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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Kayla Oigbokie Date: 9/12/19

Grade and Topic: Grade 3, Science Length of Lesson: 35 minutes for 3 days

Mentor Teacher: Kayla Oigbokie School: University of Memphis - IDT 3600

Unit Objective

The Picture the Solar System lesson is part of a unit exploring the outer space constructing an anatomy
of planets and the sun in order to better the comprehension of our planetary and practice of long-term
knowledge management. Overall effectiveness demands understanding chronological positioning and
gathering knowledge of the notions for each planet. Furthering planetary alignment concepts relating
scientific data according to the planets and their structure within the galactic posture as explained in the
TN state science standard.

Lesson Objective

Content Learning Goals and Objectives

1. Given the description of the planets, select photos that represent each one with a score of three
out of four on the rubric. (Bloom’s taxonomy: knowledge)
2. Given written labels, order each planet according to their positioning and give support by
matching labels to photo with a score of three out of four on the rubric. (Bloom’s taxonomy:
knowledge, analysis, remembrance)
3. Given a computer and word processing software, type the data that displays a clear
understanding of solar system organization and elaborate the meaning to her/him associated
with the space notions of three out of four on the rubric. (Bloom’s taxonomy: synthesis)

Student Participation

The goal of this lesson is for students to exhibit a transparent understanding sequential positioning of
the planets and develop advanced knowledge of the solar system. Students provide visual presentations
and label information reflecting their perception of space concepts.

State/District, Common Core Standards

TN Science- 3.0 Identify the Earth and other planets of the Solar System.

ISTE Standard(s)

● 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media


Materials Used

1. Planet Identification Sheet

2. Kids National Geographic: Planet
3. Dictionary
4. Computer
5. Microsoft Word
6. Internet Access to:
a. Online Solar System:
b. Microsoft Online Pictures:
7. Pencil
8. Labels

Technology Integration

Students will use the websites stated above as resources for the planets and obtain photos. Word processing
software will be used to type, format, and add photos to the Picture the Solar System activity. Students will save
their work to a shared Dropbox folder for their class upon completing the activity. A sample of the product is
available here: Student Sample
Background and Rationale

● Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of each planet in the Solar

System providing visual images and information for the identification status.
● Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
● This lesson is a continuation of TN science standard 3.0.
● We will refer to the data collected here as we continue to recognize the Solar System.
We will also use our outlines for a unit on galactical research.
● I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not accomplish
the objectives and for those prepared for enrichment. However, alterations are not
covered in this course, so there is no need for it in this specific lesson.

Procedures and Timeline


● Begin by displaying the Planets of the Solar System on a large screen overhead.
● Provide some brief background information about the solar positions and other facts.
● Give students five minutes to silently read Kids National Geographic: Planets; then have the class orally
state the facts together.
● Follow this with a brief discussion pointing out that the scientific information facts might be a little over
their head.
● However, for the next 4 days, the students will be using photos and images to create help grasp the
positioning order and distinctive knowledge to make them understand a bit easier.


Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. After the Introduction, distribute the 1. Students complete their Planet Identification Sheet by briefly
Planet identification Sheet describing a photo or image for each planet, using the Kids
and Kids National Geographic: Planet National Geographic: Planet when needed.
to students and ask them to briefly 2. They then list two or three key words they can use to identify
describe a possible picture or image the images.
that would illustrate each planet and
list key search words.

At the Computer (45 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Have students open both MS Word
and an Internet browser 1. Open MS Word and an Internet browser
2. Direct students to the solar system 2. Go to solar system website and copy the
website. data
3. Direct students to the Microsoft Online 3. Go to MS Word and Paste the planetary
Pictures. data into a new document.
4. Monitor and assist as needed 4. Add the following title: The Picture the
Solar System
5. Below the title, Insert a three-column 9-
row table
6. Add the following column names: Picture
Title and Order, Picture; Why Picture was
7. Cut and paste each planet into the table.
8. Use key words to locate an image for the
first planet.
9. Use pull-down menu to copy the image
10. Go to Picture cell in the Word document
11. Paste the Picture
12. Write a brief rationale for why the picture
represents the planet
13. Save work
14. Repeat items 7-13 for the remaining
15. When all labels are finished, correct any
spelling errors
16. Print a copy

After the Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. Place students in groups of 3 to 4 1. While in a group, students review each

students other’s work and note differences and
2. Ask students to pass their Picture the similarities between final documents.
Solar System work to the person on 2. Students discuss the different papers.
the right. 3. Students identify galactic aspects based off
3. Students are to quietly review the individual determination.
work and take notes of the key
similarities and differences, then pass
the paper to the next person until
students have reviewed all the papers
in the group.
4. Give students 5 to 10 minutes to
discuss the differences.
5. Have students individually write a
reflection about what the solar system
scientific information means to them.

Students volunteer to share their group reflections on their solar system. At the end of class, the teacher collects
reflections, checks for assignment submissions, and polls the class for questions.

Assessment Evidence

Solar System Rubric

Criteria 1 2 3 4

Graphic images Very few or none of Only a few of the Almost all of the All of the chosen
represent each the chosen chosen graphics chosen graphics graphics very
of the planets graphics represent clearly or clearly represent clearly represent
the concepts of somewhat clearly the concepts of the concepts of
their associated with the represent the the associated with the Solar System
their associated with the
Solar System planets. concepts of the planets. Solar System planets.
associated with the .
Solar System

Rationale for The rationale for The rationale for The rationale for The rationale for all
using the very few or none of some of the almost all of the of the chosen
graphics the chosen chosen graphics chosen graphics graphics very
graphics demonstrates a clearly clearly
demonstrates an fairly appropriate demonstrates why demonstrates why
appropriate representation of the image is an the images were an
representation of the concepts. appropriate appropriate
the concepts. representation of the representation of
concepts. the concepts.

Reflections The reflection does The reflection The reflection The reflection
not demonstrate an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
understanding of somewhat vague somewhat clear clear understanding
the Solar System planets understanding of understanding of of the Solar System planets
and/or the identification the Solar System planets the Solar System planets and the identification for
for individualized and the identification for and the identification for individualized
determination individualized determination individualized determination determination of the
of the student. of the student. of the student. student.

It has been brought to my attention that alterations will be made for students who did not accomplish the
objectives and for those prepared for enrichment. Nevertheless, alterations are not covered in this course and
there is no need for it in this specific lesson.

The Picture the Solar System

Solar System Solar System Planets Why this picture was

Planets chosen
(Order from the
Mercury This image was chosen
(1st) because it displays a
vivid picture of the lack
of moons and rings on
the planet.

by Unknown Author is licensed

Venus The photo was selected
(2nd) due to the modern
preciseness of the
current state.

by Unknown Author is
licensed under
Earth It portrays the
(3rd) contemporary and
lively image of the
Earth we call home.

Mars This striking picture

(4th) was picked because it
shows reddish hues of
the ‘Red Planet’.

by Unknown Author is
licensed under
Jupiter Photo was chosen
(5th) because it reveals the
iconic planet known for
the large red spot
called “The Eye”.

by Unknown Author is
Saturn licensed under This image was
(6th) selected since it
exhibits the
distinctiveness of the
rings which is made of
ice, rocks, and dust.
by Unknown Author is licensed
Uranus Bluish hues caused by
(7th) methane gives the
planet it’s color and is
shown impressively in
this picture which is
why it was picked.

by Unknown Author is
Pluto licensed under Snapshot is showcased
(8th) because it displays the
largest plutoid and
dwarf planet at its best.

by Unknown Author is
licensed under

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