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Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 1


Name : Faradila Mamonto

Students’ ID : 321 412 110

Department : English Department

Faculty : Letters and Culture

Title : The Implementation of Dictogloss Technique in English as A

Foreign Language Class

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Dra. Elsje L. Sambouw, M.Hum Nurlaila Husain, S.S, M.Pd

NIP.196004051986022001 NIP. 197908212005012003

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The Head of English Department

Novi Rusnarti Usu, S.Pd, M.A

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Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 2

The Implementation of Dictogloss Technique in English as A Foreign Language Class

Faradilla Mamonto

Letters and Culture Faculty of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



Faradilla Mamonto. 321 412 110. 2019. “The Implementation of Dictogloss Technique in
English as A Foreign Language Class” Skripsi. English Department, Faculty of Letters
and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The first advisor is Dra. Elsje L. Sambouw,
M.Hum and second advisor is Nurlaila Husain, S.S, M.Pd.

This research aimed to find out how did the implement of dictogloss technique in English as a
foreign language class. Referring to Rossa and Matsuda (2016), the Dictogloss is generally
seeded with specific grammatical structure and aims to encourage the learner to use these
structures when reconstructing a text based on the notes taken from dictation listening
activity (391). This research was examined by using qualitative method where conducted at
SMP Negeri 6 Kota Gorontalo in academic year2018/2019 which consisted of 278 students
divided into 8 class of eight grade. The subject of this research was students in class VIII-A
that consist of 25 students, in collecting the data the researcher used documentation and
interview. As the result, dictogloss could be implemented in listening skill. In reconstruction
stage, the students had good progress in finding the meaning of the words, able to hear the
words that researcher read and made good phrase in their new text, and found the main idea
of the text. There were also some problems in implementing dictogloss technique in the class.
The students’ most crucial problems in listening were in vocabulary and grammar. Moreover,
dictogloss technique could be implemented in English where it helped the students’ problems
in vocabulary through finding the meaning of the words while they reconstruct their text and
create more students attention to the subject matters. Hence, it can be concluded that
dictogloss technique was effective to be implemented in teaching learning English
particularly in listening.

Keywords: Dictogloss Technique, English as A Foreign Language.

I. Introduction

Background of the research

In the process of mastering these four skills that commonly we know there are many

problems that teacher found in their ways taught students in the class. As for other English

skills, listening can also be a good skill to be learned by the students. Listening is a basic
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 3

form of language acquisition. It is because listening is the first thing that human does when

they were born in the world. A newborn baby is listening to all the voices around before they

speak. As the gist, listening becomes crucial in human language development.

However, there were so many problems happening in the ways students in learning English

listening such as students’ ability in mastering the language, the class environment, the level

of students’ interest in learning, specific thing such as lack of vocabulary and so on.

Referring to Rossa and Matsuda (2016), the Dictogloss is generally seeded with specific

grammatical structure and aims to encourage the learner to use these structures when

reconstructing a text based on the notes taken from dictation listening activity (391). It means

that, by using the Dictogloss in the learning activity, the students can improve their English

ability. Thus, the researcher decided to choose this Dictogloss to explore students’ English

skill and to investigate students learning activity. The actions implemented in this research

were applying the dictogloss technique in listening activity.

Thus, the researcher formulates the title as “the implementation of dictogloss

technique in English as a foreign language classin SMP Negeri 6 Kota Gorontalo”. This

study focuses on the following question “How does the implement of dictogloss technique in

English as a foreign language class?” where the aim of this study is “to know the

implementation of Dictogloss technique in English as a foreign language class”. The

researcher focused on studying about the implementation of Dictogloss technique in four

stage namely Preparation, Dictation, Reconstruction and analysis correction and limited the

material that applied in Dictogloss technique in narrative text.

