute
cellular rejection, CD3 was one of the first molecules to
be targeted with MAbs, and OKT3 (muromonab) was the
first MAb to gain clinical approval for therapeutic use in Initial trials with OKT3 have shown that this MAb is
humans.221 an efficacious induction agent in kidney transplanta-
Although the molecular target of OKT3 is singu- tion,2,82,200,217 but only when combined with otherwise
lar and precise, its effects are many. The mechanism by effective maintenance immunosuppression.324 OKT3
which OKT3 mediates its immunosuppressive effect re- cannot prevent rejection beyond the period of its actual
mains ill defined. OKT3 is an IgG2a mouse antibody that infusion without additional maintenance therapy. Its
binds to the ε component of human CD3. On binding, usefulness as an induction agent is most pronounced in
the antibody mediates complement-dependent cell lysis sensitized patients220 and patients with delayed graft func-
and ADCC and in doing so rapidly clears T cells from the tion, in whom it facilitates the delay of calcineurin inhibi-
peripheral circulation.321 This binding event also leads to tor administration and the resultant nephrotoxicity.24,145
pan-T-cell activation before their elimination, resulting It reduces the number of acute rejection episodes and the
in systemic cytokine release. The result is a marked cyto- time to first rejection episode. In more recent literature,
kine release syndrome that is responsible for most of the OKT3 has been shown to reduce acute rejection episodes
adverse effects associated with the drug (see later). compared with cyclosporine, azathioprine, or mycophe-
When antigen binds to the TCR, TCR-CD3 internal- nolate mofetil and steroids without changing patient or
ization occurs; physiologically, this ensures that antigen graft survival,3,122,216 but to be equivalent to intravenous
binding is reflective of antigen burden and avoids activa- cyclosporine induction in children.22 Despite its early
tion mediated by continuous binding of a low-­prevalence prominence, use of OKT3 as an induction agent dramati-
antigen. Similarly, OKT3 binding to CD3 leads to cally declined in recent years, primarily as a result of its
TCR-CD3 internalization.56 T cells that are not cleared side-effect profile, and this led to its voluntary withdrawal
are often rendered void of surface TCR. These T cells from the market in 2009.
that fail to express the TCR are incapable of receiving Because OKT3 is an entirely mouse-derived antibody,
a primary antigen signal and are immunologically inert. its use leads to the development of an antibody response
Bulk T-cell clearance likely is not the primary mecha- directed against OKT3 in a significant percentage of pa-
nism of action of OKT3. Clinical rejection can occur with tients. The development of antimouse antibodies varies
exceptionally low T-cell counts achieved by other means, based on the concomitant immunosuppression given, but
and stable graft function can occur with large T-cell infil- is seen in at least 30% of patients.
trates within the graft itself.131,156 Although the peripheral
circulation is rapidly cleared by OKT3, many T cells can Rescue
be found in the periphery and in the allograft itself.151 A
substantial amount of the rapid T-cell clearance from the The primary indication for OKT3 was for the treat-
circulation is likely related to lymphocyte marginaliza- ment of biopsy-proven, steroid-refractory, acute cellular
tion, perhaps induced by the cytokines released and by rejection. In this indication, the side-effect profile was
the methylprednisolone that is given with OKT3. The deemed justifiable, and the efficacy of OKT3 was un-
overall effect of OKT3 is likely an aggregate effect of deniable.69,86,221,308–310 OKT3 was successful in providing
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 297

sustained reversal of approximately 80% of these vigor- induction, but have no role in the treatment of established
ous rejections. It was effective even in the presence of rejection. Although there has been anecdotal experience
prior aggressive lymphocyte depletion, suggesting that using these antibodies for maintenance immunosuppres-
its mechanism of action was not primarily a result of sion in the setting of calcineurin inhibitor toxicity with
bulk T-cell depletion.75,156,234 The incidence of steroid-­ recurrent rejection,100 no study has formally evaluated
refractory rejection, defined as failure to respond to this approach.
3 consecutive days of bolus methylprednisolone (e.g.,
500  mg daily), declined considerably with improved Induction
maintenance immunosuppressive agents, as did the inci-
dence of rejection in general. Thus, the need for OKT3 Many anti-CD25 antibodies, including anti-Tac,164
was reduced considerably. That, combined with its unfa- 33B3.1,287 LO-Tact-1,126 and BT563,322 have been tested
vorable side-effect profile relative to newer agents, led to in humans and been shown to delay modestly or reduce
its withdrawal from the US market in 2009. Sporadic use the onset of acute rejection when used with conventional
based on existing stocks of the drug continued into 2010. maintenance immunosuppression. The experimental ro-
dent antibodies have been generally abandoned in favor
of the humanized/chimerized antibodies.
Interleukin-2 Receptor (CD25)-Specific Daclizumab and basiliximab have been shown to re-
Monoclonal Antibodies duce modestly the incidence of acute cellular rejection
The receptor for IL-2 is composed of three chains compared with methylprednisolone induction when used
(α, β, and γ), of which the α and γ chains are constitutively in triple or double immunosuppressive regimens, with
expressed, and the β chain is induced with activation. The exceptional patient tolerability in kidney and extrarenal
presence of the β chain, now designated as CD25, indi- transplantation.23,124,144,208,209,211,271,327 Studies comparing
cates prior T-cell activation and identifies cells that have basiliximab with polyclonal antibodies in regimens us-
undergone some degree of effector maturation. CD25 ing cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids
has been targeted to suppress activated cells, while spar- have shown comparable outcomes.178,205,284 The use of
ing resting cells. depletional agents appears to be preferable in high-risk
Two commercially available anti-CD25 antibodies situations.35,37,116 The magnitude of the antirejection
have been developed, both of which have been engineered effect seen with anti-CD25 therapy depends to some ex-
to avoid antimurine antibody responses. Daclizumab is a tent on the intensity of the maintenance regimen, with
humanized anti-CD25 IgG1, and basiliximab is a chime- earlier trials using cyclosporine-based and azathioprine-
ric mouse–human anti-CD25 IgG1. Both agents avoid based regimens showing a 25% reduction and later trials
immune clearance and can be used for prolonged periods in the tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil era showing a
without inducing a neutralizing antibody.7,170,264,328 CD25 more modest 10% improvement. Anti-CD25 induction
was the first molecule to be targeted successfully with a also has been used successfully in steroid-free regimens in
humanized MAb in transplantation.164 These agents also kidney transplantation.31,257,290 The use of anti-CD25 has
avoid the serum sickness associated with mouse-derived, not been shown, however, to facilitate more aggressive
rabbit-derived, or horse-derived proteins. Daclizumab is maintenance reduction regimens, such as monotherapy
no longer available for commercial use. Its withdrawal in or calcineurin avoidance.225,331
2009 was voluntary and largely based on market rather
than biological considerations. It is being considered for Administration and Adverse Effects
reintroduction in non-transplant settings. Basiliximab
thus remains the only CD25-specific MAb available for Although the efficacy of anti-CD25 therapies is modest,
use in transplantation. Studies for both of these agents the safety profile is highly favorable.23,124,144,208,209,211,271,284,327
are considered as the efficacy and mechanisms of action Binding of anti-CD25 antibodies does not mediate T-cell
of these agents appear to be practically interchangeable. activation, and no perceptible cytokine release occurs.
Anti-CD25 antibodies are thought to work primarily Clinical trials generally have shown no increase in infec-
through steric hindrance of IL-2 binding to CD25 and tious complications or delayed wound healing. The risk
deprive T cells of this cytokine during early activation. of PTLD with anti-CD25 induction is similar to that
There is little evidence for a depletional effect, or if there when no induction agent is employed.59,155
is one, it is limited to a few cells. More recently, it has
become clear that CD25 induction is involved not only
in the activation of cytotoxic T cells but also in the ac-
Alemtuzumab (Humanized Anti-CD52)
tivation of cells with potentially salutary effects on the Given the reduction in rejection achieved with prolonged
allograft, such as T-regulatory cells.300 T cells that have polyclonal antibody-mediated T-cell depletion, the ease
been previously activated and are responding in an anam- of administration and consistency of MAbs, and the ben-
nestic response are less dependent on IL-2 for prolifera- efits of humanization, clinicians have sought agents with
tion. Heterologous responses (cross-reactive responses a combination of these traits. The CD52-specific hu-
between a previously encountered pathogen and an manized MAb alemtuzumab has emerged as a promising
alloantigen) or memory alloimmune responses seem not depletional MAb.29,116,190,336,339
to be affected significantly by CD25 interruption. Given Alemtuzumab (Campath-1H) is a humanized IgG1 deriv-
this biology primarily focused on naïve T-cell early ac- ative of a rat antihuman CD52.336 CD52 is a non-­modulating,
tivation, CD25-directed antibodies have found a role in glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored membrane protein
298 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of unknown function found in high density on most T cells, administration with an increase in antibody-mediated
B cells, and monocytes.113 CD52 is not found on hemato- rejection or at least posttransplant development of
poietic precursor cells and does not seem to be an adhesion donor-specific alloantibody.44 Whether this association
molecule; it is not necessary for T-cell activation. Several is related to the effects of the antibody, the reductionist
versions of the non-humanized anti-CD52 predecessors maintenance regimens used with alemtuzumab, or specif-
of alemtuzumab have been studied and been shown to be ics of patient selection and screening for HLA-specific
effective in mediating rapid T-cell depletion and reversing antibodies remains to be determined. There appears to
steroid-resistant rejection. The humanized form has been be a homeostatic response to the B-cell-depleting effect
studied in several indications and is currently approved for leading to high levels of BAFF and concomitant increases
the treatment of lymphogenous malignancies. in activated B cells emerging after alemtuzumab admin-
Although not approved for use in solid-organ trans- istration that is a potential mechanistic explanation for a
plantation, alemtuzumab has been used off-label as an rise in alloantibody production.29
induction agent.272,273 Its mechanism of action seems to
be predominantly related to bulk T-cell depletion, with
lesser depletion of B cells and monocytes. It rapidly de- Rescue
pletes CD52-expressing lymphocytes centrally and pe- The rodent antihuman CD52 predecessors of alemtu-
ripherally in renal transplant recipients.156 The use of zumab, Campath-1 M and Campath-1G, were originally
alemtuzumab as a rescue drug is burgeoning, and there tested as rescue agents.95–97,114 In the original studies using
has been anecdotal investigation in this drug as a mainte- anti-CD52 for steroid-resistant rejection, the antibodies
nance therapy. Alemtuzumab is currently unavailable for were used with triple immunosuppression and steroid bo-
commercial use in transplantation, but is being supplied lus therapy, leading to a prohibitively immunosuppressive
for transplant use by its maker (Sanofi). The drug is being regimen with excess infectious morbidity and mortality.
positioned in the market as Lemtrada, for use in patients With the success of alemtuzumab as an induction agent,
with multiple sclerosis. there has been a resurgence of interest in its use as a
rescue agent. Several anecdotal reports have recently
emerged.62,15,74,320 Additional study is required to define
its role in this setting, although its predilection for naïve
In preliminary, uncontrolled studies, alemtuzumab has cells may limit its efficacy after sensitization.
been shown to facilitate reduced-maintenance immuno-
suppressive requirements without an apparent increase
Administration and Adverse Effects
in infectious or malignant complications in kidney and
extrarenal transplantation compared with historical Alemtuzumab can be administered through a periph-
controls.14,45,46,112,147,148,156,161,166,167,196,272,305,319 Specifically, eral intravenous catheter and can be dosed as a 30-mg
alemtuzumab has been used to achieve perioperative flat dose or at 0.3 mg/kg dose over 3 hours. Almost total
depletion in combination with triple immunosuppression elimination of peripheral CD3+ T cells can be expected
and early steroid weaning; steroid-free regimens with cal- within 1 hour of the first infusion, although secondary
cineurin inhibitors and mycophenolate mofetil mainte- lymphoid depletion requires 48 hours and at least two
nance; and with monotherapy regimens of cyclosporine, doses.156,228 Higher doses have not been shown to be of
tacrolimus, or sirolimus. Graft and patient survivals have additional benefit in transplantation.
been comparable to contemporaneously reported regis- The rapid depletion characteristic of alemtuzumab is
try data, although the incidence of reversible rejection associated with a cytokine release phenomenon similar
has predictably increased with decreases in concomi- to, but typically less severe than, that seen with polyclonal
tant maintenance therapy. Prospective comparison with antibodies or OKT3. Administration should be preceded
other regimens is just beginning. Alemtuzumab has been by a bolus of methylprednisolone, diphenhydramine, and
shown to provide similar outcomes in low-risk patients acetaminophen. The first dose should be given in a set-
compared to basiliximab induction, and similar outcomes ting capable of dealing with hypotension, anaphylaxis,
in high-risk patients compared to ATG-R.116 and other sequelae of cytokine release. Neutralizing anti-
Mechanistic studies investigating alemtuzumab in- bodies have not been described for alemtuzumab.
duction have shown that, although it depletes all T-cell Early trials investigating alemtuzumab as a therapy
subsets to some degree, it has modest selectivity for na- for multiple sclerosis suggested an association between
ïve cell types.228 Non-depleted T cells exhibit a memory its use and the development of autoimmune thyroiditis.64
phenotype and seem to be most susceptible to calcineurin Specifically, patients with multiple sclerosis receiving
inhibitors. Maintenance regimens including calcineurin high-dose investigational therapy with alemtuzumab had
inhibitors seem to do best in alemtuzumab-based main- a significantly increased risk of hyperthyroidism develop-
tenance reduction strategies. The rapid and profound ing 1–3 years after therapy. It has been hypothesized that
depletion has allowed for a delay in the initiation of T-cell depletion, particularly depletion that selectively
therapeutic calcineurin inhibitor levels, however, and has spares activated cells, could disrupt T-cell regulation and
made this an attractive option for patients with delayed unmask autoreactive clones. This effect could be most ev-
graft function.166 ident in individuals with low-level adjuvant maintenance
Although alemtuzumab depletes B cells, its effect on immunosuppression, as was the case in the multiple scle-
T cells is more profound and lasting. It does not clear plasma rosis trials. There has been a case report of autoimmune
cells. Some investigators have associated alemtuzumab thyroiditis in an alemtuzumab-treated renal transplant
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 299

patient, leaving the potential for autoimmune disease as Rituximab’s most important indication in organ trans-
an unresolved matter of concern.157 plantation is not as a rescue agent for rejection, but rather
as a primary treatment for PTLD.301 Although immuno-
suppression reduction is the primary therapeutic ma-
Rituximab (Humanized Anti-CD20) neuver in PTLD, rituximab has emerged as an effective
Rituximab is a chimeric MAb specific for CD20. CD20 and well-tolerated maneuver to be interjected between
is a cell surface glycoprotein involved in B-cell activa- immunosuppressive withdrawal and more aggressive
tion and maturation whose natural ligand is unknown.79 chemotherapy.
Similar to alemtuzumab, it has been developed and ap-
proved for use in lymphogenous malignancies, particu- Administration and Adverse Effects
larly CD20+ B-cell lymphomas and PTLD.111 Given its
specificity for B cells (and despite its lack of specificity Rituximab can be administered through a peripheral vein
for antibody-producing plasma cells), rituximab has been and is associated with few overt side effects. As with all
suggested to be a therapy for antibody-mediated rejection proteins, anaphylaxis can occur, and initial doses should
and rejections involving vasculitis.18,19 Rituximab also has be given in a monitored environment. When used as a
been used in regimens designed to facilitate transplanta- treatment for PTLD, it is typically given at a dose of
tion in sensitized individuals, such as ABO-incompatible 375 mg/m2. Dosing as an immunosuppressant has em-
donor-recipient pairs or transplants across a positive pirically followed this regimen. Rituximab persists in
crossmatch following antibody removal.99,102,250,286,318,332 At the circulation for weeks to months, and a single dose
present, the role of rituximab in transplantation is largely effectively eliminates CD20+ cells for a similarly pro-
investigational; however, similar to alemtuzumab, its off- longed period. The presence of rituximab in the serum
label use is increasing considerably. artificially produces a pan-positive B-cell crossmatch
The mechanism of action of rituximab is presumed to by complement-dependent cytotoxicity and flow tech-
be depletional, primarily through induced ­apoptosis.80,307 niques. Characterization of alloantibody after the use of
Treatment with this antibody rapidly and specifically rituximab requires alloantigen-specific methods, such as
clears CD20+ cells from the circulation. The role of solid-phase bead array assays.
CD20+ cells in alloimmune responses is currently in- Numerous other humanized and fully human CD20-
completely defined. Although these cells are precursors specific MAbs are under development for a host of
to antibody-producing plasma cells, they do not produce immune and oncologic indications.17,321 Their use in
antibody without further maturation. Their role in acute transplantation remains expectant.
antibody production is not well established, and it is un-
likely that they have a direct effector cell role in rejection.
Several authors have documented CD20+ infiltrates as a FUSION PROTEINS
marker for particularly recalcitrant acute rejection.128,263
These cells are known to have APC function and it has Fusion proteins are molecules that have been engineered
been postulated that they serve to facilitate intragraft an- from a single receptor targeting a ligand of interest fused
tigen presentation. Currently, rituximab is being used in to another protein that provides another salutary prop-
induction and rescue indications. erty. In transplantation, this secondary molecule is typi-
cally the Fc portion of an IgG molecule that gives the
receptor an antibody-like half-life and/or opsonization
Induction properties.146,176,183 Fusion proteins also can involve the
The use of rituximab as an induction agent has been lim- fusion of a specific toxin to a MAb to facilitate epitope-
ited to patients with known donor-specific sensitization. directed drug delivery.168 Fusion proteins are similar to
In particular, rituximab has been suggested to be a sur- MAbs because they have a single homogeneous specific-
rogate for recipient splenectomy in patients undergoing ity and can be composed of human or humanized compo-
donor desensitization with plasmapheresis or intravenous nents, limiting their immune clearance and opening their
immunoglobulin infusion, or both.286,318 It has not been use for prolonged administration. One fusion protein,
prospectively studied, but rituximab seems to have some belatacept, is now approved for use in transplantation
effect in reducing the rebound of alloantibody in these and will be considered specifically in Chapter 21. There
complex patients. are notable examples of other transplant-relevant fusion
proteins in development that are discussed subsequently.
Monoclonal Antibodies and Fusion Proteins
Several reports have emerged suggesting that rituximab
has a role in the treatment of vascular rejection (Banff
in Clinical Transplantation Investigation
classification 2 and 3) and in reversing emerging alloan- The promise of MAb therapy has led to the development
tibody formation.18,19,90 This would be presumed to be of a rapidly expanding number of antibodies and fusion
relevant for allograft infiltrates shown to contain CD20+ proteins targeting a wide variety of surface molecules.325
cells, although specific guidelines for the use of ritux- Several of these agents have shown efficacy in large-
imab remain forthcoming. As with its use as an induc- animal transplant models and in early clinical transplant
tion therapy, use of rituximab as a rescue agent remains trials. Even more have been developed for autoimmune
investigational. indications, such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis,
300 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

but their immunomodulating effects have clear poten- CD3-Specific Antibodies

tial in transplant indications. The following agents have
Targeting CD3 is a proven strategy, as shown by the
been studied in early-phase clinical transplant trials or
success of OKT3. Significant effort has been directed
have received approval for clinical use in non-transplant
toward modernizing the anti-CD3 approach to avoid
indications and have preclinical trials suggesting efficacy
the many side effects associated with CD3 activation.
in transplantation. These agents are discussed based on
Several CD3-specific antibodies, including huOKT3γ1
their targeted ligand. All new antibodies under clini-
(MGA031, teplizumab), aglycosyl CD3 (otelixizumab),
cal development are now humanized or fully human.252
and ­ visilizumab (HuM291), have been humanized and
Numerous agents have been tested and shown prom-
otherwise engineered to eliminate their undesirable acti-
ise in preclinical studies, but will not be specifically
vating properties and immunogenicity.94,218,351,352 Phase I
addressed here.
studies have indicated that modified versions of a CD3-
specific antibody can achieve T-cell depletion without the
CD2-Specific Approaches confounding problems of cytokine release or an antibody
neutralization. Phase II trials using visilizumab in marrow
CD2, also known as LFA-2, is an adhesion molecule ex-
transplantation have shown initial efficacy against graft-
pressed on T cells and natural killer cells that binds to
versus-host disease,48 and teplizumab has shown promise
CD58 (LFA-3) on APCs and facilitates TCR binding and
as a prophylactic agent in new-onset diabetes mellitus.123,275
signal transduction. It has been targeted by the rat IgG2b
These studies have shown that the side effects related to
anti-CD2 MAb BTI-322, and more recently by sipli-
OKT3 use are not inherent in CD3-directed therapies,
zumab (also known as MEDI-507), a humanized IgG1
opening the door for more refined targeting of this re-
version of BTI-322. BTI-322 was investigated initially as
ceptor complex. Currently, teplizumab has completed
an induction and rescue agent for deceased donor renal
a single clinical study in islet transplantation, the results
and hepatic allografts and for graft-versus-host disease,
of which have yet to be reported.63 Visilizumab has com-
and was shown to have biological activity and to give re-
pleted phase III trials for ulcerative colitis, but there are
sults consistent with the standard therapies available at
no ongoing registered trials for visilizumab.63
the time.182,203,243,290
Clinical trials in psoriasis using siplizumab began
in 1999 and were met with an unexpected propen- CD4-Specific Antibodies
sity toward agent immunogenicity.170 This agent has
been used in non-human primate transplant toler- CD4 is a cell surface glycoprotein that binds to a mono-
ance trials with success in mixed chimerism-directed morphic region of MHC class II molecules and in doing
approaches149 and has been used clinically as part of so stabilizes the interaction between the TCR and MHC
a non-myeloablative conditioning regimen to achieve class II. It is expressed on approximately two-thirds of
mixed hematopoietic chimerism.288 Siplizumab has been peripheral T cells and has partially defined several functional
investigated in phase I and II trials for T-lymphocytic T-cell subsets, including helper T cells and T-regulatory
malignancies, graft-versus-host disease and psoriasis.63 cells. CD4 also is expressed by peripheral monocytes and
There are no active trials with siplizumab registered in other APCs, where its function is poorly characterized.
ClinicalTrials.gov.63 It likely plays a crucial role in facilitating cell-to-cell
Alefacept is a human fusion protein of the CD2 li- communication among lymphoid cells, and it has lesser
gand (CD58, LFA-3) with IgG1 that has been shown to effects on physiological effector functions. Given its cen-
inhibit T-cell proliferation. Its administration also has tral role in cellular immune responses, CD4 has long
been shown to have a relative selective depleting effect been a target for immune manipulation, and several anti-
on effector memory T cells, the same cells that have been bodies have been tested in transplantation. Generally, the
relatively spared by other depleting MAbs and polyclonal efficacy has been exceptional in defined rodent models
preparations.106,265 It gained increased attention more re- and modest in more clinically relevant settings; this may
cently in experimental transplantation. Alefacept is cur- relate to the growing recognition that CD4+ T cells have
rently approved for the treatment of plaque-like psoriasis. a potential role in tempering immune responses.5,300,335
Preclinical trials in non-human primate transplantation Many studies have shown that anti-CD4 antibody in-
have shown that alefacept has minimal effect on graft duction dramatically inhibits the development of acute
survival when used alone, but that it does extend graft rejection in rodents, particularly when combined with
survival when used with adjuvant therapies.88,338 In par- supplementary donor antigen, such as donor-specific
ticular, its pairing with belatacept was shown to elimi- transfusion.189,259,278,349 Given that the distribution of MHC
nate belatacept-resistant memory T cells and facilitate class II molecules differs substantially between rodents
belatacept-based maintenance therapy in non-human
­ and humans, however, these studies have not been predic-
primates and in vitro in humans.184,338 tive of the anticipated effect in humans. Depleting85,236,260
Alefacept was recently studied in a phase II trial pair- and non-depleting10,71,77,179,214,344 antibodies have shown an
ing it with tacrolimus-based maintenance immunosup- effect in experimental models, suggesting that cell elimi-
pression. Although the results remain unpublished, the nation, disruption of cell-cell communication, or signal
outcomes were not viewed as sufficient to continue the transduction through CD4 may be mechanistically rele-
development of the drug in transplantation. Presently, vant. Two humanized anti-CD4 preparations have shown
there is one registered trial investigating alefacept in significant prolongation of non-human primate renal
graft-versus-host disease.63 allograft survival.71,236
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 301

Initial clinical transplantation trials using anti-CD4 An additional receptor-ligand pair that has gained con-
MAbs employed murine-derived antibodies, including siderable attention involves CD40 and CD154. CD154,
OKT4A, BL4, MT151, and B-F5.76,85,175 Predictably, also known as CD40 ligand, is expressed on activated
these agents were subject to immune clearance, but nev- T cells and other cells, including platelets.11,108,121,153 CD40
ertheless were shown to lead to CD4+ T-cell clearance. is expressed on APCs. Although the specific effect of
Regardless, patients experienced rejection rates of 50%, CD154 on T cells is incompletely defined, CD40 has a
and the agents were not sufficiently efficacious to warrant major influence on APC activation. CD40 ligation leads
further development. Subsequent trials investigating the to marked APC activation, including increased expres-
humanized OKT4A67 and the chimeric cM-T412198 have sion of the B7 molecules and MHC, and stimulatory
been evaluated in conjunction with cyclosporine-based cytokine production, greatly facilitating antigen pre-
maintenance therapy in kidney and heart transplant re- sentation.52 CD154 is released from the alpha granules
cipients.255 In both cases, the antibody was well tolerated, of activated platelets and acts locally to greatly augment
and treated patients had low rates of rejection, suggest- alloimmune responses.54. It can serve as the sole source
ing that this approach is promising. Antibody responses of CD154 responsible for rejection.354 CD154 exists as a
toward the remnant murine portions of the MAb were large inducible reservoir that can be triggered by platelet
surprisingly frequent, however. CD4+ T-cell depletion activation and augment antigen presentation at the time
was not achieved using OKT4A, but was common with of a traumatic injury, including a transplant procedure.
cM-T412. Its release is local and governed by alpha degranulation.54
The mouse antihuman CD4 MAb, Max.16H5, has been Many other costimulatory molecules have been investi-
tested in pilot fashion as a clinical rescue agent.253 Max.16H5 gated, but none has yet been exploited as a target in the
depleted CD4+ T cells and was associated with reversal of clinic.61,63
rejection in most treated patients. Neutralizing antibodies Costimulatory molecules can be targeted with block-
were not detected. No trials investigating humanized anti- ing MAbs to inhibit their stimulatory effects. Because it
CD4 MAbs have been reported for rescue therapy. is difficult to determine prospectively whether a MAb is
Many human or humanized CD4-specific MAbs, in- stimulatory or inhibitory in vivo, and because costimu-
cluding HuMax-CD4 (zanolimumab), TNX355, MT412, latory molecules have stimulatory and inhibitory effects,
and 4162 W94,60,174,283 have been evaluated in phase I, it has been challenging to find therapeutically reliable
II, and III trials for non-transplant indications, such as agents. Because CD152 and CD154 are upregulated
psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as oncological on activated T cells, these costimulatory molecules also
indications. These studies have shown that CD4-specific may serve as targets for selective elimination of activated
antibodies can influence immune responses and that their effector cells.201 Selective targeting of CD152 with the
use is relatively safe in humans. Currently, there are no ac- MAb ipilimumab has been used to augment immunity in
tive anti-CD4 MAb trials registered in transplantation.63 the setting of metastatic melanoma, with salutary onco-
logic results balanced by considerable induction of auto-
immune side effects.129,130
Costimulation-Based Therapies
Although most experimental use of MAbs directed
Interest in the costimulation pathways as targets for against costimulatory molecules in transplantation has
immune manipulation has exploded in recent years.118 focused on tolerance induction (elimination of a need for
Generally, these agents interfere with pathways that act any maintenance therapy), the clinical focus has been on
to influence the outcome of antigen binding to the TCR. pairing costimulation-directed biologics with maintenance
Costimulatory molecules can exert positive or negative minimization strategies, particularly calcineurin-sparing
influences on the efficiency of antigen presentation and approaches. Agents interfering with the CD28/B7 and
recognition and alter the threshold for activation of na- the CD40/CD154 pathways have reached clinical trials,
ive T lymphocytes without having a primary activating with one B7-specific fusion protein, belatacept, achieving
or inhibitory function. Costimulatory molecule manipu- approval for use in kidney transplantation (discussed in
lation influences only cells with ongoing TCR activation depth in Chapter 21). Two humanized MAbs specific for
and should have effects only on cells actively undergoing CD154, hu5c8 and IDEC-131, have been shown in non-
antigen recognition; this has been thought to allow for human primates to prevent acute rejection for months to
antigen-specific immune manipulation. years without additional immunosuppression and have
The most studied costimulatory receptor on T cells is been paired with sirolimus monotherapy and donor-
CD28. It has two known ligands, CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 specific transfusion to lead to operational tolerance in
(B7-2), both of which are expressed on APCs. CD28 is some cases.154,158,238,353 Early human trials with hu5c8
constitutively expressed on most T cells and on ligation were hindered by unimpressive efficacy and concerns for
reduces the threshold for TCR activation.143 CD152 thromboembolic risk.160
(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4)) CD154-specific therapies have not been studied
is an induced molecule expressed on T-cell activation that clinically in recent years, and most preclinical attention
is structurally similar to CD28 and competitively binds has turned toward intervention with CD40 as opposed
CD80 and CD86, transmitting an inhibitory signal that to CD154.4 Pursuant to CD40 blockade, one agent,
acts to terminate the immune response.337 CD28 and ASKP1240 (also known as 4d11), has reached the clinic
CD152 serve reciprocal roles, both stimulated by the B7 and completed phase I trials.63 ASKP1240 is a fully hu-
molecules and facilitating (CD28) or quelling (CD152) a man CD40-specific MAb that has been shown in numer-
T-cell response. ous non-human primate studies to prevent kidney and
302 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

liver allograft rejection, particularly when used in com- treatment of numerous autoimmune disorders, including
bination with tacrolimus.9,137,152,223 Phase II trials are im- rheumatoid arthritis (its primary approved clinical use),
minent. Investigational interest in CD154 manipulation psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.279,345 It
also remains intense. has been used in pilot studies of many transplant indica-
A cocktail of two humanized MAbs specific for the tions, including renal, bone marrow, intestinal, and islet
B7 molecules CD80 and CD86 has been shown to fa- transplantation, with suggestive success. Its predominant
cilitate prolonged renal allograft survival in non-human therapeutic effect in transplantation seems to be to limit
primates.162 These antibodies reached clinical trials in or- paracrine cytokine-mediated activation within the graft
gan transplantation and were shown to have initial safety and to mute the clinical sequelae of rejection without
in humans. Their development has not been pursued. altering the overall infiltrate of inciting allosensitiza-
A similar approach has been exploited with the fusion tion.73,98,226 Similarly, adalimumab is a TNF-α-specific
protein belatacept (covered in Chapter 21).176 MAb that has been approved for the treatment of psori-
Although there are many costimulation molecules that atic arthritis.345
have been targeted in rodents, with dramatic results, no Etanercept is a soluble recombinant TNF receptor–
MAbs have been successfully transitioned to the clinic. IgG fusion protein that acts to absorb soluble TNF-α
This situation likely relates to the fundamental role that and limit its availability in the circulation. It is approved
costimulation molecules have in general immunity and for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and has been
immune homeostasis. In addition to the thromboembolic increasingly evaluated for a role in the treatment of graft-
concerns, marked adverse reactions have been associated versus-host disease.139 Use of etanercept in islet trans-
with costimulation-directed MAbs. Severe autoimmune plantation has recently been reported.21,232.
enteritis and vasculitis have been triggered by the CD152- Golimumab is a fully human TNF-α-specific MAb that
specific ipilimumab, showing that CTLA-4 signaling and is in phase II trials for rheumatoid arthritis. No reports
its resultant negative T-cell regulation is vital to preserv- have been made of this agent in transplantation, although
ing a balance with the activating effects of CD28 signal- there are numerous trials in autoimmune indications.63
ing.129,130 Similarly, severe septic-like responses have been Several other cytokine-directed MAbs are now ap-
reported after the administration of TGN1412, a CD28- proved for immune indications outside of transplanta-
specific MAb tested in phase I trials.299 There seems to tion and are likely to have relevance to transplantation.
be a fundamental balance between the two B7-specific Ustakinimab is a humanized MAb specific for the p40
T-cell molecules CD28 and CD152 that is required to subunit common to the receptors for both IL-12 and
avoid dysregulated autoimmunity. Greater success has IL-23.340. It is approved for clinical use in the treatment of
been achieved with agents that target the B7 molecules psoriasis,181 particularly in patients who have failed ther-
CD80 and CD86, providing inhibition of potential CD28 apy with etanercept. The IL-12/23 axis is increasingly
and CD152 signals; this has been achieved through the recognized as relevant in transplantation, particularly
use of B7-specific fusion proteins. However, the concep- in the setting of costimulation blockade-resistant rejec-
tual promise of CD28-specific blockade has led to the tion, and it is likely that ustakinimab will be evaluated
development of numerous agents, including single-chain as an adjuvant therapy in combination with costimula-
domain-specific antibodies that have proven themselves tion ­blockade-based strategies in the foreseeable future.
efficacious in non-human primate transplantation.231,232. Similarly, tocilizumab is an IL-6 receptor MAb approved
Their clinical translation is anticipated. for use in rheumatoid arthritis.323. Given the role of IL-6
in alloantibody production, one trial has been initiated
using tocilizumab in patients awaiting kidney trans-
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Based Approaches
plantation with hopes that it will attenuate alloantibody
Sequestration of cytokines using MAbs has long been production in sensitized individuals.63
contemplated as a therapeutic strategy in many inflam-
matory diseases. Although many cytokine-specific agents
Targeting Cell Adhesion
have been developed, only TNF-α-specific agents have
gained widespread clinical use. TNF-α is a cytokine pro- Given the fundamental requirement for adhesion mol-
duced by many immune cells that is ubiquitously pres- ecules in most inflammatory responses, there has been
ent in most inflammatory responses and has numerous long-standing interest in blocking adhesion interac-
general proinflammatory effects, including increased tions to prevent platelet and leukocyte adherence and
chemotaxis, vascular permeability, and fever. It has been infiltration. As discussed previously, polyclonal anti-
considered as an attractive target for many inflammatory bodies are thought to bind to and inhibit some adhesion
aspects of transplantation, including depletion-associated molecules. Several MAbs have been developed to target
cytokine release syndrome, ischemia-reperfusion injury, adhesion pathways.26
and rejection. Three TNF-α-specific agents are cur- Among the most prominent is the LFA-1/ICAM-1
rently approved for non-transplant conditions, and their pathway. LFA-1 (the heterodime integrin molecule
use in transplantation is emerging, particularly in islet CD11a/CD18) is expressed on mature T cells and binds
transplantation. to ICAM-1 (CD54) expressed on APCs and endothelial
Infliximab is a chimeric IgG1 MAb that binds to cells.193,258,289 The pathway greatly facilitates initial lym-
cell-bound and circulating TNF-α, sequestering it from phocyte recruitment at sites of injury and inflammation.207
the TNF receptor and inhibiting TNF-dependent pro- Adhesion pathways have been studied in several pre-
inflammatory effects. It has been developed for the clinical settings, including rodents138,244 and non-human
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 303

­primates,70,146,251 with survival being markedly prolonged been shown to facilitate leukocyte and platelet adhesion.
in rodents and prolonged 30 days in primates. Recent data Because cell adhesion has been implicated as a primary
pairing the LFA-1-specific MAb TS1/22 with belatacept event in reperfusion injury and in allorecognition, this drug
has led to exceptionally prolonged survival in non-human has been contemplated as a therapy to limit the impact of
primate islet transplantation.13 events occurring during initial implantation. Treatment
Enlimomab, a murine anti-CD54 MAb, was success- with PSGL1-Ig has been shown to attenuate ischemia-
fully tested in a phase I trial involving high-risk deceased reperfusion injury, most prominently in rodent models of
donor kidneys119 and subsequently evaluated in a placebo- hepatic warm ischemia.47,89,92 This agent has recently com-
controlled phase II study combined with conventional pleted testing in a phase I/II evaluation in liver transplanta-
triple-drug maintenance therapy.261 No significant dif- tion showing that it attenuates the clinical and biochemical
ference was detected between the treated and the pla- syndrome of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury.43.
cebo groups, and further development was not pursued. Testing in the setting of kidney transplantation has been
Similarly, odulimomab, a murine anti-LFA-1 MAb, was performed to determine its efficacy in preventing reper-
studied as an induction agent compared with R-ATG in fusion injury. These studies have completed enrollment
renal transplantation, with no significant difference be- and results are pending.63
ing found between the groups.133 A single rescue trial
using the anti-LFA-1 murine MAb 25-3 failed to show Targeting the T-Cell Receptor
The most promising and well-studied LFA-1-specific T cells bind their cognate antigen through their het-
MAb is efalizumab. Efalizumab (Raptiva) is a recombi- erodimeric glycoprotein TCR. There are two general
nant humanized MAb that binds to human CD11a and forms, an α/β form, expressed on 95% of peripheral
inhibits the LFA-1/ICAM-1 interaction.83,213 Efalizumab T cells and responsible for specifying most alloimmune
has been tested in phase I/II studies for renal trans- responses, and a γ/δ form, which is involved in innate im-
plantation where it was paired with conventional triple mune responses and appears late in allograft rejection.159
immunosuppression. In that setting, the combined regi- The TCR is a result of somatic gene rearrangement simi-
men was overly immunosuppressive and its development lar to that seen in antibody formation, and the specific-
waned.330. It re-emerged recently in two clinical islet tri- ity of each T cell can be defined by its individual TCR.
als as the centerpiece maintenance immunosuppressant. Rejections based on specific TCR/MHC interactions
In these trials, the efalizumab-based regimen was shown select for specific TCR types, showing that each MHC
to facilitate initial engraftment and function, and to pre- mismatch is recognized by a few clones, rather than by
vent islet rejection successfully.235,316 Trials based on efali- the entire T-cell repertoire.115 Although this finding fos-
zumab as a calcineurin alternative were initiated in kidney tered initial enthusiasm for targeting antigen-specific
transplantation but had to be halted when the maker of T cells through custom MAbs specific for a given TCR,
efalizumab withdrew the drug from the market.63 It was this approach has been deemed impractical given the
used clinically and approved by the Food and Drug vast number of TCRs generated during T-cell matura-
Administration (FDA) for treatment of mild-to-­moderate tion and their variable crossreactivity with variable MHC
psoriasis. However, its use was associated with a low in- polymorphisms. Nevertheless, the success of targeting
cidence of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy TCR-associated proteins such as CD3 has generated
(approximately 1/10 000 exposures), which was cited as an some interest in targeting monomorphic portions of the
undue risk for patients with psoriasis. In general, this risk TCR directly. More recently, the realization that TCR
profile, while perhaps adverse for psoriasis, is acceptable signaling is required for T-cell apoptosis and regulation
in kidney transplantation, and there is genuine hope that has made preservation of the TCR a competing strategy.
this agent will resurface for use in transplant indications T10B9, also known as Medi-500, is a murine IgM
in the future. specific for a monomorphic determinant on α/β and γ/δ
Other integrin-based adhesion molecules have been TCRs. It is effective in mediating T-cell depletion in vi-
shown to be clearly involved in peripheral immune re- tro and in vivo40 and has been studied as a rescue and
sponses, the most studied of which is VLA4 (α4-integrin). induction agent in renal and cardiac transplantation.333,334
The MAb natalizumab targets this molecule and has In both trials, the antibody-mediated T-cell depletion
gained FDA approval for the treatment of multiple scle- was well tolerated. Its efficacy as a rescue agent seemed
rosis.233 It was subsequently withdrawn from the market to be similar to that of OKT3, and the cardiac trial sug-
due to an elevated risk of progressive multifocal encepha- gested efficacy as an induction agent. Nevertheless, the
lopathy, but returned with more robust warning relative agent has not been developed further in organ transplan-
to this side effect. VLA-4 specific MAbs have been shown tation, likely as a result of comparably effective human-
to attenuate costimulation blockade-resistant rejection in ized MAbs. T10B9 has been studied as a conditioning
mice,165 and promising preliminary results in non-human agent of bone marrow transplantation,313 and a phase III
primates have been observed. Its availability for off-label trial using T10B9 as an ex vivo depletional agent for bone
use in the clinic may facilitate clinical transplant trials in marrow transplantation has been completed.63
the foreseeable future. TOL101 is an IgM MAb that is specific for the α/β
PSGL1-Ig (YSPSL) is a fusion protein combining the TCR. It has been shown to have numerous depletional
extracellular domains of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 and non-depletional effects on human T cells.103,280 The
(CD162) with the Fc portion of IgG1. CD162 is a ligand drug has entered phase I/II testing in kidney transplanta-
for P-selectin, E-selectin, and L-selectin, all of which have tion with a favorable initial safety interim analysis.111.
304 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Targeting Complement receptor signal transduction. Its primary function may be

costimulatory or inhibitory, but mounting evidence sug-
Proteins of the complement cascade have long been
gests that it has a role in self-tolerance. XomaZyme-CD5
known to be crucial in mediating antibody-associated
Plus (XomaZyme H65) is a ricin-conjugated CD5-specific
cytotoxicity.66 Many approaches have been contemplated
MAb that has been evaluated in clinical trials to prevent
to achieve complement elimination in the setting of anti-
graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplanta-
body presensitization, including plasmapheresis and intra-
tion, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythema-
venous immunoglobulin administration. More recently, it
tosus, without apparent efficacy.194,219,242,291 As the biology
has been shown that complement, specifically that pro-
of this molecule is better understood, its re-evaluation as
duced locally within the kidney itself, is a contributing
a therapeutic target may be warranted.
factor facilitating peripheral T-cell maturation and rejec-
tion.237 Polymorphisms in complement expression have
been shown to influence the incidence of rejection and re- Targeting CD6
nal allograft survival in ways not previously recognized.39
Two complement-specific agents have been used clini- The human CD6 is a cell surface glycoprotein expressed
cally and have been shown to be biologically active with by T cells and a subset of B cells. It has been shown to
promise for application in transplantation. Eculizumab is act as a costimulatory molecule and can stimulate T cells
a humanized MAb specific for C5a, a key initiation factor when crosslinked with CD28.222 Anti-CD6 MAbs inhibit
in complement membrane attack complex formation. It the interaction of CD6 with its ligand, activated leuko-
has been shown to be a potentially effective therapy for cyte cell adhesion molecule.292 Anti-T12, an anti-CD6
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and is currently in MAb, has been evaluated clinically, but has not shown
phase III trials for this indication.63,127,350 Numerous single- consistent efficacy.163 More recently, an anti-CD6 has
center studies and case reports have recently shown that been used ex vivo to T-cell-deplete bone marrow before
eculizumab, when used as part of a multimodal treat- its use in marrow transplantation, with promising short-
ment strategy, can facilitate the prevention or reversal and long-term results.227,262
of numerous complement-mediated maladies, includ-
ing hemolytic uremic syndrome and antibody-mediated Targeting CD7
rejection.173,185–187,295,355,356. Accordingly, there are now
numerous ongoing clinical trials investigating the sys- CD7 is a cell surface costimulatory molecule expressed on
tematic use of this agent in kidney transplantation,63 and human T and natural killer cells and on cells in the early
it is likely that this agent will become an established part stages of T-, B-, and myeloid cell differentiation.269,296
of the transplant armamentarium in the future. Its expression is augmented on activated alloimmune-
TP-10 (soluble complement receptor type 3) is a re- responsive T cells. CD7 has been thought to be an attractive
combinant soluble protein that binds and inactivates the target for MAbs, offering the possibility of alloimmune-
central activating component of the complement cascade, activated T-cell-specific depletion.
C3. It has been used in numerous preclinical settings and SDZCHH380 is a chimeric mouse antihuman CD7
shown to be effective in preventing humoral xenograft IgG1 that has been studied in initial clinical renal trans-
rejection in a pig-to-non-human primate model.241 It plant trials.177 SDZCHH380 induction was prospectively
was investigated in a clinical trial for its role in prevent- compared with OKT3 induction, with comparable re-
ing cardiopulmonary bypass-related complications, with sults. At 4 years, SDZCHH380-treated patients had good
disappointing results.63 Despite its clear ability to arrest allograft function and did not develop neutralizing anti-
C3-mediated complement activation, it has not been sys- bodies.274 Additional development has not been reported.
tematically investigated in clinical transplantation.
Targeting CD8
Other Experimental Antibodies and CD8 is a glycoprotein present on approximately one-
Fusion Proteins third of T cells in lieu of CD4. Similar to CD4, it binds to
a monomorphic region MHC, although it binds to class
Almost all surface molecules expressed by leukocytes have I rather than to class II antigens. CD8 defines cytotoxic
been considered for therapeutic targeting. Many have effector cells and perhaps subsets of natural killer and
been formally investigated in early clinical trials without regulatory cells. It facilitates binding between the TCR
sufficient promise to warrant additional clinical develop- and class I molecules and is important in protective im-
ment. Others have significant promise in advanced pre- mune lysis of virally infected parenchymal cells. CD8+ T
clinical settings but have yet to be tested in humans. This cells are known to infiltrate allografts and to participate
section will call out additional agents in which there is in allograft rejection.256 Despite this demonstrated role in
some clinical experience. Knowledge of these agents is rejection, CD8 has not been successfully targeted in trans-
useful for a complete understanding of the field. plantation, perhaps because CD8+ T cells are recruited
late in an alloimmune response and have less regulatory
control over immune responses than CD4+ T cells. The
Targeting CD5
CD8-specific MAb anti-Leu2a has been shown to deplete
CD5 is an adhesion molecule that is constitutively ex- peripheral blood CD8+ cells in humans; however, when
pressed on T cells and a subset of B cells.247 It binds to tested as a rescue agent, it had limited effects in revers-
CD72 and is thought to regulate the intensity of antigen ing renal allograft rejection.343 More recently, 76-2-11,
Antilymphocyte Globulin, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Fusion Proteins 305

a mouse anti-swine CD8-specific MAb, has been shown been used in non-human primate renal t­ransplantation,
to delay the onset of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in a with remarkable success.168,312 Treatment with FN18-
miniature swine model of cardiac transplantation, sug- CRM9 induces a rapid 3-log-fold depletion of T cells in
gesting that there may be a limited role for this approach.6 the peripheral circulation and in the secondary lymphoid
Additionally, ex vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells with organs. Rhesus monkeys so treated before transplantation
anti-Leu2a has been investigated as a means of reducing experience markedly prolonged allograft survival with no
graft-versus-host disease, with promising preliminary other maintenance immunosuppression, and a signifi-
results.215 Anti-CD8 induction has not been investigated cant proportion survive for years after T-cell repopula-
clinically in solid-organ transplantation. tion. Although most of these animals eventually develop
chronic allograft nephropathy,315 the induction effect is
impressive, and it has served as the conceptual inspira-
Targeting CD45 tion for many clinical trials using T-cell depletion.45,156,167
CD45 is a transmembrane protein tyrosine phospha- Because most adults have antibodies against diphtheria
tase expressed on T cells. It is physically associated with toxin, this approach has not been successfully transferred
the TCR and facilitates the signal transduction function to a human-specific MAb. Nevertheless, this is a promis-
of CD3 through interactions with the zeta and zeta-­ ing approach for future development.
associated protein-70 components of CD3.188 CD45
exists in several isoforms (CD45RA, CD45RB, and
CD45RO) that result from RNA spliced variants, and CONCLUSION
these are differentially expressed on T cells with varying
degrees of maturity and activation. Of these, CD45RB Antibodies are now established as valuable agents for
has been most aggressively targeted as T cells expressing the treatment and prevention of allograft rejection.
high amounts of this isoform skew toward an aggressive Currently, several polyclonal and monoclonal anti-T-
T helper type 1 phenotype. CD45RB-specific MAbs have cell antibodies have proven roles in the treatment of
been shown to induce transplant tolerance in some ro- steroid-resistant acute rejection. The last 15 years have
dent models and to prolong the survival of non-human seen increasing justification for the use of antibodies as
primate renal allografts significantly.58,188 Several antibod- induction agents. Antibody induction has been shown to
ies, including those linked to the yttrium isotope 90Y, have be an effective means of achieving very low rates of acute
entered phase I trials for oncologic indications,63 and at rejection in renal transplantation. The trials performed
least one humanized anti-CD45RB has been anticipated to date have shown, however, that antibodies produce a
to enter early-phase clinical trials in renal transplanta- modest benefit over regimens with calcineurin inhibi-
tion.340 ChA6, a chimeric MAb binding CD45RB and tors, antiproliferative agents, and steroids, or that they
CD45RO (an isotype found on memory T cells), has are associated with increased morbidity. Nevertheless, it
been shown to prevent islet allograft rejection in mice is appropriate to consider antibody induction as emerg-
by deleting memory T cells and being permissive for the ing from an adolescence of sorts, and less morbid tar-
persistence of protolerant regulatory T cells.110 get strategies and reduced maintenance regimens are
expected to improve the side-effect profile of antibody
induction schemes. The use of these agents to facilitate
calcineurin inhibitor avoidance, particularly when paired
Antibodies that have been joined either chemically or ge- with costimulation blockade-based therapies such as be-
netically with a specific cytotoxic agent (e.g., ricin or diph- latacept (Chapter 21), is likely to be a focus of the coming
theria toxin) have been termed immunotoxins.171 These several years.
compounds have the specificity of MAbs but can exert The optimal use of antibody induction is still being
a cytotoxic effect beyond that related to complement or determined, but it is increasingly clear that the benefits
ADCC. Many immunotoxins are now being investigated derived from antibodies will be determined by their
as tumor-specific cytotoxic agents for malignancies and appropriate application. Modern immunosuppressive
have been shown to have potent antitumor effects. Two regimens should be individualized, specifically pairing
CD25-specific immunotoxins currently in clinical trials induction agents based on their mechanism of action to a
for lymphoblastic leukemia, LMB-2 and RFT5.dgA, have specific clinical need, and combining them with comple-
shown the ability to clear CD25+ cells effectively from mentary maintenance therapies.
the circulation.12,63,172 These agents could be envisioned The future of transplantation continues to be cloaked
to perform in a means analogous to the CD25-specific by a need for more specific therapies with broader thera-
MAbs currently available, with a more potent depletional peutic indices. Antibodies are highly specific and have
effect rather than acting predominantly through steric proved to be safe and effective drugs whose side effects
inhibition of CD25. Similarly, a CD22-specific immuno- are generally confined to the specific effects of the tar-
toxin is in trials for CD22+ lymphoblastic leukemia and get antigen bound. Although the early hopes of clinicians
might be envisioned as an agent similar to other B-cell- have been slow to materialize, the technology associated
specific MAbs such as rituximab.63,266 with antibody design, construction, and production has
Although immunotoxins have not been clinically tested consistently improved to yield a diverse array of agents
in transplantation, ample preclinical data suggest that they to be tested and added to the transplant armamentarium.
have great therapeutic potential. Specifically, a macaque The future is likely to see almost exclusive use of human-
CD3-specific diphtheria immunotoxin, FN18-CRM9, has ized or human antibodies and fusion proteins as opposed
306 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

to xenogeneic protein constructs. Past problems of anti- 19. Becker YT, Samaniego-Picota M, Sollinger HW. The emerging
genicity and severe cytokine release effects are surmount- role of rituximab in organ transplantation. Transpl Int 2006;19:621.
20. Beiras-Fernandez A, Chappell D, Hammer C, et al. Influence of
able, and as the targeted antigens become more rationally polyclonal anti-thymocyte globulins upon ischemia-reperfusion
selected based on growing understanding of biology, injury in a non-human primate model. Transpl Immunol
antibodies and fusion proteins are expected to continue 2006;15:273.
to establish themselves as crucial agents not only for in- 21. Bellin MD, Kandaswamy R, Parkey J, et al. Prolonged insulin
independence after islet allotransplants in recipients with type 1
duction and rescue but also, importantly, for maintenance diabetes. Am J Transplant 2008;8:2463–70.
therapy. Trials are beginning to explore this facet of anti- 22. Benfield MR, Tejani A, Harmon WE, et al. A randomized
body and fusion protein administration. Additionally, the multicenter trial of OKT3 mAbs induction compared with
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23. Beniaminovitz A, Itescu S, Lietz K, et al. Prevention of rejection in
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Blayne A. Sayed  •  Allan D. Kirk  • Thomas C. Pearson  •  Christian P. Larsen


INTRODUCTION: TWO SIGNALS Costimulation Blockade: CTLA-4 Ig

Rational Development of Belatacept (LEA29Y)
Costimulation Blockade: CD28-B7 CONCLUSIONS

INTRODUCTION: TWO SIGNALS immune response and likely for generation of tolerance.
TCR engagement in the absence of costimulatory signals
As discussed in Chapter 20, the targeting of T-cell co- leads to T-cell anergy or generation of tolerogenic T-cell
stimulatory pathways as adjuncts to, or even replacement clones, and, indeed, there are T-cell costimulatory mol-
for, current immunotherapy following renal transplanta- ecules that have a primary mollifying effect.
tion has become a clinical reality.9,18,39–41 As crucial me- The costimulatory signal is not a simple binary on/off
diators and controllers of the adaptive immune response, switch but rather induces a network of signals that influ-
T cells require multiple signals for effective and appro- ences the quantitative and qualitative nature of the ensu-
priate activation.42 This paradigm was first described by ing T-cell response.4 TCR engagement in the presence
Bretscher and Cohn in the context of B-cell activation of positive costimulatory signaling pathways induces cel-
and later extended to T-cell activation by Lafferty and lular proliferation, cytokine production, upregulation of
Cunningham (reviewed here30). As is well appreciated by activation molecules, and T-helper cell differentiation.44
most students of immunology, engagement of the T-cell Activation of negative costimulatory signaling path-
receptor (TCR) with peptide antigen presented by major ways results in inhibition of cellular proliferation and
histocompatibility complex (MHC) expressed on antigen cytokine production, and even apoptosis. Under certain
presenting cells (APCs) provides the primary activation conditions, these signals also lead to the development of
signal and determines the antigen-specific nature of the regulatory T-cell subsets that actively suppress the im-
response. However, it is important to distinguish that the mune response. The more we understand costimulatory
specificity of a response does not dictate its character; a pathways and their fine control over adaptive immune
T cell can “respond” in many ways, including evoking responses, the more attractive they have become as thera-
antigen-specific cytotoxicity, anergy, or regulation. Thus, peutic targets. Posttransplant immunosuppression has
the character of a response is shaped largely through con- been long dependent on drugs such as calcineurin inhibi-
temporaneous binding of additional molecules to include tors (CNI) that do little to eradicate or alter the function
T-cell costimulatory receptors. Costimulatory molecules of alloresponsive T cells. They simply provide a “chemi-
bind to their ligands, generally expressed by APCs, which cal blindfold” which, once removed, results in resumed
provide a second signal that decreases intracellular activa- graft rejection.28 Harnessing the function of costimula-
tion thresholds and helps shape the nature of the T-cell tory molecules, inherent regulators of T-cell activation
response. and tolerance, therefore provides a more logical means of
The paradigm of a two-signal requirement for T-cell immunomodulation.
activation is based on the necessity for immune self-­
discrimination. As compared to foreign antigen, self
­peptide is vastly more abundant in vivo. In this context COSTIMULATORY PATHWAYS
simple engagement of the TCR with peptide-bearing
MHC would generate an exceedingly high incidence of The most well known activating costimulatory pathway
autoreactive T-cell clones. As such, secondary signals consists of the CD28 receptor, which is constitutively ex-
whose expression is regulated as part of the “danger” pressed on T cells, and its ligands CD80/CD86 (B7-1/
signal to pathogens, as termed by Matzinger,28 is neces- B7-2), which are upregulated on activated APCs and cells
sary for driving T-cell responses directed against foreign with surrogate APC function. Engagement of CD28 in
antigens. Conversely, costimulatory signals are not only the context of TCR activation induces T-cell prolifera-
required for effective T-cell activation but their absence tion, survival, clonal expansion, and cytokine expression,
of inhibitory signaling is also essential for curtailing an including paracrine expression of the T-cell trophic factor

Belatacept 315

IL-2.29,36 In contrast, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated has been employed to pair costimulation blockade with
antigen 4 (CTLA-4, CD152) functions as an alternative minimization and/or withdrawal of conventional immu-
receptor that is quickly upregulated on activated T cells, notherapies, particularly CNIs.
competitively binds CD80 and CD86 and functions to One of the early high-impact studies that signaled
terminate ongoing immune responses.43 Mice with a tar- the potentially groundbreaking role of costimulation
geted deletion of CTLA-4 develop a fatal lymphoprolif- blockade came from Larsen and Pearson, who demon-
erative disorder and T cells derived from these animals strated that simultaneous blockade of the CD28 and
show an exuberant proliferative and cytokine response to CD40 pathways with CTLA-4 Ig and anti-CD154 in-
stimulation.25 Thus the in vivo illustration of this pathway hibited T-cell responses in vitro and that perioperative
is as such: inflammation, for example after tissue injury, blockade provided durable protection for murine cardiac
drives sustained APC activation and B7 expression and and skin allografts in vivo.17 Kirk and Knechtle extended
creates an excess of B7 that allows for saturation of CD28 these findings to an outbred non-human primate (NHP)
mediated positive costimulation. As the injury and its re- model, heralding their likely clinical applicability,14 and
lated APC activation subsides, declining B7 expression subsequently broke new ground by documenting that
becomes a rate limiting factor and costimulation becomes monotherapy with a humanized mouse anti-CD154 an-
dominated by the higher-affinity inhibitory CD152 sig- tibody prevents MHC-mismatched renal allograft re-
naling. Thus, in an elegant display of efficiency, the co- jection and exerted a sustained antirejection effect in
stimulatory pathways that initiate an immune response NHPs.13 As discussed previously (Chapter 20), although
reflexively curtail the response as well, and in doing so, murine and NHP studies demonstrated much promise
minimize the risk of unregulated or pathological immune by targeting the CD40/CD154 pathway, human trials
injury. were hindered by poor efficacy and concern for devel-
Another receptor ligand pair, best known for its role opment of thromboembolism; further studies are still
in B-cell isotype switching but also known to play an im- pending.12–14 Early experiments that directly inhibited or
portant role in T-cell activation, is CD40 and CD154. disrupted the CD28 or B7 also yielded promising results
CD154, also known as CD40 ligand (CD40L), is widely but were highly context-dependent and did little to pro-
expressed on a variety of cell types, including activated mote long-term tolerance. Finally, the use of CTLA-4
T cells. CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor fusion proteins as indirect inhibition of the CD28 path-
(TNF) receptor superfamily, is constitutively expressed way proved to be highly efficacious and led to the de-
on most APCs and on activated endothelium.19 Binding velopment of belatacept, the first costimulatory targeted
of CD40/CD40L enhances APC function and longevity therapy added to the transplant armamentarium and the
by inducing expression of MHC and the B7 molecules, focus of this chapter.
other activation molecules, cytokines, by enhancing
nuclear factor (NF)-κB-responsive pathways and by in-
hibiting Fas-mediated apoptosis. Although not as well un-
Costimulation Blockade: CD28-B7
derstood, the cross-linking of CD154 is known to induce Direct targeting of the CD28-B7 pathway through the
T-cell production of cytokines essential for T helper cell use of B7-1 and B7-2 blocking antibodies has a dose-­
differentiation, including interleukins IL-4 and IL-10.3 dependent inhibitory effect on primary mixed leukocyte
Numerous other costimulatory pathways have since reactions (MLR), an in vitro model of direct alloreactiv-
been discovered with both positive and negative prop- ity. However, only modest effects in graft survival are
erties. While their description is beyond the scope of evident when CD28-deficient mice are the recipients
this chapter, their biology has been reviewed by Sayegh of cardiac allografts.33 Other studies utilizing the het-
et al.24 It is also important to note that a third signal is erotopic murine cardiac allograft model found no graft
now generally accepted to establish the ultimate magni- survival benefit when utilizing a CD28-deficient host
tude of an immune response. Cytokine and chemokine background, but instead indicated that disrupting recipi-
receptors form the basis for signal 3, and once specific- ent, but not donor, B7 expression results in long-term
ity and character are established by signals 1 and 2, the cardiac allograft survival.27,37 This effect appears to be
magnitude and dispersion of their influence is defined by tissue-specific as the B7-1/B7-2 knockout mice are able
alterations in cytokine and chemokine receptors. In all, to reject allogeneic skin grafts in the absence of previous
immune responses should be seen as nuanced controlled antigen exposure or even in the presence of functional
processes rather than binary responses used solely for cy- cardiac allografts. More recent data demonstrate that use
totoxic effector functions. of an anti-CD28 antibody that causes CD28 internaliza-
tion prevents chronic rejection and promotes long-term
allograft survival in a rat renal transplantation model.10,22
COSTIMULATION BLOCKADE Thus, CD28 pathway blockade is not a definitive go/no
go immune switch, but rather skews the likelihood of a
Given their essential role in T-cell activation, costimula- response towards an aggressive phenotype.
tory molecules have long been a target for blockade in the In NHP, a brief induction course with either anti-
transplant setting. In the laboratory, the primary means of B7-1 or anti-B7-2 monotherapy is sufficient to delay re-
testing costimulatory blockers has been to measure their nal allograft rejection, although combination induction
effectiveness in inhibiting T-cell function, preventing therapy with both anti-B7-1 and anti-B7-2 antibodies has
graft rejection and inducing durable graft tolerance. In a more notable effect.16 The combination of anti-B7-1
the clinical setting, however, a more pragmatic approach and B7-2 antibodies with either cyclosporine A (CsA) or
316 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

sirolimus (SRL) also proved to be effective for prolong- of CTLA-4 Ig essential for binding to CD80, and site-
ing allograft function, although neither regimen was suf- directed mutagenesis confirmed the ability to abolish or
ficient to induce long-term tolerance.2,11,31 Paradoxically, augment binding affinity.32 Although CTLA-4 Ig has a
Hausen et al.11 noted that CsA alone was inferior to CsA high affinity for CD80, it demonstrates low-avidity bind-
in combination with anti-B7-1 and B7-2 antibodies, ing for monomeric CD86.8 Blockade of both CD80 and
whereas Ossevoort et al.31 noted no difference between CD86 is essential for durable inhibition of allograft re-
the groups, although NHP treated with the latter com- jection in murine and NHP transplant models.16,33 Taken
bination therapy did appear to have reduced incidence of together, these results suggested that mutating CTLA-4
vascular rejection. Taken together, the majority of small- Ig to induce higher-avidity binding, especially for CD86,
animal and NHP data suggested that direct disruption of could generate a molecule with enhanced immunosup-
the CD28/B7 pathway holds promise for induction and pressive function.
potentially maintenance therapy, but that it falls short of Belatacept (LEA29Y) is the result of this effort. It is
developing long-term host allograft tolerance. a second-generation form of abatacept with two amino
acid substitutions (L104E and A29Y), which increase
the binding affinity to CD86 and CD80 approximately
Costimulation Blockade: CTLA-4 Ig fourfold and twofold, respectively, as compared to its
Linsley et al. developed abatacept, studied preclinically parent compound.20 These changes resulted in an ap-
as CTLA-4 Ig, a chimeric molecule incorporating the proximately 10-fold increase in T-cell inhibitory activity
extracellular domain of human CTLA-4 and the Fc por- in vitro. Most importantly, however, in an NHP kidney
tion of human immunoglobulin (Ig) that binds with high transplant model belatacept provided apparently better
affinity to the B7 molecules.25 The CTLA-4 portion of allograft protection than prior experience with its parent
the molecule provides the specificity for binding, whereas compound as a monotherapy and also added significant
the Fc portion of the IgG molecule provides opsonization benefit to a conventional immunosuppressive combina-
properties and antibody-like half-life.26 CTLA-4 Ig effec- tion therapy regimen.
tively blocks the T-cell component of the CD28/CD152
pathway by competing for B7 binding. In vitro CTLA-4
Ig inhibits T-cell proliferation and T-helper cell-induced CLINICAL APPLICATION OF BELATACEPT
B-cell antibody production.25 Addition of CTLA-4 Ig
to an MLR also inhibits dendritic cell-induced T-cell Given these results, a phase II study was designed to
proliferation.21 compare the efficacy of belatacept as a maintenance im-
In vivo, treatment with CTLA-4 Ig has a profound im- munosuppressant to the standard CNI cyclosporine
pact on short-term murine cardiac allograft survival, al- in combination with steroids, mycophenolate mofetil
though the effects are limited to the treatment period and (MMF), and a basiliximab induction.41 The study in-
shortly afterwards, with a failure to induce long-term tol- volved approximately 200 human recipients of de novo
erance.38 Using the rat renal allograft model, Sayegh et al. renal transplants and demonstrated that belatacept, given
documented that close to 90% of rats receiving one dose as an intravenous infusion every 4 or 8 weeks, did not in-
of CTLA-4 Ig on day 2 posttransplant had prolonged crease rates of acute rejection at 6 months as compared to
survival with preserved renal function as well as long- cyclosporine. Further, belatacept-based immunotherapy
term donor-specific tolerance, as compared to control also resulted in improved renal function at 1 year and
animals that uniformly progressed to allograft rejection trends towards lower incidence of CNI-related toxicities,
and death.35 Further, early addition of CTLA-4 Ig to a including hypertension and posttransplant diabetes.
cyclosporine regimen virtually prevents chronic rejection The Belatacept Evaluation of Nephroprotection
and late addition is sufficient to rescue graft function.1,5 and Efficacy as First-line Immunosuppression Trial
Presaging the complexity of clinical dosing, the timing (BENEFIT) was as an international phase III trial de-
of CTLA-4 Ig has an important effect on outcome, with signed to evaluate belatacept-versus cyclosporine-based
CTLA-4 dosing on day 0 being only a third as effective as regimens in approximately 650 adult patients receiv-
dosing on day 2 posttransplantation. ing kidney transplants from living or standard criteria
Interestingly, trials of CTLA-4 Ig in NHPs proved deceased donors.39 Based on the results of the phase II
less promising. In combination CTLA-4 Ig and anti- study, the objectives of the phase III trial were to as-
CD154 prolonged the survival of MHC-mismatched sess at 12 months whether less intensive (LI) and more
renal allografts, but CTLA-4 Ig alone had more modest intensive (MI) belatacept-based immunosuppression
and transient effects.14 In an NHP model of allogeneic could maintain similar rates of acute rejection and pa-
pancreatic islet transplantation, 40% of animals treated tient and graft survival as well as superior renal function,
with CTLA-4 Ig showed prolonged graft survival – again, as compared to cyclosporine-based therapy. By most
a modest result – although all animals had suppressed hu- measures the study was successful. Belatacept was well
moral responses.23 tolerated by patients and resulted in equivalent patient
and graft survival, superior renal function (Figure 21-1),
Rational Development of Belatacept (LEA29Y) and a trend toward less chronic allograft nephropathy.
Belatacept-based therapy also generated a trend to-
The disappointing results in NHP set the stage for the wards improved cardiovascular and metabolic profiles.
development of belatacept, a second-generation form of Interestingly, the rates and grades of acute allograft re-
CTLA-4 Ig/abatacept. Early work identified the regions jection were higher in the belatacept-based MI and LI
Belatacept 317


Mean calculated GFR (95% CI)




20 Belatacept LI
Belatacept MI

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
A Month
FIGURE 21-2  ■  Increased rate and grade of rejection in patients
Patients without AR treated with belatacept from the BENEFIT trial. Shown are re-
Patients with AR jection rates and grades for belatacept (LI, less intensive – the
Mean measured GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)

regimen forming the basis for the Food and Drug Administration
66 65 approval)-treated patients compared to cyclosporine-treated
62 61 patients. Belatacept is associated with more rejection and with
60 higher grades of rejection.

40 lympoproliferative disorder, although rare, was more

common in the belatacept groups, particularly amongst
patients in the MI cohort who were Epstein–Barr virus-
20 negative recipients.
The BENEFIT-EXT study examined similar outcome
n = 140 n = 37 n = 165 n = 25 n = 171 n = 13 measures in adults receiving allografts from extended cri-
Belatacept MI Belatacept LI CsA teria donors at 12 months and 3 years.6,34 Extended criteria
B donors include donors older than 60 years, donors older
FIGURE 21-1  ■  Renal function from the Belatacept Evalu­ation of than 50 with at least two other risk factors (cerebrovascu-
Nephroprotection and Efficacy as First-line Immuno­suppression lar accident, hypertension, serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL),
Trial (BENEFIT) trial. (A) Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of pa- cold ischemia time greater than 24 hours, or donation after
tients treated with a more intensive (MI) or less intensive (LI) cardiac death. At 12 months and 3 years belatacept-based
belatacept-based regimen compared to a cyclosporine (CsA)-
based control group, indicating that belatacept-treated patients immunosuppressive regimens resulted in comparable rates
enjoy improved renal function throughout the first posttrans- of acute rejection and patient and graft survival, as com-
plant year. (B) GFR is shown for the MI, LI, and CsA groups, pared to the cyclosporine-based regimen. Additionally,
indicating that, while rejection leads to lower GFR in all groups, belatacept use leads to better renal function and improved
the GFR in belatacept-treated patients who have experienced re-
jection still exceeds that in the non-rejecting CsA patients. AR,
cardiovascular and metabolic profiles.
acute rejection. (From Vincenti F, Charpentier B, Vanrenterghem Y, Other exploratory open-label phase II trials recently
et al. A phase III study of belatacept-based immunosuppression regi- have examined whether the use of belatacept-based im-
mens versus cyclosporine in renal transplant recipients (BENEFIT munosuppression can entirely preclude CNIs and cor-
study). Am J Transplant 2010;10:535–46.) ticosteroids.7,15 Ferguson et al. randomized recipients
of living and standard criteria deceased donors to re-
ceive belatacept-MMF, belatacept-SRL, or tacrolimus
regimens (22% and 17%, respectively) versus the cyclo- (TAC)-MMF, a standard steroid avoidance regimen.7
sporine group (7%) (Figure 21-2). The majority of the The belatacept-MMF group had a higher rate of acute
acute rejection episodes occurred early (within the first rejection at 6 months (12%) versus the belatacept-SRL
3 months), showed no sign of recurrence, and resolved (4%) and TAC-MMF (3%) groups, although 12% is
with treatment. actually much lower than reported in other CNI- or
The subsequent 3-year BENEFIT follow-up con- steroid-avoiding regimens. Belatacept-based therapy
firmed equivalent rates of patient and graft survival.40 As also appeared to confer superior renal function, as com-
expected, the belatacept-based regimens demonstrated pared to TAC. In an ongoing study, Kirk et al. have
advantages for long-term renal function which remained investigated a combined therapy with alemtuzumab,
stable throughout follow-up, unlike the cyclosporine SRL, and belatacept, indicating that this base regimen
group, which declined over time. There were also no facilitates a low rate of steroid-sensitive acute rejection
cases of acute rejection from year 2 to year 3 in the be- (5%), and facilitates a long-term therapy of belatacept
latacept groups, confirming that those episodes tended to monotherapy in selected recipients of live donor kid-
occur in the immediate time period after transplantation neys.15 These trials provide insight into the potential
and were subsequently unlikely to recur. Posttransplant uses of belatacept.
318 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Belatacept was approved for use in the United States 12. Kawai T, Andrews D, Colvin RB, et al. Thromboembolic
in June 2011. It is indicated for the prophylaxis of acute complications after treatment with monoclonal antibody against
CD40 ligand. Nat Med 2000;6:114.
rejection in adult, Epstein–Barr virus-seropositive recipi- 13. Kirk AD, Burkly LC, Batty DS, et al. Treatment with humanized
ents of kidney transplants when used in combination with monoclonal antibody against CD154 prevents acute renal allograft
MMF and steroids. Its use outside controlled trials is only rejection in nonhuman primates. Nat Med 1999;5:686–93.
now beginning, and its efficacy in generalized practice re- 14. Kirk AD, Harlan DM, Armstrong NN, et al. CTLA4-Ig and
anti-CD40 ligand prevent renal allograft rejection in primates.
mains to be described. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1997;94:8789–94.
15. Kirk AD, Mead S, Xu H, et al. Kidney transplantation using
alemtuzumab induction and belatacept/sirolimus maintenance
CONCLUSIONS therapy. Am J Transplant 2011;11(Suppl. 2):S45.
16. Kirk AD, Tadaki DK, Celniker A, et al. Induction therapy with
monoclonal antibodies specific for CD80 and CD86 delays the
Over the last 25 years, T-cell costimulatory blockade onset of acute renal allograft rejection in non-human primates.
as a means of maintenance immunosuppression post- Transplantation 2001;72:377–84.
transplantation has effectively moved from the bench 17. Larsen CP, Elwood ET, Alexander DZ, et al. Long-term
to the bedside. The theoretical benefits of modulating acceptance of skin and cardiac allografts after blocking CD40 and
CD28 pathways. Nature 1996;381:434–8.
immune responses through signal 2 blockade are clear: 18. Larsen CP, Knechtle SJ, Adams A, et al. A new look at blockade
preservation of antigen specificity, potential for sus- of T-cell costimulation: a therapeutic strategy for long-term
tained effect, and elimination of off-target side effects. maintenance immunosuppression. Am J Transplant 2006;6(5 Pt 1):
However, the limited requirement for costimulation in 876–83.
established immune responses likely will conscribe the 19. Larsen CP, Pearson TC. The CD40 pathway in allograft rejection,
acceptance, and tolerance. Curr Opin Immunol 1997;9:641–7.
use of belatacept somewhat, placing a demand upon 20. Larsen CP, Pearson TC, Adams AB, et al. Rational development
the clinician to find the ideal adjuvant therapies for use of LEA29Y (belatacept), a high-affinity variant of CTLA4-Ig
with belatacept and to identify the patient population with potent immunosuppressive properties. Am J Transplant
most likely to benefit from this approach. The coming 2005;5:443–53.
21. Larsen CP, Ritchie SC, Pearson TC, et al. Functional expression
years will help shape the optimal use of belatacept in of the costimulatory molecule, B7/BB1, on murine dendritic cell
particular, and pave the way for costimulation-based populations. J Exp Med 1992;176:1215–20.
­approaches in general. 22. Laskowski IA, Pratschke J, Wilhelm MJ, et al. Anti-CD28
monoclonal antibody therapy prevents chronic rejection of renal
allografts in rats. J Am Soc Nephrol 2002;13:519–27.
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3. Blotta MH, Marshall JD, DeKruyff RH, et al. Cross-linking of 26. Linsley PS, Wallace PM, Johnson J, et al. Immunosuppression
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Other Forms of Immunosuppression

Ben Sprangers  •  Jacques Pirenne  •  Chantal Mathieu  •  Mark Waer

SMALL MOLECULES Mechanism of Action
Leflunomide and Malononitrilamides Experimental Experience
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology Clinical Experience
Mechanism of Action Toxicity
Experimental Experience Conclusion
Clinical Experience AEB071 or Sotrastaurin
Toxicity Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
Conclusion Mechanism of Action
FTY720 or Fingolimod Experimental Experience
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology Clinical Experience
Mechanism of Action Toxicity
Experimental Experience Conclusion
Clinical Experience Bortezomib
Toxicity Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
Conclusion Mechanism of Action
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its Analogues Experimental Experience
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology Clinical Experience
Mechanism of Action Toxicity
Experimental Experience Conclusion
Clinical Experience Others
Conclusion Procedure
Bredinin or Mizoribine Mechanisms of Action
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology Experimental Experience
Mechanism of Action Clinical Experience
Experimental and Clinical Experience Conclusion
JAK3 Inhibitors: CP-690,550, Tasocitinib, or SPLENECTOMY
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology

SMALL MOLECULES have been developed and are called malononitrilamides

(MNAs). FK778 (also known as MNA715 or HMR1715)
is the best studied synthetic MNA, and as it has a much
Leflunomide and Malononitrilamides shorter half-life than leflunomide (6–45 hours ver-
Leflunomide, initially developed as an agriculture sus 15–18 days) it was believed to represent an attrac-
­herbicide, was explored as an immunosuppressant be- tive alternative to leflunomide for application in organ
cause of its ability to inhibit the enzyme dihydroorotate transplantation.112
dehydrogenase.14 The potential of leflunomide as an
immunosuppressant in the field of transplantation was Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
extensively demonstrated in various experimental stud-
ies, but its long half-life (several days) poses the problem Leflunomide (N-(4)) trifluoro-methylphenyl-5-methyl-
of potential overimmunosuppression in transplant pa- isoxawol-4-carboximide) is a prodrug and is rapidly con-
tients. Analogues of the active metabolite of leflunomide verted to its biologically active metabolite teriflunomide

Other Forms of Immunosuppression 321

(A771703). Serum levels of teriflunomide are referred to the expression of IL-8 receptor type A, as well as tumor
as leflunomide levels. The half-life of teriflunomide is necrosis factor (TNF)-mediated nuclear factor kappa B
long in humans (approximately 15 days). The drug en- (NF-κB) activation.155 Tacrolimus also inhibits maturation
ters the enterohepatic recirculation and is excreted by of dendritic cells by preventing upregulation of activa-
the intestinal and urinary systems in equal proportions. tion markers and IL-12 production, and this phenom-
Leflunomide is insoluble in water and is suspended in 1% enon was not reversible by exogenous uridine. FK778 has
carboxymethylcellulose for oral administration. equivalent or stronger immunosuppressive activity than
The MNAs are designed to be structurally similar to leflunomide, both in vitro and in vivo.112 The immuno-
A771726. Oral bioavailability of FK778 is not substan- suppressive effect is synergistic with that of calcineurin
tially affected by food, and no gender effect on pharma- inhibitors (CNI) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF).21,53
cokinetics was observed in phase I studies. Interestingly, FK778 and leflunomide have been shown
to possess antiviral effects, although the precise mecha-
nism is unclear: inhibition of viral replication of mem-
Mechanism of Action bers of the herpesvirus family by preventing tegument
acquisition by viral nucleocapsids during the late stage
Leflunomide and its analogues have strong antiprolifera-
of virion assembly has been implicated.65,121 Leflunomide
tive effects on both T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes,
is effective against multidrug-resistant cytomegalovirus
thus limiting the formation of antibodies.41,228 Inhibition
(CMV) in vitro,284 although this in vitro activity is modest
of pyrimidine synthesis is the most important mechanism
and the selectivity index is low.67 This anti-CMV effect
of action as leflunomide directly inhibits the enzyme
of leflunomide and FK778 was confirmed in a rat model
dihydroorotate dehydrogenase.289 Lymphocytes rely
of heterotopic heart transplantation.43,298 Another inter-
entirely on the de novo pathway of pyrimidine biosyn-
esting feature is that both leflunomide and FK778 have
thesis and cannot use another, the so-called “pyrimidine
vasculoprotective effects, independent of the inhibition
salvage pathway.” Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibi-
of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase.54,216
tion leads to depletion of the nucleotide precursors uri-
dine triphosphate and cytidine triphosphate which are
necessary for the synthesis of RNA and DNA, and hence Experimental Experience
strongly suppress DNA and RNA synthesis.
The in vivo mechanism of action of leflunomide may In various rodent transplantation studies, leflunomide
depend on factors such as drug levels, disposable uri- was shown to be at least equally potent as cyclosporine,14
dine pools, and the immune activation pathway involved. and able to synergize with cyclosporine to induce toler-
Studies have indicated that, in addition to inhibition of ance.143 Specific characteristics of leflunomide-mediated
dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, leflunomide and the immunosuppression in rats were its ability to interrupt
MNAs may act through inhibition of tyrosine kinases. ongoing acute rejections,288 and its efficacy in preventing
Phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor and treating chronic vascular rejection.291
of human fibroblasts has been shown to be inhibited by One of the most attractive characteristics of lefluno-
leflunomide.160 It was shown that leflunomide directly in- mide and the MNAs is their strong capacity to delay xeno-
hibited the interleukin (IL)-2-stimulated protein tyrosine graft rejection and to induce partial xenograft tolerance.142
kinase activity of p56lck and p59fyn,160 which is associated This may be related to the strong suppressive effects of
with activation through the T-cell receptor/CD3 com- leflunomide on T-cell-independent xenoantibody forma-
plex. At higher concentrations, A771726 also inhibited tion, and on its capacity to induce natural killer cell non-
IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Janus kinase responsiveness and to modulate xenoantigen expression.38
(JAK)1 and JAK3 protein tyrosine kinases.60 Leflunomide Monotherapy with FK778 in rats,183 and its combi-
analogues have also been shown to possess strong inhibi- nation with microemulsified cyclosporine in dogs129 or
tory activity on the antiapoptotic tyrosine kinase Bruton’s tacrolimus in non-human primates,197 reduced chronic
tyrosine kinase, a key factor for T-cell-independent an- allograft nephropathy183 and significantly prolonged re-
tibody formation.150 The hypothesis that leflunomide nal allograft survival.129,183,197
may exhibit more than one mechanism of action in vivo
was further illustrated in mice where uridine restored Clinical Experience
proliferation and IgM production by lipopolysaccharide-
stimulated B cells, whereas suppression of IgG produc- The main role of leflunomide in renal transplantation
tion was not reversed. This phenomenon correlated in a nowadays is the treatment of BK virus nephropathy
dose-dependent manner with tyrosine phosphorylation (BKVN).115,287 Based on the in vitro effective anti-BK
of JAK3 and STAT6 proteins, known to be involved in concentration, an in vivo target level of 50–100 mg/mL
IL-4-induced signal transduction pathways.228 This dou- has been proposed. In a prospective study, 26 renal trans-
ble in vivo mechanism of action was confirmed in rats, in plant recipients with biopsy-proven BKVN were treated
which xenoreactivity was counteracted by the administra- with leflunomide in combination with discontinua-
tion of uridine, whereas alloreactivity was not.42 tion of MMF and reduction of tacrolimus to a 4–6 ng/
Also inhibition of various macrophage functions by mL range.287 Although the leflunomide levels were in
leflunomide and MNAs has been described; in particular, the lower range (on average 50 mg/mL), a significant
inhibition of the production of oxygen radicals,15,116,156 the reduction in serum and urine BKV titers was obtained,
inhibition of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity responses,110 allograft function stabilized, and the overall graft loss
322 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

rates because of BKV were only 15%.115 Less encourag- The MNAs – because of their shorter half-life – were
ing results were obtained in another prospective open- considered a promising class of immunosuppressants but
label study in which viral clearance was only obtained results in randomized clinical trials have been disappoint-
in 40% of patients with significant toxicity, resulting in ing, and the development of these agents in organ trans-
discontinuation of the drug in 17% of patients.66 The plantation has been halted.
contribution of reduction of immunosuppressive agents
and leflunomide to the efficacy of BKVN treatment is
unclear at this moment.59,114,265 Based on recent in vitro FTY720 or Fingolimod
data, it has been suggested that the combination of siro- Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
limus with leflunomide might be an effective treatment
approach.140 FK778 has also been studied in the context FTY720 or 2-amino-2-[2-(4-octylphenyl)ethyl]-1,3-
of BKVN, but although it was able to decrease BK viral propanediol hydrochloride is a synthetic structural ana-
load, FK778 treatment was associated with more acute logue of myriocin, a metabolite of the ascomycete Isaria
rejections, decreased renal function, and more adverse sinclairii, a type of vegetative wasp.79,80,215 Maximal con-
events compared with reduction of immunosuppression.94 centration and area under the curve are proportional to
In animal studies, leflunomide was able to reverse the dose, indicating that the pharmacokinetic profile of
acute and chronic rejection. Two clinical studies reported FTY720 is linear. The volume of distribution is largely
that leflunomide was capable of stabilizing allograft func- superior to the blood volume, indicating a widespread tis-
tion in patients with worsening allograft function due to sue penetration. FTY720 undergoes hepatic metabolism
chronic allograft dysfunction.135 and has a long half-life (around 100 hours).
A phase II multicenter study was performed with FK778
involving 149 renal transplant patients,276 where FK778 Mechanism of Action
was combined with tacrolimus and corticosteroids. The
patients receiving FK778 experienced a reduced num- FTY720 has a unique mechanism of action as it mainly
ber of acute rejections, but there was no effect on graft affects lymphocyte trafficking.38,97,154,159 FTY720 acts as
survival at week 16.276 The reduction of acute rejection a high-affinity agonist of the sphingosine 1-phosphate
episodes was most pronounced in the subgroup in which receptor-1 (S1PR1 or Edg1). Binding of its receptor re-
target levels were obtained in the second week. Of note, sults in internalization of S1PR1, rendering lymphocytes
mean total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels unable to respond to the naturally occurring gradient of
were 20% lower in the FK778 group versus the placebo S1P (low concentrations in thymus and secondary lym-
group.276 The validity of these results was hampered by phoid organs, high concentrations in lymph and plasma)
the design of the study, and, at this time, the development retaining lymphocytes in the low-S1P environment of
of FK778 in the field of organ transplantation has ceased. lymphoid organs.159,186 Following FTY720 administration
in mice, B and T cells immediately leave the peripheral
blood and migrate to the peripheral lymph nodes, mes-
enteric lymph nodes. and Peyer’s patches. The cells re-
Although rats tolerate leflunomide well, dogs readily de- turn to the peripheral blood after withdrawal of the drug
velop anemia and gastrointestinal ulcerations. Reportedly, without undergoing apoptotic death.297 This altered cell
the most frequent side effects in arthritis patients receiv- trafficking is accompanied by a reduction of lymphocyte
ing long-term leflunomide treatment were diarrhea (17%), infiltration into grafted organs.96,297,299 Interestingly, lym-
nausea (10%), alopecia (8%), and rash (10%), leading to a phocytes treated ex vivo with FTY720 and reintroduced
dropout rate of ±5%.230 Recently, thrombotic microangi- in vivo similarly migrate to the peripheral lymphoid tis-
opathy attributed to leflunomide was reported in patients sues, indicating that FTY720 acts directly on lympho-
treated for BKVN.135 In the above-mentioned phase II cytes. This process of accelerated homing was completely
study involving FK778, there was a dose-dependent in- blocked in vivo by co-administration of anti-CD62L,
crease in side effects, including anemia, hypokalemia, anti-CD49d, and anti-CD11a monoclonal antibody.38
symptomatic myocardial ischemia, and esophagitis.276 In vitro, FTY720 in the presence of TNF-α increases the
Other reported side effects are pneumonitis and periph- expression of certain intercellular adhesion molecules on
eral neuropathy.39,118 Leflunomide has teratogenic effects human endothelial cells.139 Thus, alteration of cell traf-
in both animals and humans, and a washout period with ficking by FTY720 may result not only from its direct
cholestyramine is advised for both women and men before action on lymphocytes, but also from an effect on endo-
considering conception.177 Combining leflunomide with thelial cells.
methotrexate might increase the risk for bone marrow sup- Interestingly, it has been suggested that CD4+CD25+
pression and liver toxicity.47,241 Furthermore, rifampin ac- regulatory T cells are differently affected by FTY720
celerates the conversion of leflunomide to teriflunomide, compared to T-effector cells.217 CD4+CD25+ regula-
and might increase the levels. Combination with warfarin tory T cells express lower levels of S1P1 and S1P4 re-
potentially increases the international normalized ratio. ceptors and, hence, show reduced response to FTY720.
Furthermore, in vitro FTY720-treated CD4+CD25+
T-regulatory cells possess an increased suppressive
­activity in an ­antigen-specific proliferation assay.217,300
The role of leflunomide in renal transplantation is lim- Unlike CNI, FTY720 is a poor inhibitor of T-cell func-
ited to the treatment of patients with BKVN and some tion in vitro.267 In particular, FTY720 does not influence
promising results have been reported in this respect. antigen-induced IL-2 production. In vitro exposure to
Other Forms of Immunosuppression 323

high FTY720 concentrations (4 × 10–6) induces c­ hromatin In phase II and III studies in de novo renal transplan-
condensation, typical DNA fragmentation, and formation tation, it was shown that 2.5 mg FTY720 in combination
of apoptotic bodies. Whether administration of FTY720 with full-dose cyclosporine and steroids is as effective as
in vivo is also associated with significant apoptosis is a MMF in combination with full-dose cyclosporine and
matter of debate.38,158 steroids, although the FTY720-treated patients had lower
S1PR are also present on murine dendritic cells. Upon creatinine clearance at 12 months.260,261 FTY720 5 mg did
administration of FTY720, dendritic cells in lymph not allow a 50% reduction in cyclosporine exposure.214,260
nodes and spleen are reduced, the expression of CD11b, FTY720 2.5 mg in combination with reduced-dose cy-
CD31/PECAM-1, CD54/ICAM-1, and CCR-7 is down- closporine resulted in underimmunosuppression.165 Also
regulated, and transendothelial migration to CCL19 in combination with tacrolimus, FTY720 2.5 mg was not
is diminished.132 In a recent study it was demonstrated superior to MMF in a recent study in de novo renal trans-
that FTY720 inhibited lymphangiogenesis and thus pro- plant recipients.100 Recently, it was reported that FTY720
longed allogeneic islet survival in mice.295 in combination with everolimus was not beneficial with
regard to prevention of acute rejection and preservation
of allograft function in renal transplant recipients at high
Experimental Experience
risk for delayed graft function.259
FTY720 given daily by oral gavage has marked antirejec-
tion properties in mice, rats, dogs, and monkeys.158,249,267,294 Toxicity
FTY720 (0.1–10 mg/kg) prolongs survival of skin al-
lografts in highly allogeneic rodent models.37 In a DA to The side effects of FTY720 are in general similar to those
LEW rat combination, a short course of peritransplant of other immunosuppressants, with hypertension, anemia,
oral FTY720 (5 mg/kg; days –1 and 0) prolongs cardiac constipation, and nausea most commonly reported. Side
allograft survival and is as efficient as a 10-day posttrans- effects specific for FTY720 are bradycardia, macular/reti-
plant treatment with tacrolimus at 1 mg/kg.292 Cardiac nal edema, dyspnea, and a transient rise in liver function
and liver allograft survival is prolonged in the ACI to tests.165,214 Although it is considered a main impediment
Lew rat model by either induction or maintenance treat- of further clinical development, reduction of heart rate
ment with FTY720.247 Even delayed administration of after the first dose of FTY720 is transient and does not
FTY720 interrupts an ongoing allograft rejection, sug- persist in the maintenance phase.61,176 Importantly, typical
gesting a role for FTY720 as a rescue agent.248,293 FTY720 side effects of CNI – nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and
blocks not only rejection but also graft-versus-host dis- diabetogenicity – have not been observed with FTY720.
ease after rat intestinal transplantation.163 FTY720 may
also protect form ischemia-reperfusion injury, partially Conclusion
through its cytoprotective actions.52,82,153,242
Both small- and large-animal models provide evi- FTY720 has a unique mechanism of action. The available
dence that FTY720 acts in synergy with CNI, and that clinical studies show that FTY720 is not superior to stan-
this benefit does not result from pharmacokinetic in- dard care and therefore its future in organ transplantation
teractions.248 An induction course with FTY720 acts in is uncertain.
synergy with posttransplant tacrolimus in prolongating
cardiac allograft survival in rats.293 A similar phenome- 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its Analogues
non has been observed when FTY720 is used posttrans- Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
plant in combination with cyclosporine in rat skin and
heart allografts.102,248 FTY720 shows synergistic effect 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) and some of
with CNI in heart and liver transplant in the ACI to Lew its new synthetic structural analogues are promising im-
rat model.294 FTY720 shows synergy with cyclosporine munomodulators with effects in autoimmunity and trans-
in dog kidney (0.1–5 mg/kg/day) and monkey kidney plantation immunology. Besides its well-known role in
(0.1–1 mg/kg/day) transplantation.267 Finally, FTY720 mineral and bone homeostasis, non-classical effects of vi-
(0.1 mg/kg) synergizes with CNI in dog liver transplan- tamin D have been increasingly recognized, such as mod-
tation.250 Synergy between FTY720 and rapamycin was ulation of growth, differentiation, and function of various
also observed in rat cardiac transplantation.286 cell types, regulation of immune responses, cardiovascu-
KRP-203 or 2-amino-2-(2-[4-3(-benzyloxyphenylthio)- lar processes, and cancer prevention.20,277 Local vitamin
2-cholorophenyl]ethyl)-1,3-propanediol hydrochloride has D metabolism allows immune cells to modulate immune
a similar molecular structure as FTY720. KRP-203 alone response autonomously. Optimal immune functioning of
or in combination with low-dose cyclosporine or MMF this autocrine and/or paracrine circuit crucially depends
prolonged skin, heart, and renal allograft survival.78,224,246 on the availability of circulating 1,25(OH)2D3. The ex-
act levels of circulating 1,25(OH)2D3 needed to meet the
requirements of “vitamin D sufficiency” are still a mat-
Clinical Experience
ter of debate, especially in the light of the non-classical
Stable renal transplant patients maintained on cyclospo- ­effects of vitamin D.
rine tolerate well one oral dose of FTY720 (0.25–3.5 mg).
Similarly to its effect in animals, single doses of FTY720 Mechanism of Action
cause a lymphopenia that is dose-dependent in intensity
and duration, and that equally affects CD4 cells, CD8 A role for 1,25(OH)2D3 in immune regulation is sug-
cells, memory T cells, naïve T cells, and B cells.29 gested by the presence of its receptor (vitamin D
324 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

receptor or VDR) in almost all immune cells, including Exposing B cells to 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits the
activated CD4 and CD8 cells, B cells, neutrophils, and ­ roliferation, plasma cell differentiation, immunoglobu-
antigen-presenting cells, hence modulating both in- lin secretion (IgG and IgM), and memory B-cell genera-
nate and adaptive immune responses.196,251 Moreover, tion, and induces B-cell apoptosis.36 Finally, 1,25(OH)2D3
the VDR expression in some immune cells is con- was put forward as an important regulator of lymphocyte
trolled by immune signals.10 Furthermore, most im- trafficking. Active 1,25(OH)2D3 imprints activated T
mune cells express vitamin D metabolizing enzymes cells and terminally differentiating B cells with skin-hom-
such as CYP27B1 in T and B lymphocytes, and ing properties via induction of the skin-homing receptor
CYP2R1 in dendritic cells.178,236 This allows for the CCR10.225,229
local conversion of 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3,
and represents an important mechanism by which Experimental Experience
immune cells can reach supraphysiological levels of
1,25(OH)2D3 needed to influence immune responses The fact that 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogues influence
without affecting systemic levels of 1,25(OH)2D3. the immune system by immunomodulation through the
Furthermore, the expression of CYP27B1 in immune induction of immune shifts and regulator cells makes
cells is controlled by immune signals. For example, these products very appealing for clinical use, especially
CYP27B1 expression by monocytes/macrophages is in the treatment and prevention of autoimmune diseases.
upregulated by interferon-γ (IFN-γ), lipopolysac- In the NOD mouse, upregulation of regulator cells and
charide, Mycobacterium tuberculosis-derived 19 kDa li- a shift away from Th1 towards Th2 could be observed
poprotein and viral infections. Moreover, CYP27B1 in 1,25(OH)2D3-treated mice, both locally in the pan-
expression in macrophages and dendritic cells is not creas as well as in the peripheral immune system.90,179
suppressed by 1,25(OH)2D3 itself, allowing for mas- Moreover, a restoration of the defective sensitivity to
sive local production of 1,25(OH)2D3 by macrophages apoptosis characteristic for NOD T lymphocytes was
in patients with granulomatous diseases. As an alterna- observed, resulting in a better elimination of autoreac-
tive negative-feedback loop 1,25(OH)2D3 upregulates tive effector cells.33,51 This increased sensitivity to apop-
CYP24 in immune cells.56 tosis has been described for different apoptosis-inducing
Upon exposure to 1,25(OH)2D3 monocytes acquire signals. This mechanism may explain why an early and
phenotypical features of macrophages, and macrophages short-term 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment before the clinical
obtain increased chemotactic and phagocytic activities.91 onset of autoimmunity can lead to long-term protection
Moreover, Toll-like receptor activation of monocytes/ and restoration of self-tolerance.
macrophages results in upregulation of VDR and VDR A clear additive and even synergistic effect was ob-
target genes leading to the induction of cathelicidin an- served between 1,25(OH)2D3 or its analogues and
timicrobial peptide and killing of Mycobacterium tuber- other more classical immunosuppressants such as cy-
culosis.144 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits dendritic cell maturation closporine, sirolimus, or MMF, both in vitro and in
(decreased levels of major histocompatibility complex several in vivo autoimmune disease models, such as au-
class II and costimulatory molecules), enhances endocytic toimmune diabetes34,95 and experimental autoimmune
capacity, inhibits the production of IL-12 and IL-23, and encephalomyelitis.26,27,272
enhances the release of IL-10 and macrophage inflam- Moreover, 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogues were in-
matory protein-3α. Dendritic cells are thereby deviated vestigated in various transplantation models such as pan-
towards a more immature or tolerogenic phenotype, hav- creatic islet allo- and xenotransplantation in mice,89,95
ing in vitro as well as in vivo the capacity to induce the allogeneic heart113 and skin transplantation in mice,18,278
development of regulatory T cells.89,188,275 allogeneic aorta,199 bone marrow,180 heart,106,136 kidney,201
Upon T-cell activation, VDR expression is dramati- and liver transplantation in rats.202 The overall conclu-
cally increased. Furthermore, 1,25(OH)2D3 also directly sion that can be drawn from these studies is that, as
alters the cytokine profile of T cells by inhibiting the monotherapy, 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogues provoke
production of inflammatory Th1-cytokines such as IL-2 only a modest prolongation of graft function. This is not
and IFN-γ, as well as the Th17-derived cytokines IL-17 surprising in view of the rather weak intrinsic effects of
and IL-21.111,257 CD4+CD25highCD127low regulatory T 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogues on T cells. However, in
cells were induced after vitamin D exposure and IL-10 conjunction with other immunosuppressants, strong syn-
was selectively induced within CD4 T cells. The molecu- ergistic effects often can be observed. In addition, in view
lar pathways by which 1,25(OH)2D3 modulates the ex- of its effect on antigen presentation and on directing the
pression of these and other genes in the immune system immune system in the Th2 direction, 1,25(OH)2D3 may
varies widely (reviewed in reference 11). Next to the clas- help to induce tolerance.89
sical interaction with VDR-specific binding sites in the
promoter region of target genes (vitamin D-responsive Clinical Experience
elements), as in the inhibition of IFN-γ,45 1,25(OH)2D3
also interferes with other pathways of transcription regu- Multiple groups have reported a correlation between
lation. For example, 1,25(OH)2D3-mediated inhibition of vitamin D deficiency and susceptibility to respiratory
IL-2 is due to impairment of nuclear factor of activated T infections, especially in the context of infections by
cells/activating protein-1 (AP-1) complex formation and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Gram-negative bacte-
subsequent association with its binding site within the ria.105 Autier and Gandini performed a meta-analysis
IL-2 promoter.5,253 including 18 independent randomized controlled
Other Forms of Immunosuppression 325

trials, demonstrating that administration of vitamin D of guanosine monophosphate from inosine monophos-
s­upplementation is associated with a decrease in overall phate in the de novo pathway. In contrast to azathioprine,
mortality rates (relative risk 0.93, 95% confidence inter- bredinin is not incorporated into nucleic acids in the
val 0.87–0.99).9 There is still a lack of non-biased large cells, resulting in fewer side effects, such as myelosup-
cohort studies that can sustain the proposed benefits of pression and hepatoxicity. Bredinin was found to inhibit
vitamin D supplementation for optimal immune function. both humoral and cellular immunity by selectively inhib-
Mutations in the CYP2R1 gene, as well as in the iting lymphocyte proliferation.108
CYP17B1 gene, impairing their enzymatic activity, have
been described and polymorphisms in these genes have Experimental and Clinical Experience
been proposed to be associated with type 1 diabetes mel-
litus susceptibility.146,200 Analogues of vitamin D could In a canine model of renal transplantation, bredinin
successfully block progression of insulitis in prediabetic prolonged graft survival. In humans, as compared to
NOD mice, along with preventing recurrence of auto- azathioprine, bredinin showed equally potent immuno-
immune diabetes in NOD mice after syngeneic islet suppressive activity and fewer adverse effects.8,122,254,256
transplantation, when combined with other immuno- As expected based on its similarity in structure to
modulating agents.34,89 ribavirine, bredinin exhibits in vitro antiviral activ-
ity against CMV, respiratory syncytial virus, measles,
hepatitis C, corona virus, parainfluenza, and influenza
Toxicity virus.103,169,210,223 In a recent study, bredinin was substi-
A major concern remains the side effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 tuted for MMF in patients with BKV in their urine.
on calcium and bone metabolism. The use of 1,25(OH)2D3 BKV DNA in the urine became negative in five out of
analogues which have maintained or amplified immuno- seven patients.83 In the remaining two patients, there
modulatory effects in combination with reduced effects was a significant decrease in urinary BKV DNA. No
on calcium and bone partially conquer this problem.273 acute rejection or deterioration of graft function oc-
The additional use of calcium-lowering conditions, such curred during the study period.83
as limited nutrient calcium intake, and bone resorption in-
hibitors, such as bisphosphonates, aid in further bypassing Toxicity
the negative side effects of hypercalcemia and excessive
bone resorption,271 thereby facilitating the step towards The principal adverse reactions associated with the use
the clinical applicability of 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogues of bredinin were leukopenia, abnormal hepatic function,
for their potent immunomodulatory properties. rash, increased levels of uric acid, and vomiting.

Bredinin has mainly been used in Japan and is infrequently
With the discovery of VDRs and vitamin D-metabolizing used elsewhere. As a consequence, experience with bre-
enzymes in immune cells, it is now evident that dinin is limited, but results show that it is a safe and effec-
1,25(OH)2D3 exerts a plethora of effects targeting both the tive immunosuppressant in human kidney transplantation.
innate and adaptive immune compartment. The emerging Because of its antiviral activity, bredinin might be yet an-
data linking inadequate vitamin D levels to immune anom- other drug to be evaluated in the setting of BKVN.
alies, such as increased infection rates and autoimmunity,
are of interest in this context. VDR agonists, and especially
hypocalcemic vitamin D analogues, are plausible candi- JAK3 Inhibitors: CP-690,550, Tasocitinib, or
dates for the prevention and/or treatment of infections Tofacitinib
such as tuberculosis and several autoimmune disorders.
Several JAK3 inhibitors have been developed, e.g., tyr-
phostin AG-490, PNU156804, dimethoxyquinazoline
Bredinin or Mizoribine compounds (WHI-P131), CP-690,550 and Mannich
base NC1153, and several of them have been shown to
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
possess immunosuppressive properties.17,119,126,235 Given
Bredinin, 4-carbamoyl-1-b-d-ribofurano-syhmidazolium- the lymphocyte-restricted role of JAK3, JAK3 inhibitors
5-olate, is a nucleoside analogue that is structurally similar are considered an interesting novel class of immunosup-
to ribavirin. It was first isolated from the culture media of pressive drugs.
the ascomycetes Eupenicillium brefeldianum harvested from
the soil of Hachijo Island (Japan, 1971). It has weak antibi-
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
otic activity against Candida albicans.164
Of the multiple potential candidate compounds, one has
Mechanism of Action entered clinical trials – the ATP congener CP-690,550
(CP; tasocitinib or tofacitinib, Pfizer, NJ), which binds
Bredinin exerts its immunosuppressive function through to the ATP catalytic site on JAK molecules. It has been
selective inhibition of the enzymes inosine monophos- proposed that analysis of P-STAT5 at the cellular level
phate dehydrogenase and guanosine monophosphate could be an adequate means to monitor the immuno-
synthetase, both of which are required for the generation modulatory effect of CP-690,550.198
326 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Mechanism of Action arm showed a trend toward the lowest rejection rate and a
superior allograft function. However, in this study there
JAK3 is a tyrosine kinase essential for the signal trans-
were important adverse events, including increased CMV
duction from the common gamma-chain of the cytokine
infection rates, and BKVN in both CP-690,550 arms
receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21
(data presented at 2011 American Transplant Congress).
to the nucleus. As the expression of the receptors is re-
stricted to immune cells, this makes them an attractive
target for new immunosuppressants. Signal transduc- Toxicity
tion mediated by JAK3 is obligatory for lymphocyte ac-
tivation, differentiation, and homeostasis, as evidenced In a dose escalation study, the most frequent adverse
by the finding that deficiency in JAK3 results in severe events were infection and gastrointestinal side effects.
combined deficiency syndrome.148,204,206,207 A possible CP-690,550 15 mg and 30 mg twice a day were associated
detrimental effect of interference with IL-2 signaling with a mean decrease in hemoglobin from baseline of
relates to the fact that tolerance induction is essentially 11%.274 There was in addition a decrease in natural killer
dependent on the IL-2 pathway.128,151,152 Thus, the chal- cells and B cells. There were no changes in the number
lenge for immunosuppressive drug design has been to of neutrophils, total lymphocytes, platelets, or CD4 or
achieve selective inhibition of JAK3 versus JAK2 activi- CD8 T cells.274
ties. Although Pfizer claimed a 20-fold selectivity for
JAK3 using an in vitro assay, clinical data suggest that Conclusion
this ratio is far less than 20-fold. This narrow selectivity
was confirmed by the work of Karaman et al.117 In summary, combination of CP-690,550 with MMF re-
sulted in acceptable rates of acute rejection with evidence
of overimmunosuppression when CP-690,550 30  mg
Experimental Experience twice a day was combined with MMF. CP-690,550 15 mg
CP-690,550 is the most potent (inhibitory potency of twice a day co-administered with MMF resulted in simi-
1nM) and selective JAK3 inhibitor developed to date. lar outcomes while associated with modest lipid eleva-
In both rodents and non-human primates, CP-690,550 tions and a higher rate of viral infections. In our opinion,
exerted strong suppression of immune reactions and considering the known side-effect profile of CNI, further
prolonged the survival of cardiac and renal allografts. In evaluation of CP-690,550 is warranted. Given the side
monotherapy it significantly delayed the onset of rejec- effects reported with the use of CP-690,550, the chal-
tion in kidney allografts.24,25,35 In non-human primates, lenge remains to develop immunosuppressive drugs with
CP-690,550 significantly reduced IL-2-enhanced IFN-γ truly selective inhibition of JAK3 versus JAK2 activities.
production and CD25 and CD71 expression by T cells. The lack of success in developing a selective antagonist
Furthermore, CP-690,550 inhibited cellular alloimmune of JAK3 probably relates to the focus on chemical ana-
responses in vitro.35,184 Administration in vivo resulted logues of ATP while more success is to be expected from
in a reduction of NK cell and T-cell numbers, whereas developing molecules displaying allosteric inhibition via
CD8 effector memory T-cell levels were unaltered.46,184 binding of non-catalytic sites.
Recently, it was shown that CP-690,550 selectively inhib-
its T-cell effector function while preserving the suppres- AEB071 or Sotrastaurin
sive activity of CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells.222
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
Sotrastaurin (AEB071) is a low-molecular-weight, syn-
Clinical Experience
thetic compound that potently and reversibly inhibits all
CP-690,550 was evaluated as induction and maintenance 10 isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) – most impor-
therapy in a phase IIA, multicenter, open-label, random- tantly, PKC-θ, PKC-α, and PKC-β, with lesser activ-
ized controlled trial in kidney transplant recipients.31 All ity on PKC-δ.123 Sotrastaurin is primarily metabolized
patients received induction therapy, MMF, and steroids. through hepatic CYP3A4 into inactive metabolites and
Patients in group 1 received tacrolimus, while patients N-desmethyl-sotrastaurin, which has similar potency as
in groups 2 and 3 were administered CP-690,550 15 mg sotrastaurin and is present at low blood concentrations
and 30 mg twice a day, respectively.31 Because of the high (less than 5% of the parent exposure). Renal excretion
incidence of BKVN in the CP-690,550 groups, the pro- of sotrastaurin is negligible and only a small amount is
tocol was adjusted to stop MMF and decrease the steroid excreted in the bile (1% of the dose). The elimination
exposure. Compared to tacrolimus, both CP-690,550 half-life of sotrastaurin averages 6 hours. In clinical trials,
groups showed similar rates of acute rejection episodes it is recommended that patients administer sotrastaurin
and allograft function, but experienced greater incidences consistently either with or without food to avoid food-
of hyperlipidemia and infections (suggestive of additional related fluctuations in drug exposure over time.123
JAK2 inhibition).31 A phase IIB trial compared cyclospo- Clinical drug interaction studies to date have
rine at standard dosage versus CP-690,550 15 mg twice a ­demonstrated that sotrastaurin increases the area under
day for 6 months then 10 mg twice a day, or CP-690,550 the concentration–time curve of everolimus (1.2-fold) and
15 mg twice a day for 3 months then 10 mg twice a day. of tacrolimus (2-fold).124 Sotrastaurin increased tacrolimus
All patients received in addition induction therapy, MMF, concentration inasmuch as the tacrolimus dose needed to
and steroids. Unexpectedly, the lower CP-690,550 dosage achieve a given C0 was up to 47% lower when combined
Other Forms of Immunosuppression 327

with sotrastaurin versus MMF.124 Conversely, sotrastaurin Conclusion

area under the concentration–time curve is increased up to
Sotrastaurin blocks PKC-mediated early T-cell activa-
1.8-fold by cyclosporine and 4.6-fold by ketoconazole.125
tion,20 providing a new approach for immunosuppression
distinct from CNI. However, the efficacy results of this
Mechanism of Action phase II study do not support the combination of sotrastau-
rin 300 mg twice a day with MMF as a CNI-free regimen.
PKC is a family of serine/threonine-specific protein ki- Based on the results recently reported by Bigaud et al.
nases involved in diverse signal transduction pathways in non-human primates,19 sotrastaurin as a CNI-sparing
that modulate a whole range of cellular processes, in- agents warrants further evaluation in future clinical trials.
cluding activation, proliferation, differentiation, apop-
tosis, and autophagy.231 PKC-θ has been shown to be
essential in the T-cell receptor/CD3 signal transduction Bortezomib
pathway. PKC-α modulates Th1 responses, including
Chemical Structure and Pharmacology
IFN-γ production. PKC-β controls B-cell receptor-
induced NF-κB transactivation and T-independent Bortezomib is a proteasomal inhibitor approved by the
B-cell responses. Finally, PKC-ε influences macrophage Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of mul-
function.161,255 tiple myeloma. Bortezomib is increasingly used in the
setting of solid-organ transplantation. Bortezomib was
administered in four doses of 1.3 mg/m2 intravenously
Experimental Experience
in 3-5-minute infusions over an 11-day period in kidney
Of note, sotrastaurin was demonstrated to be non-toxic transplant recipients. Prior to bortezomib administration,
when added to human islet cultures.162 These results sug- patients need to be premedicated with methylpredniso-
gest AEB071 to be an appropriate immunosuppressive can- lone. Peak serum concentration is reached at 30 minutes
didate for clinical trials in islet transplantation. Recently, and the drug is cleared within 1 hour.62
it was shown in non-human primates that sotrastaurin in
combination with cyclosporine at subtherapeutic doses
resulted in markedly prolonged renal allograft survival, Mechanism of Action
indicating synergistic immunosuppressive effects.19 Bortezomib is a selective inhibitor of the 26S proteasome,
preventing the activation of NF-κB.244 It induces apop-
Clinical Experience tosis of rapidly dividing, metabolically active cells with
extensive protein synthesis. The ability of bortezomib to
In a phase II randomized controlled trial, sotrastau- target plasma cells spurred interest as a new therapeutic
rin with standard or reduced tacrolimus was compared approach in the treatment or prevention of alloantibody
with standard tacrolimus alone, in addition to induction formation in organ transplantation.
therapy and steroids.30 Three months posttransplant,
stable patients on sotrastaurin were switched from ta-
Experimental Experience
crolimus to MMF. The three arms showed equal effi-
cacy up to 3 months; at the end of the study there was In vitro, bortezomib was associated with a reduction in
no difference in allograft function, although the inci- the number of bone marrow-derived plasma cells and
dence of acute rejection was significantly higher in the attenuated alloantibody production.193 Bortezomib pri-
standard tacrolimus with sotrastaurin arm.30 Because of marily acts through plasma cell depletion, resulting in
lack of efficacy, this study was prematurely discontin- reduced antibody production to T-dependent antigens.
ued. In another recent trial in de novo renal transplant As marginal zone B cells are resistant to bortezomib-
recipients with immediate graft function, study sub- mediated effects, T-independent type 2 responses are
jects were randomized to sotrastaurin or tacrolimus.73 less affected.133 In a mouse model of lupus, bortezomib
All patients received basiliximab, MMF, and steroids. depleted both short- and long-lived plasma cells, result-
This study demonstrated a lower degree of efficacy but ing in a reduction of ­anti-double-stranded DNA antibody
better renal function with the CNI-free regimen of so- production.170 Vogelbacher et al. recently established that
trastaurin with MMF versus the tacrolimus-based con- bortezomib alone or in combination with sirolimus can
trol.73 A study combining sotrastaurin with everolimus also prevent alloantibody formation in a rat model of kid-
is currently ongoing. ney transplantation.279

Toxicity Clinical Experience

In the above-mentioned clinical trial, there was a 12% in- Bortezomib therapy for antibody-mediated rejection has
cidence of tachycardia and 18% of serious infections.30,73 resulted in mixed results.55,63,218 Everly et al. administered
A dose-dependent chronotropic effect has been observed bortezomib to 6 patients with antibody-mediated rejec-
in preclinical and phase I sotrastaurin studies; therefore tion with concomitant acute cellular rejection ­refractory
the higher heart rate and tachycardia observed with the to currently available therapies.63 Bortezomib admin-
sotrastaurin in combination with MMF were not unex- istration resulted in resolution of antibody-mediated
pected. All tachycardia adverse events were mild and the rejection in all 6 patients, a decrease of donor-specific
majority occurred soon after transplantation. antibody levels, and improvement of allograft function.63
328 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In another study, Walsh et al. reported the results of secretion of IFN-γ and IL-4 by naïve T cells and sup-
bortezomib treatment in 28 patients with antibody-­ pressed ­alloreactivity. In a rat heterotopic cardiac trans-
mediated rejection.285 Bortezomib treatment was associ- plant model, ABT-100 alone or in combination with
ated with variable results, with better responses in early subtherapeutic dose of cyclosporine delayed the devel-
(occurring in the first 6 months after transplantation) opment of acute rejection.226 Given its combined anti-
versus late (occurring 6 months or more after transplan- rejection and antioncogenic effects, farnesyltransferase
tation) antibody-mediated rejection.285 In contrast, in the inhibitors could represent an attractive new class of im-
study of Sberro-Soussan et al., bortezomib treatment did munosuppressants in malignancy-prone organ transplant
not result in a decrease of donor-specific antibody mean recipients if future clinical trials confirm their efficacy.
fluorescence intensity when used as sole desensitization When a T-cell receptor recognizes its specific anti-
therapy in four renal transplant recipients with subacute gen the lymphoid cell-specific kinase lck is phosphory-
antibody-mediated rejection with persistent donor-­ lated and, together with the receptor-associated CD3
specific antibodies.218 However, in this study bortezomib complex, phosphorylates zinc-associated phosphory-
therapy was not initiated until weeks or months follow- lase 70. These events trigger the downstream cascade
ing the diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection, and re- that increases intracellular calcium, activating calcineu-
peat biopsies were not performed following bortezomib rin. Inhibitors of lck have become available recently.
treatment.218 A-770041 and structurally similar molecules have been
shown to prolong the survival of heterotopic murine
heart and renal subcapsular islet grafts as well as to blunt
the production of immunoglobulin IgG2a. Emodin
The most common side effects associated with bortezo- (C15H10O5), the cyclic derivative from rhubarb root and
mib treatment are gastrointestinal toxicity, thrombocyto- rhizomes, has been shown to prolong murine skin graft
penia, and neuropathy.63 These can be potentially severe survival and to dampen IL-2 production.145 However,
and disabling. To date, no increase in rate of opportu- neither of these archetypal compounds shows sufficient
nistic infections has been reported. Importantly, although specificity for lck versus other kinases to warrant clinical
bortezomib is associated with substantial reductions in development.227
donor-specific antibody levels, it does not result in a de- FR 252921, an immunosuppressive agent isolated
crease in protective antibody levels.64 from the culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens, inhibits AP-1
transcription activity, and acts predominantly against
antigen-presenting cells. FR 252921 demonstrated syn-
ergy with tacrolimus in vitro and in vivo. In murine mod-
Proteasome inhibitor therapy has potential in the treat- els of skin transplantation, compared with the optimal
ment of antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplant dose of tacrolimus alone, the combination of FR 252921
recipients both as primary and rescue therapy. Optimal and tacrolimus prolonged graft survival.75–77
responses with bortezomib are obtained when antibody- Brequinar sodium exerts its immunosuppressive ef-
mediated rejection occurs early posttransplant and bort- fects through the inhibition of the enzyme dihydrooro-
ezomib treatment is initiated promptly. Bortezomib has tate dehydrogenase, resulting in inhibition of both T and
recently also been shown to provide effective therapy for B lymphocytes. Although the characteristics of brequinar
antibody-mediated rejection in heart and lung transplant suggest that it would be an attractive immunosuppres-
recipients.57,171 sant, the suboptimal pharmacologic profile jeopardizes its
use in transplant patients. The future use of this drug in
the field of transplantation will require the development
Others of analogues exhibiting a shorter half-life and reduced
Cladiribine is an adenosine deaminase-resistant analogue toxicity.
of deoxyadenosine and is used in the treatment of leuke- Spergualin was originally isolated from the culture fil-
mia and lymphoma. A number of studies have explored trate of Bacillus laterosporus, and explored as a new anticancer
the immunosuppressive capacity of cladiribine. In vitro, or antibiotic substance. Its analogue 15-deoxyspergualin
cladribine inhibits both B- and T-cell proliferation.86 subsequently became widely known as a promising new
In vivo, cladiribine monotherapy was shown to prolong immunosuppressant. The precise mode of action of
skin allograft survival in mice,87 in combination with 15-deoxyspergualin is largely unknown and, because of
cyclosporine it prolonged liver and heart allograft sur- its poor oral bioavailability, 15-deoxyspergualin must be
vival in rats,221 and was more effective than cyclosporine delivered parenterally, which hampers its widespread clin-
monotherapy in small-bowel allografts.174 However, no ical use.263 Its efficacy has been demonstrated in the treat-
clinical trials are published to date. ment of kidney allograft rejection, ABO-incompatible
The farnesyltransferase inhibitor A 228839 was de- kidney transplantation, and transplantation in sensitized
veloped as an anticancer compound that inhibits Ras patients.6,93,252 Until analogues are developed that allow
GTPases. A 228839 inhibited lectin-induced prolifera- oral administration,134 the major clinical indication of
tion and antigen-presenting cell-induced T-cell prolif- 15-deoxyspergualin is limited to the treatment of rejec-
eration. The compound also inhibited lymphocyte Th1 tion crises where 15-deoxyspergualin may be an interest-
cytokine production and promoted apoptosis in lectin- ing alternative to steroids or antilymphocyte agents. The
activated lymphocytes.227 Another farnesyltransferase fact that it remains effective after recurrent administration
inhibitor, ABT-100 was shown in vitro to block the is promising.
Other Forms of Immunosuppression 329

Upon cellular uptake, cyclophosphamide is extensively that tolerance induction after conditioning with TLI and
metabolized into its active compounds phosphoramide antithymocyte globulin (ATG) depends upon the ability
mustard and acrolein.22,49 The reaction of the phos- of naturally occurring regulatory natural killer T cells
phoramide mustard with DNA results in cell death.50 and regulatory T cells to suppress the residual alloreac-
Because of its limited efficacy and multiple side effects, tive T cells that are capable of rejecting the allograft.167
the only standard indication for cyclophosphamide in
transplantation today is the desensitization of highly sen-
sitized recipients prior to kidney transplantation.1 Most
Experimental Experience
of these protocols involve repeated plasmapheresis, in TLI-treated BALB/c mice receiving fully allogeneic
combination with cyclophosphamide, either with or C57BL6 bone marrow and skin graft on the first day after
without continuation of steroids, until a kidney transplant TLI became stable hematopoietic chimeras without signs
becomes available. of graft-versus-host disease, and developed permanent
donor-specific tolerance with preserved anti-third-party
reactivity.239 Tolerance induction was critically depen-
TOTAL LYMPHOID IRRADIATION dent on the width of the irradiation field, the time of
transplantation after TLI, the total dose of TLI, and the
For several decades, total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) has ­absence of presensitization.239,280,281
been used for the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. The Although bone marrow chimerism could be easily in-
possibility of applying TLI as an immunosuppressive reg- duced, tolerance to either heart88 or kidney allografts104
imen rather than an anticancer treatment was discovered was not obtained, suggesting that TLI-induced bone
by investigators at Stanford University.81 marrow chimerism does not necessarily create tolerance
toward organ-specific antigens.
Procedure The combination of TLI and low-dose cyclosporine
was found to be effective and clinically safe in rats,208
TLI is delivered through two ports. A first so-called man- and TLI with postoperative ATG induced permanent
tle port includes the lymph nodes of the neck, axilla, and and specific transplantation tolerance toward heart al-
mediastinum. The other port is called the “inverted Y” lografts in about 40% of transplanted dogs.238 These en-
and encompasses aortic, iliac and pelvic lymph nodes, and couraging results led to a similar trial in clinical kidney
spleen. Usually, a total dose of 40–50 Gy (1 Gy = 100 rad) transplantation. Myburgh et al. applied a modified TLI
is administered in daily fractions of 1.5–2.5 Gy. regimen in baboons, with low dosage and wide-field
exposure, and showed that tolerance can be achieved
in larger animals without concomitant bone marrow
Mechanisms of Action transplantation.166
Much of the currently available experimental evidence on Also, in heart or heart–lung transplantation ex-
the immunological mechanisms underlying TLI-induced periments between xenogeneic non-human primate
tolerance points to the importance of suppressor cells. The species, preoperative TLI, when administered in
group of Strober identified post-TLI suppressors cells as combination with cyclosporine and ATG,209 cyclo-
host-type natural killer T cells, as the protective effect sporine and splenectomy23 or cyclosporine and me-
of TLI against graft-versus-host disease was abrogated in drol,185 was more efficient than any other treatment
mice with a CD1d inactivated gene.130 These host-type regimen. Pretransplant TLI, combined with cyclo-
natural killer T cells produced IL-4 and stimulated sporine and methotrexate in a pig heart-into-baboon
donor-type cells to produce IL-4 also.130,131 Definitive
­ model, resulted in a graft survival time of more than
­evidence of the functional importance and activity of these 2 weeks. This regimen was able to inhibit xenore-
suppressor cells was delivered by the demonstration that active natural antibody production but not the xe-
they could prevent graft-versus-host disease in vivo.99 noreactivity of macrophages. In a pig islet-into-rat
Post-TLI attenuation of effector T-lymphocyte reactivity xenograft model, TLI in combination with deoxy­
was equally proposed to be responsible for the observed spergualin was extremely effective,262 and even in a
immunosuppressed state after TLI.16,68,69 This intrinsic discordant ­lamb-into-pig model, TLI synergized with
T-cell defect was dependent on the irradiation of both cyclosporine and azathioprine to provoke a 30-fold in-
thymus and extrathymic tissues.181 After TLI, anergized crease of the mean xenograft survival time.264
T cells were shown to be incapable of proliferating even The principal disadvantage for the clinical applica-
in the presence of exogenous IL-2.71 In other studies, tion of TLI is that the complete regimen of fraction-
TLI was shown to lead to thymic clonal deletion of do- ated daily irradiations needs to be administered and
nor- or host-reactive lymphocytes.211 TLI-treated mice completed before, and sufficiently close to, the ­moment
also exhibited decreased antidonor cytotoxic T-cell pre- of transplantation, and finding a suitable donor or-
cursor frequencies.72 Finally, Strober’s group showed that gan within such a restricted timeframe is problematic.
Th2 lymphocytes recover soon after TLI, whereas Th1 Investigators have therefore explored the possibility of
lymphocytes remain deficient for several months,15 and using TLI after transplantation. In mouse and rat heart
showed that this defect can also be prevented by thymic allograft models, posttransplant TLI significantly pro-
shielding during irradiation.16 This Th2 dominance after longed graft survival when combined with monoclonal
TLI has been confirmed by other groups in rodents70 and anti-CD4 antibodies266 or with infusion of donor-type
in large animals.233 Recently, Nador et al. demonstrated dendritic cell precursors.98
330 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Clinical Experience reason for continued immunosuppressive therapy was

recurrence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in one
The first clinical kidney transplants utilizing TLI were of four patients and rejection episodes during the taper-
performed at the University of Minnesota in 20 patients ing of cyclosporine in the three other patients.220
who had previously rejected a renal allograft.168 Because
similar results (an increase of about 30% 1-year graft sur-
vival compared with historical control data) were achieved Conclusion
in this patient population using cyclosporine, and because TLI has been shown to be a safe immunosuppressive
of the ease of administration, the investigators concluded regimen. It has been abandoned in clinical practice for
to prefer cyclosporine over TLI. organizational reasons, except for the treatment of ther-
In the 1980s, a controlled trial was performed at the apy-resistant rejection of heart or heart–lung transplant.
University of Leuven, in which end-stage diabetic ne- However, its ability to induce tolerance – in combination
phropathy patients received cadaveric kidney allografts, with ATG and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation –
investigating the effect of pretransplant TLI (20 daily might renew interest in this treatment modality. To date,
fractions of 1 Gy, followed by 1 weekly TLI dose until no evidence of radiation-related late effects has been doc-
a suitable donor was found) followed by low-dose post- umented with TLI.141
transplant prednisone maintenance treatment.283 Long-
term (8-year) follow-up revealed that rejection episodes
were more frequent, and patient and graft survival signifi- PHOTOPHERESIS
cantly inferior in the TLI-treated group.282 The excess
mortality in the TLI-treated patients was due to sepsis, Extracorporeal photopheresis is a technique in which leu-
resulting from high-dose steroid therapy needed to treat kocytes, removed from patients by leukopheresis, are ex-
rejection crises. This clinical experience confirmed the posed to 8-methoxypsoralen and ultraviolet A light. It was
animal data that also showed that TLI by itself is insuf- developed as an immunoregulatory treatment for eryth-
ficient to provoke long-term graft survival or tolerance rodermic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.58 Subsequently,
and that extra manipulations are needed. the procedure was shown to be safe as an alternative
In a study at Stanford University, 24 patients received treatment for various human immune and autoimmune
a first, and one patient a second, cadaveric renal allograft diseases.192 Furthermore, in rats191 and monkeys,189 the
using TLI and ATG.138 The actuarial graft survival was regimen was shown to result in extended skin allograft
76% and 68% at 1 and 2 years, respectively. Ten of the and cardiac allograft and xenograft survival.
25 patients never had a rejection crisis despite an over- Different mechanisms have been shown to contrib-
all poor HLA-matching between donor and recipient. In ute to the immunomodulatory effect of photopheresis:
follow-up studies, a specific antidonor mixed lymphocyte selective inhibition of effector cells,190,191 induction of a
culture hypo- or non-responsiveness was demonstrated44 high rate of apoptosis,296 increased capacity to phago-
and, in some patients, all immunosuppressive drugs could cytose apoptotic T cells, resulting in the induction of
be withdrawn.237 An evaluation in a larger group of 52 anticlonotypic immune responses,205 shift towards Th2
patients treated with the same protocol at the same center immune activation,12 and induction of regulatory CD4
showed a 3-year graft survival of about 50%, which is less and CD8 cells.84,92
than in cyclosporine-treated patients (around 75%).138 In clinical transplantation, photopheresis has been ap-
Posttransplant TLI in combination with anti-CD3 plied as both a therapeutic and prophylactic option. It has
monoclonal antibodies, or with ATG and donor-specific been applied in the treatment of recurrent or resistant
blood transfusions, seemed very effective in a rat heart acute rejection in renal transplant patients,12,48,85,101,127,243,290
allograft model. On the basis of these results, the efficacy but the number of patients included in these studies is
of TLI was evaluated in heart transplant patients with limited, and prospective randomized trials are needed.
­therapy-resistant or early vascular rejection.107,137,213 This The safety and efficacy of photopheresis in the preven-
resulted in a significant reduction of rejection recurrences, tion of acute rejection of cardiac allografts have been
an effect which was maintained for at least 2 years. In the evaluated in primary cardiac allograft recipients, ran-
meantime, these favorable results have been confirmed domly assigned to standard triple-drug immunosuppres-
by several other groups. Also, TLI-treated patients de- sive therapy (cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone)
velop less coronary atherosclerosis than matched controls alone or in conjunction with 24 photopheresis sessions
despite multiple rejection episodes.7,40,149,187,270 performed during the first 6 months after transplanta-
Scandling et al. have reported the use of TLI to induce tion. After 6 months of follow-up, photopheresis-treated
tolerance in the setting of combined kidney/hematopoi- patients developed significantly fewer multiple rejections,
etic stem cell transplantation between HLA-matched do- and there were no significant differences in the rates or
nor/recipient pairs.219,220 Patients received a conditioning types of infection. Although there was no significant ef-
regimen of 10 doses of TLI (80–120 cGy), five doses of fect on graft survival rates at 6 or 12 months, this study
rabbit ATG, MMF for 1 month, and cyclosporine for at indicated that photopheresis may be an effective new
least 6 months. Donor hematopoietic stem cells were in- immunosuppressive regimen in transplant recipients.13
jected intravenously on day 11 in the outpatient infusion In patients with refractory bronchiolitis obliterans after
center.220 The majority of patients (8/12) were able to dis- lung transplantation, photopheresis resulted in a stabili-
continue antirejection medications, and all patients had zation of graft function and/or in some of these patients
excellent graft function at the last observation point. The in histological reversal of rejection.173,212
Other Forms of Immunosuppression 331

SPLENECTOMY without prior plasmapheresis of the recipient.28 In a third

setting, plasmapheresis is used in an attempt to reduce
Pretransplant splenectomy in the recipient before trans- the titer and the broad reactivity of HLA antibodies in
plantation was first proposed by Starzl et al. in 1963 as a highly sensitized candidate transplant dialysis patients,
means of improving graft survival.234 Although splenec- where it is combined with cyclophosphamide/rituximab
tomy is a standard procedure for patients who develop therapy to prevent reappearance of the antibodies.157
hypersplenism or azathioprine-associated leukopenia, Encouraging early results of this approach have been
evidence on the role of splenectomy in enhancing graft reported, although they were associated with consider-
survival is controversial.175,195,234,240 A large prospective able morbidity.258 Immunoabsorption has been applied
randomized trial in Minneapolis showed splenectomy as an alternative to plasmapheresis, and was found to be
improved graft survival significantly,74 but longer-term an equally efficient method.182,268 Studies of this approach
follow-up showed loss of beneficial effects because of in highly sensitized candidate transplant recipients are
an increased infection-related mortality.245 Several continuing.
other single-center studies have shown an alarming
risk of sepsis and death, nullifying any early benefits
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Approaches to the Induction

of Tolerance
Kathryn J. Wood


INTRODUCTION Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Historical Perspective Information from Analyzing Tolerant
Definition of “Tolerance” Recipients
Need for Tolerance in Clinical Transplantation STRATEGIES WITH THE POTENTIAL
Overview of T-Cell Activation Mixed Chimerism
Mechanisms of Tolerance to Donor Antigens Costimulation Blockade
Mechanisms of Tolerance Induction and The B7:CD28/CTLA-4 Pathway
Maintenance CD40-CD154 Pathway
Persistence of Donor Antigen Targeting CD3 and Accessory Molecules
Deletion of Donor-Reactive Leukocytes LEUKOCYTE DEPLETION AT THE TIME
Regulation of Immune Responses OF TRANSPLANTATION
Regulatory T Cells
Regulatory B Cells
Treg Cell Therapy
Regulatory Macrophages
Regulatory Macrophage Cell Therapy
Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells
Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy
Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells

INTRODUCTION acute rejection responses mounted by the immune sys-

tem. The quest to identify methods of both immuno-
suppression and tolerance induction in transplantation
Historical Perspective began.218
In 1951, Billingham and Medawar published a landmark
article entitled “Technique of free skin grafting in mam- Definition of “Tolerance”
mals.”14 These classic experiments provided the founda-
tion for what would become the field of transplantation Generally, the concept of tolerance (operational) refers
immunology and laid the groundwork for many con- to the persistent survival of a transplanted allograft in the
cepts in immunology, including immunologic memory.14 absence of continuing immunosuppressive therapy and
Further work, based upon the early writings of Ray an ongoing destructive immune response targeting the
D. Owen,141 involved skin grafting dizygotic mammalian graft. This functional definition is appropriate as multiple
twin calves. The observations that these grafts are immunological mechanisms and donor–recipient factors
­accepted by both hosts led to the hypothesis that a phe- are involved in both inducing and maintaining tolerance
nomenon of immunological tolerance to the skin grafts to a defined set of donor antigens in vivo. Achieving func-
was achieved secondary to “foreign” blood cells persis- tional tolerance in transplant recipients will mandate that
tent in each twin, as a consequence of placental fusion.13 specific allograft-destructive responses are “switched off”
These breakthroughs in research translated to the while the global immune response to pathogens and car-
clinic in 1954, when Joseph Murray and colleagues per- cinogens remains intact. The most robust form of trans-
formed the first successful kidney transplant between plantation tolerance therefore has to be donor-specific, as
monozygotic twins at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital opposed to mere immuno-incompetence, a requirement
in Boston, Massachusetts. The success of this feat was that can be tested experimentally by grafting third-party
in part due to the lack of immunosuppression needed in transplants and by challenging tolerant recipients to re-
the transplant of monozygotic twins. Allografts that were spond to virus infections and tumor loads. The concept
attempted subsequently failed because of uncontrolled of graft-specific tolerance is essential, both to maintain
340 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

long-term survival of graft and host and to eliminate

TABLE 23-1  Immunosuppressive Agents Used
the adverse events associated with lifelong non-specific
in  Solid-Organ Transplantation
Class of Agent Agent
Need for Tolerance in Clinical Corticosteroid Prednisone
Transplantation Methyl prednisolone
Antiproliferative Azathioprine
The immune response to an allograft is an ongoing Mycophenolate mofetil
dialogue between the innate and adaptive immune sys- Mycophenolate sodium
tem that, if left unchecked, will lead to the rejection of Calcineurin inhibitor Cyclosporine
transplanted cells, tissues, or organs (see Chapter 2216). mTOR inhibitor Sirolimus
Elements of the innate immune system, including mac- Everolimus
rophages, neutrophils, and complement, are activated as Polyclonal ALG
a consequence of tissue injury sustained during cell isola- antilymphocyte ATG
tion or organ retrieval, as well as ischemia-reperfusion. Monoclonal antibodies Muromonab (CD3)
Activation of the innate immune system inevitably leads (with target) Basiliximab (IL-2α receptor
to the initiation and amplification of the adaptive re- CD25)
sponse that involves T cells, B cells, and antibodies. T Alemtuzumab (CD52)
cells require a minimum of two signals for activation – Rituximab (CD20)
Costimulation blockade Belatacept (LEA29Y – CTLA-4-Ig)
antigen recognition (often referred to as signal 1) and co-
stimulation (referred to as signal 2). The majority of B ALG, antilymphocyte globulin; ATG, antithymocyte globulin;
cells require help from T cells to initiate antibody pro- CTLA-4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4; IL, interleukin; mTOR,
duction. Antibodies reactive to donor antigens, including mammalian target of rapamycin.
major and minor histocompatibility antigens and blood
group antigens, can trigger or contribute to rejection,
early as well as late, after transplantation. response to injury and activation of the immune system.
Multiple factors are taken into account in making this They also appear to be unable to promote the develop-
decision, including where the antigen is “seen” and the ment of unresponsiveness or tolerance to the donor al-
conditions that are present at the time, in particular the loantigens consistently, at least in the way they are used
presence or absence of inflammation associated with acti- clinically at present. For nearly all transplant recipients,
vation of the innate response. The innate response is nei- the continued survival of the allograft depends on life-
ther specific nor is it altered significantly with multiple long administration of several immunosuppressive drugs.
antigenic challenges. In contrast, the adaptive response The exception to this statement is liver transplantation
is specific for a particular antigen or combination of anti- where, in a proportion of pediatric and adult recipients,
gens and “remembers” when it encounters the same anti- it is possible to wean patients treated with immunosup-
gen again, augmenting its activity and the rapidity of the pressive drugs off their immunosuppression in the longer
response at each encounter. When the immune system term.45,120,189
encounters an antigen, it has to decide which type of re- The inability of current immunosuppressive drug reg-
sponse to make. In most cases, even though one compo- imens to induce tolerance to donor antigens in the ma-
nent of the immune system may dominate and lead to jority of patients may be due, in part, to the non-specific
rejection, the process is usually multifactorial, resulting nature of the immunosuppression resulting from their
from the integration of multiple mechanisms. inability to distinguish between the potentially harm-
Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms ful immune response mounted against the organ graft
that lead to allograft rejection has provided insights lead- and immune responses that could be beneficial, pro-
ing to the development of therapeutics that suppress tecting the recipient from infectious pathogens as well
this unwanted immune response. A diverse collection as providing mechanisms to control the development
of small-molecule and biological immunosuppressive of malignant cells. In general, the drugs act by interfer-
agents are available for clinical use that have the potential ing with lymphocyte activation and/or proliferation ir-
to control or inhibit allograft rejection. In the context of respective of the antigen specificity of the responding
solid-organ transplantation, the drugs that are currently cells (Figure 23-1). This lack of immunological specific-
available for clinical use include azathioprine, cyclospo- ity means that the immune system of a patient treated
rine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, rapamycin, an- with one or more of these therapeutic agents is compro-
tithymocyte globulin, anti-CD25 monoclonal antibodies, mised not only in its ability to respond to the transplant,
belatacept, and steroids (Table 23-1). Each immunosup- but also in its ability to respond to any other antigenic
pressive agent acts on a different aspect of the immune stimuli that may be encountered after transplantation.
response to an allograft and can therefore be used effec- Therefore patients are more susceptible to infections
tively in combination. Unfortunately, all of these agents (see Chapter 3161) and are at a higher risk for developing
are globally non-specific in their suppressive activity and cancer (see Chapters 34 and 35210).
each has some deleterious side effects. The development of immunological tolerance or spe-
These immunosuppressive drugs can be used success- cific unresponsiveness to donor alloantigens in the short
fully to prevent or control acute allograft rejection; how- term or the long term after transplantation appears to
ever, they are less effective at controlling the long-term offer the best possibility of achieving effectiveness and
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 341

Polyclonal antibodies
low affinity for self antigen presented by self major histo­
Alemtusumab compatibility complex (MHC) molecules are “neglected”
Resting and die, as they will be of no use to the host. In contrast,
thymocytes expressing TCRs with a high affinity for self
Belatacept antigen undergo programmed cell death and are “de-
leted” from the repertoire as they could create a response
to self antigens in the periphery and be harmful to the
host. This leaves the T cells with receptors that have an
Tacrolimus intermediate affinity to enter the bloodstream where they
recirculate between blood and peripheral lymphoid tis-
Azathioprine sue. A third population of T cells, which will be discussed
Mycophenolate mofetil
IL-2 later, so-called thymus-derived or naturally occurring
regulatory T cells (Treg), are also selected in the thymus
Basiliximab Sirolimus and migrate to the periphery. Through thymic selection
Everolimus a mature T-cell repertoire is developed that is not only
diverse, but can also react to foreign antigen while still
remaining tolerant to self antigens.
Naïve T cells encounter antigen in the form of a
Proliferation ­peptide–MHC complex on the surface of antigen present-
FIGURE 23-1  ■ Schematic indicating the sites of action of com- ing cells (APCs). Antigen presentation to T cells can be
mon immunosuppressive agents during an immune response. performed by a variety of APCs, including dendritic cells
Each immunosuppressive agent targets a specific step in the (DCs), macrophages, and B cells, although DCs are the
activation and proliferation of T lymphocytes. IL-2, interleukin-2. most immunostimulatory of all the APCs and the most po-
tent at stimulating naïve T cells to respond.181
As a direct consequence of organ retrieval and im-
specificity in the control of the immune system after plantation the tissue within the transplant is injured and
transplantation in either the absence, or at least reduced ­stressed.43,131,143 Cells of the innate immune system ex-
loads of, non-specific immunosuppressive agents. If tol- press invariant pathogen-associated pattern recognition
erance to donor alloantigens could be achieved reliably, receptors (PRRs) that enable them to detect not only re-
it would ensure that only lymphocytes in the patient’s peating structural units expressed by pathogens, referred
immune repertoire responding to donor antigens were to as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs),190
suppressed or controlled, leaving the majority of lympho- but also markers of tissue injury or damage-associated
cytes immune competent and able to perform their nor- molecular patterns (DAMPs). Local tissue damage and
mal functions after transplantation, including protecting ischemia-reperfusion injury generate many potential
the body from infection and cancer after transplantation. DAMPs, including reactive oxygen species, heat shock
This chapter is, therefore, dedicated to the discussion proteins, heparin sulfate and high-mobility group box
of the mechanisms underlying tolerance induction and (HMBG)-1, following capture by the receptor for ad-
strategies utilized to induce unresponsiveness in trans- vanced glycation end-products (RAGE) complex and
planted allografts. fibrinogen, that can bind to PRRs. There are several fam-
ilies of PRRs, including transmembrane proteins present
at the cell surface, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs). The
UNDERSTANDING THE IMMUNOLOGIC sensing of DAMPs by PRRs results in the potent activa-
MECHANISMS BEHIND TOLERANCE tion of the inflammasome,139 upregulating the transcrip-
INDUCTION tion of genes and production of microRNAs3 involved
in inflammatory responses, setting up amplification and
feedback loops that augment the response and trigger
Overview of T-Cell Activation adaptive immunity. The end result is the production of
An understanding of the cellular and molecular mecha- inflammatory mediators, including the proinflammatory
nisms of activation and regulation of the immune system cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor necro-
is important for the development of novel approaches sis factor (TNF), type I interferons (IFNs), chemokines
for tolerance induction in the context of transplantation (chemoattractant cytokines),24,109 and the rapid expression
as well as autoimmunity. The following section sets the of P-selectin (CD62P) by endothelial cells. These events
scene by discussing the different approaches to tolerance identify the transplant as a site of injury and inflammation,
induction being explored most actively at present. modifying the activation status, permeability, and viabil-
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) present in the bone ity of endothelial cells lining the vessels, triggering the
marrow give rise to all of the leukocyte populations that release of soluble molecules, including antigens from the
participate in innate and adaptive immune responses. graft, inducing the production of acute-phase proteins,
The thymus is the key organ that shapes the T-cell rep- including complement factors systemically, as well as in
ertoire. T-cell precursors leave the bone marrow and some cases by the organ itself, stimulating the maturation
migrate to the thymus, where they rearrange the genes and migration of donor-derived APCs and DCs from the
that encode the antigen recognition structure, the T-cell transplant to recipient lymphoid tissue.95,203 This process
receptor (TCR). Thymocytes that express TCRs with results in upregulation of donor MHC, costimulatory and
342 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

adhesion molecules by the donor-derived APCs, enabling synapse is formed by the close interaction between the
them to become potent stimulators of naïve T cells. The APC and the T cell that is dependent on the successful
presentation of donor alloantigens to recipient T cells by dynamic rearrangement and polarization of the filamen-
donor-derived APCs results in T-cell activation via the tous actin in the DCs’ cytoskeletal membrane to bring
direct pathway of allorecognition.1 the MHC–peptide complex in close relation to the TCR,
Activation of the innate immune system within the thereby initiating an activation response.47 Specific T-cell
allograft also triggers the recruitment of inflammatory membrane compartments, termed “lipid rafts,” serve as re-
leukocytes of recipient origin into the graft. These re- cruitment centers for costimulatory molecules to concen-
cipient APCs have the capacity to acquire donor histo- trate on the cytoskeleton, allowing for closer interactions
compatibility antigens from the graft tissue and process with molecules on the APC (Figure 23-2).
them into peptides that can be presented to T cells via For a T cell to become activated fully, a threshold num-
the indirect pathway of allorecognition. A third pathway ber of TCRs need to be engaged.113 TCR recognition of
of presentation of alloantigen to T cells has also been a donor MHC–peptide complex present on an APC, of-
described, the so-called semidirect pathway of allorecog- ten referred to as signal 1, results in signal transduction
nition whereby, as a result of close contact between re- through the CD3 proteins that associate with the TCR
cipient APCs and donor cells, sections of membrane at the T-cell surface. This signal transduction initiates a
containing histocompatibility molecules are transferred cascade of biochemical signaling pathways that are con-
from one cell to the other for presentation to T cells.1 tributed to by interactions between accessory, costimula-
The interaction between APCs of donor or recipient tory, and adhesion molecules and culminate ultimately in
origin and T lymphocytes is pivotal to the adaptive arm cytokine production and proliferation of the triggered T
of the immune response. Immunostimulatory APCs are cell and its differentiation into an effector cell.
brought into close proximity with naïve T cells that may Accessory and costimulatory molecules that have
have TCRs capable of recognizing either intact donor allo- been shown to be important in triggering T-cell acti-
antigens via the direct or semidirect pathways of allorecog- vation on the T-cell side include CD4, CD11b/CD18
nition or donor peptides presented by recipient MHC (leukocyte function associated antigen-1 (LFA-1)),
molecules via the indirect pathway. An immunologic CD28, and CD154 (CD40 ligand).88 These molecules

CD40 CD40L
B7-1/B7-2 CD28/CTLA-4
MCH with Peptide CD3
Transplanted allograft


Passenger leukocytes Rearrangement

DC T cell


Lymph node
FIGURE 23-2  ■  Formation of the immunologic synapse. Passenger leukocytes from a transplanted allograft emigrate from the organ
and, under the influence of secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine (SLC), migrate to the lymph nodes and spleen. En route these den-
dritic cells (DC) undergo maturation and upregulation/rearrangement of their cell surface markers using mechanisms linked to lipid
rafting. Once in the lymph node T-cell activation ensues upon the formation of the immunologic synapse (IS). T-cell activation requires
at least two signals. Signal 1 is delivered to the T cell when major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II–peptide complexes on
the antigen presenting cell (APC) are recognized specifically by the T-cell receptor (TCR)–CD3 complex, expressed by the T cell. CD4
(T cell) interacts with the MHC class II molecule, fulfilling an adhesion and a signaling function. Second signals or costimulation is
provided by additional cell surface interactions. CD28 (T cell) can bind to B7-2 (CD86) and B7-1 (CD80), expressed by the APC. This
interaction delivers a signal to the T cell that lowers the threshold for T-cell activation. C40 on the APC can bind to its ligand, CD40L
(CD154) (T cell). This interaction provides additional signals to the T cell but, in contrast to the CD28 pathway, also delivers signals to
the APC, resulting in an increase in expression of B7-1 and B7-2. To ensure that the T cell engages the APC for sufficient time for the
signaling events to occur, adhesion molecules, including intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function antigen
1 (LFA-1), also engage each other.
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 343

must engage their ligands on APCs, MHC class II, in- support this as the only, or even the dominant, mecha-
tercellular cell adhesion molecule (ICAM), CD86/80 nism for inducing and maintaining unresponsiveness to
(B7-1/B7-2), and CD40 respectively to ensure that once cell and organ transplants. The more likely scenario is
antigen recognition by TCR signal 1, has occurred, the that different mechanisms work in concert and that dis-
threshold for activation of a naïve T cell is overcome by tinct combinations of mechanisms are brought into play
delivering signal 2. depending on donor and recipient characteristics, immu-
The two-signal model of T-cell activation is well ac- nosuppression, infection, and so on.
cepted, but it is important to note that this is a simplifica-
tion. The cytokine and chemokine milieu present at the
time these molecular engagements occur affects the dif- Mechanisms of Tolerance Induction and
ferentiation pathway a T cell takes and the course of the Maintenance
response. Cytokines and chemokines can modulate the
expression of the cell surface molecules mentioned previ- Persistence of Donor Antigen
ously, as well as the expression of cytokine and chemo- An overriding feature in all of the mechanisms of toler-
kine receptors themselves. This modulation can result in ance mentioned above is the persistent presence of donor
differential signaling in the T cell and APC, tipping the antigen throughout the period of tolerance in vivo. Many
balance of the response from full to partial activation or, experimental models have established that donor antigen
in some circumstances, inactivation of the cells involved, must be present continuously to maintain a tolerant state,
modifying dramatically the downstream events (i.e., cell before or after transplantation, irrespective of the precise
migration patterns and the generation of effector cells). mechanisms involved.21,67,170 The source of the antigen
Activation signals in the form of cytokines propagate the can be donor-derived cells introduced before transplan-
responses initiated by signals 1 and 2 and are often re- tation, as is the case in models of mixed chimerism,86 or
ferred to as the third signal in T-cell activation. the graft itself after transplantation.67 In the absence of
antigen, tolerance is lost gradually because the mecha-
Mechanisms of Tolerance to Donor Antigens nisms responsible for maintaining tolerance are no longer
stimulated. During the induction phase and the mainte-
The human immune system has evolved naturally to re-
nance phase of tolerance, the presence of alloantigen is
spond to challenges in a precise and controlled way. A
the key factor driving the outcome. As is often the case
constant balance exists to ensure an effective, but not
with the immune system, the same element can influence
excessive, response to any unwanted stimuli. Therefore,
the response both positively and negatively. In the case
it may be possible to take advantage of these mecha-
of donor antigen, presentation in the wrong context, as
nisms to induce or maintain tolerance to donor antigens.
in a proinflammatory environment, as outlined above,
Many mechanisms of tolerance are, in fact, continuously
could lead to activation with the potential of destroying
utilized by the body to prevent reactions against self
the tolerant state and triggering graft rejection, but once
antigens which would ultimately lead to autoimmune pa-
tolerance is established it is critical for maintaining the
thologies.138 Many of these mechanisms and regulatory
tolerant state.
cell populations can be harnessed to induce and maintain
tolerance to alloantigens.213,217
The mechanisms identified as responsible for inducing Deletion of Donor-Reactive Leukocytes
or maintaining tolerance to donor antigens include the
T cells. The death or deletion of lymphocytes that
can recognize and respond to self antigens or, after
• Deletion of donor-reactive cells centrally in the thy-
transplantation, donor alloantigens is a very effective
mus as well as in the periphery
mechanism for eliminating lymphocytes from the im-
• T-cell ignorance, or a state of T-cell unresponsive-
mune repertoire that have the potential to damage the
ness that is relevant to grafts placed at “immuno-
host or the graft, thereby creating unresponsiveness or
logically privileged” sites such as the cornea or brain
tolerance to self or donor alloantigens. Both T cells
• Exhaustion, in which the ability of donor-reactive
and B cells can be deleted from the repertoire in this
cells is eliminated as a result of overstimulation and
manner and, if this is the only mechanism in operation,
cell death
deletion needs to be sustained to maintain tolerance in
• Anergy, defined as a state of unresponsiveness that is
the long term.
refractory to further stimulation
Central tolerance by clonal deletion of T cells in the
• Immunoregulation – an active process whereby the
thymus is the major mechanism by which tolerance to self
immune response to an allograft is controlled by
antigens is induced and can be exploited as a mechanism
populations of regulatory immune cells.
for inducing tolerance to donor antigens.
To exploit regulation of the immune response to an organ Central deletion of donor alloantigen-reactive T cells
graft for therapeutic purposes, a clearer understanding of has been particularly successful in the context of thera-
the mechanisms by which this phenomenon operates is peutic strategies using donor bone marrow in combi-
required. Although, theoretically, regulation could be nation with non-myeloablative therapy, such as T-cell
operating exclusively through a single mechanism, such depletion or costimulation blockade, for the induction
as deletion that could result in the elimination of donor- of tolerance.187 The clinical applicability of this strategy
reactive T cells and B cells from the repertoire, as will can be demonstrated by kidney transplant recipients who
be discussed below, at present there is little evidence to have previously undergone bone marrow transplantation
344 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

from the same donor due to hematologic indications.178 administration of allogeneic bone marrow.55 However,
Macrochimerism in these patients leads to long-term attempts that have been made to harness the immunologic
graft acceptance without immunosuppression. In mixed potential of these immune-privileged sites have been met
allogeneic chimeras in the mouse, donor-derived DCs with varying degrees of success,202 suggesting that multiple
have been shown to reside and persist in the recipient mechanisms are involved.
thymus.116,197 As a result, there is continuous deletion In addition to the Fas pathway, other peripheral
of donor-reactive thymocytes, leading to the absence of mechanisms have been implicated in clonal downsizing
donor-reactive T cells in the periphery and tolerance to after the elimination of antigen, including upregulation
donor alloantigens. of expression of CD152 (CTLA-4), a negative regulator
The challenge of these approaches is to achieve a suf- of T-cell activation on T cells.207 Another immunoin-
ficient level of chimerism reliably without using a treat- hibitory costimulatory molecule, programmed cell death
ment regimen that is excessively toxic. Moreover, data 1 receptors (PD-1), can inhibit lymphocyte activation
regarding the necessity for durable chimerism are con- when it binds to its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2.49
flicting. Data from clinical studies suggest that transient, The reappearance of donor-reactive cells at a func-
rather than persistent, chimerism may be sufficient in the tional level can be controlled or prevented by the continu-
presence of other immunosuppressive agents to achieve ing presence of donor antigen in the form of the organ
tolerance in some individuals.81 In contrast, primate stud- graft (discussed above) and/or active immunoregulation.
ies have shown that even in the presence of persistent chi- This process results in the long-term survival of the graft,
merism rejection can occur.157 provided that the rate of deletion is maintained or that
Intrathymic injection of donor antigen or allopeptides additional mechanisms that can promote tolerance to the
directly into the thymus results in the deletion of donor- graft are induced.
reactive cells.76,152 If this injection of antigen is combined
with leukocyte or T-cell depletion in the periphery, it can B cells. The elimination of B cells from the repertoire is
lead to the successful induction of operational donor-­ also a mechanism that has evolved to ensure that B cells
specific tolerance (DST) in rodents.76 that are polyreactive and capable of binding self antigens
Antigen-reactive T cells may also be deleted from the are eliminated in the bone marrow before they enter the
T-cell repertoire in the periphery.209 The introduction periphery. As rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes
of high doses of defined antigens intravenously or orally occurs at random to enable as many foreign protein and
has been shown to result in deletion of mature T cells in carbohydrate antigens to be recognized as possible, it
the peripheral lymphoid organs.8,82 Both CD4+ and CD8+ inevitably leads to the generation of B cells that express
T cells can be eliminated by peripheral deletion, but in B-cell receptors (BCR) that can recognize self antigens.
many cases deletion is incomplete, even when high doses Estimates vary, but suggest that up to 70% of the im-
of antigen are used. However, this approach might also mature B cells produced are self-reactive. Of the order
enable another mechanism of control to be developed, of one-third of these immature B cells are eliminated by
the generation or expansion of regulatory T cells.145 receptor editing, whereby new gene rearrangements re-
The mechanisms by which T cells are deleted in the sult in the production of an alternate light chain that can
thymus and the periphery have been an area of active in- pair with the existing heavy chain, altering the antigen
vestigation. Two distinct modes of apoptosis have been recognition properties of the expressed BCR. When an
implicated as the mechanism essential for T-cell death immature B cell recognizes self antigen with high avid-
in these settings. Activation-induced cell death (AICD) ity, it rapidly internalizes the antigen and undergoes
is a process through which T cells undergo cell death in a period of developmental arrest. Lymph node hom-
the periphery.93 Following restimulation through TCR, ing receptors, such as CD62 ligand (CD62L), are not
a number of different molecules, including CD95 (Fas), ­expressed, and the receptors for B-cell-activating factor
TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1), and TNF-related apoptosis- (BAFF), a cytokine required for B-cell survival, are not
inducing ligand receptor (TRAILR), can play a role in induced. In addition, recombinase activating genes re-
AICD depending on the circumstances, triggering a main switched on, which allows the BCR to be replaced
complex series of signaling events which ultimately lead by editing the light chain. Any B cell undergoing this
to caspase activation, DNA fragmentation, cytoskeletal process will die after 1–2 days if it fails to express a non-
degradation, and cell death. Either high doses of antigen autoreactive receptor. Death through this pathway does
or repetitive stimulation is necessary for AICD in the not require Fas and is, in part, due to antigen-induced
periphery.211 expression of the Bcl-2 interacting mediator of cell
The Fas pathway may also play a role, in combination death (Bim), which inhibits B-cell survival proteins from
with other mechanisms, in the deletion of T cells at par- the Bcl-2 family.
ticular sites in the periphery, so-called immune-privileged Receptor editing is a mechanism that could be used
sites that include the testis and the eye.7 At these sites, to delete immature B cells capable of recognizing donor
transplantation of allogeneic tissues results in the pro- alloantigens from the repertoire, particularly in situations
longed survival of the transplanted tissue relative to the where the repertoire is reshaped following leukocyte de-
survival obtained after transplantation of the same tis- pletion or the induction of mixed chimerism, as well as
sue at other sites. Fas ligand expression has been shown when organs are transplanted into young infants.
to be an important contributor enabling these sites to If receptor editing fails to eliminate all of the self-­
maintain their immune-privileged status. The Fas path- reactive B cells generated, residual immature B cells
way also has been implicated in deletional tolerance after ­expressing highly self-reactive receptors are triggered to
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 345

die by interaction with self antigen. This mechanism of dysregulation leading to autoimmunity is observed in
control or regulation has been studied using immuno- patients with the immune dysregulation polyendocri-
globulin transgenic mice and the data obtained suggest nopathy enteropathy X-linked (IPEX) syndrome. IPEX
that B cells are deleted efficiently when the antigen they patients have been found to have a point mutation in the
recognize is membrane-bound. The efficiency of this gene encoding factor forkhead box P3 (FOXP3),11,92 the
process was found to be dependent on the probability master gene for T-cell regulation, resulting in functional
that the immature B cells encountered the relevant self impairment of Treg activity in vitro.5 Scurfy mice also
antigen and therefore its efficiency is clearly related to have mutations in FOXP3 and a related immune pro-
antigen density/frequency. file.158 Second, when CD4+ T cells encounter antigen in
Deletion of B cells capable of recognizing donor al- a tolerogenic microenvironment in the periphery, such
loantigens from the repertoire of a transplant recipient as when antigen is presented by immature DCs or in the
is a mechanism that can be harnessed in transplantation. presence of immunosuppressive cytokines, the CD4+ T
This mechanism of regulation is most efficient when the cells differentiate into “adaptive” or antigen-induced
antigens recognized are present at high doses. Infant re- Treg (iTreg).77 In the context of transplantation, it can
cipients of ABO-incompatible heart allografts have been be argued that this pathway may be the more important
shown to delete B cells capable of making antibodies to route to generating donor alloantigen-reactive Treg after
blood group antigens presented on the heart transplant.44 transplantation.214 Moreover, this pathway may be used to
Mixed chimerism strategies that result in the coexistence sustain the unresponsive state through a process often re-
of donor and recipient bone marrow should also enable ferred to as infectious tolerance. Immunoregulatory cells
donor-reactive B cells to be deleted if the level of chime- have been shown to be able to transfer unresponsiveness
rism achieved is sufficient to ensure that B cells encounter from a transplant recipient with a long-term surviving
donor cells.188 graft to a fresh naïve recipient through many generations
of cells, suggesting that, in the presence of donor anti-
gen, Treg can generate further cohorts by influencing the
Regulation of Immune Responses
differentiation patterns of naïve cells in vivo.84,154 These
Although the concept of antigen-specific suppression is cells appear to function not by eliminating donor-reactive
not new, over the past 10 years there has been a resur- aggressive leukocytes, but by silencing their functional
gence of interest in the characterization and functional activity in vivo. Interestingly, despite their distinct devel-
dissection of T-cell-mediated suppression, now more of- opmental origins, both nTreg and iTreg rely on sustained
ten called immunoregulation. expression of high levels of the transcription of FOXP3
Suppression was described first in the 1970s after the for their suppressive function.
demonstration that antigen-specific unresponsiveness A clear indication that long-term allograft survival in
could be transferred from one recipient to another.56 the absence of long-term immunosuppression, a status
Importantly, transplantation provided some of the earli- referred to as operational transplantation tolerance, in-
est evidence for suppression or immune regulation by T volved the presence of T cells with the ability to regu-
cells in vivo. Data from neonatal tolerance studies sug- late the function of naïve alloreactive T cells, thereby
gested that additional mechanisms beyond deletion of preventing the rejection of a fresh graft, was reported.64,65
donor-reactive cells were involved.12,215 Subsequently, this form of cellular regulation was found
Different populations of immune regulatory cells can to be associated with CD4+ T cells and Hall and col-
play a role in controlling the immune response after leagues were the first to suggest that CD25 might be a
transplantation, including Treg, regulatory B cells (Breg), useful marker for identifying CD4+ T cells with regula-
myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), DCs, and tory activity.66 Similar data were obtained in a rat renal
regulatory macrophages.213 allograft model where operational tolerance was induced
by donor-specific blood transfusion.155,156 As a direct
demonstration that CD4+ T cells expressing high levels
Regulatory T Cells
of CD25 could regulate rejection, Hara and colleagues
Many different types of T cells with regulatory activity showed that cotransfer of CD4+CD25+ T cells from tol-
have been described, including CD4+ T cells,166,217 CD8+ erant animals led to indefinite skin graft survival in 80%
T cells,107,160,205 CD4–CD8– double-negative T cells,194 of immunodeficient mice reconstituted with naïve CBA
natural killer (NK) T cells,128 and γδT cells.71 As CD4+ effector T cells.69
T cells with regulatory functions have been studied in In the absence of any previous exposure to alloantigen
greater depth to date, this section will focus on this popu- there are usually insufficient numbers of nTreg to pre-
lation of regulatory cells. vent rejection of a fully allogeneic (MHC + minor histo-
CD25+FOXP3+ Treg can arise via two distinct devel- compatibility antigen mismatched) graft, as the frequency
opmental pathways. First, as mentioned above, thymus- of T cells present in the repertoire capable of making a
derived or naturally occurring regulatory cells (nTreg) destructive response to the graft far outnumbers the rela-
differentiate in the thymus and are thought to func- tively small numbers of nTreg present and rejection oc-
tion primarily to suppress responses to self antigen and curs.69 The fact that nTreg cannot prevent destruction of
hence prevent autoimmune disease. Evidence for this an allograft in the absence of immunosuppression does
comes from studies in patients with rare genetic defects not mean that the cells do not function. However, under
and in mice with either naturally occurring or geneti- these circumstances, the balance between rejection and
cally engineered defects. For example, profound immune regulation is against regulation, as the suppressive activity
346 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of any Treg present is overwhelmed by the destructive create an environment that is permissive of control.58,83,84
response mediated by effector T cells. The presence of Moreover, re-exposing Treg to antigen in a tissue may
pre-existing donor alloantigen-reactive memory T cells enable them to become more potent suppressors and
in the recipient can also overwhelm immune regulation as therefore more effective at controlling rejection.162
the kinetics of activation of the memory cells is very rapid Although a significant body of work has demonstrated
and, unless very high numbers of Tregs are present at the that Treg can control responses to alloantigen, most stud-
outset of the response, the balance between rejection and ies have used either in vitro assays or experimental models
regulation is pushed markedly in favor of rejection.221 whereby cells are adoptively transferred into immunode-
Importantly, this critical balance between graft destruc- ficient recipients, where allograft rejection is driven by
tion and acceptance can be shifted in a number of ways, relatively small numbers of effector T cells compared to
notably by employing strategies that increase the relative the number that would be found in a full immune rep-
frequency and/or the activation status and consequently ertoire in vivo. Arguably, a much more relevant question
the functional activity of a Treg that can then respond for clinical application of this approach is: What role do
to donor alloantigens before or in the early period after Treg play in an intact immune system? In transplanta-
transplantation,48,59 or by inhibiting or reducing the activ- tion Treg-specific inactivation was used to show that, in
ity of the effector cells. the anti-CD4/DST tolerance induction model described
Whilst the observation that mice with long-term above, the survival of primary heart allografts in normal,
surviving allografts contain populations of alloantigen- lymphoreplete recipients is also unequivocally dependent
reactive CD25+ Treg was important, these experiments on iTreg driven by the tolerance induction protocol.22
were unable to distinguish between Treg that were gen- These data suggest that it should indeed be possible to
erated by the induction strategy itself and those that boost the function of Tregs in non-lymphopenic trans-
arose simply by the presence of the accepted allograft. plant patients.
In terms of developing potential clinical approaches, it The mechanisms used by Treg to control the activity
is important to clarify whether induction strategies that of other cell populations include cell–cell contact. CD152
ultimately lead to long-term operational tolerance can has been shown to play a critical role in this respect,87 as
drive Treg development independently of the graft it- well as the creation of a microenvironment through mol-
self. Data demonstrating that exposure to alloantigen in ecules such as IL-1069 and transforming growth factor-β
the absence of a transplant can lead to the induction of (TGF-β).78
CD4+CD25+ Treg were obtained in a number of stud- The microenvironment created by the presence of
ies. For example, when CD4+CD25+ were isolated from Treg in the lymphoid tissues and the allograft contributes
mice 28 days after pretreatment with donor alloantigen to the phenomenon of linked unresponsiveness, a power-
in combination with non-depleting anti-CD4 therapy, ful mechanism that allows tolerance to “spread” from the
these cells prevented rejection of a test skin graft in a initiating antigen to those present on cells in the imme-
sensitive adoptive transfer model.87 Critically, protection diate vicinity (Figure 23-3). For example, if a recipient’s
of the test graft was not observed with similar popula- immune system is exposed to a defined alloantigen before
tions isolated from naïve mice, or mice treated with anti- transplantation either alone or in combination with im-
CD4 only or DST only, demonstrating that tolerance munomodulating agents, the immune response to that
mediated by CD25+ Treg can indeed be induced in vivo antigen will be modulated and subsequently the unre-
before transplantation if recipients are exposed to donor sponsiveness achieved will be linked to other molecules
alloantigen under permissive conditions. Moreover, data present on the transplanted tissue.33,115
have been reported demonstrating that the presence of
the allograft alone can lead to the development of T cells Regulatory B Cells
with regulatory properties that can protect a challenged
graft from rejection,67 even when the allograft itself has B cells with the capacity to suppress the development of
been rejected.201 Both of these examples demonstrate autoimmune diseases in mice were first described in the
that T cells with regulatory activity can be induced in 1980s. Breg express high levels of CD1d, CD21, CD24,
the presence of alloantigen in the form of the allograft or and IgM and moderate levels of CD19, although some
an infusion of alloantigen, or indeed both, and that these heterogeneity has been described, suggesting that differ-
cells can contribute to controlling subsequent responses ent subsets of Breg may exist.122 One of the characteristics
to alloantigen in vivo. of B cells with regulatory activity is their ability to secrete
Another important issue that has been under investi- IL-10. CD40 stimulation appears to be required to stim-
gation is where Treg that can control allograft rejection ulate IL-10 production and has been reported to be nec-
function most effectively and where they can be found or essary for activation of Breg, enabling them to manifest
detected in vivo. There is evidence that the location in their functional activity and suppress Th1 differentiation.
which Treg function may change with time after trans- It has been suggested that there is a link between regula-
plantation. Early in the response after transplantation, tory B cells and T cells, with Breg acting as potent gen-
Treg have been shown to be present and functionally erators of Treg. Breg have been described in both mouse
active in the draining lymph nodes, while later in the and human. Mouse Breg express T-cell Ig domain and
posttransplant course Treg have been shown to function mucin domain protein 1 (Tim-1).37 Human regulatory
within the allograft itself.25 Indeed, there is increasing B cells share some properties with their mouse counter-
evidence that an important site of immune regulation parts, including an immature phenotype, and comprise a
is within the allograft itself, where Treg function to small subset of the total B-cell pool.
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 347

Donor or Tolerogenic DC
recipient DC
IDO cell
Inhibition of effector
PDL1 T cell proliferation and
HLA-G TH17 differentiation
CD50 or CD86 MHC class II
Therapies to enhance IL-10
Treg cell function
• Ex vivo expansion Treg cell Naive
T cell
• Rapamycin
• Anti-thymocyte globulin CD40L CD40 DC
IL-10 Inhibition of DC
Naive Breg
TGF-β T cell cell and monocyte
Granzymes IL-10 functions
IL-2 deprivation IL-10 CD95L
CD50 or CD86 CD95 Monocyte
Treg cells block effector Apoptosis
T cell proliferation and T cell of effector
induce apoptisis lymphocytes

DC T cell

T cell Trogocytosis
DC DC Apoptosis
T cell

IL-10 DN CD95
Tolerogenic DC Treg cell CD95L

CD6-CD28- CD5+IL10+
Treg cell Treg cell

Treg cell
Treg cell
T cell
T cell
Breg cell CD5+CD28- T cells Tolerogenic DC
FIGURE 23-3  ■  Mechanisms used by adaptive regulatory immune cells in transplantation. (A) nTreg cells that can respond to donor al-
loantigens through crossreactivity will be present in the recipient at the time of transplantation. These will be recruited to the allograft
where they can suppress ischemia-reperfusion injury. In the draining lymphoid tissue nTreg cells will inhibit T-cell proliferation. Breg
and tolerogeneic dendritic cells (DC) will engage naïve T cells, inducing iTreg cells that will contribute to Treg cell-mediated suppression
of allograft rejection within the allograft through a variety of mechanisms, including production of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transform-
ing growth factor-β (TGF-β), inhibition of antigen presenting cell (APC) function as well as through alteration of amino acid and energy
­metabolism. (B) Tr1 cells are FOXP3-regulatory T cells induced in the presence of IL-10 produced by Treg cells, tolerogenic DC, or Breg,
either in the draining lymphoid tissue or within the allograft. They can suppress both APC and T-cell function. (C) CD8+ Treg cells contrib-
ute to immune regulation. CD8+CD28– cells can inhibit APC function, while in the presence of IL-10 naïve CD8+ T cells can be converted
to CD8+Tr cells that function in a similar manner to Tr1 cells. (D) CD4–CD8– (DN) T cells function by downregulating the expression of
costimulatory molecules, thereby inhibiting the ability of APC to stimulate an immune response and inducing apoptosis of DC. In ad-
dition, DN T cells can acquire alloantigen through trogocytosis, enabling them to present antigen to T cells, resulting in T-cell apoptosis.
(Reproduced with permission from Wood KJ, Bushell A, Hester J. Regulatory immune cells in transplantation. Nat Rev Immunol 2012;12:417–30.)

