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Motto and Dedication

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Jadikanlah sabar dan sholatmu Sebagai
penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar”
(Al-Baqarah: 153)
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure
(Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist)

Proudly Dedicated to :
Both my parents Mr. (............) and my mother (.........) my beloved who never tired of
raising me gratefully, as well as providing support, struggle, motivation and sacrifice
in this life. Thank you Papa and Mama. I also dedicated this Skripsi to both of my
brothers (............) and (............) thank you for all your support and love during
finishing this Skripsi. No bond is thicker than blood. Thank you-

This Skripsi also dedicated to:



ِ ‫س‬ْ ‫الر ْح َم ِن هللاِ ِب‬
َّ ‫الر ِح ْي ِم‬

Foremost, I address my biggest gratitude to Allah SWT, the most beneficent and

merciful, Lord of the world who has conferred me lots of blessing in completing

this final composition, this is a partial fulfilment for having degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, particularly at English Department,

Faculty of Letter and Culture. Shalawat and salute belong to choosen one, the man

who became a reason why we were created, the most trustworthy man, the man

who can give Syafa’at, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.

My deep gratitude also extended to my first advisor Dra. Elsje L. Sambouw,

M.Hum and second advisor is Nurlaila Husain, S.S, M.Pd who always guides and

assists me to solve every problems during finishing this research and till it is done

flawlessly. I thanked for every second of your life which you spent with me in

order to create my very first academic work. My gratitude also belongs to the

examiners for all the constructive suggestions in detailed of each pages of this

research whom the first examiner is Karmila Machmud, M.A, Ph.D and the

second examiner is Farid Muhamad, S.Pd, M.A and the deepest thank to my

academic advisor Dr. Suleman Bouti, M.Hum who always gives motivation in my

whole academic life.

The gratitude also expressed to Dr. H. Harto Malik, M.Hum as the dean of Letters

and Culture Faculty, Dr. Dakia N. Djou, M.Hum as the first vice dean for

academic affair, Rosma Kadir, S.Pd.,M.A as the second vice dean for financial

affair, Dr. Muslimin, M.Pd. as the third vice dean for student affair, Dra. Elsje

L.Sambouw, M.Hum as the head of library and Firda Luma as the librarian,

thanks in advance for such of any helpful things since I was registered as the

university student.

I convey my gratefull thanks to my second parent and good people of English

Education Study Program, who are Novi Rusnarti Usu, S.Pd. MA as the head of

English Department and Indri Wirahmy Bay, S.Pd, M.A as the deputy head of

English Department. Thanks for all the support, for all the love you gave to us that

finally we can finished this masterpiece and presented to the English Department.

I also humbly would like to thank to all the lecturers in this department who never

bored to share their knowledge to me and all the students of English Department. I

would send my big thanks to all participants of this research who willingly helped

me to conduct and finished it. Thanks to Miss Ririn Paramata as the front officers

of English Department.

Thanks to all my dearest class Squad (Class ? of 2012); .......,..........., .........,

............., ............, who shared their memories, laughs, has a greatful adventure, a

delightful moment, and a greatful journey with me. It is a pleasure for me to spend

my time to study in the same room with you. My final biggest thanks also to my

big family in English Department Class of 2012 which greatfully called

TWELVENGERS, .....,. ......, ..........., ........, as my partner in skripsi hunter, and


etc who gave me such unforgettable during my study, support my study and give

so many advices during this writing.

Finally, I really need your critic, suggestion, and advice in order to develop this

skripsi better. I do expect this skripsi would be beneficial for the readers.

Gorontalo, Agustus 2019

Faradila Mamonto


Abstract ..............................................................................................................i

Statement Letter ................................................................................................ii

Approval Sheet ..................................................................................................iii

Legalization Sheet .............................................................................................iv

Motto ..................................................................................................................v

Dedication ..........................................................................................................v


Content List .......................................................................................................ix

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of Research ..............................................................................1

Research Question .......................................................................................4

Research Objective ......................................................................................4

Delimitation of Research .............................................................................4

Signifances of Research ...............................................................................4

Chapter II: Theoretical Framework

English Language Teaching .........................................................................6

Teaching English as Foreign Language .......................................................7

Dictogloss Technique ...................................................................................8

The Advantages of Dictogloss Technique ...................................................9

Definition of Listening Skill ........................................................................11

Difficulties in Listening Skill.......................................................................12

Listening Material ........................................................................................14


Teaching Listening using Dictogloss Technique .........................................16

Previous Study .............................................................................................18

Chapter III: Methodology of Research

Reserach Method .........................................................................................21

Population and Sample ................................................................................21

Technique of Collecting the Data ................................................................22

Technique in Analyzing the Data.................................................................26

Chapter IV: Findings and Discussions

Research Findings ........................................................................................27

Discussion ....................................................................................................37

Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion

Conclusion ...................................................................................................38

Suggestion ...................................................................................................39

References .........................................................................................................31


Curriculum Vitae

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