II. Theoretical Framework

Definition of dictogloss

Dictogloss from the English language, and composed of words, namely dictation or dictate

and gloss, which means interpretation. This technique is a combination of two techniques,
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 4

dictation and interpretation. Wajnryb (as cited in Vasiljevic 2010, p.41) say “Dictogloss is a

classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a passage, not down key words and then

work together to create a reconstructed version of the text”. Dictogloss learner technique is

very helpful in listening and learning about their ability to monitor students both in the

classroom and outside the classroom. And learners listen to a passage, note down a key word

or phrase and then encourage comparison.

Rather than having the teacher select specific grammatical features and have the students

practice them, the students identify their grammar problems and the teacher teaches in

response to their needs. The teacher plays a recorded text to which the students listen and

complete an activity such as tracing a route on a map. The teacher pauses at certain key

points, and the students are able to discuss the task. The students can also request that the

teacher stop the tape at any point so they can discuss the task. The teacher only provides

information on demand from the students. A number of problem points are built into the task

which is designed to increase the processing demands on the learners and to encourage

students to interact.

Definition of Listening Skill

Listening is one of the most important language skills. Listening is the part in

communication; through listening we can share our ideas with other people. Listening is the

most frequently used languageskill in everyday life. The importance of listening is

acknowledged by Brown (2001,p.247), who stated that “Listening is the major component in

language learning and teaching because in the classroom learners do more listening than

speaking. It means that, listening is the important thing in daily activities; through listening

we can interpret the meaning.

Listening skill can be meant as ability to pay attention or to hear something. But, listening is

not same as hearing. Hearing is essentially an automatic, passive activity. It is possible to

Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 5

hear sounds without consciously engaging in the process. While, in listening the brain does

not automatically translate the words into the message they are conveying. That is essentially

what listening is determining the meaning and the message of the sounds or words. It is

active process that involves much more than assigning labels to sounds or words. Based on

the explanation above, we can say that listening is the ability to identify and understand what

others are saying. It is also a complex activity, and we can help students comprehend what

they hear by activating their prior knowledge. Listening is the active process because

listening is not just matter of hearing, listening include many process. Listening is

determining the meaning and the message of the sound.

Teaching Listening using Dictogloss Technique

One technique which can improve student listening skill is dictogloss technique. in Wajnryb

in Vasiljevic (2010,p.41) say “Dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where learners

listen to a passage, not down key words and then work together to create a reconstructed

version of the text”. Dictogloss make student interactive and communicative in the class.

Dictogloss activities are a useful way of presenting new factual information to students, and

encourage them to listen for key points and understand the listening. According to Wajnryb

(as citedin Vasiljevic 2010, p.12) there are four stages in the dictogloss approach, as follows:

a. Preparation, the teachers prepare students for the text they will be hearing by

discussing vocabulary. The teacher gives students the target of vocabulary and asks

the students to discussing the meaning of the target of vocabulary. The teacher gives

explanation about the procedure using dictogloss technique.

b. Dictation, learners hear the dictation twice. First, they listen only and get a general

feeling for the text. Second, they take down notes, being encouraged to listen for

content words which will assist them in reconstructing the text. For the reasons of
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consistency, it is preferable that students listen a cassette recording rather than

teacher-read text.

c. Reconstruction, at the conclusion of the dictation, learners pool notes and produce

their version of the text. During this stage it is important that the teacher does not

provide any language.

d. Analysis and correction, there are various ways of dealing with this stage. The small

group versions can be reproduced on the board or overhead projector, the texts can be

photocopied and distributed, or the students can compare their version with the

original, sentence by sentence.

3. Methodology of Research

Research Method

This research was used qualitative method. Shank in Ospina (2002,p.5) defines qualitative

research as “a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning”. By systematic he means

“planned, ordered and public”.

Population and Sample

the population of this research was SMP Negeri 6 Kota Gorontalo in academic

year2018/2019. It consist of 278 students divided into 8 class of eight grade, each class has

around 25 -35 students. The sample of this research was students in class VIII-A which

consist of 25 students.

Technique of Collecting Data

This research used documentation were consists of two step such as test and investigate

students’ condition in the class. The researcher investigated while students’ learning with

dictogloss technique and task described the students’ ability in learning Listening towards the

implementation of dictogloss technique. The researcher further interviewed students by

unstructured interview to collect the data.