In transplantation, there is only indirect evidence that with this state of operational tolerance to donor alloan-
Breg may play a role in controlling immune responses to tigens.135,165 A distinct, but also B-cell-dominated, sig-
alloantigens. Interestingly, in renal transplant recipients nature of tolerance was identified in a separate cohort
who have a functioning graft in the absence of immuno- of long-term immunosuppression-free renal transplant
suppression, a B-cell signature was found to be associated recipients.144
348 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Experimental studies on the role of Breg in transplan- have the potential to influence each other’s functional
tation are limited at present. In a rat model of long-term activity. The interaction of Treg cells with macrophages
kidney transplantation tolerance, a shift in both periph- can result in the macrophages acquiring the properties
eral and intragraft gene expression from IgG to IgM was of alternatively activated or regulatory macrophages195
observed, as well as IgM+, but not IgG+, B-cell clusters (Figure 23-2). The interaction of macrophages with B1
within the graft.101 In mice, Tim-1 ligation on B cells in- B cells results in the formation of a regulatory macro-
duced Tim-1+ B cells with regulatory activity,37 suggesting phage population that produces reduced levels of in-
a potential therapeutic strategy for increasing the number flammatory cytokines and increased levels of IL-10.212
of Breg in vivo. More work is required to determine and Moreover, in vitro, regulatory macrophages are efficient
characterize the contribution of Breg in the regulation of APCs that induce highly polarized antigen-specific T-cell
alloimmune responses and the relationship with the pro- responses dominated by the production of Th2-type cy-
duction of donor-specific antibody.28 tokines. Thus, macrophages can influence the charac-
ter of an adaptive immune response, and they can also
change their physiology as a result of interactions with
Regulatory Macrophages
other populations of regulatory immune cells during an
Macrophages have both protective and pathogenic func- immune response.
tions and can be divided into subgroups on the basis of their Human regulatory macrophages isolated from the
tissue location and their functional properties.132 Mature peripheral blood are characterized by their morphology,
macrophages are present in tissues where they contrib- expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR, and
ute to immune surveillance by sensing tissue damage or high levels of CD86 with low or absent cell surface ex-
infection. Macrophages activated via TLRs differentiate pression of CD14, CD16, CD80, CD163, and CD282
into classically activated macrophages (also referred to as (TLR2) (Table 23-1) and their ability to suppress mito-
M1 macrophages) and produce inflammatory cytokines, gen-driven T-cell proliferation in vitro. Human regula-
including TNF and IL-1. In transplantation, macrophage tory macrophages have the capacity to regulate immune
activation occurs initially as a result of the tissue injury responses to alloantigens and, in a pilot clinical study,
that is associated with ischemia and reperfusion and can were shown to reduce the need for immunosuppressive
contribute to early graft damage.106 Alternatively acti- drugs when administered intravenously to kidney trans-
vated macrophages (also referred to as M2 macrophages) plant recipients.73 Host macrophages can have a protec-
are induced by exposure to the cytokine IL-4, are less tive effect following transplantation. Reducing the pool
proinflammatory than classically activated macrophages, of host macrophages in recipient mice increased donor
and in some settings can create a microenvironment T-cell expansion and aggravated graft-versus-host disease
that downregulates inflammatory immune responses.118 (GVHD) mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplanta-
Indeed, alternatively activated macrophages can inhibit tion, suggesting that host macrophages may have an im-
the production of proinflammatory cytokines by classi- portant protective effect by both engulfing and inhibiting
cally activated macrophages. Alternatively activated mac- the proliferation of donor allogeneic T cells.70
rophages also play an important role in wound healing
and tissue repair by producing growth factors that can Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells
stimulate epithelial cells and fibroblasts. This function
is important in organ transplantation in the early post- DCs are crucial for priming antigen-specific T-cell re-
transplant period when wound healing will allow tissue sponses, including T-cell responses to alloantigens,181 but
homeostasis to be re-established. However, later in the they can also promote the development of immunologi-
response, tissue repair responses may be less desirable as cal unresponsiveness, either in their own right or by in-
they have been shown to contribute to delayed allograft teracting with other leukocyte populations.129,182,203,215
failure by causing occlusion of blood vessels within the al- Initially, immature conventional myeloid DCs that
lograft, a process referred to as transplant arteriosclerosis express low levels of MHC class II and costimulatory
or transplant-associated vasculopathy. molecules at the cell surface were identified as the domi-
It has been proposed that regulatory macrophages may nant form of DC that had the capacity to induce T-cell
represent an additional distinct macrophage population tolerance.112 Indeed, immature DCs can promote toler-
whose main physiological role is to dampen inflammatory ance to solid-organ allografts and bone marrow grafts129
immune responses and prevent the immunopathology as- and their tolerogenic effects can be enhanced by other
sociated with prolonged classical macrophage activation.46 immunomodulatory agents, such as drugs that block the
However, to date, no stable, convenient surface markers CD40–CD40L costimulatory axis.111 However, as the char-
specific for regulatory macrophages have been identified. acterization of DCs has progressed, it is clear that the state
Regulatory macrophages produce high amounts of IL- of maturity of the DCs is not the only factor that enables
10, a common feature of leukocytes with immunoregu- them to induce unresponsiveneness.
latory properties, usually following costimulation with Plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) produce type I IFNs in
two ligands, for example, TLR and immune complexes. response to single-stranded nucleic acids, which activate
Unlike alternatively activated macrophages, regulatory pDCs via both TLR-dependent and TLR-independent
macrophages do not express arginase and are not depen- pathways, thus promoting antiviral innate and adap-
dent on STAT6 signaling. tive immune responses. Compared with conventional
Macrophages are positioned within the lymphoid DCs, pDCs express lower levels of the costimulatory
­architecture to interact with lymphocytes, and therefore molecules CD80 and CD86 and higher levels of the
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 349

inhibitory molecule PD-L1, and consequently exhibit function. The use of DCs to facilitate the induction of
poor ­ immunostimulatory activity. Indeed, pDC inter- operational tolerance is not without risk. DCs are argu-
action with naïve T cells has been shown to promote ably better known for the ability to prime the immune
the generation of Treg cells in the thymus and in the system. Indeed, DCs pulsed with antigen are being used
periphery. The molecular mechanisms used by pDCs clinically as vaccines to stimulate immune responses to
to promote tolerance are complex.186 In experimental tumor antigens. Using DCs as a cellular therapy in trans-
models, pDCs can acquire alloantigen in the allograft plantation may carry the risk of sensitizing the recipient.
and then migrate to the draining lymphoid tissue where One possible approach to reducing this risk is to combine
they interact with T cells and induce the generation of DC administration with costimulatory blockade with
CCR4+CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Treg cells.137 In mice, pre- the objective of presenting donor alloantigens to induce
pDC appear to be the principal cell type that facilitates T-cell unresponsiveness.
HSC engraftment and induction of donor-specific skin
graft tolerance in allogeneic recipients.57
Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells
In humans, pDCs produce significant amounts of
­IL-10, low levels of IFN-γ, and no detectable IL-4, IL- MDSCs have been associated with many antigen specific
5, or TGF-β, creating a microenvironment that promotes and non-specific suppressive functions, including regu-
immune regulation.57 Tolerogenic human DCs that se- lation of innate immunity, T-cell activation, and tumor
crete high levels of IL-10 in the absence of IL-12 induce immunity. MDSCs are a heterogeneous population of
adaptive IL-10-producing regulatory type-1 (Tr1) T progenitor cells that can accumulate in tissues during an
cells.103 Data demonstrating that DCs regulate the sup- inflammatory immune response, where they differentiate
pressive ability, expansion, and/or differentiation of Treg into macrophages, DCs, and granulocytes. The expan-
cells, with the loss of DCs resulting in reduced numbers of sion and activation of MDSCs are regulated by factors
Treg cells, have been reported in mice.32 Thus tolerogenic produced by other cells that are present in the same mi-
DCs and T cells with regulatory activity may be linked croenvironment, including stromal cells, activated T cells
and act in concert with one another in some situations. and, in tumors, the tumor cells themselves.
The tolerogenic phenotype of human DCs has been Several MDSC subsets have been described in
characterized by high cell surface expression of the inhib- both mice and humans.16 Despite their heterogene-
itory receptor ILT3.27 In DCs, ILT3 signaling on binding ity, common phenotypical markers are expressed by
cognate ligands such as MHC class I, HLA-G, and CD1d most MDSCs, including Gr1 and CD11b in mice, and
inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation, NF-κB and MAPK CD33, CD11b, CD34 and low levels of MHC class II
p38 activity, transcription of certain costimulatory mol- in ­ humans. Activated MDSCs suppress proliferation
ecules, and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and cytokine production by effector T cells, B cells, and
and chemokines. In addition, ILT3 can interact with its NK cells in vitro through mechanisms that include their
ligands on T cells to promote inhibitory signaling in T expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase 1, which
cells. Stimulation through ILT3 appears to be a prereq- induces nitric oxide production, and expression of
uisite for DC tolerization. Both ILT3high tolerogenic DCs ­arginase 1, which depletes arginine. MDSCs also appear
and soluble ILT3 have been shown to induce CD4+ T-cell to be able to inhibit T-cell proliferation and modify T-cell
anergy and differentiation of antigen-specific CD8+ differentiation pathways. For example, they can promote
­suppressor T cells.206 Treg cell differentiation in a process requiring IFN-γ and
Higher numbers of pDCs than myeloid DCs have been IL-10.63 Interestingly, interactions between MDSCs
found in the peripheral blood of pediatric liver transplant and macrophages result in a shift of macrophages towards
recipients who were operationally tolerant to their al- an alternatively activated phenotype and the increased
lograft as well as those receiving low-dose immunosup- ­production of IL-10 by MDSCs.51
pressive therapy during prospective immunosuppressive In experimental transplant models, MDSCs have been
drug weaning, compared with patients on maintenance shown to promote tolerance to alloantigens. Direct evi-
immunosuppression.123 In addition, higher levels of ex- dence of a tolerogenic role for MDSCs has been obtained
pression of PD-L1 and CD86 by pDC were found to cor- for heart and islet allografts in mice29,52 and by iNOS-
relate with elevated numbers of CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ expressing MDSCs in a rat kidney allograft model.40 In
Treg cells in liver transplant recipients who were free bone marrow transplantation, indirect evidence for a role
from immunosuppressive drug regimens.196 These data of MDSCs has come from the observation that transplan-
suggest that pDCs and Treg cells may contribute to im- tation tolerance could not be induced in mice that did
mune regulation in liver transplant recipients. not express MHC class II on circulating leukocytes, de-
The ability of different populations of DCs to induce spite the fact that many other leukocyte populations may
tolerance, combined with clinical observations, suggests also be altered in this setting.220 The mechanisms used
that both myeloid DCs and pDCs can promote tolerance by MDSCs to promote tolerance to alloantigens require
to alloantigens, and that DC maturation in itself is not further clarification. Some evidence suggests that they
the distinguishing feature that separates immunogenic may act partly through the induction or sparing of Treg.40
DC functions from tolerogenic ones.121 Indeed, matura- Alternatively, MDSCs have been found to upregulate
tion is more of a continuum than an “on-off” switch, and heme oxygenase 1, an enzyme that has immunoregula-
a “semimature” state, in which DCs are phenotypically tory activity through the inhibition of DC maturation
mature but remain poor producers of proinflammatory and preservation of IL-10 function as well as cytoprotec-
cytokines, appears to be better linked with tolerogenic tive properties.35
350 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Mesenchymal Stromal Cells unresponsive to the donor alloantigens as a result of the

allogeneic chimerism that developed after the successful
Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a subpopulation
bone marrow transplant. Clinical reports of patients ex-
of multipotent cells within the bone marrow that support
hibiting spontaneous tolerance to an allograft, after with-
hematopoiesis and possess immunomodulatory and re-
drawal of immunosuppression in the absence of a bone
parative properties.41 Bone marrow-derived MSCs have
marrow transplant, are still infrequent but are increasing
the ability to migrate to sites of inflammation, including
in number.17,4,142,163,189 Based on these case reports, a num-
to an allograft.39 When MSCs are exposed to an inflam-
ber of groups proposed that, by studying these patients in
matory microenvironment they have been found capable
depth, it would be possible to define a molecular signa-
of regulating many immune effector functions through
ture of tolerance in immunosuppression-free kidney and
specific interactions with leukocytes that participate in
liver transplant recipients (see below).104,120,135,165
both innate and adaptive responses. The proinflamma-
The majority of patients who are able to stop immu-
tory cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α, and/or IL-1β have been
nosuppression without rejection of their allograft arrive
shown to activate bone marrow-derived MSCs.161 In vivo,
at that point as a result of either discontinuation of im-
activation by IFN-γ has been shown to be essential for
munosuppression by the clinical team as a consequence of
preventing GVHD by MSCs.151 Once activated, MSCs
the side effects of immunosuppression or non-adherence/
can control the activity of T cells,172 B cells,4 DCs,176
compliance or as a result of weaning of immunosuppres-
NKs,177 and macrophages,4,134 either through direct cell–
sion based on a clinical protocol (particularly in liver
cell contact or indirectly through the release of soluble
transplant recipients) designed to minimize immunosup-
factors into the local microenvironment. The cocktail of
pressive drugs without compromising the function of the
factors secreted by MSCs includes matrix metallopro-
allograft. There is also a smaller group of patients who
teinases (MMPs),38,39,110 with the production of MMP2
have been treated with protocols designed with the de-
being linked directly to a decrease in CD25 expression
liberate aim of inducing tolerance to a kidney transplant;
on CD4+ T cells and the inhibition of alloantigen-driven
this will be discussed in detail below.81,102,168,178,184
proliferation resulting in long-term survival of allogeneic
It is generally accepted that there is a hierarchy with
islets of Langerhans.39
respect to the ease of inhibition or suppression of im-
MSCs have been shown to promote the generation of
mune response directed against different organs. Liver
Treg cells in vitro and in vivo through mechanisms involv-
allografts and skin grafts are at the two opposite ends
ing prostaglandin E2, TGF-β, and cell–cell contact.26,42
of this spectrum. In experimental transplantation liver
The impact of MSCs on the generation of Treg cells may
allografts are sometimes accepted spontaneously in the
also be indirect as MSCs can influence the maturation of
absence of any immunosuppression or immunomodula-
DCs. DCs repeatedly exposed to MSCs are maintained in
tion.23 Furthermore, in clinical transplantation it is often
an immature-like state, indicated by the downregulation
noted that the liver “protects” other organs that are trans-
of CD11c, CD80, CD86, and CD40 and upregulation
planted alongside it from the full force of the rejection
of CD11b.222 In transplantation, retrieval and transplan-
response – the so-called liver effect. Based upon these
tation of the allograft inevitably result in ischemia and
observations it has been suggested that liver allografts
reperfusion injury creating an inflammatory microenvi-
have the capacity to promote the development of im-
ronment within the graft. The recruitment of MSCs to
munological unresponsiveness. A number of mechanisms
the graft in the early posttransplant period could poten-
have been proposed to account for the liver effect, includ-
tially lead to the conversion of T cells, also recruited into
ing many of those discussed above; for example, the large
the allograft, into Treg cells. The immunomodulatory
antigen load delivered by the liver itself, the presence of
properties of MSCs on B-cell function could also con-
a large number of passenger leukocytes that could result
tribute to suppressing graft rejection by inhibiting allo-
in the deletion of donor-reactive cells, and the establish-
antibody production.54
ment of long-lasting microchimerism in some recipients
as well as the production of soluble MHC class I by the
Information from Analyzing Tolerant liver.180 As a result, liver transplant recipients have proved
Recipients to be an interesting population of immunosuppression-
free patients for investigations designed to determine if a
Operational tolerance, whereby an allograft remains molecular signature of tolerance exists.
functional and rejection-free for over 1 year without Estimates vary, but in the order of 25–60% of liver
immunosuppression, is often described as the holy grail transplant recipients appear to have the potential to be
of transplantation. Clearly, to be able to achieve opera- weaned from immunosuppression without the risk of
tional tolerance would have a major benefit for the pa- rejection.45,189 Early investigations focused on phenotyp-
tient, reducing the morbidity and mortality associated ing the populations of leukocytes that were present in
with lifelong immunosuppression. However, operational immunosuppression-free liver transplant recipients; the
tolerance remains a relatively rare event in the clinical majority were weaned from immunosuppression as a re-
setting. sult of participation in well-controlled clinical weaning
A small number of bone marrow transplant recipi- protocols.189 Analysis of the peripheral blood from im-
ents who subsequently required a renal transplant were munosuppression-free liver transplant recipients revealed
transplanted with a kidney from their bone marrow do- an increase in CD25+CD4+ T cells with regulatory
nor.75,167,175 In these cases, long-term immunosuppres- ­activity in vitro as well as a skewing of other T-cell sub-
sion was unnecessary because the recipient was already sets, notably γδ T cells, compared to the profiles found
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 351

in age-matched controls.104,120 Interestingly, FOXP3+ cells protocols again suggest that no single mechanism can
were also found to be a prominent component of lym- a­ ccount for or dominate the tolerance induction or main-
phocytes infiltrating the liver allografts.108 Further tenance process in transplant recipients.135,165
analysis using transcriptional profiling demonstrated Most of the approaches being explored, with the ex-
that there was a molecular signature of tolerance asso- ception of some protocols for inducing mixed chime-
ciated with tolerance in immunosuppression-free liver rism, do not aim to induce tolerance to donor antigens
transplant recipients15,119 and that this signature can be before transplantation. Instead they attempt to use novel
used to guide weaning off immunosuppression. In other strategies that are relatively non-specific in their mode
words, the molecular signature can be used to provide a of action at the time of transplantation to create an envi-
risk assessment of which patients are more likely to wean ronment that promotes the development of operational
from immunosuppression without the risk of rejection – tolerance to the graft in the long term in the presence of
an exciting development for the future of clinical liver the allograft. This often means that patients are treated
transplantation.15 with immunosuppressive drugs in the short term after
In kidney transplantation, there are far fewer patients transplantation with weaning of immunosuppression
able to continue to have a functioning allograft in the later in the transplant course. Although in an ideal world
absence of immunosuppression. Nevertheless, a small it could be argued that it would be preferable to switch
number of patients who are immunosuppression-free can off the immune response to donor antigens before the
be identified and have been studied to determine if there graft is transplanted, in the short term this may not be
is a molecular signature of tolerance after kidney trans- realistic with the therapeutic agents currently available.
plantation. Two independent studies, one in Europe and Moreover, the safety of the patient is a prime concern
the other in the United States, found that there was a and therefore the development of tolerance to the graft in
signature of tolerance in immunosuppression-free kidney the long term still has major benefits for patients because
transplant recipients that could be cross-validated be- it enables the total amount of immunosuppressive drug
tween the two cohorts of patients studied. Interestingly, therapy to be reduced and, in some patients, eliminated
the signature of tolerance in kidney transplant recipients over the transplant course, resulting in significant ben-
was distinct from that identified in immunosuppression- efits for patients by reducing the side effects of lifelong
free liver transplant recipients. In immunosuppression- immunosuppression.
free kidney transplant recipients a predominance of B
cells in the peripheral blood in the absence of donor-
specific antibody was found in the signature. At first sight
Mixed Chimerism
this finding was somewhat surprising, but may suggest The coexistence of stable mixtures of donor and recipi-
that B cells with regulatory properties are present (see ent cells resulting in a state of allospecific tolerance is
above). Gene expression analysis demonstrated that there an idea that was initially restricted to the field of bone
was a pattern of gene expression associated with immu- marrow and HSC transplantation. As mentioned above, a
nosuppression-free graft survival, nine of which were small number of bone marrow transplant recipients who
found to be most significant.165 Further work is required subsequently required a renal transplant, and were trans-
to determine if the molecular signature of tolerance iden- planted with a kidney from their bone marrow donor, ex-
tified in kidney transplant recipients can be used to iden- hibited tolerance to donor alloantigens.75,167,175 Obviously,
tify patients currently on immunosuppression who would bone marrow or HSC transplantation is not an appropri-
benefit from withdrawal or minimization of immunosup- ate approach to consider for most recipients on transplant
pression if it could be withdrawn safely, i.e., without risk waiting lists as achieving fully allogeneic chimerism re-
to the graft. quires a conditioning regimen that is relatively toxic and
has the drawback of reducing the immunocompetence
of the recipient’s immune system in some situations.
STRATEGIES WITH THE POTENTIAL Nevertheless, these cases provided a foundation for the
development of non-myeloablative conditioning proto-
TO INDUCE IMMUNOLOGIC TOLERANCE cols wherein donor bone marrow cells are introduced
TO AN ALLOGRAFT into recipients under conditions allowing for the devel-
opment and maintenance of macrochimerism and long-
The strategies for tolerance induction being explored term allograft survival.
most actively at present invoke one or more of the Many different approaches have been used to achieve
mechanisms of tolerance outlined above, including the macrochimerism. Total lymphoid irradiation alone or in
continuous deletion of donor-reactive leukocytes by es- combination with bone marrow infusion has been shown
tablishing the presence of high levels of donor cells in the to be effective at inducing tolerance in some recipients in
recipient (mixed chimerism), short-term depletion, and/ rodents, primates, and human patients.133,168,174,183 Despite
or deletion of donor-reactive leukocytes combined with the requirement for irradiation that has arguably inhib-
the establishment of immunoregulation and suppression ited the development and clinical application of these
of responses to donor alloantigens in the longer term protocols to their fullest extent, strategies using total lym-
­after transplantation and costimulation blockade, leading phoid irradiation have continued to be refined, leading to
to the induction of T-cell unresponsiveness in the pres- more recent reports that this approach can be used safely
ence of an organ graft.74 Data emerging from the analysis and effectively to induce tolerance to a kidney transplant.
of samples from patients enrolled in tolerance induction For example, Scandling and colleagues reported that a
352 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

conditioning regimen of total lymphoid irradiation and The analysis of samples from patients enrolled in this
antithymocyte globulin after transplantation resulted in trial showed that the chimeric state was achieved but per-
the engraftment of donor HSC. The persistent mixed sisted only transiently. Evidence for unresponsiveness to
chimerism achieved enabled immunosuppression to be donor alloantigens was obtained through in vitro assays
discontinued without rejection episodes or clinical mani- and data supporting the idea that regulatory mechanisms
festations of GVHD.168 were operating were obtained by analyzing FOXP3 ex-
The limitations of myeloablative therapy prompted the pression by polymerase chain reaction.81
development and refinement of alternative approaches in
animal models to enable high-dose bone marrow infu-
sions in combination with non-myeloablative condition-
Costimulation Blockade
ing regimens that promote deletion of donor-reactive cells As discussed previously, the activation of a T cell is depen-
in the thymus. Interestingly, both costimulation blockade dent upon multiple signals.88 When antigen recognition
and T-cell depletion (see below) have been shown to be occurs in the absence of costimulation, T cells become
potentially useful in this context.164 The demonstration anergic or undergo apoptosis.169 Monoclonal antibodies
that transient macrochimerism, via non-myeloablative and recombinant fusion proteins targeting costimulatory
conditioning, could achieve tolerance to renal allografts molecules are capable of inducing unresponsiveness to
transplanted along with donor bone marrow in non-­ donor antigens in vivo by allowing antigen recognition to
human primate models was the impetus for the transla- take place in the absence of costimulation. The molecules
tion of this approach to clinical transplantation.80,126,164 that participate in costimulation pathways have attracted
Mixed chimerism was first used successfully to treat a interest as targets for the development of novel thera-
patient with multiple myeloma who had end-stage renal peutics not only because they have immunosuppressive
failure and received a kidney from an HLA-identical liv- properties and the ability to prevent rejection but also to
ing donor.178 The pretransplant workup included thymic facilitate the induction of immunological unresponsive-
irradiation, whole-body irradiation, splenectomy, and ness to donor alloantigens.
donor marrow infusion, and then relied on the adminis- Members of the immunoglobulin and TNF:TNF
tration of a short course of cyclosporine posttransplanta- receptor superfamilies make up many of the costimula-
tion. As in the primate studies, macrochimerism was only tory molecules that are integral to positive and negative
detectable in the early period after transplantation, and costimulation of T-cell responses. Research and develop-
after the first 2 months the percentage of donor cells de- ment has been focused on two pairs of ligand–receptor
clined. Nevertheless, withdrawal of immunosuppressive interactions that seem to play key roles in positive costim-
therapy (cyclosporine) at 10 weeks posttransplantation ulation: CD80/CD86 interacting with CD28 expressed
did not trigger rejection and immunosuppression-free by T cells and CD40 interacting with CD154, which are
survival, i.e., operational tolerance, persisted. To date, members of the Ig and TNF:TNFR superfamilies respec-
nine patients with end-stage renal failure who had an tively. CD28 blockade by a mutated version of CTLA-
HLA-identical donor have been treated with this proto- 4-Ig (belatacept) for transplantation has been licensed for
col,19 with only one recipient developing evidence of re- clinical use (by the US Food and Drug Administration
nal allograft rejection after stopping immunosuppression (FDA) in June 2011 and the European Medicines Agency
that could be treated successfully by temporary reintro- (EMA) in April 2011).204
duction of immunosuppression. Although chimerism was
lost in all of these patients, data suggesting that there was
enrichment for CD25+ CD4 T cells with regulatory ac-
The B7:CD28/CTLA-4 Pathway
tivity after transplant were obtained,50 suggesting that the CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 (B7-2) are expressed as cell sur-
maintenance of the macrochimeric state up to the time of face molecules by APCs and are responsible for delivering
transplantation may be sufficient to enable other mecha- additional or second signals to T cells when they interact
nisms to be induced, enabling the graft to function in the with their ligands CD28 and CD152 (CTLA-4). CD28 is
absence of long-term immunosuppressive drug therapy. expressed constitutively by T cells, while CD152 is only
As a result of these encouraging data and further re- expressed later in the activation response. CD86 appears to
finement of the protocols in experimental models, the interact preferentially with CD28 and may be the most im-
mixed chimerism approach for tolerance induction was portant ligand for T-cell activation. CD80 may bind pref-
extended to HLA-mismatched kidney transplants.81 The erentially to CD152.179,193 In contrast to CD28, CD152
first two patients enrolled in this trial were treated success- negatively regulates T-cell activation when it engages its li-
fully and immunosuppression was withdrawn. However, gand on the APC. Thus targeting CD28 will inhibit T-cell
the third patient developed irreversible humoral rejection activation, whereas targeting CD152 will potentiate T-cell
10 days after transplantation. Careful review of this case activation. Both approaches are of interest in different con-
showed that this patient had high levels of pre-existing texts, as demonstrated by the development of CTLA-4-Ig
alloantibody activity, but no detectable donor-specific for preventing allograft rejection and the development of
antibody before transplantation. The protocol was there- anti-CD152 as a cancer therapy.171 Interestingly, CD152 is
fore modified to include rituximab (anti-CD20). Stable constitutively expressed and plays a key role in the func-
renal allograft function has been maintained in seven of tional activity of regulatory T cells.87,159
the eight subjects in whom immunosuppression was dis- When CTLA-4-Ig, an immunoglobulin fusion protein
continued, although long-term monitoring of all of these of CTLA-4, was produced, it was shown to inhibit graft
patients continues. rejection in xenogeneic and allogeneic systems. 99,100
Approaches to the Induction of Tolerance 353

In rodent models, CTLA-4-Ig therapy alone was found knockout mice79,219 all demonstrated a crucial role for this
­capable of inducing tolerance to the graft,100 an effect that inter­action in the generation of primary and secondary
was enhanced when donor antigen was included in the humoral responses to T-cell-dependent antigens, class
treatment protocol.147 However, this effect did not trans- switching to antigen switching RGG1 responses and
late to primate models where CTLA-4-Ig monotherapy development of germinal centers. The lack of humoral
was not found to induce long-term graft survival.90 Indeed, response in the absence of CD40–CD40L interaction is
a mutated form of CTLA-4-Fc, LEA29Y or belatacept, due not only to a lack of signaling through CD40 on the
was found to be a more potent inhibitor of allograft rejec- B-cell surface, but also the inhibition of priming of CD4+
tion than the native molecule, in primate renal transplant T cells through CD40L60 as a result of the bidirectional
models.98 Belatacept differs from CTLA-4-Ig by two nature of the CD40-CD154 pathway. Signals through
amino acid sequences, which confers an approximately CD40 have been shown to upregulate expression of CD80
twofold greater binding capacity to CD80 and CD86. and CD86 as well as induce IL-12.62 Activation of DCs
Belatacept has been approved for clinical use for the in- through CD40 promotes their ability to present antigen
dication of prophylaxis of organ rejection in adult kidney to T cells; this may explain why targeting CD154 and
transplant recipients (by the FDA in June, 2011 and EMA blocking its ability to interact with CD40 have profound
in April, 2011) when used in conjunction with basiliximab effects on T-cell-dependent immune responses in vivo.
induction, mycophenolate mofetil, and corticosteroids as Thus targeting CD40-CD154 could act to prevent both
maintenance immunosuppression. cell-mediated and antibody-mediated rejection.
Other reagents which target CD28 have also been Anti-CD154 was found capable of inducing long-
developed. A CD28 superagonist, TGN1412, showed term acceptance of cardiac, renal, and islet allografts in
enhanced expansion of regulatory T cells in preclinical several murine and non-human primate models either
studies and was taken into a phase I clinical trial. However, when used as monotherapy or in conjunction with anti-
six healthy volunteers treated with TGN1412 experienced CD28.89,90,94,117,146 Disappointingly, anti-CD154 therapy
a massive expansion of inflammatory T cells that resulted was found to have the unexpected complication of throm-
in a cytokine storm. The trial was terminated as all volun- bogenesis when it was translated to the clinic.91 Indeed,
teers experienced multiorgan failure.185 Despite this, the it was found subsequently that CD154 plays a key role
development of antibody-mediated selective costimula- in coagulation implicated in platelet activation and the
tory blockade remains an attractive therapeutic strategy stabilization of thrombi.2
as specifically blocking CD28, for example, would still
allow CTLA-4 signaling, potentially enhancing T-cell
suppression. Monovalent Fab fragments (Fv) which se-
Targeting CD3 and Accessory Molecules
lectively block CD28 have been developed to prevent sig- Initially, administration of depleting anti-CD4 and anti-
nals through CD28 whilst allowing negative signals via CD8 monoclonal antibodies was shown to result in pro-
CTLA-4 to remain intact. CD28 single-chain Fv (scFv) longed graft survival.31,114,173 That this treatment strategy
fragments have been shown to prolong allograft survival resulted in antigen-specific tolerance was first shown
significantly in primates, increasing the number of Treg most clearly when a protein antigen was administered in
in the periphery as well as in the graft,150 and is in clinical conjunction with a depleting anti-CD4 monoclonal an-
development. tibody.9,10 Refinements of these types of protocols have
resulted in the ability to achieve long-term T-cell unre-
sponsiveness to protein and alloantigens in the absence
CD40-CD154 Pathway of T-cell depletion in experimental models. In fact, many
The CD40-CD154 pathway has been targeted using other accessory molecules, other than anti-CD4 and anti-
monoclonal antibody therapy to inhibit graft rejec- CD8, have been targeted and shown capable of inducing
tion.94 CD154, or CD40 ligand, is a type 2 membrane tolerance to alloantigens.
protein of the TNF family and is expressed predomi- OKT3, a mouse anti-human CD3 monoclonal anti-
nantly by activated CD4+ T cells and by a small propor- body, received approval for human use in 1986 in kid-
tion of CD8+ T cells, NK cells, and eosinophils,30 and, ney transplant patients undergoing rejection and later in
more recently, CD154 has also been found on plate- liver and cardiac transplant recipients.140 Although widely
lets.2,96 Structural models predict that CD154 forms a ho- used, OKT3 brought with it the undesired complications
motrimer that binds to its ligand, CD40, on the surface of of the human antimouse antibody response as well as a
APCs. CD40 is expressed by B cells, macrophages, DCs, first dose reaction characterized by fevers, chills, gastro-
and thymic epithelium, and is inducible on the surface of intestinal, respiratory, and cardiac complications,53,192 as
endothelial cells and fibroblasts.97 a result of T-cell activation and subsequent cytokine re-
The CD40-CD154 pathway interaction is pivotal for lease. As a result, many investigators have invested time
the induction of humoral and cellular responses, with in the construction of pharmacotherapeutics that mimic
the importance of CD154 for B-cell activation first be- the efficacy of OKT3 with less immunogenicity. In pre-
ing demonstrated in in vitro studies. A CD40-Ig fu- liminary studies a few of these OKT3-derived molecules,
sion protein and a blocking monoclonal antibody to such as hu12F6, hOKT3γ1(Ala-Ala), and ChAglyCD3,
CD154 were shown to inhibit B-cell cycling, prolifera- have proven to be more effective in T-cell suppression
tion, and differentiation into plasma cells in response to and less immunogenic when compared to OKT3.72,85,105
T-cell-dependent antigens.136 In vivo studies using the Along with anti-CD3, antibodies to CD11a (LFA-1)
anti-CD154 monoclonal antibody, CD40 or CD154 and its ligands, ICAM-1, -2, and -3, have been investigated
354 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

and have suggested prolonged graft survival.6,153 However, ONE study, a multicenter phase I/II study funded by the
an adverse side effect profile in clinical trials has resulted European Union FP7 program, will investigate the safety
in withdrawal of efalizumab (anti-LFA-1) from clinical of infusion of ex vivo expanded nTreg and Tr1 cells into
development. kidney transplant recipients (www.onestudy.org).
Operational tolerance induced by these strategies has been
shown to develop over several weeks after the initial antigen
encounter148,170 and is dependent on the amount of antigen Regulatory Macrophage Cell Therapy
infused.149 With high doses of donor bone m ­ arrow, ­deletion Regulatory macrophages isolated from the organ donor
may also be used as one of the mechanisms of ­tolerance have been administered intravenously to two living donor
initially,8,20 while with lower doses of antigen, immunoregu- kidney transplant recipients with no deleterious impact
lation is the mechanism in operation. In mice and rats, this on graft function, enabling tacrolimus immunosuppres-
type of tolerance has been shown to be infectious83,154; in sive therapy to be reduced within the first 24 weeks af-
other words, it can be transferred from one generation of ter transplantation.73 A follow-up study using regulatory
cells to another. The maintenance of tolerance in these sys- macrophages in kidney transplant recipients will be per-
tems requires the persistent presence of antigen in the form formed as part of the ONE study.
of the organ when the thymus is still functional.67

Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy

LEUKOCYTE DEPLETION AT THE TIME OF Although over 100 clinical trials investigating the immu-
TRANSPLANTATION nomodulatory and proreparative effects of MSCs are in
progress (www.clinicaltrials.gov), this form of cell therapy
Many tolerance induction strategies that have been in- is still at an early stage of development.
vestigated in small- and large-animal studies result in Not all clinical studies using MSCs to modulate im-
the depletion of leukocytes (antithymocyte globulin, mune reactivity have reported positive data. The acti-
anti-CD52) or T cells (anti-CD3 with or without im- vation status of the MSCs at the time of infusion may
munotoxin, CD2, CD4, and CD8). In small animals, explain these inconsistencies. A significant placebo ef-
the short-term depletion of T cells appears to be suffi- fect was observed in phase III clinical trials that used
cient in some situations for tolerance to develop and be third-party MSCs to treat GVHD.125 In contrast, treat-
maintained in the long term. The success rate can be en- ment with MSCs was found to correlate with a signifi-
hanced by removing the thymus before transplantation to cant improvement in patients with steroid-resistant liver
prevent repopulation of the periphery with T cells after or gastrointestinal GVHD.125 In kidney transplantation,
transplantation.127 However, in humans, leukocyte deple- infusion of autologous MSCs resulted in a lower inci-
tion with the anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody alem- dence of acute rejection, a decreased risk of opportunistic
tuzemab in combination with immunosuppressive drugs infection, and better estimated renal function at 1 year
is not sufficient to induce operational tolerance, but can posttransplantation.191
enable minimization of immunosuppression to control
residual donor-reactive cells.68,130,199,200,208
The work from the authors’ own laboratory described
CELL THERAPY in this review was supported by grants from The
Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, British
Cellular therapies using Treg, regulatory macrophages, Heart Foundation, and the European Union ONE Study,
and MSCs to suppress rejection or GVHD are being de- Optistem, TRIAD and BioDRIM networks.
veloped for use in clinical transplantation as a strategy to
promote the development of specific unresponsiveness.124 REFERENCES
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Transplantation in the
Sensitized Recipient and
Across ABO Blood Groups
Mark D. Stegall


SENSITIZED PATIENTS Hyperacute Rejection and Very High Levels of

Early Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Paired Donation
Living Donor Kidney Transplantation with MECHANISTIC VIEW OF ANTIBODY PRODUCTION
DSA: Desensitization Protocols AND INJURY
Specific Issues Related to DSA CONCLUSION

Naturally occurring antibodies against blood group SENSITIZED PATIENTS

­antigens and acquired alloantibodies against donor hu-
man leukocyte antigens (HLAs) may pose major barriers Historically, some of the first evidence for alloantibody
to a successful renal transplantation. Since approximately was the retrospective study of Patel and Terasaki in 1969.45
20% of renal allograft candidates may be blood group- This study showed that the ability of a recipient’s serum
incompatible with their living donor and more than one- to lyse donor cells in vitro was associated with allograft
third will demonstrate some level of anti-HLA antibody loss within hours of transplantation in a high percentage
pretransplant, understanding the unique issues pertaining of cases. Since that time, the presence of a “positive cross-
to antidonor antibody is important for the proper man- match” due to donor-specific alloantibody (DSA) gener-
agement of these patients. ally has been considered an absolute contraindication to
Over the past decade, “desensitization” protocols in- kidney transplantation. Thus, the presence of DSA in a
volving either multiple plasma exchange treatments or potential renal allograft recipient severely limits the op-
high-dose intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) have tions for successful kidney transplantation. Recently,
been developed to achieve a transplant with good short- however, new technologies have greatly increased the
term success despite the presence of antibodies. In addi- chances of transplantation in sensitized patients.
tion, programs involving either paired living donation or
acceptable mismatches for deceased donor allocation have
provided additional options for patients with antidonor ALLOANTIBODY DETECTION
antibodies. This chapter discusses the rationale for trans-
planting kidneys in the setting of anti-HLA antibodies To understand the therapeutic options for sensitized pa-
and/or antibodies against blood group and the currently tients, one first must understand the various assays used
observed outcomes. Specific emphasis is placed on what is to determine the presence of alloantibody (Table 24-1).
known regarding the mechanisms and treatment of both A more detailed description of these assays is presented
early and late antibody-mediated injury, including the elsewhere in this book (see Chapter 10).
results of some recent therapeutic trials. Finally, what is The sensitivity of the assay is important in determining
known regarding the mechanism of antibody ­production the presence and amount of antibody. For example, com-
in the setting of renal transplantation is outlined, high- plement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) assays in which
lighting important gaps in current knowledge in this the recipient serum is tested for its ability to lyse target
emerging field. lymphocytes is of low sensitivity. For class I detection, the

Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and Across ABO Blood Groups 361

crossmatch. This assay was the most commonly per-

TABLE 24-1  Alloantibody Detection Assays
formed assay for DSA detection for many years. Because
Screening Assays the primary goal of the crossmatch assays at that time
Panel-reactive antibody (T-cell only) was to avoid hyperacute rejection, a positive T-cell AHG
Solid phase bead or ELISA assays crossmatch was (and usually still is) considered an abso-
Donor-specific alloantibody lute contraindication to kidney transplantation.
detection assays
Subsequently, the use of flow cytometric crossmatch
Anti–Class I (FXM) techniques allowed for the detection of lower
T cell cytotoxicity (NIH-CDC) assay Very low sensitivity levels of alloantibody and non-cytotoxic alloantibody.
T cell AHG-CDC assay Low sensitivity
T cell FXM assay High sensitivity
The ability to detect low levels of DSA stimulated a new
Solid phase bead or ELISA assay Highest sensitivity discussion. Were these alloantibody levels too low to
cause hyperacute rejection? Before the development of
Anti–Class I or Anti–Class II (or Both) FXM techniques, some patients had been transplanted
B cell cytotoxicity (NIH-CDC) assay Low sensitivity
B cell FXM assay High sensitivity unknowingly with low levels of DSA and apparently had
Solid phase bead or ELISA assay Highest sensitivity done well. The significance of a positive FXM remained
unclear for many years, with some experts considering
AHG-CDC, antihuman globulin–Centers for Disease Control and it an absolute contraindication to kidney transplanta-
Prevention; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FXM, tion and others considering it an unimportant finding
flow cytometric crossmatch; NIH-CDC, National Institutes of
Health–Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. that merely represented yet another barrier for sensi-
tized patients. Most experiences, including our own, have
suggested that patients with a negative T-cell AHG cross-
sensitivity of the CDC assays can be enhanced by add- match and a positive T-cell FXM are at very low risk for
ing antihuman globulin (T-cell AHG). Flow cytometry hyperacute rejection, but are at increased risk early after
is a more sensitive method of detecting DSA than with transplantation for humoral or cellular rejection, or both.
CDC techniques. Finally, solid-phase assays in which sin- Another historically controversial area surrounds the
gle HLAs are bound to microspheres or enzyme-linked significance of a positive B-cell crossmatch. Because B cells
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plates are even more express class I and class II, a positive B-cell crossmatch may
sensitive and have the added ability of determining the be due to the presence of anti-class I antibody or anti-class
specificity of almost all of the alloantibodies that might II antibody, or a combination of both. In ­addition, some
be present in a patient’s serum. For solid-phase assays B-cell crossmatches may be positive secondary to non-
such as the commonly used LABscreen, the level of al- HLA antibodies or innocuous autoantibodies. Finally,
loantibody usually is expressed as the mean fluorescence because most sensitized patients have a combination of
intensity (MFI).47 Levels that laboratories and transplant anti-class I and anti-class II antibodies, a positive B-cell
programs consider to be positive tend to vary, but an MFI crossmatch in the absence of a positive T-cell crossmatch
level of >1000 generally is accepted as positive. is rare, limiting further the ability to study the importance
A solid-phase assay commonly is used as the initial of alloantibody against class II. Our own data, described
screening tool to determine the presence of alloantibody. It in detail subsequently, suggest that a B-cell crossmatch
also can be used to determine the breadth of sensitization secondary to anti-donor class II ­ alloantibody can lead
against HLA, termed the panel-reactive antibody (PRA).16 to hyperacute rejection in rare cases, but is a risk factor
The PRA seeks to identify the different anti-HLA specifici- for early antibody-mediated r­ejection (AMR). A positive
ties in a sensitized patient’s serum and then uses a formula B-cell crossmatch due to high levels of class II DSA may
to calculate the chances that the recipient will have DSA be a particularly bad risk for the ­development of chronic
against kidneys from the deceased donor pool. The PRA was antibody-mediated injury (see below).
originally determined from a panel of cells that represented A major source of confusion regarding the signifi-
the donor pool (hence the name “panel-reactive antibody”). cance of the various cell-based assays is a general lack of
The PRA per se does not give information r­ egarding standardization in the manner in which crossmatches are
the level of alloantibody, but does provide information done in different laboratories. Registry data of sensitized
regarding the probability of finding a donor against
­ patients contain heterogeneous information, and most
whom the recipient has no DSA. Thus, the PRA is published reports are based on small numbers of p ­ atients
­commonly used as a factor in deceased donor kidney from single centers. The introduction of so-called solid-
allocation. Candidates with high PRAs commonly are phase assays has brought significant changes to alloan-
given extra allocation priority “points” in deceased donor tibody characterization, but laboratories continue to
­kidney allocation. perform significant modifications of these assays.
If a specific donor is being considered for kidney
transplant, a crossmatch assay usually is performed to
verify the presence or absence of DSA against donor IMMUNOLOGICAL RISK
cells.16 The first crossmatches were cell-based cytotoxic-
ity assays in which recipient serum was mixed with do- Clinicians now have the ability to estimate DSA levels
nor ­lymphocytes – either T cells or B cells. The T-cell across a spectrum ranging from very high to very low. In
­cytotoxicity crossmatch assay is now routinely performed clinical practice today, DSA detected as a positive crossmatch
with AHG enhancement and is termed the T-cell AHG or in solid-phase assays is no longer c­ onsidered an absolute
362 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

contraindication to kidney transplantation, but rather it based on the absence of DSA against the donor HLA
represents the immunological risk of a­ ntibody-mediated (i.e., “acceptable mismatch” for HLA). In this program,
injury.18 This concept of immunological risk has emerged approximately 60% of the highly sensitized patients are
as one of the core principles in the transplantation of sen- transplanted within 2 years after inclusion in the accept-
sitized patients. The increased immunological risk ranges able mismatch program and the short-term graft survival
from an increased risk of hyperacute rejection, such as appears similar to that of unsensitized patients. Low l­ evels
that seen in sensitized patients with high levels of DSA, to of DSA that are present at the time of transplant are not
an increased risk of early humoral rejection, such as that considered at the time of allocation, and it is unclear what
seen in sensitized patients with low levels of DSA. Very the long-term outcomes will be in this program.
low levels may represent little increased risk at all com- A similar approach using an apparently more sensi-
pared to unsensitized recipients. Quantifying this risk tive assay for anti-HLA antibody detection has been used
is an important aspect of designing protocols to enable at Emory University.3 In a report of this approach from
­successful kidney transplantation in sensitized patients. As 1999 to 2003, 25% of sensitized patients were trans-
described later, a combination of the various previously de- planted, representing a 47% increase in the transplant
scribed assays allows clinicians to better determine the risk rate. Five-year outcomes appeared similar in sensitized
of antibody-mediated graft damage in sensitized ­patients. and unsensitized recipients.
Current assays cannot completely determine the entire Desensitization protocols have been tried sparingly
immunological risk of all patients. In addition, sensitized in deceased donor candidates. The major goal of desen-
patients are at increased risk for T-cell-mediated rejection, sitization protocols has been to achieve a negative CDC
and patients may possess antibodies against antigens not crossmatch at the time of transplant. In a multicenter,
detected by current assays. double-blinded study, 101 sensitized renal allograft can-
didates received high-dose IVIG (2 g/kg monthly × 4) or
equivalent volume placebo.33 Baseline PRA levels as deter-
CLINICAL APPROACHES TO SENSITIZED mined by a T-cell cytotoxicity assay were similar in both
PATIENTS groups (80% in both). IVIG treatment decreased the PRA
by approximately 10% by 4 months, but the PRA returned
Deceased Donor Transplantation to baseline at 6 months (2 months after the last IVIG in-
fusion) and was equal to that of placebo-treated patients
If sensitized patients have no prospective living do- at that time point. Among dose-adherent patients, 35%
nors, their only transplant option is to be placed on (n = 16) IVIG and 17% (n = 8) placebo patients were able
the deceased donor waiting list. Since, by definition, a to be transplanted. Nine of 17 patients transplanted after
candidate with a 90% calculated PRA (cPRA) has allo- IVIG infusion had a rejection episode, however, compared
antibody that reacts with 90% of the deceased donors, with only 1 of 10 placebo-treated patients.
the rate of transplantation via this approach is low. In The fact that desensitization protocols involving mul-
the United States, the assay used to determine cPRA tiple plasmapheresis treatments require coordination of
varies among transplant programs; however, most use the timing of transplantation severely limits their applica-
sensitive solid-phase assays. Approximately 30 000 pa- bility to cadaver donor kidney transplantation.
tients on the Organ Procurement and Transplantation
Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) Paired Donation
cadaver donor kidney waiting list are “sensitized”72 and
approximately 9000 are sensitized broadly with a cPRA If a sensitized candidate has potential living donors, these
greater than 90%. In the United States, candidates with donors should be HLA-typed in order to find a cross-
high cPRAs are given extra allocation point so that they match-negative donor. If no such donor can be found,
are given priority for kidneys against which they have sensitized candidates may opt to enter into one of the
no antibody. In addition, kidneys that are O-ABDR growing number of paired living donor programs.9,20,39,51,55
HLA-mismatched are allocated preferentially to highly These “exchange” schemas have been shown to increase
sensitized patients. Despite this, fewer than 500 of these the transplantation rate of ABO-incompatible and sen-
patients are transplanted each year.61 Most sensitized pa- sitized patients. Paired schemas employ the same “un-
tients never receive a transplant. In addition, the graft acceptable antigen” schema described earlier to find
survival of patients who do receive a transplant is de- a crossmatch-negative donor for sensitized patients.
creased, with the risk of graft loss at 1 year 1.8 times that Although these programs increase the number of
of unsensitized patients. Another 7000 or so waitlisted ­potential donors for sensitized patients, patients with an-
candidates have a PRA of 20–80%. Currently, these tibodies against a wide variety of HLA types may still not
patients receive no points for being sensitized and have be able to find a crossmatch-negative donor, even if the
approximately half the transplantation rate of unsensi- ­donor pool is very large. One of the central questions in
tized patients. paired donation is: How long should a sensitized patient
A more aggressive approach to transplanting sensitized wait for a crossmatch-negative donor versus proceeding
patients with deceased donor kidneys is the Acceptable to a transplant using a donor against whom the recipient
Mismatch Program of Eurotransplant.11 In this program, has DSA? Since many sensitized patients may not find
anti-HLA antibodies are identified using a CDC assay. a DSA-negative donor, most paired donor programs
Highly sensitized patients (PRA >85%) are placed at employ “optimization” protocols that seek to identify
the top of the kidney match run and organs are allocated donors for sensitized patients with lower levels of DSA
Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and Across ABO Blood Groups 363

than their original donor, with hopes of improving their One-year graft survival rates of nearly 100% are ­being
outcome. Thus, transplantation of a sensitized patient in reported in recent studies involving sensitized patients
this setting might employ both paired donation and de- transplanted using desensitization protocols.64,68 Long-
sensitization. Paired donation is discussed in more detail term allograft outcome data are sparse, but most ­studies
in the next chapter (Chapter 25). suggest that long-term renal allograft survival in the set-
ting of DSA appears to be lower than that of transplants
without DSA. The 5-year graft survival was 70.7% in 19
Living Donor Kidney Transplantation with patients transplanted with a positive crossmatch against
their living donor at the University of Maryland.30
DSA: Desensitization Protocols Recently, we found that the actual 5-year death-censored
A viable option for sensitized candidates is to perform the graft survival in 102 sensitized patients with DSA also was
living donor kidney transplant despite the presence of a 70.7% compared to 88.0% in non-sensitized recipients
DSA.4,22,27,40,62,64,68 Overall, recent data suggest that ­patient matched for age and sex (P < 0.01).37 Thus, an increased
survival is improved in patients undergoing a DSA- chance of chronic injury is emerging as one of the impor-
positive transplant compared to remaining on dialysis, tant problems facing sensitized patients.
but that many problems remain, including a decrease in
long-term graft survival compared to DSA-negative trans-
plants (Figure 24-1).41 Montgomery et al.41 compared 211
Specific Issues Related to DSA
sensitized patients who underwent HLA-incompatible
­ The major problems encountered in DSA-positive trans-
living donor kidney transplantation at Johns Hopkins plants pertain to the risk of antibody-mediated injury.
Hospital to control groups from the UNOS kidney trans- These can be categorized broadly as hyperacute rejec-
plant waiting list matched for factors such as PRA, age, tion, early acute antibody-mediated rejection and chronic
blood type, and number of years of renal ­replacement antibody-mediated injury. These will be discussed indi-
therapy. Five-year Kaplan–Meier estimates of patient sur- vidually, but can be summarized here. The incidence
vival were 80% in patients receiving an HLA-incompatible of hyperacute rejection is related to the level of DSA at
transplant compared to 51.5% in patients who remained the time of transplantation. The incidence of early acute
on dialysis and 65.6% who waited on dialysis to receive a AMR depends primarily on the development of high
HLA-compatible deceased donor graft. ­levels of DSA and the activation of terminal comple-
ment in the first few weeks after transplantation. The
mechanisms of chronic antibody-mediated injury are less
­dependent on DSA levels. Transplant glomerulopathy is
100 the hallmark of chronic antibody-mediated damage and
is more closely associated with the presence of anticlass
II DSA and the development of cellular infiltrates in the
glomeruli and peritubular capillaries.

60 Hyperacute Rejection and Very High Levels of

% Survival

40 The primary goal of “desensitization” is the avoidance
of the catastrophic occurrence of hyperacute rejection.
Desensitization treatment
Dialysis or transplantation
The exact level of DSA that leads to this complication
20 Dialysis only is ­unclear, but most programs consider a positive T-cell
AHG crossmatch a high risk for hyperacute rejection.
Indeed, early in our experience, we transplanted 10
0 ­patients who, despite multiple plasmapheresis treatments
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 (mean 10 treatments), were unable to achieve a negative
Months T-cell AHG crossmatch.62 Given that these highly sensi-
tized patients had almost no other option at that time, we
No. at Risk performed the transplant despite the persistence of low
Desensitization 210 170 143 110 75 58 42 28 14 titers in the T-cell AHG crossmatch (undiluted to 1:8)
treatment on the day of transplantation. Of these 10 patients, two
Dual therapy 1027 854 688 497 321 230 157 96 41 developed hyperacute rejection. The incidence of early
Dialysis only 1012 822 626 419 250 159 93 54 17 AMR in this group was 70% and the 1-year graft survival
FIGURE 24-1  ■  Survival benefit of desensitization in human leuko-
was only 50%. From these data, we conclude that the
cyte antigen (HLA)-incompatible kidney recipients. Kaplan–Meier ­inability to achieve a negative T-cell AHG crossmatch by
estimate showing improved patient survival for patients who un- the day of transplantation resulted in such poor outcomes
derwent desensitization treatment compared to matched patients that we now consider it a contraindication to transplan-
who either remained on dialysis (dialysis only) or underwent tation. In our program, this correlated with a baseline
HLA-compatible transplantation (dialysis or transplantation).
(From Montgomery RA, Lonze BE, King KE, et al. Desensitization B-flow cytometric crossmatch (BFXM) of 450. New
in HLA-incompatible kidney recipients and survival. N Engl J Med therapy will be needed in order to achieve a better out-
2011;365:318, with permission.) come in these patients. Recently, we have demonstrated
364 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

that pretransplant treatment with bortezomib depletes In single-center reports involving  + XMKTx, the in-
alloantibody secreting cells and improves the response to cidence of acute AMR ranges from 30% to 40%, with
PE in these patients with very high levels of DSA, allow- higher levels of baseline DSA correlating with higher
ing some to undergo a successful transplant (see below).10 rates of early acute AMR.4,40,68 In a series from Hôpital St.
Although no randomized trial has directly compared Louis in Paris, the incidence of AMR was 36.4% with a
the ability of IVIG and PE to achieve a negative CDC baseline DSA MFI of 3001–6000 and 51.3% with a base-
crossmatch pretransplant in patients with high levels of line DSA MFI of >6000.37
DSA, in one published study both therapies were equally The incidence of early acute AMR appears to corre-
effective in patients with a T-cell AHG of 1:8 at baseline.62 late with the development of high levels of DSA after
transplantation. Our group examined the natural history
of DSA early after transplantation and its relationship
Early Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection with AMR in 70 positive crossmatch kidney transplant
Even if hyperacute rejection is avoided, patients with recipients.4 The overall incidence of AMR was 36%, with
DSA still have a high incidence of acute AMR in the first the mean time to diagnosis of approximately 10 days and
few weeks after transplantation. Indeed, early AMR has all episodes occurring within 1 month of transplanta-
emerged as one of the major complications of transplan- tion. All but one AMR episode was associated with graft
tation of highly sensitized renal transplant recipients. dysfunction (increase in serum creatinine over nadir
While many cases of AMR in conventional kidney >0.3 mg/dL in the first month), but in many instances,
transplant recipients occur in combination with acute evidence of histologic injury preceded the increase in
cellular rejection (ACR), recipients with DSA at the time ­serum creatinine.
of transplant tend to have a “pure” form of acute AMR The time course changes in DSA posttransplant cor-
that commonly occurs in the first month after transplan- related well with the development of AMR (Figure 24-2).
tation and is relatively straightforward to diagnose. The Overall, mean DSA levels decreased by day 4 and re-
Banff classification for acute AMR includes the presence mained low in patients who did not develop AMR. By
of DSA in the serum, evidence of C4d deposition in the day 10, however, DSA levels increased in patients devel-
peritubular capillaries, and histologic evidence of tissue oping AMR, with 92% (23/25) of patients with a FXM
injury (including vascular microthrombi, peritubular cap- >359 (molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome
illaritis, and/or acute tubular injury).50 The presence or units of approximately 34 000) developing AMR. The
absence of graft dysfunction differentiates clinical from BFXM and the total DSA measured by LABscreen beads
subclinical acute AMR. In particular, the development of correlated well across a wide spectrum, suggesting that
C4d staining, an inert byproduct of complement activa- either could be used for monitoring. Importantly, when
tion that binds covalently to endothelium, has been an allografts demonstrated the cluster indicative of AMR
important breakthrough in providing histologic correla- (high DSA, histologic injury, and graft dysfunction), all
tions with AMR.14,31,43 but one (24/25) were also C4d-positive.

600 600

500 500
BFXM (Channel shift)

BFXM (Channel shift)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
A Baseline Day 0 Day 4 Day 10 Day 28 B Baseline Day 0 Day 4 Day 10 Day 28

600 600

500 500
BFXM (Channel shift)

BFXM (Channel shift)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
C Baseline Day 4 Day 10 Day 28 D Baseline Day 4 Day 10 Day 28

FIGURE 24-2  ■  Correlation between donor-specific alloantibody (DSA) levels and early acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). (A)
DSA levels from baseline to 28 days posttransplant for the high DSA patients without AHR; (B) high DSA patients with resulting AHR;
(C) low DSA patients without AHR; and (D) low DSA patients with resulting AHR. BFXM, B-cell flow crossmatch. (From Burns JM,
Cornell LD, Perry DK, et al. Alloantibody levels and antibody mediated rejection early after positive crossmatch kidney transplantation. Am J
Transplant 2008;8:2684, with permission.)
Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and Across ABO Blood Groups 365

Treatment of AMR Anti-C5 treatment protocol

Treatment of AMR in this clinical setting usually involves BFXM BFXM

the immediate institution of PE therapy to reduce DSA <200,stop <200,stop
Vo et al. described high-dose IVIG (e.g., 2 g/kg) for Weeks
the treatment of AMR in their protocols that employed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13
high-dose IVIG for desensitization.68 However, they also
employ PE in AMR that does not respond to IVIG. Since
most PE-based protocols also employ lower doses of
IVIG (usually 10 mg/kg) after each PE to replace serum 1200 every 2 weeks







immunoglobulin levels, it is unclear what role IVIG might
Doses (mg)
also play in PE-based treatments of AMR. However, one
­recent study has suggested that PE was more effective FIGURE 24-3  ■  Eculizumab treatment protocol for the prevention
than IVIG in reversing AMR.36 of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). The dosing regimen con-
sisted of 1200 mg immediately prior to transplantation, 600 mg
The role of splenectomy in the treatment of AMR also on postoperative day 1, and then 600 mg weekly for 4 weeks
remains unclear and overall its use seems to be declining. thereafter. At week 4, assessment of donor-specific alloantibody
In our series, splenectomy was performed for severe AMR (DSA) levels was performed. Eculizumab was discontinued in
in the setting of a rising serum creatinine (usually >2.0) patients whose DSA had a significantly decreased B-flow cyto-
metric crossmatch (BFXM: channel shift <200). In patients with
and rising serum DSA levels despite daily PE treatments. persistently high DSA and thus believed to be at continued
Splenectomy was performed in 43% of the ­patients that risk for AMR, eculizumab was continued (1200 mg week 5 and
developed AMR, all but one of whom regained normal then every 2 weeks). Another DSA assessment was performed
renal function.64 at week 9 and eculizumab was discontinued if the BFXM chan-
Several reports have described the use of bortezomib nel shift was <200. (From Stegall MD, Diwan T, Raghavaih S, et al.
Terminal complement inhibition decreases antibody mediated rejec-
for the treatment of AMR.13,49,66,69 In most of these re- tion in sensitized renal transplant recipients. Am J Transplant 2011;
ports, the AMR episode occurred in conjunction with 11: 2405, with permission.)
ACR and developed months to years after transplanta-
tion. AMR in this setting may be different from the pure
AMR described in sensitized recipients in that the DSA despite high levels of DSA and proximal complement
production may be due to a de novo immune response ­deposition in the allograft.
that might involve shortlived plasmablasts and coordi- The two cases of AMR in the eculizumab group
nation between antigen - presenting cells, T helper cells ­occurred on posttransplant days 7 and 14, in the setting
and naïve B cells. While it is difficult to demonstrate the of an increasing serum creatinine, increased DSA, and a
efficacy of bortezomib in these studies without controls, biopsy that showed C4d staining with glomerular micro-
it is remarkable that, in the judgment of the various au- thrombi. Compared to AMR in the control group, these
thors, bortezomib appeared to generally decrease DSA two episodes were relatively mild and easy to reverse with
and reverse either pure AMR or AMR in combination PE. Both grafts recovered completely and were function-
with ACR. ing at 1 year after transplantation. The cause of AMR in
these two patients remains unclear, but in both cases anti-
Prevention of AMR C5 levels were therapeutic and the hemolytic assay was
completely blocked, suggesting that terminal comple-
We performed a single-center, open-label study to ment was inhibited. Thus, a C5-independent mechanism
­determine if treatment with eculizumab could reduce the is likely the cause of AMR in eculizumab-treated patients.
incidence of AMR in the first 3 months after  + XMKTx.64 Since high levels of DSA and C4d-positive staining are
The incidence of biopsy-proven AMR in 26 highly sen- common in eculizumab-treated patients, the diagnosis of
sitized renal transplant recipients was compared to a AMR relies heavily on “evidence of graft injury” and graft
historical control group of 51 sensitized patients treated dysfunction. Currently, a randomized, open-label, multi-
with a similar PE-based desensitization protocol ­without center study is being conducted to validate the findings of
eculizumab. The treatment regimen is outlined in our single-center study.
Figure 24-3. The incidence of AMR was 7.7% (2/26) in
the eculizumab group compared to 41.2% (21/51) in the
control group (P = 0.0031). Eculizumab-treated patients CHRONIC ANTIBODY-MEDIATED INJURY
did not routinely receive posttransplant PE and the same
percentage developed high levels of DSA after trans- Chronic antibody-mediated injury has become increas-
plant (BFXM >350 or MFI >10 000) compared to the ingly implicated as a major cause of late renal allograft
control group (50% versus 43%). Thus, eculizumab did loss.5,12,24,35,38,71 This is especially common in patients with
not ­appear to affect DSA levels. However, in the control DSA at the time of transplantation.
group, 100% of patients who developed high DSA after The major histologic lesion that is associated with
transplant developed AMR. In contrast, in the eculizumab chronic antibody-mediated injury is transplant glomeru-
group only 15% (2/13) developed AMR. Importantly, all lopathy.2,24,32 This lesion is characterized by duplication of
biopsies in both groups of patients with high DSA were the glomerular basement membrane. Transplant glomer-
positive for C4d. Thus, eculizumab prevented AMR ulopathy generally carries one of the worst prognoses for
366 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

any histologic lesion found on surveillance biopsy. In one donor class II is more likely to cause chronic injury needs
study, 60% of grafts with transplant glomerulopathy on a to be incorporated into the overall model of chronic
1-year biopsy either failed or lost >50% of their function ­antibody-mediated injury.2
by 5 years after transplantation.5 The finding that some The role of complement in either the development
patients with transplant glomerulopathy had minimal or of peritubular capillaritis or transplant glomerulopathy
no interstitial fibrosis suggested that transplant glomeru- could be tested using prolonged eculizuamb therapy.
lopathy was a distinct pathologic process separate from Unfortunately, the current studies using eculizumab for
other forms of chronic injury.24 the treatment of early AMR were designed to discon-
While transplant glomerulopathy is clearly associated tinue C5 inhibition early after transplantation if DSA
with the presence of DSA – the incidence in  + XMKTx levels fell below a predetermined low level (BFXM chan-
at 1 year was 54.5% compared to 7.4% in –XMKTx2 – nel shift <200 in our single-center study). Thus, in the
the mechanism of its development appears complex and first 10 patients followed to 1 year, eight stopped drug
may depend more on the presence of a chronic cellular at 1 month, while two were treated for an entire year.64
infiltrate than on the continued deposition of DSA and While the overall incidence of peritubular capillaritis
complement activation. did appear to be lower at 3 months in the eculizumab
Several recent studies suggest that subclinical cellular group, two patients treated with drug for 1 year for high
infiltration distinct from ACR portends poor graft out- levels of DSA did develop peritubular capillaritis while
come.2,21,25,26,29,38 These studies showed that the presence on treatment. Several others have developed transplant
of macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes in the glomerulopathy in the months to years after stopping
peritubular capillaries (termed peritubular capillaritis) the drug and two patients lost their graft due to chronic
was common in patients with DSA and was associated antibody-mediated injury at 2 years after transplanta-
with the development of transplant glomerulopathy and tion. Thus, a relatively short peritransplant course of
graft loss. Loupy et al. showed that, while the persistence eculizuamb that prevents early AMR has not prevented
of C4d-positive staining in the peritubular capillaries the development of chronic antibody-mediated injury.
carried a higher risk from chronic injury, many grafts in A study design involving prolonged treatment with
patients with DSA developed chronic injury despite low eculizumab for months to years after transplantation
DSA levels and being C4d-negative.38 Indeed, the pres- is needed to answer the question of whether or not C5
ence of peritubular capillaritis has emerged as the major plays a role in chronic injury.
risk factor for subsequent transplant glomerulopathy. Prevention of chronic AMR might best be man-
Taken together, these data suggest that the initiation aged by pre-emptive treatment of increased DSA levels
of chronic injury might be due to the deposition of DSA early after transplantation. One study by Trivedi et al.66
and complement activation. This leads to ­ chemotaxis described their experience with 11 patients treated
of inflammatory cells. The subsequent development of with bortezomib for the de novo development of anti-
chronic glomerulopathy (CG) might be due to the per- HLA antibodies. Within 22 days, 9 of 11 patients had
sistence of peritubular capillaritis, which could be inde- a ­decrease in antibody levels. The authors suggest that
pendent of DSA and complement. Another possibility is this pre-emptive use of bortezomib may avoid chronic
that chronic injury might be dependent on either very antibody-mediated damage, but long-term results are
low levels of DSA and complement that are not de- not yet available.
tected by our current methods or by intermittent acti-
vation that is missed by infrequent surveillance biopsies.
Yet another possible mechanism of the development of ABO-INCOMPATIBLE KIDNEY
transplant ­glomerulopathy might involve direct activa- TRANSPLANTATION
tion of endothelium by DSA. Data showing that DSA
alone can activate endothelial cells in vitro suggest that Historically, the presence of antibody against donor blood
complement-independent mechanisms of damage also
­ group also has been considered a contraindication to kid-
might exist.67 ney transplantation, with high antibody levels associated
However, there are several reasons to continue to in- with hyperacute and early humoral rejection. However,
terpret these early histologic studies with caution. First, similar to sensitized patients, several options now exist
light microscopy has been shown to underestimate the for patients who are ABO-incompatible with their living
amount of inflammation and damage. For example, elec- donors. These include60: (1) being placed on the deceased
tron microscopy can identify endothelial cell activation in donor waiting list; (2) entering into a paired living donor
patients with DSA early after transplantation and months program; or (3) undergoing a desensitization protocol
prior to the development of CG. Similarly, we recently and receiving the ABO-incompatible living donor kidney
demonstrated that almost all patients with a positive despite the presence of antidonor antibody.
crossmatch at the time of transplant show gene expres- Being placed on the deceased donor waiting list is
sion evidence of inflammation and cellular infiltration, the most commonly used option. Because most ABO-
even when peritubular capillaritis and CG are absent incompatible candidates are blood group O (78% in our
by light microscopy.8 Second, the variable progression series),23 their current mean waiting time for a deceased
of chronic inflammation and transplant glomerulopa- donor kidney is approximately 5 years in the United
thy as seen by light microscopy suggests that there are States. This long waiting time translates into increased
factors that we are not identifying that are important in morbidity and mortality pre- and posttransplantation,
its pathogenesis.73 Finally, the finding that DSA against ­especially in older patients and diabetics.
Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and Across ABO Blood Groups 367

In countries with fewer deceased donor kidney trans- In the absence of rejection, the mean number of compli-
plants, ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation may be cations was similar for both groups. ABO-incompatible
the only option.16,58 Numerous studies have shown that kidney transplantation cost approximately $38 000
ABO-incompatible living donor kidney transplantation more than ABO-compatible transplants, but was cost-
has higher early graft loss rates than ABO-compatible effective compared with maintaining the patient on
grafts, but long-term survival is comparable, ranging dialysis while waiting for a blood group-compatible
from 79% to 98% at 5 years.1,16,17,19,23,42,63,65 The reason for deceased donor kidney.
the improved long-term survival of ABO-incompatible While paired donation has significantly decreased the
compared to DSA-positive transplants is unclear. The need for ABO-incompatible living donor kidney trans-
development of accommodation or even tolerance to plantation, it remains a viable option for some patients,
blood group antibody may occur despite the continued albeit with greater morbidity, but shorter waiting times
presence of antiblood group antibody.46,52,70 A recent compared to ABO-compatible transplants.
histologic study suggests that ABO-incompatible renal
allografts have less peritubular capillaritis and less trans-
plant glomerulopathy compared to DSA-positive grafts MECHANISTIC VIEW OF ANTIBODY
The level of antiblood group antibody that causes
hyperacute rejection has not been determined exactly Over the past decade, the pathway to antibody
and may vary. Several groups have shown that anti- production has been clearly delineated in numerous
blood group isohemagglutination titers of less than 1:8 animal and human studies.48,59,63 The phenotypes of the
or 1:16 seems to be “safe” at the time of transplantation ­various B-cell subsets are shown in Table 24-2. The
in that evidence of antibody deposition is not seen on bone ­marrow continuously generates a large variety of
30-minute postreperfusion surveillance biopsy speci- naïve B cells expressing cell surface immunoglobulin.
mens. Achieving these “safe” levels of antibody can Although each naïve B cell’s immunoglobulin is unique,
be difficult in some patients, however. Patients who as a population these naïve B cells are capable of inter-
at baseline (before any therapy) have high levels of acting with an enormous variety of antigens, including
antiblood group antibody (e.g., >1:512) rarely can be all types of class I and class II HLA molecules. These
­“desensitized” (have antidonor antibody reduced to safe mature, but naïve, B cells remain in a quiescent state
levels) using our current protocols. Performing sple- until they encounter antigen in secondary lymphoid
nectomy either before or at the time of transplantation tissue, such as the spleen. Activation of B cells, which
might allow successful ABO-incompatible transplanta- requires T-cell help, may lead to the development of
tion even in patients with very high antiblood group plasma cells (either short-lived or long-lived) and to
antibody levels. the development of memory B cells. Naïve B cells ex-
Protocols have evolved to include pre-emptive plas- press cell surface immunoglobulin, yet only plasma cells
mapheresis treatments, and antibody monitoring aimed are capable of antibody secretion. Memory B cells also
at maintaining low levels of antidonor antibody in the express cell surface immunoglobulin and are capable
first 2 weeks after transplantation. Most protocols aim to of rapid conversion to plasma cells within hours of re-
maintain the isoagglutination antiblood group antibody exposure to antigen. Memory B cells do not secrete
titer less than 1:16 for 2 weeks.16,17,19,23,42,65 Due to the ­immunoglobulin, however.
lack of prospective, randomized trials, many important Long-lived plasma cells can persist for years in special
questions regarding ABO-incompatible kidney trans- microenvironments of the marrow and spleen, continu-
plantation remain unanswered, including: (1) What is ously producing antibody even in the absence of anti-
the maximum blood group titer that is acceptable at the genic stimulation. They are terminally differentiated and
time of transplant?63 (2) Do immunoabsorption columns are resistant to most pharmacologic agents. Most of the
that specifically remove antiblood group antibody really anti-HLA antibody detected in sensitized recipients is
have less morbidity and better outcomes than standard likely produced by long-lived plasma cells.
PE?19 (3) What is the role of rituximab in these proto- Plasma cells seem to be resistant to most immuno-
cols? (4) Is steroid-free immunosuppression possible in modulatory agents commonly in use in clinical trans-
ABO-incompatible transplantation?17 (5) How does one plantation.48,49 They do not use interleukin-2 for their
generate and measure accommodation and tolerance to function and are not significantly inhibited by ­either
ABO-incompatible transplantation in both adults and
A major barrier to the widespread application of ABO-
incompatible kidney transplantation is the increased cost TABLE 24-2  Cell Surface Phenotypes of B-Cell
compared with conventional transplants. We performed Subsets
a retrospective study comparing 40 ABO-incompatible Naïve B Cell Memory B Cell Plasma Cell
with 77 matching ABO-compatible living donor renal
allografts with respect to complications, resource use, CD20 /CD27
+ –
CD27 /CD20
+ +/–
CD38–/CD138– CD38–/CD138– CD38+/CD138+
and cost from day 14 to 90 days posttransplantation.54 Intracytoplasmic Intracytoplasmic Intracytoplasmic
Overall, surgery-related complications and resource use Immunoglobulin Immunoglobulin Immunoglobulin
were increased in the ABO-incompatible group, primar- Negative Negative Positive
ily because of the desensitization protocol and AMR.
368 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

calcineurin inhibitors or antibodies against the inter- Humoral rejection in patients with high levels of DSA
leukin-2 receptors. They do not express CD52, the tar- at baseline involves a memory B-cell response and on-
get for alemtuzumab. They also do not express CD20 going DSA production by pre-existing plasma cells. We
and would seem to be resistant to treatment with the hypothesize that the recruitment of naïve B cells is not
anti-CD20 antibody, rituximab. Indeed, recent studies a mechanism of antibody production either at baseline
by our group have demonstrated that plasma cells are or during a humoral rejection episode. The basis for
resistant to desensitization with IVIG, rituximab, and this assumption is our clinical observation that humoral
Thymoglobulin.48,49 ­rejection occurs despite treatment with either rabbit an-
The presence of DSA is only the first step in the de- tithymocyte globulin (Thymoglobulin) (which would
velopment of humoral rejection. The next step is the decrease T-cell help) or rituximab (which removes naïve
binding of antibody to allograft. Using immunohisto- T cells).
logical techniques, donor-specific IgG and IgM are not Since DSA at baseline is primarily produced by long-
detectable on renal allograft vascular endothelium, even lived plasma cells, we and others have attempted to find
in the setting of clear-cut AMR.15,50 Indirect evidence of agents that might deplete plasma cells in sensitized re-
antibody binding to an allograft has been the demon- cipients. In vitro, bortezomib caused apoptosis of plasma
stration of C4d in the peritubular capillaries, but C4d is cells, but this was not observed with rituximab, IVIG, or
inactive and does not damage renal allografts.14,43 More Thymoglobulin.48,49 We then performed a dose escalation
distal terminal complement activation is associated with study of the impact of bortezomib monotherapy in highly
kidney damage, however.44 The presence of membrane sensitized patients.10 Bortezomib caused significant de-
attack complex of C5b-9 has been shown to mediate pletion of bone marrow-derived plasma cells in some pa-
neutrophil influx and synthesis of proinflammatory cy- tients (Figure 24-4). This potentiated the ability of PE to
tokines and may cause direct cell injury, apoptosis, and lower DSA levels and allowed for the transplantation of
necrosis.34,56 Similarly, the anaphylatoxin C5a is a che- some patients who were not able to be transplanted us-
moattractant for neutrophils and macrophages. The C5a ing PE alone. However, the impact of bortezomib may
receptor on endothelial cells, neutrophils, and macro- be limited by its poor bioavailability and another recent
phages activates these and other cells to produce cyto- report of two patients failed to show an impact of bort-
kines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules,6,7 and may ezomib alone when PE was not used.53
regulate apoptosis.28,57 Antibody also has been shown to Taken together, existing evidence suggests that bort-
cause endothelial cell damage by complement-independent ezomib therapy has a modest impact on plasma cells.
mechanisms.67 Developed for the treatment of multiple myeloma, clini-
It has been suggested in clinical and experimental stud- cians in that area have moved to more prolonged treat-
ies that organ allografts seem to develop resistance to ment schedules. However, prolonged treatment increases
antigraft antibody. This was first described and is well es- the incidence of toxicity and it is unclear if more pro-
tablished in ABO-incompatible allografts. Other investiga- longed treatment will lead to improved depletion of
tors have shown evidence for this process in allosensitized plasma cells and greater reduction of DSA levels in the
recipients of renal allografts.52 The mechanisms of ac- serum in sensitized patients.
commodation are unknown; however, data suggest that The development of therapy to control antibody pro-
the stimulation of antiapoptotic molecules, such as he- duction and its impact on renal allografts is in its infancy.
moxygenase 1, Bcl-xl, and Bcl-2, may be important early.52 It is likely that the next few years will see important
Our group showed that normally functioning ABO- ­advances in this area.
incompatible renal allografts 1 year after transplantation
develop a unique intragraft gene expression profile dif-
ferent from ABO-compatible grafts.46 There is molecular CONCLUSION
evidence of accommodation in human ABO-incompatible
grafts. In our opinion, the evidence for accommodation is The treatment options for renal transplant candidates
much stronger for ABO-incompatible grafts than for posi- who have DSA or who are blood group-incompatible
tive-crossmatch renal allograft recipients. with their living donor continue to evolve. In many in-
Combining what is known about antibody produc- stances, paired donation or acceptable mismatch pro-
tion with existing clinical studies, a mechanistic model of grams are able to avoid these antibody barriers. However,
alloantibody production and antibody-mediated dam-
­ for some patients, a DSA-positive or ABO-incompatible
age in sensitized renal allograft recipients can be con- kidney transplant may be the best treatment option. The
structed. In this model, baseline DSA is the product of immunological risk of patients varies from very low to
long-lived plasma cells that generally are resistant to cur- prohibitively high, and protocols can be tailored to the
rent therapy. Desensitization therapy primarily removes risk of antibody-mediated damage. Novel new therapies
or blocks DSA without significantly affecting ongoing such as the use of eculizumab to prevent early AMR in
antibody production. After transplantation, alloantibody DSA-positive transplants suggest that this major compli-
is the product of persistent production by pre-existing cation is becoming more manageable. However, chronic
plasma cells and the recruitment of memory B cells to injury remains a major unsolved problem in these pa-
become plasma cells. This conversion of memory B cells tients. Future research efforts focusing on the mecha-
to plasma cells is the major mechanism by which patients nisms of antibody production and its impact on the graft
with low levels of DSA at baseline develop humoral rejec- should provide for continued progress in this new and
tion after transplant. challenging field.
Transplantation in the Sensitized Recipient and Across ABO Blood Groups 369

TT Allo
Cd138+, Cd38+

4 Pre


10 Post

2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10
A CD138 PerCP-Cy5-5-A B

Antigen-Specific Spots/mL Marrow

60 Tetanus Specific Allo Specific






Baseline Post Baseline Post
Mean ± SD 25.2±15.7 13.2±8.1 16.7±14.5 6.2±3.6
C P=0.032 D P=0.048

FIGURE 24-4  ■  Proteasome inhibition depletes antigen-specific marrow-derived plasma cells. (A) Representative flow cytometry of
the bone marrow population enriched for plasma cells (CD138+, CD38+). (B) Representative ELISPOT showing numerous individual
plasma cells (spots) specific for tetanus toxoid (TT) and HLA (Allo) pretreatment and a reduction in number of antigen-specific plasma
cells with proteasome inhibition (P = 0.032 for tetanus-specific plasma cells and P = 0.048 for HLA-specific plasma cells). Four patients
received one four-dose cycle (open squares) and four received four four-dose cycles (closed squares). (From Diwan T, Raghavaiah S,
Burns J, et al. Proteasome inhibition depletes normal human plasma cells and enhances anti-donor antibody reduction in sensitized renal
­allograft candidates. Transplantation 2011;91:536, with permission.)

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Kidney Paired Donation Programs

for Living Donors
Sommer E. Gentry  •  Dorry L. Segev


There are far more eligible transplant candidates w

­ orldwide transplantation. This also requires that all donors who are
than there are organs available. One emerging modality, part of the arrangement donate simultaneously, to avoid
kidney paired donation (KPD), otherwise referred to as a situation where an individual donates but the intended
kidney exchange or paired exchange, increases living kid- recipient does not receive a transplant because another
ney donation by enabling would-be donors who are not donor decides against donation.
compatible with their intended recipients to participate
in a mutually beneficial exchange of organs. This requires
a coordinated effort to collect data about incompatible THE ROLE OF HLA MATCHING
pairs and about other types of participants such as non-
directed (altruistic) donors and compatible pairs, and to KPD may have the longest history in Korea, which es-
select appropriate matches28 by a manual or algorithmic tablished a program in 1991. By 2003, paired donations
process. comprised more than 10% of living kidney donations at
In this chapter, we examine the common features one Korean center.23 Korea’s approach to living donor
and the idiosyncrasies of several successful KPD efforts kidney transplantation emphasizes close human leuko-
around the world,6 including Korea, the Netherlands, cyte antigen (HLA) matching between donors and re-
Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. cipients. Living donors are only accepted as compatible if
In doing so, the main elements of modern KPD are re- they share more than one DR antigen or two of four A/B
viewed. Furthermore, reviewing these differences may antigens with their recipients. Of pairs deemed incom-
be reassuring for groups working to implement this ex- patible, 30% had HLA mismatching beyond these cri-
citing new modality; for each potential snag that might teria, 65% were blood type-incompatible, and only 5%
have delayed or limited one program’s efforts, there are had a positive crossmatch test.12 In the Netherlands, by
counterexamples in which that aspect of KPD was not an comparison, about half of incompatible pairs have posi-
impediment. tive crossmatch and half are blood type-incompatible.26
The Korean restriction requiring close HLA matches for
living donation may have directed more candidate/donor
BEGINNINGS OF KIDNEY PAIRED DONATION pairs into the KPD group, but may have ruled out more
potential exchanges. In most other programs, only pairs
In a traditional two-way or three-way KPD (Figure 25-1), with donor-specific anti-HLA (or anti-ABO) antibody
two or more ­ incompatible pairs exchange kidneys so are considered incompatible, rather than pairs simply
that two or more compatible matches result. This re- with HLA mismatch. Also, degree of HLA matching is
quires reciprocal matches, so that every individual who not usually considered important in KPD matching pri-
donates a kidney is assured that the intended recipient orities, except for favoring the rare zero-HLA-mismatch
will be matched with another donor and will undergo opportunities.

Kidney Paired Donation Programs for Living Donors 373

D1 R1 NDD exchange was enacted in 2006.14 In India, every paired ex-

change performed must be individually approved by the
D2 R2 D1 R1 Authorization Committee of the particular state,22 effec-
Two-way kidney paired tively discouraging intrastate arrangements.
D2 R2
Time passes
D3 R3
The conventional practice in the United States is to main-
D1 R1 D4 R4
tain strict anonymity among the KPD participants before
D2 R2 Time passes surgery, with meetings possible after surgery if desired
Open chain by all parties.21 In the Netherlands, patients in a pilot
D3 R3 study expressed a strong preference for anonymity, and
so that country’s exchange program maintains anonymity
Three-way kidney paired
throughout the process.17 In Germany, anonymous KPD
D1 R1 is prohibited, so exchanges can only proceed after incom-
patible pairs meet and socialize.11 In Romania, a single-
D2 R2 center program transplanted 56 pairs between 2001 and
Time passes
2005,18 and this group felt that maintaining anonymity
D1 R1
among pairs involved in KPD was unnecessary and would
D2 R2
D3 R3 be too logistically difficult, so they encouraged open in-
teraction before and after the transplants.
Compatible kidney D4 R4
paired donation
Closed chain
In the Netherlands, a compact country which is densely
D1 populated, donors travel to the transplant center where
their paired recipients are being transplanted and cared
D1 R1 for.6 In the United States, which has a much larger geo-
DD Waitlist
D2 R2
graphic footprint, donor organs are now routinely trans-
Time passes
ported to the recipient center.29 US physicians became
Waitlist R1 more comfortable with transporting living donor kidneys
for this purpose after a large-scale registry study showed
Domino paired donation List paired donation
that up to 8 hours of cold ischemia time did not have
FIGURE 25-1  ■ Terminology for various forms of paired dona- negative repercussions for a live donor kidney30 and a case
tion. Pictured are non-directed or altruistic donors (NDD), re- report demonstrated the feasibility of this practice.20 In
cipients (R) who are paired with their incompatible donors (D),
and waitlist recipients, in a variety of paired donation arrange- Canada, the standard is for donors to travel.7
ments. (Reprinted with permission from Gentry SE, Montgomery
RA, Segev DL. Kidney paired donation: fundamentals, limitations,
and expansion. Am J Kidney Dis 2011;57:144–51.) FINANCIAL ISSUES
LEGAL RESTRICTIONS In the United States, financial arrangements are frequently
a complicating factor in KPD. There is no obvious party
Legal restrictions on living organ donation have played responsible for paying the expenses incurred in donor
a significant role in the evolution of KPD in many coun- evaluations for incompatible donors, some of whom never
tries. In 2005, in the United States, the term “kidney donate, nor for the tissue typing and administrative costs
paired donation” rather than "kidney exchange" was ad- of maintaining a paired donation registry to locate suitable
opted to emphasize that these arrangements should not matches. Some have called for extending the concept of
be seen as violating the National Organ Transplantation the standard acquisition charge, used in the United States
Act’s (NOTA’s) prohibition on selling living donor or- to recoup expenses related to acquiring deceased donor
gans (phrased as “exchanging for valuable consider- organs, to KPD25; this seems to be an approach favored by
ation”). In December 2007, the United States enacted the insurance payer community as well.13
a new law – HR 710, the Charlie W. Norwood Living
Donation Act – clarifying that KPD was not illegal under
NOTA. This law made possible the efforts of the United EXPANSIONS BEYOND INCOMPATIBLE PAIRS
Network for Organ Sharing in building a national KPD
registry funded and overseen by the US government. In every KPD program, many incompatible pairs will fail
In the United Kingdom, only relatives and those with to find a match opportunity. Because blood group O do-
strong emotional ties to the candidate were permitted to nors are most likely to be compatible with their recipi-
be living organ donors, until legislation allowing kidney ents, there will be a blood group imbalance, with too few
374 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

O donors for too many O recipients, in any population 100% AB AB AB

of incompatible pairs.9 Some populations are also en- B B

riched for highly sensitized candidates, who are difficult B

to match in an exchange that seeks a compatible pairing. 75% A


This imbalance limits exchange opportunities and leads A

to innovations (Figure 25-1) such as extending match

arrangements to three or more pairs,27 desensitization 50% A

as part of the exchange program,19 and the inclusion of B

compatible pairs10 and non-directed donors,24 all of which O

can enhance the proportion of incompatible pairs suc- 25% O

cessfully transplanted. One less common variant shown O A

in Figure 25-1 was implemented in the New England re-

gion of the United States: in a list paired donation (also 0%
Recipients NDD Paired Bridge
known as list exchange), a candidate whose incompatible donors donors
living donor donates to a stranger on the deceased donor
FIGURE 25-2  ■  Distribution of blood groups among recipients of
waitlist is given preferential placement on the waitlist for incompatible pairs, non-directed donors (NDD), the donors of
a future, compatible deceased donor. incompatible pairs, and bridge donors in extended chains. (From
Gentry SE, Montgomery RA, Swihart BJ, et al. The roles of domi-
nos and nonsimultaneous chains in kidney paired donation. Am J
Transplant 2009;9:1330–6.)
In the arrangements referred to as chains or as domino without donating. In practice, all functioning registries in
paired donations, a non-directed or altruistic donor starts the United States that use chains “close” them when those
a sequence of paired donations by donating to a paired re- involved feel that the bridge donor has either waited too
cipient whose donor then becomes available for the next long or will inevitably wait for a long period of time.
recipient (Figure 25-1). At the end of the sequence, one
incompatible pair’s donor is left unmatched. This donor
might donate immediately to a candidate on the deceased GOALS OF MATCHING
donor waiting list, creating a closed chain (domino paired
donation). Alternatively, the last donor might wait (for a Deciding which incompatible pairs, compatible pairs,
few months or longer) as a bridge donor, subsequently and non-directed donors should be matched together is
donating to another incompatible pair to begin another critically important for any program. At the most basic
sequence of donations (open chain, or non-simultaneous level, every donor should be blood group and tissue type-
extended altruistic donor chain). compatible with the candidate to whom he or she will
Non-directed donors are particularly valuable in donate. There are exceptions to this rule: some transplant
paired donation because non-directed donors are not centers have experience with desensitization protocols for
paired with one particular candidate who must receive a ABO-incompatible or HLA-incompatible transplants, or
kidney, easing the reciprocal compatibility requirement. both. These centers may wish to combine desensitization
Furthermore, a renege will not directly harm a pair (be- with kidney exchange in order to obtain transplants for
cause no individual donates without his or her paired re- their hardest-to-match patients.19
cipient receiving a transplant), even though a renege will
cause the chain to break and, therefore, the final patient
on the deceased donor waiting list (the one who would MATCHING ALGORITHMS
have closed the chain) does not receive a transplant.
Finally, blood group O donors are more prevalent among Beyond simply understanding which donors could suc-
non-directed donors than paired donors (Figure 25-2). cessfully donate to which candidates in a KPD registry,
In programs where non-directed donors have been matching participants together so that the largest num-
incorporated into KPD, non-directed donor chains of- ber of people can achieve the greatest benefit requires
ten comprise a majority of the transplants arranged. In sophisticated mathematics and specialized optimiza-
the Netherlands, non-directed donors are only matched tion algorithms.28 This holds true for any of the varia-
to incompatible pairs after the pairs have tried to find a tions or expansions of KPD described herein. We refer
traditional kidney exchange with other pairs. Also, non- to a “match” as a single two-way, three-way, or chain of
directed donors in the Netherlands are allocated on a transplants, as in Figure 25-1. For a fixed pool of par-
center basis rather than by the national program.26 ticipants in a paired donation registry, “matching” means
There has been some debate about whether open selecting a non-overlapping set of matches to proceed to
chains or closed chains will facilitate more transplants. transplant.
Open chains hold a promise of indefinite continuation Matching decisions in a KPD registry are necessarily
that is intuitively appealing, but, in practice, bridge do- interconnected, because choosing one match means that
nors have a blood group distribution (Figure 25-2) that other potentially useful matches involving any of those
makes them hard to match.8 Long delays between the same participants will not be possible. Some seemingly
recipient’s transplant and the donor’s operation might effective matching heuristics neglect the interconnected-
cause an unknown number of bridge donors to withdraw ness of these decisions. For instance, it is not optimal to
Kidney Paired Donation Programs for Living Donors 375

rank all possible matches and then choose the highest- been calls for establishing international KPD systems to
ranked match first, the next highest-ranked available facilitate the flow of organs around the world,4 although
match second, and so on. This match rank heuristic, the logistics of doing so will no doubt remain challenging.
which has been used in some operational registries,15
might transplant fewer people than would be possible
with better matching algorithms. FUTURE OF KIDNEY PAIRED DONATION
There are only two correct approaches to find the best
set of matches among a specific list of participants: ex- KPD is proving to be a viable strategy to circumvent liv-
haustive search or integer programming (optimization). ing donor incompatibility. In 2001 there were only 12 US
In exhaustive search, a computer generates every possible transplants from paired donation, but there were 574 a
set of matches and then compares them to select the best decade later in 2011 (representing 10% of living donor
set of matches, as in the Korean registry.16 Exhaustive kidney transplants that year), making KPD by far the
search is only possible for small registries, because the most rapidly growing category of living donor transplants.
number of different sets of matches possible grows in- Media attention to this modality, and greater physician
credibly quickly. Integer programming models, includ- familiarity with its variations, will be positive forces in
ing some algorithms specialized for the paired donation expanding access to paired donation. We believe innova-
problem,1 use mathematical techniques to locate and ver- tions in this field will allow more candidates with incom-
ify the best set of matches without having to describe all patible donors to benefit from kidney transplantation.
possible sets of matches explicitly.
1. Abraham DJ, Blum A, Sandholm T. Clearing algorithms for barter
REGISTRY SIZE exchange markets: enabling nationwide kidney exchanges. In:
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ble pairs matched is increasing the number of participants the north central donor exchange cooperative. Am J Kidney Dis
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size, but the benefit is particularly pronounced for sen- 3. Bingaman AW, Wright Jr FH, Kapturczak M, et al. Single-center
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sitized candidates. For instance, a nationwide registry in Am J Transplant 2012;12:2125–32.
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cations for the organization of registries around the world. a consensus conference. Am J Transplant 2013; (in press).
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national KPD registries.6 In South Korea, KPD is gener- 7. Fortin MC, Williams-Jones B. Who should travel in kidney exchange
ally conducted within large single-center programs.6 One programs: the donor, or the organ? Open Med 2011;e23–5.
8. Gentry SE, Montgomery RA, Swihart BJ, et al. The roles of
single-center program in the United States, by relying on dominos and nonsimultaneous chains in kidney paired donation.
compatible pairs, has grown its program to be more than Am J Transplant 2009;9:1330–6.
one-third of its live donor kidney volume.3 In the United 9. Gentry SE, Segev DL, Montgomery RA. A comparison of
States, there are many models competing: there are sin- populations served by kidney paired donation and list paired
gle-center programs, several multicenter consortia, and donation. Am J Transplant 2005;5:1914–21.
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an effort by the United Network for Organ Sharing to es- paired donation through participation by compatible pairs. Am J
tablish a national registry integrated with the national de- Transplant 2007;7:2361–70.
ceased donor allocation system.2 The various registries in 11. Giessing M, Deger S, Roigas J, et al. Cross-over kidney
the United States serve different but overlapping popula- transplantation with simultaneous laparoscopic living donor
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participants were in one larger pool, the proliferation of 14. Johnson RJ, Allen JE, Fuggle SV, et al. Early experience of paired
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19. Montgomery RA. Living donor exchange programs: theory and 25. Rees MA, Schnitzler MA, Zavala EY, et al. Call to develop a
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Pathology of Kidney
Alton B. Farris, III  •  Lynn D. Cornell  •  Robert B. Colvin



Microscopy Acute CNI Toxicity
THE RENAL ALLOGRAFT Acute Arteriolar Toxicity and Thrombotic
Differential Diagnosis
Acute T-Cell-Mediated Rejection Glomerular Lesions
Tubulointerstitial Rejection (Type I) Tubules and Interstitium
Endarteritis (Type II Rejection) Differential Diagnosis
Atypical Rejection Syndromes
Differential Diagnosis
Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Diagnostic Criteria INFECTIONS
Pathologic Features Polyomavirus Tubulointerstitial Nephritis
C4d Interpretation Adenovirus
Differential Diagnosis Acute Pyelonephritis
Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Peritubular Capillary and Tubulointerstitial Anti-GBM Nephritis
Lesions De Novo Podocytopathy in Congenital
Transplant Arteriopathy Nephrosis
Accommodation Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
C4d-Negative Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Rejection
Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease
Chronic Allograft Arteriopathy
Sequence of Arterial Lesions PROTOCOL BIOPSIES
Differential Diagnosis of Late Biopsies FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN BIOPSY ASSESSMENT
Transplant Glomerulopathy

RENAL ALLOGRAFT BIOPSY 38–83% of patients, even after the first year.183,185,295,410
Most importantly, unnecessary immunosuppression
Renal biopsy remains the “gold standard” for the was avoided in 19% of patients.295 The biopsy is also a
diagnosis of episodes of graft dysfunction that occur
­ gold mine of information on pathogenetic mechanisms,
commonly in patients after transplantation.410 Studies a generator of hypotheses that can be tested in experi-
have indicated that the results of a renal allograft biopsy mental animal studies and in clinical trials. Finally, the
change the clinical diagnosis in 30–42% and therapy in biopsy serves, in turn, to validate the hypothesis tested in

378 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

such trials. Renal biopsy interpretation currently relies Classification of Pathologic Diagnoses in the
primarily on histopathology complemented by immuno-
logical molecular probes, and perhaps in the future, with
Renal Allograft
quantitative gene expression. The ideal diagnostic classification of renal allograft pa-
This chapter describes the relevant light, immuno- thology should be based on pathogenesis, have therapeutic
fluorescence, and electron microscopy (EM) findings of relevance, and be reproducible. The current classification,
the most common lesions affecting the renal allograft based on Banff and other systems (Table 26-1), meets
and their differential diagnosis, citing references largely these criteria.61,237
limited to human pathological studies after 1990. The
discussion is broadly divided into allograft rejection and
non-rejection pathology, with an emphasis on differen-
tial diagnosis of acute and chronic allograft dysfunction.
Grading systems of acute and chronic rejection are dis- TABLE 26-1  Pathological Classification of Renal
cussed further in those sections. Allograft Disease

I. Immunological rejection
Optimal Tissue A. Hyperacute rejection
B. Acute rejection
At least seven non-sclerotic glomeruli and two arteries 1. Acute T-cell-mediated rejection (acute cellular
(bigger than arterioles) are recommended for adequate ­rejection, C4d−)
a. Tubulointerstitial (Banff type I)
evaluation.59,366 Using these criteria, the sensitivity of a b. Endarteritis (Banff type II)
single core is approximately 90%, and the predicted sen- c. Arterial fibrinoid necrosis/transmural inflammation
sitivity of two cores is about 99%.59 However, adequacy (Banff type III)
depends entirely on the lesions seen in the biopsy: one d. Glomerular (transplant glomerulitis; no Banff
artery with endarteritis is sufficient for the diagnosis of type)
2. Acute antibody-mediated rejection (acute humoral
acute cellular rejection (ACR), even if no glomerulus is rejection, C4d+)
present; similarly, immunofluorescence or EM of one a. Tubular injury
glomerulus is adequate to diagnose membranous glomer- b. Capillaritis/thrombotic microangiopathy
ulonephritis (MGN). In contrast, a large portion of cor- c. Arterial fibrinoid necrosis
C. Chronic rejection
tex with a minimal infiltrate does not exclude rejection. 1. Chronic T-cell-mediated rejection (with T-cell
Subcapsular cortex often shows inflammation and fibrosis activity)
and is not representative. Diagnosis of certain diseases is 2. Chronic antibody-mediated rejection (with antibody
even possible with only medulla (acute humoral rejection activity, C4d+)
(AHR), polyomavirus tubulointerstitial nephritis (PTN)). II. Alloantibody/autoantibody-mediated diseases of
However, a normal medulla does not rule out rejection.403 A. Anti-GBM disease in Alport’s syndrome
Frozen sections for light microscopy are of limited value; B. Nephrotic syndrome in nephrin-deficient recipients
the diagnostic accuracy of frozen sections was 89% when C. Anti-TBM disease in TBM antigen-deficient recipients
compared with paraffin sections.50 Rapid processing in D. De novo membranous glomerulonephritis
E. Anti-angiotensin II receptor autoantibody syndrome
formalin/paraffin processing is preferred. III. Non-rejection injury
A. Acute ischemic injury (acute tubular necrosis)
B. Drug toxicity
Microscopy 1. Calcineurin inhibitor (cyclosporine, tacrolimus)
2. mTOR inhibitors (sirolimus, everolimus,
The biopsy is examined for glomerular, tubular, vascu- rapamycin)
lar, and interstitial pathology, including: (1) transplant C. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (drug allergy)
glomerulitis, glomerulopathy, and de novo or recurrent D. Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal)
glomerulonephritis; (2) tubular injury, isometric vacuol- E. Major artery/vein thrombosis
F. Mechanical
ization, tubulitis, atrophy, or intranuclear viral inclusions; 1. Obstruction
(3) endarteritis, fibrinoid necrosis, thrombi, myocyte ne- 2. Urine leak
crosis, nodular medial hyalinosis, or chronic allograft arte- G. Renal artery stenosis
riopathy; (4) interstitial infiltrates of activated ­mononuclear H. Arteriosclerosis
cells, edema, or neutrophils, fibrosis, and scarring. Arteries I. De novo glomerular disease
J. Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease
and arterioles are particularly scrutinized, as well as K. Chronic allograft nephropathy, not otherwise classified
­peritubular capillaries (PTCs), since the diagnostic lesions (interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy)
often lie in the vessels. IV. Recurrent primary disease
Our standard immunofluorescence panel detects IgG, A. Immunological (e.g., IgA nephropathy, lupus nephritis,
anti-GBM disease)
IgA, IgM, C3, C4d, albumin, and fibrin in cryostat sec- B. Metabolic (e.g., amyloidosis, diabetes, oxalosis)
tions. C4d, a complement fragment, is used to identify C. Unknown (e.g., dense deposit disease, focal segmental
antibody-mediated rejection (AMR); the other stains are glomerulosclerosis)
primarily for recurrent or de novo glomerulonephritis.53
Immunohistochemistry in paraffin sections may be used mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; GBM, glomerular
­basement membrane; TBM, tubular basement membrane.
for C4d. EM is valuable when de novo or recurrent glo- From Colvin RB, Nickeleit V. Renal transplant pathology. In: Jennette
merular disease is suspected and to evaluate PTC base- JC, Olson JL, Schwartz MM, et al., editors. Heptinstall’s pathol-
ment membranes.164 ogy of the kidney. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2006. p. 1347.
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 379


Biopsy of the deceased donor kidney is sometimes used to Hyperacute rejection refers to immediate rejection (typi-
determine the suitability of the kidney for transplantation. cally within 10 minutes to an hour) of the kidney upon
Objective pathologic criteria based on outcome that could perfusion with recipient blood, where the recipient is
be applied to the renal biopsy as a screening test have not presensitized to alloantigens on the surface of the graft
been established, as donor biopsies are not routinely per- endothelium. During surgery, the graft kidney becomes
formed and controlled trials have not been done. One of soft, flabby and livid, mottled, purple or cyanotic in color;
the major problems in assessing the donor kidney is that urine output ceases. The kidney subsequently swells and
this is usually done with cryostat sections, often by non- widespread hemorrhagic cortical necrosis and medul-
renal pathologists in the middle of the night. Even though lary congestion appear. The large vessels are sometimes
many other studies try to correlate fibrosis or vascular thrombosed.
disease, reproducibility of scoring these lesions, even on Early lesions show marked accumulation of plate-
permanent sections by expert renal pathologists in broad lets in glomerular capillary lumens that appear as amor-
daylight, is notoriously poor.105 Arbitrary criteria risk that phous pale pink, finely granular masses in hematoxylin
kidneys will be discarded needlessly. In two large studies, and ­eosin-stained slides (negative on periodic acid–Schiff
the outcome at 1–5 years was not measurably correlated (PAS) stains). Neutrophil and platelet margination then
with pathological lesions.44,284 However, as rejection and occurs over the next hour or so along damaged endothe-
patient death from complications diminish, the influence lium of small arteries, arterioles, glomeruli, and PTCs
of the quality of the graft is likely to increase. and the capillaries fill with sludged (compacted) red cells
Glomerulosclerosis can be readily assessed in frozen and fibrin.409 The larger arteries are usually spared. The
section, by the most casual observers, and has been a neutrophils do not infiltrate initially but form “chain-like”
popular parameter for judging the quality of the donor figures in the PTCs without obvious thrombi.409 The en-
kidney. Glomerulosclerosis >20% correlates with poor dothelium is stripped off the underlying basal lamina, and
graft outcome in some, but not all, studies.89,109,310 The the interstitium becomes edematous and hemorrhagic.
odds ratio remained significant after adjustment for do- Intravascular coagulation occurs and cortical necrosis en-
nor age, rejection episodes, or panel-reactive antibody.310 sues over 12–24 hours. The medulla is relatively spared,
However, other large studies have failed to detect a major but is ultimately affected as the whole kidney becomes
effect of glomerulosclerosis >20%, if adjusted for the age necrotic.184 Widespread microthrombi are usually found
of the donor301 or renal function.84 At least 25 glomeruli in the arterioles and glomeruli and can be detected even
are needed to correlate with outcome.402 A wedge biopsy in totally necrotic samples. The small arteries may show
may not be representative, since it includes mostly outer fibrinoid necrosis. Mononuclear infiltrates are typically
cortex, the zone where glomerulosclerosis and fibrosis sparse. A T-cell component may be present, as judged
due to vascular disease are most severe; therefore a needle by CD3+ cells in the adventitia of small arteries.108 By
biopsy is recommended. EM, neutrophils attach to injured glomerular endothelial
Other lesions may cause the transplant surgeon or cells.409 The endothelium is swollen, separated from the
pathologist to argue against use of the graft. Arterial glomerular basement membrane (GBM) by a lucent space.
intimal fibrosis increases the risk of delayed graft func- Capillary loops and PTCs are often bare of endothelium.
tion (DGF)172 and has a slight effect on 2-year graft sur- Platelet, fibrin thrombi, and trapped erythrocytes occlude
vival (6% decrease).383 Thrombotic microangiopathy capillaries.61
(TMA), with widespread but less than 50% glomerular The site of antibody and complement deposition is
thrombi, increases the likelihood of DGF and primary determined by the site of the target endothelial alloan-
non-function,301 but is compatible with unaltered 2-year tigens. Hyperacute rejection due to pre-existing anti-
graft survival.225 Reversal of diabetic glomerulosclerosis1 human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I antibodies may
and IgA nephropathy have been reported,169 as well as show C3, C4d, and fibrin throughout the microvascula-
MGN,261 lupus nephritis,204 membranoproliferative glo- ture.138 ABO antibodies (primarily IgM) also deposit in all
merulonephritis (MPGN),39 and endothelialosis due to vascular endothelium. Cases with anticlass II antibodies
pre-eclampsia (personal observation). Mathematically may have IgG/IgM primarily in glomerular and PTCs,
combined scores of pathological lesions have been pro- where class II is normally conspicuous.3 In the antiendo-
posed as a guide,314 including, most recently, the Maryland thelial monocyte antigen cases, IgG is primarily in PTCs,
Aggregate Pathology Index.254 In addition to glomerulo- rather than glomeruli or arteries.297 Often antibodies can-
sclerosis, the score includes interstitial fibrosis, glomeru- not be detected in the vessels,352 even though they can be
lar size, periglomerular fibrosis, arterial wall-to-lumen eluted from the kidney.211,241 In these cases C4d should be
ratio, and arteriolar hyalinosis. Further, whether this will positive in PTCs53 and more useful than immunoglobulin
provide an efficient separation of beneficial organs will stains. Occasional cases, particularly intraoperative biop-
depend on prospective validation studies. sies, may be negative for C4d, perhaps related to focally
At this time histological evaluation is recommended in decreased perfusion or insufficient time to generate sub-
donors with any evidence of renal dysfunction, a family stantial C4d amounts.
history of renal disease, or those whose age is >60 years. The differential diagnosis of hyperacute rejection
Histological selection of kidneys from donors over includes ischemia and major vascular thrombosis. The
60 years can result in a graft survival rate similar to that major diagnostic feature of hyperacute rejection is C4d
of grafts from younger patients.314 deposition in PTCs and the prominence of neutrophils
380 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

in capillaries. While the finding of antibody and C4d

TABLE 26-2  Banff/Types of Acute T-­Cell-Mediated
deposition in PTCs is diagnostic when present, nega-
tive immunofluorescence stains do not exclude hyper-
acute rejection. Exogenous antibody (rabbit or horse Borderline/Suspicious Any tubulitis (1 cell/tubule or
antilymphocyte serum) can cause severe endothelial in- more (t1, t2, or t3)) + infiltrate
jury, sometimes with C4d deposition mimicking hyper- 0–25% (i0 or i1) or mild
acute rejection.54 Hyperacute rejection typically has more tubulitis (1–4 cells/tubule) (t1)
and infiltrate >25% (i2 or i3)
hemorrhage, necrosis, and neutrophil accumulation in Type I Tubulitis >4 cells/tubule +
glomeruli and PTCs than acute tubular necrosis (ATN), infiltrate >25%
although glomerular neutrophils alone are associated A With 5–10 cells/tubule (t2)
with ischemia.107 Major arterial thrombosis has predomi- B With >10 cells/tubule (t3)
Type II Mononuclear cells under
nant necrosis with little hemorrhage or microthrombi arterial endothelium
and PTC neutrophils are not that prominent. Renal vein A <25% luminal area (v1)
thrombosis shows marked congestion and relatively little B ≥25% luminal area (v2)
neutrophil response. Type III Transmural arterial
inflammation, or fibrinoid
arterial necrosis with
accompanying lymphocytic

Acute rejection typically develops in the first 2–6 weeks *All cases should be analyzed for C4d deposition. If C4d is ­present,
after transplantation, but can arise in a normally func- an additional diagnosis of concurrent antibody-mediated rejection
is made.
tioning kidney from 3 days to 10 years or more, or in a †
Cases with these features are often due to alloantibody. To use as
graft affected by other conditions, such as ATN, calcineu- a category of T-cell-mediated rejection requires C4d in peritubular
rin inhibitor toxicity (CNIT), or chronic rejection. Acute capillaries to be negative.
rejection may be caused by T cell or antibody injuring From Colvin RB, Nickeleit V. Renal transplant pathology. In: Jennette
JC, Olson JL, Schwartz MM, et al., editors. Heptinstall’s pathol-
the graft, acting separately or together (Table 26-1). Only ogy of the kidney. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2006. p. 1347.
since 1999 has the distinction between the two pathoge-
netic pathways been clearly made in the literature and the
criteria continue to be refined. Since these respond to dif- B,191,236,294,324 TIA-1/GMP-17,230,236 and tumor necrosis
ferent immunosuppressive therapies, the distinction is of factor (TNF)-β (lymphotoxin).281
considerable clinical importance. Mononuclear cells invade tubules and insinuate be-
tween tubular epithelial cells, a process termed “tubulitis”
Acute T-Cell-Mediated Rejection (Figure 26-1B), which is best appreciated in sections stained
with PAS or a silver stain to delineate the tubular basement
Acute T-cell-mediated rejection, also known as ACR, is membrane (TBM). All cortical tubules (proximal and dis-
caused by T cells reacting to donor histocompatibility tal) as well as the medullary tubules and the collecting ducts
antigens expressed in the tubules, interstitium, vessels, may be affected. Tubular cell apoptosis occurs,15,162,230,282
and glomeruli, separately or in combination (Table 26-2). which correlates with the number of cytotoxic cells and
The donor ureter is also affected, but rarely sampled.106 macrophages in the infiltrate.230,282 Tubular epithelial
cells express HLA-DR, intercellular adhesion molecule
Tubulointerstitial Rejection (Type I) (ICAM)-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1
in increased amounts in ACR21,29,35,93,101–103,269,289,401 and ex-
The prominent microscopic feature of ACR is a pleiomor- press the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86.276
phic interstitial infiltrate of mononuclear cells, accompa- Tubules also synthesize TNF-α,252 transforming growth
nied by interstitial edema and sometimes hemorrhage factor-β1, interleukin (IL)-15, osteopontin, and vascular
(Figure 26-1). The infiltrate is typically patchy, both in endothelial growth factor.7,290,411 Increased expression of
the cortex and medulla. The infiltrating cells are primar- S100A4 and smooth-muscle α-actin signals a differen-
ily T cells and macrophages. Activated T cells (lympho- tiation toward mesenchymal cells, a process sometimes
blasts) with increased basophilic cytoplasm, nucleoli, and termed epithelial to mesenchymal transition.190,319 This
occasional mitotic figures indicate increased synthetic does not seem to be accompanied by migration of the cells
and proliferative activity.182 Granulocytes are not uncom- out of the tubule.91,237
monly present but rarely prominent. When neutrophils Not all events in the graft rejection are causing injury.
are conspicuous, the possibility of AMR or pyelonephritis Some tubular cell-derived molecules have the potential
should be considered. Eosinophils are present in about to inhibit acute rejection, such as protease inhibitor-9,
30% of biopsies with rejection and can be abundant, but the only known inhibitor of granzyme B324 and IL-15,
are rarely more than 2–3% of the infiltrate.8,274 Abundant which inhibits expression of perforin.411 T cells that
eosinophils (10% of infiltrate) are associated with end- downregulate the immune response are also present,
arteritis (Banff type II).233 Mast cells increase, as judged as judged by their expressioin of the transcription fac-
by tryptase content, and correlate with edema.72 Acute tor Foxp3.399 Foxp3 cells are also prominent in accepted
rejection with abundant plasma cells has been described grafts in humans176 and mice62,248 and may help distin-
as early as the first month, associated with poor graft guish harmful from beneficial infiltrates.27,28,126
survival.4,48,228 Infiltrating T cells express cytotoxic mol- CD8+ and CD4+ cells invade tubules.392 Intratubular
ecules, namely perforin,175,294 FasL,5,294 granzyme A and T cells with cytotoxic granules,230 and CD4 + FOXP3+ cells398
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 381

FIGURE 26-1  ■  Acute cellular rejection, type I. (A) Mononuclear cells, composed of activated lymphocytes and macrophages, infiltrate
the edematous interstitium and invade tubules. Tubulitis affects proximal and other tubules, where mononuclear cells are interposed
between the tubular epithelial cells (B). The invading mononuclear cells appear dark with scant cytoplasm, which distinguishes them
from tubular epithelial cells. The tubular basement membranes are stained red by the periodic acid–Schiff stain, which is useful to
delineate the boundary between the tubule and the interstitium.

accumulate selectively in the tubules, compared with the mouse kidney grafts.86 Treatment of rejection is followed
interstitial infiltrate. T cells proliferate once i­nside the tu- by a measurable decrease in CATs.377 However, knock-
bule, as judged by the marker Ki67 (MIB-1), which contrib- out of either granzyme or perforin does not prevent
utes to their concentration within tubules, in addition to acute rejection, suggesting they are not essential.85 Other
selective invasion.230,320 Increased tubular HLA-DR,29,102 genes associated with acute rejection are IFN-γ, TNF-β,
TNF-α,252 interferon-γ (IFN-γ) ­receptor,281 IL-2 recep- TNF-α, RANTES, and macrophage inflammatory pro-
tor,187 and IL-8 are detectable by immunoperoxidase tein (MIP)-1α.152
study in ACR. Several adhesion molecules are increased
on tubular cells during rejection, including ICAM-1 Endarteritis (Type II Rejection)
(CD54) and VCAM-1, that correlate with the degree of
T-cell infiltration.35 Infiltration of mononuclear cells under arterial and arte-
Signs of tubular cell injury can be detected by TdT- riolar endothelium is the defining lesion of type II ACR
uridine-nick end label (TUNEL) apoptosis assay. (Figure 26-2). Many terms have been used for this process,
Increased numbers of TUNEL +  tubular cells are present including “endothelialitis,” “endothelitis,” “endovasculi-
in acute rejection, compared with normal kidneys.162,230 tis,” “intimal arteritis,” or “endarteritis.” We prefer endar-
The frequency was significantly lower in cyclosporine teritis, which emphasizes the type of vessel (artery versus
toxicity or ATN.230 The degree of apoptosis correlates vein) involved and the site of inflammation. Mononuclear
with the cytotoxic cells in the infiltrate, consistent with cells, that are sometimes attached to the endothelial sur-
a pathogenetic relationship.230 Prominent apoptosis of face, are insufficient for the diagnosis of endarteritis; how-
the infiltrating T cells has also been detected at a fre- ever, they probably represent the early phase of this lesion.
quency comparable to that in the normal thymus (1.8% Endarteritis in ACR must not be confused with fibrinoid
of cells).230 Apoptosis probably occurs in infiltrating T necrosis of arteries. The latter is characteristic of acute
cells as a result of activation-induced cell death and would AMR and can also be seen in thrombotic vasculopathy.
thereby serve to limit the immune reaction.230 Little, if Endarteritis has been reported historically in 35–56%
any, immunoglobulin deposition is found by immuno- of renal biopsies with ACR22,59,188,274,338 and it may be more
fluorescence in ACR, which is characterized primarily by common in patients on belatacept.400 Many do not find
extravascular fibrin accumulation in the interstitium and the lesion as often; this may possibly be ascribed to in-
not uncommonly increased C3 along the TBM. The C3 adequate sampling, overdiagnosis of rejection (increas-
is largely derived from tubular cells.11 C3 may have a role ing the denominator), patient population with respect to
in the pathogenesis of acute rejection, since C3-deficient medication adherence (severity of rejection), or the tim-
mouse kidneys have prolonged survival.305 ing of the biopsy with respect to antirejection therapy.
Gene expression studies of graft tissue have revealed Endarteritis lesions affect arteries of all sizes, including
that transcripts for proteins of cytotoxic T lympho- the arteriole, although the lesions affect larger vessels
cytes (CTLs), such as granzyme B, perforin, and Fas preferentially. For example, in a detailed analysis, 27%
ligand76,152,205,347,376,377,381 and the master transcription fac- of the artery cross-sections were affected, versus 13% of
tor for CTLs, T-bet, are characteristic of ACR.152 Graft the arterioles.274 A sample of four arteries would have an
CTL-associated transcripts (CATs) precede tubulitis in estimated sensitivity of about 75% in the detection of
382 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 26-2  ■ Acute cellular rejection, type II. (A) Endarteritis in a medium-sized artery. The endothelium is lifted by undermining
mononuclear cells, without involvement of the media. (B) Subendothelial infiltration in a small artery with underlying arteriosclerosis
(donor disease). This acute process should be distinguished from chronic transplant arteriopathy.

type II rejection.274 Thus a sample may not be considered endothelial damage (as in Figure 26-3A).390 A severe form
adequate to rule out endarteritis unless several arteries of this glomerular injury, termed “transplant glomerulitis”
are included. “Arteriolitis” has the same significance as or “acute allograft glomerulopathy,” develops in a minor-
endarteritis.23 Endarteritis can occur in cases with little ity of cases (<5%), manifested by hypercellularity, injury,
or no interstitial infiltrate or tubulitis, arguing that it has and enlargement of endothelial cells, infiltration of glom-
a distinct pathogenetic mechanism.61 Recent studies have eruli by mononuclear cells and by webs of PAS-positive
suggested that endarteritis may also be related to anti- material.317 Crescents and thrombi are rare. The glomeruli
donor antibodies,197 and such lesions can be produced in contain numerous CD3+ and CD8+ T cells and mono-
mice by adoptive transfer of donor-specific antibodies.149 cytes.145,392 Fibrin and scant immunoglobulin and comple-
Endothelial cells are typically reactive with increased ment deposits are found in glomeruli. Endarteritis often
cytoplasmic volume and basophilia. The endothelium accompanies the transplant glomerulitis.240 Glomerulitis is
shows disruption and lifting from supporting stroma by more often related to AMR, and evidence for this (C4d,
infiltrating inflammatory cells.10 Occasionally endothelial donor-specific antibodies) should be sought in these cases.
cells are necrotic or absent; however, thrombosis is rare.
Endothelial apoptosis occurs162,230 and increased numbers Atypical Rejection Syndromes
of endothelial cells appear in the circulation.413 The me-
dium usually shows little change. In severe cases a trans- Unique patterns of rejection have been observed un-
mural mononuclear infiltrate may be seen (termed type der novel immunosuppression regimens. For example,
III rejection). The cells infiltrating the endothelium and pronounced lymphocyte depletion results from alem-
intima are T cells and monocytes, but not B cells.10 Both tuzumab (Campath-1H) and ACR in this setting has a
CD8+ and CD4+ cells invade the intima in early grafts, prominent monocyte population (i.e., an acute monocytic
but later CD8+ cells predominate,392 suggesting that class rejection).115,181,182 Much of the interstitial rejection infil-
I antigens are the primary target.230 Vascular endothelial trate stains for CD68, correlating with renal dysfunction
cell apoptosis can be detected in sites of endarteritis.162,230 and tubular stress, shown by HLA-DR staining of the tu-
Normal arterial endothelial cells express class I an- bules. Under these conditions, T cells did not correlate
tigens, weak ICAM-1, and little or no class II antigens, with renal dysfunction or HLA-DR staining.115
or VCAM-1. During acute rejection the endothelium of Studies have recently included simultaneous bone
arteries expresses increased HLA-DR101,392 and ICAM-1 marrow and kidney transplantation protocols in an at-
and VCAM-1.36,93 This adhesion molecule upregulation tempt to induce tolerance to the transplanted organ.
occurs in association with CD3+35 and CD25+103 infil- In these studies, HLA-mismatched renal transplants
trating mononuclear cells. Endothelial cells also have have been performed; withdrawal of maintenance im-
decreased endothelin expression in rejection with endar- munosuppression has been accomplished in some of
teritis, but not in tubulointerstitial rejection.404 the patients with relatively preserved renal function.176
In several of these patients, a capillary leak or engraft-
ment syndrome has been observed around 10 days after
Glomerular Lesions
a simultaneous kidney/bone marrow transplant preceded
In most ACR cases, glomeruli are spared or show mi- by a non-myeloablative conditioning regimen. In this
nor changes, typically a few scattered mononuclear cells “engraftment syndrome,” acute tubular injury is accompa-
(T cells and monocytes) and occasionally segmental nied by congested PTCs containing mononuclear cells
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 383


FIGURE 26-3  ■ Acute humoral rejection. (A) Low power shows mild interstitial inflammation, focal hemorrhage, neutrophils, and
thrombi in glomerular capillaries and dilated peritubular capillaries with leukocytes. (B) At high power neutrophils can be seen in
the peritubular capillaries with little tubulitis. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (C) Acute transplant glomerulitis is prominent in this case
of acute humoral rejection. Glomerular endothelial cells are swollen and the capillaries are filled with mononuclear cells, probably
mostly macrophages. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (D) C4d stain of a case of acute humoral rejection shows prominent, diffuse staining
of dilated peritubular capillaries, sometimes containing inflammatory cells, and linear staining along the glomerular basement mem-
brane. Immunohistochemistry with a polyclonal anti-C4d rabbit antibody.

and red blood cells. Immunohistochemistry shows that than usual for rejection and eosinophils invading tubules
the cells are primarily CD68 + MPO +  mononuclear cells are identified, then drug allergy may be favored over re-
and CD3 + CD8+ T cells, the latter with a high prolif- jection. The presence of endarteritis permits a definitive
eration index (Ki67+). XY chromosome fluorescence in diagnosis of active rejection.274 Lymphocytes commonly
situ hybridization has been used to demonstrate that the surround vessels (without medial involvement), a non-
PTC cells are recipient-derived, correlating with chi- specific feature, and must not be confused with endar-
merism studies showing a simultaneous decline in cir- teritis. Tubulitis is often present in atrophic tubules and
culating donor cells and recovery of recipient circulating does not indicate acute rejection. The diagnosis of acute
cells. PTC endothelial injury can also be seen on EM pyelonephritis should be raised when active inflamma-
in these cases.92,176 Similar pathologic features have been tion and abundant intratubular neutrophils are present.
observed in recipients of autologous mesenchymal stem A note of caution, though: in AHR, neutrophilic tubu-
cells (Remuzzi et al., personal communication). The litis with neutrophil casts can be seen222; a C4d stain and
etiology of the syndrome remains undefined, and oth- urine culture will help in distinguishing between these.61
ers have performed combined kidney and bone marrow Prominent tubulitis does favor acute rejection over ATN,
transplants without observing this phenomenon.201 particularly in the proximal tubules.216
The usual diagnostic feature of polyomavirus in-
terstitial nephritis (BK virus) is the enlarged, hyper-
Differential Diagnosis
chromatic tubular nuclei with lavender viral nuclear
Interstitial mononuclear inflammation and tubulitis occur inclusions, often in collecting ducts. However, these
in a variety of diseases other than acute rejection. Tubulitis may be inconspicuous, and diligent study of multiple
has been documented in renal transplants with dysfunc- sections may be required. Other clues are prominent
tion due to lymphoceles (obstruction) and in urine leaks, apoptosis of tubular cells, abundant plasma cells, which
possibilities that need to be considered and excluded by invade tubules. Immunohistochemistry for the poly-
other techniques.71 Acute obstruction typically has some oma SV40 large T antigen or in situ hybridization
dilation of the collecting tubules, especially in the outer for BK polyomavirus and EM (even of paraffin) will
cortex. Edema and a mild mononuclear infiltrate are also confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes BK virus infection,
common.59,71,216 When eosinophils are more abundant with its exuberant plasmacytic infiltration and activated
384 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

evidence for T-cell-mediated injury, particularly in pos-

TABLE 26-3  Differentiation between Acute
itive-crossmatch transplants42,199,346; however, it is not un-
Rejection and Acute Calcineurin Inhibitor
common for both to be present, particularly in the later
posttransplant period (months to years).53
Calcineurin Inhibitor The main risk factors for the development of anti-
Acute Rejection Toxicity HLA antibodies are blood transfusion, pregnancy, and
prior transplant.208 Donor-specific antibody (DSA),
Infiltrate Moderate to Absent to mild
which typically refers to anti-HLA antibody, may arise
marked de novo in the posttransplant period, or alloantibody
Edema Usual Can be present may be present prior to transplantation in the case of
positive-crossmatch or ABO blood group-incompatible
transplants with preconditioning regimens to lower the
Tubular injury Usual Usual
Vacuoles Occasional Common alloantibody level prior to transplantation.
Tubulitis Prominent Minimal to absent AHR typically presents with clinically severe acute
rejection137 1–3 weeks after transplantation, but also can
arise months to years later, associated with decreased im-
Endotheliitis Can be present Absent
Smooth muscle Absent Sometimes
munosuppression or non-compliance.382 With current
degeneration therapy, approximately 5–7% of recipients develop an
present episode of AHR, and about 25% of biopsies taken for
Mucoid intimal Absent Sometimes acute rejection have pathological evidence of an AHR
thickening with component.61 The main risk factor is presensitization by
present red blood
cells (TMA) blood transfusion, pregnancy, or prior transplant208; how-
ever, the majority have a negative cross-match at the time
Arteries of transplantation.61
Endotheliitis Common Absent (rare Traditionally, identification of AHR in biopsies is diffi-
cult since none of the histologic features is diagnostic and
immunoglobulin deposition was usually not detectable
Peritubular Capillaries in the graft.221,270,323 Techniques for demonstrating C4d
C4d May be positive Negative in PTCs, pioneered by Feucht et al.,95 substantially im-
Glomeruli proved detection of this condition53,69,222,306,323; most stud-
Mononuclear Often Rare ies since 1999 have employed it as a criterion for AHR.
cells New evidence points to AHR with little or no C4d depo-
Thrombi Occasional Occasionally sition (discussed below).
prominent (TMA) Serologic testing for DSA has become more sensitive
TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy.
in the past decade due to the widespread use of solid-phase
assays over the older cell-based assays.47,113 These assays
can be used prior to transplantation and for posttrans-
plant monitoring for DSA. These more sensitive meth-
immunoblasts, may be confused with the plasmacytic ods of detecting DSA have brought to light the spectrum
hyperplasia form of posttransplant lymphoproliferative of alloantibody-mediated damage (e.g., capillaritis) that
disease (PTLD),61 which also should be considered in may not have been recognized in previous studies.65
the differential diagnosis of ACR. Rarer infections, in-
cluding cytomegalovirus and microsporidia, should also
Diagnostic Criteria
be considered in biopsies with interstitial inflammation.
Patients with CNIT typically have a minimal mono- The three diagnostic criteria for AHR are: (1) histologic
nuclear cell infiltrate (Table 26-3). Endarteritis or C4d + is evidence of acute injury (neutrophils in capillaries, acute
found extremely rarely, if ever, in CNIT and if either tubular injury, fibrinoid necrosis); (2) evidence of an-
is present, is the most discriminating feature for acute tibody interaction with tissue (typically C4d in PTCs);
rejection.265,353,384 and (3) serologic evidence of circulating antibodies to
antigens expressed by donor endothelium (typically
Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection HLA).222,306 If only two of the three major criteria are es-
tablished (for example, when antibody is negative or not
Acute AMR (also known as AHR) is due to damage by done), the diagnosis is considered suspicious for AHR.
circulating antibodies that react to donor alloantigens on Biopsies meeting criteria for both AHR and ACR type
endothelium. These antigens include most commonly I or II are considered to have both forms of rejection.
HLA class I and class II antigens53,137,344 and in ABO- Some biopsies show prominent capillaritis and glomeru-
incompatible grafts the ABO blood group antigens.96 litis in association with DSA but little or no C4d. These
Other proposed antigens on the endothelium (allo- or C4d-negative cases also are “suspicious” for active AMR
autoantigens) may also contribute. The clearest evidence by the current definitions, but may be mediated by anti-
of non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alloan- bodies via cellular rather than complement mechanisms.
tigens comes from the rare observation of AHR in HLA- This rarely occurs in the acute setting, and is discussed
identical grafts.52,125 AHR may occur in the absence of further in the chronic AMR section.
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 385

Pathologic Features By EM the PTCs are dilated, containing neutrophils.

The endothelium is reactive and shows loss of fenestra-
Histologic findings are typically scant to moderate mono-
tions. The glomerular endothelium is separated from the
nuclear interstitial infiltrates, sometimes with prominent
GBM by a widened lucent space with endothelial cell
neutrophils142,222,313,390 and increased numbers of macro-
swelling390 and loss of endothelial fenestrations, indica-
phages212 (Figure 26-3B). The extent of mononuclear
tive of injury. Platelets, fibrin, and neutrophils are found
infiltration often does not meet the criteria for ACR.313
in glomerular and PTCs. The small arteries with fibri-
PTCs have neutrophils in about 50% of cases and are
noid necrosis show marked endothelial injury and loss,
classically dilated (Figure 26-3B). Interstitial edema and
smooth-muscle necrosis, and deposition of fibrin. 61
hemorrhage can be prominent. Glomeruli have accumu-
lations of macrophages (~50% of cases) and neutrophils
(~25% of cases) (Figure 26-3C)222,275,313,390 and occasion- C4d Interpretation
ally fibrin thrombi or segmental necrosis.137,222,390 Acute
tubular injury, sometimes severe, can be identified in Feucht and colleagues first drew attention to C4d as a
many cases and may be the only initial manifestation of possible marker of an antibody-mediated component of
AHR. Focal necrosis of whole tubular cross-sections, severe rejection.95 C4d, a fragment of complement com-
similar to cortical necrosis, has been reported; 38–70% of ponent C4, is released during activation of the classical
AHR cases may have patchy infarction.206,390 Little mono- complement pathway by antigen–antibody interaction.
nuclear cell tubulitis is found, although a neutrophilic C4d binds to tissue components via a thioester bond at
tubulitis with or without neutrophil casts may be promi- the local site of activation. The covalent linkage explains
nent,390 resembling acute pyelonephritis. Plasma cells can why C4d remains for several days after alloantibody dis-
be abundant in AHR, either early4 or late75,300 after trans- appears, since antibody binds to cell surface antigens that
plantation, sometimes associated with severe edema and can be lost by modulation, shedding, or cell death. C4d
increased IFN-γ production in the graft.75 B cells can be deposition can precede histological evidence of AHR by
also present, but have no apparent diagnostic value.61 5–34 days.133 C4d in 1-week protocol biopsies was fol-
In about 15% of cases small arteries show fibrinoid lowed by clinical acute rejection in 82% of cases380 and
necrosis, with little mononuclear infiltrate in the intima was associated with donor-reactive antibodies.186
or adventitia but with neutrophils and karyorrhexic de- Although immunoglobulin deposition is found in only
bris (Figure 26-4).206,390 Arterial thrombosis can be found a minority of cases, C4d is characteristically detected
in 10% and a pattern resembling TMA has also been re- in a widespread, uniform ring-like distribution in the
ported.206 Around 75% of cases with fibrinoid necrosis PTCs by immunofluorescence in cryostat sections53,95.
are C4d-positive.142,222,275,390 Presumably the C4d-negative Deposition occurs in both the cortex and medulla.
cases had T-cell-mediated rejection or TMA. Antibodies In a comparison of methods for C4d, the triple-layer
to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor have been detected immunofluorescence technique53 proved the most sensi-
in a few cases with arterial fibrinoid necrosis, in the ab- tive, although the difference with immunohistochemistry
sence of capillary C4d deposition.83 The presence of in paraffin-embedded tissue was small.259 Using immuno-
mononuclear endarteritis in cases of AHR strongly sug- histochemistry in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tis-
gests a component of T-cell-mediated rejection.390 sue, C4d has a similar pattern (Figure 26-3D), although
the intensity is variable. With fixed tissue, plasma in the
capillaries and interstitium may stain for C4d, which in-
terferes with interpretation.61 “Plasma staining” is a fixa-
tion artifact of C4d immunohistochemistry, and so PTCs
must show clear circumferential staining to be called
positive by this technique. Glomerular capillary staining
also occurs, but is hard to distinguish from C4d normally
found in the mesangium in frozen sections stained by
immunofluorescence. Formalin fixation eliminates this
background staining and demonstrates glomerular C4d
in about 30% of AHR cases.313
PTC C4d deposition is associated with concurrent cir-
culating antibodies to donor HLA class I or II antigens in
88–95% of recipients with acute rejection.33,132,222 False-
negative antibody assays are probably due most often to
absorption by the graft, as shown by elution from rejected
grafts in patients who had no detectable circulating an-
tibody.217 Alternatively, non-HLA antigens may be the
FIGURE 26-4  ■ Fibrinoid arterial necrosis: an arteriole with de- Other components of the complement system have
struction of the medial wall smooth-muscle cells by fibrinoid been sought. C3d, a degradation product of C3, was
necrosis. Some neutrophils are present underneath the reactive found in PTCs in 39–60% of biopsies from HLA-
and swollen endothelium. This vascular change is distinctly dif-
ferent from endarteritis (compare with Figure 26-2) and can be
mismatched grafts with diffuse C4d.132,142,193,380 C3d was
seen in both acute humoral rejection and type III acute rejection. usually,132 but not always,193 associated with C4d. C3d
This case had positive C4d. correlated with AHR in all studies, and was associated
386 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

with increased risk of graft loss in two series, compared Differential Diagnosis
to C3d-negative cases, but C3d provided no convincing
For differential diagnosis, it is helpful that both ATN323,389
additional risk compared with C4d+. The interpretation
and TMA in native kidneys are C4d-negative. Among 26
of C3d stains is complicated by the common presence of
cases of TMA/hemolytic uremic syndrome in native kid-
C3d along the TBM.132 Even though C3d should indi-
neys, none had positive C4d, including cases with lupus
cate more complete complement activation, it added no
anticoagulant and antiphospholipid antibodies.323 In five
diagnostic value to C4d in grafts showing histologic fea-
cases of recurrent hemolytic uremic syndrome in trans-
tures of AHR, except in the setting of ABO-incompatible
plant recipients, C4d was also negative.14 Among native
grafts.132 Other complement components, such as C1q,
kidney diseases, only lupus nephritis198,323 and endocardi-
C5b-9, and C-reactive protein, are not conspicuous in
tis198 have been reported to have PTC C4d. Glomerular
PTCs in acute rejection.166,277 Lectin pathway compo-
C4d deposits, of course, are not specific, since they occur
nents, which activate C4 by binding to microbial carbo-
in many forms of immune complex glomerulonephritis
hydrates, are sometimes detected.159,380
in native kidneys. Arterial intimal fibrosis often stains for
Natural killer (NK) cells have been the focus of recent
C4d, even in native kidneys, and should not be taken as
research in antibody-mediated graft injury.6,148 Microarray
evidence of AMR.323
analysis has indicated that several DSA-specific gene tran-
The comparative features of “pure” humoral and
scripts show high expression in NK cells, and immunohis-
ACR are given in Table 26-4. In AHR neutrophils are
tochemistry also shows prominent numbers of PTC NK
the predominant inflammatory cells in PTCs, glomeruli,
cells in these cases.144 Depletion of NK cells with anti-
tubules, and the interstitium, with or without accompa-
NK1.1 significantly reduced DSA-induced chronic al-
nying fibrinoid necrosis. The vascular lesion of AHR, if
lograft vasculopathy in a murine cardiac allograft model.148
present, is fibrinoid necrosis of the wall while in ACR
The prognosis of AHR is uniformly worse than
endarteritis is the usual lesion. C4d deposition in PTCs
ACR,53,137,188,206,390,417 but outcome has generally improved
(immunofluorescence microscopy) is typically only pres-
with early recognition and vigorous therapy. In one se-
ent in AHR, but not in ACR.61
ries, 75% of the 1-year graft losses from acute rejection
were in the C4d+ AHR group.222 However, some of those
who recover from the acute episode of AHR have a similar Classification Systems
long-term outcome,390 suggesting that the pathogenetic
The most widely used system currently is the “Banff
humoral response can be transient if treated effectively.
working schema” (“Banff ” for short). Banff started as
While most approaches for treatment or prevention of
an international collaborative effort led by Kim Solez,
AHR involve removing alloantibody from the circulation
Lorraine Racusen, and Philip Halloran to achieve a con-
(by plasmapheresis) or decreasing production of alloanti-
sensus that would be useful for drug trials and routine
body (e.g., by antiplasma cell drugs), another technique
to prevent graft damage by antibody is by inhibiting
complement. Eculizumab, a humanized monoclonal an-
tibody directed against the terminal complement compo- TABLE 26-4  Differentiation between Acute
nent C5, is now being applied in renal transplantation, Humoral Rejection and Acute Cellular Rejection
particularly in sensitized (positive-crossmatch) patients
Acute Humoral Acute Cellular
at a high risk for early AHR. C5 is downstream of C4d Rejection Rejection
in the complement cascade; thus, with DSA activation of
complement, diffuse C4d deposition would be expected Interstitium
even with effective C5 inhibition. Early surveillance bi- Infiltrate Variable Moderate to
opsies in eculizumab-treated patients have shown diffuse Edema Present Present
C4d deposition but absent morphological signs of AHR, Peritubular Neutrophils Mononuclear
including a lack of endothelial cell activation by EM. The capillaries cells
absence of respective pathology suggests endothelial pro- C4d* Positive Negative
tection by eculizumab, and moreover supports the notion Tubules
that most cases of early AHR are complement-mediated. Acute tubular Can be present Usually absent
However, AHR was observed in a few patients despite necrosis
eculizumab therapy, and may be due to IgM DSA not de- Tubulitis Neutrophils Mononuclear
tected by the usual DSA testing methods.24 Notably, a sub- cells
set of patients still developed features of chronic humoral Vessels
rejection (CHR), including transplant glomerulopathy Endarteritis Can be present Present in type II
(TG), although the time of treatment with eculizumab Fibrinoid Typically present Present in type III
varied between patients, from 1 month to 1 year.370 While necrosis
effective in preventing early AHR in positive-crossmatch Glomeruli
transplants, it appears that complement inhibition alone Inflammatory Neutrophils Mononuclear
does not entirely prevent chronic, antibody-mediated mi- cells cells
crocirculation injury. Furthermore, the limited diagnos- Fibrinoid necrosis Can be present Typically absent
tic reliability for AHR of C4d and serum DSA is apparent *C4d staining in peritubular capillaries indicates activation of the
in this setting, suggesting that diagnostic criteria refine- classical complement pathway by humoral antibody (monoclonal
ments are needed. antibody, immunofluorescence microscopy).
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 387

diagnosis.237,365,366 Banff is still growing and remodeling, rate. The specific causes of this are many and sometimes
undergoing revisions based on data presented and debated difficult to ascertain, particularly if only an end-stage kid-
at the biennial Banff meeting. These included restructur- ney is examined. Unfortunately two terms, “chronic re-
ing that separated the category of endarteritis, according jection” and “CAN,” have been used in past literature to
to the National Institutes of Health Cooperative Clinical lump together these myriad diseases. The role of the pa-
Trials in Transplantation criteria,59,307 the addition of thologist in interpreting the biopsy is to provide the most
acute306 and chronic AMR,367 and the birth366 and death367 specific diagnosis possible and indicate the activity of the
of “chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN).”367 process. While some have argued that the renal biopsy is
Banff scores three elements to assess acute rejection: not useful in analyzing graft dysfunction after 1 year, the
tubulitis (t); the extent of cortical mononuclear infiltrate data show that in 8–39% of patients the biopsy led to a
(i); and vascular inflammation (intimal arteritis or trans- change in management that improved renal function.185,295
mural inflammation) (v). Mononuclear cell glomerulitis Here we will discuss the criteria used to distinguish some
(g) is scored but not yet part of the classification of re- of these diseases and those that remain idiopathic. The
jection. Banff recognizes three major categories of acute term “chronic rejection” is best defined as chronic in-
T-cell-mediated rejection (tubulointerstitial, endarteritis, jury primarily mediated by an immune reaction to donor
and arterial fibrinoid necrosis) (Table 26-2). The thresh- alloantigens.
old for type I (tubulointerstitial) ACR is >25% cortical
mononuclear inflammation in the non-atrophic areas,
provided tubulitis of at least 5–10 cells/tubule is present.307
Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Cases with no tubulitis, regardless of the extent of infil- Circulating anti-HLA antibodies have long been associ-
trate, are not considered ACR. Biopsies with C4d +  PTCs ated with increased risk of late graft loss.155,386 Chronic,
are considered to have an additional component of AMR, active AMR (CHR) was first reported in 2001223 and
which occurs in 20–30% of cases.143 Cases with tubuli- is now recognized as a separate category in the Banff
tis are termed “suspicious for rejection” or “borderline” schema.367 CHR differs from AHR in the usual lack of
in the current Banff system. Many, but not all, of these evidence of acute inflammation (neutrophils, thrombi,
cases are early or mild acute rejection: 75–88% of patients necrosis) and the presence of matrix synthesis (basement
with suspicious/borderline category and graft dysfunc- membrane multilamination, fibrosis in arterial intima and
tion improve renal function with increased immunosup- the interstitium). CHR commonly arises late (>6 months
pression,332,342 comparable to the response rate in type I after transplantation) and usually occurs in patients with
rejection (86%).332 A minority (28%) of untreated suspi- or without a history of AHR, although C4d in early bi-
cious/borderline cases progress to frank acute rejection in opsies is a risk factor for later TG with C4d.117,119,131,312 In
40 days.232 Almost all with suspicious/borderline findings the setting of de novo DSA, many patients have reduced
do well, provided there is no element of concurrent AMR, levels of immunosuppression (absorption, iatrogenic,
which commonly has a suspicious/borderline pattern, al- or non-compliance).406 In these cases, a combination of
though care must be taken not to misinterpret peritubular CHR and AHR may be seen, along with a component of
capillaritis as interstitial inflammation.65,313 The suspicious T-cell-mediated rejection.199
category is not counted as acute rejection in most clinical Patients with CHR typically present with late graft dys-
trials – a major omission in our opinion. function (average of 4–5 years posttransplant), with pro-
The interobserver reproducibility of the present Banff teinuria and circulating DSA. Most do not have a previous
classification is sufficient but needs improvement. In episode of AHR and, indeed, present with no obvious
a Canadian study, the agreement rate for rejection was preceding clinical event. The major risk factor identified
74%, but there was only 43% agreement on the suspi- is reduced immunosuppression due to non-compliance.406
cious/borderline cases,122 similar to a European series.397 Iatrogenic and physiologic causes also contribute.
Among a group of 21 European pathologists, the agree- The criteria of CHR are the triad of: (1) one of the fol-
ment rate was poor for all of the acute Banff scores (t, i, lowing morphologic features: TG (duplication or “dou-
v, g) in transplant biopsy slides (all kappa scores <0.4).105 ble contours” in GBMs), multilamination of the PTC
Agreement for t and v scores improved significantly when basement membrane, PTC loss and interstitial fibrosis,
participants were asked to grade a lesion in a photograph or chronic arteriopathy with fibrous intimal thickening
(kappa scores of 0.61 and 0.69, respectively), arguing that (without duplication of the internal elastica); (2) dif-
the challenge is primarily finding the lesion in the glass fuse C4d deposition in PTCs; and (3) circulating DSA.
slide. Lack of improvement in the other categories (g, i) If only two elements of the triad are present, the diag-
argues that the definitions are faulty. Despite these con- nosis is considered “suspicious.” Although helpful when
siderations, Banff is fully accepted as a scoring system of positive, C4d deposition and serum DSA are particularly
drug trials and is used widely in clinical practice (although problematic in the chronic setting: they are less sensitive
not necessarily with an individual score report).61 markers due to serum DSA level variability with time
posttransplant. Two features point to ongoing immuno-
logic activity: the presence of C4d and mononuclear cells
LATE GRAFT DISEASES in glomerular and PTCs.
TG, defined by duplication of the GBM by light mi-
Although acute rejection has diminished in clinical im- croscopy in the absence of specific de novo or recurrent
portance in the last decade, allografts are still lost by slow, glomerular disease, was one of the first lesions to be
progressive diseases that cause a 3–5% annual attrition linked to DSA. TG has been associated with anti-HLA
388 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

antibodies (especially anti-class II), with the risk increas- EM reveals duplication or multilamination of the GBM
ing if the antibodies were donor-specific.117 TG is best (Figure 26-5C), often accompanied by cellular (mononu-
revealed in PAS or silver stains (Figure 26-5A, B). The clear or mesangial cell) interposition, widening or lucency
glomeruli may show an increase in mesangial cells and of the subendothelial space, and a moderate increase in
matrix with various degrees of scarring and adhesions. In mesangial matrix and cells.135 Glomeruli may show fo-
some cases mesangiolysis or webbing of the mesangium cal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), especially
may be prominent as well as segmental or global sclerosis. in more advanced TG, and some cases with collapsing



FIGURE 26-5  ■  Chronic allograft glomerulopathy. (A) Widespread duplication of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) with mild
mesangial hypercellularity and increased mononuclear cells in the glomerular capillaries. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (B) GBM mul-
tilamination at high power in a silver stain. (C) Electron microscopy: high power of a glomerular capillary showing duplication
of the GBM; the new or second layer of GBM (short arrow) forms underneath the endothelium (E) and is separated from the old
GBM layer (long arrow) by the cellular (mononuclear or mesangial cell) interposition (*). (D) Immunohistochemistry stain for
C4d in paraffin sections shows prominent C4d deposition in glomerular and peritubular capillaries. (E) Electron microscopy: high
­magnification of a peritubular capillary with multilamination (arrow) of the basement membrane. Inset: higher magnification of the
area marked by arrow. E, endothelium; I, interstitium.
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 389

FSGS lesions have been observed. EM detects 40% more arteriopathy is also believed to be due to chronic T-cell-
cases of TG than light microscopy.163 The GBM typically mediated injury and is further described in that section.
has rarefactions, microfibrils, and cellular debris but few The relative contribution of these two pathways is far
or no deposits.43,158,304 Endothelial cells may appear reac- from clear and no criteria exist to distinguish them at the
tive with loss of fenestrae, probably undergoing “dedif- level of the arteries.
ferentiation.”57,158,304 Podocyte foot process effacement
ranges from minimal to quite extensive,158 corresponding
to the degree of proteinuria. The non-duplicated GBM
may become slightly thickened, attributable to compen- Not all patients with circulating DSA have clinical or
satory hypertrophy. pathologic evidence of chronic graft injury. This para-
dox was observed in ABO grafts and termed “accom-
Peritubular Capillary and Tubulointerstitial Lesions modation.”17 Accommodation is thought to represent
a process of endothelial cell adaptation to antibody and
PTCs may be dilated and prominent, with thick base- complement over time. In accommodation, DSAs may
ment membranes, or may altogether disappear, leaving be detectable; however, morphologic signs of tissue in-
only occasional traces of the original basement mem- jury are absent. Subclinical interaction of antibody with
brane behind.30,160 In a subset of patients, PTCs have graft endothelium (accommodation) has been revealed
prominent C4d deposition (as in Figure 26-3D), which by the demonstration of diffuse C4d in PTCs, found in
is associated with circulating antidonor HLA class I or 2.0% of routine protocol biopsies,234 and a higher fre-
II reactive antibodies.223 Other allografts with CHR fea- quency among presensitized patients (17%) or patients
tures may show focal or multifocal C4d staining of PTCs with ABO-incompatible grafts (51%).96,132 The stabil-
by immunofluorescence or immunohistochemistry, or ity of such accommodation, referring to the presence of
dim C4d staining by immunofluorescence. EM reveals PTC C4d deposition in the absence of other evidence of
splitting and multilayering of the PTC basement mem- antibody-mediated injury, has not been established.
brane (Figure 26-5E), first described by Monga.224,250 In renal allografts PTC C4d deposition in the ab-
Each ring probably represents the residue of one previous sence of other evidence of antibody-mediated injury
episode of endothelial injury, going from oldest (outer) is observed without signs of acute or chronic rejection;
to most recent (inner). Quantitation is necessary to es- more specifically, there is no ATN-like minimal inflam-
tablish diagnostic specificity. Scoring of multilamination mation, no glomerulitis (g0), no chronic TG (cg0), no
requires EM, not always available for transplant biopsies, peritubular capillaritis (ptc0), and no PTC basement
and quantitative assessment of the number of layers, since membrane multilamination (<5 layers by EM). Current
to distinguish from other common causes of lamination, Banff criteria refer to this situation as “C4d deposition
more than six layers have to be present.163 Only in chronic without evidence of active rejection.” If there are simul-
rejection were three or more PTCs found with 5–6 cir- taneous borderline changes, the cases are considered to
cumferential layers or one PTC with seven or more cir- be indeterminate.360 Accommodation is common in the
cumferential layers.163 PTC lamination correlates with setting of ABO-incompatible allografts, with at least 80%
TG,163,224 C4d deposition,312 and loss of PTCs.160 Marked of normal surveillance biopsies showing C4d deposition
multilamination (5–6 layers in three capillaries or >6 in in PTCs with no apparent long-term consequences.132
one) was found in 50% of cases with interstitial fibrosis However, evidence from patients406 and non-human pri-
that lacked arterial or glomerular changes, and may point mates362 suggests that DSA and C4d deposition (and/or
to past episodes of rejection as the cause of the fibrosis.224 capillaritis) lead to chronic graft pathology and loss and
these patients should be closely monitored and efforts
made to reduce DSA levels.
Transplant Arteriopathy
Alloantibodies to graft class I antigens are a specific risk Longitudinal Studies. CHR is a process that evolves over
factor for chronic transplant arteriopathy in human renal several years, typically beginning entirely subclinically. In
allografts.73,168 Typically, transplant arteriopathy is rec- non-human primates with MHC-incompatible grafts and
ognized by thickening of the arterial intima with mono- no immunosuppression, C4d deposition predicts chronic
nuclear inflammatory cells (CD3+ T cells or CD68+ rejection with glomerulopathy and arteriopathy and ul-
monocytes/macrophages) within the thickened intima. timate graft loss with a high degree of certainty.361 A se-
In a recent study, patients with preformed DSA showed quence of four stages has been demonstrated in protocol
accelerated arteriosclerosis on serial biopsies.146,147 While biopsies. The process begins with antibody production,
the transplant arteriopathy lesions were attributable to followed by C4d deposition, and later, morphologic and
DSA on serial biopsies from the same allografts, trans- functional changes.361 A similar sequence, with the addi-
plant arteriopathy may not be distinguishable from the ar- tion of capillaritis and glomerulitis, has been reported in
terial intimal thickening seen in hypertension.146 Careful patients.406
study of the progression of arteriosclerosis in allografts
has shown that DSA exacerbates the process, similar to C4d-Negative Antibody-Mediated Rejection
accelerated aging of the kidney.146 Experiments in ani-
mals show that transplant arteriopathy can be initiated Attention has recently been drawn to so-called “C4d-
by passive transfer of donor-reactive MHC antibodies negative” AMR. These cases have DSA and varying de-
in recipients with no functional T cells.223,312 Transplant grees of morphological evidence of antibody-mediated
390 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

injury but lack detectable C4d deposition in PTC endo-

thelium.128–130 This has been described in two settings: late
indication biopsies (with features of chronic AMR), and
early protocol biopsies in stable patients who were pre-
sensitized.130,210 In these cases other signs of endothelial
injury were detected (capillaritis or increased endothe-
lial gene expression). Negative C4d might be explained
by time-dependent degradation of C4d deposits in the
microcirculation, complement-independent antibody-
mediated injury, or issues with the C4d stain itself (sensitiv-
ity, interpretation of a positive).129 Molecular studies have
uncovered a subset of cases with morphological features
of antibody-mediated injury and DSA showing increased
endothelial cell-associated transcript expression, indicative
of endothelial cell activation and stress. These data suggest
that 50–60% of late AMR may lack C4d positivity. It is
probably much less common in AHR: we have only rarely FIGURE 26-6  ■  Chronic allograft arteriopathy: an interlobular ar-
seen such cases (as a consult). Cases are missed by current tery with prominent intimal fibroplasia. The presence of scat-
Banff criteria due to C4d negativity.359 It would appear that tered mononuclear cells in the intima and the lack of duplication
of the internal elastica are characteristic of chronic rejection. This
there is another category of AMR that is between acute biopsy was positive for C4d.
and chronic, in that neutrophils and rapid decline in graft
dysfunction are absent, as well as no evidence of chronic
matrix production (duplication of basement membranes, most prominent in the larger arteries, but can be seen at all
fibrosis of interstitium or intima). This is characterized by levels, from interlobular arteries to the main renal artery.
capillaritis and glomerulitis with mononuclear cells, with or The intima shows pronounced concentric fibrous thick-
without C4d, in association with DSA. This was described ening with invasion and proliferation of spindle-shaped
clearly in 3-month protocol biopsies in clinically stable pre- myofibroblasts (Figure 26-6). This vascular change has
sensitized patients and carried an increased risk of develop- been termed chronic transplant arteriopathy and, when
ment of chronic lesions (TG) at 1 year.209 Eventually, this combined with an infiltrate of mononuclear cells in the
will likely be added to the Banff diagnostic armamentarium intima, is characteristic of chronic T-cell-mediated re-
as a distinct category of AMR; however, data are still being jection. Subendothelial mononuclear cells are one of the
gathered by a respective Banff Working Group regarding most distinctive features and argue that the endothelium
the significance of this entity in an attempt to provide diag- itself is a target. T cells (CD4+, CD8+, CD45RO+), mac-
nostic criteria.237 At present we suggest the term “smolder- rophages, and dendritic cells infiltrate the intima.124,285,335
ing” AMR for this condition. T cells express cytotoxic markers, including perforin99 and
GMP-17,230 and markers of proliferation (proliferating
Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Rejection cell nuclear antigen).124 No B cells (CD20) are detected.124
It is imagined that this is a dampened version of the end-
There is no doubt that T cells can cause chronic graft arteritis of acute rejection.
injury, yet the specific criteria are not well developed and The second distinctive feature is the lack of multi-
subject to refinement. Using the CHR model, the cur- lamination of the elastica interna (fibroelastosis), best
rent Banff classification defines “chronic active T-cell- appreciated in elastin stains. Fibroelastosis, typical of
mediated rejection” as showing morphologic features hypertensive, atrophic, and aging arterial changes pro-
of chronicity (arterial intimal fibrosis without elastosis) vide useful differential diagnostic features from rejection.
combined with features indicative of ongoing T-cell ac- Foamy macrophages containing lipid droplets are some-
tivity (mononuclear cells in the intima). Interstitial fibro- times seen along the internal elastica and can be found as
sis with a mononuclear infiltrate and tubulitis is in some early as 4 weeks after transplantation. The endothelium
instances also probably part of this condition, as surveil- expresses increased adhesion molecules, notably ICAM-1
lance follow-up biopsies after an episode of ACR not un- and VCAM-1. Antagonism of ICAM-1 binding/expres-
commonly show continued inflammation.110 However, at sion inhibits chronic rejection329 and in humans certain
present the arterial lesions are the most definitive. It is an- ICAM-1 genetic polymorphisms (e.g., exon 4, the Mac-1
ticipated that molecular gene expression studies will help binding site) appear to confer a higher risk factor for
in the future to document the activity of the infiltrate. chronic rejection.226 The endothelium remains of donor
Other non-specific features that are commonly present in origin157,345; however, some of the spindle-shaped cells
association with transplant arteriopathy are loss of PTCs that contribute to the intimal thickening are of recipi-
and interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA).160 ent origin.178,285 The myointimal cells stain prominently
for smooth-muscle actin, sometimes so strikingly that a
Chronic Allograft Arteriopathy “double media” seems to be formed.333 This phenome-
non has also been described as the development of a new
Small and large arteries, as early as 1 month after trans- artery inside and concentric with the old,156 with elastic
plantation, can begin to develop severe intimal prolifera- laminae and a muscular media, separated from the old
tion and luminal narrowing.41,58,146 The intimal change is internal elastic lamina poorly by cellular tissue. By EM,
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 391

the thickened intima consists of myofibroblasts, collagen antibodies likely conspire to accelerate the process of al-
fibrils, basement membrane material, and a loose amor- lograft arteriopathy/arteriosclerosis.146,147
phous electron-lucent ground substance.302 The matrix
consists of collagen, fibronectin, tenascin, proteogly-
cans (biglycan and decorin), and acid mucopolysaccari-
Differential Diagnosis of Late Biopsies
des.56,123,227 Fibronectin has the extra domain of cellular The diagnosis of the cause of late graft dysfunction re-
fibronectin, typical of embryonic or wound-­healing fi- mains a challenge for several reasons: the diagnostic fea-
bronectin.123 Several growth factors/­cytokines have been tures may have been lost or obscured over time (e.g., loss
detected. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A chain of viral antigens or C4d) and typically more than one
protein is primarily in endothelial cells, while the B chain pathological process is present, analogous to the layers
is in macrophages and smooth-muscle cells.9 Enhanced of failed civilizations in an archeological dig. The most
PDGF B-type receptor protein was found on intimal cells important questions for the pathologist and clinician, and
and on smooth-muscle cells of the proliferating vessels.94 the prime reason for the biopsy, are whether the disease
Fibroblast growth factor-1 and its receptor are present in is active and whether the graft is potentially salvageable,
the thickened intima.179 TNF-α is in the smooth muscle so that additional therapy can be proposed.
of vessels with chronic rejection in contrast to normal
kidneys.280 Transplant Glomerulopathy
Duplication of the GBM has many other causes, such as
Sequence of Arterial Lesions
TMA and MPGN; however these do not have C4d in PTC
T-cell-mediated arterial lesions can be divided into three unless there is more than one concurrent pathologic pro-
stages, which probably differ in mechanism and revers- cess. Also in CHR, GBMs may show multilamination ex-
ibility.57 The stage I lesion is endarteritis, characteristic tending completely around the capillary, even between the
of type II ACR. This lesion lacks matrix formation. This endothelium and the mesangium, less likely to be seen in
acute stage is believed to be T-cell-mediated endothelial other conditions.49 With immunohistochemical techniques
injury. Stage II lesions have intimal matrix production and in paraffin sections, C4d is present along the glomerular
accumulation of myofibroblasts forming a “neointima.” capillary walls in about 10–30% of TG.312,354 Although of-
This stage also contains mononuclear cells (T cells and ficially required for diagnosis by the Banff schema, it is now
macrophages), believed to be active in the intimal prolif- recognized that approximately 30% of TG due to CHR is
eration and accumulation of matrix. Intermediate stages C4d-negative.180 Notably, while most cases of TG are due
between stage I and II lesions are sometimes found, with to CHR, this pattern is also seen in allografts with chronic
lymphocytes admixed with fibrin and fibromuscular pro- TMA and in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infec-
liferation, well documented in a non-human primate tion.19 Crescents or diffuse immunoglobulin deposits sug-
model of chronic rejection.407 Secondary factors probably gest recurrent or de novo glomerulonephritis.116,287,303
become increasingly important as the lesion progresses
to stage III, where the intima is fibrous and inflammatory Arteriosclerosis. Transplant arteriopathy is tradition-
cells are scant. A fourth category, resembling natural ath- ally distinguished from chronic allograft arteriopathy by
erosclerosis with cholesterol clefts and calcification, has the presence of fibroelastosis (increased elastic fibers in
also been proposed.124 the intima) in the former. To distinguish intimal fibrosis
A large body of experimental evidence supports the due to hypertension from that due to chronic rejection,
concept that the arterial lesions are immunologically an elastin stain is valuable, since in hypertension, but not
mediated57: (1) the lesions do not routinely arise in iso- necessarily in rejection, the elastica interna is multilay-
grafts; (2) the target antigens can be either major or ered (“elastosis”), and in chronic rejection the elastica
minor histocompatibility antigens2,68,331; (3) the specific is not duplicated, but may be fractured. Foam cells and
initiator is probably T cells followed by antibody (an- mononuclear cells in the intima also favor rejection. A
tibody is necessary and sufficient for the fibrous lesion recent study, however, suggested that some lesions of vas-
in mice); (4) the target cell is probably the endothelium, cular intimal thickening due to alloantibody are indistin-
but the smooth muscle may also be affected; (5) second- guishable from those due to hypertension.146
ary non-immunologic mechanisms analogous to those Chronic CNIT has been traditionally diagnosed by
in atherosclerosis are important in the progression of the presence of nodular hyaline replacement of indi-
the lesion; and ultimately (6) the process may be inde- vidual smooth-muscle cells, which may form distinctive
pendent of specific antidonor immunological activity. deposits on the outer side of the arteriole, as described by
T cells are sufficient to initiate cellular vascular lesions Mihatsch as cyclosporine arteriolopathy.243–247 Ordinary
in B-cell-deficient mice, but these lesions do not readily hyalinosis due to diabetes, hypertension, or aging typi-
progress to fibrosis in the absence of antibody.328 Fibrous cally is subendothelial. However, peripheral nodular hya-
lesions are also markedly reduced in strain combinations linosis, while more common in patients on CNI, can be
that fail to elicit a humoral antibody response. The best seen in a substantial fraction (28%) of biopsies at 10 years
evidence for T-cell mechanisms of chronic allograft in- in patients never exposed to CNI.364
jury in humans is that subclinical or late clinical cellu-
lar rejection is associated with progressive graft fibrosis CHR. The features that point to a component of CHR
and dysfunction63,263,327 and endarteritis is associated with are discussed above and include most specifically the pres-
later transplant arteriopathy.192 As mentioned previously, ence of C4d in PTC and/or glomeruli and capillaritis and
392 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

glomerulitis. Multilamination of the GBM or PTC base-

ment membranes is also typical. In the absence of C4d
in PTC, other causes of lamination of the GBM must be

Polyomavirus. Demonstration of polyomavirus by im-

munohistochemistry in previous biopsies can point to a
causal role in the late graft damage, even when the virus
is no longer detectable.61
Obstruction, usually difficult to diagnose by histology,
archetypically shows dilated collecting ducts, especially in
the outer cortex, lymphatics filled with Tamm–Horsfall
protein, occasionally ruptured tubules with granulomas,
and sometimes acute tubular injury.61

Renal artery stenosis causes tubular atrophy (or even

acute injury) accompanied by relatively little fibrosis or
intraparenchymal arteriolar/arterial lesions.61 FIGURE 26-7  ■ Acute tubular necrosis. Dilated “rigid”-appearing
Recurrent and de novo glomerular diseases are gen- tubular lumens with loss of brush borders, occasional loss of
erally identified by their light, immunofluorescence, and nuclei, and cytoplasmic thinning. Mild edema is present but
there is little inflammation. Glomeruli are normal. Periodic acid–
EM criteria in native kidneys.61 Schiff stain.
Interstitial Fibrosis. IFTA do not serve to distinguish
rejection from other causes, such as CNI toxicity and the tubular epithelium are seen after 24–48 hours, includ-
previous BK polyomavirus infection. Some of these cases ing large basophilic nuclei with prominent nucleoli, in-
may be the end-stage of active processes in which the creased cytoplasmic basophilia, and occasionally mitoses.
etiologic agent is no longer appreciable (e.g., late effects Focal interstitial, PTC, and glomerular capillary neutro-
of polyomavirus or TMA). Others may represent burned- phils may be seen but are not as prominent as in AHR; and
out or inactive rejection. This might be the case for TG C4d is negative. Mechanical flushing of cadaveric kidneys
or arteriopathy without C4d deposition. with organ preservation fluid immediately before trans-
The term “CAN” was created in Banff in 1993 to draw plantation (as advocated by some) was associated with ab-
attention to the fact that not all late graft injury was due normal cellular debris within the tubules and eosinophilic
to rejection, and that, to make the diagnosis of rejection, proteinaceous material within Bowman’s capsule and an
certain more specific features than interstitial fibrosis and increased frequency of DGF.318 DGF has other causes;
tubular atrophy needed to be present (notably chronic and if function has not recovered in 1–2 weeks, a diag-
glomerular or arterial lesions). However, the unintended nostic biopsy is recommended to ascertain the presence
consequence was that “CAN” itself became a diagnosis of occult acute rejection, found in 18% of patients with
that inhibited the search for specific, and perhaps treat- DGF at 7 days.167
able, causes. CAN has been replaced in Banff 2005 with
category 5: “IF and TA, no evidence of any specific etiol-
ogy.” This now includes only those cases for which no CALCINEURIN INHIBITOR NEPHROTOXICITY
specific etiologic features can be defined, and excludes
those with pathologic features of CHR, chronic CNIT, The CNI class of drugs, including cyclosporine and tacro-
hypertensive renal disease, PTN, obstruction, or other de limus, causes both acute and chronic nephrotoxicity that
novo or recurrent renal disease.367 includes ischemic injury without morphologic features,
vacuolar tubulopathy, acute endothelial injury (TMA),
and arteriolar hyalinosis.245,247 These cause secondary
ACUTE TUBULAR INJURY pathological effects, such as tubular atrophy, interstitial
fibrosis and global or segmental glomerulosclerosis. As
The morphologic basis of DGF is usually acute ischemic
judged by protocol biopsies, chronic CNIT is universal
injury (also known as ATN). The most common feature
in renal transplants after about 5 years.263 Chronic CNIT
histologically is loss of the brush borders of proximal tu-
can also damage native kidneys in patients with other or-
bular cells, best shown on a PAS stain with focal interstitial
gan transplants, and contributes to the 7–21% prevalence
edema and mononuclear cell accumulation (Figure 26-7).
of end-stage renal disease in non-renal transplant recipi-
The tubular lumen appears larger than normal and lacks
ents after 5 years.286
the usual artifactual sloughing of the apical cytoplasm in
human renal biopsies (this sloughing has occurred in vivo
and was washed downstream). The other features of ATN Acute CNI Toxicity
include flattening of the cytoplasm and loss of cell nuclei
Toxic Tubulopathy
due to apoptosis/death of individual tubular epithelial
cells and covering of the TBM by the remaining cells. The biopsy features of acute toxicity are quite variable.
The lumen contains individual apoptotic detached cells A normal biopsy is found in “functional CNIT,” which
(“anoikis”) and inflammatory cells. Reactive changes in is due to reversible vasospasm.315 In toxic tubulopathy,
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 393

The pathologic changes are believed to be an ex-

aggeration of CNI-induced endothelial and smooth-
muscle damage. The small arteries and arterioles have
mucoid intimal thickening with acid mucopolysaccari-
des and extravasated red cells and fragments; fibrinoid
necrosis and thrombi may be prominent. Apoptosis of
endothelial and smooth-muscle cells is seen. The me-
dial smooth muscle can develop a mucoid appearance
with loss of a clear definition of the cells.265 The arteri-
oles may show hypertrophy of the endothelial cells and
have a “constricted” appearance.265 The vascular lumens
may be partially or completely obliterated by the inti-
mal proliferation and endothelial swelling. The vascular
lesions are most severe in the interlobular and arcuate-
sized arteries, and can lead to cortical infarction.369 By
immunofluorescence microscopy, the vessels stain with
IgM, C3, and fibrin.61
FIGURE 26-8 ■ Acute calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity with The glomeruli typically have swollen bloodless
isometric vacuolization of tubular epithelium. This change can
also be seen in other causes of tubular injury, including isch-
capillaries with scattered fibrin-platelet thrombi
emia, osmotic diuretics, and intravenous immunoglobulin. (Figure 26-9A), particularly in the hilum,351 the so-
called pouch lesion.242 The endothelial cells are
swollen and may completely obliterate the capillary lu-
proximal tubules show the most conspicuous morpho- mens. The GBM is segmentally duplicated with cellu-
logic changes with loss of brush borders and isometric lar (mononuclear or mesangial cell) interposition best
(uniformly sized), clear, fine vacuolization (or microvacu- seen by EM, which also shows the loss of fenestrae and
oles) in the epithelial cells (Figure 26-8). The microvacu- swelling of the endothelial cytoplasm. Variable mesan-
oles contain clear aqueous fluid rather than lipid, and are gial expansion, sclerosis, and mesangiolysis242 may be
indistinguishable from those caused by osmotic diuretics seen. Marked congestion and focal, global, or segmen-
or ischemia. EM shows that the vacuoles in cyclosporine tal necrosis can be present.394
toxicity are due to dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum
and appear empty.246 Isometric vacuolization may begin Differential Diagnosis
in the straight portion of the proximal tubule,246 although
it can extend to the convoluted portion. The degree of Acute tubular toxicity of cyclosporine may be indistin-
vacuolization does not correlate with drug levels; some guishable from ischemia or tubulopathy from intravenous
patients with CNIT lack the vacuolar change,218 and iso- immunoglobulin or mannitol, which all have vacuoles by
metric vacuoles can be found in a minority of patients with light microscopy.134 By EM a coarser and more varied
stable renal function.368 However, reduction of the CNI vacuolization is typical of ATN and the periphery of in-
dosage causes disappearance of tubular vacuolization.381 farcts246 compared with the isometric (uniform) vacuoles
of cyclosporine toxicity. The vacuoles of osmotic diuretic
injury do not involve the endoplasmic reticulum, as do
Acute Arteriolar Toxicity and Thrombotic
those of cyclosporine toxicity.242 Necrosis of tubular cells
is more common in ATN (0.5% of tubules), character-
Arterioles are a significant target of CNIT. The most char- istically involving whole tubular cross-sections.368 Acute
acteristic acute changes include individual medial smooth- medial apoptosis/degeneration in arterioles is the only
muscle cell degeneration, necrosis/apoptosis, and loss.246 definitive finding favoring CsA toxicity.
The apoptotic smooth-muscle cells are later replaced by Morphology alone cannot distinguish the various
rounded, “lumpy” protein deposits or hyalinosis, which etiologies of TMA,207,279 which in renal transplants are
is the beginning of a more chronic arteriolopathy.246 most commonly CNI, AHR, HCV, and recurrent TMA.
Accumulation of glycogen (PAS-positive, diastase-­ Recurrence should be the first choice when the recipi-
sensitive) in smooth-muscle cells has been described on ent’s original disease was TMA, unless associated with
high doses.195 Endothelial cells can have prominent vacu- a diarrheal illness. C4d deposition in PTCs is pres-
olization and some swelling. Immunofluorescence mi- ent in AHR but absent in CNI-associated TMA (as in
croscopy of the vessels often shows deposits of IgM, C3 Figure 26-9B; see section on AHR). Serum should also
and sometimes fibrin/fibrinogen, but these changes are be tested for anti-HLA class I and class II, and antiendo-
non-specific.26 thelial antibodies. HCV-positive renal allograft recipients
TMA due to CNI was first reported in bone marrow may develop TMA with associated elevation of circulat-
transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine351 and oc- ing anticardiolipin antibody18; thus hepatitis serology and
curs in about 1–4% of renal allograft recipients, even anticardiolipin antibody determination could help distin-
with careful attention to drug levels, suggesting that it is guish between HCV versus CNI in the etiology of TMA.
dose-independent and probably idiosyncratic.46,151 Most The healing phase of TMA may leave intimal fibrosis
cases present with a delayed onset and a slow loss of func- that resembles chronic rejection, even with a few intimal
tion 1–5 months posttransplant.369 mononuclear cells.61
394 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 26-9  ■ Thrombotic microangiopathy associated with calcineurin inhibitors. (A) A glomerulus with widespread endothelial
swelling, segmental glomerular basement membrane duplication, and focal collapse resembling a crescent. Arterioles show endo-
thelial swelling and occasional peripheral hyaline nodules. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (B) No glomerular or peritubular capillary C4d
deposition is detected in this case. Immunohistochemistry for C4d in paraffin, using rabbit polyclonal anti-C4d.

