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Jahnke, Art. “Inside the Search for a Coral Killer.” Why Coral Reefs Are Dying, 1 Oct. 2018,

This article is about coral reefs and why they could be dying. It was written by Art Jahnke, a
Boston writer and editor. Some of his works include: Boston Magazine, web editorial director at
CXO Media, and executive editor in Marketing & Communications at Boston University. This
article was involved with many scientists on this matter who studied a huge death of coral reefs
in 2016. Scientists began to wonder if certain storms could cause the coral reefs to die since
there was a storm in 2016 that they believed could have been the cause.

The source is very credible first off because it used many scientists and included their names
and what they said throughout this article. It explained how many of them were involved with
this study and what conclusions they came to. It also was produced by Boston University, and
since it is a university that gives a lot of credibility.

I think this source will help me a lot because of how credible it was and the information it had
with it. There are many perspectives on why coral reefs are dying and what is causing it from
humans, to global warming, and many other things. I have never heard of storms possibly being
a cause which will help a lot since I had no knowledge of this before. Coral reefs are really
important for us to keep alive in order for ocean life to stay as it is and to give life to many of the
sea creatures that live there.

255 word count

“What You Need to Know About Coral Reefs and How You Can Help Protect Them.” Campaign,

This campaign was started by Earth Day Networks which is the largest Environmental
movement to make earth a better, healthier place. It is about coral reefs and their importance to
life. Coral reef is home to many species of fish. The fact that it is dying means many fish are
dying along with it since they no longer have a home. There are many reasons why it is
important for the coral to stay alive and there are many reasons why it is vital to humans as well.
It also includes ways to help the coral stay alive.

This source is very credible since it is the biggest movement when it comes to the environment.
Many people are involved with this movement who have the knowledge as to what we need to
do to fix our mistakes. Another hint to its credibility is that it is a .org.
This source helped me a lot because it gave so many good points and information. It not only
showed me the importance of this issue but it also made it applicable to humans. I feel that is
the problem with this issue is that we as humans only really care about ourselves. But, since it
showed how this affects us and how it can help us, I think that really helped in showing why
something needs to happen. It also gave points on how to help change it. So, when choosing
my point of view I can then decide if it is a significant way to help, or if it is something that
maybe won't really help at all.
267 word count

Denchak, Melissa. “How to Stop Global Warming.” NRDC, 17 July 2017,

This article is called how to stop global warming and is written by Melissa Denchak who has
contributed to several other issues. It is about how we can stop global warming by taking action
on our own. There are many things we do as humans that cause global warming that we aren't
even aware of, some of this being our diet. The article not only gave reasons as to how we can
change it but also gave steps as to how to change what it was asking us to do.

This article is credible because it uses facts about the way we use energy and things like that.
There were many statistics that they would have gotten from their own surveys or a very
resourceful place that does statistics in the US. Another way it is reliable is that it is a .org. This
is a non profit organization that is just set on making earth a healthier place.

This article can do a lot for me when addressing certain points of views. One point of view that I
am thinking about doing is what is the most we should do to help our coral reefs. Global
warming is one of the reasons the coral is dying and this gives pretty significant ways to fix that.
It gives things that most people wouldn't want to do which again makes it very good for me
since I want to see how far you can take it to help the coral survive.
250 word count

Yonover, Jeff. “8 Easy Ways You Can Help Coral Reefs.” Land and Water Stories,

This article is called eight easy ways you can help coral reefs. The author who wrote this is Jeff
Yonover a member of the nature conservancy. It is about different ways to help save coral. The
eight ways to help they gave are a little more simple than any of my past articles that I have
included. They are pretty simple things that most people are capable of doing no matter how
much money they have or anything like that.

This article is credible because it is a .gov. It also includes more specific information. By this I
mean when it says plant coral reef it tells you exactly where that needs to happen and a link to
take you to the information you need. It also does things with social media and includes
#coralon to spread the awareness so that no matter what your situation is, there is something
simple you can do to help.

This article will help me a lot with my middle point of view. There are many people who probably
want to help but aren't willing to do too much or can't. This article is perfect for that because it
has very simple easy steps. It also has really good information to back itself up to show that
even though it is simple, it is still effective. I was worried I wouldn't be able to find something
simple enough for my third perspective but this article is truly perfect and I think will help me be
very effective when writing about this topic.
258 word count

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