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Technique in Analyzing the Data

First step was transcripting the information which was collected by documentation and

interview. Second step was called data reduction. In this step, the researcher summarized

important information which indicates students’ progress during courses. The last step was

called as data display.

Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions


Firstly, the researcher taught the students two times by applying the Dictogloss technique to

investigated students condition and atmosphere in the class. At the end of the class the

researcher gave a test in terms listening test which used narrative text. The interview section

was done after the researcher taught the students used the Dictogloss technique.

The Description of Implementing Dictogloss Technique in the Class

This part explains the findings of implementation of Dictogloss technique in the class which

will be as follow:

First meeting

In the first meeting, the researcher explained all the activities have been done with the

application of Dictogloss technique in the class which consists of several steps are:


The researcher began the class by discussing the subject matter and gave students an

introduction about what Dictogloss technique is. Students’ attention was not good enough.

After introduced the technique, the researcher explained topic of the text in the first meeting

namely “the ant and the dove”. Then, the researchers write down on the whiteboard every

difficult word and gave the students 5 minutes to memorize the words. So, the students did

not find too many difficulties in dictation and reconstruction steps. Before the researcher read

the text narrative in the front class, the researcher divide students into 5 groups. However, the
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 8

students worried about difficult of vocabulary before. So, they were noisy in their group

talked about things they going to face.


In this step, the researcher applied Dictogloss technique with listening skill. So, the

researcher read the text twice and students were listening to what the researcher said. This

section was hard enough for students because not all of them had enough vocabulary and

background knowledge about the story that the researcher gave. The researcher also repeated

some word and phrase more than twice.


After they wrote the word, they worked in a group to fix every missing word that they lose

and rearrange the text being a complete story which appropriates with the original story. This

section was hardly enough also, but the students’ enthusiasm can be seen while they

discussed with their group members. They were a good competitor for the best score. The last

section in reconstruction was presented their work in the front of the class. The researcher

found that the students’ main problem was vocabulary.

Analyzing and correction.

At the end of class, the researcher checks their worksheet. We discussed what they have been

done and fixed every word that mistaken in write. In this section, the researcher found that

there were mistaken words they have written in the worksheet. Most of them had trouble

writing words they have listened to. It was on grammar, fully mistaken words and the use of

verb 1 and 2. Besides, most students’ problem was vocabulary but Dictogloss technique

generally made most of the students have the good attention in the class, enjoyed the class,

interest in learning English and enthusiasm work in the group.

Second meeting
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 9

In this part, the researcher explained all the activities have been done in the class when the

researcher applies Dictogloss technique to the students. It was consist of several steps such:


In the second meeting the researcher began the class by discussing the subject matter of

narrative text with the title “Cinderella”. The researcher was remembered the students about

how Dictogloss technique used in the class and preparing the students for the next step. Then,

the researcher wrote down difficulties words related to the text on the whiteboard and asked

the students to memorizing the words. They only had five minutes to memorize the words.

After this step, the researcher divided students into five groups and prepared them for the

listening section. They more comfortable in began the class and no more worried.


In dictation section, the researcher was read the text twice. Then, in the second chance, the

students wrote down every word that they listened in their book. The students were quite than

in the first meeting before, they were focused on hearing the words. They already understand

how Dictogloss worked. The noise was reduced because they knew how to work in a group

with good cooperation. So, the researcher repeated fewer words than at the first meeting.


The next was they must be worked with their group to fix every word that they lost and

rearrange the text become a complete one. The problem stills the same that was vocabulary.

However, even they low in vocabulary aspects but their understanding was improved.

Analyzing and correction.

This step was the last step of the dictation procedure. In this step, we discussed the text,

completed the missing words and fixed incorrect words in the text. The researcher found that

the students’ main problem still in vocabulary. The students also difficulties in remembering
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words that have been listened to. However, they are good at making inferences and

understanding the main idea of the text.

