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The Essential Chemical Industry - online search Ethene (Ethylene) Ethene (ethylene) isthe most important organic chemical, by tonnage, thet is manufactured, itis the building block fora vast CoHy range of chemicals trom plastics to antifreeze solutions and solvents. ‘igure 4 On the sito 2t Grangemouth In Scan, ethane Is produced by stam cracking of naphtha. ind pmo of EDS Marg Sind Uses of ethene (ethylene) “he pincipal uses of ehene aro produce: 2) poymers + pobthene) Vpuyerspayetnenetvn) + ttylberene and hence penyletnene and polihenylethene)Vpelymerspchyphenlethene hh éhloreethene yl hori) and hence pebenierethene)Upehmerspehehorethene hi i. pehvmleherdeh PVC etnlbenzene and hence phenyletnene ana pobpherlethene Upoberspotprenyetene:nmi pobayrene b)otner chemicals + epoxyethane hemicalsepoxyetnane.html) and hence the aol, such as ethane-t2-dolchemiealsfethane-t24lolheml) + ethanal Yenemicals/ethanol hel) The manufacture of pomers is the main use of ethene, Polyethene) accounts for about 0% ofthe worl! demand for ethene (HOPE 28%, LLDPE 18%, LOPE 14%), whie dehloro-t,2-etnane, the precursorforchloroethene and thence PVG, accounts fora further 11%, Ethylbenzene, the route to potyiphenyletiene), uses another 5%" [About 18% of ethene is used worlwide to make epoxyethane (chemicalsiepoxyethane.himi (ethylene oxide). Annual production of ethene (ethylene) [wend [14min tomes! [asia Pact | $0 miton tonnes! us. 25 millon tonnes? Evrope | 20mlfon tonnes? a Miaate East | 20 miton tonnes! sell Top asso 1 Gala dt Noo ond hon. Ein af 214 2218 Ge emer f hms Ameren Chetry Ch 016 ator 014 4 Pechemen Brpe 206 Dat fr 205 "Much ofthe ethene produced inthe Midele East comes from Saudi Arabi tonnes a year, the sth largest ethene production plant in the world 17 milion tonnes a year, with one refinery producing aver 2 millon Manufacture of ethene (ethylene) Ethene is produced tom the cracking of factors oblaned om dtlation of natura gas and i Tha proceees ae sioam cracking (oracessestrackng isomer crude oi) 1) he in erucing (oroceeaeshacking-ecmacstion and rami inl eteen_cracking) of nav tre o)the cata cracking (processesleracing-somersatonand-reforning hmitat_cackng) of gas ol ram erie ol. The choice of feedstock dapands on aval, pce ton-and-zefoming himitsteam_cracking) of ethane and propane (fom natural gas and from (which can vary considerably), and what other products from cracking are needed. “The vast major of ethene is produced by steam cracking. Some crackers (/procassesicracking-isomerisaton-and-reforming nim) are capable of producing 3 600 tonnes of thone a day. cs “ = ‘Figure 2 Distribution of thane by ppaine across Europe. Wein Europe, the ethene thats not n refineries (Figure 2). ded at he sto at which t's produced is fed ino pipelines which connect other chemical plants and ‘Anew wave of crackers is being bultin the Unted State to take advantage ofa large supply of ethane and other hycrocarbon gases from fracking Vprocesseslextracting-ol-and-natural-gas-acking himifracking). The US produces about 25 millon tonnes of ethene a year. In 2010, bout 9 millon tonnes came from ethane and another 4 millon from propane. By 2015 the amount om ethane had increased to 10 millon tonnes and by 2020 tis expected to rise fo about 140 milfon tonnes from ethane and 0 ftom propane, adrect result ofthe growth in fracking. n 2016 the frst shipments of ethene from frackng elds inthe US were being processed inrefnmeries in Europ. Figure 3 The first shipment of ethane rom shale gat ‘fom the US fo Europ, was dalvared fo the evochemical plant at Rees in Norway in March 2016 and he st to Grangemouth In Scotland the Ielloming Septamber. The firs shipments of propane wil be delivered in 2017. The ethane, which ‘ha bon stored at 25K, is used a uel and is slo racked o produce ethene and other skenes Using propane ste feedstock,» higher properton ‘of propanes obtained. The Dragon, photogrophed era, the largest gus tanker inthe wot, holding 27,500.03 of gas ot nd poms fas New plants basee on bioethanol (matarals-and-applicatonsibiofuels nimitbiosthanal produced from sugar cane aren operation and are also being constructed in Braz. High yields of bie-based ethene (Imatorals-and-applicatonsibioreferies hmifbio_ethene) are obtained by ddehycrating ethanol vapour (matariak-anc-applcations/biorefneries himMbio_ethene) using a catalyst containing a mixture of magnaskim oxide, alumina and sila at 600-750: Ss ne CzHsOH(g) === CrHu(g) + 2019) AH® = + 45 kJ molt The ethene i used principally to produce bio-based polethene} (materias-and-applicationsibiorefneries hemkvole_ethene), Date last amended: 4h January 2017 fwoo (http tacit Ushtpuinrta Aninvitation Wie invite you to wite tous you have any specie comments about this ste, fr example ‘rors that you have found, suggestions for new topes o for adding tothe existing uns, Suggestions for inks to othor ses and addtlons or altematives to our example. Ploase send those commonts to: (malo ec¥@essontiacnemicatndusty org) ‘This web she Is produced by the Cente for Industry Education Collaboration, non-proft organization and an integral pat ofthe Department of ‘Chemistry, Univers of Vork UK. Copyright © 2016 Unversity of York Centre for Industry Education Collaboration, York, UK. Al Rights Reserved, a

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