Chronic CNI Toxicity CNI Arteriolopathy

Irreversible chronic renal failure due to CNIT was The chronic phase of CNI arteriolopathy is characterized
first demonstrated in native kidneys of heart transplant by replacement of the degenerated medial smooth-muscle
patients who received cyclosporine for more than a cells with hyaline-like deposits, in a beaded pattern along
year.256 Similar lesions arise in patients on tacroli- the peripheral, outer media (Figure 26-10A). This has
mus.311 Biopsies showed IFTA, arteriolar hyalinosis, been referred to as “nodular protein (hyaline) deposits”244
and sometimes focal glomerular scarring. These find- in a “pearl-like pattern”26 and “peripheral medial nodular
ings have been confirmed and extended in numerous hyalinosis,” and is now called “CNI arteriolopathy.” The
other studies.26 Since many features resemble chronic current evidence supports the view that this type of arte-
rejection in the kidney, the most convincing pathol- riolopathy is more common but not specific for CNI,364
ogy data come from non-renal transplant patients on despite extensive historical evidence to the contrary.278
cyclosporine.78,278 Evidence of apoptosis is sometimes found in the form of

FIGURE 26-10  ■  Calcineurin inhibitor arteriolopathy. (A) Several arterioles with peripheral nodular hyalinosis, where hyalin deposits
replace necrotic/apoptotic smooth-muscle cells in the outermost media. (B) Electron microscopy: an artery that has “beads” of hyalin
(*) along the outer media. L, arteriolar lumen; T, tubule. (Periodic acid–Schiff 800×; electron microscopy 2700×)
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 395

karyorrhexic debris in the medium, but fibrinoid necrosis Immunofluorescence findings are non-specific (IgM and
is not observed.257 In severe cases the medium is nearly C3 in scarred areas). EM in cardiac and liver transplant
devoid of smooth-muscle cells.257 recipients showed diffuse expansion of the mesangial
EM reveals a distinctive replacement of individual matrix, with little hypercellularity, GBM, or podocyte
smooth-muscle cells of afferent arterioles with amorphous lesions.78,257 Those with frank collapsing glomerulopa-
electron-dense material, which contains cell debris and pro- thy have podocyte foot process effacement and detach-
trudes into the adventia (Figure 26-10B). This gives rise ment of podocytes from the GBM.120 The endothelium
to the beaded hyalinosis distribution in the outer medium shows loss of its normal fenestrae, perhaps reflecting a
noted by light microscopy. The myocyte nuclei are some- component of TMA.61
times condensed (apoptotic), or have two nuclei or mitotic
figures.415 The cytoplasm is vacuolated, with dilated endo- Tubules and Interstitium
plasmic reticulum, and has degenerated mitochondria, li-
pofuscin granules, multivesicular bodies, and a disarray of IFTA was recognized as a feature of CNIT in the early
microfibrils and reduced intercellular junctions. The endo- studies.387 The interstitium had prominent patchy fibrosis,
thelium sometimes appears “swollen,” protruding into and with a scanty infiltrate. Band-like narrow zones of IFTA
narrowing the lumen, and having reduced cell junctions; ag- (“striped fibrosis”) were once regarded as characteristic
gregates of platelets are rare.13,415 These findings support the of CNIT90,322,353; however, indistinguishable “stripes” oc-
view that the smooth-muscle myocyte of the afferent arteri- cur in patients not maintained on CNI,74 casting doubt
ole is a primary target of CNI injury. Immunofluorescence on the specificity of that pattern. Interstitial fibrosis also
microscopy shows IgM and C3 in a relatively non-specific, develops in native kidneys in patients on CNI243,291,418,419
but conspicuous, sheathing of the arterioles.26 and remains for at least a month after discontinuing the
CNI arteriolopathy begins and predominates in the drug.239 Thus even low doses of cyclosporine can cause
afferent arterioles but may progress to the small arter- significant and presumably permanent loss of renal func-
ies and efferent arterioles.26,415 Decreased renin immu- tion by inducing chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis.61
nostaining in the juxtaglomerular apparatus suggests that
the prime target of CNI is the renin-producing smooth- Differential Diagnosis
muscle cell in the afferent arteriole.378 The frequency
of arterioles affected with hyalinosis is typically small Distinction between chronic rejection and chronic CNIT
(<15%) and the lesions can easily be overlooked.379 In re- is a challenge (Table 26-5). The nodular arteriolopathy
nal transplant patients on cyclosporine, 15% of protocol is supportive of CNIT but not decisive. The arterioles
biopsies at 6 months showed CNI arteriolopathy which are relatively spared in chronic rejection, compared with
increased to 45% in 18-month protocol biopsies336; “non-
specific” hyalinosis showed no progressive increase. Ten-
year protocol biopsies showed a 2.4-fold increased risk of TABLE 26-5  Differentiation between Chronic
peripheral nodular hyaline in patients treated with CNI Rejection and Chronic Calcineurin Inhibitor Toxicity
compared to those never on CNI, but even 28% of the
Chronic Calcineurin
latter had the lesion.364 The arteriolar lesions also develop Rejection Inhibitor Toxicity
in native kidneys of patients who receive even low doses
of cyclosporine for 2 years.299,418 Mihatsch has suggested Interstitium
a scoring system of CNI arteriolopathy with improved Infiltrate Plasma cells Mild
reproducibility (personal communication).358 Fibrosis Patchy Patchy, “striped”
Peritubular Capillaries
Glomerular Lesions C4d Often positive Negative
Multilamination BM Usual Absent
After 1 year on cyclosporine, glomeruli show increased Tubules
numbers with global or segmental sclerosis.78,278 Focal, Tubular atrophy Usual Usual
segmental sclerosis was more common in CNI-treated Vacuoles Occasional Occasional
bone marrow (13%) and heart transplant (27%) recipi-
ents at autopsy than their respective CNI-free controls
Smooth muscle Absent Usual
(0% and 14%).278 Heart transplant recipients have an degeneration
increase in the heterogeneity of glomerular volume External nodular Absent Present
and size, with more small and large glomeruli (com- hyalinosis
pensatory hypertrophy) compared with controls (liv-
ing kidney donors).257 The shift to smaller glomeruli
Intimal fibrosis Usual Can be present
becomes more extreme with chronic renal failure and but unrelated
the hypertrophied glomeruli disappear.255 Thus hyper- Mononuclear cells Common Absent intima
filtration injury probably causes the progressive glomer-
ular proteinuria and sclerosis. Bone marrow and heart
Duplication GBM Usual Absent
transplant patients at autopsy show glomerular collapse
Mesangial Can be present Can be present
in 59% of patients on CNI versus 8% of those not on expansion
CNI.278 This can develop into florid collapsing glomer-
ulopathy, attributed to the severe CNI arteriolopathy.120 BM, basement membrane; GBM, glomerular basement membrane.
396 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

chronic CNIT, and the arteries are more affected, with unequivocal evidence for rejection. Strong, but not abso-
proliferative intimal fibrosis without elastosis.245 PTC lute, evidence for a drug etiology is the invasion of multi-
C4d deposits or mononuclear cells in the arterial intima ple tubules by eosinophils, and eosinophils in tubular casts
are the most useful signs of an active rejection process. (Colvin, unpublished observation), usually attributed to
An inflammatory infiltrate, including plasma cells, is less prophylactic trimethaprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim).
common in CNIT than rejection.260 Other features are We have also seen one case of severe acute interstitial ne-
not decisive. IFTA and glomerular sclerosis are found phritis and serum sickness-like syndrome secondary to the
in either. GBM duplication and endothelial dedifferen- horse antithymocyte globulin.61
tiation can also be seen in either, although perhaps more
commonly in chronic rejection.61
TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN INHIBITOR Many organisms can infect the transplanted kidney, rang-
TOXICITY ing from mycobacteria and candida229 to herpes simplex
virus355 and human herpesvirus-1.355 In addition, viruses
Inhibitors of the mammalian target of rapamycin (TORi) such as cytomegalovirus and HCV can have indirect ef-
(rapamycin, everolimus, sirolimus) can cause DGF due to fects on the transplant, promoting rejection or immune-
tubular toxicity that resembles myeloma cast nephropa- mediated disease.66,317,392 Here we will discuss the three
thy. Pathologically, in addition to acute tubular injury, most important types of infections: polyomavirus, adeno-
eosinophilic debris and macrophages were present in virus, and bacterial pyelonephritis.
tubular lumina, that mimicked myeloma casts, but the
casts stain for keratin, rather than immunoglobulin light
chains.363 TORi can also cause TMA, indistinguishable
Polyomavirus Tubulointerstitial Nephritis
from that due to CNI.316 PTN has emerged since 1996 as a significant cause of
Increased proteinuria is common on patients switched early and late graft damage.80,81,219,268,272,292 Among various
from CNI to TORi because they had developed severe series of patients on tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil,
CNIT. In these patients, GFR improves but increased PTN arises in about 5%, similar to the prevalence of
proteinuria develops in about 30%.200 CNI exposure acute rejection. The virus was originally isolated from
is not necessary for the proteinuric response to TORi. BK, a Sudanese patient who had distal donor ureteral
Conversion from azathioprine to TORi can also cause in- stenosis, 3 months after a living related transplant.111 BK
creased proteinuria.393 Patients started on TORi without virus is related to JC virus (which also inhabits the human
CNI had double the risk of proteinuria at 6–12 months urinary tract) and to simian virus SV40. These viruses are
compared with those on CNI.372 members of the papovavirus group, which includes the
Few pathological studies have been published. One re- papillomaviruses. The BK virus commonly infects uro-
ported a variety of glomerular diseases typical of native thelium but rarely causes morbidity in immunocompetent
kidneys, suggesting recurrent disease.79 A recipient begun individuals. However, in renal transplant recipients three
on TORi developed 12 g/day proteinuria in the first week lesions have been attributed to BK virus: hemorrhagic
after transplantation, which remitted after the drug was cystitis, ureteral stenosis, and interstitial nephritis.51,112,153
discontinued.375 Biopsy showed no obvious glomerular PTN is characterized by a patchy mononuclear in-
disease was evident by light, immunofluorescence, or EM, filtrate associated with tubulitis and tubular cell injury
suggesting the proteinuria was due to failure of tubular (Figure 26-11B).292 The infiltrate often contains plasma
reabsorption. One notable case report described collaps- cells, which sometimes invade the tubules. Concurrent
ing glomerulopathy in a patient with Kaposi’s sarcoma ACR may be present. Tubular cell apoptosis is promi-
converted to TORi from azathioprine.165 We have seen nent, as well as “dedifferentiation” of tubular epithelial
two cases of FSGS in patients started on TORi: one had cells, with loss of polarity and a spindly shape. PTN has
collapsing glomerulopathy (Cornell et al., unpublished). three recognized stages: stage A has only minimal inflam-
More pathology studies are clearly needed, particularly mation; stage B shows marked tubular injury, denudation
on those patients started on TORi.61 of the TBMs and interstitial edema with a mixed, mild to
marked inflammatory cell infiltrate; stage C has marked
DRUG-INDUCED ACUTE The recognition of viral nuclear inclusions is the
TUBULOINTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS key step in diagnosis. The affected nuclei are usually
enlarged with a smudgy, amorphous lavender inclusion
Drug induced interstitial nephritis in the allograft is simi- (Figure 26-11B). Other nuclear changes found less com-
lar to that in the native kidney, and resembles tubulo­ monly are eosinophilic, granular inclusions with or with-
interstitial rejection. Both are characterized by an intense out a halo, and a vesicular variant with coarsely clumped,
mononuclear interstitial infiltrate and tubulitis, and have irregular basophilic material.268,269,273 These nuclear in-
variable numbers of eosinophils. Acute rejection occasion- clusions tend to be grouped in tubules, particularly col-
ally has a prominent eosinophilic infiltrate8,136,154,189,385,405; lecting ducts in the cortex and outer medulla, and can
conversely, drug-induced interstitial nephritis may have often be spotted at low power. Immunohistochemistry
no eosinophils, especially that due to non-steroidal and EM confirm the diagnosis. Monoclonal antibodies
anti-inflammatory drugs.60 Endarteritis, if present, is are commercially available which react with BK-specific
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 397


FIGURE 26-11  ■  Polyoma (BK) virus infection. (A) Low-power view showing patchy mononuclear inflammation in the medulla with
groups of atypical nuclei in tubular epithelium (arrows). (B) Higher power shows polyomavirus inclusion (arrow), marked tubuli-
tis, and tubular cell apoptosis. (C) Immunohistochemistry: monoclonal antibody to SV40 large T antigen (homologous to BK, JC,
and other polyoma viruses), many tubular epithelial cell nuclei appear dark brown due to immunoreactivity for polyoma virus.
(D) Electron microscopy: high magnification of a tubular cell nucleus (N) containing polyoma virions (arrow), that are rounded,
30–35 nm in diameter, and organized in arrays (from Cynomolgus monkey). (From van Gorder MA, Della Pelle P, Henson JW, et al.
Cynomolgus polyoma virus infection: a new member of the polyoma virus family causes interstitial nephritis, ureteritis, and enteritis in im-
munosuppressed cynomolgus monkeys. Am J Pathol 1999;154:1273-84.)396

determinants and with the large T antigen of several may be in part due to a presumption of CNIT and a lack
polyoma species (Figure 26-11C). EM will reveal the of renal biopsies in this setting.203
characteristic intranuclear paracrystalline arrays of vi-
ral particles of about 40 nm diameter (Figure 26-11D).
Other tests useful for monitoring patients at risk are
urine cytology (“decoy cells”) and polymerase chain reac- Adenovirus, most frequently serotype 11, causes hem-
tion quantitation of virus in the blood, although these are orrhagic cystitis and also occasionally tubulointersti-
not specific enough to make a PTN diagnosis.61 tial nephritis in renal allografts, which may resemble a
Polyomavirus infections may cause an immune com- space-occupying lesion by imaging studies.202,414 Biopsy
plex deposition along the TBM, as described in 43% shows necrotizing inflammation with neutrophils and
of cases in a series from Seattle, being the most com- tubular destruction, interstitial hemorrhage and red cell
mon cause of IgG deposits in the TBM of transplants.34 casts, granulomatous inflammation,38,161,267,357 or a zonal
Granular IgG, C3, and C4d are focally present by immu- inflammation localized to the outer medulla.220 Tubular
nofluorescence and amorphous electron-dense deposits cells have intranuclear ground-glass inclusions with a dis-
by EM. The prognostic significance is not known.61 tinct halo surrounded by a ring of marginated chromatin
Late graft fibrosis and scarring/“CAN” may be caused and glassy smudged nuclei. The diagnosis is established
by polyomavirus, even though the virus is no longer de- by immunoperoxidase stains for viral antigen in tubular
monstrable. The virus is cytopathic for tubular cells and cells, and EM to reveal the intranuclear crystalline arrays
leads to characteristically destructive tubular lesions, with of 75–80-nm viral particles. Immune complexes may also
only TBM remaining. The diagnosis is sometimes only contribute to the injury. Decreased immunosuppression
possible by review of prior biopsies. Suspicion of PTN is has been followed by recovery.61
heightened if tubular destruction is severe. The process
may be clinically silent: protocol biopsies have shown a
subclinical incidence of PTN of 1.2%.40 Furthermore,
Acute Pyelonephritis
PTN can affect native kidneys of recipients of non-renal Pyelonephritis is a potentially devastating complication
allografts; only a few cases have been reported, but this of transplantation. Pyelonephritis can present as acute
398 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

renal failure114,416 and cause graft loss.139,171 Pyelonephritis

arises most often 1 year or more after transplantation
(80% of episodes).298 Escherichia coli was the most com-
mon organism (80%). Acute pyelonephritis is a not un-
common finding on renal biopsy, despite the expectation
that the process is patchy.416 Renal biopsies are not the
usual method of diagnosis; however, if neutrophils are
abundant, especially if they form destructive abscesses
and casts in tubules, the diagnosis should be at the top of
the list. Other variants are emphysematous pyelonephri-
tis, due to gas-producing organisms,171 xanthogranuloma-
tous pyelonephritis,87,170 and malakoplakia.373


Most arterial thromboses develop in the early post-
transplant period and produce acute infarction with FIGURE 26-12 ■  De novo membranous glomerulonephritis:
microthrombi and scant inflammation.20 Evidence for subepithelial electron-dense deposits (arrows) along the glo-
merular basement membrane with intervening basement
underlying rejection should be sought by careful exami- membrane spikes. Podocyte (P) foot processes are effaced.
nation of the larger arteries for endarteritis. Renal artery C, capillary lumen; U, urinary space.
stenosis (typically at the anastomosis site), a cause of late
graft dysfunction, can be deceptive clinically and patho-
logically.37,356 Biopsies show tubular injury or atrophy distribution than typical primary (idiopathic) MGN.249,391
with relatively little inflammation or fibrosis. By EM subepithelial electron-dense deposits are pres-
Renal vein thrombosis causes a swollen and purple kid- ent (Figure 26-12), which are smaller and more irregu-
ney, sometimes with graft rupture.334 The cortex shows se- lar in distribution than primary MGN.249,391 Endothelial
vere hemorrhagic congestion, and extensive infarction and changes and GBM duplication typical of TG are present
necrosis,238 sometimes with diffuse microcapillary thrombi. in half of the cases.249,391 Repeat biopsies have shown per-
Intracapillary leukocytes can be a clue as in native kidneys. sistence or progression of the deposits in most cases and
Late renal vein thrombosis is associated with proteinuria occasional resolution.12,249 The pathogenesis of de novo
due to MGN or TG, sometimes with graft loss.340 Lupus MGN has not been established. The literature supports
anticoagulant has been detected in a few patients.215 the hypothesis that de novo MGN may be a form of AMR
or directed at minor histocompatibility antigen(s) in the
glomerulus, presumably on the podocyte or a special type
DE NOVO GLOMERULAR DISEASE of chronic rejection.57,389,391 The common presence of TG
is consistent with this hypothesis.249,391
Patients without previous glomerular disease occasionally
develop lesions in the allograft that resemble a primary glo- Anti-GBM Nephritis
merular disease, rather than the usual chronic allograft glo-
merulopathy. While some are no doubt coincidental, at least Patients with Alport’s syndrome or hereditary nephri-
three are related to an alloimmune response to the allograft: tis commonly develop anti-GBM alloantibodies, because
MGN, anti-GBM disease in Alport’s syndrome, and recur- they genetically lack self-tolerance to GBM collagen
rent nephrotic syndrome in congenital nephrosis. A fourth, components. However this leads to glomerulonephritis
relatively common de novo glomerular disease, FSGS, is be- in only a minority. Overall, de novo crescentic and nec-
lieved to be related to hyperfiltration injury of the allograft rotizing glomerulonephritis due to anti-GBM antibodies
or marked microvascular compromise due to CNIT.61 after transplantation is uncommon, seen in only 5% of
male adult renal allograft recipients with typical Alport’s
syndrome.173,174,16 The pathology is similar to that in native
Membranous Glomerulonephritis kidney with prominent crescents (not a feature of allograft
De novo MGN is typically a late complication, with a rejection), segmental necrosis, and red cell casts. Second
prevalence of about 1–2%.70,141,251 In contrast, recurrent transplantation with and without recurrent anti-GBM ne-
MGN can present early.321 The risk factors for de novo phritis have both been reported.77,121,395 The 5-year graft
MGN include time after transplant, de novo MGN in a survival may be equal to that of non-Alport’s recipients.119
first graft,141 and HCV infection.70,251 Light microscopy
usually shows rather mild GBM changes. Mesangial hy- De Novo Podocytopathy in Congenital
percellularity is found in about 33%. Mononuclear cells Nephrosis
can be abundant in glomerular capillaries, raising the
possibility of transplant glomerulitis or renal vein throm- Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type,
bosis.249 Immunofluorescence shows granular deposits an autosomal recessive disease due to mutations in the
along the GBM that stain for IgG, C3, C4d, and fac- nephrin gene NPHS1, paradoxically leads to posttrans-
tor H67; about 35% are more irregular and segmental in plant nephrotic syndrome.213,283 The podocyte pathology
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 399

resembles minimal-change disease and usually responds arteriosclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis were also present.
to cyclophosphamide.98,194 De novo “minimal-change A rapid progression to renal failure occurred in 80% of
disease” is thought to be caused by the alloantibodies to the patients (2–12 months). The cause is unknown; all
nephrin in some cases.296 patients were human immunodeficiency virus-negative.
Collapsing glomerulopathy can also develop in native
kidneys in patients on CNI (Figure 26-13).120
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
De novo FSGS has been described in adult recipients of
pediatric kidneys,266,412 in which the presumed pathogen- RECURRENT RENAL DISEASE
esis is hyperfiltration injury, in long-standing grafts, in
which parenchymal loss due to CNIT or chronic rejec- Recurrent disease (e.g., dense deposit in Figure 26-14)
tion leads to hyperfiltration injury of residual glomeruli, is a significant cause of allograft failure.45,97,308 The fre-
and as the collapsing variant of FSGS, probably related to quency and clinical significance of recurrence vary with
CNI arteriolopathy.231 the disease (Table 26-6). In one study, glomerular dis-
De novo collapsing glomerulopathy presents months eases, including recurrent and de novo glomerulonephri-
to years after transplantation with proteinuria (2–12 g/ tis and TG, were responsible for 37% of cases of graft
day).231,258,374 Diffuse or focal, global, or segmental col- loss; 14% of death-censored graft losses were due to
lapse of glomeruli was evident with prominent hyper- recurrent glomerular disease.88 Recurrence of immune-
reactive podocytes (Figure 26-13). Arteriolar hyalinosis, mediated disease may become a greater problem in the
future with longer graft survival and development of
tolerance protocols that require no immunosuppres-
sion. The reader is referred to a comprehensive review
elsewhere for detailed information regarding specific
Transplantation also can uniquely illuminate the early
pathologic events that precede clinical signs and deter-
mine the reversibility of pre-existing lesions in the donor
kidney (e.g., diabetes, IgA nephropathy). For example,
early recurrent MGN – as early as 2 weeks posttrans-
plant the glomeruli can show staining in a membranous
pattern by immunofluorescence for IgG, C4d, and kappa
and lambda light chains, but corresponding electron-
dense deposits may not be present ultrastructurally;
these features can be seen on biopsy without proteinuria
clinically.321 Later biopsies of the allografts show a more
typical membranous pattern with subepithelial deposits
by EM. Diabetic nephropathy begins with an increase
FIGURE 26-13  ■ De novo collapsing glomerulopathy: collapsed in allograft glomerular volume at 6 months,288 followed
glomerular capillaries and prominent podocyte proliferation, by increases in mesangial volume.408 Thickening of the
hypertrophy, and abundant reabsorption droplets. Severe arte- GBM is first evident after 2–3 years32,408 and nodular
riolar hyalinosis with peripheral nodules typical of calcineurin diabetic glomerulosclerosis at 5–15 years posttransplant
inhibitor arteriolopathy was present. This is a native kidney in a
patient with a heart–lung transplant. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (Figure 26-15).140 Tubulointerstitial diseases may also
(From Goes N, Colvin RB. Renal failure nine years after a heart-lung recur, such as with recurrent oxalate nephropathy in pri-
transplant. N Engl J Med 2006;6:671–9.)120 mary hyperoxaluria.25

FIGURE 26-14  ■  Recurrent dense deposit disease. (A) Electron microscopy: widespread very electron-dense deposits that are continu-
ous, linear, and embedded in the glomerular basement membrane proper, i.e., intramembranous (arrows). Similar deposits are also
seen in the mesangium (M). C, capillary lumen; U, urinary space. (B) Immunofluorescence microscopy: staining for C3 shows broad
linear ribbon-like deposits along the glomerular basement membrane and blob-like deposits in the mesangium (mesangial rings).
400 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 26-6  Classification of Recurrent Renal Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease

Disease Immunosuppression leads to an increased risk of ma-
lignancy, particularly those neoplasms caused by viruses
Usually Recur (>50% of Patients)
and ultraviolet radiation. These malignancies are pre-
Adverse effect* Primary hemolytic uremic
sumptively suppressed by immune responses which rec-
Primary oxalosis ognize the viral or mutation-derived neoantigens. The
Dense deposit disease major viral-related tumors are Kaposi’s sarcoma (human
Collapsing FSGS† ­herpesvirus-8), cervical cancer (human papillomavirus),
Little or no adverse Immunotactoid/fibrillary and PTLD (Epstein–Barr virus). Of these, PTLD not
effect glomerulopathy†
Systemic light-chain disease† uncommonly affects the kidney, sometimes presenting as
Diabetes mellitus‡ graft dysfunction.
PTLD involving the kidney can resemble ACR, in
Commonly Recur (5–50%)
having a widespread mononuclear infiltrate invading tu-
Adverse effect FSGS
Membranoproliferative GN,
bules and even vessels.228,309,337 In our experience, a use-
type I ful clue that favors PTLD is when the infiltrate forms
Membranous GN a dense sheet of monomorphic lymphoblasts without
ANCA-related diseases edema or granulocytes (Figure 26-16A). Serpiginous ne-
Wegener’s granulomatosis crosis of the lymphoid cells (irregular patches) is distinc-
Pauci-immune GN
Microscopic polyarteritis tive, but not always present.309 The other features found
Progressive systemic to be helpful include nodular and expansile aggregates
sclerosis of immature lymphoid cells; the nuclei are enlarged and
Sickle cell nephropathy† vesicular with prominent nucleoli that may be multiple.
Little or no adverse IgA nephropathy
effect Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Immunohistochemistry is helpful in identifying the pre-
Amyloidosis dominance of B cells in the infiltrate, which is never seen
in rejection alone. If the cells have a monoclonal kappa or
Rarely Recur (<5%) lambda phenotype the diagnosis is confirmed. The defin-
Adverse effect Anti-GBM disease
Little or no adverse Systemic lupus erythematosus itive diagnosis of PTLD is in situ hybridization for EBER
effect Fabry’s disease (Epstein–Barr virus-encoded RNA) (Figure 26-16B).
Recurrence reported§ Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Adenosine phosphoribosyl PROTOCOL BIOPSIES
transferase deficiency
Familial fibronectin
“Protocol” or “surveillance” biopsies taken at prede-
Lipoprotein glomerulopathy termined times for evaluation of the status of the renal
Malacoplakia allograft, independent of renal function, are currently
the standard of care at several leading transplant cen-
Never Recur (0%)
Unique complications Hereditary nephritis/Alport’s ters64,177,253,263,327,341,371 and widely used in clinical trials to
syndrome (anti-GBM disease) evaluate efficacy.55 Protocol biopsies have the potential
Congenital nephrosis ability to reveal mechanisms of late graft loss and to iden-
(nephrotic syndrome; nephrin tify active processes that might be interrupted therapeu-
No unique Polycystic disease (all genetic
tically before irreversible injury has occurred.88 The risk
complications types) of protocol biopsy is low. There were no deaths or graft
Osteo-onychodysplasia losses in the Hannover series of over 1000 biopsies339 and
(nail-patella)† graft loss was 0.04%.104
Acquired cystic disease The current interest in protocol biopsies started with
Secondary hemolytic uremic
syndrome (infection) David Rush and colleagues, who made the surprising
Secondary FSGS observation that 30% of biopsies from stable patients
Familial FSGS† 1–3 months posttransplant showed histological rejec-
Postinfectious acute tion325 and those with these lesions show later loss of
glomerulonephritis† renal function.326,327 Many other studies have confirmed
*Adverse effect defined as graft loss of >5% (when disease this result.64,177,253,263,327,341 Mononuclear inflammation that
recurs). meets the Banff criteria for ACR or borderline acute re-

Limited experience: few cases reported (n <10). jection is found in 5–50% of protocol biopsies in the first

Arteriolar and glomerular lesions recur to some degree in most, 12 months, depending on therapy and patient popula-
if not all, cases, but nodular glomerulosclerosis delayed until
>5 years.
tions.264 Those with inflammation have a higher risk of
Recurrence occurs, but too few cases are reported to classify graft dysfunction or fibrosis at later time points.65,178,254,264
frequency or consequences. Grafts with both inflammation and fibrosis do the
ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; FSGS, focal segmental worst.64,214,253,350 In one study, the best predictor of allograft
glomerulosclerosis; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; GN, function 1 year after transplantation was persistent inflam-
mation, of any type, including those patterns considered
in Banff to be irrelevant to the diagnosis of acute rejection
Pathology of Kidney Transplantation 401

FIGURE 26-15  ■  Recurrent diabetic nephropathy 12 years after transplant. (A) Glomerulus with prominent Kimmelstiel–Wilson mesan-
gial nodules (arrow) and arteriolar hyalinosis. Periodic acid–Schiff stain. (B) Electron microscopy of another case shows homoge-
neous thickening of the glomerular basement membrane up to 1100 nm. C, capillary lumen; U, urinary space.

FIGURE 26-16  ■  Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease. (A) Dense mononuclear cell infiltrate in the interstitium that permeates
between the tubules without tubulitis (although tubulitis may occur in posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD)). The mono-
morphic infiltrate and the lack of edema distinguish PTLD from the usual cellular rejection. (B) In situ hybridization: nuclei of mono-
nuclear cells stain dark, brown-black for Epstein–Barr virus-encoded RNA (EBER), which is the definitive test for the diagnosis of PTLD.

(in areas of interstitial fibrosis, around large blood vessels, common in protocol biopsies. Similarly, infiltrates rich in
in nodules, or in subcapsular areas).235 Infiltrates in areas activated macrophages distinguished biopsies with clini-
of atrophy correlated with IFTA at 6 months and graft cal versus subclinical acute rejection.127 Molecular studies
dysfunction at 2 years. In another study, protocol biopsies have shown that increased levels of transcripts for T-bet
at 1 year posttransplant that showed fibrosis and inflam- (a Th1 master transcription factor), FasL (cytotoxic me-
mation predicted a worse GFR at 5 years compared to diator) and CD152 (CTLA-4, an inhibitory costimula-
biopsies with fibrosis and no inflammation and compared tory molecule) are associated with graft dysfunction.152
to normal biopsies.293 These results suggest that these in- Foxp3 cells are on the list of suspects to distinguish
filtrates are part of the pathogenesis of slow, progressive non-aggressive infiltrates.31,348 Recent evidence shows
renal injury.55,214 that regulatory T cells (Treg) that express the Foxp3 tran-
Grafts in recipients that are developing tolerance scription factor infiltrate tolerated grafts in mice treated
also typically have graft infiltrates, sometimes termed with costimulatory blockade.196 Foxp3 cells can also be
the “acceptance reaction,”349 which spontaneously dis- found in grafts with infiltrates interpreted as acute rejec-
appears and is followed by indefinite graft survival.31,330 tion.398 Although the significance of Foxp3+ cells has yet
The acceptance reaction had less infiltration by CD3+ to be determined, high numbers of such Treg cells are
T cells and macrophages, less T-cell activation, long- likely beneficial,248 in view of the known suppressor func-
lasting apoptosis of graft-infiltrating T cells, less IFN-γ tions of these cells. The hope of much ongoing research
and more IL-10 than rejecting grafts. is the discovery of markers that predict graft acceptance
What differentiates infiltrates in patients with stable in a clinical setting.100,248
and unstable graft function? In stable grafts endarteritis The most important question is whether treatment of
is found rarely (0.3% in one series)234 and can herald an subclinical rejection is beneficial (and then what therapy
impending acute episode.325 Among the interstitial in- is optimal). No study has dared to randomize treatment
filtrates, only the diffuse pattern (rich in macrophages in patients with acute rejection on protocol biopsy. The
and granzyme B CTLs) was more common in biopsies closest to a controlled trial was that of Rush and col-
taken for acute dysfunction.235 In contrast, nodular infil- leagues, who found that patients with protocol biop-
trates (rich in B cells and activated T cells) were more sies, treated with steroid boluses if they had subclinical
402 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

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improve biopsy assessment. Whole histology slide im- 18. Baid S, Pascual M, Williams Jr WW, et al. Renal thrombotic
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techniques. For example, interstitial fibrosis assessment 19. Baid-Agrawal S, Farris 3rd AB, Pascual M, et al. Overlapping
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rejection, hepatitis C infection, and thrombotic microangiopathy.
interstitial fibrosis assessment more reproducible.91 Kidney Int 2011;80:879–85.
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23. Bellamy CO, Randhawa PS. Arteriolitis in renal transplant
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Chronic Allograft Failure

Brian J. Nankivell

Late Acute Rejection and Intercurrent Illness
Models of Chronic Kidney Transplant Injury Monitoring of Renal Function
Mechanisms of Chronic Allograft Progression Proteinuria and Urinalysis
Failure to Resolve Chronic Inflammation Renal Transplant Imaging
Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition-Induced Immune Surveillance Tests
Fibrosis Urinary Diagnostics
Donor Age and Replicative Senescence Serum Immune Surveillance Markers
Cortical Ischemia Kidney Transplant Biopsy
Internal Structural Failure Principles Guiding Clinical Biopsy
TIME COURSE OF HISTOLOGICAL DAMAGE Risk and Safety of Transplant Biopsies
Donor Abnormalities and Procurement Diagnostic Algorithm for a Chronically
Injury Failing Graft
Delayed Graft Function and Ischemic Injury TREATMENT OF A FAILING ALLOGRAFT
Early Tubulointerstitial Damage Long-Term Immunosuppression
Acute Rejection and Alloimmune General Treatment Principles
Mechanisms Treatment Approach by Specific Diagnosis
Subclinical Rejection Interstitial Fibrosis and Tubular Atrophy
Tubulointerstitial Injury from BK Virus Approach to Calcineurin Inhibitor
Nephropathy Nephrotoxicity
Progressive and Late-Stage Chronic Allograft Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Chronic Active T-Cell-Mediated Rejection
Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Interstitial Rejection
Treatment of Acute Late Rejection
Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity
Treatment of Recurrent Disease
Progressive Glomerular Abnormalities
Treatment of BK Virus Nephropathy
Transplant Glomerulopathy and Chronic
Antibody-Mediated Rejection SUMMARY

INTRODUCTION: THE PROBLEM OF a chronically failing allograft usually shows interstitial

GRAFT LOSS f­ ibrosis, tubular atrophy, glomerulosclerosis, and vascular
abnormalities (Figure 27-1) (see Chapter 26). These fea-
Despite the success of modern transplantation, which tures represent the summated effects of tissue injury from
can produce early acute rejection rates below 15% and multiple pathogenic insults combined with the kidney’s
1-year graft survival rates above 90%, long-term graft at- fibrotic healing response, which is influenced by alloim-
trition rates have remained unchanged at 4% graft loss munity and recipient immunosuppression (Figure 27-2
per year.55,56 Progressive transplant renal dysfunction of- and Table 27-1). These end-pathway phenotypes are ex-
ten leads to graft failure and return to dialysis, accompa- pressed within local anatomical compartments (­tubular,
nied by substantial morbidity and mortality. This chapter interstitial, microvascular, and glomerular) by tissues with
will evaluate the causes of chronic transplant failure, its a limited repertoire of response (Table 27-1). Different
pathophysiology, and diagnostic pathology, and present a drivers of nephron damage have a differential incidence
therapeutic approach. and rate of progression where the relative mix alters ac-
Kidney allografts are damaged from both immune cording to time after transplantation, but can operate
and non-immune mechanisms. The histopathology of simultaneously.

412 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 27-1  Causes of Allograft Damage

(Events and Risks)

Deceased donor
Older donor age, donor vascular disease, and extended
criteria donor
Donor brain death and autonomic storm, inotropic use,
donor renal failure
Ischemia-reperfusion injury (warm and cold ischemia
times, perfusion, and organ transport)
Delayed graft function (clinical) and acute tubular necrosis
Ascending urinary tract infection with allograft pyelonephritis
Transplant ureteric obstruction
Polyomavirus nephropathy
Calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity
Recurrent or de novo glomerulonephritis
Recipient smoking
FIGURE 27-1  ■  Chronic allograft nephropathy showing chronic Alloimmune
­interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, accompanied by glo- Young recipient age
merulosclerosis, increased mesangial matrix, and vascular Ethnicity
changes. Altered handling of immunosuppressive agents
Variable trough levels (malabsorption or compliance)
Therapy non-compliance
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CHRONIC Histoincompatibility, CREG mismatches
Recipient presensitization (panel-reactive antibodies)
ALLOGRAFT DAMAGE Hyperacute rejection (rare)
Early antibody-mediated acute rejection
Models of Chronic Kidney Transplant Injury Acute rejection (severe or steroid-resistant, vascular, late,
or undiagnosed/untreated)
Risk factors for chronic allograft loss include donor organ Subclinical rejection
quality, ischemia-reperfusion injury with delayed graft True chronic rejection with fibrointimal vascular hyperplasia
function (DGF) immune factors, including human leuko- Late de novo anti-HLA antibody formation
Chronic antibody-mediated rejection with transplant
cyte antigen (HLA) mismatch, donor-specific and MICA glomerulopathy
antibodies, and acute rejection, and recipient factors such
as hypertension, proteinuria, smoking, and medication CREG, cross-reactive groups.

Ischemia- Intercurrent
ETIOLOGICAL EVENTS reperfusion illness - CMV
Cold ischemia injury and ROS Recurrent
Warm ischemia Late GN
Kidney transplant dysfunction

Technical problems rejection

Acute BK CAN

Donor age
Graft failure

Hypertension rejection
Vascular disease
Brain death
Ionotrope use
Donor ATN

True chronic rejection

Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia,

KIDNEY PATHOLOGY smoking, proteinuria
Lymphocytic infiltration
FIGURE 27-2  ■ Immune and non-immune
events leading to allograft damage and
Arteriolar hyalinosis and transplant failure. ATN, acute tubular
glomerulosclerosis necrosis; CAN, chronic allograft ne-
Tubular atrophy and phropathy; CMV; cytomegalovirus; CNI,
IF/TA calcineurin inhibitors; DGF, delayed graft
chronic interstitial fibrosis
function; GN; glomerulonephritis; ROS,
Vascular or antibody-mediated reactive oxygen species; SCR, subclinical
rejection rejection.
Chronic Allograft Failure 413

non-adherence71 (Table 27-1). The pathophysiology of inducing excessive cytokine production (e.g., interferon-γ),
chronic allograft failure can be ascribed to one of several leading to interstitial and vascular fibrosis (by transform-
unified hypotheses. Specific additional pathophysiologi- ing growth factor (TGF)-β1). Cytokines and chemokines
cal mechanisms of graft injury have also been proposed, play key roles in the recruitment, activation, and ingress of
although these paradigms are not mutually exclusive. inflammatory T cells and monocyte/macrophages. A role
Originally, kidney allograft damage and late graft ­failure for other mediators, such as vascular endothelial growth
were usually simply attributed to “chronic rejection,” with factor, endothelin-1, plasminogen-activating factor-1,
pathology of chronic lymphocytic interstitial infiltration, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, platelet-derived
sometimes accompanied by specific vascular or glomer- growth factor A and B, RANTES, bone morphogenetic
ular abnormalities. While commonly described in the protein 7, hepatocyte growth factor, connective tissue
prednisolone-azathioprine era,38 this pattern became less growth factor, and advanced glycation end products, is
common with more potent immunosuppression regimes supported by their altered expression in experimental
incorporating calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs). Risk factor and human chronic rejection or graft fibrosis.3,18,28,73,93
profiling showing alternative risk factors, and unchanged Similarly, uncontrolled or excessive reactive oxygen spe-
long-term graft survival despite lower acute rejection cies (ROS) production from tubular cell mitochondria
rates and stronger antirejection therapies suggest that may cause cellular injury, apoptosis, and expression of a
other mechanisms of graft injury may also be important. senescent phenotype. Studies have shown that intersti-
However, acute and chronic rejection still remain clini- tial inducible nitric oxide synthase protein expression,
cally relevant in immunologically active patients, those nitrotyrosine, and ex vivo ROS production are increased
with excessive prescribed reductions of immunosuppres- in chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN).2 The nephro-
sive therapy or with treatment non-compliance, where toxic injury from CNI therapy also constitutes an im-
chronic low-level alloimmune activity can be manifested portant continuing non-immune stressor of the kidney
by persistent cellular interstitial inflammation, fibrointi- ­allograft.15,23,70,73,96
mal hyperplasia, or with transplant glomerulopathy asso- The hyperfiltration theory implies that, when indi-
ciated with circulating donor-specific antibody (DSA) and vidual nephrons are progressively lost, the metabolic load
tissue C4d. and tubular protein reabsorption from the ultrafiltrate
The input-stress model is a composite model that de- fall on to a diminishing number of remaining nephrons.
scribes the interaction between the starting “input” of Hyperfiltration with glomerular hypertension can result
the transplanted kidney (the overall quality or condition in further tubular and glomerular damage, although the
of the organ and early events, including procurement, human evidence is weak. Estimates of single nephron hy-
preservation, and reimplantation injury) with a series of perfiltration in transplant recipients are only modestly in-
subsequent immune and non-immune stresses, including creased after transplantation, being partially ameliorated
cellular infiltration, antibody-­ mediated alloimmunity, by reduced overall transplant glomerular filtration rate
and other non-immune (“load”) mechanisms, including (GFR) and single nephron load. Results of graft survival
hypertension, hyperfiltration, proteinuria, dyslipidemia, in donor–recipient size mismatch have been contradic-
nephrotoxic drugs, and infection. These stressors have tory or non-supportive, with many studies showing no
been postulated to drive cells from a normal state into a effect. Registry data show no effect on change in calcu-
senescent phenotype, exhaust repair processes, and de- lated GFR and lack of an expected inflexion point of pro-
plete the finite nephron supply, leading to graft failure.31 gression of renal dysfunction at lower GFR.26 The classic
The cumulative damage hypothesis is based on sequen- hyperfiltration lesions of focal segmental glomeruloscle-
tial observational pathology and assumes that chronic rosis (FSGS) are uncommon. Hyperfiltration may have a
allograft damage is the end result of a series of time-­ deleterious effect only when substantial glomerular loss
dependent immune and non-immune insults inflicted on has occurred, such as in advanced chronic allograft dam-
the transplanted kidney, resulting in permanent nephron age or when a small infant donor kidney is transplanted
damage. The number of nephrons within the transplanted into a large adult, so its overall contribution seems minor.
kidney is finite, and nephrons, after destruction, cannot Proteinuria is a powerful composite risk factor as a
be replaced, although hypertrophy of remaining nephrons marker of kidney damage and has been implicated in tu-
may occur to compensate partially for losses. The trans- bular injury from ultrafiltration of toxic substances, cy-
planted kidney gradually fails from the summated and tokines, and other mediators. Urinary protein excretion
incremental loss of individual nephrons, combined with greater than 0.5 g/day has been associated with progres-
additional internal structural damage leading to over- sive graft dysfunction and failure19,99 and may be due to
all organ malfunction. Nephron damage is mediated by glomerular protein leak (glomerular proteinuria) or failed
a multitude of alloimmune, ischemic, and inflammatory tubular reabsorption from atrophic tubules (tubular pro-
stimuli, yielding lethal or sublethal tubular injury with a teinuria), or both.
profibrotic healing response. Multiple pathways and me- Hypertension is common before and after transplanta-
diators result in cumulative structural damage to all com- tion and has been associated with graft failure and death
partments within the transplanted kidney (Figure 27-2). using registry analysis, although direct histological evi-
dence linking it to chronic allograft damage is limited.
It occurs in 70–90% of recipients, related to pretrans-
Mechanisms of Chronic Allograft Progression plant hypertension and vascular disease, glucocorticoid
The cytokine excess theory postulates that chronic al- and cyclosporine use, graft dysfunction, or transplant
lograft damage is due to acute and repeated tissue injury renal artery stenosis. Chronic hypertensive changes
414 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

recognizable in a kidney transplant include fibrointimal

thickening with duplication of the internal elastic lamina
in small muscular arteries, arteriolar hyalinosis, and isch-
emic glomerulosclerosis.71,74 Other adverse factors asso-
ciated with graft progression include recipient smoking,
dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus.

Failure to Resolve Chronic Inflammation

Normal wound healing after acute injury usually results
in self-limited healing with complete resolution of the
inflammatory and fibrogenic process. Fibrosis in the
allograft differs from normal healing in that repeated
episodes of acute injury occur, which may be followed
sometimes by a partial or incomplete resolution of in-
flammation. An ongoing cycle of non-specific injury
causing tubular inflammation, enhanced allorecognition,
and additional immune-mediated injury may then be cre-
ated, becoming self-perpetuating and failing to resolve. FIGURE 27-3  ■ Epithelial mesenchymal transition illustrated by
The total inflammation burden irrespective of its location dual staining of E-cadherin (blue) and α-smooth-muscle actin
is a better predictor of graft survival than the Banff i score (brown) in a tubular epithelial cell.
alone.60 In one study, patients with intragraft Foxp3+ T
(regulatory) cells within the subclinical rejection (SCR) surviving cells can repopulate injured denuded tubules
infiltrate experienced better 5-year graft function, sugges- with new functional epithelia (so-called mesenchymal-
tive of a protective effect.4 Persistent chronic inflamma- to-epithelial transition).10
tory cells are commonly observed within areas of atrophic Early experimental support for EMT came with ge-
tubules and fibrosis in failing grafts and, along with SCR, netically tagged epithelial cells which showed that 36%
have been associated with progressive functional impair- of all FSP1-positive matrix-producing fibroblasts origi-
ment, increased tubular damage in sequential biopsy nate from renal proximal tubules in a model of unilat-
studies, and greater death-censored graft failure.52,60,63,68 eral ureteral obstruction.43 However, these early Cre/
Lox results have not been supported by several recent
Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition-Induced cell lineage-tracing studies, casting doubt on the tubu-
lar EMT hypothesis as the source of interstitial myo-
Fibrosis fibroblasts. Instead they suggest that some fibroblasts
Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) describes a may originate from resident capillary endothelial cells,
phenotypical change induced in tubular epithelial cells via endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition.29 Profibrotic
which lose their cell-to-cell basement membrane contacts growth factors within the peritubular microenvironment,
and structural polarity, and transform into spindle-shaped generated from injured tubular cells, infiltrating inflam-
cells that resemble mesenchymal or myofibroblast-type matory cells or residential activated fibroblasts, can in-
cells. With the exception of the distal collecting duct, duce or promote EMT. TGF-β, basic fibroblast growth
the renal tubular cells originate from fetal mesenchyme, factor, connective tissue growth factor, angiotensin II,
undergoing transition to cells of an epithelial phenotype matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue-type plasminogen
during development of the embryonic kidney. These cells activator are balanced against inhibitors such as bone
retain their ability to back-differentiate or “transition” morphogenetic protein-7, as well as therapeutic agents,
into mesenchymal cells with the appropriate stimuli, including sirolimus, vitamin D, stains, and angiotensin II
providing a potential source of interstitial fibroblasts (so- type I receptor blockers. TGF-β/Smad, integrin-linked
called type II EMT). Sublethal tubular injury or exposure kinase, and Wnt/β-catenin signaling are important in-
to stimuli such as TGF-β1, hypoxic injury, or ­interleukin-1 tracellular signal transduction pathways controlling the
can induce a series of genetically programmed steps ini- process of EMT.10
tiated by impaired cell-to-cell adhesion and loss of the The main clinical drivers of EMT in kidney transplan-
tubular cell’s morphogenetic clues and signals. Transition tation are immune infiltration, CNI immunosuppression,
from tubular epithelial cells into myofibroblasts begins and oxidative stress. Epithelial phenotype changes sug-
with loss of tight junctions and adherent junctions, des- gestive of EMT, defined by pathology expressing both
mosomes, and E-cadherin (an epithelial marker). This is epithelial and mesenchymal markers (e.g., β-catenin and
followed by reorganization of F-actin stress fibers and vimentin) or by EMT-associated gene expression, corre-
de novo expression of α-smooth-muscle actin (a mesen- late with histological cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity with
chymal marker), filopodia, and lamellipodia for move- tubular dilatation and vacuolation,22,100 allograft dysfunc-
ment controlled by molecular reprogramming of the tion, SCR, or lymphocytic cellular infiltration (Banff total
cell (Figure 27-3). The final stages of EMT are cellular i scores), prolonged ischemic times, and with interstitial
migration into the interstitial space and transition into fibrosis.34,100
fibroblasts, secreting interstial matrix proteins, collagen, Attributing a mechanistic role of EMT for progres-
and fibronectin. EMT may be potentially reversible; sive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy in vivo versus
Chronic Allograft Failure 415

that of resident or infiltrating fibroblasts is challenging, activating a multitude of genes regulating glucose metab-
with sequential transplant biopsy studies reporting mixed olism, cell proliferation and survival, as well as angiogen-
results.32,101 Changes of tubular cells to a mesenchymal esis, chemotaxis of inflammatory cells, and formation and
phenotype are commonly reported from cross-sectional turnover of extracellular matrix via profibrotic cytokines
observational studies.16,32,34,101,102 However, EMT may be such as TGF-α, platelet-derived growth factor, connec-
incomplete, with transformed cells sloughing off into the tive tissue growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth
tubular lumen instead of crossing the basement mem- factor.45
brane. In human transplantation, interstitial fibroblasts Injury of the PTCs begins activation and nuclear
were predominantly of recipient origin using Y chromo- swelling of endothelial cells, loss of fenestrae, and apop-
somal DNA analysis of sex-mismatched donor–recipient tosis and cellular detachment from the basement mem-
pairs.30 brane, finally leading to collapse and occlusion of the
capillary. Cross-sectional studies have associated chronic
antibody-mediated rejection (CAMR) and CAN with
Donor Age and Replicative Senescence progressive loss of the PTC network and small muscular
Cellular replicative senescence is the normal aging pro- arteries, endothelial cell apoptosis, and multilamination
cess of cells that eventually leads to exhaustion and ir- of the basement membrane. Attenuation of the microvas-
reversible growth arrest and has been postulated as an culature occurred regardless of the cause of chronic al-
explanation of the poorer actuarial graft survival from lograft damage and has been reported in chronic cellular
older donor kidneys.31,57,59 Cultured somatic cells stop cy- rejection, C4d+ chronic rejection, and sclerosing CAN.
cling and become senescent after a fixed number of dou- Greater allograft damage paralleled loss of PTC surface
blings, known as the Hayflick limit. This “mitotic clock” area, allograft dysfunction, and proteinuria.39
is largely controlled in humans by telomeres, that shorten In experimental ischemic acute renal failure, early and
with each mitotic division until they ultimately arrest in permanent rarefaction of the PTC network occurred in
the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Shortened telomeres have the inner stripe of the outer medulla, followed by tubu-
been observed in native and transplanted older kidneys lointerstitial fibrosis and reduced urinary concentrating
(driven by oxidative stress and aging), but with little ability. Although current human evidence is consistent
evidence of a role in human chronic allograft damage. and reproducible in transplantation,39,40,94 it cannot dis-
Senescent cells have altered shape and cytoskeletal col- tinguish cause from effect – whether microvascular loss
lagen, increased expression of tumor suppressor genes, causes localized tubular ischemia and interstitial fibrosis,
senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity, deposition whether tubular loss reduces supportive angiogenic fac-
of lipofuscin, activation of p53 and p16 pathways, and ad- tors, or whether angioregression associated with the fi-
ditional markers – predominantly within the tubulointer- brotic healing response of chronic allograft damage is a
stitial compartment.58 The senescent phenotype in CAN paraphenomenon reflecting a common insult.
is not mediated by accelerated telomere shortening, but
rather by altered expression of cell cycling pathways.66
Alternative explanations for the poor outcomes from Internal Structural Failure
older donor kidneys include a differential response to Function within the transplanted kidney may be impaired
injury with age, an impaired ability to withstand stress, by structural damage at the level of the individual neph-
limited ability to repair damage once incurred, and am- ron or the intact whole organ. Major damage to any com-
plification of external insults by pre-existing structural ponent along the length of the nephron causes functional
abnormalities (such as donor vascular disease) commonly failure of the whole unit. Glomerular damage may mani-
present in older kidneys. fest as global or partial glomerulosclerosis, transplant
glomerulopathy, or the formation of atubular glomeruli,
which develop after severe irreversible damage and dis-
Cortical Ischemia connection of downstream tubules.6 Tubular malfunction
Tubular epithelial cells are supplied by the peritubular may occur because of localized apoptosis to individual
capillary (PTC) network that is downstream from the ef- tubular cells, tubular atrophy involving the tubular cross-
ferent arterioles of the glomerular tuft. These cells are section, or luminal obstruction from cellular debris.
metabolically active cells, being rich in mitochondria that In addition, the transplant kidney may malfunction
power the electrolyte pumps and endocytotic protein from internal architectural disruption, leading to loss of
reabsorption machinary. Tubular cells are susceptible to ability to modify the tubular ultrafiltrate to form concen-
ischemia from upstream vascular narrowing, caused by trated and acidified urine. Segmentally injured glomeruli
partial or total glomerulosclerosis, arteriolar hyalinosis, may form adhesions attached to Bowman’s capsule (syn-
and vasoconstriction induced by CNIs and other factors, echiae), which can misdirect the glomerular ultrafiltrate
fibrointimal hyperplasia, hypertension, or donor changes into paraglomerular or paratubular channels leading to
in small muscular arteries, and capillary rarefaction as- the interstitial space. Inflammatory necrosis tends to
sociated with interstitial fibrosis, which reduces blood progress to obliterative fibrosis during healing, with loss
supply and oxygen diffusion. Hypoxic stress provokes of tubular basement membrane integrity and reduced
an adaptive survival response of the cell which includes overall functional efficiency.6 Functional failure of the
switching to anaerobic glycolysis and activation of anti- transplanted kidney is a combination of the summated
apoptotic molecular programs. Hypoxia-inducible fac- loss of individual nephrons with additional disturbance of
tors (e.g., HIF-1α) are central regulators of this response, its internal architecture.
416 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TIME COURSE OF HISTOLOGICAL DAMAGE effects of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mel-
litus. Further acute injury may occur with an episode of
The pathway of progression from donor kidney to end- late acute rejection.
stage transplant failure comprises a time-dependent se-
ries of pathological insults causing histological injury Donor Abnormalities and Procurement Injury
that is sequentially overlaid on earlier stages of damage
(Figure 27-4). There are two broad overlapping phases Inherited donor changes strongly influence subsequent
of allograft damage observed by sequential biopsy stud- allograft structure, graft function, graft response to injury
ies, starting with early tubulointerstitial injury followed and, ultimately, long-term graft survival. Implantation
by the addition of later microvascular and glomerular biopsy histology is needed to define accurately the con-
abnormalities and further progressive interstitial fibrosis tribution of donor disease and is recommended as a
and tubular atrophy.70 standard of care. Important donor pathological features
Most tubular loss and chronic interstitial fibrosis be- include the extent of glomerulosclerosis (>20% is severe,
gins soon after transplantation involving mechanisms of and these kidneys are often discarded), glomerulomegaly
ischemia-reperfusion injury, severe acute rejection, and (with implied nephron loss and hyperfiltration), and mi-
persistent SCR. Later, tubular injury is less intense and crovascular disease (a persistent histological abnormality
may be driven by residual alloimmune mechanisms or associated with donor age, hypertension, and death from
BK virus nephropathy, and may be accompanied by glo- cerebrovascular disease).
merular, microvascular, and capillary histological changes Donor brain death influences graft outcome by non-
from CNI nephrotoxicity, chronic antibody-mediated re- specific pathophysiological effects and by potentiation of
jeciton and recurrent glomerulonephritis, as well as the graft immunogenicity and alloresponsiveness. Registry data


Marginal donor Recipient age
Older donor age Regraft DSA
Vascular disease PRA Level
Brain death HLA Mismatch
Donor ATN Donor-specific antibody

Preservation CNI
Acute kidney Warm and cold ischemia Inflammatory Arteriolar
injury infiltrate hyalinosis

Ischemia/ROS Subclinical
DGF or ATN Acute CHRONIC Chronic
BK Infection True chronic VASCULAR antibody-
CNI Nephrotoxcity Ischemia INJURY mediated


Chronic Profibrotic mediators
inflammation Cytokines and growth factors
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Nephron loss
Nephron disruption
Atubular glomeruli


DYSFUNCTION AND FAILURE glomerulonephritis

FIGURE 27-4  ■ Interaction between donor organ quality, transplantation events, and immunosuppression on differing histological
compartments leading to allograft damage. ATN, acute tubular necrosis; CNI, calcineurin inhibitors; DGF, delayed graft function; DSA,
donor-specific antibody; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; PRA, panel-reactive antibodies; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
Chronic Allograft Failure 417

demonstrate excellent and identical survival rates of living blood generates ROS, leading to DNA breakdown, lipid
unrelated and one haplotype-matched living related donor peroxidation, apoptosis, and cellular necrosis of tubular
kidneys, despite greater genetic and HLA differences, com- cells and injury to vascular endothelial cells. Reducing the
pared with cadaver donor transplants. The transplanted proinflammatory state and graft immunogenicity from
organ is not inert, but can be immunologically altered by procurement and perioperative ischemia may improve
proinflammatory mediators released by brain death, leading transplanted organ quality and function. Proposed thera-
to cellular infiltration of the allograft with increased acute pies to ameliorate these effects include better organ pres-
rejection episodes. Injured tissues express innate danger re- ervation techniques and preservation solutions, ischemic
ceptors or Toll receptor system ligands (normally protect- preconditioning, and use of vasodilators or antiapoptotic
ing against infectious pathogens), which promote immune molecules. Optimal intensive care unit management, pul-
cell maturation, activation, and rejection. Experimental satile ex vivo machine perfusion, rapid transfer of organs,
brain death provokes a cascade of chemokines, cytokines, and prompt implantation all help reduce transplant organ
proinflammatory lymphokines (tumor necrosis factor-α, stresses.
interferon-γ), and adhesion molecules (intercellular adhe- Ischemic tubular injury can recover if the basement
sion molecule, vascular cell adhesion molecule, leukocyte membrane remains intact and sufficient residual tubular
function-associated antigen 1), and expression of major cells survive to replenish the nephron. Injury beyond this
histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II antigens, threshold results in permanent nephron loss. Repair of
which trigger a more rapid and intense host alloimmune tubular injury is initiated by inflammatory and fibrogenic
response. signaling followed by interstitial infiltration of mononu-
The “autonomic storm” generated by brain death is clear cells and macrophages and a variable proliferation
accompanied by chaotic blood pressure fluctuations, of fibroblasts. Tissue remodeling occurs with deposition
initially with a hypertensive phase from brainstem her- of extracellular matrix. The pattern of interstitial fibrosis
niation and massive circulating catecholamine release, and tubular atrophy is the sequela of prior tubular injury
followed by hypotension from hypothalamic-pituitary combined with the kidney’s response. It is clinically ac-
dysfunction, diabetes insipidus, electrolyte abnormali- companied by low-level proteinuria, hypertension, al-
ties, reduced thyroid and cortisol levels, hypothermia, lograft dysfunction, and shortened graft survival.
core temperature dysregulation, pulmonary changes, and
coagulopathies. Systemic hypotension, cardiovascular
instability, and adrenergic vasoconstriction may lead to Early Tubulointerstitial Damage
donor ischemic acute kidney injury. Other histological Injury to tubular cells soon after kidney transplantation
abnormalities associated with brain death include early occurs from many factors, including ischemia-reperfusion
glomerular hyperemia, glomerulitis, periglomerulitis, injury, acute tubular necrosis, acute rejection and SCR,
endothelial cell proliferation, tubular vacuolation from polyomavirus infection, and CNI nephrotoxicity, which
osmotic agents (e.g., mannitol), and later tubular de- is superimposed on donor disease. CNI nephrotoxi­
generation with intracellular biochemical disturbances, city also may contribute to tubular injury with isometric
necrosis, and atrophy. Transplant dysfunction is great- vacuolization, patchy necrosis with microcalcification,
est from hemodynamically unstable donors experiencing and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies that represent giant
prolonged hypotension after brain death. The physi- mitochondria with abnormal cristae when high doses are
ological effect is clinically manifested by DGF and acute used. Early interstitial fibrosis may be increased by CNI
tubular necrosis seen on implantation biopsy. therapy compared with sirolimus-treated grafts. Tubular
atrophy with loss of height of the tubular cross-section,
loss of nuclei, and dilation of the tubular lumen are asso-
Delayed Graft Function and Ischemic Injury ciated with the deposition of chronic interstitial fibrosis.
DGF is defined by need for dialysis after transplantation, Alloimmune mononuclear infiltration increases profi-
and has increased from 15% to about 22% over two de- brotic factors, including TGF-β and the expression of the
cades86 as kidneys from older deceased donors with vascu- tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) family of
lar comorbidity (expanded criteria donors), or following enzymes in kidney tissue. An activated cellular infiltrate
cardiac death (non-heart-beating donors) are increasingly within areas of tubular scarring may further aggravate
transplanted because of organ shortages. These marginal later damage and fibrosis.14,68
kidneys result in inferior initial function rates, patient The extracellular matrix is a dynamic network of
and allograft survival relative to standard criteria donors, proteins and proteoglycans, which accumulate from
but still improve overall recipient survival compared with increased synthesis and decreased breakdown; this is
remaining on dialysis. The incidence of DGF correlates partially mediated by TGF-β1, angiotensin, and immu-
with donor age, organ size and quality (older donor, hy- nosuppressive therapy. Cyclosporine generates a pro-
potension, diabetes, renal impairment, and hypertension), fibrotic cytokine profile with increased TGF-β1 and
and prolonged ischemia times (from shipping or periop- TIMP-1, leading to interstitial fibrosis in humans and ex-
erative surgical reperfusion). DGF increases long-term perimental models. Abrogation by angiotensin II block-
graft loss by 41% by systematic meta-analysis.104 ade suggests mediation by the renin–angiotensin system
Renal tubular epithelial cells are metabolically active and a potential treatment target, although not proven in
and consequently vulnerable to ischemia which depletes clinical practice. In contrast, cell cycle inhibitors, such as
oxygen, and limits cellular metabolism and Na+/K+-ATPase mycophenolic acid, reduce interstitial cellular prolifera-
exchanger function. Reperfusion injury from oxygenated tion, myofibroblast infiltration, and collagen deposition
418 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

in vivo and in experimental chronic rejection. Some

evidence shows that sirolimus also limits tubular atrophy,
vascular hyperplasia, and possibly the extent of intersti-
tial fibrosis, although these analyses are confounded by
increased early alloimune injury, when compared against
a more potent CNI.21

Acute Rejection and Alloimmune

Acute rejection episodes have been a consistant risk fac-
tor for reduced graft half-life and actuarial graft survival
(especially for deceased donors). As the incidence of acute
rejection decreases with newer immunosuppression, the
individual impact of a rejection is enhanced, with severe
rejection episodes remaining.
Other important alloimmune risk factors for graft
loss include recipient sensitization and HLA match- FIGURE 27-5  ■  Subclinical rejection with interstitial lymphocytic
ing (see Chapter 10). The MHC is the principal target infiltration with low-level tubulitis, but unchanged renal trans-
of the alloimmune response, with reduced registry graft plant function.
survival associated with HLA mismatching persisting
even with modern immunosuppression. Cross-reactive
groups share MHC class I antigen epitopes, and mis- rejection, which is accompanied by rapid functional im-
match increases acute and chronic rejection rates and pairment and diagnosed by indication-driven pathology.
graft dysfunction. Cross-reactive group sharing improves There is substantial variation in the reported frequency
long-term graft survival. Pretransplant antibodies to of SCR among studies, likely related to differences in pa-
HLA antigens may be provoked by blood transfusions, tient recipient immunological risk, HLA mismatch, prior
pregnancy or miscarriage, or prior transplantation. More acute rejection episodes, ethnicity, baseline immunosup-
sensitive and specific cross-matching techniques such as pression protocol, transplant era, and timing of the bi-
antihuman globulin-augmented complement-dependent opsy after transplantation. The prevalence of acute SCR
cytotoxicity crossmatch, flow cytometric or solid-phase (Banff grade 1A) in 3-month protocol biopsy specimens
serum screening better identify pretransplant DSA and ranges from 3% to 31%, with borderline SCR occurring
have reduced early antibody-mediated rejection. in 11–41%.70,85
After renal transplantation, formation of de novo DSA Allografts with SCR result in greater subsequent his-
has been correlated with subsequent allograft failure tological damage, renal dysfunction, and impaired graft
from chronic rejection in prospective studies. A role for survival.69,79,85 SCR is associated with chronic interstitial
antibody-mediated graft loss is supported by C4d+ biopsy ­fibrosis and tubular atrophy, mediated by several pathways.
specimens in failing allografts with chronic rejection or Lymphocytes, activated macrophages, and inflammatory me-
transplant glomerulopathy. Rarely, antibodies against diators all can generate interstitial fibrosis, controlled by pro-
non-classic HLA antigens (e.g., endothelial cells, AT1 re- fibrotic signals, including interleukin-1, interleukin-6, ­tumor
ceptor, glomerular antigens such as heparin sulfate, and necrosis factor-α, adhesion molecules, and TGF-β. Use of
renal basement membrane) can also be pathogenic. more powerful immunosuppression with control of SCR is
The influence of allograft rejection contributing to followed by less tubulointerstitial damage in cohort studies.
chronic injury depends on the type, timing, severity, and The first randomized prospective study for SCR
persistence of rejection episodes. When diagnosed and showed that corticosteroid therapy significantly de-
treated promptly, acute interstitial cellular rejection usu- creased acute rejection episodes and chronic tubulointer-
ally resolves without sequelae. In contrast, episodes of stitial scores at 6 months and improved renal function by
vascular or steroid-resistant rejection, recurrent rejec- 2 years after transplantation, with a trend toward better
tion, untreated SCR, true chronic interstitial rejection, or survival by 4 years, using cyclosporine-based immuno-
late rejection (usually defined as >3 months after trans- suppression and a background SCR prevalence of 30%.80
plantation) can cause allograft damage.55,70 Silent inter- A second trial of SCR treatment in patients using both cy-
stitial cellular rejection increases later interstitial fibrosis closporine and tacrolimus (28% SCR prevalence) showed
in biopsy series, and episodes of vascular rejection can be better estimated GFR (eGFR) at 6 and 12 months,50 but
followed by later chronic vascular damage. no benefit could be demonstrated in a third trial using
tacrolimus in low-immune risk patients, where the SCR
prevalence was 4.7%.78
Subclinical Rejection Evidence for a pathogenic role of SCR comes from
SCR is conventionally defined as histologically proven the compartment-specific nature of histological in-
acute rejection with a tubulointerstitial mononuclear in- jury occurring where previous or current subclinical
filtration (Figure 27-5) but without concurrent functional lymphocytic infiltration is co-localized; the temporal
deterioration, and is diagnosed only on biopsy specimens sequence, in which SCR occurs before the onset of tu-
taken per protocol. It is clinically distinct from acute bular damage; a dose-dependent relationship, in which
Chronic Allograft Failure 419

the intensity of SCR correlates with the severity of later

chronic damage; its biological plausibility; and its con-
firmation in several transplant populations. In sequen-
tial biopsy studies, the early interstitial mononuclear
infiltration (coded by the Banff i score) usually resolves
in a quasi-exponential fashion. In some individuals,
however, SCR may persist at low levels on repeated bi-
opsy specimens as chronic T-cell-mediated rejection.
In compliant patients at intermediate or low immuno-
logical risk using CNI-based therapy, chronic rejection
seems to be uncommon, but it may generate interstitial
fibrosis and tubular atrophy in non-­compliant or high-
immunological-risk patients, or those using low-level
immunosuppression or steroid withdrawal.
Subclinical antibody-mediated rejection can also
be seen in protocol biopsies associated with a C4d-
positive peritubular staining, leukocyte capillaritis
with margination, and DSA. It is relatively common in FIGURE 27-6  ■ BK virus nephropathy infecting a renal tubule.
Tubular cells are abnormal with some “ground-glass” nuclear
positive-­crossmatch or sensitized recipients, or following changes, smudging, tubular necrosis, and sloughing into the lu-
treatment of late antibody-associated rejection, but can men, eventually forming urinary decoy cells.
also occur in 10% of standard risk recipients. Persistent
sublethal microcirculation injury from circulating DSA
can activate glomerular endothelial cells and widen the
subendothelial space with glomerular basement mem-
brane (GBM) reduplication, which sometimes evolves
into chronic transplant glomerulopathy.51,90

Tubulointerstitial Injury from BK Virus

Nephropathy (see Chapters 29 and 32)
BK virus is an endemic polyomavirus infection of high
prevalence, low morbidity, and long latency that can
­asymptomatically reactivate in immunocompetent indi-
viduals.36 After primary childhood infection, it can persist in
the renal cortex and medulla, and be transmitted within
a transplanted kidney. Asymptomatic reactivation can
occur in 10–68% of recipients using CNI-based immu-
nosuppression, with graft dysfunction in 1–10%. Severe
BK virus nephropathy can develop with tubulointerstitial FIGURE 27-7  ■  Immunoperoxidase stain (SV40T) of BK-infected re-
nephritis, leading to progressive renal dysfunction and nal tubular cells (brown) – diagnostic of polyoma viral nephropathy.
graft loss (incidence 5% where 46% fail).44 Polyomavirus
allograft nephropathy is a term encompassing kidney
transplant infection from BK virus or, rarely, with JC vi- When confronted by suspicious pathology, confirma-
rus. Although incipient infection occurs soon after trans- tion of BK viral infection should be undertaken by tissue
plantation, asymptomatic BK viremia may occur within SV40T immunochemistry (Figure 27-7) and quantifica-
3 months initially without graft dysfunction, and subse- tion of viremia by polymerase chain reaction. Electron
quently with the onset of clinical renal impairment be- microscopy demonstrates the characteristic 35–38-nm
tween 3 and 12 months. intranuclear paracrystalline viral arrays which are dis-
In the early phases of infection, focal virus replica- tinguished by size and shape from adenovirus (at 70–90
tion in the medulla produces a mild cytopathic effect and nm), cytomegalovirus, and enveloped herpes simplex (at
minimal functional impairment. Viral replication within 120–160 nm). As viral infection progresses, chronic tubu-
tubules forms intranuclear inclusions, which gradually lointerstitial scarring with flattened and atrophic tubules
enlarge with smudgy nuclear chromatin, cellular atypia, can produce a non-specific pattern of fibrosis, and may
and anisocytosis (Figure 27-6). Tubular epithelial cells be accompanied by dystrophic microcalcification and low-
degenerate with rounding, detachment, and finally grade chronic inflammation, although BK virus nephropa-
apoptosis or necrosis, which slough into the tubular lu- thy remains as a specific differential diagnostic entity.36,72,76
men and can be seen as diagnostic urinary “decoy” cells.
As multifocal viral activation advances, a cytopathic in- Progressive and Late-Stage Chronic
flammatory response of monocytes, polymorphonuclear
cells, and plasmacytoid cells is generated, which may
Allograft Damage
resemble acute interstitial rejection (but lacks arteritis, As the transplanted kidney ages, phenotypical abnormali-
C4d deposition, or HLA-DR expression). ties may appear within the glomerular and microvascular
420 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

compartments, accompanied by progressive tubulointer­

stitial damage.70 Drivers for ongoing tubular injury
(Figure 27-2) include residual SCR and inflammation
(chronic T-cell rejection), late acute rejection (sometimes
associated with antibody), CNI nephrotoxicity, BK vi-
ral infection, and late acute kidney injury secondary to
an intercurrent illness. Acute late rejection from iatro-
genic underimmunosuppression or non-compliance of-
ten results in severe tubular damage and the initiation of
persistent subclinical or chronic rejection, leading to pro-
gressive renal dysfunction and graft failure (Figure 27-2).
Microvascular attenuation and glomerulosclerosis are
characteristic of late allograft pathology39,70 and have
multiple potential causes, including CNI nephrotoxic-
ity, CAMR with transplant glomerulopathy, recurrent
glomerulonephritis, diabetic microvascular disease, hy-
pertensive glomerulosclerosis, and the effects of smoking
and dyslipidemia (Figure 27-2). FIGURE 27-9  ■ More advanced subacute vascular changes with
extensive neointimal formation (within the internal elastic lam-
ina boundary), characterized by invading myofibroblasts, depo-
Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Interstitial sition of matrix proteins, collagen, and edema, resulting in near
occlusion of the vascular lumen. Masson trichrome stain.
The Banff schema mandates recognition of morphologi-
cal features of chronic rejection, with arterial and capil-
lary changes being emphasized as discriminating features.
Chronic interstitial rejection mediated by T cells is less
commonly reported in compliant patients with CNI-
based therapy and involves T cells (CD4+ or CD8+) and
macrophages. The vascular changes of chronic rejection
observed in small muscular arteries include medial fi-
brointimal hyperplasia, focal destruction of the internal
elastic lamina, and infiltration of smooth-muscle cells
into the neointima, which are relatively uncommon, al-
though some may progress to complete vascular occlu-
sion (Figures 27-8 and 27-9). Although still classified
within the T-cell-mediated umbrella, some may be ac-
companied by DSA. Donor disease, prior vascular re-
jection, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and smoking also
modulate small muscular arterial changes, expressed as
FIGURE 27-10  ■  Chronic fibrointimal hyperplasia in chronic rejec-
tion (severe), with concentric layers of smooth-muscle cells and
collagen and near occlusion of the vessel.

chronic fibrointimal thickening (reported as the Banff cv

score) (Figure 27-10), and should be considered in biopsy

Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity

The introduction of cyclosporine revolutionized kid-
ney transplantation, sunstantially improving the 1-year
graft survival and permitting transplantation of non-­
renal solid organs. CNIs are well tolerated and have be-
come the backbone of modern immunosuppression (see
Chapter 17), but are pleiomorphic nephrotoxins, causing
histological abnormalities within all anatomical compart-
ments of the transplanted kidney. This constitutes a sig-
FIGURE 27-8 ■ Early vascular changes of chronic antibody- nificant diagnostic and management problem for their
mediated rejection in a small muscular artery. Intimal and en-
dothelial cells are abnormal with edema and early neointimal
use in long-term therapy.
formation present. A small, partially adherent thrombus is The classic histological features of CNI neph-
seen in the lumen. rotoxicity include de novo or increasing arteriolar
Chronic Allograft Failure 421

FIGURE 27-11  ■ Arteriolar hyalinosis, with a large, eccentrically FIGURE 27-13  ■ Isometric vacuolation in the proximal tubular
located nodule within the media of the arteriole. cells from cyclosporine tubulopathy.

FIGURE 27-14  ■ Tubular microcalcification (blue staining)

within tubular epithelial cells associated with cyclosporine

FIGURE 27-12  ■  Striped fibrosis. Demarcated areas of striped fi- of histological features in any one biopsy sample. The
brosis near adjacent normal cortex, associated with interstitial most reliable and specific abnormality is de novo or in-
fibrosis. Masson trichrome stain stains collagen green. creasing arteriolar hyalinosis, classically described in a
peripheral and nodular pattern (rather than a suben-
dothelial and diffuse distribution) but with appropriate
hyalinosis (Figure 27-11) and striped cortical fibrosis clinical exclusions and caveats (see later).
(Figure 27-12), supported by isometric tubular vacu- Striped fibrosis is a subjectively defined area of dense
olization (Figure 27-13) and tubular microcalcification striped cortical fibrosis and atrophic tubules demarcated
(unrelated to other causes, such as tubular necrosis and against areas of normal adjacent cortex, and probably
hyperparathyroidism) (Figure 27-14). Other reported represents watershed infarction of interlobular or arcuate
diagnostic lesions include peritubular and glomerular arteries (Figure 27-12). Originally regarded as pathog-
capillary congestion (diagnostically unreliable), diffuse nomonic of CNI nephrotoxicity, it lacks sensitivity and
interstitial fibrosis (important but non-specific), toxic specificity. Tubular microcalcification has been associated
tubulopathy (seen predominantly with high-dose cy- with chronic cyclosporine nephrotoxicity but can be due
closporine therapy), and juxtaglomerular hyperplasia to localized cell necrosis from any cause (Figure 27-14),
(uncommonly seen and non-specific). Tacrolimus and or residual hyperparathyroidism. Proximal tubular cells
cyclosporine are indistinguishable by pathology, and display isometric vacuolation in early studies using high-
most data come from older studies using cyclosporine. dose cyclosporine therapy (corresponding to dilated and
The pathological diagnosis of CNI nephrotoxicity is stressed endoplasmic reticulum in the proximal straight
hampered because of the paucity of reliable diagnostic tubules), cytoplasmic inclusion bodies as abnormal gi-
markers and expression of an incomplete constellation ant mitochondria with deranged cristae, EMT, and
422 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

ultimately necrosis or apoptosis. Chronic diffuse tubu- and verified by clinical information).8,37,67 Progressive
lointerstitial damage has multiple causes and is diagnosti- ­arteriolar hyalinosis currently remains the best diagnostic
cally non-specific. marker of CNI nephrotoxicity.
CNI-induced arteriolopathy has been attributed to Evidence that CNI nephrotoxicity contributes to late
vacuolation and necrosis of arteriolar smooth muscle and graft injury is inferred from several lines of evidence,
endothelial cells, followed by insudation of protein to including the unchanged long-term graft attrition rates
form nodular hyaline deposits. The presence of arteriolar despite suppression of early acute rejection, the char-
hyalinosis is associated with acute clinical nephrotoxicity acteristic toxicity lesions in longitudinal histopathol-
and cyclosporine dose and trough levels.67 Interpretative ogy ­studies,67 shown by results of clinical trials of CNI
problems include variations of vascular cross-section avoidance, early withdrawal and dose reduction or late
appearance according to the plane of section, lack of withdrawal demonstrating functional or structural im-
accurate definition of “nodularity,” early and mild CNI- provement, and the finding of the classical histopathology
related arteriolar hyalinosis initially manifesting as a lesions of CNI nephrotoxicity and renal failure occurring
circumferential lesion that later progresses to a nodular in either native kidneys of non-renal solid-organ trans-
deposit, and substantial intrabiopsy variation, so evalu- plant recipients or from patients treated with CNI for
ation of several sections is recommended. An attempt autoimmune diseases. Arteriolar hyalinosis is associated
to grade circular versus non-circular involvement of ar- with downstream glomerulosclerosis and a common sec-
terioles and the number affected marginally improved ondary diagnosis in 30% of “troubled transplants,”27 and
pairwise agreement, but at the expense of useful clinical becomes increasingly prevalent from sustained chronic
information.8,89 Early hyalinosis may be mild and patchy, exposure and older transplant age. By one decade after
intermittently observed on sequential biopsy specimens, transplantation it is present in the vast majority, but with
and is often reversible with CNI dosage reduction. These variable individual severity that suggests intrinsic phar-
early arteriolar lesions are correlated with older donor macodynamic susceptibility.67,70
age and inferior graft function.8 Later arteriolar hyalino-
sis lesions have been associated with high-grade and pro-
gressive microvascular narrowing, increasing ischemic Progressive Glomerular Abnormalities
glomerulosclerosis, and further chronic tubulointerstitial As chronic allograft damage progresses within the micro-
damage; these lesions are less reversible.67 Severe arterio- vascular and glomerular compartments, increasing arte-
lar hyalinosis gradually results in vascular narrowing and riolar hyalinosis and severe vascular narrowing may be
downstream ischemic glomerulosclerosis (Figure 27-15). due to CNI nephrotoxicity, but also from diabetes mel-
When arteriolar hyalinosis occurs in a failing allograft, litus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, and aging.
the diagnosis of CNI nephrotoxicity is strengthened Glomerular abnormalities include ischemic glomerular
by the presence of nodularity, progression compared loss, atubular glomeruli formation, recurrent glomeru-
with baseline histology (Figure 27-11), and exclusion lar disease, and chronic transplant glomerulopathy (see
of ­ alternative explanations, including donor disease below).
(in ­ implantation biopsy seen with older hypertensive Morphometric analysis of CAN has identified separate
­donors), ischemic arteriolar injury, dyslipidemia, diabetes populations of smaller (ischemic) and larger (hyperfilter-
mellitus, and hypertensive nephrosclerosis (distinguished ing) glomeruli, widening the base of frequency histograms
histologically by subendothelial hyalinosis, elastic lamina of glomerular size. These separate populations of small,
reduplication, and medial hyperplasia in small arteries ischemic glomeruli are characterized by wrinkling and
collapse of the glomerular capillary wall associated with
extracapillary fibrotic material, and are contrasted with
larger, hyperfiltering glomeruli. Ischemic glomeruloscle-
rosis may occur secondary to early ischemic podocyte in-
jury, associated with proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis,
or later vascular or endothelial cell injury from CNIs, hy-
pertension, or alloimmune injury. Vascular narrowing of
small arteries or afferent arterioles irrespective of cause
may result in downstream ischemic glomerulosclerosis.
Severe tubular injury can result in a perfused glomeru-
lus that is functionally disconnected from its downstream
proximal tubule. Atubular glomeruli are usually smaller
than normal or contracted within an enlarged glomeru-
lar cyst and may be surrounded by periglomerular fibro-
sis. Bowman’s capsule is lined by abnormal podocytes
with intact interdigitating pedicles of uncertain origin.
Bowman’s space is filled by inspissated proteinaceous
material from residual glomerular filtration and local re-
absorption.24 These atubular glomeruli are common in
FIGURE 27-15  ■  Severe arteriolar hyalinosis of the feeding affer-
native tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, such as chronic
ent arteriole leading to collapse of the glomeruli from calcineu- pyelonephritis and lithium and cisplatin nephrotoxicity,
rin nephrotoxicity. and are diagnosed in research settings by serial sections
Chronic Allograft Failure 423

with three-dimensional reconstruction or freeze fracture

scanning electron microscopy. In normal living and ca-
daver donor kidneys, 1–2% of glomeruli are atubular,
increasing to 17–18% with CAN and 29% with cyclospo-
rine nephrotoxicity.24 Although atubular glomeruli are a
consequence of irreversible obliteration of the tubular lu-
men, many remain perfused but non-functional, whereas
others progress to global glomerulosclerosis after a vari-
able lag period of several years.

Transplant Glomerulopathy and Chronic

Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Chronic transplant glomerulopathy comprises a spec-
trum of abnormalities, which include chronic glomerular
changes of thickening or duplication of the glomerular
capillary basement membrane, double contour forma-
tion, and mesangial interposition (Figures 27-16 and
27-17). Chronic glomerulopathy scores (designated
as Banff cg) are determined by the extent of periph- FIGURE 27-17  ■  Light microscopic appearance of transplant glo-
eral capillary loop involvement of the most affected merulopathy showing increased mesangial matrix, thickened
capillary loops, and partial closure of the capillary loops.
of non-sclerotic glomeruli, preferably using periodic
acid–Schiff stains.70 Transplant glomerulopathy is the
morphological expression of persistent CAMR, from
chronic glomerular endothelial injury to the capillary
loops.13 It is reported in 5–15% of failing and failed
­grafts,17,53,88,95 and associated with glomerular infiltration
of activated T cells, natural killer cells, or monocytes/
macrophages, endothelial C4d deposition in glomeruli
or PTCs, or both, and circulating antidonor HLA an-
tibodies.77,87 The prevalence of C4d deposition ranges
from 36% to 91% in biopsy specimens with transplant
glomerulopathy,88 12–61% in biopsy specimens with
chronic rejection and renal dysfunction,54,77 to only 2%
in well-functioning protocol biopsy specimens.59 The
prevalence varies by center, clinical scenario, methodol-
ogy, and definition of C4d positivity (Figure 27-20).
Electron microscopy demonstrates glomerular en-
dothelial swelling and activation, subendothelial widen-
ing with deposition of flocculent or fibrillary material

FIGURE 27-18  ■ Subendothelial fibrillary material in transplant

glomerulopathy by electron microscopic examination.

(Figure 27-18), GBM duplication, and mesangial matrix

expansion. Other associated histological features include
multilamination, or multilayering, of the PTC basement
membranes (Figure 27-19) and endothelial cell pheno-
type changes with loss of fenestrae. Moderate (five to six
layers) or severe (seven or more layers) multilamination
may be present in 38% of failed transplants ascribed to
chronic rejection. Smaller amounts of multilamination
(generally averaging two to three layers or less) may sig-
nify antibody effect in kidney transplantation, but have
been reported in some native kidney diseases such as
obstructive uropathy, analgesic nephropathy, radiation
nephritis, reflux-dysplastic syndrome, and thrombotic
FIGURE 27-16  ■ Transplant glomerulopathy by methamine silver microangiopathy.42 Transplant glomerulopathy is clini-
stain light microscopy, showing double contours of the glomer- cally accompanied by proteinuria, reduced renal func-
ular capillary loops (seen as a parallel pair of lines). tion, and graft survival.14,88
424 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Mononuclear inflammatory cells adherent within the

PTCs, such as glomerulitis, chronic arteriopathy with
fibrous intimal thickening, and splintering of elastica,
or a plasma cell interstitial infiltrate, are also support-
ive of CAMR. A Banff diagnosis “suggestive of chronic
antibody-mediated rejection” is made when chronic cap-
illary changes are present with one other feature of the
triad. The differential diagnosis of transplant glomeru-
lopathy includes thrombotic microangiopathy which
may produce similar glomerular histology and requires
clinical exclusion by blood film examination, haptoglo-
bin levels, and lactate dehydrogenase levels (differential
diagnosis includes infection, recurrent hemolytic uremic
syndrome, and anticardiolipin antibody thrombotic mi-
croangiopathy), and hepatitis C mesangiocapillary glo-
merulonephritis (excluded by serology, viremia, and
absence of GBM deposits).
FIGURE 27-19 ■ Peritubular multilamination of the basement
membrane in chronic antibody-mediated rejection (transplant
glomerulopathy). Note multiple layers of reduplicated base- Recurrent Glomerular Disease
ment membrane.
Because glomerular disease (including diabetes) accounts
for most end-stage renal failure, some recipients de-
velop recurrence of their original disease in the allograft.
Recurrent glomerulonephritis is diagnosed by exclusion of
donor-transmitted disease and de novo glomerulonephri-
tis. It has a negative impact on graft survival and causes
8.4% of allograft losses by 10 years in recipients with re-
nal failure from glomerulonephritis.7 The relative impact
of recurrent glomerulonephritis increases as graft survival
lengthens, or in some populations in whom primary glo-
merulonephritis is prevalent or severe. The clinical course
and severity of recurrent glomerular disease often reca-
pitulate that of the patient’s original disease,11 except for
patients with vasculitis or lupus nephritis; these conditions
are usually controlled by transplant immunosuppression.
FSGS (20–50% recurrence rates) and dense deposit
disease (50–90% recurrence) have the worst prognosis
and together constitute 55–60% of all recurrent glomer-
ulonephritis. Membranous glomerulonephritis recurs
FIGURE 27-20  ■ Immunoperoxidase stain for C4d in glomerular in 29–50%; membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
capillary loops and peritubular capillaries in chronic antibody- type 1 recurs in 20–33%; and IgA nephropathy recurs
mediated rejection. in 58%, although with limited early (but increased later)
clinical impact.11 Diabetic glomerulopathy also may re-
cur, but with variable clinical effect (Figure 27-21).
The diagnostic triad of chronic (or late) antibody-
mediated rejection in the context of organ dysfunction Late Acute Rejection and Intercurrent Illness
includes the following12,61,88,90,91:
1. Morphological features of transplant glomerulopa- Acute rejection arising beyond 3 months from non-
thy (Banff score ≥cg1, with double contours on compliance or iatrogenic underimmunosuppression can
light microscopy), supported by activation of glo- present with subacute or acute renal dysfunction. While
merular endothelial cells and widening of the sub- it can develop in sensitized patients, it usually occurs
endothelial space with fibrillary material, and PTC from medication non-compliance or iatrogenic under-
basement membrane multilamination by electron immunosuppression (e.g., following severe infection or
microscopy. the diagnosis of cancer). Pathology usually shows well-
2. C4d deposition in peritubular capillaries (“focal”: established rejection with extensive interstitial lympho-
10% positive on immunohistochemistry) or in cytic infiltration, chronic interstitial fibrosis with tubular
glomeruli (assessable only by paraffin sections), or destruction, and glomerulosclerosis, often accompanied
in both – the “footprint” of classical complement by antibody-mediated rejection (circulating DSA, en-
activation by antibody (but relatively insensitive dothelialitis, and tissue C4d) or vascular rejection. Late
and may be negative). transplant acute kidney injury can accompany medical or
3. The presence of circulating DSA to donor HLA or surgical events, such as myocardial infarction, sepsis, or
other endothelial antigens. abdominal emergencies.
Chronic Allograft Failure 425

Renal Transplant Imaging

Diagnostic ultrasonography can measure transplant size,
exclude ureteric obstruction as a cause of dysfunction,
and evaluate vascular supply by Doppler to detect areas
of cortical infarction (e.g., from a thrombosed polar ar-
tery) or renal artery stenosis. Ultrasound is excellent for
the diagnosis of surgical complications, but suboptimal
for either acute rejection (the features of which include
increased renal volume, reduced cortical echogenicity,
loss of corticomedullary differentiation, and splaying of
the medullary pyramids) or chronic allograft damage.
The chronic parenchymal changes of irregular cortical
outline, reduced cortical width, increased echogenicity,
and loss of corticomedullary junction differentiation are
observed only after significant damage has occurred.
The resistance index (RI) of the kidney transplant is a
non-invasive measure of intrarenal compliance calculated
from early segmental renal transplant arteries as the index
FIGURE 27-21  ■ Recurrence of diabetic nephropathy in a renal of peak systolic blood velocity (Vmax) relative to the mini-
transplant showing thickened tubular basement membranes mal diastolic velocity (Vmin), expressed as 1 − (Vmin/Vmax).
and diffuse diabetic glomerulopathy with massively increased
mesangial matrix and thickened glomerular basement mem- Higher RI values imply decreased diastolic blood flow
brane (green). and augmented downstream vascular resistance, and
correlate with intra-abdominal pressure, older age, and
pulse pressure profile and inversely with pulse rate. An
APPROACH TO A FAILING ALLOGRAFT RI exceeding 0.80 adversely correlates with renal impair-
ment, graft failure, and fractional interstitial fibrosis.75
Monitoring of Renal Function Renal transplant angiography of chronic rejection dem-
onstrates severely “pruned” vessels from vascular attenu-
Transplant renal function depends predominantly on the
ation associated with chronic interstitial fibrosis. Doppler
extent of tubulointerstitial damage, with a contribution
techniques can quantify intragraft blood flow where al-
from sclerosed glomeruli and glomerular abnormalities.
lograft perfusion decreases with parenchymal damage,
Serum creatinine and calculated GFR formulas, although
and a phase-sensitive, two-dimensional speckle-tracking
inexpensive and simple, are imperfect compared with
technique which reflects the altered elastic properties
the more expensive and accurate isotopic GFR meth-
with renal allograft fibrosis. All techniques are relatively
ods. Errors are related to differential creatine genera-
insensitive for detection of early damage.
tion (e.g., muscle loss from corticosteroids, malnutrition,
Research techniques include magnetic resonance im-
and sepsis), the variable tubular secretion of creatinine,
aging (MRI), which can accurately quantify kidney trans-
the non-linear relationship with GFR, and inaccuracies
plant volume loss, detecting microstructural changes and
and laboratory differences in biochemical measurement.
blood flow alterations secondary to parenchymal damage.
Serum creatinine underestimates the extent of tubulo­
T1-weighted pulse sequences can distinguish acute rejec-
interstitial damage, and early biopsy should be consid-
tion from CNI nephrotoxicity using intensity differences
ered before the occurrence of severe renal dysfunction.
at the corticomedullary demarcation, and, while sensitive
for parenchymal disease, is not specific and was poorly
Proteinuria and Urinalysis correlated with biopsy diagnosis.98 Similary, gadolinium-
enhanced dynamic turbo fast low-angle shot (FLASH)
Proteinuria is a powerful and independent risk factor for
imaging, which enhances corticomedullary demarcation,
graft and patient survival, and it represents a composite
also yields diagnostic overlap in severe renal dysfunction.
of several adverse diagnostic groupings such as transplant
Other techniques such as gadolinium MRI perfusion and
glomerulopathy, recurrent FSGS and glomerulonephritis
blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) MRI have
causing glomerular proteinuria, and severe non-specific
been used to distinguish acute rejection from acute tubular
CAN with tubular proteinuria. Urine protein excretion
necrosis, with medullary perfusion reduced with rejection.
may increase with hypertension, hyperfiltration, obesity,
and mTOR inhibitor therapy, and be reduced by renin–­
angiotensin blockade, CNI therapy, ischemia, and poor Immune Surveillance Tests
transplant function. Residual proteinuria from native kid-
Urinary Diagnostics
neys may obscure interpretation; however, this usually
­declines by 1–2 months after transplantation. Proteinuria Urinary excretion of low-molecular-weight proteins,
that fails to decrease or increases (quantified by serial urine including β2-microglobulin and the tubular enzymes
protein-to-creatinine ratios) occurs in 31–45% of recipients (alanine aminopeptidase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, and
and portends a worse prognosis. Persistent, high-grade, alkaline phosphatase), α1-microglobulinuria, N-acetyl-
­increasing, or de novo proteinuria, or hematuria combined d-glucosaminidase and neutrophil gelatinase-associated
with proteinuria should prompt a diagnostic biopsy. lipocalin, are markers of proximal tubular injury, but
426 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

are not routinely used for failing allografts. Urinary Kidney Transplant Biopsy
­β2-microglobulin is strongly associated with acute rejec-
tion. Urinary mRNA levels of FOXP3, a specific marker Principles Guiding Clinical Biopsy
for regulatory T lymphocytes, were increased with acute Chronic allograft damage is best characterized by trans-
rejection compared with CAN and normal biopsy speci- plant histology (Tables 27-2 and 27-3; see Chapter 27).
mens, and although low levels identified risk of graft A diagnostic renal biopsy is recommended in patients
failure, considerable overlap between groups limited with progressive chronic allograft dysfunction with the
clincial application.65 Gene expression of other mol- following caveats:
ecules from tubultar cells excreted into the urine, in- 1. Transplant biopsy should be considered after clini-
cluding cytotoxic T-lymphocyte markers, CD3 (a T-cell cal exclusion of obvious causes of acute dysfunction
marker), CD103 (CD8 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte in- (see below).
traepithelial homing marker), perforin, granzyme A and 2. An early biopsy should be undertaken before sub-
CD25 (T-cell activation markers), interferon-inducible stantial deterioration in transplant function because
protein 10, and chemokine receptor CXCR3, has been late histology is often non-specific, hampering the
correlated with acute rejection, but not with chronic re- definition of a specific diagnosis; established dam-
jection or normal biopsy specimens.65 Urinary TGF-β, age is less responsive to therapy.
detected by coculture with luciferase-expressing cells or 3. Biopsy samples containing at least 10 glomeruli and
by TGF-β1 mRNA levels, increased with chronic renal two arteries are needed for adequacy – preferably
allograft rejection or CAN. two cores of cortex as some pathological features
are patchy.
Serum Immune Surveillance Markers Samples also should include arterioles (defined
as two or less muscle layers and absent or incom-
Non-invasive markers of immune activity are being de- plete internal elastic lamina) for assessment of
veloped as potential replacements for transplant biopsy. CNI-induced hyalinosis, and small muscular arter-
ELISPOT assays of activated lymphocytes secreting ies for assessment of immune-mediated fibrointi-
interferon-γ correlate with kidney transplant dysfunc- mal hyperplasia (scored as Banff cv). Glomerular
tion,5 and mitogen-stimulated CD4 T-cell reactivity48 and microvascular changes provide an important
quantifies risks of infection and rejection, but diagnos- etiological diagnosis. Tubulointerstitial damage can
tic overlap, moderate specificity, and lack of indepen- be appreciated easily on small histological samples
dent validation and utility studies currently obscure their and defines the severity of nephron loss. Older
clinical value. Serum neopterin (an activated macrophage transplants may be surrounded by a dense fibrotic
marker) is a sensitive marker for acute immunologic ac- capsule that may need careful penetration.
tivity (increased in early or severe rejection), but is non- 4. Fibrosis may be difficult to appreciate, standard-
specific (being elevated in cytomegalovirus infection and ize, and quantify, especially if it is patchy, as with
renal dysfuction). Serum soluble CD30 levels (a T-cell striped fibrosis, or variably diffuse between tubules.
helper type 2 immune response marker), while correlated Objective assessment linked to a validated image
with chronic rejection, are also increased by infection analysis using trichrome or Sirius Red staining can
and influenced by CNI therapy, limiting their clinical detect collagen and early fibrosis, although other
specificity. matrix proteins may not be stained. Biological

TABLE 27-2  Clinical Scenarios and Kidney Transplant Pathology

Clinical Scenarios Key Defining Features Associated Features
Extended or marginal donor Arterial (cv) and arteriolar (ah) disease, Interstitial fibrosis
Early ischemia-reperfusion injury Tubular necrosis or interstitial edema or both Tubular atrophy and chronic interstitial
Subclinical rejection Interstitial infiltration of mononuclear cells Tubulointerstitial damage
and tubulitis
Chronic interstitial rejection Interstitial cells and tubulitis, fibrointimal Tubulointerstitial damage
Chronic antibody-mediated Transplant glomerulopathy, C4d+ (PTC) Double contours, PTC-BM ML by EM
rejection donor-specific antibody mesangial matrix
Mesangial matrix Proteinuria, decreased GFR
Calcineurin inhibitor Progressive arteriolar hyalinosis, striped Microcalcification, diffuse fibrosis,
nephrotoxicity fibrosis tubulopathy
Polyomavirus nephropathy Inflammatory tubular necrosis, viral nuclear Tubular cell virus by EM, urinary decoy
changes, histochemistry (SV40T antigen) cells, blood BK PCR
Blood BK virus PCR Urinary decoy cells
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis Arterial vascular changes, IEL reduplication Glomerulosclerosis, arteriolar changes

ah, arteriolar hyalinosis; cv, chronic vascular changes; EM, electron microscopy; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; IEL, internal elastic lamina;
PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PTC, peritubular capillary; PTC-BM ML, peritubular capillary basement membrane multilamination.
TABLE 27-3  Kidney Transplant Diagnostic Pathology
Chronic Fibrointimal
Interstitial Interstitial Thickening or Arteriolar
Banff Qualifier Mononuclear Fibrosis Tubular Glomerulopathy Hyalinosis Glomerular
(Banff Code) Infiltration (i) Tubulitis (t) (ci) Atrophy (ct) (cv or cg) (ah) Sclerosis Comments
Acute tubular injury 0 to + (+ some Tubular injury with necrosis,
acute nuclear changes, or tubular
tubular dilation; changes may be
loss) minimal
Acute cellular ++ to +++ ++ to +++ Acute renal dysfunction; i1 and
rejection t1 is borderline; occasionally
arteritis with i0 and t0
Subclinical rejection + to +++ + to +++ Normal renal function; acute or
borderline; rarely arteritis
Sclerosing CAN “TA/ + to +++ + to +++ 0 to +++ Non-specific damage; often
IF tubulointerstitial cellular inflammation in
not otherwise areas of damage; very
specified” common
Chronic (interstitial or + to +++ + to +++ + to +++ + to +++ cv 0 to +++ (cg Variable Fibrointimal hyperplasia,
cellular) rejection variable) neointima and neomedia
formation, internal elastic
lamina disruption, and
intimal inflammation as
defining features; may be
Chronic antibody- Variable Variable Variable cg + to +++ (+) + to +++ Capillary loop double contours,
mediated capillary interposition,
rejection with increased mesangial matrix,
glomerulopathy PTC multilamination by
EM; usually C4d+ and donor
Hypertensive cv + to +++ 0 to ++ + (wrinkled) Internal elastic lamina
nephrosclerosis reduplication, hyperplastic
small arteries, small arterial
hyaline may be present
Recurrent Variable Variable common late 0 to +++ Proliferative glomerular

Chronic Allograft Failure

glomerulonephritis changes; diagnostic IF and
EM needed
Chronic CNI toxicity (+) + to +++ + to +++ cv 0 to + + to +++ ±0 to +++ ± Microcalcification and
(striped (vacuolation) (myxoid) (±wrinkled) isometric vacuolation
diffuse) of tubules; rarely, acute
thrombotic microangiopathy
and juxtaglomerular

CAN, chronic allograft nephropathy; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; EM, electron microscopy; IF, immunofluorescence; i1, Banff acute mild interstitial inflammation; PTC, peritubular capillary; T1,
mild tubulitis; TA/IF, tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis.

428 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

variability, inadequate sample size, and subjective position in infants, or when a needle exceeding 18-gauge
­differences in the pathologist’s scores can lower the is used. Safety should be maximized by using a skilled
diagnostic reliability of histology. Although repro- operator employing ultrasound guidance and an auto-
ducibility between pathologists is imperfect, with mated gun.
consistent undergrading or overgrading of scores,
interobserver agreement for major chronic scores
(e.g., ci and ct) is generally good compared with al- Diagnostic Algorithm for a Chronically
loimmune markers and acute rejection parameters. Failing Graft
5. Implantation or postperfusion biopsy specimens
A serum creatinine that is gradually deteriorating or
are important to distinguish pre-existing donor
­remains persistently elevated should be evaluated initially
pathology from newer changes and allow compari-
by exclusion of reversible causes, which include dehydra-
son of changes over time with other interval biopsy
tion (by fluid state examination, diarrhea, diuretic use),
specimens. A temporal sequence of histology, inter-
acute CNI nephrotoxicity (by CNI blood levels), use
preted in the context of interval clinical events and
of nephrotoxins (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme
therapy, is important in the etiological assessment
(ACE) inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor II blockers,
of graft dysfunction.
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or cyclooxygen-
6. The biopsy specimen from a chronically failing
ase-2 inhibitors) which reduce GFR, early recurrent
graft should be processed similarly to a specimen
glomerular disease (by urinalysis for hematuria or pro-
from native kidney disease. Light microscopy as-
teinuria), and ureteric obstruction or vascular impair-
sesses the presence, extent, and grade of chronic
ment (by ultrasound imaging).
allograft damage and nephron loss, along with any
Transplant biopsy can provide a specific etiologic diag-
accompanying specific diagnoses, such as rejection,
nosis of a chronically failing graft, essential in the formu-
CNI nephrotoxicity, hypertensive vascular disease,
lation of rational treatments directed towards underlying
BK virus nephropathy, or transplant glomerulone-
pathophysiological cause(s). Because tubulointerstitial
phritis. Periodic acid–Schiff stain highlights base-
damage is the final result of multiple previous insults, as-
ment membranes and arteriolar hyalinosis, silver
signing a specific etiological diagnosis presents a practi-
stains allow identification of double contours in
cal difficulty for pathologists, especially if the allograft is
transplant glomerulopathy, and trichrome stains of
approaching end stage, as severely damaged grafts lose
collagen deposition define the extent of chronic fi-
their diagnostic specificity. Any kidney transplant pathol-
brosis. Immunofluorescence or immunoperoxidase
ogy may have multiple and overlaid causes, which may be
techniques are usually negative or non-specific in
difficult to distinguish, especially in the absence of prior
most biopsy specimens from failing allografts, but
are helpful to diagnose recurrent or de novo glo-
Broadly, the primary cause(s) of transplant deteriora-
merulonephritis, allograft viral infection (e.g., BK
tion should be classified as: (1) non-immune causes of
virus or cytomegalovirus stains), or CAMR (for
tubular injury (e.g., early ischemia-reperfusion damage
peritubular C4d deposition). Electron micros-
with DGF, donor disease); (2) alloimmune causes (acute,
copy can detect early transplant glomerulopathy
chronic antibody or T-cell-mediated rejection, or mixed
or electron-dense deposits to confirm transplant
patterns); (3) a specific diagnostic entity (e.g., recurrent
glomerulonephritis, CNI nephrotoxicity, hypertensive
7. Adequate clinical information should be provided to
nephrosclerosis). Rejection should be considered, as
the interpreting pathologist, including current func-
many late biopsies for cause are secondary to acute or
tion; donor quality; relevant previous clinical events,
chronic rejection, often from treatment non-­compliance
such as delayed function or acute rejection; and
or iatrogenic underimmunosuppression. The dominant
the cause of recipient end-stage renal failure. Key
pathological cause of graft dysfunction should be listed,
­diagnostic questions should be formulated. A colla­
along with other secondary diagnoses. Pointers for pri-
borative clinicopathological diagnosis is the optimal
mary treatment assignment (either increasing or decreas-
way to interpret transplant histology (see Tables 27-2
ing immunosuppression) should include recent graft
and 27-3).
pathology (alloimmune histological clues include fibro-
intimal hyperplasia of small arteries, interstitial lympho-
Risk and Safety of Transplant Biopsies cytic infiltration, lymphocytes in peritubular capillaries,
transplant glomerulopathy, or positive C4d staining), the
Needle core biopsy has an excellent safety profile with a recipient’s prior rejection and non-compliance history,
low risk of graft loss and minimal risk of morbidity. The and level of sensitization, which aids risk assesssment.
risk of major complications, such as substantial bleed-
ing, macroscopic hematuria with ureteric obstruction,
peritonitis, or graft loss, is approximately 1%. Minor
complications reported are gross hematuria in 3.5%,
perirenal hematomas in 2.5%, and asymptomatic arte-
riovenous fistulas in 7.3%.82 The risk of graft loss from
Long-Term Immunosuppression
protocol biopsy is 0.03%, although this is increased with Induction and maintenance regimens currently used
indication-driven procedures, when adult kidneys are
­ produce good early results; however validations of the
placed in either an extraperitoneal or a transperitoneal optimal combination of immunosuppressive agents
Chronic Allograft Failure 429

TABLE 27-4  Management of Chronic Allograft General Treatment Principles

Nephropathy and Chronic Allograft Damage Several ideas for the treatment of chronic kidney trans-
plant damage are as follows:
Prevention and Screening
Minimize ischemia-reperfusion damage (shortest ischemic
1. Chronic allograft damage is the end result of
times, optimal procurement and transport) multiple pathophysiological pathways of injury
Minimize donor–recipient histoincompatibility (Figure 27-2). Hence no single “magic bullet” is
Rapid diagnosis and effective treatment of acute rejection likely to be sufficient for its treatment, but rather
Early optimal immunosuppression (including early CNI several therapies and approaches would be needed
and interleukin-2 receptor antibody in recipients with
medium to high immune risk) to counteract the specific and varied etiological in-
sults (Table 27-4). Optimal and adequate immuno-
Control of Early Subclinical Rejection suppression is of key importance. Other potentially
Prophylaxis for CMV with valganciclovir or valaciclovir
Early BK virus screening (especially with high-dose useful treatments could include specific antagonists
immunosuppression) targeted at fibrogenic mechanisms, or indirect clin-
Monitoring of renal function, urinalysis (for ical approaches, such as the treatment of hyperten-
glomerulonephritis), and imaging (for ureteric sion, lipids, infections, and smoking.
Regular compliance review
2. Drivers of injury are time-dependent, and therapy
Control of progression factors ideally should be initiated before or during periods of
Control hypertension (ACE inhibitor and ARB preferred ongoing injury. Experimental and clinical data sug-
to limit scarring, calcium channel blocker or beta-blocker gest that treatments have different windows of benefit.
may be added, diuretic may often may be needed) Some may only help early after transplantation, and
No added salt, stop smoking, control lipids, limit weight
gain others may be detrimental if used late. Therapeutic
Control diabetes and urinary tract infections (if present) flexibility of immunosuppression should be main-
Reduce (eliminate or substitute) long-term CNI in tained and adjusted to changing clinical circumstances.
recipients with low to medium immune risk (if chronic An example would be potent front-loaded CNI ther-
allograft nephropathy or CNI nephrotoxicity develops)
Avoid late underimmunosuppression (risk of subclinical
apy to suppress early rejection, followed by minimal
rejection) levels to limit nephrotoxicity or other complications.
Match immunosuppression to immunological risk and 3. Prevention is better than cure. Chronic allograft
rejection history fibrosis and tubular atrophy reflect the later ex-
Clinical management of acute interval recipient events pression of prior pathogenic insults. Nephrons,
(e.g., sepsis, acute tubular necrosis) with restitution
of appropriate immunosuppression with stability of once lost from the transplanted kidney, cannot
acute insult be replaced. Early injury should be minimized
Monitoring and preventive strategies for neoplasia and by procuring an optimal donor organ, limiting
cardiovascular risk factors in patient ­ischemia-reperfusion injury, using adequate initial
and maintenance immunosuppression, and imple-
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor
blocker; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor. menting appropriate monitoring.
4. Therapy should be tailored according to individ-
ual requirements and immunological risk and ad-
by long-term clinical studies are more limited in their
justed for different and changing clinical scenarios.
follow-up (Table 27-4; see also Chapters 15–22). Most
Examples would be CNI minimization strategies
units use CNI-based triple therapy; some withdraw
with DGF or late CNI nephrotoxicity, or conversely,
corticosteroids routinely, most intermittent undertake
strengthening of immunosuppression when subclini-
dosage adjustments, or switch therapies according to
cal, chronic, or late rejection has developed. Optimal
changing clinical scenarios. The ideal long-term immu-
immunosuppression appropriate to each individual
nosuppressive agents should be effective and well toler-
patient’s immunological risk category should be
ated, and have minimal side effects. Desirable properties
instituated, as well as implementing early (biopsy)
diagnosis and adequate treatment for severe or resis-
1. Alloimmune effectiveness – to be able to provide
tant rejection. Severe rejection may result in persis-
adequate immunosuppression to suppress acute
tent SCR, so follow-up biopsy may be considered.
rejection, chronic T-cell-mediated rejection, or
5. Technical advances in tissue pathology, such as gene
complementary DNA microarrays, microRNA,
2. Lack of nephrotoxicity or even renoprotective
proteomics, and metabolomics, are expected to
yield diagnostic advances and mechanistic informa-
3. Few or minimal cosmetic and subjective side effects
tion. Allograft transcriptome changes occur before
to optimize compliance
histological fibrosis, and improved diagnostics may
4. Neutral or antineoplasic properties (e.g., mTOR
yield better disease classification, allowing optimi-
inhibitors), as opposed to some properties of CNIs
zation of treatment strategies.
or antiproliferative agents that may promote cancer
or metastases Treatment Approach by Specific Diagnosis
5. Minimal or absent enhancement of comorbidity
(e.g., lipids, posttransplant diabetes mellitus, car- A specific etiologic diagnosis of transplant dysfunction is
diovascular disease) essential for rational treatment directed towards the un-
6. Simple oral dosing regimes. derlying pathophysiological cause(s).
430 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Interstitial Fibrosis and Tubular Atrophy concentration-controlled mycophenolate mofetil and

corticosteroids are recommended.33 When CNI neph-
The most common pathology of slowly progressive graft
rotoxicity occurs in recipients of higher immune risk,
failure is chronic interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy,
retransplants or previous rejection(s), then CNI can be
usually accompanied by vascular changes and glomerulo-
either minimized or substituted with sirolimus or evero-
sclerosis.70 Formally designated as sclerosing chronic al-
limus, with serum creatinine monitoring (the rejection
lograft nephropathy,92 the interstitial fibrosis and tubular
risk for withdrawal approximates 10%).46 These mTOR
atrophy pattern occurs in 27–45% of late graft losses,17,27
inhibitors are weaker immunosuppressive agents which
and most biopsies taken late after transplantation.14,27,64,70,81
are poorly tolerated at higher doses with side effects,
It represents the final common pathway of nephron injury
including mouth ulcers, peripheral edema, proteinuria,
with its fibrotic healing response, rather than a specific
anemia, or thrombocytopenia, causing discontinuation in
diagnostic entity. While several pathogenic pathways can
30–45% of patients.
lead to interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, the alloim-
Newer, non-nephrotoxic immunosuppressive agents
mune response remains an important cause.68,70
may also be considered, although long-term clinical data
The clinical approach to a failing graft with interstitial
are incomplete. Belatacept (targeting the CD28-CD80/86
fibrosis and tubular atrophy should consider potential im-
pathway and T-cell costimulation) and tofacitinib (a Janus
mune and non-immune etiologies, by collating clinical,
kinase 1/3 inhibitor) when combined with mycophenolate
biological and histological information. Interstitial fibro-
decreased graft failure (odds ratio 0.61; 95% confidence
sis and tubular atrophy should be classified by pathophys-
interval 0.39–0.96) in a meta-analysis of CNI-sparing
iology as primarily attributable to: (1) early non-immune
­trials.83 Voclosporine, a cyclosporine analogue which is
causes, such as donor disease or ischemia-reperfusion
immunologically non-inferior to tacrolimus, has claimed
damage; (2) immune injury, from acute, severe, persis-
reduced nephrotoxicity. The CD2-specific fusion protein
tent, or late rejection; (3) other specific diagnostic en-
alefacept (targeting the LFA3-CD2 pathway and selectively
tities, such as recurrent disease, BK virus nephropathy,
eliminating memory T cells) and sotrastaurin (a protein
hypertension, and CNI toxicity. Several causes of injury
kinase C inhibitor reducing T-lymphocyte activation and
may coexist at one time, or be differentially expressed
cytokine release) are currently in preclinical development.
over the graft’s lifetime; hence several diagnoses may be
present on a single biopsy (Table 27-2).
One treatment strategy for the interstitial fibrosis and Chronic Antibody-Mediated Rejection
tubular atrophy–CAN pattern is CNI minimization, on the
assumption than CNI nephrotoxicity is its primary cause. CAMR may occur from unrecognized pre-existing
CNI-sparing regimes supplemented by mycophenolate in- DSA or the development of de novo antibodies af-
crease transplant GFR in meta-analyses of randomized con- ter transplantation,95,97 which are often anti-HLA
trolled trials and tend to improve graft survival, with acute class II and secondary to treatment non-compliance or
rejection only being increased in trials of mandated CNI underimmunosuppression.
elimination, but not for avoidance or dysfunction.62 A large Evidence for treatment of CAMR is limited to un-
randomized study of transplant dysfunction (where CAN controlled cohort studies, which have been adapted from
was proven in 91.3%) substituted sirolimus for CNI, but acute antibody-mediated rejection. Strengthened base-
failed its primary eGFR difference end-point versus con- line immunosuppression with increased tacrolimus and
tinued CNI, and was futile with severe transplant dysfunc- mycophenolate dosages (suppressing B- and T-cell ex-
tion (eGFR < 40 mL/min) or when proteinuria exceeded pansion) and use of corticosteroids (which are re-added
0.5 g/day.81 In other controlled trials, CNI elimination with if patients are steroid-free) are suggested. ACE inhibitors
sirolimus substitution or initial avoidance reduced vascular or angiotensin II receptor blockers to limit proteinuria
and tubulointerstitial damage.20,64 may be added. Aggressive treatments, such as plasma-
pheresis to remove circulating DSA with intravenous im-
munoglobulin, supplemented by rituximab (a monoclonal
Approach to Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity antibody against CD20-bearing B cells but not plasma
Isolated CNI nephrotoxicity (either acute cyclosporine- cells), produce variable results. The roles of bortezomib,
mediated glomerular vasoconstriction or chronic struc- a proteasome inhibitor of plasma cells, and eculizumab,
tural nephrotoxicity without rejection), if recognized an anti-C5 antibody inhibitor, in the treatment of CAMR
early, generally has a relatively good outcome when show some promise but require further evaluation.
treated by CNI-sparing regimes.27 CNI withdrawal re-
verses the functional decline and improves eGFR in
Chronic Active T-Cell-Mediated Rejection
failing transplants.20 Randomized trials of reduction or
withdrawal of CNI improved renal function in 90% of Chronic active T-cell-mediated rejection is characterized
patients, with a small risk of rejection and graft loss.1 by the presence of persistent interstitial T-lymphocyte
Patients interconverted from cyclosporine to low-dose infiltration with associated tubulitis, B cells and macro-
tacrolimus showed improved renal function, lipids, hy- phages, and represents a failure of maintenance immu-
pertension, and cardiovascular markers, but without a nosuppression to control residual alloimmune activity.
change in 5-year graft survival.84 Rarely, fibrointimal hyperplasia of small muscular ­arteries
When deteriorating function from CNI nephrotoxicity occurs, and can progress to vascular occlusion.
occurs in low immune-risk patients (and SCR is excluded Suggested treatment involves strengthened immu-
by biopsy), then CNI withdrawal and maintenance with nosuppression, such as conversion from cyclosporine to
Chronic Allograft Failure 431

tacrolimus,103 azathioprine to mycophenolate mofetil,47 80–90%.9 TOR inhibitors, which affect the podocyte and
and addition of corticosteroids to dual therapy. Compliance cause proteinuria, should be avoided.
checks, review of appropriate target blood drug levels, and
exclusion of interfering agents (e.g., St. John’s wort or phe- Membranous Glomerulonephritis. Membranous glo-
nytoin inducing metabolizing enzymes and reducing CNI merulonephritis recurs in 10–30% of patients and is the
levels) are prudent. most common de novo glomerular disease. Recurrent dis-
ease occurs slightly sooner (1–2 years) than de novo mem-
branous glomerulonephritis (2–3 years), and both usually
Treatment of Acute Late Rejection manifest as nephrotic syndrome. The 10-year graft loss
Acute rejection can develop late after transplantation in rate is approximately 50%, with increased risk in male
sensitized patients but more commonly occurs from med- recipients, recipients with aggressive original disease, and
ication non-compliance or medical underimmunosup- recipients of living related transplants. Subepithelial im-
pression. Clinically severe, frequently steroid-resistant mune complexes, containing terminal complement, in-
and difficult to reverse, the histology displays widespread sert into podocyte membranes, causing sublytic cellular
tubulointerstitial damage, interstitial infiltration with eo- activation, oxidant and protease production, and damage
sinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages, and is often as- to the underlying GBM. Immunosuppression with my-
sociated with de novo DSA and vascular rejection. cophenolate mofetil or azathioprine, corticosteroids to
Initial treatment by pulse corticosteroids and strength- reduce antibody formation, or rituximab may have a role.
ening baseline immunosuppression has limited success,
Other Recurrent Diseases. Immunosuppression usually
and use of antithymocyte globulin and/or plasma ex-
controls most immune-mediated renal diseases, including
change with intravenous immunoglobulin or rituximab
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis, lupus ne-
requires careful consideration of recipient risk and the
phritis, and Goodpasture’s disease. IgA nephropathy com-
potential graft salvageability. Uncontrolled chronic rejec-
monly recurs but generally with a mild clinical impact,
tion leading to progressive graft failure is common.
and treatment using corticosteroids and mycophenolate is
suggested. Rapid corticosteroid withdrawal approximately
Treatment of Recurrent Disease triples the risk of recurrent glomerulonephritis.49 Light-
chain deposition disease often recurs. Dense deposit dis-
Recurrent or de novo glomerulonephritis fails in up to ease recurs in 50–90% with graft failure but case reports
8.4% of grafts,7,25,41 with clinical clues of hematuria or suggest benefit with eculizumab. Fabry disease recurs late
proteinuria. Generally, blood pressure control and renin– after transplantation, requiring specific agalsidase treat-
angiotensin system blockade, which appear beneficial in ment. Transplant diabetic nephropathy also reappears late
cohort studies, are suggested. Specific treatment of recur- with proteinuria and graft dysfunction and characteristic
rent glomerulonephritis is summarized below according tissue pathology.
to disease.

Recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. FSGS Treatment of BK Virus Nephropathy

has a most significant clinical impact because of its high Current antiviral agents are ineffective against BK, and
recurrence rate, poor intermediate outcome, and the correspondingly, preventive strategies of avoidance of
number of young patients with FSGS who undergo trans- excessive immunosuppression and regular viral surveil-
plantation. FSGS affects glomerular visceral epithelial lance by blood nucleic acid (polymerase cahin reaction)
cells (podocytes) from either genetic mutations in criti- testing are recommended. Early detection of viremia be-
cal podocyte proteins or from circulating protein “toxic fore graft dysfunction occurs is treated by cautious re-
permeability factors” which injure the podocyte and in- duction of immunosuppresion, which often reduces or
crease glomerular permeability. Idiopathic FSGS recurs eliminates circulating virus before destructive parenchy-
in 20–50% and approximately half fail within 5 years. mal infection.
FSGS with an early childhood onset, rapid progression to BK viral allograft nephropathy is difficult to eradicate
dialysis, diffuse mesangial hypercellularity or glomerular once established, especially if accompanied by high-grade
collapse, or fulminant recurrence in previous allografts interstitial inflammation.44,72 Ciprofloxacin, low-dose cido-
is an adverse risk factor. Graft loss from recurrent FSGS fovir, elimination or substitution of mycophenolate with ei-
predicts recurrence in 70% of subsequent allografts, and ther leflunonide (all weak antiviral agents) or azathioprine,
most of these fail, potentially precluding that individual conversion from tacrolimus to low-dose cyclosporine or
from future transplantation. 50% reduction in the CNI dose, or regular intravenous
Proteinuria may recur within hours, but usually is seen immunoglobulin therapy (for BK infection coexisting with
by 1–2 weeks after transplantation. Recurrence of FSGS “rejection”) are all potential therapies demonstrating lim-
is suspected by increasing weekly spot urine protein/ ited benefit in small uncontrolled studies.35,46
creatinine ratios and proven by biopsy where podocyte
foot process effacement seen on electron microscopy is
the earliest marker, occurring well before segmental glo- SUMMARY
merulosclerosis on light microscopy. Plasma exchange to
remove circulating protein, high-dose cyclosporine, cor- Progressive late allograft failure and chronic allograft
ticosteroids, and ACE inhibitors (or angiotensin II recep- damage are best conceptualized as the consequence of
tor blockers) can achieve complete or partial remission in cumulative transplant damage from time-dependent
432 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

immune and non-immune insults resulting in a final 6. Bonsib SM, Abul-Ezz SR, Ahmad I, et al. Acute rejection-
common pathway of nephron loss and its fibrotic heal- associated tubular basement membrane defects and chronic
allograft nephropathy. Kidney Int 2000;58(5):2206–14.
ing response. Allograft damage is common, progressive, 7. Briganti EM, Russ GR, McNeil JJ, et al. Risk of renal allograft
time-dependent, and remains clinically important, de- loss from recurrent glomerulonephritis. N Engl J Med
spite improvements in immunosuppression and the con- 2002;347(2):103–9.
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Vascular and Lymphatic

Complications after Kidney
Richard D.M. Allen

Informed Consent COMPLICATIONS
Preoperative Assessment
Right or Left Donor Kidney MYCOTIC ANEURYSM
Transplant Renal Vein Anastomosis TRANSPLANT RENAL ARTERY STENOSIS
Transplant Renal Artery Anastomosis Definition and Incidence
Reperfusion Pathogenesis
Positioning the Kidney and Wound Closure Pathophysiology – “One Kidney, One Clip”
Postoperative Recovery Imaging
Drain Tube Conservative Treatment
Compartment Syndrome Angioplasty and Stenting
HEMATOMA Surgical Correction
Thrombophilic Factors Incidence
Contribution of Immunosuppressive Agents Etiology
Renal Vein Thrombosis Presentation
Renal Artery Thrombosis Diagnosis
Segmental Arterial Thrombosis Treatment
Thrombosis Prevention Strategies Lymphocutaneous Fistula

INTRODUCTION The transplanted kidney is a highly vascular organ.

Ten to 15% of cardiac output at rest, accounting for be-
The enduring techniques of vascular anastomoses described tween 500 and 750 mL/min, passes through the kidney.
by Alexis Carrel more than a century ago have not changed A graphic example of the magnitude of the renal blood
significantly (see Chapter 1). His simple test of satisfactory flow is the simple temporary occlusion of the transplant
vascular anastomosis was observation of a viable kidney renal vein with a pair of forceps at the time of surgery,
transplant producing urine within minutes of completion. described clinically as the Hume test, which results in
No matter how many times it has been witnessed before, this rapid and pulsatile engorgement of a well-perfused kidney
observation will always puts a smile on the face of everyone transplant. Equally, a breach in the continuity of the trans-
in the kidney transplant operating room. However, the pro- planted artery or vein can result in catastrophic blood loss
gressive improvement in kidney graft survival has focused and circulatory failure within minutes, particularly in the
greater emphasis on surgeon-related causes of kidney graft presence of a recipient left ventricle already compromised
loss. Surgical misadventure after kidney transplantation, by coexisting coronary artery disease, long-term effects of
once ranked low as a cause of graft loss in the first 6 months systemic hypertension, or uremic cardiomyopathy.
after transplantation, is now three times more likely to occur The kidney is also unforgiving of interruption of
than graft loss as a result of rejection (Figure 28-1). blood flow, with the cortex more sensitive to hypoxia than
436 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

20 after removal of the failed recipient organ. In deceased

donor kidney transplantation, the surgeon must cope with
18 the computer-allocated pairing of the donor kidney and
1970-4 recipient. Donor kidneys, particularly from an extended
16 2005-9 criteria deceased donor, are not new engine parts that can
be taken off a spare parts shelf. They are preowned and
14 have no regenerative capacity. The good kidney trans-
plant surgeon is one who recognizes the small margin
12 for surgical error, and avoids difficult situations by care-
ful preparation and anticipation of the potential pitfalls.
The incidence of vascular complications will vary accord-
ing to the quality of the recipient evaluation, the donor
kidney, and surgical technique of implantation. These are
discussed in detail in Chapters 4, 8, and 11, but some of
these points relating to prevention of vascular complica-
tions are worth reiterating here. When complications do
occur, the surgeon attempts salvage of the situation, bal-
2 ancing risks to both the recipient and the donor kidney.

Rejection Technical Death Other
Preoperative Assessment
FIGURE 28-1  ■  Causes of graft loss in the first 6 months after kid- An accessible patent iliac artery and vein with unimpeded
ney transplantation reported to ANZDATA Registry in Australia proximal blood flow that are able to be sutured are essential,
for recipients of living and deceased donors, comparing 5-year and should be evaluated by a senior member of the trans-
time periods 1970 through 1974 (n = 1118 transplants) and 2005 plant surgery team before the patient is placed on the trans-
through 2009 (n = 4014 transplants).
plant waiting list. Surgical access can be difficult because
of a polycystic kidney, obesity, or a failed previous kidney
the medulla. The magnitude of the effect of acute and
transplant. Extensive mural arterial calcification can make
complete interruption of blood flow during the trans-
clamping and suturing impossible without disruption of the
plantation procedure depends on the quality of the do-
artery. Placement of a patient on a kidney transplant wait-
nor kidney, length of ischemia time, temperature of the
list without surgical assessment and resolution of identified
­kidney, and extent of intrarenal thrombosis that might oc-
problems, and lack of systems in place to ensure access to
curr during a period of stasis or reduced renal blood flow.
results of the assessment at all times, is considered medically
Irreversible cortical necrosis can occur within minutes,
negligent in the event of an avoidable vascular complication.
and even in the most favorable situations is inevitable by
the 20-­minute mark. Incomplete interruption of blood
flow has a more subtle effect. Arterial pressure sensors Right or Left Donor Kidney
within the kidney detect pressures capable of triggering
a cascade of autoregulatory changes to increase sys- Despite single-center reports claiming that results of trans-
temic pressures to satisfy the requirements of the kidney, plantation of the right donor kidney are the same as those
sometimes at the expense of the recipient’s well-being. for the left,22 transplant surgeons always prefer the left donor
Impaired venous drainage is probably better tolerated, kidney because of its longer renal vein and shorter artery.
although sudden occlusion of a previously well-perfused When given the choice of a living left donor kidney with
kidney can lead to dramatic rupture of the cortex with two arteries or a right kidney with one artery, most surgeons
uncontrolled bleeding from intrarenal veins. choose the former.17 The longer left renal vein is less fragile
and more easily sutured to the more deeply situated external
iliac vein than the short right renal vein. Equally, the right
TECHNICAL COMPLICATIONS AND renal artery anastomosis is more difficult to site because of
THEIR PREVENTION its propensity to kink. Objective evidence to support the
greater ease of transplantation of the left kidney is found
Informed Consent in Australian registry data that compared outcomes of left
and right deceased donor kidney pairs.54 The data of paired
A description of the possible complications of kidney kidneys from 2396 heart-beating brain-dead donors showed
transplantation to a patient when obtaining informed that recipients of right-sided kidneys were at significantly
consent before surgery can cause alarm. The possibilities greater risk of developing delayed graft function and had in-
should be put into the context of the individual transplant ferior graft function because of greater risk of graft loss in
center’s own published results of patient and graft sur- the 3 months after transplantation, but principally because
vival at 1 year. Ideally, the individual transplant surgeon’s of surgical misadventure. The authors recommended that
own results will be peer-reviewed on a regular basis both the more experienced surgeons within a transplant center be
within and outside the surgeon’s own transplant center. allocated the right donor kidneys to implant.
Kidney transplantation involves placement of a kidney Anastomosis of the deceased donor right renal vein can
in a heterotopic position. By comparison, cardiothoracic be facilitated by vein elongation using the adjacent donor
and liver transplant surgeons have an easier task, placing inferior vena cava (Figure 28-2) or a donor iliac vein ex-
size-matched donor organs into an orthotopic position tension graft. Alternatively, as is frequently the need in
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 437


FIGURE 28-2  ■  Extension of the right renal vein using adjacent deceased donor inferior vena cava (IVC). (A) Marking the portion of IVC
proposed for elongation. (B) Fashioning of the IVC. (C) Elongated renal vein ready for transplantation.

living donor right kidneys, the recipient external iliac vein

can be mobilized by dividing the internal iliac veins.

Back Table Preparation

All donor kidneys require back table preparation, and fail-
ure of the surgeon to examine the deceased donor kidney
before starting the recipient procedure can create prob-
lems if the kidney is not “as advertised” by the retrieval
surgeon. Accessory arteries may have been missed or
divided (Figure 28-3). Atheromatous plaque, clot, or an
intimal flap may be impinging on the lumen of the renal
artery. Inadvertent traction or a donor surgeon’s wayward
scissor may have torn or injured the donor renal vein.
If problems are identified and corrected before surgery,
operating and anastomosis times are kept to a minimum
and surgical options are retained, such as preservation of
the inferior epigastric artery for anastomosis to a lower- FIGURE 28-3  ■  Right-sided deceased donor kidney with two renal
pole artery. For living donor kidneys, a missed accessory arteries. The lower artery was divided at the time of multiorgan
artery in the living donor kidney is apparent at the time donor retrieval surgery.
of initial cool perfusion at the back table. This is not the
case for the in-situ cool-perfused deceased donor kid- revascularization of the transplanted kidney is easier if
ney. Donor artery and vein are mobilized as necessary, vein tributaries and small hilar vessels associated with
with perirenal adipose tissue trimmed, the gonadal vein trimmed tissue are ligated.
ligated and removed and, in the case of a deceased donor Repeat flushing of a deceased donor kidney with a small
kidney, the adrenal gland is removed. Hemostasis after volume of preservation solution has several advantages.
438 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Residual venous blood, if present, can be cleared. Leaking of pelvic and presacral veins that are prone to retracting into
vessels can be identified and ligated before revascularization. the depths of the surgical wound. In such instances, bleed-
There is also clinical evidence that the subsequently “fresh- ing is best managed by carefully packing the depths of the
ened” deceased donor kidney is more likely to avoid graft wound and applying pressure, a request for blood products,
dysfunction.39 Finally, the kidney vasculature is accurately and systematic control of venous bleeding by application of
oriented. The superior and inferior margins of the artery metal clips or polypropylene (Prolene) sutures.
and vein can be marked to reduce the risk of twisting the A thrombosed or stenosed external iliac vein is pref-
vessels at the time of anastomosis (Figure 28-4). To reduce erably identified by color Doppler ultrasound scanning
handling of the donor kidney during the surgical procedure (CDUS) before surgery and should be considered in
and for ease of surgery, the kidney can be placed in a tem- patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
porary stocking, or a surgical glove surrounded by ice slush. previous transplant surgery, unilateral leg swelling, or
The back table with ice slush and preservation fluid should emergency dialysis access via the femoral vein (Figure 28-5).
be available until the vascular anastomoses are completed in When encountered at the time of surgery, the common
the event that it is necessary to cool the kidney again.

Transplant Renal Vein Anastomosis

The technical details of the anastomosis have been described
in Chapter 11 but one or two points are worth reiterating.
Unless there is a recipient history of factors predisposing to
venous thrombosis, systemic heparinization for the vascular
anastomoses is unnecessary in a dialysis-dependent patient,
even in the era of widespread use of synthetic erythropoi-
etin agents. The site of the iliac vein anastomosis can be
marked with a sterile surgical marking pen before applying
the venous clamps to reduce the risk of vein rotation during
clamp application. Accurate sizing of the venotomy length
prevents stretching of the end of the transplant renal vein to
accommodate a venotomy that is too long. Stretching leads
to a long stenosed anastomosis. After opening the vein, the
surgeon searches for pairs of valve cusps and disrupts them
if they are adjacent to the anastomosis. A stay suture is ap-
plied to the midpoint of at least one of the sides of the ve-
notomy to reduce the risk of catching the opposite wall of
the anastomosis with the continuous running vein suture.
The external iliac veins in an obese recipient or a short
muscular male patient with a deep pelvis and almost verti-
cally disposed external iliac vein can be challenging, partic-
ularly for right-sided donor kidneys placed in the left iliac
fossa. For ease of access, it is tempting to place the venous
anastomosis close to the inguinal ligament but there is a
risk of compression of the renal vein during wound closure.
Options include lengthening of the donor renal vein or the
sometimes difficult task of mobilization of the external iliac
vein by dividing the internal iliac vein and its tributaries.
The surgeon should ensure that there are long stumps on FIGURE 28-5  ■  Ascending venogram shows a long stenosis of the
the ligated veins. Lost ligatures can result in massive blood right iliac vein in a patient with a history of temporary hemodi-
loss within minutes from the large and thin-walled labyrinth alysis cannulas and a previous thigh arteriovenous fistula.

FIGURE 28-4  ■  Marking of the vessels of a left-sided living donor kidney transplant prior to transplantation for the purpose of assisting
their orientation at the time of surgery. (A) Superior margin of the renal artery. (B) Inferior margin of the renal vein.
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 439

iliac vein often has a preserved lumen and can be used for living kidney donation and the preference for the left
the transplant renal vein anastomosis. Alternatively, the kidney.17 At least 20% of left kidneys have more than one
surgeon can close the wound and transplant the kidney artery after living donation. Small accessory renal arter-
into the opposite iliac fossa. ies, particularly at the upper pole, can be ligated without
problem, but not lower-pole arteries that often contribute
blood supply to the donor ureter.10 Anastomosis of two
Transplant Renal Artery Anastomosis arteries close together on an aortic patch of a left-sided
The extent of the dissection of the iliac artery should be deceased donor kidney is comparatively straightforward
limited to diminish the risk of disruption of adjacent lym- but dual arteries to a right-sided kidney make positioning
phatic channels. If the internal iliac artery is to be used, of the kidney difficult without kinking one or the other
the surgeon fully mobilizes the bifurcation of the com- artery.
mon iliac artery and carefully examines the origin for an Individual transplant surgeons will have their own
atheromatous plaque. Use of the internal iliac artery is views about how best to manage multiple arteries of a liv-
avoided if the opposite side artery has been involved in a ing kidney donor. Despite longer anastomosis times, the
previous transplant (Figure 28-6). The bifurcation or tri- author’s preference is for two separate anastomoses, par-
furcation of the internal iliac artery should be preserved ticularly if the arteries are of nearly equal size. This ap-
to reduce the risk of buttock claudication. If both internal proach avoids the need for a complex anastomosis with a
iliac arteries have been used for transplantation claudica- theoretical increased risk of thrombosis. The exception is
tion is inevitable, as is impotence. An unusual Vietnamese a small upper-pole or lower-pole accessory artery that can
study involving internal iliac artery anastomoses in male be anastomosed, on the back table, to the side of a main
live donor kidney recipients should allay concerns that renal artery and away from the end of the renal artery (see
the erect penis will deviate to the side of the ligated inter- Chapter 11 for more technical details).
nal iliac artery (Prof. Tran Ngoc Sinh, Cho Ray Hospital,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, personal communication).
Arterial clamps are applied with care. Clamps with sili-
cone inserts applied horizontally are less likely to disrupt Reperfusion is the high point of the transplant
calcified plaque commonly situated on the posterior as- ­procedure – there is no turning back. Before completing
pect of the artery. Endarterectomy can often be avoided the arterial anastomosis, air is excluded from the clamped
by carefully selecting a soft segment of artery. To avoid vessels by injecting heparinized saline. Fixed retractors
kinking during wound closure, the renal artery length can that might compress proximal iliac vessels are reviewed
be adjusted by resecting the donor aortic patch. Equally, and individual anastomoses are tested before revascular-
the shortened artery of the right kidney can be anasto- ization of the transplanted kidney. Imperfect anastomoses
mosed to the end of the internal iliac artery. This has the are managed more easily beforehand (Figure 28-7). The
added advantage of deeper placement of the transplant proximal arterial clamp and venous clamps are released
anastomoses, less tension on the short right renal vein, first. The last clamp removed is the distal iliac artery
and easy positioning of the kidney after revascularization. clamp after systemic blood pressure has stabilized fol-
Multiple renal arteries are encountered more com- lowing reperfusion of the kidney. Observation of urine
monly with the increasing popularity of laparoscopic within a couple of minutes is a reassuring sight – a pink,

FIGURE 28-6  ■  Computed tomography scan of male patient with avascular right living donor kidney transplant that failed because of
chronic rejection. The arterial anastomosis was to the right internal iliac artery. (A) Axial view of small avascular kidney transplant
(arrow) adjacent to the common iliac artery. (B) Oblique perspective of vascular reconstruction of aortoiliac arteries demonstrating
proximal stump of right internal iliac artery (PRIIA), retrograde filling of distal right iliac artery (DRIIA), and patent left internal iliac
artery (LIIA).
440 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

underlying arterial disease and kidney from older donors.

Management is not easy. The most likely site of an in-
timal flap would be at the anastomosis or the proximal
clamp site.
The decision to revise the arterial anastomosis or the
“safety-first option” of removing the transplanted kidney
and reperfusing with preservation solution can be diffi-
cult. If revision is undertaken, the recipient is heparin-
ized, the transplant artery flushed with at least 50 mL of
heparinized saline, and the renal vein clamped.
Extrarenal arterial spasm is a not uncommon finding
and likely the result of undue traction on the renal artery
during donor or implantation surgery. The spasm may
be segmental. The kidney is soft but not necessarily dis-
colored. Anecdotal reports suggest that placement of a
swab generously soaked in papaverine around the artery
and excision of affected artery adventitial tissue may help.
Alternatively, and with permission of the anesthetist, the
FIGURE 28-7  ■ Testing the integrity of the end-to-end right inter- iliac artery distal to the arterial anstomosis is clamped
nal iliac artery to transplant renal artery anastomosis before re- and diluted glycerol trinitate injected into the proximal
vascularization of the kidney transplant. iliac artery. Spasm is usually self-limiting but can cause
concern and warrant systemic heparinization. If no arte-
rial inflow problem can be identified and systemic blood
pressure is satisfactory, the surgeon should be patient,
particularly if the kidney swells when the renal vein is
temporarily occluded (Hume test). A small incision into
the capsule of the kidney followed by evidence of bright
arterial bleeding can also be reassuring, as can an on-table
CDUS examination.
Catastrophic bleeding after removing all vascular
clamps is unlikely to occur if the anastomoses have been
assessed before revascularization. If present, however, it is
usually venous in nature and either from a tributary vein,
or worse, from a disrupted venous anastomosis because
of traction on a thin-walled and right-sided living do-
nor kidney renal vein. Because of the continuous nature
of the suture, simple repair is usually impossible and, if
attempted, results in excessive blood loss or anastomotic
FIGURE 28-8  ■  Sigmoid colon separating the dual kidney trans- stenosis, or both. Removal of the kidney, reperfusion with
plants from a marginal cadaver donor. The left-sided kidney was preservation solution, and calmly starting all over is a sen-
transplanted first and is of uniform appearance. The right kid- sible solution. The observation of a tense, engorged, and
ney is of mottled appearance 10 minutes after revascularization. pulsatile kidney with marked capsular bleeding is indica-
Ten minutes later, it had the same appearance as the left kidney
tive of venous outflow obstruction. Causes can be a ro-
tated or compressed renal vein, apposition of the sides of
the venous anastomosis because of imperfect suturing or
firm, and well-perfused kidney is the next best thing. If inclusion of external iliac vein valve cusps in the anasto-
neither is observed, the surgeon should actively look for mosis. Because of the relatively controlled situation, revi-
problems. Kidneys from marginal donors or with long sion of the anastomosis usually can be undertaken within
renal ischemia times may have a “blotchy” or mottled ap- 10 minutes, after systemic heparinization, clamping the
pearance with dark, less well-perfused areas. An encour- renal artery, and exsanguination of the transplant. An un-
aging sign is the gradual reduction in extent of the dark common cause is compression of the left common iliac vein
areas until the kidney is uniformly pink (Figure 28-8). as it passes under the right common iliac artery, described
A flaccid, poorly perfused kidney is reason for concern. as the May–Thurner syndrome.3 Probably, the extra
Modern tissue typing and crossmatching techniques have 500–750 mL of blood per minute from the transplanted
essentially excluded hyperacute rejection as a cause (see kidney is enough to compromise the narrowed iliac vein at
Chapter 10). The surgeon starts with inspection of the that point. If recognized at time of surgery, a more proxi-
renal artery to exclude kinking or twisting and resolves mal venous anastomosis can be attempted or the internal
it if possible by repositioning the kidney. Next is confir- iliac artery divided to allow mobilization of the right com-
mation of pulsatility of the iliac artery proximal to the mon iliac artery. If recognized after transplantation, endo-
anastomosis and its continuity into the transplant renal vascular stenting of the iliac vein may be an option.
artery to the hilum of the kidney. Interruption of flow can A disappointing observation on completion of the
be due to an intimal flap, particularly in recipients with vascular anastomoses is the finding of a well-perfused
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 441

transplant but with the ureter pointing in the wrong a CDUS examination is always indicated before the
direction, away from the bladder. The kidney has been r­ ecipient leaves the operating suite complex, particularly
transplanted upside down and this is more likely to ­occur if difficulty was encountered with kidney positioning
with a living donor kidney in the absence of the full length during wound closure. Out of routine working hours, it
of renal vein and the aortic patch to assist with orienta- helps if the transplant surgeon is adept with the use of
tion. One option is to remove the kidney, reperfuse, and an ultrasound machine dedicated to the transplant unit.
start again. Alternatively, the kidney can be left in place An inadequate arterial signal and significant collections
and, provided there is an adequate length of ureter, it can are indications for an immediate return to the operating
be provided with a more circuitous route to the recipient room. A presurgery expectation of poor initial transplant
bladder. Personal communications from several surgeons function, on the basis of donor factors, is not sufficient
suggest that the latter option is reasonable. reason to postpone CDUS examination of the anuric
transplant recipient.
The need for an additional arterial anastomosis is also
Positioning the Kidney and Wound Closure good reason for an early CDUS in the presence of the op-
The ureteroneocystostomy should be the relaxing part erating surgeon with knowledge of the surgical vascular
of the kidney transplant operation. The kidney is posi- anatomy. Patency of an accessory renal artery is difficult
tioned to avoid compression of the vascular pedicle and, to determine in the early postoperative phase by obser-
all being well, urine is being produced. A suction drain is vation of urine output alone. These smaller vessels are
inserted with the transplanted kidney in view. Avulsion of a more prone to thrombosis or kinking, and longer-term
tenuous venous anastomosis with the forceful push of consequences include poor graft function and hyperten-
the surgeon’s hand is not easy to cope with at this stage sion. An avascular segment of kidney can occur, at least
of the operation! initially, without noticeable effect.
During apposition of the abdominal wall muscles, the Because of the quality of modern CDUS, indications
potential for kinking of the kidney transplant vasculature for formal angiography in the early phase after kidney
increases, particularly in thin patients receiving large transplantation are few. They are perhaps limited to the
kidneys, male patients with a narrow deep pelvis, a ve- suspicion of proximal iliac artery disease or clamp injury
nous anastomosis too close to the inguinal ligament, or and an obese recipient in whom visualization of the renal
an incision too close to the anterior superior iliac spine. artery and iliac vessels is not technically feasible. Helical
Mobilizing the peritoneum in a medial direction off the computed tomography (CT) angiography is usually eas-
undersurface of the anterior abdominal wall may help. ier and faster to obtain.
Monitoring transplant arterial perfusion during wound
closure with CDUS can be reassuring.
Failing this, a reliable “surgical escape” is to place the
Drain Tube
kidney into the peritoneal cavity by creating a longitu- Removal of a suction drain should be a straightforward
dinal window in the peritoneum, adjacent to the kidney task. Without suction it is withdrawn slowly with a twist-
and more anterior to the vascular anastomoses. The kid- ing motion to dislodge fatty tissue trapped in the small
ney is positioned anterolateral to the cecum on the right side holes of the drain as a result of the suction. Small
side and the sigmoid colon on the left side. The greater pediatric kidneys have been known to undergo torsion of
omentum can be used to separate the bowel from the kid- the vascular pedicle on removal of the drain with resul-
ney. Percutaneous biopsy subsequently is still feasible af- tant loss of graft function.
ter placement of local anesthetic agent at the level of the The timing of drain tube removal depends on the vol-
peritoneum. ume and nature of the drained fluid. It is not unusual to
record 100–200 mL of heavily blood-stained drainage in
the first few hours of transplantation. Drainage volume
Postoperative Recovery can be an unreliable gauge of active bleeding, particularly
An experienced member of the surgical team remains if brisk. Patient discomfort, tachycardia, hypotension,
with the recipient in the early recovery phase and until and abdominal findings of an enlarging mass around the
there is conclusive evidence of satisfactory perfusion of transplant are indicators of a significant bleed requiring
the transplanted kidney. The careful positioning of kid- urgent surgical exploration. Large-volume drainage of
ney at time of surgery can be undone readily by a restless less heavily blood-stained fluid generally indicates resid-
recipient flexing the hips because of pain, urinary catheter ual peritoneal dialysate (if the peritoneum was breached),
intolerance, and hypoxia, or an unhelpful radiographer lymph, or urine. Urine is excluded by biochemical analy-
determined that the recipient sits bolt upright for a mo- sis or absence of glucose on dipstick testing.
bile chest X-ray. Transplanted kidneys producing urine at
the end of the surgical procedure are easier to manage,
particularly if urine is being produced in volumes that
Compartment Syndrome
could not be achieved by residual native kidney function. All can be well with a transplanted kidney while the re-
The better the urine volume, the less likely that clots will cipient is in a supine or near-supine position. CDUS is
form in the bladder. also performed with the recipient in a supine position.
If no urine has been seen on the operating table or However, when the patient is placed in a sitting or stand-
in recovery, and the recipient is hemodynamically sta- ing position, downward movement of abdominal con-
ble with a central venous pressure of at least 5 cmH2O, tents can cause external compression of the transplanted
442 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-10 ■ Postmortem preparation of recipient external

iliac artery and two donor renal arteries on an atheromatous do-
nor aortic patch. It demonstrates a small disruption of the anas-
tomosis (arrow) that led to catastrophic bleeding 10 days after
transplant surgery.

FIGURE 28-9  ■  Computed tomography scan with coronal view of

abdomen 24 hours after kidney transplantation. The perfusion of
the kidney transplant in the right iliac fossa was compromised
by gross pseudo-obstruction of the large and small bowel.

kidney or change its position. Contributing factors

­include a large polycystic kidney, heavy fat-laden small-
bowel mesentery, and greater omentum in a patient
with truncal obesity. Hematoma, urinoma, lymphocele,
or paralytic ileus can do likewise, even with the patient
in a supine position. The contribution of the compart-
ment syndrome to initial poor kidney transplant function
should not be underestimated (Figure 28-9). Reversible
factors should be resolved without delay. A paralytic ileus FIGURE 28-11 ■ Computed tomography scan (without vascu-
or pseudo-obstruction of the large bowel can be frustrat- lar contrast material) with coronal view of abdomen showing
ing to manage in the first week after transplantation. The compression of the kidney transplant by an anteriorly placed
latter may require a rectal tube to deflate the large bowel hematoma.
under supervision of the colorectal surgery team.
shown as a heterogeneous crescentic peritransplant col-
lection (Figure 28-11). The CT findings change with time
HEMATOMA after the bleeding event, with evidence of recent bleeding
of more concern. CDUS examination is appropriate to
Hematoma formation is a not uncommon finding after assess transplant perfusion but because of surrounding
kidney transplantation during the initial inpatient pe- bowel gas is unreliable for assessment of hematoma size.
riod, particularly in anticoagulated recipients or those Percutaneous drainage of the hematoma is unlikely to
receiving antiplatelet agents, Thymoglobulin, or plas- be successful. Indications for surgical exploration of the
mapheresis. Most hematomas are small and insignificant transplanted kidney include symptoms, progression of
ultrasound findings that resolve spontaneously. Those size, ongoing blood loss, and transplant dysfunction. The
associated with discomfort, hypotension, transplant dys- original wound is reopened and care taken to remove the
function, and falling hemoglobin are not. Extreme exam- hematoma, always being alert to the possibility of dislodg-
ples are surgical emergencies after rupture of the kidney ing clot that is providing tenuous hemostasis at the site of
cortex or arterial anastomosis disruption (Figure 28-10). bleeding. Surgical exploration in the first day or so after
Others expand progressively within the retroperitoneal transplantation for hematoma evacuation might locate
space with inevitable external pressure on the transplant active bleeding from a hilar vessel, a retroperitoneal vein,
and adverse effect on arterial blood inflow or venous out- or divided abdominal wall muscle. Thereafter, a more
flow. The extent of the hematoma by CT scanning is best common finding is a stable hematoma without obvious
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 443

cause. Invariably, transplant perfusion and function im-

prove after hematoma evacuation. Bruising in dependent
subcutaneous areas lateral to and below the transplant,
such as the labia or the scrotum, is often seen several days
later. The risk of hematoma formation is increased by
the use of anticoagulants, particularly in patients receiv-
ing heparin by infusion for prophylaxis against vascular
thrombosis.26 Careful titration of heparin infusion rate to
maintain an activated partial thromboplastin time of 60
seconds is not easy. The reported risk of need for surgi-
cal intervention in patients heparinized after transplanta-
tion is 30–60%. Heparinized patients positive for lupus
anticoagulant are especially difficult to manage with
heparin.35 Greater safety can be achieved with the use of
thromboelastography to direct judicious use of heparin,
during and after transplant surgery in patients at risk.8
Anecdotally at least, hematoma formation is more com- FIGURE 28-12  ■ Color duplex ultrasound shows minimal blood
mon in the presence of antiplatelet agents such as aspirin flow into kidney transplant as a result of almost complete oc-
and/or clopidogrel. They are prescribed increasingly on clusion by thrombus of the transplant renal artery 5 days after
transplantation. The transplanted kidney was not viable when
a long-term basis by cardiologists and nephrologists in explored soon afterward.
patients with significant cardiovascular disease or in the
belief – for which there is as yet no evidence – that fistula
patency is improved. Their use is not a contraindication cortical tissue can be obtained. Because this is often not
to transplantation. However, they do reduce the margin the case, intrarenal causes are probably underestimated
for surgical error and dictate the need for meticulous he- and underdiagnosed.
mostasis at time of surgery. Epidemiological studies have attempted to identify
other risk factors, particularly those amenable to pre-
ventive strategies.11,21 Those that cannot be modified are
VASCULAR THROMBOSIS recipient and donor age, recipient and donor vascular pa-
AND THROMBOPHILIA thology, diabetes mellitus and, at least in the view of some
recipients, morbid obesity. A large registry-based and case-
Early kidney transplant loss as a result of thrombosis of matched study has shown that half of all cases of kidney
artery or vein is a devastating complication, with a 2% transplant vascular thrombosis occur in repeat transplant
incidence (Figure 28-1). Compared with other forms of recipients.43 The implication is that transplanted kidneys
vascular surgery, the incidence of thrombosis is low, per- in the setting of retransplantation are more likely to have
haps because of the highly vascular nature of the kidney. endothelial inflammation and development of micro-
The low incidence may also support the traditional view thrombi after exposure to the recipient immune system.
that renal failure is associated with a bleeding tendency Strategies exist to minimize this risk in selected, highly
secondary to platelet and clotting factor dysfunction.11 sensitized recipients with a negative donor lymphocyto-
Arterial thrombosis or infarction of a denervated kidney toxicity crossmatch (see Chapter 10). ATN attributable to
is often painless and heralded only by loss of graft func- the reperfusion injury is also associated with endothelial
tion. By the time the diagnosis is confirmed by imaging, changes, and, together with hydronephrosis, is associated
kidney salvage is not a practical option (Figure 28-12). with increased intrarenal pressures, making perfusion of
Interruption of the venous drainage can be spectacular the transplanted kidney more difficult. Recipients de-
with graft rupture and bleeding. It has an equally dis- pendent on peritoneal dialysis before transplantation are
appointing prospect for kidney salvage because of the more likely to have thrombotic complications, likely due
rapidity of the process after occlusion of the renal vein to intravascular hypovolemia.
has occurred. Thrombotic complications are minimized The introduction of recombinant human erythropoi-
by identification and management of risk at the time of etin (rEPO) has revolutionized the treatment of anemia
transplantation. associated with end-stage kidney disease, reducing the
Thrombosis of the kidney vasculature is the end re- need for routine blood transfusion and improving quality
sult of stasis, endothelial changes, and procoagulant fac- of life and patient survival. rEPO dose is titrated to pro-
tors and can be multifactorial. Causes of stasis are largely vide recipient hemoglobin in the range of 100–120 g/L.
technical in nature and readily identifiable at the time of With higher hemoglobin values, there is an increased
transplant exploration. They include poorly constructed risk of adverse cardiac events. Nevertheless, the current
anastomoses, malpositioning of the transplant, rotation of widespread use of rEPO in patients presenting for kidney
the kidney, or external compression. Recipient hypovole- transplantation has not resulted in an increased risk of
mia and inadequate cardiac output, for whatever reason, vascular thrombosis.21
are contributory but not causal factors. The contribution Erythrocytosis, defined as hematocrit greater than
of intrarenal causes, such as acute vascular rejection and 51% or hemoglobin greater than 160 g/L, occurs in
acute tubular necrosis (ATN), is less quantifiable, but can 10–15% of recipients 6 months to 2 years after kidney
be diagnosed by histological examination provided viable transplantation.47 About a quarter regress spontaneously,
444 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

with the remainder persisting for several years and re- after transplantation.47 Cyclosporine was subsequently
mitting as graft function diminishes. Thromboembolic shown to have procoagulant properties, increasing fac-
events and symptoms of lethargy, malaise, and headache tor VIII, and release of tissue factors from monocytes
necessitate repeated venepuncture and may be necessary and von Willebrand factor and P-selectin from endothe-
in up to 30% of these patients. The problem is more lium. This is likely a dose–response effect, for in recent
common in male patients, smokers, and patients with a years meticulous cyclosporine drug dosing based on drug
rejection-free course. Erythropoietin levels are usually in level monitoring has resulted in fewer reports of RVT.
the normal range. By chance, patients introduced to small Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors are
doses of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor for not thought to contribute to thromboembolic events af-
the management of hypertension were noted to have pro- ter kidney transplantation.
gressive reduction of hematocrit to more normal levels. Hemolytic uremic syndrome/thrombotic thrombo-
The suggestion is that angiotensin II is a growth factor cytopenic purpura is an infrequent but well-described
for red blood cells. complication of cyclosporine use. The diagnosis, seen
soon after transplantation, is based on deteriorating re-
nal function, decreasing platelet count, and characteristic
Thrombophilic Factors glomerular thrombi seen in core biopsy specimens. Most
After exclusion of technical causes in a hemodynami- resolve with discontinuation of cyclosporine and conver-
cally stable kidney transplant recipient, thrombosis may sion to tacrolimus. Reports also describe the same presen-
be explained by one of the numerous hypercoagulable tation with tacrolimus, which responds with conversion
or thrombophilic states. Many are inherited, but are to cyclosporine. The alternative would be to introduce an
more frequently acquired.21,25 These include deficiencies mTOR inhibitor.
of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S, each oc- Prolonged use of heparin can lead to the development
curring in less than 1% of the dialysis patients. When a of measurable antibodies against platelet factor 4 (PF4) in
thrombotic event of any kind occurs in a patient older up to 20% of patients. Heparin-induced thrombocytope-
than 45 years and in the absence of a family history, these nic syndrome (HITS) is an immune-mediated thrombocy-
deficiencies are unlikely. topenia together with thrombotic complications occurring
Inheritance of factor V Leiden (FVL) or prothrom- within 24 hours of a patient’s re-exposure to heparin during
bin G20210A mutations can increase the risk of throm- the transplant procedure. The subsequent immune com-
bosis, usually venous, of the transplant vasculature by at plex activates platelets, predisposes the patient to clotting of
least threefold. FVL mutation is present in 2–5% of the veins and arteries, and causes the platelets to be consumed.
normal population and is not more common in patients The diagnosis of HITS for the first time in a transplant
with kidney disease. It is found, however, in 15–20% of recipient is uncommon, but is likely underreported, par-
patients with venous thromboembolism and 60% of pa- ticularly in pre-emptive live donor kidney recipients and
tients with a family history of thromboembolism. When patients treated by peritoneal dialysis. A proven past di-
these mutations are present in kidney transplant recipi- agnosis of HITS (involving measurable PF4 antibody)
ents, the risk of major thrombotic events, particularly mandates absolute avoidance of any form of heparin dur-
renal vein thrombosis (RVT), is 40%.59 The presence of ing the transplant procedure. Anticoagulation can be pro-
FVL or prothrombin G20210A mutations is also associ- vided with direct thrombin inhibitors such as epirudin,
ated with shorter graft survival, probably as a result of argatroban, or bivalirudin.
greater microvascular thrombosis in renal vessels affected
by rejection or intimal thickening. A case could therefore
be made for routine genetic screening for these polymor- Renal Vein Thrombosis
phisms in patients awaiting a renal transplant. It should Occlusion of the renal vein by thrombus soon after trans-
be mandatory if there is a history of thromboembolism. plantation is now an unusual event and invariably asso-
The presence of acquired antiphospholipid antibod- ciated with a technical problem. However, in the era of
ies (APAs), including anticardiolipin antibody and lupus high cyclosporine dosing, the incidence of the seemingly
anticoagulant, is common in patients awaiting transplan- spontaneous RVT was as high as 6% and occurred clas-
tation. Although present in about 10% of patients, re- sically towards the end of the first week of transplanta-
lated clinical events are less common. When associated tion in an otherwise uncomplicated transplant kidney.49
with a history of thrombotic events, these patients, often Witnessing the dramatic presentation over a couple of
with systemic lupus erythematosus, are labeled as having hours is an unforgettable experience. Rapid onset of oli-
APA syndrome. They have a universal incidence of graft guria and hematuria is accompanied by graft enlargement
loss to thrombosis when prophylaxis is not employed. and rupture associated with extreme patient discomfort
Equally, anticoagulation after transplantation offers pro- and life-threatening bleeding. RVT can happen dur-
tection against graft loss.1 The presence of APAs without ing the course of a morning ward round. The Oxford
a history of thrombosis is seemingly not a problem. Transplant Unit response almost two decades ago was to
introduce daily aspirin from the time of surgery, the ef-
fect of which was to decrease the incidence of RVT from
Contribution of Immunosuppressive Agents 5.6% to 1.2%.49
The introduction of cyclosporine, usually at doses of 15 The CDUS findings are of a swollen graft with a
mg/kg or more, was associated with an increased incidence crescent of clot along the convex margin of the kidney
of graft thrombosis, particularly RVT, in the first week and covering a longitudinal rupture of the cortex. In this
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 445

FIGURE 28-13  ■ Color Doppler ultrasound findings in a patient presenting with acute renal vein thrombosis 24 hours after kidney
transplantation. (A) Immediately before renal vein thrombectomy and demonstrating reverse diastolic flow in the main transplant
renal artery. (B) Restoration of normal flow pattern 2 hours after urgent graft exploration, thrombectomy, and disruption of a valve
leaflet caught in the venous anastomosis to the external ilac vein. MRV, magnetic resonance venography; MRA, magnetic resonance

setting, reverse diastolic flow of the arterial waveform is nephropathy, glomerulonephritis, and thrombophilic
diagnostic (Figure 28-13A). Potentially, the transplant states. Because of the time of presentation many months
can be saved following early diagnosis if the patient is after surgery, percutaneous combined mechanical and
taken directly to the operating room by the surgical team chemical thrombolysis is feasible.36
(Figure 28-13B). The operative findings will match the
ultrasound description along with active arterial bleed-
ing from the ruptured cortex. The presentation, apart
Renal Artery Thrombosis
from evidence of reverse diastolic flow, is similar to the Spontaneous thrombosis of the renal artery is uncommon.
description of graft rupture seen with severe ATN in the It usually is due to technical reasons such as arterial kink-
era before brain death legislation. Some surgeons of that ing or torsion of the renal vascular pedicle. Contributing
era performed prophylactic division of the kidney capsule factors include poor cardiac output, hypotension, intra-
to allow the kidney to cope better with the inevitable pa- vascular volume depletion, and thrombophilic states, or
renchymal swelling associated with tubular necrosis. increased intrarenal pressure resulting from ATN, hy-
The technical causes of RVT include an iliac vein valve dronephrosis, or cellular rejection. The renal arteries of
cusp sutured into the anastomosis, kinking of the long kidneys that have failed because of chronic rejection often
left-sided donor kidney vein, and compression of the remain patent for many years.
short right donor renal vein. Apart from loss of graft function, the signs and symp-
Surgical management of an acutely occluded re- toms are negligible. Kidney graft loss is “silent.” The di-
nal vein is difficult. If identified in the early period af- agnosis is made by CDUS or surgical exploration. Arterial
ter transplantation, simple reopening of the wound and thrombosis is a terminal event that can be averted only if
making more space for the transplanted kidney may be arterial inflow is considered as a cause of poor graft func-
associated with a rapid improvement in appearance of the tion, and immediate intervention undertaken; hence, the
kidney. Placement of the kidney in the peritoneal cavity importance of recognition of an arterial problem before
may prevent the same from happening again. If thrombus thrombosis occurs. Routine CDUS assessment of the ex-
is present in the renal vein of a right-sided donor kidney, trarenal transplant artery and the presence of worsening
removal of the kidney and reperfusion with preservation hypertension and poor graft function are good starting
solution may be the only practical option. The donor kid- points.
ney is retransplanted with consideration given to provi-
sion of greater mobilization of the iliac vein and more Segmental Arterial Thrombosis
proximal siting of the venous anastomosis.
RVT is uncommon beyond the early period after trans- About 15% of deceased donor kidneys will have more
plantation, suggesting that transplant renal vein is com- than one renal atery and the number is likely greater for
paratively resistant to anastomotic stenosis and perhaps living donor kidneys in the era of laparoscopic donor ne-
protected by high renal vein blood flow. It can be seen phrectomy. The arterial supply to the kidney parenchyma
in a subacute situation associated with secondary causes, has no collateral circulation. Hence, failure to anastomose
such as iliofemoral vein thrombosis, de novo membranous an accessory artery, or thrombosis of an accessory artery
446 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-14  ■  Color Doppler ultrasound demonstrating wedge-shaped avascular area (arrow) of lower pole of a deceased donor kid-
ney transplant with four renal arteries, one of which was shown to be thrombosed at the time of subsequent transplant exploration.
(A) Seven days after transplantation. (B) Scarred infarcted area 3 months later.

or branch, will lead inevitably to a wedge-shaped infarct The recognition of thrombophilic states as a major
of the kidney. Inability to transplant a small upper-pole contributor to vascular thrombosis after kidney trans-
accessory artery or branch is a not uncommon event and plantation introduces the possible need for routine
is usually of little significance. It will be obvious at the screening and, in turn, directed therapy to reduce the risk
time of transplantation as an ischemic area on the cortex of thrombosis. Some centers do but there is no consensus
of the kidney and a small perfusion defect may be appar- for either strategy. Routine screening is expensive, and
ent with CDUS examination. Larger accessory vessel or most thrombophilic states are rare. The most common
branch vessel occlusion will have a more significant im- are APAs, but, in the absence of a previous thrombotic
pact on the transplanted kidney. event, the risk of allograft thrombosis is low. It would
In the acute phase, evidence of segmental infarction therefore be reasonable to limit investigation to potential
is a lactate dehydrogenase level greater than 500 IU/L.23 recipients with previous or family history of thrombotic
CDUS will demonstrate an obvious wedge-shaped area events, including deep and superficial vein thromboses,
of absent renal perfusion (Figure 28-14A). A core biopsy pulmonary emboli, thrombosed fistulas, multiple occlu-
will provide a histological diagnosis of necrotic kidney sions of central venous dialysis catheters, and problem-
parenchyma. If the necrosis is full thickness, from cap- atic clotting of dialysis lines. To this list could be added
sule to calyceal system, urine leakage and formation of a patients undergoing pre-emptive transplantation with a
urinoma may occur from about the fifth day after trans- living donor kidney.
plantation. It is not inevitable, and if not apparent by the Management of thrombophilic states is individualized
end of the second week of transplantation, urine leakage to the patient’s risk factors. For known thrombophilia and
is unlikely to occur (see Chapter 29 for management). a history of clinical events, perioperative heparinization
Longer term, the infarcted segment of the kidney trans- followed by long-term anticoagulation with warfarin has
plant will be replaced by scar tissue (Figure 28-14B). proven efficacy, including successful retransplantation.12
The risk of bleeding seems acceptable in view of the in-
cidence of thrombotic complications. Recommendations
Thrombosis Prevention Strategies are less clear for patients with known risk factors but no
Acknowledging that vascular thrombosis is a multifacto­ history of thrombotic events. In a prospective study of
rial event, prevention necessitates the need for a com- 310 kidney transplant recipients in which all were given
bination of general and specific measures that make daily low-dose aspirin therapy, there was no difference in
up Virchow’s classic triad of contributing factors. thrombotic events in patients with or without measur-
Endothelial injury and inflammation will be reduced by able thrombophilic factors.42 Hence, known thrombophilia
minimizing factors leading to ATN at the multiorgan in the absence of a positive history might be appropriately
donor procedure, avoidance of prolonged cold and warm managed by long-term low-dose aspirin alone. A role for
ischemia, and early core biopsy in a poorly functioning other platelet inhibitors has yet to be defined.
kidney to diagnose and aggressively manage vascular and
antibody-mediated rejection. Stasis at the time of and
after transplant surgery will be minimized by optimal TORSION
surgical technique and fluid management – there is no
margin for surgical error and beware of the transplant Rotation of the kidney about its own vascular pedicle
surgeon who blames the patient for his or her own surgi- only occurs when placed in an intraperitoneaal posi-
cal shortcomings! tion (Figure 28-15). The need is usually prompted by
difficulty closing the abdominal musculature without
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 447

In turn, cardiac output increases progressively with 3, 4,

and more liters of blood passing through the fistula anas-
tomosis each minute. Tortuosity may lead to progressive
kinking of the fistula vein and eventual stasis, and throm-
bosis which extends proximally. Painful thrombophlebitis
intervenes and and anticoagulation may be necessary.
In the current era of good long-term transplant graft
function, a case can now be made for a more proactive
approach to ligation of native vein fistulae 6–12 months
after transplantation, particularly in patients with ectatic
feeding arteries or concerns about the effect of the fistula
circuit on cardiac output. If left, the feeding artery will
become progressively aneurysmal with tension in the ar-
tery wall proportional to the radius and arterial pressure.
Intraluminal mural thombus forms, from which emboli
head towards the distal arteries. Figure 28-16 represents
an extreme example of this scenario.

FIGURE 28-15  ■ Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiogram DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS

demonstrating torsion of a transplant renal artery of a kidney
transplant in the right iliac fossa. The kidney had been placed After any major surgery, a hypercoagulable state persists
in an intraperitoneal position when transplanted 3 months for 4 weeks. An early retrospective Oxford study based
earlier in a patient receiving mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) inhibitor immunosuppression. The kidney transplant on clinical findings in a kidney transplant population in
was subsequently lost despite emergency exploration after MRI which specific DVT prophylaxis was not used, showed
angiography. an incidence of 8.3% in 480 patients. However, the peak
incidence was not early after transplantation but in the
fourth month and usually associated with an event necessi-
compromising the transplant kidney vasculature. It is also tating bed rest or pelvic pathology, such as a lymphocele.2
performed routinely for diabetic patients receiving simul- Unpublished data from a 40-year Korean study of 1695
taneous pancreas and kidney transplants (SPK) through a patients, presented at the International Congress of the
midline incision. For these patients, the kidney is placed Transplantation Society, Vancouver, 2010 (I.S. Moon –
on the left side, lateral to the sigmoid colon, perhaps ex- abstract 36) also demonstrated a low overall incidence of
plaining why kidney transplant torsion is rarely reported early symptomatic DVT and a mean presentation time
after SPK. of 6 years after kidney transplantation. By implication
Because of its very low incidence, the diagnosis of tor- kidney transplant recipients are at low risk because of
sion is often overlooked and possible warning signs of the protective bleeding tendency afforded by end-stage
pain, nausea, and oliguria are missed. Imaging is likely kidney disease and the preceding hemodialysis. The sub-
to show absence or very limited perfusion of the kidney sequent absence of reports of change of early DVT in-
transplant. A review of 16 cases described a successful cidence in the rEPO era suggests the protective effect is
outcome after graft exploration of 25%, and recommends not related to anemia. A prospective assessment of the
prophylactic nephropexy to prevent torsion of kidneys incidence of DVT after transplant surgery has not been
placed in the peritoneal cavity, particularly if immuno- published.
suppression includes use of a TOR inhibitor.29 Stable kidney transplant function, however, places re-
cipients at the same risk as the general population with
no unique risk factors, apart perhaps from the presence
VASCULAR ACCESS THROMBOSIS of a lymphocele (Figure 28-17). The physical presence of
the kidney transplant itself, situated in the iliac fossa, does
The arteriovenous fistula acts as a lifeline for dialysis- not seem to be a risk factor. Equally, proximal extension
dependent patients, with effective vascular access sur- of an iliofemoral DVT is an uncommon event, probably
veillance being clinical examination and longitudinal because of the volume of blood entering the iliac vein
assessment of pump speeds and pressure readings.40 After from the transplanted kidney. Nevertheless, it can hap-
transplantation, it provides reassurance for the recipi- pen, presenting with dramatic ipsilateral leg swelling fol-
ent with delayed graft function, and even after succesful lowed by loss of graft function. It is associated with a poor
transplatation, recipients and clinicians are reluctant to outcome if not recognized quickly.46 Suggested manage-
ligate the fistula. However, with less surveillance, pro- ment is anticoagulation with heparin, placement of a
gressive intimal hyperplasia leads in the majority to even- temporary caval filter via the contralateral femoral vein,
tual and “silent” loss of the fistula flow that is not worthy followed by thrombolysis through a cannula placed in the
of resuscitation. In others, the size of the native vein fis- ipsilateral popliteal vein with the patient lying prone on
tula continues to grow, with the feeding artery and vein the interventional radiology table.
continuing to adapt to the low-resistance fistula circuit Adoption of universal measures for DVT prophy-
by becoming progressively more ectatic and tortuous. laxis has merit in a kidney transplant unit, despite the
448 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-16  ■  Computed tomography angiogram of the left brachial artery in a transplant recipient presenting with clinical evidence
of emboli in digital arteries 10 years after transplantation and 5 years after ligation of left brachiocephalic fistula. (A) Thrombus in two
fusiform aneurysms of the brachial artery measuring 5 and 4 cm in diameter. (B) Arterial reconstruction of the lumen brachial artery.

low incidence of DVT in the early period after kidney

transplantation and the reassuring absence of reports
showing an increase in incidence in the rEPO era. These
prophylactic measures include the fitting of below-knee
antithrombosis stockings before surgery and the use of
intermittent calf compression during surgery. They are
considered to be as effective as subcutaneous heparin,
provided that the stockings are worn throughout the
inpatient stay, and early ambulation and calf exercises
are undertaken. If these low-risk measures become rou-
tine practice, they are less likely to be overlooked in the
higher-risk patients with a history of pulmonary emboli
or DVT and obese patients. In these patients, subcutane-
ous heparin can be added, with unfractionated preferred
to long-acting fractionated heparin because of its ability
to reverse in situations such as troublesome hematuria or
the need for a kidney transplant biopsy.


The transplant ureter blood supply is totally dependent
on the renal artery, and if present, an accessory lower-
pole artery. The relationship between an accessory ves-
sel and ureter is unpredictable and difficult to preserve,
particularly for kidneys from obese donors (Figure 28-18).
FIGURE 28-17  ■ Computed tomography scan (coronal view) with
vascular contrast material demonstrates a small lymphocele com- Failure to preserve increases the risk of necrosis or stenosis
pressing the distal right external iliac vein with resultant thrombo- of the distal end of the ureter. Equally, preservation of the
sis of the more distal common femoral. DVT, deep vein thrombosis. relationship between the lower-pole accessory artery and
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 449

Alternatively, it can be a ligated transplant renal artery

stump infected at the time of graft nephrectomy. A site of
infection may be identified elsewhere, such as an infected
venous cannula. The organism can be a bacterium or fun-
gus that lodges in a defect in the intima of the aortic patch
caused by suturing or ulceration of atheromatous plaque.
Subsequent artery wall infection leads to anastomosis
rupture. If contained locally, an infected false aneurysm
is obvious on CDUS examination.
Management is individualized with life-saving mea-
sures undertaken first.28,45 Nephrectomy is usually under-
taken with repair of the arterial defect using a vein patch
and followed by prolonged administration of appropriate
FIGURE 28-18  ■  Left-sided kidney from an obese deceased donor antimicrobial agents. Reports also exist of successful local
with an accessory lower-pole renal artery (cannulated) providing
a branch (arrow) to supply the ureter (held by forceps). or endovascular repair of small unruptured mycotic aneu-
rysms together with prolonged antimicrobial use.
the ureter can compromise the ureter by causing external
compression after heterotopic positioning of the trans-
plant, as demonstrated in Figure 28-19. The problem is BIOPSY-RELATED VASCULAR
usually diagnosed when the recipient presents with a hy- COMPLICATIONS
dronephrosis after removal of the ureteric stent placed at
the time of transplantation. Surgical correction is chal- A needle core biopsy gun with a small spring-loaded
lenging and involves either anastomosis of the native 18G-caliber needle can be a dangerous weapon, even in
ureter to the transplant renal pelvis or a new transplant experienced ultrasound-guided hands. Informed consent
ureteroneocystostomy to be performed after mobilization is taken beforehand. Cessation of antiplatelet agents is
of bladder and viable transplant ureter (see Chapter 29). likely to reduce the incidence of minor, but not major,
complications.31 Hematoma formation is common, if
not inevitable, in the first week or two after transplanta-
MYCOTIC ANEURYSM tion. Clot is seen outside of and adjacent to the kidney
transplant and often extending upwards in the retro-
An infected false aneurysm involving the anastomosis of peritoneal plane. CT scanning without vascular contrast
the donor aortic patch to the iliac artery is an uncom- provides a better imaging than CDUS, which tends to
mon but potentially lethal vascular complication result- underestimate the extent of the hematoma. Biopsy of
ing from bacteremic shock or massive acute blood loss. an established kidney transplant can be associated with
It presents in the second or third week after transplan- a subcapsular hematoma that can quickly compromise
tation as an acute febrile illness with possible evidence transplant function and viability (Figure 28-20). The
of distal thromboemboli in the ipsilateral lower limb. author has vivid memories of performing an uneventful

FIGURE 28-19  ■  External compression of the proximal transplant ureter in a patient receiving a left-sided living donor kidney with two
renal arteries separtely transplanted into the right iliac fossa. (A) The relationship of the transplant ureteric stent (arrow) to the lower-
pole accessory renal artery which is anastomosed to the distal right external iliac artery. The main renal artery is anastomosed end
to end to the right internal iliac artery. (B) Retrograde pyelogram to investigate hydronephrosis 2 weeks after elective removal of the
transplant ureteric stent.
450 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-20  ■ Color Doppler ultrasound in a transplant recipient to investigate anuria following a protocol kidney core biopsy
3 months after transplantation. (A) Large subcapsular hematoma compressing kidney parenchyma. (B) Hilar artery waveforms dem-
onstrating poor arterial blood flow into the transplant.

FIGURE 28-21  ■ Incidental finding of an upper-pole biopsy-related false aneurysm at time of computed tomography angiography.
(A) Vascular reconstruction demonstrating 1-cm aneurysm (arrow) and draining arteriovenous fistula. (B) Selective angiography
3 months later to treat the then 2.5-cm partially thrombosed aneurysm and fistula (arrow). Both spontaneously thrombosed during
selective angiography.

1-year protocol core biopsy without ultrasound guidance. CDUS examination and CT angiography, usually as in-
Three mornings later, the patient returned anuric after a cidental findings (Figure 28-21). If an acute problem, a
night of “rock and roll” dancing. CDUS demonstrated regimen of bed rest, intermittent ultrasound with local
a large subcapsular hematoma compressing an avascular compression, and temporary cessation of antiplatelet
kidney transplant. The earlier biopsy demonstrated cor- agents and heparin is usually successful in managing a
tex and medulla separated by a segment of artery. The false aneurysm. Occasionally, CDUS will detect an ar-
event prompted the purchase of a dedicated ultrasound teriovenous fistula between bigger vessels within the
machine for the transplant unit. kidney. They are usually asymptomatic, although an im-
Microscopic hematuria is also an almost universal pressive bruit may be present on auscultation. In most
finding after core biopsy. Macroscopic hematuria is seen cases, conservative management is successful, even for
after about 10% of percutaneous biopsies. Problematic large fistulas, as shown in Figure 28-22. Interventional
bleeding is usually self-limiting with bed rest, although embolization is a more practical option than open sur-
retrograde ureteric stenting may be necessary. Small gery to control intrarenal bleeding into the urinary col-
false aneurysms and arteriovenous fistulas within the lecting system, or to treat significant vascular steal from
transplant kidney are less common. They are shown by the kidney transplant.
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 451

The reported incidence of TRAS varies widely from

1% to 23% depending on the definition used. The higher
figure dates back to Hamburger’s 14-year experience,
published in 1973.27 His transplant recipients underwent
formal angiography on a routine basis. CDUS examina-
tion is the modern-day equivalent. Its safety and low cost
make it an indispensable tool in the transplant clinic as
the first-line screening tool to investigate graft dysfunc-
tion. It provides qualitative and quantitative assesment of
the kidney and has made a major contribution to the con-
tinuing improvement in graft survival.13 Protocol-driven
CDUS examination of the transplant renal artery will
also raise awareness of unappreciated arterial pathology
contributing to the cause of hypertension.
The comparative ease and safety of interventional ra-
diology techniques to correct the problem initially identi-
fied by CDUS examination have resulted in an increased
reporting of TRAS managed by intervention. However,
having identified flow disturbance in the transplant renal
artery, there are key unresolved questions that will be an-
swered only by standardized reporting and management of
those findings.9 Is the stenosis progressive in the long term?
Is hypertension alone an indication for intervention? How
do we determine a hemodynamically significant stenosis?
When and how do we intervene? In the kidney transplant
FIGURE 28-22  ■  Angiogram of a left-sided kidney transplant shows setting, only observational studies with varying report-
rapid passage of vascular contrast material into the common iliac
vein, consistent with a large intrarenal arteriovenous fistula sec-
ing criteria and methodology exist to provide answers.
ondary to a percutaneous 14-gauge core biopsy of the kidney. Furthermore, the natural history of TRAS is uncertain,
The fistula was managed conservatively. and the long-term benefit of intervention is unknown. Do
TRAS behave, and should they be managed, in the same
way as native renal artery stenoses?57 Meaningful answers
TRANSPLANT RENAL ARTERY STENOSIS will not come from retrospective analysis of registry data18
but rather from a longitudinal study of unselected patients
Transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS) is the com- undergoing surveillance CDUS at defined time points and
monest vascular complication after kidney transplanta- intervention, as indicated by clinical parameters such as
tion. Although the etiology is variable, it is a potentially graft function and hypertension.
treatable cause of hypertension and graft dysfunction. In the interim, the author’s suggested definition of
If ­severe and left untreated, it can lead to graft loss or TRAS is one based on a diagnosis of hypertension requir-
may be fatal. ing increasing antihypertensive therapy, with or without
deterioration in graft function, in the presence of a re-
nal artery stenosis which, when corrected, results in im-
Definition and Incidence provement of blood pressure control or renal function,
There is no consensus definition of TRAS. At one end or both. If such a definition were used, the incidence of
of the spectrum is the classic presentation of a bruit over TRAS would be closer to 1% than to 23%. Surveillance
the transplant, refractory hypertension, deteriorating CDUS of the extrarenal transplant artery, 6 weeks after
renal function, life-threatening congestive cardiac fail- transplantation, has been routine at Royal Prince Alfred
ure secondary to fluid retention, and dramatic reversal Hospital in Sydney since 2003. Using the suggested diag-
by correction of the stenosis.14 It presents most com- nostic criteria, the incidence of TRAS is 4.5%.
monly 3 months to 2 years after transplantation18 with
symptoms and signs caused by activation of the renin–­ Pathogenesis
angiotensin system. At the other end of the spectrum is
the incidental finding of a stenosis on CDUS examina- The stenosis is usually situated near the anastomosis of
tion of 50% or greater reduction in renal artery lumen the renal artery to an iliac artery and can be short, diffuse,
diameter in a normotensive patient in the absence of or at multiple sites, and occur at different times, in line
graft dysfunction. In between is the common finding of with the multiple possisble causes for TRAS. In a large se-
hypertension which is multifactorial and an independent ries of TRAS, Voiculescu et al.56 reported that most steno-
risk factor for long-term graft survival (see Chapter 30). ses are identified in the first 6 months. Fibrosis accounted
Hence, any measure to improve blood pressure control for 40%, donor artery atherosclerosis for 27%, and re-
may be valid provided the intervention has few inherent nal artery kinking for 21%. Stenoses at the anastomosis
risks, and even if it may not provide measurable benefit site are more likely to be technical and apparent from
for the kidney transplant recipient in the short to me- time of transplantation and probably stable. End-to-side
dium term, it may in the long term. anastomoses may be more of a problem than end-to-end
452 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-23  ■  Computed tomography scan with vascular con-

trast and three-dimensional reconstruction showing transplant FIGURE 28-24  ■ Computed tomography angiogram with vascu-
renal artery stenosis (TRAS) distal to anastomosis to the internal lar reconstruction of a left-sided deceased donor kidney anas-
iliac artery 2 months after living donor kidney transplantation. tomosed to the bifurcation of the right common iliac artery. It
The stenosis is likely due to intimal fibrosis. demonstrates two kinks, one near the anastomosis and a lesser
kink closer to the hilum.

anastomoses.37 Progressive anastomotic stenosis, particu-

larly involving the end of the renal artery, as is the case
for living donor kidneys, probably represents fibrosis and
intimal hyperplasia in response to damage to the renal ar-
tery at the time of donation or implantation surgery, or an
intimal flap (Figure 28-23).
Kinking or twisting of the renal artery of the hetero-
topic positioned kidney at time of wound closure proba-
bly occurs more frequently than appreciated by transplant
surgeons. The kink occurs either at the apex of the curve
of the artery or near the anastomosis where the artery is
comparatively fixed in position, or both (Figure 28-24).
A twist in the transplant renal artery is more likely to be
seen nearer the hilum of the kidney.
The long and more diffuse stenoses tend to occur later
and have been attributed to immune-mediated endothe-
lial injury with progressive intimal proliferation, par-
ticularly if concentric in nature. Multiple stenoses, often
associated with renal artery branching, probably fit into
the same category (Figure 28-25). The reported temporal
association with vascular rejection and subsequent steno-
sis is inconclusive.58 A single-center study of 27 patients
with TRAS showed a significant association by multivari-
ate analysis with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and
delayed graft function.4 CMV infection is thought to trig-
ger endothelial damage. It has a similar role in the devel-
FIGURE 28-25 ■ Angiogram demonstrating multiple stenoses
opment of cardiac allograft vasculopathy. An example of of the renal artery branches (arrow) in a kidney transplanted
stenosis that could be attributed to CMV is demonstrated 2 years previously and complicated by rejection.
in Figure 28-26. The recipient presented with severe hy-
pertension requiring three antihypertensive agents, ele-
vated creatinine, CDUS findings of elevated peak systolic Atherosclerosis, occurring either de novo or already
velocities (PSVs) in both branches, fever, and CMV vi- present in the donor renal artery (Figure 28-27), is an
remia. With reduced immunosuppression and prolonged uncommon cause of TRAS. Equally, an arterial ste-
use of antiviral agents, hypertension resolved and CDUS nosis or obstruction anywhere in the arterial tree up-
findings returned to normal 3 months later. stream from the transplanted kidney can produce the
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 453

FIGURE 28-26  ■  Computed tomography angiogram with vascular

reconstruction of a living donor kidney demonstrating stenoses
in both main renal artery branches 3 months after transplanta-
tion. The main renal artery is anastomosed to the internal iliac
artery. FIGURE 28-27 ■ Computed tomography angiogram of kidney
transplant anastomosed to the left external iliac artery (EIA) in
a patient with poor kidney function 2 weeks after transplanta-
tion and hypertension. It demonstates an intimal flap (arrow) of
same clinical presentation as TRAS. Many transplant the proximal EIA consistent with a vascular clamp injury at time
recipients, ­particularly smokers and older patients with of surgery. It was subsequently managed with an endovascular
maturity-onset diabetes, have progressive diffuse arte- stent. A less significant second intimal injury is noted adjacent
rial disease at time of successful transplantation. A ste- to the anastomosis below.
nosis can be precipitated by a vascular clamp injuring an
­already diseased iliac artery at the time of transplant sur-
gery (Figure 28-28). Of clinical relevance in this setting
is the combined history of progressive claudication symp-
toms and worsening hypertension. An iliofemoral bruit
may be present together with a weak or absent femoral
pulse, as demonstrated in Figure 28-29.