The Result of Interview about the Implementation of Dictogloss Technique

The researcher found that students understood the material and the procedure of the

technique. However, regardless of their understanding about the material, they also have

different problems in listening with dictogloss technique. Based on perception of 27 students,

the researcher found different statement among them. Seventeen (17) students stated that they

were enjoying the class and understanding about researcher explanation. “Participant 2 (yes

mem, I understand)”.Then, when the researcher asked about their feeling, the answer was

“Participant 4 (its fun mem, me and my friends could work in group. Then, even incorrect

words could be corrected together)”. They also can maximize in memorizing difficulties

vocabulary through divide each vocabulary into group members.

Meanwhile, ten (10) students stated that they enjoying the class but have difficulties in

memorizing the vocabulary. (it’s felt difficult because I did not know the vocabulary mem)”.

In addition, most of them understood the explanation about dictogloss technique procedure

and the material. Participant 2 state that she can memorize the vocabulary but sometime

forgot the way to write the words. The respond was (not really mem, I can remember the

vocabulary. I just forgot how to write another vocabulary. So, I wrote according to what I

remember)”.She only wrote based on what researcher said but she could understand the

material. It was because she knew some of the vocabulary that researcher said. They

understood when the researcher explained about the synopsis of the text.

Students had good attention in dictation section and took a note well. However, they had

difficulties in understanding the text because the lack of vocabulary. Based on participant

eight (8), stated that he lack of vocabulary. (I don’t know many vocabulary mem. I even got

the wrong writing)”.The lack of vocabulary made him did not understand the words that the
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researcher said. According to participant eight (8),she stated that event she wrote the words

based on what she heard, but she could fix the mistaken in analyzing and correction step. The

interview was (R: your notes are few or many ?; participant: many mem, but the others I

wrote according to what I heard; R: But you finished it when I gave the correction, right ?;

Participant: yes mem, we have worked on groups and we learned the wrong vocabulary

earlier)”.It means that it can be improved their vocabulary and understanding when they

fixed incorrect words.

In the reconstruction step. The result of an interview showed that vocabulary was the most

problems of students. For example the result of an interview with participant two (2), she

stated that the task would not so hard if they had much vocabulary enough. participant 2 (not

difficult if I have a lot of vocabulary). Regardless of the problem with vocabulary, they

enthusiasm in composed their new text. The last step was analyzing and correction. In this

step, students were good enough in discussed in the correction step. They fixed incorrect

words and learn in again. Participant (8) said that she can learn again the mistaken from the

text that they composed and adding her knowledge about vocabulary. (I learned the wrong

vocabulary, so that my vocabulary can increase)”.

Thus, it can be concluded the students were hardly in understanding and event difficulties in

finished their task was because of the lack of vocabulary. Although they had a problem with

vocabulary, the researcher also found that they can learn vocabulary through Digtogloss

technique. It was because in the preparation step, the researcher asked them to memorize

every difficult vocabulary and they can improve again their vocabulary in the correction step.

Furthermore, all the students said that they can enjoy the class because they like learned

together in a group. For example, participant four (4) said that (fun, me and my friends can

work in groups. And if something goes wrong, it's corrected by Mem)”. It is because she can

learn with her friends in a group and asking for a difficult thing that she found in the way
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 12

composing the text. The statement was Another perception came from participant six (6),

which stated that, she like when she made cooperation with a member of the group composed

the text. She also can know the vocabulary that had not known before. The statement was

“participant 6 (mmm… mem, can work together with groups. I can also know words that I

did not know before)”. So, it means that Dictogloss technique made them have an interesting

atmosphere in learning to listen because they like to learn in a group.

The interview result also found that those students interesting in learning English with

Dictogloss technique. Based on the participant four (4) interviewsstating that listening was

become easier with Dictogloss technique. Because when listening with a tape recorder the

speaker faster than speaks directly. The interview (R: Do you think dictoglos is good or not?;

Participant 4: good mem, because learning to listen is easy. If you hear what is on the tape is

talking a little fast. So it's hard )”.