Pathophysiology – “One Kidney, One Clip”

In 1934, Goldblatt and colleagues16 published their semi-
nal study on the hypertensive effect of partial reduction
of the blood flow to a kidney in dogs by applying a silver
clip to one of the two renal arteries. They proposed the
existence of a pressor substance released by the ischemic
kidney. Over the next 25 years, others subsequently de-
fined the renin–angiotensin system, with renin being the
hormone released from the ischemic kidney.5 Elevated
renin levels are found in the venous blood of the ischemic
kidney. Its pressor effect follows the release of angioten-
sin by enzymatic processes from the circulating substrate,
angiotensinogen, an octapeptide with wide-ranging ef- FIGURE 28-28  ■ Angiography demonstrating a transplant renal
fects, including vasoconstriction, renal sodium retention, artery stenosis in a deceased donor right-sided kidney about
6 months after transplantation. At time of transplantation, the
aldosterone secretion, and hypertrophy of myocardium atheromatous aortic patch with a tight orifice stenosis had been
and arteries.14 Blood pressure is driven by the direct pres- excised. Pressure measurements at time of angiography identi-
sor effect of angiotensin II, with excess salt and water fied a mean systolic drop of 24 mmHg across the stenosis.
454 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

et al.20 demonstrated clearly the relationship between

the degree of stenosis and the ability of the kidney to
autoregulate its blood flow. In anesthetized dogs, they
constricted the left renal artery concentrically using a
radiolucent device and evaluated the stenosis by cine an-
giography. With the kidney either innervated or dener-
vated, systemic blood pressure began to increase when
the stenosis was more than 70% of the diameter of the
renal artery. Renal blood flow decreased when the ste-
nosis was more than 75% of the diameter. In an equally
impressive canine study using magnetic resonance imag-
ing (MRI) and an implanted inflatable arterial cuff and
flow probe, Schoenberg et al.51 demonstrated that ste-
noses of 30–80% gradually reduced downstream early
systolic peak velocity, but only minimally affected peak
mean flow. At 50% stenosis, the mean pressure decrease
across the stenosis was recorded at about 10 mmHg, and
at 80%, 28 mmHg. At a stenosis of 90%, mean flow was
decreased by greater than 50%.
An equivalent study in humans is unlikely. However,
extrapolation of Imanishi’s findings into the trans-
plant setting would explain why TRAS of 60% or
more can be clinically insignificant. Also, in the clini-
cal setting, it should be possible to learn more about
the ­relationship between the magnitude of the pres-
sure gradient across a TRAS required to achieve better
blood pressure control after correction of that stenosis
by angioplasty. Results could be correlated with spiral
FIGURE 28-29  ■ Angiogram shows occlusion of an aneurysmal CT angiography assessment of the cross-sectional area
right common iliac artery proximal to the kidney transplant. of the stenosis before angioplasty. Such a study has not
At the time of angiography and before proximal arterial by- been reported.
pass surgery, the patient had been receiving hemodialysis for
2 months. After bypass surgery, normal kidney transplant func-
tion returned. Imaging
Contrast angiography has long been the “gold stan-
excreted by the non-ischemic good kidney, and is treated dard” investigation of TRAS. The 1975 reporting of
by inhibitors of the renin–angiotensin system. This does Hamburger’s 14-year experience from 1959 of TRAS
not apply in the kidney transplant setting. concluded that angiography was so valuable that it should
An analogous situation to the transplanted kidney be performed at routine intervals in all transplant re-
with a hemodynamically significant renal artery steno- cipients.27 Although angiography still might be the “gold
sis was the effect of applying one clip to the renal ar- standard,” CDUS examination has become the imaging
tery in a dog with one kidney (“one kidney, one clip”). modality to enable routine surveillance of transplant re-
Hypertension also results from the balance between the nal arteries. It provides an instantaneous assessment of
angiotensin-dependent system and volume-dependent intrarenal vasculature and a global impression of trans-
mechanisms based on salt and water retention which plant perfusion.
otherwise would be excreted by a normal contralateral There are two ultrasound approaches to the
kidney. The perfusion pressure to the single ischemic ­diagnosis of TRAS. The extrarenal approach involves
kidney is maintained by the high circulating volume and scanning the renal artery from the hilum to the anas-
not the direct pressor effect of angiotensin. Renal vein tomosis and beyond to the proximal iliac artery. The
renin levels are near normal and sufficient to maintain PSV is measured along the whole course of these ves-
the elevated circulating volume, and with it, normal glo- sels. A hemodynamically significant stenosis has a PSV
merular filtration rate and renal function. In the pres- of greater than 2.5 m/s.53 The degree of stenosis and
ence of renin–angiotensin system inhibitors, however, the site of maximum PSV can be reported with a high
the drive for salt and water retention is removed, caus- degree of accuracy in the hands of an experienced
ing reduction in perfusion to the solitary kidney and ultrasonographer (Figure 28-30). Secondary spec-
deterioration in kidney transplant dysfunction. The tral findings of downstream turbulence and spectral
­diagnosis of TRAS is often made by observation of rapid broadening increase the confidence of the diagnosis of
deterioration in function with the introduction of re- TRAS. A prolonged acceleration time and a ratio of
nin–angiotensin system inhibitors. >3.0 between renal and iliac artery PSV increase the
Dogs have been used to determine the minimal diagnostic accuracy. However, the technique is operator-
­degree of renal arterial stenosis needed to cause hyper- dependent and time-consuming. The unpredictable
tension. In an exceptional publication in 1992, Imanishi course of transplant renal artery makes it difficult to
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 455

FIGURE 28-30  ■  Color Doppler ultrasound scanning of a kidney transplant demonstrating peak systolic velocity in the main renal artery
of 4.10 m/s, diagnostic of transplant renal artery stenosis.

obtain the accurate angle of correction necessary for not sensitive and can only diagnose high-grade stenoses of
precise spectral quantification. Distinguishing a focal greater than 75%. It cannot localize the stenosis. Hence,
stenosis from a tortuous renal artery can be problem- the preferred approach is to combine both, but the re-
atic, and reporting can err on the side of false-positive quest may not be well received in a busy general hospital
findings. A careful diagram and direct communication ultrasound laboratory at short notice. Nevertheless, the
with the ultrasonographer can increase the value of the routine evaluation for TRAS at designated time points
report. after transplantation has merit.
The intrarenal approach has the advantage of being Having identified a TRAS by CDUS examination, the
less operator-dependent, more reproducible, and easy to next decision is whether to proceed with vascular contrast
perform. It relies on the intrarenal downstream assess- studies. The decision is not difficult if graft loss is im-
ment of the effects of a TRAS. The early systolic peak minent. The risk of contrast nephropathy in an already
is flattened and delayed, the so-called parvus-tardus compromised kidney can be reduced by adequate hydra-
pattern. It is associated with a low resistive index of 0.5 tion with normal saline before and after injection of con-
(Figure 28-31). The intrarenal technique is specific but trast material.38 Multislice helical CT permits accurate

FIGURE 28-31  ■  Color Doppler ultrasound scanning of a kidney transplant demonstrating arterial waveform of the intrarenal arcuate
artery, showing the features of parvus tardus, also indicative of transplant renal artery stenosis. Note the low resistance index of 0.54.
456 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

assessment of the site and degree of TRAS and provides risks, and it can be argued that, unless a significant
valuable imaging for planning subsequent intervention. pressure drop exists across the TRAS, PTA should not
Advocates claim that helical CT requires less volume be undertaken. However, there is not an agreed mean
of iodinated vascular contrast medium than formal an- pressure drop beyond which intervention is warranted.
giography and less toxicity with intravenous infusion of The canine studies of Schoenberg et al.51 suggest the
contrast. Protection of the transplanted kidney is recom- figure should be >10 mmHg.
mended at all times when vascular contrast medium is in- In the presence of a satisfactory radiological result and
jected, regardless of renal function and contrast volume. no improvement in clinical parameters, other underly-
The alternative is to perform helical CT or MRI with ing causes of hypertension and graft pathology should
gadolinium, a non-iodinated contrast medium. However, be sought. To this extent, PTA could be performed as
reports of nephrogenic systemic sclerosis with use of an investigation of exclusion if the complication rates
gadolinium are concerning, definition is less satisfactory were acceptable. As with other forms of interventional
because of its lower density, and therapeutic intervention angiography, most of the complications relate to punc-
is impossible. Good screening images nevertheless can be ture site problems in the groin. Local clinician skill may
achieved, as shown in Figure 28-15 of a torted intraperi- dictate the wisdom of this line of management and the
toneal kidney. success of interventional angiography is likely influ-
Conventional angiography remains the gold stan- enced by cooperative decision making by the radiologist
dard investigation because of the quality of definition, and transplant surgeon. Increasingly, with newer pre-
the ability to measure pressure gradients across the ste- mounted stents deployed by balloons, complications
nosis, and the potential to intervene at the same visit to leading to graft loss are unusual.24 Equally, it can be ar-
the angiography suite. The contralateral femoral artery gued that, when thrombosis does complicate PTA, an
approach is used for kidneys transplanted to the internal experienced interventional radiologist using urokinase
iliac artery by end-to-end technique. Otherwise, an ip- and further stenting usually benefits the recipient much
silateral approach is used to complete an aortoiliac run faster and more efficaciously than the surgeon who must
using 20–30 mL of iodinated vascular contrast medium, find an emergency operating room and rapidly under-
a step avoided by helical CT or MRI images. Selective take a difficult dissection and vascular reconstruction
runs are performed with oblique or other views as nec- (Figure 28-32).
essary using about 10 mL of contrast medium with each The restenosis rates are reported to be 10–60% and
run. False-negative examinations can occur if insufficient are probably influenced by cause of the stenosis, length
views are obtained. To this extent, multislice helical CT of follow-up, and use of stents.24,34 Data on long-term ef-
angiography with reconstructions has advantages over fects of PTA on kidney allograft survival after PTA are
conventional angiography. scarce and understandably are based on observational
studies.15 For ethical reasons, a randomized trial might
only be feasible in patients with stable function and blood
Conservative Treatment pressure control, with the measure of success of the pro-
If extrarenal CDUS demonstrates TRAS in the order of cedure based on graft survival. Such a trial is unlikely as it
60%, kidney transplant function is satisfactory, and the would need to be multicenter and take a decade or more
recipient is not hypertensive or has easily treated hyper- to complete.
tension, continued observation with repeat ultrasound
examination is a practical option. Nevertheless, there are
no reports of the long-term safety of this line of man- Surgical Correction
agement, and the natural history of a 60% TRAS is un- Historically, correction of TRAS by surgery is seen as
known. Anecdotal evidence suggests this is probably safe a difficult operation, with graft loss rates of 20%.6,27
for a kinked transplant renal artery, particularly if there Surgery is therefore, and perhaps unfairly, viewed as
is no deterioration of kidney function.9 However, based the last resort or rescue therapy for cases unsuitable for
on the previously described canine studies demonstrat- PTA. Sometimes there is no alternative but surgery, as
ing reduction in kidney perfusion, one is more nervous the following examples demonstrate. The limiting fac-
about continued observation of a stenosis of >70% on tors for surgical correction of TRAS are access to the
CDUS examination, irrespective of acceptable transplant artery, availablity of arterial inflow alternatives, and the
function. Such a stenosis would be more susceptible to resultant warm ischemia time. A heparinized kidney
occlusion in the presence of periods of dehydration or allograft might tolerate warm ischemia of 30 minutes
cardiovascular instability, and intervention should be or more because of the pre-existing diminished blood
considered. flow and the presence of a collateral flow, albeit with
increasing risk of ATN and cortical necrosis as the min-
utes tick away.
Angioplasty and Stenting The surgical approach will depend on the cause.
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is rec- Easiest is removal of a factor that might be causing the
ognized as the initial treatment of choice for TRAS.24 kink together with release of fibrous tissue surrounding
Technical success has been reported as greater than the kink. An example is demonstrated in Figure 28-33
80%, but with clinical success, as judged by reduction of a sheep farmer with large polycystic kidneys who pre-
in blood pressure and improvement of renal function, sented 6 months after transplantation with a hyperten-
being considerably less. Intervention has inherent sive crisis and rapidly deteriorating graft function a day

FIGURE 28-32  ■  (A) Angiogram of a kidney transplant 3 months after transplantation. The mean arterial pressure gradient across the
stenosis (arrow) in this symptomatic patient was 16 mmHg. (B) Appearance of the renal artery 24 hours after percutaneous translu-
minal angioplasty. (C) Appearance of transplant renal artery after insertion of a self-expanding stent. (D) After additional more distal
stent. The transplant eventually failed 6 years later as a result of chronic allograft nephropathy.

FIGURE 28-33  ■  (A) Computed tomography scan (coronal view) demonstrating large polycystic kidneys, one of which is directly above
a right-sided deceased donor kidney transplant in the right iliac fossa. The hilum of the transplant is directed inferolaterally. (B) Digital
subtraction angiogram of the transplant renal artery demonstrating marked kinking that was able to be corrected by excision of the
right polycystic kidney and mobilization of the artery.
458 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

after manually moving a couple of tonnes of animal feed.

The ipilateral polycystic kidney above was excised and
the kinked transplant artery fully mobilized. Graft func-
tion rapidly returned to baseline, as did antihypertensive
medication requirement.
Another option is excision of the stenosis with direct
anastomosis to adjacent iliac artery, an example of which
is used to correct the TRAS illustrated in Figure 28-24
and demonstrated in Figure 28-34. Interposition graft-
ing with long saphenous vein or recipient internal iliac
artery may be necessary. Preserved ABO blood group
compatible deceased donor artery can also be used, with
the United Network for Organ Sharing guidelines rec-
ommending that deceased donor artery grafts be used
within 7 days of donation. Use of synthetic graft mate-
rial is usually avoided because of concerns about intimal
An infrequently used option is autotransplantation of FIGURE 28-34  ■ The transplant renal artery stenosis caused by
kinking in Figure 28-24 has been corrected surgically by ligating
the kidney after back table reconstruction of a complex the renal artery, excising the kink, and reanastomosis (arrow) to
arterial problem. Figure 28-35 illustrates one such case the more proximal common iliac artery.
in which deceased donor vessels were used to replace an
aneurysmal transplant renal artery. The original donor of severe graft dysfunction after introduction of an an-
kidney came from an 8-year-old child with brain death giotensin II blocking agent to control hypertension. The
resulting from rupture of an intracerebral artery aneu- TRAS was caused by kinking secondary to distortion
rysm. The recipient was 14 years old at the time of trans- caused by the enlarging aneurysm, off which came four
plantation and presented 6 years later with sudden onset branches of the renal artery.


FIGURE 28-35  ■  (A) Digital subtraction angiogram shows a 4-cm aneurysm of the transplant renal artery of a right-sided donor kidney
6 years after transplantation into a 14-year-old boy. Note the kinking of the artery proximal to the aneurysm. The donor kidney came
from an 8-year-old child who sustained brain death after bleeding from a cerebral artery aneurysm. (B) Complete mobilization of the
kidney transplant, before removal for ex situ reconstruction of the renal artery using cadaver donor vessels. (C) View of the inside
of the thin-walled aneurysm showing four branches with takeoff from the aneurysm of the transplanted renal artery. (D) Computed
tomography angiogram with oblique view of arterial reconstruction 2 weeks after replacement of the transplant renal artery and vein
with deceased donor iliac vessels and autotransplantation.
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 459

A lymphocele is a collection of lymph that accumulates
in a non-epithelialized cavity in the postoperative field.
After kidney transplantation, a lymphocele occurs after
division of recipient lymphatics accompanying the iliac
vessels. The incidence and frequency of detection have
increased with the routine surveillance of the kidney
transplant by CDUS and the introduction of mTOR
inhibitors as part of maintenance immunosuppression
regimens.41 Lymphoceles are usually innocuous and as-
ymptomatic but can equally cause dramatic presentations
as a result of external pressure on the transplant and its
adjacent structures, or when complicated by infection in-
volving the transplant wound. The best approach to treat-
ment of a symptomatic lymphocele is not well defined.

Considering the frequency with which iliac vessels are
exposed during routine vascular operations and the rarity
of lymphatic complications, it came as a surprise to sur-
geons when the severity of lymphatic leakage after renal
transplantation was first appreciated.32 Early reports after
kidney transplantation, based on clinical presentation, es-
timated the incidence to be around 2%. The advent of
ultrasound for routine graft surveillance caused the fig-
ure to be revised to about 50%, although accepting that
most lymphatic collections remain subclinical and resolve

An obvious suspected source of lymphatic leakage after
FIGURE 28-36  ■  Lymphangiogram shows leakage of lymph from
kidney transplantation would be the graft itself, and external iliac lymph channels causing a lymphocutaneous fis-
occasionally this may be the case. A normal kidney has tula through the transplant wound.
well-developed lymphatic drainage that is generally left
unligated when transplanted. However, studies of injected
radiopaque dyes and radiolabeled substances showed that
most lymphoceles originate from iliac vessel lymphat-
ics of the recipient (Figure 28-36). It is estimated that
300 mL of lymph per day passes through the external iliac
lymph channels. Why the transplant kidney lymphatics
contribute so little, if any, to the presence of a lymphocele
remains unexplained.
Meticulous ligation of even the smallest lymphatic
trunk with non-absorbable or slowly absorbed ligature
material during mobilization of the iliac vessels is cru-
cial in the prevention of lymphoceles (Figure 28-37).
The author’s observation is that more surgical care than
usual is required when encountering large, fleshy external
iliac lymph nodes. Use of high suction wound drains also
might encourage open lymphatics to remain open. Based
on their own experience, Sansalone et al. proposed that
FIGURE 28-37  ■  Division of external iliac lymphatics after ligation
lymphoceles could be preventable if the vascular anas- with absorbable suture material.
tomoses were to the common iliac vessels, where fewer
lymphatics and lymph nodes are encountered during
dissection.50 the kidney can create areas of dead space, particularly
The only differences between a routine retroperitoneal near the upper or lower pole, and into which open lymph
vascular procedure on the iliac vessels and kidney trans- channels can, and do, drain. Immunosuppression may
plantation are the physical presence of the kidney, an allo- also have a role in preventing the normal healing pro-
immune response, and immunosuppression. Potentially, cesses from sealing the lymphatic vessels and is the more
460 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

likely explanation for the difference in the transplant transplant ureteric stent 1–2 months after transplantation
­setting. Macrophage function is adversely affected by ste- can be anticipated with clinical concern of deteriorating
roids, and there is some evidence that the incidence of renal function due to compression of the ureter.
lymphoceles has decreased since the introduction of low- A lymphocutaneous fistula can develop between a
dose steroid regimens. The more recent strong associa- lymphocele through an infected transplant wound. A
tion of mTOR inhibitors with problematic lymphoceles less common presentation is as a DVT resulting from
is attributed to their powerful antifibroblastic activity, compression of the external iliac vein (see Figure 28-17).
particularly in obese patients being treated for rejection Bladder outlet obstruction has also been described.19
(body mass index >30 kg/m2).41,55 Lymphoceles are more
common in obese recipients, possibly because the lymph
channels are more difficult to identify during dissection
of the iliac vessels. Aggressive use of diuretics also has CDUS examination is the key to diagnosis. It can dis-
been implicated, but it could equally be they are more tinguish a lymphocele from hematoma collection on
likely to be used in an edematous transplant recipient the basis of characteristic homogeneity and distinctive
with greater lower-limb lymph flow. shape and position.1 Most lymphoceles are adjacent to,
but clearly separate from, the bladder. They can be mul-
tilocular and multiple in number (Figure 28-39) and, if
Presentation in doubt, findings can be confirmed by the passage of a
Small lymphoceles containing less than 100 mL of lymph urinary catheter and repeat ultrasound. The examina-
are usually clinically silent and found on routine ultra- tion also may show hydronephrosis with obstruction of
sonography within days of transplantation and often re- the ureter with dilated calyces. Diagnosis can be further
solve spontaneously with time. Larger collections may confirmed by ultrasound- or CT-guided drainage, allow-
become apparent clinically and usually do so at 1 week ing biochemical and cytological analysis of the fluid. If
to 6 months after transplantation, with a peak incidence emptied, resolution of the hydronephrosis is seen. The
after hospital discharge towards the end of the first use of vascular contrast medium helps with localization
month.44 Most are situated adjacent to the lower pole of of the ureter in the excretory phase.
the kidney and posterolateral to the transplant ureter, as
illustrated in Figure 28-38. Although intralymphocele
fluid pressure measurements have not been reported,
they must be considerable. The most common presenta- Unnecessary intervention of small and symptom-free col-
tion is sleep disturbance owing to urinary frequency as a lections may lead to infective complications. For symp-
result of compression of the bladder. They can be associ- tomatic lymphoceles, a systematic review of retrospective
ated with a sense of fullness in the pelvis and ipsilateral studies has suggested an algorithm that begins with
painless leg edema is often present. The timing of clini-
cal presentation of a lymphocele soon after removal of a

FIGURE 28-38  ■  Computed tomography scan (coronal view) dem- FIGURE 28-39  ■  Computed tomography scan (coronal view) dem-
onstrating a lymphocele situated inferolateral to the kidney onstrating three lymphoceles (L) compressing bladder and kid-
transplant and stented transplanted ureter. ney transplant in a patient with polycystic kidneys.
Vascular and Lymphatic Complications after Kidney Transplantation 461

ultrasound- or CT-guided drainage both to confirm the localization, surgery is scheduled when the ­lymphocele
diagnosis and to provide initial treatment.30 The possible cavity is full, and not the day after drainage. The surgeon
urgency of the situation is resolved by relief of urinary ensures that the recipient has an indwelling catheter and
obstruction and restoration of kidney transplant function. the bladder is empty. The lymphocele is usually seen
About half the time, simple aspiration will be curative. bulging into the peritoneal cavity. Localization with in-
It may be repeated on several occasions, although the traoperative ultrasound can be of assistance, particularly
likelihood of spontaneous resolution becomes small after in obese patients and deeply situated lymphoceles. It is
three aspirations followed by recurrence.44 Every aspira- sometimes easy to confuse the swelling made by the extra-
tion brings a small risk of infection. Symptoms and signs peritoneal kidney with that made by the lymphocele. The
can recur within days. role of intraoperative ultrasound in avoiding confusion is
Prolonged external drainage through a percutaneously encouraged.30 An opening between the lymphocele and
inserted catheter has been advocated by some authors the peritoneal cavity is made, taking care to avoid dam-
and is possible in an outpatient setting (Figure 28-40). age to any structures that may be running between the
Injection of sclerosants has been described. Injection of wall of the collection and the peritoneum, particularly the
povidone-iodine in association with external drainage has ureter. The most difficult lymphocele position to treat is
been claimed to be effective, with a low failure rate.48 The one situated deep in the pelvis and lateral to transplant
drawback of prolonged drainage is that it is up to 30 days artery and vein. These are more safely treated by an open
before drainage ceases, during which time the risk of in- operative approach.
fection remains. Of further concern is the observation of To avoid recurrence, various authors have recom-
acute renal failure as a result of the direct nephrotoxic mended maneuvers such as excision of a 5-cm disc of the
effect of povidone-iodine.33 This treatment option is also wall of the lymphocele, oversewing the edges, and mo-
poorly tolerated by the transplant recipient. bilizing the omentum, which is then stitched down into
If simple percutaneous aspiration fails, a recent sys- the cavity.7 Routine fenestration at the end of the trans-
tematic review recommends a simple surgical procedure, plant operation could potentially be performed but seems
namely fenestration of the lymphocele, the principle of an unnecessary procedure with the added risk of small-
which is to drain the potential 300 mL/day of lymph pro- bowel herniation.60
duction into the peritoneal cavity, where it is absorbed by
the peritoneum. This operation of choice has been called
incorrectly “marsupialization” – it is correctly described Lymphocutaneous Fistula
as “fenestration.” It can be done either laparoscopically or The most challenging lymphatic complication to man-
by open surgery through a lower midline abdominal inci- age is a fistula draining about 300 mL/day from a divided
sion and a transperitoneal approach to the lymphocele. external iliac chain lymphatic and a transplant wound in-
Depending on its relationship to the kidney transplant, fected with a multiresistant organism. They present in-
the previous wound can be reopened to achieve access. variably in the first weeks after transplantation, typically
The same systematic review identified laparoscopic sur- in obese patients with diabetes and a surgical wound infec-
gery as having a lower recurrence rate of 8% and a need tion. Wound healing is slow and, as a result, skin sutures
for conversion to open surgery of 12%.30 The least in- or staples tend to be left in place for longer than the norm
vasive surgical technique is a laparoscopic approach.30,52 and provide a portal of entry for bacteria. Prolonged use
A planning CT scan is obtained to provide information of appropriate antibiotics and free drainage are usually
about the position and presence of loculi. To facilitate attempted optimistically, along with all possible measures
that might improve wound healing, including reduction
in steroid immunosuppression.
In these situations, the transplant wound can be re-
opened, and a large peritoneal fenestration created.
Sometimes it is possible to see the offending leaking
lymphatic channel at the base of the lymphocele cavity,
usually anterior to the external iliac artery. Suture liga-
tion is invariably successful. The risk of this procedure is
introduction of antibiotic-resistant infection to the peri-
toneal cavity. The muscle wall is closed with large absorb-
able interrupted sutures. If need be, it may be possible
to use a vacuum dressing to facilitate closure of subcuta-
neous tissues. In the meantime, the transplant recipient
has been hospitalized for several months and is likely to
require rehabilitation because of loss of muscle bulk. An
unintended positive outcome from this scenario may be
weight loss because of enforced hospitalization.
There are also lessons for the transplant surgeon from
this almost inevitable scenario, illustrated in Figure 28-41.
FIGURE 28-40  ■ Computed tomography scan with axial view of
lymphocele with percutaneous drain (arrow) below the lower
Obesity at time of transplantation surgery has become more
pole of the kidney transplant. Note displacement to the right and commonplace and dictates the need for preventive strate-
compression of the bladder. gies to reduce the risk of lymphatic and coexisting wound
462 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 28-41  ■  Left iliac fossa kidney transplant in an obese diabetic recipient. (A) Surgical wound closed with skin staples, 2 weeks
after surgery. (B) Arterial phase of computed tomography angiogram with axial view demonstrating a kidney transplant in the left iliac
fossa surrounded by lymphatic fluid in continuity with an infected open wound. (C) Transplant wound 4 months after transplantation.

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Urological Complications After

Kidney Transplantation
Daniel Shoskes  •  Juan Antonio Jiménez



Ureteral Stenosis

Urological complications are inevitable in renal be more common in kidneys with multiple ureters,10 and
­transplantation. Their incidence and impact on graft sur- in such cases, small upper-pole arteries should be pre-
vival can however be minimized. This chapter reviews served as well.
the types of urological complications that may occur,
maneuvers to prevent them, when to suspect and how Ureteral Leak
to diagnose them, and treatments to maximize long-
term outcome. Retrospective series quote an incidence Ureteral leaks are reported in 1–3% of renal trans-
of urological complications of 1–15%.14,19,24,26 The inci- plants.14,26 The two most common causes are surgical error
dence depends on many factors, in particular duration of and ureteral ischemia with resultant necrosis. Technical
follow-up and how broadly urological complications are errors include misplacement of ureteral sutures, unrec-
defined. Some studies include hematuria, urinary tract ognized ureteral transection or renal pelvis laceration,
infection, and urinary retention; others are confined to and insufficient ureteral length, placing tension on the
ureteric strictures or leaks. This chapter discusses the fol- anastomosis. Other rare causes of urine leaks include out-
lowing urological complications: ureteral leak, ureteral flow obstruction (as caused by a blocked Foley catheter
obstruction, urinary calculi, urinary retention, erectile or urinary retention) with disruption of the ureterovesical
dysfunction, and urologic cancers. anastomosis, acute ureteral obstruction with perforation
through a renal calyx, and extrusion of a ureteral stent.
Leaks resulting from technical errors often occur within
URETERAL COMPLICATIONS the first 24 hours, whereas leaks resulting from isch-
emia and necrosis usually occur within the first 14 days.
Ureteral leaks and obstructions are the result of techni- However, kidneys with delayed graft function may not
cal errors, ischemia, external compression, or intralu- have an evident leak until suitable diuresis ensues.
minal blockage (e.g., ureteral stone). Unlike the native Because the risk factors for ureteral leak are known,
ureter, which derives its blood supply from renal and the incidence can be reduced by preventive measures.
pelvic sources, the transplant ureter is supplied only by Preservation of periureteral tissue is essential, especially
branches of the anastomosed renal artery, and therefore, in living donors procured laparoscopically. Whereas the
the distal segment of the ureter is the most ischemic. early experience with laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
To overcome this, the renal allograft is placed into the was associated with high rates of urinary leaks, improve-
pelvis, which minimizes the length of the transplant ments in surgical techniques have led to a decline in the
ureter. During organ procurement, care should be taken rate to be almost as good as open donors.18 A ureter that
to preserve the ureteral blood supply by removing the appears compromised at the time of surgery or fails to
ureter along with a significant margin of periureteral become pink and bleed after reperfusion should be cut
tissue. Likewise, during the back table preparation of as proximally as necessary to reach well-perfused tissue.
the kidney, the perirenal fat bordered by the ureter and This may necessitate an alternative technique to achieve
lower pole of the kidney (the “golden triangle”) should urinary continuity, either by anastomosis to the ipsilateral
be preserved, as demonstrated in Figure 29-1. When native ureter or by an extension technique of the bladder,
encountered, lower-pole renal artery branches should such as a psoas hitch or Boari flap (see later).
be preserved or repaired, as they are commonly the end The clinical presentation of ureteral leaks can be obvi-
artery supplying the ureter. Ureteral complications may ous or subtle. The clearest clinical scenario is a patient
Urological Complications After Kidney Transplantation 465


FIGURE 29-1  ■  (A) Cadaveric donor kidney after back table bench preparation. Note the preservation of the tissue between the lower
pole of the kidney and the ureter (circled), which typically contains the blood supply to the ureter and must be preserved. (B) The
golden triangle (as outlined by A, B, and C). Dissection in this area should be avoided during removal and preparation of the kidney
for transplantation.

with excellent recovery of renal function whose urine nephrostomy with antegrade stent placement can be
output suddenly decreases or stops completely, associated challenging because of the lack of hydronephrosis with
with drainage of fluid through the wound or increased urine leaks. In the case of ureteral necrosis, it is preferable
drain output. More often, however, confounding factors, to explore and repair these leaks early.
including high urine output produced by the native kid- Multiple surgical approaches exist to repair a ureteral
neys, delayed graft function that may limit urine output, leak depending on the location and extent of ureteral
and a pre-existing lymphocele or seroma make the pre- necrosis. Regardless of the technique, we prefer to use a
sentation more subtle. Urine leak should be part of the three-way Foley catheter connected to irrigation that can
differential diagnosis in the early posttransplant period intermittently fill and empty the bladder to identify the
whenever there is poor urine output, a new fluid collec- leak better. If the ureter is well perfused and a leak at the
tion, new wound drainage, or delayed graft function. Any ureterovesical junction is due to a technical problem with
new fluid drainage or aspirated fluid collection should be the anastomosis, the leak can be repaired by placing addi-
sent for creatinine measurement, and the value should tional interrupted sutures. If the distal portion of the ureter
be compared with serum. Several imaging studies may be is necrotic, it should be resected back to healthy tissue. If
diagnostic. A 99mTc-MAG-3 renogram may show tracer the ureteral loss is minor, a simple reimplant of the trans-
outside the anatomical confines of the urinary tract but plant ureter is sufficient. Because a urine leak often results
can be indeterminate, a cystogram may show the leak, in local inflammation and tissue edema, all ureteral repairs
particularly if it is located at the ureterovesical junction, or reimplantations should be performed over a stent.
and an ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan If a tension-free anastomosis cannot be achieved due
may show a fluid collection, but not its source. For more to limited ureteral length, several options are available
precise diagnosis and localization of a urinary leak, single (Table 29-1). With a psoas hitch, the bladder is brought
photon emission CT (SPECT)/CT fusion imaging can closer to the ureter by mobilizing its attachments, in
be performed (Figure 29-2). particular, by severing the contralateral obliterated um-
Management of a ureteral leak can be endoscopic or bilical artery. The bladder is incised transversely and
operative. In a patient with an indwelling ureteral stent ­reconfigured by closing the bladder incision in line with
and no Foley catheter, replacing the catheter often re- the ureter, displacing the bladder toward the transplant
solves the leak, unless the entire distal ureter is necrotic. ureter (Figure 29-3).15 The bladder, now elongated in
If this is effective, the catheter should remain in place the direction of the ureter, is fixed to the ipsilateral psoas
for at least 2 weeks, followed by a confirmatory cysto- muscle to allow a tension-free ureteral reimplant. This
gram prior to catheter removal. If no ureteral stent was technique, however, may not provide sufficient length in
placed, treatment modalities include stenting or immedi- a small bladder, as is found in long-standing oliguric pa-
ate surgical exploration. Placement of a retrograde stent tients. Alternatively, or in addition to the psoas hitch, a
in a transplant ureter can be technically challenging be- Boari flap of bladder can be created to bridge the gap for
cause of the ectopic position of the ureteric orifice and an anastomosis either to the transplant ureter or to the
lack of periureteral supports. Furthermore, percutaneous transplant renal pelvis (Figure 29-4).6
466 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Urinary extravasation

FIGURE 29-2  ■ (A, B) Fusion single photon emission computed tomography (CT)/CT images demonstrating a urine leak (arrows)
­outside confines of the urinary bladder.

TABLE 29-1  Surgical Techniques to Bridge the Gap between Transplant Ureter and Bladder
Technique Advantages Disadvantages
Direct reanastomosis Simple, quick Limited by length of well-perfused ureter
Psoas hitch Bladder reconfigured, no loss of bladder Must mobilize bladder, limited distance for
volume small bladder
Boari flap Can bridge large distance, well vascularized Loss of bladder volume
Ureteroureterostomy Simple, bladder not entered, well Ureter may be absent or atretic
Pyelovesicostomy No need for donor or recipient ureter May be difficult to reach, especially if renal
pelvis is anterior (e.g., left kidney in right
iliac fossa), free reflux
Ileal ureter Can bridge large gap, large lumen in event Need for bowel anastomosis, free reflux
of stone formation

Because a Boari flap reduces the total bladder volume, factors for late ureteral stenosis include advanced ­donor
its use may be inappropriate in the atrophied bladder age, delayed graft function, and kidneys with more
of a previously anuric patient. The preferred technique than two arteries.11 Recently, the emergence of human
here is to anastomose the ipsilateral ureter, if present, to polyomavirus (BK virus) can produce ureteritis and ul-
either the transplant ureter or the allograft renal pelvis timately ureteral stenosis.4 Although ureteral stenting
(Figure 29-5). Typically, the proximal native ureter can at the time of transplant reduces the incidence of early
be tied off without the need for ipsilateral native nephrec- stenosis, it has no impact on the rate of late ureteral
tomy.9 The advantages of this technique include excellent stenosis.22
ureteral blood supply, a large segment of native ureter The clinical presentation of ureteral stenosis can vary
that can be repositioned without tension, and no compro- according to its location, degree, and speed of onset.
mise of bladder volume. If native urothelium is unavail- Most commonly, ureteral stenosis is gradual and asymp-
able, an ileal ureter can bridge the bladder and transplant tomatic, with an unexplained increase in serum creatinine
renal pelvis (see Chapters 11 and 12).23 and the discovery of hydronephrosis on ultrasound. Pain
over the allograft is rare, unless the obstruction is sud-
den and high-grade. Hydronephrosis is not always syn-
Ureteral Stenosis onymous with obstruction, however. Dilation of the renal
Stenosis of the transplant ureter occurs in approxi- pelvis and calices can occur without obstruction in the
mately 3% of transplant recipients.24 The obstruction setting of prior obstruction (e.g., long-standing uretero-
can be extraluminal (compression from a lymphocele or pelvic junction obstruction in the donor), reflux, or loss
spermatic cord), intrinsic (ureteral ischemia), or intra- of renal cortex parenchyma, such as in chronic allograft
luminal (renal stone, fungal ball, sloughed renal papilla, nephropathy. Patients with new-onset hydronephrosis
or foreign body). Ureteral stenosis may occur months should also be screened for urinary retention by checking
or years after an otherwise successful transplant. Risk a post-void residual volume.
Urological Complications After Kidney Transplantation 467

FIGURE 29-3 ■ A psoas hitch can provide 5  cm of additional

length. The contralateral peritoneal bladder attachments are di-
vided to bring the bladder closer to the ureter. The bladder is
incised transversely, and the ureter is reimplanted with a sub-
mucosal tunnel superolateral to the dome of the bladder. The
bladder is then tacked down to the fascia of the ipsilateral psoas
muscle. A double-J ureteral stent is placed, and the bladder is
closed in two layers.

After discovering hydronephrosis, two further confir-

matory tests include a diuretic 99mTc-MAG-3 renogram or
a percutaneous antegrade nephrostogram (Figure 29-6). FIGURE 29-4  ■ A Boari flap can provide 10–15 cm of additional
A diuretic renogram suggests obstruction if the clearance length. The bladder is mobilized as in the psoas hitch. A full-­
curve shows pelvicaliceal hold-up, especially after diuretic thickness U-shaped bladder flap is created. The length of the flap
administration.17 False-negative results can occur in pa- varies depending on the length of the gap that needs to be bridged.
To assure adequate blood supply, the base of the flap should be at
tients with poor renal function, and false-positive results least 2 cm greater than the apex, and the width of the flap should
can occur with bladder outlet obstruction or vesicoure- be three to four times the diameter of the ureter. The ureter is then
teral reflux. Antegrade pyelography is the preferred test anastomosed with a submucosal tunnel or in an end-to-end fash-
when obstruction is strongly suspected. A hydronephrotic ion with the flap. A double-J ureteral stent is placed, and the blad-
transplant kidney is easily accessible with a small spinal der flap is closed in two layers. For a tension-free anastomosis,
the tip of the flap can be secured to the ipsilateral psoas muscle.
needle to inject contrast medium.2 If obstruction is con-
firmed, the needle can be converted to a nephrostomy
tube over a wire, and antegrade stenting can be performed ureteral stents, recurrent strictures are best treated with
immediately or after the renal function and ureteral edema an open approach. When the site of obstruction is identi-
improve. fied and the diseased segment of ureter is excised, the op-
Endoscopic management of transplant ureteral stric- erative approach is similar to that for a ureteral leak (e.g.,
tures is preferable to surgery, which can be difficult when psoas hitch, Boari flap, ureteropyelostomy, pyelocystos-
done months or years after the original transplant sur- tomy, or ileal ureter). Successful treatment of transplant
gery. The stricture can be accessed in an antegrade or ureteral stenosis is critical, as long-term graft survival is
retrograde fashion. If a stent does not pass easily over a improved.11
wire, the stricture can be balloon-dilated or an endoure-
terotomy can be performed with a laser or an Accucise
cutting balloon. The endoscopic approach is successful in USE OF PROPHYLACTIC URETERAL STENTS
about 50–65% of cases; however, recurrent strictures may
result from inadequate primary therapy or failure due The routine use of ureteral stents (Figure 29-7) at the
to extensive ischemia. Although patients with recurrent time of kidney transplantation is controversial. Table 29-2
strictures can be mangaged with long-term indwelling lists the pros and cons. As reported in some series, stents
468 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 29-5  ■  Repair of transplant ureteral necrosis by ureteroureterostomy. (A) Distal ureteral necrosis. Note the distal ureter, proxi-
mal ureter, and accumulation of urine in the wound. (B) After repair. The native ureter was transected and rotated to the proximal
transplant ureter. The anastomosis was made end-to-end over a double-J stent using 5-0 PDS suture. The proximal native ureter was
tied off without native nephrectomy.

FIGURE 29-7  ■  Double-J ureteral stent.

TABLE 29-2  Advantages and Disadvantages of

Routine Prophylactic Ureteral Stenting in Renal
Advantages Disadvantages
Reduction in ureteric 95% of patients have
complications unnecessary stent
Urine leak easier to Increased risk of urinary tract
manage infection
Cost-effective Risk of stent migration or stone
No evidence for patient or graft
survival benefit
Patient discomfort from bladder

can reduce the incidence of ureteral leaks and early ure-

teral stenosis,22 while making the early management of
leaks easier. Other reports, including prospective ran-
domized trials, demonstrated no utility for prophylactic
stenting.8 Mangus and Haag performed a meta-analysis
of 49 published studies, including randomized con-
trolled trials, and demonstrated a significant reduction
in ureteric complications with stents (from 9% to 1.5%;
P < 0.0001).13 A review in the Cochrane Register of
Controlled Trials demonstrated the relative risk of ma-
jor urological complications with stents to be 0.24 (95%
confidence interval 0.07–0.77; P = 0.02).29 Although the
optimal duration of prophylactic stenting has not been
FIGURE 29-6 ■ Antegrade nephrostogram in a transplanted determined, for most centers it is typically for 2–6 weeks.
­kidney showing an obstructed distal ureter. Urinary tract infections in stented patients can be reduced
Urological Complications After Kidney Transplantation 469

The treatment of stones in a transplanted kidney is

similar to that of native kidneys, with the exception that
percutaneous approaches are easier due to the location
of the kidney in the pelvis. Most often, small stones pass
spontaneously without intervention. Larger obstruct-
ing stones can be treated with extracorporeal shock-
wave lithotripsy, antegrade or retrograde ureteroscopic
stone extraction (with laser lithotripsy if necessary), or,
rarely, open surgery.3 When a stone is identified in a liv-
ing donor, the kidney with the stone should be selected
for transplantation, and the stone can be successfully
removed by back table ureteroscopy or ultrasound-
guided nephrolithotomy.

FIGURE 29-8  ■  Plain radiograph of an encrusted, retained stent. URINARY RETENTION

The patient had stent placement at the time of transplant, but
moved to another country before the stent was removed. The After renal transplantation, urinary retention may be due
patient presented to our institution 2 years later with stones in
the kidney and bladder. to bladder outlet obstruction or an acontractile detrusor
muscle. In previously anuric patients, these problems may
not be identified until after the Foley catheter is removed.
with the administration of routine antibiotic prophylaxis. Patients with a flaccid bladder usually have a prior history
If a ­ureteral stent is placed, the patient’s chart should be of voiding dysfunction or a neurogenic bladder. When
flagged and the patient should be told to return for stent bladder pathology is suspected, urodynamics with pres-
removal. Especially in busy programs, the danger exists sure flow studies and cystoscopy should be performed to
that a stent may be forgotten and remain in place for sev- characterize the bladder and bladder neck, and the pa-
eral months or years until the patient presents with a re- tient should be instructed to perform intermittent self-
tained, calcified stent (Figure 29-8). catheterization, which is safe and effective in transplant
Bladder outlet obstruction after transplantation is al-
URINARY CALCULI IN TRANSPLANT most exclusively seen in men and may be due to urethral
RECIPIENTS stricture, benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder calculus,
or bladder neck contracture. Anuric men with benign
The incidence of nephrolithiasis in renal transplant re- prostatic hyperplasia should not be offered surgical treat-
cipients ranges from 1% to 5%.3,12 In the United States, ment prior to transplantation because transurethral pros-
only 1 in 1000 transplanted patients had a hospital ad- tatic surgery in a “dry urethra” has a high incidence of
mission for stones, with the strongest risk factors being stricture formation. After transplant, therapy for men
female sex and prior history of stone disease.1 As more with significant bladder outlet obstruction from benign
centers transplant kidneys from living donors with known prostatic hyperplasia should begin with an alpha-blocker
asymptomatic renal stones, this incidence may increase. alone or in combination with a 5α-reductase inhibitor.
Other causes of stones include the use of non-­absorbable Men in retention despite medical therapy should start
suture in the urinary tract, foreign bodies such as a re- intermittent self-catheterization and delay definitive
tained stent, persistent urinary tract infection, ileal endoscopic prostatic surgery for at least 3 months post-
conduit diversion, and incomplete bladder emptying. transplant. Although transurethral resection of the pros-
Metabolic evaluation of transplant recipients who form tate can be done in the immediate posttransplantation
stones most commonly reveals hypocitraturia, hyper- period, significant morbidity20 and mortality24 have been
parathyroidism, hypophosphatemia, and hypercalcemia. reported.
Hypocitraturia has been linked with the use of calcineu-
rin inhibitors.25
Because the transplanted kidney is denervated, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION
the clinical presentation of transplant nephrolithia-
sis is varied and includes pain over the graft site, With an aging transplant population, erectile dysfunc-
gross hematuria, and reduced or absent urine output. tion is a prevalent and increasingly identified concern,
Asymptomatic stones may be discovered during routine occurring in up to 53% of male transplant recipients.21
imaging or as part of a workup of elevated creatinine, Factors contributing to erectile dysfunction are often
and stone number and location are best delineated the same factors responsible for renal failure, including
by non-­ contrast CT scan. Urine culture should be diabetes, vasculopathy, and hypertension (owing to its
­collected from all patients with kidney stones. If a pa- medical treatment). Dialysis patients often have an ele-
tient ­presents with anuria, emergent intervention with vated serum prolactin level which decreases testosterone
percutaneous nephrostomy is indicated. Bladder cal- levels, resulting in low libido and erectile dysfunc-
culi also should be evaluated by cystoscopy to prevent tion. This may account partly for the 20% of patients
outflow obstruction. whose erectile dysfunction improves after transplant.21
470 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Although the internal iliac artery is less commonly used UROLOGIC MALIGNANCIES
for the renal artery anastomosis, it should be avoided in
men receiving a second transplant, as the risk of devel- Organ transplantation is associated with an elevated risk
oping vasculopathic impotence can be as high as 25% in of certain cancers, especially within the first 6 years of
this situation.27 transplantation. Urologic malignancies in renal trans-
Given the multifactorial nature of erectile dys- plant recipients can occur as de novo tumors, recur-
function in this population, there is limited value in rences, or unrecognized transmitted donor malignancies
an extensive workup beyond measuring testosterone (see Chapter 35). Immunosuppression, infection with
and prolactin levels. Transplant patients tolerate phos- oncogenic viruses, and loss of T-suppressor function are
phodiesterase-5 inhibitor therapy well, with sildenafil known risk factors for malignant transformation. These
demonstrating good efficacy and no impact on cal- cancers tend to be more aggressive and have poorer out-
cineurin levels.30 For patients who fail oral therapy, comes in transplant patients than in the general popula-
­intracorporeal injection of agents such as prostaglandin tion.16 Urothelial cell carcinoma is the most common type
E1 or papaverine is effective. Alternatively, inflatable of bladder cancer. Immunosuppression with cyclophos-
penile prostheses are safe and effective in transplant phamide or glucocorticoids is an additional risk factor.7,28
patients, and the risk of prosthesis infection and ero- Kidney cancer may occur in the transplanted kidney or
sion is no higher despite the immunocompromised the patient’s native kidneys. The risk of renal cell carci-
state and poor tissue healing. Risk of device malfunc- noma in the native kidneys is elevated, especially if pa-
tion and damage to the prosthesis, however, is higher tients had prolonged dialysis before transplant. Radical
in transplant patients who receive a traditional three- nephrectomy is performed for tumors of the native kid-
piece model with a retroperitoneal fluid reservoir, ow- neys, and nephron-sparing surgery should be attempted
ing to the need for multiple retroperitoneal surgeries. for masses in the allograft. The risk of developing pros-
The Ambicor two-piece prosthesis should be consid- tate cancer is not elevated in renal transplant patients;
ered in these patients because it lacks a fluid reservoir.5 however, morbidity may be increased, so age-appropriate
Patients being evaluated for transplant with a known screening with a digital rectal exam and prostate-specific
penile prosthesis or artificial urinary sphincter should antigen should be performed annually. Curative therapy
have preoperative imaging performed (Figure 29-9) to for pelvic urologic malignancies, whether with radiation
confirm the existence and laterality of a fluid reser- or surgery, puts the transplant ureter at risk for damage,
voir, and the contralateral side should be chosen for and the presence of the allograft can limit treatment of
allograft placement. the ipsilateral pelvic lymph nodes.

1. Abbott KC, Schenkman N, Swanson SJ, et al. Hospitalized
nephrolithiasis after renal transplantation in the United States.
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2. Bach D, Grutzner G, Kniemeyer HW, et al. Diagnostic value
of antegrade pyelography in renal transplants: a comparison of
imaging modalities. Transplant Proc 1993;25:2619.
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management of urolithiasis in renal transplantation. BJU Int
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FIGURE 29-9  ■  Plain radiograph of a patient with an artificial uri- 11. Karam G, Hetet JF, Maillet F, et al. Late ureteral stenosis following
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Cardiovascular Disease in Renal

Emily P. McQuarrie  •  Alan G. Jardine


INTRODUCTION transplants, and this adds further to the complexity of

­accumulated CV risk. Thirdly, there are aspects of CVD
A successful renal transplant is the most effective way of in transplantation that are unique to this population; spe-
reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) cifically, the influence of immunosuppressive agents, and
and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in patients with end- the complications of transplantation. Finally, there is the
stage renal disease (ESRD). The risk of CVD in renal nature of CVD itself and whether the predominant issue
transplant recipients (RTR) is approximately one-fifth of is of coronary heart disease (CHD) or whether there are
that of patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis8,29,57 other pathophysiological processes; also whether it is ap-
for whom the overall risk of CVD is approximately ­10–20 propriate to use risk factor relationships and therapeutic
times that of the general population. Moreover, pre- strategies derived from the general population.8,57
mature CVD is a leading cause of graft failure – “death
with a functioning graft.” These observations are well
established, and illustrated in Figure 30-1. However, BACKGROUND: CVD IN CKD
the pattern of CVD, the underlying mechanisms, and
their management are more complex than in the general Over the last decade, the recognition that CKD is asso-
population.57 ciated with increased CV risk has resulted in the wide-
There are specific problems relating to CVD in RTR. spread reporting of estimated glomerular filtration rate
The first is that there are limited epidemiological data and (eGFR) and its acceptance as a CV risk equivalent.113 As
very few clinical trials in RTRs on which to base our un- GFR declines, the risk of CVD increases progressively,
derstanding. Secondly, a detailed description of CVD in with the highest risk being in ESRD. In early CKD the
this population must also include analysis of CVD in pa- pattern of CVD is probably similar to the general popula-
tients with progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) and tion, with an increased risk of lipid-dependent coronary
patients with ESRD receiving maintenance dialysis, who artery disease (CAD). In more advanced CKD, there is a
carry with them to transplantation the burden of accumu- disproportionate increase in deaths due to heart failure
lated CV risk. Moreover, some transplant recipients may and sudden, presumed arrhythmic deaths. The latter pat-
spend multiple periods on maintenance dialysis between tern is more akin to that seen in advanced heart failure

Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 473

GP 3 Infection Other

Deaths/100 pt yrs w/functioning graft

Tx Malignancy Unknown
% mortality p.a


0.01 0
4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 84 92
0.001 FIGURE 30-2  ■  Deaths per 100 patient years, in a renal transplant
25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 84+ population, showing cause of death with time following trans-
Age group (years) plantation surgery. The data include first-time kidney-only trans-
plant recipients, age 18 and older, and transplanted between
FIGURE 30-1  ■ Percentage cardiovascular mortality per annum 1997 and 2006, who died with a functioning graft (n = 14 169).
(p.a.) by age group in the general population (GP), renal trans- CVD, cardiovascular disease. (Data from the USRDS annual report
plant population (Tx), and hemodialysis population (HD). The 2008; www.usrds.org.)
figure demonstrates the vastly increased cardiovascular risk
in patients on hemodialysis; this risk is improved in patients
who are transplanted, but not back to baseline. (Derived from reflecting improved wellbeing, diet, and immunosuppres-
the USRDS. Foley RN, Parfrey PS, Sarnak MJ. Clinical epidemiology
of cardiovascular disease in chronic renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis
sive agents. Immunosuppressive agents also contribute to
1998;32:S112-S9.) hypertension and to the development of diabetes (new-
onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT)). These,
than to that of CHD.57 In both ESRD and advanced heart together with the level of posttransplant renal function
failure, total serum cholesterol levels are low, markers of and pre-existing CVD and risk, contribute to the overall
inflammation are elevated, and the conventional relation- level of CV risk following transplantation.8,57
ship between lipids and total CV events (CVE) is lost (or
even reversed). Moreover, treatment strategies proven in
the general population – specifically statins – have little or EPIDEMIOLOGY AND NATURE OF
no effects in these patient groups,16,26,112,114,138 presumably POSTTRANSPLANT CVD
reflecting the low proportion of the overall CV burden
which is due to cholesterol-dependent coronary disease. Several registries and longitudinal follow-up studies
The determinants of excess CVD in advanced CKD have examined the natural history and determinants of
include vascular calcification, elevated phosphate, hyper- CVD in RTR. In looking at these data it is important to
tension, inflammation, and malnutrition – bone mineral consider ongoing developments to immunosuppressive
disease and intravascular volume overload.8,57 Vascular therapy, the increasing age of transplant recipients, and
stiffness and hypertension lead to the development of the use of kidneys from extended criteria donors (where
uremic cardiomyopathy,28 the most common form of the expectations for graft function are less good). Each of
which is extreme left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) these is likely to influence the pattern of CVD in RTR
with fibrosis, which promotes the development of systolic in the future. A second issue is the description of CVEs.
dysfunction and sudden arrhythmic death.76 Overall, the End-points recorded in registries may be inaccurate and
pattern of CVD in ESRD, its pathogenesis, and the im- investigators in clinical trials often pool CV end-points,
plications for treatment are markedly different from the with the assumption that they share common pathophysi-
general population and, although the risk of CHD is in- ological mechanisms, and thus are likely to respond to
creased, the disproportionate increase is in sudden death the same interventions. With the atypical mix of events
and death due to heart failure. and pathophysiology in RTR one cannot rely on these as-
Thus, potential transplant recipients carry with them sumptions.8,47,57 A final issue, that is often ignored, is that
the burden of accumulated CV risk – conventional of “competing risk,” where an individual risk factor may
and non-conventional – to the posttransplant period. contribute to more than one adverse outcome. In trans-
Following transplantation surgery, there is an abrupt in- plant recipients, for example, smoking may increase the
crease in overall (and CV) events and mortality, particu- risk of infection, malignancy, and CVD, thus diminishing
larly in the perioperative period (Figure 30-2). This falls the apparent effect on any single outcome.47
progressively and survivors beyond the first few months The best-established studies are those of Kasiske and
have a mortality rate approximately half that of patients colleagues, who reported longitudinal follow-up of over
receiving maintenance dialysis.144 1000 RTRs in a single US center.63,65 These studies dem-
Once transplanted, there are specific risk factors. onstrated the high prevalence of CVEs and CV mortality
Dyslipidemia and hypertension are both common after in RTR. They confirmed that conventional CV risk fac-
transplantation, affecting the vast majority of patients. tors, including age, sex, smoking status, and the presence
Lipid levels rise in the weeks after transplantation,44 of diabetes mellitus (either pre-existing or developing
474 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

after transplantation), were associated with a composite occupy a position intermediate between ESRD and the
of CVEs which they termed “coronary heart disease.” general population, with the increase in CVEs being re-
For each year of life the risk of a CVE was increased flected by an equal risk of cardiac death and non-fatal
by 3–5%; males and patients with diabetes had double coronary events.41,43 It is likely that this alteration in pro-
the risk of a CVE. However, the strongest risk factors portions reflects an increase in the risk of death due to
were pre-existing CHD, peripheral vascular disease, or primary arrhythmia or heart failure, a pattern similar to
cerebral vascular disease, reflecting the importance of that seen in patients with congestive heart failure.33 Of
the burden of disease that individual patients carry at the note, around 10% of otherwise stable RTRs experienced
time of transplantation. The majority of these risk fac- a cardiac event during 5 years of follow-up – an event
tors – pre-existing disease, age, sex – are irremediable, rate (2% per annum) comparable to the annual mortality
and it proved more difficult to identify any relationship rate of RTR and the annual graft failure rate after the
between modifiable risk factors and CVEs.8,57,63,65 first year.41,43,140
Kasiske’s initial analysis revealed no association be- In the FAVORIT13,140 study 4110 stable RTRs were
tween posttransplant levels of triglyceride, total or low- randomized to high-dose folic acid, the primary end-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and CVE in point being a vascular composite of myocardial infarc-
RTR.65 However, a subsequent larger analysis63 did show tion, CV death, resuscitated CVD, revascularization
an association of risk with hyperlipidemia, with very procedures (coronary and non-coronary), and stroke.
high levels of total cholesterol being associated with an Given the above analyses, and the potentially disparate
increased risk of long-term CVE. However, the lack of nature of the pooled end-points, it is perhaps not sur-
a clear, progressive relationship between lipid levels and prising that there was no benefit of the intervention, that
CVEs, in keeping with the pattern seen in ESRD,73 pro- LDL cholesterol had no relationship with the composite
vides support for the notion that CVD in RTR differs outcome, and that the main determinants were age, pre-
from the traditional atherosclerotic model.8,57 There are existing CVD, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, and low
similar large single-center studies from Europe which eGFR.13,140 Table 30-1 shows the atypical relationship be-
have reported similar findings.133 tween risk factors and CVEs in this population.
Although epidemiological studies in RTR are lim- A recent prospective multinational study – the PORT
ited, long-term follow-up of clinical trials provides ad- study (Patient Outcomes in Renal Transplantation55,101) –
ditional data, with the added benefit that end-points followed 23 575 adult RTRs for a median of 4.5 years. CVD
are externally validated and more accurate than registry disease was defined as a composite of proven myocardial
data.13,41,43,56,140 Both the ALERT (Assessment of LEscol infarction, coronary intervention, and cardiac death. The
in Renal Transplantation41,43,56) and, more recently, the overall cumulative incidence was 3.1%, 5.2%, and 7.6%
FAVORIT (Folic Acid for Vascular Outcome Reduction at 1, 3, and 5 years after transplantation. In the first year
in Transplantation13,140) studies have been used to provide the distribution of events was non-fatal myocardial in-
data on CVEs collected during follow-up of potential in- farction (49%), coronary intervention (38%), and cardiac
terventions in large populations of RTR. In the ALERT death (13%); beyond 1 year the corresponding values
study43 2100 stable RTRs were randomized to receive were 39%, 38%, and 23%. Conventional modifiable CV
placebo or fluvastatin (40–80 mg/day) and followed for risk factors were very poor predictors of cardiac events,
up to 8 years.41,43 When these data are compared with and varied with time after transplantation. Early events
studies of statin therapy in non-transplant populations, were predicted by age, male sex, history of cancer or dia-
at comparable, high risk of CVEs, there are clear differ- betes, obesity, pre-existing CV disease (CHD, peripheral
ences. Patients with dyslipidemia and a history of CAD vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease), deceased donor
are likely to have further coronary events; the risk of car- transplant, and time on dialysis prior to transplantation.
diac death is approximately one-third that of a non-fatal Conventional risk factors such as smoking, hypercho-
event.16,112,114 In contrast, patients with ESRD receiving lesterolemia, and hypertension were not significant, al-
maintenance dialysis26,138 are much more likely to suf- though they did correlate with a past history of CVD.
fer cardiac death than a non-fatal coronary event. RTRs Later events were dependent on poor graft function

TABLE 30-1  Data on Risk Factors for Myocardial Infarction and Sudden Cardiac Death
from the FAVORIT Study140
RR Confidence Interval P
Age 1.13 (1.08, 1.19) <0.0001
Diabetes 2.30 (1.90, 2.80) <0.0001
Smoking (current) 1.38 (1.05, 1.82) 0.07
Cardiovascular disease 2.06 (1.71, 2.48) <0.0001
Low-density lipoprotein 1.01 (0.98, 1.04) 0.41
Systolic blood pressure 1.17 (1.11, 1.23) <0.0001
Diastolic blood pressure 0.89 (0.81, 0.98) 0.02
Body mass index 0.91 (0.84, 0.98) 0.02
Lymphoproliferative disease 0.84 (0.70, 1.01) 0.07

RR, relative risk of event with 95% confidence intervals for age in years, diabetes (presence or absence of), cigarette smoking, pre-existing
cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and body mass index with levels of significance.
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 475

20 risk factors including graft dysfunction (specifically graft

failure) were associated with an approximately threefold
Placebo increase in CVEs, including heart failure. Anemia proved
Cumulative incidence (%)
15 Fluvastatin to be a risk factor for the development of heart failure,
although with improved anemia management a relation-
ship with hemoglobin is now difficult to confirm.25,27,57,108
Cardiac death or definite
non-fatal MI p=0.014
0 In the general population, the limited predictive ability
Patients at risk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of conventional CV risk factors has led to the search for
Fluvastatin 1050 1031 1006 973 938 891 811 746
Placebo 1052 1030 1002 971 935 911 820 761
novel risk factors and potential therapeutic targets. The
presence of inflammation has become a central mecha-
Time (years)
nism, with the recognition that inflammatory cells are in-
FIGURE 30-3  ■  Kaplan–Meier curves of time to cardiac death and volved in atherosclerosis and that circulating markers of
non-fatal acute myocardial infarction (MI) in the ALERT study
(with extended follow-up) of fluvastatin 40–80 mg/day versus inflammation, such as C-reactive protein, can identify pa-
placebo in 2100 renal transplant recipients. Statin therapy was tients at increased risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease
associated with a reduction in cardiac death and non-fatal MI who may benefit from established treatments. In RTRs
during 8 years of follow-up (P =  0.014, log rank test). (Data from there are similar initiatives. Markers of inflammation and
Holdaas H, Fellstrom B, Cole E, et al. Long-term cardiac outcomes
in renal transplant recipients receiving fluvastatin: the ALERT exten-
circulating inhibitors of endothelial function2,3 have been
sion study. Am J Transplant 2005;5:2929–36.) studied in transplantation and are associated with an in-
creased risk of CVD. Patients with simple features of in-
flammation, such as low albumin, are at higher risk.2,133
(low eGFR; and factors that adversely influence graft There are also transplant-specific risk factors, including
function such as acute rejection, delayed graft function, those factors which contribute to poor graft function.
and posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease), and the These include the occurrence and severity of acute rejec-
development of NODAT and race. tion episodes, delayed graft function, chronic rejection,
Some of the differences in the analyses above may be cytomegalovirus infection, and other factors.25,27,57
explained by pooling end-points. The ALERT study also
allows us to examine the relationship between risk factors
and individual CVE (e.g., acute myocardial infarction SPECIFIC RISK FACTORS AND
(aMI) or cardiac death) (Figure 30-3), and to examine
relationships masked by pooling of CVE with different MANAGEMENT
determinants.56,121 In a multivariate analysis, the leading
potentially remediable determinants of aMI (in addition In this section we will cover individual CV risk factors,
to age, gender, and pre-existing diabetes) were lipid lev- their role, and their management. As noted above, it is
els. As in the general population, all major serum lipid important to realize that transplantation is one phase in
subfractions were associated with aMI: total and LDL the course of progressive renal disease. Patients bring
cholesterol, and triglyceride with an increased risk; HDL with them to transplantation accumulated risk, much of
cholesterol with reduced risk.56 In contrast, no lipid sub- which is irremediable. For example, vascular stiffness and
fraction was significantly associated with cardiac death, calcification which develop in advanced CKD contribute
the main determinants of which were low eGFR and to hypertension following transplantation. Moreover,
LVH, particularly when associated with subendocardial nearly all of the immunosuppressive drugs which have
ischemia (LVH with “strain”) and pulse pressure.56 These revolutionized the management of transplant recipients
observations strongly support the established literature have effects on CV risk factors – some good, such as
on “uremic cardiomyopathy” and suggest that severe higher GFR; others potentially bad, such as hypertension
LVH, driven by renal dysfunction, hypertension, and the and dyslipidemia. The pattern of effects of immunosup-
presence of LVH at the time of transplantation, may lead pressive agents is shown in Table 30-28,57, and discussed
to increased risk of death due to heart failure or arrhyth- in more detail below.
mia – with or without coexistent coronary disease.
The key message from these observations is that RTRs
do suffer from CAD (fatal and non-fatal myocardial in- HYPERTENSION AND UREMIC
farction), the determinants of which are the same as the CARDIOMYOPATHY
general population. However, cardiac death is perhaps
a greater problem, the determinants of which are LVH, Hypertension is an almost invariable accompaniment of
vascular stiffness, and hypertension. Studies by other renal transplantation – a consequence of pre-existing hy-
investigators, including Abbott1 and Rigatto,108 sup- pertension at the time of transplantation and the effects
port these findings, and underscore the observation that of immunosuppressive agents. In general, hypertension
non-coronary events such as heart failure are common. is a consequence of two mechanisms: increased vascular
In addition, they demonstrated that specific transplant resistance and increased intravascular volume. In CKD,
476 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 30-2  Effects of Immunosuppressive Agents in Conventional Cardiovascular Risk Factors,

Including Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Total Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein
Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Diabetes Mellitus (New-Onset Diabetes After Transplantation), and Renal
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Steroids Azathioprine/MMF Belatacept Cyclosporine Tacrolimus mTORi
Hypertension ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↔
Left ventricular hypertrophy ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↔
Total cholesterol ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↑
Low-density lipoprotein ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↑
Triglycerides ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↑
Diabetes mellitus ↑ ↔ ↔ ↑ ↑ ↑
Renal function ↔ ↔ ↔ ↓ ↓ ↔

The arrows indicate an adverse or beneficial effect, or the absence of any significant effect, for the individual classes of agents, including
corticosteroids, azathioprine/mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), cyclosporine, tacrolimus, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTORi),
and newer biologic agents.

as GFR declines, salt and water excretion are impaired, antagonists – such as nifedipine and amlodipine – may
and volume-dependent mechanisms assume greater im- attenuate the nephrotoxic effects of CNI74,102,136 and have
portance; following transplantation the contribution of been favored in the early phases following transplanta-
volume-dependent mechanisms will similarly depend on tion. Blockers of the renin–angiotensin system may have
the level of graft function.57,74,102 specific benefits in patients with proteinuria99 and LVH,
The majority of RTRs with hypertension receive an- although the uptake has been slow because of concerns
tihypertensive medication and, of these, the majority about the possible adverse effects in patients with undi-
require more than one agent.21,74,102,130 In keeping with agnosed, functional stenosis of the single transplant renal
the general population, the choice of agent requires an artery.32
understanding of the mechanisms involved but is also The best evidence for the importance of manag-
driven by the need to treat comorbid disease – for exam- ing hypertension and treatment targets comes from the
ple, beta-blockers for patients with symptomatic angina, European Registry. Opelz and colleagues88,89 examined
and blockers of the renin–angiotensin system for patients the impact of blood pressure measurements recorded at
with proteinuria.21,68 There is evidence of increased or in- outpatient clinics in patients with a functioning transplant
appropriate activation of vasoconstrictor mechanisms in 1 year after transplantation. These data show that blood
RTRs, including the sympathetic nervous system, the re- pressure, albeit not independently from graft function, is
nin–angiotensin system, and endothelin both in humans a major determinant of long-term patient and graft sur-
and experimental animals.74,85,102,106 These, coupled with vival. Moreover, this effect was seen even at levels below
evidence of impaired endothelium-dependent vascular which one would label the patient as being hyperten-
relaxation,3,74,85,102,106 shift the balance towards vasocon- sive such that patients with a systolic blood pressure of
striction. The mechanisms underlying these phenomena 130 mmHg had a substantially worse graft outcome than
are less well understood. Corticosteroids are associated patients with a systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg.
with hypertension in other clinical conditions and have Subsequent analyses which examined CV disease, specifi-
two principal actions – to promote retention of salt and cally, identified an important relationship between blood
water due to actions of corticosteroids on the kidney,136 pressure across the range from “normal” to hyperten-
and to enhance sympathetic activity, leading to increased sive and the development of posttransplant CV disease
vascular tone.136 Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) cause hy- (Figure 30-4).88,89
pertension through direct renal sodium retention and in- Epidemiological studies, which include the placebo
creased vasoconstrictor tone as well as indirectly via renal arms of interventional trials in transplant recipients, have
impairment, as a consequence of the nephrotoxic effects confirmed that hypertension is associated with CVEs56,140 –
of CNI.49,74,102 specifically stroke, cardiac death, and heart failure – rather
There are few prospective trials of antihypertensive than non-fatal coronary events. Hypertension was the
treatment in RTRs.70,99 Specifically, no trials have been strongest determinant of cardiac death in the ALERT
completed to assess antihypertensive therapy and “hard” study.56 The most significant blood pressure parameters in
CV outcomes; the one large-scale trial of angiotensin these studies were systolic blood pressure and pulse pres-
­receptor blockade was stopped early due to the low event sure, both markers associated with vascular stiffness.
rate.99 Similarly, there are no trials which have ­assessed A consistent finding in RTR is that hypertension is
specific blood pressure targets. However, there are associated with manifestations of end-organ damage in
many short-term studies that have examined the effects RTRs – specifically proteinuria and LVH.94,98 Elevated
of individual antihypertensive agents which have dem- blood pressure is the major determinant of LVH in pa-
onstrated that the commonly used agents – a­ ngiotensin tients with ESRD,116 including transplant recipients, and
receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) LVH is strongly associated with poor outcome56 in RTRs.
inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers – have antihy- The pathophysiology of LVH in CKD (uremic cardio-
pertensive effects comparable to those seen in other myopathy) is marked by the presence of subendocardial
populations.21,74,102 Dihydropyridine calcium channel ischemia and myocardial fibrosis.76,126 Fibrosis leads to
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 477

Recipient age 20-49 years cardiomyopathy (with systolic dysfunction) may be a

12 sequel of LVH or may be associated with (often silent)
10 These cardiac abnormalities develop, primarily, dur-
ing the time patients spend with advanced CKD, and on
maintenance dialysis programs, and are highly preva-
% Cardiovascular death

1 yr 3 yr
lent in transplant recipients.116 Whilst there are studies
which suggest that the manifestations of uremic car-
>140 >140 n=2358
diomyopathy may improve following transplantation,131
6 with apparent regression of LVH and improved systolic
function, these studies may not reflect the true situa-
>140 140 n=2358
4 140 >140 n=2414 tion. Echocardiographic analyses are highly dependent
on chamber diameters (e.g., in the estimation of LV
mass76,98) which are, in turn, dependent on hydration sta-
4 140 140 n=8106 tus. Whilst patients with advanced CKD and treated by
dialysis have a tendency to volume overload, this resolves
following successful transplantation. Thus, intravascular
0 volume is normalized, correcting artefactual overestima-
0 2 4 6 8 10
tion of LV mass and systolic dysfunction and, whereas
A Years echocardiographic studies have shown improved cardiac
structure and function after transplantation, studies that
Recipient age 50 years use volume-independent technology (specifically cardiac
12 magnetic resonance imaging) have failed to show simi-
1 yr 3 yr lar improvement.97 Long-term risks associated with the
10 >140 >140 n=2420 various manifestations of uremic cardiomyopathy in pa-
>140 140 n=1760 tients receiving maintenance dialysis are carried forward
in patients who undergo transplantation.28,79,97 Following
% Cardiovascular death

140 >140 n=1644

8 140 140 n=3344 transplantation, there are limited data on uremic car-
diomyopathy, restricted to LVH, suggesting that effec-
tive blood pressure control and the avoidance of CNI
may reduce LVH.82,93 A series of small short-term stud-
ies suggests that the use of dihydropyridine calcium an-
4 tagonists,82 inhibitors of mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR93), sirolimus or everolimus in place of CNI, or
CNI withdrawal7 is associated with regression – or lack of
4 progression – of LVH in RTRs.

0 2 4 6 8 10
B Years
FIGURE 30-4 ■ (A, B) Kaplan–Meier curves of cumulative in- LVH is one consequence of progressive CKD, and ESRD,
cidence of cardiovascular events by systolic blood pressure
(mmHg) at 1 and 3 years of follow-up, in two age groups from
and the associated metabolic and physiological changes.
the Collaborative Transplant Study. In both age groups, having However, there are other vascular abnormalities associ-
a systolic blood pressure <140 mmHg, as compared with above ated with adverse prognosis in RTR.7,50,53 These include
140 mmHg, at both 1 and 3 years of follow-up was associated vascular calcification and vascular stiffness (secondary to
with a reduced incidence of cardiovascular events. (Data from calcification or vascular hypertrophy). These contribute
Opelz G, Dohler B. Collaborative Transplant Study. Improved long-
term outcomes after renal transplantation associated with blood to the development of systolic hypertension (in particular)
pressure control. Am J Transplant 2005;5:2725–31. and also to the development of LVH. Moreover, they are
also linked to adverse CV outcomes in RTR, with coro-
nary artery calcification at time of transplantation also
being predictive of cardiac events.109 These measures pro-
aberrant conduction (and is associated with markers of vide potential short-term surrogate end-points for trials of
aberrant conduction and arrhythmogenicity, such as pro- CV interventions in this patient group.50,53
longed QT interval and abnormal T-wave alternans,95
which provide the likely link to fatal arrhythmias and
sudden cardiac death.57 Arrhythmias may be spontane- CHOICE OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENT
ous or complicate otherwise minor ischemic episodes.
These observations identify hypertension, LVH, and Most classes of antihypertensive agent have been used
electrocardiographic abnormalities as markers of adverse and have some efficacy in RTR.21,74,102 There has been a
outcome in RTR, and as potential targets for interven- tendency to avoid effective ACE inhibitors and angioten-
tion.57 The less common manifestation of uremic dilated sin receptor blockers because of the risk of undiagnosed
478 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

1 1
Log-rank p<0.002 Log-rank p=0.002

0.8 0.8

Proportion functioning
Proportion alive

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Patient survival time (years) Graft survival time (years)
Patients at risk, ACEI/ARB: Patients at risk, ACEI/ARB:
1250 1020 774 559 396 228 103 1190 925 671 456 300 153 67
Patients at risk, no ACEI/ARB: Patients at risk, no ACEI/ARB:
781 511 390 276 180 107 51 841 489 355 240 148 83 42
FIGURE 30-5  ■  A retrospective analysis of patient and graft survival in patients taking and not taking angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), adjusted for covariates. Patient and graft survival was better in patients
prescribed ACEI/ARB. (Data from Heinze G, Mitterbauer C, Regele H, et al. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin II type 1 receptor
antagonist therapy is associated with prolonged patient and graft survival after renal transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006;17:889–99.

renal artery stenosis68,74,102 in the transplanted kidney, approaches to the treatment of hypertension, such as em-
and the possibility of precipitating acute renal failure. bolization or laparoscopic removal of the native kidneys,
However, a carefully conducted retrospective analysis have been employed and may be effective. However,
from Austria, performed by Oberbauer and colleagues, whilst patients with bilateral native nephrectomy prior
showed that patients treated with ACE inhibitors or an- to transplantation (including pediatric patients) may have
giotensin receptor blockers fared better with respect to good blood pressure control, in our experience the ben-
both graft function and patient survival (Figure 30-537). efits are less clear in patients with established hyperten-
Although a similar analysis performed by Opelz et al., on a sion following transplantation.68,120
highly selected subgroup of the European Renal Registry, An unresolved issue is whether modification of im-
failed to show a similar trend,90 there has been a progres- munosuppressive therapy should also be employed in the
sive increase in the use of these agents over recent years management of hypertension in this population.124 Studies
(Figure 30-6101). Short-term studies of renin–angiotensin involving minimization or withdrawal of steroids69,145 and
system blockade, or dihydropyridine calcium antagonists, minimization of CNI, switching from cyclosporine to ta-
have shown efficacy in both blood pressure reduction and crolimus,111 or stopping CNI and switching to an mTOR
the added potential regression of LVH.82 Caution should inhibitor – sirolimus or everolimus15,60 – or CNI avoid-
be exerted with regard to hyperkalemia in the context of ance using co-stimulation blockade with belatacept71,132
ACE inhibition and CNI.68 have all shown a substantial reduction in blood pressure,
The single published long-term CV outcome study similar to that achieved by antihypertensive therapy. As
in RTR99 set out to compare the angiotensin receptor noted above, the use of inhibitors of mTOR, in place
blocker candesartan with conventional therapy. Although of CNI, may be associated with regression of LVH.93
the study demonstrated the safety of this agent, and su- However, it is our experience that clinicians and patients
perior effects on reduction of proteinuria, the trial was are reluctant to modify immunosuppression to achieve
discontinued because the event rate was too low, and the blood pressure control; modification of immunosup-
study unlikely to deliver a result. pression is driven by rejection episodes, and the desire to
Overall, dihydropyridine calcium antagonists are often minimize the nephrotoxic effects of CNI (or other causes
favored in the early posttransplant period, and when CNI of poor graft function).
nephrotoxicity is suspected.68 Of the other types of cal- Most clinics use standard “office-based” blood pressure
cium antagonists, diltiazem is associated with increased measurements, using a standard sphygmomanometer. In
cyclosporine levels, and this has limited its use, although our experience, it is unusual for these measurements to
it has been exploited in some circumstances to reduce be made with the rigor that is often recommended – for
the cost of cyclosporine. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin example, using repeated measurements, with the patient
receptor blockers are favored when proteinuria is an is- seated after a period of rest – and it has been suggested
sue.74,68,99,102 Exclusion of transplant renal artery stensosis that ambulatory,35,105 or home monitoring6,105 may be
is often performed before starting ACE inhibitors and is more informative. In patients with essential hypertension
probably a counsel of perfection, as the benefits of inter- these methods are recommended for patients with resis-
vention in transplant renal artery stenosis are uncertain in tant hypertension, or where “white coat” syndrome is
this population, as in other patient groups. More radical suspected. In transplant recipients ambulatory recordings
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 479


Odds ratio for medication

use within 4 months
























Beta ACE/ARB Anti- Diuretic CCB Other anti- Statin Other lipid-
blocker platelet hypertensive lowering
A agent

Beta blocker Statin

Anti-platelet Other antihypertensive
Diuretic Other lipid-lowering agent



% Cardiovascular death





1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
B Year of transplant
FIGURE 30-6  ■  Graph demonstrating the use of cardioprotective medications in the PORT study, documenting changes in prescription
over time posttransplant. (A) Adjusted odds ratios for CVD medication use in the first 4 months posttransplant in more recent eras. (B)
Model adjusted for age, sex, race, and primary cause of renal failure. ACE/ARB, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin
II receptor blockers; CCB, calcium channel blockers. (Data from Pilmore HL, Skeans MA, Snyder JJ, et al. Cardiovascular disease medica-
tions after renal transplantation: results from the Patient Outcomes in Renal Transplantation study. Transplantation 2011;91:542–51.)

are associated with prognosis and loss of diurnal profile, are based on the evidence discussed in this chapter, they
or loss of the “nocturnal dip,” confers additional prog- also draw on the practical expertise of the guideline com-
nostic information.52 These methods should be used in mittees. In the absence of studies which have addressed
patients with poor blood pressure control, and may give appropriate targets for blood pressure control in RTR,
additional information in clinical trials. they have endorsed targets derived from observational
studies, such as that of Opelz,88,89 and targets taken from
other populations, specifically those with CKD. Thus,
GUIDELINES AND OBSERVED PATTERNS the targets are arbitrary and are not aimed, for example,
OF USAGE at regression of LVH, or specific reversal of protein-
uria. The recently published Kidney Disease Improving
There are numerous guidelines on the management of Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines suggest a target
hypertension following transplantation.68 Whilst these of 130/80 mmHg in patients with diabetes or proteinuria,
480 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

the use of lifestyle modifications including salt restric- To the effects of impaired renal excretory function are
tion, and the use of blockers of the renin–angiotensin added the effects of individual antirejection agents which
system as first-line therapy.68 Moreover, they endorse the have specific, often synergistic effects on serum lipid lev-
use of specific targets and agents determined by comor- els. Corticosteroids cause an increase in total and LDL
bidity. The European and American Transplant Society cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol; CNI –
guidelines are broadly concordant.36 cyclosporine and, to a lesser extent, tacrolimus – at com-
The implementation of guidelines, and the adop- monly used doses increase total and LDL cholesterol;
tion of new practices, is dependent on the behavior and mTOR inhibitors – sirolimus and everolimus –
of clinicians as much as the available evidence. Two increase total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL choles-
recent large-scale studies have examined the use of CV terol, and triglyceride in a dose-dependent manner.45,64,83
drugs and risk management in RTR in North America Typically, in the first 6 weeks following transplantation,
and in Australasia. The results are encouraging, in that immunosuppression, normalization of renal function,
they show a progressive increase in usage with time and increased appetite are associated with an increase in
in recent years. The observation that 50% of p ­ atients total cholesterol of around 1.0–1.5 mmol/L, an increase
receive a blocker of the renin–angiotensin system sug- in LDL cholesterol of around 1 mmol/L, and increased
gests that reluctance to use these agents is less than it triglyceride and HDL cholesterol.44
was (Figure 30-632,101). Data on achieved blood pres- Statin therapy is one of the few interventions to be
sure and the use of individual agents are difficult to tested in a large CV outcome study in RTR.41,43 The
obtain. In our own center, a proportion of patients main ALERT trial studied 2100 stable, cyclosporine-
remain uncontrolled despite therapy; the majority treated RTRs, followed for up to 6 years, and random-
of those controlled require multiple agents when we ized initially to fluvastatin 40–80 mg daily or placebo.
considered an historical target of 140/90 mmHg.130 The primary end-point was a composite of myocardial
Whether or not blood pressure targets are appropri- infarction, cardiac death, stroke, and coronary interven-
ate, and whether one agent has benefits over another tion. A 2-year extension, where all patients were offered
require to be assessed in a prospective clinical trial; fluvastatin 80 mg/day, prolonged follow-up to 8 years.41,43
in the absence of objective data we are dependent on With hindsight, the core study was underpowered for the
available registry data. chosen primary end-point, although statin therapy was
associated with a 35% reduction in myocardial infarc-
tion. With prolonged follow-up, there was a significant
DYSLIPIDEMIA reduction in the primary end-point in those patients ran-
domized to statin therapy, and to a variety of individual car-
Dyslipidemia is almost an invariable accompaniment of diac end-points. The main effect was on lipid-dependent
renal transplantation.8,57 The pattern typically comprises end-points such as myocardial infarction (Figure 30-343).
elevated total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and Fluvastatin reduced LDL by 1 mmol/L for the duration
HDL cholesterol. There are also increased concentra- of the study, and was well tolerated, with placebo-like side
tions of intermediate – highly atherogenic – lipoproteins, effects. Post hoc analyses of this study revealed that early
including small dense LDL.45,134 The mechanisms behind introduction following transplantation was associated
this dyslipidemia include impaired renal function and the with additional benefit.42 Overall, the ALERT study can
influences of immunosuppressive agents. The mecha- be summarized as showing that fluvastatin has beneficial
nisms which lead to dyslipidemia in CKD will contribute effects on the secondary dyslipidemia associated with re-
to a varying degree in RTR, depending on the achieved nal transplantation, that this translates into reduced in-
level of renal function. The characteristic features of the cidence of myocardial infarction (with a lesser reduction
dyslipidemia associated with CKD are high triglycerides, in composite cardiac end-points), and that to maximize
low HDL cholesterol, elevated intermediate-density li- benefits early initiation of therapy is important.
poprotein (IDL) cholesterol and a neutral effect on LDL Fluvastatin is not metabolized by CYP3A4, an en-
and total plasma cholesterol.134 There are qualitative zyme inhibited by CNIs. In patients receiving CNI, use
changes in lipoproteins, notably failure of maturation of statins metabolized by CYP3A4 (specifically simv-
and excess of triglyceride-rich, atherogenic lipopro- astatin, lovastatin, and, to a lesser extent, atorvastatin)
teins.134 The main underlying mechanisms, expertly de- is associated with increased statin levels, and with in-
lineated and reviewed by Vaziri,134 are reduced activity of creased efficacy and side effects.58 An important, un-
lipoprotein lipase, and hepatic lipase, which contribute derappreciated message is that, with the exception of
to impaired clearance of IDL and increased triglyceride fluvastatin and pravastatin, statins should be started at
concentrations in circulating lipoproteins and chylomi- very low dose and monitored cautiously in CNI-treated
crons. Activity of HMG-CoA reductase is not altered by RTR. A study of fluvastatin at the time of transplan-
CKD but is increased in the presence of nephritic-range tation (SOLAR44), which proved that the pleiotropic
proteinuria, resulting in increased cholesterol biosyn- ­effects of statins on lymphocyte function do not reduce
thesis. There are other more minor enzymatic defects the risk of acute rejection in RTR, showed no increase
as well as lipoprotein receptors, reduction of which im- in adverse effect. Thus, of the available statins, there is
pairs clearance of atherogenic lipoproteins; the most most evidence for the safety of fluvastatin, particularly
­notable are reduced activity or expression of the LDL in the perioperative period.41,43,44
and ­very-low-density lipoprotein receptor, which impairs Recently, the SHARP study examined the use
clearance of lipoproteins.134 of simvastatin plus ezetimibe on dyslipidemia and
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 481

outcomes in 9000 patients with CKD, including 3000 At present, their use is not encouraged by guidelines, and
on maintenance dialysis. Although medication was any use – particularly as add-on therapy – should be care-
not continued in patients who received transplants, fully monitored.86
there was an overall benefit in the incidence of ath-
erosclerotic CVEs that lends support to the use of
statin-based therapy for patients with progressive RENAL FUNCTION
CKD, including those who will ultimately receive
transplants.9 This study adds to the ALERT dataset, In the general population, renal dysfunction (CKD) has
and is consistent with Registry data and retrospective, evolved as a risk factor for CV disease. Whilst statisti-
uncontrolled studies.19 cally an independent risk factor, CKD is associated with
The use of statins has been adopted by guidelines dyslipidemia and hypertension. The “independent” im-
for minimizing CV risk in RTR.1,86 These guidelines pact of renal dysfunction may reflect the presence of, as
have tended to adopt lipid targets from the general yet poorly defined, “uremic toxins,” or factors known to
population (LDL cholesterol for adult patients of be associated with renal impairment, such as hyperphos-
2.6 mmol/L), as there are inadequate data on targets phatemia or elevated FGF-23.78,125 These same factors
specific for the transplant population. Of interest, how- are likely to play a role in the pathophysiology of CVD
ever, the most recent KDIGO guidelines (www.kdigo. in RTR with suboptimal levels of renal function. Until
org) on lipid lowering in CKD have proposed that it is recently, renal function has not been reported routinely
more important to establish patients on statin therapy as an outcome of trials of immunosuppression in renal
than to achieve a target and have not recommended a transplantation, where the primary outcome is limited
target-driven approach in this patient population (in- to the incidence of acute rejection, graft and patient sur-
cluding RTR). Although there is a strong rationale vival. Recent major trials have reported mean (or other
for statin use, a report suggests much lower uptake of summary measures of) serum creatinine levels (or esti-
therapy in RTR compared to other high-risk popula- mated GFR). This neglects the fact that mean levels are
tions.32 However, there is a pattern of increasing use of relevance to populations and not to individuals,24 and
that suggests that transplant clinicians may simply be does not include proteinuria, or other renal factors as-
cautiously following the trend in other patient groups sociated with poor graft outcomes. Improved reporting
(Figure 30-6101). of renal outcomes in trials of transplantation is impor-
One reason for the slow adoption of statin therapy tant, specifically, to permit long-term graft and patient
and CV risk management in RTR is the inherent re- outcomes (see below123).
lationship between immunosuppression and dyslipid- Nonetheless, graft function has emerged as a strong
emia; the expectation is that posttransplant reduction determinant of graft and patient survival, and of CV
of immunosuppression will correct dyslipidemia. Many risk in transplant recipients. Post hoc analyses of the
studies have investigated the short-term impact of mod- two largest CV outcome trials in RTR – FAVORIT and
ification of immunosuppressive therapy alone on hy- ALERT56,140 – have shown renal function to predict the
perlipidemia in transplant recipients, including steroid risk of graft loss and of patient outcomes. Figure 30-7
withdrawal or avoidance69,145 or CNI withdrawal, switch, shows the relationship between GFR and outcomes in
or minimization.111 The only study to compare directly the FAVORIT study.140 These data show the importance
modification of immunosuppression with the initiation of achieving good graft function in RTR. The available
of lipid-­lowering therapy is the study of Wissing and data support the use of low-dose tacrolimus in combina-
colleagues.142 In this study patients were switched from tion with mycophenolic acid/mycophenolate and cortico-
cyclosporine-based therapy to tacrolimus-based therapy, steroids (with anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibodies) as
and this was compared to the addition to atorvastatin. the most effective primary immunosuppressive strategy
Although tacrolimus-based therapy was associated with to produce optimal graft function. The SYMPHONY
a reduction in total LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, study24 compared cyclosporine and tacrolimus-based im-
patients on cyclosporine and atorvastatin had lipid lev- munosuppressive regimens with sirolimus as an adjunct
els comparable to those on tacrolimus and atorvastatin agent. Low-dose tacrolimus (with a target blood level of
combined. Thus, modification of the CNI provided no 4–7 ng/mL) in combination with mycophenolate mofetil
additional benefit to statin therapy. Additionally, the and corticosteroids was the best-tolerated and most ef-
fact that some components of the dyslipidemia – e.g., fective regimen, lending strong support to the established
hypertriglyceridemia – are insensitive to statin therapy, pattern of use in the clinical community. Moreover, the
and that both atherogenic and potentially protective achieved level of renal function was best in this group,
lipid subfractions (HDL cholesterol) are increased with with a mean eGFR of 65.4  mL/min compared with
immunosuppression has heightened reluctance to use 56.7–59.4 mL/min in the other groups.24 These out-
statins. Most clinicians and patients are reluctant to comes persisted 3 years after transplantation,23 albeit with
change immunosuppression primarily on the basis of lesser differences. CNI minimization, for example, by
dyslipidemia, without data to support long-term out- switching to an mTOR inhibitor (sirolimus or everoli-
comes with this strategy. mus) has been examined in a variety of trials, incorporat-
Finally, there is very little, other than hypothetical ing a switch from CNI-based to mTOR inhibitor-based
reasoning, and considerable negative information, on therapy at various time points from 7 weeks to years af-
the use of alternative lipid-lowering agents, specifically ter transplantation.14,15,46,60,84 Although this strategy has
fibrates and nicotinic acid derivatives, in transplantation. been associated with an increased risk of acute rejection
482 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Adjusted probability without a CVD event 1.0 1.0

Adjusted probability without death

0.9 0.9

eGFR categories eGFR categories

1 <30 1 <30
0.8 2 30-45 0.8 2 30-45
3 45-60 3 45-60
4 60-75 4 60-75
5 75+ 5 75+

0.7 0.7
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
A Time to event (days) B Time to event (days)

FIGURE 30-7  ■  Impact of renal function on long-term cardiovascular event (A) and patient death risk (B) from the FAVORIT trial. Patients
were stratified into five groups based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), demonstrating that patients with poorer renal
function are at increased risk of adverse events. CVD, cardiovascular disease. (Data from Bostom AG, Carpenter MA, Kusek JW, et al.
Homocysteine-lowering and cardiovascular disease outcomes in kidney transplant recipients: primary results from the Folic Acid for Vascular
Outcome Reduction in Transplantation trial. Circulation 2011;123:1763–70; Weiner DE, Carpenter MA, Levey AS, et al. Kidney function and risk
of cardiovascular disease and mortality in kidney transplant recipients: the FAVORIT trial. Am J Transplant 2012;12:2437–45.)

and the side effects limit the general applicability, renal progression of chronic transplant glomerulopathy.5,51,56,67
function is generally improved following early protocol- Although the early studies by Kasiske et al.65 failed to
driven switching. identify smoking as an independent risk factor, subse-
More recently, the trials of belatacept, a co-­ quent analyses have shown smoking to be associated with
stimulation blocker, in place of CNI in standard recipi- increasing risk. Smoking status is a good example of a risk
ents (BENEFIT71,132) or recipients at risk of suboptimal factor that tends to be inaccurately reported by patients56
graft function (BENEFIT-EXT71,132) have shown a simi- and, since it is a risk factor for “competing outcomes” –
lar pattern of increased risk of acute rejection, but better such as respiratory infection, malignancy, and non-CV
graft function, associated with reduced incidence of dys- death – conventional survival analyses may underestimate
lipidemia and hypertension. In the post hoc analyses of the true impact of smoking on CV disease.47 As yet, there
the ALERT study, renal function was one of the main de- are no studies of smoking cessation, although this strat-
terminants of CV risk, regardless of whether an arbitrary egy is strongly endorsed in published guidelines.68
cut-off was used (serum creatinine 200 μmol/L), or renal
function was used as a continuous variable.25,27 Patients
whose grafts failed were at highest risk of CVEs. When NEW-ONSET DIABETES AFTER
risk of specific CVEs was analyzed, renal dysfunction was TRANSPLANTATION
a stronger risk factor for cardiac death than were non-
fatal atheromatous coronary events,25,27,56 the latter being Diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD, with the major
more dependent on lipid levels. increase being in the incidence of ESRD due to type 2
Several other analyses lend support to the impact diabetes. As a consequence, the prevalence of diabetes
of graft function on CVEs after transplantation.27,80,140 amongst transplant recipients has increased in recent
These highlight the underlying importance of rejection years. Moreover, we have become increasingly aware of
episodes, cytomegalovirus infection, BK virus nephropa- the importance of posttransplant diabetes (or NODAT)
thy, and drug-induced nephrotoxicity, which contribute and its long-term consequences. NODAT occurs against
to graft dysfunction and may show association with CVD the background development of age-related type 2 dia-
in univariate analyses.56,63,65 Strategies to limit the impact betes in the population of patients with ESRD awaiting
of graft dysfunction on CV risk will necessarily address transplantation, and may be viewed as accelerating that
the underlying factors, and are thus the strategies we em- process by increasing insulin resistance and, to a lesser
ploy to maximize graft survival and minimize rejection. extent, reducing insulin secretion.40,139
The reported incidence of NODAT varies from 3% to
20% of patients. It is more common in older patients, in
SMOKING patients who are overweight, of African or Asian origin, or
who have a history of stress-induced diabetes (associated
In the general population cigarette smoking is highly as- with surgery, use of corticosteroids, or pregnancy107,146). It
sociated with the development of CVD. Studies in RTR occurs primarily in the first few months after transplanta-
have shown that smoking is associated with all-cause tion (Figure 30-8146), the incidence thereafter returning to
mortality, with CVEs, with graft loss, and more rapid the age-related rate. The main contributory factor is the
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 483


FK506 25%

Cumulative incidence




–730 –365 0 365 730



Days before and after transplant

Days before transplant Days after transplant

Sample size
–730 –365 –1 1 365 730

Type of Cyclosporine 1776 3954 5867 6014 5521 2551

inhibitor Tacrolimus 471 911 1260 929 835 302

Note: The incremental incidence of diabetes for cyclosporine was 9.4% at 1 year and 8.4% at 2 years. The
incremental incidence of diabetes for tacrolimus was 15.4% at 1 year and 17.7% at 2 years.
FIGURE 30-8  ■  Data on the cumulative risk of diabetes in the 2 years prior to transplantation, and 2 years after transplantation, in renal
transplant recipients taking cyclosporine (Cyclo)- or tacrolimus (FK506)-based immunosuppression. Patients prescribed tacrolimus
are at increased risk. (Data from Woodward RS, Schnitzler MA, Baty J, et al. Incidence and cost of new onset diabetes mellitus among U.S.
wait-listed and transplanted renal allograft recipients. Am J Transplant 2003;3:590–8.)

use of corticosteroids which cause insulin r­esistance, and had the steroid dose reduced followed by minimization of
which are associated with the development of diabetes in ­tacrolimus. This resulted in increased insulin sensitivity
other patient groups.62,107,146 Minimization of steroid dose followed by a sequential increase in insulin secretion.48 The
reduces the risk of NODAT and may reverse diabetes and DIRECT study compared cyclosporine- and tacrolimus-­
restore insulin sensitivity.81 CNI can also contribute to the based regimens in de novo transplantation and showed
development of diabetes; tacrolimus is more diabetogenic conclusively, in a study with NODAT as the primary end-
than cyclosporine. This reflects the role of tacrolimus- point, that tacrolimus-based therapy was associated with
specific, intracellular FK-binding proteins on insulin se- a higher incidence of NODAT, and of NODAT that re-
cretion,39,48,146 and is probably the common mechanism quired pharmacological management. Moreover, the study
through which inhibitors of mTOR promote the devel- confirmed that tacrolimus use, compared with cyclospo-
opment of NODAT.61 Minimization of corticosteroids or rine, was associated with reduced insulin secretion.135
tacrolimus or switching from tacrolimus to cyclosporine Previously viewed as a nuisance, NODAT is now
are both appropriate therapeutic measures.48,146 Despite known to have long-term implications for patients, and
these measures, however, many patients require insulin is associated with a two- to threefold increase in all-cause
or oral hypoglycemic agents. An alternative strategy is to mortality and CVEs.18,107,141 Figure 30-9 shows data from
avoid tacrolimus and/or steroids in patients at high risk our own unit on the impact of NODAT, with outcomes
for the development of posttransplant diabetes mellitus. beyond 7 years after transplantation that are compa-
This strategy may be of particular relevance in older pa- rable between patients with ESRD due to diabetic ne-
tients where rejection is less of an issue than in younger phropathy and those who developed NODAT.107 Data
patients.62 Such an approach has few advocates, largely as from Hjelmesaeth and colleagues in Norway40 and from
a consequence of the availability of management strate- Kasiske’s studies in the United States67 have shown that
gies for diabetes and the failure to recognize the long-term CV disease is the major cause of death; the risk is in-
consequences of NODAT. creased threefold in patients developing NODAT. Recent
The importance of individual mechanisms – insulin studies that highlight the importance of NODAT have
resistance and reduced insulin secretion – was explored also shown that the risk to the patients far outweighs the
in a study by van Hooff48 where patients with NODAT risk associated with acute rejection in the first year after
484 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

1.0 body mass index. As one would predict, given the high
prevalence of diabetes and the individual components,
the metabolic syndrome is common in RTR.11,20,22,54
Data from the PORT study54 report a prevalence of
40% in the second year after transplantation and 35%
in the fourth year after transplantation. Studies have
demonstrated an increased risk of developing diabetes
0.6 in patients with the metabolic syndrome without dia-
betes, and also an increased risk of CVD, and of graft
loss.11,20,22,54 Whilst there is argument about the relative
importance of the metabolic syndrome compared to its
0.4 individual components,22 Israni and colleagues54 report
an association with graft loss and CHD that is indepen-
Diabetes dent of NODAT.
0.2 Diabetic nephropathy Obesity is increasingly common, reflecting the trends
No DM in the wider population.103 Morbid obesity is associated
PTDM with a higher incidence of technical complications around
the time of transplant surgery. However, the relation-
0 ship with long-term outcomes is more complex. There
0 10 20 is a non-linear relationship between weight and all-cause
Years mortality, reflecting the impact of comorbidity, whilst
FIGURE 30-9  ■  Long-term survival of renal transplant recipients obese patients exhibit a progressive increase in CV risk.
without diabetes ( ), with diabetes at the time of transplan- Some centers have employed weight reduction surgery77
tation (diabetic nephropathy, ), and those who developed as part of the workup for inclusion on to the waiting list
posttransplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM, ), demonstrat- for transplantation, although whether this improves pa-
ing an increased cardiovascular risk, matching those with pre-­ tient outcomes remains to be established.
existing diabetes, in patients with PTDM. (Data from Revanur VK,
Jardine AG, Kingsmore DB, et al. Influence of diabetes mellitus on
patient and graft survival in recipients of kidney transplantation. Clin
transplantation.141 Thus, strategies to limit the incidence There are other strategies for the prevention of CV
and impact of NODAT have emerged as a major target risk in the general population. Patients with ESRD
in the prevention of CVD. Guidelines have endorsed have very poor exercise capacity, which should im-
regular screening,11 with the use of oral glucose tolerance prove following transplantation. However, exercise
tests (if practical) and regular fasting glucose measure- and improvement in objective measures of exercise ca-
ments in transplant follow-up to identify patients with pacity (such as Vo2max) may require active encourage-
NODAT, and its precursor, impaired glucose tolerance. ment in transplant recipients who often find barriers
Studies, again from Hjaelmesaeth and colleagues,81 have to engagement in exercise, both physical and psycho-
shown that minimization of steroids (with rapid taper- logical, which are related to protracted disability and ill
ing to 5 mg prednisolone daily) can reverse NODAT and health. There are several studies which have shown the
impaired glucose tolerance in a large proportion of pa- association of poor exercise capacity with adverse CV
tients. Steroid-free regimens are associated with reduced outcomes following transplantation,59,92,110 and a small
incidence of NODAT and may be preferred in patients interventional study which showed potential benefits,
at high risk of developing NODAT; as may the use of cy- albeit without significant modification of conventional
closporine rather than tacrolimus.135,141 The management CV factors.91 Exercise and weight loss are part of the
of NODAT is similar to that of type 2 diabetes in the general advice recommended in guidelines about post-
general population. A proportion of patients who develop transplant management.36,68
severe hypoglycemia, particularly early after transplanta- Novel factors which are associated with CVD in
tion, require insulin as primary therapy (although it may the general population, including C-reactive protein,
not be required in the long term, if immunosuppression inflammation, oxidative stress, hyperhomocystinemia,
is tailored appropriately), whereas those with milder hy- and elevated serum phosphate, have not been widely
perglycemia may be managed with diet and oral agents.141 studied in RTR. However, in the recent past there have
The available guidelines concur on the importance of been studies showing association of a wide variety of
monitoring for long-term complications of diabetes and biomarkers with CV and related outcomes. These in-
early involvement of diabetic services.141 clude circulating inhibitors of nitric oxide,2,3 elevated
phosphate, FGF-23, osteoprotegerin,34,78,125,127,143 oxida-
tive stress,4,129 endothelin,104 paraoxonase,128 and hyper-
OBESITY AND THE METABOLIC SYNDROME uricemia.17 Whether these are independent markers and
therapeutic targets remains to be resolved. In addition
The metabolic syndrome is defined as the presence of to exercise there is interest in functional factors, such as
three of the following: hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceri- depression, which are associated with outcome and are
demia, low HDL cholesterol, hypertension, and high potentially remediable.147
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 485

SCREENING receive the same intervention and management as the

general population.66 Data in the population with CKD
Clearly, with CVD in RTR being a common cause of do suggest that there is increasing use of primary revas-
morbidity, mortality, and graft loss posttransplant and cularization in this population, albeit lagging behind the
with considerations relating to equitable distribution of general population. It may be prudent to delay the intro-
organs, interest has focused on screening patients for duction of new treatments in high-risk populations, such
CVD prior to transplantation. The aims of this approach as RTRs at higher risk of complications, and so the re-
are to identify patients for whom the risk of transplan- ported pattern of introduction probably reflects cautious
tation outweighs the risks associated with maintenance practice.
dialysis.31,96,137 In reality, there are very few patients for The data in Figure 30-10, collated by Henry and
whom successful transplantation would not offer a sur- Herzog38 in the United States, show that RTRs have a
vival advantage,144 and the decision on whether to list substantial risk of mortality following coronary interven-
someone for transplantation is largely subjective.96 CV tions, but a risk that is considerably better than that of pa-
screening in some form is performed in most units with tients receiving maintenance dialysis. The PORT study,101
the aim of identifying CAD that can be corrected prior which examined the use of CV risk medications, suggests
to transplantation.31,96,137 Whilst this seems a laudable aim that the use of risk factor medications (Figure 30-6),
and one which may benefit patients regardless of whether including those used for secondary prevention, has in-
they are ultimately transplanted, in the United Kingdom creased year by year, with the pattern of adoption and
cardiologists have become reluctant to recommend coro- use following that in the general population. A similar
nary revascularization in asymptomatic patients in the pattern of increasing use has been reported by Lentine
light of the COURAGE trial, which showed no benefit and colleagues72 for secondary prevention following myo-
over medical therapy.12 Moreover, the high prevalence of cardial infarction and in other populations.32
calcified lesions makes coronary revascularization chal- Overall, the message for RTR is that patients should
lenging.75 In our own center, the delay to wait-listing in- not be denied revascularization and secondary prevention
herent in a screening program did not benefit patients for CAD. Although there does appear to be an increase
and those with coronary disease were less likely to be in mortality, compared to non-transplant recipients, as-
listed and unlikely to undergo coronary intervention. sociated with revascularization procedures (specifically
One consistent observation in screening programs is bypass surgery and vein grafting) the mortality risk is
that the intervention rate is low – around 5% of all those much less than that associated with patients with ESRD
screened ultimately undergo revascularization.96 receiving dialysis.
Thus, there is little to support routine screening of
asymptomatic patients based on the available literature,
and a general view that a trial of screening is required OTHER CARDIOVASCULAR CONDITIONS
but unlikely to be performed. In the absence of these
data, some form of screening is popular. This generally In this chapter, we have focused on CHD and the com-
involves echocardiography or some assessment of left mon patterns of CVD and risk that affect RTR. However,
ventricular structure and function, together with a “stress RTRs are also at increased risk of the common valvular
test” to look for reversible ischemia.31,137 Conventional conditions and arrhythmias. There are limited data on
exercise tests are difficult to interpret due to a high prev- their incidence and management. Calcific aortic stenosis
alence of electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients is common in patients with ESRD and progresses more
receiving maintenance dialysis and poor exercise capacity. rapidly in parallel with the development of vascular cal-
Pharmacological stress tests are commonly performed, cification.10,117 The incidence of infective endocarditis is
with echocardiography or nuclear imaging, to look for increased, reflecting the higher prevalence of valvular ab-
regions of reversible ischemia.31,137 Coronary angiogra- normalities and concomitant immunosuppression.118 The
phy, with or without intervention, is typically reserved for management of valvular disease and endocarditis in RTR
those with positive non-invasive tests or who are at par- is the same as in the general population. Again, the risk
ticularly high risk.31,96,137 A trial to test the benefits of CV associated with valve replacement is higher in RTR but
screening prior to transplantation has been proposed.66 better than that of patients with ESRD receiving mainte-
nance dialysis.10,117
Recent data suggest that the risk of developing atrial fi-
INTERVENTION AND SECONDARY brillation is increased in CKD, including RTR, and asso-
PREVENTION ciated with CV risk.87 RTRs are likely to benefit from rate
control and anticoagulant therapy and there is no reason
Just as the likelihood of intervention after screening is to withhold this therapy, proven in other populations.
low, there is concern that RTRs are less likely to receive
intervention for aMI (thrombolysis or primary revascu-
larization) or secondary preventions (high-dose statin PREDICTING CARDIOVASCULAR RISK
therapy, antiplatelet agents, plus blockade of the renin–
angiotensin system) proven in the general population. In the general population we predict CV risk based on es-
This is particularly true in patients with advanced CKD, tablished factors and calculations. The most commonly
but beyond the early postoperative period the general used is the Framingham risk factor calculator, or its de-
consensus, endorsed in guidelines, is that RTRs should rivatives. This has not proved appropriate for patients
486 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Survival of ESRD patients with cardiovascular diagnosis and procedures

CHF CVA/TIA PAD Cardiac arrest




Peritoneal dialysis
Probability of survival


Coronary revascularization: Coronary revascularization:
AMI PCI surgical ICD/CRT-D





0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Months after diagnosis or intervention
FIGURE 30-10  ■  Mortality for individual cardiac interventions for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), subdivided by modal-
ity. In all cases, patients with a transplant have better outcomes. CHF, congestive heart failure; CVA/TIA, cerebrovascular accident/
transient ischemic attack; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention;
ICD/CRT-D, implantable cardiodefibrillator/cardiac resynchronization device. (Data from Henry TD, Herzog CA. Bad kidneys are bad for the
heart. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2012;80:358–60.)

with CKD, including transplant recipients,63,65,119 re- Calculator type

7-year risk for 7-year risk for
flecting the atypical nature of CVD. Recently, using MACE1 death

data from the ALERT study, we have derived a CV Diabetes Mellitus yes no includes PTDM2
risk factor calculator from data in RTR.122,123 There are LDL-cholesterol mmol/L
limitations – notably, that all patients were treated with Current smoker yes no
cyclosporine – and it has yet to be independently veri-
Previous smoker yes no
fied. However, it performed well on internal validation.
The factors included in the calculator are: age, diabe- Coronary heart disease yes no

tes, LDL cholesterol, serum creatinine, smoking sta- Number of transplants

tus, pre-existing CHD, and the number of transplants. Creatinine µmol/L mg/dL
The details of the calculator are shown in Figure 30-11. Age years
Prospective collection of risk factor data and validation 7-year risk for MACE
within existing datasets should allow the derivation of
MACE1 - major adverse cardiac event
more accurate calculators for transplant recipients in PTDM1 - post transplant diabetes mellitus
the future. The use of this calculator requires clinical judgement and depends on context

FIGURE 30-11  ■  Cardiovascular risk calculator for renal transplant

recipients. (Data from Soveri I, Holme I, Holdaas H, et al. A cardio-
vascular risk calculator for renal transplant recipients. Transplantation
TRIAL END-POINTS 2011;94:57–62. Access online at: http://www.anst.uu.se/insov254/
Clinical trials of immunosuppression in transplantation
have, for the most part, concentrated on graft-specific has a greater negative impact on patient survival than
end-points and the current favored Food and Drug an acute rejection episode.123,141
Administration end-point of acute rejection, graft loss, One way to address the importance of CV disease in
death, or loss to follow-up, and to short timescales of transplantation would be to include CVEs in trial de-
up to 12 months. Whilst these are dictated by the need sign, perhaps as a part of a patient-specific composite
to develop drugs in a timely manner, they fail to address end-point. Such a strategy would probably require larger
long-term patient-specific issues, and ignore observa- trials, with longer follow-up, that might limit the ap-
tions that, for example, the development of NODAT plicability of this design. An alternative approach is to
Cardiovascular Disease in Renal Transplantation 487

model the expected CV effects of a particular immuno- CVD death rates/100 patient years according
suppressive strategy, based on data available at earlier to time from transplant
time points. For example, two recent studies have at- 4 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94
tempted to predict long-term outcomes based on short- RR 0.42
1995-99 2000-04 2005-06
term data.115,123 Whilst the validity of this approach 3

Death rate
requires to be established, reporting of accurate risk fac- RR 0.35
RR 0.32
tor data – blood pressure, lipid levels, renal function, and 2
NODAT – should be a minimum requirement of trials 1
in transplantation.
0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14
CONCLUSION Time post-transplant (years)
FIGURE 30-12 ■ Changing pattern of cardiovascular disease
In writing this chapter we reviewed previous editions of (CVD) survival in the ANZDATA Registry by era. Cardiovascular
this textbook, specifically the chapter by Professor Tony survival can be seen to have improved over the eras studied.
Raine in the fourth edition, that is now almost 20 years RR, relative risk. (Data from Pilmore H, Dent H, Chang S, et al.
old. His review focused on atherosclerotic CV disease Reduction in cardiovascular death after kidney transplantation.
Transplantation 2010;89:851–7.)
and highlighted the need for trials of lipid-lowering
therapy. In the intervening 20 years we have completed
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Infection in Kidney Transplant

Jay A. Fishman


OVERVIEW Living Donor Evaluation

Special Infectious Risks and Organ
Epidemiological Exposures
Transplant Recipient
Donor-Derived Infections
Community Exposures General Considerations
Nosocomial Exposures Viral Pathogens
Net State of Immunosuppression Cytomegalovirus
Epstein–Barr Virus
First Phase (0–4 Weeks after
JC Virus
Fungal Infections
Second Phase (1–12 Months after
Transplantation) Candida
Third Phase (>6–12 Months after Aspergillus
Transplantation) Central Nervous System Infections and
Cryptococcus neoformans
Pneumocystis and Fever
Urinary Tract Infection
Transplant Donor
Deceased Donor Evaluation CONCLUSIONS

OVERVIEW other opportunistic infections (e.g., Pneumocystis and

Aspergillus) and virally mediated cancers.
Successful management of infections in kidney trans-
plant recipients is complicated by factors related to
the immune status of the host and the epidemiology of RISK OF INFECTION
infection.57 Transplant recipients are susceptible to a
broad spectrum of infectious pathogens while manifest- The risk of infection in a kidney transplant recipient is
ing diminished signs and symptoms of invasive infec- determined by the interaction of two key factors:
tion. Thus, the diagnosis of infection is more difficult 1. The epidemiological exposures of the patient, in-
in transplantation than in immunologically normal in- cluding the timing, intensity, and virulence of the
dividuals. The interactions between infection, immuno- organisms experienced.
suppression, and immune function play out in a complex 2. The patient’s “net state of immunosuppression,” a
environment in which multiple simultaneous processes, conceptual measure of all the factors that contrib-
such as infection and graft rejection, may contribute ute to the host’s risk for infection.16,24
to the clinical presentation. Immunocompromised pa- The importance of any infectious exposure is determined
tients tolerate invasive, established infection poorly by the ability of the host to “deal” effectively with the
with high morbidity and mortality, lending urgency to pathogen. Thus, the diabetic is at greater risk for bacte-
the need for an early, specific diagnosis to guide antimi- rial skin infections than is a non-diabetic with calcineurin
crobial therapy. Given the T-lymphocyte dysfunction inhibitor therapy. An understanding of the risk factors for
inherent to transplant immunosuppression, viral infec- each transplant recipient allows the development of differ-
tions in particular are increased. These viral infections ential diagnoses for infectious syndromes, and the devel-
not only contribute to graft dysfunction, graft rejec- opment of preventive strategies (prophylaxis, vaccination)
tion, and systemic illness but also enhance the risk for appropriate to each individual’s risk for infection.3,4
492 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Epidemiological Exposures of procurement. Common pathogens and endemic

organisms causing significant morbidity in potential
Epidemiologic exposures of importance can be divided into ­recipients form the basis of screening paradigms for or-
four overlapping categories: (1) donor-derived infections; gan donors.10,23,25,31,41
(2) recipient-derived infections; (3) community-derived Most types of infection have been recognized in
exposures; and (4) nosocomial exposures (Table 31-1). transplant recipients at some point. Bacteremic or
fungemic infections (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Candida
Donor-Derived Infections species, Gram-negative bacteria) in donors at the time
of donation can cause local (abscess) or systemic (bac-
Infections derived from donor tissues and activated teremic) infections, and may selectively adhere to anas-
in the recipient are uncommon, but have been recog- tomotic sites (vascular, urinary) to produce leaks or
nized as among the important infectious exposures in mycotic aneurysms. Some viral infections are ubiqui-
transplantation. Some of these infections are latent tous, including cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein–
(e.g., viral, parasitic), whereas others are the result of Barr virus (EBV), and are associated with particular
active infection (e.g., sepsis) in the donor at the time syndromes and morbidity in the immunocompromised
population (see section on selected infections of im-
portance). The greatest risk of these infections is to
seronegative (immunologically naïve) recipients who
TABLE 31-1  Significant Epidemiological receive infected grafts from seropositive donors (latent
Exposures Relevant to Transplantation viral infection). Some viruses demonstrate accelerated
progression (lymphocytic choriomeningitis, lympho-
Viral cytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), rabies) in trans-
Herpesvirus group (CMV, EBV, HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, HSV) plant recipients. Latent infections, such as tuberculosis,
Hepatitis viruses (HBV, HCV) toxoplasmosis, or strongyloidiasis, may activate from
Retroviruses (HIV, HTLV-I/II) grafts many years after the initial, often unrecognized
Others (rabies, LCMV, West Nile) exposures.
Bacteria Donor screening for transplantation is limited by the
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria available technology and by the time available within
(Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae) which organs from deceased donors must be used.25,31 At
Mycobacteria (tuberculous and non-tuberculous)
Nocardia asteroides
present, routine evaluation of donors relies on antibody
detection (serological) tests for common infections. As a
Fungi result, some active infections remain undetected because
Candida species seroconversion may not occur during acute infection.
Endemic fungi (Cryptococcus neoformans) These limitations suggest that, to achieve the benefits of
Geographic fungi (Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides transplantation, some organs are implanted carrying un-
immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis) identified pathogens. This risk is exhibited by clusters of
donor-derived Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas’ disease), rabies
Toxoplasma gondii virus, West Nile virus, and LCMV infections in organ
Trypanosoma cruzi transplant recipients. Molecular assays for donor screen-
ing (e.g., for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hep-
Nosocomial Exposures*
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus atitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV)) have the
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci capacity to reduce the “window period” between expo-
ESBL Gram-negative bacilli sure and development of a positive microbiological assay
Aspergillus species (nucleic acid test (NAT) instead of seroconversion) with
Non-albicans Candida species
some risk for false-positive assays given heightened NAT
Community Exposures* sensitivity.
Foodborne and water-borne (Listeria monocytogenes, Given the risk of transmission of infection from
Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, hepatitis A, Campylobacter) the organ donor to the recipient, certain infections
Respiratory viruses (RSV, influenza, parainfluenza,
adenovirus, metapneumovirus) should be considered relative contraindications to or-
Common viruses, often with exposure to children gan donation. Because kidney transplantation is typi-
(coxsackievirus, parvovirus, polyomavirus, papillomavirus) cally elective surgery, it is reasonable to avoid donation
Atypical respiratory pathogens (Legionella, Mycoplasma, from individuals with unexplained fever, rash, or infec-
Geographic fungi and Cryptococcus, Pneumocystis
tious syndromes, including meningitis or encephalitis.
jiroveci Common criteria for exclusion of organ donors are
Parasites (often distant) (Strongyloides stercoralis, listed in Table 31-2.
Leishmania, Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi,
Naegleria fowleri)
Recipient-Derived Exposures
*Colonization and infection of the recipient in advance of transplan-
tation may occur due to these potential pathogens. Recipient-derived exposures generally reflect coloniza-
CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; ESBL, extended-spec- tion or latent infections that reactivate during immuno-
trum beta-lactamase; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus;
HHV, human herpesvirus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV,
suppression. Certain common infections are recognized
herpes simplex virus; HTLV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus; LCMV, during the evaluation of the transplant candidate, in-
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus. cluding HBV, HCV, and HIV. It is necessary to obtain a
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 493

virus (VZV) or shingles), histoplasmosis, coccidioi-

TABLE 31-2  Common Infectious Exclusion
domycosis, and paracoccidiomycosis (Figure 31-1).
Criteria for Organ Donors*
Vaccination status should be evaluated (tetanus, HBV,
Central Nervous System Infection childhood vaccines, influenza, pneumococcus); vac-
Unknown infection of central nervous system cines not previously administered should be consid-
(encephalitis, meningitis) ered in advance of transplantation as live virus vaccines
Herpes simplex encephalitis or other encephalitis are contraindicated after transplantation (Table 31-3).
History of JC virus infection
West Nile virus infection Dietary habits also should be considered, including the
Cryptococcal infection of any site use of well water (Cryptosporidium), uncooked meats
Rabies (Salmonella, Listeria), and unpasteurized dairy products
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (Listeria).
Other fungal or viral encephalitis
Untreated bacterial meningitis (requires proof of cure)

Disseminated and Untreated Infections Community Exposures

HIV (serological or molecular) (may be considered for
HIV-positive recipient?) Common exposures in the community are often related
HSV (with active viremia), acute EBV (mononucleosis) to contaminated food and water ingestion; exposure to
Serological or molecular evidence of HTLV-I/HTLV-II infected family members or coworkers; or exposures
Active hepatitis A (may consider non-viremic HBV and
HCV-infected donors for appropriate recipients)
related to hobbies, travel, or work. Infection caused by
Parasitic infections (Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania common respiratory viruses (influenza, parainfluenza,
donovani, Strongyloides stercoralis, Toxoplasma gondii) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, and meta-
pneumovirus) and by more atypical pathogens (HSV)
Infections Difficult to Treat on Immunosuppression
Active tuberculosis carry risk for v­ iral pneumonia and increased risk for bac-
SARS terial or fungal ­superinfections. Community (contact or
Untreated pneumonia transfusion-­associated) exposure to CMV and EBV may
Untreated bacterial or fungal sepsis (e.g., candidemia) produce severe primary infection in the non-immune
Untreated syphilis
host. Recent and remote exposures to endemic, geo-
Multisystem organ failure due to overwhelming sepsis,
gangrenous bowel graphically restricted systemic mycoses (Blastomyces der-
matitidis, Coccidioides immitis, and Histoplasma capsulatum)
*These must be considered in the context of the individual donor/ and Mycobacterium tuberculosis can result in localized pul-
recipient. monary, systemic, or metastatic infection. Asymptomatic
EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus;
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus;
Strongyloides stercoralis infection may activate more than
HTLV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus; SARS, severe acute respi- 30 years after initial exposure due to immunosuppres-
ratory syndrome. sive therapy (Figure 31-1). Such reactivation can result
in either a diarrheal illness and parasite migration with
careful history of prior infections, travel, and exposures hyperinfestation syndrome (characterized by hemor-
to guide preventive strategies and empirical therapies. rhagic enterocolitis, hemorrhagic pneumonia, or both)
Notable among these infections are mycobacterial infec- or disseminated infection with accompanying (usually)
tion (including tuberculosis), strongyloidiasis, viral in- Gram-negative bacteremia or meningitis. Gastroenteritis
fections (herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella-zoster secondary to Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, and a variety

FIGURE 31-1  ■ Simultaneous Pneumocystis pneumonia and bacterial lung abscess secondary to co-infection by Strongyloides ster-
coralis in a Vietnamese kidney transplant recipient. (A) Chest radiograph shows a lung abscess secondary to Enterobacter species.
Bronchoscopic examination also revealed simultaneous Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) and S. stercoralis infections. Migration of
Strongyloides across the wall of the gastrointestinal tract during immunosuppression (hyperinfection) is associated with systemic
signs of “sepsis” and central nervous system infection (parasitic and bacterial). (B) S. stercoralis from the lung of the same patient.
494 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 31-3  Vaccinations to Consider Before TABLE 31-4  Factors Contributing to the Net

Transplantation* State of Immunosuppression
Measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) Immunosuppressive therapy: type, temporal sequence,
Diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTP) intensity, cumulative dose
Poliovirus Prior therapies (chemotherapy and antimicrobials)
Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) Mucocutaneous barrier integrity (catheters, lines, drains)
Hepatitis B Neutropenia, lymphopenia (often drug-induced)
Pneumococcus Underlying immunodeficiencies
Influenza • Autoimmune diseases
Varicella • Hypogammaglobulinemia from proteinuria or drug
*Live virus vaccinations are generally precluded in immunosuppressed • Complement deficiencies
hosts. • Other disease states (HIV, lymphoma/leukemia)
Metabolic conditions (uremia, malnutrition, diabetes,
of enteric viruses can result in persistent infection, with Viral infections (CMV, hepatitis B and C, RSV)
more severe and prolonged diarrheal disease and an in- Graft rejection and treatment
creased risk of primary or secondary blood stream inva- Cancer/cellular proliferation
sion and metastatic infection. CMV, cytomegalovirus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; RSV,
respiratory syncytial virus.
Nosocomial Exposures
Nosocomial infections are of increasing importance. TABLE 31-5  Immunosuppression and Common
Organisms with significant antimicrobial resistance Infections
are present in most medical centers, including entero-
cocci that are resistant to vancomycin, linezolid and/or Agent Common Infections/Effects
quinupristin/dalfopristin, methicillin-resistant staphy-
­ Antilymphocyte Activation of latent viruses,
lococci, Gram-negative bacteria producing extended-­ globulins (lytic) and fever, cytokines
spectrum beta-­lactamases (ESBL), and fluconazole-resistant alloimmune response
Candida species (Table 31-1). A single case of nosocomial Anti-CD20 antibody Unknown so far
Aspergillus infection in an immunocompromised host Plasmapheresis Encapsulated bacteria
Costimulatory blockade Unknown so far
in the absence of a clear epidemiologic exposure should Corticosteroids Bacteria, Pneumocystis
be viewed as a failure of infection control practices. jiroveci, hepatitis B and C
Antimicrobial misuse and inadequate infection control Azathioprine Neutropenia, papillomavirus (?)
practices have caused increased rates of Clostridium difficile Mycophenolate mofetil Early bacterial infection, B
cells, late CMV (?)
colitis. Outbreaks of infections secondary to Legionella have Calcineurin inhibitors Enhanced viral replication
been associated with hospital plumbing and contaminated (absence of immunity),
water supplies or ventilation systems. Nosocomial spread gingival infection,
of Pneumocystis jiroveci between immunocompromised pa- intracellular pathogens
tients has been suggested by a number of case series.52 mTOR inhibitors Poor wound healing,
idiosyncratic pneumonitis
Respiratory viral infections may be acquired from medical syndrome
staff and should be considered among the causes of fever and Belatacept Posttransplant
respiratory decompensation in hospitalized or institutional- lymphoproliferative disorder
ized, immunocompromised individuals. Each nosocomially
CMV, cytomegalovirus.
acquired infection should be investigated to ascertain the
source and prevent subsequent infections.
4. Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics
Net State of Immunosuppression 5. Renal or hepatic dysfunction, or both (in addition
The net state of immunosuppression is a qualitative mea- to graft dysfunction)
sure of the risk factors for infection in an individual, in- 6. Presence of infection with an immunomodulating
cluding immunosuppressive medications and iatrogenic virus, including CMV, EBV, HBV, HCV, or HIV.
conditions (Table 31-4). Among the most important are Specific immunosuppressive agents are associated with
the following: increased risk for certain infections (Table 31-5).
1. The specific immunosuppressive therapy, including
dose, duration, and sequence of agents (Table 31-5)
2. Technical difficulties during transplantation, re- TIMELINE OF INFECTION
sulting in an increased incidence of leaks (blood,
lymph, urine) and fluid collections, devitalized tis- With standardized immunosuppressive regimens, specific
sue, poor wound healing, and prolonged use of sur- infections that occur most often vary in a predictable pat-
gical drainage catheters tern depending on the time elapsed since transplantation
3. Prolonged instrumentation, including airway intu- (Figure 31-2). This is primarily a reflection of changing
bation and use of vascular access devices (e.g., dialy- risk factors over time, including surgery and hospitaliza-
sis catheters) tion, tapering of immunosuppression, acute and chronic
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 495

Nosocomial technical Opportunistic,

Donor-derived relapsed, residual
acquired infections
Recipient-dervied Activation of latent infection

4 Weeks 1–12 Months 12 Months

MRSA, Candida, VRE, HSV, CMV, HBV, HCV, EBV, Community-acquired

Aspergillus, aspiration VZV, HSV, Listeria, TB, PCP, BK pneumonia, Aspergillus,
C. difficile colitis virus, Nocardia, Toxoplasma, dermatophytes, CMV,
Strongyloides, Leishmania colitis, UTI, Cryptococcus

Wounds, Lines, Greatest impact of Skin and anogenital

Leaks, Aspiration, UTI immunosuppression cancers, PTLD

Common variables in risk:

• Antimicrobial prophylaxis
• Anti-rejection therapy (T- cell depletion)
• New immunosuppressive agents
• Neutropenia, lymphopenia
• Immunomodulatory viral infections (CMV, HCV, EBV)
• Antimicrobial resistance

FIGURE 31-2  ■ The timeline of posttransplantation infections. Infection after transplantation tends to occur in a predictable pattern
based on the epidemiologic exposure of the host and the nature of immune deficits. Patients with infections falling outside the usual
patterns suggest unusual exposures or excessive immunosuppression. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HBV, hepati-
tis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; PCP, Pneumocystis
jiroveci pneumonia; PTLD, posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder; TB, tuberculosis; UTI, urinary tract infection; VRE, vancomy-
cin-resistant enterococcus; VZV, varicella-zoster virus.

rejection, and exposure to infections in the community.57 presence of an excessive environmental hazard for the in-
The predicted pattern of infection changes with altera- dividual, either within the hospital or in the community;
tions in the immunosuppressive regimen (pulse-dose ste- and (3) to serve as a guide to the design of preventive
roids or intensification for graft rejection), intercurrent antimicrobial strategies. Infections occurring outside the
viral infections, neutropenia (drug toxicity), graft dys- usual period or of unusual severity suggest either excessive
function, or significant epidemiological exposures (travel epidemiological hazard or excessive immunosuppression.
or food). The timeline remains a useful starting point for The prevention of infection must be linked to the
the differential diagnosis of infection after transplanta- risk for infection at various times after transplantation.
tion, although it is altered by the introduction of new Table 31-6 outlines some of the routine preventive strat-
immunosuppressive agents and patterns of use, including egies from the Massachusetts General Hospital. Such
reduced use of corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors, strategies serve only to delay the onset of infection in the
increased use of antibody-based (induction) therapies or face of epidemiological pressure. The use of antimicro-
sirolimus, routine antimicrobial prophylaxis, improved bial prophylaxis, vaccines, and behavioral modifications
molecular assays, antimicrobial resistance, transplanta- (e.g., routine hand washing or advice against digging in
tion in HIV-infected and HCV-infected individuals, and gardens without masks) may result only in a “shift to the
broader epidemiological exposures from work or travel. right” of the infection timeline, unless the intensity of
Figure 31-2 shows three overlapping periods of risk immunosuppression is reduced or immunity develops.
for infection after transplantation, each associated with
differing patterns of common pathogens, as follows:
1. The perioperative period to approximately 4 weeks
First Phase (0–4 Weeks after Transplantation)
after transplantation, reflecting surgical and techni- During the first month after transplantation, three types
cal complications and nosocomial exposures of infection occur. The first type is infection or coloniza-
2. The period 1 to 6–12 months after transplantation tion present in the recipient before transplantation which
(depending on the rapidity of taper of immunosup- emerges in the setting of surgery and immunosuppres-
pression, the use of antilymphocyte “induction” sion. Pretransplantation pneumonia and vascular access
therapy, and deployment of prophylaxis), reflecting infections are common examples of this type of infection.
intensive immunosuppression with viral activation Colonization of the recipient with resistant organisms
and opportunistic infections that infect intravenous catheters or surgical drains also is
3. The period beyond the first year after transplan- common (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
tation, reflecting community-acquired exposures All infection should be controlled or eradicated to the
and some unusual pathogens based on the level of ­degree possible before transplantation.
maintenance immunosuppression. The second type of early infection is donor-derived.
The timeline can be used in a variety of ways: (1) to es- This type may be nosocomially derived (resistant Gram-
tablish a differential diagnosis for a transplant patient negative bacilli and S. aureus or Candida species) second-
suspected to have infection; (2) to provide a clue to the ary to systemic infection in the donor (e.g., line infection)
496 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 31-6  Renal Transplantation: Routine Antimicrobial Protocols

Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) and General Antibacterial Prophylaxis

One single-strength TMP-SMX tablet (containing 80 mg trimethoprim, 400 mg sulfamethoxazole) orally daily for a minimum
of 4–6 months posttransplantation. Patients infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV), with chronic rejection, or with recurrent
infections are maintained on lifelong prophylaxis. A thrice-weekly regimen of TMP-SMX prevents PCP, but does not prevent
other infections (e.g., urinary tract infection, Nocardia, Listeria, Toxoplasma, and other gastrointestinal and pulmonary

Alternative Regimen
For patients proven not to tolerate TMP-SMX, alternative regimens include: (1) a combination of atovaquone, 1500 mg orally
daily with meals, plus levofloxacin, 250 mg orally daily (or equivalent fluoroquinolone without anaerobic activity); (2)
pentamidine, 300 mg intravenously or inhaled every 3–4 weeks; or (3) dapsone, 100 mg orally daily twice weekly, with or
without pyrimethamine. Each of these agents has toxicities that must be considered (e.g., hemolysis in G6PD-deficient hosts
with dapsone). None of these alternative programs offers the same broad protection of TMP-SMX.

G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; TMP-SMX, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.

Cytomegalovirus and Antiviral Prophylaxis*
T-Cell Depletion Donor CMV Recipient Prophylaxis* Monitoring by CMV Viral Load or
(induction)? Antibody CMV Antigenemia Assays
Yes + + Valganciclovir po x 6 mos After completion of prophylaxis based
on intensity of immunosuppression.
- +
For symptoms, or monthly x
+ - 3 months from 6-9 mos
- - Acyclovir, Famciclovir, or
Valacyclovir (ACV/Fam/
ValACV) x 6 mos
No + + Valganciclovir po x 3 mos Monthly x 3 months from 3-6 mos
- +
+ -
- - ACV/Fam/ValACV x 3 mos If clinically indicated
Intensified Either D +  or R+ Valganciclovir po x 2-3 mos For symptoms or monthly x 3
suppression for
- - ACV/Fam/ValACV x 2-3 mos
treatment of graft
*First dose of ganciclovir is generally intravenous but valganciclovir may be used if taking oral medications. All antiviral agents adjusted
for renal function. For abnormal renal function, formal creatinine clearance measurement may be indicated. The dose of antiviral therapy
is generally not reduced for neutropenia. Consider other options first. CMV, cytomegalovirus. D+/R−, donor seropositive, recipient

Antifungal Prophylaxis
Mucocutaneous candidiasis can be prevented with oral clotrimazole or nystatin 2–3 times per day during corticosteroid therapy or
in the face of broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy and in diabetic transplant patients. Fluconazole, 200 mg/day for 10–14 days,
is used to treat prophylaxis failures. Routine prophylaxis with fluconazole is used for pancreas and kidney–pancreas transplants.
Other prophylaxis is determined based on the presence or absence of colonization or other risk factors for fungal infection.

or contamination during the organ procurement process. non-immunosuppressed patients undergoing comparable
Rarely, infections transmitted from donor to recipient surgery. Given immunosuppression, the signs of infec-
may emerge earlier than predicted (e.g., tuberculosis, tion may be subtle, however, and the severity or duration
histoplasmosis). Most recent clusters of donor-derived usually is greater. Thus, bowel perforation may be clini-
infection have been due to unfortunate timing – a donor cally silent marked only by a rising white blood cell count
who acquired acute infection (HIV, West Nile virus, ra- or graft dysfunction. The technical skill of the surgeons
bies) prior to death due to unrelated causes. and meticulous postoperative care (i.e., wound care and
The third and most common source of infection in proper maintenance and timely removal of endotracheal
the early period is related to the surgical procedure of tubes, vascular access devices, and drainage catheters)
transplantation. These infections include surgical wound are the determinants of risk for these infections. Another
infections, pneumonia (aspiration), bacteremia secondary common infection is Clostridium difficile colitis.
to vascular access or surgical drainage catheters, urinary Limited perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (i.e., from
tract infections, and infections of fluid collections – leaks a single dose to 24 hours of an antibiotic such as cefazolin
of vascular or urinary anastomoses or of lymphoceles. or amoxicillin-clavulanate) is usually adequate with ad-
These are nosocomial infections and, as such, may carry ditional coverage required for known risk factors (e.g.,
the same antimicrobial-resistant pathogens observed in prior colonization with methicillin-resistant S. aureus).
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 497

For pancreas transplantation, additional perioperative patient who requires higher than average immunosup-
prophylaxis against yeasts is common using fluconazole, pression to maintain graft function or who has prolonged,
mindful of potential increases in sirolimus and calcineurin untreated viral infections and other opportunistic infec-
inhibitor levels when used with azole antifungal agents. tions, which predict long-term susceptibility to other in-
Opportunistic infections are notable for their absence fections (third phase, discussed below). Such patients may
in the first month after transplantation, even though the benefit from prolonged (lifelong) prophylaxis (antibacte-
daily doses of immunosuppressive drugs may be great- rial, antifungal, antiviral, or a combination) to prevent
est during this time. The implication of this observation life-threatening infection.
is important. It suggests that it is not the daily dose of The specific opportunistic infections that occur reflect
immunosuppressive drugs that is important but rather the specific immunosuppressive regimen used, individual
the cumulative dose of these drugs – the “area under the epidemiology, and the presence or absence of immuno-
curve” – that determines the true state of immunosup- modulating viral infection. Viral pathogens (and rejec-
pression. The net state of immunosuppression is not tion) are responsible for most febrile episodes that occur
great enough to support the occurrence of opportunistic in this period. During this period, anti-CMV strategies
infections, unless an exposure has been excessive. The oc- and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis are ef-
currence of a single case of opportunistic infection in this fective in decreasing the risk of infection. Trimethoprim/
period should trigger an epidemiological investigation sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis effectively prevents
for an environmental hazard. Pneumocystis pneumonia and reduces the incidence of uri-
nary tract infection and urosepsis, Listeria monocytogenes
Second Phase (1–12 Months after meningitis, Nocardia species infection, and T. gondii.
Third Phase (>6–12 Months after
The second phase of infection was originally 1–3 months,
but has been altered by two main factors. These include:
successful use of prophylaxis or monitoring programs Recipients who underwent tranplantation more than
against CMV and the herpesviruses, against Pneumocystis 6–12 months previously can be divided into three groups in
and urinary tract infections, and for HBV; and intensifica- terms of infection risk. Most transplant recipients (70–80%)
tion of immunosuppression using more potent agents or have a technically good procedure with satisfactory al-
antibody-based therapies with prolonged effects on immune lograft function, reduced immunosuppression, and absence
function (Table 31-6). Infection in the transplant recipient of chronic viral infection. These patients resemble the gen-
1–12 months after transplantation has one of three causes: eral community in terms of infection risk, with community-
1. Infection from the perisurgical period, including acquired respiratory viruses constituting their major risk.
relapsed C. difficile colitis, inadequately treated Occasionally, such patients develop primary CMV infec-
pneumonia, or infection related to a technical tion (socially acquired) or infections related to underlying
problem (e.g., a urine leak, lymphocele, ureteric diseases (e.g., skin infections in diabetes). A second group
stricture, hematoma). Fluid collections in this set- of patients has chronic viral infection, which may produce
ting generally require drainage. end-organ damage (e.g., BK polyomavirus leading to fibro-
2. Viral infections including CMV, HSV, shingles sis, HCV leading to cryoglobulinemia and cirrhosis, CMV
(VZV), human herpesvirus (HHV)-6 or HHV-7, with chronic graft rejection) or malignancy (e.g., posttrans-
EBV, hepatitis (HBV, HCV), and HIV. This group plantation lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) secondary
of viruses is unique. These infections are lifelong to EBV, skin or anogenital cancer related to papillomavi-
and tissue-associated, and are often transmitted ruses). In the absence of specific and effective antiviral ther-
with the allograft from seropositive donors. These apy, these patients often suffer graft rejection as a result of
viruses are systemically immunosuppressive, predis- reduced intensity of immunosuppression.
posing to opportunistic infection or acceleration of A third group of patients has unsatisfactory allograft
other infections (HCV) and predispose to graft re- function, and suffers the ravages of renal dysfunction,
jection. The herpesviruses are prominent given the often despite intensified immunosuppression used to
importance of T-cell function in antiviral control preserve graft function. More recently, this has been the
and the disproportionate degree of T-cell inhibition result of underlying disease progression (atherosclerosis,
by most immunosuppressive regimens. Other com- IgA or diabetes), calcineurin inhibitor toxicity, or hu-
mon viral pathogens of this period include BK poly- moral as well as cellular graft rejection. As a result, these
omavirus (in association with allograft dysfunction patients are overimmunosuppressed relative to the risk
or polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (PVAN)) for infection. These patients may benefit from lifetime
and community-acquired respiratory viruses (ad- maintenance trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis
enovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syn- and often fluconazole prophylaxis. In this group, one also
cytial virus, metapneumovirus). Superinfection of should consider organisms more often associated with
virally infected hosts is common. immune dysfunction of acquired immunodeficiency syn-
3. Opportunistic infections secondary to Pneumocystis drome (AIDS) (Bartonella, Rhodococcus, Cryptosporidium,
jiroveci, Listeria monocytogenes, Toxoplasma gondii, and microsporidia) and invasive fungal pathogens
Nocardia, Aspergillus, and other agents. (Aspergillus, Zygomycetes, and Dematiaceae or pigmented
In this period, the stage also is set for the emergence of a molds). Even minimal clinical signs or symptoms warrant
subgroup of patients – the “chronic ne’er do well” – the careful evaluation in this group of “high-risk” patients.
498 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice


IN RECIPIENTS AND POTENTIAL DONORS In contrast to the above-described scenario, the living
BEFORE TRANSPLANTATION donor procedure should be considered elective, and the
evaluation should be completed and infections should
Guidelines for pretransplant screening have been be treated before such procedures. An interim history
the subject of several publications, including a con- must be taken at the time of surgery to assess the pres-
sensus conference of the Immunocompromised Host ence of new infections since the initial donor evalua-
Society, the American Society for Transplantation tion. Intercurrent infections (flu-like illness, headache,
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the evaluation of confusion, myalgias, cough) might be the harbinger of
kidney transplant candidates, and the American important infection (West Nile virus, severe acute respi­
Society of Transplant Surgeons Clinical Practice ratory syndrome (SARS), Trypanosoma cruzi). Live donors
Guidelines for the evaluation of living kidney trans- undergo a battery of serological tests (Table 31-7), pu-
plant donors.3,13,31,34,38,43–45,71–73,78,79 rified protein derivative (PPD) skin test or tuberculosis
interferon-γ release assay, and, if indicated, chest ra-
diograph. The testing must be individualized, based on
Transplant Donor unique risk factors (e.g., travel). Of particular impor-
Deceased Donor Evaluation tance to the kidney transplant recipient is the exclusion of
­urinary tract infections (including yeasts) and bacteremia
A crucial feature in screening of deceased organ donors at the time of donation. Recent recommendations of the
is time limitation. A useful organ must be procured and US Public Health Service suggest rescreening of poten-
implanted before some microbiologic assessments have tial donors within 7 days of donation using NAT for HIV,
been completed. Major infections must be excluded, HCV, and HBV.
and appropriate cultures and samples must be obtained
for future reference. As a result, bacteremia or funge-
mia may not be detected until after the transplanta- Special Infectious Risks and Organ Procurement
tion has been performed. Such infections generally Tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the donor
have not resulted in transmission of infection as long represented approximately 4% of reported posttransplant
as the infection has been adequately treated in terms tuberculosis cases in a review of 511 patients by Singh
of use of antimicrobial agents to which the organism and Paterson.66,75 Much higher rates occur in endemic
is susceptible and time. In recipients of tissues from regions.54 Active disease should be excluded in PPD-
95 bacteremic donors, a mean of 3.8 days of effective positive donors with chest radiograph, sputum cultures,
therapy after transplantation seemed adequate to pre- and chest computed tomography (CT) if the chest radio-
vent transmission of susceptible pathogens. Longer graph is abnormal. Urine acid-fast bacillus cultures may be
courses of therapy in the recipient are preferred, tar- useful in a PPD-positive kidney donor. Isoniazid prophy-
geting known donor-derived pathogens.17,26 Bacterial laxis of the recipient should be considered for untreated
meningitis must be treated with antibiotics that pen- PPD-positive donors.23 Factors favoring prophylaxis in-
etrate the cerebrospinal fluid before organ procure- clude a donor from an endemic region, use of a high-dose
ment. Individuals with unidentified and untreated steroid regimen, or high-risk social environment.
causes of meningoencephalitis or sepsis should not be
used as organ donors. Donor-derived infections due to
Candida species have resulted from contamination or
candidemia at the time of procurement.57,58 These re- TABLE 31-7  Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis
quire susceptibility testing of the isolate and prolonged in Transplantation
treatment (2–4 weeks) with effective agents to avoid
Opening pressure
pyelonephritis, abscess formation, mycotic aneurysm, Cell count with differential
or fungemia in the recipient. Vascular involvement Glucose and total protein concentrations
by Candida species in the recipient requires at least Gram stain and bacterial culture
6 weeks of therapy. Certain acute infections (CMV, India ink (or other fungal stain) and fungal culture
HSV, EBV, HIV, and HCV) may be undetected in the Viral culture
Cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen
period before antibody formation. Viral nucleic acid Histoplasma polysaccharide antigen (if indicated)
detection assays are preferred for sensitivity. Likewise, Coccidioides immitis complement fixation antibodies
the donor’s clinical, social, and medical histories are es- (if indicated)
sential to reducing the risk of such infections. In the Nucleic acid detection (in clinical context)
• Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2
presence of known infection, such infections must be • Varicella-zoster virus
treated before procurement if possible. Several more re- • Epstein–Barr virus
cent clusters of donor-derived infection have shown the • Cytomegalovirus
risk for infection secondary to previously unrecognized • Human herpesvirus 6
pathogens, including lymphocytic choriomeningitis • JC virus
• Enterovirus
virus, Chagas’ disease, and HSV, in addition to other, • Toxoplasma gondii
more common pathogens. Major exclusion criteria are Cytology and flow cytometry
outlined in Table 31-2.
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 499

Parasites. Chagas’ disease (Trypanosoma cruzi) has been intermittent liver biopsy. Management is likely to change
transmitted by transplantation in endemic areas and more as newer HCV antiviral agents become available (see
recently in the United States.10,17,48,74 Schistosomiasis and Chapter 32).
infection by Strongyloides stercoralis are generally recipi- The use of HIV-infected donors for HIV-infected re-
ent-derived issues. Though common, malaria and leish- cipients is precluded in the United States but is under
maniasis have been rarely transmitted with allografts. study in South Africa and elsewhere. The progression of
untreated recipient HIV infection is rapid. Based on cur-
Viral Infections Other than Cytomegalovirus. EBV rent criteria, donors may be excluded based on historical
infection is a major risk factor for the development of evidence of risk factors significant for HIV infection and
PTLD. The risk is greatest in the EBV-seronegative confirmatory testing.
recipient of an EBV-seropositive allograft (i.e., donor Human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-I) is en-
seropositive, recipient seronegative (D+/R–)). This situ- demic in the Caribbean and parts of Asia (Japan) and
ation is most common in pediatric transplant recipients can progress to HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropi-
and in adults co-infected with CMV or receiving greater cal spastic paraparesis or to adult T-cell leukemia/
intensity of immunosuppression, notably with T-cell de- lymphoma. HTLV-II is similar to HTLV-I serologically,
pletion and possibly with belatacept. Monitoring should but it is less clearly associated with disease. Use of organs
be considered for at-risk individuals using a quantita- from such donors is generally avoided; however serologic
tive molecular assay (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) for testing does not distinguish between the two types of vi-
EBV.2,28,29,47,56,66,81 EBV also is a cofactor for other lym- rus. Donor screening for HTLV in the United States is
phoid malignancies. now voluntary.29,35,55,76
VZV screening should be used to identify seronega- West Nile virus is a flavivirus associated with viral syn-
tive individuals (no history of chickenpox or shingles) dromes and meningoencephalitis and may be transmitted
for vaccination before transplantation. HSV screening by blood transfusion and organ transplantation.7,36,46,59,72
is performed by most centers despite the use of antivi- Routine screening of donors is not advocated other than
ral prophylaxis during the posttransplant period. VZV in areas with endemic infection. Donors with unexplained
serological status is particularly important in children changes in mental status or recent viral illness with neu-
who may be exposed at school (for antiviral or VZV im- rologic signs should be avoided.
munoglobulin prophylaxis) and in adults with atypical
presentations of infection (pneumonia or gastrointesti- Transplant Recipient
nal disease).61 Other herpesviruses also may reactivate,
with HHV-6 and HHV-7 serving as cofactors for CMV The pretransplant period is useful for obtaining travel,
and fungal infections and, in endemic regions, Kaposi’s animal, environmental, and exposure histories; updating
sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (HHV-8) causing malig- immunizations; and counseling of the recipient regard-
nancy, notably in endemic regions in South America and ing travel, food, and other infection risks.15 Ongoing in-
surrounding the Mediterranean basin. fection must be eradicated before transplantation. Two
HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV core antibody forms of infection pose a special risk – blood stream
(HBcAb) are used for screening purposes (see Chapter 32 infection related to vascular access (including that for
for detailed discussion).1,43,49,71 A positive HBV surface dialysis), and pneumonia, which puts the patient at
antibody titer indicates either vaccination or prior infec- high risk for subsequent lung infection with nosoco-
tion. HBcAb-IgM positivity suggests active HBV infec- mial organisms. Several other infections are commonly
tion, whereas IgG positivity suggests a more remote or encountered and should be treated and cleared before
persistent infection. The HBsAg-negative, HBcAb-IgG- transplantation. Infected ascites or peritoneal dialysis
positive donor will have viral DNA in the liver but may fluid also must be cleared before surgery. Urinary tract
be appropriate as a kidney donor for HBV-infected or infection must be eliminated with antibiotics with or
vaccinated renal recipients; quantitative viral assays for without nephrectomy. Similarly, skin disease threatens
HBV should be obtained to guide further therapy. The the integrity of a primary defense against infection and
presence of HBsAg-negative, HBcAb-IgG-positive as- should be corrected even if doing so requires the initia-
says may be a false-positive result or reflect true, latent tion of immunosuppression before transplantation (e.g.,
HBV infection. the initiation of immunosuppression to treat psoriasis
HCV infection generally progresses more rapidly or eczema). Finally, a history of more than one episode
with immunosuppression and with CMV co-infection (see of diverticulitis should initiate an evaluation to deter-
Chapter 32 for detailed discussion). HCV-seropositive mine whether sigmoid colectomy should be done before
kidney transplant candidates are more likely to develop transplantation.
cirrhosis and complications of liver failure. Therapies Among important considerations in transplant re-
for HCV infection are limited, with the side effects of cipients are strongyloidiasis, tuberculosis, and AIDS.
standard therapies (pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin) Strongyloides hyperinfestation syndrome (hemorrhagic
increased in the transplant population. Newer protease enterocolitis, pneumonia, Gram-negative or mixed bac-
inhibitors and other agents are available and efficacy teremia, or meningitis) may emerge more than 30 years
in the immunosuppressed host under investigation. after transplantation. Empirical pretransplantation ther-
Management involves monitoring disease progression by apy of Strongyloides-seropositive recipients (ivermectin)
quantitative molecular viral assays for HCV RNA with prevents such infections.
500 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The incidence of active tuberculous disease and Among the decisions in anti-infective therapy is
the occurrence of disseminated infection secondary to whether to reduce the intensity of immunosuppres-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis are higher in the transplant sion, with the understanding that the risk of such an ap-
­recipient than in the general population. Active tuberculous proach is graft rejection. For latent viral infections or
disease must be eradicated before transplantation. The tuberculosis, activation should be seen as evidence of
major antituberculous drugs are potentially hepatotoxic, excessive immunosuppression relative to the host’s im-
and significant drug interactions are common between mune function. In contrast, for intercurrent bacterial
antituberculosis agents and immunosuppressive agents. or fungal infections, reductions in immunosuppression
In patients with active infection, from endemic regions should be reconsidered when resolution of infection is
or with high-risk exposures, tuberculosis therapy should demonstrated. The specific reduction chosen may de-
be initiated in all PPD-positive individuals before trans- pend on the organisms isolated, e.g., corticosteroids and
plantation. Some judgment may be used as to the optimal bacterial infections. Similarly, reversal of some immune
timing of treatment in individuals without evidence of ac- deficits (e.g., neutropenia, hypogammaglobulinemia)
tive or pleuropulmonary disease. Patients at greater risk may be possible with adjunctive therapies (e.g., colony-
of tuberculosis infection or exposure include individuals stimulating factors or antibody). Co-infection with virus
with prior history of active tuberculosis or significant (CMV) is common and requires additional therapy. The
signs of old tuberculosis on chest radiograph, recent tu- adverse effects of reduced immune suppression during
berculin reaction conversion, known exposure to active infection are best demonstrated in patients with cryp-
disease, protein-calorie malnutrition, cirrhosis, other im- tococcal meningitis in whom a “rebound” of inflamma-
munodeficiency, or living exposures (e.g., in a shelter or tory responses may result in worsening symptoms and
other group housing). hydrocephalus. This reflects the immune reconstitution
For many patients receiving antiretroviral therapy, and inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) seen with any pa-
HIV infection has been converted from a progressively tient in whom immune deficits are reversed in the face
fatal disease to a chronic infection controlled by complex of ongoing inflammation.
regimens of antiviral agents or highly active antiretrovi-
ral therapy (HAART). HAART has been associated with
reduced viral loads, improved CD4+ lymphocyte counts, Viral Pathogens
and reduced susceptibility to opportunistic infections. In Cytomegalovirus
the pre-HAART era, organ transplantation generally was
associated with a rapid progression to AIDS. Prolonged Invasive infection due to CMV has become less com-
disease-free survival with HAART has led, however, to mon due to the availability of effective antiviral thera-
a reconsideration of this policy. Kidney transplantation pies and diagnostic and monitoring assays for the virus
in HIV has been associated with good outcomes in indi- (Table 31-6). However, even latent infection or low-
viduals with controlled HIV infection and in the absence level replication has important implications for trans-
of HCV co-infection.8,12,20,59,70,68,80 Management requires plant outcomes and strategies used to prevent (universal
experience with immunosuppressive agents and various versus pre-emptive therapy with monitoring) and treat
HAART regimens. The main hurdle is the drug interac- infection vary between centers. The manifestations of
tions between protease inhibitors and calcineurin inhibi- CMV infection have been traditionally termed “direct”
tors and the need for full immuosuppression despite HIV and “indirect” effects. More accurate terms might be
infection. “viremic/cytopathic” effects and “cellular/immunologic”
effects. The common direct effects or clinical syndromes
SELECTED INFECTIONS OF IMPORTANCE • “CMV syndrome”: viremia associated with fever
and neutropenia syndrome with variable features of
General Considerations infectious mononucleosis, including hepatitis, ne-
phritis, lymphadenitis, leukopenia, and/or throm-
The spectrum of infection in the immunocompromised bocytopenia
host is quite broad. Given the toxicity of antimicrobial • Pneumonitis – often difficult to distinguish from ap-
agents and the need for rapid interruption of infec- parently benign secretion
tion, early, specific diagnosis is essential in this popu- • Gastrointestinal invasion with esophagitis, colitis,
lation. Advances in diagnostic modalities (e.g., CT or gastritis, ulcers, bleeding, or perforation
magnetic resonance imaging, molecular microbiologic • Hepatitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, or chorioretinitis
techniques) may greatly assist in this process. The need • Meningoencephalitis
for invasive diagnostic tools cannot be overemphasized, • Hemolytic uremic syndrome or microangiopathic
however. Given the diminished immune responses of thrombosis.
the host, and the frequency of multiple simultaneous With the exception of chorioretinitis, the direct clini-
processes, invasive diagnosis is often required for spe- cal manifestations of CMV infection usually occur
cific microbiological diagnosis, to minimize side effects 1–6 months after transplantation in the absence of pro-
of therapy, and to improve clinical responses. The ini- phylaxis. Viremia and symptomatic infections are rare
tial, empiric therapy is broad by necessity, with a rapid during effective antiviral prophylaxis and have generally
narrowing of the antimicrobial spectrum as data become been delayed until after cessation of prophylaxis or d
­ evelop
available. in association with intensification of immunosuppression
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 501

(e.g., for rejection). Chorioretinitis occurs at low levels of the cell nucleus to activate the CMV major immediate-
viral replication and generally later in the posttransplant early promoter/enhancer and viral replication.
course. The risk for viral activation in the setting of inten-
The cellular and immunologic effects of CMV in- sified immunosuppression for graft rejection must be
fection (discussed below) are the result of the sup- linked to prophylaxis, notably in the CMV serostatus
pression of a variety of host defense mechanisms and D+/R– combination. The alloimmune response carries
predispose to secondary invasion by P. jiroveci, Candida, both the effects of injury to the graft that is gener-
and Aspergillus species, and other bacterial and f­ungal ally the site of greatest viral load and systemic inflam-
pathogens. CMV infection also contributes to the risk mation. Thus, a bidirectional linkage exists between
for graft rejection, PTLD, acceleration of HCV co-­ CMV replication and graft rejection. In an interesting
infection, HHV-6 and HHV-7 infections, and increased study, Reinke et al.67 showed that 17 of 21 patients for
risk for death. whom biopsy revealed evidence of “late acute rejection”
demonstrated a response to antiviral therapy. Further,
Patterns of Transmission. Transmission of CMV Lowance et al.56 demonstrated that the prevention of
in the transplant recipient occurs in one of three pat- CMV infection also resulted in a lower incidence of
terns: primary infection, reactivation infection, and graft rejection.
superinfection. The cellular and immunological effects of CMV
Primary CMV Infection. The greatest risk for infec- (“indirect effects”) may be as important to the immu-
tion is in the setting of primary CMV infection when nocompromised host as is invasive viral infection. The
seronegative individuals receive grafts from latently in- mechanisms for these effects are complex and relate to
fected, seropositive donors (D+R–), with subsequent re- viral strategies to evade the host’s antiviral responses to
activation of the virus with systemic dissemination. Over allow human CMV-infected antigen-presenting cells to
50% of these patients become viremic in the absence of travel throughout the host to spread virus.
prophylaxis, often without symptoms. Many will become
viremic after the cessation of antiviral, prophylaxis with Diagnosis. Clinical management of CMV, including pre-
symptomatic “late infection” occurring in up to a third vention and treatment, is based on an understanding of
of recipients previously treated with prophylaxis. Primary the causes of CMV activation and the available diagnostic
CMV infection may also occur in seronegative individu- techniques.22 CMV cultures generally are too slow and
als after transfusion or sexual contacts in the community. insensitive for clinical utility. A positive CMV culture
This disease may be severe. The allograft may be a privi- (or shell vial culture) derived from respiratory secretions
leged site for viral replication because the major histo- or urine is of little diagnostic value – many immunosup-
compatibility complex (MHC)-restricted, virus-specific, pressed patients secrete CMV in the absence of invasive
cytotoxic T cells have a decreased ability to eliminate disease. Serological tests are useful before transplantation
virally infected cells in the presence of MHC mismatch to predict risk but are of little value after transplanta-
between donor and recipient. tion in defining clinical disease, including measurements
Reactivation CMV Infection. In reactivation infection, of anti-CMV IgM levels, as seroconversion is generally
seropositive individuals reactivate endogenous virus after delayed. Seroconversion to CMV provides evidence
transplantation (D+ or D–, R+). When conventional im- that the patient has developed some degree of immunity
munosuppressive therapy is used without antilymphocyte and appears to correlate with T-cell function as well as
antibody “induction” treatment, approximately 10–15% antibodies.
experience direct infectious disease syndromes in the ab- Quantitation of the intensity of CMV infection has
sence of prophylaxis with a higher rate, up to 50%, fol- been linked to the risk for infection in transplant re-
lowing T-cell depletion therapies. cipients.6,8,14,32,40,41,49 Two types of quantitative assays have
CMV Superinfection. Virus derived from the donor been developed: molecular and antigen detection assays.6
may be reactivated in the setting of an allograft from a The antigenemia assay is a semiquantitative fluorescent
seropositive donor transplanted into a seropositive re- assay in which circulating neutrophils are stained for
cipient (D+R+). Blood transfusions, even if leukocyte- CMV early antigen (pp65) that is taken up non-specifi-
reduced, have a low rate (~4%) of transmission of CMV cally as a measure of the total viral burden in the body.
infection. This observation gains importance in patients The molecular assays (direct DNA polymerase chain re-
requiring significant transfusion in the perioperative action, hybrid capture, amplification assays) are highly
setting. specific and sensitive for the detection of viremia.37,53 The
most commonly used assays include plasma-based poly-
Pathogenesis of Infection. CMV activation occurs as the merase chain reaction testing and the whole-blood hy-
result of multiple factors, including the intensity of im- brid capture assay. Whole-blood and plasma-based assays
munosuppression (notably pulsed-dose corticosteroids), cannot be directly compared and assays performed by
the amount of virus in the graft, the use of lytic T-cell- different laboratories are often discordant. World Health
depleting therapies, co-­ infections, notably with other Organization standards have been created to use in the
herpesviruses (HHV-6 and HHV-7), and graft rejection. harmonization of assays between centers. The highest vi-
These events share features of inflammation and fever, ral loads often are associated with tissue-invasive disease,
endothelial activation and injury, and secretion of proin- with the lowest in asymptomatic CMV infection. Viral
flammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-α loads in the CMV syndrome vary. Either assay can be
that activates intracellular NF-κB. NF-κB ­translocates to used in management.
502 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The advent of quantitative assays for the diagnosis suggested the value of 6 months of prophylaxis in D+/R–
and management of CMV infection has allowed non- renal recipients (the IMPACT study).
invasive diagnosis in many patients with two important Options for CMV prophylaxis include valganciclo-
exceptions: vir (900 mg orally once daily), oral ganciclovir (1 g three
1. Neurological disease, including chorioretinitis times daily), intravenous ganciclovir (5 mg/kg once daily),
2. Gastrointestinal disease, including invasive colitis or high-dose oral valacyclovir (2 g four times daily) –
and gastritis. each corrected for renal function. Valganciclovir and
In these syndromes, the CMV assays are often negative. ganciclovir are associated with neutropenia; however,
For the diagnosis of gastrointestinal CMV disease the dose reduction risks breakthrough viremia and the emer-
demonstration of CMV inclusions in tissues and/or im- gence of viral resistance. Prophylaxis should be reiniti-
munohistology for CMV antigens remains essential. The ated during treatments with antilymphocyte therapies.
central role of assays is illustrated by the approach to the Given changing renal function after transplantation and
management of CMV risk (Table 31-6). The schedule for the costs of medication, many regimens employ lower
screening is linked to the risk for infection. In the high- doses of valganciclovir. Such regimens should be coupled
risk patient (D+/R+ or R+ with antilymphocyte globulin), to monitoring to assure efficacy. After the completion of
after the completion of prophylaxis, monthly screen- treatment for CMV disease (see below), many centers
ing is performed to ensure the absence of infection for initiate a course of secondary prophylaxis (1–3 months).
3–6 months. In the patient being treated for CMV infec- An alternative is a period of virologic monitoring for this
tion, the assays provide an end-point for therapy and the period.
initiation of prophylaxis.
Treatment. The standard of care for treating invasive
Cytomegalovirus prevention. Prevention of CMV in- CMV disease is 2–4 weeks of intravenous ganciclovir
fection must be individualized for immunosuppressive (5 mg/kg twice daily, with dosage adjustments for renal
regimens and the patient (Table 31-6).27,40,47,50,60,62,65 Two dysfunction) until a quantitative assay for CMV is nega-
strategies are commonly used for CMV prevention – tive.40,47,62 In patients with mild to moderately severe
­universal prophylaxis and pre-emptive therapy. Universal symptoms, valganciclovir (900 mg po twice daily cor-
prophylaxis involves giving antiviral therapy to all at-risk rected for renal function) may be used as an alterna-
patients beginning at or immediately after transplanta- tive. In symptomatic patients slow to respond to therapy
tion for a defined period. In pre-emptive therapy, quan- and who are seronegative, the addition of 3 months of
titative assays are used to monitor patients at predefined CMV hyperimmune globulin in seronegative individuals
intervals (generally weekly for weeks 1–12) to detect early (150 mg/kg/dose iv monthly) may be useful, but is costly
disease. Positive assays result in therapy. Pre-emptive and of uncertain benefit. Relapse does occur, primarily in
therapy incurs extra costs for monitoring and coordina- seronegative patients, in those with high viral burdens, if
tion of outpatient care, while reducing the cost of drugs not treated to the achievement of a negative quantitative
and the inherent toxicities. Prophylaxis has the possible assay, and in some with gastrointestinal disease treated
advantage of not only preventing CMV infection during with oral regimen. Repeat endoscopy should be consid-
the period of greatest risk but also diminishing infections ered to ensure the clearance of infection. In practice, it is
secondary to HHV-6, HHV-7, and EBV. The indirect reasonable to initiate therapy with intravenous ganciclo-
effects of CMV (i.e., graft rejection, opportunistic in- vir, monitor weekly to assure a response, and treat until
fection) also may be reduced by routine prophylaxis. In monitoring is negative. Such patients may benefit from
practice, neither universal prophylaxis nor pre-emptive 2–4 months of oral valganciclovir (900 mg daily based on
therapy is perfect. Many centers use a combination of creatinine clearance) administered as secondary prophy-
both approaches: universal prophylaxis for the highest- laxis after the completion of intravenous therapy. This
risk recipients (D+/R– and R+ with T-cell depletion), and approach has resulted in rare symptomatic relapses and
pre-emptive therapy for others. Infrequently, break- has been associated uncommonly with the emergence of
through disease and ganciclovir resistance have been ob- antiviral resistance. It may be worth measuring a formal
served with both approaches.1 creatinine clearance to assure adequate dosing.
Given the risk for invasive infection, patients at risk for The incidence of ganciclovir resistance in CMV is
primary infection (CMV D–/R–) and seropositive patients ­generally low.5,11,13 The risk for resistance is greatest in
receiving depleting anti-T-lymphocyte antibodies are D+/R– recipients, with higher viral loads, who received
generally given prophylaxis for 3–6 months after trans- inadequate dosing of prophylactic or therapeutic gan-
plantation. Other groups are candidates for pre-emptive ciclovir, more intensive immunosuppression including
therapy if an appropriate monitoring system is in place, antilymphocyte antibody induction, and with prolonged
and patient compliance is good. Current data support the antiviral prophylaxis. Clinically, the patient’s viral load
use of universal prophylaxis (not pre-emptive therapy), or clinical syndrome fails to respond to appropriate
however, in the prevention of indirect effects of CMV therapy, including a reduction in immunosuppression
infection, including PTLD, opportunistic infections, over 10–14 days. Genetic resistance testing is useful in
allograft rejection, and mortality.1,42 Increasingly, “late” managing resistant CMV infection; mutations in the viral
disease has been observed after the completion of prophy- UL97 (thymidine kinase) or UL54 (DNA polymerase)
laxis.38,39 Thus, monitoring may be useful after prophy- genes can confer ganciclovir resistance.32,51 Some of the
laxis. The rate of late disease varies but is thought to be as common mutations in the UL97 gene respond to higher
high as 17–37% in D+/R– recipients. This observation has doses of intravenous ganciclovir. Combined mutations
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 503

(UL97 and UL54) may manifest high-level resistance to Meningitis, hepatitis, and pancreatitis also are observed.
ganciclovir. Alternative therapies are available in intrave- Remitting-relapsing EBV infection is common in chil-
nous form only. These include foscarnet and cidofovir. dren and may reflect the interplay between evolving anti-
Foscarnet is active against many ganciclovir-resistant viral immunity and immunosuppression. Regardless of its
strains of CMV, although associated with marked mag- mode of expression, this syndrome should suggest rela-
nesium and potassium wasting, seizures (notably with tive overimmunosuppression.
calcineurin inhibitor therapy), and some renal toxicity. EBV also plays a central role in the pathogenesis of
Cidofovir may also be used, but often incurs significant PTLD.14,47,55,53,59,70 PTLD represents a spectrum of dis-
nephrotoxicity and ocular toxicity. Liposomal cidofovir ease from benign B-cell mononucleosis-like syndrome
is under investigation. UL54 mutations may cause resis- to monomorphic B-cell lymphoma as well as tumors of
tance to foscarnet and to cidofovir depending on the na- T-cell, natural killer cell, and null-cell origins (Figure 31-3).
ture of the mutation. Multiple courses of antiviral therapy The most clearly defined risk factor for PTLD is primary
may be needed to cure resistant CMV infection. Given EBV infection, which increases the risk for PTLD by
the toxicity of available medications, several investiga- 10–76-fold. PTLD may occur in the absence of EBV in-
tional drugs are under study that may alter recommended fection or in seropositive patients and the role of EBV in
therapies for antiviral-resistant CMV. Combination ther- the pathogenesis of the non-B-cell tumors is less clear.
apy (ganciclovir and foscarnet) may be useful, as is the Other risk factors include CMV co-infection, T-cell de-
addition of hyperimmune globulins. Most centers try to pletion therapy, duration of immunosuppression, and,
reduce overall immunosuppression during the course of in adults, older age. Posttransplant non-Hodgkin’s lym-
therapy. Alternative agents include the dihydroorotate phoma is a common complication of solid-organ trans-
dehydrogenase inhibitors (leflunamide) approved for im- plantation. Lymphomas constitute 15% of tumors among
munosuppression in treatment of rheumatological dis- adult transplant recipients (51% in children) with mortal-
eases with useful, incidental activity against CMV (and ity of 40–60%. Many deaths are associated with allograft
possibly BK polyomavirus). failure after withdrawal of immunosuppression during
treatment of malignancy.
Compared with the general population, PTLD has
Epstein–Barr Virus
increased extranodal involvement, poor response to con-
EBV is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that infects B lym- ventional therapies, and poor outcomes. The spectrum
phocytes.2,29,30,66 In immunosuppressed transplant re- of disease is broad and ranges from benign polyclonal,
cipients, primary EBV infection (and relapses in the B-cell, infectious mononucleosis-like disease to malig-
absence of ­antiviral immunity) causes a mononucleosis- nant, monoclonal lymphoma.80 Most disease is of B-cell
type syndrome, generally manifesting as a lymphocytosis origin, although T-cell, natural killer cell, and null cell
(B cell) with or without lymphadenopathy or pharyngitis. tumors are described. EBV-negative PTLD has been

FIGURE 31-3  ■  (A) Central nervous system lymphoma with positive staining for Epstein–Barr virus (posttransplantation lymphoprolif-
erative disorder) in a 63-year-old man 6 years status post renal transplantation. (B) Acute stroke syndrome in a 65-year-old man with
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
504 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

described, and T-cell PTLD has been shown in allografts Polyomaviruses

thought to have rejection or other viral infection. PTLD
Polyomaviruses have been identified in transplant re-
late (>1–2 years) after transplantation is more often EBV-
cipients in association with nephropathy and ureteral
negative in adults.
obstruction (BK virus), and in association with demyelin-
The clinical presentations of EBV-associated PTLD
ating disease of the brain (JC virus) similar to progressive
vary widely and include:
multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) of AIDS. Adult
• Unexplained fever (fever of unknown origin) with
levels of seroprevalence are 65–90%. BK virus resides
in latency in renal tubular epithelial cells. JC virus also
• A mononucleosis-type syndrome, with fever and
has been isolated from renal tissues but seems to have
malaise, with or without pharyngitis or tonsil-
preferred tropism for neural tissues. Reactivation occurs
litis (often diagnosed incidentally in tonsillec-
with immunodeficiency and immunosuppression and tis-
tomy specimens); often no lymphadenopathy is
sue injury (e.g., ischemia-reperfusion).
• Gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction, or perforation
• Abdominal mass lesions BK Polyomavirus Infection. BK virus is associated with
• Infiltrative disease of the allograft a range of clinical syndromes in immunocompromised
• Hepatocellular or pancreatic dysfunction hosts, including viruria and viremia, ureteral ulceration
• Central nervous system (CNS) mass lesions. and stenosis, and hemorrhagic cystitis.22,34,40,42,58,60,61,63,77,80
Active infection of renal allografts has been associated with
Diagnosis. Serological testing is not useful for the diag- progressive loss of graft function (“BK nephropathy”) in
nosis of acute EBV infection or PTLD in transplanta- approximately 4% (range 1–8%) of kidney transplant re-
tion. Quantitative EBV viral load testing is required for cipients; this is referred to as PVAN. BK nephropathy is
the diagnosis and management of PTLD.2,5,20,28,29,66,72,74 rarely recognized in recipients of extrarenal organs. The
Serial assays are more useful in an individual patient clinical presentation of disease is usually as sterile pyuria,
than specific viral load measurements. These assays reflecting shedding of infected tubular and ureteric epi-
are not standardized and cannot be directly compared thelial cells. These cells contain sheets of virus and are
between centers. Some data suggest that assays using detected by urine cytology as “decoy cells.” In some cases,
unfractionated whole blood are preferable to plasma the patient presents with diminished renal allograft func-
samples for EBV viral load surveillance. The diagnosis tion or with ureteric stenosis and obstruction. In such
of PTLD may be suggested by the presence of a compat- patients, the etiologies of decreased renal function must
ible clinical syndrome with demonstration of EBV viral be carefully evaluated (e.g., mechanical obstruction, drug
load. EBV viral load in whole blood and plasma appear toxicity, pyelonephritis, rejection, thrombosis, recurrent
to be similar but some controversy exists with respect disease), and choices must be made between increasing
to preferred sample type. Viral load monitoring is non- immunosuppression to treat suspected graft rejection or
standardized and results may not be compared between reducing immunosuppression to allow the immune sys-
clinical laboratories. Trends in individual patients over tem to control infection. Patients with BK nephropathy
time using a single assay are most useful. The demon- treated with increased immunosuppression have a high
stration of EBV-specific nucleic acids in tissues may incidence of graft loss. Reduced immunosuppression may
diagnose EBV-associated PTLD. RNA in situ hybridiza- stabilize renal allograft function but risks graft rejection.
tion against EBV-encoded small nuclear RNAs is more Risk factors for BK nephropathy are poorly defined.
sensitive than the detection of viral DNA. The EBV Some studies have implicated high-dose immunosup-
latent antigens EBNA-1, EBNA-2, and LMP-1 can be pression (particularly T-cell depletion, tacrolimus, and
detected by immunohistochemistry. mycophenolate mofetil), pulse-dose steroids for treat-
ment of graft rejection, ischemia-reperfusion injury, in-
Management. Clinical management depends on the creased number of HLA mismatches between donor and
stage of disease. In the polyclonal form, particularly in recipient, and the intensity of viremia in the pathogenesis
children, re-establishment of immune function may suf- of disease. The role of specific immunosuppressive agents
fice to cause PTLD to regress. At this stage, it is possible has not been confirmed. The greatest incidence of BK
that antiviral therapy might have some utility given the nephropathy is at centers with the most intensive immu-
viremia and role of EBV, and of CMV if present, as an im- nosuppressive regimens.
munosuppressive agent. With the progression of disease Screening, Prevention, and Diagnosis. BK virus in-
to extranodal and monoclonal malignant forms, reduc- fection is generally asymptomatic. Renal tubular cell in-
tion in immunosuppression may be useful, but alternative jury in PVAN is reflected in a rising serum creatinine.
therapies are often required. In kidney transplantation, Most centers have developed screening programs to
the failure to regress with significant reductions in im- document early disease. The use of urine cytology to de-
munosuppression may suggest the need to sacrifice the tect the presence of infected decoy cells in the urine has
allograft for patient survival. Combinations of anti-B-cell approximately 100% sensitivity for BK virus infection
therapy (anti-CD20, rituximab), chemotherapy (CHOP: but a low (29%) predictive value.64 Detection of urine
cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin, vincristine, BK virus by electron microscopy, urine BK viral (DNA)
prednisone), irradiation especially for CNS tumors, or loads greater than 7 log gEq/mL or BK virus VP1 gene
adoptive immunotherapy with stimulated T cells have mRNA of >6 log copies/ng total urine RNA are use-
been used.15,26,28,30 ful diagnostically. Patients with BK nephropathy have
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 505

higher plasma viral loads (>7700 BK virus copies per 2 weeks). Significant renal toxicity may be observed with
mL of plasma, P < 0.001, 50% positive predictive value, this agent. Leflunomide, an immunosuppressant used in
100% negative predictive value) when compared to pa- rheumatoid arthritis, and fluoroquinolones have some
tients without such disease.34 anti-BK activity. Use of these agents should prompt con-
A high serum BK viral load is considered a basis for sultation with clinicians expert in this area. Repletion of
reduction in immunosuppression, especially if serum serum immunoglobulins and treatment with intravenous
creatinine has risen. However, the diagnosis should be immunoglobulins have also been used with anecdotal
made by demonstration of BK virus cytopathic changes success in some patients.
with cellular infiltration consistent with the diagnosis of Retransplantation has been successful in PVAN pa-
interstitial nephritis in the allograft and by immunohis- tients with failed allografts, possibly as a reflection of im-
tology for BK virus proteins, or by in situ hybridization munity developing subsequent to reduction in immune
for BK virus nucleic acids in a renal biopsy. There is a suppression. Most centers allow retransplantation after
semiquantitative scoring system for histologic changes immunosuppression has been discontinued for some pe-
of PVAN. For immunohistochemistry, cross-reacting riod (6 months) and BK virus is undetectable in blood and
antibodies against the large T-antigen of the simian virus low in urine. Surgical removal of the allograft does not
40 or antibodies against BK virus VP1 or agnoprotein protect against future BK infection or PVAN but may be
have been used. PVAN is characterized by intranuclear needed if immunosuppression cannot be reduced (double
polyomavirus inclusion bodies in tubular epithelial and/ transplants, allosensitization) and/or elevated viral loads
or glomerular cells. Fibrosis is often prominent, occa- persist. In the future, measurements of BK virus-specific
sionally with calcification. PVAN is often focal, with cellular immunity after discontinuation of immunosup-
false-negative biopsies in some cases. Graft rejection pression may help to determine the optimal time for
may accompany PVAN, and complicates both diagnosis retransplantation.
and management.
Recommendations regarding screening for BK virus JC Virus
infection vary, but generally suggest testing once every
3 months during the first 2 years after transplantation, Infection of the CNS by JC polyomavirus has been ob-
and at least annually for years 2–5.33,34 A urinary test served uncommonly in transplant recipient as PML
for BK virus (cytology for decoy cells or urine BK vi- (Figure 31-3). This infection may present with focal neu-
rus loads over 7 log gEq/mL) is adequate for screening. rologic deficits or seizures as well as more slowly pro-
Patients with high urinary BK viral loads require testing gressive neurologic lesions and may progress to death
for plasma BK virus DNA. Screening can also be per- following extensive demyelination. PML may be con-
formed using plasma BK virus DNA loads. For patients fused with calcineurin neurotoxicity; both may respond
with plasma BK viral DNA loads of >4 log10 gEq/mL to a reduction in drug levels. No proven therapies exist,
on duplicate testing 2–3 weeks apart, a presumptive diag- although reduction of immunosuppression is commonly
nosis of PVAN should be made and immunosuppression employed, on analogy to immune reconstitution in AIDS
reduced (see below). If screening is performed by plasma patients with PML.
viral load, the interval between screening assays should
be reduced to monthly for the first 6 months posttrans-
plant. This reflects reduced time before permanent renal
Fungal Infections
injury in patients with circulating viremia compared with In addition to the endemic mycoses, transplant recipients
urinary excretion. are at risk for opportunistic infections with a variety of
Treatment. There is no accepted treatment for PVAN fungal agents, the most important of which are Candida,
other than reduction in the intensity of immune sup- Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus neoformans.
pression. It is useful to monitor the response to such ma-
neuvers using plasma viral load measurements. Despite Candida
controversy, it is reasonable to reduce dosing of both
calcineurin inhibitors and antimetabolites in a stepwise The most common fungal pathogen in transplant pa-
fashion while monitoring BK virus plasma loads. Given tients is Candida, with more than 50% being of non-
the toxicity of calcineurin inhibitors for tubular cells, the albicans strains. Mucocutaneous candidal infection (e.g.,
role of injury in the activation of BK virus, as well as the oral thrush, esophageal infection, cutaneous infection at
need for anti-BK T-cell activity, these agents should be intertriginous sites, candidal vaginitis) is most common
included in initial reductions. General targets include ta- in diabetics, with high-dose steroid therapy, and during
crolimus trough levels of <6 ng/mL, cyclosporine trough broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy. These infections
levels <150 ng/mL, sirolimus trough levels of <6 ng/mL, are usually treatable through correction of the underlying
and/or mycophenolate mofetil daily dose equivalents of metabolic abnormality and topical therapy with clotrima-
≤1000 mg. Regardless of the approach, renal function (at zole or nystatin (Table 31-6). Thrush also may complicate
least 1–2 times per week), drug levels, and viral loads (al- viral (HSV, CMV) or toxic (drugs including mycopheno-
ternate weeks) must be monitored carefully during reduc- late mofetil) esophagitis. Optimal management of candi-
tions. Rebiopsy may be needed for poor responses. dal infection occurring in association with the presence of
The use of adjunctive antiviral therapies remains con- vascular access catheters, surgical drains, and bladder cath-
troversial. Some centers advocate the use of cidofovir eters requires removal of the foreign body and systemic
for BK nephropathy in low doses (0.25–1 mg/kg every antifungal therapy with fluconazole or echinocandin.
506 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

A special problem in kidney transplant recipients is (acyclovir) while awaiting data (lumbar puncture, blood
candiduria, including in asymptomatic patients. Notably cultures, and radiographic studies). Non-infectious etiol-
in individuals with poor bladder function, obstructing ogies, including calcineurin inhibitor toxicity, lymphoma,
fungal balls can develop at the ureteropelvic junction, and metastatic cancer, should be included in the differ-
resulting in obstructive uropathy, ascending pyelone- ential diagnosis. Molecular assays (HSV) and biopsy (for
phritis, and the possibility of systemic dissemination. A non-infectious etiologies) may be needed for diagnosis.
single positive culture result for Candida species from a
blood specimen necessitates systemic antifungal therapy; Cryptococcus neoformans. Cryptococcal infection is
this finding carries a significant risk of dissemination or rarely seen in the transplant recipient until more than
invasion in this population. 6 months after transplantation. In the relatively intact
transplant recipient, the most common presentation of
cryptococcal infection is that of an asymptomatic pulmo-
nary nodule, often with active organisms present. In the
Invasive aspergillosis is a medical emergency in the trans- “chronic ne’er-do-well” patient, pneumonia and menin-
plant recipient, with the portal of entry being the lungs gitis are common, with skin involvement at sites of tissue
and sinuses in more than 90% of patients and the skin injury (catheters) and in prostate or bone also reported.
in most of those remaining. The predominant species de- Cryptococcosis should be suspected in transplant re-
pends on the clinical center and prior exposures to soil and cipients who present with unexplained headaches (espe-
construction sites. The pathological hallmark of invasive cially when accompanied by fevers), decreased state of
aspergillosis is blood vessel invasion, which accounts for consciousness, failure to thrive, or unexplained focal skin
the three clinical characteristics of this infection – tissue disease (which requires biopsy for culture and pathologi-
infarction, hemorrhage, and systemic dissemination with cal evaluation) more than 6 months after transplantation.
metastatic invasion. Early in the course of transplantation, Diagnosis is often achieved by serum cryptococcal anti-
CNS involvement with fungal infection is most often gen detection, but all such patients should have lumbar
due to Aspergillus; 1 year or later after transplantation, puncture for cell counts, culture, India ink preparation,
other fungi (Zygomycetes, dematiaceous fungi) become and cryptococcal antigen studies (Figure 31-4). Initial
more prominent. The drug of choice for documented treatment is best with liposomal amphotericin and
Aspergillus infection is voriconazole, despite its significant 5-­flucytosine (monitoring serum levels) followed by high-
interactions with calcineurin inhibitors and rapamycin. dose fluconazole until the cryptococcal antigen is cleared
Liposomal amphotericin is an equally effective alterna- from blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Lifetime prophy-
tive, and combination therapies are under study. Surgical laxis is needed. IRIS may require adjunctive use of cor-
debridement is usually essential for successful clearance ticosteroids during the acute phase of CNS cryptococcal
of such invasive infections. infection. IRIS or scarring may cause obstruction with in-
creased cerebrospinal fluid pressure and hydrocephalus.
Central Nervous System Infections and
Strongyloides stercoralis. S. stercoralis infection may ac-
Cryptococcus neoformans
tivate over 30 years after initial exposure with immu-
CNS infection in the transplant recipient may result nosuppressive therapy. Such reactivation can result in
from a broad spectrum of organisms. Infections are often either diarrheal illness or parasite migration with hy-
metastatic to the CNS from the blood stream and lungs. perinfestation syndrome (characterized by ­hemorrhagic
Viral etiologies include CMV (nodular angiitis), HSV
meningoencephalitis, JC virus (progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy), and VZV. Local epidemiology
(West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis) also must
be considered. Common bacterial infections in addi-
tion to the pneumococcus include Lyme disease, Listeria
monocytogenes, tuberculosis, Nocardia, and occasionally
Salmonella. Brain abscess and epidural abscess have been
observed and may be particularly problematic when
secondary to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
penicillin-resistant Pneumococcus, and quinolone-resistant
streptococci. As noted earlier, fungi may be metastatic
from lungs (Aspergillus and Cryptococcus) but also may
spread from sinuses (Mucoraceae), skin (Dematiaceae),
and the blood stream (Histoplasma and Pseudallescheria/
Scedosporium, Fusarium). Parasites include Toxoplasma gon-
dii and Strongyloides stercoralis.
Given the spectrum of etiologies, precise diagnosis
is essential (Table 31-7). A reasonable empirical regi-
men would treat Pneumococcus and Haemophilus influen- FIGURE-31-4  ■  Cryptoccus neoformans meningitis – India ink prep-
zae (ceftriaxone and vancomycin), Listeria (ampicillin), aration of cerebrospinal fluid from a 53-year-old man 16 months
Cryptococcus (fluconazole or amphotericin), and HSV after renal transplantation.
Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients 507

e­nterocolitis, hemorrhagic pneumonia, or both) or The hallmark of infection resulting from PCP is the
disseminated infection with accompanying (usually) presence of marked hypoxemia, dyspnea, and cough
Gram-negative bacteremia or meningitis. Patients from with a paucity of physical or radiological findings. In the
tropical areas and the southeastern United States should transplant recipient, Pneumocystis pneumonia is generally
be screened with Strongyloides IgG serology prior to acute to subacute in development. Atypical Pneumocystis
transplantation, and should be treated with ivermectin infection (radiographically or clinically) may be seen in
pre-emptively if seropositive. patients who have coexisting pulmonary infections or
who develop disease while receiving prophylaxis with
Pneumocystis and Fever with Pneumonitis second-choice agents (e.g., pentamidine or atovaquone).
Patients outside the usual period of greatest risk for
The spectrum of potential pathogens of the lungs in the P. carinii (jiroveci) pneumonia may present with indolent
transplant recipient is broad. Some general concepts are disease, which may be radiographically confused with
worth consideration. As for all infections in transplanta- heart failure. In such patients, diagnosis often has to be
tion, invasive diagnostic techniques are often necessary made by invasive procedures. The role of rapamycin ther-
for specific microbiological diagnosis. This avoids unnec- apy in the clinical presentation is unknown. Numerous
essary toxicities of antimicrobial agents and selection of patients have been identified with interstitial pneumoni-
optimal therapy. The depressed inflammatory response tis while receiving rapamycin.3,9 This syndrome may oc-
of the immunocompromised transplant patient may cur in the presence or absence of concomitant infections
greatly modify or delay the appearance of a pulmonary (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, Pneumocystis).
lesion on radiograph. Focal or multifocal consolidation Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prophylaxis. The charac-
of acute onset is likely to be caused by bacterial infec- teristic hypoxemia of Pneumocystis pneumonia produces a
tion. Similar multifocal lesions with subacute to chronic broad alveolar-arterial partial pressure of oxygen gradient.
progression are more likely secondary to fungi, tubercu- The level of serum lactate dehydrogenase is elevated in
losis, or nocardial infections. Large nodules are usually a most patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia (>300 IU/mL).
sign of fungal or nocardial infection, particularly if they Many other diffuse pulmonary processes also increase se-
are subacute to chronic in onset. Subacute disease with rum lactate dehydrogenase levels, however. No diagnos-
diffuse abnormalities, either of the peribronchovascular tic pattern exists for Pneumocystis pneumonia on routine
type or miliary micronodules, are usually caused by vi- chest radiograph. The chest radiograph may be entirely
ruses (especially CMV) or Pneumocystis.54,75 Additional normal or develop the classic pattern of perihilar and
clues can be found by examining pulmonary lesions for interstitial ground-glass infiltrates (Figure 31-1). Chest
cavitation, which suggests necrotizing infection as may CT scans are more sensitive to the diffuse interstitial
be caused by fungi (Aspergillus or Mucoraceae), Nocardia, and nodular pattern than routine radiographs. The clini-
Staphylococcus, and certain Gram-negative bacilli, cal and radiological manifestations of P. carinii (jiroveci)
most commonly Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas pneumonia are virtually identical to the manifestations
aeruginosa.35,76 of CMV. The clinical challenge is to determine whether
CT of the chest is useful when the chest radiograph both pathogens are present. Significant extrapulmo-
is negative or when the radiographic findings are subtle nary disease is uncommon in the transplant recipient.
or non-specific. CT also is essential to the definition of Bronchoalveolar lavage may be helpful.
the extent of the disease process, to the discernment of Early therapy with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
the possibility of simultaneous processes (superinfection), is preferred; few kidney transplant patients tolerate full-
and to the selection of the optimal invasive technique to dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for prolonged pe-
achieve pathological diagnosis. riods.21,52,69 This reflects the elevation of creatinine by
trimethoprim (competing for secretion in the kidney),
Pneumocystis Pneumonia. The risk of infection with and the toxicity of sulfa agents for the renal allograft.
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) is greatest in the Hydration and the gradual initiation of therapy may help.
first 6 months after transplantation and during periods of Alternative therapies are less desirable but have been used
increased immunosuppression.18,19,52,54,57,75 In patients not with success, including intravenous pentamidine, atova-
receiving trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (or alternative quone, clindamycin with primaquine or pyrimethamine,
drugs) as prophylaxis, most transplant centers report an and trimetrexate. Although a reduction in the intensity
incidence of Pneumocystis pneumonia of approximately of immunosuppression is generally considered a part of
10% in the first 6 months after transplantation. There is anti-infective therapy in transplantation, the use of short
a continued risk of infection in three overlapping groups courses of adjunctive steroids with a gradual taper is gen-
of transplant recipients: (1) recipients who require higher erally useful.
than normal levels of immunosuppression for prolonged The importance of preventing Pneumocystis infec-
periods because of poor allograft function or chronic re- tion cannot be overemphasized.19,52,68,69 Low-dose
jection; (2) recipients with chronic CMV infection; and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is well tolerated and
(3) recipients undergoing treatments that increase the should be used in the absence of concrete data showing
level of immunodeficiency, such as cancer chemotherapy true allergy or interstitial nephritis. Alternative prophylactic
or neutropenia secondary to drug toxicity. The expected strategies, including dapsone, atovaquone, and inhaled or in-
mortality secondary to Pneumocystis pneumonia is in- travenous pentamidine, are less effective than trimethoprim/
creased in patients on cyclosporine compared with other sulfamethoxazole but are useful in patients with significant al-
immunocompromised hosts. lergy to sulfa drugs. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is the
508 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

most effective agent for prevention of infection caused by The prevention of urinary tract infections has been dra-
P. carinii (jiroveci). The advantages of trimethoprim/sulfa- matically altered by the routine use of trimethoprim/
methoxazole include increased efficacy; lower cost; avail- sulfamethoxazole, which has the advantage of prevention of
ability of oral preparations; and possible protection against Pneumocystis pneumonia as well as urinary tract infections
other organisms, including T. gondii, Isospora belli, Cyclospora and other infections. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
cayetanensis, Nocardia asteroides, and common urinary, respi- given for 6 months to 1 year post kidney transplantation
ratory, and gastrointestinal bacterial pathogens. Alternative is generally effective in the absence of instrumentation
agents lack this spectrum of activity. or obstruction. Few recent studies address whether the
changing ecology of bacteria have reduced the efficacy
of prophylaxis. In patients intolerant of trimethoprim/
Urinary Tract Infection sulfamethoxazole, a fluoroquinolone may be used with
The majority of urinary tract infections occur in the first the addition of another agent against PCP (atovaquone,
year after kidney transplantation. A subset of patients dapsone).
have recurrent disease and may suffer pyelonephritis or
bacteremia. Urinary tract infection beyond 6 months af-
ter transplantation is associated with reduced renal graft CONCLUSIONS
survival and increased mortality. The risk of urinary tract
infection after kidney transplantation is increased in Transplant infectious disease is increasingly character-
women, with prolonged bladder catheterization, with in- ized by the ability to monitor and prevent infection
creased intensity of immunosuppression, in recipients of based on prophylaxis, new antimicrobial agents, and
deceased donor grafts, and, possibly, with vesicoureteral vaccination. Despite significant advances, infection
reflux. The risk for vesicoureteral reflux is dependent in poses a life-threatening challenge for many recipients.
part on the technical approach to implantation of the ure- In the future, increased availability of pathogen-specific
ter taken in surgery. The risk for candiduria in particular immune function tests, enhanced screening of donors
is increased in patients who have received prior antimi- and recipients, and a better understanding of risk factors
crobial therapy, with neurogenic bladder, with indwelling such as genetic polymorphisms should combine with ad-
urethral catheters, and in intensive care units. Most kid- vances in transplant immunosuppression to reduce risks
ney transplant recipients with bacteriuria are asymptom- of infection still further.
atic, while pain with pyelonephritis represents transmural
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Liver Disease among Renal

Transplant Recipients
Adnan Said  •  John P. Rice  •  Nasia Safdar  •  Jennifer T. Wells  •  Michael R. Lucey



Polycystic Disease HCV Species
Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity Clinical Manifestations of Hepatitis C Infection
in Immunocompetent Hosts
SPECIFIC IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENTS Incidence/Prevalence and Transmission
IN RENAL TRANSPLANTATION AND of Hepatitis C in Renal Transplant
Azathioprine Allograft Transmission of HCV
Calcineurin Inhibitor-Induced Hepatotoxicity Impact of Pretransplant HCV on Posttransplant
Sirolimus Outcomes
Mycophenolate Mofetil, Mycophenolic Acid HCV and Posttransplant Diabetes in the Renal
Monoclonal Antibodies Transplant Recipient
T-Cell Costimulatory Inhibitor HCV and Posttransplant Nephropathy
Immunosuppressive Strategies in Renal
TRANSPLANTATION Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy
Hepatitis B Virus Posttransplant Antiviral Therapy for
Viral Structure and Proteins Hepatitis C
Tests for Detection of Hepatitis B Hepatitis E
Epidemiology of HBV
Hepatitis B Infection in Patients Awaiting TRANSPLANTATION
Renal Transplant on Dialysis
B-Positive Dialysis Patients AND LIVER DISEASE
Posttransplant Prognosis in Hepatitis Liver Abscess
B-Infected Recipients Mycobacterial Infection
De Novo HBV Infection after Kidney Viral Infections
Transplantation Herpesviruses
Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B in Cytomegalovirus
Renal Transplant Candidates/Recipients
Epstein–Barr Virus
Specific Antiviral Agents for HBV Used in
Herpes Simplex Virus
Renal Transplant Recipients
Varicella-Zoster Virus
Treatment of Fibrosing Cholestatic Hepatitis B
in Renal Transplant Recipients Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7

OVERVIEW OF INCIDENCE AND disorders seen in the non-transplant population. Surveys

CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS of the prevalence of chronic liver injury in otherwise
healthy subjects suggest that the burden of unrecognized
Theoretically, the spectrum of liver disease in renal liver disease in the apparently healthy community is high.
transplant recipients should mimic the spectrum of dis- A study by Ioannou et al.115 used the National Health
ease seen in society. It is axiomatic that renal transplant and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) con-
recipients are at risk for all the acute and chronic liver ducted between 1999 and 2002 to assess the prevalence

512 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of elevated serum transaminase activities in a cohort of who have mutations in PKD1, but otherwise the natural
6823 American adults. The prevalence of elevated ala- ­history is identical. Renal cystic disease associated with
nine aminotransferase (ALT) was 8.9%, a result that is autosomal dominant polycystic disease may develop
more than double that of previously available estimates in ­renal failure that requires hemodialysis or renal trans-
similar populations. Recently, another NHANES study plantation. The severity of hepatic cystic disease cor-
of American adolescents identified the presence of an el- relates with both the severity of renal cystic disease and
evated ALT, defined as a value above 30 U/mL, in 8.0% the ­degree of renal dysfunction.
of the population.95 Risk factors for an elevated ALT in- Hepatic cysts are lined with secretory biliary epi-
cluded higher waist circumference, body mass index, fast- thelium. The cysts are first noted after puberty and in-
ing blood glucose, and fasting triglycerides. crease in prevalence with age.18 Hepatic cyst prevalence
These studies indicate the potential hazards in esti- is ­correlated with renal cyst volume.18 The lifetime risk
mating the likely prevalence of liver disease in a special for expression of hepatic cysts is equal in male and female
population such as recipients of renal transplantation in holders of the genetic defect, but hepatic cysts tend to
the absence of good data. The rise in non-alcoholic ste- be larger and more numerous in women, possibly due to
atohepatitis, the recognition of chronic hepatitis C virus the influence of estrogen on hepatic cyst growth.215
(HCV), and possible changing use of alcohol mean that Symptoms due to hepatic cysts in adult-onset autoso-
a contemporary assessment of the spectrum of liver dis- mal dominant polycystic disease are the result of a com-
ease might be quite different from previous reports, and partment disorder in which the abdominal cavity is unable
in one country compared to another.148 Consequently, it to accommodate the cystic mass. Patients with massive
should be noted that there have been no comprehensive hepatic cysts can experience abdominal pain, early satiety,
attempts to characterize liver disease in renal transplant or dyspnea (Figure 32-1). These “bulk” symptoms may
recipients since Allison et al.7 examined the prevalence be so troubling as to warrant liver transplantation. In ad-
and nature of chronic liver disease among 538 patients dition, uncommon complications, such as cyst rupture,
with functioning renal allografts managed in Scotland infection, torsion, or hemorrhage, can occur.47 Hepatic
between 1980 and 1989. The authors reported that bio- function and portal hemodynamics are usually normal.
chemical evidence of liver dysfunction was observed in Biliary obstruction, portal hypertension, ascites, variceal
37 patients (7%), 19 (4%) of whom were seropositive for hemorrhage, and encephalopathy are rare features of au-
HCV. The work of Allison et al. is most likely an under- tosomal dominant polycystic disease.
estimate given that it was undertaken just as HCV infec- There is no good medical therapy for the abdominal
tion was discovered, and, as will be discussed below, HCV symptoms associated with autosomal dominant polycystic
prevalence in renal transplant cohorts has been reported disease. Agents such as somatostatin and sirolimus have
to be as high as 40%. been tried without much success.142 For women with
In the subsequent sections of this chapter we will dis- symptomatic cysts, stopping oral contraceptive or hor-
cuss in more detail some liver disorders which appear to mone replacement therapy should be considered, but data
occur in greater frequency in renal transplant recipients on efficacy are anecdotal. There are many procedures de-
compared with the background population. In some cir- scribed to ameliorate the discomfort associated with liver
cumstances, such as autosomal dominant polycystic dis- cysts. Cyst aspiration under sonographic guidance may
ease, the liver and kidney disorder are part of the same
underlying disease. In other patients in whom renal failure
coexists with liver disease, the two conditions are acquired
separately. Chronic infections with hepatotropic viruses
(HBV and HCV) fall into this category. We will consider
liver diatheses that are consequences of the inherent risks
of the transplant process, including drug-related injury
secondary to immunosuppressant medications or hepatic
manifestations of opportunistic infections secondary to


Polycystic Disease
Autosomal dominant polycystic disease is a condi-
tion arising from mutations in two distinct genes that
result in the development of the renal and liver cysts.
Mutations in AD-PKD1 account for up to 90% adult-
onset combined kidney and liver polycystic disease and
mutations in AD-PKD2 account for the majority of the
remainder.74,197 Patients with mutations in PKD2 tend to FIGURE 32-1  ■ The liver has innumerable cysts, ranging from
have later onset of disease and approximately 16 years small to large, in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic
of increased life expectancy compared with patients liver/kidney disease.
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 513

provide temporary relief, but the cysts inevitably recur.

TABLE 32-1  Medications that Stimulate or
Continuous or intermittent drainage through a perma-
Inhibit the Cytochrome P-450 System and can
nent percutaneous catheter should be strongly discour-
Influence the Level of Other Medications (Such
aged as it runs the risk of converting a sterile cyst into
as Cyclosporine)
a pyogenic abscess. Surgical approaches include open or
laparoscopic cyst fenestration, hepatic resection, and liver Medications that Stimulate Cytochrome P-450 and
transplantation. Can Decrease the Level of Calcineurin Inhibitor
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(ARPKD) is caused by mutations in the PKHD-1 gene Isoniazid
which encodes the protein fibrocystin.233 Congenital he- Phenytoin
patic fibrosis (CHF), due to ductal plate malformation of Carbamazepine
the developing biliary system, is invariably present in pa- Omeprazole
tients with ARPKD.129 Clinical presentation is related to
Medications that Inhibit Cytochrome P-450 and Can
age. Renal disease predominates in patients that present Increase the Level of Calcineurin Inhibitor
neonatally. Hepatic manifestations predominate in older Diltiazem
children and adults, although overlap is common.129 The Fluconazole
predominant manifestations of CHF are the develop- Tetracycline
ment of portal hypertension, dilation of the intrahepatic Tacrolimus
Sex hormones
bile ducts (also known as Caroli’s syndrome), and vascular Metoclopramide
anomalies. Variceal formation and hemorrhage, spleno-
megaly, and thrombocytopenia are common.129 Dilation
of the intrahepatic bile ducts can result in recurrent bile pattern is acute hepatocellular injury with elevations of
stasis and cholangitis. Finally, anomalies of portal venous aminotransferases greater than twofold normal with
anatomy are frequent. Treatment for CHF is focused on lesser ­elevations of alkaline phosphatase; however, cho-
prevention of variceal hemorrhage and promotion of ad- lestasis and bile duct loss (e.g., amoxicillin-clavulinic
equate biliary drainage to prevent cholangitis.241 acid toxicity) and bland fibrosis (methotrexate) are also
In transplant patients the opportunities for drug-­
Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity related hepatotoxicity abound due to the use of multiple
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can have a wide spec- medications, many of which are metabolized via the same
trum of severity ranging from asymptomatic elevations of pathways in the liver, thereby increasing the risk of accu-
liver enzymes to acute liver failure. With rare exceptions, mulation of hepatotoxic metabolites. Common medica-
the serum biochemical and liver histological patterns are tion classes used in transplant that have been implicated
not diagnostic of drug-related injury. Rather, DILI is often in DILI include immunosuppressive medications,73,154,180
diagnosed based upon a combination of temporal relation- antibiotics,11,41 antihyperlipidemics,11,41 and drugs for hy-
ship to a particular drug use, exclusion of other pathology pertension and diabetes.11,41 In addition, numerous herbal
(such as viral hepatitis), and knowledge of common pat- and non-prescription agents have also been implicated in
tern of liver test abnormalities associated with particular dr the development of DILI. Finally, more than one agent
ugs.11,41,131,156,179 Improvement of liver tests with discontinu- may be implicated as the etiology for DILI in a given pa-
ation of the offending medications offers further evidence tient.41 Table 32-1 shows some common medications that
of DILI, but improvement may take weeks. stimulate or block the cytochrome P-450 system within
The severity of drug-related injury may be predicted the liver and may influence the serum concentrations of
by the degree of impairment of hepatic function. In par- other drugs and their metabolites.
ticular the presence of jaundice in association with ele- The main treatment for DILI is withdrawal of the
vated aminotransferases (known as “Hy’s rule”) is often offending drug. There are few therapies that have been
an ominous sign of significant hepatocellular injury and shown to improve outcomes in clinical trial. Two excep-
risk of progression to liver failure.11,41,156,179,149 In the two tions are N-acetylcysteine for acetaminophen toxicity and
largest series to date, mortality or liver transplantation l-carnitine for valproic acid toxicity.26,192 Corticosteroids
from idiosyncratic (excluding acetaminophen) drug reac- are of unproven benefit. In cases that progress to liver
tions occurred in 11.7% and 15% of cases.11,41 failure, liver transplantation should be considered.192
The mechanisms of drug injury are multiple as well.
Toxic metabolites produced by detoxification of medica-
tions through the liver, most commonly via the cytochrome SPECIFIC IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENTS
P-450 mechanisms, may contribute to dose-related IN RENAL TRANSPLANTATION AND
hepatotoxicity such as seen with acetaminophen.131,235
Other medications may have immunologic mechanisms
of ­ injury that are not dose-related and considered Azathioprine
­idiosyncratic.131,179,235 Most patients present asymptom-
atically or with non-specific symptoms. Occasionally, a Azathioprine is an antimetabolite agent that inhibits
hypersensitivity reaction of fever, lymphadenopathy and purine synthesis. It is the prodrug of 6-mercatopurine
leukocytosis, often with eosinophilia, may be seen.49,133 (6-MP) and inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis. A broad
Liver test abnormalities are variable. The most common range of hepatotoxicity has been associated with the use
514 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of azathioprine in renal transplant recipients, although of jaundice in all cases.188 In some of these patients histo-
it is considered rare.61,64,73,158,165,168 The pathogenesis of logical findings were more consistent with azathioprine
azathioprine hepatotoxicity is multifactorial, resulting toxicity than viral hepatitis with intrahepatic cholestasis,
from endothelial damage,103 direct hepatotoxicity,12 and centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis and vascular lesions.
interlobular bile duct injury.112 In addition, serum levels Most did have chronic liver disease secondary to viral
of the 6-MP metabolite 6-methylmercaptopurine ribo- hepatitis on histology (18/21).
nucleotide have been associated with the development of Some have suggested that patients with viral hepatitis
hepatotoxicity.214 and associated chronic inflammation have reduced catabo-
The most severe manifestation of azathioprine lism and higher levels of toxic azathioprine metabolites in
toxicity is sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS), the liver, with resultant increases in rates of fibrosis and
previously known as veno-occlusive disease. The cirrhosis as well as hepatotoxicity.188 Other potential mech-
hallmark of SOS is obliteration and fibrosis of the anisms include accelerated course of viral hepatitis due
central hepatic venule and sinusoidal congestion.165 to the use of more potent immunosuppressive regimens
SOS is manifested by jaundice, ascites, hepatomegaly, (prednisone–azathioprine–cyclosporine) with improve-
weight gain, and elevated liver enzymes (typically ments occurring due to withdrawal of immunosuppres-
alkaline phosphatase with minimal increases in ami- sion. These theories are difficult to prove. Nevertheless, in
notransferases). In the first few months after kidney transplanting patients with viral hepatitis it is a good policy
transplantation it can present with asymptomatic hy- to use minimal immunosuppression (single or dual regi-
perbilirubinemia and elevated liver enzymes, but pro- mens rather than triple regimens) to minimize acceleration
gresses to jaundice, hepatomegaly, and ascites after the of viral hepatitis-associated liver disease.
first year.184 The diagnosis can be made clinically, but
is often difficult to make. In the hematopoietic stem
cell population, SOS is diagnosed by two of the three
Calcineurin Inhibitor-Induced Hepatotoxicity
criteria being met: serum bilirubin greater than 2 mg/ Cyclosporine and tacrolimus are immunosuppressive
dL, hepatomegaly or right upper quadrant pain, and medications that belong to the class of calcineurin
sudden weight gain of 2% body weight.168 However, inhibitors.34,182 Cyclosporine-induced hepatotoxicity
these criteria were established in the hematopoietic is uncommon and the mechanisms of cyclosporine
stem cell transplant population and not validated in toxicity are incompletely understood. Cyclosporine
solid-organ transplantation. Doppler ultrasound is is metabolized via the cytochrome P-450 system and
useful for documenting ascites and hepatomegaly, and interactions with medications that inhibit or stimulate
ruling out biliary obstruction or infiltrative processes. this pathway can result in increased or decreased cyclo-
Liver biopsy can be used to help make a diagnosis, sporine levels respectively, thereby increasing the risk
as can measurement of the wedged hepatic venous of hepatotoxicity.93 Cyclosporine-induced decrease
portal gradient (HVPG).191,216 Poor outcomes are as- in bile flow can result from reduced bile acid secre-
sociated with higher bilirubin, degree of weight gain, tion and is associated with risk of bile duct stones and
aminotransferase elevation, and HVPG elevation.191 sludge formation in 2–5% of transplant recipients.153
With cessation of azathioprine SOS has rarely been Rarely, increases in aminotransferases have occurred,
reported to regress.136 Specific therapy for SOS, in- mostly in the first 90 days, and these respond to re-
cluding defibrotide, heparin, ursodeoxycholic acid, duction in doses. Persistent elevations in aminotrans-
and prostaglandin E1, has produced mixed results.191 ferases are rare and occur in less than 5–10% of renal
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and transplant recipients.101,190 Transient elevations of bili-
liver transplantation have been reported in small se- rubin or aminotransferases are more common, occur
ries and case reports, respectively.15,105 Other vascular early (within the first 3 months posttransplantation),
diseases of the liver have also been attributed to aza- and are reversible with dose reductions or discontinu-
thioprine, including peliosis hepatis (dilated blood- ation.153 Among renal transplant recipients without
filled cavities within the liver), presumably secondary pre-existing liver disease, azathioprine-treated pa-
to endothelial injury within the liver, leading to sinu- tients had a higher incidence of posttransplant chronic
soidal dilation. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia can liver disease compared with cyclosporine-treated
be associated with peliosis. Veno-occlusive disease is patients.173
rarely seen as well and by the time it appears, portal Tacrolimus has a similar immunosuppressive mecha-
hypertension with complications of ascites and vari- nism of action to cyclosporine.34 In liver transplant re-
ceal hemorrhage are often present.32 cipients it is associated with fewer episodes of acute
Azathioprine-induced hepatitis has been reported rejection, need for salvage immunosuppressive therapy
more frequently in kidney transplant recipients with or ductopenic rejection than cyclosporine. The overall
chronic viral hepatitis. In one study of 1035 transplant patient and graft survival rates are similar to those seen
recipients, 21 fulfilled the criteria for azathioprine hepa- with cyclosporine.190
titis with jaundice at presentation. Viral hepatitis mark- Similar to cyclosporine, tacrolimus levels were higher
ers (HCV, HBV, or both) were present in all 20 that in HCV-positive renal transplant recipients, presumably
were tested. The jaundice disappeared and liver enzymes secondary to impaired cytochrome P-450-related me-
normalized in all within 4–12 weeks of azathioprine dis- tabolism of tacrolimus.161 Unlike cyclosporine, tacroli-
continuation or dose reduction. Rechallenge with azathi- mus is not associated with reductions in bile flow and
oprine was performed in four patients, with recurrence choledocholithiasis. Also tacrolimus was associated with
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 515

less hyperbilirubinemia (0.3%) as compared to cyclo- To date, there have been no reports of hepatotoxicity re-
sporine (3.3%) in renal transplant recipients in a large lated to belatacept.
comparative trial.164 Elevations in aminotransferases are
generally mild, even with supratherapuetic levels,107 and
reversible with dose reduction. HEPATITIS VIRUSES ASSOCIATED WITH
Sirolimus (rapamycin) is an mTOR inhibitor which is Hepatitis B Virus
structurally related to tacrolimus. Sirolimus-induced Viral Structure and Proteins
hepatotoxicity is uncommon. Elevations of amino-
transferases with non-specific histological changes have The hepatitis B virus is a hepatotropic enveloped, partially
been reported.118,181 The liver test abnormalities have ­double-stranded DNA virus which is a member of the
resolved with discontinuation of sirolimus. Sirolimus hepadnavirus family.209 The core of the virus comprises
hepatotoxicity has been better described in liver trans- an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase plus a partially
plant recipients. Of 10 patients treated with sirolimus, double-stranded DNA. After entry into the hepatocyte,
two had sinusoidal congestion and one had eosino- the HBV enters the nucleus and forms what is known as
philia consistent with a drug-­related allergic reaction. covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA). This DNA is
Increases in aminotransferases were mild and normal- produced by repair of the gapped virion DNA and is the
ized in all patients by 1 month.180 Another recent study likely source of the transcripts used to produce the viral
analyzed a cohort of 97 patients treated with siroli- proteins. The genome of the HBV encodes four differ-
mus-based immunosuppression post liver transplant.186 ent genes. The C gene encodes core protein, the P gene
Surprisingly, 61 patients discontinued treatment due to encodes the hepatitis B polymerase, the S gene encodes
adverse effects, including 21 patients that discontinued three different polypeptides of the envelope (pre S1, pre
treatment due to hepatotoxicity.186 Cyclosporine, but S2 and S), and the X gene encodes proteins potentially
not tacrolimus, can interfere with ­sirolimus pharmaco- involved in transactivation of viral replication.
kinetics, and caution must be exercised when combin- The hepatitis B viral antigens consist of the hepatitis B
ing these agents. core antigen (HBcAg) and a subunit of the core called the
hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg). HBeAg is released in high
concentrations in the plasma during viral replication and
Mycophenolate Mofetil, Mycophenolic Acid is an indirect marker of active viral replication. The enve-
Mycophenolate mofetil is an ester of mycophenolic acid lope protein is referred to as the hepatitis B surface anti-
that is readily absorbed. It inhibits purine synthesis by gen (HBsAg) and is likely responsible for viral binding to
non-competitively inhibiting a key enzyme in the de novo the hepatocyte. HBsAg is released in excess in the serum
purine pathway, inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase. in individuals with chronic hepatitis B infection. Its pres-
Hepatotoxicity is exceedingly uncommon but has been ence in individuals 6 months after exposure to HBV de-
reported in isolated cases.154 fines the presence of chronic hepatitis B infection.
Presently, there are eight distinct genotypes of HBV.
The prevalence of these distinct genotypes varies geo-
Monoclonal Antibodies graphically. While there is growing evidence that HBV
Monoclonal antibodies have been used as induction genotype may have implications for treatment success,
immunosuppression in kidney transplantation. Use seroconversion, severity of liver disease, and develop-
of alemtuzumab (Campath) (anti-CD52 humanized ment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), current man-
antibody) has been shown to accelerate hepatic fibro- agement does not change with HBV genotype and thus is
sis in HCV-infected transplant recipients and should not routinely determined.135
generally be avoided in solid-organ recipients with
chronic viral hepatitis.163 Anti-Cd3 antibodies are
Tests for Detection of Hepatitis B (Table 32-2)
used less often now for salvage of refractory rejection
but have rarely been associated with severe hepatitis HBV can cause acute and chronic infections. Acute in-
and elevation of aminotransferases up to 20-fold.99 fection is associated with acute hepatitis characterized by
Cytokine-mediated reactions presumably can cause inflammation and hepatocellular necrosis. The diagno-
the occasional hepatotoxicity seen with anti-Cd3 anti- sis rests on detecting HBsAg in the serum of a patient
bodies. The interleukin-2 receptor antibody basiliximab with clinical and laboratory evidence of acute hepatitis.
has only been reported to cause hepatotoxicity in case Patients with a silent, self-limiting infection are able to
reports in children.87 produce protective antibody (HBsAb) and ultimately
clear the virus. These patients are negative for HBsAg
T-Cell Costimulatory Inhibitor but positive for HBsAb and HBcAb.
Chronic HBV infection is accompanied by evidence of
Belatacept is a fusion protein designed to inhibit T-cell hepatocellular injury and inflammation and is associated
activation by blocking the costimulatory pathway. with chronic hepatitis. The diagnosis is made by showing
Belatacept binds CD80 and CD86 on antigen-presenting persistently elevated serum transaminases and HBsAg in the
cells with high affinity, preventing T-cell activation. serum at least 6 months after exposure to HBV infection.135
516 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

phase in which high levels of viral replication (with high

TABLE 32-2  Commonly Used Tests for Detection
serum HBV DNA levels) are accompanied by only mini-
of Hepatitis B Infection and their Interpretation
mal injury on liver biopsy and normal serum liver enzymes.
HBsAg Anti-HBs Anti-HBc Interpretation The immune-tolerant phase can last from the first up to
the third decade of life, after which transition occurs to the
+ – – Early acute infection
+ – + Acute or chronic immune clearance phase.135 In this phase immune activity
infection against HBV is noted by elevated levels of liver enzymes
– + + Cleared HBV infection and decreasing HBV DNA. Immune clearance can fail and
– immune lead to recurrent phases of HBV replication accompanied
– + – Vaccine response by surges of serum HBV DNA and aminotransferases
– immune
which increase the risk of fibrosis progression toward cir-
HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBc, hepatitis B core; HBV, rhosis and HCC. Some patients can further enter into the
hepatitis B virus. “inactive carrier state” with disappearance of the HBeAg
from serum and development of anti-HBe antibodies.
These patients have detectable HBsAg and may have low
Epidemiology of HBV levels of HBV viremia, but aminotransferases are normal
or near-normal and there is little to no necroinflammation
Routes of Transmission. Hepatitis B is widespread
on liver biopsy. Even in the inactive carrier state, patients
worldwide with over a billion individuals estimated to be
can revert to HBeAg positivity and develop evidence of
carrying the virus. Areas of high incidence include China,
chronic hepatitis. Therefore, they require lifelong follow-
South-East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.144,189 Worldwide,
up. In addition, some patients remain HBeAg-negative,
over 350 million people have chronic HBV infection, and
but develop evidence of ongoing chronic hepatitis marked
in the United States alone over 1 million individuals are
by HBV viremia, elevated aminotransferases, and ongo-
estimated to have chronic infection.169 HBV is transmit-
ing necroinflammation on liver biopsy.27,135 Most of these
ted via perinatal, parenteral, or sexual exposure; transmis-
patients are felt to have virus with a mutation in the pre-
sion via the feco-oral route does not occur. In countries
core or core promoter region of the viral genome. Serum
with a high prevalence of hepatitis B infection the route
HBsAg positivity is lost infrequently.
of transmission is mainly vertical, at childbirth or, to a
The outcomes of chronic HBV infection vary from an
lesser degree, horizontally among household contacts in
inactive carrier state to cirrhosis and its attendant compli-
the first decade of life. In countries with a lower preva-
cations, such as variceal hemorrhage, ascites, and enceph-
lence of hepatitis B infection, the majority of infections
alopathy. Risk for liver disease progression is increased in
occur in adulthood and are transmitted sexually and to a
older patients, patients with higher HBV DNA levels, in
lesser extent by intravenous drug use.6
patients co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), HCV, or HDV, and with concomitant toxin expo-
Natural History of HBV Infection. Hepatitis B can
sures such as alcohol, smoking, or aflatoxin.135,240 In addi-
result either in a self-limited acute infection or progress
tion, the risk of HCC is elevated in chronic HBV, even in
to chronic liver disease. Progression to chronic hepatitis
the absence of cirrhosis.
B infection after acute infection depends upon the age
of exposure to the virus. The risk of developing chronic
HBV infection is over 90% for vertically acquired
Hepatitis B Infection in Patients Awaiting Renal
(mother-to-child) virus. The risk of chronic HBV infec-
Transplant on Dialysis
tion after exposure in young children (<5 years old) is
25–30%. Clinically symptomatic infection is rare in chil- The incidence and prevalence of hepatitis B infection
dren. Conversely, transmission in adulthood is associated among patients awaiting renal transplantation have de-
with clinically apparent hepatitis in over 30% of individu- clined in recent decades, in large measure due to hepatitis
als (>90%).6,169 Acute infection in adults when clinically B vaccination of patients on dialysis as well as improved
apparent is often associated with jaundice and elevated infection control measures during dialysis. Prior to hepa-
aminotransferases with liver histology revealing portal titis B vaccination, 3–10% of patients on dialysis devel-
inflammation, interface hepatitis, and lobular inflamma- oped this disease,242 with even higher incidences reported
tion. Eventually, often over several weeks, the jaundice from countries with a high prevalence of HBV infection.
resolves and aminotransferases are more modestly el- Presently, about 1% of patients on dialysis in the United
evated. Eventually, over 80% of non-immune-suppressed States are infected with the HBV, with a higher preva-
adults who develop acute hepatitis B will not progress lence seen in developing countries.45,88,232
to chronic infection (HBsAg-negative, HBsAb-positive, HBV vaccination is important for the prevention of
HBcAb-positive). However, in dialysis patients, exposure HBV transmission during hemodialysis. One case-control
to acute HBV results in chronic infection in the majority study demonstrated a 70% reduction in risk of acquiring
of non-vaccinated individuals (80%), likely due to their HBV among hemodialysis patients that underwent HBV
immune-compromised state and inability to mount pro- vaccination.170 Universal vaccination of dialysis patients,
tective antibody and T-cell responses.94 although recommended, is not universally undertaken.
The natural history of chronic hepatitis B infection de- One survey of 12 centers from 11 countries showed rou-
pends upon the age at which infection occurs. After peri- tine vaccination of non-immune subjects in only 66.7%
natally transmitted infection there is an immune-tolerant (8 of 12) of centers.
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 517

Vaccination has a lower response rate in end-stage renal Posttransplant Prognosis in Hepatitis B-Infected
disease patients, with 50–60% of dialysis patients develop- Recipients
ing adequate titers of anti-HBs antibodies.178,213 Similarly,
Post renal transplantation, hepatitis B-infected recipients
success of HBV vaccination correlates with glomerular fil-
are generally felt to have decreased survival compared to
tration rate and thus “earlier” vaccination is more success-
non-infected recipients, although this finding is contro-
ful.58 Despite lower rates of anti-HBs development, there
versial. In one study of 1250 renal allograft recipients, with
is some evidence that vaccination confers protective T-cell
a median follow-up of 125 months, cirrhosis occurred in
responses and there are reduced rates of HBV infection
30% and renal allograft survival was reduced compared to
even if anti-HBs antibodies are not detected in vaccinated
recipients not infected with chronic hepatitis B.94 Overall
dialysis patients.3
mortality was not different between HBV-positive and
There are several additional strategies to improve the
HBV-negative recipients in this study. A study of 51 re-
success of HBV vaccination, including intramuscular injec-
nal transplant recipients with chronic hepatitis B infection
tions, doubling of vaccine dose, giving additional booster
found reduced patient survival and a higher incidence of
doses, and prompt revaccination in non-­ responders.76
death due to liver failure in the hepatitis B group (44%)
Non-response is defined as an antiHBs antibody titer
compared to non-hepatitis-infected controls (0.6%).172 In
less than 10 IU/L 1–2 months post series completion.195
multivariable analysis in the hepatitis B group the pres-
Annual testing of anti-HBs titers should be undertaken
ence of hepatitis B antigen was not an independent
with boosters given whenever the anti-HBs titer falls un-
predictor of death; patient age, serum creatinine, and
der 10 IU/L.
proteinuria at 3 months after transplant were indepen-
Clinical and histological outcomes in dialysis patients
dent predictors of reduced patient survival.172
with HBV infection are generally similar to those seen
Other large studies have found significant reduc-
in immunocompetent individuals. The majority of these
tions in long-term patient and graft survival in HBsAg-
individuals do not die from liver disease. In one study of
positive kidney transplant recipients as compared to
dialysis patients in which 30% were infected with HBV,
non-infected renal transplant recipients. In a cohort of
less than 5% died from liver disease. This may be due to
128 renal transplant recipients infected with HBV, the
the presence of other comorbidities (competing causes of
10-year survival was 55% compared to 80% in non-
mortality) in dialysis patients such as cardiovascular disease
HBV-infected renal transplant recipients.166 Age at
or infections as well as insufficient length of follow-up.122
transplant and presence of cirrhosis were independent
The impact of antiviral therapy on the natural history of
prognostic factors for survival in this study. Another
chronic HBV infection on hemodialysis patients has not
study found a significant difference in long-term sur-
been studied.
vival between hepatitis B-positive recipients as com-
pared to recipients without chronic viral hepatitis14 with
a relative risk (RR) of mortality of 2.36 for 42 HBsAg-
Pretransplant Management of Hepatitis B-Positive
positive recipients. Finally, a meta-analysis that included
Dialysis Patients
6050 renal transplant recipients found increased mor-
Liver enzymes (aminotransferases) do not accurately tality (RR of death with HBsAg positivity 2.49) associ-
reflect the stage of liver disease in patients with ated with chronic hepatitis B infection as well as reduced
chronic viral hepatitis and end-stage renal disease. graft survival (RR of graft loss 2.49).80,81
Patients with chronic HBV on dialysis should undergo Differences in outcome between studies may result
liver biopsy for accurate assessment of liver fibrosis from small numbers in some studies, length of follow-
(staging) prior to renal transplantation. Patients with up, heterogeneity of patient characteristics such as age at
cirrhosis on the biopsy should be considered for a transplant, replicative state of hepatitis B, presence or ab-
combined liver–kidney transplant when portal hyper- sence of cirrhosis at time of transplant, and the confound-
tension develops. ing effect of antiviral therapy for hepatitis B. Studies with
Criteria for antiviral therapy in non-transplant pa- larger numbers, longer follow-up and with matched case-
tients include evidence of chronic necroinflammation control design and multivariate analysis have tended to
of the liver, evidenced by an elevated ALT and aspar- show a reduction in patient and graft survival associated
tate aminotransferase (AST) in the setting of HBeAg with chronic hepatitis B infection in renal transplant
positivity or in the setting of an elevated serum HBV recipients.
DNA in HBeAg-negative patients.135 However in pa- Several studies have documented the progression of
tients undergoing renal transplantation there is in- fibrosis in HBsAg-positive kidney transplant recipients
creased risk of reactivation of viral replication as well after transplant. In a study of 151 HBsAg-positive kid-
as increased viral replication after transplantation with ney transplant recipients, 28% had a histologic diagnosis
exposure to immunosuppressive agents. In addition, of cirrhosis a mean of 66 months post transplant.94 HCV
HBV-positive renal allograft recipients have worse co-infection was the only identifiable risk factor for fi-
outcomes in terms of liver disease and renal allograft brosis progression. More recently, a cohort of 55 HBsAg-
function (discussed below). Therefore, it is prudent to positive kidney transplant recipients underwent liver
start antiviral therapy prior to renal transplantation for biopsy at a mean of 5 years after transplantation. On
patients with evidence of active viral replication. This ­logistic regression, the only risk factor for the develop-
includes patients with positivity for HBsAg as well as ment of cirrhosis was time interval between kidney trans-
any detectable viral load. plant and liver biopsy.167
518 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In rare cases viral replication may become uncon- received no prophylaxis. Naïve patients received 1 year of
trolled in the setting of immunosuppression after renal lamivudine prophylaxis. No patients developed evidence
transplantation. In this state the virus may become di- of HBV viremia or development of HBsAg.4
rectly cytopathic and lead to a state of hepatocellular Ultimately, prevention of de novo hepatitis B in re-
failure with profound cholestasis. The liver biopsy is nal transplant recipients is best achieved by universal
characteristic with hepatocyte ballooning, cholestasis, vaccination of all dialysis patients. Alternatively organs
and perisinusoidal fibrosis. This condition is called fi- from HBsAg-positive donors can be offered only to re-
brosing cholestatic hepatitis, and was first described in cipients with pre-existing HBV infection or those indi-
liver transplant recipients infected with HBV.60 Once viduals who have been successfully vaccinated for HBV.
established, the prognosis is poor, even with antiviral Use of HBcAb-positive donors is often center-specific. If
therapy. Pre-emptive suppressive antiviral therapy is the such organs are used, posttransplant usage of prophylaxis
judicious strategy to prevent this feared outcome. In rare with antiviral medication or hepatitis B immune globulin
cases suppression of viral replication with long-term an- should be considered, especially in patients without evi-
tiviral therapy has resulted in salvage of liver and graft dence of HBV immunity.
function (discussed below).
The natural history of chronic HBV infection in kid- Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B in Renal
ney transplant recipients in the era of antiviral therapy Transplant Candidates/Recipients (Table 32-3)
is less well studied. A recent, small study of 63 HBsAg-
positive kidney transplant recipients revealed an im- Data regarding the optimal timing of antiviral therapy
proved 20-year mortality (83% versus 34%, P = 0.006) in for HBV in renal transplant candidates are scarce. The
patients treated with antiviral therapy.238 risks of liver disease progression and severe hepatitis B
reactivation posttransplant have to be weighed against
the risk of antiviral toxicity and viral resistance devel-
De Novo HBV Infection after Kidney
oping. However, with the development of the newer-
generation antinucleos(t)ide analogues entecavir and
Development of de novo hepatitis B after renal transplan- tenofovir (see below), the risk of viral resistance is much
tation can be associated with rapid viral replication and lower than with lamivudine or adefovir. Data for antiviral
progression of liver disease.83 The hepatitis B serologic therapy posttransplant have mostly been performed us-
and virologic status of the donor and recipient are impor- ing lamivudine. In one trial, the efficacy of lamivudine
tant risk factors that predict development of de novo hep- in preventing viral replication after renal transplanta-
atitis B infection after renal transplantation. The highest tion was compared in HBsAg-positive recipients using
risk of de novo hepatitis exists in recipients who are non- three strategies: pre-emptive lamivudine therapy (HBV
immune for hepatitis B (HBsAb-negative) and receive an DNA-positive recipients, received lamivudine therapy
organ from HBsAg/HBeAg-positive donors. The risk 0–9 months before renal transplant, n = 7); prophylactic
of transmission from an HBcAb-positive-only donor lamivudine therapy (HBV DNA-negative, received lami-
(HBsAg-negative, HBcAb-positive, negative serum HBV vudine therapy before transplant, n = 3); salvage therapy
DNA donor) to a hepatitis B-negative recipient also ex- (HBV DNA-positive, advanced hepatic dysfunction after
ists, although it is reduced compared to that seen in liver transplant, received lamivudine after transplant after he-
transplant recipients.62,90 It is important to note that iso- patic dysfunction, n = 6).105 HBV DNA disappeared in all
lated HBcAb positivity could represent an early, acute recipients in all groups on therapy. The recurrence rate
HBV infection or possibly a longstanding, chronic infec- of HBV viremia was 10% (1/10) in the pre-emptive and
tion with low-level HBV viremia. Determination of do- prophylactic group compared to 42% (11/25) in a non-la-
nor IgM HBcAb should be performed in patients with an mivudine-treated group. In the group treated for hepatic
isolated positive HBcAb. Positive titers for IgM suggest dysfunction HBV DNA disappeared in all six cases but re-
a recent infection and should be considered high risk for curred in 50% (3/6) while on lamivudine. In another trial
transmission of HBV to the recipient. HBV DNA should of lamivudine therapy, HBV DNA levels were measured
also be determined in the isolated HBcAb-positive donor and lamivudine was started before renal transplantation if
with consideration of HBV prophylaxis for the recipient. the HBV DNA rose to more than 2.83 × 108 copies/mL
The risk of the de novo HBV infection is considerably alone or to > 2.83 × 107 copies/mL with elevated AST/
reduced if the recipient is positive for HBsAb, although ALT from 1996 to 2000 (so-called de novo group).42 This
the risk is not completely eliminated. In one series where strategy was compared to pre-emptive use of lamivudine
HBcAb-positive-only donors were used for recipients for patients who had undergone transplantation before
with a prior history of hepatitis B or HBV vaccination, 1996 (when lamivudine became commercially available)
none developed clinically evident hepatitis B, although and thus received therapy later after transplantation
27% did develop HBcAb and/or HBsAb positivity af- than the de novo group. Even though suppression of
ter transplant.155 In a more recent study from Italy, 344 HBV DNA and normalization of aminotransferases were
patients received anti-HBcAb-positive allografts and no achieved in all patients, the survival of the de novo treated
recipient developed HBsAg positivity, including 62 pa- group was comparable to that of HBsAg-negative controls
tients that had not undergone HBV vaccination.62 Finally, whereas HBsAg-positive patients who were transplanted
a cohort of 46 patients that received an anti-HBcAb-­ before 1996 and received pre-emptive therapy with rising
positive donor kidney were followed for 36 months post- HBV DNA after renal transplantation had a higher risk
transplant.4 Anti-HBsAb-positive (immunized) recipients of overall (RR 9.7) and liver-related mortality (RR 68.0).
TABLE 32-3  Selected Pretransplant and Posttransplant (Non-Liver) Studies of Antiviral Therapy in HBV Patients
Number HBV Antiviral Duration of HBV DNA Seroconversion to Virologic
Study Patient Population In Study Therapy Therapy Suppression anti-HBe Breakthrough
Fontaine et al. Dialysis patients 5 Lamivudine 12 months (7–28) 5/5 1/5 2/5 (at months
200492 10 mg daily 7, 18 of
in 3, 50 mg lamivudine)
thrice weekly
in 2
Duarte et al. 199570 Dialysis patients 2 Interferon-α 3 mU 3 months 2/2 2/2 None
thrice weekly
Fontaine et al. Post-renal 26 Lamivudine 16.5 months (4–31) 26/26 undetectable 6/26 8/26
200492 transplant 100 mg/day
patients with HBV
Fontaine et al. Post kidney 11 Adefovir 10 mg/ 15 months (3–19) Median change –5.6 0/6 that were Not detected
200591 transplantation day log copies/mL initially HBeAg+
with lamivudine- (–2.2 to –7.7)
resistant HBV
Han et al. 2001105 Post kidney Group 1: After Lamivudine Group 1: On treatment Group 1: 0/6 Group 1: 3/6
transplantation developing 100 mg/day Follow-up Group 1: 6/6 Group 2: 0/11 Group 2: 1/10
with HBV recurrent hepatic 15–60 months On treatment
(HBsAg+) dysfunction after Group 2: Group 2: 11/11
renal transplant (6) Follow-up
Group 2: Pre-emptive 9–30 months
or prophylactic
treatment for
before renal
transplantation (10)
Chan et al. 200242 Post kidney Period II: Post 1996. Lamivudine Period I: 36.3 26/26 undetectable Not mentioned. 11 (40.7%)
transplantation De novo pre- 100 mg/day ±11.4 months 3/14 became
with HBV emptive therapy Period II: 27.6 ± HBeAg + patients lamivudine-
(HBsAg+) before renal 14.5 months became resistant at
transplantation undetectable 9.5–24 months
and continued after after starting
transplantation (11) treatment
Period I: pre-1996.
therapy after renal

Continued on following page

519Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients
TABLE 32-3  Selected Pretransplant and Posttransplant (Non-Liver) Studies of Antiviral Therapy in HBV Patients (Continued)

Number HBV Antiviral Duration of HBV DNA Seroconversion to Virologic
Study Patient Population In Study Therapy Therapy Suppression anti-HBe Breakthrough

Puchhammer-Stockl Post kidney 11 Lamivudine > 12  months HBV undetectable Not reported Lamivudine
et al. 2000193 transplantation 100 mg/day in 10/11 resistance
with HBV in 7, reduced undetectable by in 5/11 from
(HBsAg+) dose in 4 per PCR 9–15 months
renal function after starting
Thabut et al. Post kidney 14 Lamivudine Median duration 11/11 undetectable None of 4 Lamivudine
2004225 transplantation 100 mg/day 64.5 months on treatment HBeAg + patients resistance
with HBV (6–93) with virologic
(HBsAg+) breakthrough
in 8/14
patients from
9–24 months
after starting
Chan et al. 200443 Post kidney 29 Lamivudine 56.7 ± 29/29 undetectable 5/15 who were 14/29 (48%)
Fabrizi et al. 200475 transplantation 184 100 mg/day 12.5 months on treatment HBeAg+ developed
Kamar et al. 2008126 with HBV (meta-analysis of 14 Lamivudine Variable initially 27% in 4 of 14 lamivudine
(HBsAg+) studies) 50–150 mg/ Median 91% HBV DNA studies resistance
Post kidney 10 (8 kidney) day 16.5 months undetectable Not reported (10–35 months
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

transplantation Entecavir 5/8 kidney after starting

with HBV 0.5 mg/day recipients treatment)
(HBsAg+) titrated to developed 18% in 8 of 14
Posttransplantation 1.0 mg/day undetectable HBV studies
with lamivudine after 1 month DNA Not reported
or adefovir-
resistant HBV

HBeAg, hepatitis B e antigen; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 521

More recently, a meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials using Given the risk of nephrotoxicity, adefovir should be used
lamivudine in kidney transplant recipients demonstrated with caution in kidney transplant recipients.
that HBV DNA clearance occurred in 91% and normal-
ization of ALT occurred in 81% of treated patients.78 Entecavir. Entecavir, an analogue of 2′-deoxyguanosine,
Antiviral therapy should thus be offered to all hepatitis is a nucleoside analogue with potent activity against HBV
B-positive (HBsAg-positive) kidney transplant recipients, replication. In a randomized, controlled trial of HBeAg-
including those on the waiting list. This recommenda- positive non-transplant patients, 48 weeks’ treatment
tion applies even to surface antigen-positive patients with with entecavir, dosed at 0.5 mg/day, resulted in higher
a negative HBV DNA. The optimal duration of therapy rates of histologic, virologic (undetectable HBV DNA),
is yet to be determined and in an immunocompromised and biochemical (normalization of ALT) response when
host may need to be indefinite. Cessation of antiviral compared to lamivudine 100 mg/day.46
therapy in the immunocompromised host is associated Unlike lamivudine, resistance to entecavir is low in
with an increased risk of flare of liver disease and, rarely, treatment-naïve patients. In phase III trial data, viral
decompensated liver disease in both the transplant recipi- breakthrough was only seen in 3.6% of treatment-naïve
ent and patients without organ transplantation.42,150 patients at 96 weeks of entecavir therapy.54 However,
entecavir should be used with caution in patients with
lamivudine resistance or viral breakthrough while on la-
Specific Antiviral Agents for HBV Used in Renal
mivudine therapy. In a study of non-transplant patients
Transplant Recipients
on 5 years of entecavir therapy for chronic HBV, ente-
Lamivudine. The cytosine analogue lamivudine has cavir resistance developed in 51% of patients with docu-
been the most extensively studied antiviral for HBV. A mented lamivudine resistance.224
dose of 100 mg/day has been shown to be highly effec- Data regarding entecavir usage in kidney transplant
tive in suppression of HBV replication and normalization recipients are sparse. In a study where 10 transplant re-
of aminotransferases in over 80% of individuals.78,79,134,200 cipients (8 kidney) with adefovir or lamivudine resistance
Cessation of antiviral therapy has been associated with were treated with entecavir, mean HBV DNA levels de-
virologic and clinical relapse.200 creased and HBV DNA clearance was achieved in 50%.126
The major drawback with lamivudine is the high rate Despite the lack of data in transplant recipients, en-
of viral resistance. The risk of resistance increases with tecavir should be considered a first-line treatment for
duration of lamivudine therapy. In a meta-analysis of kidney transplant candidates and recipients with chronic
14 clinical trials (184 recipients) of lamivudine after re- HBV that have no concern for lamivudine resistance.
nal transplantation, the majority of recipients had HBV
DNA clearance (91%) and biochemical normalization Tenofovir. Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is a nucleo-
(81%) and the risk of lamivudine resistance was 18%.79 tide analogue originally approved for therapy against
Although HBeAg loss was higher with prolonged ther- HIV. Tenofovir is structurally similar to adefovir, but
apy, the resistance was also higher, thereby limiting its ef- less nephrotoxic, allowing for higher dosing and a more
ficacy. Given the high risk of viral resistance, lamivudine potent antiviral effect. In randomized, controlled trials
is no longer preferred as first-line therapy for HBV.135 of non-transplant patients with chronic HBV, tenofo-
vir has been shown to be an effective antiviral against
Adefovir. Adefovir dipivoxil, an oral prodrug of adefovir, HBV. In a phase III trial of tenofovir versus adefovir
is a nucleotide analogue of adenosine monophosphate. in HBeAg-positive patients, after 48 weeks of ther-
Adefovir therapy has demonstrated efficacy in treatment- apy a greater proportion of tenofovir-treated patients
naïve and lamivudine-resistant patients with HBV.104,162,188 achieved a negative HBV DNA (76% versus 13%), ALT
Standard adefovir dosage is 10 mg/day. The dose should normalization (68% versus 54%), and surface antigen
be adjusted based on glomerular filtration rate. In pa- loss (3% versus 0%).
tients with renal transplant it has been used in small stud- Tenofovir resistance appears rare. In the origi-
ies, mostly reported in lamivudine-resistant recipients. nal phase III clinical trials, no patients had virus with
In one study of 11 renal transplant recipients, there was ­genotypic evidence of mutations known to cause teno-
a significant reduction in HBV DNA after initiation of fovir resistance. Unlike entecavir, tenofovir is effective
adefovir with a median decline of 5.5 log in HBV DNA in the setting of lamivudine resistance. In a random-
after 12 months of therapy. No virologic breakthrough ized trial of HIV/HBV-co-infected patients known to
was observed and no significant changes in creatinine oc- be lamivudine-resistant, both adefovir and tenofovir
curred.91 Adefovir resistance is much less common than were found to be efficacious in decreasing HBV DNA
with lamivudine, even after prolonged therapy.104If adefo- at 48 weeks.188 Tenofovir should be used with caution in
vir is used in patients with lamivudine resistance, lamivu- cases of known adefovir resistance.
dine should continue to be administered and dual therapy Data regarding tenofovir in transplant recipients are
continued indefinitely. scarce. A recent study of seven transplant (three kidney)
The principal drawback to adefovir therapy is the risk of patients with chronic HBV treated with tenofovir showed
nephrotoxicity. In a recent study of 11 renal transplant re- a decline in HBV DNA during treatment, with three pa-
cipients with chronic HBV, adefovir therapy was associated tients achieving serum DNA clearance.59 Despite the lack
with an increased serum creatinine and increased protein- of data in kidney transplant recipients, tenofovir should be
uria at 2-year follow-up. In addition, there was evidence considered a first-line agent for the treatment of chronic
for proximal tubular dysfunction with adefovir usage.125,116 HBV in kidney transplant candidates and recipients.
522 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Interferon. Use of interferon is associated with an antiviral therapy due to their potency and ­tolerability, and
unacceptably high risk of precipitating renal allograft
­ the low risk of resistance development.
rejection, sometimes irreversibly, despite salvage im-
munosuppressive therapy. Its use in the renal transplant Hepatitis C Virus
recipient should thus be avoided with the availability of
other antiviral agents for hepatitis B.71,177 Viral Structure
The discovery of hepatitis A and B between the years of
Treatment of Fibrosing Cholestatic Hepatitis B in 1967 and 197386 was a medical breakthrough; however it
Renal Transplant Recipients left many unanswered questions. For the next 16 years,
patients with non-A non-B hepatitis became increasingly
Fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis B is a histological and
recognized as having a form of chronic liver disease. In
clinical variant of hepatitis B characterized by hepatocyte
1989, Choo et al.51 published the first account of the
ballooning, cholestasis, minimal inflammation, periportal
HCV, which was further described as a single-stranded,
fibrosis, and massive viral replication (Figure 32-2). This
enveloped, positive-sense RNA virus. It is classified in the
was first described in HBV-infected recipients of liver al-
Flaviviridae family.
lografts but has also been subsequently described in other
immunosuppressed states.124 Patients often develop rap-
idly progressive liver failure and spontaneous recovery is HCV Species
rare. Lamivudine has been reported to be useful in case HCV can be thought of as a spectrum of similar viruses.
reports, resulting in successful resolution of the severe Seven HCV genotypes with several distinct subtypes have
acute hepatitis and hepatic failure associated with this been identified throughout the world.139 Within a geno-
condition.44 With appropriate antiviral therapy, fibrosing type or subtype, the genome of HCV is highly mutable
cholestatic HBV should occur extremely infrequently. due to the lack of efficient proofreading capabilities. As
the virus replicates over time, selective pressures from the
Summary immune system and/or antiviral treatments cause the viral
populations to evolve. These mutant versions of genotypes
In summary, chronic HBV infection in kidney transplant are called quasispecies. The heterogeneity of this virus is
candidates and recipients has become less common in what allows it to evade immunologic detection and elimi-
developed countries. This decrease in prevalence and in- nation and, thus far, prevent development of a vaccine.
cidence of new cases can be attributed to improved pub- Epidemiologic studies on the HCV genotypes demon-
lic health efforts, particularly infection control measures strate significant regional variation. Genotype 1 is found
during hemodialysis and widespread HBV immuniza- worldwide though it is by far the most common (60–70%
tion. All patients with chronic kidney disease should be of isolates) in the United States, Europe,117 Japan, and
immunized against HBV. HBV vaccination is more suc- Taiwan. While less common, genotypes 2 and 3 are also
cessful at higher glomerular filtration rate and therefore found in these areas, with genotypes 4, 5, and 6 being
should ideally be administered well before the onset of rarely encountered. Genotype 3 is predominant in India,
hemodialysis. the Far East, and Australia.110,123 Genotype 4 is present
All patients who are candidates or who have undergone in North Africa and the Middle East, with a particularly
kidney transplantation and are positive for HBsAg should high incidence in Egypt. Genotype 5 has been most fre-
undergo a liver biopsy and be given antiviral therapy to quently detected in South Africa whereas genotype 6 has
decrease the risk of liver disease progress or a severe HBV been rather isolated to Hong Kong.243
exacerbation after initiation of immunosuppression. The significance of viral genotypes is not entirely
Tenofovir and entecavir should be considered first-line clear, but important clinical differences have been
shown. Amoroso et al.10 followed patients with acute vi-
ral hepatitis and found that those infected with genotype
1 developed chronic infection at a significantly higher
rate when compared to those with genotypes 2 and 3.
Regarding the genotypic sensitivities to treatment, there
is ample evidence that genotypes 2, 3, and 5104,147 are
more responsive to interferon-based treatments than
genotypes 1 and 4.66,104 Finally, one of the two newly ap-
proved NS3/4A protease inhibitors, telaprevir, demon-
strated activity against genotype 1 and 2 virus, but not
genotype 3 virus.98

Clinical Manifestations of Hepatitis C Infection in

Immunocompetent Hosts
In general, HCV is a chronic infection and its acute form
FIGURE 32-2  ■  Perisinusoidal fibrosis and hepatocyte ballooning
often goes unrecognized. Twenty to 30% of patients
without inflammatory infiltration. Characteristic histologic ap- with acute HCV have symptoms 2–12 weeks after expo-
pearance of fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis B. sure.227,234 The symptoms are generally mild and include
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 523

lethargy, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and anorexia. Serum Given the prevalence of chronic HCV among patients
aminotransferases can range from two- to 10-fold above on hemodialysis, a significant number of patients on the re-
normal. Rarely, acute HCV can lead to acute hepatic fail- nal transplant waiting list are infected with HCV. Accurate
ure,84 though this is exceedingly uncommon. Diagnosis data regarding infection rates in this transplant-associated
of acute HCV is made by testing for HCV RNA, which population are complicated by several factors, including
can be identified in serum a few days to weeks after expo- the insidious and indolent nature of the disease in the set-
sure.84,141 Anti-HCV antibodies are typically not detected ting of uremia,82 regional variations of the HCV genome,
for weeks to months after exposure and may not develop the use of non-standardized diagnostic methods,33,109 and
in immune-compromised individuals.100 the absence of good prospective, well-powered studies.
Chronic HCV develops in about 85% of those who are Risk factors for HCV among transplant candidates include
exposed. In the majority of patients, the clinical course length of time on hemodialysis, exposure to blood prod-
is remarkably non-specific. Fatigue and non-specific ar- ucts prior to universal screening, and the prevalence of
thralgias are common complaints and typically improve chronic HCV infection in the dialysis center.
with eradication of the virus.35 Studies have estimated
20–35% of patients will have progression of liver disease Allograft Transmission of HCV
to cirrhosis over 20–30 years.166 A study by Cacoub et al.35
found that 38% of HCV patients presented with at least As transplant waiting lists soar to record levels, programs
one clinical extrahepatic manifestation. The associated of all organ types are faced with decisions regarding the
findings include hematologic disorders such as cryo- use of extended criteria (previously called marginal) do-
globulinemia and lymphoma as well as porphyria cutanea nor organs, including those positive for HCV antibody.
tarda and other rashes. Dry eyes and mouth, pruritus, re- Historically, allocation of HCV-positive organs has been
nal disease including membranoproliferative glomerulo- restricted to HCV-positive recipients. This recommen-
nephritis (MPGN), and diabetes are often present. dation is based on evidence that transplantation of HCV-
positive organs into HCV-negative recipients is a risk
factor for poorer outcomes in renal transplant patients.1,202
Incidence/Prevalence and Transmission of In contrast, outcome data regarding kidney transplanta-
Hepatitis C in Renal Transplant Patients tion from anti-HCV-positive antibody-positive donors to
It is estimated that 180 million people are infected with HCV-positive recipients are mixed. Recipient wait time
HCV worldwide, with 4 million people in the United States may be substantially reduced and there appears to be no
thought to be HCV antibody carriers. Among those with effect on short-term mortality.5,159,171 Similarly, registry
anti-HCV antibodies, about 80% are viremic.13 The prin- studies have shown that kidney transplantation from de-
cipal risk factors for HCV infection are transfusion of un- ceased anti-HCV antibody-positive donors has a survival
screened blood products and intravenous drug use. With advantage compared to staying on dialysis for HCV-
the development of blood donor screening in the 1990s, positive recipients.1
transfusion-related HCV transmission is now exceedingly Currently, the Kidney Disease Improving Global
rare.67 Other risk factors for HCV transmission include Outcomes practice guidelines132 recommend restricting
nosocomial transmission, including via hemodialysis and oc- the use of allografts from HCV-infected donors to HCV-
cupational exposure. Transmission of HCV via hemodialysis infected recipients.162
and occupationally is less frequent with the use of improved
universal precautions. Sexual transmission is to be rare. Impact of Pretransplant HCV on Posttransplant
The prevalence of HCV in patients with chronic kid- Outcomes (Table 32-4)
ney disease is higher than in the general population, par-
ticularly in patients on hemodialsysis. HCV prevalence in Patient and Graft Survival. Some controversy exists re-
hemodialysis units across seven countries was reported in garding the impact of pretransplant HCV infection on the
the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study and outcome of renal transplantation. Initially, studies of short
showed a mean HCV prevalence of 13.5% with a range follow-up periods suggested that neither patient nor graft
between the countries of 2.6–22.9%. HCV prevalence is survival was altered posttransplant despite a ­logarithmic
higher in Japan, Italy, and Spain and lower in Germany
and the United Kingdom. The United States had a 14% TABLE 32-4  Outcomes in HCV-Positive
HCV prevalence and a hemodialysis seroconversion rate Recipients (Compared to HCV-Negative
of 2.5% per 100 patient years.89 However, in the United Recipients) Undergoing Renal Transplantation
States, there is high variability in the prevalence of chronic
HCV among hemodialysis units based on location.217 Type of Transplant Outcome
Historically, blood products were the major contributor
Renal transplant Decreased long-term
to infection in these patients. As mentioned above, in the patient survival
past decade this method of transmission has been virtu- (follow-up  > 10  years)
ally eliminated with reliable screening methods68,135 and Decreased graft survival
decreased transfusion requirements directly related to the De novo or recurrent
increased use of hematopoeitic growth factors.68,109 Despite Cirrhosis
these improvements, studies show de novo infections do Posttransplant diabetes
occur in dialysis units, though clearly identifiable risk fac-
tors have not been reproducibly demonstrated.63 HCV, hepatitis C virus.
524 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

increase in HCV RNA levels.130,162,185,219 Orloff et al.185 re- transplantation in HCV-infected patients. The overall in-
ported the liver biopsy findings at 3–7 years after kidney cidence of posttransplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) has
transplantation in HCV-positive subjects. Twelve percent been reported to vary from 10% to 54% and has shown
of these had chronic active hepatitis, 50% showed mild similar long-term effects as diabetes mellitus types 1 and
hepatitis, and 38% had normal histology. Furthermore, 2, with cardiac and renal dysfunction in a significant pro-
hepatitis C conferred no adverse effect on patient or graft portion.81 Yildiz et al.239 reported a case-controlled study
survival. Lee et al.145 agreed that HCV infection did not of 43 renal transplant recipients with PTDM in which
reduce renal allograft or patient survival; however they 72% were HCV-infected, compared with a prevalence of
identified more liver disease and a greater prevalence 37% in the recipients without PTDM (P = 0.002).207 This
of life-threatening sepsis in the HCV-infected recipient association was further observed by Bloom et al.,24 where
population.162 PTDM occurred more frequently in HCV-positive than
In contrast, studies with more lengthy follow-up af- HCV-negative patients (39.4% versus 9.8%; P = 0.0005).
ter transplantation have found decreased patient and/ Their data further found that among the HCV-positive
or graft survival in HCV-positive renal transplant recipi- patients there was an eight times increased incidence of
ents.28,106,146,166,187 Periera et al.187 compared the prevalence PTDM in those treated with tacrolimus (58%) when
of posttransplantation liver disease and graft and patient compared to cyclosporine (7.7%)
survival in HCV-positive and -negative kidney transplant
recipients. Among recipients who were HCV-positive prior
to transplantation, the RR of posttransplantation liver dis- HCV and Posttransplant Nephropathy
ease was 5.0, of graft loss was 1.3, and death was 3.3. There Posttransplant renal disease is common among HCV-
was a significant increase in death due to sepsis with an RR positive recipients of any organ. While the causes of renal
of 9.9. Similarly, Hanafusa et al.106 found clinically signifi- injury after transplantation are multifactorial in nature,
cant hepatitis in 55% of HCV-positive kidney transplant chronic allograft nephropathy among renal transplant
recipients. They also found a significant decline in the 20- recipients and nephrotoxicity due to calcineurin inhibi-
year survival in the HCV-positive patients compared to the tors are the most common etiologies. Kidney transplant
HCV-negative cohort (64% versus 88%). In a meta-analy- recipients with chronic HCV infection are at risk for ad-
sis of observational studies after renal transplantation that ditional immune-mediated nephropathies, with MPGN
included eight studies, the presence of HCV antibody was being the most common, followed by membranous ne-
an independent risk factor for death and graft failure after phropathy, minimal change disease, and renal thrombotic
renal transplant (RR for death 1.79, 95% CI 1.57–2.03) and microangiopathy. These may be recurrent or present de
for renal graft failure 1.56 (95% CI 1.35–1.80). HCC and novo. MPGN has been reported in 45% of HCV-positive
liver cirrhosis were more frequent causes of mortality in renal transplant recipients who underwent renal biopsy
HCV-positive than HCV-negative recipients.81 for worsening renal function. In the HCV-negative
Despite the finding that graft and overall survival are group, the incidence was only 5.9%.169 De novo disease
probably decreased in kidney transplant recipients with was found in 18% of the MPGN patients and chronic
chronic HCV infection, overall mortality has been shown renal allograft nephropathy was similar in both HCV-
to be improved with transplantation over long-term di- positive and negative recipients.56
alysis and therefore HCV infection should not be con-
sidered a contraindication to consideration of kidney
transplantation.25,213 Immunosuppressive Strategies in Renal Transplant
Most studies regarding posttransplant HCV outcomes Patients Infected with HCV
are directed to chronically infected recipients, usually sub- No studies have been performed to determine optimal
jects who acquired HCV during hemodialysis. However immunosuppressive regimens in renal transplant recipi-
the subset of solid-organ transplant recipients who be- ents infected with HCV. Viral replication is increased
come infected with HCV in the perioperative period have with the use of immunosuppressive agents, but the im-
a markedly different course. Delladetsima et al.65 followed pact on patient survival, progression of liver disease, and
17 such patients by biochemical and histologic markers graft function is unknown. As mentioned previously,
for a mean of 7 years. Six (35%) patients died a median of studies have clearly demonstrated tacrolimus as an addi-
6 years posttransplant due to fibrosing cholestatic hepati- tive risk in HCV patients for the development of post-
tis, vanishing bile duct syndrome, cirrhosis, miliary tuber- transplant diabetes mellitus.229 In addition, as mentioned
culosis, myocardial infarction. Overall the yearly fibrosis previously, in liver transplant recipients cyclosporine may
progression rate was five times that of age-matched im- have an anti-HCV effect and improve the probability of
munocompetent HCV-infected patients.221 These studies successful HCV treatment.40,210 However, there are no
suggest that HCV acquired at the time of transplantation data regarding cyclosporine effects on HCV in kidney
may have a particularly aggressive course. transplant recipients. Similarly, although corticosteroid
boluses have been shown to increase HCV viral load dra-
HCV and Posttransplant Diabetes in the Renal matically and decrease time to HCV recurrence in liver
Transplant Recipient transplant recipients,162 there are no data in kidney trans-
plant recipients. Finally, while poor outcomes have been
The association of diabetes mellitus and HCV has become reported with antibody induction in HCV-positive liver
increasingly apparent both in the immune-­ competent transplant recipients, there are no data on kidney trans-
HCV population and particularly after solid-organ plant recipients.
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 525

In the absence of data, few recommendations can be interferon monotherapy in dialysis patients with chronic
made regarding immunosuppression strategy in HCV- HCV, data regarding safety and efficacy are limited. In
infected kidney transplant recipients. Given the permis- one study, 16 patients were randomized to 0.5 μg/kg/
sive effects of immunosuppression on HCV replication, week versus 1.0 μg/kg/week of pegylated interferon-α2b
a reasonable goal is to provide the minimum dose of im- for 48 weeks. Sustained viral response was 40% in the
munosuppression to prevent rejection. 1.0 μg/kg group and 22% in the 0.5 μg/kg group. Adverse
effects, primarily hypertension and infection, led to dis-
continuation of therapy in 56% of the subjects (5/9) in
Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy (Table 32-5) the 1.0 μg/kg group and in 28% (2/7) of the 0.5 μg/kg
Pretransplant Antiviral Therapy. Eradication of HCV group.203 Additional studies have shown highly variable
prior to transplantation has several theoretical benefits. rates of response and dropout.55,176 It is also important to
HCV is associated with worse patient and graft survival as note that response rates using pegylated interferon may
well as increased risk of PTDM and de novo glomerulo­ not be better than with standard interferon in dialysis pa-
pathy. Eradication of HCV pretransplant might mitigate tients since the half-life of regular interferon is increased
some of these adverse outcomes.57,114,127 Furthermore, in patients on dialysis. Further, prospective studies are
interferon therapy posttransplantation is associated with needed to better determine the pharmacokinetics, effi-
reduced treatment response rates, a greater incidence of cacy, and tolerability of pegylated interferon-α in patients
organ rejection, and impairment of renal function.19,201 on hemodialysis.
Thus it would be best if treatment could be undertaken Studies using the combination of pegylated inter-
before embarking on the solid-organ transplant. feron with ribavirin are limited. In patients with nor-
Results of treatment of HCV in dialysis patients vary, mal renal function, the combination of pegylated
with sustained virologic rates (SVR) ranging from 16% interferon-α and ribavirin results in an enhanced SVR
to 68%.79 These rates are not significantly different from rate when compared to standard interferon and riba-
that seen in the non-end-stage renal disease population virin.96,104,162 The largest pilot study treated 35 patients
and in many reports are higher than in patients with nor- with chronic HCV with mixed genotypes. Ribavirin was
mal renal function. This may due to higher circulating dosed at 200 mg/day and trough levels were measured to
levels of interferon in patients on dialysis199 or lower viral guide treatment. Thirty patients completed therapy and
loads in patients on hemodialysis.79 97% achieved an SVR.151 These results have not been
The standard of care for HCV treatment has evolved replicated to date. More data on safety, tolerability, ef-
over the years from standard interferon monotherapy, to ficacy, and pharmacokinetics of combination therapy are
standard interferon plus the antiviral ribavirin, to peg­ needed in dialysis patients before routine use and doses
ylated interferon and ribavirin, to, most recently, the ad- can be recommended.
dition of direct-acting antivirals. Long-term maintenance of response is generally good
Most studies report treatment regimens including in- after a successful virologic response pretransplant and af-
terferon monotherapy administered for 6–12 months. ter renal transplant. Casanovas-Taltavull et al.38 reported
Interferon side effects in the dialysis population vary but that, of 14 dialysis patients that received interferon, 9
appear to be more frequent than in the non-end-stage renal were HCV RNA-negative at the time of transplant and
disease (ESRD) patient. Discontinuation rates are as high 8 of the 9 remained HCVRNA-negative at long-term
as 51% compared to studies of non-ESRD patients where follow-up of 41 ± 28 months. Persistent biochemical nor-
dropout rates are approximately 20%. Two meta-analyses malization after renal transplantation is seen in the ma-
revealed treatment dropout rates much higher (17–30%) jority of interferon-treated patients.
than in the non-hemodialysis population (3–10%).77,204 Interferon therapy is therefore associated with rea-
Ribavirin is renally excreted and its use has generally sonable response rates in dialysis patients with frequent
been avoided in dialysis patients. Discontinuation due to maintenance of response after renal transplantation.
severe hemolytic anemia may occur despite doses as low Given the lower patient and graft survival rates after re-
as 200 mg thrice a week in dialysis patients.222 However, nal transplantation in HCV-positive compared to HCV-
some pilot studies have reported ribavirin use in addition negative patients, interferon should be considered for
to interferon in patients on dialysis.30 In this study, lower renal transplant candidates infected with HCV and dem-
doses of ribavirin were used (170–300 mg/day) along with onstrating active viral replication. A liver biopsy should
use of erythropoietin and iron and monitoring of ribavirin be performed to assess underlying activity and stage of
levels. A sustained virologic response was seen in one of the HCV-related liver disease. This information can help
six patients treated and there was no evidence that adding guide expected response rates as well as aggressiveness
ribavirin in dialysis patients provided any added therapeu- of therapy. Those with advanced fibrosis and/or cirrhosis
tic benefit. Another small, uncontrolled study showed an need to be considered for a dual-organ transplant.
SVR rate of 66% in patients treated with standard inter-
feron and ribavirin.175 Longer-term and larger studies with Protease Inhibitors. Recently, the US Food and Drug
pre-emptive hematopoietic growth factors are needed to Administration approved two new medications for the
improve tolerance and measure virologic response. treatment of chronic HCV genotype 1 – boceprevir and
Weekly pegylated interferon-α has been shown to be telaprevir. Both agents are direct antiviral agents with
more effective than conventional interferon in achiev- activity against the NS3/4A serine protease, a critical
ing SVR in patients with normal renal function. While protein in viral replication and assembly. Both agents
there is considerable clinical experience using pegylated are used in combination with pegylated interferon-α
TABLE 32-5  Selected Pretransplant and Posttransplant (Non-Liver) Studies of Antiviral Therapy in HCV Patients

Patient Antiviral After Biochemical Histological Side Effects/ Outcome
Study Population N Therapy Therapy ETVR SVR Res­ponse Res­ponse Dis­con­tinuation After Transplant
Casa­novas- Dialysis 10 IFN 3 mU 3/week, 6 months 1/10 2/10 9/10 IFN stopped in 3 4 of 5
Taltavull patients tapering to maintained
et al. 1.5 mU 3/week normal renal
1995 for 1 year function, 1
had acute
Huraib et al. Renal 30 15 patients – IFN 3 mU 12 months 4/11 Minimal or no dose HAI at 1 year
2001114 trans­plant 3/week for 1 year, 11 adjust­ment after
candi­dates had renal transplant transplant
(group A) lower in
15 patients: no antiviral group A (1.19)
therapy; 10 had than in
transplant (group B) group B (5.5)
Benci et al. Dialysis 10 IFN 1 mU 3/week, 6 months 3/10 IFN stopped in 1
199821 patients for relapsers 3 mU
3/week, 1 year
total therapy
Morales Dialysis 19 received IFN 3 mU 3/week for 3–33 months 14/19 8/19 IFN stopped in 10/19 3 remained
et al. patients IFN, 17 6 months HCV RNA
1995171 controls negative and
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

1 relapsed
Casa­no­vas- Dialysis 29 IFN 3 mU 3/week for 41± 28 months 23/28 18/28 18/28 IFN stopped in 7/29 8 remained
Taltavull patients 6 months and 1.5 mU HCV RNA-
et al. 3/week for 6 months negative and
200138 1 relapsed
Bruchfeld Dialysis 6 PEG-IFN-α2a 135 μg/week Variable 6/6 3/6 Treatment stopped 2 patients
et al.29 patients or PEGα-2b 50 μg/ in 2/6 transplanted
week plus ribavirin and remain
titrated to trough of negative
10–15 μmol/L
Liu et al. 2009151 Dialysis 35 PEG-IFN-α2a 135 μg/ Unknown 91% 60% (52% Discon­tinuation in NA
patients- week plus ribavirin genotype 1) 17%
prior IFN 200 mg/day

Yap et al.238 Acute de 4 IFN 3 mU 3/week +  15–42 mos 3/4 3/4 3/4 Dose-dependent
novo HCV ribavirin 1000– hemolysis, no
infection 1200 mg/day for renal dysfunction
after renal 48 weeks
Rostaing Renal 15 treated IFN 3 mu 3/week for 12 months 4/14 0/14 10/14 Renal failure in 5/14,
et al. transplant (group 6 months renal function
1995201 recipients A) and 15 recovered in only
with HCV controls 2 despite steroid
(group B) pulse
Lee et al. Renal 11 IFN 1 mu 3/ NR 5/11 3/11 10/11 IFN stopped in 3, 1
2001145 transplant week + ribavirin with acute graft
recipients 600 mg/day for failure
with HCV 48 weeks
Fontaine Renal 13 Ribavirin 724 ± 22.6 ± 13 0/13 0/13 Decrease in Metavir 1 patient required
et al. 200492 transplant 224 mg/day for months mean AST activity erythropoietin
recipients 22.6 ± 13.3 months from 128 score
with HCV to 53 decreased
from 2.46
±0.78 to
1.23 ± 1.01
Kamar et al. Renal 16 received Ribavirin starting at 12 months 0/16 0/16 Decrease in No improve­ 3 cases ribavirin
2003128 transplant ribavirin 1000 mg/day adjusted mean ALT ment in stopped despite
recipients (group to hemoglobin. 1 year from inflamm­ erythropoietin
with HCV A) and 32 therapy 85 to 48 ation and therapy
controls fibrosis.
(group B) Improve­
ment in
Durlik et al. Renal 15 IFN 3 mu 3/week for 3–53 months ALT improved Rejection in 5/15,
199871 transplant 6 months in all 4 lost grafts (3
recipients (normal in from irreversible
(7 with 50%) rejection)
HCV alone,
alone and
2 HBV,
Thervet Renal 13 IFN 3 mu 3/week for 3–26 months AST, ALT IFN stopped in 7,
et al. transplant 6 months improved acute renal failure
1994226 recipients significantly in 2 patients (1
with HBV, on therapy, chronic rejection)
HCV, or returned to
both previous
levels after
end of
Tokumoto Renal 6 IFN 10 mu daily for 17–27 months 3/6 3/6 6/6 1 with renal failure
et al. transplant 2 weeks then 5–10 mu normalized (acute vascular
1996228 recipients 3/week for 22 weeks AST, ALT rejection)
with HCV

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ETVR, end of treatment virologic response, defined as undetectable HCV RNA at end of therapy; HAI, hospital-acquired

infection; hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDV; HAI, hepatic activity index; IFN, interferon; PEG-IFN, pegylated interferon; SVR, sustained virologic response, defined as u
­ ndetectable
HCV RNA 6 months after the end of therapy.
527Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients
528 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

and ribavirin (triple therapy) and neither is approved for HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA AFTER
HCV genotypes other than genotype 1. Both agents have
shown substantial improvement in the probability of SVR
In the setting of immunosuppression, loss of tumor sur-
There have been no studies evaluating triple ther-
veillance can lead to higher risk for various malignancies.
apy in patients with chronic kidney disease or on
HCC is likely more common after renal transplantation
(incidence 1.4–4%) than in the general population (in-
cidence 0.005–0.015%).119,152,183,198 This risk is particu-
Posttransplant Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C larly true for renal transplant recipients infected with
chronic HBV or HCV. In areas endemic for HBV, HCC
Posttransplantation interferon therapy is generally con- is the most common tumor after renal transplantation
traindicated in organ transplant recipients other than (20–45%).48,50 Recently, Hoffman et al.111 published data
liver allografts. The reluctance to treat HCV posttrans- on the development of de novo HCC in transplant re-
plant is due to a low probability of success and evidence to cipients. Using US registry data of over 200 000 trans-
suggest that interferon therapy can precipitate renal fail- plant recipients, the incidence of HCC in non-liver
ure and organ rejection.201 For this reason we recommend transplant recipients was 6.5 per 100 000 person-years.
that interferon therapy should be limited to patients with HBV and HCV infection were independently predictive
severe recurrence of HCV, such as fibrosing cholestatic of the development of de novo HCC. Estimated survival
hepatitis C, or in the setting of well-constructed, appro- was worse than that expected for similar-stage tumors in
priately powered clinical trials. non-transplanted populations.48,198 Since outcomes after
HCC are poor, preventive measures are important, in-
cluding: vaccination of renal transplant waiting list pa-
Hepatitis E tients for HBV, antiviral therapy for HCV and HBV in
HEV is a non-enveloped, single-strand RNA virus of the the dialysis population, continued antiviral treatment
family Hepaviridae.102 HEV is considered endemic in for HBV in the renal transplant recipient, exclusion of
developing countries and is spread via fecal–oral trans- patients with ESRD and cirrhosis from isolated kidney
mission, similarly to hepatitis A (HAV).20 In immuno- transplantation, and in select cases consideration of these
competent patients, HEV has a clinical course similar to patients for combined liver transplantation.
HAV, manifested by an acute, sometimes icteric, self-lim- Renal transplant recipients infected with HBV/HCV
ited illness without the potential for chronicity. and uncontrolled viral replication or with advanced fibro-
However, in recent years, zoonotic transmission sis/cirrhosis should be entered in an HCC surveillance
(frequently from a swine vector) of HEV in industri- protocol. Current American Association for the Study
alized countries has become increasingly recognized. of Liver Diseases guidelines recommend surveillance
In France, anti-HEV antibodies are present in 16.6% with ultrasound with or without a-fetoprotein every
of blood donors and 6–16% of renal transplant recipi- 6 months.31
ents.126,160 In addition, chronic hepatitis due to HEV
infection has been reported in immunocompromised
patients, including liver and kidney transplant recipi- SYSTEMIC INFECTIONS RESULTING IN
ents.97,126 Thus, chronic HEV infection should be con- HEPATITIS AND LIVER DISEASE
sidered in kidney transplant recipients with unexplained
liver test abnormalities. A number of systemic infections have hepatitis as part of
There is no effective vaccination available for HEV. the clinical manifestation. Foremost among these are in-
Current recommendations for HEV prevention focus fections caused by herpesviruses, which are major patho-
primarily on proper hygiene and consumption of prop- gens in organ transplantation. Other infections primarily
erly cooked food. Blood-borne transmission of HEV is involving the liver are also reviewed.
felt to be rare.
There are no data on the natural history of HEV in-
fection on kidney transplant recipients. Similarly, there
Liver Abscess
are very limited data on treatment for chronic HEV. Pyogenic liver abscess does not represent a specific liver
Pegylated interferon-α has been used in liver transplant disease but is a final common pathway of many patho-
recipients, but caution should be used in renal trans- logic processes. The incidence of pyogenic liver abscess
plant recipients due to the known risk of allograft loss.127 ranges from 8 to 20 cases per 100 000 hospital admis-
Ribavirin has also been used in kidney transplant recipi- sions121; a population-based study reported 2.3 cases per
ents with chronic HEV infection. Kamar et al.127 pub- 100 000 persons per year.130 A recent population-based
lished a series of six kidney transplant recipients with study found no increased risk of pyogenic liver abscess in
chronic HEV hepatitis treated with ribavirin at a dose of renal transplant recipients.130
600–800 mg/day. All patients achieved serum viral clear- Abscesses may be classified by presumed route
ance at 3 months. Four patients achieved a durable re- of hepatic invasion: (1) biliary tree; (2) portal vein;
sponse after cessation of ribavirin.127 Larger studies are (3) hepatic artery; (4) direct extension from contigu-
needed to determine optimal dose and duration of ribavi- ous focus of infection; and (5) penetrating trauma.121
rin therapy for chronic HEV. Approximately 50% of pyogenic liver abscesses are
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 529

cryptogenic.194 The microbiology of pyogenic liver ab- involvement of the liver in association with tuberculosis
scess is variable and depends on the route of infection. at other body sites; (2) miliary involvement of the liver
Most infections are polymicrobial, with enteric facul- with no other known organ involvement (granulomatous
tative and anerobic bacteria being the most common hepatitis); and (3) focal lesion in the liver, either an ab-
agents. Candida species should also be suspected as a scess or a tuberculoma.220,38 Constitutional symptoms and
pathogen in pyogenic abscesses, accounting for 22% of fever are common but non-specific. A modest degree of
abscesses in one series.113 transaminase and alkaline phosphatase elevation is com-
While fever and constitutional symptoms are fre- mon. Imaging followed by tissue staining for acid-fast ba-
quent, only one in 10 patients presents with the classic cilli and culture for mycobacteria are required to confirm
triad of fever, jaundice, and right upper quadrant tender- the diagnosis.
ness. Although liver function tests are abnormal in most
patients, the elevation is usually modest. Radiographic
imaging using magnetic resonance imaging, computed Viral Infections
tomography, or ultrasonography is essential to making the Herpesviruses
diagnosis. Microbiologic diagnosis rests upon obtaining
purulent material from the abscess cavity, which should The herpesviruses include cytomegalovirus (CMV),
be sent for Gram stain and culture. In general, treat- Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus, human
ment consists of antimicrobial therapy for 3–4 weeks and herpesvirus 6 and 7 and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The
drainage of the abscess. Some investigators have reported herpesvirus family is responsible for considerable mor-
success with treatment of small abscesses with antibiotic bidity and mortality in transplant recipients. In particular,
therapy alone; however most patients will require some CMV remains a major health threat following solid-or-
form of abscess drainage.36 Drainage may be achieved gan transplantation. All the herpesviruses have the ability
by percutaneous aspiration with or without placement to remain latent in tissues after acute infection. Liver in-
of a drainage catheter. Generally, abscesses larger than volvement frequently is a part of the clinical presentation
5 cm require placement of a catheter. Endoscopic drain- of herpesvirus-related diseases.
age via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
has been reported to be successful in cases where the Cytomegalovirus
abscess communicates with the biliary tree.212 Finally,
surgical drainage may be needed in cases with multifo- CMV is one of the most important pathogens in trans-
cal abscesses, heavily loculated abscesses, or unsuccessful plant recipients.137,138 Unlike the other herpesviruses,
percutaneous drainage. such as herpes simplex virus and VZV, which remain la-
Amebiasis is a far less common cause of liver abscess tent in highly restricted areas of the body, once acquired,
in the United States but one that must be considered latent CMV can be found in multiple body sites.
in patients living in or traveling to countries where the After transplantation, approximately 50% of trans-
prevalence of amebiasis is high. There is a marked male plant patients excrete CMV in body secretions (e.g., sa-
predominance and amebic liver abscesses are usually soli- liva and urine) at some point.162 In addition, over 60%
tary.218 Clinical signs and symptoms and liver test abnor- of patients develop antigenemia within the first 100 days
malities do not help to distinguish amebic from pyogenic after transplantation.205
liver abscesses. Serology for antibodies to Entamoeba his- Hepatitis is a major clinical manifestation of CMV
tolytica is useful to determine current or past infection. disease. In the immunocompetent patient, the disease
Following confirmation of an abscess on imaging, if ame- is usually mild and self-limiting, although rare cases of
bic rather than pyogenic liver abscess is suspected, treat- fulminant CMV hepatitis have been described.211 In the
ment with metronidazole for 10 days is necessary. Renal transplant recipient, CMV hepatitis is a more severe ill-
transplant recipients travelling to areas endemic for am- ness, usually with other organ involvement or dissemi-
ebiasis should be counseled to avoid ingestion of poten- nated disease, and is not uncommon. In a series of 97
tially contaminated food and water, such as fresh produce renal transplant recipients with CMV disease, half had
that cannot be adequately cooked.138 Boiling water before evidence of CMV hepatitis; the severity of hepatitis was
use is essential to destroy the cysts of E. histolytica which greater in primary disease than in cases of reactivation.206
are not killed by low-dose iodine or chlorine tablets. In an autopsy series of four immunocompromised
patients with overwhelming CMV infection, Ten Napel
et al. showed that liver cell damage was extensive but
Mycobacterial Infection inflammatory infiltration was less prominent than in
Tuberculosis is an important cause of morbidity and immunocompetent patients with CMV infection.223
mortality among renal transplant recipients. The risk of Intracellular CMV inclusion bodies were found in the
active tuberculosis is at least 50-fold higher in renal trans- hepatocytes, vascular endothelium, and bile epithelium.
plant recipients compared to non-transplant patients; Given the significant morbidity and mortality of CMV
most reactivation disease has been reported to occur in infection, including CMV hepatitis, in solid-organ trans-
the first year following transplantation.2,207 Liver involve- plant recipients, prevention and treatment of CMV in-
ment with tuberculosis remains rare; when present, it fection posttransplant are of utmost importance. The
is usually associated with pulmonary or gastrointestinal diagnosis and treatment of CMV infection and strategies
involvement with tuberculosis. Three patterns of tuber- for CMV prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients are
culous liver involvement have been reported8: (1) diffuse covered in Chapter 31.
530 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Epstein–Barr Virus Conclusive diagnosis of HSV hepatitis rests on demon-

stration of viral involvement of liver tissue. Histologically,
EBV, a member of the human gamma herpesvirus family,
hepatocytes have enlarged “ground-glass” nuclei with
is a ubiquitous pathogen. More than 90% of the world’s
chromatin margination. Due to the high mortality associ-
population is infected.23 The virus is shed intermittently
ated with HSV hepatitis, transplant recipients who present
into saliva237 and is believed to be transmitted through
with fever, progressive transaminase elevation, and ab-
close contact with oral secretions. EBV infection may
dominal symptoms with or without evidence of cutaneous
present as primary or secondary infection (reactivation).
herpes simplex infection should prompt consideration of
Childhood disease is usually asymptomatic. Infection
HSV hepatitis and treatment with intravenous acyclovir.
acquired in adolescence or young adulthood frequently
causes the clinical syndrome of acute infectious mono-
nucleosis, characterized by fever, pharyngitis, and lymph- Varicella-Zoster Virus
adenopathy in 75% of patients.72 A non-specific hepatitis
is common in acute infectious mononucleosis. Jaundice VZV is another herpesvirus that causes two distinct
is apparent in 5–9% of patients. Liver function test ab- diseases – varicella and herpes zoster. Primary infec-
normalities peak with acute illness and return to normal tion with VZV causes varicella in susceptible hosts.
over 1–2 months. In instances where liver biopsies have Children generally develop mild disease when com-
been obtained, minimal swelling and vacuolization of he- pared to adults or immunosuppressed patients. While
patocytes can be seen accompanied by a lymphocytic or only 0.1% of varicella infections develop in this popu-
monocytic infiltrate in portal regions.69 lation, 25% of varicella-related deaths occur in this pa-
EBV establishes latency16 and may reactivate later; tient population.
the risk of reactivation is especially high in immuno­ Hepatic involvement with varicella is uncommon but
suppressed patients. Primary infection with EBV follow- has been described in transplant recipients. A study as-
ing transplantation may manifest as a febrile illness with sessing clinical features of liver transplant patients with
constitutional signs and symptoms. varicella hepatitis showed that the most common pre-
EBV has a central role in the pathogenesis of post- senting features were cutaneous vesicular lesions, fever,
transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD),231 al- and acute abdominal or back pain. The rash may not be
though not all PTLD is caused by EBV. apparent at the time of hepatic involvement, however, and
The diagnosis and treatment of EBV and PTLD are the diagnosis of varicella hepatitis may be delayed. In case
discussed in Chapter 31. reports, high-dose acyclovir (10 mg/kg every 8 hours) has
been shown to treat varicella hepatitis successfully.
Like all herpesviruses, VZV establishes latency and
Herpes Simplex Virus
may subsequently reactivate.53 Reactivation of latent
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is an alpha herpesvirus VZV typically results in a localized skin infection known
with a genome consisting of a linear, double-stranded as herpes zoster or shingles.
DNA molecule.236 The two types of HSV – HSV-1 Disseminated zoster in transplant patients can be a
and HSV-2 – have 50% sequence homology. In the severe, prolonged illness with hepatitis as a prominent
US ­population, seroprevalence rates range from 56% manifestation. In a case series of four renal transplant
to 60% for HSV-1 and from 15% to 18% for HSV-2. recipients that developed primary (1) or reactivation
First episodes of HSV, or primary infection, are fre- VZV infection (3), all four had multiorgan involvement
quently accompanied by systemic signs and symp- and three of the four developed hepatitis.85 In general,
toms and have a longer duration of symptoms.9 The primary varicella infection is a more severe illness than
virus esablishes latency in ganglia, and may reactivate. reactivated disease. Fehr et al.85 reviewed all cases of her-
Immunocompromised patients have been found to have pes zoster in renal transplant recipients and found 34
more severe primary infections and more frequent reac- reported cases, most of which were primary infections.
tivations.230 In renal transplant recipients, the incidence Analysis of these cases showed that disseminated intra-
of HSV infection has been reported to be 30–50% in the vascular coagulation and hepatitis occurred in half of the
absence of prophylaxis.120,208 The risk of HSV reactiva- cases and pneumonitis in 29% of patients. The overall
tion is highest in the first 3 months posttransplant due mortality was 34%, although it appears to have decreased
to the higher level of immunosuppression needed during over time from 53% to 22%
this period. Oral acyclovir for prophylaxis against HSV Treatment of disseminated zoster in transplant patients
has greatly reduced the incidence of HSV infection.120,208 should be undertaken promptly with high-dose acyclovir.
Hepatitis with HSV has been well described in the
general population as well as the renal transplant popula-
Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7
tion. Kusne et al.140 reported a series of 12 cases of HSV
hepatitis which developed a median of 18 days after solid- Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and HHV-7 are ubiqui-
organ transplantation. The clinical features included fe- tous lymphotrophic herpesviruses and were initially iso-
ver, herpetic stomatitis, and abdominal pain, usually in lated from patients with lymphoproliferative disorders.37
association with disseminated disease. Clinical features Seroprevalence surveys have found that HHV-6 infection
associated with mortality included bacteremia, hypoten- occurs in the majority of children by age 3 years, and the
sion, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and gastro- prevalence in adults is greater than 90%.
intestinal bleeding. HSV hepatitis was associated with The major childhood clinical syndrome caused
67% mortality in this patient population. by HHV-6 primary infection is exanthem subitum.
Liver Disease among Renal Transplant Recipients 531

Infection in immune-competent adults is usually benign, 19. Baid S, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Saidman S, et al. Acute humoral
presenting as fever with lymphadenopathy or an infec- rejection in hepatitis C-infected renal transplant recipients
receiving antiviral therapy. Am J Transplant 2003;3(1):74–8.
tious mononucleosis-like syndrome. HHV-6 infection 20. Balayan MS, Andjaparidze AG, Dubois F, et al. Evidence for
posttransplant has been frequently reported in kidney a virus in non-A, non-B hepatitis transmitted via the fecal–oral
transplant recipients.143,174 Typically, HHV-6 reactiva- route. Intervirology 1983;20(1):23–31.
tion is asymptomatic, even in kidney transplant patients. 21. Benci A, Caremani M, Menchetti D, et al. Low-dose leukocyte
interferon-alpha therapy in dialysed patients with chronic hepatitis
However, symptomatic and even fatal HHV-6 infections C. Curr Med Res Opin 1998;14(3):141–4.
have been reported in the kidney transplant population. 22. Deleted in proof.
Hepatitis has been rarely reported in both the immune- 23. Biggar RJ, Henle G, Bocker J, et al. Primary Epstein–
competent and transplant populations.52,108,189 There are Barr virus infections in African infants. II. Clinical and
no controlled trials of antiviral therapy for HHV-6 or serological observations during seroconversion. Int J Cancer
HHV-7 infection. According to the American Society 24. Bloom RD, Rao V, Weng F, et al. Association of hepatitis C with
of Transplantation Infectious Disease Community of posttransplant diabetes in renal transplant patients on tacrolimus.
Practice guidelines, intravenous ganciclovir or foscarnet J Am Soc Nephrol 2002;13(5):1374–80.
is first-line therapy for active disease.196 25. Bloom RD, Sayer G, Fa K, et al. Outcome of hepatitis C virus-
infected kidney transplant candidates who remain on the waiting
list. Am J Transplant 2005;5(1):139–44.
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Neurological Complications
after Kidney Transplantation
Andria L. Ford  •  Katie D. Vo  •  Jin-Moo Lee

TRANSPLANTATION Central Nervous System Dysfunction
Systemic Disease Tacrolimus
Uremia Cyclosporine
Dialysis Dysequilibrium Syndrome and FKB12 Ligands: Sirolimus and Everolimus
Dialysis Dementia Monoclonal Antibodies
PATIENT WITH NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction
Central Nervous System Dysfunction Cyclosporine
Encephalopathy Tacrolimus
Seizures Steroids
Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Central Nervous System Dysfunction Infection
Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult and Perioperative Meningitis
Sedation Encephalitis
Electrolyte Imbalance Focal Brain Infections
Rejection Encephalopathy Progressive Dementia
Hypertensive Encephalopathy Stroke
Infection Ischemic Stroke
Central Pontine Myelinolysis Hemorrhagic Stroke
Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction Primary Central Nervous System
Femoral Neuropathy Lymphoma
Lumbosacral Plexopathy SUMMARY
Ulnar Neuropathy

Neurological disease commonly arises as a c­ omplication over an 18-year period.2 Two more ­recent studies found
of kidney transplantation. Benign to life-threatening lower rates of 8% and 10% over a 26-year period and a
neurological disease may be encountered hours to years 19-year period, respectively.52,95 Neurological complica-
after transplantation. Neurological consultation may tions may be underdiagnosed, however. In a prospective
be obtained for a variety of reasons, including altered brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study, 30% of
mental status, new-onset seizures, sudden hemiplegia, 187 renal transplant patients had abnormal neuroradio-
or slowly progressive numbness and tingling. Diagnosis logical findings.4
and treatment are best undertaken in conjunction with a Neurological disease can result from the disease
neurologist acquainted with transplantation. Diagnostic process underlying renal failure. Therefore, symptoms
confusion can be caused by the residue of prior neuro- should not be ascribed to the transplant when they may
logical disease, the coexistence of multiple diagnoses, and have been extant before the procedure. This chapter
the suppression of normal inflammatory responses by im- discusses the most commonly encountered pre-existing
munosuppressive therapies. neurological syndromes. When one suspects de novo neu-
Over the years, as surgical techniques have been refined, rological disease in a renal transplant patient, it is helpful
and immunosuppressants have been improved, transplant to localize the area of neurological dysfunction broadly
complications have declined. An early, large retrospective into central nervous system (CNS) or peripheral nervous
study found the neurological complication rate to be 30% system (PNS) dysfunction and to assess the timing of

538 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

complication onset (acute, subacute, or chronic), to aid in Dialysis Dysequilibrium Syndrome

differential diagnosis.
and Dialysis Dementia
Dialysis dysequilibrium syndrome was first recognized
NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE PRECEDING RENAL in the 1960s when patients were rapidly dialyzed over
TRANSPLANTATION short periods. Today, dialysis is performed slowly and in-
termittently, and the syndrome is seen in a milder form
Diseases that underlie kidney failure often cause coinci- when a patient initiates dialysis. Dialysis dysequilibrium
dental injury to the nervous system, which may not be syndrome is characterized by headache, irritability, rest-
discovered until long after transplantation. Patients with less legs, agitation, somnolence, confusion, seizures,
longstanding uremia frequently have signs of chronic muscle cramps, and nausea. These symptoms may stabi-
PNS toxicity. Additionally, dialysis has been associated lize or improve with long-term dialysis. The syndrome is
with at least two forms of CNS neurological disturbance – thought to be caused by increased intracranial pressure
dialysis dysequilibrium syndrome and dialysis dementia.18 and cerebral edema from the osmotic gradient that devel-
ops between the plasma and brain during rapid dialysis.18
Independently of vascular risk factors, patients with
Systemic Disease chronic kidney disease have an increased risk of developing
Disease processes that cause renal insufficiency com- dementia compared to the general population.97 Dialysis
monly cause progressive injury to the nervous system. dementia is a progressive encephalopathy thought to be
These underlying disease processes include diabetes mel- related to aluminum intoxication; this is less commonly
litus, hypertension, autoimmune diseases such as systemic seen because aluminum-rich dialysate is not widely used
lupus erythematosus, and human immunodeficiency virus and because dietary aluminum intake is restricted.29,64 A
(HIV). Diabetes and hypertension predispose patients to more recent study, however, could not confirm an asso-
small-vessel disease. Ischemic strokes may manifest with ciation of aluminum concentration or use of aluminum-
acute neurological deficits or may occur subclinically, containing phosphate binders and carrying a diagnosis of
with gradual accumulation of cognitive deficits. Diabetes dementia, but did find age, black race, low educational at-
is known for its effects on the peripheral nerves as well, tainment, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, malnutrition,
primarily causing a painful sensory neuropathy. Systemic and anemia to be independent predictors of dementia.59
lupus erythematosus is associated with cognitive dysfunc-
tion, headache, seizures, chorea, cerebrovascular events,
myelopathy, polyneuropathy, and mononeuropathy.79 APPROACH TO THE RENAL TRANSPLANT
Other autoimmune disorders may disturb the nervous
system similarly.18 HIV is capable of numerous neurolog-
ical syndromes; the most common are dementia, vacuolar
Although a few neurological illnesses may occur at any
myelopathy, and sensory neuropathies.69
time after transplantation, most problems are likely to
occur as immediate, subacute, or chronic complications
Uremia of transplantation. Within each time period, neurologi-
cal syndromes may be divided into central and peripheral
Acute and chronic uremia produce characteristic neu-
etiologies. CNS dysfunction localizes to any abnormality
rological syndromes. Acutely, an increase in blood urea
of the brain or spinal cord. PNS dysfunction localizes to
nitrogen (BUN) produces an encephalopathy character-
the nerve roots, peripheral nerves, or muscle.
ized by fluctuating level of consciousness, seizures, and
prominent asterixis accompanied by diffuse weakness.29
Chronic uremia may cause milder symptoms and signs, Central Nervous System Dysfunction
such as anorexia, insomnia, restlessness, and mild as-
terixis.84 Uremic encephalopathy correlates less with lev-
els of BUN and more with rate of increase, with rapid CNS illness often manifests as altered mental status, also
BUN accumulation causing a more severe alteration in known as encephalopathy. The hallmark of encepha-
consciousness.93 The mechanism underlying the enceph- lopathy is reduced attention span with a decreased or
alopathy is not well established but may be secondary fluctuating level of consciousness. Patients typically are
to abnormalities in brain energy usage, accumulation of disoriented to varying degrees, with poor awareness of
toxic organic acids in the CNS, or direct toxic effects of their environment and circumstances surrounding their
parathyroid hormone in the CNS.18,66 illness. The etiologies are numerous, ranging from in-
Chronic uremia as seen in end-stage renal disease is fection to metabolic derangement to multiple embolic
a well-known cause of a length-dependent, axonal, sym- strokes. CNS dysfunction may occur in the absence of
metrical, sensorimotor polyneuropathy that is partially encephalopathy; this is seen with focal seizures or neuro-
reversible with correction of renal function.15 Autonomic logical deficits from a stroke or mass lesion.
neuropathy leads to postural hypotension, sudomotor ab-
normalities, impotence, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
The autonomic impairment may be partially responsible
for significant blood pressure lability seen frequently dur- A seizure is a symptom of CNS dysfunction, and an
ing dialysis.57 underlying etiology should be sought. Seizures are
Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation 539

c­ommon after transplantation, estimated to occur in Central Nervous System Dysfunction

6–36% of posttransplant patients.35,38,70 In a review of 119
renal transplants in children, 17% of the children had sei- Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult and Perioperative
zures over a period of 10 years. Most occurred less than Sedation
55 days after transplant.7 The etiologies included hyper- In the immediate postoperative period, transplant pa-
tensive encephalopathy, fever with infection, and acute tients may exhibit behavioral changes ranging from a mild
allograft rejection. Of the patients with posttransplant sei- confusional state to severe encephalopathy. Acute confu-
zures, 25% had a history of seizures before transplantation. sional states often are related to a global hypoxic-­ischemic
Seizures are classified as being either partial in origin – insult. Neuroimaging with computed tomography (CT)
electrical focus in one region of the brain – or generalized – or MRI may aid with this diagnosis. In the absence of
electrical abnormality coming from the entire brain. An evidence of ischemia, other causes (see later) should be
electroencephalogram may help define the patient’s seizure explored. In patients with renal or hepatic failure, poor
type. Routine electrolytes, magnesium, and drug levels of metabolism and excretion of anesthetics and other sedat-
cyclosporine and tacrolimus should be obtained. If brain ing medications should be considered. Altered mental
imaging by MRI is unrevealing for a mass lesion, spinal fluid status occurring 2–5 days after surgery may be the result
should be examined for signs of increased intracranial pres- of intensive care unit (ICU) psychosis, which may resolve
sure, infection, inflammation, abnormal cytology, and, with with neuroleptics or environmental reorientation.62
complaints of severe headache, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Treatment of seizures is best directed toward correc-
Electrolyte Imbalance
tion of the underlying abnormality. While awaiting these
treatments to take effect, benzodiazepines can be used Electrolyte abnormalities are common after transplantation.
on a short-term basis; however, these can cause sedation, If sodium decreases to less than approximately 120 mEq/L,
which may compromise the neurological examination of generalized tonic-clonic seizures and worsening mental
an already encephalopathic patient. Multiple antiepileptic status from cerebral edema may occur.6 Hypomagnesemia
medications can be tried if a patient is at risk of developing may also cause seizures. Although anticonvulsants may
more seizures. The cytochrome P-450-inducing anticon- help, treatment is best achieved by correcting the electro-
vulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital) lyte imbalance. The sodium should be corrected slowly
may affect immunosuppressive agents metabolized by the (≤10 mEq/L over 24 hours) because rapid correction can
liver. The clearance of cyclosporine and corticosteroids lead to central pontine myelinolysis, also known as osmotic
is increased in the presence of these anticonvulsants.61 demyelination syndrome, as discussed subsequently.
Levetiracetam may be preferable because of its minimal
effects on the liver. Isolated seizures in the setting of or- Rejection Encephalopathy
gan transplantation rarely lead to epilepsy, and long-term
anticonvulsant therapy is seldom needed.7,62 The term rejection encephalopathy has been used to de-
scribe an episode of acute graft rejection that is accom-
panied by altered mental status.7 The entity was initially
Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction proposed based on a case series of 13 patients who ex-
PNS illness encompasses any neurological abnormal- hibited a reversible acute neurological syndrome that
ity affecting: (1) the nerve roots exiting the spinal cord, coincided with severe acute rejection of the transplanted
known as radiculopathy; (2) the peripheral nerves, known kidney.40 The majority of these patients were <20 years
as neuropathy; and (3) the muscle, termed myopathy. old and developed various combinations of seizures,
Disease affecting the nerve roots may cause weakness, headache, confusion, disorientation, and irritability, and
numbness, and pain, as in the case of Guillain–Barré one had papilledema. Acute rejection was defined by the
syndrome. The peripheral nerves typically are affected presence of graft swelling and tenderness, fever, weight
in a length-dependent fashion causing slowly progres- gain, and hypertension. Patients with encephalopathy
sive numbness and tingling. A focal nerve may be com- had a greater increase in serum creatinine compared to
pressed during surgery, however, causing an asymmetric patients without encephalopathy. No differences were
weakness and numbness in the distribution of that nerve. noted between the groups when comparing blood pres-
Myopathy may manifest with cramps, myalgias, and sure or rate of increase of blood pressure. There were
weakness of proximal muscles and is typically symmetri- no differences in serum electrolytes, weight gain or fluid
cal. Difficulty with standing from a seated position and retention, or type of immunosuppressant in the two
walking up stairs are common complaints. groups. The patients in this cohort had an excellent prog-
nosis with no residual sequelae.39,40 It is unclear whether
rejection encephalopathy should be regarded as a direct
IMMEDIATE NEUROLOGICAL consequence of graft rejection or a reflection of the accu-
mulation of metabolic and physiological insults occurring
COMPLICATIONS during severe graft rejection and its treatment.
Neurological complications that occur within days of renal
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
transplantation have characteristic etiologies, which help
with the differential diagnostic possibilities. We have cat- Hypertensive encephalopathy has been reported after
egorized these complications into disorders involving the transplantation. The diagnosis should be considered
CNS and disorders involving the PNS (as described earlier). when other causes of altered mental status have been
540 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

excluded. Sometimes the entity, also called malignant of transplantation and is seen after rapid correction of
hypertension, is accompanied by papilledema and sei- chronic hyponatremia.74,101 Patients develop symmetrical
zures.7 It is thought to be the cause of death in some limb weakness with extensor plantar responses over hours
patients, especially in children after renal transplanta- to days. Facial and bulbar musculature may be paralyzed.
tion.95,112 Hypertensive encephalopathy is associated In severe cases, a locked-in state develops, in which the pa-
with posterior leukoencephalopathy and has character- tient remains fully conscious but no voluntary movements
istic findings on MRI (discussed below under Subacute are possible apart from vertical eye movements, a state that
Neurological Complications: Cyclosporine). The MRI may be misinterpreted as coma. Death and chronic disabil-
abnormalities are often reversible after blood pressure ity are common, and full recovery is rare. To prevent this
is controlled. disorder, it is recommended that serum sodium correction
should not exceed 10 mEq/L in 24 hours.80,123,124
Despite immunosuppressant doses being high during this
Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction
period, CNS infection within 1 month of transplanta- Peripheral nerve injuries during renal transplanta-
tion is uncommon. When infections are present, it sug- tion are uncommon, with estimates between 2% and
gests that the infection may have been present before 5%.2,18,98 The most common sites involved are the fem-
transplantation, was acquired from the donated organ, oral nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, the lum-
or was related to the surgery itself, such as the presence bosacral plexus, and the ulnar nerve. Nerve damage
of an indwelling catheter.85 These infections are usually is thought to occur by several mechanisms, including
due to common pathogens found in the general, non-­ ischemia, compression from malpositioning a pharma-
immunosuppressed population.25,45 cologically paralyzed patient, compression by local he-
matoma formation, or stretching of the nerve owing to
prolonged retraction.
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
Central pontine myelinolysis, also known as osmotic Femoral Neuropathy
demyelination syndrome, is rare in renal transplant re-
cipients, occurring more frequently after liver transplan- Acute femoral neuropathy may complicate renal trans-
tation (Figure 33-1).56,80 It usually occurs within 10 days plantation in 0.1–3% of patients.113 In one Chinese

FIGURE 33-1  ■  Central pontine myelinolysis. A 52-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis presents with 2 days
of progressive lethargy and tetraparesis. (A, B) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of the brain show bilateral pontine
signal hyperintensity consistent with the diagnosis of central pontine myelinolysis. The patient had gradual and complete improve-
ment of her weakness.
Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation 541

retrospective study the incidence varied significantly Central Nervous System Dysfunction
based on the mode and duration of the iliac artery anas-
tomosis.63 Femoral neuropathy is typically noticed within Tacrolimus
24–48 hours after surgery but may not be apparent until Tacrolimus is frequently the first-line immunosuppres-
the patient attempts to walk. Nerve damage may occur sant agent utilized after renal transplant. Studies of liver
from stretching of the nerve secondary to self-retaining transplant recipients have shown neurotoxic side effects,
retractors.114 Another mechanism is ischemia to the fem- however, in 20–30% of patients.75,122 Tacrolimus and cy-
oral nerve during anastomosis of the graft renal artery closporine were compared in a prospective unblinded
to the internal iliac artery by a “steal phenomenon.”51 randomized trial of 400 patients after renal transplanta-
On neurological examination, patients exhibit unilateral tion. The tacrolimus group reported higher rates of all
weakness of knee extension; loss of the patellar reflex; and neurological side effects; tremor was significantly greater
decreased sensation on the anterior-medial aspect of the than in the cyclosporine group at 54% versus 34%, as
thigh, knee, and calf. Neuropathic changes on nerve con- were paresthesias at 23% versus 15%.89 Side effects usu-
duction studies and electromyography typically are seen ally occur within the first months of therapy and are more
1 week after injury. Compressive femoral neuropathies common at higher doses. Generalized seizures, tremor,
usually resolve entirely, but this takes several months and ataxia, encephalopathy, nightmares, and agitation have
can be incomplete.71,91,92,102,114,125 The lateral femoral cuta- occurred, most resolving with dose reduction.
neous nerve is often exposed and retracted during trans- Confusion, coma, cortical blindness, cerebellar syn-
plantation and was injured in 2.4% of patients in one dromes, hemiplegias, and flaccid quadriparesis all have
series.102 Injury to this nerve causes numbness over the been described in tacrolimus and cyclosporine recipients.
lateral aspect of the thigh. The multifocal disorder including various combinations
of these features has been termed reversible posterior
Lumbosacral Plexopathy leukoencephalopathy (RPLE) and is also known as
posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; this is a
Lumbosacral plexopathy occurs when the internal iliac clinical-radiological syndrome with other etiologies such
artery is used for revascularization of the graft, particu- as malignant hypertension and pre-eclampsia.103,109 A pro-
larly in diabetic patients.43 Postoperatively, the patient spective brain MRI study was performed in 187 kidney
complains of buttock pain and demonstrates weakness transplant recipients and 29 liver transplant recipients. In
of ankle dorsiflexion, ankle eversion, and sometimes the patients who received a kidney transplant, 1.6% had
proximal leg weakness. Recovery occurs, but may be findings consistent with RPLE (two with cyclosporine
incomplete. toxicity and one with tacrolimus toxicity), whereas 20.1%
of liver transplant recipients met criteria for the diagno-
Ulnar Neuropathy sis.4 Classically, the posterior white matter is involved;
however, it is now known to affect the frontal lobes and
Ulnar neuropathy may occur from mechanical trauma at gray matter as well (Figure 33-2).
the elbow, from the weight of the patient and physician on The neurological syndrome and brain imaging abnor-
the adducted arm, and from the blood pressure cuff com- malities usually resolve within 2 weeks of stopping the
pressing the cubital fossa. Arms with and without an ar- offending agent or after dosage reduction if blood levels
teriovenous fistula seem to be affected equally.126 Patients were particularly high. Although the syndrome is usu-
with diabetes seem to be more susceptible.96 Patients may ally reversible, a small percentage of patients progress to
have sensory complaints in the medial aspect of the hand, death or have incomplete recovery.107 Cortical blindness
including the ring and little fingers. is a rare complication and is usually completely reversible
with reduction or withdrawal of the medication.34 The
mechanism of RPLE is thought to be related to disrup-
SUBACUTE NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS tion of the blood–brain barrier, possibly mediated by as-
troglial cellular effects on endothelial permeability.32
Within weeks of renal transplantation, many of the
neurological complications are related to immunosup-
pression directed at the transplanted kidney. Central
dysfunction from calcineurin inhibitors often mani- Cyclosporine-related neurological side effects are more
fests as altered mental status that may be accompanied common in liver transplant recipients, possibly as a result
by seizures. The severe manifestations of calcineu- of associated hypocholesterolemia and hyponatremia.2,28
rin inhibitor toxicity usually develop within the first In renal transplant patients, cyclosporine was estimated
3 months of therapy and have been reduced with the use to be responsible for approximately 20% of neurologi-
of a microemulsion preparation that allows for steadier cal complications; however, given cyclosporine is often
absorption.120 no longer the first-line agent, these percentages are be-
PNS dysfunction from immunosuppressants mani- ing shared with tacrolimus.12,54,83 These side effects range
fests as symmetrical paresthesias or as myopathy. Another from tremor and paresthesias to a serious leukoenceph-
category of a PNS dysfunction that occurs weeks after alopathy. Limb tremor is the most common side effect
transplantation is Guillain–Barré syndrome, which can of cyclosporine. It is a fine tremor in the upper extremi-
be life-threatening if not diagnosed quickly and appro- ties that is most prominent while holding hands in pos-
priately managed. ture, typically seen within the first 3 months.54,120 Many
542 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 33-2  ■  Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy secondary to cyclosporine toxicity. A 45-year-old woman with a history of
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma had undergone a matched unrelated donor bone marrow transplant 1 month previously. Over 24 hours,
she developed altered mental status and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Cyclosporine was found to be at a toxic blood level of 806
ng/mL. (A–C) Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance images of the brain show abnormal hyperintense signal
in the cortex and subcortical white matter of the occipital and parietal lobes and cerebellum bilaterally. There is extension into the
frontal lobes (A), deep gray matter of the basal ganglia and thalami (B), and pons (C). Cyclosporine was discontinued, and the patient
was given tacrolimus. She had no further seizures, and her mental status returned to normal.

instances of tremor and paresthesias are not sufficiently Steroids

troublesome to warrant reducing effective immunosup-
High-dose steroid therapy may cause mood alteration in
pressive therapy. A lower-extremity pain syndrome has
the form of mania and depression and occasionally causes
been associated with cyclosporine and renal transplant
psychosis requiring anxiolytics and antipsychotics if the
patients, termed calcineurin inhibitor pain syndrome.
steroid dosage cannot be reduced safely. Such psychiatric
Nine patients on cyclosporine developed severe pain in
disturbances have been associated with greater incidence
their feet in one study. MRI showed bone marrow edema
of immunosuppressant non-compliance leading to higher
in the painful bones.41
rates of transplant rejection.1 Epidural spinal lipomatosis
A leukoencephalopathy similar to that caused by ta-
is a well-described but uncommon complication in the
crolimus can be seen on MRI.49,50,106 This syndrome
posttransplant population, related to the use of steroids
usually manifests with occipital headache, nausea, and
for immunosuppression.108
vomiting, followed by seizures and visual disturbances.
Cyclosporine blood levels may be high, although not in-
variably, and the disorder resolves with dosage reduction.
Peripheral Nervous System Dysfunction
FKB12 Ligands: Sirolimus and Everolimus Cyclosporine
When encountering neurotoxicity due to cyclosporine Limb paresthesias are common in patients taking cyclo-
or tacrolimus, newer, less neurotoxic agents known as sporine. Many patients report burning sensation of the
the FKBP12 ligands – sirolimus and everolimus – may limbs, but clinical and electrophysiological evaluation
be tried; however, these have also been associated with usually does not reveal evidence of peripheral neuropa-
RPLE in a few case reports.14,67,111 thy. If neuropathy is present in such patients, it is usually
attributable to prolonged uremia before transplantation
Monoclonal Antibodies or other predisposing conditions. Whether cyclosporine
alone causes neuropathy is debatable.117
Since OKT3 is no longer available for clinical use, other
monoclonal antibodies have been studied and have not Tacrolimus
demonstrated neurotoxicity thus far in renal transplant
patients, although alemtuzumab has been associated with A severe demyelinating sensorimotor peripheral neu-
sensorimotor polyneuropathy and myelitis and rituxumab ropathy has been associated with tacrolimus use in liver
has been associated with progressive multifocal leukoen- transplant patients. Whether this neuropathy also oc-
cephalopathy (PML) in other non-solid and solid-organ curs in renal transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus is
transplants, respectively.21,23,116 unknown.16
Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation 543

Steroids 39% of brain dysfunction.95 CNS infection can be divided

into four categories based on clinical presentation: (1)
Steroids have long been associated with myopathy, but
meningitis, including acute bacterial and insidious fungal
the prevalence has not been well established. Steroid
infections; (2) encephalitis or meningoencephalitis; (3)
myopathy does not seem to be dose-dependent, occur-
focal brain abscess; and (4) progressive dementia.
ring with acute and long-term use.5,55 Current study of
steroid-induced myopathy is in the context of ICU pa-
tients who are receiving steroids and neuromuscular- Meningitis
blocking paralytic agents. It does not seem to be related
to length of ICU stay.13 One prospective study followed A non-immunosuppressed patient with acute meningitis
281 liver transplants and identified four patients who presents with fever, nuchal rigidity, headache, and confu-
developed acute quadriplegic myopathy postopera- sion; meningitis progresses quickly to death if untreated
tively. These four patients were receiving typical steroid over 24–48 hours. CNS infection in transplant patients
doses. All had significantly higher intraoperative com- may be difficult to diagnose because immunosuppres-
plications and required longer ICU and hospital stays sant therapy minimizes the symptoms and signs that
than the average transplant patient. Muscle pathology would normally develop from meningeal inflammation.
showed loss of myosin in the thick muscle fibers. All Transplant patients with advanced CNS infections may
patients had improvement and were able to walk but present with few clinical signs of infection.
had mild persistent proximal weakness at long-term Listeria monocytogenes is the most common cause of
follow-up.73 acute and subacute bacterial meningitis in transplant pa-
tients. Other common pathogens include Haemophilus
influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Streptococcus pneu-
Guillain–Barré Syndrome moniae. Fever and headache most commonly develop
Subacute tetraparesis caused by Guillain–Barré syndrome over 1 to several days. Focal neurological deficits, im-
has followed renal transplantation and is associated with paired consciousness, and meningismus are encountered
transmitted cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection or reac- in less than half of cases.90 Listeria may occur at any time
tivation of latent CMV infection.9,37 In some cases, the after transplantation but rarely within the first month.45
patient is CMV-negative.17 One renal transplant patient Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows pleocytosis,
with Guillain–Barré syndrome was found to have bac- increased protein, and normal or reduced glucose con-
teremia with Campylobacter jejuni, a common prodromal centration. Gram stain may be positive in less than one-
infection in non-transplant Guillain–Barré syndrome third of the cases.77 CSF cultures positive for Listeria may
patients.65 Guillain–Barré syndrome typically manifests develop late, and blood cultures may reveal the organ-
as an ascending paralysis over 2–3 days with areflexia, ism first.31,105 Confirmation of the diagnosis may prove
often accompanied by a mild ascending sensory loss. It difficult in patients with non-meningitic Listeria. The
may progress quickly to involve the respiratory muscles, most common non-meningitic form of CNS listeriosis is
requiring intubation. Nerve conduction studies show a a meningoencephalitis, which manifests with ataxia and
proximal demyelinating polyneuropathy. Treatment is multiple cranial nerve abnormalities, such as oculomotor
with total plasma exchange or intravenous immuneglob- weakness or dysarthria.31 Listeria may manifest as a focal
ulin.68 Although many patients have full recovery within brain abscess with a higher mortality rate. Twenty-five
months, others may have permanent neurological deficits percent of these patients also have meningitis, and almost
in the form of weakness and sensory loss.33 all patients become bacteremic.31
In a patient with subacute or chronic meningeal symp-
toms, such as low-grade fevers and mild headache, fungi
CHRONIC NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS are the most common etiological agent and are associ-
ated with 70% mortality. In the Indian cohort described
There are few PNS complications that begin months after earlier, of the 31 renal allograft patients who had CNS
renal transplantation. The most common chronic CNS infection, cryptococcal meningitis occurred in 12, mu-
complications are infection and stroke. Infection can oc- cormycosis in 6, and aspergillosis in 1 patient.95
cur at any time after transplantation, but risk increases Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis usually develops
significantly at 1 month after the transplant operation.63 more than 6 months after engraftment with insidious
Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes may occur at any time clinical progression.120 Clinical presentation of cryptococ-
but are typically seen many months after transplantation. cal meningitis in transplant recipients includes encepha-
Primary CNS lymphoma can occur during this time, of- lopathy (64%), nausea and vomiting (50%), fever (46%),
ten manifesting several months after transplantation but headache (46%), nuchal rigidity (14%), visual loss (7%),
in most cases within 1 year. and seizures (4%). The duration of symptoms before the
diagnosis of meningitis was 17 days (range 2–30 days).115
Infection (see Chapter 31) Culturing the organism from CSF may take weeks, and
immunological detection of CSF cryptococcal antigen
At some point after transplantation, 5–10% of transplant is recommended as a quick, reliable diagnostic method.
patients develop a CNS infection, with 44–77% of the Brain imaging in transplant patients with cryptococcal
infections resulting in death.25 An Indian cohort of 792 meningitis may be normal or reveal non-specific results.115
renal allograft recipients found that CNS infections con- Antifungal treatment with intravenous amphotericin B or
stituted most neurological complications, accounting for fluconazole or both may eradicate the infection without
544 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

necessitating a reduction in ­ immunosuppression that and biopsy specimens can be obtained. Toxoplasmosis gon-
might jeopardize graft survival.45,119 dii is a rare CNS infection in renal transplant recipients.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection affects 2–3% of It commonly occurs as multiple progressive mass lesions
renal transplant recipients which spreads to the CNS in but also may cause diffuse encephalopathy or meningo-
about 50% of patients.53 CSF examination reveals posi- encephalitis.78,110 Imaging studies may not always lead to
tive staining for acid-fast bacilli. Treatment typically in- the diagnosis. The presence of multiple ring-enhancing
cludes rifampin, as one of four antibiotics, which induces lesions is characteristic, but this also is seen in other focal
hepatic enzymes and thus can decrease cyclosporine lev- infections and neoplasms.4 Mucormycosis is common in
els. Other chronic meningeal infections are Strongyloides transplanted diabetics and nearly always fatal.95 It starts
stercoralis, Coccidioides immitis, and Histoplasma capsulatum. in the paranasal sinuses, producing periorbital edema and
proptosis, and subsequently may invade the intracavern-
ous carotid artery, leading to cerebral artery emboli and
Encephalitis strokes.20
Transplant recipients may acquire viral encephalitis (also
called meningoencephalitis) due to primary infection, Progressive Dementia
from a donor who carried the virus, or from reacti­va­
tion of a latent virus. Patients may exhibit prominent PML is a rare and fatal condition producing widespread
confusion and difficulty forming new memories. Cranial demyelination within the CNS. Initially described in pa-
neuropathies are common with brainstem involvement. tients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, PML
Headache and fever are only variably present. Proven was eventually identified in many immunosuppressed in-
CMV encephalitis is rare in transplant recipients but dividuals. It is caused by polyomavirus infection, usually
when seen may be associated with retinitis.10 Brain MRI JC virus but sometimes SV40 or BK virus.88 The clinical
may show white-matter abnormalities or meningeal en- presentation is insidious, with progressive dementia, blind-
hancement, or may be normal. The CSF should be sent ness, or bilateral weakness. The diagnosis is suggested by
for CMV polymerase chain reaction, which reliably indi- the history in conjunction with brain MRI, which shows
cates CMV infection in the CNS.24 Making the diagnosis diffuse subcortical white-matter T2 hyperintensity without
is important because of the prospect for treatment with mass effect or contrast enhancement. Definitive diagnosis
ganciclovir or foscarnet and the need to reduce the im- requires tissue showing demyelination and identification
munosuppressant drug regimen.119 of virus particles in enlarged oligodendrocyte nuclei by
Varicella-zoster virus is a common posttransplant in- electron microscopy.60 Although JC virus DNA is detected
fection that affects many organs and causes brainstem in the CSF of 90% of patients with PML, a negative poly-
encephalitis. Other offending agents that produce en- merase chain reaction result cannot reliably be used to rule
cephalitis include Toxoplasma gondii, human herpesvirus-6, out infection.36 A French study found JC virus DNA in
S. stercoralis, and Cryptococcus neoformans.58 West Nile virus 7% of 103 renal transplant recipients and none developed
has the potential to cause a severe meningoencephalitis in PML; however these patients were followed for 1 year
transplant recipients. It has been transmitted by the organ only.72 Patients die within months to 1 year after a relent-
donor and acquired naturally in communities where the lessly progressive decline and currently there is no effective
virus is endemic.22,30 treatment.

Focal Brain Infections Stroke (see Chapter 28)

Cerebral abscesses in transplant recipients are usually due Stroke competes with infection as the most frequent neu-
to aspergillosis or less often due to candidal abscess, cryp- rological complication of kidney transplantation, but it
tococcosis, nocardiosis, toxoplasmosis, mucormycosis, or is the most frequent cause of neurological illness among
listeriosis. Aspergillus fumigatus usually occurs at 3 months chronic complications.3,95 A review of 403 patients who
post renal transplantation with a mean incidence of 0.7% received one kidney graft between 1979 and 2000 found
in kidney transplant recipients.100 Aspergillosis in the CNS a stroke prevalence of 8% at 10 years, one-third of which
usually causes sudden focal neurological deficits or seizures. were cerebral hemorrhages. The mean age was 50 years
The stroke-like onset of symptoms reflects invasion of ce- (range 23–63 years). The mean time from transplant to
rebral blood vessels by fungus with distal embolization. stroke was 49 months. Three risk factors were identified
There is evidence of disseminated disease in one-third of as predictors of stroke: diabetic neuropathy, peripheral
cases, most commonly involving the lung.11,100 Head CT or vascular disease, and age older than 40.81 Another large
MRI may show single or multiple lesions with little mass retrospective review found a posttransplant stroke preva-
effect or contrast enhancement. Lung or cerebral biopsy lence of 9.5%, with most occurring more than 6 months
is required for diagnosis. The mortality rate in transplant after transplantation.3
recipients with invasive aspergillosis ranges from 74% to In a single-center study of 1600 kidney transplants be-
92%.100 Downward deterioration is rapid, and most pa- tween 1983 and 2002, 105 patients died, and 60.3% died
tients die despite antifungal therapy.11,45 with a functioning graft. Stroke was the second greatest
A brain abscess from Nocardia asteroides is frequently cause of death at 17%, preceded only by infection, which
disseminated from a pulmonary focus. Clusters of pa- ­accounted for 24% of deaths. After stroke, the most f­ requent
tients with nocardial infection may occur in transplant causes were cardiovascular disease at 16%, ­malignant neo-
units.8 Associated subcutaneous lesions may be palpable, plasm at 15%, and hepatic failure at 11%.99 A retrospective
Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation 545

study looking at causes of death from renal transplantation mofetil or azathioprine was associated with a lower risk.19
from 1970 to 1999 found that the percentage of deaths Primary CNS lymphoma typically occurs within 1 year
from stroke increased over the years from 2.4% to 8% as of transplantation, with a median interval of 9 months
the percentage of graft rejection at death decreased.46 (range 5.5–46 months).44 In a study of 25 patients who
developed primary CNS lymphoma after renal transplan-
tation, the mean age at diagnosis was 46 years. The diag-
Ischemic Stroke
nosis was made 4–264 months after transplant (median of
Various risk factors contribute to the increase in stroke 18 months).104
after transplantation.3 Age older than 40 years places a Patients may present with a single lesion or multifo-
transplant recipient at particular risk.3,47 One study noted cal lesions; the latter are seen 33–72% of the time.76,104,119
an increased risk in patients whose renal failure originally The lesions are often supratentorial and periventricular
was due to hypertension.47 This association was not found in location. Cerebral lymphoma can invade the menin-
in another survey, however, which noted a clear associa- ges, but malignant meningitis more often reflects spread
tion of ischemic stroke with underlying polycystic renal from a systemic primary. Two risk factors have been iden-
disease, a condition in which hypertension is common.3 tified in the development of primary CNS lymphoma:
Hyperlipidemia occurs in renal failure and persists to (1) the intensity of immunosuppressive regimen; and (2)
some degree after transplantation, likely contributing to Epstein–Barr virus seropositivity.48,118 Epstein–Barr virus
accelerated atherosclerosis.47 Long-term steroid therapy is suspected to play a causative role in cerebral lymphoma,
may accelerate atherosclerosis. based on serum antibody responses, immunostaining, and
Ischemic stroke usually manifests with abrupt on- DNA hybridization studies of biopsy specimens.42
set of a focal neurological deficit, such as hemiparesis, Patients usually present with neurological deficits that
speech disturbance, clumsiness, or visual field cut. Head worsen over several weeks. In a French study of 25 patients
CT does not typically show signs of stroke in the first 24 with primary CNS lymphoma after renal transplantation,
hours after stroke, unless the stroke is particularly large. the most common presenting symptom was a focal neu-
Brain MRI may show restricted diffusion 30 minutes af- rological deficit in 84%, either an isolated deficit or as-
ter the onset of an ischemic event. sociated with seizures or increased intracranial pressure.104
Potentially reversible stroke risk factors include hyper- Headache is a late symptom, often reflecting increased
tension, hyperlipidemia, smoking, and diabetes mellitus. intracranial pressure or meningeal involvement.44 Less fre-
The fungal infections aspergillosis and mucormycosis can quent presentations include malignant meningitis, spinal
present as stroke after hyphal invasion of cerebral arter- cord lesions, and visual disturbance from ocular deposits.44
ies with distal embolization. Cerebral vasculitis has been In immunocompetent patients, brain MRI shows
reported in immunosuppressed transplant recipients.94 primary CNS lymphoma lesions as homogeneously en-
hancing with gadolinium. In transplant patients, the le-
sions may show homogeneous, heterogeneous, or no
Hemorrhagic Stroke
enhancement (Figure 33-3). Ring enhancement may be
A retrospective study by the Mayo Clinic identified 10 easily mistaken for glioblastoma multiforme or abscess.
cases of intracerebral hemorrhage among 1573 patients In primary CNS lymphoma, the CSF may have modestly
who received a renal transplant between 1966 and 1998. elevated protein levels and low glucose but often does not
Six of the 10 patients died. The interval from renal trans- show the presence of lymphomatous cells.104 With diffuse
plantation to intracerebral hemorrhage ranged from 12 lymphomatous involvement of the meninges, multiple
to 114 months (average 57 months). All patients with in- cytological specimens may be required before histologi-
tracerebral hemorrhage had poorly controlled hyperten- cal confirmation is forthcoming.
sion. Patients with polycystic kidney disease had a 10-fold A suspected diagnosis of primary CNS lymphoma
increased risk of developing a hemorrhage, and patients should be confirmed by prompt neurosurgical biopsy.
with diabetes mellitus had a fourfold increased risk. Most High-dose steroid therapy before obtaining the biopsy
cerebral hemorrhages were catastrophic and fatal but specimen may interfere with the reliability of histologi-
overall were responsible for only 1% of the deaths after cal diagnosis.27 Resection of the tumor does not seem to
renal transplantation.121 enhance long-term survival, and there is substantial mor-
bidity after attempts to resect a deep-seated tumor.27
The outcome of posttransplant primary CNS lym-
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma phoma is poor. In a large study of non-Hodgkin’s
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the second most common lymphoma in 145 000 deceased donor kidney transplants,
neoplasia occurring after solid-organ transplantation, al- of patients diagnosed with primary CNS lymphoma, 38%
though it is less common in renal transplant patients com- had a 5-year survival.82 Most commonly, initial treatment
pared to other transplanted organs.86 In two very large is with reduction of immunosuppressive therapy; however,
studies of renal transplantation, 0.7–1.4% of patients de- this rarely results in clinical remission alone. There are
veloped non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Of those, 22% had many treatment options, including intraventricular infu-
CNS involvement and 11% were diagnosed with primary sion of monoclonal antibodies, chemotherapy, and radio-
CNS lymphoma, with 5-year survival ranging from 38% therapy, each of which yields only 50% clinical remission.
to 80%.19,82,87 Younger age and having received OKT3 In the French cohort of 25 patients, the median survival
were associated with greater risk of developing lym- across all treatment regimens was 26 months. An im-
phoma, whereas having been treated with mycophenolate proved median survival of 42 months was reported when
546 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice


FIGURE 33-3  ■  Primary central nervous system lymphoma. A 56-year-old man with a history of deceased donor renal transplant de-
veloped lethargy and altered mental status 1 year after transplantation. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology showed monomorphic large B
cells consistent with primary central nervous system lymphoma. (A–C) Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of the brain
show regions of hyperintensity (arrows) in the corpus callosum (A), bilateral caudate (B), and periaqueductal region of the midbrain
(C). (D–F) Contrast-enhanced axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance images show subtle enhancement of the lesions of the corpus
callosum (arrowheads in D) with no enhancement of the lesions in the caudate and midbrain. The patient was treated with intrathecal
methotrexate and later died as a result of sepsis.

high-dose cytosine arabinoside and intrathecal methotrex- problems occur months or years after engraftment and
ate were combined with radiotherapy.27 Intravenous meth- may never come to the attention of the transplant sur-
otrexate before radiotherapy produces tumor response in geon. It is helpful to approach a patient with neuro-
85% of patients, but this combined therapy carries a high logical disease by broadly localizing disease to the CNS
risk of leukoencephalopathy in a few years, causing demen- or PNS. In the immediate postoperative period, en-
tia, ataxia, and incontinence, especially in older patients.26 cephalopathy with or without seizures may occur sec-
Optimal treatment regimens for primary CNS lymphoma ondary to a variety of conditions. Compressive femoral
are currently being sought, and patients should be man- neuropathy may occur as a perioperative neurological
aged by an oncologist experienced in this area. complication. Weeks after the transplantation, the most
common neurological problems are related to immuno-
suppressant drugs, which may induce encephalopathy,
SUMMARY tremor, neuropathy, or myopathy. Guillain–Barré syn-
drome is seen rarely. Chronic neurological complica-
Neurological problems are major contributors to mor- tions tend to be caused by CNS infection, stroke, or
bidity and mortality in transplant recipients. Many primary CNS lymphoma.
Neurological Complications after Kidney Transplantation 547

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Non-Malignant and Malignant

Skin Lesions in Kidney
Transplant Patients
Aoife Lally  •  Sasha Nicole Jenkins  •  Fiona Zwald

Premalignant Skin Tumors
Actinic Keratosis
Bowen’s Disease
Mycophenolate Mofetil
Malignant Skin Tumors
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Management of Drug Side Effects
Basal Cell Carcinoma
INFECTIONS Malignant Melanoma
Bacterial Infections Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Viral Infections Atypical Fibroxanthoma and Undifferentiated
Herpesviruses Pleomorphic Sarcoma
Human Papillomaviruses Risk Factors and Pathogenesis
Management of Cutaneous Viral Warts Skin Phototype and Ultraviolet Exposure
Fungal Infections Immunosuppressive Drugs
Pityriasis Versicolor Human Papillomavirus
Dermatophyte Infections Genetic Factors
Candida Voriconazole
Parasitic Infestations Management
CUTANEOUS FINDINGS Photodynamic Therapy
Seborrheic Dermatitis Capecitabine
Eczemas Systemic Retinoids
Psoriasis Altering the Immunosuppressive
Seborrheic Keratoses Regimen
Skin Tags Surgery
Other Benign Cutaneous Changes Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Nail Changes SUMMARY

INTRODUCTION Figure 34-1, which shows findings from a recent study

from Oxford.70 As compliance with immunosuppressive
Cutaneous disorders in kidney transplant recipients medications is crucial to graft survival, it is important
are common and well recognized, with most attention that cutaneous disease which may cause functional or
naturally focused on malignant cutaneous disease. Non- aesthetic problems affecting quality of life94 is addressed
malignant cutaneous diseases are predominantly infec- so that adherence with immunosuppressive drugs is
tious or iatrogenic in nature (Table 34-1). However, maintained.
inflammatory cutaneous disease and benign cutaneous There is a similar profile of drug-related cutaneous side
tumors are also seen. The range of benign cutaneous effects in kidney transplant recipients of all racial groups,
changes identified in this population is illustrated in but the consequences of immunosuppression differ
TABLE 34-1  Summary of Studies of Benign Cutaneous Diseases in Renal Transplant Recipients
Time Mean
No. of Posttransplant Age Cutaneous Cutaneous
Study Country Patients (Months) (Years) IS Regimen Infection Iatrogenic Effects
Haim et al. Israel 35 7–48 29 Prednisolone 39 infections: –
197354 Azathioprine • Bacterial 10
• Viral 8
• Fungal 21
Koranda et al. United States 200 3–108 30 Prednisolone • Bacterial 4 Cushingoid:
197468 Azathioprine • Viral warts 86 • Purpura 200
• Viral other 96 • Acne 126

Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients

• Fungal 50 • Striae 116
• KP 110
• Hirsutism 98
• Hair loss 108
Bergfeld and United States 215 N/A N/A Prednisolone • Bacterial 59 • Steroid acne 12
Roenigk 197811 Azathioprine • Viral 40 • Purpura fulminans 1
(viral warts 8)
• Fungal 34
Bencini et al. Italy 105 1–132 35 Prednisolone 107 infections in • Cushingoid 55
19839 Mean = 40 Azathioprine 74 RTRs:
• Bacterial 16
• Viral 38
• Fungal 53
Bencini et al. Italy 67 1–17 35 Cyclosporine 26 RTRs 54 RTRs
198610 Mean = 3.2 Steroid (low dose) • Bacterial 8 • Hypertrichosis 40
• Viral 16 • Epidermal cysts 19
• Fungal 8 • Gum hypertrophy 14
• Steroid acne 10
• Sebaceous hyperplasia 7
Brown et al. Northern Ireland 223 24–252 36 Prednisolone • Viral warts 52 • Acne and purpura “common”
198822 Mean = 79 Azathioprine
Blohme and Larko Sweden 98 120–276 50 Azathioprine • Viral warts 54 • Steroid effects 21
199014 Prednisolone • Fungal 7
Cyclosporine (5)
Bunney et al. Scotland 162 N/A 45 Cyclosporine • Warts 22/94, 20/68 • Hypertrichosis 8/94
199023 (94) • Fungal 8/94, 8/68 • Gum hypertrophy 1/94
Azathioprine • Acne 12/94, 6/68
Lugo-Janer et al. Puerto Rico 82 1–165 35 Azathioprine 63 RTRs 55 RTRs
199181 Mean=35 Prednisolone • Bacterial 14 • Cushingoid 54
Cyclosporine • Viral 26 • Acne 25
• Fungal 100 • Hypertrichosis 27
• KP 27
• Gingival hyperplasia 16
Menni et al. 199193 Italy 32 1–96 13 Azathioprine • Bacterial 2 • Gingival hyperplasia 26
Children Mean=32 Prednisolone • Viral 6 • Hypertrichosis 23
Cyclosporine • Fungal 2 • Acne 5

Continued on following page

TABLE 34-1  Summary of Studies of Benign Cutaneous Diseases in Renal Transplant Recipients (Continued)
Time Mean
No. of Posttransplant Age Cutaneous Cutaneous

Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Study Country Patients (Months) (Years) IS Regimen Infection Iatrogenic Effects
Strumia et al. Italy 53 Up to 240 44 Azathioprine • Bacterial 1 52 RTRs
1992132 Prednisolone • Viral warts 15
Cyclosporine • Fungal 37
Hepburn et al. New Zealand 52 3–258 44 Azathioprine • Bacterial 1 • Acne 2
199457 Mean=116 Prednisolone • Viral warts 39 • Hypertrichosis 1
Cyclosporine • Fungal 5
Chugh et al. India 157 1–23 36 Azathioprine • Bacterial 11 • Cushingoid 133
199431 Prednisolone • Viral 35 • Acne 94
Cyclosporine • Fungal 117 • Hypertrichosis 65
• Gum hypertrophy 2
Barba et al. 19966 Italy 285 N/A 45 Azathioprine • Bacterial 15 • Cushingoid 139
Prednisolone • Viral warts 88 • Hypertrichosis 98
Cyclosporine • Fungal 65 • Acne 27
Seckin et al. Turkey 80 1.5–240 35 Azathioprine 69 patients 78 patients
1998117 Mean=49 Prednisolone • Bacterial 14 • Hypertrichosis 61
Cyclosporine • Viral 44 • Cushingoid 64
• Fungal 47 • Acne 29
• Parasitic 2 • Gingival hyperplasia 32
Euvrard et al. France 145 1–120 ? Azathioprine 102 patients • Striae 8
200142 Children All <18 Prednisolone • Bacterial 9 • Acne 8 (21 teenagers with acne
(all solid-organ Cyclosporine • Viral 103 vulgaris)
recipients) Tacrolimus • Fungal 25 • Hypertrichosis 14
(18) • Gingival hyperplasia 8
MMF (14)
Mahe et al. 200584 France 80 18 months of 48 Sirolimus (first 36, 79/80 adverse • Pilosebaceous unit: acne 37,
sirolimus switch 44) cutaneous events, scalp folliculitis 21
Prednisolone 6/80 stopped • Aphthous ulceration 48,
MMF sirolimus because epistaxis 48, nail disorders 59
Azathioprine of skin ifections: • Skin fragility 25, xerosis 32,
Tacrolimus bacterial 3, viral 27, edemas 44
fungal 13
Lally et al. 201170 Oxford, 308 Mean = 128 51 Azathioprine • Bacterial 83 • Hypertrichosis 207
England Prednisolone • Viral 118 • Gingival hyperplasia 84
Cyclosporine • Fungal 56 • Sebaceous hyperplasia 77
MMF • Striae 56
Tacrolimus • Acne 37

IS, immunosuppression; KP, keratosis pilaris; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; No., number; N/A, not available; RTRs, renal transplant recipients.
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 553

FIGURE 34-1  ■  Prevalence of benign cutaneous disease among kidney transplant recipients from Oxford (n = 308).

markedly with racial group, skin type, and geographi- including redistribution of body fat, purpura, striae, tel-
cal location. In patients of northern European ancestry, angiectasia, and thinning of the skin, are observed in
the dominant long-term problem is non-melanoma skin kidney transplant recipients.6,9,14,31,68,81,117 Corticosteroids
cancer (NMSC), which is particularly burdensome in pa- stimulate the pilosebaceous unit, possibly through an
tients living in areas with high levels of ambient ultra- androgen-mediated mechanism, and this is responsible
violet (UV) exposure. In tropical and subtropical areas, for the appearance of hirsutism and steroid acne. Steroid
infections predominate, and Kaposi’s sarcoma is seen. acne resembles acne vulgaris (Figure 34-2), affecting
only androgen-dependent areas of skin bearing seba-
ceous glands (i.e., face, chest, back, and upper arms), but
DRUG SIDE EFFECTS with predominant monomorphic papulopustules and a
paucity of open comedones (blackheads). Severe forms
Over the last decade or so, immunosuppressive regimes in of acne also may occur, with deep-seated inflammatory
transplant recipients have moved away from combinations nodulocystic lesions capable of scarring. Acne is more
of prednisolone, azathioprine, and cyclosporine to regimens common in younger kidney transplant recipients70,81 and
predominantly based on combinations of mycopheno- in studies of children posttransplantation is only seen
late mofetil and tacrolimus with or without prednisolone. in adolescents,42,93 suggesting that hormonal factors
mTOR inhibitors such as sirolimus are also increasingly may be important. However, in general drug-induced
being used. These changes to immunosuppressive regi- cutaneous changes tend to be most severe in younger
mens have an impact on the iatrogenic cutaneous effects
observed in this population. As transplant recipients are
often on a number of medications in addition to their im-
munosuppressive drugs, it must also be taken into consid-
eration that non-immunosuppressive medications may play
a role in the etiology of some cutaneous signs seen in this
population. The role played by immunosuppressive agents
in the pathogenesis of cutaneous malignancy will be dis-
cussed later in the chapter. Findings from studies looking at
iatrogenic cutaneous effects are summarized in Table 34-1
and we outline below the major cutaneous findings gener-
ally attributed to individual immunosuppressive agents.

Most transplant immunosuppression regimens include
corticosteroids at some stage. Cutaneous effects of corti- FIGURE 34-2  ■  Steroid acne with monomorphic inflamed lesions
costeroid use are well recognized and cushingoid effects, and few comedones.
554 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

children and seem to be dose-dependent.42 Studies sug- compared with azathioprine.123 There is increased suscep-
gest that the effects of steroids on the pilosebaceous unit tibility to herpes simplex and zoster136 and cytomegalovirus
(e.g., acne) become less frequent with increasing time (CMV) infections.142 Mycophenolate mofetil has also been
posttransplantation as the steroid dose is tapered,9,31,81 indicated in severe oral ulceration49 and onycholysis.111
whereas other chronic cushingoid effects (e.g., purpura,
friable skin) persist for a longer time.9,14,81 Tacrolimus
Tacrolimus is reported to have fewer mucocutaneous side
Azathioprine effects than cyclosporine.24,25,47,126 In one study, where
Cutaneous side effects of azathioprine are rarely re- 15 transplant recipients were switched from cyclospo-
ported. Koranda et al. reported hair loss in 108 of 200 rine to tacrolimus, gingival hyperplasia resolved in all
(54%) transplant recipients examined and concluded patients within 1 year and hypertrichosis resolved in all
that diffuse alopecia was due to azathioprine in several of cases within 6 months.24 In another study, patients were
these cases.68 In addition changes in hair color and texture switched from cyclosporine to tacrolimus for the success-
were seen in 22% of the study population (attributed to ful management of hypertrichosis.47 Alopecia has been
azathioprine-induced diffuse alopecia).68 reported in transplant recipients taking tacrolimus and
in one case series occurred in 29% of kidney transplant
recipients when other potential causes of alopecia were
Cyclosporine ruled out.135 All patients affected by clinically significant
With changes to immunosuppression regimens, far alopecia in this study were female.
fewer transplant recipients are now exposed to cyclo-
psorine posttransplantation. However cutaneous side
effects of this drug are worth outlining as the skin is
one of the major sites of accumulation of cyclospo- Cutaneous side effects in kidney transplant recipients
rine.96 The commonest cyclosporine-induced muco- receiving sirolimus were characterized in a study by
cutaneous effects are hypertrichosis (affecting up to Mahe et al.84 Disorders of the pilosebaceous unit were
100% of those taking this drug78) and gingival hyper- frequently observed, with acneiform eruptions being the
plasia (affecting 2–81%6,93). Hypertrichosis does not most common – observed in 46%. Among the males, acne
appear to be an androgen-­mediated side effect because was more frequent in patients with a history of severe
cyclosporine-induced hypertrichosis is not confined to acne vulgaris. Scalp folliculitis was often seen in com-
androgen-dependent areas of skin95 and is independent bination with acne and males were affected more com-
of sex hormone levels.78 Hypertrichosis is more com- monly than females. There was no correlation between
mon the longer that transplant recipients are exposed the daily dose of sirolimus, the blood trough level of si-
to cyclosporine.10,70 rolimus, and the development of acne. Chronic edema
Other disorders of the pilosebaceous unit, including was seen in 55% and angioedema in 15%. Of note, a
acne and epidermoid cysts, have been reported in cyclo- trigger for these reported episodes of angioedema was
sporine-treated individuals. Clearance of prednisolone is identified in all but one patient. Mucous membrane pa-
reduced during cyclosporine therapy98 and this may fur- thologies were also very common. Aphthous ulceration
ther potentiate the effects these drugs have on the pilo- was significantly associated with sirolimus therapy and
sebaceous unit. In addition there have been case reports was observed in 60% of the population studied. Alopecia
of acne keloidalis nuchae5,28 and hypertrophic pseudofol- of the scalp was observed in 11% and hypertrichosis was
liculitis barbae73,74 in patients taking cyclosporine. seen in 16%. During the 3-month period after comple-
Gingival hyperplasia is more common with increas- tion of the study, 12% of patients had to stop sirolimus
ing time posttransplantation10 and younger transplant secondary to cutaneous effects, including hidradenitis
recipients exposed to cyclosporine.34,93 The changes may suppurativa, severe acne, severe limb edema, and aph-
be more severe in patients with poor oral hygiene,137 thous ulceration.
­although they also occur in otherwise healthy mouths.10
Similar gingival hyperplasia may be produced by calcium
channel blockers such as nifedipine and the effect may Management of Drug Side Effects
be synergistic.70,124 Gingival hyperplasia may also occur Many drug side effects require no specific treatment and
secondary to phenytoin intake.80 tend to improve as doses are lowered to maintenance
Sebaceous hyperplasia, commonly observed in older levels. Most cutaneous effects of immunosuppressive
individuals not on any immunosuppressive medications, medication result in aesthetic problems. However com-
was first reported in kidney transplant recipients after the pliance is often an issue, particularly in young kidney
introduction of cyclosporine.10 However detailed studies transplant recipients, therefore it is important to tackle
have since found no association between the presence of cosmetic side effects appropriately. With changes to im-
sebaceous hyperplasia and intake of cyclosporine,36,70,114 munosuppression regimens, mucocutaneous effects such
but it is associated with male gender and increasing age.70 as gingival hyperplasia and hypertrichosis are less com-
monly observed now. Acne remains a significant prob-
lem for many transplant recipients however. First-line
Mycophenolate Mofetil treatment for drug-induced acne is the use of topical
Mycophenolate mofetil seems to have a low incidence agents. More severe cases require oral antibiotics such as
of skin side effects, with fewer side effects documented a tetracycline, given as a 3–12-month course. In severe
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 555

cases, isotretinoin is given at a dose of 0.5 or 1 mg/kg for HZV does not always present with blisters or eroded areas
a minimum of 4 months, although cheilitis, paronychia, in a dermatomal distribution and more generalized lesions
and effects on lipids are sometimes troublesome. are often observed. Prompt treatment with systemic an-
tiviral therapy is recommended as generalized cutaneous
disease or systemic dissemination may occur.
INFECTIONS Herpetic infection does not appear to be related to du-
ration of exposure to immunosuppression and can occur
The state of non-specific immunosuppression posttrans- at any time posttransplantation.10,81,127 Short-term expo-
plantation renders this group susceptible to many bacte- sure to UV appears to play a role in the etiology of her-
rial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections. Infection rates petic infections, with HSV being more common in the
depend on the duration and intensity of immunosuppres- spring and HZV more common in the summer.133
sion and geographic location (Table 34-1). Types of infec- Human herpesvirus type 8 causes Kaposi’s sarcoma and
tion identified are also dependent on study design, with is commonest in patients from the Mediterranean, Middle
incidence studies better placed to detect acute infections East, and parts of Africa (see Chapter 35). Cutaneous
(e.g., herpes simplex virus (HSV)) and prevalence studies CMV has been reported in transplant recipients11 and can
better at identifying chronic infections (e.g., viral warts). give rise to non-specific cutaneous findings, including
­ulceration.61 Oral hairy leukoplakia, originally described
Bacterial Infections in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), may be seen and is associated with opportunistic
Wound infections,11,68 abscesses,11,31,68 folliculi-
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection.66
tis,6,9,10,11,31,59,63,81,84,93,132 impetigo,9,42,59,63 cellulitis,11,54,84 and
erysipelas6,7,54,59 are all observed in immunosuppressed
transplant recipients. A retrospective analysis of skin in- Human Papillomaviruses
fection in a transplant population found that impetigo was
common in the first year posttransplant and folliculitis Papillomaviruses are small non-enveloped DNA viruses
more common thereafter.59 This study found that men that infect mucosal and cutaneous epithelia. Almost
were more likely to get folliculitis and women more likely 100 types affecting humans (HPV) have been described
to be infected with erysipelas and impetigo.59 A more re- to date, based on isolation of complete genomes.62 The
cent study has also found that folliculitis is up to six times heterogeneous group of HPV includes the causative or-
more likely in males and also more common in younger ganisms for common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, and
transplant recipients.70 In addition to age, time since trans- genital warts. HPV is a known oncovirus and its poten-
plantation, and gender, exposure to UV may be another tial association with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
risk factor for the development of bacterial infection.133 (SCC) is discussed later in this chapter.
As in immunocompetent subjects, group A streptococci Viral warts due to infection with human HPV are com-
and Staphylococcus aureus are the commonest causative or- mon in kidney transplant recipients. Overall rates of in-
ganisms. However the possibility of unusual pathogens fection reported vary from 6% to 90%.54,76 Viral warts are
should be borne in mind as atypical opportunistic cuta- usually multiple9,14,20,22,57,76,92 and may be of cosmetic concern
neous infections are unsurprisingly observed in kidney to transplant recipients.128 They also tend to be resistant to
transplant recipients.11,31,42,52,54,57,68,81 In view of the risk of treatment in transplant populations.20,22 Common warts are
serious infection, antibiotic treatment should be started the most frequent clinical type (Figure 34-3). Other clinical
promptly on clinical grounds, but only after obtaining types observed in kidney transplant recipients include flat
appropriate specimens for bacteriological confirmation. warts, unusual wart lesions with a pityriasis versicolor-like
appearance, plantar warts,83 and genital warts.6,23,113 Warts
presenting on severely sun-damaged skin may be difficult
Viral Infections to distinguish clinically from other keratotic lesions, includ-
The predominant groups of viruses affecting skin post- ing solar keratoses, and SCC. All these lesions may coexist.
transplantation are the herpesviruses and the human
papillomaviruses (HPV). Molluscum contagiosum
due to poxvirus has also been reported in transplant

Reactivation of latent HSV and herpes zoster virus (HZV)
infections may occur in kidney transplant recipients due
to their immunosuppressed state. Rates of herpetic in-
fection recorded by studies depend on whether lesions
found by examination of study participants are recorded
(3–17%)9,10,54,81 or recall of infection by patient or review
of clinical notes is used (13–39%).20,68,128,132 In other stud-
ies where the method of data collection is unclear, rates of
herpetic infection range from 3% to 11%.11,31,117 More ex-
tensive disease with an atypical clinical appearance is often FIGURE 34-3  ■  Extensive common warts on the hands of a kidney
seen in kidney transplant recipients.9,10,11,20 Consequently transplant recipient.
556 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In kidney transplant recipients, several factors (in ad- Pityriasis Versicolor

dition to HPV infection) are thought to be important in
The Malassezia group of yeast-like fungi (previously
their etiology and these include length of time exposed
known as Pityrosporum) produces a distinctive eruption
to immunosuppression, age at transplantation, and UV
with multiple minimally scaly macular lesions widely scat-
exposure. Viral warts tend to be more common in those
tered over the trunk and upper arms, known as pityriasis
transplanted for longer. Studies report that warts do not
versicolor (Figure 34-4). The macules may be hyperpig-
occur until 8 months,68 1 year,128 or much later posttrans-
mented or hypopigmented and usually are asymptom-
plantation.9,10,14,57,70,81,82 An Italian study observed warts in
atic, apart from their appearance. The diagnosis is made
9.7% of patients less than 3 years after transplantation
clinically and topical therapy is usually employed, with
and in 53% of those 9 years or more posttransplantation.6
oral itraconazole rarely being used. Relapses are com-
A French study found that age of transplantation was im-
mon. Persistence of hypopigmentation for many months
portant for the development of viral warts, with time in-
is common and does not imply failure of treatment, al-
terval from transplantation to development of viral warts
though lesions with scaling usually harbor fungus.
significantly shorter for patients receiving grafts after the
age of 10 years.42 Viral warts have been found more often
in kidney transplant recipients with a high level of sun ex- Dermatophyte Infections
posure20,57,92 and fairer skin type.92 Warts are more likely
The skin of patients who are chronically immunosup-
to occur on sun-exposed sites6,70,81,92 and sun protection
pressed is more frequently colonized with potentially
reduces the numbers of warts observed.6 Although warts
pathogenic fungi than that of healthy control subjects.68,121
predominate on sun-exposed skin, they are not confined
Common sites for fungal infections in kidney transplant
to these sites and in children 50% of warts are plantar.42
patients are feet, scalp, and nails (Figure 34-5). Skin in-
Viral warts have been reported as a risk factor for the
fections may be clinically typical (i.e., annular lesions
development of cutaneous malignancy,17,108,120 but stud-
with scaling at the margins), but more atypical presen-
ies by Hepburn et al.,57 Blohme and Larko,13 and Jensen
tations, including extensive skin involvement, Majocchi’s
et al. (in heart transplant recipients)63 found no such as-
granuloma, or atypical nodular lesions have been repor­
sociation between viral warts and skin cancer.
ted.11,37,118 Whenever fungal infection is a possibility, skin
scrapings, skin biopsy, and/or nail clippings should be
Management of Cutaneous Viral Warts
If there is doubt regarding the clinical diagnosis, particu-
larly when multiple warty lesions present on sun-damaged
skin, biopsy may be helpful. However some lesions appear
to be mixed histologically, with dysplasia often coexisting
with viral changes in a single lesion.12 Treating the warts
rarely results in cure. Over-the-counter wart paints or gels
may be of variable benefit and duct tape has been used
with some reported improvement.48 Cryosurgery using
liquid nitrogen is rarely effective and repeated treatments
are required as recurrence is common. Curettage may be
undertaken for bulky lesions and filiform lesions. Topical
treatments such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and imiquimod
may also be used. Success with topical or intralesional
cidofovir has also been reported.15 Lasers may be used in
the treatment of warts (CO2 and Nd:YAG), but pain, scar-
FIGURE 34-4  ■ Pityriasis versicolor: pigmented macular lesions
ring, and cost are limiting factors with this therapy. with superficial scaling over the shoulder region.