Another benefit of Dictogloss technique was made the class was alive. It was because the

students were enjoying their class when they work together in a group, they were also active

in complete their task, did discussion related to the text that has been listened and asking for

difficulties words. It is supported by an interview with participant six (6), she stated that she

was enthusiasm the learning process because of the group. (R: Do You like learning in a way

that is done ?; Participant: yes mem, I am enthusiastic about learning; R: What makes you

excited ?; Participant: I like to study groups, I also work assignments together. It’s going

hard to do if I worked by my self, if there is something I don't know about, it will make the

task more difficult)”. Moreover, overall regarding the implementation of Dictogloss

technique in English class was useful.


This research is focused on the implementation of Dictogloss technique in English as a

foreign language. The researcher collected data by investigating the class while the students
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 13

are in the teaching and learning process that are given the test and did the interview. This

technique was implemented two times in English class. The result of the research showed that

implementation of Dictogloss technique is useful and has good influences for students. As the

researcher explains in the finding part, the researcher applying dictogloss technique by asking

the students to follow several steps of dictogloss technique.

Furthermore, after the researcher implemented the dictogloss technique in English as

foreign language class, the researcher found that students are interested in learning English,

the class alive; they build cooperation with their own group, the students could add

vocabulary through memorize every difficult word given by the researcher and the students

also could add their vocabulary while they found the meaning of the unknown words.It

means that Dictogloss is an effective way of combining individual and group activities

(Thornton inVasiljevis, 2010, p.46).

Furthermore, the implementing of the dictogloss technique allowed the students to

understand the entire text. The students used their background knowledge and connection

with the text that they listen during the process of listening. As well, the students correlate

their background knowledge with the information of the text. Moreover, Dictogloss technique

could make the students active during the teaching and learning process of listening. The

students listen to the text by themselves and tried to understand and reconstruct the text with

their group. When they found difficulties, they can discuss and share with their group.

Dictoglossis a classroom dictation activity where learners listen to the passage, it is not down

key words and then work together to create a reconstructed version of the text (Vasiljevic,

2010, p.41). Thus, the students become interactive and communicative in the class.

The technique was success make the class alive because the students’. This technique

helped the students in finding specific information in the part of the reconstruction text

section. It is because the students would be rearranging the text similarly and they could
Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 14

make it if they got the specific information of the text. So, they must memorize the

information content of the text. Another benefit of Dictogloss technique was found is the

reconstruction stage, the students’ ability in finding the meaning of the words increased when

they learning with Dictogloss technique in two times. It would be more increase if they

learning more than two times. Thus, the result of the test and students’ interview showed the

students could find the meaning of the words and adding vocabulary through this stage.

During implemented dictogloss technique, the researcher also found that students

were low in vocabulary and grammar. However, they can fix the problem of vocabulary and

grammar if applying Dictogloss technique regularly. It is because the students discussed all

the mistakes in the reconstruction stage, so they knew the correct and incorrect grammar in

the text. They also can solve their problems about vocabulary in reconstruction stage by

finding the meaning of the words and memorizing it.

Chapter 5: Conclusion


Based on the result of data investigated, the researcher concludes that dictogloss gave good

influence for students in improving listening skill. The students show that they had good

progress when learning used dictogloss technique. They could decrease problems in listening

and practice their listening well through listening directly by the researcher. However,

vocabulary was the most crucial problems of students. Then, the students also made mistake

in grammar. But most of students gave good responded with the technique concerning with

the benefit and the way it works. Dictogloss technique also could help the students’problem

in vocabulary. Hence, it can be concluded that dictogloss technique was effective to apply as

method in teaching learning process especially in listening.

Running head: Dictogloss Technique in English As a Foreign Language Class 15


Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. USA: San

Francisco State University.

Rosa, M & Matsuda, K. (2016). Handbook of Second Foreign Language Writing. Boston:


Vasiljevic, Z. (2010). Dictogloss as an Interactive method of Teaching Listening

Comprehension to L2 Learners.

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