Fungal Infections
Reported frequencies of cutaneous fungal infections in
kidney transplant recipients range from 7%14 to 75%.31
Pityriasis versicolor (5–59%),6,9,23,31,46,52,68,81,82,84,93,117,132
onychomycosis (1.5–52%),11,31,52,68,81,84,115,132 candidiasis
(1–46%),9,10,11,31,52,54,81,82,84,132 and deeper fungal infections,
such as mucormycosis and Cryptococcus (1–3%),11,31,54 have
all been described in transplant populations. Factors
such as gender,81 time since transplantation,9,81,117,132 im-
munosuppressive medication,52 skin type,91 tropical envi-
ronment,31 and UV exposure133 may be associated with
cutaneous fungal infection in kidney transplant recipi-
ents. The literature suggests that cutaneous fungal infec-
tions are more common in kidney transplant recipients in FIGURE 34-5  ■ Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis) affecting
tropical and subtropical countries31,81 (Table 34-1). toenails.
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 557

sent for microscopy and fungal culture. Topical imidaz- There is, however, a paucity of information in the lit-
oles and terbinafine are used in the treatment of local- erature regarding prevalence of inflammatory or non-
ized dermatophyte infection of skin. Extensive, nodular, inflammatory benign cutaneous findings in transplant
and granulomatous infections all require systemic treat- recipients.
ment. Nail infections respond only to prolonged systemic
treatment, but topical nail preparations may suppress the Seborrheic Dermatitis
infection. If oral antifungal therapy is required, close li-
aison with the transplant physicians should take place as Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrheic eczema) presents with
alteration of immunosuppressive medication doses and erythema, pruritus, and scaling and affects 1–3% of the
monitoring of drug levels are often necessary. immunocompetent population.53 The etiology of this
condition is not fully understood. Malassezia (previously
Pityrosporum) yeasts are thought to play a role. Seborrheic
Candida dermatitis is a well-recognized manifestation of immu-
Infections by Candida albicans usually are superficial and nosuppression in HIV infection, occurring in 30–83%
localized, although skin lesions also may accompany sys- of this immunosuppressed population.46,125 The reported
temic candidiasis. The yeast thrives in moist intertrigi- incidence in kidney transplant recipients is lower, at
nous sites, such as the inframammary folds, groin, vulva, 4–14%,6,14,71,81 but higher than other inflammatory der-
and digital web spaces, producing the familiar well-­ matoses such as psoriasis or eczema.71 Seborrheic derma-
demarcated glazed erythema, satellite lesions, and curdy titis is more common in males and those transplanted for
plaques. Vesicles and superficial pustules occasionally longer.71
may be present. Obesity, diabetes, and occlusion (e.g., Treatment is with topical steroids in combination
under rings) are additional predisposing factors. Angular with antiyeast preparations, for example, hydrocorti-
cheilitis and stomatitis are other common presentations.54 sone and clotrimazole or miconazole for the face and
Chronic paronychia, with a tender heaped-up nail fold, skin folds, and these or more potent steroids for less
usually is associated with C. albicans infection, although delicate skin areas.
other Candida species (e.g., C. parapsilosis) may be found.
Frequent hand wetting and loss of the protective cuticle
are important predisposing factors. Culture of Candida Eczemas
from skin swabs and nail clippings helps confirm the In contrast with seborrhoeic eczema, other endogenous
clinical diagnosis. Where possible, topical therapy should eczemas, such as atopic eczema, pompholyx eczema,
be employed and once again oral agents are only used in and discoid eczema, have been rarely reported in kidney
liaison with transplant physicians. transplant recipients.11,81,84 Atopic eczema in children has
been reported to improve or disappear completely post-
Parasitic Infestations transplantation.42 This is unsurprising given the fact that
immunosuppressive agents, such as azathioprine, cyclo-
Scabies is rarely described in the transplant literature sporine and mycophenolate mofetil, may be used in the
but rates of 3%117 to 12%141 have been reported. Scabies management of severe/treatment-resistant eczemas.
may present with the typical clinical picture of intense
generalized pruritus with burrows and other lesions that
characteristically favor the hands, feet, and genitals but Psoriasis
spare the head and neck. Scabies can however be atypical Pre-existing psoriasis often ceases to be a problem after
and difficult to diagnose in immunosuppressed individu- transplantation because of the immunosuppressive medi-
als and may present with a wide variety of clinical fea- cations.10,42 If psoriasis is persistent posttransplantation
tures, including facial and scalp involvement or a flexural and does not respond to simple topical measures, increas-
predilection,4,140 and exceptionally heavy mite infections ing the dose of immunosuppressive medication should
are possible, producing widespread scaling mimick- be considered. Phototherapy should be avoided because
ing chronic eczema (Norwegian or crusted scabies).37,145 of photocarcinogenesis. Pustular psoriasis has been re-
More than one application of a scabicide (e.g., permethrin ported following transplantation33 and one individual tak-
5%) to the whole body, including the head, is required to ing sirolimus as part of an immunosuppression regimen
achieve cure. All contacts must be treated simultaneously developed psoriasis.84
to prevent reinfection.
Seborrheic Keratoses
INFLAMMATORY AND NON-INFLAMMATORY Seborrheic keratoses (seborrheic warts or basal cell papil-
CUTANEOUS FINDINGS lomas) are benign warty growths with a variety of clinical
appearances that are common in the immunocompetent
Kidney transplant recipients usually have a long history population, particularly with increasing age. They have
of renal failure and dialysis treatment and therefore skin been observed in transplant recipients,6,23,57,68,84,117 and
changes that occur posttransplantation may replace or are more common with increasing age and in those
be superimposed upon the skin changes from preceding ­transplanted for longer when potential confounding fac-
periods. Many cutaneous conditions that present dur- tors are allowed for.72 However it is unclear whether they
ing dialysis, such as prurigo and xerosis, may improve.132 are more common in this population. Their importance lies
558 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 34-6  ■ Seborrheic keratoses on the trunk of a male pa-

tient, illustrating the number and variation in shape, size, and
color that may be observed in these lesions.

in their frequent confusion by non-dermatologists with

dysplastic lesions and there is a possible association with FIGURE 34-7  ■  Extensive skin tags on the neck of a kidney trans-
NMSC risk.72 Seborrheic keratoses vary in color from plant recipient.
skin-­colored to deep brown or black (Figure 34-6). They
are raised plaques with an irregular warty surface and may
have a greasy appearance. These warts are usually multiple mentioned in studies that look at posttransplantation
and vary in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. populations.6,10,14,31,81,84,93 Numbers are often small and
They do not require any treatment but are removed easily it is not possible to link all cutaneous findings in trans-
by curettage, which also allows histological confirmation plant recipients to the process of transplantation as they
of the diagnosis, or they may be treated with cryosurgery. may be present independently of immunosuppressive
Skin Tags
Nail Changes
Skin tags (fibroepithelial polyps) are pedunculated benign
lesions that vary in size and color. They are frequently Nail disorders of many kinds are commonly observed in
multiple and often seen together with seborrheic kera- transplant recipients. A comprehensive review of 205 kid-
toses. They are commonly seen in patients with diabetes ney transplant recipients found nail pathology in 57%.115
mellitus and those with an increased body mass index and However, leukonychia was the only nail disease more
this association has also been identified in kidney trans- common in transplant recipients than in hemodialysis
plant recipients.70 Euvrard et al. found multiple minute patients or controls.115 Prevalence of nail pathologies
skin tags on the neck and axillary folds of 5.5% of a pedi- in this study increased with age and longer duration of
atric transplant population42 and a more recent study of immunosuppression but was not influenced by different
adult transplant recipients identified skin tags in a third immunosuppressive regimens. Other series have identi-
of those examined.70 Skin tags can be a major cosmetic fied onychopathies in 7–74% of transplant recipients ex-
problem (Figure 34-7) and if indicated may be removed amined.6,10,84,93,132 These included leukonychia,10,132 fragile
by snip excision. nails,84,93,132 trachyonychia,132 half-and-half nails,10 and
splinter hemorrhages.84
Other Benign Cutaneous Changes
Epidermoid cysts have been reported in studies of kidney PREMALIGNANT AND MALIGNANT SKIN
transplant recipients with a prevalence of 4–28%.6,10,81,117 CONDITIONS
Corticosteroids or cyclosporine may play a role in the eti-
ology of epidermoid cysts through their influence on the Advances in the management of kidney transplantation
pilosebaceous unit. Eruptive melanocytic nevi have been recipients have led to improved survival. According to
reported posttransplantation.2,42,90 In one study, melano- the survival data from the scientific registry of transplant
cytic nevi were reported to increase in number in 11 of recipients, the 5-year survival for kidney transplants is
145 (8%) pediatric transplant recipients.42 This increase about 85%.116 As a result of improved survival, kidney
was progressive and occurred after the age of 7, regardless transplant recipients face many consequences of be-
of age of transplantation. Pyogenic granulomas have also ing on long-term immunosuppression, including an in-
been observed in pediatric transplant recipients (9/145, creased risk of developing premalignant and malignant
6%).42 skin cancers. In fact, skin cancers are the most common
Cutaneous changes, such as xerosis and friable skin, malignancy posttransplantation, comprising almost 40%
are difficult to define and quantify but are frequently of posttransplant malignancies.146 In addition to the
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 559

increased risk of developing skin cancers in transplant

recipients, the tumors also tend to behave more aggres-
sively than in non-transplant patients.
The most frequent cutaneous malignancies in trans-
plant recipients are NMSC, with SCC and basal cell car-
cinomas (BCC) representing about 90–95% of the total
in multiple reported cohorts.64,144 Although the incidence
of both types of malignancies is increased, the rate of
SCC is disproportionately higher. Transplant recipients
are also at increased risk for developing other prema-
lignant and malignant cutaneous conditions, including
actinic keratosis (AK), Bowen’s disease, malignant mela-
noma,102 Kaposi’s sarcoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma.67
In addition, there have been cases of atypical fibroxan-
thoma (AFX),89 lymphoma, and angiosarcoma1 arising in
transplant recipients.
In the immunocompetent population, BCC is the
more common type of NMSC. However, in the trans-
plant population the ratio is reversed, with the ratio of
SCC to BCC at least 4:1.40,139 Although the risk of BCC is
increased 10-fold to 16-fold, SCC occurs at an increased
frequency of 65 times that of the general population.77,146
In addition, the majority of transplant patients usually de-
velop multiple tumors over their lifetime. The time pe-
riod between transplantation and development of a skin
cancer varies from a few months to up to 20 years, depend-
ing on the time after transplantation and the level of sun
exposure and skin type. In a retrospective study of 1098
kidney transplant recipients in Queensland, Australia,
45% developed at least one SCC by 10 years posttrans- FIGURE 34-8  ■  Field cancerization on the hands, also known as
plantation and 70% by 20 years.18 In a comprehensive re- transplant hands.
view of transplant recipients in Oxford, 19.1% of patients
developed at least one malignancy, with 64% of those pa- important in children with kidney transplants.24,40 In a re-
tients having more than one skin cancer.16 In this study, cent study of melanoma in transplant patients, the overall
the cumulative incidence of skin cancer reached 61% at survival rate of patients with a history of transplantation
20 years after transplantation.16 About 25% of transplant was worse, regardless of Breslow thickness or Clark level,
patients will develop a second SCC within 13 months and compared to expected survival rates derived from cases
50% within 3.5 years.100 The increased incidence of SCC reported in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
in transplant recipients is such that the diagnosis of a first Results Program. In addition, immunosuppressed organ
SCC has been shown to be predictive of the development transplant recipients with thicker melanoma (Breslow
of additional NMSC within 5 years.43 Due to longer du- thickness of 1.51–3.00 mm or Clark level III of IV) had
ration of immunosuppression and younger average age a significantly poorer malignant melanoma cause-specific
at transplantation, kidney transplant recipients tend to survival rate.21
develop more individual tumors during their lifetime.43 The risk of skin cancers in the pediatric (<18 years
NMSCs typically arise on sun-exposed skin in areas old) transplant population is also increased compared to
of field cancerization. Field cancerization is the term the general pediatric population. In a Dutch pediatric
referred to extensive areas of actinic damage, especially kidney transplant recipient population, the standardized
the forearms and dorsal hands (commonly known as risk for development of NMSC was found to be 222-fold
transplant hands – Figure 34-8), with multiple keratotic higher.41 Skin cancers typically arise 12–15 years after
lesions, including AK, Bowen’s disease, and keratoac- transplantation, at an average age of 26–28 years.41 SCCs
anthomas. The distribution of SCC is more commonly are also more common than BCCs in the pediatric trans-
located on the head, neck, and dorsum of hands, while plant recipient population. In one series, NMSC spread
BCCs typically develop on the head, neck, and trunk.55 to lymph nodes was more common in pediatric transplant
Transplant recipients are at a fivefold increase in the recipients compared to adults.101
risk of malignant melanoma, and accounts for 6.2% of
posttransplantation skin cancers in adults and 15% in
children.60,102 The mean duration of transplantation to Premalignant Skin Tumors
the development of melanoma is 5 years.40 The risk fac- Actinic Keratosis
tors for the development of melanoma in transplant re-
cipients are similar to those of the general population, AK manifests as scaly, erythematous papules arising
including fair complexion, light hair and eyes, tendency on sun-exposed skin, commonly on the face, dorsal
to freckle, and large number of nevi, the latter being hands, and balding scalp, usually 1–3 mm. In transplant
560 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

recipients, AK can coalesce, leading to field cancerization. Malignant Skin Tumors

Actinic cheilitis occurs when AKs coalesce on the lower
lip, also common in transplant recipients. Histologically, Keratoacanthoma
they represent atypical keratinocytes in the basal por- A variant of a SCC, keratoacanthomas typically arise
tion of the epidermis with evidence of solar damage. The rapidly on sun-exposed skin. Typical lesions present as a
major risk factor for development of AKs is long-term firm, dome-shaped tumor with a central keratin core, and
exposure to UV light, especially in the UVB spectrum can often be ulcerated. Due to the central core, they are
(290–320 nm).86 Emerging evidence suggests that HPV, often referred to as “crateriform.” In immunocompetent
particularly beta PV, also plays a role in the development patients, these lesions can often regress. However, any
of AKs.19 rapidly growing skin lesion in a transplant patient should
Although there are no population-based studies to de- be biopsied, and treated aggressively if pathology sug-
termine the true prevalence of AKs in transplant patients, gests a keratoacanthoma.131
the prevalence of AKs at a single center in France was
found to be 54%.44
They are considered to represent one end of a spec- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
trum of cutaneous neoplasia on which SCCs represent SCCs are the most frequent type of skin cancer in trans-
the opposite, most severe end of the spectrum. In trans- plant patients. Due to the varied clinical presentations,
plant recipients, AKs tend to appear 2–6 months after recognition of any suspicious lesion warrants biopsy for
transplantation. They are usually multiple, recur after further investigation. In transplant patients, SCCs pres-
treatment, and evolve more rapidly into SCC compared ent as enlarging, raised, keratotic lesions on an indurated,
to immunocompetent patients. Thus, AKs require early erythematous base. They are often tender, and can be-
treatment and close follow-up, usually every 6 months.129 come ulcerated (Figure 34-9). SCCs can be aggressive,
metastasizing to the lymph nodes, and can cause death.
Bowen’s Disease The risk of local recurrence is 13.4%, usually during the

Normally manifesting as well-defined scaly plaques

on sun-exposed surfaces of the skin, Bowen’s disease
is SCC in situ, representing a true malignancy. The
annual incidence of Bowen’s disease in one kidney
transplant group in the United Kingdom was 2.52%,109
while the incidence was 16.3% in a kidney transplant
population in Australia.29 Due to the potential to be-
come invasive, Bowen’s disease should be recognized
and treated early.

Porokeratosis can present clinically in a variety of
lesions, all unified by classic histology. The most common
presentation of porokeratosis in transplant recipients is
disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP).58
DSAP presents with multiple small (1–2 cm) circular
plaques with central atrophy and a peripheral kera-
totic raised rim, distributed over sun-exposed surfaces,
commonly involving the extremities. Porokeratosis
of Mibelli presents as a single well-demarcated circu-
lar plaque that slowly expands in a centripetal fashion
with central atrophy and raised border. Other variants,
including linear porokeratosis, punctate porokeratosis,
and porokeratosis of the palms and soles, have also been
In one series of kidney transplant patients in Spain,
10.68% developed porokeratosis, with a mean time to
development of 3.5 years.58 In another series of kidney
transplant, 8% developed porokeratosis by 15 years.100
In these studies, none of the lesions evolved into SCC.
Despite this favorable prognosis, there has been a case
report documenting the development of a fatal SCC
within a chronic porokeratosis in a kidney transplant re-
cipient.122 Thus, sufficient evidence exists of the potential
progression of a porokeratosis to SCC in kidney trans-
plant patients to warrant total body skin exams. FIGURE 34-9  ■  Squamous cell carcinoma on the left temple.
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 561

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

TABLE 34-2  High-Risk Features of Squamous
Cell Carcinoma in Organ Transplant Patients Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare, but highly aggressive,
neoplasm of neuroendocrine origin with a tendency to
Large size (>2 cm) distant metastatic spread. Many of these lesions present
Multiple squamous cell carcinomas
High-risk location (ear, lips, over parotid gland, scalp, or
on the head and neck. Lesions present as dome-shaped
temple) pinkish-red to bluish-brown papules or nodules, often
In-transit metastatic lesion with overlying telangiectases. They often grow rapidly
Recurrence and frequently ulcerate. Usually, at the time of diagnosis,
Histology they are less than 2 cm in size but can demonstrate satellite
Poorly differentiated
• Perineural invasion lesions, a sign of in-transit spread to lymph nodes.131,146
• Deep invasion
Atypical Fibroxanthoma and Undifferentiated
From Zwald F, Brown M. Skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipi-
ents: advances in therapy and management: Part 2. Management Pleomorphic Sarcoma
of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients.
J Am Acad Dermatol 2011;65:263–79.
AFX is a rare spindle cell neoplasm that presents as a
solitary asymptomatic pink to red nodule, usually arising
on the head and neck. AFX is considered to be an inde-
first 6 months of excision.144 The risk of metastasis of terminate lesion, a less aggressive superficial variant of
SCC in the general population is 0.5–5%. The risk in- undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, previously known
creases to 8% for organ transplant recipients.119 as malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Both AFX and undif-
High-risk clinical features of SCC include size >2 cm ferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma have a higher rate of
and location of ear and lip.45 High-risk clinical and his- local recurrence and metastasis in immunocompromised
tological features of SCC are found in Table 34-2.147 organ transplant patients.89 Treatment should be aggres-
Invasive SCCs commonly occur on the head and neck in sive, with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) or wide lo-
transplant patients, especially the lip.100 After treatment, cal excision (with 2-cm margins) followed by wide-field
patients should be regularly followed for recurrence. adjuvant radiation therapy.89

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Risk Factors and Pathogenesis
Risk factors for the development of skin cancer in organ
Unlike SCCs in transplant patients, BCCs have a less
transplant recipients include Fitzpatrick skin type I–III, cu-
varied clinical presentation, although BCC has distinct
mulative sun exposure, propensity to sunburn, and intensity
clinical subtypes.131 The nodular variant of BCC pres-
and duration of immunosuppression (Table 34-3).146 Genetic
ents as a flesh-colored pearly papule with a characteristic
factors, infection with HPV, history of lymphoma or leuke-
rolled border, often with central ulceration and overly-
mia, and previous history of voriconazole use are additional
ing telangiectases. The superficial BCC presents as an
factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of skin cancer.
enlarging erythematous plaque with minimal overlying
scale and a scalloped border. A morpheaform variant, or
scar-like, BCC appears as an indurated, atrophic plaque Skin Phototype and Ultraviolet Exposure
with ill-defined borders. In some cases, BCC can contain
As in the general population, the majority of skin cancers
hyperpigmentation. Although BCCs are often locally ag-
arise on sun-exposed skin because the major risk factor for
gressive and rarely metastasize, follow-up is still neces-
developing skin cancers is UV exposure.7 Increased age
sary after treatment.

Malignant Melanoma TABLE 34-3  Risk Factors for Development of

Skin Cancer in Organ Transplant Patients
The subtypes of melanoma are derived from clinico-
pathologic features rather than outcome, and include Fitzpatrick skin type I–III
the following: superficial spreading, lentigo maligna, Increasing age at transplantation
Duration and level of immunosuppression
nodular, and acral lentiginous. All variants, with the Type of organ transplant (heart/lung > kidney > liver)
exception of amelanotic melanoma, present as chang- Previous transplant
ing pigmented lesions. The “ABCDE” acronym Squamous cell carcinoma before transplant
summarizes the clinical features of melanoma: asymme- History of lymphoma pre-/posttransplant
try, border irregularity, color variation, diameter more Pretransplant end-organ disease (e.g., rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or autoimmune
than 6 mm, and/or evolution (i.e., change in size, color, hepatitis)
shape, surface texture, or symptoms).85,131 Loss of color Liver transplant recipients with psoriasis on previous
should also raise suspicion. Due to the fact that melano- biologic therapy/psoralen plus ultraviolet A light
mas can arise de novo or within pre-existing nevus, total phototherapy
body skin examination is important. Any suspicious le-
From Zwald F, Brown M. Skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipi-
sion should be biopsied, and treatment is based upon the ents: advances in therapy and management: Part 1. Epidemiology
pathology (Breslow depth ± ulceration or mitoses) and of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients. J Am Acad
lymph node involvement of melanoma. Dermatol 2011;65:253–61.
562 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

is also correlated with the development of skin cancers, found that HPV (beta PV genus type) 36, 5, 9, and 24
most likely due to the greater total UV radiation expo- were associated with an increased risk of SCC in trans-
sure in the elderly.59 The use of adopting sun-protective plant patients.107 More research is necessary to elucidate
behaviors has shown to decrease the development of SCC the exact mechanism further and the role of HPV in the
in transplant patients.43 Chronic sun exposure causes AK carcinogenesis of NMSC.
and SCC, while intermittent high-dose exposure causes
melanoma and BCC. Genetic Factors
UV radiation, particularly UVB (290–320 nm), pro-
duces mutagenesis through induction of DNA byprod- Mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are the most
ucts as well as immune function dysregulation. The major commonly found mutation detected in organ transplant
target for UV-induced damage is p53 tumor suppressor patients. A common polymorphism at exon 72 leading to
gene, and causes dipyrimidine cyclobutane dimers. UV either a proline or arginine has been described in some
radiation reduces the number of Langerhans cells and studies to correlate with an increased risk of development
impairs their antigen-presenting capacity. The stimula- of SCC in kidney transplant patients, and in other stud-
tion of keratinocytes and macrophages to produce certain ies to have no association.26,97 Although no single factor
cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-10, is also induced by is causative in skin cancer carcinogenesis in transplant
UV exposure. The combination of DNA damage and re- patients, interactions of some mechanisms with known
active oxygen species and cytokine production produces environmental factors can lead to an increased risk.
an environment for tumor formation and progression.110
Immunosuppressive Drugs In transplant patients who develop invasive aspergillosis,
Although immunosuppressive drugs are critical to trans- voriconazole, a second-generation antifungal, is an ap-
plant graft survival, chronic immunosuppression accel- proved treatment. In addition, voriconazole is used off-
erates the development of skin cancers through direct label for long-term prophylaxis against invasive fungal
oncogenic effect, impaired immunosurveillance, and in- infections in solid-organ transplant patients. One of the
ability to correct precancerous changes. The incidence of side effects of voriconazole is photosensitivity, resulting
skin cancer is directly proportional to the dosage, dura- in reversible sunburn-like erythema on sun-exposed sites.
tion, and even type of immunosuppression.146 However, recent studies have suggested that transplant
Azathioprine photosensitizes human skin to UVA patients on voriconazole have an increased risk of devel-
radiation. The skin of patients who are taking azathio- oping SCC skin cancer, suggesting that voriconazole-­
prine contains 6-thioguanine, which is a strong UVA induced photosensitivity may be carcinogenic.32,88
chromophore, resulting in abnormal photosensitivity, The mechanism by which voriconazole photosensi-
production of reactive oxygen species, and accelerated tivity occurs is unclear. Chronic voriconazole-associated
photocarcinogensis.104,146 Studies have shown that tacro- photosensitivity could potentially accelerate UV
limus and cyclosporine, both calcineurin inhibitors, pro- radiation-induced skin damage, thus promoting the
duce their tumorigenesis via expression of transforming develop­ment of skin cancer. Cytochrome P-450 enzymes
growth factor-β as well as decreased tumor surveillance CYP2C19, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4 metabolize voricon-
via decreased production of IL-2.75 Increased risk of skin azole. Homozygous polymorphisms in CYP2C19 result
cancer has also been connected to patients receiving in- in higher serum voriconazole levels. Studies are needed to
duction therapy with antithymocyte globulin, OKT3, or determine if the pharmacokinetics, host genetic factors,
monoclonal anti-IL-2 receptor antibodies.51,146 and relationship with UV exposure are factors in increased
Multiple studies have shown that patients receiving risk of SCC in voriconazole use. Thus, strict photopro-
triple immunosuppression (with cyclosporine, predni- tective behaviors and careful consideration of long-term
sone, and azathioprine or sirolimus) were at higher risk voriconazole use are required in organ transplant patients
of developing skin cancers compared to patients on dual at risk for skin cancer.32,39,146
therapy (prednisone and azathioprine or sirolimus).27
Human Papillomavirus
The dermatologic management of transplant patients re-
HPV is a known oncovirus, causing carcinogenesis of quires a multidisciplinary approach, with involvement of
anogenital malignancies. There have been studies to the dermatologist, transplant team, medical and surgical
confirm its role in the development of SCC.130 The exact oncologist, and radiation oncologist. Evaluation should
mechanism of pathogenesis of HPV in NMSC is uncer- begin before transplantation with a baseline total body
tain at this point. Although transplant patients have been skin examination and education of their increased risk
shown to have an increased quantity of low- and medium- of skin cancer development. Daily application of broad-
risk HPV types in SCC, there is also a high prevalence of spectrum sunscreen (containing both UVA and UVB
HPV infection in non-lesional areas as well.56,130,146 coverage), wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, and avoid-
HPV-encoded oncoproteins E6 and E7 are associ- ance of sun tanning should be encouraged.
ated with malignant transformation of cells. In a study Frequent skin exams are necessary in patients with
of transplant patients, E6 and E7 transcripts of HPVs 8, multiple skin cancers, and patients should be educated
9, and 15 were found in AK and SCC.35 A recent study regarding monitoring their skin for any new or changing
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 563

be tried. However, if there is still no inflammation, then

TABLE 34-4  Follow-up Intervals for Total
treatment should be changed to another agent.
Body Skin Examination for Solid-Organ
Photodynamic Therapy
Interval for Total Body
Skin Examination (No. of PDT is another treatment modality for areas of field
Patient Risk Factor Months) cancerization. PDT involves the use of an exogenously
No skin cancer/field disease 12 administered precursor of photosensitizer protoprohyrin
Field disease 3–6 IX synthesis (usually either aminolevulinic acid or methyl
One non-melanoma skin 3–6 aminolevulinate) that is activated by light, producing re-
Multiple non-melanoma skin 3 active oxygen species and destroying tumor cells. PDT
cancers has been effective in the treatment of AK and superficial
High-risk squamous cell 3 NMSC in transplant patients.106,143,147 PDT must be ad-
carcinoma or melanoma ministered under physician supervision in a clinic setting.
Metastatic squamous cell 1–3 Common side effects are pain and erythema.
carcinoma or melanoma

From Zwald F, Brown M. Skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipi- Capecitabine
ents: advances in therapy and management: Part 2. Management
of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients. Capecitabine, a prodrug of 5-deoxy-5-fluorouridine, is
J Am Acad Dermatol 2011;65:263–79. metabolized by the liver to 5-FU. Initially used for the
treatment of metastatic breast and colon cancer, the use of
lesions (Table 34-4). Patients should be educated on per- systemic 5-FU has been shown to be beneficial in reducing
forming skin exams, as well as palpating draining lymph the development of precancerous and cancerous lesions in
nodes in high-risk patients. Any suspicious lesion should organ transplant patients.38,147 In a recent retrospective re-
be biopsied and treated promptly. view performed at the University of Minnesota, 15 organ
transplant patients who were given low-dose capecitabine
had lower rates of developing NMSC and AK compared
Topical Therapy
to the period prior to capecitabine treatment. However,
Field cancerization becomes a treatment dilemma in pa- grade 3 and 4 toxicities were common, causing discontin-
tients with organ transplants. A patient might have one uation.65 Prospective studies are needed to determine the
clinically apparent tumor arising in a surrounding area of long-term efficacy and safety of lower doses.
precancerous lesions, all of which have malignant poten-
tial. Treatment of these entire areas can be difficult with
Systemic Retinoids
excision or ablative techniques. New developments in the
treatment of field cancerization include cyclical imple- Retinoid derivatives, such as acitretin, have been shown
mentation of topical therapies and photodynamic ther- to be effective in the suppression of SCC development,
apy (PDT). If lesions persist despite these efforts, a skin including reduction in AKs and SCCs.8,50 Indications for
­biopsy is necessary to rule out underlying skin cancer. the initiation of systemic retinoids in organ transplant pa-
tients are the following: development of multiple SCCs
Topical 5-Fluorouracil. 5-FU is a chemotherapeutic per year (5–10/year); development of multiple SCCs in
agent that inhibits pyrimidine metabolism and DNA syn- high-risk locations (head/neck); patients with a history of
thesis. Applied topically to affected skin twice daily, 5-FU lymphoma/leukemia and SCCs; a single SCC with high
can be used to decrease the size and number of lesions metastatic risk; metastatic SCC; explosive SCC develop-
in transplant patients.103 Common side effects include ment; and eruptive keratoacanthomas.69
erythematous inflammation and patient discomfort. One Low-dose acitretin 10 mg therapy should be started
of the main benefits of 5-FU is that the patient can ap- to minimize side effects with slow titration by 10-mg
ply it at home. Topical 5-FU can be even more effective increments at 2–4-week intervals to the target dose of
under occlusion, especially on thick keratotic lesions on ­20–25 mg daily. Side effects are dose-related, with dry
the lower extremities or upper extremities with Unna eyes and mouth being the most common, while dry skin
boot wraps changed weekly. The use of 5-FU should be and pruritus are less common. Acitretin is a known te-
avoided in patients taking nucleoside analogues (brivudin ratogen (pregnancy category X) and its use should be
and sorivudin) because of systemic toxicity of 5-FU. carefully considered in childbearing women who wish
to conceive in 3 years. Severe hyperlipidemia that is re-
Topical Imiquimod. Imiquimod is a non-specific im- fractory to standard treatment is a contraindication. Lab
mune modulator that has been shown to be safe and monitoring must be performed frequently, including a
effective in the treatment of AK in transplant patients. baseline pregnancy test, complete blood count, fasting
Imiquimod 5% cream is typically used three to five times lipid panel, liver panel, and serum creatinine.
per week for 16 weeks, and it can also be applied at home Chemoprevention with oral retinoids is a lifelong
by the patient. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy, treatment. When the medication is discontinued, a re-
with clearance rates up to 62%.138 Patients using this bound effect occurs that is difficult to control. Patients
treatment method should look for inflammation. If no can experience the eruption of multiple aggressive SCCs
inflammation is present, application under occlusion can over a relatively short period of time. Thus, reduction
564 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

of the dosage of acitretin is usually successful at main-

TABLE 34-5  Indications for Radiation Therapy in
taining patient compliance while still benefiting from
the Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinomas in
Organ Transplant Recipients

Altering the Immunosuppressive Regimen Non-surgical candidates

Adjuvant therapy for incomplete tumor resection
Given that the type, duration, and intensity of immuno- Adjuvant therapy for lymph node involvement
Adjuvant therapy for perineural tumor involvement
suppressive therapy is associated with an increased risk
of skin cancer, adjusting the immunosuppression regimen
to the least amount of immunosuppression necessary to
support graft survival is beneficial to reducing the risk of
development of skin cancers. Expert consensus survey by and monitored aggressively (Table 34-2). In these pa-
the International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative tients, MMS is the standard treatment, allowing for tis-
and the Skin Cancer in Organ Transplant Patients sue conservation where needed with high cure rates. In
Europe supports the modification of immunosuppression cases of high-risk SCC, preoperative evaluation with
in transplant patients with numerous or life-threatening computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance im-
NMSCs and melanoma.99 Patients at high risk for me- aging (MRI) may be required to evaluate deep extension
tastases from SCC or patients with 5–10 high-risk SCCs or nodal involvement. Adjuvant therapy with either node
per year are candidates for immunosuppressive therapy dissection and/or radiation therapy for high-risk SCC
modification. should also be considered, especially if perineural inva-
Modification of immunosuppressive therapy can be sion is present, even in the absence of clinically palpable
done in multiple ways in collaboration with the trans- lymphadenopathy. Patients with metastatic SCC to the
plant team. Either reduction in the total dosage of the lymph nodes portend a poor prognosis. Treatment of
immunosuppressive medication, or in cases of triple ther- these patients requires surgery with parotidectomy with
apy regimens, discontinuing one agent (usually azathio- or without neck dissection in operable patients along with
prine) can reduce the overall risk of skin cancer. Recent adjuvant radiation therapy to improve local and regional
studies have shown that mammalian target of rapamycin control.129,147 Patients should be followed closely, with
(mTOR) inhibitors, such as sirolimus and everolimus, frequent positron emission tomography CT or MRI. The
may confer a decreased risk of skin cancer development in use of radiation therapy in transplant patients is outlined
posttransplant patients relative to traditional calcineurin in Table 34-5.147
inhibitors.75,87 A recently published randomized control The role of chemotherapy in the treatment of high-
trial, CONVERT, showed that patients who were transi- risk SCC remains unclear.147 However, therapy targeting
tioned to sirolimus after 2 years posttransplant had a sta- epidermal growth factor receptors, such as cetuximab, is
tistically significant reduction in the number of NMSCs being explored in the treatment of SCC in clinical trials.105
compared to patients who stayed on calcineurin inhibi- In-transit metastases of high-risk SCC in transplant
tors.3 Currently, there are multiple ongoing randomized patients present as rapidly enlarging subcutaneous nod-
control trials to evaluate the role of the antineoplastic ef- ules with no epidermal extension in close proximity to the
fects of sirolimus in transplant patients. Although there primary or recurrent tumor. Treatment of these lesions is
has been evidence to support the safety of conversion to individualized, but usually requires surgical excision fol-
sirolimus, the frequency of side effects, such as ulcers, lowed by adjuvant radiation therapy.30,147
edema, acneiform eruptions, hyperlipidemia, thrombo-
cytopenia, and delayed wound healing, may offset the use
of sirolimus.75 Role of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Surgical staging of the primary nodal basin achieved by
sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has been shown
to be a prognostic factor in melanoma. There are
Surgical treatment of premalignant and malignant skin emerging data that SLNB may have a role in high-risk
lesions can be performed through cryosurgery, electro- SCC. SLNB may accurately detect subclinical lymph
desiccation and curettage (ED&C), standard surgical node metastasis in patients, potentially allowing for
excision, and MMS. the earliest possible therapeutic lymphadenopathy if
Premalignant skin lesions, such as warts and AKs, can the SLNB was positive.112,147 Prospective studies are
be treated with liquid nitrogen. Any lesion that is not re- needed to determine which risk factors predict nodal
sponding to aggressive cryosurgery should be biopsied. and distant metastases, and thus which patients would
ED&C is performed under local anesthesia, and involves warrant an SLNB.
a histological sample with destruction to the base of the
lesion. ED&C can be used in the treatment of hyper-
keratotic AK, Bowen’s disease, and superficial BCCs, and SUMMARY
SCC in situ, or in patients with multiple lesions, where
ED&C is easier to tolerate.147 Given that organ transplant patients are at increased risk
In patients with biopsy-proven skin cancer, MMS or for developing skin cancers, a multidisciplinary approach
excision with clear surgical margins is the treatment of is necessary in caring for these patients. Early and ag-
choice. Patients with high-risk SCC should be treated gressive treatment of skin cancers is necessary. Education
Non-Malignant and Malignant Skin Lesions in Kidney Transplant Patients 565

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Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney

Transplant Patients
John F. Thompson  •  Angela C. Webster



Magnitude of the Cancer Risk in Dialysis Direct Neoplastic Action of
Patients Immunosuppressive Drugs
Reasons for the Increased Risk of Cancer in Types of Cancer in Kidney Transplant
Dialysis Patients Recipients
The Particular Problem of Renal Tract Skin Malignancies
Malignancy in Patients with End-Stage Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative
Kidney Disease Disorder
Screening for Cancer in Dialysis Patients Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Management of Cancer in Dialysis Patients Time of Cancer Presentation
CANCER IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS Management of Cancer in Kidney Transplant
Transmission of Cancer from the Donor
Development of De Novo Cancers in Kidney TRANSPLANTATION IN PATIENTS WITH A
Transplant Recipients HISTORY OF CANCER
Reasons for the Increased Risk of Cancer in PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER
Impaired Immune Surveillance
Oncogenic Viruses
Chronic Antigenic Stimulation and Immune

For dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients, the indeed an overall increase in the incidence of ­malignancy
risk of malignancy is considerably greater than for the in patients with chronic renal failure.34,53,59,64,91,95 Rarely,
general population. This chapter discusses all aspects of renal failure may be a consequence of malignancies such
cancer in dialysis and transplant patients with the excep- as those arising in lung or colon because they lead to glo-
tion of skin malignancy, which is one of the greatest can- merulopathy.25 It has been suggested that this glomerular
cer risks they face, but which is considered separately in disease in cancer patients could be a result of tumor-­
Chapter 34. associated antigens. Nephrotic syndrome is most often
associated with Hodgkin’s disease. Malignant disease of
the kidney or ureter can impair renal function by causing
CANCER IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS obstruction, and occasionally renal dysfunction results
from a treatment-related nephropathy secondary to ra-
Soon after the first reports of cancer arising de novo in diation or drugs.
kidney transplant recipients,21,77 it was suggested that
patients on dialysis programs, many awaiting transplan- Magnitude of the Cancer Risk in
tation, also were at heightened risk of cancer develop-
ment.59 The reasons were not immediately apparent.
Dialysis Patients
Subsequent reports confirmed that the incidence of ma- Some of the most comprehensive long-term data on the
lignancy is considerably greater in patients on dialysis development of malignancy in dialysis patients and kid-
than in the population at large. However, most of these ney transplant recipients are available from the Australia
cancers affected the renal tract, either directly or indi- and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant (ANZDATA)
rectly, and this led to some uncertainty over whether di- registry. This registry has collected information on all
alysis patients were more susceptible to malignancies that patients in Australia and New Zealand who have been
did not affect the renal tract. It is now clear that there is treated with dialysis or received a kidney transplant since
570 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

1963. Although there are several much larger registries in similar age and sex, living in an equivalent time period in
the world, the completeness of the information contained the same country, and a SIR of 2 is double the risk. For the
in the ANZDATA registry sets it apart from most others. general population, cancer incidence data were obtained
In the 2009 ANZDATA report,101 the incidence of from the Australian National Cancer Statistics Clearing
cancer in 33 772 patients treated with dialysis and follow- House. This database does not contain information on
ing a first kidney transplant in Australia and New Zealand non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), because reporting
between 1982 and 2005 was reported. From this informa- of NMSC is not mandatory in Australia. Although the
tion, which represented 90 504 person-years of follow-up number of dialysis and transplant patients who developed
during dialysis treatment and 120 121 person-years of NMSC is available in the ANZDATA registry, the in-
follow-up after a first transplant, the cancer risk for each creased risk compared with the general population could
group was able to be calculated by comparing the inci- therefore not be ascertained.
dence of each cancer type with that in the general popula- The results of the ANZDATA analysis of cancer
tion. To compare the risk of cancer at different sites, the in dialysis and transpant patients are summarized in
observed number of incident cancer diagnoses notified to Table 35-1. It is apparent that, when considering can-
ANZDATA was compared with the expected number of cer risk by cancer site, the pattern of increased risk is
cancer diagnoses in the general population. Indirect stan- varied. For many cancers there is a slight increase in
dardization was used, standardizing for differences in age, risk among dialysis patients, with a somewhat greater
sex, and calendar year, to calculate standardized incidence increase following transplantation. Examples of this in-
ratios (SIR) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI). clude cancers arising in the lung and colon. For several
SIR can be interpreted as relative risk (RR), where a SIR other cancers, however, the risk increase after trans-
value of 1 is risk equal to that of the general population of plantation is more marked; most of these are known or

TABLE 35-1  Risk of Cancer Following Commencement of Dialysis and After a First Kidney Transplant,
Australia and New Zealand, 1982–2005
On Dialysis Posttransplant
Cancer Site ICD-O Code Observed SIR (95% CI) Observed SIR (95% CI)
Head and neck C01–14 26 1.25 (0.82–1.83) 66 4.45 (3.44–5.66)
Esophagus C15 22 1.61 (1.01–2.44) 28 4.29 (2.85–6.20)
Stomach C16 34 1.20 (0.83–1.68) 16 1.24 (0.71–2.01)
Small intestine C17 8 2.99 (1.29–5.90) 4 2.56 (0.70–6.56)
Colorectal C18–20 169 1.16 (0.99–1.34) 127 1.72 (1.43–2.04)
Anus C21 4 1.70 (0.46–4.36) 18 12.4 (7.4–19.7)
Liver C22 23 2,85 (1.91–4.27) 19 4.43 (2.67–6.91)
Gallbladder C23–24 9 1.21 (0.55–2.29) 8 2.35 (1.02–4.63)
Pancreas C25 22 0.95 (0.60–1.44) 15 1.44 (0.81–2.37)
Nasal cavity, sinuses C30–31 4 2.50 (0.68–6.40) 7 7.09 (2.85–14.6)
Larynx C32 8 0.86 (0.37–1.68) 12 2.07 (1.07–3.62)
Trachea, bronchus, lung C33–34 201 1.63 (1.41–1.87) 115 1.96 (1.62–2.35)
Other thoracic organs C37–38 13 17.70 (9.42–30.3) 8 15.2 (6.57–30.0)
Bone and articular cartilage C40–41 3 2.64 (0.55–7.73) 5 4.90 (1.59–11.4)
Melanoma of skin C43 107 1.41 (1.16–1.71) 180 3.11 (2.67–3.60)
Mesothelioma C45 11 1.71 (0.86–3.07) 3 0.98 (0.20–2.86)
Kaposi’s sarcoma C46 8 10.99 (4.75–21.7) 23 25.5 (16.2–38.3)
Peritoneum, other connective C47–49 3 0.67 (0.14–1.97) 9 2.91 (1.33–5.53)
and soft tissue
Breast (female) C50 116 2.57 (2.13–3.08) 81 2.35 (1.89–2.92)
Female gynecological C51–58 183 10.00 (8.63–11.6) 231 18.0 (15.7–20.4)
Penis C60 1 2.47 (0.06–13.7) 9 37.4 (17.1–71.0)
Prostate C61 100 1.30 (1.05–1.57) 54 1.72 (1.30–2.25)
Testis C62 1 1.03 (0.03–5.72) 4 1.96 (0.54–5.03)
Other male genital C63 1 8.23 (0.20–45.9) 1 14.7 (0.37–82.1)
Kidney C64 173 8.30 (7.11–9.63) 122 9,76 (8.10–11.7)
Other urinary tract C65–66, C68 33 6.38 (4.39–8.95) 46 19.6 (14.3–26.1)
Bladder C67 135 3.77 (3.16–4.46) 93 6.19 (5.00–7.58)
Eye C69 0 0.00 (0.00–1.53) 6 3.80 (1.39–8.36)
Brain C71 21 1.69 (1.05–2.59) 12 1.33 (0.69–2.32)
Other central nervous C70, C72 1 1.96 (0.05–10.9) 4 9.06 (2.47–23.2)
Thyroid C73 35 5.89 (4.10–8.19) 30 4.82 (3.25–6.89)
Other endocrine C74–75 5 10.1 (3.29–23.7) 4 9.38 (2.56–24.0)
All lymphoma C81–85, C96 58 1.56 (1.18–2.02) 266 11.4 (10.1–12.9)
Multiple myeloma C90 96 7.60 (6.15–9.28) 15 2.48 (1.39–4.09)
Leukemias C91–95 23 0.88 (0.56–1.32) 32 2.39 (1.63–3.37)

ICD-O, International Classification of Diseases for Oncology; SIR, standardized incidence ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Adapted from Webster AC, Wong G, McDonald SP. Chapter 10, Cancer. ANZDATA Registry Report 2009. 32nd annual report. Adelaide, South
Australia: Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (http://www.anzdata.org.au), 2010.
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 571

postulated to have a viral etiology – for example, carci- duration of renal impairment, rather than the duration
noma of the cervix, lymphoma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma. of dialysis treatment.71 Other conditions predisposing
It is more difficult to obtain comprehensive data on to cancer include Balkan nephropathy and analgesic ne-
the incidence of malignancy in dialysis patients treated in phropathy, both of which are associated with a high risk
other countries. In Japan, a nation with a large population of developing tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter.17,54
of patients on long-term dialysis, an analysis of deaths An interesting observation is that the increased risk of
caused by cancer (including renal tract tumors) revealed some cancer types is rapidly reversed when immunosup-
that the RR of cancer mortality for dialysis patients was pression is reduced or withdrawn after kidney transplant
greatly increased compared with the general population failure. These cancer types include Kaposi’s sarcoma,
(male RR 2.48; female RR 3.99).38 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma, and lip cancer.
To examine the question of malignancy in dialysis However, the risk of cancer at other sites remains sig-
patients, a major international study was undertaken by nificantly elevated after iatrogenic immunosuppression is
Stewart and coworkers,90 involving analysis of pooled ceased. These cancer types include leukemia, lung cancer,
data for patients who received dialysis for end-stage kid- and cancers related to ESKD.97
ney disease (ESKD) between 1980 and 1994. A cohort
of 834 884 patients treated in the United States, Europe, The Particular Problem of Renal Tract
Australia, and New Zealand was assembled. The observed
frequency of cancer among these patients during 2 045
Malignancy in Patients with End-Stage
035 person-years of follow-up was compared with the Kidney Disease
frequency of cancer in the respective background popula- Pathology studies have shown that renal tumors are more
tions. Patients with NMSC were excluded. It was found common in the pretransplant ESKD population than had
that the overall risk of cancer was increased in patients previously been reported on the basis of radiological im-
with ESKD, and that the distribution of tumor types in aging.19 A large study undertaken by Maisonneuve and
dialysis patients resembled the pattern seen after trans- colleagues56 was important because most previous studies
plantation. The excess risk was largely ascribed to effects had been too small to detect potentially important find-
on the kidney and bladder of underlying renal or urinary ings on less common types of tumors or small increases in
tract disease, or to loss of renal function. Also considered risk, or to study the relationship between cancer and the
likely to be responsible was an increased susceptibility to various causes of renal failure or the method of dialysis
viral carcinogenesis. treatment (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis). The study
During the short mean follow-up of 2.5 years in this confirmed an overall increased risk of cancer in patients
study, 3% of the study population developed cancer. The with ESKD. Generally, the types of cancer developing
expected number of individuals developing cancer in the in patients with ESKD were similar to the cancer types
population at large was lower, so that the SIR was 1.18. observed with increased frequency in transplant recipi-
In younger patients (<35 years old), the risk of cancer was ents. Most common were cancers of the urinary tract,
considerably higher (SIR 3.68), and this risk gradually de- but cancers of the tongue, liver, lower genital tract in
creased with increasing age. Particularly high risks were women, external genitalia in men, and thyroid, also lym-
observed for cancer of the kidney (SIR 3.60), the bladder phomas and multiple myeloma, were observed to have an
(SIR 1.50), and the thyroid and other endocrine organs increased incidence. In seeking to explain their findings,
(SIR 2.28). Excess numbers of cancers occurred in several the authors of this study suggested that viral infections
organs in which viruses have been suspected as causative were likely to be important as causative agents for some
carcinogenic agents, whereas cancers of the lung, colon of the tumors.
and rectum, prostate, breast, and stomach were not con- Viral infections occur in about 10% of patients after
sistently increased. transplantation.26 The frequency of viral infections in di-
alysis patients is poorly documented, but there is no doubt
Reasons for the Increased Risk of Cancer in that ESKD patients have a greater than normal exposure
to hepatitis B and C viruses,67 and this probably accounts
Dialysis Patients for the observed excess of liver cancer. Human papillo-
Patients maintained on dialysis are potentially at risk of mavirus (HPV) is thought to play a role in the develop-
cancer for several reasons. These include the presence of ment of cancers of the tongue, cervix, vagina, vulva, and
chronic infection (especially in the urinary tract), a de- penis.6,18 In dialysis and transplant patients, the increased
pressed immune system, previous treatment with immu- risk of developing lymphomas is thought likely to be due
nosuppressive or cytotoxic drugs, nutritional deficiencies, to activation of dormant Epstein–Barr virus (EBV).104,108
and altered DNA repair mechanisms.96 In addition, the A possible explanation for the observed increase in risk
underlying disease leading to renal failure, the persistent of thyroid tumors is the repeated imaging of the neck to
metabolic changes associated with it, and the develop- investigate secondary hyperparathyroidism. In support of
ment of certain complications such as acquired renal this hypothesis is the observation that the frequency of
cystic disease may predispose to cancer. Some forms of thyroid tumors increases with duration on dialysis.
genitourinary disease are known to predispose to renal, An important point to emerge from the study by
ureteric, or bladder tumors. The risk of renal cancer is Maisonneuve and colleagues56 is that the risk of cancer was
increased in patients with inherited or acquired cystic not related to the type of dialysis. It was concluded that the
disease of the kidney45,57; the risk of renal cell cancer as- uremic state, rather than any treatment-related phenom-
sociated with acquired cystic disease seems to be the total enon, was likely to be the cause of the increased risk.
572 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The uremia is thought likely to lead to an impair- The total incremental cost to screen and save one ex-
ment of immunity, perhaps by interfering with DNA tra cancer death approximated A$403 000 per life saved
­repair ­mechanisms or by causing a reduction in anti- from breast cancer.
oxidant ­ defense. Chronic infections and inflammatory
­processes, potentially associated with the development
of ­ malignancies, are more common in patients with
Management of Cancer in Dialysis Patients
­renal ­failure. A ­final point to consider is that any degree If malignancy does develop in a patient on dialysis, the
of ­renal impairment could lead to the accumulation of condition should be treated with current standard ther-
­carcinogenic compounds.96 apy. For dialysis patients who have surgical treatment
In the previously mentioned study by Stewart and for malignancy, postoperative complications are, how-
coworkers,90 it also was concluded that dialysis itself ever, much higher than usual, as would be expected.16
conferred no additional risk of cancer other than by If surgery is not considered appropriate, chemotherapy
prolonging exposure to the uremic state. These authors may be possible, but individual drug dosage adjustments
reported that, in the dialysis population, the risk of devel- are likely to be required.11 Treatment with radioactive
oping cancer of the kidney or bladder was relatively (but iodine can be undertaken for thyroid cancer in patients
not absolutely) greater at younger ages, and in women on dialysis, but dosage adjustment is necessary because
rather than men. They found that the dialysis popula- iodine is cleared mainly by the kidneys or by the dialysis
tion exhibited a risk of cancers of the kidney and urinary process.36
tract over and above the heightened risk of cancer seen
in many other sites. They reported that there was no ex-
cess risk of kidney cancer in patients with ESKD due to CANCER IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
polycystic disease, and noted that primary renal disease RECIPIENTS
accounted for almost all of the excess risk of urothelial
cancer, whether in the bladder or elsewhere in the urinary The magnitude of the cancer problem in kidney trans-
tract. They determined that the carcinogenic potential of plant recipients is apparent from the SIR values reported
acquired renal cystic disease was greater than that of pri- in Table 35-1. The risk increases steadily from the time
mary (hereditary) polycystic renal disease. They reported of transplantation, with the rate of increase very much
that the SIR for kidney cancer increased significantly dependent on the age of the patient at the time of trans-
with time on dialysis, whereas the SIR for bladder cancer plantation. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 35-1
progressively decreased.90 and Table 35-2.99 Long-term data from the ANZDATA
registry indicate that a total of 1642 (10.8%) of 15 183
kidney transplant recipients developed cancer. The can-
Screening for Cancer in Dialysis Patients cer rates were similar to those in non-transplant people
Some authors have suggested that routine cancer 20–30 years older. Risk was inversely related to age (SIR
screening of patients on long-term dialysis is not cost-­ 15–30 for children, 2 if >65 years). Females aged 25–29
effective.15,35,43 Others have argued, however, that although had rates equivalent to those of women aged 55–59 in
general cancer screening is not cost-effective in dialysis the general population. The age trend for lymphoma,
patients, selective screening in younger patients and for colorectal cancer, and breast cancer risk was similar:
known cancer types is warranted. Parathyroid cancer is melanoma showed less variability across age cohorts;
a good example, and this condition should be suspected prostate cancer showed no risk increase. Within the
in dialysis patients if rapid changes in serum parathy- transplanted population, risk was affected by age differ-
roid hormone levels are observed.78 Careful and regular ently for each sex (P = 0.007). It was increased by prior
screening for premalignant and malignant skin lesions malignancy (hazard ratio (HR) 1.40; CI 1.3–1.89) and
is another good example; this is likely to be of particu- white race (HR 1.36, CI 1.12–1.89), but reduced by dia-
lar value in countries such as Australia, where frequent betic ESKD (HR 0.67, CI 0.50–0.89). As well as demon-
exposure to intense solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation is strating how absolute risk differs across patient groups,
almost inevitable. Ishikawa and associates39 proposed Figure 35-1 allows the risk of cancer developing after
that screening is valuable in the detection of renal cell transplantation to be estimated, based on clinical details
cancer, and pointed out that survival is best in young known at the time of transplantation. For example, men
patients with a short duration of dialysis, and when the aged 45–54 surviving 10 years have cancer risks vary-
renal cell cancer is detected by screening, rather than ing from 1 in 13 (non-white, no prior cancer, diabetic
by direct reporting of symptoms. Satoh and cowork- ESKD) to 1 in 5 (white, prior cancer, ESKD from an-
ers83 likewise suggested that early diagnosis of renal cell other cause).
cancer by regular imaging of patients with ESKD who The risk of cancer development is particularly great in
are on dialysis would result in an improved outcome. patients who are older when they first undergo transplan-
Wong and colleagues assessed the cost-­effectiveness tation. For men who are less than 35 years of age at the
of breast cancer screening in women on dialysis,105 time of first kidney transplantation, the adjusted risk of
and pointed out that cost-effectiveness analyses can developing cancer (excluding NMSC) after 10 years is 4.2,
help put expectations from screening programs into whereas for men who are 55 years of age or older at the
­c ontext. They found that screening resulted in an ab- time of transplantation, it is 24.6. For women, the corre-
solute reduction in breast cancer mortality of 0.1%, sponding risk values after 10 years are 5.8 and 20.9. The
with a net gain in life expectancy of only 1.3 days. overall results of this analysis are shown in Table 35-2.
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 573

<35 years 35-44 years

0.5 0.5
Transplanted female Transplanted female
0.4 Transplanted male 0.4 Transplanted male
Proportion with at least

Proportion with at least

General population female General population female
1 non-skin cancer

1 non-skin cancer
General population male General population male
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
A Years B Years

45-54 years 55 years and over

0.5 0.5
Transplanted female Transplanted female
0.4 Transplanted male 0.4 Transplanted male
Proportion with at least

Proportion with at least

General population female General population female
1 non-skin cancer

1 non-skin cancer
General population male General population male
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
C Years D Years
FIGURE 35-1  ■  Cumulative risk of cancer (excluding non-melanocytic skin and lip cancer) in kidney transplant recipients by age at
transplantation, with expected cumulative risk for a comparable general population of the same age and sex. (A) <35 years; (B)
35–44 years; (C) 45–54 years; (D) 55 years and over. (Adapted from Webster AC, Craig JC, Simpson JM, et al. Identifying high risk groups
and quantifying absolute risk of cancer after kidney transplantation: a cohort study of 15 183 recipients. Am J Transplant 2007;7:2140–51.)

TABLE 35-2  Reference Table Showing Absolute Risk of a Cancer Diagnosis: Expected Cases per 100
Kidney Recipients (%) at 1, 5, and 10 Years after Transplantation for Different Patient Groups*
Age at Transplantation
Age at Transplantation < 35  Years 35–44 Years
Primary Prior
1 5 10 1 5 10
Renal Cancer Graft
Disease Race History Function F M F M F M F M F M F M
GN/IgA White No Yes 0.7 0.5 3.0 2.1 7.3 5.2 1.2 0.8 5.4 3.6 12.7 9.5
Failed 0.6 0.4 2.7 1.9 6.4 4.8 1.1 0.8 4.7 3.4 11.2 8.5
Cancer Yes 0.9 0.7 4.2 3.0 10.0 7.5 1.2 1.2 7.4 5.3 17.3 13.2
Failed 0.8 0.6 3.7 2.6 8.8 6.6 1.5 1.1 6.5 4.7 15.3 11.7
Non-white No Yes 0.5 0.4 2.1 1.6 5.2 4.0 0.8 0.6 3.7 2.8 9.3 7.2
Failed 0.4 0.3 2.0 1.3 4.7 3.4 0.8 0.5 3.5 2.5 8.4 6.4
Cancer Yes 0.7 0.5 3.1 2.2 7.5 5.6 1.3 0.9 5.5 4.0 13.0 9.9
Failed 0.6 0.4 2.7 1.9 6.6 4.9 1.1 0.5 4.8 3.5 11.5 8.8
Other White No Yes 0.6 0.4 2.8 2.0 6.8 4.9 1.1 0.8 5.0 3.6 11.9 9.0
Failed 0.6 0.4 2.5 1.7 6.0 4.4 1.0 0.7 4.4 3.1 10.4 7.9
Cancer Yes 0.9 0.6 3.9 2.8 9.4 7.0 1.6 1.1 6.9 4.9 16.2 12.3
Failed 0.7 0.5 3.4 2.4 8.2 6.1 1.4 0.9 6.1 4.4 14.3 10.9
Non-white No Yes 0.5 0.3 2.1 1.5 5.0 3.7 0.8 0.6 3.7 2.6 8.9 6.7
Failed 0.4 0.3 1.8 1.3 4.4 3.3 0.7 0.5 3.2 2.3 7.8 5.9
Cancer Yes 0.7 0.5 2.9 2.0 7.0 5.2 1.2 0.8 5.1 3.7 12.2 9.2
Failed 0.6 0.4 2.5 1.8 6.1 4.6 1.0 0.7 4.5 3.2 10.7 8.1
DM White No Yes 0.5 0.3 2.1 1.4 5.0 3.6 0.8 0.6 3.7 2.6 8.8 6.6
Failed 0.4 0.3 1.8 1.3 4.4 3.2 0.7 0.5 3.2 2.3 7.7 5.8

Continued on following page

574 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 35-2  Reference Table Showing Absolute Risk of a Cancer Diagnosis: Expected Cases per 100
Kidney Recipients (%) at 1, 5, and 10 Years after Transplantation for Different Patient Groups (Continued)
Age at Transplantation
Age at Transplantation < 35  Years 35–44 Years
Primary Prior
1 5 10 1 5 10
Renal Cancer Graft
Disease Race History Function F M F M F M F M F M F M
Cancer Yes 0.6 0.5 2.9 2.0 6.9 5.1 1.1 0.8 5.1 3.6 12.0 9.1
Failed 0.6 0.4 2.5 1.8 6.0 4.5 1.0 0.7 4.4 3.2 10.6 8.0
Non-white No Yes 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.1 3.7 2.7 0.6 0.4 2.7 1.9 6.5 4.9
Failed 0.3 0.2 1.3 0.9 3.2 2.4 0.5 0.4 2.4 1.7 5.7 4.3
Cancer Yes 0.5 0.3 2.1 1.5 5.1 3.8 0.8 0.6 3.8 2.7 9.0 6.8
Failed 0.4 0.3 1.8 1.3 4.5 3.3 0.7 0.5 3.3 2.4 7.9 6.0
Age at Transplantation 45–54 Years Age at Transplantation ≥ 55 Years
GN/IgA White No Yes 1.5 1.4 6.5 6.2 15.2 15.4 2.2 2.5 9.7 10.6 22.3 25.1
Failed 1.3 1.3 5.7 5.5 13.4 13.6 2.0 2.2 8.6 9.3 19.8 22.4
Cancer Yes 2.1 2.0 9.0 8.6 20.6 20.8 3.1 3.4 20.3 14.0 29.7 33.2
Failed 1.8 1.7 7.9 7.6 18.3 18.4 2.7 3.0 11.8 12.9 26.5 30.1
Non-white No Yes 1.1 1.1 4.8 4.6 11.4 11.6 1.7 1.8 7.2 7.9 16.9 19.2
Failed 1.0 0.9 4.2 4.1 10.1 10.2 1.4 1.6 6.4 7.0 14.9 17.1
Cancer Yes 1.5 1.4 6.7 6.4 15.6 15.8 2.3 2.5 10.0 10.8 22.8 25.7
Failed 1.3 1.3 5.8 5.6 13.8 14.0 2.0 2.2 8.8 9.6 20.2 23.1
Other White No Yes 1.4 1.3 6.0 5.8 14.2 14.3 2.1 2.3 9.1 9.8 20.9 23.5
Failed 1.2 1.1 5.3 5.1 12.5 12.7 1.8 2.0 8.0 8.7 18.5 21.1
Cancer Yes 1.9 1.8 8.3 8.0 19.3 19.4 2.9 3.2 12.5 13.4 27.9 31.2
Failed 1.7 1.6 7.3 7.1 17.1 17.2 2.5 2.8 11.0 11.9 24.9 28.2
Non-white No Yes 1.0 1.0 4.5 4.3 10.7 10.8 1.5 1.7 6.7 7.3 15.8 17.9
Failed 0.9 0.9 3.9 3.8 9.4 9.5 0.3 1.5 5.9 6.5 14.0 15.9
Cancer Yes 1.4 1.4 6.2 6.0 14.6 14.7 2.1 2.3 9.3 10.1 21.4 24.1
Failed 1.2 1.2 5.4 5.2 12.9 13.0 1.9 2.0 8.2 8.9 19.0 21.6
DM White No Yes 1.0 1.0 4.4 4.2 10.5 10.6 1.5 1.6 6.7 7.2 15.6 17.7
Failed 0.9 0.8 3.9 3.7 9.3 9.4 0.3 1.5 5.9 6.4 13.8 15.7
Cancer Yes 1.4 1.3 6.1 5.9 14.4 14.5 2.1 2.3 9.2 9.9 21.1 23.9
Failed 1.2 1.2 5.4 5.2 12.7 12.8 1.9 2.0 8.1 8.8 18.7 21.4
Non-white No Yes 0.7 0.7 3.3 3.1 7.9 7.9 1.1 1.2 4.9 5.4 11.7 13.3
Failed 0.6 0.6 2.9 2.8 6.9 7.0 1.0 1.1 4.3 4.7 10.3 11.9
Cancer Yes 1.0 1.0 4.5 4.4 10.8 10.9 1.6 1.7 6.8 7.4 16.0 18.1
Failed 0.9 0.9 4.0 3.8 9.5 9.6 1.4 1.5 6.0 6.5 14.1 16.2

GN/IgA, glomerulonephritis/immunoglobulin A; DM, diabetes mellitus.

*Based on a table originally published in Webster AC, et al. Am J Transplant 2007;7(9):2140–51. © 2007 The American Society of
Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons and Blackwell Publishing. All rights reserved.

From this table it is possible to give an estimate of a pa- precipitating rejection of the transplanted organ and
tient’s risk of developing a cancer (excluding NMSC) the cancer, and then removing the allograft.61,103
according to gender and age at transplantation. This in- Because of the almost universally disastrous results of
formation allows clinicians to identify patient groups at transplanting organs from a donor known to have can-
higher risk of developing malignancy and may be useful cer other than a primary brain tumor or an NMSC, such
for pretransplant counseling when informed consent is individuals are generally excluded as ­potential organ do-
being obtained. Vajdic and colleagues95 report in detail nors. This exclusion applies to both cadaver and living
the ANZDATA registry data relating to the risk of cancer donors. Selection criteria for cadaveric and living donors
after kidney transplantation. are discussed in detail in Chapters 6 and 7.
Despite all efforts to avoid the situation, kidneys oc-
casionally are transplanted from donors who are sub-
Transmission of Cancer from the Donor sequently discovered to have primary or metastatic
Early in the history of kidney transplantation, it be- malignancies. There is general consensus that these re-
came apparent that cancer in the transplanted organ nal grafts should be removed as soon as possible, with
or at other sites occurred frequently in recipients reinstatement of dialysis. All potential recipients must
who received apparently normal kidney allografts be made aware of the possibility that malignancy might
from cancer-affected donors.58,63,72 It was soon recog- be transferred with the donor organ, and this risk should
nized that organs retrieved from such donors could be included in informed consent documentation.
harbor malignant cells that had the potential to pro- If a transplant recipient develops cancer, particularly
liferate in the recipient, causing death.58,63 Although if it is soon after transplantation, the possibility that it is
most patients with a transplanted cancer ultimately a malignancy transferred from the donor always needs to
die of the malignancy, early experiences showed that be considered. The other recipients of organs from the
cure occasionally could be achieved by stopping the same donor should therefore be investigated as soon as
patient’s immunosuppressive therapy with a view to possible and monitored carefully.
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 575

Development of De Novo Cancers in Kidney humans. One is the observed increase in cancer incidence
with increasing age. Another is the well-documented
Transplant Recipients increase in cancer incidence that occurs in congeni-
Several aspects of this problem have already been dis- tal and acquired immunodeficiency states,46 particu-
cussed in the section of this chapter dealing with cancer larly in patients with human immunodeficiency virus
development in dialysis patients. Early reports of de novo (HIV).30 Particularly powerful additional evidence
cancers arising in immunosuppressed transplant recipi- comes from experience with human transplantation,
ents undoubtedly underestimated the long-term risk.55 including the transfer of malignancy to immunosup-
These estimates were based on single-center and regis- pressed transplant recipients, the increased incidence
try reports, which indicated that malignancies (excluding of de novo cancer in these individuals, and studies
NMSCs) arose in 2–8% of transplant recipients. Even showing that the immunosuppression can lead to tumor
more recent estimates of risk also are likely to be serious recurrence.27
underestimates because transplant recipient populations The mechanisms by which immunosuppressive agents
on which the incidence of cancer is based are biased by lead to the development of cancer are complex. It is likely
the large numbers of recently transplanted patients com- that the type, extent, and duration of immunosuppres-
pared with the small number of long-surviving patients. sive therapy have a role to play. Immunosuppressive
A large study in the United States that attempted to de- agents may act as potentiating agents for other oncogenic
termine the incidence of malignancy in kidney transplant stimuli, such as oncogenic viruses, chemical carcinogens,
recipients reported only the cancer rates in the first, sec- and UV light. Immunosuppressive agents with power-
ond, and third years after transplantation.42 ful antilymphocyte activity, including calcineurin inhibi-
When incidence figures are determined on the basis tors, antilymphocyte globulin, antithymocyte globulin,
of the number of years since transplantation, a differ- and anti-T-cell antibodies, may potentiate the effects of
ent picture emerges, with reports of 34–50% of immu- oncogenic viruses by eliminating T lymphocytes or im-
nosuppressed transplant recipients developing cancer if pairing their normal function. In early studies, a clear
they are followed for 20 years or more after transplanta- potentiating effect of antilymphocyte globulin on can-
tion.28,65,88 Long-term data from the ANZDATA registry cer development was observed when the agent was used
reveal that, in recipients of cadaver kidneys transplanted in conjunction with oncogenic viruses3,51 or chemical
30 years earlier, the incidence of skin cancer is 75%, carcinogens.4,14,81
and the incidence of non-skin cancer is 33%, with some
form of cancer (either skin or non-skin cancer) devel-
Oncogenic Viruses
oping in 80% of patients overall.87 Transplant registry
data from other countries also show a substantial risk Viruses that have oncogenic properties have long been
of cancer development in kidney transplant recipients, recognized in experimental studies.3,84 Organ trans-
which steadily increases as the time since transplanta- plant recipients are particularly susceptible to viral in-
tion lengthens.1,8,10 fections, some of which are known to be potentially
oncogenic in humans. These include EBV, cytomeg-
Reasons for the Increased Risk of Cancer in alovirus, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, and HPV. The fact that the most com-
Transplant Patients mon types of cancer occurring in transplant recipients
Numerous mechanisms are likely to contribute to the are those in which oncogenic viruses are known to be
increased risk of cancer in immunosuppressed allograft causative is unlikely to be coincidental. Viral oncogen-
recipients. Some of these are undoubtedly the same as esis is considered to play a role in the development of
the mechanisms responsible for the development of ma- most posttransplant lymphomas and lymphoprolifera-
lignancy in patients with ESKD on dialysis. In transplant tive disorders, cancers of the skin and cervix, and hepa-
recipients, however, the dominant factors are believed to tomas.23 The rapidity with which some malignancies
be impaired immune surveillance for neoplastic cells and occur after transplantation also is consistent with the
depressed antiviral immune activity. concept that viral oncogenesis is involved because the
start of immunosuppression is likely to produce very
rapid viral transformation.
Impaired Immune Surveillance
Over a century ago, Ehrlich (1909) proposed that abnor- Chronic Antigenic Stimulation and Immune
mal cells arise frequently in normal individuals as a re- Regulation
sult of somatic mutation, viral infection, or some other
mechanism. If these abnormal cells are not eliminated, It has been suggested that the continuing presence of
they have the potential to become autonomous and to foreign allograft antigens in a recipient may be impor-
develop into a malignant process. Based on the assump- tant in cancer causation. This possibility is supported by
tion that the immune system is important in eliminating evidence that chronic lymphoid stimulation results in a
such abnormal cells,92 it was logical to make the further high incidence of malignant lymphomas.89 The mecha-
assumption that any impairment of immune surveillance nism may be a direct consequence of protracted antigenic
could result in cancer.12,44 stimulation of the lymphoreticular system, with contin-
Several pieces of evidence support the importance ued stimulation of lymphoid tissue leading to hyperplasia
of immune surveillance in protection against cancer in and ultimately to neoplasia.
576 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Environmental Factors carcinomas was observed.24 The trial data suggested that
the earlier conversion to sirolimus occurred after an ini-
A range of factors could account for the observed re-
tial diagnosis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, the
gional variations in the pattern of cancers that occur
greater the efficacy in terms of preventing the develop-
in patients transplanted at different centers around the
ment of new squamous cell carcinomas.
world. A striking example of environmental effect is the
association between the development of skin cancer in
Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids have anti-­inflammatory
white transplant recipients and solar UV exposure. This
and immunosuppressive properties, and their effects on
association undoubtedly accounts for the high incidence
the immune system are complex. Although they have
of skin cancer in kidney transplant recipients in Australia
been used clinically for several decades, their exact
and New Zealand (see Chapter 34). Exposure to UV
mechanisms of action are still not clearly understood.
light also can cause immunosuppression that may influ-
Their primary effects seem to be a result of inhibition of
ence the development of other forms of cancer, such as
the production of T-cell lymphokines, which are needed
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.5,70 Other factors that might
to amplify macrophage and lymphocyte responses.
predispose to the development of malignancy include
They also cause lymphopenia as a result of redistribu-
viral infections encountered by patients before or af-
tion of lymphocytes from the vascular compartment
ter transplantation and local practices in viral infection
into lymphoid tissues, and they inhibit the migration of
prevention, detection, and therapy. Such factors operate
against a background of general influences, such as age,
Corticosteroids such as prednisone and prednisolone
gender, and genetic diversity, and depend on the length
have been used as part of most immunosuppressive regi-
of time after transplantation. The complex interactions
mens since human organ transplantation began, but their
of such factors determine the incidence and pattern of
role in the causation of cancer in transplant recipients
posttransplant malignancy for each individual transplant
has been difficult to assess and remains unclear because
almost always they have been used in conjunction with
other immunosuppressive therapy. Although there is
Direct Neoplastic Action of some experimental evidence that corticosteroids increase
Immunosuppressive Drugs the risk of malignancy,98 and it is known that there is an
increased incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma in patients re-
The immunosuppressive drugs used to prevent and treat ceiving them for long periods,93 corticosteroids also are
rejection in transplant recipients (see Chapters 15–22) used in combination with other drugs to treat certain
generally have the effect of increasing the risk of cancer. types of cancer, including lymphomas.
This is consistent with the concept that malignancies arise
when immune surveillance is impaired. Paradoxically, Azathioprine. Azathioprine disrupts the synthesis of DNA
some of these immunosuppressive drugs also may have and RNA, causing immunosuppression by interfering with
antineoplastic properties.31 lymphocyte proliferation. When used as a single agent to
treat autoimmune diseases, azathioprine is associated with
Calcineurin Inhibitors (Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus). an increased risk of lymphomas and an increased risk of
There is now a considerable body of experimental and a wide range of solid neoplasms, including squamous cell
clinical evidence that cyclosporine and tacrolimus pro- carcinomas, urinary bladder tumors, breast carcinomas, and
mote rather than induce the development of cancer. The brain tumors. In a follow-up study of 1000 kidney trans-
effect seems to be due to aberrant production of cytokines plant recipients, it was found that patients who received
that regulate tumor growth, metastasis, and angiogen- azathioprine had a lower cumulative incidence of tumors
esis.31 There also is evidence, however, that cyclosporine after transplantation than patients who received cyclo-
inhibits multidrug resistance in cancer cells,94 and that it sporine.62 It was unclear, however, whether this was due
can even be combined with cytotoxic drugs such as pacli- to the drugs themselves or to the overall intensity of the
taxel to inhibit tumor growth in some cases.52 immunosuppression.

Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors Mycophenolate Mofetil. Mycophenolate mofetil was

(mTORi). The basis for the immunosuppressive activity originally developed as an antineoplastic agent.102 Its
of these agents is their action in blocking interleukin­-2 main mode of action as an immunosuppressant is through
stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation. There is ac- blockage of the de novo purine synthesis pathway.2
cumulating evidence that mTORi have antineoplastic Preliminary analysis of data from large transplant regis-
properties,50,82 and there have been several reports that tries suggests that the rate of development of cancer in
the incidence of posttransplant malignancy is markedly patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil is lower than
lower in patients who receive sirolimus-based immuno- the rate in patients receiving other immunosuppressive
suppression or sirolimus in association with calcineurin therapies, but longer follow-up is required before firm
inhibitors compared with patients receiving calcineurin conclusions can be drawn.
inhibitor therapy alone.13,31,60 In a recent multicenter,
randomized, controlled trial, sirolimus was substituted Lymphocyte-Depleting Agents. Although a com-
for calcineurin inhibitors in kidney transplant recipi- mon pathway for many immunosuppressive agents used
ents who had cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, and a in organ transplantation seems to be the suppression
marked reduction in the incidence of new squamous cell of lymphocyte proliferation, some agents are known or
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 577

are thought to act by causing the death of lymphocytes. of cyclosporine76 and tacrolimus.66 This raised concern
Examples are antilymphocyte globulin and antithymo- that the drugs themselves might have a specific role in
cyte globulin, both polyclonal antibodies; the mono- lymphoma causation; however, registry reports from
clonal antibody muromonab (OKT3), which is directed different countries suggest that this is not the case.69,87
against the CD3 antigen complex found on all mature It is now generally believed that PTLD and malignant
human T cells; and antilymphocyte antibodies, such as lymphomas are an inevitable consequence of effective
the anti-CD25 antibodies basiliximab and daclizumab, immunosuppressive therapy regardless of the particu-
which are highly specific interleukin-2 receptor blockers. lar immunosuppressive agents used. The effect of EBV
After administration of these agents, the total lymphocyte infection, whether as a primary event or as a reactiva-
count decreases as lymphocytes, especially T cells, are tion of a previous infection, is thought to be mediated
lysed after antibody binding and complement deposition by B-lymphocyte proliferation secondary to inhibition
on the cell surface, inactivated by binding to T-cell recep- of the T-cell-dominated immune responses produced by
tors, or cleared from the circulation and deposited in the powerful immunosuppression.32 The T-cell-suppressive,
reticuloendothelial system. Overall, lymphatic depletion B-cell-stimulatory cytokine interleukin-10 has been
is thought to increase the risk of malignancy by reducing implicated.7
the effectiveness of an individual’s immune surveillance. It has been known for over 40 years that EBV is linked
to the development of Burkitt’s lymphoma33 and to naso-
pharyngeal carcinoma. EBV is ubiquitous, with 95% of
Types of Cancer in Kidney Transplant the adult population in most countries having serological
Recipients evidence of prior exposure. The possibility of reactiva-
The cancers that occur in kidney transplant recipients, tion is high if immunosuppression is excessive. In chil-
with a distribution that differs considerably from that in dren who undergo transplantation, approximately 50%
the general population, have already been discussed in are likely to be EBV-negative at the time, resulting in
the section of this chapter dealing with cancer in dialysis susceptibility to primary infection from a virus-positive
patients, and details are given in Table 35-1. However, graft or blood transfusion.22
some cancer types that occur in kidney transplant recipi- The frequency with which lymphomas occurring in
ents warrant special mention. transplant recipients involve the central nervous sys-
tem is notable. In approximately 40% of lymphomas in
transplant recipients, the brain or spinal cord is involved
Skin Malignancies compared with 2% of such malignancies in the general
NMSCs are the most common malignancies in kidney population. These lymphomas involving the central ner-
transplant recipients, in whom they can be very aggres- vous system are frequently multicentric.
sive. They represent a particular problem in parts of the
world where predominantly white populations are ex- Kaposi’s Sarcoma
posed regularly to high-intensity solar UV light. Skin
malignancies in transplant recipients are discussed in de- Kaposi's sarcoma is an angioproliferative disorder that
tail in Chapter 34. requires infection with human herpesvirus, also known
as Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, for its devel-
opment. Genetic predisposition has an important role as
Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
well, and Kaposi’s sarcoma occurs more frequently in im-
Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is munosuppressed transplant recipients of Italian, Greek,
a spectrum of major, life-threatening lymphoprolifera- Jewish, Arabic, and African ancestry,74 no matter where
tive diseases occurring in the posttransplant setting. The these patients are resident when they receive their trans-
majority of PTLD is of B-cell origin and is associated plant. The incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma in any trans-
with several risk factors, the most significant being EBV plant population depends largely on the proportion of
infection. The term EBV-associated PTLD includes all patients with Mediterranean heritage in that population.
clinical syndromes of EBV-associated lymphoprolifera- In countries such as the United States and Australia,
tion, ranging from uncomplicated posttransplant infec- Kaposi’s sarcoma affects approximately 0.25% of renal
tious mononucleosis to true malignancies that contain allograft recipients, contributing 2–3% of all cancers. In
clonal chromosomal abnormalities.68,79 Classification Japan, Kaposi’s sarcoma is extremely rare,37 whereas it is
has changed over time, with the most recent suggested common in the Middle East, affecting approximately 5%
by the World Health Organization.40 EBV-associated of recipients in Saudi Arabia, and constituting 40–70% of
malignancies affect approximately 1–2% of all kidney all posttransplant cancers.80 Men are affected three times
transplant recipients.86 There is a bimodal distribution of as frequently as women, and almost 50% of cases occur
timing of occurrence after transplantation, with a peak of within the first year after transplantation.74 The role of
cases occurring in the first 2 years and a second peak immunosuppression in the development of Kaposi’s sar-
occurring between 5 and 10 years after transplantation. coma is supported by the fact that withdrawal of immu-
However, the incidence of non-EBV-positive PTLD nosuppression sometimes results in complete remission.74
remains far higher than the incidence of lymphoma in Kaposi’s sarcoma developing in transplant recipients
non-immunocompromised subjects. tends to be multicentric. Of transplant patients with this
A marked increase in the incidence of PTLD in kidney condition, 60% have involvement of the skin or the oro-
transplant recipients was reported after the introduction pharyngolaryngeal mucosa or both.75 In these sites, the
578 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

lesions appear as circumscribed purplish macules or as chemotherapy regimens in PTLD and a choice is gener-
granulomas that fail to heal. The remaining patients have ally made based upon physician experience and side effect
visceral disease, particularly involving the gastrointesti- profile. Novel therapies of adoptive immunotherapy are
nal tract or the respiratory system. Approximately 40% under investigation. EBV-seropositive allogeneic donor
of patients with non-visceral lesions have complete or lymphocyte infusions have been used successfully, as has
partial remission after cessation or reduction of immu- infusion of in vitro-­generated autologous and allogeneic
nosuppressive therapy, although with reduced immuno- EBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, with the aim of
suppression, more than 50% of these patients lose their reconstituting EBV-specific T-cell immunity. Localized
grafts to rejection. Patients with visceral involvement lymphoma may be suitable for debulking surgical excision.
usually fail to respond to any form of therapy. There is
some evidence from case series that mTORi may provide
effective therapy9,29 (see Chapter 19).
Time of Cancer Presentation
In general, for potential transplant recipients with a prior
In non-immunosuppressed individuals, known carcino-
history of cancer, a recurrence-free waiting period of
gens, such as tobacco, UV light, and ionizing radiation,
2–5 years before transplantation is recommended; how-
have long latent periods between exposure and the de-
ever this must be individualized based on patient and
velopment of malignancy. In immunosuppressed kidney
tumor characteristics.41,49 In an early review of the prob-
transplant recipients, the process of oncogenesis is greatly
lem, Penn73 reported patients with non-renal malignan-
accelerated. In Australia, the mean time of appearance for
cies who had been treated before transplantation. Of 119
lymphomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and malignancy of the en-
patients with tumors involving the breast or a variety of
docrine glands is approximately 6 years after transplanta-
internal organs, 18 (14%) developed recurrence or me-
tion; for cancer affecting the respiratory tract it is 8 years;
tastasis, mostly from tumors of the breast, bladder, or
for breast cancer, genitourinary system cancers, and leu-
large bowel. Although recurrence generally was less likely
kemia it is 9 years; and for cancer of the alimentary tract
to occur with greater time from treatment of the cancer
it is 10 years.87
to transplantation, 28% of the recurrences occurred in
patients who had been treated an average of 7 years be-
Management of Cancer in Kidney fore transplantation. There were 22 patients with prior
Transplant Recipients lymphatic malignancies, and the disease persisted or re-
curred in 50%. Most of the recurrences were in patients
Localized non-skin malignancies should be treated by who had multiple myeloma. Nine of the 11 patients were
standard surgical excision, with adjuvant radiotherapy not being treated or were not in remission at the time
or chemotherapy as considered appropriate. If com- of transplantation, or the existing malignancies had not
plete surgical excision is possible, it is usually considered been recognized. Generally, recurrences did not occur in
reasonable to continue immunosuppressive therapy. If patients treated more than 2 years before transplantation
metastatic disease is present or develops, however, most or who were in remission at the time of transplantation.
clinicians withdraw immunosuppression, arrange exci- Previously treated melanoma presents a particular
sion of metastases if these appear to be single or localized, problem because in non-immunosuppressed patients this
institute chemotherapy if surgical removal is impossible, disease can recur more than 25 years after apparently suc-
and remove the allograft when rejection occurs. As ex- cessful treatment,85 indicating that in some cases the dis-
pected, survival rates are lower in transplant recipients ease persists but is controlled by the individual’s immune
than they are in the general population. defenses. The risks of recurrence of melanoma after
The treatment of PTLD is an evolving area and man- transplantation are considerable, and if transplantation
agement varies significantly according to the type of is contemplated, screening with a sensitive test such as a
lymphoproliferative disease present. In general, reduc- positron emission tomography scan should be performed
tion of immunosuppression on diagnosis is instituted, before proceeding, although microscopic metastatic dis-
but the optimal immunosuppression reduction to ensure ease will not be detected using this test or any other in-
regression of disease is unknown, and decisions are usu- vestigation presently available.
ally based on the severity of the disease in combination Currently, most clinicians consider it reasonable to
with the health risk associated with possible loss of the offer transplantation to patients with ESKD without
allograft. Although there is currently no evidence of the wait time after treatment of low-grade cancers such as
efficacy of antiviral therapy for treatment of PTLD, NMSC, in situ cancer of the cervix, in situ bladder can-
antiviral agents such as ganciclovir are commonly used cer, and all non-invasive papillary tumors of the bladder.
for EBV-associated PTLD. Patients with monoclonal For patients who have had other cancers treated suc-
malignancies can be treated with chemotherapy, com- cessfully, guidelines advise deferring transplantation for
monly CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vin- at least 2 years. A wait of 5 years following treatment is
cristine, prednisolone), For patients who have PTLD advised for melanoma, breast cancer with regional node
that expresses CD20+, chemotherapy is usually admin- involvement, bilateral disease, or inflammatory histol-
istered in conjunction with rituximab. There have been ogy, and colorectal carcinoma other than in situ Dukes
no published randomized studies comparing different A or B1 disease.
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 579

PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION the reported trial-based vaccine efficacy in HPV-naïve
women, a program of HPV vaccination before kidney
OF CANCER IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT transplantation may not be cost-effective.107
RECIPIENTS When considering screening for colorectal cancer,
transplant recipients have both a higher risk and a worse
As indicated earlier, all reasonable measures should be prognosis than the general population. Economic evalua-
taken to exclude malignancy in every potential recipi- tion suggests that colorectal cancer screening using annual
ent before offering transplantation. The known risks of fecal occult blood testing may be cost-effective in kidney
cigarette smoking should be explained, and appropriate transplant recipients, if at least 50% of recipients partici-
advice should be given about sun protection, particularly pate. Annual and biennial fecal occult blood testing is the
in geographic areas where there is a high risk of skin only screening modality that has been shown in random-
malignancy. Pretransplant dermatological assessment is ized controlled trials to reduce colorectal cancer-specific
advisable, and existing skin lesions should be treated. In mortality in the general population. However, without a
female patients, pretransplant gynecological assessment randomized controlled trial in the kidney transplant pop-
should be mandatory, and any abnormality of the uterine ulation assessing the benefits and harms of colorectal can-
cervix should be treated adequately before transplanta- cer screening, uncertainties will always exist.106
tion. Pretransplant viral studies should be undertaken, Considering screening for breast and prostate cancer in
including tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cytomegalovi- kidney recipients, neither is likely to produce the magni-
rus, HIV, EBV, herpes simplex, and herpes zoster. Donor tude of benefit seen in the general population, principally
viral studies also should be routine to avoid or at least because fewer years of life are likely to be lost to cancer,
document viral transmission. After transplantation, the due to competing risks for morbidity and mortality. Only
use of prophylactic antiviral agents may be considered for those non-diabetic transplant recipients at elevated risk
patients who are judged to be at high risk for viral infec- of cancer are likely to see benefit from screening of the
tion, such as cytomegalovirus-negative or EBV-negative magnitude measured in the general population.47
recipients who receive organs from donors positive for
these viruses, or for recipients receiving high-dose im-
munosuppression to treat rejection (see Chapter 29). By
preventing or controlling infections, it is hoped that the SURVIVAL IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
risk of post-transplant malignancy will be reduced. RECIPIENTS WHO DEVELOP CANCER
As kidney transplant recipients are at higher risk of
cancer at most sites, and cancer after transplantation Whether overall mortality rates for specific cancer types
causes considerable morbidity and mortality, participa- are different in transplant populations compared to the
tion in cancer screening programs is appealing. However, general population is not entirely clear. Analysis of the
the survival benefits demonstrasted in an otherwise United States Renal Data System showed that the stan-
healthy general population may not be assumed in a kid- dardized mortality ratios were very high in younger
ney transplant population. The role of infections in car- transplant recipients and low in older transplant re-
cinogenesis may offer opportunity to intervene to reduce cipients, although there was no overall increase.48 The
risk. Although immunization against infections known to authors suggested that competing risks of death from
have oncogenic potential may seem an obvious preven- other causes dampen the impact of immunosuppression-
tive strategy for transplant recipients, achieving a protec- induced malignancy in the older transplant population.
tive immune response following vaccination is not always Cardiovascular mortality is the most important cause of
possible. People on dialysis have a reduced response to death, particularly in patients with diabetes and those
vaccination, with a lower antibody titer and an inability to with a prior cardiac history. Consistent with this hypoth-
maintain adequate antibody titers over time.20 Antibody esis, older age, diabetes, and prior history of congestive
response after transplantation is usually even worse, par- heart failure and stroke were independently associated
ticularly in the first posttransplant year, when the burden with lower cancer mortality. The higher cancer standard-
of iatrogenic immunosuppression is most intense. ized mortality ratios in younger patients also support this
Because early diagnosis offers the best chance of ef- hypothesis, as patients in this group have longer pro-
fective treatment, clinicians caring for kidney transplant jected life expectancies (lower competing risks of death)
recipients must be constantly alert to the possibility of with greater cumulative risks of succumbing to their ma-
cancer development. Regular clinical review by trans- lignancy. The authors also suggested that early cancer
plant clinicians is essential, with periodic gynecological mortality might be delayed because pretransplant screen-
review of female recipients, and careful dermatological ing eliminates potential recipients with serious cancers;
surveillance for all recipients considered to be at risk of this was based on the finding that death rates were lower
developing skin malignancy. in the most recently transplanted patients, increasing af-
Health economic evaluations can offer insights into ter year 5 posttransplantation.
the likely effectivness of screening programs. For female Analysis using the ANZDATA registry compared
recipients, the recommended policy of annual screening death rates among four groups: (1) those with a trans-
for cervical cancer using conventional cytology is cost- plant but no cancer; (2) those with a transplant and
effective. The replacement of conventional cytology with cancer; (3) those with cancer but no transplant; and (4)
liquid-based cytology is likely to provide minimal survival those with neither transplant nor cancer (i.e., the gen-
benefit but incur considerable additional cost. Assuming eral population) between 1988 and 2005.100 Death rates
580 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Mortality rates by sex

Female Male

Transplant with cancer

Transplant no cancer
30000 General population with cancer
General population no cancer
Death rate per 100,000




20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
FIGURE 35-2  ■ Mortality rates with and without cancer after transplantation. Death rates indirectly standardized by age, sex, and
calendar year for people in Australia and New Zealand, 1988–2005. (From Webster AC, Wong G. Chapter 10, Cancer. ANZDATA Registry
Report 2008. 31st annual report. Adelaide, South Australia: Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (http://www.anzdata.
org.au), 2009.)

were compared, after applying indirect standardization calendar year, and country (Australia or New Zealand)
by age, sex, and calendar year. The results are shown in among the populations.101
Figure 35-2. As expected, there were differences in sur- Relative survival for people with breast cancer is shown
vival for men and for women. Death rates for people with in Figure 35-3. The effect of comorbidity with a kidney
a transplant and no cancer were similar to those with can- transplant and breast cancer was pronounced overall and
cer but no transplant, and these death rates are similar to for all age subgroups, with poorer relative survival com-
those of people 30 years older from the general popula- pared with the transplant alone and the breast cancer alone
tion with neither a transplant nor cancer. Between 1963 groups. This is reported in Figure 35-3. For example, a
and 2006 there were 15 183 transplant recipients, with a woman aged 50–59 with breast cancer experiences 14%
mean follow-up of 9.0 years, and a total 135 968 years of excess mortality compared with expected background
risk. During follow-up 1642 (10.8%) developed at least mortality in the general population, a woman of the same
one cancer and 6479 (42.7%) died. Within the transplant age with a transplant experiences 16% excess mortality,
population, older age and male sex increased the risk of and a woman with both a transplant and a breast cancer
death (transplanted >55 years versus <35 years HR 4.47, experiences 48% excess mortality.
4.15–4.83; male versus female HR 1.09, 1.04–1.15), as Relative survival for people with colorectal cancer is
did diabetic ESKD (versus glomerulonephritis HR 1.78, shown in Figure 35-3. Survival differed by age and sex
1.61–1.96) and graft failure (HR 3.81, 3.62–4.01), but (shown in Figure 35-3). For males >55 years, the 5-year
white racial background was protective (HR 0.79, 0.73– relative survival was 0.79 with a transplant alone, 0.57
0.85). After allowing for these effects, a cancer diagnosis with colorectal cancer alone, but 0.27 with transplant
increased the risk of early death more than fourfold (HR plus colorectal cancer (73% excess mortality compared
4.12, 3.84–4.43). to general population expectations). Women with both
An alternative way to consider cancer-related mortal- a transplant and colorectal cancer had a marked excess
ity in the transplant population is to examine relative sur- mortality compared to men, and to women with cancer
vival. This is calculated as the ratio of observed compared alone or a transplant alone.
to expected survival in the general population of the same
age and sex, over the same time period. A ratio of 1 indi-
cates survival equivalent to the general population; ratios CONCLUSIONS
<1 indicate lower survival (higher mortality) compared to
the general population. Work from the ANZDATA reg- The great success of dialysis and transplantation pro-
istry considered expected survival for transplant patients grams over the past several decades has meant that large
with breast or colorectal cancer compared to transplant numbers of patients are surviving for much longer than
recipients without cancer, and compared it with people in previously. However, this has meant that the problem
the general population diagnosed with breast or colorec- of malignancy developing in dialysis and transplant pa-
tal cancer. The relative survival analysis standardized tients has steadily increased, because of their prolonged
for any differences in mortality attributable to age, sex, survival. Those caring for these patients must therefore
Cancer in Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients 581

Relative survival ratio (excess mortality) Relative survival ratio (excess mortality)

Relative survival

Relative survival
0.6 0.6

0.4 Transplant alone 0.4

Cancer alone
Transplant alone
0.2 Transplant plus cancer
Cancer alone

0 Transplant plus cancer

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
B Years from diagnosis
C Years from diagnosis
FIGURE 35-3  ■  Relative survival (excess mortality) for people with colorectal cancer or breast cancer. (A) Five-year relative survival for
transplant recipients with and without breast or colorectal cancer, and people without transplants with breast or colorectal cancer,
compared with expected survival in the general population. (B) Relative survival for female transplant recipients with and without
breast cancer, and women with breast cancer alone. (C) Relative survival for transplant recipients with and without colorectal cancer,
and people with colorectal cancer alone.

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Pancreas and Kidney

Transplantation for Diabetic
Angelika C. Gruessner  •  Rainer W.G. Gruessner


HISTORY Pancreas Transplant Outcome for

Contemporary (2000–2005) US Cases
Outcome by Recipient and Donor
Indications Risk Factors
Recipient Categories Survival Probabilities for Patients who
ALLOCATION Remained on the Waiting List
Expected Life-Year Gains from an Extra
Surgical Techniques
Postoperative Care METABOLIC STUDIES
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
Changes over Time of Pancreas Transplant Nephropathy
Outcomes Neuropathy
Improvements in Pancreas Transplant
Outcomes by Era SUMMARY

Type 1 diabetes, which most commonly manifests in many patients, require more attention and medical ser-
childhood, continues to represent a therapeutic challenge. vices than are routinely available in clinical practice,10
Secondary diabetes complications, observed in 30–50% and be accompanied by an increased frequency of severe
of patients who live more than 20 years after onset of the hypoglycemia.17 Currently, the only way to restore sus-
disease, result in poor quality of life (QOL), premature tained normoglycemia without the associated risk of hy-
death, and considerable healthcare costs.79 The principal poglycemia is to replace the patient’s glucose-sensing and
determinant of the risk of devastating diabetes compli- insulin-secreting pancreatic islet beta cells either by the
cations is the total lifetime exposure to elevated blood transplantation of a vascularized pancreas121 or by the in-
glucose levels.17 Establishing safe and effective methods fusion of isolated pancreatic islets.113 The tradeoff is the
of achieving and maintaining normoglycemia would have need for immunosuppression to prevent rejection of al-
substantial implications for the health and QOL of indi- logeneic tissue, and, for this reason, most pancreas or islet
viduals with diabetes. transplant recipients have been adults, but the potential
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial for application earlier in the course of the disease exists,
(DCCT) showed that, given a qualified diabetes care particularly in diabetic children already on immunosup-
team and intensive insulin treatment control, near-­ pression for other indications.4
normalization of glycemia could be achieved and sus- By the mid-1990s, more than 1500 pancreas trans-
tained for several years. Such a near-perfect level of plants were being done annually worldwide (Figure 36-1),
treatment would increase a patient’s burden of day-to- as reported to the International Pancreas Transplant
day diabetes management, be difficult to implement for Registry (IPTR).36 By 2005, about 25 000 vascularized

Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 585

pre application (Figure 36-1). Innovations in surgical tech-

1978 niques and in immunosuppression were responsible for
1979 Total: n=24974
the improved success rates.
Non USA: n=6346 The first pancreas transplant was a duct-ligated seg-
1981 USA: n=18628 mental (body and tail) graft,53 but this approach was as-
sociated with multiple complications. In a series of 13
1983 more pancreas transplants between 1966 and 1973 at
the University of Minnesota,61,62 Lillehei and colleagues
devised the whole pancreas–duodenal transplant tech-
1987 nique to the iliac vessels with enteric drainage via a duo-
denoenterostomy to native small bowel, which is now a
1989 routine at most centers. The initial results were not as
good as today, however, and several surgeons devised al-
ternative techniques during the 1970s and early 1980s.125
1993 Dubernard and colleagues22 in Lyons, France, introduced
duct injection of a synthetic polymer as a method to block
1995 secretions and cause fibrosis in the exocrine pancreas of a
segmental graft with sparing of the endocrine component,
and many pioneering centers adopted this technique,
1999 ­although it is little used today. Gliedman and associates30
introduced urinary drainage via a ureteroductostomy for
2001 segmental grafts, and Sollinger and coworkers106 later
modified this approach with direct anastomosis of a du-
odenal patch of a whole-pancreas graft to the recipient
2005 bladder. Nghiem and Corry83 did further modification
of urinary drainage, retaining a bubble of duodenum for
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Number of transplants
duodenocystostomy as Lillehei and associates62 had done
for duodenoenterostomy.
FIGURE 36-1 ■ Annual number of US and non-US pancreas From the early 1980s until the mid-1990s, the blad-
transplants reported to the International Pancreas Transplant
Registry, 1978–2005. der drainage technique with duodenocystostomy was
the predominant technique for pancreas transplants.
The bladder drainage technique had a low acute com-
pancreas transplants had been performed, approxi- plication rate and was helpful in monitoring for rejection
mately three-fourths in the United States, with very by detection of a decline in urine amylase activity, but
large series at some centers.126 Most were done to es- chronic complications, such as recurrent urinary tract
tablish insulin independence in patients with de novo infections or dehydration from fluid loss via the exocrine
type 1 diabetes mellitus, but enteric drainage pancreas secretions, were common. In the mid-1990s, a switch oc-
transplants have been used to correct endocrine and curred, and enteric drainage, as described by Lillehei and
exocrine deficiency after total pancreatectomy in some colleagues62 and never totally out of fashion,109,126 over-
patients40,43 and from diseases such as cystic fibrosis in took bladder drainage as the predominant technique. In
other patients.112 addition, portal rather than systemic venous drainage
More than 120 institutions in the United States and began to be used by some groups for enteric drainage
nearly the same number outside the United States have whole-pancreas duodenal transplants.99 Portal venous
performed pancreas transplants.36 The IPTR was founded drainage was originally introduced by Calne in 198414
in 1980 to analyze the cases.120 In 1987, reporting of US for segmental pancreas grafts as a more physiological
cases became obligatory through the United Network for technique and was applied by several groups sporadically
Organ Sharing (UNOS), and annual reports have been over the years.125
made since then.35–37 With advances in immunosuppression, including
the introduction of cyclosporine by Calne and associ-
ates in 1979,15 tacrolimus by Starzl and coworkers in
HISTORY 1989,110 and mycophenolate mofetil by Sollinger in
1995,105 bladder drainage had become less important
The first clinical pancreas transplant was performed for monitoring for rejection. In recipients of simulta-
in 1966 by Kelly and Lillehei, simultaneously with a neous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplants from the
kidney transplant, in a uremic diabetic patient at the same donor, the kidney could be monitored for rejec-
University of Minnesota.53 Shortly thereafter, a few in- tion episodes (elevation of serum creatinine) as a sur-
stitutions around the world began to perform pancreas rogate marker for pancreas rejection before there was
transplants, as detailed in a comprehensive history in sufficient pancreas damage to cause hyperglycemia. In
another book.125 solitary pancreas transplants, serum creatinine could
The success rate (long-term insulin independence) not be used as a marker for r­ ejection, however, and in
with pancreas transplantation was initially low, but it in- such cases bladder drainage remained useful and con-
creased considerably in the 1980s, leading to increased tinues to be applied.125
586 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

INDICATIONS AND CATEGORIES been done with a simultaneous deceased donor pancreas
and a living donor kidney.41,124 A simultaneous deceased
donor pancreas and a living donor kidney transplant is
Indications conceptually similar to a different donor PAK trans-
A pancreas transplant is performed to treat diabetes plant (living donor kidney followed by a deceased donor
mellitus, most commonly in conjunction with a kidney pancreas) but has the advantage of achieving the overall
transplant for patients with kidney failure or dysfunc- objective (correction of uremia and diabetes) with one op-
tion secondary to diabetic nephropathy (see Recipient eration in the recipient, while pre-empting dialysis (if the
Categories, below). For such patients, the decision to un- waiting time for the deceased donor pancreas is short). If
dergo a pancreas transplant is not difficult. Because they the waiting time is predicted to be long for a deceased do-
are already candidates for a kidney transplant, they would nor pancreas, the simultaneous deceased donor pancreas
require lifelong immunosuppression. The only signifi- and a living donor kidney advantage of ultimately having
cant additional risk of a pancreas transplant is the surgical one operation may not offset the disadvantage of having
risk associated with the operative procedure. The op- to go on maintenance dialysis while waiting.
tions available for such patients include undergoing both Most PAK recipients have had two deceased donor
transplants simultaneously (from a deceased or a living organs, either a living donor kidney followed by a de-
donor or a combination of both) or undergoing the two ceased donor pancreas (most common in our series) or
transplants sequentially (usually the kidney transplant a deceased donor kidney followed by a deceased donor
first, followed weeks or months later by the pancreas pancreas. A few sequential living donor kidney and living
transplant). Which option is best depends on the indi- donor pancreas transplants from different donors have
vidual patient’s medical status, the availability of donors, been done.126 In most KAP recipients, each organ came
and personal preference. These options are discussed in from different donors, either a deceased donor pancreas
more detail later. followed by a living donor kidney (most common) or a
For diabetic patients with preserved kidney function, deceased donor pancreas followed by a deceased donor
the decision to undergo a pancreas transplant must bal- kidney. If a kidney and pancreas candidate with high
ance the risks of long-term immunosuppression with risks plasma renin activity has a negative crossmatch against
of long-term insulin therapy. The decision is easiest for a potential living donor, we would advise a living donor
patients with brittle diabetes who have rapid fluctuations KTA with subsequent placement on the PAK waiting list
in blood glucose levels, frequent episodes of diabetic ke- or a living donor, same donor SPK transplant if a suitable
toacidosis, or significant hypoglycemic unawareness.46 donor is willing to give both organs.
For such patients, a successful pancreas transplant be- If a PTA candidate with moderately advanced ne-
comes a life-saving procedure. Even for patients with less phropathy (e.g., glomerular filtration rate of 60 mL/min
severe diabetes, a pancreas transplant can improve QOL or less) has an identified living donor for a kidney in case
markedly and, to some extent, halt progression of sec- one is needed, a deceased donor pancreas transplant can
ondary complications of diabetes. be done first, knowing that if the native kidneys deterio-
rate a living donor kidney can be added pre-emptively as
Recipient Categories uremic symptoms appear. If the candidate does not have a
living donor for a kidney, a judgment has to be made about
Diabetic pancreas transplant recipients can be divided the value of correcting diabetes at the possible expense of
into two broad classifications: (1) patients with nephrop- accelerating the decline in kidney function by exposure to
athy to such a degree that they also undergo a kidney calcineurin inhibitors. At the University of Minnesota,126
transplant, either simultaneously or sequentially; and (2) as has been done elsewhere,60 such patients are placed on
patients, usually without end-stage renal disease, who un- calcineurin inhibitors before transplantation. If kidney
dergo only a pancreas transplant. Within these two broad function deteriorates acutely, the drug is stopped and the
classifications are several recipient categories. The tradi- patient is placed on the waiting list for a deceased donor
tional categories are as follows: SPK transplant; the wait may be long, but the zero-HLA
1. SPK transplant mismatch lottery gives a chance of a pre-emptive trans-
2. Pancreas after kidney (PAK) transplant (in the in- plant, even before reaching the glomerular filtration rate
terval between the two transplants, the recipient level (20 mL/min) that confers eligibility for waiting time
would be in the kidney transplant alone (KTA) points. Not all PTA patients with moderately advanced
category) nephropathy experience progressive deterioration of kid-
3. Pancreas transplant alone (PTA) ney function while on calcineurin inhibitors. For some
4. Kidney after pancreas (KAP) transplant (in the in- patients, their native kidney morphology improves after
terval between the two transplants, the recipient correction of the diabetic state.27
would be in the PTA category). In the University of Minnesota experience with more
Worldwide, in most SPK transplants, both organs have than 400 PTA recipients, about 4% went on to have a
come from the same donor, and the donor has been a de- KAP within 1 year, and 10% had a KAP within 5 years
ceased donor,35 but at the University of Minnesota, from of pancreas transplant.126 Only 6% of the KAP recipients
1994 through 2002, 10% were from a living donor.126 at the University of Minnesota were on dialysis at the
Other centers have done living donor, same donor SPK time of kidney transplant.126 About half of the KAP re-
transplants as well.5 For some SPK transplants, each or- cipients had a functioning pancreas at the time of kidney
gan has come from different donors, and transplants have transplant. About one-third of the KAP transplants at the
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 587

University of Minnesota have been done in conjunction while others are resistant, and some have kidneys with
with a pancreas retransplant (SPK); most patients in this the capacity to stabilize functionally and improve mor-
subgroup had rejected the PTA graft because calcineurin phologically after a PTA.27 For patients in the gray zone,
inhibitor levels were kept low in an attempt to preserve the findings on native kidney biopsy specimens, kidney
native kidney function. By adding a normal kidney to the function while on calcineurin inhibitors, and availability
pancreas retransplant, adequate calcineurin inhibitor lev- of living donors are our three main guides to selecting
els can be maintained to prevent rejection. the treatment plan: PTA or simultaneous or sequential
KAP recipients with functioning pancreas grafts un- kidney and pancreas transplants.
derwent kidney transplant to obviate early uremic symp-
toms and chronic fatigue and to obtain the full benefit
of immunosuppression. This strategy has been highly ef- ALLOCATION
fective. At 1 year, graft survival rates in KAP recipients
of a solitary kidney are 96%.126 Two-thirds of the KAP The allocation scheme must accommodate candidates
transplants of a solitary kidney were from a living donor, for a solitary pancreas transplant and candidates for a de-
greatly facilitating the process. Even for PTA candidates ceased donor kidney transplant. In some organ procure-
with moderately advanced nephropathy who tolerate pre- ment organizations, usually single-center organizations,
transplant calcineurin inhibitors with minimal early dete- SPK candidates are given priority over KTA candidates
rioration, early identification of potential living donors when the pancreas and a kidney from a deceased donor
for a kidney is encouraged so that the KAP option can be are suitable for transplantation. Some organ procurement
expedited whenever appropriate. organizations have no, or few, solitary PTA candidates
In contrast to the subgroup of PTA recipients whose listed. In such organizations, the local use of deceased
native kidney function deteriorated to the point where a donor pancreata depends on whether SPK candidates are
KAP was done, there is a subgroup of PTA recipients with given priority over KTA candidates (diabetic and non-
moderately advanced nephropathy (per pretransplant na- diabetic). If priority is given to SPK candidates, theo-
tive kidney biopsy specimens) whose lesions completely retically, half of the kidneys would go to uremic diabetics
or partially resolve 5–10 years after transplantation.27 (even though they comprise less than half of the com-
These PTA recipients were probably spared from a kid- bined SPK and KTA list). The result would be shorter
ney transplant; based on their original biopsy findings, kidney waiting times for patients with diabetic nephropa-
progressive deterioration would have been predicted had thy than for patients with other causes of end-stage renal
they remained diabetic. disease. The proportion of uremic diabetic patients who
The native kidney function of some PTA candidates are listed for an SPK transplant (versus KTA) approaches
is in a gray zone. Diabetic nephropathy may be mod- 100% in some organ procurement organizations, so vir-
erately advanced, but uremic symptoms are absent or tually all KTA candidates are non-diabetic.
minimal. Some such candidates are extremely sensitive to In practice, not all deceased kidney donors are judged to
the nephrotoxic effect of calcineurin inhibitors.60 At the have a pancreas suitable for transplantation. Even with the
University of Minnesota, all PTA candidates are placed extreme policy of full priority of SPK over KTA candidates
on calcineurin inhibitors before transplantation and then for a kidney from deceased donors with a suitable pancreas,
monitored for kidney function and side effects. If kidney less than half of the locally procured deceased kidneys are
function declines substantially and symptoms appear, the transplanted in SPK recipients. With such a policy, wait-
calcineurin inhibitor is stopped, and the patient becomes ing times are shorter for diabetic SPK (versus non-diabetic
a candidate for a kidney transplant, ideally from a liv- or diabetic KTA) candidates. About 25% of kidney trans-
ing donor. If no living donor is available, the candidate plant candidates are diabetic, so in organ procurement or-
is placed on the waiting list for a deceased donor SPK ganizations with an extreme policy the pancreata from all
transplant. deceased donors with a suitable pancreas tend to be used.
The patient would remain on the PTA list if his or her At the other end of the spectrum are organ procure-
diabetes is extremely labile, recognizing that the interval ment organizations (usually multicenter) that give no
until dialysis if necessary could be shortened by reintro- priority to SPK candidates. In such organizations, the
duction of a calcineurin inhibitor at the time of a PTA. kidneys are allocated to the two highest-ranked suitable
Such an extreme approach is prompted by the fact that, candidates on the specific list generated for a deceased
in the United States under the UNOS system, waiting donor. The donor pancreas is used locally for an SPK can-
time points for a deceased donor kidney (KTA, SPK, or didate but only if that candidate is one of the two highest-
KAP) do not accumulate until the candidate’s creatinine ranked suitable candidates for the kidney. Other organ
clearance is 20 mL/min or less. Many candidates for a de- procurement organizations have allocation schemes that
ceased donor SPK transplant have a creatinine clearance fall between the extremes.
greater than 20 mL/min when initially evaluated. Compared with non-diabetic kidney transplant can-
Diabetic patients referred as potential PTA candidates didates, uremic diabetics have a high mortality rate
encompass a broad range of kidney function. Patients while waiting for transplants (6% per year according to
with a creatinine clearance of 100 mL/min or better are UNOS). This fact provides one rationale for including
at low risk for calcineurin inhibitor-induced reduction of medical priority in a deceased kidney allocation scheme
kidney function to the point where a kidney transplant (as is the case in liver and heart allocation); a pancreas al-
is indicated. Some patients with a creatinine clearance location scheme that gives full priority to SPK candidates
of 50–60 mL/min are sensitive to calcineurin inhibitors, in effect incorporates medical priority.
588 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Meanwhile, living donors are needed to compensate successfully transplanted.59 HIV-positive diabetics should
for the shortage of deceased donors. Rejection rates be considered for pancreas transplantation according to
have declined for deceased and living donor recipients, clinical indications. HCV can recur in liver allograft re-
so the main incentive to use living donors is to elimi- cipients, but overall outcomes have been good. In kidney
nate the waiting time and high mortality rate in certain allograft recipients, HCV does not seem to progress more
candidates while waiting. As more diabetics are listed for than in renal failure patients on dialysis.111 HCV-positive
deceased donor pancreas transplant, the waiting time is uremic diabetic patients have had SPK or PAK trans-
expected to approach or exceed that for deceased donor plants in our program; the incidence of progressive liver
kidneys, and the incentive to use living donors for pan- disease was no different from that of non-diabetic KTA
creas transplant is expected to increase. Incentives to use recipients. We see no reason to withhold pancreas trans-
living donors for segmental pancreas transplants have plantation from asymptomatic HCV-positive diabetics.
included the ability to induce an insulin-independent The age of pancreas transplant recipients theoretically
and dialysis-free state with one operation (SPK), and the has no limits. Analyses of pancreas transplant outcome by
elimination or reduction of waiting time for candidates recipient age have shown that the rejection rate is lower
in any category (PAK, PTA, and SPK) who have a high for recipients who are more than 45 years old.35,126 In the
potential for a long wait on the deceased donor transplant PTA category, patient survival rate at 1 year is nearly
list (e.g., because of high plasma renin activity). When 100% in the group older than 45 years, and graft survival
diabetic candidates for pancreas transplants with low rate is significantly higher than in younger recipients.
plasma renin activity are waiting 2–4 years for a deceased This finding is consistent with studies showing a blunting
donor, the incentive to take the pancreas living donor op- of primary immune responses as individuals age. In the
tion increases, as has happened for kidney transplants. older group, the main risk factor to address is cardiovas-
Methods to screen potential pancreas living donors for cular disease. Candidates should be screened for coronary
suitability have been developed. Briefly, volunteers are artery disease; if present, it should be corrected before
suitable to be hemipancreas donors if they have a body pancreas transplant, even if asymptomatic.64
mass index less than 28 kg/m2 (to minimize the need for Pancreas transplants have been done in diabetic chil-
increased insulin secretion to compensate for obesity), no dren (<18 years old).4 Pediatric SPK recipients have had
history of gestational diabetes, and normal glucose tol- less rejection than pediatric PTA recipients.4 In the early
erance with a threefold increase in first-phase blood in- experience, juvenile PTA recipients had more frequent
sulin concentration on intravenous arginine and glucose or severe rejection episodes than adults. The immuno-
stimulation. Living donors who meet these criteria retain suppressive regimen for pediatric patients must be more
normal glucose tolerance post donation; any changes in aggressive than that for adults. Living donors are par-
glucose or insulin levels would be no greater in magni- ticularly attractive for pancreas transplants in children
tude than the changes in creatinine clearance that are because the rejection rates for all types of organ allografts
seen after kidney donation. are lower than with deceased donors. Obtaining a suffi-
Islet autograft cases show the potential to increase the cient beta-cell mass should nearly always be possible with
efficiency of islet preparation and transplantation from parental donors of pediatric recipients.
deceased donors by duplicating, as nearly as possible, ideal Diabetic patients with exocrine deficiency as a result of
conditions (very short preservation time, elimination of a total pancreatectomy for benign disease (usually chronic
purification process with reduced tissue volume from half pancreatitis) also are special cases. Ideally, pancreatecto-
of a pancreas). The cases also show the potential to trans- mized patients should have had diabetes prevented by
plant more than one recipient with islets from one pan- an islet autograft (if they were non-diabetic before the
creas. The precedent for splitting a deceased pancreas for total pancreatectomy). Some become diabetic from the
transplantation as immediately vascularized grafts (head chronic pancreatitis before the pancreatectomy, however.
and tail) into two diabetic recipients goes back to 1988127 Others have an insufficient yield of autologous islets to
and preceded the use of split deceased liver transplants.23 prevent diabetes. Still others have had the pancreatec-
tomy at institutions not offering islet autotransplants.
The combination of diabetes and exocrine deficiency
SPECIFIC RISK FACTORS poses a special problem. Erratic food absorption coupled
with exogenous insulin predisposes to hypoglycemic
The preceding sections outlined algorithms for pancreas events. Such patients would benefit most from an enteric
transplants in general diabetic and uremic diabetic pa- drainage pancreas transplant so that exocrine and endo-
tients. Some candidates have risk factors that require spe- crine deficiencies are corrected.
cial consideration, however. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not Some patients with severe exocrine deficiency from
allow blood transfusions. Most pancreas transplants are chronic pancreatitis are not diabetic. Some are pain-free,
done without substantial blood loss, but, as is true for any and exocrine deficiency is the sole problem. Oral enzyme
major surgery, some patients may need transfusions. The therapy usually improves food absorption but not in all.
Jehovah’s Witnesses we have transplanted all have survived Enteric drainage pancreas transplants have abolished ste-
the operation,49 but they faced an above-average risk. atorrhea and the need for oral enzyme therapy in some
Chronic viral infection (e.g., human immunodefi- patients with exocrine deficiency.40,112 There is a rationale
ciency virus (HIV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV)) also pose to treat exocrine deficiency by enteric drainage pancreas
additional risks for allograft candidates. With modern transplant in patients with serious nutritional problems.
HIV therapeutic agents, infected patients have been We have done so by adding a second enteric drainage
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 589

pancreas transplant in a totally pancreatectomized pa-

tient whose initial bladder drainage pancreas transplant
corrected only diabetes.126 For technical reasons, a con-
version from bladder drainage to enteric drainage could
not be done, so the steatorrhea and malabsorption per-
sisted despite heavy administration of pancreatic enzymes
orally. The enzyme deficiency was solved by the enteric
drainage pancreas transplant, leaving the functioning
bladder drainage graft in place.126

Surgical Techniques
The pretransplant evaluation does not differ substantially
from that which is undertaken for diabetic kidney trans-
plant recipients. Examination of the cardiovascular sys-
tem is most important because significant coronary artery
disease may be present without symptoms. Non-invasive
testing may not identify such disease, so coronary angi-
ography is performed routinely. In PTA candidates, de-
tailed neurological, ophthalmological, metabolic, and FIGURE 36-2  ■  Simultaneous pancreas–kidney (SPK) transplanta-
renal function testing may be needed to assess the degree tion using a whole pancreas–duodenal graft from a deceased
of progression of secondary complications. When pa- donor with systemic venous drainage to the right iliac vein and
tients are placed on a waiting list, their medical condition bladder drainage of the pancreas exocrine secretions via a duo-
should be reassessed yearly or more frequently. denocystostomy. The pancreas and the kidney are placed intra-
peritoneally through a midline incision. The donor splenic artery,
As mentioned in the history section, a variety of tech- supplying the pancreatic tail, and the donor superior mesenteric
niques have been used for management of the exocrine artery, supplying the pancreatic head, have been joined by a
secretions and venous drainage of pancreas transplants. Y-graft constructed from the donor common/external/internal il-
Most pancreas grafts are procured from multiorgan de- iac artery complex during a benchwork procedure, and the base
of the Y-graft is anastomosed to the recipient common iliac ar-
ceased donors, and because the liver and pancreas share tery. The mid-duodenum is anastomosed to the posterior dome
the origins of their arterial blood supply, a whole-organ of the bladder, and the duodenal stumps are oversewn. The kid-
pancreas graft usually requires a reconstruction.11,66 The ney graft could be from a living donor or the same deceased
tail of the pancreas is supplied by the splenic artery origi- donor as the pancreas graft, but in either case it is preferentially
nating from the celiac axis, and the head of the pancreas placed to the left iliac vessels so that the right side, with its more
superficial vessels, can be used for the pancreas transplant. In
is supplied by the pancreaticoduodenal arcades originat- this illustration, the donor ureter was implanted into the bladder
ing from the superior mesenteric artery and the hepatic using the Politano-Leadbetter technique via an anterior cystot-
artery. Because the latter goes with the liver, along with omy, a technique that also allows the duodenocystostomy to be
the celiac axis, the usual approach is to attach an arte- performed with an end-to-end anastomosis stapler with internal
oversewing of the anastomotic line using an absorbable suture
rial Y-graft of the donor iliac vessels, with anastomosis to cover the staples, followed by closure of the cystotomy. When
of the hypogastric artery to the graft splenic artery and enteric drainage is used for an SPK transplant, however, an ex-
the external iliac artery to the graft superior mesenteric ternal ureterocystoneostomy is usually done. (From Gruessner
artery, leaving the common iliac artery of the Y-graft for RWG, Sutherland DER, editors. Transplantation of the pancreas.
anastomosis to the recipient arterial system, usually the New York: Springer-Verlag; 2004. Color plate xiv.)
right common iliac artery. The portal vein of the pan-
creas graft can be anastomosed to the recipient’s common anastomosis (EEA) stapler brought through the distal
iliac vein (usually after the hypogastric veins have been duodenum (which is subsequently stapled closed) for
doubly ligated and divided) or vena cava, or to the recipi- connection to the post of the anvil projected through the
ent’s superior mesenteric vein. posterior bladder via an anterior cystostomy (Figure 36-2).
When venous drainage is to the recipient’s iliac vein, The inner layer is reinforced with a running absorbable
the whole-pancreas graft can be oriented with the head suture for hemostasis and for burying the staples under
directed into the pelvis or into the upper abdomen. the mucosa.
When directed cephalad, enteric drainage is the only op- With the enteric drainage–systemic venous drainage
tion. When directed caudally, the duodenum can be anas- technique, the anastomosis also may be hand-sewn in a
tomosed to either the bladder (Figure 36-2) or the bowel side-to-side fashion (Figure 36-3); stapled in a side-to-
(Figure 36-3). Figure 36-2, showing the bladder drainage side fashion, including using an EEA stapler inserted
technique, also depicts a kidney transplant to the left iliac into the distal graft duodenum with the post projected
vessels, but, as mentioned, enteric drainage is more com- through the side for connection to the anvil inserted into
mon than bladder drainage (Figure 36-4). recipient bowel through an enterotomy closed around the
With the bladder drainage technique, the anastomo- post with a pursestring; or hand-sewn in an end-to-side
sis may be hand-sewn or performed with an end-to-end fashion. The enteric anastomosis can be done directly to
590 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

FIGURE 36-3  ■ Whole pancreas–duodenal transplantation from

a deceased donor with systemic venous drainage and enteric
drainage of graft exocrine secretions to a proximal loop of re-
cipient jejunum. In this case, a side-to-side stapled or hand-
sewn duodenojejunostomy is illustrated. The pancreas with its
vascular anastomosis (donor Y-graft to recipient common iliac
artery, donor portal vein to recipient common iliac vein) is im-
planted in the standard fashion on the right side of the pelvis.
(From Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER, editors. Transplantation of
the pancreas. New York: Springer-Verlag; 2004. Color plate XVII.)

100 FIGURE 36-5  ■ Whole pancreas–duodenal transplantation from

a deceased donor with portal venous drainage via an end-to-
PAK side anastomosis to the recipient superior mesenteric vein ac-
80 PTA cessed below its confluence with the splenic vein. Drainage of
% enteric drained

SPK exocrine secretions is via a side-to-side duodenojejunostomy,

60 about 40–80 cm distal to the ligament of Treitz. Note the cepha-
lad position of the pancreatic head when portal venous drain-
age is done, as opposed to the caudal orientation possible with
40 systemic venous drainage, no different than that needed when
bladder drainage is done. In this illustration, the pancreas graft
overlies the root of the small-bowel mesentery, with the duode-
nal segment below the transverse colon, and the arterial Y-graft
anastomosed to the recipient common iliac artery through a
0 mesenteric tunnel. A retroperitoneal approach under the right
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 colon also is possible, in which case the arterial Y-graft can be
anastomosed directly to the recipient iliac artery, but the enteric
FIGURE 36-4  ■ Percentage of enteric drainage pancreas trans- anastomosis must be via a Roux-en-Y limb of recipient bowel
plants performed in the United States from 1988 through 2004 by brought through the mesentery. If a kidney is simultaneously
recipient category. PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, transplanted to the left iliac vessels, the ureter can be implanted
pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney. into the bladder using the extravesical ureterocystoneostomy
(Lich) technique, as illustrated. (From Gruessner RWG, Sutherland
DER, editors. Transplantation of the pancreas. New York: Springer-
the most convenient proximal small-bowel loop of the re- Verlag; 2004. Color plate xx.)
cipient (depicted) or to a Roux-en-Y segment of recipient
bowel that is created at the time. Outcome analyses (see
later) do not show any statistical advantage to creation of superior mesenteric vein, and the arterial Y-graft must
a Roux-en-Y loop. be brought through a window of mesentery for anas-
For portal drainage of the pancreas graft venous ef- tomosis to the recipient’s aorta or common iliac artery.
fluent (Figures 36-5 and 36-6), the head and duodenum The graft duodenum is anastomosed to recipient small
of the graft are oriented cephalad, and the graft portal bowel by the same techniques described for systemic ve-
vein is anastomosed directly to the recipient superior nous drainage, with or without (depicted) a Roux-en-Y
mesenteric vein. In Figure 36-5, the pancreas graft is loop of recipient bowel.
ventral to the recipient small-bowel mesentery so that An alternative approach for portal venous drainage
the venous anastomosis is to the ventral side of the of the pancreas graft effluent is to place the pancreas
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 591

60 PAK
50 SPK





1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
FIGURE 36-6  ■  Percentage of portal drainage in enteric drainage
pancreas transplants performed in the United States from 1996
through 2004 by recipient category. PAK, pancreas after kidney
transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous

retroperitoneally by reflecting the right colon to the left

and exposing the dorsal surface of the superior mesen-
teric vein, as described by Boggi and coworkers.12,13 The
arterial Y-graft can be anastomosed directly to the right
common iliac artery, but this approach mandates creation FIGURE 36-7  ■  Living donor segmental (body and tail) pancreas
of a Roux-en-Y limb of recipient bowel to bring through transplantation to right iliac vessels (systemic venous drainage)
and bladder drainage of exocrine secretions through a ducto-
the small bowel or transverse colon mesentery for a graft cystostomy via an intraperitoneal approach. The donor splenic
duodenoenterostomy. artery and splenic vein are anastomosed end-to-side to the re-
Other techniques can be used, including duct injection cipient external iliac artery and vein, after ligation and division
for a segmental graft. Segmental grafts are rarely used, of all hypogastric veins to bring the main vein as superficial as
except in the few cases of living donor pancreas trans- possible. The splenic artery anastomosis is lateral and proximal
to the splenic vein anastomosis. A two-layer ductocystostomy is
plants,5,39,123 and most of these have the exocrine secre- constructed. The pancreatic duct is approximated to the urothe-
tions managed by a ductoenterostomy to a Roux-en-Y lial layer (inner layer) using interrupted 7-0 absorbable sutures
limb of recipient bowel or by ductocystostomy (depicted) over a stent (inset). If a kidney is transplanted simultaneously,
to the recipient’s bladder (Figure 36-7). Segmental pan- the donor ureter is implanted into the bladder using the extra-
vesical ureterocystoneostomy (Lich) technique. (From Gruessner
creas transplants from living donors, with or without a RWG, Sutherland DER, editors. Transplantation of the pancreas.
kidney transplant, are particularly useful in candidates New York: Springer-Verlag; 2004. Color plate xvi.)
who would otherwise have a long wait for a deceased
donor organ, such as candidates with a high level of
HLA antibodies but with a negative crossmatch to a liv-
ing volunteer. More details are given on the variety of
surgical techniques in pancreas donors (deceased and
living) and recipients in a book dedicated to pancreas Intraoperative Care
transplantation.8 Blood glucose is monitored hourly and may be controlled
with an insulin drip. At the time of organ reperfusion,
adequate volume status and blood pressure are imperative
Immunosuppression to avoid graft hypoperfusion. Before revascularization, di-
Immunosuppression management of pancreas trans- uretics are frequently given to promote early kidney graft
plant recipients is similar to that of recipients of other function in SPK recipients (using furosemide) and reduce
solid-­organ transplants, including kidney transplants, pancreas graft swelling (using mannitol, 0.25–1 g/kg).
which most pancreas recipients also receive. Induction On completion of the procedure, the abdomen is copi-
immunosuppression with anti-T-cell monoclonal or ously irrigated with antimicrobial solutions (e.g., contain-
polyclonal-depleting or non-depleting agents may be ing bacitracin and amphotericin).
used or reserved for rejection episodes. Maintenance
immunosuppression usually consists of a combination
­ Postoperative Care
of a calcineurin inhibitor (cyclosporine or tacrolimus)
with the dosage and blood levels adjusted to minimize In the initial postoperative period, serum glucose levels
nephrotoxicity and an antiproliferative agent (myco- are followed closely, and an intravenous insulin infusion
phenolate mofetil or sirolimus), with or without pred- is continued as needed to maintain the serum glucose
nisone. Steroid-free regimens are common for all organ at 80–110 mg/dL. Persistent elevation or acute increase
­transplants, including the pancreas.51 in the serum glucose to more than 200 mg/dL requires
592 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

immediate evaluation with Doppler ultrasonography Anticoagulation

or radionuclide scanning to assess graft perfusion and
function. Some centers advocate low-dose intravenous (partial
The sentinel sign of rejection in SPK recipients is an thromboplastin time no greater than 1.5× normal) or
increase in serum creatinine. After elimination of other subcutaneous heparin. Low-dose aspirin is overlapped
possibilities for an abnormal creatinine level (dehydration, for 2 days before cessation of heparin and continued
calcineurin toxicity, ureteral obstruction, bladder dysfunc- long term on hospital discharge. Frequent monitoring
tion, or vascular compromise), a percutaneous renal bi- of coagulation parameters (partial thromboplastin time,
opsy with ultrasound guidance is warranted. In some SPK international normalized ratio, prothrombin time, and
recipients, serum amylase or lipase levels may increase, hemoglobin) is required to avoid overanticoagula-
while creatinine levels remain stable. In such situations, tion. After segmental pancreas transplantation, from
a renal transplant biopsy is still warranted, especially if an either a living related or a deceased donor, initial sys-
enteric portal-drained pancreas is present.103 Only in rare temic heparinization followed by warfarin (Coumadin)
cases is a pancreas biopsy necessary to determine rejection therapy (for ≤6 months) is recommended. This ap-
if the kidney and the pancreas are from the same donor. proach is mandated by the more narrow caliber of the
It has been shown, however, that in an SPK recipient one vascular anastomoses and the associated higher risk of
organ remains rejection-free.45,65,129 For PTA and PAK re- thrombosis.5,41
cipients, the ability to follow rejection is more difficult.
Pancreas recipients with bladder drainage exocrine se-
cretions may result in the obligatory loss of at least 1–2 L/
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
day of pancreatic exocrine and duodenal mucosal secre- The literature clearly shows that early infection results in
tions rich in bicarbonate and electrolytes into the urine. the highest incidence of graft loss and in serious patient
Fluid and bicarbonate supplementation is necessary for morbidity and mortality.6,24,84,88 Various single agents or
these recipients. For pancreas recipients with bladder combinations are available and should be given over the
drainage of exocrine secretions, urinary amylase levels can first 24–48 hours after transplantation. Recipients with
be monitored.89–91 Studies have shown that urinary amy- positive urine cultures (from preoperative specimens) or
lase levels expressed in units per hour are more consistent positive intraoperative duodenal stump cultures should
compared with measurements in units per liter and lead have antibiotic coverage for 3–7 days. Retrospective stud-
to more accurate assessment of pancreas graft function. ies have shown that pancreas recipients are at high risk
An analysis of a 12-hour or 24-hour urine collection in for losing a second pancreatic allograft to the same infec-
which urinary amylase levels have declined 50% or more tious agent when their first graft was lost to infection.
from baseline suggests rejection or pancreatitis. When A detailed microbial history of an individual transplant
confronted with this situation, further evaluation and candidate is imperative so that appropriate antibiotic cov-
probable biopsy are warranted, whether percutaneously erage can be initiated intraoperatively.
via ultrasound or computed tomography guidance, or Because of the duodenal anastomosis in pancreas
transcystoscopically, assisted by ultrasound guidance.1,7,48 transplantation and the potential contamination of the
The development of hematuria in bladder drainage operative field with small-bowel contents, many centers
pancreas recipients also warrants further evaluation and also recommend antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole.
may necessitate the initiation of continuous bladder ir- Calcineurin inhibitor serum levels must be monitored
rigation through a three-way Foley catheter to prevent closely when azoles are administered because of de-
obstructive thrombus formation. Cystoscopy is usually creased metabolism of the immunosuppressant and resul-
necessary to determine the etiology or remove the clot tant higher systemic concentrations. As shown in several
or both. Urethritis or cystitis owing to enzymatic irrita- articles (referenced earlier), fungal infections result in the
tion, the most common cause of hematuria, may resolve highest rates of graft loss and patient mortality.
with increased bicarbonate supplementation.107 Enteric Cytomegalovirus prophylaxis is recommended for
conversion may be required for refractory irritation; any positive combination of a donor–recipient pair.29,52
however, such an extreme intervention is rarely required Controversy exists as to whether negative-to-negative
in the early postoperative period.108 Bleeding from the combinations require prophylaxis. When antilymphocyte
­duodenal–bladder anastomosis may arise, especially when a therapy is used, cytomegalovirus prophylaxis is almost
stapled anastomosis is performed. This complication can always administered. Ganciclovir and, more recently,
be avoided by oversewing the staple line at the time of valganciclovir are presently the antiviral agents of choice
the anastomosis. If a problem does develop, staples can in pancreas transplantation and can be initiated intrave-
be removed cystoscopically, although enteric conversion nously or per nasogastric tube in the immediate postop-
ultimately may be required to alleviate the bleeding. erative period, and then orally when the patient tolerates
Serum amylase and lipase levels provide additional a diet. Patients intolerant to ganciclovir may tolerate va-
means for following pancreas function, especially for laciclovir, which provides adequate prophylaxis against
enterically drained grafts.47,117 These markers lack the cytomegalovirus infection in renal-only transplanta-
sensitivity and specificity of urinary amylase, however. tion.63 The efficacy of valganciclovir in pancreas trans-
Serum human anodal trypsinogen has been shown to plantation is currently under investigation. Most centers
complement serum amylase and lipase levels in the de- begin tri­methoprim/sulfamethoxazole immediately post-
termination of graft dysfunction.20,86 Few laboratories are operatively and continue long-term prophylaxis against
equipped to monitor this factor, however. Pneumocystis carinii and Nocardia infections.
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 593

PANCREAS TRANSPLANT OUTCOMES since the early 1980s but not in large numbers until the
mid-1990s. The proportion of enteric drainage trans-
plants with portal drainage has varied by category and
Changes over Time of Pancreas Transplant year (Figure 36-6). Although the proportion of enteric
Outcomes drainage SPK transplants with portal drainage has been
The changes of outcomes with deceased donor pancreas constant at around 20% since 1994, the proportion in
transplantation according to recipient categories, surgi- the PAK category has decreased steadily from the high-
cal technique, and immunosuppression protocol for US water mark of 35% in 1994–1995. In 1998–1999 (peak
cases as reported to UNOS are summarized here. From era), 60% of all enteric drainage PTA cases had portal
December 16, 1966, to December 31, 2005, about 25 000 drainage, but the proportion has since declined as well. In
pancreas transplants were reported to the IPTR, includ- 2004–2005, 23% of enteric drainage SPK, 17% of enteric
ing more than 18 000 from the United States and almost drainage PAK, and 18% of enteric drainage PTA cases
6000 from outside the United States. The annual number had portal drainage.
of US and non-US cases reported is shown in Figure 36-1. There has been a progressive decline in the degree to
The annual number of US pancreas transplants from which pancreas recipients have been matched for HLA,
1988 through 2005 for those identified by major recipient more so in the SPK than in the PTA and PAK categories
category (SPK, PAK, and PTA) is shown in Figure 36-8. (Figure 36-9). For 2004–2005 cases, 58% of SPK recipi-
Most have been SPK transplants, but the number of PAK ents were mismatched for five or six HLA at the A, B,
and PTA transplants has increased significantly in recent and DR loci (out of a possible six). A high proportion
years. In 2005, of the 1367 pancreas transplants in which of solitary pancreas recipients in the latest era also were
a major recipient category was designated, 896 were SPK highly mismatched, however. In 2004–2005, 47% of PAK
(66%), 339 were PAK (25%), and 132 were PTA (10%). and 38% of PTA recipients were mismatched for five or
In the PAK category there has been a significant change six antigens.
in the percentage of recipients whose kidney came from Besides the changes in maintenance immunosuppres-
a living donor from 37% for 1988–1989 to 70% for sion from cyclosporine to predominantly tacrolimus
2004–2005. and from azathioprine to predominantly mycopheno-
Recipient age at the time of transplant increased sig- late mofetil during the years 1994 and 1996, a change in
nificantly over time from mid-30s to early 40s. This trend the usage of anti-T-cell agents for induction therapy has
can be seen in all three categories. Reporting of the diabe- occurred over time. In all three categories, the propor-
tes type also began in 1994. The percentages of recipients tion of recipients given induction therapy was the lowest
labeled as having type 2 diabetes mellitus has continuously between 1990 and 1993 but thereafter increased signifi-
increased and in 2004–2005 was 7% for SPK recipients. cantly. In 2004–2005, more than 80% of all patients re-
Figure 36-4 shows the changes in duct management ceived some sort of anti-T-cell induction therapy.
over the years. Fewer than 10% of all pancreas transplants
were done using enteric drainage before 1995–1996. Improvements in Pancreas Transplant
Since then, the proportion of pancreas transplants that Outcomes by Era
were managed by enteric drainage has steadily increased.
Of the 2004–2005 pancreas transplants, 88% in the SPK, The results of US primary deceased donor pancreas
83% in the PAK, and 80% in the PTA categories were transplants analyzed by 2-year intervals are given to show
enteric drainage. changes in outcome over time. Long-term and short-
Portal vein drainage of the pancreas graft venous ef- term patient survival rates improved constantly over the
fluent for enteric drainage transplants has been done

70 PAK
1200 PAK 60 SPK
% of 5 or 6 HLA mismatch

1000 SPK 50
Number of transplants

800 40

200 0
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
FIGURE 36-9  ■ Percentage of US pancreas transplant recipients
mismatched for five or six human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A,
FIGURE 36-8  ■  Number of pancreas transplants performed annu- HLA-B, and HLA-DR donor antigens, by category and era, in
ally in the United States from 1988 through 2005 by recipient 2-year intervals, 1988 through 2005. PAK, pancreas after kidney
category. PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous
transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney. pancreas–kidney.
594 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

100 100

90 80

80 60
70 PTA

60 20
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
FIGURE 36-10  ■  Patient 1-year survival rates for US deceased ­donor FIGURE 36-12 ■ Pancreas and simultaneous pancreas–kidney
primary pancreas transplant recipients by category and era, in (SPK) 1-year graft survival rates for US deceased donor primary
2-year intervals, 1988 through 2005. PAK, pancreas after kidney pancreas transplant recipients by category and era, in 2-year
transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, ­simultaneous intervals, 1988 through 2005. Kd, kidney; PAK, pancreas after
pancreas–kidney. kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; Px, pancreas.

100 80


90 60


80 40

10 SPK Kd

60 0
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
FIGURE 36-11  ■  Patient 5-year survival rates for US deceased do- FIGURE 36-13 ■ Pancreas and simultaneous pancreas–kidney
nor primary pancreas transplant recipients by category and era, (SPK) 5-year graft survival rates for US deceased donor primary
in 2-year intervals, 1988 through 2005. PAK, pancreas after kidney pancreas transplant recipients by category and era, in 2-year
transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous intervals, 1988 through 2005. Kd, kidney; PAK, pancreas after
pancreas–kidney. kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; Px, pancreas.

years in all three categories (Figures 36-10 and 36-11). categories (PAK and PTA) they more than doubled to 57%
Survival rates at 1 year have been greater than 90% in for PAK and 49% for PTA in 2000–2001 (Figure 36-13).
all recipient categories since the earliest era and are now For that era, in SPK recipients, the 5-year pancreas graft
around 95% for transplants performed in 2004–2005 survival reached 70%, and the kidney graft survival
(Figure 36-10). Overall, patient survival rates at 5 years reached 77%.
can be calculated only up to the 2000–2001 era, but they The technical failures are primarily early graft losses
also have improved and are greater than 80% in all cat- attributed to vascular thrombosis or removal because of
egories, including 90% for 2000–2001 PTA recipients bleeding, anastomotic leaks, pancreatitis, or infection.
(Figure 36-11). Technical failure rates decreased significantly over time
In contrast to patient survival rates, which have been in all three categories. In the early years, the technical
high in all eras, pancreas graft survival rates improved failure rates were higher in the solitary (PAK and PTA)
even more over time, particularly in the solitary (PAK and categories than in the SPK category, which, we hypoth-
PTA) categories (Figures 36-12 and 36-13). In the earlier esize, may be due partly to misclassifying some throm-
eras, graft survival rates were much higher in the SPK boses as technical when they were actually secondary to
than in the PAK and PTA categories. In 2004–2005, the early rejections. In 2004–2005, the technical failure rates
differences are much smaller, although still significant. were similar in all three categories, with 6.4% for SPK,
One-year pancreas graft survival rates were 85% for SPK 8.9% for PAK, and 3.9% for PTA. The technical failure
versus 79% for PAK and 78% for PTA (Figure 36-12). rate is significantly higher in the SPK category for enteric
One-year kidney graft survival rates in the SPK category drainage versus bladder drainage transplants, 6.5% versus
also improved significantly for many years, reaching 92% 3.2% in the 2002–2003 era (P = 0.02).37
in 1998–1999 but plateauing since then. The improvement in pancreas graft survival rates is
Graft survival rates at 5 years can be calculated only due not only to a decline in the technical failure rate but
for the years preceding 2000–2001, but in the solitary also to declines in the rejection loss rates (Figure 36-14).
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 595

80 100

70 PAK
60 90


40 80
categories n 1 yr Surv.
PAK 1624 95.6%
20 70 PTA 627 96.9%
SPK 5343 94.9%

0 60
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 0 6 12 18 24 30 36
FIGURE 36-14  ■ Immunological 5-year graft loss rates for US Months after transplantation
deceased donor primary pancreas transplants by recipient cat-
FIGURE 36-15  ■  Patient survival rates for 2000–2005 US deceased
egory and era, in 2-year intervals, 1988 through 2005. PAK, pan-
donor primary transplants by recipient category. PAK, pancreas
creas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone;
after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, si-
SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney.
multaneous pancreas–kidney.

The rejection loss rates at 1 year declined fourfold to

fivefold from the earliest to the most recent years, and in
2004–2005 were 5.4% for PAK, 11% for PTA, and 2%
for SPK. The decline in the long-term rejection loss rates 80
in the solitary (PAK and PTA) categories were more than
halved from the years 1988–1989 and were 20% for PAK 60
and 31% for PTA in the latest era for which a calculation

can be made, 2000–2001 (Figure 36-14).

40 categories n 1 yr Surv.
PAK 1624 78.0%
Pancreas Transplant Outcome for 20
PTA 628 75.9%
Contemporary (2000–2005) US Cases SPK 5344 84.7%

Current outcomes with deceased donor pancreas trans- 0

plantation according to recipient categories, surgical 0 6 12 18 24 30 36
technique, and immunosuppression protocol for US cases Months after transplantation
as reported to UNOS from January, 2000, to December, FIGURE 36-16  ■ Pancreas graft functional survival rates (insu-
2005, are summarized here. During this period, greater lin independence) for 2000–2005 US deceased donor primary
than 7500 pancreas transplants were reported to UNOS, transplants by recipient category. PAK, pancreas after kidney
including greater than 5300 SPK transplants, greater transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous
than 1600 PAK transplants, and greater than 600 PTAs.
The primary transplant patient survival rates in the
three recipient categories are shown in Figure 36-15. At Of the primary pancreas grafts between 2000 and
1 year, 94.9% of the SPK, 95.6% of the PAK, and 96.9% 2005, 8% failed for technical reasons, with thrombosis
of the PTA recipients were alive; at 3 years, 90.8% of the being the biggest risk for technical loss (5%). Infection,
SPK, 90.2% of the PAK, and 93.4% of the PTA recipients pancreatitis, and anastomotic leak constituted the rest.
were alive (P > 0.06). The highest patient survival rate There were no significant differences between categories
was in the PTA category, presumably because this group in regard to technical losses.
had less advanced complications before transplantation. In regard to management of pancreatic duct exocrine
The primary pancreas graft survival rates in the three secretions for cases between 2000 and 2004, enteric drain-
recipient categories are shown in Figure 36-16. At 1 year, age predominated for SPK transplants (81%); for PAK
84.7% of the SPK, 78% of the PAK, and 75.9% of the and PTA, the proportion of cases that were enteric drain-
PTA recipients were insulin-independent; at 3 years, age was slightly lower (67% and 56%). Overall, the tech-
77.7% of the SPK, 65.6% of the PAK, and 59.9% of the nical failure rate was slightly higher with enteric drainage
PTA recipients were insulin-independent (P < 0.0001). than with bladder drainage (8% versus 6%). Pancreas
The highest pancreas graft survival rates are in the SPK graft survival rates were not significantly ­different, how-
category, presumably because the kidney graft (usually ever, for enteric drainage versus bladder drainage trans-
from the same donor as the pancreas) can be used to de- plants in any of the categories: at 1 year, 85% (n = 3047)
tect rejection episodes earlier than in the other categories, versus 79% (n = 707) for SPK; 77% (n = 733) versus 80%
where only the pancreas can be monitored. Support for (n = 364) for PAK; and 72% (n = 238) versus 79% (n =
this hypothesis comes from registry data showing no sig- 184) for PTA cases. For PTA cases between 2000 and
nificant differences in graft technical failure rates between 2005, the failure rate from rejection for technically suc-
categories but large differences in rejection loss rates. cessful grafts was 8% (n = 185) for bladder drainage, 10%
596 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

(n = 250) for enteric drainage with systemic drainage, and 60

13% (n = 101) for enteric drainage with portal venous No ABs
drainage at 1 year (P NS 0.71). Depleting AB
In the SPK category, bladder drainage and enteric 50
Non-depleting AB
Both ABs
drainage would be expected to give similar results be-
cause in most cases both grafts come from the same
donor, and monitoring of serum creatinine serves as a
surrogate marker for rejection in the pancreas trans-
plant, allowing easy detection and reversal by treatment.

In contrast, for solitary pancreas transplants (PAK and
PTA), serum creatinine cannot be used as a marker of 30
pancreas rejection; hyperglycemia is a late manifesta-
tion of rejection, and exocrine markers must be used.
Although serum amylase and lipase may increase dur- 20
ing a rejection episode, this does not occur in all cases,
but for bladder drainage grafts, a decrease in urine amy-
lase eventually always accompanies rejection (100% 10
sensitive, although it is not specific), and nearly always
precedes hyperglycemia, so a rejection episode is more
likely to be diagnosed in a bladder drainage graft and
lead to treatment and reversal. PAK PTA SPK
For enteric drainage grafts in all categories, the pan-
FIGURE 36-17  ■  Frequency distribution of use of and type of anti-
creas graft survival rates were slightly lower when a Roux- T-cell antibody (AB) induction therapy by recipient category for
en-Y loop of recipient bowel was used for the enteric US deceased donor primary pancreas transplants, 2000–2005
anastomosis rather than not.36 Approximately one-third cases. PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas
of enteric drainage pancreas grafts reported to UNOS transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney.
were done with a Roux-en-Y loop, but the outcomes
are not improved by the additional surgery, and at least
in PTA recipients, the technical failure rate was higher
when a Roux loop was used.36 80
Another variation in surgical techniques is por- TAC
tal drainage of the venous effluent for enteric drainage 70 SIR based
grafts.99 It establishes normal physiology, a theoretical
metabolic advantage over systemic venous drainage, and
some groups have reported that portal venous–enteric 60
drainage grafts are less prone to rejection than systemic
venous–enteric drainage grafts.87,116 The registry analysis 50
shows that portal venous drainage was used for one-fifth

of enteric drainage transplants, but there were no signifi-

cant differences in pancreas graft survival versus systemic 40
venous–enteric drainage transplants in any of the cate-
gories: at 1 year, 85% (n = 610) versus 85% (n = 2437) 30
for SPK; 78% (n = 168) versus 77% (n = 564) for PAK;
and 71% (n = 85) versus 72% (n = 153) for PTA enteric
drainage cases. 20
In regard to immunosuppression, according to the
latest registry analysis, anti-T-cell agents were used for 10
induction therapy in about three-fourths of US pan-
creas recipients in each category between 2000 and 2005
(Figure 36-17). The agents available can be divided 0
into two groups: (1) T-cell-depleting polyclonal (e.g., PAK PTA SPK
thymocyte gammaglobulin (Atgam), antithymocyte FIGURE 36-18  ■  Frequency distribution of use of and type of ma-
globulin (Thymoglobulin)) or monoclonal (e.g., OKT3, jor maintenance immunosuppressive protocols by recipient
category for US deceased donor primary pancreas transplants,
alemtuzumab (Campath)) antibodies; or (2) non-deplet- 2000–2005 cases. CsA, cyclosporine; MMF, mycophenolate
ing (monoclonal anti-CD25-directed, daclizumab, or mofetil; PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas
basiliximab) antibodies. transplant alone; SIR, sirolimus; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–
The most frequently used regimen for maintenance kidney; TAC, tacrolimus.
immunosuppression (two-thirds of the recipients in each
category) was tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil in and tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil for mainte-
combination (Figure 36-18), with or without prednisone nance immunosuppression, the 1-year graft survival rates
(Figure 36-19). In recipients of primary deceased donor in the SPK, PAK, and PTA categories were 87% (n =
pancreas grafts given anti-T-cell agents for induction 2728), 80% (n = 817), and 79% (n = 328). Sirolimus was
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 597

60 40
6 mo
30 PTA
50 12 mo



15-29 30-44 ≥45
Recipient age
FIGURE 36-20  ■  Immunological graft loss rates at 1 year for US
deceased donor primary pancreas transplant recipients by age
10 and category, 2000–2004 cases. PAK, pancreas after kidney
transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous
The young non-uremic diabetic patient is highly im-
FIGURE 36-19  ■ Frequency distribution of patients off steroids
by recipient category for US deceased donor primary pan-
munocompetent and more prone to reject a pancreas
creas transplants, 2000–2005 cases. PAK, pancreas after kidney graft, consistent with an earlier analysis of outcomes in
transplant; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous US pediatric pancreas transplant recipients from 1988
pancreas–kidney. to 1999.68 In that analysis, of slightly more than 8000
pancreas transplants, only 49 were in recipients younger
than 21 years old (<1%): 36 in the SPK, two in the
used as a maintenance immunosuppressive drug in about PAK, and 13 in the PTA category; all were deceased do-
one-sixth of recipients in each category with comparable nor pancreas transplants except for two PTA segmental
outcomes. The 1-year pancreas graft survival rates in the grafts from living donors. Fewer than half of the pediat-
SPK, PAK, and PTA categories were 90% (n = 527), 84% ric pancreas recipients were younger than 19 years old.
(n = 170), and 82% (n = 79). In the PTA recipients, the 1-year graft survival rate was
only 15%, with all but one loss being from rejection in
Outcome by Recipient and Donor less than 1 year. The registry data do not include the
Risk Factors indications for a PTA in the pediatric recipients, but
presumably they had extremely labile diabetes justify-
In regard to the logistics of pancreas transplantation, ing placement on immunosuppression in an attempt to
registry data37 showed a slight increase in technical gain control. In the pediatric SPK recipients, the 1-year
failure rates and a slight decrease in graft survival rates patient, pancreas, and kidney graft survival rates were
with increasing preservation time. In the SPK category, 96%, 78%, and 71%, outcomes comparable to that of
1-year pancreas graft survival rates were 86% with 4–7 adult SPK recipients for the entire period. Of the pedi-
hours of preservation versus 81% with 28–31 hours of atric SPK recipients, most had a renal disease other than
preservation. HLA matching had virtually no impact on diabetic nephropathy.
SPK graft survival rates, but matching at least at the class In regard to donor age, in the registry analysis of
I loci had a beneficial effect in the PAK and the PTA 2000–2004 primary deceased donor pancreas transplants,
categories. graft survival rates in all recipient categories tended to be
In regard to pancreas recipient age, the registry anal- highest with younger donors and lowest with older do-
ysis of 2000–2004 cases showed an effect on outcome nors, principally because technical failure rates increased
mainly in PTA recipients, with rejection more likely in with increasing donor age.37 Only 3.4% of all donors
the youngest recipients (Figure 36-20). In the PAK cate- were 50 years old or older, and those donors were also
gory, all recipients were older than 20 years, and in analy- mainly used in SPK.
sis of rejection rates by decade of age, at 1 year the rates With respect to outcome measures other than insu-
varied from 4% to 7%; in the SPK category, the rejec- lin independence – prevention and reversal of second-
tion rate at 1 year was 2–4% in the various age groups ary complications, improvement in QOL, expansion
older than 20 years but 0% for recipients younger than of lifespan, and reduction of healthcare costs per
20 years (n = 4). In contrast, in the PTA category, the re- ­quality-adjusted life-year – these all have been posi-
jection rate at 1 year was 50% for recipients younger than tively shown in type 1 diabetic pancreas transplant re-
20 years (n = 14) and 13% for recipients 20–29 years old cipients.21,27,32,82,114,132,137 In patients with labile diabetes
(n = 39); for PTA recipients older than age 30, the 1-year and hypoglycemic unawareness, a pancreas transplant
rejection loss rates were 4–6%, similar to the other two can resolve an otherwise intractable and life-threatening
recipient categories. problem.54,80,96
598 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Survival Probabilities for Patients who 5

Remained on the Waiting List PAK

Whether a pancreas transplant has an effect on survival SPK

Relative hazard ratio

probabilities for the diabetic patients selected for the
procedure is controversial. Two separate analyses of US
data from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation
Network/UNOS for pancreas transplant candidates and 2
recipients compared the survival probabilities for patients
who remained on the waiting list with patients who re- 1
Wait-listed patients
ceived a transplant by category between 1995 and 2000134
and between 1995 and 2003.44 In the first analysis,134 SPK
recipients were found to have significantly higher probabil- 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
ity of survival than patients who remained on the waiting
list for the procedure, but for solitary (PAK or PTA) recipi- Days since transplantation
ents, just the opposite was the case. There is an explanation FIGURE 36-23 ■ Mortality hazard ratios by recipient category.
for the different results between the two studies. In the sec- PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas trans-
plant alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney. (Modified from
ond analysis (Figures 36-21 and 36-22),44 multiple listings Gruessner RW, Sutherland DE, Gruessner AC. Mortality assessment
for pancreas transplants. Am J Transplant 2004;4:2018.)

were eliminated. However, in the first study, they were not.
90 By eliminating the multiple listings, patients were counted
only once – from the first date of listing – increasing the
80 accuracy of the waiting list mortality calculations.
Figure 36-23 shows hazard ratios of death among

70 transplant recipients compared with patients who re-

mained on the waiting list in the second study. For all
60 categories n 1 yr 4 yr categories, the hazard ratio in the early posttransplant
PAK 2942 97.2% 81.7% period was greater than 1 because the surgical procedure
50 PTA 1207 96.6% 87.3% itself increases the mortality hazard. In all three recipient
SPK 12478 93.4% 58.7% categories, the hazard ratio was significantly decreased,
40 however. Pancreas transplantation does not entail a
0 12 24 36 48 60 higher risk than staying on exogenous insulin for patients
Months waiting on the waiting list and may improve survival probabilities
FIGURE 36-21  ■  Patient survival rates on the pancreas waiting lists for solitary and SPK recipients.
for 1995–2003 US deceased donor primary transplants by recipi-
ent category. PAK, pancreas after kidney transplant; PTA, pancreas
transplant alone; SPK, simultaneous pancreas–kidney. (Modified Expected Life-Year Gains from an Extra
from Gruessner RW, Sutherland DE, Gruessner AC. Mortality assess-
ment for pancreas transplants. Am J Transplant 2004;4:2018.)
Deceased Donor
Understanding the additional life-years given to pa-
tients by deceased organ donors is necessary because
100 substantial investments are being proposed to increase
organ donation. Data were drawn from the US Scientific
80 Registry of Transplant Recipients. All patients placed on
the wait list as eligible to receive or receiving a deceased
donor solid-organ transplant between 1995 and 2002
were studied.100 The average expected gain in life-years

for kidney–pancreas waitlisted patients from an extra de-

40 Survival ceased organ donor was 12.9 life-years. Average benefit
categories n 1 yr 4 yr given average frequency of transplants in 2002 was 1.9
SPK 6995 97.5% 90.7% life-years.
Wait 5536 87.2% 46.0%

0 12 24 36 48
Months waiting The following data are from the University of Minnesota. In
FIGURE 36-22  ■ Patient survival rates on the pancreas waiting a series of pancreas transplants from 1978 to 2005 (n = 1835),
lists and after pancreas transplants for 1995–2003 US deceased 321 (17%) were retransplants (14% second transplants,
donor primary transplants in the simultaneous pancreas–­kidney
(SPK) category. (Modified from Gruessner RW, Sutherland DE,
2.5% third transplants, 0.5% fourth transplants); all but
Gruessner AC. Mortality assessment for pancreas transplants. Am three were from deceased donors. From 1985 to 2005, 53
J Transplant 2004;4:2018.) deceased donor SPK retransplants (38 second transplants)
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 599

were performed. The overall 1-year pancreas graft sur- both grafts are functioning at >1 year). We used e­ nteric
vival rate was 62% for all SPK retransplants together and drainage in two cases (both organs are functioning at >2
66% for second SPK transplants only; at 3 years, survival and >7 years) and bladder drainage in the other 32.
rates were 45% for all and 52% for second transplants A comparison of outcomes from 1994 to 2005 cases
only. From 1978 to 2005, 163 deceased donor PAK re- combined was made for primary living donor SPK (n = 36)
transplants (135 second transplants) were done. From versus primary deceased donor SPK (n = 324) transplants
1994 to 2005 cases combined, the 1-year graft survival (Table 36-1). The patient survival rates were signifi-
rate for deceased donor PAK retransplants with second, cantly higher (P = 0.01 Wilcoxon and P = 0.03 log rank)
third, and fourth transplants included (n = 117) was in the living donor versus deceased donor cases – at 1,
67% and for second transplants only (n = 99) was 65%; 3, and 7 years after transplantation, 100%, 100%, and
at 3 years, survival rates were 51% for all and 50% for 95% in living donor versus 90%, 86%, and 79% in de-
second transplants only. From 1978 to 2005, there were ceased donor recipients. Pancreas graft survival rates
99 deceased donor PTA retransplants (86 second trans- were not significantly different between the living donor
plants). From 1998 to 2005 cases combined, the 1-year and deceased donor SPK recipients – at 1, 3, and 7 years
graft survival rate for deceased donor PAK retransplants after transplantation, 86%, 78%, and 67% in living do-
with second, third, and fourth transplants included (n = nor versus 78%, 74%, and 62% in deceased donor cases.
49) was 67% and for second transplants only (n = 43) was Kidney graft survival rates were marginally significantly
66%; at 3 years, survival rates were 50% for all and 48% higher (P = 0.09 Wilcoxon, P = 0.19 log rank) in living
for second transplants only. donor versus deceased donor SPK recipients – at 1, 3,
and 7 years after transplantation, 100%, 91%, and 79%
in living donor versus 87%, 86%, and 67% in deceased

The following data are from the University of Minnesota.

Nearly all of the living donor solitary (PAK and PTA) QUALITY-OF-LIFE STUDY
pancreas transplants were done from 1978 to 1994. All
but two of the living donor SPK transplants (n = 38) were At University of Minnesota, from 1985 to 2003, 316 SPK,
done from 1994 to 2005.126 204 PAK, and 98 PTA recipients enrolled in a prospective
Living donor SPK transplants started in March 1994.42 study of QOL changes after pancreas transplantation.126
Of the 38 donors, 6 were HLA-identical siblings, 25 were For QOL assessment, we used four dimensions of the
HLA-mismatched relatives, and 7 were unrelated. Two Karnofsky index: status of health, management of life,
donors were ABO-incompatible; antibody reduction life satisfaction, and health satisfaction. Each recipient’s
was successfully accomplished with plasmapheresis,67 response was recorded on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)
and both grafts are currently functioning at more than for each parameter. A total score was calculated from the
6 years. In the overall series of 38 living donor SPK trans- sum of the four parameters (maximum score possible,
plants, the 1-, 5-, and 10-year patient survival rates were 20). The impact of a successful or failed transplant was
100%, 100%, and 84%; the 1-, 5-, and 10-year segmental assessed by the changes in scores from baseline in annual
pancreas graft survival rates (technical failures included, follow-up evaluations.
death with functioning graft counted as a graft failure) The baseline (before pancreas transplant) median total
were 84%, 70%, and 60%; and the 1-, 5-, and 10-year scores were significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in the PAK
kidney graft survival rates are 100%, 86%, and 67%. We (13.3) than in the SPK (11.3) and PTA (10.9) candidates.
used duct injection technique in four living donor SPK The ranges of baseline scores for the two midquarters in
transplants – the first two SPK segmental pancreas grafts each recipient category are provided in Table 36-2. The
(one still functioning at >12 years; one failed at >10 years) mean baseline scores in these eras were 9.5 ± 2.6 (n =
and in two later cases (one pancreas failed at 4 months, the 109), 12.3 ± 3.9 (n = 131), and 13 ± 3.7 (n = 62) for SPK
kidney is still functioning at >10 years; in the other case, (P = 0.0001); 10.9 ± 2.6 (n = 32), 13.9 ± 3.3 (n = 82), and

TABLE 36-1  Primary Simultaneous Pancreas–Kidney Transplantation Living Donor Versus Deceased

Donor Outcomes from 1994 to 2005
Patient Survival (%) Pancreas GSR (%) Kidney GSR (%)
Years Post Transplantation LD DD LD DD LD DD
 1 100 90 86 78 100 87
 3 100 86 78 74  91 86
 5 100 85 74 69  86 73
 7  95 79 67 62  79 67
10  79 72 67 55  65 57
P = 0.01/0.03 P = 0.31/0.41 P = 0.09/0.19

P = Wilcoxon/log-rank tests.
DD, deceased donor; GSR, graft survival rate; LD, living donor.
600 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 36-2  Pretransplant Baseline Quality- TABLE 36-4  One-Year Posttransplant Mean (±SD)

of-Life Scores* from 1985 to 2003: Pancreas Change (Δ) in Mean Quality-of-Life Score from
Transplant Recipient Study Patients (Range of Pretransplant Baseline in Solitary Pancreas after
Middle Two Quartiles) Kidney Transplant Recipients with Functioning
or Failed Grafts
Category (n) Q1 Median Q2
SPK (316) 8.4 11.3 14.6 Graft Status
PAK (204) 11.7 13.3 15.9 Functioning Failed
PTA (98) 8.1 10.9 13.4
PAK (n) 3.7 ± 4.1 (55) 0.9 ± 2.5 (16)
Q1 = highest sum in first quartile; Q2 = highest sum in third P value 0.0001 0.009
quartile. PTA (n) 5.9 ± 4.2 (25) 2.8 ± 4.8 (12)
PAK, pancreas after kidney; PTA, pancreas transplant alone; SPK, P value 0.0001 0.07
simultaneous pancreas–kidney.
*Scores are summation of four parameters from Karnofsky index: PAK, pancreas after kidney; PTA, pancreas transplant alone.
status of health, management of life, life satisfaction, and health
evaluation at 1 year. The total score did not change in
one; it was lower compared with the pretransplant base-
line in the other. The results in the SPK recipients in
15.2 ± 2.8 (n = 46) for PAK (P = 0.0001); and 9.9 ± 2.9 whom only one graft failed suggest that achieving insu-
(n = 26), 10.3 ± 3.6 (n = 30), and 12.7 ± 3.3 (n = 24) for lin independence improves QOL more than becoming
PTA (P = 0.009) candidates. Possibly, diabetic patients dialysis-free. At 1 year, the mean total QOL score in-
are coming to pancreas transplantation in better health creased significantly (P = 0.0001) from baseline in PAK
condition than in the past. recipients with sustained graft function (n = 55) (but not
It is not the absolute QOL score but rather the change in recipients with failed grafts (n = 16) (Table 36-4). At
(Δ) in score from the pretransplant baseline to the post- 1 year, the mean total QOL score increased significantly
transplant evaluation that is important. The total score Δ (P = 0.0001) from baseline in PTA recipients with sus-
for each recipient category according to graft function at tained graft function (n = 25) but not in recipients with
1 year is shown in Tables 36-3 and 36-4. SPK recipients failed grafts (n = 12) (Table 36-4).
were divided into four groups by graft status: (1) both
grafts had sustained function (n = 130); (2) the pancreas
had sustained function, but the kidney graft failed (n = 5); LONG-TERM QUALITY OF LIFE
(3) the kidney graft had sustained function, but the pan-
creas graft failed (n = 24); or (4) both grafts failed (n = 2). The increase in mean total points from pretransplant
At 1 year after transplantation, the mean increase baseline was sustained in succeeding years in patients
from baseline in total QOL scores was highly signifi- with functioning grafts. At 2 years, the mean increases
cant (P = 0.0001) in the SPK recipients with both grafts were 4.3 ± 0.8 points for SPK (n = 100), 3.7 ± 5.6 for
functioning but not in recipients with a functioning PAK (n = 32), and 6.4 ± 4.3 for PTA (n = 8) (P = 0.0001).
pancreas but a failed kidney. In recipients with a func- For 50 SPK study patients who completed the evaluation
tioning kidney, but a failed pancreas graft, there was at 4 years, the mean increase in total points from base-
virtually no change from baseline. Only two recipients line was 6.2 ± 4.6 (n = 50) (P = 0.0001). Overall, our
in whom both grafts failed completed the follow-up study showed that diabetic patients who become insulin-­
independent perceive their QOL as having improved de-
spite immunosuppression. The data presented here are
original and complement past QOL studies, done by in-
TABLE 36-3  One-Year Posttransplant Mean
dependent investigators,31–34,136,137 of the Minnesota pan-
(±SD) Change (Δ) in Quality-of-Life Scores
creas recipients.
from Pretransplant Baseline in Simultaneous
Pancreas–Kidney Recipients According to Graft
Function or Failure METABOLIC STUDIES
Graft Status (n)
Formal metabolic studies of the Minnesota pancreas re-
Pancreas Pancreas cipients and living donors have been conducted since
Fxn, Fxn, Kidney
Pancreas Fxn (130), Pancreas
the inception of our program128 and are still ongoing.98
Fail, Kidney Kidney Fail Fail, Kidney The initial studies were very basic: 24 metabolic pro-
Fxn (24) (2) Fail (5) files of glucose and insulin values before and after meals,
Quality-of- 5.2 ± 4.0 2.4 ± 1.5 0.2 ± 3.7 and standard oral or intravenous glucose tolerance tests
life score in pancreas recipients who were insulin-independent
change as a result of a functioning graft.128 The profiles usually
≤0 resembled those of non-diabetic individuals, or at least
P value 0.0001 0.12 >0.5
those of non-diabetic kidney allograft recipients, with or
without portal drainage of the graft venous effluent.122
Fail, failure; Fxn, function; NA, not applicable. The metabolic profile and glucose tolerance test studies
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 601

were used to compare posttransplant endocrine function epinephrine response during hypoglycemia. More im-
by duration of pancreas graft preservation76 and to com- portantly, these studies also documented that recipients
pare function in recipients who did or did not have revers- of a successful pancreas transplant re-establish normal
ible rejection episodes.72 Metabolic profile and glucose symptom recognition.
tolerance test results were similar regardless of preserva- More recently, Paty and coworkers85 have shown that
tion time or occurrence of rejection episodes in recipi- restored hypoglycemic counterregulation is stable in
ents with sustained insulin independence; short-term73 pancreas recipients with functioning grafts for at least
and long-term74 glycosylated hemoglobin levels75 were two decades after transplantation. The effect of the oc-
normal. More sophisticated metabolic studies using new currence of posttransplant obesity in pancreas recipients
methods were introduced94 and carried out by a series of was studied, and a detrimental effect on metabolism was
fellows and associate faculty members in the Division of shown similar to that in the general population.95
Endocrinology.2,18,19,50,54,55,94,101,102,130 These studies not only Although most of our pancreas transplants were from
examined pancreatic graft beta-cell function but also alpha- deceased donors, nearly 10% were segmental grafts from
cell function, glucose counterregulatory mechanisms, and living donors. The metabolic responsitivity of the trans-
the impact of the site of venous drainage (systemic or por- planted hemipancreas is generally indistinguishable from
tal) of a pancreas graft. that of whole-pancreas grafts. Donors of the pancreatic
Diem and colleagues18 were the first to establish sys- segments generally maintain normal glucose levels, but
temic venous drainage as the principal cause of systemic follow-up studies of the donors (before we established
venous hyperinsulinemia after pancreas transplantation. our current criteria to be a living donor) show that about
A smaller portion of the hyperinsulinemia could be at- 25% had metabolic evidence of acquired glucose intoler-
tributed to recipients’ glucocorticoid use. Despite this ance several years after donation.55 Studies by Seaquist
metabolic abnormality, virtually all measures of carbohy- and Robertson102 established that beta-cell and alpha-cell
drate metabolism in the fasting state and after a mixed responses were compromised in hemipancreatectomized
meal remained normal.50 donors during measurements of insulin secretory reserve.
Possible adverse effects of immunosuppressive drugs Later studies by Seaquist and colleagues101 showed that
on beta-cell function and glucose tolerance also were hemipancreatectomy also was associated with elevated
studied. Many of the drugs are known to interfere with circulating levels of proinsulin, presumably owing to re-
insulin synthesis or secretion, or action. Teuscher and co- lease of immature insulin granules in which cleavage of C
workers130 assessed insulin secretory reserve in pancreas peptide from proinsulin was not yet complete.
transplant recipients by measuring glucose potentiation The results of these studies prompted us to modify
of arginine-induced insulin secretion and observed ab- our criteria to be a living donor. Now, all living donors
normally low insulin responses. Because diminished in- must have a body mass index less than 28 kg/m2, in ad-
sulin secretory reserve also was observed in non-diabetic dition to having normal glucose tolerance test results,
kidney recipients, the immunosuppressive drugs were the and plasma insulin levels must increase by 300% within
likely causes of this metabolic abnormality. A similar defect 1–2 minutes after intravenous stimulation with glucose
was observed in psoriasis patients treated with cyclospo- or arginine. Living donors who meet these criteria have
rine but not in arthritis patients treated with glucocor- so far remained euglycemic and insulin-independent, but
ticoids; cyclosporine was the likely cause of diminished they need to be carefully studied over time. More recent
insulin secretory reserve.130 Despite the hyperinsulinemia studies of living hemipancreatectomized donors and their
consequent to systemic drainage and glucocorticoids, and recipients during the second decade after surgery have
despite the diminished insulin secretory reserve attribut- shown a relationship between the development of obesity
able to cyclosporine, we have reported normal levels of and occurrence of diabetes,95 and the potential for weight
fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c in a group of gain in donors and recipients must be taken into account
pancreas recipients followed for 10–18 years.97 when selecting living donors and recipients for hemi-
Defective glucagon and epinephrine counterregula- pancreatectomy and segmental pancreas transplantation.
tory responses to hypoglycemia are serious consequences Most living segmental pancreas donors retain normal
of type 1 diabetes. These abnormalities can lead to dan- hormonal responses to metabolic challenges, however.98
gerous levels of hypoglycemia that incapacitate patients
and seriously compromise their QOL. This scenario is
worsened because such patients lose normal symptom STUDIES OF DIABETIC SECONDARY
recognition of hypoglycemia, which prevents them from COMPLICATIONS
taking early corrective measures. Studies by Diem and
colleagues19 showed that a successful pancreas transplant Formal studies on the course of pre-existing diabetic
restores normal glucagon responses. Later studies by secondary complications after pancreas transplantation
Kendall and associates56 concluded that the transplanted were initiated.118,119 Until the multicenter DCCT17 was
pancreas, rather than the alpha cells in the native pan- completed in 1993, the best evidence that a constant
creas, provided the restored glucagon response. Barrou euglycemic state mitigated the progression of second-
and colleagues3 used isotopic infusions and hypoglyce- ary complications was from studies at the University of
mic clamp methodology to show that the restored glu- Minnesota9,57,81,92,133 and those of others.104,135 These stud-
cagon response normalized hepatic glucose production ies were done by faculty from ophthalmology,92 pediatric
during hypoglycemia. Kendall and associates54 showed nephrology,9,27 and neurology.57,80–82 The failure rate of
that a successful pancreas transplant partially restored pancreas transplants was high, generating a control group
602 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

for these studies. Recipients were studied at baseline, and fractional volume of the glomerulus had decreased and
subsequently divided into two groups: (1) recipients with returned to normal.27 In follow-up studies, Fioretto and
early pancreas graft failure (<3 months), and (2) recipi- colleagues28 also showed remodeling of renal interstitial
ents with sustained graft function for more than 1 year. and tubular lesions in the kidneys of the pancreas trans-
plant recipients. Although these studies were in patients
with diabetic nephropathy, the fact that structural lesions
Retinopathy could be reversed shows in principle that the kidney has
Ramsay and colleagues92 studied solitary pancreas re- the capacity for remodeling if the environmental pertur-
cipients. Retinopathy and visual acuity were quantitated bations responsible for the lesions originally are removed,
before and serially after transplantation. Most candidates having implications for renal disease in general, and not
had advanced proliferative retinopathy. At 2 years after just that secondary to diabetes.
transplantation, the incidence of progression to a higher Although it takes at least 5 years of normoglycemia,
grade of retinopathy was the same (approximately 30%) a pancreas transplant can reverse the lesions of diabetic
in the eyes of recipients with versus without graft func- nephropathy. Such reversal does not guarantee normal
tion. After 3 years, no further progression occurred in the function because independent damage to the kidney may
recipients with functioning grafts. Seventy percent with occur from the calcineurin inhibitors needed to prevent
failed transplants advanced to a higher grade by 5 years, pancreas rejection26 – hence the need for attempts to
however. Only a few recipients had no retinopathy at the develop effective non-nephrotoxic immunosuppressive
pretransplant baseline examination, but disease has not regimens.38 Nearly all patients with early diabetic ne-
emerged in the subgroup with continuously functioning phropathy would benefit from a pancreas transplant if
pancreas grafts. successful.

Nephropathy Neuropathy
Studies of diabetic nephropathy focused on disease re- As with the eye and kidney, our pancreas recipients had
currence or on preventing it in the kidney grafts of dia- baseline neurological studies with serial follow-up.57,82,92
betic KTA, SPK, or PAK recipients9,71,77 and on disease More than 80 of our recipients had symptomatic neurop-
progression, stabilization, or regression of disease in the athy, and more than 90% had an abnormal neurologic ex-
native kidneys of PTA recipients.27,28 Mauer and associ- amination at baseline.58 Kennedy and associates57 showed
ates69–71 documented the recurrence of diabetic nephrop- significant improvement in motor and sensory indices
athy (vascular lesions69 and an increase in glomerular and and autonomic function 1–4 years after transplantation;
tubular basement membrane and mesangial matrix71) in we concluded that progression of diabetic neuropathy
nearly half of kidneys transplanted without a pancreas in is halted, and that an improvement is possible with sus-
uremic diabetic recipients.70 tained normoglycemia.
Initial evidence that a successful pancreas transplant Navarro and coworkers81 found mortality rates were
can influence the course of diabetic nephropathy came higher in patients with autonomic dysfunction or ab-
from kidney allograft biopsy studies in PAK recipients by normal nerve conduction studies compared with pa-
Bilous and colleagues.9 At the time of the pancreas trans- tients with minimal disease. The mortality rate also
plant, 1–7 years (mean 4 years) after the kidney transplant, was high in non-transplanted diabetic patients with
the graft glomerular mesangial volume was moderately neuropathy. In neuropathic patients with a successful
increased and glomerular basement membrane was mod- pancreas transplant, the mortality rate was significantly
erately thickened. There was no progression; there was lower, however, even if neuropathy improved only
regression of glomerular lesions in follow-up biopsy minimally.80 The combination of diabetes and severe
specimens obtained 2–10 years later (mean 4.5 years). neuropathy is lethal; correction of diabetes improves
These findings contrasted with the findings in the KTA survival even if neuropathy persists. Navarro and co-
recipients in whom progressive diabetic glomerulopathy workers82 did follow-up studies at 10 years of diabetic
occurred,70 leading to kidney graft failure and the need pancreas recipients. In control patients (patients with a
for a kidney retransplant in some recipients.78 failed transplant), neuropathy progressively worsened,
The most dramatic and surprising findings came from whereas in recipients with sustained graft function, the
studies by Fioretto and colleagues27,28 of native kidneys improvement in neuropathy was sustained.
in PTA recipients. Baseline biopsy specimens of native
kidneys were obtained in most of the PTA recipients.25
Follow-up biopsy samples in some showed cyclosporine- SUMMARY
induced lesions that were associated with a progressive
decline in kidney function, independent of the diabetic Pancreas transplantation should be in the armamentarium
lesions already present.26,77,131 The diabetic kidney le- of every transplant center for the treatment of diabetic
sions were distinct. In eight PTA recipients who were patients. Likewise, every endocrinologist should consider
non-­uremic at the time of the pancreas transplant, but pancreas transplantation in the treatment of patients in
who had mild to moderately advanced lesions of diabetic whom type 1 diabetes is complicated by hypoglycemia-
nephropathy at baseline, 10-year follow-up biopsy speci- associated autonomic failure16 or progressive microvascu-
mens showed that glomerular basement membrane and lar complications or both. Continued clinical research on
tubular basement membrane thickness and mesangial pancreas transplantation is needed to identify the most
Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy 603

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Transplant Mycophenolate Mofetil Study Group. Transplantation 129. Tesi RJ, Henry ML, Elkhammas EA, et al. The frequency of
1995;60:225–32. rejection episodes after combined kidney-pancreas transplant –
106. Sollinger HW, Cook K, Kamps D, et al. Clinical and experimental the impact on graft survival. Transplantation 1994;58:424.
experience with pancreaticocystostomy for exocrine pancreatic 130. Teuscher AU, Seaquist ER, Robertson RP. Diminished insulin
drainage in pancreas transplantation. Transplant Proc 1984;16:749. secretory reserve in diabetic pancreas transplant and nondiabetic
107. Sollinger HW, Messing EM, Eckhoff DE, et al. Urological kidney transplant recipients. Diabetes 1994;43:593.
complications in 210 consecutive simultaneous pancreas-kidney 131. Troppmann C, Gruessner RW, Matas AJ, et al. Results with renal
transplants with bladder drainage. Ann Surg 1993;218:561. transplants performed after previous solitary pancreas transplants.
108. Sollinger HW, Sasaki TM, D’Alessandro AM, et al. Indications Transplant Proc 1994;26:448.
for enteric conversion after pancreas transplantation with bladder 132. Tyden G, Bolinder J, Solders G, et al. Improved survival in
drainage. Surgery 1992;112:842. patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and end-stage
109. Starzl TE, Iwatsuki S, Shaw Jr BW, et al. Pancreaticoduodenal diabetic nephropathy 10 years after combined pancreas and kidney
transplantation in humans. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1984;159:265. transplantation. Transplantation 1999;67:645.
110. Starzl TE, Todo S, Fung J, et al. FK 506 for liver, kidney, and 133. van der Vliet JA, Navarro X, Kennedy WR, et al. The effect
pancreas transplantation. Lancet 1989;2:1000. of pancreas transplantation on diabetic polyneuropathy.
111. Stempel CA, Lake J, Kuo G, et al. Hepatitis C – its prevalence Transplantation 1988;45:368.
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era of managed care. Transplantation 1997;64:287. recipients. Diabetologia 1991;34(Suppl. 1):S145.

Renal Transplantation in
Pamela Winterberg  •  Barry Warshaw


INTRODUCTION Evaluation of Recipient

Medical Evaluation of Issues Related to ESRD
IN CHILDREN Evaluation of Extrarenal Disease
Incidence Surgical Evaluation
Etiology Neurodevelopment
Psychosocial Issues
Incidence and Causes of Graft Failure Preoperative Management
Prognostic Factors Influencing Graft Survival Intraoperative Management
Donor Source Postoperative Management
Donor Age Induction Therapy Agents
Recipient Race Lymphocyte-Depleting Agents
HLA Matching Non-Depleting Agents
Presensitization Maintenance Therapy
Delayed Graft Function and Technical Factors Corticosteroids
Induction Therapy Calcineurin Inhibitors
Transplant Center Volume mTOR Inhibitors
Primary Glomerulonephritis TRANSPLANTATION
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Diagnosis of Acute Rejection
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment of Acute Rejection
Alport’s Syndrome Severe Rejection
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Secondary Glomerulonephritis Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
IgA and Henoch–Schönlein Purpura Infections After Transplantation
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome Viral Infections
Membranous Nephropathy Bacterial Infections
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
c-ANCA and p-ANCA-positive Growth
Glomerulonephritis Non-Adherence in Pediatric Transplantation
Metabolic Disease Adolescent Issues
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I (Oxalosis) Psychosocial Development
Nephropathic Cystinosis Puberty
Evaluation of Potential Living Donor Transitional Care

Renal Transplantation in Children 607

INTRODUCTION from 26 national and regional registries and aggregate

data from 19 n ­ ational registries.317 The Australia and New
Kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment for Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in children and confers collects data on all dialysis and transplant patients, includ-
improved survival,194 skeletal growth,229 heath-related ing ­children, in Australia and New Zealand.195 In 2004,
quality of life,262 and neuropsychological development216 the Latin American Pediatric Nephrology Association
compared to dialysis. (ALANEPE) began collecting prospective data on
The medical and surgical care of ESRD and kidney children receiving kidney transplants at 31 centers in
transplantation in children poses unique challenges.12 14 Latin American countries in the first Latin American
Growth and neurocognitive development are impaired Registry of Pediatric Renal Transplantation.173
during CKD and are a unique focus of pediatric nephrol- Most figures and statistical references in this chapter
ogy care. The diagnosis of ESRD in children creates are from the SRTR and NAPRTCS databases, but we
an extra burden for caretakers and siblings. Therefore, also cite literature from studies of other registries around
­treatment of ESRD and kidney transplant in the pediat- the world.
ric population focuses on family-centered care and often
­utilizes a multidisciplinary approach. Psychological devel-
opment is also addressed as children acquire the skills and EPIDEMIOLOGY OF END-STAGE RENAL
attitudes needed to live an independent life as an adult. DISEASE IN CHILDREN
Children who receive kidney transplants have longer
expected remaining lifetimes than adults at the time of Incidence
kidney transplant.315 Therefore, it is particularly impor-
tant to maximize graft function and survival in this popu- The incidence and prevalence of ESRD have been in-
lation. Children are also undergoing immune system creasing health concerns worldwide335 over the past two
development and maturation at the time of transplant. decades, but especially in the developed countries. The
This, coupled with longer survival time, underscores United States had 113 000 new cases of ESRD in 2009
the importance of optimizing exposure to long-term (adjusted incidence rate: 355 new cases per million popu-
immunosuppression. lation) with a prevalence of over 570 000 ESRD patients,
The number of children receiving kidney transplants including those with a functioning graft (prevalence
every year is small, and even the largest centers in the rate: 1738 ESRD cases per million population).315 The
United States rarely transplant more than 30 children ­incidence and prevalence of ESRD in children represent
per year. Therefore, it has been extremely important to a very small fraction, less than 2%, of the overall ESRD
maintain national and international databases to identify population in the United States (Table 37-1). Unlike the
areas for research and improvement in outcomes among adult ESRD population, the incidence rate of ESRD in
pediatric kidney transplant recipients. children has been relatively stable, with about 10–15% in-
There are two databases for pediatric kidney trans- crease since 1990 (14 per million in 1990, 15.5 per million
plantation in wide use in North America. The United in 2009) compared to a 150% increase in the incidence in
Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) collects informa- adults over the same time period (overall incidence rate of
tion for every kidney transplant in the United States 220/million in 1990 versus 355/million in 2009).
within the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Although chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a
Network (OPTN). Wait list, demographic, and survival global health issue,335 estimates of worldwide incidence and
statistics from this database are reported annually through prevalence have been limited by lack of national registries
the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) and surveys in most of the world, varying definitions of
report. Although this registry also contains pediatric ESRD, and differences in timing of referral to subspecial-
recipients, there are several pediatric-specific ­variables ists. The median incidence of ESRD in children worldwide
(growth, for example) that are not reported in this regis- has been estimated at 9 cases per million age population.128
try. In 1987, the North American Pediatric Renal Trials
and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) began a volun-
tary registry that included up to 159 medical centers in TABLE 37-1  Unadjusted Incidence Rates of End-
the United States, Canada, and Mexico. By 2010, the Stage Renal Disease in Children by Age Groups
­registry contained information for 11 603 kidney trans-
plants in 10 632 children.232 Age Group Incident Rate
(Years) (Per Million Population)
Other databases around the world have also been
used to study risk factors and trends in pediatric kid- 0–4 14.6
ney transplantation. The Canadian Pediatric End-Stage 5–9 7.0
10–14 13.4
Renal Disease database has been constructed by link- 15–19 27.1
ing registry data with administrative data from their Overall (0–19) 15.7
universal healthcare delivery system to study outcomes
for children with ESRD in Canada.272 The European Data (incidence in 2010) from National Institutes of Health,
Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases.
2011. USRDS 2011 Annual Data Report: Atlas of Chronic Kidney
Association ­(ERA-EDTA) registry collects data from Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease in the United States.
national and regional registries from 30 European and Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of
Mediterranean countries with individual patient data Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
608 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Etiology Renal plasias

Obstructive uropathy
Diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy are FSGS
the most common causes of ESRD in adults, but are rare in Other
childhood. Rather, the most common causes of ESRD in
children are congenital, cystic, and hereditary disease, which 100
account for 35% of incident cases.315 Glomerulonephritis

% of pediatric transplants
is the second most common etiology, accounting for 23% 80
of new cases, predominantly due to focal segmental glo-
merulosclerosis (FSGS). Secondary glomerulonephritis 60
and vasculitis account for 11% of new cases, of which lupus
nephritis is most common (Table 37-2). The underlying 40
etiology of ESRD also varies by age of presentation. The
congenital and structural diseases are more common in the
young age groups, while glomerulonephritis is the leading
cause in adolescents231 (Figure 37-1).
Overall, the male-to-female ratio for incident ESRD is 0
0-1 2-5 6-12 13-17 18+
1.2 (57% of new cases are male), but is highest in the young-
Age (years) at time of transplant
est patients, who predominantly suffer from congenital dis-
orders (roughly 3:1 male-to-female ratio), some of which FIGURE 37-1  ■  Etiology of end-stage renal disease by age at the time
only occur in males (i.e., obstruction due to p ­ osterior ure- of transplant. FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. (Data
from North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies.
thral valves). In contrast, secondary g ­ lomerulonephritis, 2008. NAPRTCS 2008 Annual Report: Renal Transplantation, Dialysis,
especially lupus nephritis, is more common in females (1:4 and Chronic Renal Insufficiency. Available online at: https://web.emmes.
male-to-female ratio).315 Finally, the majority of patients com/study/ped/annlrept/annlrept.html (accessed 9/24/2012).)
with hereditary and structural etiologies are Caucasian,
while FSGS and secondary glomerulonephritis affect more
In the developing world, single-center studies and sur-
patients of African American decent.
vey reports suggest some differences. Overall, ­congenital
The industrialized nations (North America, Europe,
anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract are still the most
Japan, Australia, New Zealand) have a similar distribu-
prevalent, similar to industrialized nations. In Turkey and
tion of etiologies as US Renal Data System (USRDS)
the Middle East, there is a higher ­proportion of uropathies
data presented above, except for a lower proportion of
reported rather than hypoplasia/dysplasia.8,27,217 There are
cases due to glomerulonephritis in European registries,
also higher rates of genetic disease in this region thought
likely due to differences in racial distribution.208
to be due to the high rate of consanguineous marriages.215
Various reports from South America, the Caribbean, South
TABLE 37-2  Common Etiologies of End-Stage East Asia, and India indicate chronic glomerulonephritis as
Renal Disease (ESRD) in Children: Percentage of a leading cause of CKD in children, thought to be due to
Incident Cases endemic bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections that are
known to cause kidney disease in those regions.10,128,209
Cystic/Hereditary/Congenital Diseases 34.8%
Renal hypoplasia, dysplasia, oligonephronia 11.8
Polycystic, autosomal recessive
Hereditary nephritis, Alport’s syndrome
Ureteropelvic junction/ureterovesical junction 1.6
obstruction In the United States, roughly 850 children receive kidney
Other congenital obstructive uropathy 7.4 transplants each year, comprising only 5% of the total
Prune-belly syndrome 1.4 number of kidney transplants. Children under the age of
Glomerulonephritis (GN) 23.1% 18 years represent 1.2% of total patients listed for kid-
Focal glomerular sclerosis 12.3 ney transplant in the United States (1144 children ver-
Not histologically examined 4.2 sus 84 614 adults listed as of the end of 2009). Of the
Secondary GN/Vasculitis 11.3%
pediatric patients on the waiting list in 2009, 72% were
Lupus erythematosus (systemic lupus 6.1 over the age of 11 years.245 Data from the SRTR indicate
erythematosus nephritis) that the total number of kidney transplants in children in
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome 2.2 the United States increased by 30% between the years of
Interstitial Nephritis/Pyelonephritis 5.7% 2000 and 2009 (Figure 37-2).
Chronic pyelonephritis/reflux nephropathy 3.1 The transplant community has consistently supported
timely access of deceased donor kidneys to pediatric re-
Hypertensive/Large-Vessel Disease 4.9%
Neoplasms/Tumors 2.2%
cipients. As a result, children have the highest rates of
Tubular Necrosis (without Recovery) 2.1% kidney transplantation for all age groups (51.6 per 100
person-years on wait list for deceased donor compared
Data (n = 6633 incident ESRD patients 2005–2009) from National to 12.0 per 100 person-years for adults). In 2009, 29%
Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive of ESRD patients under age 19 years were transplanted
Kidney Diseases. 2011. USRDS 2011 Annual Data Report: Atlas of
Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease in the United
within 1 year of being declared end-stage,315 and over
States. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National 80% of children waitlisted had received a kidney trans-
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. plant by 5 years after ESRD declaration.225
Renal Transplantation in Children 609

Deceased donor The absolute number and proportion of deceased

1000 Living donor donor kidney transplants in pediatric recipients in-
total creased following institution of the SHARE 35 policy
from 40–50% during 1998–2005 to 61–65% during
800 2006–2009 and was accompanied by a decrease in the
Number of transplants

absolute number of living donor transplants.5,245 It is

600 unclear at this time if the trend in fewer living do-
nor transplants is a direct consequence of the policy
change or possibly due to more prevalent comorbidi-
ties in parents (obesity and diabetes in particular) that
preclude them from donating, as the downward trend
200 in living related donor transplants predates the policy
(Figure 37-2).
0 Although the average donor age decreased from
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 25–26 years prior to SHARE 35 to 20–21 years after
Year of transplant SHARE 35, pediatric recipients also received more kid-
FIGURE 37-2  ■ Trends in living donor kidney transplant for pedi-
neys with 5–6 mismatched human leukocyte antigen
atric recipients. (Data from Organ Procurement and Transplantation (HLA) loci.5,245 The long-term consequences of these
Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients trends on overall graft survival in children will need fu-
(SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Department of ture study.
Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Organ allocation in the United Kingdom prioritizes
Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of
Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http://srtr.transplant.hrsa. access to young donors for pediatric recipients but also
gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012).) prioritizes the degree of HLA matching for children.152,192
Some European countries report higher rates of living
donor kidney transplant in children.317 Japan has very
Historically, living related donor transplants were few kidney transplants in comparison to ESRD preva-
more common in children than deceased donor trans- lence (1136 transplants per 264 473 prevalent ESRD pa-
plants.245 This was likely driven by parents’ understand- tients in 2007), with 83% of them from living donors.
ing of the benefit of living donation for their child. Access to deceased donor kidney transplantation is very
However, the rate of living donor transplants in children limited in Japan (82 deceased donor kidney transplants
has been ­declining since 2002 (Figure 37-2). Children performed between 1997 and 2008) due to cultural and
under the age of 5 years are slightly more likely to receive legal barriers.312
a living donor transplant (51% of transplants in this age Access to transplantation for pediatric recipients in
group during 2007–2009 were from living donors), while the developing world is limited by healthcare access.
­children over 11 years old are more likely to receive a kid- Donor sources vary greatly depending on the availabil-
ney from a deceased donor (65% of transplants in this age ity of an organ allocation program within the country;
group were from deceased donors during 2007–2009).245 therefore, the majority of transplants in the developing
Of the 5846 living donor transplants in the NAPRTCS world are from living donors. The age range of recipi-
database, 79% are from parents (the majority from ents varies by country, with most performing transplants
mothers).232 in children over 7 years of age. In general, the countries
In 2005, the UNOS enacted an updated policy to im- that perform transplants in children under 7 years of age
prove access of deceased donor kidneys from young adult also have access to deceased donor sources, suggesting a
donors (<35 years old) for pediatric recipients (referred more developed healthcare delivery system, with access
to hereafter as the SHARE 35 policy). Under this policy, to the specialized surgical and supportive care required
recipients under the age of 18 years receive priority for by smaller recipients.264
kidneys from donors under 35 years old, except for zero-
mismatch, renal/non-renal allocation, and highly sen-
sitized (panel-reactive antibodies or PRA >80%) adult TIMING OF TRANSPLANTATION
Median wait times for recipients under 18 years old Transplantation is initially considered when renal re-
decreased from 11.2 months in 1998 to 6.8 months in placement therapy is imminent. Due to increased risk
2009, but most of the gain was realized for patients with of graft loss and mortality in infants and children under
O blood type.2,245 The most recent SRTR report indicates 2 years of age, most pediatric centers perform transplants
that the longest wait time continues to be for children in children once they achieve a weight above 10–15 kg.
with blood type B (median 10.7 months in 2008 com- Reports from a few centers have described success-
pared to 6.6 months for type A, 5.5 months for type AB, ful transplant outcomes in children under 15 kg.131,204,274
and 8.0 months for type O).245 Infants and young children with ESRD frequently have
The SHARE 35 policy also appears to have lessened delayed growth, so often a child will be greater than
some of the racial disparities seen in access to kidneys for 2 years old before achieving the threshold size and weight
pediatric recipients, especially for Hispanics (median wait for the transplant center.
times decreased from 370 days for Hispanics to 169 days; From 2007–2009, nearly 30% of kidney transplants
for blacks from 219 to 129 days, and for whites from 163 in children were performed prior to initiation of dialysis
to 100 days).11 (i.e., pre-emptively). Half of these were from deceased
610 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

donors. An additional 28% of pediatric kidney transplant

TABLE 37-3  Adjusted Patient Survival (%) by
recipients were on dialysis for less than 1 year at the time
Donor Source and Recipient Age
of transplant.245
There is conflicting evidence for a benefit of pre- Deceased Donor Living Donor
emptive transplant for patient and graft survival in pe-
diatric transplant recipients.159,273,291,321 Time on dialysis Age 5 Years 10 Years 5 Years 10 Years
prior to transplant continues to be a risk factor for de-
1–5 94.1 91.4 95.7 94.8
creased graft survival,43,199 although some recent analy- 6–11 98.2 93.4 99.1 95.5
ses suggest short times on dialysis (less than 2 years) in 12–17 95.0 85.3 96.9 91.5
children may not have as big an effect.168,273 Increasing 18–34 92.9 82.2 95.8 88.6
time with ESRD during childhood is also associated
with impaired growth and development and can result Data (5-year cohort transplanted 2003–2008; 10-year transplanted
in disruption of education. Accordingly, pre-emptive 1998–2008) from Organ Procurement and Transplantation
Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients
transplant may have quality-of-life benefits to children (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual Data Report. Department of
beyond graft survival.127 Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of
Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http://srtr.transplant.
hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012).
dialysis-related complications (3.1%). Of the deaths re-
Patient survival for pediatric kidney transplant is excel- ported in the NAPRTCS database (n = 573), 47.5% died
lent, with overall 3-year survival of 98% reported in with a functioning graft.232
NAPRTCS (era 1996–2010). When broken down by age Data from the USRDS consistently show lower
of recipient, the youngest (under 2 years old) have his- mortality rates for children receiving kidney trans-
torically had the highest mortality following transplant. plants ­compared to children on dialysis.315 The ad-
Three-year survival for this group has improved in the justed relative risk for mortality for children receiving
more recent era from 90% for living related donor trans- renal replacement therapy decreases with increasing
planted 1987–1995 to 96% transplanted 1996–2007, and age. The highest mortality for both dialysis and trans-
from 79% to 93% for deceased donor transplants in the plant was in the 0–5-year-old age group, but transplant
same time periods.232 Survival for all pediatric ages at still provided extra survival benefit. Gillen et al.110
5 years are equal or superior to adults, and at 10 years even analyzed USRDS data and found that children who
exceeds that seen for young adults aged 18–34 years245 had received a kidney transplant had a lower mortal-
(Table 37-3). Patient survival has significantly improved ity rate (13.1 deaths/1000 patient years) than children
for deceased donor transplants in children from 90% remaining on the wait list (17.6 deaths/1000 p ­ atient
5-year survival for transplants performed 1987–1995 years). Unlike similar studies in adults,336 there was no
(early era) to 96% for the more recent era (1996–2007) significant excess mortality within the first 6 months
in the NAPRTCS database. Some improvement has also posttransplant.
been seen for children receiving living donor transplants, Historically, graft survival rates in children were infe-
with 5-year survival improving from 95% in the early era rior to adults. However, in the past 15 years, graft survival
to 97% in the more recent era.232 in children of all ages now rivals the rates seen in adults.
The most common causes of death in children fol- Graft survival improved dramatically for children during
lowing transplant are infection (28.5%), cardiopulmo- the 1980s and 1990s, but little progress has been made
nary disease (14.7%), cancer/malignancy (11.3%), and since 2000 (Figure 37-3). When broken down by age, the

Deceased donor graft survival Living donor graft survival

100 100

Graft survival (%)

Graft survival (%)

70 1-year 1-year
3-year 70 3-year
60 5-year 5-year

50 60
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
Year of transplant Year of transplant
FIGURE 37-3  ■  Graft survival for deceased donor (left panel) and living donor (right panel) transplants in recipients under 19 years old.
(Data from Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR
2010 Annual Data Report. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems
Bureau, Division of Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http://srtr.transplant.hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012).)
Renal Transplantation in Children 611

TABLE 37-4  Adjusted Graft Survival (%) by Donor Source and Recipient Age
Deceased Donor Living Donor
Recipient Age 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years
1–5 89.9 78.7 63.9 96.0 91.4 80.6
6–11 95.6 76.7 54.2 97.8 86.7 66.8
12–17 94.4 67.3 41.7 95.5 76.6 53.5
18–34 92.3 71.4 48.7 96.8 80.8 60.6

Data (1-year cohort was transplanted 2007–2008; 5-year cohort transplanted 2003–2008; 10-year transplanted 1998–2008) from Organ
Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual Data
Report. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division
of Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http://srtr.transplant.hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012), tables 5.8a and 5.8d.

Deceased donor recipient age (years) Living donor recipient age (years)

100 1-5 35-49 100

6-11 50-64
90 12-17 65+ 90
80 80

70 70
Adjusted graft survival (%)

Adjusted graft survival (%)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
3-months 1-year 5-year 10-year 3-months 1-year 5-year 10-year
FIGURE 37-4  ■  Adjusted graft survival for deceased donor (left panel) and living donor (right panel) kidney transplants by age of recipi-
ent. (Data from Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR
2010 Annual Data Report. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems
Bureau, Division of Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http://srtr.transplant.hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012), tables
5.8a and 5.8d.)

youngest recipients (1–5 years old) have the worst 1-year

graft survival rate for deceased donors, but the highest
long-term survival for both deceased and living donor 8%
transplants of any age (Table 37-4). The adolescent age 6%
group has the worst long-term graft survival of all age 7%
groups (Figure 37-4).
Incidence and Causes of Graft Failure
Of 11 603 transplants in the NAPRTCS database, 2920 8%
Chronic rejection
Acute rejection
(or 25%) have failed, including 300 patients who have lost
two or more grafts since the study start in 1987. Of first 12% Death with function
transplants, 25% have failed, while 35% of the 971 sub- 10%
sequent transplants have failed. The most common causes Thrombosis
of graft loss are represented in Figure 37-5. Of the trans- Non-adherence
plants since 2000, the most common cause of graft failure Other
was chronic rejection (41%), followed by acute rejection
(10%). While vascular thrombosis continues to be an im- FIGURE 37-5  ■  Causes of graft loss in pediatric renal transplant
recipients 2000–2010. (Data from North American Pediatric Renal
portant cause of graft failure (7%), the proportion of grafts Trials and Collaborative Studies. 2010. NAPRTCS Annual Transplant
lost to this event has decreased in the more recent era Report. Available online at: https://web.emmes.com/study/ped/annl-
(2000–2007). Other causes of graft loss reported include rept/annlrept.html (accessed 9/24/2012).)
612 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

recurrence of primary renal disease (8%), non-adherence graft survival for both deceased and living donor kidneys
(6%), primary non-function (2.2%), infection (1.8%), and (Figure 37-4).10,238
malignancy (1.3%). Approximately 12% of reported graft Long-term graft survival for adolescent children is the
failures had unknown causes in the database, and death lowest for any age group, with 76.6% 5-year and 53.5%
with a functioning graft represented 10% of graft losses.232 10-year adjusted graft survival315 (Figure 37-4). Worse
outcomes in this group are attributed to higher rates of
Prognostic Factors Influencing Graft Survival
The following factors have been found to be impor- Donor Age
tant determinants of short-term and long-term graft
­survival in pediatric kidney transplants. Some of these Multiple reports in the literature indicate that donation
factors are more predictive of short-term survival while from young adults improves graft survival.130,177,236,244
others have an effect on long-term graft survival. For The “ideal” donor age derived from these analyses has
example, an analysis of the UNOS database from 1995 been determined to be above 6 years old and less than
until 2002 demonstrated that the most significant risk 45–50 years old.
­factors for early graft loss (by 3 months posttransplant) in Interestingly, children receiving grafts from deceased
­children who received deceased donor kidney transplants donors under age 18 years have improved relative glomer-
were prolonged ischemia time (>36 hours; odds ratio ular filtration rate (GFR) over time compared to children
(OR) = 3.38 versus <36 hours) and recipient age 2–5 years receiving kidneys from deceased or living adult donors.78
(OR = 2.02 versus 6–12 years). Long-term graft survival Senescence of somatic kidney cells has been postulated to
was most affected by race (relative risk (RR) = 1.93 for be the underlying cellular mechanism responsible for this
African American versus others), adolescent recipients effect.125,201 In other words, renal allografts from young
(RR = 1.50 for 13–20 years versus 6–12 years), and FSGS donors are able to adapt to the increasing metabolic de-
as primary diagnosis (RR = 1.27 versus others).139 mand of a growing recipient, whereas kidneys from older
donors have decreased capacity for cell survival and re-
generation and undergo accelerated aging under the
Donor Source
stress of transplantation.
Children in all age groups receiving kidney transplants Transplants from very young donors (under age
from living donors have superior short-term and long- 5 years) to pediatric recipients have historically been
term graft survival (Table 37-4) compared to children re- avoided due to reports of increased risk of graft loss. In a
ceiving deceased donor grafts.62,309 Data from the SRTR recent analysis of the NAPRTCS database, primary graft
registry indicate a 10–20% increase in 1-year, 3-year, and non-function was found to be more frequent in kidney
5-year graft survival for children of all age groups receiv- transplants from very young donors (3.7% compared to
ing living donor kidney transplants over deceased donor 0.3% in transplants from donors aged 6–35 year or “ideal
transplants. The effect is even more pronounced for the donors”). However, longer term, the 3-year graft survival
youngest recipients322 (Figure 37-4). The improved out- and estimated GFR (eGFR) of functioning grafts from
comes for living donor kidney transplants are thought to very young donors was equivalent to ideal donors.217
be due to reduced cold ischemia time, improved HLA
matching, and improved preoperative preparation of the Recipient Race
recipient. Finally, for deceased donor kidneys, outcomes
are superior for pediatric recipients of grafts from dona- African American children have worse long-term graft sur-
tion after brain death than donation after cardiac death vival than all other races.10,241 African American ­children
due to increased risk of graft loss by 4 years in the latter.316 are also more likely to be older at the time of transplant,
receive fewer living donor transplants, and have longer du-
ration of dialysis prior to transplant. After controlling for
Recipient Age
19 variables, including age, primary ­diagnosis, pre-emptive
Children under the age of 2 years have historically had transplant, rejection experience, HLA-B mismatch, immu-
lower short-term graft survival rates than older chil- nosuppression, and gender, Omoloja et al.241 report that
dren, particularly following deceased donor transplant. black patients still had higher risk for graft failure (hazard
However, short-term graft survival for this age group ratio = 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.46–1.86).
has improved in the recent era.116,232 In contrast to the Although FSGS, which is a suggested risk factor for de-
short-term data, some studies suggest deceased donor creased graft survival due to recurrent disease, is more com-
transplant in children under 2 years old, in the absence mon among African American children receiving kidney
of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), has the most success- transplants, a recent analysis found equally poor allograft
ful long-term graft survival of any age group.156,274 Renal survival among black children with FSGS and those with
graft ischemia due to donor–recipient size discrepancy is other causes of renal failure (after adjusting for recipient age,
thought to be a major factor in this age group, suggesting donor source, HLA zero mismatch, and acute rejection).137
that graft perfusion in the smallest recipients may serve as
a modifiable risk factor.221 HLA Matching
Although children aged 2–5 years have the lowest
short-term graft survival of all ages after deceased donor Although the ideal situation would be donation from
transplant, they have the potential for the best long-term an HLA-identical sibling, this has occurred in only
Renal Transplantation in Children 613

3.4% of pediatric living donor transplants reported in The risk of sensitization associated with increasing
NAPRTCS.232 Most live kidney donations come from HLA mismatch has also been debated.121 As stated ear-
haplo-identical parents. An analysis of NAPRTCS in lier, children have longer expected remaining lifetimes
2000 suggested that a six-antigen-matched deceased following transplantation, and increased expectancy for
donor kidney had equivalent graft survival and rejec- multiple transplants. Therefore, the risk of sensitization
tion rates as haplo-identical living donor transplants.304 from mismatched primary transplants may have a nega-
However, long-term graft survival (5 years) was actually tive impact on this population if it becomes a barrier to
10% better for the children who received sixantigen- subsequent transplant. The most recent analysis of the
matched deceased donor kidneys. SRTR database by Meier-Kriesche and colleagues con-
There is some evidence that donation from a sibling cluded that children and African American recipients are
with non-inherited maternal antigens confers survival at increased risk of becoming highly sensitized after their
benefit42,205 for the graft and may be due to bidirectional first kidney transplant.200
immune regulation57 between donor and recipient im-
mune cells. Grafts from mothers in these studies had Presensitization
poorer outcomes. This has particular relevance for pe-
diatrics, since mothers represent the majority of parental NAPRTCS reported that more than five transfusions
donors.232 significantly increased the frequency of delayed graft
There is debate as to the impact of degree of HLA function (defined as dialysis in the first transplant week)
mismatch on acute rejection and graft survival.243 In and graft failure (relative hazard (RH) = 1.22, P = 0.016
2004, Su et al. reported a diminishing risk of rejection for living donor transplants and RH = 1.25, P < 0.001 for
over time by degree of six-antigen HLA mismatch via ­deceased donor transplants). This effect was presumed
analysis of the UNOS database for deceased donor trans- to be due to increased sensitization. The practice of
plants from 1995 through 1998.296 They concluded that ­donor-specific blood transfusion has fallen out of favor
modern immunosuppressive therapy has decreased the in the recent era given lower rejection rates on the newer
contribution of HLA mismatch to graft survival. In re- ­immunosuppression regimens. In the NAPRTCS data-
sponse, an analysis of the Collaborative Transplant Study base, the percentage of patients without prior transfusion
(the majority of recipients were European), published in increased from 17% at study start (1987) to an average of
2007 by Opelz and Dohler, concluded that HLA mis- 66% from 2006 to 2009.232 This is likely due to increased
match continues to have a significant effect on both the use of erythropoietin to treat anemia during ESRD and
need for posttransplant rejection treatment and graft increased awareness of the risk of sensitization from
survival.243 Children comprised about 5% of the trans- ­repeated blood transfusions. Of the children on the US
plant recipients in both of these studies. A more recent wait list in 2009, 82% had PRA <10%.
analysis of 9029 pediatric recipients in the Collaborative
Transplant Study found a hierarchical relationship for Delayed Graft Function and Technical Factors
an effect of increasing mismatches at the A-, B-, and
­DR-loci on graft survival.244 Graft survival is significantly worse in the presence of
Similarly, there are inconsistent findings on the role of ATN requiring early dialysis. ATN is reported in 5%
HLA-DR matching and graft survival.108 In 2008, Gritsch of index living donor and 16% of index deceased donor
et al. reported that children in the United States receiv- transplants in the NAPRTCS registry. Among deceased
ing zero HLA-DR mismatched deceased donor kidneys donor grafts with function at 1 week posttransplant, 56%
had comparable 5-year graft survival to children who had of children with ATN had a functioning graft at 5 years
received one or two DR mismatched kidneys.121 A r­ ecent versus 75% of children without ATN.232
analysis of European pediatric kidney transplants244 Native nephrectomy may be undertaken in small
found that, while two HLA-DR mismatches were as- ­children at the time of transplant to control excessively
sociated with lower graft survival in children receiving high urine output or for other specific indications. Of the
transplants from 1988 to 1997, this effect was not seen in children receiving transplants followed in the NAPRTCS
the more recent era (1998–2007). They did, however, de- registry, 22% underwent nephrectomy. The NAPRTCS
scribe a disturbing association of HLA-DR double mis- report indicates that native nephrectomy was associated
match with increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s with a significantly increased risk for ATN. This find-
lymphoma.244 This interesting finding needs to be vali- ing could relate to prolongation of operative time and
dated in additional cohorts of pediatric kidney transplant cold ischemia time, increased third spacing of fluid, more
recipients. complex postoperative fluid management, and increased
Children in the United States receive fewer zero- risk of poor graft perfusion.
mismatched kidneys than adults (3% of pediatric recip- Thrombosis remains a significant cause of graft failure
ients versus 8% of adults) under the current allocation in children, accounting for 7% of all graft losses reported
policy. As mentioned earlier, an increasing proportion of in NAPRTCS since the year 2000. Overall, technical
deceased donor transplants in children (54% from 2007 causes of graft loss (vascular thrombosis, primary non-
to 2009) are mismatched at more than five HLA loci.5,245 function, and others) contributed to 13% of all graft
The impact on long-term graft survival under the new ­failures reported in NAPRTCS since 1987, suggesting
policy will need to be studied to determine whether the that these events occur in about 3% of pediatric trans-
earlier access to young donors outweighs the risk of in- plants.232 Several studies of pediatric transplant registries
creasingly mismatched histocompatibility. in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands
614 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

reported similar rates of thrombosis. Risk factors for graft should be considered. Finally, issues with medical com-
thrombosis in children include recipient age <6 years, pliance or unstable family situations can delay consider-
donor age <6 years, cold ischemia time >24 hours, and ation for kidney transplant.
history of peritoneal dialysis.160,197,223


Early (1987–1996) retrospective analysis of the Recurrent disease is a significant cause of graft loss in
NAPRTCS database found an increased risk of rejec- children (Figure 37-5). For example, children with he-
tion for patients who did not receive induction therapy molytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), FSGS, or oxalosis had
(either monoclonal or polyclonal); however, the ef- the worst overall graft half-life of 5.6 years in a single-
fect has been lost in the more recent era (1996–2010). center study of pediatric transplants between 1984 and
When assessing factors that influence graft survival, in- 1997 at the University of Minnesota.322 Recurrence in the
duction therapy is now of only borderline significance transplanted kidney can occur with primary glomerulo-
in the NAPRTCS registry.232 Moreover, a prospective nephritis, secondary glomerulonephritis, and metabolic
controlled study found no benefit to OKT3 induc- diseases.
tion compared to cyclosporine.30 A recent analysis of
OPTN/UNOS data by Sampaio and colleagues also
concluded that induction therapy was not associated Primary Glomerulonephritis
with reduced rejection episodes or with improvement in
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
the 3-year graft survival for pediatric kidney transplant
recipients.269 FSGS recurs in 20–60% of children with nephrotic syn-
drome undergoing renal transplant and is the most com-
mon cause of graft loss due to recurrence.98,99,138,232,302
Transplant Center Volume
Earlier age of nephrotic syndrome diagnosis283 (between
An analysis of the NAPRTCS registry in 1999 showed 6 and 15 years), rapid progression to ESRD63,302 (within
that centers performing an average of 10 or more pe- 3 years of diagnosis), and mesangial proliferation on native
diatric kidney transplants per year had improved graft kidney biopsy283 have been associated with an increased
survival at 3 months compared to centers that perform risk of FSGS recurrence in children undergoing kidney
fewer than 5 per year (which comprised 63% of the transplant. Similarly to adults,1 white and Hispanic chil-
centers entering data in the registry). The improve- dren with FSGS in the NAPRTCS database were found
ment in graft survival in the higher-volume centers was to have increased risk for recurrence compared to black
attributed to significantly lower rates of graft thrombo- children.302
sis and ATN. 281 In an analysis of USRDS data, the impact of FSGS
recurrence on graft loss was more significant in children
than in adults.1 Children with recurrent FSGS following
CONTRAINDICATIONS TO living donor transplant had graft survival equivalent to
TRANSPLANTATION children without FSGS receiving deceased donor trans-
plant in an analysis of NAPRTCS.25 This observation has
Children with ESRD have fewer comorbid conditions led to reservation about offering living donor transplants,
that might mitigate against major surgery or use of immu- especially from first-degree relatives, to children sus-
nosuppressive medications than adults, so that the risks pected to be at high risk of FSGS recurrence. In contrast,
of kidney transplantation are often greatly outweighed a study of adult transplants in the USRDS registry found
by the benefits. Therefore, most children with ESRD lower death-censored graft loss for patients with FSGS
are eventually referred for transplant. According to the receiving living donor transplants compared to those
USRDS,315 about 30% of prevalent ESRD patients aged ­receiving deceased donor transplants.58 It is unclear if the
1–17 years in the United States are listed for transplant. findings of increased graft loss in children with FSGS
There are few absolute contraindications to kidney receiving living donor transplants are due to the use of
transplant in children. Situations that might not be related donors who may be carriers for genetic mutations
appropriate for referral or listing include active or un- underlying FSGS.
treated malignancy, active or untreated infection, and Higher rates of ATN in both living donor and ­deceased
multiple or progressive medical conditions with overall donor transplants have been reported in children with
poor prognosis for recovery (e.g., severe brain injury or FSGS compared to children with other causes of ESRD.25
multiorgan failure). Transplant is considered following It has been suggested that the increased rate of ATN,
a reasonable disease-free period for children with prior possibly due to early FSGS recurrence, plays a role in the
malignancies. decreased graft survival for children with FSGS.24 This
Mild, isolated mental retardation is not a contraindica- observation influenced some centers to offer ­living donor
tion to transplant per se, as improvement in neurocogni- transplant (which have lower rates of ATN in general)
tive development has been seen following transplant.202 with pretransplant plasmapheresis to try to prevent rapid
Children with devastating neurological dysfunction may FSGS recurrence and improve graft survival; however,
not benefit appreciably from transplant, but the poten- the use of plasmapheresis pretransplant has not proven
tial for rehabilitation, self-care, and parental preferences consistently beneficial in small trials.115,118
Renal Transplantation in Children 615

Genetic forms of FSGS were historically considered glomerular diseases. Furthermore, patients who had
to be at low risk for recurrence. Some groups have dem- FSGS recurrence following transplant had the high-
onstrated low rates of recurrence (3%) for patients with est ­ serum concentrations of suPAR, suggesting that
homozygous331 and compound heterozygous podocin this could be developed into a clinically predictive test.
(NPHS2) mutations.154 Although Bertelli et al. found Prospective studies are needed to validate the predictive
patients with NPHS2 mutations to have similar rates of value of ­suPAR concentrations for FSGS recurrence.
recurrence (5 of 13, or 38%) as non-mutation carriers (12 The treatment of recurrent FSGS is not well
of 27, or 48%),33 the majority of this effect was seen in pa- ­established. The most commonly reported therapies for
tients with simple heterozygous mutation (3 of 4 patients recurrent FSGS are plasmapheresis or protein A immu-
with heterozygous mutation recurred, compared to 2 of 9 noadsorption therapy. A recent review of the literature
patients with homozygous mutation). found that 49 of 70 children (70%) receiving plasma-
Recurrence of FSGS often presents early following pheresis for FSGS recurrence achieved partial or full
kidney transplantation in children, with a reported me- remission.255 Early detection of recurrence and initiation
dian time to recurrence of 6–14 days,63,302 though heavy of plasmapheresis appear to provide the best results.257
proteinuria often can be detected within hours following However, these studies likely overrepresent the ben-
transplant. It is usually characterized by nephrotic-range efit of plasmapheresis given small sample sizes and the
proteinuria (protein/creatinine ratio >2 mg/mg) and hy- use of only historical groups for comparison in a few of
poalbuminemia, but can present as complete nephrotic the studies or no comparison group in others. In gen-
syndrome, including anasarca and hypercholesterolemia. eral, it is recommended that children at risk should have
Whereas recurrent disease typically presents within the daily monitoring of protein/creatinine ratios in the early
first 2 years following transplant, the presentation of ne- ­posttransplant period to allow rapid detection of FSGS
phrotic syndrome after 2 years is generally considered recurrence and early initiation of treatment.
to be secondary to calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) toxicity, Some centers perform plasmapheresis either before a
chronic rejection, or de novo disease. planned living donor transplant or in the perioperative
Biopsies early following recurrence often demonstrate period of deceased donor transplant.115 It is unclear if this
normal histology on light microscopy with effacement of practice offers any benefit over early detection and treat-
podocyte foot processes on electron microscopy.46,55,295 ment of established recurrence.118
Later biopsies have characteristic segmental lesions of High-dose cyclosporine has shown efficacy in achiev-
FSGS with endocapillary proliferation and foam cell ac- ing complete or partial remission of recurrent nephrotic
cumulation and can progress to glomerular sclerosis and syndrome in children.261,266 The antiproteinuric effect of
interstitial fibrosis.46,55 Patients achieving complete and CNIs has been postulated to be due to T-cell suppres-
sustained remission of proteinuria do not typically dem- sion and inhibition of cytokine secretion thought to be
onstrate FSGS on biopsy.46 injurious to podocytes,174 as well as to a direct effect
The pathophysiology of idiopathic FSGS in native on the stabilization of the podocyte cytoskeleton.49,86
kidneys and recurrent FSGS following transplant re- The alkylating agent, cyclophosphamide, has also been
mains unclear. It is likely a multifactorial process involv- ­reported to be efficacious in some children with recurrent
ing cytokines secreted by T cells,174,337 a humoral factor FSGS, ­usually in combination with plasmapheresis.55,63
that alters podocyte cytoskeletal structure,129,288 and a bal- Reduction in proteinuria has also been reported with the
ance between circulating permeability factors and inhibi- use of angiotensin blockade,138,210 either alone or in con-
tors of such factors.107 Recurrence of nephrotic syndrome junction with plasmapheresis.
in children with NPHS2 mutations does not appear Finally, there have been anecdotal cases reporting pro-
to be due to antipodocin antibodies.26 Further study is longed remission from proteinuria in children with recur-
needed to clarify the pathogenesis of recurrence in this rent FSGS following plasmapheresis and B-cell depletion
population. with rituximab.134,136 This was first reported for a child
A circulating factor has been proposed to cause in- who incidentally achieved remission of FSGS recurrence
creased albumin permeability of the slit diaphragm following rituximab therapy to treat posttransplant lym-
during FSGS recurrence, but the identity, source, and phoproliferative disease (PTLD).253 The true value of this
pathologic effects of such a factor are yet to be fully approach remains to be established.
­elucidated.49,288,289 Bioassays of albumin permeability have
had conflicting results in predicting FSGS recurrence63 Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome
and have not proven to be specific or highly predictive
of ­response to therapy or long-term renal outcome in Congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) by defini-
patients with ­
­ nephrotic syndrome.49,308 Furthermore, tion ­occurs within the first 3 months of life and is most
demonstration of a neutralizing effect of normal serum287 ­commonly due to mutations in the NPHS1 gene encod-
or urine from ­nephrotic patients48 on albumin permeabil- ing nephrin, a major structural component of the slit
ity suggests that loss or deficiency of a natural inhibitor diaphragm. Infants with CNS are frequently born pre-
may play a role. maturely, have an enlarged placenta, and present with
Recently, Wei et al. identified serum soluble uroki- nephrotic-range proteinuria, anasarca, and hypoalbumin-
nase receptor (suPAR) as a circulating factor capable of emia. Secondary causes (i.e., neonatal cytomegalovirus
causing FSGS.332 Two-thirds of the patients with FSGS (CMV), congenital rubella, human immunodeficiency
in this study had elevated serum suPAR concentrations virus (HIV), hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, and
compared to healthy controls and patients with other ­infantile lupus) should be excluded. The genetics of CNS
616 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

are proving more complex in recent years with the identi- type IV collagen (COL4A5). Patients with mutations re-
fication of additional genetic mutations (including genes sulting in a truncated protein (i.e., large rearrangement,
previously only associated with FSGS).31 premature stop, or frameshift mutations) tend to progress
Recurrence of nephrotic syndrome has been reported to ESRD earlier (50% by age 19 years).122 Female carriers
in 25% of children with CNS due to homozygous Fin- of COL4A5 mutation are considered to have a less severe
major mutations in nephrin (NPHS1) with mean time to course, but some do develop ESRD in late adulthood.149
recurrence of 12 months posttransplant (range of 5 days Development of hearing loss and progression of protein-
to 2 years). Antinephrin antibodies have been implicated uria appear predictive of a more severe course in female
in a majority of these children.249,327 There is one report carriers. Evaluation of potential living donors, especially
of a child with compound heterozygous NPSH1 muta- female relatives, should include evaluation for hematuria
tion who had recurrence but no detectable antinephrin and proteinuria, as the heterozygous carrier state carries a
antibodies.294 risk of developing ESRD following donation.123
Vascular thrombosis and death from infection (with a Autosomal recessive forms involving mutations in
functional graft) have been described more often in chil- the α3 (COL4A3) and α5 (COL4A4) chains have also
dren with CNS following transplant compared to children been described. Rare autosomal dominant mutations in
with other primary diseases.163 Hypercoagulability due to COL4A3 and COL4A4 have also been reported with less
urinary losses of antithrombin III along with younger age severe renal disease, fewer cases of hearing loss, and ab-
at the time of transplant likely contribute to the increased sence of reported ocular changes.150,188,318
risk of these complications. Although AS itself does not recur, development of
Diffuse mesangial sclerosis (DMS) can also present de novo anti-GBM disease has been reported to occur
as nephrotic syndrome in early infancy and is associated in approximately 3–5% of AS males within the first year
with mutations of the Wilms’ tumor suppressor gene 1 following transplant.40,44 Late occurrence has also been
(WT1). Denys–Drash syndrome consists of progres- described.67
sive glomerulopathy (DMS) and male pseudohermaph- Antibodies are generated against the type IV collagen
roditism (although genotypic females have also been α5 or α3 chains.52,328 Patients with mutations resulting in
described) and is due to heterozygous mutations within complete absence or severe truncation of these proteins
exon 8 or 9 of WT1.228 Children with Denys–Drash syn- appear to be at highest risk of developing anti-GBM an-
drome are at increased risk of developing Wilms’ tumor; tibodies. It should be noted that the anti-GBM antibod-
therefore, bilateral nephrectomy is often performed once ies in these patients are specific for different epitopes
they develop ESRD. Frasier syndrome presents with nor- of the non-collagenous domains of the α3α4α5(IV) col-
mal female genitalia with streak gonads, XY karyotype, lagen network than the Goodpasture’s alloepitope, and
and progressive glomerulopathy (DMS on histology) therefore may not be detectable in the serum using the
and is due to splice mutations within exon 9 of WT1.166 clinically available enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-
Children with Frasier syndrome are at risk of developing say used to diagnose spontaneous anti-GBM nephritis in
gonadoblastoma and therefore should undergo oopher- Goodpasture’s disease.
ectomy. There have also been reports of isolated DMS in Early reports described rapidly progressive anti-GBM
children with WT1 mutations without other syndromic disease with nearly 90–100% graft loss.64,240 With better
features147 who may not be at risk for malignancy. recognition of this entity, reports of subclinical anti-GBM
Other than one report of recurrent MPGN in a child (i.e., demonstration of linear IgG deposits along the GBM
with Denys–Drash,227 no other studies report recurrence in transplant biopsies without graft dysfunction) suggest a
of nephrotic syndrome in children with WT1 mutations broader spectrum of clinical disease.44,254 Despite the poor
undergoing kidney transplant.233 Overall, children with graft outcome described during anti-GBM nephritis in
Denys–Drash have comparable patient and graft survival AS, the severe form does not occur frequently enough to
as children with other causes of ESRD.232 impact overall graft survival statistics for AS patients.114,124
Chronic rejection is the most common cause of graft loss
in this population. Patients who have lost a prior graft to
Alport’s Syndrome
anti-GBM disease are at higher risk of recurrence follow-
Alport’s syndrome (AS) is a clinically and genetically het- ing a subsequent transplant, although some have reported
erogeneous nephropathy characterized by glomerular successful retransplantation.40
basement membrane (GBM) defects due to alterations in
the type IV collagen matrix. AS presents with persistent Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
microscopic hematuria and proteinuria that can progress
to renal failure and is often associated with sensorineural Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN)
hearing loss and ocular abnormalities. It is the prototype ­describes a pattern of glomerular injury with common
of inherited nephritis and accounts for 2% of children histologic features of glomerular capillary wall thickening
with ESRD in the United States. The most common, and (membrano-) and hypercellularity in the glomerular tufts
severe, form is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern (-proliferative). MPGN was historically classified into
and is associated with early progression to ESRD (50% of three morphologic types: type I, with presence of im-
boys by age 25 years). Autosomal recessive and autosomal mune deposits in the subendothelial and mesangial areas;
dominant forms have also been described. type II, with electron-dense deposits within the basement
The genetics of X-linked AS was defined over 20 years membrane; and type III, with complex GBM formation
ago as a mutation in the gene encoding the α5 chain of with subendothelial and subepithelial electron-dense
Renal Transplantation in Children 617

deposits that are bridged by intramembranous deposits. (14.7% of graft losses). Of the children with MPGN II
MPGN can be primary (or idiopathic, most commonly who had posttransplant biopsies (n = 18) in the registry,
in children) or secondary to infectious and autoimmune 67% had recurrent MPGN type II. No correlation was
disease. A unifying characteristic of all types of MPGN is found between pretransplant presentation or C3 levels
hypocomplementemia (low C3). MPGN type II, known with the risk of recurrence or graft loss.38 In a single-­
as dense deposit disease (DDD), is now considered a center, retrospective study, MPGN type II was reported
separate entity from MPGN types I and III, since it has to recur in 60% of children while the rate of graft loss was
unique pathogenic and clinical features.326 Therefore similar to other children transplanted at that center.219
DDD is addressed in the next section of this chapter. Finally, an analysis of the UNOS database, including
Historic reports characterizing the transplant outcomes children and adults, reported graft loss due to recurrence
for patients with MPGN typically combined patients with in 30% of patients with MPGN type II, and significantly
MPGN type I and type II in their analyses. More recent worse graft survival compared to patients with other
reports separate the two groups. Disease r­ecurrence for forms of glomerulonephritis.14
MPGN type I is estimated to be 20–30%.13,213 Similar to MPGN type I, there is no established treat-
A recent analysis of UNOS data showed MPGN ment of posttransplant recurrence of DDD. Non-specific
type I has a significant negative impact on graft survival treatments using angiotensin blockade, steroids, anticoag-
compared to other forms of glomerulonephritis, and a ulation, or antiplatelet therapy have been reported in the
­significant, but modest, negative effect compared to other literature with variable success. In patients with deficiency
causes of ESRD.14 Disease recurrence was the most com- in factor H, plasma infusion can be used to ­correct the de-
mon cause of graft loss (14.5%) for patients with MPGN ficiency. Plasmapheresis has been reported to remove the
type I in this study. Graft loss has been reported in about C3 nephritic factor.96 More recently, the use of an anti-
50% of patients with recurrent MPGN type I.213 Low C5 antibody (eculizumab) has been proposed to block the
complement levels (C3) at the time of transplant186,213 and downstream effects of uncontrolled C3 ­convertase activ-
younger age at time of transplant213 have been associated ity, but the clinical utility, long-term i­mplications, and
with increased risk of recurrence. A recent report of se- identification of patients who would benefit most from
rial protocol biopsies identified that some patients have this therapy still need to be defined.193,324
asymptomatic recurrence of MPGN I.186
Recurrent MPGN presents with hematuria, progres-
sive proteinuria, and deteriorating graft function. Low or Secondary Glomerulonephritis
low-normal C3 levels have been reported. IgA and Henoch–Schönlein Purpura
Treatment of recurrent MPGN type I is not well es-
tablished. Case reports and small case series suggest that Histological recurrence in adult transplant recipients with
cyclophosphamide combined with CNIs and steroids,45,181 IgA nephropathy has been reported to be 30–35%.126,246,256
plasmapheresis combined with steroids,218,278 and plasma- Transplant patients with abnormal urinalysis (hematuria
pheresis combined with rituximab252 may be beneficial. or proteinuria) are more likely to show histological evi-
dence of recurrence. The role of recurrence in graft loss
is variable in these reports. As high as 40–50% of patients
Dense Deposit Disease (Formerly MPGN II)
with recurrence have been reported to have graft fail-
As mentioned earlier, MPGN type II or DDD is now ure in some single-center studies155,256; however, a recent
considered to have a pathophysiology distinct from the analysis of patients in East Asia found that chronic rejec-
other forms of MPGN.15 DDD is characterized by the tion had a larger effect on long-term graft survival rate in
deposition of electron-dense deposits within the GBM patients with IgA nephropathy.126
and is associated with uncontrolled activation of the Histologic recurrence of Henoch–Schönlein purpura
­alternative pathway of the complement cascade. Most (HSP) nephritis has been reported in as high as 70% of pa-
­patients are diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 15 years tients within 2 years following transplant,305 with ­clinically
and about 50% progress to ESRD within 10 years. It is evident recurrence (hematuria, moderate proteinuria, and
a rare disease, representing 0.8% of children reported in hypertension) in 15–35%.126,255 Long-term graft survival,
the NAPRTCS transplant registry.232 however, does not appear to be greatly affected by recurre
Uncontrolled activation of the alternative comple- nce.126,157,305 An analysis of adolescents and young adults in
ment pathway in DDD is caused by stabilization of the the UNOS database revealed graft loss due to recurrent
C3 convertase, C3bBb. C3bBb is normally stabilized by disease in 13.6% of patients with HSP.270
properidin and inhibited by factor H. Approximately
80% of patients with DDD have an autoantibody, called Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
C3 nephritic factor, that stabilizes C3bBb and prevents
its normal degradation. Other causes include deficiency HUS accounts for approximately 2–2.5% of children
of factor H,76 or presence of an inhibitory autoantibody with ESRD in the United States.226,232 HUS is character-
against factor H,203 the natural inhibitor of C3bBb. ized by the clinical triad of microangiopathic hemolytic
An analysis of the NAPRTCS database showed anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure and can be
­significantly worse 5-year graft survival (50.0%) for chil- due to secondary causes (infectious, drug-induced, au-
dren with MPGN type II compared to the database as a toantibodies) or primary genetic defects in complement
whole (74.3%).38 The most common cause of graft fail- regulatory components that lead to persistent activation
ure in children with MPGN type II was recurrent disease of the alternative pathway of the complement cascade.
618 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

The most common cause of HUS in children (account- mutations in thrombomodulin (THBD gene) have also
ing for approximately 90% of cases) is associated with coli- been associated with atypical HUS. Finally, autoantibod-
tis due to Shiga toxin-producing bacteria (Escherichia coli, ies to factor H77 are detectable in 5–10% of patients with
Shigella dysenteriae, others). Epidemiological studies esti- atypical HUS, but up to 40% of these patients also carry
mate that 5–10% of children with Shiga toxin-producing a mutation in CFH, CFI, MCP, or C3.212
E. coli (STEC) infections develop HUS, with children un- Atypical HUS is increasingly recognized as a complex,
der the age of 5 years carrying the highest risk.119,184 Of polygenic disease. First, incomplete penetrance is com-
the children who develop HUS, about two-thirds develop mon in most of these mutations, suggesting that “mul-
oligoanuric renal failure.133 In a meta-analysis of long- tiple hits” contribute to a predisposition to atypical HUS.
term prognosis (>1 year) following diarrhea-associated Second, various polymorphisms in genes encoding CFH,
HUS, death or ESRD occurred in 10–15% of children MCP, CFH-related protein (CFHR1), and C4b-binding
with HUS.101 The presence of anuria or prolonged oli- protein (C4b-BP) have been associated with atypical
guria has been associated with higher risk for long-term HUS.82 Furthermore, bigenic abnormalities have been
sequelae, including CKD, proteinuria, and hypertension described in about 10% of patients; therefore mutational
in as many as 30% of HUS survivors.234,285 The risk of analysis of all complement components is recommended
developing HUS and the severity of renal failure appear during the workup of patients suspected to have atypical
to vary among different serotypes of STEC.170 The risk HUS.82,334 Finally, cases of de novo thrombotic micro-
of disease recurrence following transplant in this particu- angiopathy following kidney transplant in patients with
lar group appears to be very low (<1%) and graft sur- non-HUS causes of ESRD have also been found retro-
vival is similar to children with non-glomerular primary spectively to have CFH or CFI mutations.175
disease.89,182 Historically, studies on the outcomes of children with
Infections with bacteria other than STEC, including HUS have used simple delineation of cases based on the
Shigella dysenteriae and Citrobacter sp. that produce Shiga presence or absence of prodromal diarrhea. This delin-
or Shiga like toxins, have also been implicated in the eti- eation is not always straightforward clinically, for Shiga
ology of HUS in children. Furthermore, urinary tract toxin-related cases may present without diarrhea and
infections (UTIs) with STEC have also been found in 20–30% of cases of atypical HUS are preceded by a diar-
children with HUS presenting without diarrhea. rheal illness (including STEC infection).282 Furthermore,
Finally, invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infections as mentioned previously, there are non-diarrheal bacte-
have also been linked with a rare, but severe, form of rial infections associated with HUS (STEC UTI and
HUS that has higher rates of progression to ESRD than Pneumococcus). A recent guideline has been published in
the classical diarrhea-associated disease. Cases typically an effort to standardize diagnostic workup and treat-
have large bacterial burden with empyema and bactere- ment for children with atypical HUS.17 Children without
mia, but cases with meningitis or pericarditis have also ­diarrheal prodrome or pneumococcal infection, or those
been described.20 Bacterial neuraminidase exposes a crypt with recent diarrhea and certain clinical characteristics
antigen known as the Thomsen-Freidenrich (or T-) an- associated with increased risk of genetic predisposition
tigen on erythrocytes, platelets, and endothelium and is (Box 37-1), should undergo full diagnostic evaluation for
thought to play a role in endothelial activation and sub- cause of HUS, including investigation for Shiga toxin-
sequent microvascular thrombus formation. T-antigen producing bacteria as well as mutational analysis.
exposure can be confirmed on patient erythrocytes using Recurrence following transplant can present as graft
the lectin Arachis hypogaea. Recurrence of pneumococcal thrombosis or graft failure with hematological signs of
HUS following transplantation has not been reported for HUS (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombo-
these patients. cytopenia). The risk of recurrence following transplant
HUS that cannot be associated with infection (often varies depending on the genetic mutation identified.
referred to as atypical HUS) accounts for 5–10% of all Approximately 80% of patients with factor H or factor I
cases in children and carries a higher risk to progress to mutations develop HUS recurrence posttransplant with
ESRD without treatment. Genetic or acquired disorders high rates of graft loss (80–100%) within 1 year of recur-
of complement regulation are identified in about 60–70% rence.39,183 In theory, patients with isolated mutations in
of these cases. They also have higher risk of recurrence the membrane-bound MCP protein should not develop
and graft loss posttransplant. Therefore, identifying recurrent HUS since the allograft would have wild-
these cases is paramount for both pre-emptive treatment type, functional MCP protein. A recent analysis of the
to prevent progression to ESRD and planning for suc- International Registry of Recurrent and Familial HUS/
cessful transplantation. TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) included
In recent years, a clear link has been established be- 3 patients with documented MCP mutations, all with
tween disordered regulation of the alternative pathway excellent graft function at 3–13 years posttransplant.230
of the complement system and atypical HUS. Mutations However, HUS recurrence has been reported in a few pa-
have been described in three important regulatory pro- tients with MCP mutation. Possible explanations include
teins of the alternative pathway: complement factor endothelial microchimerism in which endothelial cells of
H (CFH: 20–30% of atypical HUS registry cases),76,230 recipient origin (expressing the mutated form of MCP)
complement factor I (CFI: 2–12%),34,103 and membrane repopulate the transplanted kidney,95 or additional, un-
cofactor protein (MCP: 10–15%).340 Gain-of-function diagnosed, genetic susceptibility of the recipient (in
mutations in genes encoding complement factor B (CFB: circulating or fluid-phase complement components).
1–2%) and complement C3 (10%) and loss-of-function Living donation is not advised for children with potential
Renal Transplantation in Children 619

BOX 37-1 Suggested Evaluation of Children with Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS)

Risk factors that should prompt a diagnostic workup for atypical HUS, even if diarrhea is present, include:
• Age of onset under 6 months old
• Insidious onset
• Relapse of HUS or a suspected previous case of HUS
• Previous unexplained anemia
• Non-synchronous family history of HUS
• Presentation with severe hypertension
• Presentation of HUS posttransplant (for any organ)
Diagnostic workup includes:
• Serum/plasma C3 level (although normal values do not exclude inherited disorders of complement regulation)
• Plasma/serum concentration of factor H and factor I
• Antifactor H antibody titers
• Membrane cofactor protein (MCP: CD46) surface expression on mononuclear leukocytes by flow cytometry
• Gene mutation analysis for factor H, factor I, MCP, factor B and C3
• Plasma vWF protease activity (ADAMTS13)
• Homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels (plasma and urine) to evaluate for defects in cobalamin metabolism

Adapted from Ariceta G, Besbas N, Johnson S, et al. 2009. Guideline for the investigation and initial therapy of diarrhea-negative hemolytic
­uremic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 24; 687–696.

atypical HUS given the high risk of recurrence and the renal transplantation.6,333,341 Moreover, the use of eculi-
uncertain effects of gene–gene interactions even from re- zumab may prevent progression to ESRD and obviate the
lated donors found not to carry the same mutation as the need for renal transplantation.51,112 Optimal dosage and
recipient. interval between eculizumab infusions remain to be fully
Plasma therapy has historically been the cornerstone defined, and the high cost of this agent may limit access.
of treatment for children with atypical HUS with CFH While studies of long-term outcomes are not available, a
mutations. Infusion of fresh frozen plasma can provide requirement for lifelong therapy is anticipated.
functional factor H, factor I, and C3 for patients with
deficiencies in these factors while plasma exchange
Membranous Nephropathy
withdraws anti-CFH antibodies and mutated forms of
factor H. Membranous nephropathy is rare in children, so risk of
Pre-emptive plasma exchange initiated prior to and recurrence in children following transplant is not clear.
continuing for some time following transplant has been Only 47 (of a total of 10 632) children have been reported
successful in preventing atypical HUS recurrence in a in the NAPRTCS transplant registry from 1987 to 2009
small number of patients with CFH mutation, but delayed with the diagnosis of membranous nephropathy.232
recurrence can occur with tapering of therapy or during
infections (especially CMV infection).183 Furthermore,
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
several patients with CFH or CFI mutations have been
reported to have graft loss following HUS recurrence Data on lupus nephritis recurrence in children are scarce.
despite plasma exchange, although these cases did not re- This is likely owing to the late presentation of recur-
ceive pre-emptive plasma exchange. Finally, patients with rence, which for most patients who are transplanted as
MCP mutation do not appear to benefit from plasma adolescents would occur in adulthood. An analysis of the
therapy. NAPRTCS registry reported similar patient and graft
Although CNIs have been associated with de novo survival for children with SLE compared to matched
HUS following solid-organ transplant, avoidance of controls.22 There was an increased incidence of recurrent
CNIs has not been shown to affect the risk of recurrence rejection episodes in SLE patients receiving living donor
in genotyped patients with atypical HUS.39,93,95 transplants, for which there is no current explanation.
Liver transplant alone or in combination with kidney
transplant has been reported for children with factor H c-ANCA and p-ANCA-positive Glomerulonephritis
mutation with the rationale that the transplanted liver
would provide wild-type factor H. While early attempts Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis associated with an-
resulted in acute thrombotic events and high mortality tineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody with cytoplasmic
rates, several centers in Europe have reported improved (c-ANCA) or perinuclear (p-ANCA) staining patterns
outcomes with ancillary plasma exchange and anticoagu- are a rare cause of ESRD in children. Recurrence rates
lation therapies. However, the risk of morbidity and mor- of the small-vessel vasculitides in the adult literature are
tality has limited the use of this approach. low, at about 5–6%,255 and recurrence of granulomatosis
Finally, the use of the anti-C5 monoclonal antibody, with polyangiitis (or GPA; formerly known as Wegener’s
eculizumab, to prevent membrane attack complex forma- granulomatosis) is rare. Average time to recurrence is
tion holds promise for both the prevention and treatment 31 months, but can occur within weeks to many years fol-
of recurrence in children with atypical HUS undergoing lowing transplant. Graft loss due to recurrence has been
620 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

reported in 2–7% of adults transplanted with diagnosis of without apparent clinical consequences. Graft survival
small-vessel vasculitides. rates for children with cystinosis are comparable to oth-
Renal recurrence is often heralded by microscopic ers in the NAPRTCS registry.171,232 Extrarenal manifes-
hematuria and proteinuria with focal or diffuse pauci- tations of continued cystine accumulation (i.e., visual
immune necrotizing glomerulonephritis seen on biopsy. impairment, hypothyroidism, endocrine pancreatic in-
The ANCA pattern or titers at the time of transplant do sufficiency, and myopathy) have become more apparent
not appear to be predictive of disease recurrence. Similar as the lifespan of patients with cystinosis increases and
to SLE, a waiting period of 6–12 months of inactive dis- likely are postponed by continued cysteamine treatment
ease is recommended prior to transplant. Persistently posttransplant.102
positive ANCA serologies, however, should not preclude
transplant since they are not an accurate marker of disease
activity. There are anecdotal reports of the use of cyclo- PRETRANSPLANT EVALUATION
phosphamide, corticosteroids, mycophenolate, and plas-
mapheresis for treatment of recurrence in patients with Evaluation of Potential Living Donor
GPA and p-ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis.255
Evaluation of a potential living donor (see Chapter 7)
for a pediatric recipient is no different than that for an
Metabolic Disease adult recipient. Living donors are evaluated for ­comorbid
conditions that would either increase their own risk for
Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I (Oxalosis) ­developing ESRD or impact the recipient (i.e., certain
Primary hyperoxaluria type I (PH1, also known as oxalo- viral infections). Adult-sized kidneys from living donors
sis) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by a de- have excellent potential for long-term graft survival in
fect in hepatic alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) pediatric recipients. Live donation from a sibling is also
which catalyzes the conversion of glycoxylate to glycine. considered, but most programs do not routinely accept
AGT deficiency results in overproduction of oxalate, re- donors under the age of 18 years on ethical grounds.
sulting in massive renal excretion of insoluble calcium ox- There have been exceptional cases, however, that re-
alate, leading to nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. As quired court consent. Although the ideal situation would
GFR declines with progressive renal involvement, oxalate be donation from an HLA-identical sibling, most live
accumulates and results in systemic oxalosis. More than kidney donations for pediatric recipients come from
100 different mutations have been described and there is haplo-identical parents.
considerable phenotypic heterogeneity, even within fam-
ily members with identical mutations.
The most severe form presents in infancy with renal
Evaluation of Recipient
failure necessitating dialysis. In children with less severe Many similarities exist in the medical evaluation of
presentation and early diagnosis, conservative manage- ­potential pediatric and adult transplant recipients (see
ment with pyridoxine (thought to reduce oxalate produc- Chapter 4). However, certain conditions occur more fre-
tion in a subset of B6-responsive patients), increased fluid quently in children, so the medical evaluation of pediatric
intake, and citrate treatment might delay the progres- recipients has a slightly different emphasis. The follow-
sion of kidney disease.85 Some centers advocate for pre- ing section describes the common medical, surgical, and
emptive liver transplant or combined liver–kidney transpl psychological issues taken into consideration during the
ant.84,251,279 The use of hemodialysis prior to transplant has pretransplant evaluation of a pediatric patient.
also been advocated to reduce systemic oxalate levels to
mitigate injury to the allograft. Data from the NAPRTCS Medical Evaluation of Issues Related to ESRD
registry indicate poor patient and graft survival for chil-
dren with oxalosis following kidney-only transplant with Cardiovascular Disease. Hypertension is a common
high rates of recurrence and death from sepsis.232 Recent problem in children with CKD. Chronic fluid overload
longitudinal studies from Europe suggest improved out- can result in left ventricular hypertrophy and dilated
comes in recent years with the best outcomes in children cardiomyopathy. Impaired ­ systolic function following
who were diagnosed early and underwent combined transplant can impair perfusion of the allograft, increas-
kidney–liver transplant.32 ing the risk of delayed graft function and impacting graft
survival. Therefore, aggressive management of persistent
hypertension, including intensified ­dialysis treatment and
Nephropathic Cystinosis
optimization of pharmacotherapy in children on dialysis,
Cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive disease due to a de- is paramount to successful transplant outcomes. Among
fect in the lysosomal cystine transporter (encoded by the hypertensive or other at-risk patients, echocardiography
cystinosin gene), resulting in intracellular accumulation at the time of pretransplant evaluation and periodically
of cystine, proximal tubule dysfunction (renal Fanconi thereafter (semi-annual to annual b ­ asis) can identify pa-
syndrome), and progressive kidney disease. Since the de- tients at highest risk for cardiovascular morbidity. Bilateral
velopment of the cystine-depleting drug cysteamine, pro- nephrectomy is sometimes required to control recalcitrant
gression to ESRD may be delayed. While nephropathic hypertension in children with elevated blood pressures de-
cystinosis does not recur posttransplant, protocol biop- spite multiple antihypertensive medications and optimized
sies have shown interstitial deposition of cystine crystals fluid management (see section below).
Renal Transplantation in Children 621

GN of Unknown Etiology. The underlying cause of transplant may proceed safely despite higher PTH lev-
ESRD should be identified in preparation for transplant els provided serum calcium and phosphorus levels are
in order to anticipate the risk of recurrence. Children under acceptable control.
with unknown cause of ESRD suspected to be due to
glomerulonephritis should undergo a thorough evalua- Nutrition and Growth. Poor feeding is a prominent
tion to delineate the underlying etiology. Complement feature of uremia in young children, and many children
levels (C3 and C4), antinuclear antibody, ANCA, and with ESRD require gastrostomy tube placement for
anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) titers should supplemental nutrition to optimize growth. As men-
be performed. As mentioned in the previous section, tioned previously, most centers prefer pediatric patients
children suspected of having HUS as a cause of ESRD to achieve a weight of 10–15 kg prior to kidney trans-
should be evaluated for atypical forms of HUS, includ- plant, and infants on dialysis may not reach this goal
ing mutational analysis and complement levels (Box 37-1). prior to 2 years of age. The use of recombinant human
Finally, identifying a hereditary disease as the cause growth hormone (rhGH) in children with ESRD has
of ESRD also aids in the evaluation of potential living been shown to promote “catch-up growth” in children
donors. with linear growth delay secondary to renal failure.
Optimized nutrition will also promote healing from
Nephrotic Syndrome. Typically, heavy proteinuria transplant surgery.
diminishes as children with nephrotic syndrome ap-
proach ESRD. Active nephrotic syndrome with hypo- Evaluation of Extrarenal Disease
albuminemia at the time of transplant can complicate
postoperative fluid management because of increased Infections. Pediatric transplant candidates should be
third spacing, thereby increasing the risk of electrolyte free from active infection to prevent infectious complica-
derangement, graft hypoperfusion, thromboembolic tions posttransplant. Subclinical infections of the dialysis
events, and delayed graft function. Continued heavy access site, skin, teeth, sinuses, and urinary tract should
proteinuria from native kidneys may also mask early be excluded prior to transplantation. Risk of tuberculo-
FSGS recurrence posttransplant. Native nephrectomies sis infection (latent or active) should be screened for by
have been utilized at some centers to minimize this con- history (including personal or close contacts with signs/
founding variable. symptoms of tuberculosis, recent immigration or travel
Some centers also perform pre-emptive unilateral191 to an endemic region), physical exam, chest X-ray, and
or bilateral nephrectomy in children with CNS with purified protein derivative skin testing. HIV screening
short-term peritoneal dialysis in preparation for trans- is required.
plantation.162 This allows normalization of serum albu- Urinary tract infections. Many children with ESRD
min and IgG levels, resolution of hypercoagulability, and have abnormal urinary tract anatomy, bladder outlet
optimization of nutrition with concomitant improvement obstruction, or vesicoureteral reflux that places them
in growth prior to transplant. Another approach includes at increased risk for recurrent UTI. Indeed, UTI is the
“medical nephrectomy” via the use of renin–­angiotensin most common bacterial infection in children awaiting
system blockade and prostaglandin inhibitors to effec- kidney transplant. Aggressive antibiotic treatment and
tively reduce GFR and minimize proteinuria with or prophylaxis are helpful in suppressing UTI in most chil-
without unilateral nephrectomy.167,180 dren. However, pre-emptive nephrectomy is sometimes
undertaken to control recalcitrant pyelonephritis or to
Renal Osteodystrophy. Aggressive treatment of sec- reduce the risk of urosepsis in children with recurrent
ondary hyperparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, UTI, particularly in the context of severe vesicoureteral
and adynamic bone disease with vitamin D analogs reflux.
and ­calcimimetics is vitally important for children with Cytomegalovirus (CMV). The incidence of CMV in-
ESRD to optimize growth and anemia management fection increases with age, so young children are more
prior to transplant. In general, secondary hyperpara- likely to be CMV-naïve at the time of transplant than
thyroidism improves following transplant, but it can adults. Anti-CMV IgM and IgG titers as well as CMV
often take several months to a year for parathyroid hor- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) should be obtained at
mone (PTH) levels to normalize completely. Persistent the time of pretransplant evaluation to plan for CMV
hyperparathyroidism following kidney transplant can
­ prophylaxis following transplant. If initial studies are
result in hypercalcemia and limits growth potential. negative, repeat studies at the time of transplant can
The risk of developing persistent hyperparathyroid- confirm immunological naiveté in the recipient. Donor
ism after transplant is attributed to hyperplasia of the CMV titers are also indicated to stratify the risk for de-
parathyroid gland. Over time, uncontrolled second-
­ veloping posttransplant CMV disease.
ary hyperparathyroidism can lead to nodular transfor- Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV). Similar to CMV, many
mation and monoclonal growth, resulting in tertiary children undergoing evaluation for kidney transplant are
­hyperparathyroidism (resistant to vitamin D therapy). naïve to EBV exposure. Primary EBV infection post-
In this severe case partial parathyroidectomy is often transplant increases the risk of PTLD. Anti-EBV IgM
needed to improve PTH levels. Ideally, pediatric trans- and IgG titers as well as EBV PCR should be assessed at
plant candidates should have intact PTH levels within the time of evaluation and, if initially negative, repeated
the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative t­arget at the time of transplant to confirm seronegativity and
range for CKD stage 5 (200–300 pg/mL); however, absence of infection.
622 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Hepatitis B and C. Annual screening for hepatitis B anticoagulation therapy is warranted. Evaluation of
and hepatitis C infection remains standard of care for hypercoagulability includes measurement of pro-
children on dialysis. Prevalence of hepatitis C remains thrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet
high for children with ESRD, with around 20% of chil- count, fibrinogen, antithrombin III level, protein C
dren receiving hemodialysis testing positive for HCV and protein S ­levels, and activated protein C resis-
antibodies153 or viral antigens and nucleic acid.207 Longer tance (to monitor factor V Leiden). Adolescents with
time on hemodialysis, but not the number of transfusions a history of SLE should be screened for antiphos-
received, has been ­associated with higher risk of HCV pholipid antibody, anticardiolipin antibody, and β2-
infection in children and adolescents.207 Children under- glycoprotein-1. Further workup including mutational
going evaluation for transplant should have hepatitis B analysis in other genes associated with ­ inherited
and hepatitis C testing along with serum aminotransfer- thrombophilia should be undertaken under the advice
ase levels to exclude the presence of active infection prior of a pediatric hematologist.
to transplant.
Immunization Status. Routine childhood immuniza- Prior Malignancy. In general, children with ESRD
tions should be completed prior to kidney transplant.3 do not need to be screened for malignancy, but a prior
Live attenuated ­ virus vaccines (i.e., measles, mumps, history of malignancy warrants additional evaluation.
rubella and varicella vaccines) are generally contraindi- Wilms’ tumor is the most common malignancy result-
cated in immunosuppressed ­patients due to the increased ing in ESRD in children. A waiting period of 2 years
risk of disseminated disease by the vaccine virus strain. has resulted in excellent outcomes with low risk of re-
Therefore, children awaiting transplant should receive currence following transplant.165 A recent subanalysis of
live virus vaccination at least 1–2 months prior to trans- the NAPRTCS registry reported 5-year patient survival
plant. Other, non-live virus vaccinations (i.e., hepatitis of 93% and graft survival of 82% for 56 patients with
A, tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis or Tdap, ex- Wilms’ tumor listed as the primary diagnosis.232 Kidney
panded 13-valent pneumococcal, meningococcal, and transplant in children with a history of other extrarenal
human papillomavirus) should also be administered prior malignancies is generally considered after a recurrence-
to transplant since the immunosuppressant therapy to free period of 2–5 years.
prevent rejection can impair immunological response
to these vaccines. Children awaiting transplant should Surgical Evaluation
also receive annual influenza vaccination. Antibody titers
against hepatitis B, hepatitis A, measles, mumps, rubella, Children undergoing kidney transplant evaluation often
and varicella should be evaluated to determine if booster need multiple surgical interventions, including bladder
vaccination is needed within 6 months of transplant.104,258 augmentation, placement of Mitrofanoff continent uri-
nary diversion, vesicostomy closure, gastrostomy tube
Hemostasis. As mentioned earlier, thrombosis is a signif- placement, or native nephrectomy prior to or at the time
icant cause of graft loss in very young recipients. However, of transplant. Therefore, it is vital that a surgical plan
identifying children at highest risk for this complication be established amongst pediatric surgeons, transplant
has been difficult. Retrospective studies have identified ­surgeons, and urologists prior to kidney transplant in
the following risk factors for graft thrombosis in pediatric children in order to coordinate surgical approaches and
recipients: recipient age under 5 years, history of peri- spare or maintain the vascular supplies that are unique
toneal dialysis,237 high urine output pretransplant, young for each procedure.
donor age (<5 years old), and prolonged cold ischemia
times (>24 hours).145,320 Central venous lines are the most Vascular Evaluation. The abdominal vasculature should
common vascular access for children receiving hemodi- be assessed for patency in preparation for transplant sur-
alysis, and line-associated thrombosis is a common event gery. Children with a prior history of femoral lines (in-
in this patient population. Data linking prior history of cluding dialysis catheters) or inflammatory conditions of
catheter-associated thrombosis in children on dialysis the abdomen (such as multiple abdominal surgeries or
with risk of graft thrombosis following transplant are not recurrent peritonitis) are at increased risk of thrombosis
established. of the inferior vena cava (IVC) or iliac vessels, thereby
There are few data on the prevalence of inherited hy- complicating vascular anastomosis of the graft. Magnetic
percoagulability that may predispose some children to resonance venogram and computed tomography angiog-
graft thrombosis. In adults, inheritance of factor V Leiden raphy are sensitive techniques for assessing IVC patency
or prothrombin (G20210A) mutations significantly in- as well as providing a detailed anatomic survey of abdom-
creases the risk of graft thrombosis. Adults with SLE, es- inal vasculature. In patients at lower risk of thrombosis,
pecially in the presence of detectable antiophospholipid Doppler ultrasound is useful to screen for IVC and iliac
antibody or β2-glycoprotein-1, are at particularly high vein patency, but may be dependent on operator exper-
risk of thromboembolic events.145 There are insufficient tise, especially in small children.
data to determine the risk of posttransplant thrombosis
in patients with hyperhomocystinemia or 5,10-methylene Urological Evaluation. As mentioned earlier, nearly
tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms. 25% of children receiving kidney transplants have un-
Children with a history of recurrent thrombotic derlying urological abnormalities, including lower tract
events, or a strong family history of thrombophilia, should obstruction, vesicoureteral reflux, or bladder dysfunction.
undergo coagulation workup to determine if chronic Therefore, pediatric urologists play an important role in
Renal Transplantation in Children 623

the management of these patients prior to and following should be considered to reduce the risk for early UTI or
transplantation.7 urosepsis following transplant.36,83
All children under consideration for kidney transplant Pre-emptive native nephrectomy has been advocated
should have a renal ultrasound to evaluate for hydro- for certain patients for which the underlying renal dis-
nephrosis, hydroureter, and bladder wall thickening. In ease results in continued urinary losses of electrolytes
cases where excessive urine production is suspected, a 24- (i.e., for Bartter’s syndrome)53 or heavy proteinuria (i.e.,
hour urine collection should be obtained, if possible, for FSGS or CNS)105 complicating the optimal nutritional
determination of urinary volume. and medical management of children prior to transplant.
A voiding cystourethrogram should be performed in Reduction in heavy proteinuria due to FSGS following
select children undergoing evaluation for kidney trans- nephrectomy may reduce the risk of thrombotic events
plant, including those with a history of urological causes by correcting the hypercoagulable state and allow for
of ESRD, history of UTIs, hydronephrosis on ultrasound, earlier recognition of recurrent FSGS following trans-
or signs (e.g., thickened bladder wall on ultrasound) or plant. As mentioned earlier, children with CNS may
symptoms suggestive of dysfunctional voiding.290 Low- benefit from improved nutrition and reduced risk for
grade reflux (grade I–II) has not been associated with ad- infection following nephrectomy. Finally, children with
verse graft outcomes. autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease often re-
Urodynamic studies are indicated for selected children quire unilateral or bilateral nephrectomy of rapidly en-
with urinary tract abnormalities to assess bladder capac- larging kidneys to allow for both improved respiratory
ity, compliance, voiding pressure, leak point pressure, and status and adequate space in the abdomen for a future
postvoid residual (see Chapter 12). Early, aggressive treat- kidney graft.
ment of neurogenic or dysfunctional bladder is ­critical Many centers, including ours, perform pretransplant
as elevated bladder pressures have been associated with native nephrectomies for patients on dialysis with re-
increased risk of developing reflux into the transplanted calcitrant hypertension with good short-term results,
kidney21 and worse graft survival.4 Medical management including achievement of age-normative blood pres-
of neurogenic bladder often ­ includes anticholinergic sures and a reduction in the number and dosage of
therapy combined with intermittent catheterization and antihypertensive medications. The underlying patho-
should be continued following transplant. Children with physiology for this situation appears to be complex.
a history of posterior urethral valves should be assessed Fluid ­ overload certainly contributes; however some
for persistent anatomic ­obstruction following valve abla- children continue to have significant hypertension
tion or have a neourethra (e.g., Mitrofanoff) that can be ­despite aggressive treatment of fluid overload and maxi-
intermittently catheterized ­following transplant to pre- mal doses of m ­ ultiple antihypertensive medications.
vent lower urinary tract ­obstruction posttransplant. Studies in rats that received syngeneic kidney trans-
In some cases, poor bladder compliance persists despite plants after 5/6 ­nephrectomy were shown to have per-
appropriate medical management, necessitating bladder sistent hypertension despite normal renal function and
augmentation with small-bowel or colon segments prior absence of ­rejection or ­exposure to steroids or CNIs.60
to transplant. However, otherwise healthy but small-ca- Interestingly, removal of the diseased native kidney
pacity, defunctionalized bladders in children with oliguric achieved normalization of blood pressures in these rats.
ESRD do not require augmentation in order to achieve ex- The presence of high renin production and activation
cellent graft outcomes.9,267 Typically, urological correction of the sympathetic nervous system from diseased native
should be undertaken 3–6 months prior to transplant to kidneys have been theorized to contribute to persistent
allow for adequate healing prior to immunosuppression.263 hypertension in this setting.
The efficacy of bilateral nephrectomy in improv-
Native Nephrectomy. The most common indications ing blood pressure control for children on dialysis or
for native nephrectomy in children undergoing kidney preventing posttransplant hypertension has not been
transplant are excessive urine output, high-grade vesi- extensively studied. Reportsfrom our center involving
coureteral reflux with recurrent or recalcitrant pyelo- unilateral or bilateral nephrectomy of diseased kidneys
nephritis, continued heavy proteinuria (see Congenital have shown good results during short-term follow-up.19
Nephrotic Syndrome section, above), uncontrolled hy- Similarly, children with multicystic dysplastic kidney
pertension, and risk of renal malignancy.83,105 Multiple- disease or reflux nephropathy resulting in a unilat-
drug-dependent hypertension, especially that requiring eral poorly functioning kidney have been reported
treatment with minoxidil, may also be an indication for to have resolution of hypertension or diminution
native nephrectomies. of antihypertensive medications following nephrec-
Excessive urine output (>20  mL/kg/24 hours) has tomy. 280 However, a recent retrospective study did
been associated with an increased risk of renal transplant not demonstrate an ­e ffect of bilateral nephrectomy
thrombosis in children.320 Furthermore, high urine out- on the risk of posttransplant hypertension or left
put following the immediate posttransplant period (>4 L/ ventricular hypertrophy. 50 Prospective longitudi-
day) can complicate fluid management for small children nal studies are needed to evaluate whether bilateral
for whom it would be difficult to consume such large nephrectomy for hypertension improves long-term
­volumes to avoid hypovolemia.169 cardiovascular morbidity in children receiving kid-
Early UTI following transplant has been associated ney transplant.
with increased risk of graft loss.70 Therefore, nephrec- Children with disorders related to mutations in the
tomy of a native kidney with severe reflux (grade 3 or 4) WT1 gene, such as Denys–Drash syndrome and Frasier
624 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

syndrome, are at increased risk for developing Wilms’ tu- that do not interfere with the metabolism of com-
mor over time. Therefore, bilateral nephrectomy is con- monly used immunosuppressant medications. Phenytoin
sidered once they approach ESRD.18 (Dilantin), barbiturates, and carbamazepine can sig-
The surgical approach to nephrectomy (retroperito- nificantly reduce serum levels of CNIs and prednisone.
neal or transperitoneal; open or laparoscopic) should be Newer anticonvulsants may not interfere with immuno-
based on the center’s expertise as the risk of vascular and suppressant drug levels, but it is prudent to check for
bowel injuries is low for both approaches.79,161 Although updates in drug–drug interactions when planning for
a recent report from Italy suggests that renal emboli- transplant.
zation in children may be a minimally invasive alterna-
tive to nephrectomy for indications other than risk of
malignancy,47 we have observed unacceptable morbid- Psychosocial Issues
ity from this procedure and would not recommend this Psychoemotional Status. A multidisciplinary approach
approach. with involvement of physicians, child psychologists, and
child life specialists is important for the preparation of
Neurodevelopment children and their families for kidney transplantation.
Children with emotional or psychiatric disorders often
Developmental Delay. It is increasingly recognized require additional mental health resources, including
that children with CKD have higher rates of neuro- psychiatric care. Acquisition of coping skills, problem-
cognitive delays. Factors that have been associated solving skills, and behavior modification can improve a
with increased risk for neurocognitive deficits include child’s experience with the inherent complexity of di-
longer duration of CKD, increased severity of disease alysis or transplantation medical care. Pharmacotherapy
(i.e., advanced stages of CKD), and younger onset of for depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit
disease.292 hyperactivity disorder are important adjunctive thera-
Children with onset of ESRD in infancy can have sig- pies. Reduced clearance with impaired renal function,
nificant developmental delay due to uremia. In the absence clearance by dialysis, and interference with the me-
of structural brain abnormalities, psychomotor delay can tabolism of immunosuppressive medications should be
improve following transplant, with many infants regain- considered when selecting psychotropic medications in
ing normal developmental milestones.202 Although over- children with ESRD. Most selective serotonin reuptake
all neurodevelopmental outcomes are favorable following inhibitors do not interfere with immunosuppressive
transplant, in a prospective study of neurodevelopmental medications.
outcomes in children undergoing kidney transplant prior
to age 5 years,260 children who were born prematurely
and had multiple hypertensive crises or seizures during Non-adherence. Suspected non-adherence contrib-
dialysis were found to have lower IQ and need for spe- utes to approximately 44% of graft losses and 23% of
cial education following transplant. This study suggests late acute rejection episodes reported in the literature
that identification of susceptible children and prevention for adolescent kidney transplant recipients.74 Patterns of
of hypertension-related morbidity may allow for optimal medication and dialysis treatment compliance should be
neurodevelopmental outcome for young children follow- assessed for every child undergoing evaluation for kidney
ing kidney transplant. transplant to identify patients at high risk for non-ad-
Other infants needing dialysis in the first year of herence posttransplant. Social, behavioral, and psychiat-
life may have structural neurological abnormalities ric interventions should be initiated prior to transplant
resulting from insults associated with premature birth for those patients with identified or anticipated issues
or anoxic/ischemic injury (e.g., hypoxic ischemic en- with non-compliance. Identification and nurturing of
cephalopathy, periventricular leukomalacia follow- psychosocial support systems and frequent medical and
ing intraventricular hemorrhage, or microcephaly). social work follow-up are often required to prepare the
Children with structural neurological abnormalities pediatric candidate for transplantation. Again, the best
can present with hypotonia, spasticity, myoclonus, se- chance of rehabilitation and preparation for transplant is
vere cognitive delays, and seizures. Children with se- achieved when there is close coordination between medi-
vere mental retardation may not respond well to the cal and mental health providers. It is also of particular im-
constraints of ESRD care where the need for multiple, portance for the t­ ransplant and dialysis medical teams to
and often painful, procedures can be confusing and maintain close communication as the recipient prepares
uncomfortable. In such situations the potential for re- for transplant.
habilitation, self-care, and parental preferences should
be considered during joint decision making between Evaluation Updates
the medical team and family/caregivers in determining
whether long-term dialysis or transplantation should Pediatric candidates for kidney transplant should
be pursued. be re-evaluated at regular intervals (generally every
6–12 months) to identify any changes in their medical
Seizures. Seizure disorder requiring anticonvulsant condition or psychosocial status that alters the risk of
therapy is present in about 5% of pediatric transplant re- commencing with transplantation. A simplified version
cipients.232 Adequate seizure control should be obtained of the initial medical evaluation is appropriate for update
prior to transplantation, preferably with ­anticonvulsants visits.
Renal Transplantation in Children 625

PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF It is important to recognize the challenge this can pose

in children under 30 kg as a kidney graft from an adult
PEDIATRIC RENAL TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS can sequester 150–250 mL of blood, which can represent
well over 10% of a small child’s total circulating volume.
Preoperative Management In infants, up to 50% of cardiac output is directed to per-
Children presenting for imminent kidney transplant sur- fusion of an adult-sized kidney graft. Transfusion with
gery should be clinically stable without signs of active packed red blood cells is often necessary in the smallest
infection. A final set of laboratory studies is obtained to recipients to avoid severe anemia. In addition, continuous
evaluate for any electrolyte or metabolic derangements dopamine infusion at 2–3 μg/kg/min is often necessary,
that require dialysis or medical treatment prior to anes- especially in infants, to maintain higher mean arterial
thesia induction. pressures, and is continued for 24–48 hours postopera-
Intravascular volume status is important prior to trans- tively to allow the graft to accommodate slowly to lower
plant surgery as children with hypovolemia (especially mean arterial pressure in the recipient. Finally, mannitol
those with high urine output) are at increased risk of graft (1 g/kg) with or without furosemide (1 mg/kg) is often
thrombosis320 and graft hypoperfusion, leading to ATN. ­administered prior to clamp removal to facilitate diuresis.
Therefore, if dialysis treatment is indicated prior to sur- Blood gases and lactate levels should be monitored in-
gery, excessive fluid removal should be avoided. Similarly, traoperatively since clamping of the aorta or iliac artery
children with residual urine output should receive intra- can result in lactic acid accumulation, metabolic acidosis,
venous fluids to maintain intravascular volume (e.g., fluid and vasoconstriction. Occasionally, calcium channel an-
volume replacement to equal urinary output) while oral tagonists such as verapamil185 or papaverine are injected
intake is restricted awaiting surgery. into the arterial anastomosis to overcome arterial spasm
Subclinical infections of skin, dialysis access site, peri- that impairs graft perfusion.
toneal fluid, and urinary tract should be screened for For most immunosuppression protocols, intravenous
with a thorough history, physical exam, urinalysis, and methylprednisolone sodium succinate (Solu-Medrol) is
urine culture if indicated, peripheral white blood cell administered at the beginning of the surgical case. In ad-
count with differential, blood cultures (for those with dition, many pediatric transplant centers use intravenous
indwelling venous catheters), and peritoneal cell count biological agents for induction therapy, and these are also
and culture (for those maintained on peritoneal dialysis). administered intraoperatively.
A recent episode of peritonitis or peritoneal dialysis cath-
eter exit site infection does not preclude transplantation, Postoperative Management
but the child should complete 10–14 days of antibiotics
and have a negative peritoneal fluid culture off antibiotics Children are monitored in the intensive care unit setting
prior to transplant. for the immediate postoperative period (see Chapter 14).
As mentioned earlier, CMV and EBV serologies In the first 2–3 days, the postoperative management con-
should be repeated if previous results revealed immu- tinues to focus primarily on optimizing graft perfusion
nological naiveté. Final crossmatch is performed within and mitigating the effects of fluid overload (e.g., elec-
1 week prior to living donor kidney transplant or in the trolyte derangements and hypertension). As mentioned
hours preceding deceased donor transplant. earlier, small children often require dopamine infusion
for 24–48 hours posttransplant to maintain graft perfu-
sion and allow gradual accommodation of the graft to the
Intraoperative Management lower mean arterial pressures of the recipient.
Small children can present operative challenges given Fluid management in small children requires fastidi-
the relatively large size of an adult kidney graft. Children ous care due to their small size and potentially very large
weighing over 30 kg are often treated surgically as small posttransplant urine volumes. Urinary losses are replaced
adults with graft placement in the standard extraperito- in equal volumes with intravenous 0.45% or 0.9% ­sodium
neal pelvic location and vascular anastomoses to the com- chloride infusion for the first 24–48 hours. Dextrose
mon iliac artery and vein. However, in small children should be withheld from the initial intravenous fluids
(usually less than 20 kg), intra-abdominal placement may given for urine replacement in order to avoid hypergly-
be preferable with vascular anastomoses to the infrarenal cemia and osmotic diuresis. Replacement of insensible
aorta and IVC. The surgical approach should be individu- water losses should be administered as a separate infu-
alized with appropriate matching of blood vessel size and sion with dextrose-containing crystalloid. Hypokalemia
attention to expected circulatory volume requirements. and hypophosphatemia may develop in the first few post-
Intraoperative management of the pediatric kidney operative days. Potassium and/or phosphate salts can be
transplant recipient is focused on achieving optimal graft added to the replacement fluids as appropriate.
perfusion and preventing complications arising from As the kidney graft regains urinary concentrating abil-
underlying ESRD. Typically, a central venous catheter ity, urine output declines to levels that are more reason-
is inserted for close monitoring of central venous pres- ably achievable as daily oral intake. Urine replacement
sures. Central venous pressures should be maintained at with intravenous crystalloid can be discontinued at that
8–12 cm H2O and mean arterial pressures above 70 mmHg time, and intake goals of 150–200% of calculated main-
via infusion of crystalloid or 5% albumin prior to clamp tenance needs should be started by mouth. Children
release to ensure adequate perfusion to the adult-sized with intra-abdominal graft placement are susceptible to
transplanted kidney.268 prolonged postoperative ileus224 due to displacement of
626 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

the colon and intestines with an adult-sized graft occupy- Basiliximab OKT3
ing almost the entire right side of the abdomen. These Daclizumab None
children often require continuation of maintenance in- 60 ATG/ALG Other
travenous fluids beyond the first few days until they can
tolerate oral fluids and nutrition.

% of pediatric transplants
Hypertension is commonly observed in children fol-
lowing transplant. In some instances, elevated blood 40
pressures improve with adequate analgesia. Fluid over-
load can also contribute to postoperative hypertension
and often improves once spontaneous mobilization of
fluid occurs. Aggressive treatment of hypertension is typ- 20
ically not recommended to avoid sudden changes in mean
arterial pressure and decreased graft perfusion. This be-
ing said, children who were on multiple antihypertensive
medications prior to transplant may need reinstitution of 0
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
at least some of their previous medications to avoid severe
hypertension and the accompanying adverse effects. year of transplant
Goals for hospital discharge of the pediatric transplant FIGURE 37-6  ■ Trends in induction immunosuppression for pe-
recipient include adequate oral fluid intake to prevent hy- diatric kidney transplants in North America. ATG, antithymo-
cyte globulin; ALG, antilymphocyte globulin. (Data from North
povolemia (and subsequent graft hypoperfusion), stable American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies. 2010.
immunosuppression regimen, completion of family and NAPRTCS Annual Transplant Report. Available online at: https://web.
caregiver education, access to medications, and arrange- emmes.com/study/ped/annlrept/annlrept.html (accessed 9/24/2012).)
ment of outpatient follow-up.

Although adult trials have demonstrated decreased rates

IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE PROTOCOLS of rejection using induction therapy, there are no con-
AND DRUGS trolled trials in pediatrics to verify the benefits of this
Several other chapters in this book are devoted to a de- Initial retrospective studies of the NAPRTCS registry
tailed discussion of the various classes of immunosup- consistently showed an increased risk for acute rejection
pressant medications used for induction, maintenance, for children who did not receive induction therapy.303
and treatment of rejection following kidney transplanta- However, a randomized, prospective multicenter trial
tion (see Chapters 15–22). Therefore, this chapter will found no improvement in the rate of acute rejection
discuss pediatric-specific issues related to various immu- or graft failure for children receiving induction with
nosuppressant medications and trends in immunosup- muromunab-CD3 (also known as OKT3) compared to
pressant protocols following kidney transplantation in continuous cyclosporine infusion.30 Furthermore, a re-
children. cent retrospective analysis of pediatric recipients in the
Infants and small children cannot swallow pills and UNOS registry found no difference in the number of
therefore frequently require special formulations of rejection episodes or 3-year graft survival for children re-
immunosuppressive medications (i.e., compounded ceiving polyclonal rabbit antithymocyte globulin (rATG)
solutions). Furthermore, it has become increasingly rec- or monoclonal anti-IL-2Ra antibody compared to no
ognized that the metabolism of these medications under- induction (all were discharged with triple immunosup-
goes maturation in children so pharmacokinetics can vary pressive maintenance therapy, including a CNI, antime-
by age. Therefore, children with kidney transplants may tabolite, and steroids).269
require a different dosing schedule than that published
in the adult literature. Finally, fewer clinical trials of new Lymphocyte-Depleting Agents
immunosuppressant medications have included children,
so there are often limited data on safety and efficacy in OKT3. The first monoclonal drug available in this class
the pediatric population. Consequently, most of the im- was the lymphocyte-depleting drug, muromunab-CD3
munosuppressant medications used to prevent or treat (or OKT3). Administration of OKT3 was complicated
rejection in pediatric kidney transplant recipients are not by severe symptoms of cytokine release, often referred
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for to as the “first-dose effect.” Use of OKT3 for children
use in children and therefore are administered as “off- undergoing kidney transplant fell out of favor in the late
label” use. 1990s with the availability of alternative depleting agents
that were better tolerated. The manufacturer of OKT3
voluntarily withdrew it from the US market due to de-
Induction Therapy Agents creased demand.
Figure 37-6 illustrates the trends in the use of induction
antibodies for pediatric kidney transplants reported in Antithymocyte Globulin. Polyclonal ATGs are the
the NAPRTCS registry. Induction therapy of some form most commonly used induction therapy for patients re-
was reported for approximately 50–60% of transplant re- ported in the NAPRTCS registry, accounting for 22%
cipients in the NAPRTCS registry over the past 10 years. of patients reported in 2009. There are two preparations
Renal Transplantation in Children 627

in use: one derived from the immunization of rabbits A longitudinal study of the immune profile and de-
(rATG or Thymoglobulin, Genzyme) and one from the velopment of anti-HLA antibodies in children receiving
immunization of horses (hATG or Atgam, Upjohn). In alemtuzumab induction was recently published.68 This
Europe, a similar polyclonal antibody derived from rab- study was part of a multicenter clinical trial of alemtu-
bit serum is available from Fresenius. Due to the scleros- zumab induction (PC-01 trial, mentioned above) with
ing nature of these formulations, they are administered initial maintenance of tacrolimus and MMF followed
via central venous catheter. Although ATG formulations by conversion to sirolimus and MMF at 2–3 months for
are better tolerated than OKT3, they still carry the risk low-risk children receiving living donor kidney trans-
of severe cytokine release and anaphylaxis; accordingly, plants (n = 35). The cumulative hazard of developing cir-
premedication with corticosteroids, a­cetaminophen, culating anti-HLA antibodies in children (roughly 33% at
and antihistamine 30–60 minutes prior to infusion is 24 months posttransplant) was higher than that reported
recommended. in the adult literature (15–20% at 1–5 years). However,
Thymoglobulin is typically administered at 1–2 mg/ development of anti-HLA antibodies in this study was not
kg/day in daily doses for 5 days as induction therapy. associated with a decline in renal function or histological
Some centers stop Thymoglobulin doses once therapeu- changes on 2-year surveillance biopsy. Long-term follow-
tic CNI levels are achieved. Furthermore, intermittent up of these patients will be needed to assess the potential
therapy based on peripheral CD3+ lymphocyte counts benefits of this immunosuppressive regimen in children.
has been suggested to reduce cumulative dose with low
rate of acute rejection in high-risk adult kidney transplant Non-Depleting Agents
recipients,250 but this practice has not been validated in
children. Atgam is typically dosed at 10–15 mg/kg daily Anti-IL2RA Antibodies. There have been two high-
for 5–10 days. The median duration of ATG/antilym- affinity monoclonal antibodies against the inducible α-
phocyte globulin treatment reported in the NAPRTCS chain of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL2-ra or CD25) in
registry is 5 days.232 use for the prevention of allograft rejection in children.
Single-center, retrospective studies report adequate Basiliximab (Simulect, Novartis) is a chimeric antibody
immunological graft survival rates following rATG and approved for the prevention of acute rejection in pediat-
triple immunosuppression with 10-year follow-up.61,239 ric kidney transplant recipients and is generally given in
A small study in pediatric kidney transplant recipients two doses (10 mg for children <35 kg and 20 mg for chil-
suggested greater T-cell depletion following 5 days of dren >35 kg) on days 0 and 4 posttransplant. Daclizumab
Thymoglobulin compared to Atgam.56,88 However, a direct (Zenapax, Roche), which was recently withdrawn from
comparison of patient outcomes between Thymoglobulin the US market, is a humanized antibody and is admin-
and Atgam has not been reported in ­pediatric recipients. istered at a dose of 1 mg/kg every 14 days for five doses
Concerns have been raised regarding an increased risk beginning within 24 hours of transplant. This dosing reg-
of PTLD associated with depletional induction therapy, imen in 61 pediatric kidney transplant recipients resulted
especially with high doses of OKT3 or Thymoglobulin.56,88 in serum levels predicted to provide saturation of the
However, long-term exposure to CNIs and murine target Tac subunit of IL-2 receptors for approximately 90 days
of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors or possibly the balance posttransplant.297
between B-cell and T-cell depletion may be more rele- Anti-IL2-ra antibody induction is overall well toler-
vant determinants of PTLD risk.87,164 ated in children. There is one report, however, of two
children who developed non-cardiogenic pulmonary
Alemtuzumab. Alemtuzumab (or Campath-1H) is a edema in the absence of delayed graft function.75
monoclonal antibody directed at CD52-positive T cells Basiliximab is commonly combined with triple-­
and B cells. The use of alemtuzumab induction in adult therapy immunosuppression with CNI, MMF, and
kidney transplant recipients along with reduced doses of prednisone.235 Standard-dose daclizumab has also been
CNI and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and without used in conjunction with triple immunosuppression,
long-term steroids has had encouraging results in small while a protocol of steroid avoidance utilized extended-
series.247 However, pharmacokinetic data and long-term dose daclizumab (given for 6 months posttransplant).276
outcomes in children receiving alemtuzumab induction
are still limited. Bartosh et al. first described the use of
alemtuzumab in 4 high-risk pediatric kidney transplant
Maintenance Therapy
recipients.23 They reported similar prolonged lympho- Figure 37-7 illustrates the trends in maintenance immu-
cyte depletion and increased risk of developing anti-HLA nosuppression for children receiving kidney transplants
antibodies in the absence of CNI, as had been reported in in the United States over the past decade, as reported
adults. Since then, ongoing trials of alemtuzumab induc- by the SRTR. There are several different immunosup-
tion in low-risk pediatric kidney transplant recipients has pression protocols in use in children. As reported in the
allowed for steroid-free immunosuppression and reduced NAPRTCS registry from 2005 to 2010, the most com-
CNI exposure.68,242,286 The optimal dose of alemtuzumab mon maintenance regimen, utilized in 63% of deceased
in pediatric recipients is still unclear. The Pittsburgh donor and 55% of living donor transplants, includes
group reports a single dose 0.4–0.5 mg/kg for induc- triple therapy with tacrolimus, MMF, and prednisone.232
tion,300 and the prospective phase II trial (PC-01) utilizes Overall trends include decreased usage of cyclosporine
two doses (on day –1 and day +1) of 0.3 mg/kg (with a and azathioprine and increased use of tacrolimus and
maximum dose of 20 mg).68 mycophenolate.
628 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Corticosteroids sporine and/or azathioprine (cyclosporine/azathioprine/

prednisone or cyclosporine/MMF/prednisone).232
Corticosteroids have long played a key role in the
Although reduction of corticosteroid dose has been
prevention of rejection following solid-organ trans-
demonstrated to improve hypertension, bone and joint
plant. Data from the SRTR report, as illustrated in
complications, and cataracts, this strategy has not been
Figure 37-7, indicate that the use of prednisone for
shown to address the suppression of linear growth in chil-
maintenance immunosuppression in pediatric kidney
dren effectively.97 Alternate-day administration of equiva-
transplant ­recipients has been declining over the past
lent cumulative prednisone dose has been suggested as a
decade. Nearly 40% of children in 2009 were dis-
strategy to allow catch-up growth without compromising
charged from the hospital following kidney transplant
graft survival.41,148 This regimen, however, may be more
on a maintenance regimen that did not include ste-
cumbersome for the patient and family and more prone
roids.245 This trend likely reflects a shifting focus on
to non-adherence.
reducing the off-target side effects of long-term gluco-
More recently, studies of immunosuppressant proto-
corticoid exposure, ­ including impaired linear growth,
cols to minimize glucocorticoid exposure in pediatric kid-
reduced bone density, ­ hypertension, glucose intoler-
ney transplant recipients have focused on either steroid
ance, and risk for avascular necrosis of the femoral
withdrawal (early or late) or total steroid avoidance.323
head. Furthermore, the undesirable cosmetic effects of
The following paragraphs will summarize the major stud-
long-term corticosteroid use, including cushingoid facial
ies reporting these approaches in children.
features and acne, likely contribute to non-adherence,
particularly in adolescent patients.
Steroid Withdrawal (Late). Initial reports of late ste-
roid withdrawal were concerning for increased risk of
Steroid-Based Regimens. Steroids continue to be uti-
rejection and allograft loss.158 More recently, however,
lized as a maintenance immunosuppression therapy in
a multicenter, randomized, open-label study in chil-
the majority of children receiving kidney transplantation.
dren with low immunological risk compared late ste-
The use of more potent immunosuppressant medica-
roid withdrawal (greater than 1 year posttransplant) to
tions, namely tacrolimus and MMF, has allowed for over-
continuous steroid treatment and maintenance therapy
all reduction of prednisone dose used for prevention of
with cyclosporine microemulsion and mycophenolate,
rejection and mitigation of steroid side effects. The most
with similar rates of acute rejection observed between
recent NAPRTCS transplantation report indicates that
groups and stable graft function at 2 years following
children transplanted in the most recent era and main-
steroid withdrawal.135 The patients who underwent late
tained on triple therapy with prednisone, tacrolimus, and
steroid withdrawal benefited from superior longitu-
MMF received lower mean daily prednisone dosing com-
dinal growth, less frequent hypertension, reduction in
pared to the historical regimens that incorporated cyclo-
the number of antihypertensive medications, and im-
proved carbohydrate and lipid metabolism compared to
the patients remaining on steroids (5 mg/m2 prednisone
daily). This study suggests that withdrawal of steroids
in select, stable pediatric transplant recipients receiv-
ing CNI therapy and MMF is safe and may mitigate the
CsA or CsM MMF metabolic and cardiovascular side effects of prolonged
Tac mTOR at 1 yr steroid use. Of note, the effect on growth observed in
azathioprine Steroids at Tx this study was more pronounced and occurred earlier in
prepubertal patients, but even the pubertal patients had
significant improvement in mean standardized height
% of pediatric transplants

80 after 24 months ­following withdrawal of steroids.

Valid concerns have arisen regarding excessive immu-
60 nosuppression with newer agents in protocols designed
to minimize exposure to steroids.189 This was poignantly
exemplified by the early termination of the only ran-
domized, double-blinded, controlled study of late ste-
roid withdrawal (commencing at 6 months) in pediatric
20 kidney transplant recipients due to an unacceptably high
rate of PTLD.196 Patients in this study received intensi-
0 fied early immunosuppression with basiliximab induction
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 and maintenance with prednisone, cyclosporine, or ta-
year of transplant crolimus, and sirolimus followed by randomization either
FIGURE 37-7  ■  Trends in maintenance immunosuppression for pe- to undergo complete steroid withdrawal (gradually over
diatric kidney transplants in the United States. (Data from Organ 6 months if they had no clinical or histological evidence
Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and Scientific of rejection on a 6-month protocol biopsy) or to continue
Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). OPTN / SRTR 2010 Annual low-dose steroids. There were no differences in acute
Data Report. Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems rejection episodes in the two groups, and the steroid
Bureau, Division of Transplantation, 2011. Available online at: http:// withdrawal group had superior 3-year allograft survival.29
srtr.transplant.hrsa.gov/annual_reports/2010 (accessed 9/24/2012).) However, the high rate of complications (most notably
Renal Transplantation in Children 629

of PTLD) led to the early termination of this study and ing, with ­significant improvement in growth, low rates of
recommendations against the routine use of this potent rejection, and decreased rates of hypertension, posttrans-
immunosuppressant protocol in children. plant diabetes, and hyperlipidemia compared to historical
controls receiving steroids.178,277
Steroid Withdrawal (Early). Several case series of early Longer-term results (3-year follow-up) in unsensi-
steroid withdrawal (within 5–7 days posttransplant) have tized pediatric kidney transplant recipients were recently
been reported with similar rates of acute rejection and reported for a multicenter, randomized trial compar-
graft survival compared to historic or non-randomized ing steroid-free and steroid-based immunosuppression
controls receiving long-term steroids. with concomitant tacrolimus, MMF, and standard-dose
Chavers et al. reported a prospective, non-randomized daclizumab (steroid-based) or extended daclizumab in-
study of rapid steroid withdrawal over the first 6 days duction (steroid-free).276 There was no difference in
posttransplant in 21 children utilizing 5–7 days of biopsy-proven acute rejection or 3-year graft survival
Thymoglobulin induction with cyclosporine and MMF between the two groups. Patients receiving the steroid-
maintenance.54 Compared to 39 age-matched controls free ­regimen had lower systolic blood pressures and
transplanted over the same time period who received lower cholesterol ­levels at 3 years. While overall height
standard prednisone doses, the group undergoing rapid Z-score change after 3 years was not statistically dif-
discontinuation of prednisone had similar rates of acute ferent between the groups, recipients under the age of
rejection and graft survival at 2 years.54 Although mean 5 years receiving the steroid-free regimen had signifi-
height standard deviation scores for the rapid discontinu- cantly improved linear growth. The cumulative inci-
ation of prednisone group were significantly improved, dence of antibody-­mediated rejection was numerically
there was no difference observed in the incidence of higher in the steroid-free group (6.7% versus 2.9%)
­hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, glucose in- but did not reach statistical significance.222 A significant
tolerance, or obesity. increase in chronic h ­ istological damage was observed
The TWIST study was a multicenter, randomized, over time, without difference between the steroid-free
open-label trial to evaluate the effect of daclizumab in- and steroid-based groups. The same group has also re-
duction (2 doses) with tacrolimus, MMF, and rapid ste- ported a steroid-free protocol ­ using Thymoglobulin
roid withdrawal (by day 5) compared to triple therapy induction (rather than extended daclizumab) in a small
with tacrolimus, MMF, and standard-dose prednisone series of high-immunological-risk pediatric recipients,
(no induction) on growth and steroid-related metabolic resulting in equivalent rates of rejection, but increased
complications in pediatric kidney transplant recipi- rates of subclinical viremia compared to the daclizumab
ents.120 The end point of the study was relatively short, at protocol.179
6 months. Patient survival, graft survival, and renal func- In 2008 Roche announced voluntary withdrawal of
tion over this short time period were comparable between daclizumab in all countries where it was licensed due
the two groups. The group receiving rapid steroid with- to decreased market demand. Several trials of steroid
drawal had improved lipid and glucose metabolic profiles. avoidance or early steroid withdrawal using basiliximab
Prepubertal patients in the steroid withdrawal group had induction have been reported in adult kidney transplant
significantly improved catch-up growth at 6 months post- recipients, but it remains to be seen how the pediatric
transplant compared to patients remaining on steroids. protocol with extended daclizumab treatment would be
Finally, Tan and colleagues reported their 4-year altered to utilize basiliximab.
­experience with induction therapy utilizing a single dose
of alemtuzumab and two perioperative doses of methyl- Calcineurin Inhibitors
prednisolone (day –1 as premedication for alemtuzumab
infusion and intraoperatively prior to graft reperfusion) As mentioned earlier, nearly 90% of pediatric kidney
followed by tacrolimus monotherapy in 42 low-immuno- transplants reported by SRTR receive CNIs at the time
logical-risk pediatric living donor kidney transplant recipi- of hospital discharge (see Chapter 17). Tacrolimus has for
ents.300 A subset of these patients were also able to tolerate the most part replaced cyclosporine in the United States.
weaning of tacrolimus to every-other-day dosing. They Historically, dosing of cyclosporine in children was
­reported excellent graft survival (97.6% at 1 year and 85.4% complicated by variable gastrointestinal absorption of
at 2–4 years) and low cumulative risk of acute cellular rejec- oil-based formulations and a higher rate of metabolism
tion (0% at 1 year and 4.8% at 4 years) using this approach. in young children necessitating higher mg/kg and more
Furthermore, they reported no episodes of antibody-­ frequent dosing (up to thrice daily). The introduction of
mediated rejection, CMV infection, BK nephropathy, or the microemulsion formulations enhanced bioavailability
PTLD. Furthermore, this group has previously reported and reduced variability in serum drug levels. Therapeutic
increased estimated GFR and a greater increase in height monitoring of cyclosporine in children commonly uti-
Z-score at 1 year for 15 preadolescent children receiving lizes trough measurements as correlation of C2 levels
tacrolimus monotherapy.80 A low incidence (7.7%) of post- with drug efficacy or toxicity is not well established in
transplant diabetes was also reported.286 children or well accepted by patients and families due to
the requirement of multiple, painful blood draws. The
Steroid Avoidance. Early results of a single-center trial side effect profile of cyclosporine in children is similar
of complete steroid avoidance using an extended (up to to that in adults. The undesirable cosmetic effects of
6 months) induction with daclizumab and maintenance hypertrichosis and gingival hypertrophy are particularly
therapy with tacrolimus and MMF were very encourag- distressful for adolescent recipients, possibly contributing
630 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

to dangerous non-adherence. Hypercholesterolemia and in contrast to once-daily dosing described in adults.

hypertriglyceridemia are also common. Furthermore, the optimal target trough level has yet
Tacrolimus therapy is typically initiated in the first few to be fully defined in children. The most common side
days posttransplant once serum creatinine falls by 50% of ­effects reported for sirolimus in pediatric patients include
pretransplant level. Average tacrolimus doses for the first recurrent aphthous ulcers, impaired wound healing, and
few months following transplant are 0.1–0.15 mg/kg/dose proteinuria. Mild testosterone deficiency needs further
twice daily.232 Information on tacrolimus pharmacokinet- evaluation in the adolescent group. Adverse effects, espe-
ics in the pediatric population is limited and has primar- cially aphthous ulcers, are reportedly more significant at
ily been studied in pediatric liver transplant recipients.65 higher trough levels (>9 ng/mL).211
In general, therapeutic drug monitoring of tacrolimus Conversion from CNI to mTOR inhibitor has been
is considered to have good correlation between trough suggested to improve GFR. In a retrospective study of
levels and drug exposure. However, abbreviated sampling pediatric kidney transplant recipients converted from
for area under the concentration–time curve can be help- cyclosporine to sirolimus due to biopsy-proven chronic
ful in cases where low or appropriate trough levels ac- allograft nephropathy (CAN), patients with mild CAN
company signs of toxicity. (grade I) had improved estimated GFR at 3 months and
Many centers using triple immunosuppressive therapy stable proteinuria. However, patients with more advanced
with tacrolimus, MMF, and prednisone have high initial CAN did not benefit from the conversion in terms of re-
tacrolimus trough goals (in the range of 10–15 ng/mL) for nal function. While there was no increase in the rate of
the first 1–2 weeks posttransplant with decreasing goals acute rejection or graft loss following conversion to si-
over the subsequent 4–6 months. The median tacrolimus rolimus, there was a trend of increased adverse effects,
level (via immunoassay) reported in the NAPRTCS reg- including infection and nephrotic-range proteinuria.144
istry at 12 months posttransplant is 6 ng/mL.232 We reported our single-center experience with con-
Tacrolimus is primarily metabolized by the liver via version from tacrolimus to sirolimus at 3 months post-
the CYP3A system. Drug interactions related to inducers transplant in stable, low-risk pediatric kidney transplant
or inhibitors of CYP3A can be expected to affect drug recipients.142 Patients with stable serum creatinine levels
levels. Diarrhea, a common problem in children, can and surveillance biopsy without evidence of acute rejec-
­dramatically increase tacrolimus serum levels. Therefore, tion, including borderline histology, were eligible for
tacrolimus drug levels should be monitored closely conversion to sirolimus. Additional exclusion criteria in-
­during diarrheal illness (and dosage adjusted accordingly) cluded a history of nephrotic syndrome as the etiology
to avoid toxicity, and rechecked as diarrhea improves to of ESRD, second renal transplant, and biopsy-proven
ensure continued therapeutic levels. BK nephropathy. Actuarial 5-year graft survival was 91%
The most common side effects seen in children treated for those patients who remained on sirolimus (78% of
with long-term tacrolimus therapy include impaired glu- the patients undergoing conversion). Acute rejection oc-
cose tolerance, posttransplant diabetes, tremor, alopecia, curred in 13% in the 12 months following conversion.
and mild sleep disturbances. In contrast to cyclosporine, Aphthous ulcers and BK viremia were the most common
tacrolimus rarely causes the cosmetic side effects men- complications.
tioned earlier. There are a few studies of protocols to The antiproliferative and antiangiogenic actions of
minimize exposure to CNIs in pediatric kidney transplant sirolimus have the potential to alter growth plate func-
recipients; most report using alemtuzumab induction. As tion and thereby impair linear growth in children.
mentioned earlier, the Pittsburgh group has reported Furthermore, inhibition of mTOR has been demon-
excellent graft survival and function in 42 consecutive strated to disrupt intracellular signaling of the insulin-like
pediatric kidney transplant recipients over 4 years with growth factor (IGF)-1 axis in chondrocytes and therefore
alemtuzumab induction (or Thymoglobulin) and low- might interfere with the effects of endogenous or exog-
dose tacrolimus monotherapy.300 Results of a National enous growth hormone. However, retrospective investi-
Institutes of Health-sponsored multicenter, single-arm, gations of the effect of sirolimus therapy on linear growth
prospective phase II trial of alemtuzumab induction fol- in pediatric kidney transplant recipients have resulted in
lowed by tacrolimus withdrawal in pediatric recipients of conflicting conclusions.117,143
living donor kidney transplants are also anticipated.68
mTOR Inhibitors
MMF has largely replaced azathioprine in the United
Inhibitors of mTOR have a side effect profile unique from Statse for pediatric kidney transplant adjunctive main-
the CNIs, including lower risk for diabetes, neoplasm, and tenance therapy (see Chapter 18). Over 85% of pediat-
nephrotoxicity, and therefore offer an attractive ­alternative ric kidney transplant patients in the United States are
for protocols that seek to minimize CNI exposure ­discharged on a regimen that includes MMF. As men-
(see Chapter 19). As demonstrated in Figure 37-7, mTOR tioned earlier, the incorporation of MMF into standard
inhibitors are not commonly administered to p ­ ediatric immunosuppression regimens has facilitated the use of
kidney transplant recipients in the United States. Most lower corticosteroid doses following transplantation.
data on the use of mTOR inhibitors in pediatric kidney MMF has also proven useful in steroid-free ­protocols
transplant recipients have been with sirolimus. where it is combined with tacrolimus or sirolimus.
A shorter drug half-life for sirolimus in children, es- Furthermore, it is used in combination with sirolimus
pecially prepubertal children, dictates twice-daily dosing, and corticosteroids in CNI-sparing protocols.
Renal Transplantation in Children 631

The most common, and troublesome, side effects dur- UTI, urinary obstruction, BK nephropathy, and acute
ing MMF use in children include leukopenia and diar- ­rejection. Renal biopsy is the gold standard to diagnose
rhea. MMF dosage reduction is often first tried for these ­rejection and is well tolerated by children using seda-
undesirable effects. Enteric-coated tablets can also be tion. Diagnosis of rejection based on biopsy has become
tried for gastrointestinal disturbance. Therapeutic drug standard of care in children (so-called biopsy-proven
monitoring of MMF in children (via mycophenolic acid rejection). Urinalysis and urine culture, viral PCR (BK,
or levels) has been criticized due to high inter- and intra- CMV, EBV), and renal ultrasound studies should be per-
individual variability.306,339 The metabolism of MMF may formed in a timely manner prior to biopsy. Intravenous
be enhanced by corticosteroids, and the bioavailability crystalloid is also administered to eliminate prerenal azo-
can be decreased by cyclosporine or antacids containing temia as a possible etiological or confounding factor in
magnesium or aluminum hydroxides. Pharmacokinetics raising the serum creatinine level.
are reported to vary based on age, with young children The role of protocol biopsy in pediatric kidney trans-
requiring higher doses to achieve comparable mycophe- plant is not well established.140 Protocols of steroid or
nolic acid area under the curve.90 For patients receiving CNI minimization often rely on protocol biopsies to
tacrolimus, MMF is typically started at 250–400 mg/m2/ survey for early pathology (i.e., subclinical rejection) that
dose twice daily, but some have advocated for higher might benefit from intensified immunosuppression or
doses (500 mg/m2 dosed BID) for children under the age evidence of drug toxicity that might benefit from dose
of 2 years.90 When used alone, MMF is recommended at reduction. However, not all pediatric centers perform
600 mg/m2/dose. regularly scheduled surveillance biopsies.

ACUTE REJECTION IN PEDIATRIC Treatment of Acute Rejection

TRANSPLANTATION There are few controlled trials in children to guide the
treatment of acute allograft rejection. As with adults,
As mentioned earlier, acute rejection accounts for 10% high-dose corticosteroids are the first-line treatment in
of graft losses reported in the NAPRTCS registry.232 children with suspected or biopsy-proven acute rejection.
With modern immunosuppressive therapy, rates of acute Intravenous methylprednisolone succinate is typically
rejection in pediatric kidney transplant recipients have administered at 10–30 mg/kg/dose for 3–5 consecutive
decreased. According to the most recent NAPRTCS doses. A taper of oral corticosteroids back down to main-
­report, 13.2% of pediatric kidney transplants reported tenance doses over 3–5 days is used by some, but not all,
in the registry between 2007 and 2010 have had at least pediatric transplant centers. It is not uncommon for the
one rejection episode, in contrast to overall rates of 24% serum creatinine to increase slightly during the first few
for 2003–2006 and 32% from 1999 to 2002. Deceased days of steroid pulse. In addition, serum creatinine may
donor kidney transplant recipients had higher rates of not return to baseline levels for several days following
rejection (15.2% compared to 10.3% of living donors). completion of the pulse, but typically a trend of decreas-
Historically, nearly half of pediatric kidney transplant ing creatinine is suggestive of a response to therapy.
recipients experienced acute rejection within the first
12 months following transplant. However, in the most Severe Rejection
recent NAPRTCS cohort (2007–2010), the majority of
children have a rejection-free first year, with only 8.6% Severe rejection or steroid-resistant rejection has histori-
of living donor recipients and 16.6% of deceased do- cally been treated with lymphocyte-depleting antibod-
nor recipients reported to have rejection within the first ies (e.g., Thymoglobulin). Alemtuzumab has also been
12 months. ­reported to be effective in some cases of refractory cel-
Chronic allograft rejection is a leading cause of graft lular rejection.314
loss in children (Figure 37-5). As with adults, late epi- Research in the past decade has identified an additional
sodes of acute rejection and multiple episodes of acute role for B cells during acute cellular rejection, even in
rejection are associated with worse long-term allograft the absence of identifiable antibody-mediated r­ejection.
survival. B cells are postulated to contribute to cellular rejection
via antigen presentation, activation of dendritic cells, and
by providing co-stimulatory help to T cells. B-cell tran-
Diagnosis of Acute Rejection script signatures275 and dense B-cell infiltrates in biopsies
The diagnosis of acute rejection is not always straight- of pediatric kidney transplant recipients have been associ-
forward in pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Small ated with poor graft survival311 and are predictive of graft
children who have adult-sized allografts have a large renal loss.220
reserve relative to their muscle mass. Therefore, a small A recent prospective, randomized, open-label trial
increase in serum creatinine can represent significant re- compared standard treatment with pulse steroids and
nal dysfunction. Children with acute rejection can pres- Thymoglobulin with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody
ent with low-grade fever and mild hypertension, but can therapy (rituximab) for treatment of biopsy-proven acute
also be asymptomatic. cellular rejection with B-cell infiltrate.338 Patients receiv-
The differential diagnosis for elevated serum cre- ing rituximab therapy had significantly increased recovery
atinine in pediatric kidney transplant recipients is simi- of graft function and improvement in rejection scores on
lar to adults and includes hypovolemia, CNI toxicity, biopsy at 6 and 12 months following treatment compared
632 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

to those receiving standard therapy, despite higher rejec- deceased donor recipients and 58% of living donor recip-
tion grade and greater number of patients with humoral ients reportedly receiving antihypertensive medications
rejection randomized to the rituximab treatment group. at 5 years posttransplant.
In addition to the concerns for long-term cardiovas-
cular risk associated with uncontrolled hypertension, a
Antibody-Mediated Rejection
retrospective analysis of pediatric kidney transplant re-
Antibody-mediated rejection in pediatrics can be treated cipients in Cincinnati has also suggested that systolic
with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), plasmapher- hypertension independently predicts poor long-term
esis, or rituximab,35 but the efficacy of these approaches allograft survival.206 Nocturnal hypertension is rela-
is variable. Successful use of the proteasome inhibitor, tively common in pediatric kidney transplant recipients.
bortezomib (Velcade, Millennium Pharmaceuticals), for Furthermore, a recent cross-sectional study reported
treatment of antibody-mediated rejection has been re- masked hypertension and nocturnal hypertension in a
ported for adult kidney transplant59 and pediatric heart214 significant portion of pediatric kidney transplant recipi-
and multivisceral146 transplant recipients. A case series of ents with stable graft function, suggesting the use of am-
10 consecutive kidney transplant patients with humoral bulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a beneficial
rejection (including several adolescent patients) who tool to identify patients with hidden cardiovascular risk
were administered bortezomib in combination with plas- factors.
mapheresis and IVIG reported a trend toward improved The development of obesity and/or posttransplant
graft survival (6 of 10 patients with functioning graft at diabetes with tacrolimus and/or corticosteroids is an-
18 months) compared to historical controls who received other risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mor-
rituximab with plasmapheresis and IVIG (1 of 10 with tality. Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia
functioning graft at 18 months).325 were more commonly seen in the era of cyclosporine
use. Weight gain should be monitored closely following
transplant to identify children early who are at risk for
LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT obesity, as weight gain and increases in body mass index
POSTTRANSPLANT in the first 3 months following transplant are likely to be
persistent. Collaboration with pediatric dieticians can
The success of kidney transplantation in children be helpful in educating patients and their families about
with ESRD now results in 10-year patient survival of heart-healthy dietary habits, especially since many of
80–95%. Therefore, the long-term management of
­ the severe dietary restrictions placed on children during
these patients is focused on maintaining good quality ESRD are suddenly lifted following transplant.
of life and m
­ inimizing significant long-term side effects In addition, semiannual screening for hypercholes-
of immunosuppression. Outpatient management of pe- terolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and impaired glucose
diatric kidney transplant recipients includes identifying tolerance is suggested. Lifestyle modification, including
and reducing the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of dietary changes and increased physical activity, are typi-
long-term immunosuppressive therapy, preventing in- cally preferred for young children with hyperlipidemia.
fection and chronic rejection, ensuring good long-term The use of 3-hydroxy-3-methylgultaryl-coenzyme A
quality of life, and managing a smooth transition into (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) is generally
adulthood. considered safe and effective in children over the age of
8 years; however, there are few data on long-term safety.37
Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
Children with ESRD have increased cardiovascular mor-
Infections After Transplantation
tality relative to their peers and cardiovascular disease ac- While modern immunosuppression regimens (CNI,
counts for nearly 40% of deaths among pediatric ESRD MMF, and steroids) have reduced the rate of acute re-
patients.194,248 High prevalence of traditional cardiovascu- jection, infectious complications have become more fre-
lar risk factors, including hypertension (50–75% of ure- quent. In particular, pediatric transplant recipients are at
mic children) and hyperlipidemia (70–90% of children increased risk for developing virus-related complications
on dialysis), accompanies ESRD in childhood. Although due to immunological naiveté.
kidney transplantation leads to a dramatic improvement
in renal function and elimination of many traditional risk Viral Infections
factors, cardiovascular disease still accounts for over one-
third of the cause of death for patients who received kid- Cytomegalovirus. CMV remains an important opportu-
ney transplant prior to age 21 years.94 nistic pathogen following kidney transplant in children.
According to the 2010 NAPRTCS transplantation The development of improved diagnostic methods and
report, a substantial number of pediatric kidney trans- effective prophylaxis regimens has decreased the mortal-
plant recipients receive antihypertensive medications ity previously associated with CMV disease, but morbid-
during long-term follow-up. The use of antihypertensive ity remains high. Rates of CMV infection in pediatric
medications is highest in the immediate posttransplant kidney transplant recipients have historically been re-
period, with 83% of deceased donor and 78% of living ported to be as high as 75%. The reported incidence of
donor recipients at the time of transplant. The rates de- CMV disease is between 5% and 30%, with disease onset
crease similarly for both groups over time, with 70% of typically within the first 2 months posttransplant.265
Renal Transplantation in Children 633

Valgancyclovir has been demonstrated to be safe options include treatment with IVIG, cidofovir, or leflu-
and effective for the prevention and treatment of CMV namide, although the efficacy of these is not proven in
disease in children following solid-organ transplant.172 pediatrics.16
Doses for prophylaxis are typically 15 mg/kg (maximum
900 mg/dose) dosed daily, while treatment doses are dosed Bacterial Infections
twice daily. Valgancyclovir dosing should be adjusted for
GFR under 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. CMV-negative recipi- UTI are the most common infectious complication fol-
ents of CMV-negative donor kidneys (D–/R–) have the lowing kidney transplant in children, occurring in 15–33%
lowest risk (<5%) of developing CMV disease and of- of patients.151,190 According to the NAPRTCS registry, at
ten do not receive prophylaxis. CMV-positive recipients 1 year posttransplant antibiotics for UTI prophylaxis are
(R+) are at intermediate risk and are recommended to prescribed for 55% of patients with renal dysplasia, 65%
receive 12 weeks of prophylaxis, although some centers of patients diagnosed with reflux nephropathy, and 68%
use 2–4 weeks’ prophylaxis followed by surveillance and of those with obstructive uropathy.232 Recurrent UTI has
pre-emptive therapy. Finally, the highest-risk group is been associated with faster deterioration in graft function
that of CMV-negative recipients of CMV-positive grafts in children.132
(D+/R–). Prophylaxis is generally recommended for Risk factors for febrile UTI include anatomical
this highest-risk group for at least 100 days, but some abnormalities, dysfunctional bladder, presence of for-
centers extend the period of prophylaxis to 6 months. eign material (e.g., urinary catheter or stents), and
CMV infection or disease can occur once prophylaxis is baseline immunosuppression. Parenteral antibiotics
discontinued. are indicated for febrile UTI in pediatric transplant
Epstein–Barr Virus. Rates of PTLD are higher in
children than adults, with just over 2% of pediatric
transplant recipients reported to have PTLD by 4 years
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
posttransplant.245 PTLD in children is often associ- Even children with non-urological etiologies to their
ated with EBV infection, and children who are immu- ESRD have been reported to have lower urinary tract
nologically naïve to EBV at the time of transplant are symptoms following transplant, including increased
at highest risk of developing PTLD.73 Of the pediatric bladder capacity, incomplete bladder emptying, night-
transplant patients reported in the SRTR from 2005 to time or daytime incontinence, and UTIs.319 Children
2009, 30–40% were seronegative for EBV at the time of with dysfunctional voiding can benefit from pelvic
transplant. floor training and timed voiding to avoid graft dam-
PTLD, or its precursor, EBV-related lymphoid hy- age and dysfunction.187 Anticholinergic therapy and
perplasia, often presents as adenotonsillar hypertrophy intermittent catheterization should be continued as
in children,284 but can also develop in the gastrointestinal medical management of neurogenic bladder following
tract (presenting as chronic diarrhea), peripheral lymph transplantation.
nodes (presenting with lymphadenopathy or frank lym-
phoma), or within the renal allograft, leading to graft
failure. Central nervous system involvement is also de-
scribed and can be fatal. Therefore, prevention and early Impaired linear growth in children with CKD is mul-
recognition of PTLD are essential. tifactorial and is mainly due to disturbances in the axis
Children who were seronegative for EBV at the time involving growth hormone, IGF, and IGF-binding
of transplant should be monitored with peripheral blood protein. Despite satisfactory renal function follow-
EBV viral PCR to detect increasing viral load prior to ing transplant, spontaneous catch-up growth is often
the development of PTLD.307 The majority of patients insufficient.
will respond to a reduction in immunosuppression, but Determinants of growth following transplant include
sometimes anti-B-cell antibodies (e.g., rituximab), T-cell age at the time of transplant, exposure to glucocorti-
therapy, or chemotherapy are required.71,72,100,113 coids, allograft function, and administration of rhGH.
Children under the age of 6 years have increased growth
Polyomavirus. The incidence of BK virus nephropathy rates following transplant compared to older children.301
in pediatric kidney transplant recipients is estimated to Glucocorticoids induce hyporesponsiveness to the ac-
be 4.6%.293 BK virus infection (e.g., viremia) can oc- tion of growth hormone198,313 and young children on
cur early (within the first month) or late (several years) steroid-free immunosuppression protocols have been
following kidney transplant in children.141 Definitive demonstrated to have improved linear growth compared
diagnosis of BK nephropathy is obtained only by renal to children receiving prednisone-based immunosuppres-
biopsy. Children with BK nephropathy are at greater sion. eGFR at 30 days posttransplant is predictive of
risk for graft loss.141 long-term height Z-score, with those recipients who have
Prospective monitoring for BK viremia using PCR as- an eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 having reduced height
says to detect viral DNA with pre-emptive lowering of Z-score.81,91 The degree of growth stunting prior to
immunosuppression has been suggested as an effective transplant is also predictive of final adult height.81 Finally,
approach.111,141,259 BK virus-specific cellular immunity rhGH is effective in improving the growth velocity92 and
has been associated with viral clearance and underscores increased final adult height109 of children following kid-
the approach of reducing T-cell suppression.111,310 Other ney transplant.
634 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Non-Adherence in Pediatric Transplantation majority of children achieve normal puberty following

transplant, but many may have a delayed onset and short-
Non-adherence is a major problem in pediatric kidney ened duration of pubertal growth spurt.299 In general,
transplant. A recent systematic review estimated that onset of puberty is often delayed in children who have
non-adherence accounts for an estimated 44% of graft delayed bone age compared to their chronological age.106
losses and 23% of late acute rejection episodes.74 Overall
prevalence of non-adherence across 16 studies involving
pediatric kidney transplant patients was 31% (weighted Sexuality and Body Image
mean across 16 studies). Adolescent patients were at Sexuality-related issues, including prevention of sexu-
higher risk, with weighted mean prevalence of non-­ ally transmitted diseases and family planning, also need
adherence of 43% in the same review. to be addressed with teenage patients. Adolescent female
The use of self-reporting of missed doses likely under- transplant recipients have successfully become pregnant
represents the true incidence as patients and families are while receiving cyclosporine or tacrolimus. The effect
often reluctant to report non-adherence. Missed clinic ap- of contraception on the metabolism of immunosuppres-
pointments and schedule tests are also common forms of sant medications needs to be considered when counseling
non-adherence reported for pediatric solid-organ trans- adolescent girls about pregnancy prevention. In addition,
plant patients.69 Factors associated with non-­adherence the teratogenicity of certain immunosuppressant medi-
include lack of supervision in taking medications, family cations (notably MMF and CNIs) and antihypertensive
conflicts, miscommunication between parents and the medications (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi-
medical team, and numbers of medications and fastidious tors) should be explained to the adolescent female and
schedules of dosing.66 her family.
Teenagers also need to balance their developing sexu-
ality with changes in body image following transplant.
Adolescent Issues It is difficult for teenagers to accept the cosmetic side
Adolescence is an important transition period between effects of immunosuppressant medications, including
childhood and adulthood characterized by a quest for weight gain, cushingoid features, acne, and gum hyper-
independence and autonomy. This rapidly changing and trophy. The accompanying psychological stress and im-
volatile developmental period places adolescent trans- pact on self-image for teenagers can provide a dangerous
plant recipients at increased risk for medication non- disincentive to adhere to medication regimens.
adherence, acute rejection episodes, and graft loss.74,176
Medical management of this population can be challeng-
Transitional Care
ing and may require specialized, multidisciplinary ap-
proaches to improve outcomes. Several reports have demonstrated a high risk of graft
failure, particularly at the time of transfer from pediatric
Psychosocial Development to adult care.271,329 It is increasingly recognized for other
chronic conditions (e.g., survivors of pediatric cancer)
The adolescent strives to establish an identity indepen- that adolescents and young adults (aged 14–29 years)
dently from parents and other adult authority figures are more vulnerable to adverse outcomes and probably
and this can result in oppositional and defiant behav- deserve a different approach to healthcare delivery than
iors. The need for independence coupled with a sense of that used for younger children or older adults.298 The
­invulnerability and evolving capacity for abstract thought identification of strategies to facilitate transition to adult
can result in illogical thinking and risk-taking behaviors. healthcare delivery systems and improve outcomes for
Beyond the normal psychological conflicts present dur- adolescent transplant recipients has become a priority for
ing adolescence, transplant recipients are exposed to ad- the pediatric transplant community.28,330
ditional psychosocial stress related to their chronic i­ llness. Transition is a process that includes a purposeful,
Developmental delay, issues with body image from drug planned effort to prepare the patient to move from pe-
side effects, difficulty interacting with peers, fastidious diatric care that is caregiver-directed to adult care that
schedules required of immunosuppressant medication requires disease self-management. Although the timing
regimens, symptoms of posttraumatic stress, and family should be individualized, there is a growing consensus that
disruption due to financial burden or role strain may all preparation for transition should begin early (between 10
exacerbate psychosocial difficulties in the transplanted and 14 years of age). There is significant variability in the
adolescent. Collaboration with psychologists, psychia- attainment of the skills needed to accomplish successful
trists, and social workers may be beneficial in the early transition and therefore transfer to an adult unit may not
identification and intensified treatment of high-risk be optimally decided based solely on a patient’s age.
individuals. Critical milestones for patients to achieve a success-
ful transfer to adult care include: (1) the understanding
Puberty and ability to describe the underlying cause of ESRD and
need for transplant; (2) awareness of the long- and short-
Onset of puberty is an important milestone during ado- term implications of transplant on their overall health;
lescence. There are few reports describing puberty and (3) comprehension of the impact of their condition on
sexual maturity in children following kidney transplant, their reproductive health; (4) demonstration of a sense
with most focusing on pubertal growth velocity. The of responsibility for their own healthcare; (5) capacity
Renal Transplantation in Children 635

to provide most self-care independently; and (6) an ex- 18. Auber F, Jeanpierre C, Denamur E, et al. Management of Wilms
pressed readiness to move into adulthood.28,330 tumors in Drash and Frasier syndromes. Pediatr Blood Cancer
The application of transitional care has been described 19. Baez-Trinidad LG, Lendvay TS, Broecker BH, et al. Efficacy of
in a variety of forms, ranging from having adult provid- nephrectomy for the treatment of nephrogenic hypertension
ers meet the patient prior to transfer, having a pediat- in a pediatric population. J Urol 2003;170:1655–7, discussion
ric team member accompany patients to their first adult 1658.
20. Banerjee R, Hersh AL, Newland J, et al. Streptococcus pneumoniae-
clinic visit, overlapping or alternating visits between pe- associated hemolytic uremic syndrome among children in North
diatric and adult teams, to fully shared adolescent/young America. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:736–9.
adult transplant clinics. Mechanisms to monitor and as- 21. Barrero R, Fijo J, Fernandez-Hurtado M, et al. Vesicoureteral
sess the readiness for transfer have been described but are reflux after kidney transplantation in children. Pediatr Transplant
not standardized. Furthermore, there are still significant 2007;11:498–503.
22. Bartosh SM, Fine RN, Sullivan EK. Outcome after transplantation
systems issues (insurance coverage, healthcare policies, of young patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a report of
resource allocations) to overcome. the North American pediatric renal transplant cooperative study.
There is a need for longitudinal analyses of the out- Transplantation 2001;72:973–8.
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Kidney Transplantation in
Developing Countries
M. Rafique Moosa


COUNTRIES Middle East and Afro-Arab Region
The Burden Sub-Saharan Africa
The Patient Central and Eastern Europe
Hemodialysis Infections
Peritoneal Dialysis Bacterial Infections
Donors Helminthic Infestations
Barriers to Transplantation Programs Fungal Infections
Resources and Infrastructure Viral Infections
Sociological Factors Malignancies
Public and Professsional Awareness and Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Attitudes Posttransplantation Lymphoproliferative Disease
Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism
The Vendors
Pregnancy and Contraception after Kidney
The Recipients Transplantation
DEVELOPING REGIONS OF THE WORLD Importance of Early Detection and Prevention
Latin America of Chronic Kidney Disease

PREAMBLE challenges such as global warming, rising energy costs,

and a crippling global economic recession. These chal-
On October 31, 2011 the world population reached a lenges invariably tend to impact more heavily on devel-
staggering 7 billion people. Over 80% of humanity is oping countries. In addition, the health and welfare of
resident in so-called developing countries and this pro- the populace of these countries are often further com-
portion is set to increase inexorably (Figure 38-1). The promised by the lack of access to basic facilities, such as
World Bank classifies countries into three major catego- potable water, sanitation, and electricity, as well as cul-
ries depending on their economic performance. Based tural and societal constraints, such as low literacy rates,
on 2010 gross national income (GNI, formerly referred poverty, and poor governance, not to mention natural
to as gross national product – GNP) per capita, the and man-made disasters.
groups are: low income, $1005 or less; lower middle in- The health challenges faced by developing countries
come, $1006–$3975; upper middle income, $3976–$12 also differ, with greater emphasis on communicable
275; and high income, $12 276 or more. Countries in diseases. However, it has become increasingly appar-
the middle- and low-income economies are considered ent that non-communicable diseases are accounting for
to be “developing” countries. This classification is one a greater proportion of disease globally, but especially
of convenience, not one reflecting the state or rate of in developing countries – a fact not yet fully appreci-
development. The world currently faces major new ated by greater society or indeed governments. It has

644 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

is estimated that within the next generation the number
of people with diabetes will increase by 88% in Latin
8 America, 98% in Africa, and 91% in Asia, compared with
18% in Europe. By 2030 more than 80% of diabetics will
6 be from developing countries. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
has now overtaken glomerulonephritis as the major cause
4 of end-stage kidney failure in both the developed and de-
Less Developed Countries
veloping world.15
For most patients with irreversible kidney failure
More Developed Countries in developing countries, kidney transplantation is the
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 only viable therapeutic option. The demand for kidney
FIGURE 38-1  ■  Growth of the world population in different world transplantation has grown inexorably as the number of
regions. Over 80% of the world’s population lives in develop- patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) has esca-
ing countries, with this proportion set to increase rapidly over lated rapidly worldwide. It has been estimated that be-
the coming decades. (Reproduced with permission from United tween 2001 and 2010, the number of patients on dialysis
Nations Population Division, World population prospects 2010, The
2010 revision, medium variant (2011). Geneva: United Nations.)
worldwide had doubled to more than 2 million, and the
aggregate cost of treatment during this decade would
be greater than US $1 trillion.137 Although the power-
been estimated that chronic non-communicable diseases ful economies of the developed countries permit almost
­account for 60% of deaths globally, and 80% of these universal access to renal replacement treatment for their
chronic disease deaths occur in developing countries.57 populace, the struggling economies of developing coun-
The numbers dying from non-communicable diseases is tries fail to provide even basic medical care. The diagno-
double the numbers that succumb to infectious diseases sis of ESKD for the majority of patients in developing
(including human immunodeficiency virus/acquired im- countries is a death sentence. The high cost of dialysis
munodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), tuberculosis, limits this form of treatment to a privileged few, making
and malaria), maternal and perinatal conditions, and nu- a successful kidney transplant a greater necessity than in
tritional deficiencies, combined. Of great import too is rich countries.
that the brunt of non-communicable diseases is borne by Globally, the growing discrepancy between the num-
the poorest in the community. The rising burden of non- ber of patients with ESKD and the number who receive
communicable diseases manifests with an increase in the transplants continues to grow at an alarming rate. Of all
number of deaths, among others, from chronic kidney the transplants performed worldwide, fewer than 10%
disease (Figure 38-2).145 The main reason for the surge in are performed in developing countries, which rely heav-
kidney disease is the rampant epidemic of diabetes mel- ily, and in some cases exclusively, on living related donors.
litus in developing countries and the aging of the world Access to and the rate of transplantation vary consider-
population.147,266 The diabetes pandemic is threatening ably; however, demand exists even among the poorest
developing countries more than developed countries; it nations.124

Males Females
Deaths per 100,000 population








99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
Stroke Ischemic heart disease
Ill-defined heart disease Hypertensive heart disease
Diabetes mellitus Nephritis/nephrosis

FIGURE 38-2  ■  Death rate per 100 000 population from cardiovascular and related diseases in 15–64-year-old male and female South
Africans, 1999–2006. In this report from South Africa the mortality from kidney disease increased by an alarming 67% over a mere
7 years. The progressive increase in deaths from kidney disease parallels the increase in diabetes. (Reproduced with permission from
Mayosi BM, Flisher AJ, Lalloo UG, et al. The burden of non-communicable diseases in South Africa. Lancet 2012;374:934–947.)
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 645

“Transplant tourism” has been burgeoning since the when they commence dialysis259; in India 90% of patients
1990s and has become an important factor in the medi- had never seen a nephrologist.126
cal economies of several developing countries, such as
Peru, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Iraq, China, The Patient
Russia, and Turkey.222 However, these practices have at-
tracted international criticism, and condemnation of or- The typical ESKD patient commencing treatment in a
gan trafficking and all forms of commerce in organs.181 developing country is considerably younger and more
Another major challenge facing transplant specialists, likely to be male. The mean age of patients may be as
especially in sub-Saharan Africa, is the HIV pandemic young as 30 years in some countries, compared to the
that is decimating large swathes of people. Not only 62.6 years of patients commencing treatment in 2009 in
is HIV infection adding to the burden of chronic kidney the United States, with the incidence rising most rapidly
disease, it is also compromising access to deceased do- in patients older than 75 years.259 In contrast to other
nor organs because it affects the most vulnerable group – developing countries, the mean age of patients receiving
the young adult, the main source of donor organs.250 hemodialysis in China is 51.5 years.94 As the population
Paradoxically, antiretroviral therapy, while significantly of the world’s most populous nation ages and diabetes
reducing mortality, does herald an increase in the aging takes its toll, the mean age will no doubt increase too.
population with HIV, and its accompanying burden of The marked male predominance in the incidence of renal
non-communicable diseases, including chronic kidney replacement therapy is also characteristic of developing
disease.149 countries. In the United States, men account for 53%
of patients started on treatment. In developing coun-
tries, men account for up to 93% of patients receiving
END-STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE IN treatment and reflect social and cultural factors in pater-
nalistic societies that favor men, who often are the sole
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES breadwinners. 198
The Burden
The Causes (Figure 38-3)
ESKD has become a major public health challenge.
Worldwide, the growing number of patients with ESKD If the incidence of ESKD is difficult to establish be-
has exceeded all initial predictions by a substantial mar- cause of the lack of registry data, the etiology of ESKD
gin.69 Most of the increase has occurred in developing in developing countries is even more problematic. While
countries93 and estimates place the number of patients there are regional differences in the etiology of chronic
on dialysis worldwide at over 2 million, having grown at kidney disease, it is becoming apparent that one disease
an annual rate of 7%.69 In the absence of formal regis- is on the increase throughout the world and rapidly tak-
tries, the true incidence in individual developing coun- ing its toll both in developed and developing countries.
tries is difficult to determine with any degree of certainty. Diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of ESKD in
Estimates put the incidence of ESKD at 48–240 per 1 mil- Australasia, Europe, and North America, is also the main
lion population (pmp) in developing countries compared cause of ESKD in developing countries such as India,
with 88.9–338 pmp in the developed regions of North Malaysia, Turkey, and several Latin American countries.
America,151 Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region.174 ESKD Among Mexicans, diabetes affects 25% of individuals aged
in developing countries seems to be at least as common, if 25–40 years, while in Puerto Rico diabetic nephropathy
not more common, compared with developed countries. accounts for 65% of ESKD.50,267 In the Middle Eastern
The main reason for the dramatic increase in ESKD is countries of Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia,
the high incidence of diabetes, alluded to earlier, and the diabetes is also a common cause of ESKD.229 In develop-
aging of the world population. The highest incidence of ing countries infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B
ESKD has been reported from Mexico, with Morelos and and C virus, schistosomiasis, and tuberculosis continue to
Jalisco having rates of 419 pmp and 597 pmp respectively. take a heavy toll on kidneys.24,229. In India, North Africa,
Over one-half of these patients have diabetes. In Taiwan, and some Middle Eastern countries, sickle cell anemia,
the prevalence of ESKD reached 2447 pmp in 2009 com- environmental factors, analgesic abuse, and traditional
pared to 1811 pmp in the United States.259 ESKD repre- medicines are imporant causes of ESKD.24,126 In addition,
sents only a fraction of the total chronic disease burden distinct diseases occur in certain regions: the Afro-Asian
borne by the population: for every patient with stage 5 stone belt extends from the east rim of Africa across the
disease there are 50 with milder forms of the disease.49 Middle East, reaching South Asia.199 In the Mediterranean
Several other factors aggravate the challenges faced by basin familial Mediterranean fever causes amyloidosis that
developing countries. Despite increasing urbanization, recurs in the transplanted kidney.201 Again, in contrast to
the majority of the population of developing countries the experience elsewhere, in a recent report from China,
resides in rural areas with very limited access to health- diabetic nephropathy accounted for only 15% of ESKD,
care facilities and almost none to renal replacement treat- and chronic glomerulonephritis for 46%.274
ment. It is almost certain that large numbers of patients
with kidney failure die without receiving any treatment.
In addition, the vast majority of patients present very late
The Resources
and consequently have a grim prognosis.201 In the United In developing countries the minority of patients with
States 43% of ESKD patients had not seen a nephrologist ESKD receive dialysis. This is starkly reflected in a
646 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice


CIN Egypt


South Africa

Sri Lanka



0 20 40 60 80 100
FIGURE 38-3  ■  Causes of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in developing countries. Diabetes is poised to dominate the incidence of
ESKD globally. Hypertension and diabetes together account for some two-thirds of all ESKD. CGN, chronic glomerulonephritis; CIN,
chronic interstitial nephritis. (Data from Jha V, Chugh KS. Economics of ESRD in developing countries. In: El Nahas M (ed.) Kidney diseases
in the developing world and ethnic minorities. London: Taylor and Francis, 2005, pp. 39–57.)

report that less than 10% of Indian patients with ESKD treated in just four countries (United States, Japan, Brazil,
received renal replacement treatment and 70% of these and Germany) that constitute merely 11% of the world
had succumbed within 3 months, unable to sustain the population.93 By contrast, less than 1% of patients with
costs of treatment.217 This epitomizes the reality facing ESKD in sub-Saharan Africa receive dialysis treatment.19
patients and their caregivers in developing countries with The cost of dialysis varies from country to country. In
their heavy burden of ESKD, where only those able to most developing countries the high cost of dialysis com-
pay receive dialysis treatment. Despite the comparable pared to available healthcare funds means that the dialy-
incidence of ESKD, the prevalence of renal replace- sis is seldom a priority for national governments. The
ment treatment strongly favors developed countries. The emerging economies of most developing countries gener-
prevalence of treatment is proportionate to the economic ally spend less than 5% of GNI on health. Beside budget-
strength of individual countries (Figure 38-4). Of all pa- ary constraints, the lack of adequate infrastructure and,
tients on dialysis treatment worldwide, 52% are being more importantly, lack of adequately skilled personnel

1750 500
RRT prevalence (pmp)b

Kidney transplant prevalence (pmp)

R2 = 0.5963 400


500 R2 = 0.6845

0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000
GDP per capita (international $)c

Low-income country Middle-income country High-income country Log (all)

A 100

0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000
B GDP per capita (international $)

FIGURE 38-4  ■  (A) Correlation between renal replacement therapy (RRT) and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Access to re-
nal replacement is a function of the economic strength of individual countries: where there is greater access, the richer the country.
Patients from low-income countries have virtually no access to any treatment. (B) A similar correlation exists with kidney transplants
performed in individual countries. (Reproduced with permission from White SL, Chadban SJ, Jan S, et al. How can we achieve global equity
in provision of renal replacement therapy? Bull WHO 2008;86:229–237.)
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 647

of patients.163 In many developing countries around the

Southeast Asia world, ESKD patients and their families are in the main
Africa unable to sustain the costs of chronic dialysis beyond the
first few months following initiation. In a recent report
Global Disease Burden (%)
20 from Nigeria, less than 2% of patients initiated on di-
alysis were still receiving treatment 1 year later.12 On the
Europe Americas Indian subcontinent, the estimated incidence of ESKD
10 is 232 pmp but less than 10% of all patients with ESKD
Mediterranean receive any form of renal replacement therapy. Of these,
only 6% are still on dialysis after 12 months.126 The cur-
rent practice is to limit the frequency of dialysis sessions
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 to 1–2 times weekly, depending on affordability and the
Global Health Workforce (%) patient’s symptoms, while dialyzer reuse is the rule.111
The situation is better in North Africa and the Middle
East, with average dialysis rates of 171 pmp and 140 pmp
FIGURE 38-5  ■  Distribution of the global healthcare workforce in
relation to the disease burden. The size of the circles represents
respectively.25 In Asia, the dialysis rate is 70 pmp. Of the
the health expenditure in the six World Health Organization developing regions, Latin America is faring best, with the
­regions. Africa, with almost 25% of the global disease burden, has prevalence of dialysis treatment 320 pmp.93 The politi-
less than 5% of the healthcare workforce and spends the least on cal and economic emancipation of the former communist
healthcare. (From Taylor AL, Hwenda L, Larsen B-I, et al. Stemming bloc countries in Central and Eastern Europe has re-
the brain drain – a WHO global code of practice on international re-
cruitment of health personnel. N Engl J Med 2011;365:2348–2351.) sulted in a significant increase in the prevalence of treat-
ment, with an average rate of 220 pmp, ranging from 500
pmp in Slovenia to 77 pmp in Lithuania.150,212
are major limiting factors. The uneven distribution of
the global health workforce and the migration of skilled
staff from developing countries aggravate the situation
(Figure 38-5). Despite these challenges, even some of the Globally, hemodialysis is the preferred mode of dialy-
poorer countries are initiating dialysis programs, albeit sis despite the many advantages of peritoneal dialysis
on a restricted basis. These initiatives are often launched in the developing countries setting.93 In developing
with the effort of dedicated individuals supported by countries dialysis facilities are inadequate and mostly in
international organizations such as the International the private sector using refurbished machines that are
Society of Nephrology. In order to ensure some fairness poorly maintained. Water quality is often substandard
and equity in the allocation of dialysis, some countries with very high aluminum content resulting in excessive
have so-called Life or Death Committees that decide on blood and bone aluminum levels.73 Infections are a major
who should be offered renal replacement treatment.159 cause of morbidity and the second most common cause
While this is a fairer way of distributing scarce resources, of mortality (after cardiac causes) among patients on
many inherent dangers may compromise the process. dialysis due to overcrowding, malnutrition, and the use
When transplants are done, it is crucially important that of temporary catheters. Staphylococcus aureus is the most
the timing of transplantation be optimized, graft function common pathogen (60%), of which 35% are methicillin-
maximized, and costs and complications minimized. resistant.113 Hepatitis B and C virus infections continue
to be important causes of hepatitis because of ineffective
screening of patients, frequent blood transfusions, and
DIALYSIS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES poor infection prevention measures.113 Malnutrition,
(Figure 38-6) which may be present in 77% of patients with ESKD in
developing countries, is aggravated by cultural practices
The management of ESKD poses complex medical, so- that promote restriction of dietary animal protein intake
cial, political, ethical, and economic challenges for pa- and by inadequate dialysis that results in loss of appe-
tients and communities in developing nations. Dialysis tite.1,161 Besides high costs, the initiation of hemodialysis
is a highly resource-intensive treatment that few govern- programs is restricted by lack of trained staff; many infra-
ments are able to afford. Because of insufficient govern- strucure issues taken for granted in developed countries
ment support, chronic dialysis is poorly organized, lacks pose significant challenges to the provision of hemodi-
clear policies, and is largely unsustainable, because of the alysis in developing countries, including a reliable source
need for out-of-pocket payments by patients or their sup- of electricity, and adequate technical support and main-
porters. At less than 20 persons pmp the lowest treatment tenance.23,73,146 As their financial situation worsens, many
rates in the world prevail in sub-Saharan Africa (with the patients reduce the frequency of treatment, which results
exception of South Africa, that has a treatment rate of 70 in progressive uremia and ultimately death.113 In develop-
pmp). Several countries in sub-Saharan Africa are unable ing countries a greater proportion of the population lives
to offer any dialysis therapy.163 In other parts of Africa, in rural areas far from existing dialysis centers; because
treatment rates range from 8.7 pmp in Kenya to 670 pmp of the expense and work disruption, patients attend in-
in Tunisia.16 Dialysis in most of Africa is privately funded frequently for treatment, which ultimately leads to poor
with only a few states (such as Mali, Mauritius, and South outcome on dialysis. The lack of access to ancillary treat-
Africa) subsidizing the cost of treating a limited number ment, such as erythropoietin and iron, also contributes
648 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

1013 227
Asia (excluding
Developing Dialysis
118 26 Transplantation
Middle East

Latin America
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Per million population


North America


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400
A Prevalance rate (pmp)



Asia (excluding 50
Japan) 10

Middle East

Latin America
Peritoneal Dialysis
Europe Hemodialysis

European 500
Union 55

North America


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400
B Prevalance rate (pmp)
FIGURE 38-6  ■  (A) Prevalence of treatment in different world regions. Note the low transplant activity in Japan despite the leading end-
stage kidney disease (ESKD) prevalence. Inset: The relative overall renal replacement activity in developed and developing regions
in 2001. (B) Hemodialysis is by far the more popular choice of dialysis. See text for more detailed discussions. (Drawn using data from:
Grassmann A, Gioberge S, Moeller S, et al. ESRD patients in 2004: global overview of patient numbers, treatment modalities and associated
trends. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2005;20:2587–2593; Rizvi SAH, Naqvi SAA, Ahmed E. Renal transplantation in developing countries. In: El
Nahas M (ed.) Kidney diseases in the developing world and ethnic minorities. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2005, pp. 211–245.)

to poor outcome; in a survey reported in 2002, less than outcome of dialysis. Despite these challenges the mean
25% of patients received erythropoietin therapy, and of- annual survival of patients on hemodialysis in several de-
ten the dose was suboptimal.23 Late referral of patients veloping countries was comparable to results in the west,
with ESKD also is an important consideration in the indicating that treatment of an adequate quality can be
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 649

Annual patient mortality





South Africa
Peritoneal Dialysis
Saudi Arabia



0 20 40 60 80 100
FIGURE 38-7  ■  Mortality of patients on dialysis. The outcome of patients on peritoneal dialysis is particularly dismal in some develop-
ing countries. Reasons for the poor outcomes include the high peritonitis rates, poor nutrition, poor patient selection, poor adher-
ence, and the late presentation of patients.138 (Drawn using data from Barsoum RS. End-stage renal disease in North Africa. Kidney Int Suppl

achieved.23 The annual survival rates in dialysis patients dialysis holds tremendous promise, failure to ensure ad-
from Central and Eastern Europe has especially im- equate standards of care can result in dismal outcomes.
proved and now approach those of their western coun- In developing countries, the dose of treatment is related
terparts, ranging from 91% in Romania to 81% in the to available resources, and many patients are unable to
Czech Republic.150,211 afford the standard three to four exchanges per day. As
residual renal function fails, patients become increasingly
Peritoneal Dialysis uremic and succumb (Figure 38-7). The introduction of
new connection technology, such as the Y-system and
Peritoneal dialysis is an efficient form of renal replace- twin-bag system, has resulted in a significant reduction
ment therapy that is often the preferred form of treat- in acute peritonitis rates.241 Automated peritoneal dialyis
ment in many countries.171 Globally, only 11% of ESKD (APD) has been responsible for the increase in the num-
patients received peritoneal dialysis in 2004, down from bers of patients on peritoneal dialysis in many developed
14% in 1997.91,92 Countries like Mexico and Republic of countries (with up to 62% of patients in the United States
Korea have significantly greater numbers of patients on on peritoneal dialysis receiving APD). The penetration
peritoneal dialysis, with the former approaching 75% of of APD into developing countries has been tempered by
its prevalent dialysis population.91 Advantages of perito- economic and infracture considerations. In Mexico and
neal dialysis are that it is more physiological than inter- Korea, the two developing countries with the largest pop-
mittent hemodialysis, requires less stringent dietary and ulations of peritoneal dialysis patients, 21% and 5% of
fluid restrictions, does not require expensive equipment, patients, respectively, were treated on APD.93
is more appropriate for certain categories of patients,
such as diabetics and children, and after initial training
only requires intermittent hospital visits. Peritoneal di- KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION
alysis offers patients greater independence and mobility,
and may allow breadwinners to return to work.126 It can A kidney transplant is the treatment of choice for patients
also be performed in remote regions with limited facili- with ESKD, with pre-emptive transplantation being the
ties. Organizationally, it does not require the major capi- ideal option. However, even in first-world settings only
tal expenditure associated with setting up a hemodialysis 5.3% of patients received pre-emptive transplants.253 For
unit and it it possible to service large numbers of patients, a patient from a developing country, a successful kidney
even in remote areas. Peritoneal dialysis would be an transplant carries a lower cost, and offers a better quality
ideal form of renal replacement treatment in a develop- of life, a superior prognosis, and the opportunity to be
ing country setting. The chief reason for its limited use economically active.267 For patients from those countries
is the high cost of treatment in developing countries be- where the option of dialysis may not exist, a successful
cause peritoneal dialysis solutions have to be imported.23 transplant is the sole hope for survival. A striking feature
It may be 1.5–3 times more expensive than hemodialy- of renal replacement therapy programs in developing
sis, precluding its widespread use.113 Although peritoneal countries is the emphasis, and in some cases exclusive
650 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

reliance, on living donor transplantation, predominantly form the backbone of transplant programs in develop-
related living donors but increasingly unrelated living do- ing countries, accounting for 85–100% of donations
nors.217 Transplantation often occurs without the benefit compared with 1–25% in the west.198 However, the pro-
of backup dialysis facilities and largely in the absence of portion of living related donations has steadily declined
an established deceased donor program. Lack of legis- in favor of living unrelated and spousal transplants. In
lation, infrastrucure, resources, and cultural factors, as a recent report from Korea, living related transplants
well as ignorance, contribute to the ongoing shortage of declined from 84% in the 1970s to 61% in the 2000s;
organs.5,196 Barriers to transplant activity in developing living unrelated transplants increased from 14% (1970s)
countries have been identified (Table 38-1). The number to 37% in the 1990s but declined again in the 2000s to
of transplants performed also correlates with the socio- 19%, perhaps reflecting the international condemnation
economic status of a country (Figure 38-4). of commercial transplantation.47 The severe global or-
Although the transplant rate is a function of the health- gan shortage has enhanced spousal and deceased donor
care system, cultural beliefs and values are also important transplants in several countries.47,207 Most living donors
barriers.259 The transplant rate in developing countries is are members of the extended family. Despite the large
less than 10 pmp compared with 45–50 pmp in indus- size of extended families, with on average six genetically
trialized countries (Figure 38-6). Developed countries related members being available at initial workup, al-
are able to satisfy 30–35% of their transplant needs, in most half of potential donors are eliminated because of
contrast to developing countries, where only 1–2% of the comorbid disease while one-quarter refuse to donate. In
estimated need for organ transplantation is met.198 Of all the final analysis, only 1.6 donors are available per recip-
kidney transplants that have been done around the world, ient.108 Two-thirds of spousal donations are from wives
almost 90% have been in developed countries that con- to husbands, approximating the ratio in western coun-
stitute only 20% of the world population.126 Under these tries.168 Spousal donation can be a rewarding experience,
circumstances, trade in kidneys from living unrelated do- with donors expressing satisfaction with their decision
nors has flourished. and improvement in family relationships.175 The results
of spousal transplants also are superior to the results of
parental and living unrelated donors.207,271 With the ex-
Donors ception of some Latin American countries, deceased do-
Kidneys for transplantation may be derived from living nor transplants are limited in most developing countries
or deceased donors (Figure 38-8). Living donors may be for a variety of reasons, including religious and cultural
related, spouses, or unrelated; deceased donors may be issues. After some initial resistance, most religious com-
heartbeating or non-heartbeating. Living donors still mentators, including Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Judaic,
and Buddhist, support solid-­organ transplantation. Saudi
Arabia is an excellent example of a conservative Muslim
country that has implemented a deceased donor program
successfully. The growth of the deceased donor program
TABLE 38-1  Factors Contributing to Poor
in Latin America is another example of what can be
Transplantation Rates in Developing Countries
achieved with the combined effort of the medical com-
Governmental munity and governmental involvement.273 The United
Inadequate funding and other resources States is the only country that performs more deceased
Skills shortage donor transplants than Brazil, which reached an abso-
Inadequate legislation lute number of 3400 in 2001.273 The critical shortage of
Inadequate health infrastructure
Inadequate public awareness campaigns and education organs means expanded criteria donors (ECDs) are be-
Inadequate deceased donor transplant programs ing used increasingly. Several developed countries report
good results with the use of kidneys from non-heartbeating
donors but it is a source that is yet to be explored by de-
Illiteracy (especially among women) veloping countries.
Lack of access to potable water and sanitation
Cultural constraints
Deceased donor shortage Barriers to Transplantation Programs
Transplant tourism
A range of obstacles hinder the development of transplant
Environmental programs in developing countries. Challenges vary from
Poor nutrition
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic
country to country and are listed in Table 38-1.
Healthcare professionals Resources and Infrastructure
Apathy and ignorance in respect of organ donation
Lack of team spirit Poorer countries are in general battling communicable
Lack of planning for organ procurement diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis
that have a major impact on the health of its population.
Posttransplant Health authorities tend to prioritize these diseases over
Out-of-pocket payments for ongoing immunosuppression
Posttransplant infections
chronic kidney failure, which is seen as affecting a rela-
tively small proportion of the population, is expensive to
See text for discussion. treat, and requires vast resources.5 The lack of technical
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 651

Sri Lanka
Egypt Deceased donor (N = 19995)
Oman Living donor (N = 29442)
El Salvador
Dominican Rep.
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Costa Rica
New Zealand
Czech Rep.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of kidney transplants per million population
FIGURE 38-8  ■ Transplant activity in different countries in 2009 ordered from lowest to highest rates of kidney transplantation involv-
ing deceased donors. Developing countries rely more heavily, and in many cases, exclusively on living organ donors. The number
of countries transplanting has increased and even some of the poorer countries are initiating transplant programs, emphasizing the
growing global demand. (Reproduced with permission from Delmonico FL, Dominguez-Gil B, Matesanz R, et al. A call for government ac-
countability to achieve national self-sufficiency in organ donation and transplantation. Lancet 2011;378:1414–1418.)
652 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

and medical expertise is an even greater challenge to the Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, and Vietnam, is also
development of transplant programs. A successful kidney characterized by rebirth and belief that the integrity of
transplant program requires a dedicated team consisting the physical body is not essential, although there is am-
of surgeons (urologists, vascular surgeons, transplant sur- bivalence surrounding the concept of brain death. Some
geons), nephrologists, pathologists, as well as the backup Buddhist scholars frown upon deceased donor transplan-
of a good radiology and laboratory service, not to men- tation while others leave the choice to the individual.
tion a dialysis service.5 Deceased donor programs tend Traditional Chinese religious beliefs are strongly influ-
to be more expensive than living donor transplants and enced by Confucianism and Taoism, both of which fa-
are constrained in countries where health budgets are vor organ donation. Shintoism is the predominant belief
stretched to the limit.44 Access to intensive care facilities system in Japan and teaches that the body is impure after
is required to allow the ventilation of donors. The severe death and interfering with the corpse brings bad luck.
shortage of intensive care unit beds in developing coun- Although the Japanese law changed in 1997 to allow
tries can be a major limitation. A reliable tissue-typing transplantation from deceased donors, 90% of all kidney
laboratory also is an essential service for the success of transplants in Japan are from living donors. Today, the
a deceased donor transplant program. In Saudi Arabia, number of Japanese who carry organ donor cards remains
the government took a leading role and established a na- among the lowest in the world.172
tional procurement agency responsible for the supervi-
sion of organ donation and transplantation, emphasizing
the importance of government will and involvement.230 Public and Professsional Awareness
Governments generally fail to support maintenance im- and Attitudes
munosuppression and self-funded patients are often The high rate of illiteracy and rural location of large
forced, by economic reality, to reduce or even discontinue portions of the populations of developing countries and
the costly immunosuppression, with the predictable con- limited access to media of mass communication mean
sequence of acute rejection and, almost invariably, death. that patients and their families are poorly informed and
therefore often not empowered to make decisions on is-
sues that they find difficult to comprehend. A concerted
Sociological Factors
education campaign is required to increase public aware-
Religious beliefs, traditional value systems and cultures ness of the need for organ donation to change negative
are important factors influencing organ transplantation public attitudes that hinder discussion of this subject by
and organ donation. In many cultures there is a strong family members. In developing countries, low adult liter-
belief that the sanctity of the deceased is paramount and acy rates hinder education drives.217 In many South-East
any form of mutilation must be avoided. Among Muslims, Asian countries, organ donation is considered a western
who form a sizeable proportion of the developing world concept that has failed to gain acceptance in these com-
population, living donation and deceased donation are munities.41 However, as alluded to above, the ignorance
allowed provided unconditional consent is given, a view and negative attitude of health professionals also need ad-
especially prevalent in the Middle East. The Saudis have dressing as they have been been identified as major limit-
been at the forefront of developing active cadaveric pro- ing factors.254
grams, enacting laws to support these.89 By contrast,
Muslim scholars in South Asia, while acknowledging the Legislation
benefit of transplantation, have failed to support organ
donation actively. Reasons for the ongoing skepticism in- Recognition of the concept of brain death and the
clude belief that the human body is only entrusted to man ­enactment of laws that allow the use of organs from
and may not be interfered with, and ongoing controversy cadaver donors are key elements to successful pro-
with regard to the concept and definition of brainstem grams. The concept of brain death continues to be a
death.172 However, this skepticism is not limited to the source of controversy in some Muslim countries, with
lay public: 21% of Turkish Muslim healthcare profession- the result that legislation does not exist or is poorly
als had religious reasons for opposing organ donation.254 implemented in Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Sudan, and
Christian scholars, on the other hand, have supported Libya.227 The Transplantation of Human Organs Act
and encouraged organ transplantation and donation al- of India banned trade in organs, recognized brain
most since inception. The fact that the pope, Benedict death, and simultaneously promoted deceased organ
XVI, carried a donor card speaks volumes and emphasizes donation.166 Singapore has had a progressive law in
the generally permissive attitude taken by the majority of place since 1987, which allowed the removal of organs
Christian churches. in the case of accidental death, unless the person had
Hinduism, with a following of some 1 billion people, opted out during his or her lifetime. Muslims were
is the predominant faith in South Asia. In contrast to excluded from this arrangement. The Human Organ
the Abrahamic religions, the physical integrity of the Transplant Act was amended in 2004 to include death
body is not crucial to the reincarnation of the soul. It from all causes and extended to include organs other
is therefore not surprising that the World Council of than kidneys. It also regulated living unrelated donors.
Hindus stated, “Organ donation is an integral part of Pakistan, the center of illegal trade in organs, passed
our living.” Similarly, Sikhs believe the soul is eternal the Transplantation of Human Organs and Human
but that the physical body is not crucial to the cycle of Tissue Ordinance of 2007 into law in March 2010, af-
rebirth. Buddhism, practiced in much of Asia, especially ter considerable international and national pressure.
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 653

The law shares all the key components of the cor- similar negative health, economic, social, and psycho-
responding Indian act. Early indications are that the logical consequences.34,170,223,272 Between 48% and 98%
promulgation is already having an impact but it re- of commercial donors reported detrimental health con-
mains to be seen if this will be sustained.193 The ex- sequences. Sadly, the sale not only fails to ameliorate the
ceptional achievements of Saudi Arabia in addressing poverty or improve the economic/financial situation –
all aspects, including legislative, have been alluded to the main motivation for the donation – but the majority
above. of donors declare a deterioration in their personal cir-
cumstances because they were often unable to return to a
competitive labor market. In Egypt, 81% of donors had
Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism
depleted the funds arising from vending within 5 months;
One of the most serious threats to the image of trans- in India, 75% of donors remained impoverished. Beside
plantation in the world and global transplant programs the economic and health consequences donors also suf-
is the scourge of organ trafficking. The World Health fer emotionally and socially. Vendors are stigmatized and
Organization (WHO) has estimated that 5–10% of all ostracized by their communities. There is a significant in-
kidney transplant occurring globally are commercial crease in marital conflict and divorce rates soar following
transplants with patients from more affluent countries donation. The experience leaves donors with such severe
seeking organs from donors in economically deprived emotional distress that very few would ever recommend
countries.67 This practice is on the increase, driven on the sale of kidney to reduce poverty.34,170,223,272
the one hand by the steadily increasing waiting times for Global concern has culminated in several statements by
kidneys in rich countries – the waiting time for kidneys august conferences that include the Madrid Resolution,
in the United States now exceeds 3 years and is projected the Declaration of Istanbul, and the 63rd World Health
to increase.107 On the other hand, vendors in developing Assembly Resolution. The WHO has urged individual
countries who live in abject poverty view sale of an or- countries to develop national self-sufficiency with re-
gan as an opportunity to improve themselves financially. gard to their organs needs by mobilizing resources from
Both parties, but especially the vendors, are mercilessly within their own population. Self-sufficiency would in-
exploited by unscrupulous middlemen who prey on the clude strategies to increase the donor pool and preven-
vulnerability of both parties.107 Syndicates comprising tive programs to reduce the burden of kidney disease.60
doctors, brokers, technicians, and hospitals service this While these efforts, driven by advocates for change, are
lucrative market. The lay press as well as academic pub- commendable, it remains to be seen how successful they
lications are replete with accounts of impropriety.36,107 are going to be in the face of the strong market and other
These networks function with impunity in the absence forces that drive the practice, and other arguments cham-
of national legislative and regulatory frameworks or, pioning donor autonomy.
where these do exist, are blatantly flouted in corrupt
environments.5 Countries such as India, Pakistan, and
Turkey have developed notoriety as “kidney bazaars,”107
The Recipients
but the country that has become the leading destina- The reported outcomes of commercial transplants are
tion for transplant tourism is China. In 2006, 11 000 variable, with some studies, usually with small data sets,
transplants were performed with organs harvested from reporting poorer outcomes compared with international
judicially executed prisoners.33 The macabre practice benchmarks; in others reported patient and graft survival
had developed into a well-organized industry servic- rates are comparable to local standards.236 A recent in-
ing the domestic need but also catered for the increas- depth review of commercial kidney transplants found
ingly ­lucrative foreign market.264 As the Chinese health that, while some studies reported good patient and graft
services became increasingly market-driven, managers survival, the results in the main were inferior to those ob-
were under pressure to generate additional sources of tained in the United States. Of greater concern, though,
income; this coupled with the steadily improving medi- was the number of serious infections, including malaria,
cal services rapidly transformed the country into a trans- HIV, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, and cytomegalovi-
plant mecca.264 However, following an international rus (CMV).214
outcry and ahead of the Olympic Games the Chinese
government adopted the Human Transplantation Act
in 2007 which expressly outlawed commerce in organs TRANSPLANT ACTIVITY IN DIFFERENT
(see below). This had the effect of immediately halving DEVELOPING REGIONS OF THE WORLD
foreign transplants.33
No country in the world can claim to have sufficient
donors to meet its transplantation needs. At best, 45–
The Vendors 50% of the prevalent ESKD population has functioning
The profile of organ vendors (also labeled commercial grafts in developed countries. In developing countries,
living donors) is similar in all countries where organ the situation is considerably worse, but significant
trafficking occurs.34 They are generally male, illiterate, growth has occurred in many regions. Growth in trans-
unemployed, and living below the poverty line. The de- plant activity has been particularly good in the for-
cision to resort to organ donation is often triggered by mer Soviet bloc countries, the Middle East, and Latin
a personal financial crisis. Studies from Egypt, India, America, but renal replacement treatment has lagged in
Iran, Pakistan, and the Philippines have all documented Africa and Asia.
654 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

coordinators and based on the “Spanish model.” The

Latin America potential donor pool is 60–100 pmp per year, the donor
Latin America comprises 20 countries, including Mexico, notification rate ranges from 4.3 to 47 pmp, and the ef-
Central and South American countries, and the Hispanic fective donor rate from 1 to 18 pmp. However, with an
Caribbean Islands. It is economically, socially, and ra- estimated kidney waiting list of some 72 000, there is a
cially a heterogeneous region, which is manifested in need to improve further.152
widely differing wealth and health indicators. Latin The treatment of ESKD places an enormous eco-
America is recognized as the most unequal region in nomic burden on countries. Different public healthcare
the world, undermining economic development and funding models exist, ranging from full coverage by
contributing to poverty, one of the region’s most press- government to very restricted coverage.152 This region
ing social challenges. But economic giants in the region spends 6.4% of GNI on health. Although this is second
Brazil and Mexico are predicted to be among the top only to Organization for Economic Cooperation and
five world economies by 2050, after China, the United Development countries, this amount is still 10 times less
States, and India. The incidence of ESKD in this region than that spent by industrialized nations.205 In Brazil, the
has increased progressively and was 188 pmp in 2006.55 government bears the cost of a kidney transplant of US
There are variations in the incidence of ESKD within $10 000 as well as the cost of triple therapy (cyclosporine,
the region, with Mexico having the highest (345.9 pmp) azathioprine, and steroids); it also allows the use of myco-
and Paraguay the lowest (12.6 pmp) (Figure 38-9). In phenolate mofetil (MMF) and tacrolimus.273 In Mexico,
common with the trends elsewhere in the world, the in- the treatment prevalence rate among the poor was 166
cidence of diabetic nephropathy has increased, and to- pmp compared with 939 pmp among the insured; the
gether with hypertension accounts for almost two-thirds transplant rate was 7.5 pmp and 72 pmp among the poor
of all ESKD in this region (Figure 38-10). The annual and insured respectively.81 The inequities in coverage and
growth in ESKD patients is almost sevenfold greater than access exemplified here are a reality in much of the devel-
the population growth of Latin America.56 The second oping world and require creative solutions.
reason for the dramatic increase in ESKD (in common
with developed countries) has been the aging of the in-
cident population, with patients older than 65 years ac-
counting for 38% of patients starting treatment in 2001 The first kidney transplant in Asia was performed in 1956
compared with 20% a decade previously. The number of in Japan176 but the leading nations in this area are India
patients over 75 years increased from 5% to 25% in the and China (see Table 38-3, below).43 The Asia-Pacific
same time period.56 Hemodialysis is the most prevalent region probably represents the most diverse social, cul-
form of renal replacement treatment, with the exception tural, economic, and ethnic spectrum of all the areas of
of Mexico, where peritoneal dialysis is the leading treat- the developing world. The true incidence and etiology of
ment (Figure 38-10). ESKD in this region are unknown because of the absence
Argentina pioneered kidney transplantation in Latin of regional or national registries. In one of the first popu-
America in 1957 and this region is the fastest growing lation-based studies of its kind, Modi and Jha reported the
in terms of number of transplants and progress with age-adjusted incidence of ESKD of 232 pmp in Southern
deceased organ donation (Figure 38-9). Since the first India.153 In keeping with trends elsewhere in the world,
transplant in 1957, a cumulative total of over 107 000 kid- the inexorable increase in the incidence of ESKD paral-
ney transplants had been performed by 2006, with Brazil lels the increase in diabetes, that accounted for 41–44%
and Mexico performing 62% of these. There has been an of ESKD. Hypertension with diabetes together account
impressive improvement in the transplantation rate from for almost two-thirds of all ESKD.59 Part of this region
3.7 pmp in 1987 to 15 pmp in 2005.55 The first country to also falls in the Afro-Asian stone belt that stretches across
promulgate transplantation laws was Brazil in 1968 and North Africa and the Middle East to South Asia, in
since then almost all countries have adopted progressive which nephrolithiasis is a small but important prevent-
and ethical laws enabling organ harvesting and organ al- able cause of ESKD. In the hospital-based component
location and prohibiting commerce.152 Eight countries in of the report, stone disease accounted for almost 10%
the region have adopted presumed consent laws for organ of ESKD.59 There has been speculation on the possible
retrieval.152 In 2001, the region with 8.5% of the world role of maternal malnutrition, which is rife in this region,
population performed 12.7% of all kidney transplants.80 and the subsequent development of chronic kidney dis-
The Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant ease in children. An unusual form of tubulointerstitial
Registry, created in 1991, represents 20 countries with nephritis has been described in Sri Lankan farmers that
a regional population of 544 million and recorded 8224 shares several features with Chinese herbal nephropathy
kidney transplants in 2006. The majority of transplants and Balkan nephropathy; it is postulated to be caused by
are from living donors but deceased donor kidney trans- environmental toxins.111
plants have increased, and in at least eight countries these The mean age of the Indian patients recently re-
exceed living donor transplants. The overall deceased do- ported was 47 years and 58% were male.153 Kidney
nor rate in Latin America was 2.5 pmp in 2001 but aver- disease thus affects economically active individuals in
aged 10 pmp in Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Chile, and Cuba.80 the prime of their lives. Two-thirds of the population
Part of the success of the deceased donor program has ­reside in rural areas because the economies are agricul-
been ascribed to the introduction in 2001 of the Punta ture-based. In urban areas, large numbers live in slums
Cana Group, formed by the Latin American transplant and in abject poverty. The majority of ESKD patients
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 655

Nicaragua 20

Panama 15

Number (pmp)
Paraguay 10

Ecuador 5

Bolivia 0
1980 1987 2000 2006
El Salvador




Transplant rate (pmp)

Cuba Incident rate (pmp)


Latin America

Puerto Rico






Costa Rica

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

FIGURE 38-9  ■ The incidence of renal replacement treatment in Latin America in 2006. Brazil performs the greatest number of trans-
plants in the region, accounting for 40% of all activity. No data available for Honduras. No incidence data for Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Panama, or Puerto Rico. Inset: Transplant activity in the region since 1980. Kidney transplant activity has grown steadily
over 26 years. (Drawn using data from Cusumano AM, Gonzalez Bedat MC, Garcia-Garcia G, et al. Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant
Registry: 2008 report (data 2006). Clin Nephrol 2010;74 (Suppl. 1):S3–S8; Garcia VD, Garcia CD, Santiago-Delpin EA. Organ transplants in Latin
America. Transplant Proc 2003;35:1673–1674.)

present late with advanced complications. Limited management of chronic diseases and the shortage of
e­ xpenditure on health by governments (most countries skilled personnel. Access to treatment of ESKD is inex-
in this region spend less than 1.5% of GNI on health) tricably linked to the level of economic development of
means inadequate healthcare services, especially in rural individual countries. In the region, India has been the
areas. Beside the lack of capital resources, other chal- most prolific in developing new dialysis units. In com-
lenges include the lack of government policies for the mon with many other countries, healthcare in India is
656 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Others Diabetes
15% 33%

ChronicGN Peritoneal Hemo-

9% Dialysis
Hyperten- 21%
sion 59%

FIGURE 38-10  ■  (A) Causes of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in incident patients in Latin America in 2001. Hypertension and diabetes
account for more than two-thirds of all ESKD. GN, glomerulonephritis. (Drawn using data from Cusumano AM, Di Gioia C, Hermida
O, et al. The Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplantation Registry Annual Report 2002. Kidney Int 2005;68(S97):S46–S52.) (B)
Treatment modalities in Latin America (2006). Hemodialysis is the most prevalent form of renal replacement treatment. (Drawn using
data from Cusumano AM, Gonzalez Bedat MC, Garcia-Garcia G, et al. Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant Registry: 2008 report (data
2006). Clin Nephrol 2010;74 (Suppl. 1):S3–S8.)

provided in a two-tiered fashion: a state-subsidized sys-

tem which serves the masses of the population, and a
private system that provides healthcare for the more af- The People’s Republic of China, with its population of 1.35
fluent and is on a par with the best in the world. Of more billion (representing almost 20% of the world’s population)
than 750 dialysis units and 150 transplant centers in and rapidly growing economy, is set to dominate this re-
India, less than 20% are in the public sector. In Pakistan, gion (and the world) economically. Chronic kidney disease
only 30% of over 195 dialysis centers are in the public is on the increase in China as elsewhere on the globe; in a
sector. Less than 2% of patients initiated on hemodialy- recent report 11.3% of urban subjects over 40 years had at
sis in India are still on treatment after 6 months because least one feature of kidney disease.268 In another even larger
of funding constraints. Less than 5% of patients with study, 10.8% of the population had chronic kidney disease,
ESKD receive kidney transplants.203 and together with other non-communicable diseases, this
Between 1997 and 2001, 49 437 kidney transplants has become China’s greatest health threat.275 The inci-
were performed in 13 countries in Asia175; of these, 59.5% dence of ESKD is estimated at 102 cases pmp, of whom
were living donor transplants (Figure 38-11). Transplant 55% receive treatment.133 The leading cause of chronic
activity in South-East Asia is largely based on living do- kidney disease is IgA nephropathy, while lupus nephritis
nor transplants, with India being the most active. Of the is the most common secondary cause of glomerulonephri-
living donor transplants, 70% are from relatives, where tis. Diabetic nephropathy as a cause for ESKD increased
two-thirds of the donors are female but males constituted from 9.9% in 2000 to 17.2% in 2005 to become the sec-
over 83% of all recipients. Spousal transplants account ond most common cause of ESKD. Treatment prevalence
for 20% of transplants, with wives in the main being is 275.4 pmp.270 Both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
donors. The deceased donor programs are rudimentary are offered, with 80% of patients on the former, largely
or non-existent – in Pakistan the first local deceased do- because of the high cost of imported peritoneal dialysis
nor transplant was performed in 1998 and by 2009 only fluid. Unlike most countries in the region, the majority of
four deceased donor transplants had been performed.203 the population has access to state health insurance funds,
Transplant tourism, that was rife in India, was curbed by which contribute to the cost of treatment.133
the promulgation of the relevant Act in 1997 but contin- The first kidney transplant in China was perfomed in
ued openly in Pakistan where no such act existed until Beijing in 1960132 and since then the numbers have rapidly
2010, when the Pakistani Parliament passed a law out- escalated (Figure 38-11). Access to healthcare has dramati-
lawing commerce in organs. The act seems to have effec- cally increased and reached near-universal coverage in a
tively curbed commercial kidney transplants, as it did in very short time, escalating from 29.7% in 2003 to 95.7% in
India.203 Despite the active transplant program in India, 2011!68 However, funding for transplants is not provided by
there are other challenges facing patients and their care- the government and this remains a major barrier to trans-
givers in India: although kidney transplants performed in plantation; for patients on medical insurance, the sum of
public hospitals carry no cost to patients, patients have US$12 000 is available in the first year. Locally produced
to purchase their own immunosuppressive drugs. Because cyclosporine is used with steroids and MMF to achieve
of the high costs, patients are often forced to discontinue 1-year graft survival rates in excess of 80%.133 The prin-
the more expensive calcineurin inhibitors, with a high cipal sources of kidneys are brain-dead donors (see section
risk of graft loss due to acute rejection.111 The relative on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism, above). The
costs of renal replacement treatment in India are shown Chinese government introduced new legislation in 2007 to
in Table 38-2. curb the rampant commercialism in organ transplantation.
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 657

Bangladesh (N = 102)

Hong Kong (N = 396)

Deceased donor (N = 19995)

India (N = 15345)
Living donor (N = 29442)

Indonesia (N = 247)

Japan (N = 1047)

Korea (N = 4478)

Malaysia (N = 258)

Oman (N = 67)

China (N = 15697)

Pakistan (N = 4405)

Philippines (N = 1246)

Saudi Arabia (N = 1339)

Singapore (N = 365)

Taiwan (N = 711)

Thailand (N = 757)

UAE (N = 6)

Total (N = 49437)

0 20 40 60 80 100
FIGURE 38-11  ■  Kidney transplant activity in Asian countries (1997–2001). Living donors remain the main source of kidneys in this
region, accounting for almost 60% of all transplants. The People’s Republic of China performs the greatest number of transplants
but organs are predominantly from individuals undergoing judicial executions. The largest numbers of conventional transplants are
performed in India and these are almost exclusively living donor transplants. (Drawn using data from Ota K. Current status of organ
transplants in Asian countries. Transplant Proc 2004;36:2535–2538.)

This required transplant centers to be accredited and the North America. Local living related transplant pro-
number of units plummeted from 600 to a mere 163 that grams were then established, followed by local experi-
were approved to perform kidney transplants.235,255 ence with imported cadaver kidneys. During this period,
The annual number of kidney transplants has increased commercialized living unrelated donor transplantation
in Asia over the years, but great potential remains for fur- in neighboring countries thrived. The region has seen
ther growth. This growth can be achieved through legal considerable progress, with almost all Middle Eastern
and social acceptance of the brain death concept, the es- countries now having successful transplant programs, in-
tablishment of organ procurement organizations, and, cluding several with active deceased donor programs. The
most importantly, education of the public and healthcare introduction of cyclosporine and, more importantly, the
providers through systematic support from the authorities. issuance of the Amman Declaration in 1986 gave new im-
petus to transplant programs. Despite this, the programs
currently yield only 9 kidney transplants pmp, while
Middle East and Afro-Arab Region there is an estimated average of 200 patients pmp who
Kidney transplantation in the region has followed fairly require kidney transplants.228 All countries in this region,
distinct patterns historically. Initially, deceased do- with the exception of Egypt, Iran, and Iraq, have adopted
nor kidney transplants were undertaken in Europe and laws that permit use of organs from deceased donors and
658 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 38-2  Cost of Renal Replacement Therapy Sudan
in India in US$, Emphasizing the Importance Cyprus
of Kidney Transplantation as the Most Lebanon
­Cost-Effective Treatment of End-Stage Turkey

Kidney Disease Tunisia

Hemodialysis* (per Session) Kuwait

State-subsidized hospital 10 Qatar
Private hospital 40 Saudi
CAPD¶ (per month) 400 UAE
Kidney Transplant Procedure 0 10 20 30 40 50
State-subsidized hospital 700
Kidney Transplants (pmp)
Private hospital 6000
Immunosuppressives† (per month) 250 FIGURE 38-12  ■ Transplant activity in the Middle East Society
for Organ Transplantation (MESOT) countries in 2003. The
*Most patients are dialysed only twice weekly, reuse of dialyzers countries depicted by red bars are low-income countries with
after manual cleaning is almost universal, greater than 50% of gross national income (GNI) per capita of $100–1200; the green
haemodialysis units use acetate, and only 30–40% of patients can bars represent middle-income countries with GNI per capita
afford erythropoietin. of $1200–5000, while the blue bars represent the high-income

CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis with Y-set, countries. Several low-income MESOT countries perform no
­performing three exchanges per week. transplants and are not represented here. Note the overall

Basic triple therapy, consisting of steroid, cyclosporine, and greater transplant activity with higher economic activity. The
azathioprine. Triple therapy continues to be the backbone of low-income countries have limited health budgets and small or
­immunosuppressive protocols, although the cyclosporine is often non-existent dialysis and transplant programs. The incidence of
discontinued after 1 year to reduce costs. end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in these countries is 101 pmp;
Adapted from Agarwal SK. Chronic kidney disease and its p ­ revention 95% of patients die because of lack of treatment options. The
in India. Kidney Int 2005;68(S98):S41–S45; and Sakhuja V, Kohli HS. medium-income countries have a similar incidence of ESKD
End-stage renal disease in India and Pakistan: ­incidence, causes, (99.3 pmp) and there is restricted access to renal replacement
and management. Ethn Dis 2006;16(2 Suppl 2):S2–S3. treatment. The eight high-income countries have an incidence
of ESKD of 111 pmp. Dialysis facilities are provided by the gov-
ernment, but transplantation is limited. (Drawn using data from:
regulate living donations.144 Despite these laws being Masri MA, Haberal MA, Shaheen FA, et al. Middle East Society
operative for 15 years, living donor transplantation still for Organ Transplantation (MESOT) Transplant Registry. Exp Clin
predominates and accounts for 85% of total transplants. Transplant 2004;2(2):217–220; Ghods AJ. Should we have live un-
related donor renal transplantation in MESOT countries? Transplant
Deceased donor transplants are a rich potential source of Proc 2003;35:2542–2544.)
organs that is not being fully harnessed for several rea-
sons, not the least being the controversy surrounding
brain death diagnosis.228 Considerable resistance exists one-quarter of the population, while chronic interstitial
from the Muslim medical community notwithstanding nephritis due to analgesic abuse and herbal medications
the reognition of the concept of brain death, and Muslim is common. Obstructive uropathy constitutes 40% of
clergy passing edicts that permit the retrieval of organs ESKD in certain Arab countries. Of all unions in Arab
from deceased donors. The successful establishment of countries, 52% are consanguineous marriages, explain-
a deceased donor program will require, firstly, religious ing the exceptionally high incidence of inherited renal
and social acceptance by all stakeholders; secondly, the disease.231 Renal replacement programs are available but
requisite legal framework; and finally, government com- limited. Only one-half of patients are started on dialysis
mitment.228 Saudi Arabia has led the way in deceased do- treatment, and because of limited transplant activity, these
nor transplants that now comprise 30% of all transplants. patients remain permanently on dialysis, placing an enor-
In Turkey and Kuwait, deceased donor organs account mous burden on already strained health budgets.84
for 25% of kidney transplants while Iran has steadily in- There are three predominant models of transplantation
creased its proportion of deceased donor transplants from and organ donation in the MESOT region. In the Saudi
0.4% in 2002 to 31% in 2008.71 model, a quasi-government organization is responsible for
The Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation all aspects of organ donation, from increasing awareness
(MESOT) registry, established in 1987, documents in the medical fraternity and public education to organ
transplant activity in the region; MESOT also promotes procurement and allocation.228 This organization has en-
public awareness of transplantation and scientific coopera- joyed considerable success, as evidenced by a remarkable
tion.144,228 The Registry represents over 29 countries from increase in the number of transplant centers and organs
the Middle East, North Africa, and neighboring states, transplanted.230 Iran performs the largest number of kidney
comprising a total population of 635 million.84,228 The transplants in this region, of which 77% are from living
number of patients receiving kidney transplants is only 9 unrelated donors.144 The Iranian model allows for living
pmp; the regional ESKD incidence ranges from 34 to 200 unrelated donors to be compensated by the recipient or
pmp.144 Economically, the region is divided into three in- a charitable organization, and the cost of the transplant is
come groups with transplant activity related to economic borne by the government. The model has been so success-
activity (Figure 38-12). The most common cause of ESKD ful that the waiting list for kidney transplantation in Iran
is diabetes mellitus; it accounts for 45% of new ESKD has been eliminated.86 However, the feedback from donors
in Saudi Arabia, 46.8% in Lebanon, 21.2% in Kuwait, clearly indicates that much remains to be done to improve
and 35% in Egypt. Hypertension affects approximately the process of donation.230 Improvements suggested are
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 659

that all compensation be made by the government, and four times more common than in economically advanced
that compensation of living donors be substantial and “life- countries.163 Hypertension and chronic glomerulone-
changing.”86 This model yields 17 donors pmp but may phritis are the most prevalent causes of chronic kidney
not be applicable to multiethnic populations and several disease while HIV-associated kidney disease accounts
ethical issues remain unresolved. Finally, the Pakistani for 6–48.5% of CKD.164 A recent report suggests that
model pioneered by the Sind Institute of Urology and diabetes is, as elsewhere in the developing world, likely
Transplantation involves community and government to become an ever-increasing problem165 and currently
partnership in the care of patients, in which the latter con- is responsible for some 25% of CKD cases.159 Chronic
tributes 40–50% toward the cost of the transplant and the kidney disease affects relatively younger patients in the
community the remainder. The center averages 110 kid- age range 20–50 years compared to developed countries
ney transplants per year. The free supply of medication to where chronic kidney disease affects the middle-aged to
the patient is an important factor in the success of the ini- elderly. Resources are very limited, with several coun-
tiative. The program prides itself on its transparency, ac- tries having no specialist nephrologists and very limited
countability, and high quality of its care.198 access to renal replacement therapy. The dialysis rate in
sub-Saharan Africa is less than 20 pmp, the lowest re-
nal replacement therapy rate in the world, with several
Sub-Saharan Africa countries offering none at all. Of 1.8 million people on
Sub-Saharan Africa comprises 47 countries and includes dialysis worldwide in 2004, less than 5% were in sub-
70% of the world’s poorest nations. In 2007 it had a pop- Saharan Africa.164
ulation of 800 million people and, of these, 41% lived in Of all the developing regions, sub-Saharan Africa has
extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day.163 It also the lowest transplant rate, averaging less than 5 pmp.163
has a double burden of disease – infections and parasitic Only five countries in sub-Saharan Africa perform kid-
diseases killed 5.5 million people, and HIV/AIDS 2 mil- ney transplants on a regular basis, namely South Africa,
lion in 2005; this is compounded by the growing threat Mauritius, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria.20,164 The majority
of non-communicable diseases which in the same year of transplants in sub-Saharan Africa are living donor trans-
accounted for 2.4 million deaths.164 This region is the plants, with the exception of South Africa. South Africa
epicenter of the world’s HIV/AIDS pandemic; compris- has the most active transplant programs, performing some
ing only 11.6% of the world population, it has two-thirds 240 transplants annually, of which 80% are deceased do-
of all HIV cases. Health authorities are under pressure nor transplants (Figure 38-13). Transplant activity in this
to fight this scourge, with the result that other areas of region is severely compromised by religious and social
healthcare, such as renal replacement therapy, are ne- constraints, lack of resources (including personnel), and
glected. AIDS has reduced life expectancy in this region other health priorities alluded to earlier, while deceased
to 46 years. The lack of registries in sub-Saharan Africa donor transplants lack the relevant legal framework.
makes it difficult to establish the prevalence and etiol- Renal replacement treatment is privately funded in the
ogy of ESKD in this region. The estimated prevalence main, with only a few goverments, such as those of South
of ESKD is 200–300 pmp.164 ESKD is possibly three to Africa, Mali, and Mauritius, assisting indigent patients.164



10 Rate (pmp)
Kidney transplants
Mauritius 14

Algeria 96

South Africa

Kenya 37


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
FIGURE 38-13  ■  Kidney transplant activity in selected African countries in 2010. Compared to data from earlier years, the total number
of transplants is declining in several countries. (Drawn using data from: Global observatory on donation and transplantation. Organ donation
and transplantation: Activities, laws and organization 2010 [online], 2012. http://www.transplant-observatory.org/Data%20Reports/2010%20
Report%20final.pdf; Naicker S. Burden of end-stage renal disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Clin Nephrol 2010;74 (Suppl. 1): S13–S16.)
660 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Central and Eastern Europe Antibodies are used occasionally in induction, especially
in high-risk patients, such as the elderly.169,245 In most de-
The sociopolitical and economic landscape of this re- veloping countries immunosuppresive costs are not state-
gion has changed dramatically over the past few decades. subsidized, which means patients and their families have
With the collapse of communism and the economic re- to bear the full costs of the agents; not many can afford to
forms that embraced the free-market system there has do so and this represents a barrier to successful long-term
been dramatic improvements in the welfare of these graft survival.127
states, including healthcare. Of all developing regions, In Latin America, there has been a shift in immu-
Central and Eastern Europe has shown the most growth nosuppression from cyclosporine-based therapy to
in prevalent renal replacement treatment in recent years. regimens increasingly using MMF and tacrolimus. In ad-
This region constitutes 18 countries with more than 330 dition, the full spectrum of biological antisera is used in
million inhabitants. The epidemiology of ESKD is also the induction and treatment of rejection. Sirolimus is the
changing. The main cause of ESKD is still chronic glo- only newer agent that has failed to gain widespread ac-
merulonephritis followed by interstitial kidney disease.136 ceptance.221 In other parts of the developing world, costs
Diabetes is accounting for an ever-increasing proportion limit the use of MMF and tacrolimus. If chronic allograft
of ESKD, averaging 10–14%, but in the Czech Republic, nephropathy is diagnosed, some centers substitute MMF
it accounts for 32% of all dialyzed patients.209 Another for azathioprine and reduce the dose of cyclosporine.169
important epidemiological observation is the aging of the Globally, tacrolimus has replaced cyclosporine as the cal-
population, which may explain the increase in hyperten- cinerin inhibitor of choice but in most developing coun-
sive renal disease.210 tries, because of cost considerations and a lower incidence
Although dialysis has increased dramatically by over of diabetes mellitus following transplantation, cyclospo-
50%, the rate of increase of transplantation has been less rine is still favored. In India, interestingly, tacrolimus is
spectacular: since 1990, the number of transplant units in cheaper than cyclopsorine and, combined with steroids
the region has increased by 148%, but the number of kid- and azathioprine, is first-line treatment. Azathioprine is
ney transplants by only 44%. The Baltic states, Poland, preferred to MMF mainly because of its cost-­effectiveness
Lithuania, and Romania, have experienced the best prog- and comparable outcomes to MMF. The use of interl­
ress in dialysis facilities.211 The region performs on aver- eukin-2 receptor antibodies is also limited to patients that
age 22 transplants pmp, ranging from 1.5 to 54.5 pmp represent a high immunological risk or where a steriod-
(Figure 38-14). Deceased donors are the main source of free regimen is planned.127 In developing countries pro-
kidneys but Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, liferation signal inhibitors, such as sirolimus, enjoyed
and Serbia perform mainly living donor transplants for limited use because of high costs and long-term studies
religious and cultural reasons.209 The deceased donor have shown sirolimus/MMF to be inferior to tacrolimus/
program has failed to grow significantly for a variety of MMF combinations.244
reasons. The growth in dialysis is commendable but the It is crucially important that in developing countries
lack of a commensurate growth in transplantation can the cheapest immunosuppressive regimen that provides
overwhelm available dialysis resources rapidly. The re- optimal immunosuppression is used. Running the tight
sults of kidney transplants in the region have yet to be balance between optimizing immunosupression while
analyzed, but with access to modern immunosuppression, keeping costs to the minimum is not easy but reduces the
patient and graft survival are expected to be in line with risk of patients defaulting on treatment and thus compro-
international outcomes.209 mising their grafts.
Much of the growth in renal replacement therapy in this
region can be ascribed to countries adopting free-market
systems of economy and allowing significant investment by
private companies. The more successful countries, such as
Hungary, Slovakia, and Lithuania, have allowed private fa-
Patient and graft actuarial survivals are crude indicators
cilities to proliferate, whereas Russia and Byelorussia have
of the success of transplant programs. Comparisons of
no private facilities. Romania is the exception, having de-
outcomes of kidney transplantation are confounded by an
veloped without private-sector input until 2004.209
array of variables that make comparisons between regions
especially difficult. These factors include differing experi-
ences of centers, patient mix, donor source, immunosup-
IMMUNOSUPPRESSION pressive regimens, follow-up periods, and compliance.105
Despite that, many centers in developing countries boast
Cyclosporine-based prophylaxis remains the mainstay results that compare favorably with the best in the world.
of immunosuppressive regimens in developing countries The introduction of low-dose steroid regimens resulted
(Figure 38-15). The availability of safe, efficacious, and in the reduction of patient mortality to less than 10%
cheaper generic versions of cyclosporine and extensive by the end of the 1970s when few developing countries
experience with the drug make it a popular choice.169 were involved in transplantation. Graft survival remained
Steroids and azathioprine were standard treatment up to at 60%, however, until the introduction of cyclosporine
the early 1980s, and are still used in some living related in the early 1980s, which resulted in dramatic improve-
donor transplants with very good matches. Acute rejection ments in 1-year graft survival rates.160
is treated with pulses of methylprednisolone and resis- The best outcomes are achieved with living re-
tant rejection with polyclonal/monoclonal antibodies.233 lated kidney transplantation, followed by spousal
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 661

Czech Rep. 166

Slovakia 156

Croatia 155

Hungary 132

Slovenia 127

Bosnia 108

Poland 105

Latvia 100

Serbia 95

Lithuania 90

Macedonia 85

Bulgaria 85

29.6 Transplants 2004 (pmp)

Estonia 84
Incidence 2004 (pmp)
Incidence 1998 (pmp)
Romania 56.5

Byelorussia 43

Russia 17.3

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

FIGURE 38-14  ■  Change in the incidence rates of dialysis over 6 years, and transplant rates in 2004 in Central and Eastern European
(CEE) countries. All the countries, with two exceptions, showed a significant uptake of dialysis. Poland leads, with a total of 1067
kidney transplants in 2004 but, relative to the size of the population, Slovenia and the Czech Republic performed the best; significant
increases were shown by the Baltic countries, Hungary and Poland. In the remaining CEE countries, the progress in transplantation
has been disappointing, with Byelorussia and Russia having the worst transplant rates. Russia has been least successful in develop-
ing facilities and has actually seen a decline in transplant numbers. (Drawn using data from Rutkowski B. Availability of renal replacement
therapy in Central and Eastern Europe. Ethnicity Dis 2009;19:18–22; Rutkowski B. Highlights of the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy
in Central and Eastern Europe. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2006;21:4–10.)

transplantation, living unrelated transplantation, and commonly reported complication and the most common
deceased donor transplantation. Living unrelated trans- cause of mortality; surgical problems were also common.
plants yield results that are superior to deceased donor These patients were more likely to acquire unusual and/
transplantation despite histoincompatibility.225 Indeed, or potentially fatal complications such as malaria, inva-
living unrelated transplantation boasts results compa- sive fungal infections, septicemia, HIV infection, and
rable to living related transplantation,240 although long- hepatitis.214,240
term results significantly favor better HLA matching.38 Actuarial graft survival averaged 88% at 1 year
Commercial transplantation, on the other hand, has a (Table 38-3) and decreased progressively with longer
poorer outcome, possibly due to suboptimal preparation follow-up. Graft survivals in HLA-identical donor trans-
of recipients, suboptimal perioperative care, and immu- plants of 95% at 5 years have been reported, whereas
nosuppression.5 Significant morbidity was reported in survival in HLA-haploidentical and poorly matched
most studies of commercially transplanted recipients, but donor transplants was equally impressive, with 5-year
these studies were uncontrolled. Infection was the most survival rates of 90%.120,197 Latin America has the most
662 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

100 from immunosuppression, but other posttransplant dis-

Maintenance Therapy eases may occur as a result of the underlying disease caus-
90 ing chronic kidney failure. Recipients of renal allografts
Therapy in developing countries may be more prone to certain
80 complications, such as infections, which are the most
common cause of posttransplant mortality. Contributing
70 to the risk for infections are protein-calorie malnutrition,
tropical climate, lower socioeconomic status, lack of hy-
giene, lack of potable water, presence of parasites, and

perhaps genetic factors.197 Cardiovascular disease is the
second most common cause of mortality in transplanted
40 patients.

20 Although patients in developed countries have experi-
enced a dramatic reduction in the rate of posttransplant
infections from 70% in the early days to 40% currently,
0 and a concomitant reduction in mortality from 40% to
5%, their counterparts in developing countries continue

IL-2 receptors





to suffer. Infections complicate the posttransplant course
of 50–75% of recipients in these regions, and mortality
ranges from 20% to 60%.112 Because a successful trans-
plant is the only viable treatment for most of these pa-
FIGURE 38-15 ■ Immunosuppression in Asian countries. Triple tients, graft retention is crucial, and immunosuppression
therapy, including calcineurin inhibitor and steroids, remains is often maintained in the presence of serious infection.
popular in developing countries. The figure shows the use in 17 Other factors contributing to the high incidence of in-
Asian centers. Only 18.4% of patients received induction ther-
apy with an antibody preparation, although 13 centers reported
fections and resulting mortality are delayed presentation
using interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor antibodies. Of all transplants, and diagnosis, and the high cost of vital antimicrobials.
80% were living donor transplants. The recipients of deceased Limited availability and the expense of diagnostic tools,
donor organs received tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil such as tissue biopsy, antigen testing, polymerase chain
(MMF) maintenance significantly more often than cyclosporine reaction, and facilities for the culture of unusual organ-
and azathioprine. ALG, antilymphocyte globulin. (Drawn using
data from Vathsala A. Immunosuppression use in renal transplan- isms, further aggravate the situation. Immunosuppressed
tation from Asian transplant centers: A preliminary report from the patients are more prone to develop infections endemic
Asian Transplant Registry. Transplant Proc 2004;36:1868–1870.) to the region, and dormant infections, such as tuberculo-
sis, Strongyloides stercoralis, Leishmania, and herpesviruses,
may flare.112

active deceased donor transplant program among de-

Bacterial Infections
veloping regions. The 1- and 3-year graft survival rates
of transplants performed between 1987 and 1997 were Most infections are of bacterial origin and are commonly
74% and 60%.173 Of the newer programs, both that of encountered in the early postoperative periods. The uri-
Saudi Arabia and India have reported very good results nary tract and lungs are the most common sites infected,
(Table 38-3). With the severe shortage of donor organs, with the former predominating by far (42% versus 6%).185
countries are resorting increasingly to the use of ECD. Pneumonia (excluding tuberculosis) occurred in 16% of
Goplani et al. report the successful use of ECD in India, 110 South African renal allograft recipients at a mean of
with 1-year graft survival rate an impressive 86%.90 From 3 months posttransplantation,66 comparable to the 18%
Korea, Jeong et al. also reported 1-year graft survival reported from the Indian subcontinent.112 Causative or-
of ECD recipients comparable to standard criteria do- ganisms range from community-acquired Streptococcus
nors, although the estimated glomerular filtration rate pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae to dreaded multi-
at 1 year was lower in the former.110 The unique Iranian drug-resistant nosocomial organisms.112 With appropriate
program of living unrelated transplantation yields good intervention, patients with lung infections respond very
long-term results: 1-year graft survival rates of 87% well. However, Pneumocystis joveci, fungal infections, and
compare favorably with the 89% of living related trans- CMV infections are all possibilities and, in one-third of
plants (Table 38-3). cases, more than a single organism has been identified.
Thus, and because early appropriate therapy is impor-
tant, an aggressive diagnostic approach, including invasive
POSTTRANSPLANT COMPLICATIONS procedures such as bronchalveolar lavage, is justified.119
Co-trimoxazole in the first few months after transplanta-
Optimal immunosuppression in the transplanted patient tion is recommended prophylaxis for P. joveci pneumonia.
is a delicate balance between maximizing graft survival The classic symptoms of urinary tract infection are almost
and minimizing complications. Most complications arise consistently absent, with the diagnosis being made on the
TABLE 38-3  Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation in Adults and Children in Selected Developing Countries
% Survival (at Year Indicated)
Country (Period) No. of Transplants Donor Type Immuno-suppression* Patient Graft Reference
Bangladesh 68 LRD Aza – 96(1) + 81(3) 192

(1982–1992) 26 LURD CsA†

Brazil 687 LRD NS – 88,224

(1970–1989) 60 LURD CsA (42%) – 70(1),49(5)

(1987–1989) 239 CD CsA (75%) — 76(2)
1051 LD 89(2) 61(2)
467 CD 80(2)
45 ?
Chile (1983–2003)‡ 100 CD/LRD CNI/MMF/IL-2 96(1),96(5) 89(1),73(5) 61

China 2002 2016 LDT – 83(1),66(5),48(10) 186

(1999–2004) 2575 DD CNI 94(1);72(5),54(10) 247

Egypt (1976–1995)‡ 216 LRD CsA 98(1), 88(5) 93(1),73(5) 75

(1994) 45 LRD Aza (good matches) 92(1),86(5) 89(1),73(5) 22

(1992) 130 LURD(C) CsA 88(1),80(4) 86(1),58(4) 21

15 CD CsA
30 LRD CsA
124 LURD(C) CsA
(1976–2001) 82 Pre-emptive Aza/CsA 95(1),88(5) 94(1),81(5) 74

(1983–1988) 1197 LD Aza/Csa 96(1),88(5) 92(1),74(5) 83

20-year 130 LD Aza 89(1),76(5),61(10) 85(1),70(5),52(10)

239 LD Aza/CsA 96(1),85(5),73(10) 92(1),72(5),51(10)

Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries

Hungary (1983–2001) 1825(Cc) CD CNI 98(1),85(5),74(10) 89(1),76(5),57(10) 130

93 (Gy) CD CNI 95(1),88(5),82(10) 79(1),54(5),34(10) 130

India 153 LRD Aza – 83(1) 251

(1985–1988) 303 LURD(C) CsA – 83(1)

(1981–1989) 144 LRD Aza 53(10) 47(10) 2

(1995–2001) 100 CD NS 86(1),80(2) 82(1),74(2) 239

(1991–2005) ‡ 90 LRD CsA 95(1),87(5) 98(1),85(5) 200

(1994–2004)‡ 39 LRD CsA† 89(1),70(3) 89(1),50(5) 95

(1995–2008) ‡ 45 LRD CNI/MMF/Aza 95(1),88(5),77(10) 91(1),80(5),75(10) 242

(1984–1996)‡ 63 LRD CsA 92(1),90(3) 88(1),86(3) 148

(2006–2009) 160 CD MMF/CNI (ATG) 80(1),77(2),75(3) 92(1),88(2),88(3) 96

(2006–2009) 29 ECD MMF/CNI/(ATG) 90(1) 86(1) 90

Iran (1985–2003)‡ 278 LRD/LURD CsA/Aza/MMF 92(1),74(5) 89(1),67(5) 177

(1986–2000) 478 LRD§ CsA/MMF 93(1),84(5), 89(1),82(5),70(10) 85

942 LURD CsA/MMF 73(10) overall 87(1),64(5),44(10)

(1996–1999) 207 LD CsA 94(1),90(3),77(10) 89(1),83(3),54(10) 123

(1992–2002) 242 LURD? – – 87(1),84(5),71(7) 99

(? –2003) 61 Spousal CsA/Aza/MMF 97(1),93(3) 91(1),86(3) 207

433 LRD 96(1),92(3) 91(1),85(3)

427 LURD 93(1),91(3) 87(1),82(3)
118 CD 93(1),92(3) 88(1),84(3)
1039 Overall 94(1),92(3) 88(1),84(3)

Continued on following page

Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice
TABLE 38-3  Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation in Adults and Children in Selected Developing Countries (Continued)
% Survival (at Year Indicated)
Country (Period) No. of Transplants Donor Type Immuno-suppression* Patient Graft Reference
Iraq (1979–1999) 182 LD Csa/Aza 83(1),80(5) 84(1),64(5) 8

Korea (1979–1996) 1500 LD/CD Aza/CsA 91(5),80(10) 81(5),61(10) 179

(1997–2011) 110

Kuwait (1985–1990) 53 LURD(C) NS 90(2) 90(2) 118

(1993–1998) 151 LRD CsA(MMF) 94(1),92(5) 89(1),85(5) 220

(1996–2004) 158 CD NS 93(1),89(7) 81(1),75(7) 219

402 LRD NS 97(1),95(5) 95(1),91(5)

Latin America 5347 CD CsA* NS 74(1),60(3) 173

(1987–1997) LRD CsA* NS 86(1),74(3)

Mexico 282 LRD CsA 1984† 86(1),68(5) 77(1),60(5) 29

(1967–1991) 10 LURD (Aza in HLA-identical

46 CD LRD)
Macedonia (2004) 16 LURD(C) CsA/Aza/MMF 78(1),70(5) 78(1),33(5) 106

14 LURT As above 100(1),86(5) 100(1),78(5)

Myanmar (Burma) 21 LRD CsA 95(1) 95(1) 252

Pakistan (2002) 1000 LRD CsA 1990 95(1), 85(5) 90(1), 75(5) 198

(1992–2000) 711 LRD CsA/MMF 90(1),78(5) 90(1),75(5) 169

(1986–1999)‡ 75 LRD CsA 90(1),75(5) 88(1),65(5) 202

(1997 – 2007) 180 LRD CsA/Aza/MMF 94(1),80(5) 204

126 LURD(C) 86(1),45(5) 204

Philippines 1024 LRD CsA† (1983) 90(1) 90(1) 135

(1969–1992) CAD CsA† 75(1),71(3) 62(1),56(3)

Saudi Arabia (1999) ~2,500 LRD CsA 96(1) 90(1) 7

(1991–1996) 910 CD CsA 95(1) 78(1) 9

(1987–1996) 60 LURD(C) CsA 94(1),81(3) 93(1),60(5) 11

(2003 – 2007) LD 172 CsA 99(1),93(5),86(10) 97(1),86(5),70(10) 232

CD 188 CsA (ATG) 98(1),94(5),91(10) 86(1),72(5),58(10)

CD 524 CNI/MMF/Sir 97(1),92(5) 88(1), 80(5)
Singapore 47 LRD CsA 95(1),88(7) 86(1),77(7) 263

(1985–1992) 157 CD CsA 98(1),92(6)

Slovenia 83 CD CsA 91(1),88(3) 73(1),73(3) 121

(1986–1991) 65 LRD CsA 95(1),93(5) 90(1),90(3)

South Africa 542 CD Aza/CsA 81(1),60(5) 50(1) Aza, 72(1)CsA 155

(1984–2003)‡ 282 LRD/CD CsA 97(1),84(5),68(10) 82(1),44(5),23(10) 183

Sri Lanka 105 LRD CsA† 71(1),47(4) 71(1),47(4) 234

Taiwan ~1,000 LRD NS 92(1) 82(1) 131

(1968–1992) CD
Thailand 46 CD/LRD 96(1),88(5) 98(1),84(5) 246

(1996 – 2000)‡
Tunisia (1986–2005) 330 LRD/CD CsA/Aza NS 85(1),30(5),16(15) 31

Turkey (1975–2004)‡ 80 LRD/CD CNI/MMF/Aza 98(1), 90(5) 91(1), 67(5) 76

(1985–1989) 80 LURD NS 95(1–3) 80(1–3) 58

(1975–1993) 766 LRD CsA (1985) Aza: 60(10) Aza: 42(10) 98

230 CD CsA CsA: 87(1),72(5) CsA: 66(1),37(5)

(1985–1992) 391 LRD DST + Aza or + CsA DST 98(1) 92(1) 100

DST 94(1) 72(1)

(1992–1999) 115 LURD(C) CsA 90(2),80(5) 84(2),66(5) 226

NS LRT NS 90(2),85(5) 86(2),78(5)

(1991–1995) 127 LURD(C) CsA 93(1),92(5) 83(1),57(5) 48

UAE/Oman 130 LURD(C) CsA 82(1),81(3.75) 77(1),75(3.75) 218

Venezuela NS All NS NS 83(1),50(10) 28

Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries

(2002) LRT NS NS 90(1),64(10)

*Regimen predominantly used.

Cyclosporine discontinued at 3–12 months.

Pediatric cases.
HLA-identical matched donor.
ATG, antithymocyte globulin; Aza, azathioprine; Cc, Caucasian; CD, deceased donor; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; CsA, cyclosporine as part of triple or dual therapy; DST, donor-specific blood
transfusion; ECD, expanded criteria donor; Gy, gypsy; IL - 2, interleukin-2; LD, living donor; LRD, living related donor; LURD, living unrelated donor; LURD(C), commercial living unrelated donor;
MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; NS, not specified; Sir, sirolimus.

666 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

presence of bacteriuria.184,257 The most common organ- inhibitors and steroids. The dose of steroids needs dou-
isms isolated are Escherichia coli and Klebsiella. Although bling, but calcineurin inhibitor doses may need to be in-
the response to antibiotic treatment is good, relapses are creased severalfold to maintain therapeutic blood levels.
frequent. Organisms resistant to commonly employed The cost of treatment is increased, as is the risk of acute
antibiotics are prevalent. Their eradication is often prob- rejection.167 Patients with renal allografts who develop
lematic because these organisms respond only to expen- tuberculosis respond well to conventional therapy.37 The
sive and parenteral antibiotics that are impractical to use. duration of therapy is determined by the choice of drugs.
If the combination of isoniazid and rifampicin is used with
Tuberculosis. In developing countries, the incidence of another agent, usually pyrazinamide, 6 months of therapy
tuberculosis posttransplantation is considerably higher is adequate, although some centers treat for 9 months.112
than in industrialized countries; malnutrition, over- If a rifampicin-free regimen is used, treatment should be
crowding, HIV/AIDS, poverty, and illiteracy contribute continued for a minimum of 9–12 months and possibly
to this high incidence.158 On the Indian subcontinent, up extended to 18 months.260 With prolonged therapy, com-
to 15% of kidney transplant patients116,215 develop tuber- pliance is a potential problem, and multidrug resistance
culosis compared with 1.7% in the United Kingdom.101 is an ever-increasing concern. Directly observed therapy,
In Turkey, tuberculosis is 8.5 times more common than pioneered in developing countries, has ensured the suc-
in the general population.37 cess of intermittent therapy where other techniques have
The interval between development of tuberculosis failed.125 The use of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis is contro-
posttransplantation ranges from 1 month to 10 years, versial but a recent systematic review and meta-­analysis
but 50–80% occur within 1 year of transplantation.77 of four randomized controlled studies clearly suggests a
Transplant recipients who have had treatment for acute benefit to the use of isoniazid in endemic countries and
rejection with steroids or monoclonal/polyclonal anti- in high-risk patients. Importantly, the risk of hepatotox-
bodies are at greater risk of tuberculosis.14,26 The disease icity is not increased. In the absence of more robust ran-
manifests with the classic symptoms of cough, fever, night domized controlled studies this is currently the strongest
sweats, and weight loss,26 but the classic features of tuber- evidence in support of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis.53 The
culosis are often obscured by immunosuppression.140,158 development of drug resistance remains a concern.
Transplant patients are prone to developing extrapul-
monary and disseminated forms of tuberculosis; these Protozoan Infections
may account for 12–46% of all cases of posttransplant
tuberculosis. The mortality of disseminated tuberculosis Malaria. Malaria, caused by Plasmodium, is the most
is high in transplant recipients in developing countries – common parasitic infection in developing countries and
almost 40% compared with 11% in the isolated form.189 occurs in kidney transplant patients after the bite of an
The diagnosis of tuberculosis, especially extrapul- infected mosquito, the transfusion of infected blood,35 or
monary forms, may be challenging, and a high index rarely, from an infected kidney.42 Most reported cases have
of suspicion is required in the appropriate setting.51 occurred in recipients of living unrelated t­ ransplants who
Radiologically, the typical apical cavitatory disease in pul- received their grafts in India and were diagnosed when
monary tuberculosis is absent in 90% of cases, showing they returned home after transplantation.258. Patients re-
pulmonary opacification or effusions instead. Diagnosis spond well to standard antimalarial treatment, and the
of pulmonary tuberculosis is most commonly made by ex- prognosis is good.258 There generally are no contraindi-
amination of the sputum for acid/alcohol-fast bacilli using cations to the use of malaria chemoprophylaxis in kidney
appropriate staining techniques and culture, although the transplant patients. Patients traveling to malaria-endemic
latter is time-consuming and expensive. The diagnostic areas should be advised that personal protection measures
yield can be enhanced by bronchoscopy and bronchoal- are the most important to prevent malaria.74
veolar lavage.115 The HIV/AIDS pandemic has thrown
into sharp focus the urgent need for improved methods Chagas’ Disease. American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’
of diagnosing tuberculosis. A concerted global effort has disease) is endemic in South America, where an esti-
yielded several promising diagnostic tests, some of which mated 16–18 million people are infected with the extra-
have already been endorsed by the WHO.64 The tuber- cellular protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. The infection has
culin skin test has limited diagnostic value in developing been transmitted with donor organs.39 Liberalization of
countries, where tuberculosis is endemic, and most of the use of organs from donors with Chagas’ disease was con-
population has been exposed to the tubercle bacillus.189 troversially instituted in the late 1980s in Argentina and
Most kidney transplant patients are anergic.26 For extra- disease occurred in 19% of uninfected kidney recipients.
pulmonary forms, bone marrow biopsy and liver biopsy Reactivation occurred in 22% of chagasic recipients 1 to
should be considered.126 29 months after transplantation. Patients responded well
The treatment of tuberculosis in kidney transplant to benznidazole, the specific therapy available. In view
recipients poses no less challenge, mainly because of of the low transmission rate and availability of effective
drug–drug interactions. Most recipients receive triple treatment, the use of organs from potential seropositive
immunosuppressive therapy, and rifampicin and iso- donors should not be excluded.194
niazid are the mainstays of antituberculous treatment.
Rifampicin and, to a lesser extent, isoniazid are potent Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar). Visceral leishman-
inducers of the liver cytochrome P-450 enzyme sys- iasis caused by Leishmania donovani is endemic in parts of
tem, markedly enhancing the elimination of calcineurin India, Africa, and South-West Asia. Full-blown visceral
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 667

leishmaniasis manifests clinically with fever, weight loss, features of pyelonephritis affecting the graft.45 Prolonged
hepatosplenomegaly, cytopenia, and hypergammaglobu- urinary catheterization, use of broad-spectrum antibiot-
linemia, although it is suspected that most human infec- ics, and diabetes enhance the risk of infection. The diag-
tions are subclinical. Patients develop clinical features nosis can be confirmed with culture of Candida in blood
of disease 3 months to 8 years after transplantation and or urine.
manifest typically with the full-blown clinical picture of Cryptococcus is common in kidney transplant recipients
the disease. Diagnosis is confirmed by bone marrow aspi- in the tropics and presents most commonly with features
rate or serology. The treatment of choice is sodium stibo- of meningitis; India ink staining of cerebrospinal fluid
gluconate for 20–30 days.112 shows the presence of the organism. Dissemination to
other organs, such as the skin and eye, can occur. The
diagnosis is confirmed on positive latex agglutination
Helminthic Infestations
test or culture of the organism from cerebrospinal fluid,
Schistosomiasis. Schistosomiasis is a major public blood, or urine.112
health problem in many parts of the developing world. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis typically manifests
Patients with urinary schistosomiasis can be transplanted with cavernous sinus thrombosis; approximately 70%
successfully. Graft and patient survivals are comparable of kidney transplant patients who develop mucormyco-
with controls, even with prolonged follow-up,139 but sis are also diabetic. Aspergillosis is an uncommon but
urological complications occur in 15% of schistosomal serious fungal infection that carries a very high mortal-
patients.238 Patients with schistosomiasis require 67% ity in renal allograft recipients. It also most commonly
more cyclosporine to achieve the same blood levels as manifests as a necrotizing pneumonia or disseminated
uninfected recipients because intestinal disease impairs infection.112
absorption of cyclosporine.139 Schistosomal reinfection Amphotericin B is the drug of choice for fungal in-
occurs in approximately one-quarter of patients, but this fections because it controls infections sooner, although
does not have an impact on graft function if the disease fluconazole is less toxic. Fluconazole also increases cyclo-
is adequately treated. These patients may be at increased sporine levels.79 Liposomal amphotericin B is less neph-
risk of bladder carcinoma, and cystoscopy should be part rotoxic but more expensive.
of long-term follow-up.237

Strongyloidiasis. Strongyloidiasis is an intestinal nema- Viral Infections

tode infestation endemic in South-East Asia, sub-Saharan Herpesvirus Infections. The herpes group of viruses
Africa, and Central and South America. It is an uncommon takes an immense toll on kidney transplant patients in
but potentially devastating disease in immunosuppressed developing countries.109 The main culprit is CMV, which
patients. Because of the organism’s capacity to multiply occurs in 60–90% of recipients in the first year post-
repeatedly within the host without external reinfection, a transplantation. Of these, about one-third develop overt
state of hyperinfestation may occur years after exposure. disease, and 28% die as a result of CMV-related compli-
In recipients, this hyperinfestation may take a fulminant cations.52,142 Reactivation and de novo infection are the
course.243 Eosinophilia should alert the clinician to the two epidemiological patterns of CMV infection recog-
possibility of Strongyloides infestation. In severely ill pa- nized. Transmission of CMV from an infected donor to
tients, supportive treatment may be needed, in addition an unexposed recipient may occur. Symptomatic CMV
to specific therapy with thiabendazole or mebendazole. disease occurs in the first 4 months posttransplantation
Strongyloides may be transmitted with a kidney graft.35 when immunosuppression is most intense. It also may
predispose to other opportunistic fungal and bacterial in-
fections. In developing countries, the clinical diagnosis
Fungal Infections
may be confounded by coinfection with hepatitis viruses,
Invasive fungal infections complicate the course of 1.4– tuberculosis, and fungal infections.191 The treatment of
10% of patients after kidney transplantation, with a high CMV infection is with intravenous ganciclovir. Oral val-
mortality of 60–100%.45,165 The most commonly en- ganciclovir is available for prophylaxis but is prohibitively
countered pathogens are opportunistic organisms, such expensive. Diagnosed and treated early, CMV infection
as Candida and Cryptococcus, but more recently there has has a good outcome.
been an increase in infection by angioinvasive Aspergillus
and Mucor. Infections rarely have been caused by geo- Hepatitis Infections. The prevalence of hepatitis B virus
graphically restricted mycoses, such as histoplasmosis.79 (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, which are
Almost two-thirds of systemic fungal infections in the usually acquired before transplantation, ranges from 12%
tropics occur more than 12 months posttransplantation, to 53% for HBV and 4% to 68% for HCV in the dialysis
contradicting Rubin’s timetable, which suggests that most populations of developing countries. The prevalence in
fungal infections occur within 6 months. The most com- transplant patients is higher than in the general popula-
mon risk factors for the development of these infections tion.78 However, the prevalence of HBV is declining as
are diabetes mellitus and CMV infection and clinically blood product usage has diminished and because of HBV
manifest as fever unresponsive to antibiotics.117 vaccination. Immunosuppression causes rampant viral
Systemic candidiasis, the most common invasive fungal replication and, in early reports, acute hepatitis occurred
infection in patients after kidney transplantation in devel- in 60% of HBV recipients, with high mortality owing to
oping countries, manifests most commonly with clinical acute liver failure.208 The presence of chronic liver disease
668 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

is associated with a poorer outcome, and a liver biopsy be- Malignancies (Figure 38-16)
fore transplantation is invaluable in guiding management
of patients. In terms of prognosis, recent studies of the Malignancies are an important complication of kidney
long-term outcome of hepatitis virus-infected patients transplantation, occurring in 1–25% of renal allograft
indicate 10-year patient and graft survivals are compro- recipients. With patients surviving longer, the risks of
mised, although 5-year survival rates are comparable malignancies increases, and malignancies are the third
to those of uninfected patients, with HBV patients do- most common cause of mortality after infections and car-
ing worse than HCV patients. HBV patients had poorer diovascular disease.198 The overall incidence of posttrans-
graft and patient outcomes regardless of whether or not plant malignancies is lower in developing countries; this
they had evidence of viral replication, such as HBeAg and could be related to the shorter duration of follow-up in
HBV DNA.256 developing countries that have relatively new transplant
The introduction of lamivudine heralded a new era in programs, younger patients, and lower intensity of immu-
the treatment of HBV kidney transplant patients.256 The nosuppression in programs that perform predominantly
use of lamivudine in HBV patients after transplantation living related transplants.157 The pattern of malignancies
resulted in a dramatic improvement in patient survival by in developed and developing countries also differs.
a factor of almost 10,40 as well as improving graft sur-
vival, making it comparable to HBV-negative patients.4 Kaposi’s Sarcoma
The emergence of resistance and expense are major lim-
iting factors in the use of this agent in developing coun- Kaposi’s sarcoma is the most common malignancy in
tries.180,256 Interferon should be avoided in transplant kidney transplant patients in most developing countries,
patients because of the risk of acute rejection, which may accounting for 80% of all malignancies in transplant re-
be irreversible.256 cipients.97 The mean time to the development of Kaposi’s
sarcoma is 21 months, but it may occur within a few
months. The disease typically affects skin but lesions also
Other Viral Infections. HIV infection has reached epi-
may occur in the oropharynx and conjunctivae.277 Visceral
demic proportions worldwide and is particularly rampant
involvement has a grave prognosis.156 Human herpesvi-
in developing countries. Of the 40 million people infected
rus-8 has been causally linked to all forms of Kaposi’s
with HIV worldwide, greater than 95% live in develop-
sarcoma.265 Reduction in immunosuppression should be
ing countries. HIV infection was generally considered a
contraindication to kidney transplantation, but there are
encouraging reports of graft and patient survival rates, 60
comparable to other high-risk patients.129,187 Although Incidence
the patients tolerate the combination of antiretroviral Skin CA
drugs and immunosuppressives well, the risk of acute re- 50 48.5
jection is high.129,206 Evidence suggests that in HIV/AIDS KS
patients who develop associated ESKD, survival is better
following transplantation than on dialysis.129 An interest-
ing report from South Africa documented the success-
ful transplantation of kidneys from HIV-infected donors 35.2

to HIV-infected patients.46 Patients can acquire HIV as

a result of organ transplantation either from unscreened 30
blood products or from a contaminated kidney, usually
following commercial transplants. Organ transplantation
accounted for 1.5% of all cases of HIV infection in Saudi 20
Arabia.10 16
Polyomavirus (BK virus)-induced nephropathy is a 13.6 14.5
novel disease that occurs in approximately 5%102 of all
10 8.4
cases in developed countries and results in graft loss in
50% of affected patients.65,261 The infection is associ- 3.5 4.7
ated with excessive immunosuppression.32,103 It mimics
acute rejection, except that it occurs 10–13 months af- 0
ter transplantation.190,261 It can be diagnosed with confi- Developed Developing
dence only on histology, although the presence of decoy Regions
cells in urine provides a valuable clue.190 Its prevalence FIGURE 38-16  ■ The overall incidence and pattern of malignan-
in developing countries is uncertain. In a report from cies in developed and developing countries. The most common
Korea, BK virus infection occurred in 4.7% of all pa- malignancy in western countries is that of skin and lip, while
the most common malignancy in developing regions is Kaposi’s
tients. All the patients who developed disease were re- sarcoma (KS). The reason for this difference may be geographi-
ceiving tacrolimus and MMF treatment, suggesting a cal or ethnic/genetic factors. Black and white patients in the
role for the intensity of immunosuppression.104 Based same geographical region have patterns of cancer (CA) that
on anecdotal cases and a better understanding of the epitomize that seen in the west and developing countries, em-
phasizing the importance of ethnogenicity. NHL, non-Hodgkin’s
interaction between the virus and the immune system, lymphoma. (Reproduced with permission from Moosa MR. Racial
the primary therapeutic recommendation is reduction and ethnic variations in incidence and pattern of malignancies after
of immunosuppression.17 kidney transplantation. Medicine (Baltimore) 2005;84:12–22.)
Kidney Transplantation in Developing Countries 669

the first line of treatment and has been highly effective tract, can occur in 86% of pregnancies.248 Graft and pa-
in improvement of lesions without compromising the tient survivals are comparable to controls,213,248 even after
graft.70,156 Sirolimus, with its antiproliferative properties, repeated pregnancies.178 Available information suggests
is increasingly used to treat Kaposi’s sarcoma in kidney that pregnancy after successful kidney transplantation
transplant recipients, and there are now reports from de- is safe if the patient has normal renal function and de-
veloping countries of both cutaneous and visceral disease lays conception for 1 year posttransplantation. Careful
being successfully treated.154,277 management by a multidisciplinary team is essential.
However, it is not uncommon for patients to be unaware
of the return of the reproductive capacity, which may
Posttransplantation Lymphoproliferative Disease
culminate in unwanted pregnancies, and female patients
Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) should be advised on effective contraception until they
is a spectrum of abnormal hyperplastic and neoplastic are ready to conceive.122,269
lymphocyte growths from a benign self-limited form of
lymphoproliferation to aggressive, widely disseminated
disease.188 Approximately 85–90% of these growths are
Transplantation in Children
of B-cell origin,182 and 90–95% contain the Epstein–Barr A well-functioning renal allograft is the best treatment
virus.188 Patients with PTLD have different histological for a child with ESKD – perhaps even more so than in
findings, have a more aggressive clinical course (more an adult.95 However, children in developing countries
extranodal disease, especially intestinal involvement), re- constitute less than 5% of all renal allograft recipients.242
spond poorly to conventional treatment for lymphoma, The incidence of ESKD is 7 per 1 million child popula-
and have a poorer prognosis (70% mortality) compared tion in these countries, similar to or slightly higher than
with immunocompetent individuals who develop lympho- that reported from developed countries.72 The causes of
mas.188 Globally, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the second ESKD in children are most commonly chronic glomeru-
most common posttransplant malignancy after skin and lonephritis, chronic interstitial nephritis, and congenital
lip cancers. In developing countries, posttransplant lym- abnormalities.200 Resources in developing countries for
phomas are more common than in industrialized coun- treating uremic children with dialysis are severely limited
tries, accounting for 14.5% of malignancies in developing and prioritized for the care of adults. Transplantation of-
countries and 8.5% of malignancies in industrialized fers the recipient the opportunity of a better quality of
countries.157 These lymphomas are the major cause of life, improved growth and psychomotor development,
cancer-related mortality and morbidity after transplanta- and the re-establishment of psychosocial functioning.
tion.18,157 In reports from developing countries, the latent With the low incidence of deceased donor transplantation
period from transplantation to the diagnosis of PTLD in developing countries, living related donor transplanta-
was comparatively longer (range 2.6–7 years).188,276 The tion is the main option.95 Mothers are the donors in more
latent period under cyclosporine and OKT3 monoclonal than two-thirds of cases.95,242 Cyclosporine forms the ba-
antibody was shorter.188 sis of immunosuppression in developing countries202 but
induction with interleukin-2 antagonists significantly
reduces rejection episodes.200 Outstanding 1- and 5-year
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS actuarial graft survival rates of 94% and of 73%, respec-
IN TRANSPLANTATION tively, have been reported from Egypt (Table 38-3). In
general, however, the results in developing countries are
inferior, bearing testimony to the challenges of under-
Pregnancy and Contraception after Kidney taking this complex multidisciplinary intervention in a
Transplantation resource-constrained environment.200
Pregnancy is uncommon in women on dialysis, and
when it occurs, is associated with a high rate of compli- Importance of Early Detection
cations and fetal wastage.141 Correction of the uremic and Prevention of Chronic
state by a functioning renal allograft restores fertility
in women of reproductive age, and may result in a high
Kidney Disease
number of unwanted pregnancies. In recent reports from Kidney transplantation is not only the best biological re-
China, and Iran, 15% and 29% respectively of women placement for an irreversibly damaged kidney but also
reported having unwanted pregnancies.82,204 In contrast the most economical. Kidney transplantation is consid-
to the pregnancy rates of 2–3% in western countries,134 erably cheaper to perform in developing countries, but
reported pregnancy rates in women of childbearing age in contrast to developed countries, where the state con-
in developing countries range from 14% (Brazil),213 27% tributes significantly to the costs, patients are personally
(Morocco),30 31% (Oman),6 to 55% in the Middle East.128 responsible for all costs in most developing countries
With care, pregnancy can be undertaken successfully af- (see above). In these countries, the annual cost of renal
ter kidney transplantation, with live birth rates (74%) replacement is more than 10-fold the GNI per capita
and miscarriage rates (14%) superior to those of that of compared with twice the GNI per capita in the United
the general US population.62 On the other hand, gesta- States.126 With ESKD escalating worldwide, a paradigm
tional diabetes, eclampsia, cesarean section, and preterm shift was required, especially in developing countries
delivery rates are higher than in the general population that bear the brunt of the disease burden. Whereas em-
(Figure 38-17).62 Infections, predominantly of the urinary phasis was on treatment in the previous decades, the 21st
670 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice


60 Diabetes






Australia Europe North America Middle East Asia South America
Developed countries Developing countries USA General
FIGURE 38-17  ■  Pregnancy after kidney transplantation in various regions compared with the US population. Pregnancy is very success-
ful but is associated with significantly increased maternal and fetal morbidity. The most common complication is pre-eclampsia, which
is 5–10 times greater than in women in the general population. The cesarean section (C/section) rate is especially increased, although
the miscarriage rate is lower. The risk of eclampsia is significantly increased. (Drawn using data from: Deshpande NA, James NT, Kucirka
LM, et al. Pregnancy outcomes in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Transplant 2011;11:2388–2404;
Kukla A, Issa N, Ibrahim HN. Pregnancy in renal transplantation: Recipient and donor aspects in the Arab world. Arab J Urol 2012; 10: 175–181.)

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Results of Renal Transplantation

Rachel E. Patzer  •  Stuart J. Knechtle

INTRODUCTION Graft Survival among Living Donor
Monozygotic Twins
Family Donors
KIDNEY DONATION Paired Kidney Donation and Living Unrelated
Expanded Criteria Donors Donor Outcomes
Factors Influencing Outcome
Donor Age
HLA Mismatch and Prior Sensitization PATIENTS
Cold Ischemia Time
Expanded Criteria Donor Kidney Recipients FUNCTIONING KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
Living Donor Kidney Recipients
Adherence (Compliance) with
Immunosuppressive Treatment QUALITY OF LIFE
Graft Survival for Expanded Criteria Donor

INTRODUCTION the SRTR report, including United States Renal Data

System (USRDS) surveillance data, individual center
Outcome data for renal transplantation in the United reports and multicenter trial data, data from Europe
States represent one of the best available examples of through the Collaborative Transplant Study (CTS), and
medical care supported by a local and national database to the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant
allow evidence-based decisions in the field. According to (ANZDATA) Registry. These data inform decisions re-
requirements directed by the United Network for Organ garding patient access and outcomes and organ alloca-
Sharing (UNOS), a federal government-authorized body, tion. These data refer to transplantation in the western
all transplant centers must submit transplant data to the world; results from less well-developed countries are dis-
Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR), cussed in Chapter 38.
where such data are collated and analyzed on a center-spe-
cific basis and cumulative national basis. Much of the data
from the United States summarized in this chapter is sub- RENAL FAILURE TREATMENTS – DIALYSIS
stantially derived from the 2010 SRTR report on kidney VERSUS TRANSPLANTATION
and pancreas transplant outcomes,79 which is available in
published form in the American Journal of Transplantation Renal failure is known to increase mortality from car-
and online at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/ajt. diovascular disease and from causes directly resulting
The massive amount of data in the 2010 SRTR report from renal failure itself, including fluid and electrolyte
has been reduced to that which is included in this chapter imbalance and uremia.28 Although dialysis addresses
for the purpose of greater usefulness and readability. The the immediately life-threatening complications of re-
source of the data is acknowledged in figures and tables. nal failure, it does not provide the fluid and electrolyte
In addition, other data have been added to supplement homeostasis comparable to a well-functioning kidney.

Results of Renal Transplantation 677

Several additional metabolic functions of the kidney, KIDNEY DONATION

such as vitamin D synthesis and erythropoietin synthe-
sis, also are not regulated appropriately in the absence In the United States, the total number of deceased and
of a well-functioning kidney. This reality is reflected by live kidney transplants increased 34.1% from 1998 to
the well-documented finding that patients with end-stage 2006, but decreased 1.8% from 2006 to 2009. Kidney
renal disease (ESRD) have improved survival with trans- donation from deceased donors increased overall from
plantation compared with dialysis therapy.22,49,79,94,108,112,119 2000 to 2009, although donation rates remained fairly
Patients who receive dialysis have an expected remaining stable from 2005 to 2009, at 25.1 per million population
lifetime of 5.9 years, compared to 16.4 years for trans- in 2009. The number of kidneys transplanted from living
plant recipients.109 In addition, kidney transplantation is donors decreased from 2005 to 2008, but increased 7%
cost-effective compared with dialysis and offers improved from 2008 to 2009, resulting in a total of 6388 donors in
quality of life.25,51,89,108 Studies have shown an increasing 2009.97 In contrast, in Europe, there is wide variation in
cardiovascular risk proportional to the increase in serum deceased donor rates between countries. Deceased dona-
creatinine, suggesting that renal failure at least correlates tion has generally remained stagnant or even decreased
with, if not causes, accelerated vascular and metabolic over recent years, with the exception of Spain, Austria,
defects that predispose to cardiovascular death. Dialysis and Belgium, where donor rates are the highest in the
patients are known to experience accelerated atheroscle- world following the introduction of presumed consent
rosis,41,53,117 and several inflammatory and atherogenic (opt-out) policies.11,84 There has been a steady increase in
factors may account for this.34,54,110,113,120 Given these facts, living donors but overall not approaching the rate in the
it is not surprising that analysis of USRDS data revealed United States.
that longer time on the wait list for renal transplantation
correlates with poorer death-censored graft survival after
renal transplantation (Figure 39-1). While there is a clear Expanded Criteria Donors
advantage of receiving a kidney transplant prior to ever
Expanded criteria donors (ECDs) are defined as all
starting dialysis,85 i.e., pre-emptive renal transplantation,
­deceased donors older than age 60 or deceased donors
this practice is not widely adopted. In 2009, 16% of in-
­between ages 50 and 59 who have two of the following
cident ESRD patients underwent pre-emptive transplan-
three criteria: (1) a history of hypertension; (2) death
tation, whereas the remaining patients started dialysis.109
caused by cerebrovascular accident; and (3) creatinine
The better outcomes of patients with pre-emptive
greater than 1.5 mg/dL at the time of procurement.
transplants and with shorter time on dialysis underscore
ECDs have increased throughout the world in recent
the importance of early referral and evaluation for renal
years. In 1998, ECD kidneys accounted for 13.6% of de-
transplantation. However, there are a number of barri-
ceased donors; in 2009, ECD kidneys comprised 15.0%
ers that patients face in accessing early transplantation,
of the donor pool but 22.1% of the organs recovered
including organ allocation policies and delayed referral
(Table 39-1).97 Outcomes for ECD kidney transplants
to nephrology care or transplant centers. In the United
are addressed later.
States, these barriers are particularly apparent for African
Americans versus whites: African Americans have a lower
rate of accessing each step of the kidney transplant pro- Donation after Cardiac Death
cess, including referral, evaluation, wait listing, and trans-
plant receipt.75,76,116 Patients with ESRD benefit from Donation after cardiac death (DCD) can yield either ECD
transplantation as early as possible to maximize their po- or standard criteria donors (SCD). DCD has increased
tential for long survival after transplantation. substantially since 2000: DCD/SCD represented 10.8%
and DCD/ECD represented 1.1% of all organ donors in
the United States in 2009.97 DCD kidneys are kidneys
procured after cessation of cardiac activity (in Europe,
often referred to as non-heart-beating donors); this also
Event-free graft survival, %

90 is discussed in Chapters 6 and 9. Growth in DCD donors

for kidney transplantation represents the largest increase
By months in a type of donor kidney available for recipients in the
80 of dialysis
0 United States. The ethics and methods of DCD recov-
ery have been discussed at length by D’Alessandro and
70 12-24 colleagues,12 and single-center experiences have resulted
36-48 in outcomes not significantly different from SCD kid-
48+ ney transplantation.10 Several larger retrospective studies
have compared short- and long-term outcomes of DCD
versus SCD and ECD donors and found equivalent pa-
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
tient and graft survival at 5 years.20,88 In a large UNOS
Post-transplant time, months registry study that examined more than 75 000 transplant
recipients, results suggest that DCD kidneys from donors
FIGURE 39-1  ■ Death-censored graft survival estimated by Cox
proportional hazard analysis in the United States. (From Meier- less than 50 years old have equivalent graft survival to
Kriesche HU, Port FK, Ojo AO, et al. Effect of waiting time on renal SCD kidneys.52 The use of DCD donors, normal practice
transplant outcome. Kidney Int 2000;58:1311.) in the early days of transplantation, was pioneered in the
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice
TABLE 39-1  Deceased Donor Characteristics, 1999–2009
Donor Category 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total 5489 5528 5638 5753 6325 6700 7178 7241 7188 7248
Standard criteria donor (SCD) 4289 4317 4358 4278 4588 4637 4961 4846 4718 4744
Expanded criteria donor (ECD) 1088 1052 1097 1222 1365 1531 1593 1637 1638 1605
Donation after cardiac death, 101 140 154 202 305 432 521 640 714 785
non-ECD (DCD non-ECD)
ECD-DCD 11 19 29 51 67 100 103 118 118 114

Total (%) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
SCD 78.1% 78.1% 77.3% 74.4% 72.5% 69.2% 69.1% 66.9% 65.6% 65.5%
ECD 19.8% 19.0% 19.5% 21.2% 21.6% 22.9% 22.2% 22.6% 22.8% 22.1%
DCD non-ECD 1.8% 2.5% 2.7% 3.5% 4.8% 6.4% 7.3% 8.8% 9.9% 10.8%
ECD-DCD 0.2% 0.3% 0.5% 0.9% 1.1% 1.5% 1.4% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%

From OPTN/SRTR data, as of October 1, 2010.

Percentages are calculated based on totals, including missing and unknown cases.
Includes donors of organs recovered for transplant and not used, as well as those transplanted.
Donors are divided into four mutually exclusive and complete categories. All donors meeting the criteria for expanded criteria donors for kidney are classified as ECD, regardless of whether
the kidneys were allocated under the ECD system, falling into either the ECD or the ECD-DCD category. Non-ECDs include all other donors, including SCDs and DCD non-ECDs.
Not all recovered organs are actually transplanted.
Results of Renal Transplantation 679

modern era by Kootstra’s team at Maastricht some years The racial representation on the United States wait
ago,46,47 and continued at the University of Wisconsin as list includes 38% white and 35% African American, with
the shortage of kidneys grew.10 the remaining 27% comprising an increasing percentage
of Hispanics, Asians, and others.97 Gender representation
remains unchanged, with males accounting for 58.5%
Recipient Pool and females 41.5% of the waiting list. The proportion of
At the end of 2009, there were 84 614 patients awaiting patients undergoing retransplantation in 2009 was 11.0%
renal transplantation in the United States. New registra- of living donor and 12.7% of deceased donor transplants.
tions for kidney transplantation in 2009 numbered 33 215 The length of time on the waiting list continues to in-
(Table 39-2). From 1998 to 2006, transplants increased crease, with 29.7% of active patients at the end of 2009
34%, including a 26% increase in the number of deceased having waited 3 years or more, compared with 14% at the
donor transplants and a 51% increase in living donor end of 1995.97
transplants. However, from 2006 to 2009, the number Glomerular disease, diabetes, and hypertension are
of transplants declined 1.8%, including a 2.1% decline the most common primary diseases among adult wait-
in deceased donors and a 1.8% decline in living donor ing list patients, at 30% (diabetes), 26% (hypertension),
transplants. The largest demographic increase in this and 15% (glomerular disease) (see Chapters 3 and 4).
population was in the 50–64-year-old age range.97 Since Diabetes is likely to remain the most common diagnosis
2003, the age group with the greatest percentage increase of patients awaiting renal transplantation in the United
in registration for renal transplantation comprised pa- States; in most European countries, diabetes is not the
tients 65 years old and older. For pediatric patients in the major cause of renal failure in patients on the waiting
United States, access to the deceased donor waiting list list. The median time from listing to transplantation
and transplantation has increased since the introduction was considerably different among ethnic minorities and
of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network whites. For registrants added to the waiting list in 2005,
(OPTN) Share 35 policy in 2005 that preferentially of- the median time to transplant was 4.42 years for African
fers organs from deceased donors younger than 35 years Americans, 4.35 years for Hispanics, 4.3 years for Asians,
of age to children less than 18 years; however, this has and 2.02 years for whites.97 Reasons for these racial dis-
also resulted in a decline in the use of living donor trans- parities in waiting times have been addressed in several
plants for this population.70 Factors contributing to the publications27 and relate to human leukocyte antigen
increase of older patients on the waiting list include the (HLA) typing and antigen representation in the donor
aging general population of the United States, the in- population,4,38,48 poverty,75,91 social networks,3 patient
creased incidence of ESRD with aging, and improve- preferences,6 or provider bias.5
ments in transplantation outcomes in the elderly. This ABO blood groups significantly influence median time
disproportion between the increase in the waiting list and to transplant, with blood group B registrants waiting the
the number of patients receiving a transplant is similar longest, or 4.18 years for registrants listed in 2009. Blood
throughout the western world. In developing countries, group AB registrants had the shortest waiting time, at
where access to deceased donor transplantation is low, 1.28 years. Patients with a previous organ transplant wait
the disparity between need and provision of kidneys is nearly twice as long as registrants awaiting their first kid-
even greater. ney transplant,68 owing to sensitization and presence of
Death on the waiting list for children 11–17 years
TABLE 39-2  Kidney Transplant Waiting List old was approximately half that of children <6 years
Activity Among Adult Patients old (Table 39-3). As expected, death on the waiting
list increases with increasing age, although death rates
2007 2008 2009
for patients younger than age 50 have decreased over
Listings at start of year 68 754 74 501 79 161 the past 10 years. Death rates for patients 65 years old
Listings added during 31 988 32 097 33 215 and older are nearly four times the rate for patients
Listings removed 26 241 27 437 27 762 18–34 years old.97
during year
Listings at end of year 74 501 79 161 84 614
Removal reason
Deceased donor 11 796 11 828 11 765 TABLE 39-3  Pretransplant Mortality Rates Among
Living donor transplant 4369 4572 5065 Patients Wait-Listed for a Kidney Transplant
Patient died 5041 5306 5412
Patient refused 266 259 307 Age Group (Years)
transplant Year <6 6–10 11–17 18–34 35–49 50–64 65+
Transferred to another 1581 1510 1401
center 1998 6.8 3.5 2.8 3.7 6.1 9.2 11.6
Condition improved, 121 133 132 2000 5.5 3.7 2.4 3.5 5.8 9.3 12.8
transplant not needed 2002 5.3 2.6 4.2 3.3 5.6 9.1 12.3
Too sick to transplant 992 1243 1475 2004 5.4 3.2 3.0 3.1 5.2 8.6 12.7
Changed to kidney– 266 243 221 2006 6.0 1.1 1.8 2.8 4.9 8.2 11.4
pancreas list 2008 3.4 0.7 1.8 2.6 4.3 7.1 10.2
Other 1809 2343 1984
Data from OPTN/SRTR, as of May 4, 2009.
680 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

In the United States, there were a total of 15 964 adult to earlier, points out that older patients have a survival
kidney transplant recipients in 2009, of which 62.1% advantage with a transplant compared with survival on
were deceased donor and 37.9% were living donor trans- dialysis. This study confirmed the same suggestion from
plants. Characteristics of transplant recipients are given an earlier Canadian study.93 A more recent analysis from
in Table 39-4. the SRTR examined the outcome of renal transplantation
in patients on the waiting list who were 70 years old or
older, the fastest-growing group in the United States.81
Factors Influencing Outcome This analysis showed that transplantation offered a sig-
Many factors influence the outcome of renal transplanta- nificant reduction in mortality compared with dialysis.
tion, as illustrated by an earlier analysis of consecutive de-
ceased donor kidney transplants in the United Kingdom Obesity
between 1994 and 1998.64 Factors such as HLA match-
ing, donor age, cause of death, and cold ischemia time Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United
were found to have a significant impact on outcome. This States, reaching a prevalence in 2007–2008 of over 30%
section looks at these factors and others that influence of the adult population.111 Based on body mass index
outcome. (BMI) criteria, defining obesity as BMI greater than or
equal to 30, 32.2% of men and 35.5% of women are
obese.27,40 Between 1987 and 2001, renal transplant pa-
Donor Age
tients classified as obese increased by 11.6%.29 Obesity
Analysis of 5-year outcomes by Gjertson31 showed that in renal transplantation is a risk factor for wound infec-
donor age was the most important factor governing the tions,32,78 delayed graft function,62 acute rejection,32,59
survival rates of living donor and deceased donor re- increased radiographic monitoring, and need for bi-
nal transplants. Logistic regression analysis of OPTN/ opsy,32,43 and is associated with worse graft survival
UNOS Registry data from 1996 to 2003 was used to (Figure 39-4).32,59 Although analysis of USRDS data by
calculate the impact of 21 prognostic factors in 85 270 Meier-Kriesche and associates59 suggested a higher risk
­recipients whose grafts survived beyond 1 year and were of patient death after renal transplantation in the obese,
followed for 5 years. This result underscores the impor- a subsequent study by Gore and colleagues32 showed
tance of the quality of the donor kidney with respect to that comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes,
long-term function. The European data from the CTS and hyperlipidemia, accounted for the increased risk of
shows the same impact of donor age on graft outcome death in obese patients. Donor obesity does not seem to
(Figure 39-2). Donor age was identified as the most im- have an impact on recipient outcomes. Voluntary weight
portant predictor of 3-year graft failure or patient mor- loss and bariatric surgery before renal transplantation1
tality among the UK Transplant Registry.115 may achieve significant long-term weight loss and re-
lief of comorbidities in obese patients anticipating renal
Recipient Age
Since the first report of an acceptable outcome to renal Race
transplantation in the elderly71 and the widespread intro-
duction of cyclosporine-based immunosuppressive pro- In the United States, graft and survival outcomes are best
tocols, all units adopted a much more liberal approach to for individuals of Asian background; outcomes are worst
the selection of elderly recipients for transplantation. The for African Americans. In 2009, 5-year graft survival for
results of renal transplantation in the elderly (arbitrarily deceased donor transplantation was 74.8% (±0.4%) for
defined as >55, >60, or >65 years old in various reports) Caucasians and 66.3% (±0.5%) for African Americans.
have continued to confirm the validity of such policies Much effort has been expended on determining why
(Figure 39-3). Patients aged 65 years and older repre- these differences exist. Biologic factors, such as increased
sent nearly half of the ESRD population in the United immunologic risk and lower absorption of immunosup-
States.109 Although there is a higher mortality rate among pressants among recipients45 or the presence of APOL1
elderly patients in the early years after transplantation, gene variants in African American donors,82 are hypoth-
which is reflected by a poorer graft survival, rejection is esized to play a role. Potentially modifiable factors, such
less common than in younger patients and rarely a ma- as distrust of the healthcare system, transportation barri-
jor problem.42 Pulmonary embolism and infection are the ers, poorer adherence to medications, and ability to pay
two major causes of death in this age group. It is unusual for immunosuppressant drugs24 may also influence access
for a graft to be lost through irreversible rejection. to and quality of posttransplant follow-up care. An analy-
Bearing in mind the shortage of deceased donor kid- sis of an experience of deceased donor transplantation
neys for renal transplantation, it is important to select from the University of Alabama, where more than half
elderly patients who are relatively low-risk recipients67,95 the recipients are African American, has shown a con-
and to use lower levels of immunosuppression. Nyberg tinuing improvement in graft survival in the non-African
and coworkers67 pointed out that some of their elderly pa- American population and in the African American popu-
tients lost muscular strength after transplantation, which lation with the use of more potent immunosuppressive
they did not regain, emphasizing that rehabilitation af- regimens. Long-term graft survival remains inferior,
ter transplantation is not as good as that in the younger however, and the authors suggest that their data reinforce
patient. The study by Wolfe and associates,119 referred the importance of non-immunological variables, such as
TABLE 39-4  Characteristics of Adult Kidney Transplant Patients, 2009
All Deceased Living
n % n % n %
Age (years) 18–34 2208 13.8 1000 10.1 1208 20.0
35–49 4541 28.4 2643 26.7 1898 31.4
50–64 6556 41.1 4363 44.0 2193 36.2
65+ 2659 16.7 1906 19.2 753 12.4
Gender Female 6322 39.6 3969 40.0 2353 38.9
Male 9642 60.4 5943 60.0 3699 61.1
Race White 8525 53.4 4530 45.7 3995 66.0
Black 4105 25.7 3259 32.9 846 14.0
Hispanic 2259 14.2 1376 13.9 883 14.6
Asian 874 5.5 602 6.1 272 4.5
Other/unknown 201 1.3 145 1.5 56 0.9
Primary cause of disease Diabetes 3921 24.6 2581 26.0 1340 22.1
Hypertension 3931 24.6 2759 27.8 1172 19.4
Glomerulonephritis 3060 19.2 1676 16.9 1384 22.9
Cystic kidney disease 2070 13.0 1126 11.4 944 15.6
Other cause 2982 18.7 1770 17.9 1212 20.0
Blood type A 5954 37.3 3646 36.8 2308 38.1
B 2096 13.1 1294 13.1 802 13.3
AB 768 4.8 534 5.4 234 3.9
O 7146 44.8 4438 44.8 2708 44.7
PRA <10% 11 257 70.5 6666 67.3 4591 75.9
10%+ 3667 23.0 2631 26.5 1036 17.1
Unknown 1040 6.5 615 6.2 425 7.0
History of renal Pre-emptive transplant 2639 16.5 905 9.1 1734 28.7
replacement therapy <1 year 2169 13.6 687 6.9 1482 24.5
<3 years 4056 25.4 2536 25.6 1520 25.1
<5 years 2856 17.9 2371 23.9 485 8.0
5+ years/unknown 4244 26.6 3413 34.4 831 13.7
Insurance Private 6270 39.3 2677 27.0 3593 59.4

Results of Renal Transplantation

Medicare 8729 54.7 6581 66.4 2148 35.5
Other 965 6.0 654 6.6 311 5.1
HLA mismatches with donor 0 1264 7.9 787 7.9 477 7.9
1 371 2.3 87 0.9 284 4.7
2 1391 8.7 405 4.1 986 16.3
3 2904 18.2 1301 13.1 1603 26.5
4 3594 22.5 2630 26.5 964 15.9
5 4221 26.4 3117 31.4 1104 18.2
6 2089 13.1 1516 15.3 573 9.5
Unknown 130 0.8 69 0.7 61 1.0
Kidney transplant history First transplant 14 037 87.9 8653 87.3 5384 89.0
Subsequent transplant 1927 12.1 1259 12.7 668 11.0
DCD status* Non-DCD 8633 87.1
DCD 1279 12.9
SCD/ECD status* SCD 7892 79.6
ECD 2020 20.4
Total 15 964 100.0 9912 100.0 6052 100.0

*For deceased donor transplant only.

HLA, human leukocyte antigen; DCD, donation after cardiac death; SCD, standard criteria donor; ECD, expanded criteria donor; PRA, panel-reactive antibody.
682 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

100 1.0


% Graft survival


Graft survival

18-29 n= 7350
60 30-39 n= 6963 0.4
40-49 n= 12922
50-59 n= 16005
50 60-69 n= 11637
70+ n= 5302 0.2 Obese
Morbidly obese
0 1 2 3 4 5
Years 0
0 20 40 60 80
FIGURE 39-2  ■  Impact of donor age on graft outcome. Donor age Time since transplantation (mos)
and graft survival of first cadaver kidney transplants, 1997–2010,
in Europe. (Data from Collaborative Transplant Study. Available on- FIGURE 39-4  ■ Graft survival after renal transplantation strati-
line at: http://www.ctstransplant.org.) fied by recipient body mass index at the time of transplantation.
(From Gore JL, Pham PT, Danovitch GM, et al. Obesity and outcome
following renal transplantation. Am J Transplant 2006;6:357–63.)

of South Carolina suggested that, from a study of 333

90 patients awaiting transplantation, of which 61% were
African American, African Americans are less accepting
of their renal failure and more likely to deny the need for
80 renal transplantation than their counterparts. Similar to
the findings for African Americans, Press and colleagues80
% Graft survival

have reported that Hispanics also have a higher rate of

70 graft failure compared with whites after adjustment for
poverty and other covariates, and that poverty, but not
30-39 n= 8532 race or ethnicity, is related to functional status after renal
60 40-49 n= 13456 transplantation.
18-29 n= 4490
50-59 n= 17485
50 60-69 n= 14797 HLA Mismatch and Prior Sensitization
70+ n= 2751
There continues to be an advantage of receiving a
well-matched kidney, meaning fewer donor–­ recipient
0 HLA mismatches, as illustrated by the CTS regis-
0 1 2 3 4 5 try data (Figure 39-5) (see Chapter 10). In the United
Years States, 7.9% of kidney transplant recipients in 2009 re-
FIGURE 39-3  ■  Impact of recipient age on graft outcome. Recipient ceived a zero-mismatched kidney versus 12% in 1995.97
age and graft survival of first cadaver kidney transplants, 1997– Transplants into patients with four or more HLA antigen
2010, in Europe. (Data from Collaborative Transplant Study. Available
online at: http://www.ctstransplant.org.)
mismatches in 2009 accounted for 73% of deceased do-
nor, non-ECD transplants, reflecting decreased emphasis
on HLA matching in allocation policy and increased ac-
time on dialysis before transplantation, diabetes, and ac- crued waiting time emphasis.
cess to medical care.21 In other words, most recipients in the United States of
In support of this hypothesis, a study by Pallet and deceased donor kidneys are not well matched, if defined
coworkers73 of black recipients transplanted between as at least three of six matches or fewer than four mis-
1987 and 2003 in France suggested that there was not a matches. An analysis of UNOS data in 2004 suggested
difference between white and black recipients. The au- that the impact of HLA compatibility on graft outcome
thors suggest that the origin of the difference is not so has diminished in recent years with the advent of more po-
much genetic, immunological, or pharmacological as it tent immunosuppression.103 Opelz and Dohler69 analyzed
is related to universal access to immunosuppressive drugs CTS data in two decades, 1985–1994 and 1995–2004,
(i.e., compliance, and social and economic factors). A and in more recent years have found that the influence of
study by Lunsford and associates55 from the University HLA on graft survival remains strong.
Results of Renal Transplantation 683

100 100

90 90

80 80
% Graft survival

% Graft survival
70 70
0 MM n= 6329
1 MM n= 5605
1 TX n= 64111
60 2 MM n= 15671 60 2 TX n= 8772
3 MM n= 19400
>2 TX n= 1684
4 MM n= 12818
5 MM n= 4660
50 50
6 MM n= 1268

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years Years
FIGURE 39-5  ■ Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, HLA-B, and FIGURE 39-6  ■ Number of cadaver kidney transplants (TX) and
HLA-DR mismatches and first cadaver kidney transplants, 1985– graft survival, 1985–2010. (Data from Collaborative Transplant
2010. MM, HLA mismatches. (Data from Collaborative Transplant Study. Available online at: www.ctstransplant.org.)
Study. Available online at: www.ctstransplant.org.)

Between 1998 and 2009, the percentage of deceased 100

donor, non-ECD kidney transplants into recipients with
a panel-reactive antibody frequency of 80% or greater
at the time of transplant increased from 2.2% to 8.1%.97 90
Highly sensitized patients, as measured by a high panel-
reactive antibody percentage, are receiving transplants
much more frequently, perhaps owing to the better defi- 80
% Graft survival

nition of antibodies and the development of immuno-

suppressive strategies to aid in such cases in the United
States. Nevertheless, in 2009, 15.9% of wait-listed pa- 70
tients had a panel-reactive antibody greater than 80%.
National data for success of these strategies are still lack- Living n= 16295
ing. Center data suggest that desensitization strategies 60 Deceased n= 64111

may provide greater benefit than waiting for a compatible

organ (Montgomery RA, et al. NEJM 2011;365:318-26).
In Europe, the acceptable mismatch strategy, which is
based on the precise definition of antibodies in the re-
cipient, is used more often (see Chapter 10).
The available data continue to support the benefit of
0 1 2 3 4 5
more HLA matches compared with less, although it also
can be argued that even a poorly matched kidney trans-
plant is preferable to dialysis when measured by outcome FIGURE 39-7 ■ Relationship of donor type and graft survival
of first kidney transplant recipients, 1985–2010. (Data from
analysis. Primary renal transplants have better outcomes Collaborative Transplant Study. Available online at: http://www.ct-
than retransplants overall, again well illustrated by the stransplant.org.)
CTS registry data (Figure 39-6). Living donor transplants
that are HLA-identical continue to have better outcomes,
followed by haploidentical living donor transplants and time of procurement. Regardless of the choice of preser-
deceased donor grafts (Figure 39-7). vation solution or cold storage versus machine perfusion,
shorter preservation tends to be an advantage in graft
function and survival; this is well illustrated by the CTS
Cold Ischemia Time
data (Figure 39-8). The University of Wisconsin preser-
The percentage of kidney transplants completed with vation solution is the dominant choice worldwide for kid-
cold ischemic times of less than 12 hours in the United ney preservation and, at least in the CTS European data,
States (see Chapter 9). The shifts in overall percentages is associated with the best graft outcome (Figure 39-9).69
of kidneys transplanted with shorter cold ischemia times For ECD kidneys, longer cold ischemia time is a risk fac-
reflect the value of short preservation times. Most kid- tor for delayed graft function but does not appear to af-
neys are now transplanted in less than 31 hours of the fect graft survival.44
684 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

100 with cold ischemia time of less than 31 hours for approxi-
mately 80%.
Living Donor Kidney Recipients
Living donor kidney recipients comprised 36% of all
transplants in 200925 were predominantly white (66%) in
% Graft survival

2009. Of 6388 living donations in 2009, 50% were from

related donors, 22% from unrelated directed donors,
13% from spouses/partners, 8% from distantly related
donors, and the remaining due to paired donation (4%)
13–24hr n= 39946
60 7–12hr n= 13425
or other donors (4%).97 Living donor age is an important
25–36hr n= 4860
predictor of long-term graft survival among recipients
37–48hr n= 422 who are less than 50 years of age.66
50 0–6hr n= 2246 Pre-emptive kidney transplants in patients not yet on
dialysis increased from 605 patients (17.9% of all living
donor kidney transplants) in 1995 to 2192 patients (32.1%
0 in 2009),33 and living donor transplants accounted for the
0 1 2 3 4 5 majority of this increase. This trend is in accordance with
Years data showing elevated creatinine to be a significant car-
FIGURE 39-8 ■ Cold ischemia time and graft survival of first
diovascular risk factor and a risk factor for mortality.28
cadaver kidney transplants, 1990–2010, in Europe. (Data from Data also show enhanced patient and graft survival for
Collaborative Transplant Study. Available online at: http://www.ct- patients undergoing pre-emptive renal transplantation
stransplant.org.) compared with patients transplanted while on dialysis.60
However, pre-emptive transplantation prior to estimated
Expanded Criteria Donor Kidney Recipients glomerular filtration rate  < 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 does not
appear to offer any patient or graft survival benefit.33
An ECD kidney is from any brain-dead donor who is ei-
ther older than 60 years of age or is from a donor between
the ages of 50 and 59 years and has at least two of the Immunosuppression
following conditions: hypertension, terminal serum cre- In the United States, induction immunosuppression with
atinine greater than 1.5 mg/dL, or death from a cerebro- an antibody at the time of transplantation was used for
vascular accident. ECD kidneys tend to be transplanted 83% of kidney recipients in 2009 compared with 27%
into older recipients, with 81% of ECD recipients older of recipients in 1995.97 In 2009, a T-cell-depleting an-
than 50 years old compared with 50% of non-ECD kid- tibody was used for 58% of kidney transplants, 21%
ney recipients (Table 39-4).97 ECD kidneys also were less received interleukin-2 receptor antagonist, and 3.6% re-
likely than non-ECD kidneys to be transplanted into re- ceived both agents (Figure 39-10). Maintenance steroid
cipients of repeat kidney transplants. The distribution use decreased from 94% of recipients in 2001 to 74% in
of cold ischemia times for ECD transplanted recipients 2005 and 65.7% in 2009. Tacrolimus was used in 87.8%
is the same as the distribution for non-ECD recipients, of recipients in 2009 and cyclosporine in 5.7% at the time

Cold Ischemia Time 0–24 hr Cold Ischemia Time 25–48 hr

100 100

90 90

80 80
% Graft survival

% Graft survival

70 70

60 UW n= 16050 60 UW n= 1753
HTK n= 11346 HTK n= 635

50 50

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Years Years
FIGURE 39-9  ■  Preservation solution and graft survival of first cadaver kidney transplants, 1997–2010, in Europe. HTK, histidine-tryp-
tophan-ketoglutarate solution; UW, University of Wisconsin. (Data from Collaborative Transplant Study. Available online at: http://www.
Results of Renal Transplantation 685

Initial immunosuppression regimen in adult kidney 100

transplant recipients, 2009 (steroids not considered)

All others 90

Mycophenolic acid

% Graft survival
Tacrolimus, Anti-IL-2R n= 17634
Mycophenolic acid No antibodies n= 34108
ATG n= 4782
0 20 40 60 80 100 60
FIGURE 39-10 ■ Immunosuppression agents used for induc-
tion in kidney transplantation, 2009. (Data from OPTN/SRTR 50
Annual Report, 2010. Available online at: http://www.srtr.org/
100 0 1 2 3 4 5
FIGURE 39-12  ■  Prophylactic antibody induction with OKT3, anti-
90 thymocyte globulin (ATG), and anti-interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R)
and graft survival of first cadaver kidney transplants, 1998–2005,
in Europe. (Data from Collaborative Transplant Study. Available
80 online at: http://www.ctstransplant.org.)
% Graft survival

as in the United States. There has been a marked change,

TAC + AZA n= 2037
however, from azathioprine to mycophenolate mofetil.
CsA + AZA n= 3327 Data are available from Europe with respect to incidence
TAC + MPA n= 23922 of rejection by 1 year, with approximately 20% of patients
60 CsA + MPA n= 21395 with deceased donor or one-haploypte-related kidneys
treated (http://www.CTStransplant.org).
Adherence (Compliance) with
Immunosuppressive Treatment
Non-adherence is defined as “deviation from the
0 1 2 3 4 5
prescribed medication regimen sufficient to influence
adversely the regimen’s intended effect,” according to
FIGURE 39-11 ■ Trends in immunosuppression maintenance a 2010 Consensus Conference on Nonadherence. The
regimens, 1-year post transplant for kidney transplantation, ­importance of non-adherence with immunosuppression,
1999–2010, in Europe. AZA, azathioprine; CsA, cyclospo-
rine; MPA, mycophenolic acid; TAC, tacrolimus. (Data from often resulting in rejection and graft loss, began to attract
Collaborative Transplant Study. Available online at: http://www.­ attention in the 1980s.90,96 Butler and colleagues8 per-
ctstransplant.org.) formed a systematic review of the frequency and impact
of non-adherence to immunosuppressive drugs after re-
of discharge; this represents a substantial shift from cy- nal transplantation and pointed out that non-adherence
closporine to tacrolimus over the past 15 years and con- is common, and that the odds of graft loss are sevenfold
tinued reliance on calcineurin inhibitors as the backbone greater in non-adherent patients than in adherent patients.
of renal transplant immunosuppression. Mycophenolate In a more recent meta-analysis of 72 kidney transplant
mofetil was used in 89.9% of cases in 2009 at the time of studies representing 25 different countries within North
discharge. Three percent of patients received sirolimus at America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America,
the time of discharge, and 6.5% received sirolimus dur- Dew et al. identified that the rate of non-adherence of im-
ing the first year. Figure 39-11 summarizes US trends in munosuppressant medications was 35.6 cases (±2.3) per
maintenance immunosuppression for kidney transplants. 100 person years.16 The prevalence of non-adherence is
In contrast, in Europe, the use of antibody induction more common among adolescents compared to other age
is less prevalent than in the United States, although the groups, and has been reported in the range of 30–53%.19,83
use of an interleukin-2 receptor antibody for induction is The gold standard for measuring non-adherence is direct
becoming more common. In the CTS European database observation that medication was consumed26; however,
between 1998 and 2005, 36% of patients had induction in practice, this is difficult to achieve. Combining several
with only an antibody (Figure 39-12). Similarly, there has measures of adherence, such as self-report, assays, and cli-
been a swing toward tacrolimus from cyclosporine for nician report, results in the best results (72% sensitivity
primary maintenance therapy, but not to the same extent and 42% specificity) compared to electronic monitoring.92
686 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

GRAFT SURVIVAL and 1995.61 Most of this improvement was due to better
outcomes for retransplants because primary transplant
Graft survival rates for recipients of deceased donor, half-lives improved by only 6 months. Figure 39-15
non-ECD kidneys were 92% at 1 year and 70% at shows the graft years gained per patient up to 8 years
5 years (Figure 39-13 and Table 39-5). The best 5-year of follow-up.61 In Europe, there has been a dramatic in-
survival rate of 78% for deceased donor kidneys was crease in the half-life of first deceased donor transplants
seen in Asians with non-ECD kidneys. One-year and from 1982 (7.9 years) to 2005 (21.8 years) but, similar
5-year deceased donor, non-ECD kidney survival to the data from the United States, the increase since
rates were superior in patients with polycystic kidney 1997 to 2005 has been less than 2 years (Figure 39-16).
disease, with poorer 5-year survival in patients with These results suggest the importance of future efforts to
diabetes, hypertension, nephrosclerosis, and vascular focus on improving long-term renal allograft outcomes.
diseases. Since the 1990s, 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year It seems that the armamentarium of new immunosup-
unadjusted deceased donor, non-ECD graft survival pressive agents available has led to less acute rejection,
rates have improved only 2%. Rates of return to di- but this is not reflected in any striking change in long-
alysis according to age, gender, and race are shown in term graft survival.
Figure 39-14.
Patients with delayed graft function and requiring Graft Survival for Expanded Criteria
dialysis within the first posttransplant week had worse
5-year graft survival. For patients who received a trans-
Donor Kidneys
plant in 2004, graft survival rate at 5 years for non-ECD Adjusted 1-year graft survival rate is 80–84% for all
kidneys was 54% if dialysis was needed in the first week age recipients of ECD kidneys. African Americans ex-
versus 74% if dialysis was not needed. perienced the worst overall ECD graft survival rates at
Chronic rejection and death with a functioning graft 44% at 5 years. Asians had the best 5-year graft survival
are the main causes of late graft loss (see Chapters 27 for ECD kidneys at 66%. These outcomes may reflect
and 31).74 compliance with immunosuppression, immunological
Analysis of renal transplant half-lives based on responsiveness, or genetically determined differences in
Kaplan–Meier analysis using the US SRTR data showed immunological and non-immunological parameters, as
that half-lives improved overall by 2 years between 1988 already discussed earlier.

Outcomes among adult kidney transplant recipient: deceased donor

6-mo. survival 1-year survival 3-year survival 5-year survival 1-year survival
% survival free of endpoint


Graft failure or death
Return to dialysis
40 Death with function

91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07

Outcomes among adult kidney transplant recipient: living donor

6-mo. survival 1-year survival 3-year survival 5-year survival 1-year survival
% survival free of endpoint


Graft failure or death
Return to dialysis
60 Death with function

91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07 91 95 99 03 07
FIGURE 39-13  ■  Graft survival outcomes among adult kidney transplant recipients, by donor type, 1990–2009. (From 2010 OPTN/SRTR
Annual Report. Available online at: http://www.srtr.org/annual_reports/2010.)
TABLE 39-5  Adjusted Graft Survival, Deceased Donor Non-Expanded Criteria Donor Kidney Transplants: Survival at 3 Months, 1 Year,
3 Years, and 5 Years in the United States
6-Month Survival 1-Year Survival 3-Year Survival 5-Year Survival 10-Year Survival
Graft Graft Graft
Graft Return Death Graft Return Death Failure Return Death Failure Return Death Failure Return Death
Failure to with Failure to with or to with or to with or to with
or Death Dialysis Function or Death Dialysis Function Death Dialysis Function Death Dialysis Function Death Dialysis Function
1991 84.7 89.3 95.6 82.0 87.5 94.4 70.7 80.4 88.8 59.1 73.4 81.0 35.2 57.6 61.3
1992 85.3 90.1 95.3 82.2 88.1 93.9 70.6 80.7 88.1 58.8 73.5 80.5 33.6 56.3 60.2
1993 84.8 89.2 95.6 81.6 87.1 94.2 70.1 79.9 88.3 59.2 73.3 81.2 35.9 57.1 63.6
1994 86.4 90.2 96.3 83.2 88.5 94.5 72.5 82.0 88.9 60.7 74.3 82.1 36.7 58.4 63.6
1995 87.9 92.2 95.6 85.0 90.6 94.0 74.3 84.0 88.8 62.6 76.1 82.6 39.1 60.0 66.0
1996 89.2 92.8 96.2 86.3 91.2 94.8 76.1 84.8 89.9 63.9 76.9 83.5 39.9 60.0 67.3
1997 90.6 94.1 96.4 87.8 92.7 94.7 76.3 85.8 89.1 65.0 78.4 83.3 40.7 61.9 66.6
1998 91.1 94.1 96.9 88.3 92.5 95.5 77.6 85.9 90.5 66.2 78.1 85.2 41.8 61.7 68.7
1999 90.8 94.4 96.2 87.6 92.6 94.7 77.4 86.3 89.8 66.4 79.1 84.2 42.7 63.5 68.2
2000 90.8 94.4 96.2 87.3 92.6 94.4 76.7 85.7 89.7 65.7 78.9 83.6
2001 91.7 94.9 96.6 88.6 93.2 95.2 78.3 87.4 89.7 67.2 80.8 83.5
2002 91.8 94.7 96.9 88.9 93.1 95.5 78.4 86.6 90.7 68.1 80.1 85.3

Results of Renal Transplantation

2003 92.1 95.1 96.9 89.0 93.4 95.3 79.0 87.2 90.6 69.3 81.4 85.4
2004 92.4 95.2 97.1 89.7 93.6 95.8 79.2 87.0 91.1 70.0 81.2 86.4
2005 92.9 95.6 97.2 89.9 93.9 95.7 80.6 88.2 91.5
2006 93.3 95.8 97.3 90.5 94.1 96.2 81.9 88.7 92.3
2007 93.9 96.1 97.7 91.4 94.7 96.5
2008 94.2 96.1 97.9 92.0 94.8 96.9
2009 94.4 96.4 97.8

688 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Adjusted rate of outcomes after transplant Two deaths occurred within 2 weeks of ­transplantation –
one from infarction of the kidney and one from septi-
cemia secondary to a perinephric infection. Seven other
patients developed recurrent nephritis at 6 months to
Rate/100 pt yrs w/functioning graft

8 10 years after transplantation; 5 patients died of the re-

current disease because of lack of maintenance dialysis to
which these patients could be returned. An analysis of the
6 Brigham experience of 30 identical twin transplants,35,106
in which follow-up lasted 27 years, showed a 25-year pa-
tient survival rate of around 65% and a graft survival rate
4 of around 55%. Eight of the 11 graft failures were due to
recurrent nephritis, occurring 3 months to 20 years after

2 Any graft failure

return to dialysis/pre-emptive retransplantation 100
Death with function
91 95 99 03 07 90
Transplant year
FIGURE 39-14  ■ Rates of graft failure, death with a functioning
graft, and return to dialysis or pre-emptive retransplant, adjusted 80
for age, gender, and race. (From 2011 ADR USRDS. Available online

% Graft survival
at: http://www.usrds.org/adr.htm.)
Graft Survival among Living Donor Recipients
(Table 39-6) 60
n= 32714
n= 31397
Monozygotic Twins 1995-1999 n= 31689
1990-1994 n= 31897
Monozygotic twins are the ideal donor and recipient be- 50 1985-1989 n= 28726
cause of their genetic identity for major and minor histo-
compatibility antigens. Transplantation between identical
twins has not been uniformly successful, however, because 0
failures occur as a result of technical problems or recurrent 0 1 2 3 4 5
glomerulonephritis. Tilney and coworkers37,107 reviewed Years
the results of 28 identical twin transplants at the Peter Bent FIGURE 39-16  ■  Graft survival of first cadaver kidney transplants
Brigham Hospital, where the first successful pioneering in Europe according to transplant year. (Data from Collaborative
transplant between identical twins was performed in 1954. Transplant Study. Available online at: http://www.ctstransplant.org.)

1995 Eight-year cumulative
90 graft years gained
per patient =
1988 0.39 years (4.7 months)
Graft years gained
Graft survival (%)

60 per patient =
0.12 years (1.42 months) Graft years gained
50 per patient =
0.11 years (1.36 months) Graft years gained
40 per patient =
0.08 years (1.01 months) Graft years gained
30 per patient =
0.08 years (0.97 months)


0 2 4 6 8
Years post-transplantation
FIGURE 39-15  ■  Increased cumulative graft years per patient in deceased donor transplant recipients. Kaplan–Meier survival curves
from transplants in 1988 and 1995. (Data from Meier-Kriesche HU, Schold JD, Kaplan B. Long-term renal allograft survival: have we made
significant progress or is it time to rethink our analytic and therapeutic strategies? Am J Transplant 2004;4:1289.)
TABLE 39-6  Adjusted Graft Survival, Living Donor Kidney Transplants: Survival at 3 Months, 1 Year, 3 Years, and 5 Years in the United States
6-Month Survival 1-Year Survival 3-Year Survival 5-Year Survival 10-Year Survival
Graft Return Death Graft Return Death Graft Return Death Graft Return Death Graft Return Death
Failure to with Failure to with Failure to with Failure to with Failure to with
or Death Dialysis Function or Death Dialysis Function or Death Dialysis Function or Death Dialysis Function or Death Dialysis Function
1991 93.9 96.1 97.8 92.6 95.6 96.8 85.0 91.6 92.3 75.7 86.3 86.7 56.4 74.0 75.2
1992 92.6 94.8 98.0 91.4 94.3 97.2 85.3 90.4 94.7 76.7 85.4 89.7 54.3 71.9 74.9
1993 93.8 96.0 97.9 91.9 95.2 96.5 84.3 90.5 93.0 75.7 85.4 88.4 53.9 71.8 74.6
1994 94.1 95.9 98.4 92.5 95.0 97.6 85.3 91.1 93.5 75.7 84.8 89.2 53.7 71.0 75.7
1995 93.5 95.6 97.9 92.3 95.0 97.2 85.2 91.0 93.7 77.0 85.9 89.6 54.2 71.1 76.5
1996 94.8 96.5 98.3 93.6 95.8 97.8 86.3 91.4 94.5 77.4 85.7 90.5 56.6 71.9 79.2
1997 95.3 96.9 98.3 93.9 96.4 97.4 87.5 92.1 95.1 78.9 87.0 90.8 57.2 73.2 78.6
1998 96.0 97.3 98.7 94.4 96.5 97.9 87.6 92.1 95.2 79.5 87.5 91.0 58.3 73.4 80.1
1999 95.8 97.3 98.5 94.3 96.5 97.8 87.9 92.3 95.3 80.2 87.6 91.8 59.6 74.4 80.8
2000 96.0 97.3 98.7 94.1 96.3 97.7 87.1 92.1 94.5 79.5 87.5 91.0
2001 95.9 97.3 98.6 94.3 96.5 97.8 87.9 92.5 95.0 80.0 87.4 91.6
2002 96.4 97.6 98.8 94.9 96.7 98.1 88.4 92.7 95.4 81.0 88.0 92.1
2003 96.7 97.6 99.0 95.4 97.0 98.4 88.5 92.4 95.8 81.2 87.9 92.5

Results of Renal Transplantation

2004 96.8 97.7 99.0 95.3 96.8 98.4 89.3 92.9 96.1 82.5 88.5 93.2
2005 96.7 97.6 99.0 95.4 96.9 98.4 89.6 93.2 96.2
2006 97.3 98.1 99.2 96.2 97.4 98.7 90.9 94.0 96.7
2007 97.7 98.3 99.3 96.7 97.8 98.8
2008 97.5 98.2 99.2 96.5 97.7 98.8
2009 97.7 98.3 99.3

690 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

transplantation. Generally, the recipients remained in ex- patients receiving SPK. Graft survival for living donor
cellent health; cardiovascular disease took its toll as time kidneys in type 1 diabetes mellitus was nearly equivalent
progressed, primarily in the more elderly recipients. to SPK transplants in the Wisconsin experience.100 The
The European Dialysis and Transplantation Association International Pancreas Transplant Registry collected data
registry has reported 41 renal transplants between mono- on 18 159 US pancreas transplants performed from 1978
zygotic twins. Glomerulonephritis was the original cause of to 2005 with follow-up to 2011. Five-, 10-, and 20-year
renal failure in 24 of these patients. Of 41 patients, 36 were graft function showed 80%, 68%, and 45%, respectively,
alive with functioning grafts 12–174 months after transplan- for SPK transplants.36 Recipient selection also may favor
tation. Two grafts failed from recurrent disease, two grafts the better outcome of SPK patients because stricter cri-
failed from de novo glomerulonephritis, and one recipient teria (healthier patients) are generally selected for SPK
died in a traffic accident.29 One donor developed renal failure transplantation compared with kidney-alone transplan-
secondary to the same glomerulonephritis as in the original tation. Nevertheless, successful pancreas transplantation
recipient. There seems to be a case for using some immu- may prevent recurrence of diabetic nephropathy. These
nosuppression in identical twin recipients when the original findings apply to SPK transplants and have not been
disease is a type of glomerulonephritis with a high recurrence shown for sequential kidney and pancreas transplants.
rate (see Chapter 4), but how much and what type of im-
munosuppression should be used are uncertain. There are
no data concerning outcome of renal transplants in monozy- CANCER RISK
gotic twins in this situation in the cyclosporine era.
Cancer risk is discussed at length in Chapters 34 and 35
Family Donors and is one of the major long-term complications of renal
transplantation. US and Australia–New Zealand data-
One-year graft survival in the United States is 93% among bases show an increased risk of malignancies after kidney
patients 65 years old and older and 95% among recipients transplantation,9,93 with the greatest increase in cancers
in the 1–5-year-old age group. As with deceased donor caused by viruses. The risk is highest for non-melanoma
recipients, the best 5-year graft survival rates among liv- skin cancers and posttransplant lymphoproliferative dis-
ing donor recipients occur in patients whose ESRD was ease, with the latter linked to Epstein–Barr virus infection
secondary to polycystic kidney disease, and the worst out- and induction with antithymocyte globulin/OKT3. In
comes are noted in patients with diabetes, hypertension, the United States-based Transplant Center Match Study,
nephrosclerosis, and vascular disease. These data under- which was a large, population-based study of solid-organ
score that the ideal donor is a living donor owing to supe- transplant recipients (n = 175 732) during 1987–2008 from
rior recipient outcomes. SRTR linked with 13 state and regional cancer registries,
Graft survival was 5% lower in patients with a panel- there was a twofold increased risk of cancer among all
reactive antibody of 80% or greater. Graft survival in solid-organ transplant recipients compared to the general
patients requiring dialysis within the first posttransplant population. The increased risk was observed for 32 dif-
week for recipients of living donors was 65% compared ferent malignancies, including both infection-related and
with 97% for patients who did not require dialysis. This unrelated cancers. Among kidney transplant recipients,
finding reflects the fact that technical problems with the the standardized incidence ratio (SIR: observed/expected
transplant are usually responsible for the need for dialysis cases) was significantly higher than expected for non-
in the first week after a living donor renal transplant and Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR 6.05; 95% confidence interval
portend a poor outcome. (CI) 5.59–6.54), kidney cancer (SIR 6.66; 95% CI 6.12–
7.23), lung cancer (SIR 1.46; 95% CI 1.34–1.59).23 Two
Paired Kidney Donation and Living Unrelated antiproliferative agents, sirolimus and mycophenolate
mofetil, may be associated with a lower incidence of post-
Donor Outcomes transplant lymphoproliferative disease (Table 39-7), but
Outcomes for recipients of paired kidney donation or liv- follow-up of the relevant studies is no longer than 1 year.
ing unrelated renal transplants are superior to deceased Robson and colleagues85a conducted an observational
donor renal transplantation and continue to increase in cohort study of mycophenolate mofetil using data from
number, with over 550 paired kidney transplants done in the OPTN/UNOS and CTS database with a ­follow-up
the United States in 2010.98 of 3 years. This study showed no increased risk of post-
transplant lymphoproliferative disease in patients receiv-
ing mycophenolate mofetil, and suggested that there may
KIDNEY-ALONE VERSUS KIDNEY–PANCREAS be a lower risk in some populations.
OPTN data have documented superior graft survival PREGNANCY AFTER RENAL
for simultaneous kidney–pancreas (SPK) recipients with TRANSPLANTATION
type 1 diabetes mellitus compared with patients receiv-
ing a kidney transplant alone (see Chapter 36).56 Half- Among women of childbearing age, ESRD is associated
life of kidneys in SPK patients was 9.6 years compared with a 10-fold decrease in fertility rate compared to the gen-
with 6.3 years in patients with kidneys alone. These re- eral population.114 A well-functioning renal transplant usu-
sults may be related to selection of more ideal donors for ally reverses infertility associated with ESRD and permits
Results of Renal Transplantation 691

TABLE 39-7  Incidence of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease from Registration Trials (Phase III)
of Commonly Used Immunosuppressive Agents
Follow-Up Antibody Concurrent Patients PTLD
Study (Years) Induction Immunosuppression Arms (No.) (%)
US, Pirsch, 1999 3 ATG/OKT3 Aza/Pred TAC 205 2.4
CsA 207 2.9
US, Vincenti, 2002 5 ATG/OKT3 Aza/Pred TAC 205 3.4
CsA 207 2.9
US, Sollinger, 1995 0.5 ATG CsA/Pred Aza 164 0
MMF 2 g 165 0.6
MMF 3 g 166 1.2
Tricontinental,* 1998 3 NA CsA/Pred Aza 162 0.6
MMF 2 g 171 1.2
MMF 3 g 164 1.8
US, Kahan, 2000 1 None CsA/Pred Aza 159 0.6
SRL 2 mg 281 0.4
SRL 5 mg 269 0.7
Europe,* Groth, 1999† 1 None Aza/Pred CsA 41 0
SRL 42 0
Europe,* Kreis, 2000† 1 None MMF/Pred CsA 38 0
SRL 40 0
Nashan, 1997 1 None CsA/Pred Bas 193 0.5
PBO 187 0.5
Vincenti, 2005 3 Simulect MMF Bela MI 219 0.5
Bela LI 226 0.4
Cyclosporine 221 0

ATG, antithymocyte globulin; Aza, azathioprine; Bas, basiliximab; Bela LI, belatacept less intensive; Bela MI, belatacept more intensive;
CsA, cyclosporine; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; NA, not available; OKT3, muromonab-CD3 antilymphocyte antibody preparations;
PBO, placebo; Pred, prednisone; PTLD, posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease; SRL, sirolimus; TAC, tacrolimus.
*North America, Europe, and Australia.

Phase II studies.

reproductive function to recover.14 The most important posttransplant year if the graft is functioning well and
prognostic factor for a good outcome to pregnancy in renal no rejection episodes have occurred in the year before
transplant patients is good renal function and absent or well- conception.58 Pregnancies after transplantation should be
managed hypertension.99,105 As in women with normal native handled as high-risk, however, with close prenatal moni-
kidneys, during pregnancy, glomerular filtration rate may toring. Cesarean delivery is indicated only for obstetrical
increase even in transplant recipients with a single kidney.13 reasons.14 Because calcineurin inhibitors have significantly
Data from combined US, continental European, and improved graft survival, it is most attractive to continue
UK transplant registries on pregnancies in kidney trans- calcineurin inhibitor therapy during pregnancy, albeit
plant recipients (Figure 39-17) show a marked increase with close monitoring of drug levels and renal function.60
over 15 years in pregnancies, including pregnancies be- Few data exist on the impact of immunosuppressive drug
yond the first trimester.57 The combined databases report therapy on the fetus and newborn. Despite reduction of
more than 2000 live births to women with organ trans- T- and B-cell counts in newborns, these counts have been
plants (of all types) as of 2006. In a systematic review reported to normalize within a few months, and there
and meta-analysis including 50 studies from 25 countries is no reported increase in incidence of infection or au-
of 4706 pregnancies among 3570 kidney transplant re- toimmune disease in these children.18,104 The long-term
cipients, overall birth rate was higher than the general consequences of in utero exposure to immunosuppres-
population (73.5% versus 66.7%) and miscarriage rate sion are unknown.2,7,30,72 Of 48 children of recipients of
was lower (14.0% versus 17.1%). In aggregate, a total of solid-organ transplants followed for a mean of 5.2 years,
4.2% of patients experienced an acute rejection episode no structural or developmental abnormalities were noted,
and 5.3% experienced graft loss at 1 year posttransplant, despite a premature birth rate of 56%.118
and results were similar across countries. However, the
incidence of pregnancy complications, including pre-­ RENAL TRANSPLANTATION IN HUMAN
eclampsia (27.0%), gestational diabetes (8.0%), cesar-
ean section (56.9%), and preterm delivery (45.6%), were IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS-POSITIVE
higher than in the general US population. Risks for com- PATIENTS
plications were lower among those with lower mean ma-
ternal ages, and shorter time interval (<2 years) between Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositiv-
transplantation and pregnancy.15 A consensus conference ity is no longer considered a contraindication to renal
in 2003 advised that conception is safe after the first transplantation at some centers, based on encouraging
692 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Post-pregnancy graft loss among kidney transplant recipients

Yildrim et al. (2005) - 0.5 yr graft loss

Han et al. (2000) - 1 yr

Naqvi et al. (2006) - 1 yr
Alfi et al. (2008) - 1 yr
Areia et al. (2009) - 1 yr
Pooled incidence - 1 yr graft loss

Kuvacic et al. (2000) - 2 yr

Melchor et al. (2002) - 2 yr
Thompson et al. (2003) - 2 yr
Keitel et al. (2004) - 2 yr
Basaran et al. (2004) - 2 yr
Fischer et al. (2005) - 2 yr
Yassaee et al. (2007) - 2 yr
Al Duraihimh et al. (2008) - 2 yr
Amenti et al. (2009) - 2 yr
Di Loreto et al. (2010) - 2 yr
Pooled incidence - 2 yr graft loss

Little et al. (2000) - 3 yr

Ghafari et al. (2008) - 3 yr
Pooled incidence - 3 yr graft loss

Moon et al. (2000) - 5 yr

Magee et al. (2000) - 5 yr
Queipo-Zaragoza et al. (2003) - 5 yr
Gutierrez et al. (2005) - 5 yr
Pour-Reza-Gholi et al. (2005) - 5 yr
Kashanizadeh et al. (2007) - 5 yr
Abe et al. (2008) - 5 yr
Pooled incidence - 5 yr graft loss

Ventura (2000) - 6 yr graft loss

Jain et al. (2004) - 8 yr graft loss

Kim et al. (2008) - 10 yr graft loss

Gorgulu et al. (2010) - 12.5 yr graft loss

0 20 40 60
Rate of graft loss
Figure 39-17  ■  Postpregnancy graft loss among kidney transplant recipients. (Reprinted from Deshpande NA, James NT, Kucirka LM, et al.
Pregnancy outcomes in kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Transplant 2011;11:2388–404.)

results in a number of patients transplanted to date. In particularly antibody-mediated rejection.86 Nevertheless,

the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy, patients few opportunistic infections were reported. Among a
have markedly extended survival, and graft survival rates larger, more recent cohort of 150 HIV-infected kidney
comparable to the rates of HIV-negative patients have transplant recipients, patient survival at 1 and 3 years was
been reported (Table 39-8).77,87,101 Patients treated with 94.6 ± 2.0% and 88.2% ± 3.8%, respectively.
protease inhibitors require far less calcineurin inhibi- Inclusion criteria for HIV-positive patients being
tor therapy to achieve target blood levels, as reported by considered for renal transplantation have included: (1) a
Stock and colleagues.102 Despite low CD4 counts, HIV- CD4 count greater than 200 cells/mL for the previous
positive recipients may be prone to acute rejection and 6 months; (2) undetectable HIV RNA for 3–6 months;
Results of Renal Transplantation 693

TABLE 39-8  Rates of Patient Survival and Graft Survival at 1 and 3 Years among HIV-Infected Kidney
Transplant Recipients and Patients in the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) Database
Patient Survival Graft Survival
1 Year 3 Years 1 Year 3 Years
Population % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
Study patients 94.6 (88.9–97.4) 99.2 (78.3–93.8) 90.4 (83.9–94.3) 73.7 (61.9–82.4)

SRTR Comparison
Age ≥ 65  years 91.8 (91.1–92.4) 79.5 (78.0–80.9) 88.3 (87.5–89.1) 74.4 (72.9–75.9)
Overall 96.2 (96.0–96.4) 90.6 (90.2–91.0) 92.5 (92.3–92.8) 82.8 (82.3–83.3)

CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

Data from Stock PG, Barin B, Murphy B, et al. Outcomes of kidney transplantation in HIV-infected recipients. N Engl J Med 2010;

(3) no prior opportunistic infections or neoplasm except deceased donor transplants increased from 6.6 years in 1989
for drug-sensitive esophageal conditions; (4) antiretrovi- to 8 years in 1995, and 8.8 years in 2005. Among living do-
ral therapy stable for at least 3 months or off therapy and nor recipients, graft half-life was nearly unchanged from
able to maintain undetectable HIV RNA; and (5) no signs 11.4 years to 11.9 years from 1989 to 2005, respectively.50
of significant wasting. Although the published experience The CTS European data (see Figure 39-16) is compatible,
is small, good outcomes have been achieved in such pa- with similar 5-year graft survival reported from 2000–2004
tients undergoing renal transplantation. to 2005–2010.
Nevertheless, the availability of more potent immuno-
suppression over the last 10 years is not yet reflected in
PREVALENCE OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH A improved long-term outcomes. There continues to be a
dire need for therapy and diagnostics that translate into
FUNCTIONING KIDNEY TRANSPLANT better long-term success. This goal depends on: (1) better
ways to improve patient survival, perhaps through better
The number of people in the United States living with
cardiovascular health management and reduced risk of
a functioning kidney transplant doubled between 1995
malignancy; (2) immunosuppressive strategies that better
and 2004. At the end of 1995 there were 50 529 people
preserve renal function and reduce chronic rejection; and
with a functioning kidney transplant and 3156 people
(3) better monitoring and early diagnosis of renal trans-
living with a functioning kidney–pancreas transplant. By
plant dysfunction.
the beginning of 2005, there were 101 440 people with
a functioning kidney transplant and 7213 people with a
functioning kidney–pancreas transplant. Based on 2004
data from the USRDS, kidney and kidney–pancreas re- QUALITY OF LIFE
cipients living with a functioning kidney transplant repre-
Although, traditionally, outcomes have been measured in
sented 18% of all end-stage renal failure patients in 1995
terms of graft and patient survival because the goal of kid-
and 21% of all end-stage renal failure patients in 2002.109
ney transplantation is to restore normal kidney function
The longest surviving recipients of a kidney transplant
and prolong life, measurements of the quality of life after
with a functioning graft are 9 patients with more than
renal transplantation focus in more detail on the impact
40 years’ graft survival from the University of Colorado,
Denver. More than 100 patients have been reported with of a successful kidney transplant on parameters such as
greater than 25 years’ graft survival.9 At least 8 patients physical function, physical pain, general health, vitality,
with living donor kidney transplants have experienced social functioning, and mental health. Because the immu-
greater than 20 years’ graft survival without continuing nosuppression associated with renal transplantation has
immunosuppression long term.9 In other words, such pa- an extensive list of associated side effects, how these affect
tients have clinically shown immunological tolerance for overall quality of life can be measured.
Neipp and colleagues65 reported on the quality of life in
a prolonged period.
adult renal transplant recipients more than 15 years after
transplantation. This single-center study of 139 patients
found that 29% were employed, 7% were seeking em-
LONG-TERM OUTCOMES OF RENAL ployment, 58% were retired, and 5% were homemakers.
TRANSPLANTATION Using a 36-item health survey, a validated quality-of-life
survey, and a kidney transplant questionnaire, the authors
Kidney allograft survival has increased substantially over the reported on eight aspects of the health of these patients.
last several decades, with 92.0% 1-year survival for patients In contrast to retired and unemployed patients, employed
transplanted with deceased donors and 96.5% for patients recipients reported a significantly improved health-
transplanted with living donors in 2008. Meier-Kriesche related quality of life, including physical functioning,
and colleagues recently reported that the improvements in physical pain, general health, vitality, social functioning,
overall graft survival are primarily attributed to improve- mental health, physical symptoms, fatigue, uncertainty
ments in short-term graft survival. The graft half-life for and fear, and emotional health. All of these parameters
694 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

Dialysis and transplantation are costly treatments,

TABLE 39-9  Prevalence of Sexual Problems in
and every country, faced with rapidly increasing medical
Renal Replacement Therapy Patients Compared
costs, has reflected on the cost-effectiveness of expensive
with a Control Group
therapies. Inevitably, the spotlight falls on dialysis and
Prevalence in Treatment Group transplantation: Is this cost justified? Unquestionably, the
treatments are expensive, and costs vary from nation to
Men (%) Women (%)
nation. Assuming that one considers treatment of patients
Control 8.7 14.9 with end-stage renal failure justified, transplantation is
Hemodialysis 62.9 75
Peritoneal dialysis 69.8 66.7
the cheaper option available. In developing countries, re-
Kidney transplant 48.3 44.4 nal transplantation is almost the only available option be-
cause often long-term dialysis is unavailable. Of patients
From Habwe VQ. Posttransplantation quality of life: more than graft with the potential for full-time work, most are restored
function. Am J Kidney Dis 2006;47:S98. Data from Diemont WL, to full-time work after living donor and deceased donor
Vruggink PA, Meuleman EJ, et al. Sexual dysfunction after renal
replacement therapy. Am J Kidney Dis 2000;35:845. transplantations. In such situations, a productive member
of society is re-established, with the consequent saving in
pensions or benefits to surviving family members. The
were improved in employed recipients compared with demonstration that survival is enhanced by transplanta-
their counterparts (P < 0.05). The authors concluded that tion compared with dialysis in nearly all patient groups,
vocational rehabilitation after renal transplantation is as discussed earlier, provides more objective evidence of
crucial and is associated best with improved healthcare the key role that transplantation should play in the man-
quality of life. In a 6-year study of 102 kidney transplant agement of end-stage renal failure.
recipients, Griva et al. reported that, while emotional The justification for the treatment of end-stage renal
quality of life improves over time, physical quality of life, failure by an integrated program of dialysis and transplan-
such as pain and physical functioning, declines.35 tation seems self-evident. The primary aim is to achieve
Studies have shown that immunosuppression-related a successful transplant, using dialysis to maintain patients
side effects can compromise quality of life. These side ef- while awaiting a transplant, or to treat patients who are
fects include hirsutism, gingival hyperplasia, weight gain, unsuitable for transplant for medical or immunological
cushingoid facies, hand tremors, alopecia, and skin dis- reasons. Because a large proportion of patients with end-
orders.37 A cross-sectional study of 350 kidney transplant stage renal failure who are suitable for transplantation are
patients by Moons and associates62a showed that steroid- relatively young, achievement of a successful renal trans-
free patients experienced better social functioning, fewer plant in these patients is one of the more satisfying areas
psychiatric symptoms, lower symptom occurrences, and of medical practice today. No-one would have predicted at
lower levels of distress (P < 0.03) for all of the aforemen- the time of the first successful renal transplant in 1954 that
tioned side effects. so much would have been achieved over the next 60 years.63
A Dutch study of sexual dysfunction in kidney trans-
plant recipients compared with dialysis patients and con-
trol subjects from the general Dutch population showed REFERENCES
significantly less sexual dysfunction in men and women 1. Alexander JW, Goodman HR, Gersin K, et al. Gastric bypass in
with a successful kidney transplant compared with either morbidly obese patients with chronic renal failure and kidney
hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, yet substantially more transplant. Transplantation 2004;78(3):469–74.
2. Arsan A, Guest G, Gagnadoux MF, et al. Pregnancy in renal
difficulties compared with control subjects (P < 0.001) transplantation: a pediatric unit report. Transplant Proc
(Table 39-9).17,37 Strategies for improving quality of life 1997;29(5):2479.
include effective management of drug side effects, im- 3. Arthur T. The role of social networks: a novel hypothesis to explain
proved immunosuppressive regimens, psychotherapy, so- the phenomenon of racial disparity in kidney transplantation. Am
cial support, exercise, and vocational assistance. J Kidney Dis 2002;40(4):678–81.
4. Ashby VB, Port FK, Wolfe RA, et al. Transplanting kidneys
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Psychological Aspects of Kidney

Transplantation and Organ
Patricia M. Franklin

WELLBEING FOR RENAL TRANSPLANT Altruistic (Non-Directed) Donation
Donor Informed Consent: Anxieties and Fears
PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIONS Common Behavior Patterns in the Early Phase
Medication Side Effects: Self-Esteem, Quality of the Grief Process
of Life, and Body Image Anger, Anxiety, Depression, and Isolation
Psychological Distress and Adherence to Healing Behaviors to Enable the Bereaved to
Immunosuppression Regimens Continue with Their Lives
FAMILY INTERACTIONS High-Risk Groups – Intense Bereavement
GRAFT FUNCTION Sudden or Traumatic Death
Delayed or Poor Graft Function Brainstem Death
Graft Failure Option of Organ Donation
DONATION When to Offer the Option of Donation
Early Psychological Findings in Living Related Who Should Approach Family Members
Transplantation (1960s to 1970s) How to Approach Family Members
Later Psychological Studies in Living Staff Support
Related Transplantation (Late 1980s, Viewing the Body after Death
and 1990s)
Further Care
More Recent Studies and Developments in
Living Related Donation CONCLUSION

INTRODUCTION stressors encountered by patients and their caregivers.

These studies show that the treatment of renal failure
End-stage renal disease is a psychologically debilitating through dialysis or transplantation creates stress and psy-
illness with emotional morbidity. End-stage renal disease chological difficulties for patients. The negative themes
can have a major impact on patient and family lifestyles, reported from study groups include loss of freedom, loss
blocking future life goals and resulting in a cycle of anger, of personal control, loss of independence, blocking of
mood swings, depression, and unfulfilled hopes. All forms hope and future dreams, and loss of normality.24,33
of renal replacement therapy have been studied to elicit Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for
the psychological impacts of treatments and the particular patients with end-stage renal disease. Studies have shown
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 699

that renal transplant recipients are surviving ­longer and difficulties, such as bodily changes and other major chal-
have a better quality of life than patients receiving other lenges, which need to be negotiated successfully by trans-
renal replacement therapies.37 A successful renal trans- plant recipients.
plant does not render the patient free of the chronic ill-
ness or subsequent psychological problems, however. The
transplant enables recipients to enjoy an improved quality RENAL DISEASE – DIALYSIS AND
of life with freedom from a machine or a dialysis exchange, PREOPERATIVE ADJUSTMENTS
but it often presents a different set of psychological stress-
ors and challenges to overcome. Understanding of the Although kidney transplantation is the treatment of
psychological aspects of transplantation has increased in choice for most end-stage renal disease patients, with
recent years, and this increased understanding has re- demand for grafts far exceeding supply, many have to
sulted in the opportunity to offer informed psychological wait months or years before this treatment is available
support as an integral part of transplantation care. This to them. A few patients may receive a transplant during
chapter discusses the major psychological studies and their the predialysis stage, but for most, the waiting period
findings and provides brief personal experiences reported involves emotional adjustments to the physical, psycho-
by patients to the author during 35 years of experience as logical, marital, and dialysis-related changes imposed
a nurse psychologist working in transplant centers. by the disease. The shock of the initial diagnosis, sexual
dysfunction, marital friction, changes in body image, and
subsequent lower self-esteem and dependence on a ma-
QUALITY OF LIFE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL chine, fluid bag, or partner can produce profound stress,
WELLBEING FOR RENAL TRANSPLANT adjustment anxiety, and depression. Various psychologi-
PATIENTS cal coping strategies may be used during this time to help
the patient and family members negotiate this period of
Individual quality of life is difficult to assess because it disease and dialysis adjustment.
is affected by a wide range of independent and personal Coping strategies are psychological patterns that in-
variables. A large study by Evans and colleagues in the dividuals use to manage thoughts, feelings, and actions
1980s,15 which comprised 800 patients in all treatment encountered during various stages of ill health and treat-
modalities in 11 treatment centers, concluded that ments. The fundamental need to have an overall sense of
“Transplant recipients generally have a higher level of control over one’s life is paramount throughout chronic
functional ability, are more likely to return to work, are sickness, and research has shown that interventions de-
in better health, and have higher levels of well being, signed to increase an individual’s perception of control
life satisfaction, psychological affect, and happiness than are likely to have a positive impact on patient wellbeing.
do patients on any form of dialysis.”14 Since this study Presenting treatment options with information so that
was reported, there have been major advances in dialysis realistic choices can be made helps patients maintain a
treatments, particularly in home hemodialysis, and in re- sense of control.
nal transplant immunosuppression regimens. There also During the early phase of ill health, denial and sup-
have been advances in scientific techniques to evaluate is- pression are the most frequent avoidance strategies used.
sues of life satisfaction and quality of life. Denial as a psychological defense has been prominent
However, the more recent studies incorporating these in hemodialysis patients. Later, more positive coping
new treatments and research techniques continue to strategies include problem solving, actively seeking in-
support the earlier studies. A meta-analytical review by formation, enhancement of spiritual life, and hope of a
Landreneau and colleagues undertaken in 201029 con- transplant. These coping strategies are similar to ones
cluded that: “Compared to haemodialysis, renal trans- used by end-stage cardiac disease patients.
plantation was significantly more effective in improving Many younger patients find such adjustment extremely
quality of life in the three domains of general quality of difficult, particularly young males, who find dependence
life, physical functioning, and psychosocial functioning.” on dialysis particularly frustrating. These patients may
Also, studies by Maglakelidze et al.,38 which investigated express more dissatisfaction and are more likely to show
quality of life of patients on hemodialysis, peritoneal di- this dissatisfaction in non-compliant, self-destructive,
alysis and those with renal transplants concluded that “for and despairing behavior. One young male hemodialysis
patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis health re- patient described his life as a series of frustrating “can’t
lated quality of life was similar and lower than that of the do’s”: “can’t drink beer with friends, can’t enjoy meals
general population whereas renal transplantation signifi- with friends, can’t go on vacation with friends, can’t work,
cantly improves health-related quality of life to the level and can’t make love to a girlfriend.”
of healthy individuals.”38 Renal transplantation has also Reasonably fit elderly patients are in some ways the
been shown to improve the quality of life significantly for most satisfied dialysis group. Many elderly patients feel
the patients’ partners.42,50 satisfied with their lives and welcome the chance of a
Although quality of life is improved dramatically in further few years resulting from treatment. Even though
various aspects of life satisfaction after transplantation, older patients are more satisfied with their dialysis life-
even life with the best-functioning transplanted kidney style than younger patients, many older patients seek the
can be negatively affected by perpetual uncertainty with better quality of life that a transplant can provide. A study
the possibility of rejection and failure. Also, continuous that examined the differences in pretransplant and post-
immunosuppressive therapy can create psychological transplant quality of life in kidney recipients in five age
700 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

groups (range 18–60 years old) reported that quality of questions: “During the last month have you been both-
life outcomes did not seem to favor one age group over ered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? During
another.5 the last month, have you often been bothered by hav-
The initial dialysis adjustment phases are difficult. For ing little interest or pleasure in doing things?” NICE
some patients, these adjustment phases can be traumatic. recommends behavioral and/or cognitive therapy for
Professional, practical, and psychological support is de- patients with mild to moderate depression and cognitive
sirable at this time. behavioral therapy with antidepressant medication for
Health beliefs and attitudes toward illness and treat- more severe depression.44
ments differ between individuals and among cultures, as In this Oxford transplant center, we are currently in-
do responses to pain and reactions to a new graft. Many troducing a pilot study of psychological assessment ques-
patients find that peritoneal dialysis offers a moderate to tionnaires to evaluate levels of depression and anxiety
good quality of life, but at Oxford a Muslim patient with a in the predialysis stage and at regular stages throughout
strict religious hygiene code found this treatment impossi- treatment so that we might offer therapies if felt neces-
ble because she felt “unclean – like a dustbin, always filling sary. The introduction of these questionnaires seems to
up with rubbish.” Such feelings made prayer difficult and encourage patients to feel more able to discuss elements
life unbearable for her. Cultural attitudes may influence of low mood and to ask for psychological support at times
the recipient’s response to transplantation. A young female of stress and have also appeared to assist staff in discuss-
Asian patient at this transplant center refused the idea of ing the difficult aspect of psychological wellbeing with
a cadaver transplant because she was reluctant to accept patients. This study will be fully evaluated in a year’s time.
a kidney from an anonymous donor who might be male.
Many authors have discussed health and illness beliefs
and have outlined the need for staff to consider the mean- HOPE OF A TRANSPLANT
ing that patients attach to their illness and treatment
therapies. It is important for staff members to be aware Peretz47 defined hope “as the capacity to anticipate that
of individual perceptions and beliefs with regard to trans- even though one feels uncomfortable now, one may feel
plantation. Each belief must be recognized and validated, better in the future.” When a transplant is suggested,
and, if required, appropriate support must be provided. many patients make an immediate decision to proceed,
Many units provide predialysis information sessions whereas others agonize over the decision. Some patients
for patients and family members. Bradley and McGee2 may deny the possibility of posttransplant difficulties and
suggest that the “most effective sessions seem to be run may have unrealistic expectations for their future qual-
on a multidisciplinary basis, with input from medical, ity of life. Such denial may predispose patients to depres-
nursing, dietetic and social work staff, and include infor- sion if major complications occur after the transplant. It
mation from dialysis and transplant patients themselves.” is essential that indepth realistic and honest information
In this unit, such sessions are valuable because they pro- is given at this stage so that patients may proceed in an
vide an opportunity to give information concerning all informed manner.
treatment options. The sessions also provide a forum to In the past, renal programs often required formal pre-
encourage active patient and caregiver participation with transplant psychiatric assessment. These assessments are
regard to treatment issues and initial treatment anxieties. no longer considered necessary, but the experience at
Meeting other patients who have negotiated various Oxford suggests that it is valuable to have a pretransplant
forms of treatment successfully offers a positive image meeting at which specific medical, social, and psychologi-
and role model and gives greater credibility to informa- cal issues are explored with the patient and family mem-
tion given. Honesty is an important part of such sessions, bers. Individual fears raised at such a meeting include fear
and information givers strive to present a realistic assess- of changes in body image resulting from immunosup-
ment of experiences without being overprotective re- pression, fear of loss of identity when accepting a foreign
garding problems or overly optimistic. Such sessions help organ, and fear of surgery, particularly for older patients.
to develop a close supportive relationship between staff These concerns are similar to concerns reported by other
members and patients at the predialysis stage. authors. A pretransplant meeting is an opportunity to dis-
Psychological studies have reported moderate levels pel myths or hearsay that may have been gleaned from
of clinical depression in predialysis and hemodialysis other patients. Issues raised in this unit that have required
groups,10,28 and many units are now offering psychologi- careful explanation include the idea that dialysis is only a
cal therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to pa- short-term treatment, and that the patient may die unless
tients if clinical levels of depression are noted. In October he or she receives a transplant; that it is possible to be
2009 the National Institute for Health and Clinical infected with other diseases from a cadaver organ; that a
Excellence (NICE)44 in the United Kingdom published male receiving a female kidney may become feminized,
guidelines which detailed the treatment and management and vice versa; and that the donor persona may be im-
of depression in adults with chronic physical health prob- planted with the transplant, and that the recipient “will
lems. They reported that “depression is approximately become a different person.”
two to three times more common in patients with a The pretransplant meeting offers the opportunity to
chronic physical health problem than in people who have explore, examine, and resolve individual fears and helps
good physical health” and they recommended that practi- to initiate a trusting and supportive relationship with a
tioners should be alert to possible depression and should member of the transplant team. The meeting is a time to
consider asking patients who may have depression two offer specific information and advice concerning coping
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 701

skills and responses to the profound and conflicting emo- foreign organ which now needs to become accepted as
tions that may be experienced. The knowledge gained part of the self.” Such loss of control can increase anxiety
by staff members during these meetings concerning in- levels, and some patients report panic attacks. It is vital at
dividual fears and difficulties alerts the professionals to this stage to discuss progress in detail with the patient and
vulnerabilities that may require help postoperatively. to answer all questions because many recipients seek to
A brief period of counseling may be in order for patients regain conscious control by information seeking and by
who experience the most difficulty with the decision re- planning daily psychological and activity goals. It is help-
garding transplant. ful to encourage patient participation in care with self-
Renal patients must temper their hope for a transplant medication and self-observation so that partial control
and subsequent enhanced quality of life with the knowl- is achieved. Recipients should be included in discussion
edge that there can be no guarantee that a suitable graft regarding medication options, as such choice also offers
will become available or that the transplant will be suc- an element of control at this difficult stage.
cessful. These uncertainties increase ambivalence toward Some recipients may have difficulty in accepting the
transplantation and increase psychological stress. Most new graft as part of self. Castelnuovo-Tedesco4 wrote
patients and family members describe the waiting time as that “the graft is not psychologically inert and that the
the most difficult phase. recipient may develop a prominent identification with
Patient fears that they have been forgotten, that they the donor.” One young female patient at Oxford who was
may miss the call, or that their chance may never come depressed posttransplant stated, “before my transplant I
are reported frequently. Ongoing contact with the trans- had a broken body and a healthy mind – now, after my
plant center is helpful and is vital at times of additional transplant, I have a healthy body and a broken mind.”
stress when a fellow dialysis patient receives or rejects a During gentle exploration, it was discovered that this pa-
kidney, when an abortive call occurs, or when the wait- tient found it profoundly difficult to accept that she had
ing period becomes particularly lengthy. These instances the kidney of a middle-aged man “inside her,” fearing
may upset the usual coping strategies, and psychological that her femininity was at risk.
stress and depression may result. In our center, a trans- In the past there have been reports in the media sug-
plant nurse specialist is assigned to each patient at the gesting that following transplantation the recipient may
pretransplant meeting so that a supportive bond can de- experience “personality changes” from the donor.61
velop, and the nurse can offer information and support Studies regarding perceived changes in personality were
during the waiting time. first reported, in the main, by heart transplant recipients
and were usually linked to the belief that the heart is seen
“as the source of love, emotions and, for some, the focus
IMMEDIATE POSTOPERATIVE of personality traits.” There have been several articles in
PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES the national and international press in which such “per-
sonality changes” have been reported by individual live
Many kidney transplant recipients report an immediate donor and recipient pairs. These articles have hypoth-
feeling of rebirth after the transplant; such feelings are esized that some form of cellular memory may be re-
linked to a perceived promise of extended and enhanced sponsible for these perceived changes. Such publicity has
quality of life. Studies suggest that psychological stress led to patients at our center becoming anxious that the
persists throughout the initial recovery period and during transplanted kidney may result in a personality change
the early rehabilitation process. Many recipients report for them. Indeed, a male recipient who had received a
that, although the renal transplant is an opportunity for kidney from his wife recently expressed concerns that
renewed health, it did not eliminate health-related stress he may have been feminized by his wife’s kidney as he
from their lives. The major causes of psychological stress now preferred more female domestic tasks. In our experi-
during the early postoperative phase include possibility ence, these anxieties can be resolved by discussion and
of rejection and lack of control regarding the body’s ac- reassurance that the graft does not carry the persona of
ceptance or rejection of the kidney, fear of infection, un- the donor and cannot alter the integrity of the recipient’s
certainty about the future, and concern about long-term personality.
side effects of immunosuppressive therapy. Feelings of guilt and sadness concerning the donor and
The fear of graft rejection is the most frequently re- donor family are frequent. An adult receiving a pediatric
ported, and anxiety has been shown to precede the first graft may view the death as a special tragedy and experi-
rejection experience. Such anticipatory anxiety is lessened ence profound guilt and grief. Recipients and caregivers
if the rejection is treated successfully. Although recipients report dreams in which they may see a distressed fam-
are more at ease if faced with future rejection episodes, ily without a father or mother, and they may relate such
uncertainty about future health persists for many months. dreams to the donor family. Some recipients report also
One of the most difficult aspects for recipients at this the need to offer prayers for the donor and the family and
stage is the sudden removal of conscious control. The may experience feelings of unworthiness in receiving such
dialysis patient has become conditioned to be in control a precious, life-enhancing gift. The opportunity to discuss
of health through adherence to diet and fluid restrictions such feelings and to give thanks through an anonymous
and regular treatment regimens. After the transplant, letter usually aids resolution so that the ­recipient may
the situation changes radically, and recipients are “at the move forward toward positive rehabilitation. Recipients
mercy” of factors beyond conscious control: for exam- in our center are now routinely sent a letter, at 6 months
ple, “their own immune response and the effects of the posttransplant, if progress is good, asking if they would
702 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

like to write an anonymous letter of thanks to the donor Studies demonstrate that patients report fewer side
family. They are also offered help to write such a letter if e­ ffects with the newer regimens, but the hand trembling
that is their wish. It is becoming more common, however, and hair thinning or loss resultant from tacrolimus medi-
for recipients or donor families to request a meeting with cation and the gastrointestinal problems resultant from
each other. Many transplantation units are now facilitating the mycophenolate medication can be very distressing for
such meetings, and initial reports suggest successful out- transplant recipients, as is the concern that skin cancer
comes for the recipient and the donor family. However, and other cancers have an increased risk for this group.
there is still a need to stress caution because the donor Patients must be fully informed regarding the various is-
family may be “disappointed in the recipient” or may be- sues pertinent to each therapy and, if possible, transplant
come “intrusive into the recipient’s life.” Recipients may centers should consider patients’ opinions and needs and
face the dilemma of wanting to refuse such a meeting, should tailor the immunosuppressive strategies and
but may fear that they would be seen as ungrateful, and regimens to take these opinions and needs into account.
they may be distressed or disturbed at trying to meet the
perceived needs of the donor family. It has been stated
that it is paternalistic of professionals to discourage such Medication Side Effects: Self-Esteem, Quality
meetings; however, professionals have a duty of care to of Life, and Body Image
recipients and donor families. Thorough discussion and
People in renal failure may experience negative reactions
planning must precede such meetings, and fully trained
toward their bodies because of the invasive nature of the
professionals must be available to offer debriefing sessions
treatment. The cessation of dialysis after renal transplan-
and to help if problems arise.
tation does not abolish this stress. Immunosuppression
Depression may occur in the posttransplant period
and its side effects can present a major problem related
and may be linked to infection because it is especially
to self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life after trans-
prevalent among patients with cytomegalovirus infec-
plantation. A transplant recipient returning to work as a
tion or cytomegalovirus mononucleosis syndrome. Also,
senior health service manager was referred to the psy-
patients who have unrealistically high expectations pre-
chology service in this center suffering panic attacks and
operatively are susceptible to postoperative depressive
depression due to obvious hand trembling which she felt
symptoms. Such patients may have difficulty accepting
had vastly reduced her self-confidence, and also gastroin-
that transplantation is an alternative treatment rather
testinal problems which were interfering with her work.
than a cure for end-stage renal disease. The most appro-
She had become so depressed by these issues that she was
priate psychiatric diagnosis for many of these patients is
seriously considering resigning from her employment
an adjustment disorder. Studies report that the degree of
and had reduced most of her social life due to acute em-
distress often is correlated with the severity of physical
barrassment, thus reducing her satisfaction with life.
symptoms and the occurrence of postoperative complica-
Body image change may be particularly distressing
tions. In this center, we now offer a psychological support
for adolescent recipients. Adolescents are in a period of
service to patients experiencing posttransplant low mood
structural ego alteration with conflict about identity, psy-
and/or anxiety, which can include short psychological
chosexual development, dependency, and authority, and
therapy if required.
the additional stress of a transplant may become a focus
of derangement of their defenses. Hair loss or hair thin-
IMMUNOSUPPRESSION REGIMENS AND ning can cause considerable distress, with one female pa-
tient recently refusing to meet peers and preferring social
PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIONS isolation. Many adolescent recipients may require addi-
tional support and understanding. For some adolescents,
The introduction of newer immunosuppression regi-
the side effects of immunosuppressive therapies and their
mens has resulted in fewer reports of psychological re-
perceived effects on social interaction are more unaccept-
actions. Studies show, however, that patients still report
able than graft failure and possible death from voluntary
that low-dose corticosteroids are responsible for mood
discontinuation of medications.
changes and irritability in the early posttransplant pe-
riod. Sometimes these emotional responses are less obvi-
ous to the patient, but are reported by friends or family Psychological Distress and Adherence to
members. Transient disruption of sleep, altered percep-
tion, and lability of mood often occur in patients receiv-
Immunosuppression Regimens
ing pulses of corticosteroids as antirejection therapy. Adherence or concordance has been defined as the extent
A study in 2003 by Prasad and associates49 examined to which a patient’s behavior coincides with the prescribed
the attitudes of recipients toward steroid use and other regimen.6 Poor adherence is a risk factor for morbidity
­therapies. When asked which drug they would like to and mortality after transplantation and has been the sub-
discontiue, 65% of patients responded and cited prednis- ject of much research over many years. The more recent
olone. Steroid therapy is now reduced more quickly than introduction of new immunosuppression regimens was
in the past and often stopped at 3 months but many pa- thought to decrease the level of non-adherence and im-
tients still fear these drugs and remember fellow patients prove concordance but studies show that non-adherence
experiencing side effects in the past and many request remains a major concern to clinicians.
­steroid-free treatment when discussing immunosuppre- Various explanations have been given for non-adherence,
sion therapies.49 including inability to accept the lifestyle limitations and,
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 703

in the United States, the cost of medication. A large study as high risk with regard to medication adherence should
by Chisholm-Burns et al.7 collected data from 525 adult receive extensive pretransplant psychosocial evaluation
kidney transplant recipients and examined the factors in- and psychological counseling, to facilitate posttransplant
fluencing adherence to antirejection therapy. A total of follow-up, to strengthen the nurse–patient relationship,
177 patients were non-adherent, most frequently citing and to ensure patient adherence to the immunosuppres-
the reason as carelessness. Younger patients (18–29 years) sive regimen. It is vital to explore and respect the under-
were more likely to be non-adherent than patients aged lying motives and feelings of the recipient and to offer
46–64 years. Adherence was not associated with time support to enable adherence to medication regimens.
since transplant, or type of immunosuppressant regimen. Russell and colleagues51 noted that “the clinical nurse spe-
However, there were significant differences between ad- cialist is paramount in assisting both younger and older
herent and non-adherent patients in their held beliefs renal transplant recipients with immunosuppressive medi-
regarding the necessity to take their medications and cation taking and, consequently, in fostering better adher-
the level of concern if medications were missed. Non- ence and outcomes.”
adherent patients scored significantly lower than adher-
ent patients on every question of the Life Satisfaction
Index indicating lower quality of life. Conclusions from FAMILY INTERACTIONS
this study were that non-adherence is related to patients’
beliefs about their immunosuppression medications and End-stage renal disease and its treatments cause shifts
perceived barriers, and is associated with lower quality of within the dynamics of family interactions. Chronic ill
life. The results from this study indicate the need for on- health and subsequent medical treatments may have en-
going monitoring and education for transplant recipients gendered a sense of helplessness in the patient. Family
in the importance of their medications and the dangers roles change as the patient is placed into a state of chronic
of non-adherence and the need to offer extra support to illness and treatment-induced dependency. The spouse may
the younger patient group, as well as education on how to have to accept greater family responsibilities and may have
assimilate medications successfully into lifestyle.7 to assist with dialysis treatments. Many caregivers report
Haferkamp23 et al. developed a questionnaire to mea- feelings of being “unsupported, invisible and unappreci-
sure compliance in kidney transplant patients and to ated.” Individuals trying to come to terms with their own
identify screening criteria for non-compliance. In this feelings find it hard to spare extra energy to cope with the
study a third of patients were perfectly compliant, an- feelings of those close to them.
other third of patients showed moderate compliance, One of the important posttransplant psychosocial
and the last third demonstrated low compliance. Older tasks that the patient needs to accomplish is the gradual
patients were more likely to be compliant than younger relinquishing of the sick role and the eventual return to
patients. Patients taking mycophenolate showed better non-patient status. After transplantation, recipients may
compliance than patients not taking mycophenolate.23 be reluctant to give up the security of the patient role,
As with the Chisholm study, this study demonstrated the resulting in the spouse resenting the continued depen-
need to support younger patients but also reported other dence. Wilkins and associates65 reported a study in which
factors involved in non-compliance, such as type of im- targeted education and specific psychosocial supports
munosupprssion regimen and aspects of life satisfaction were given to transplant recipients to aid their return
and social support. Surman60 noted in the late 1980s that to normalcy. Normalcy is defined as age-appropriate
non-adherence may occur in major depression or as part and socially appropriate activities of the patient, such as
of an adjustment reaction, especially in adolescent recipi- employment, homemaker, and student. The researchers
ents; recent studies suggest that this observation contin- reported that “a programme of education and psycho-
ues to be relevant today. social support that emphasizes return to normalcy and
A study from the United Kingdom examined adherence non-disability, beginning with the first exposure to trans-
in 58 adult renal transplant recipients. Results showed plant and continuing throughout the first six months post
that 7 (12%) subjects missed at least 20% of days of transplant, yielded high rates of return to normality of
medication, and 15 (26%) missed at least 10% of days of kidney transplant recipients.”65
medication. Lower belief in the need for medication and An Australian63 study entitled “When i had my trans-
having a transplant from a live donor were major factors plant, i became normal,” which examined adolescent per-
associated with non-adherence. Depression also was com- spectives on life after kidney transplantation, reported
mon, although not strongly associated with non-­adherence. five enablers and five barriers to achieving a sense of nor-
Further research is required to examine beliefs with regard mality. The enablers were: (1) developing their own iden-
to live donation, but it seems that some recipients may be- tity; (2) peer acceptance; (3) making medications routine;
lieve that, because a familial graft is a good immunological (4) freedom and energy; and (5) support structures. The
match, there is less need for immunosuppression. barriers included: “identity crisis, peer rejection, aversion
Valid and reliable predictors of non-adherence are to medications, lifestyle limitations, and fear and uncer-
unavailable, although a strong history of poor dialysis tainty.” Study conclusions were that “Adolescent kidney
adherence in patients with non-adherence after trans- transplant recipients value normality and have specific
plantation seems to be an important predisposing factor. information needs about the effect of transplantation
Non-adherence may develop postoperatively, however, in on their physical appearance and the tolerance of drugs
patients who had adhered with dialysis and pretransplant and alcohol. Novel approaches are needed to foster self-
medical care. Some studies suggest that patients identified confidence and the sense of normality, and to provide
704 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

comprehensive information on the patient following kid- “Female sexual dysfunction is common in renal failure
ney transplantation.”63 Experience at this center suggests but that a successful transplant is the most effective way
that the findings of this study and its conclusions repli- to retain good sexual function in women with chronic
cate much of the thoughts and needs of adult transplant renal failure.”30 Studies conclude that assessment of and
recipients with regard to return to “normalcy.” In fact, a education regarding sexual functioning must be a routine
recipient recently stated that she had been “sick and on component of psychosocial intervention.
dialysis for so long that she had no idea what normal was.”
The return to employment can present another hurdle
for some transplant recipients, particularly if they have GRAFT FUNCTION
been unable to work for several years. At this time of high
unemployment in the United Kingdom it is proving ex- Delayed or Poor Graft Function
tremely difficult for transplant recipients to gain employ-
ment. Employers do not always view transplant recipients In most cases, the new transplant begins working well al-
as reliable and healthy employees. Healthcare personnel most immediately; however, some recipients may have to
need to create a proactive employment atmosphere and wait weeks or months for the graft to function. During
to encourage and assist recipients in their posttransplant this time, the recipient must balance hope for a successful
quest for work. They should ensure that they do not un- outcome with the fear of graft loss. Recipients respond
consciously encourage recipient dependence, but strive in different ways: some may become overanxious, con-
to support independence from the beginning of the post- tinually seeking information and reassurance; others may
transplant phase. In this center we have introduced the role become angry and depressed, continually asking “why
of kidney patient advisors who offer advocacy and support me?” In contrast, some recipients may seem unconcerned,
to recipents in negotiations with employers to facilitate using denial to cover their underlying feelings of desper-
new employment and return to previous employment. ation. Staff members may conclude that such recipients
Marital difficulties may ensue if the transplant recipient are unaware of the true situation. In reality, the patient is
is eager to resume his or her pre-illness position within the aware of the issues, but is psychologically unable to face
family. The partner or children may be disinclined to for- the possibility of graft failure. The fantasy that all is and
feit any roles that they have assumed during the pretrans- will be well is more bearable during the waiting time. In
plant dialysis phase. Such issues usually can be resolved this instance, denial can be a useful defense mechanism,
with the help of an empathetic counselor and honest fam- helping to make the period of delayed function sustain-
ily discussions. Particular difficulties may occur if a child able. Perceived personal control is vital during this time,
or adolescent who had been chronically ill returns to the and empowering patients to take control over exercise
family with new mobility and vigor. Families may tend to regimens, health observations, and medications lessens
regard the child or adolescent as fragile and may be exces- anxiety and increases self-confidence. Offering regular,
sively restrictive or permissive. Adolescent recipients may honest information within an empathetic setting helps
not be required to follow the usual family rules, causing aid emotional stability for the recipient.
disruption and psychological difficulties for the other sib- In some cases, the recipient may endure months or
lings. These and other family issues can be treated with years of unsatisfactory graft function – a level of function
brief cognitive behavioral therapy. that enables the recipient to be free of dialysis, but not able
Sexual problems may develop with incompatible sexual to obtain the desired quality of life or the expected level
desires between partners, erectile dysfunction, or other of rehabilitation. Many patients expect a great deal from
sexual difficulties. Progress in the field of renal transplan- their posttransplant lifestyle: a dramatic improvement in
tation has considerably improved the quality of life of pa- physical health; a return to work, study, or parental role;
tients with chronic renal failure; however, quality-of-life an improvement in self-image; an improvement in family
studies do not always include assessment of the patient’s relationships; and freedom from the sick role. Such expec-
sex life. The main causes of sexual problems are many and tations may be unrealistic and may not be fulfilled. It can
varied and may be psychological, physical, or related to be difficult for recipients to admit failure to achieve such
medications; it is important to explore individual difficul- ideals and disappointment in their new health status.
ties with the recipient and partner to try to elicit the most If such disappointment is expressed, the recipient
suitable interventions. A study by Darabi et al.11 investi- may become anxious that he or she appears ungrateful
gated the sexual function of male recipients before and for the gift of life or the medical and nursing care given.
after renal transplantation. The study included 100 males Recipients also express guilt that they are not achieving
aged 18–61 years. Results showed that before transplan- enough or are in some way letting down the donor family
tation the libido was good in 22 cases, in 52 cases it was or the transplant team. A young Oxford patient felt that
intermediate, and in 26 cases it was poor. Potency was she was not “living up to the right standard” and that she
good in 30 cases, intermediate in 52, and poor in 18 cases “had been given a special opportunity in which she had
(impotent). After transplantation the libido improved: 80 failed.” Her conversation was littered with shoulds and
cases became good, and libido in 16 cases was intermedi- oughts: “I should be making more of a success of my life …
ate and poor in 4 cases. Potency became good in 76 cases, I ought to be more happy and grateful.”
intermediate in 18 cases, and in 6 cases remained poor.11 These feelings of guilt may be enhanced by family and
Lerda30 and colleagues examined female sexual func- friends who previously offered sympathy at the rigors of di-
tion and quality of life in dialysis and renal transplant alysis, but now expect gratitude and full recovery. Partners
patients. The conclusions from this study were that may find the continuing need to support and care difficult,
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 705

and marital problems can ensue, especially if there also is or integral guilt. Such pressure could be subtle or direct
sexual friction. Recipients may experience emotional la- with a fear of family rejection if the prospective donor
bility and depression, increasing their guilt, and with the decided not to donate. Investigators also reported that in
additional physical debility resulting from heavy immu- some situations “the black sheep” of the family offered to
nosuppression regimens, the psychological impact may be donate in an attempt to win family approval and become
intense, resulting in low mood and clinical depression. reinstated within the family.17,56
Psychological support should be offered to recipients There were reports of postsurgical depression for
and caregivers. In our institution, recipients have been some donors, with a suspected grief reaction linked to the
found to benefit from therapies aimed at changing indi- loss of a body part and donor hostility expressed as anger
vidual beliefs, such as cognitive and behavioral therapies. that the recipient had been perceived to receive a greater
Caregivers found the opportunity to express feelings and amount of care and attention. Several studies also re-
recognize and fulfill their own needs beneficial. Marital ported difficulties in the donor and recipient postsurgical
therapies help in some cases, and if sexual difficulties are relationship, with donors becoming overprotective and
present, referral to a specialist team is required. intrusive into recipients’ lifestyle and the recipients hav-
ing difficulty with the obligation of the gift.17,56 Although
Graft Failure many of these early studies involved small numbers of
donors and recipients, the negative psychiatric findings
Most recipients experience feelings of profound loss if were much reported, and some observers suggested that
their kidney transplant fails, although some also may feel cadaver organs were psychologically preferable because
relief if the graft has had unsatisfactory function over a there could be no continuing obligation for the recipi-
protracted period. Relief may be linked to the return to ent. In contrast, several studies also reported that donors
dialysis and perceived control. Occasionally, denial may described the act as positive and as one of the most mean-
be used in the initial graft failure stage, but as the real- ingful experiences of their lives.
ity of the situation becomes apparent, sadness, anger, and
depression frequently are reported. Hudson and Hiott25 Later Psychological Studies in Living Related
noted that recipients displayed a variety of behavior and
reactions to graft loss, including bereavement reactions:
Transplantation (Late 1980s, and 1990s)
“At this time patients must be helped to understand that During the late 1970s and the 1980s, studies began to re-
the loss of the graft is not the end and there is still hope port more positive psychological findings. Simmons and
for the future through subsequent transplants.” Gill and colleagues55 interviewed 230 living related donors and re-
Lowes21 reported that graft loss was devastating, causing ported that “donors view themselves as more worthwhile
feelings of grief, loss, suicide, and depression in a recipi- because of the donation.” In this study, only 5% of donors
ent in their study; however, depression lessened as physi- reported negative feelings about the transplant. Smith
cal health and a sense of personal control improved. In and coworkers57 found that 97% of donors reaffirmed
our experience, the return to dialysis is negotiated gradu- their decisions, and less than 15% said that they felt
ally and successfully by most recipients, and as the dis- pressured to donate. With regard to recipient reactions,
appointment of the graft failure subsides, most quickly Simmons and colleagues55 reported that, “although re-
request the chance for another transplant. cipients did feel guilt about the gift that they could not
reciprocate, most recipients and donors reported that
there were no major problems in their relationship 1 year
DONATION Following the positive results of the published
­studies – in particular, the large Simmons study55 – the
The first successful renal transplants performed were late 1980s saw a change in the way that transplant centers
mostly from living related donors. The psychological re- viewed living donor kidney transplants. Although some
actions of donor and recipient were monitored closely in centers continued a strong stance against living donor
many psychiatric studies and are outlined in this section. transplants, mainly because of the physical risks to the
donor, many other centers increased living donor trans-
Early Psychological Findings in Living plant. A study by Levey and colleagues31 noted that the
physical risks to the donor were minimal, and that the
Related Transplantation (1960s to 1970s) benefits to the donor were considerable with regard to
Many of the initial studies conducted in the 1960s and self-esteem and self-worth. Later studies reported that
early 1970s questioned the fundamental willingness of “to deny the donor the right to donate could do psycho-
relatives to make this type of sacrifice. Donor altruism – logical harm.”32 Surman60 wrote that “kidney donation
the supreme act of unselfishness and of giving freely has a favorable outcome for both donor and recipient and
without thought of reward – was much debated. Some the participation of living related donors in kidney trans-
researchers postulated that, although donors were “con- plantation is now widely accepted.”
sciously altruistic,” there was considerable “unconscious During the early 1990s, studies again reported psy-
resentment” toward the recipient and toward hospi- chological difficulties for donor and recipient. Russell
tal personnel who requested or encouraged donation.7 and Jacob52 postulated that “results indicate that while
Other studies concluded that donors may be “victims of psychological side effects have been reported, including
family blackmail” and donated because of family pressure depression and family conflict, these risks are generally
706 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

underemphasized … health professionals should be aware follow-up of 529 living donors who had donated in the
that merely raising the issue of live organ donation may period 1985 to 1996. Study conclusions were that “do-
instigate powerful psychological processes beyond the nors scored higher than the general population with
potential donor’s voluntary control and leave little room regard to quality of life issues. The overall donor experi-
for refusal without psychological cost.” A sibling donor ence was stressful for 12%, with donors more likely to
in our own center expressed similar sentiments by saying say experiences were stressful if they had postoperative
that she wished that “The topic of live donation had never complications. If given the opportunity, only 4% of the
been thrown into the family circle as it caused enormous donors said that they would not donate again, and 9%
friction and sibling conflict which could only be solved by were unsure.”
agreeing to donation.” More recent studies report that most donors enjoy a
Fox and Swazey18 examined the concept of the recipi- high quality of life, with a boost in self-esteem and an
ent’s obligation to repay the “gift of life” and postulated increased sense of wellbeing.43 Butt3 and colleagues
that “in the case of a live kidney transplant, the donor investigated the quality of life impact of living donor
may exhibit a great deal of proprietary interest in the nephrectomy using a meta-analysis. Results concluded
health, work and private life of the close relative who has that, in the first month after donation, donors reported
received his or her organ, on the emotional grounds that, clinically significant decreases in physical function; how-
after all, it’s my kidney … that’s me in there.” The great ever, within 3–6 months and persisting for a year postdo-
indebtedness recipients may feel to the parent, sibling, nation, donors reported quality of life scores similar to
or child whose life-saving kidney they carry may make their baseline scores.3 Maglakelidze et al.39 noted that the
it difficult for them to maintain a reasonable amount of health-related quality of life of living donors was not dif-
psychic difference and independence from the donor. ferent from that of healthy subjects and a study of 106 live
These authors reported that it was common for a recipi- kidney donors in a single German1 transplantation center
ent who needs freedom from the donor but feels too be- examining renal, physical, and psychological follow-up
holden to him or her to negotiate it to take the drastic concluded that: “this cohort of live kidney donors showed
step of breaking the relationship completely. These au- good renal outcomes and superior scores in both physi-
thors stressed the need for careful donor selection and cal and psychological health compared with the German
ongoing psychological support for donor and recipient population.”1
as important aspects of care throughout the living donor The advent of laparoscopic donor surgery has re-
and recipient experience. sulted in a shorter hospital stay, a quicker recovery time,
and minimal scarring, and these benefits seem to be
More Recent Studies and Developments in encouraging more live donors to consent to surgery. A
study by Nicholson et al.,45 “Health-related quality of
Living Related Donation life after living donor nephrectomy: a randomized con-
The Scandinavian countries incorporated live donation trolled trial of laproscopic versus open nephrectomy”
into their transplantation programs in the 1960s, and the concluded that: “donors undergoing laparoscopic ne-
level of live donation has increased over the years. Such phrectomy reported less bodily pain in the first 6 weeks
large numbers of live donors have enabled extensive re- postdonation, and this was associated with an improved
search to occur. mental health component of quality of life compared
Jakobsen27 reported that nearly 500 living donors in with open donor nephrectomy.” Indeed, live renal dona-
Norway were asked: “If you could turn the clock back, tion has increased and is now providing a large percent-
would you do the same again?” Eighty-three percent age of kidney transpants in many major transplanting
said “definitely yes,” and another 11% said “probably countries.
yes.” Many donors were deeply grateful for having been Although quality of life studies which, in the main,
given the opportunity to become a donor. A study from depend upon quantitative methodology report high
Stockholm16 reported follow-up of 370 living kidney do- scores in live kidney donors, few studies use indepth
nors; this study concluded that less than 1% of donors qualitative methodology to delve more deeply into do-
regretted the donation, although several donors experi- nor decision making, donor and recipient relationships,
enced the first few months after the donation as trouble- and donor postsurgery regrets. Indepth studies do sug-
some from a physical perspective. gest that some donors experience covert familial pressure
Centers in the United States also have published re- to donate and find it impossible to refuse, even though
sults from studies of follow-up in large numbers of liv- they do not wish to proceed. Some also report conflict
ing donors. A study by Schover and colleagues53 from between the family of birth and the family of marriage,
the Cleveland Clinic examined 167 donors with regard encounter some difficulties in the postoperative relation-
to psychological aspects of the decision to donate, im- ship with the recipient, have anxieties concerning their
pact of donation on family relationships, donor reactions future health, and regret giving. Similarly, some recipi-
to graft failure, and overall satisfaction of donors. The ents report difficulties in the postsurgery relationship
study findings suggest that “the majority of donors make with the donor and with reciprocity and feelings of obli-
the decision to donate with little ambivalence, express gation.9,19 Research has shown that psychosocial risks are
comfort with the choice at long term follow up and do still apparent within the live donation process, that these
not experience negative consequences regarding health risks should be recognized within transplant programs,
… or family relationships.” Jacobs and coworkers26 pub- and that professional care should be provided to ensure
lished a report from the University of Minnesota with confidential presurgery donor and recipient advocacy
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 707

combined with continuing psychosocial support for the but also indirectly by triggering alternative solutions.
family unit after donation. Interestingly, there is no report of the psychological is-
Psychological support is crucial for the live donor sues for donors and recipients in this study or in other
should the subsequent transplant fail or the transplant transplantation literature.12
recipient die. Fortunately, such occurrences are rare but It may be that these programs do not appear to result
in such circumstances donors report feelings of guilt, in any additional psychological issues than those already
anger, and depression. All these comments have been reported in living donation studies. The program in our
made to myself, the author, in circumstances where the center is too small as yet to evaluate psychological out-
transplant has failed. Furthermore, a donor in our cen- comes but postsurgery comments from donors and recip-
ter became very depressed after the death of the recipient ients discussed, thus far, have been very positive, although
and ­required antidepressant medication and bereavement one donor did report that she felt enormous pressure not
counseling and was unable to work for 6 months follow- to drop out of the program as not only would she be “let-
ing the recipient’s death. ting down her recipient but all the other pairs which she
felt were depending on her.” It will be interesting to eval-
uate these programs from a psychological perspective as

The successes achieved in living unrelated transplanta- Altruistic (Non-Directed) Donation

tion have been widely published and most transplantation
centers now believe that emotionally related living do- Altruistic donation – the act of living kidney donation
nors represent a valuable option for kidney transplanta- to a stranger – has also been introduced into many
tion. Recipient and graft outcomes have been reported as transplantation centers. In the United Kingdom altru-
superior to cadaver kidney transplantation and studies of istic donation was refused in the past as living donors
psychological outcomes for living unrelated donors show were required to be able to demonstrate a genetic or
an increase in life satisfaction scores. Some spouses have emotional relationship with the recipient. However, al-
commented that their desire to donate is directed by both truistic donation is now permitted and altruistic donors
altruistic and selfish reasons as they know that the trans- are now accepted to donate anonymously to a stranger
plant will enhance the quality of life for the recipient and in the United Kingdom. The reluctance to introduce
thus their quality of life also. and expand such programs in the past was due, in part,
A decrease in cadaver organ donation has been re- to fears that donation may engender psychological dis-
ported in recent years in the United Kingdom, conti- tress and/or regrets after surgery and also that donors
nental Europe, and the United States, and, as numbers not thought physically or psychologically suitable to
of patients on the waiting lists have increased, it has donate might suffer extreme reactions of rejection if
become apparent that the full potential of renal trans- their offer was refused. However, such fears appear to
plantation will be realized only if other donor sources have been unfounded, thus far, as early reports suggest
are developed. Therefore many units have introduced excellent outcomes for donors and recipients. Massey
paired kidney exchange programs and altruistic donation et al.40 report a study in which 24 altruistic donors were
programs. interviewed on average 2 years after donation. They
conclude that “living kidney donation to a stranger
Paired Kidney Exchange does not appear to exacerbate psychological com-
plaints. Moreover, altruistic donors report considerable
Transplantation units throughout the world have intro- satisfaction and personal benefit.”
duced paired kidney exchange programs, with the United
States leading the way. These programs enable recipients
with incompatible living donors to receive a kidney from PRE-EMPTIVE TRANSPLANTATION
a compatible donor from another pair whilst their do-
nor donates to a compatible recipient from another pair. Many transplant centers are now reporting the advan-
These complex programs, which require skillfull and tages of pre-emptive transplantation (transplantation
very efficient management, have become highly success- before start of dialysis). Several studies have reported
ful and have increased the numbers of live donor trans- that pre-emptive transplantation can result in better
plants and enabled recipients with incompatible donors rehabilitation and lower risk of loss of employment.59,66
to receive a graft. Transplantation without prior dialysis resulted in less
A study by de Zuidema et al.12 reports on a paired physical and psychological impact for patients and their
exchange program which operated between 2004 and spouses.54 Previous anxieties that there would be poorer
2010: 422 pairs were registered. In the 7 years of the patient adherence if the transplant is pre-­emptive have
program 313/422 (74%) of the participating patients not been supported by more recent research.54 Most
were transplanted. Approximately half of them (167/313, centers undertaking pre-emptive transplantation fa-
53%) ­received a kidney through the exchange program, vor the use of living donors because of the shortage
while 47 (15%) received a cadaveric donor kidney and of cadaver donors. Given the beneficial effects of pre-­
99 (32%) were tranplanted through other living donation emptive transplantation, the emphasis has fallen again
programs. Conclusions state that the exchange program on increasing the donor pool, especially from within the
proved to be highly successful not only in its direct results live donation arena.
708 Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES AND themselves because a refusal can be devastating, and do-
nors may find it impossible to refuse such a request from
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE FOR LIVING an obviously sick relative.
DONOR PROGRAMS The Norwegian approach of writing to relatives has
been rejected in our unit because it was thought that
The psychological issues cited in this chapter and the donors may feel unable to refuse a formal medical re-
results of our own psychological study have formed the quest. In this center, we believe that information about
basis for the structure of the Live Donor Programme in living kidney donation should be made widely avail-
Oxford. This program offers early concise information able in predialysis and dialysis outpatient areas through
to the donor and recipient and preoperative and postop- written leaflets and newsletters. Detailed information is
erative psychological evaluation and support. It is hoped given at predialysis and transplantation seminars for re-
that this approach will help the donor and recipient with cipients and their families, and in most cases, the donors
decision making, avoid adverse psychological outcomes, requested further information without the need for ad-
reduce psychological morbidity, and aid full donor and ditional approaches.
recipient emotional rehabilitation. Donor fears and anxieties reported preoperatively in-
volve donor death, fear of rejection, and length of life of
Informed Consent the graft, fear that the donor kidney may prove unsuit-
able, and concerns for long-term health. Such issues can
The decisions confronting the potential donor and recip- be explored throughout the donor preoperative course,
ient generate significant stress because they are consider- and information and appropriate support can be offered.
ing life-threatening, irreversible, and high-risk surgery. It At this time, it is possible to explore donor partner and
is imperative that the donor and recipient are informed family attitudes toward the donation. In some situations,
fully regarding the advantages and risks involved and can the donor partner of a sibling may be unhappy with the
make the decision to give or receive freely without overt donation and may believe that loyalty to the marriage
or covert coercion. should supersede loyalty to a birth relative.
Donors must be encouraged to make their own in-
Donor Informed Consent: Anxieties and Fears formed decisions, but if conflict ensues, appropriate sup-
port should be offered. In one case, in our center, a foster
Several studies suggest that, despite the seriousness of the mother desperately wished to donate to her foster child,
decision to donate, only a few potential donors deliber- but her husband was adamantly against this decision. The
ated before agreeing to donor assessment. Most donors in outcome was that the wife withdrew the offer, but conflict
these studies regarded their choice as instantaneous and within the marriage continued, and marital therapy was of-
made without conscious evaluation. Conversely, studies fered. In another case, an adult sister offered to donate to
in Oxford and London, reported together by Franklin her brother, but the sister’s husband objected, saying “that
and Crombie,9,19 concluded that the mothers in both he would divorce his wife if she went ahead with the dona-
studies acted altruistically and offered as soon as the pos- tion.” The sister decided to proceed, and after the surgery
sibility of a transplant was suggested. In contrast, some her husband left the marital home. The donor stated that
of the fathers in the studies expressed some ambivalence she did not regret the decision to proceed, however.
about donation and found the decision making complex. Some donors may have specific dilemmas to resolve.
Sibling decision making also was complex and difficult A partner with a spouse and daughter with polycystic dis-
for some subjects in both studies, and within this group, ease decided to donate to the daughter because the tissue
motivational factors involved altruism, manipulation of match was superior. The spouse joined the cadaver wait-
family dynamics, coercion, and covert pressure. In these ing list. Another partner with a spouse and daughter with
studies, the siblings seemed to have the most difficulty polycystic disease decided to donate to the spouse, who
with the decision to donate. These sibling responses sup- was unwell and unable to work, with the hope that an
port the findings of Russell and Jacob,52 who postulated unaffected sibling would donate to the daughter at a later
that “by merely presenting the option, the individual is date. These and other dilemmas need to be discussed
immediately placed under an unwarranted moral bur- fully and decisions made with further information and
den, a no win situation.” Such a situation is graphically psychological support.
described by a sibling who felt like a “fish on a hook.”52 Donors who are concerned by the risks involved may
These results show the need for strict donor confiden- delay the decision making. In this center, we respect the
tiality and for the donor to have a third-party advocate need for a delay and resolve the issue by suggesting that
who is outside the renal and transplant programs. The the recipient may join the cadaver waiting list and the
advocate can support the donor during the decision mak- living donor be held in reserve for a later date. It is im-
ing process and can give the donor the confidence and portant that the donor, recipient, and family members
support to refuse to donate if that is his or her wish. understand that the donation evaluation process may be
Initial information must be detailed, and the initial stopped at any stage, and that the reason for this can-
approach to the donor must come at an early stage to cellation would remain confidential between the donor
ensure time to deliberate and to make an informed deci- and the medical team. Recipients must not be allowed to
sion. In Norway, the initial approach to the donor often is pressure or pester the donor, and psychological support
made in a letter from the recipient’s nephrologist. Ideally, must be available to the donor and the recipient. Without
recipients should not be asked to make the approach this strict understanding, it may be impossible for donors
Psychological Aspects of Kidney Transplantation and Organ Donation 709

to make a truly honest decision, particularly if they wish classic texts have supported and expanded this early the-
to refuse to donate. ory. Most of these writers outlined three stages of griev-
Preoperative specific anxieties and fears reported by ing: (1) an immediate stage with shock, disbelief, and
recipients in the Oxford study included risks to the donor, denial; (2) an intermediary stage with a growing aware-
fear of rejection, and guilt about asking this of the family ness accompanied by anger, anxiety, and depression; and
member or partner. Such issues can be explored through- (3) a final stage of resolution, acceptance, and healing.
out the recipient preoperative course, and appropriate More recently, theorists have argued that the concept
information and support can be offered. of bereavement in stages is too structured, and that such
Recipients may find themselves in a particularly dif- classical texts may not entirely reflect how it is to suffer
ficult situation if parents are divorced and both wish to loss. Each individual responds to bereavement in a unique

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